; .- gTlttt. WEWH . Ml mi 15. 1MU SUNDir. rrom th New Tork Ledger.l If people (So not aek quetion, how shall they fret Information ? Even if it be onlj cariosity that prompts the question, en answer nny sotaetimes an Kon1. We don't suppose ny human bein cares who Cain's -wife was, lr any particular Wmoii. There is no Annke Jan's estate, we presume, de pendent on it no title of nobility that any one wonH be likely to covet. But tbeo, io a village where people are not to much in a hnrrv but that they can it down and discuss a safer, many queer questions come np. Here is one of them, which has been o our hand a year, hot ai it ba- kept through go many ajres. it is not lik-ly to spoil in a few months, and. to here it is : "Dscsnsta Uth, 1863. "Rev. Henry Ward Beecner Dmr Sir : pleas ta inform me, tbroanh the rolorans of the New Tork Ledger, who Cain'i wife was, and oblige A RtiOHWis' Lidoii. Tbera is no record of Cain's court ship or weddinft. However interesting; In it, a. narllu I tiemitel VeS. it IS of DO interest to os, except npon be suppo aition that the acemint io Genesis o the creation of Adam was designed to exclude the supposition tbaf aDy other bad been created. If Adam and Eve were the sole progenitors of the rare, then Cain and Ahel, it U inferred, must bare marri their own sisters a con OfCioo which is fho. kin to the sensi bilities of the whole race, at a subse quent stafre of development. Bat mnv of the Fathers of the Chnrch denied that Adam and Eve, and tueir children, were the only peo ple on the jrlohe. Tbev affirmed thai ths' tett io Genesis veryjurainly im plies that there were other inhabitants beside Ad-rn'a family. They allege that verse M, of chapter 4 or Geaesis, pliioly implies that the etrth was al ready widetv populated. F-r, when Ood declared that Cain should be d--i-eo out from bis family, end mode a vagabond in " earth, Cain depre cated the sentence and plead that "every one tbal fj-idetn Die dh,II slur me." It was plaioly aot hit family connections that he feared, far he de sired not to be driven forth from them. It ws the people that be should meet when a wanderer in the earth. Who, then, were these people whom Cain feaied to meet when he should base gone forth into the earth T I is also reasoned by scholar that the matt natnral method of soothing bis tears, would have been to tell him, "There are no other people on earth cicept yonr father's children." In stead of that, to L"rd if represented as falln? in with Ola's impression re epeciog the popu.atioe of the world, and that He set a mark upon Cain. Iet any finding; him should kill him. (Uen. 4 : 15.) Still furth-r. it is said that Cain, separating himelf from. bis kindred, went to the land of Nnd,et of Einrn, "and he built a city,-and called the name of the city afier,the name of bis aoO K'loch." the Fatb. ers were pertinently asked, where did the people come from tbt lived in this city 7 ' That would be an extraordinary etate of things which should have eaa bied Cin to (III np a city, however anuUl, with bis own children J . And it is inferred, therefore, that there were oth-r. peopla to tbe.Iapd besidraf.tbe immediate posterity of Adam. If Ad am was the only progenitor, C-io most have married bis sister. If, there were other libel of people, other' Adams, ai it were tbeo Cain might have' married into other stock. . We do aot express say judgment the matter. We give our correepoo ent the opinions' that bare been held in the early days of the Cburcn, bui .with tbe statement tbat almost all modern Christian writers have rejected tl o.. r ' B it as the origin' of rices bss, in our day, assumed an imp riant scien tific development, and, as very many ab e scientists bold to a variety of . oriin'al race stocks, it is' fotferesting; to know tbat those views bave been held before, and npon supposed Bibii- cal ground, zi.ix - But are there do-more question? about Caio? - Does o.body with to koow bis w'fe's Dfii'eT Does rop one wish to know what tbe mark was which the Lard affixed to Cain ? Does no one wish to keow' how Cain died ? Qaeitieos most be scarce to have eu b points DBtoucbedi If Cain it .to be raised, be surely onght to be thorough ly dealt with. Henry Ward- Beecher. TRCTBrcLXtssr Hosir- Of all b a pi py' households tt-at is . tbe .bapfJiest where falsehood is "never thought oi. All peace is broken up whea once it appears There-is ahar io tbe boose. . All comfort is gase when suspicion bas once entered wien there mast be n serve in talk end retervatloa in be 1 let. Aniioes parents, who are aware ef the pains of suspicion, wilj 'place general conSdence ro tbeir children-, and re ceive wta( they ay ! freely, obTii there is strong reason t distrust tbe truth of any one. - If such an occasion should unhappily arise, tbey must keep tbe Sttspicioo frosi, spreading, as long AS possible Bad avoid disgracing ibeir poor cbil4 while there is a chance ol its cure by. their confidential assistance. He sboald have their pity ar,d usidu ons help, as if be were ecfferiog pnder 0me bodily disorder. If be can be cured be wilt become duly grateful fur J the treatment. . If tbe endeavor fail, ' means must of course be taken to pre vent bis example from doing. barm; and then, as t said, tbe family peace is broken ap, becaase tbe family confi dence is gone. I fear tbat, from some cause or another, there are but few large (unities where every member is altogether truthful. Bat where all are o organised aDd so trained as to be wholly reliable io act and word, they are a light to all eyes and a Joy te all hearts. Tbfy are public benefits, for they are a polos of general reliance; and tbe are privately blessed wiibio and without. Without, their life i. made easy by universal trust ; .and within their' home and their hearts tbey - bave tbesectrity of veetitade sss the gladeest of iaooeaace. Harrrtt Her" "Can yon tell me," said Kapoleon, "wbo Jesus Christ was?. I will tell you. Alexander, Caesar, Cbarleaange, and myself,' bave founded great em pires; but upon 'wbat did these crea tions of' oaf genius depend l' Upon force. Jesus alone founded an empire upon love, and this very moment tens of millions would die for him. I am not mistaken!, knots' butitn natsre well.M Those kings, were only Bres I aaa only a, map, , Jssus Christ was alone. No other ever resembled him. Jesus' was not 'a man, be was mre than man.Thoutauds.baTe b.een ani mated" with inch an enthusiasm for me that tbey would die for me; feat to ia apirt lach-deycrticra, It was fltpegiarv tbat I should, be visibly present among them, that they should feel the influ ence of my looks, my voice, my words. Jesus alone B4s so elevated' tbe mind of anas . te-.'the naeesm, that tt14asen9i tlste teroo or spae." V ielx Some discooaoiitie Iriiow makes a nice distinction of tbe differense which exists between, "birter and sweet," in tbe following staosa : , . ( 'Tis sweet to court,, ' But, oh f bow bitter 'f 'S V. c"0rfTs?tO . till C! 8 And tiea not get her. There bas. been discovered, In Jelfer sou ceunty, Pa mooUin f trirpo r.t may well be named the largest iroo manatain tq the jjpttea ajties,, ,rfom nil reporu, U aciU furnttb n ioexhaasi- iMnptlyorgeod-ore.-' - - f - ; - - - - A Fami!) Qaurrel The Democratic family qiarrel goes on beautifully and succerstully. la the attempt to injure tbe Herald its enemies bave secured and published a le'ter written by Mr. Semple to Mr. Penoyer, editor of tbat paper, last fall when tbe Legislature was in ses sion, in which Semple talks freely of tbe "Oro Fino fellows," and explains ihe hopes and policy of tbe Herald. Also, the Jacksonville Timet publishes a Portland letter which denounces tbe Iltrald and tells what tt calls some of its black mailing operations. These assaults bave called out that journa.'j talent for truth telling in a wonderful manner, far beyond wbat we believed possible, in fact, and which we bave read with great moral and political re freshment and satisfaction. During a long period of years tbat we have been wagiDg war on Oregon Democracy, truth telling bas never been carried to tbe extent tbat the Herald indulges, except, perbapt during the terrible civil war that once raged between the S ifenp cliqte and tbe Jo Kane faction. Uoe inrpariani tact, re gleaAircnj tie Herald is, tbat Ihe bill passed , last fall rbicb usurped tbe control of tbe Port idS police system, was never coun tenanced or sut potltd by that journal, oor endorsed or considered at all ad missable, save as it was a retaliation oo Republicans for the sins of tbat party committed io Eastern States. ' Not to misrepresent tbe Herald on so very important a matter, e give its words in full as follows : "As we before remarked, on princi ple, we were opposed to .tbe bill, but as soon as tbe news of its, Introduction into the Senate was received in Port land, we bad coavereaitim . with, the Mayor of tbe city and members Of tbe Council, npon their solicitation, who declared that tbe police arrangements we.e totally deficient, and that tbe ur gency of tbe case demanded tbe pass age of tbe Police till. Coder these UteroentS,' and ' justify frig" the law s lely as a retaliaiive measure, vet- uctaniiy gave our assent to tbe bill. But our subsequent oi.-gust may - be imagined,' when; a man who figured most prominently ki securing its pas sage, told us tbat most of the state ments as to tbe inefficiency of tbe old police was manufactured out of whole cloth, simply for the purpose of oust ing Phil, Suudera auj puitiog J. ;U. Lappens in." ! ' So it appears tbat after all tbe Her ald was roped into this dishonorable transaction by tbe false pretenses of tbe "Oro Fino fellows," who "maon factored out of wboie clolb" lies about Phil. Saunders ai bis police solely to put J. H. Lappeus In bis place. : - We call attention here to tbe avo red fact tbal the charges made against tbe City Police c f Portland under the Re publican .adminlgtrat.ion ..elected Ust epring, were a pack of Demdrratlc lien got up for a purpose, wbich purpose was successfully accomplished, and now exists lnfull and perfect Demo cratic fruition. The "dfsgust" the Herald feels is natural to a bigb-tbind-ed individual who has been criminally bilked into being a victim of misplaced confidence and so induced to become accessory before? tbe fact to a villain ous undertaking. Tbat disgust the people of Oregon will share moat thoroughly, and as times developes the various execrable traits of recent Democratic legislation in relation to Swamp Lands and Scbool Lands, and everything else that could be -turned to Democratic uses, tbat diagU9t will meet with wholesome increase and bear fruit in due season. Go on gentlemen and free your minds, for the popular interest increas es and your circulation must be bene fitted thereby. " The only benefit you can confer on the people is to tell them tbe truth, and having beard a little their ears naturally. Itch for tbe rest. .Oregon Well Represented. We bear witness, with pleasure, to tbe value of tbe efforts io. bebalf of oor State constantly being made by our Senator . Corbett, who Is constantly alive to onr interests, and active in representing tbem and making tbe ad vantage of par State known abroad. Tbe latest proof of this is the receipt of a paupblet containing tbe most im portant facts compiled by tbe Portland Board of Statistics wblcb Mr. Corbett bas bad republished for general distri bution., It seems i tbat the forgetful ness, or more the iodiflereoce and neg lect of the Legislature is made by tbe assiduity and liberality of one individ ual. He adds to these statistics a note to inform tbe people of the East of tbe progress made in constructing rail roads lb tbls valley and of the opera tions of tbe V. P. R. R Company in Washington Territory. The service of such a man as Senator Corbett are of the greatest value, and deserve to be most fnllv rmeeeiated. State ISTews. '." , Pcvil. -The ' Herald letrns that sn opposition boat ia purchased io Saa Francisco to ruu between Portland and Astoria. . , " Tony Noltnerof the Enttrpritt' U com missioued aid ,oa the Staff at Maj. Gen'l John F. Miller, wW tbe rank of Major. Toney will have to Uke up a ''shooting sttQk.' aai "diate" the enemy , if one ever heaves bt slgbC; ..'.! ... The widow of General S. - D. Baker died in 8au Fraaoisee, Saturday' morning, aged oSyearvV - ' The 'fktfet fa says .the locomotive house will be located just above tbe ferry landing in East PoHiaod. t- "? " ' '.; ' ' ' 1 The Orrjlnan t ITS tie h iga water is beat tabmerge'the wbarvea of that eityu Rathck Powtas ct. A certain pro fessor was noted 'for having a certain set of' Hloitrstiom, from which be could pot well deviate without running ihe risk of a Muoder. ' Iii", Illustrating- tbe powerful effect of prosaic acid, be was wont to Inform tbe class tbat a drop placed on a dog's tongue wss sufficient to kill bim. On one occasion, when lecturing to bis class, be said : "Smith," addressing a young men whose chance of passing was very slender, "What can yon say of prussic acid t Is it powerful or otherwise?" It is rather powerful",, said the stu dent, dubiously. 11 Rather powerful I" said tbe pro fessor, indignantly. "Put a drop on your tongue and it would kill a dog I Tbe shout of laughter wbicn follow ed, ana smith s confusion, revealed to tbe professor tbat bis illustration had served a double purpose. Dkatb or Garibaldi's Dacobtee. Accounts from R me state tbal Tersili Coosto, tbeoolv daughter of Garibaldi is dead. She was the daughter r-f bis first wife, tbe Spanish Creole. Anita, and twin sister of Ricciotti, bia young est son. She is said to have been tbe favorite child of ihe General, aud an amiable and kind hearted woman. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. ;i , ratea Slaeh 10. 1-,J There is continued agitation iu France. ThdSltional Guards threaten -nibly to dissolve tbe Assemlity. ' General Vinoy threatens to oppose thm with the regular army. An attempted substitution' of the Trio Color fur the red flag, on. the column of Jul, by sailors, eauaed a disturbance. The jailors were arrested, and the red flag rep!aee4Civ- . K.: OOII Place De La Bastile is guarded by eight battallions of National Guards. Baron Barnde, Gen. (faille, L. X), Man land and Neieltir, are appointed Plenipo tentiaries a4 France, to negotiate a final treaty' bf peace. fuV De Nonille a ap pointed French Ambassador at St. Peters l.urg, and Count De Xougue, Minister to Constantinople, , r X Ti e Journal OJjieiel declares in favor of a Republic iu a definite lorm as the best government for France, and urges tbe peo ple not to disturb the. puclic order,for the sole hope of France is in tranqaUity.i - - ' Victor Emanuel, King of Italy, denoun ces' as a forgery a letter published as writ ten by bim to tbe Emperor William. . Tb-' Italian Chambers are discussing the 'Papal guarantee; - - - ; - - - " Tlejrams from China report that there are no further outrages against foreigners. General De Palladines bas satisfied offi cers of the National Guard of his Repub lican sympathies. , ' ; , Xintcu-paengec,cirt conyiyriDg ,per- uian wounded borne Were sto-re up by a col lUiou and passengers killed. ... GvenorttU Ducrot, Chanty and Faidherbe are said to be working for a restoration ot the Empire. Numerous Bonapartist meet ings are held Sn the proi-uices-L Tbe French navy has been greatly re duced, and foreign squadrons recalled. Tho.VmtMih Assembly bas refused to re move to Paris, and has agreed to remove, to Versailles by a vote of 401 to 104. ' Jt has been announced that Rachofort was killed by a railway accident. Tbe Red Republicans propose a Republic on a new basis with Victor Hugo (or Pres ident. , Regiments of the line have gone to Ver sailles to-' protect ibo National Aasotnbiy. Thiers' influence is waving. Kaatarn SI ewe. Ths new Congress remains in session. Tbe new standing committees of he Sen ate having been read, Senator Sumner asked Jo bars his name struck eat of tbe commit tee on Privileges and Elections, and the Senate by a vote complied. a motion of Senator Ilofre, Satnner was removed from tbe chairmanship of tbe committee on Foreign Relations, the vote tndinir, yeas 33, nays 9. Tbe Democrats and Conservatives of both . -Hottsee bave met in eaueus and resolved to tick closely to tbe session until final ad- jonrnmwt ana avoia tne success oi evil legislation.- - .... . The French Relief Committee, at New YotV, report receipts up to date as $ 1 1 3,350. Revolutionary troubles exist in the States f Central America. A fisbt is reported between treops and Indians in Chile. The Indians bave com mitted terrible atrocities. The rumor of the 50,000 German emi grants for Oregon seems to be more a ru mor than a fact. The removal of Senator Sumner from the Cbair of the Committee on Foreign Rela tions is supposed to be in accordance with an understanding with the Eng'ish Minis ter. As be believed that Sumner's unfriend ly feeling toward "England made him an ob- taclo to peace so long as be held that posi tion, lis influenced the rejection of the Reverdy Johnson treaty it seems. , The Republicans in Congress hare some dissen- ion it is reported as to what "legislation i necessary to protect Southern, loyalists. i i - Callfurala. t 2an Francisco,' March 10. The colored military companies, have decided to turn out as an escort on St. Patrick's day. Professional politicians are very active, especially those of the Democratic party opposed to the re-nomination of Governor Haigbt. . Richer quartz discoveries than ever bave been reported in Arizona. The ettizens of San Diego bave held a great railroad jubilee, business being closed, and there was an illumination and a ball. Wheat was $2 35 in San Francisco, and firm, notwithstanding a late decline in tbe market at Liverpool. ' Very rich quarts mines are reported as discovered in Nevada, ten miles from Car son City. . . Kst-npeats BTewa. 'ii ft ij I MosidlayB VHepatehes. ; Paris, March 11. The insurgent Na tional Guard bold 417 cannon. Rocbefort if not dead as reported. Gen. Vinoy bas reviewed 40,000 men of the army of tbe Loire, which forms tbe new garrison of Paris. The rioters of the 10th of December bave been tried by council of war. Blanqui, Flourens, Gerard and Aveyle are con demned to death for conspiracy, Oonpilts to o years imprisonment, and. Voiles, sjx months.' The rest were acquitted".' A disturbance has occurred in a church in Rome ; lighting took place, but no one was wounded. The authorities restored peace. Kasteita Ktwi. A Republican caucus, in Congress, bas determined that, a bill shall pass to protect Southern loytlists.- - i; i '', A heavy storm hi s done great damage to Mobile, flooding the eastern and western part of the city, doing great damage. Th North Pacific " oad.' Tne Herald of tbe Uth says: This com pany is still steadily pushing forward its great 'enterprise. There are now employed on tbe road about 400 Chi namen and 30d white labor en. It was aftke oatset, as we understand, the Intention of the company to bave the first 'lection; of twenty five miles jn running order by the first July proximo: bat taking; into consideration tbe ob stacles tbey will bave to meet with, by eomdieactDg so great a work In mid winter, end by tbe probability of be ing somewhat" retarded by tbe usual high water in June,' tbey have coo eluded not to push matters with such rapidity aS wtfufd be ree,airdHi order to complete tbe first section by July 1st, and to avail themselves oi the full time given tbem j the joint resolution of Congress, which is nntil January 1, 1872 That the first section will be tompletei by .lb at time' then i po doubt, and considering tbe obstacles tbey bave to contend with, its comple tion 0' tbat time will speak well for tbe company. Their wharf at Kalama is now so far completed as to allow tbe lsndin'g'of jteamers" at the jQri- fiamme will on her present voyage land there the freisht of that company. Signor Blita, jwbile traveling- on tbe cars, once stopped at a station where an apple boy entered tbe train. Blitx after patron til ngftor, cot oyeajijkpXe and took a silver half dollar out of it, greatly to tbe boys astonishment, . that's the. kind of fruit yon sell ,,'11 take another," said Bliti, which-be did. and lo I- there was another' half dollar iotia of It. Bliiz, assuming great excitement, -then aikad tbe boy what be would take for tbe whole bas ket of apples, ssyipg, It would be a grand speculation.- But tbe lad re Third to sdt even at five cents apTee, and, on leaving tne station, Bins eaw him tested by tbe wall .tutting opm ihe unsold apples, in a tain search for ail ve baW dollars. lllj. and County Items. , All persons having books belonging to tbe Odd FeUoat Library Association a. -requested to return tbera immediately. 'The Bteamer Active is laid up, probably becaase the- ether boats are able to move what freight now offers, i '- West Past. Four skiffs were pulling on a raft yesterday but in spite of all their efforts it went -by' and is a candidate fur pdrcbase on iha lower waters. - First New Goons. M, Meyer A Son bave the first stock of spring goods this season and are the earliest among advertis ers, as usual. Their new advertisement means business, and can best be explained by calling te see wbat they bave received. Abiqca Briikjk Goxe. Mr. Jos. Cox, the Silverton Expressmaii,' says be beard a report that' tbe bridge orer'the Abiqua, two and a half miles below Silverton, was car ried away by the late high water. Willamette Temple op Honor, No. 1. Regular meeting this evening in the ball Over J. W. Smith's store,, at 7J o'clock. All members invited tj attend. By order of the Temple. - ' F. B. Mar; Harper's Baisr and Weekly of Feb. 25tb are extra good numbers, containing splcu did illustrations and a great variety of good reading. These weekly pictorials have be come immensely and deservedly popular. Call at Boon's and secure tbem early. ' Railroad Stations. Maps ( are filed with the County 'Clerk of this county of the towns of Hubbard, tbe first station this side of Aurora, and'of the town of Turner, eight miles south of Salem. There will soon be filed a plat of Breokville, eight miles north of Salem. Aft Innovation. A strange thing hap pened in this office yesterday afternoon. Tbe afternoon sun paid us a visit and glared around so uncemfortably that tbe eurtains had to be pulled down and tbe in truder shut Out. Really, we had forgotten what curtains were made fur, enly for this linportinent stranger. - - 'River ' - Nswsi Tbe W illamette rose steadily yesterday and must bave been about two feet or more higher than at any previous time this year or any time last year. Tbe flooring mill could not run with its wheel submerged. On Sunduy the Fan ny Patton came down with the Shoo Fly in tow and fck her on down to the basin where her damages will be repaired. , . . New Photograph Gallery.? Reference to our advertiseing columns this morning will fhow tbat there is a new phutogrnph gallery in our city. , Messrs. Gray A Crom well have rented the old Kenyon Gallery, and are fitting , it up handsomely for use. It will be a pleasant, place when they have it refitted, which will be in .a day or so. Thwe gentlemen are reported to be good artists and fully deserving of patronage. Peters Musical Monthly f6r March con tains "God Bless tbe Little Church," ' Katy McNeil." " Dear old Sugry Home," " Mignone," " Heaven Claims her as an Angel," " Jesus, I my Cross have Taken," a sacred anthem, and a number of musical pieces. At three dollars a year, or 30 cts. for a sample copy j it furnishes a great amount of good music. Enterprise. With his characteristic enterprise, Wm. Davidson, Esq., real es tate agent, .Portland Oregon, has issued another edition of his mp of Oregon. In connection with the map there is an inter esting description ot that State. These -are sent to all parts of the United State! and Europe, and have been the means of attracting to Oregon a largo nnmber of families who have eettled in tbat Statu, thereby adding to its prosperity. - Mr. Da vidson is worth a doxen Immigration Aid Associations. Walla Walla Statesman. .Arrest, J. G. llolbert ia now under arrest at Portland upon an indictment by the U. S. Grand Jury for selling liquor without a license. It seems the charge arose from the use of liquor in connection ith his soda fountain. People should learn that law cannot be trifled with and tbat infraction ' when apparently of the most trifling nature nre apt to be atrcned with serious consequences. Tbe penalty of this offense, if proven, is one thousand dol lars fine and imprisonment. A punishment that seems quite unreasonable. Circuit Coi-rt. Yesterday Court wss opened, Judge Boise on the bench, and all the jurors tbat Were summoned being pres ent except F. X. Mathieu and D. C. Cress well. The following named jurors Were excused: D. II. Lafollet, Calvin Geer, L. S. Skiff and II. L. McNary. Tbe fol lowing persons were drawn as grand jurors for the term: J. M. Garrison, J. II. Bridges, Robt. Skaife, Mat Small, Henry Smith, Alfred Stanton and E. D. Tnwl. The cause of G. H. Jones vs. Opera Build ing Association, was argued on demurrer, after .which Court was adjourned until to morrow. MoonorWhatT For a " month past we have been predicting tbat pleasant weather would not come until tbe last quarter of the moon and would come then, not that we believe all the inooa struck theories, but because in twenty year's residence In Ore gon we hare noticed that weather changes generally occur at the last quartering of the moon. By tbo Almnnae tbat event took place late yesterday afternoon , and we give the moon and the clerk of the weather due notice that if our prediction falls to tbe ground in tbo shape ot rain for a week to come, it will be tbe last faith we shall ever pen to the moon of to moonshine. Sbadb and Fbcit , Trees. We notioe that our friend Owen is doing a good busi ness lately in the sale of trees and shrub bery, and-is receiving fresh supplies con stantly. Of ornamental trees he bas many varieties, among which are Flowering Ever- sw Laurels, English . Filbert, Weeping Willow, Rose of Sharon, Persimmon, Mon terey and Italian Cypress, Red Cedar of the North, American Linden, Slippery El in. Mountain Asb, Silver Leaf, Soft Maple, and many others, Jacluding tfcose of home origin. Owen makes it his special pride to keep the best genuine varieties, and insists on it that bis eherrie and plums cannot be excelled the world over. . . ';.. The Little Corporal The March bom ber of this sterling juvenile -conies to us as fresh as the first breath of Spring. "It eon- tains an unusual amount of entertaining reading matter, and its illustrations are un surpassed. Each nnmber of Tht Litllt Corporal contains about as much reading as any ordinary book costing ope dollar end a half, and -the twelve numbers of one year, costing only $1.50, form a volume equal to about a doxen such bosks.' The publisher I offers te send free a copy tiis superb stoul engraving, ibe Heavenly cnerubs, price $2.00, to each subscriber for 1871. Terms $1.50 a year. For specimen number, and revised premium liett astonssHba publisher, John E. Miller, Chicago, 111. 'l 5 r'.- '. t ' ; - ? As Indian Raid. Saturday evening, between: nine- and tew- 'clock a dranken Indian came to the house of Mr. JVC. Bell, who waa absent, and much alarmed-two ladies and the children by trying the doors and windows in efforts to make an entrance. He kept this up some time, and Mrs. Bell fliiBXi ros beiut; the (rtat bWtwhD'io waa at tbe back of, tbe house, and alarmed Dr. Belt, who lives near, and on going up te "the place" the Oeoter found bins stilt en gaged ,in trying to force an entrance. A few blows from the Doctor's walking stiek give bis niiBsfother oecn"patknaad he went away cursing tremendously These Indians are probably Camped up Mill Creek, and ss tbeee( said, ethers: re seen continually drunk' and disorderly it wonld Wwrff t-kw'Um sea't'sHsck.io.their re- do well to fiDdout and punish the white men wbo furnish the liquor. Such outrages as these, are very analeuaent to unprotected families. . " -' ' : Fob Kalama. Yesterday A. McXoal, ef his place, started with bis family -and houecl)il4 effects for the new. city of the West, Kalama. He bad evidently:- built a new skiff, tor. he is. a good mechanic ,and has chosen this as the most eeosomwal way of traesportbig bnaeelf, family and effects down tbe Columbia. Tbe journey bas some difficulties and we wish him well past Rock 'Island and the other rapids abeve and below tbe falls. :. Railroad . Thhoccu SaLCJi-It , is a eommoa thought with our eitirens and business men tbat our city could be greatly benefitted and travellers eonvenienced if the railroad was built, as was first contem plated, directly through the lower part oi the city. If this change is considered nee wsary why not use a little effort to accom plish it? Tbe 0. A C. R. R. Company now bare iu contemplation the construction of a branch Jlirec quarters of a mileong to reach the flouring mill and the river, and it may be possiblo that the saiuie expense in curred to change. tbe line ut the road, as so many desire, would save the building of a branch to the river arSf bring the road very near to the water powers at both ends of the city. If this matter is important some one should agitate ft, and immediale effort should be made to secure tbo end desired. Real Estate TRAssrERs. The follow ing deeds have been filed in the Clerk's of fice of Marion County wtthin the past week United State to Webjcy Hawxherst, pat ent to his donation claim. J. C. Hayes and wife to Lucia E. Cros sen, lot in Silverton ; consideration," $160, Sam Brown and wife to James K. Gra ham, 3 lots in - Gerrais j consideration, $200. - ' .,; , : ; , - t J. L..Eff to C. V. Chapman, 25 acres T 7 S R 2 W ; consideration, $200. Elijah Adkison and wife to C. P. Chap man, "t i acres in T 7 S R 2 W : considera tion, $700. . . . . Trustees of Jefferson Institute to Jesse Parrisb, lot in Jefferson ;' consideration $.",00. ' ' - John GilJow and wife to Rachel Brooks, Si acres ii.T73 R 3 W : consideration $100. - : : i . , State of Oregon to Silas Jones, lota in S 3 5 T 5S R 3 W, 64 acres; consideration, $123 20. , ... John J. Sbaw anil wile to G. W. Gray half of lota 3 A 4, block 21 Salem, and half of East half of lots No. i A 6, block No. 2 ; consideration, $0,000. G. W. Gray and wife to John J. Sbaw, Eastha.f of block No. 2, city of Salem, Roberts addition consideration, $1,600. ' E. Williantaud wife t.r J. Hughes, lot 5, block 2, Salem ; $1,200. J. Hughe te J. W. Downer, lot No. 3, block 2, Salem ; consideration, $1;2ML II. A. Jobnaoa and wife to Jesse Parrisb, 30 acres S 25 T 9 R 3 W j ooosideraUou, $500. . r , . . Samuel Brown and to James II. Cooler, 2 lots in Gervais ; consideration, $100. Geo. W. Weidler to James II. Cooley, I lot in Gervais ; consideration, $ 1C0 . Robt, W. Hill to Oliver Tbibodeau. 622 acres ,ia L 3 a H. J n ; consideration $3,300. ; . II . A. Turner to O. A C. R. R. Co,, lands for depot site, etc., at Turucr's Sta tion. t II. A. Turner to Weidler, to certain blocks and lots in town of Turner. Steam Plowinm The Stockton In dependent says: ' There is a strong probability that a thorough trial of tbe capabilities of tbe steam wagon, lately oo exhibition in tbe streets of Stockton, will soon be made, ae parties are now negotiating wink the owners to set it at work oo the Upper. San Joaquin valley, break ing np ground for -Sammer fllo Tbe experiments made at the race track the other day proved that its motive power was sufficient to haul a gang plow through a stiff soil, and should the owners of the machine take ibe contract for plowing , the large quantity of land that is now offered tbem, and be able to satisfactorily com plete tne work, it will create a com plete revolution in tbe methods of farmclg in tbis vulley. , The Tippecanoe Battli Gbocnb'. Tbe Lafayette (Ind.) Courier, of Jann ary 2Slb, says : "We understand tbat tbe heirs ol General John Tipton are making an effort to get possession of the Tippecanoe battle ground, and one of the heirs, Mr. George Tipton, of Logansport, is now in tbis city (fath ering evidence in the case. It will be remembered that this land was given to tbe State by General John Tipton about tbe year 1831, or forty years ago It ia now claimed by tbe heirs tbat tb State has forfeited its title. to tbe land for cm-compliance with tbe conditions npon which tbey were deeded to h State. It is claimed by tbe beirs tba one of tbe conditions was that tb State thould keep it under fence an build a monument to tbe memory of those wbo fell in tbat engagement." " A certain sensation bas been pro duced, I am told, in England," sy Dr. Russell, " by tbe statement that Prussian officers discussed tbe que; tton of invasion of tbe British Island as a possible operation. Captain Ho lier, however, will doubtless inform bis Government tbat it is a common practice for officers of the Prussian ar my, as a part of their' military rduca Hon to devise plans of campaigns all accessible countries tbat they pro. jecta campaign in Russia, in Turkey or in Spain, with professional interest It would not he surprising if a" cam paign in England and the way of open ins; tt came within the scope of the! interesting problems." CoiTost. We understand tbat Messrs, Buckley and Strong are goiog ahead with preparations for the culii .ration of a large crop of cotton ia tb ercea bottom tbe present season Threajhuadred acres will be planted on the best-bottom land, which will gire the experiment a fair trial so far as tbis part of the- Slate is concerned mese gentlemen are sanguine of suc cess, and we wish tbem a lull realise tioaf atl.tbeir, hopes and aaticipa lions. . We learn tbat Major John t Strong is preparing to plant 600 acres in Los Angeles- couoty on tbe very beitof moist oil, which willeffectu ally try the capabilities of that section of tbe State for the culture of the eta pie. Tbe Major is a thorough couoo planter aod. we hope to see bim sue cesiful in hit enterprise. Sua Joaquin Valley Argut. -A How absolute it the silence of" to . : i. . i , , ... ... acq yet tne stillness stem almost audible-. From all ; Ik measureless depths of air around ui eoroes a balf-sonnd, aa if we could hear ibe crumbling and falling away of the earth and all created things in the. great ; miracle of nature ; decay and : reproduction aver .-beginning never ending tba gradual lapse and running of tbe sand in the great faon glast or Time.-Longfellow. . . W. S. Allen, of Willianunort. Penn sylvaoia, is the noasessor of a nowder born 170 years old. which waa n.eiT fn Indian fighting and carried one of the pstrioU through the Revolutionary war. it is covered witn quint ioscrip uvai. . - - - anemia o batter vemedV far eold feet than to slap tbe leg" briskly yu above tbe knee after raising tht foot Tne Increased circulation induces Im mediate relief. ;;. .! so BemtUaocet fo Statesman. Persons remitting for subscription or advertising are hereby notified not to send 'money la open' letters' by mail under any circumstances. - But to re mit by post office order If possible, and if not, by registered letter, Tbis office will always stand tbe cost ia inch eases. - ' " - ;"-'r" Tbis notice Is given one account of frequent losses incurred !' of late in money sent in open letters. . lV , LATEST. EIRUPEAM NEWS. Datts ts March 13. Troubles ' w.th the insurgent National Guard at Paris are said to hare ceaed. . - The credit of the National: Bask, of France has not been effected by tbe war and its loans to the Government. Gen. Vinoy has "ordered the suspension of certain revolutionary journals in Paris. Tbe Germana bave evacuated1 Versailles, and the health of Paris is improving. Scyndics, of Ihe Paris Chamber of Com- meite have decided not to permit employ ment of Germans in tbut city. '' " 1' A convection for the return of French prisoners has been signed. The suppression -of radical papers has caused no epilation. The Emperor William has been seriously indisposed. The Empress is also unwell and be will hurry borne to Berlin. ' Tbe French prisoners in Belgium bave gone home. Serious disturbances have talen place in lbs Spanish provinces. . The Black Son conference has met in London. , Eastersi BewS. The Republican sanons bas been discus sing the legislation needed to prevent and punish ku Klux outrages, and afford' pro tection to Svuthern Republicans; ' Demo crats will approve alt measures relating to tbe South, and some RepobKcans want to adjourn without legislation at all. Tbe Steapnuip Tennessee with the San Dvmingo Commission on board, was at Kingston Jamaica on the I lib, and waa to sail for New York in four days. The re port of the Commissioners will probably show a state of affairs favorable to annexa tion. The Commission was badly received a Usyti, the Eastern end of tbe Island of San Domingo. A routing of insurgents is reported in Cuba. (sadwleh lalaade A very severe Earthquake was fell in tbe Huwaiiaa Islands on tbe l'Jth of February and much damage douo.. Huge rocks were burled from the mouutains into the va)leys. GENESAL NEWS. Polk County. T'ue Chrittian jletujtr announces the death of Mrs. Mary Ingiills.at Monmouth, aged 76. The work cf preparing for brick making for tlie new College proceeds as fast as the weather will permit. Mrs. Smith, of Monmouth, is recovering from aa operation to remove cancer on the loft brto't. The roads over the river, as everywhere el-e, are in a horrible condition. The wBcert given by Professor Francis and tbe Monmouth Silver Band is pro nounced a success, and the ilenentjer pays many compliments to tbe Professor nnd the Misses Grav of Salem, who assisted. Tbe Dallas Republican says a number of citiiens of Polk have concluded te emigrate to Eastern Oregon in the spring., and hare now gone thither to select locations. ,. . The high water had prevented the Port land mails reaching Dallas. LA5i fi.mr.. Last Patarday night a land slide took place at tbe Cascades which buried the rail road track so deeply' tbat the 0. 8. X. Company will not be ab'e fc carry freight vver theTOsd for several days. Commercial. SALEB MARKET KEI-OKT. . WxDnitsDAr,- Mar. 15, 1371.' The weather Continues stormy and the waters are very high, more to than is of ten toe case at this season of tbe year. This makes tbe roaas impassa ble aod prevents any trade of impor tance from reaching town. Our mer chants ar anticipating a good Spring business and are preparing for it in season. Some of tbem alreadr are re ctlnng Spring stacks of goods, and others are below 'making pnrrbasr. Our business men are compe'iog band some ly with each other end determined to make Salem one ot the most favor able points for trade in Oregon. We look for larger stocks, more favorable prices and a larger trade tbis Spring than ever before. Wheal ajd flour are quoted at tbe same figures and (bere are no changes to note io market quotations. : Flour Bet brands to 00 perbbl at mill; $1.62 to $1.75 cts. per single sack. Corn Meal Oregon ground 5e ; Walla Walla 6c. Wheat Best white $1 per bushel. Oats 45 cts per bushel from wagons ; 50 cts at retail. Potatoes tl( 15 9 bushel. Lard 11 cts in bulk ; $1 50 can. Bacon Sides 14 to 15e; hsin. IS to 25e for sugar cured ; shoulders 8 to 12e. Beans From wagons 4c; retail Be. Butter 37s to 45 cts; retail 5 Do for good rolls. Coffee Firm, by tbe sack J4c for Costa Biea and Rio 29 cts at retail; for Java SSio at retail. Cheese Oregon (Cranston's) Z5o; Cali fornia the same. Candles Grant' $5 to $3 SO 9 box ; Woods' $4 50 to ti Adamantine 14 04 to $4 50 ; at retail 25 to J7o $ lb. ,, Egrs 20(325 ets. x Apples R2t to 75e per box. - Dried Fruits Apples to Te; peaches 18 to 20c; prone 80 to lie; currants It to 25c; raisins 37e, . . . Fish Salmon, choice, bf bbls (7 00 ; Denies, kits of 20 lbs, f I ;U 30 lbs. $0 ; mackerel ft per kit j codfish, coast, lie; Eastern too. Sugar 8. F. R. 16J at retail ; ialand 10 to 15c; eruxhed 13 to 20s. Pyrop-S. f ; Keg $&: ration 1 1 257 . Soap box $2 to (2 25,"jbar 25 to 740. ' : ,., .. . Bait Carmen Island, ewt. S175; Liverpool Dairy 3 60 ; do packing tl 50. Teas l II 60 frit., ' . Tebaeeo 8ae ta $1 15 lb. . Oils Linseed, at mill, $1 90; retail St SO; lard oil, at retail. t2;ooal oil,"$4 40 can; 73 cents per srallon. ' '- "- r ' Lime $3 JOi by awigte bbl ': Iron and Steel Common .bar iron, and round and square, Sjc: horseshoe 8ie;band iron 8e; hoop iron 9 to 10c; hf round 8c; Nor way nail rod 12c; plow steel Hie; spring and tire steel J5e .,. : - , ... Kails 4 peaay and over $7 60 keg ; 8 penny $1 1 ; cut sp'.kes $7 to $7 50. Oregon WOblen Goods 8 si em msVsit mills, wholesales blankets, gray, X. J, tZ ; 4o Se. do white. -Jo:l, extra $30; Ko. I Si de Xov 2. $8 50; do So. 3, $ 60; FUnnel 8 I h1te, $1 12i; do 4-4. 55e; do 8-4 SToOe; plain colors 40 to 45c; fWy twilled ahhrting -45 (o 50e; de grey mixed. 37 to 45c; bard times 90e;doetkin $1 00; mixed beaver tl ; fancy easimeres tl 10 to tt 50 for double width ; weeds 70 to 85c; yams ft te tl 13 VfH . -; - . -. - f ' . Cotton -. voeds-r-At retail.- ' sheetings, standard. 12 to 15e; econdi, t toll; light. Hi Ut 121c; aUndard drill IS to 20c; shirt ing, bleached and unbleached, 10 to 20e; bleached, i to j. 10 to 12; denims 18 to 5e; hickory stripe 18 to 25c;, print, tsney, lUtol2io: Herrimacks i2je:' delanee 20 to tbe; ticking 4-4 25o; 33 in.' 20 to 25c; Mstsey 2 to Me. -'-' " ; I- 1.. . 1 I...IBBT-. I- ' A c wonuerrol - rnvenuon of weft thread knjuioc looaa- U now on .x bjbiUjm in Manchester. v,U is fid to produce the beat woolen elmhipg ex tant at tbe enormnns rate of nearly a 'Vrd a' mienVe. Practical"-' msnaftc tareri irronoonee ft a sareesl arrd' b" lievv that It is destined to: revocation tse the entire system ef weaving wool en goods. . - , t. t Til (... nr In IfftlFxX' Itls fact stated, by , Mill ( thai different sections poasest differ M ea packies of soil, aod tbat peits of the (W illamette Vaiiey raise better qua! ity yf wheat than other parts. This -dif ference is perceived Io land not very dijtant from each other, but a gtfjer il classification may be made to thi" 'ef fect, that wheat shipped from CorvaU lis, and points below thai: on tbe river, makes a stronger quality of baker's flour, which is tbe m at valuable- flour . of commerce than tbat wheat which comes from the region above Corvallii. Tbis fact is coticed at tl mills bere, and it is undoub'edly so, s they are governed by it in Ibeir manu facture. This dors not prove that the wheat of he upper valley is of poor quality and. makes poor bread, for such is not tbe case, but it does not make flour quite M white and strong as city bakers prefer. The wheat from above is more yellow aod the jour, creamy, (bough in all else very excellent. It msy be that tbis fact is owing to cnl- tivatioCj or to tbe variety of seed wheat used, or it msy be due to tbe pe juliari ties of the soil, as it is said more lime exists io the soil of the upp.r Willam ette. . . WISTAR'6 BALSAM OF WIL" CHER RY is a pleasant remedy fur every kind of a enugb, ool.l, and irritation of the. breath ing apriaratus ; it is a rafa remedy ; it is a powerful remedy j it is a speedy remedy; itis a remedy that eiirc. s marchl j'.wdcod A Fraa;-at.CoBaetle. . To prosorve the soft, clear eoior of tbe skin, even to an advanced at e, take of the genuine Murray A Lavbas's. Water one part, of pure water thrte parts; mix, and bathe Ibe faC, neck and arms five or six times a day. - ' "' J?To prevent disappointment, bttyers shonld always ask for'the Tt r'.day Water prepared by the sole proprietors, Lantnan ft Ktmp, New York. f.. 1 marohlJwlw Pllln Trvthi. Bristol'! Sarsaparilla and Pills cure scrofu la and old sores. ' " Bristol's Sarsiparilla and Pills cure tumors and alnv: 1 " ' Bristol's Bareaparilla and Pills euro eaoeer- bus diseases. ' " Bristol's Sarssparilla and PiUs cure all skin diseases. , . Bristol's Farsaparilla aud Pills cure ab scesses. " Bristol's riraparilla and PUls-eure bad blood aud humors. suarcblSwlw j?3Dr. Sage's Remedy produces per fect cures of the worst cases of Catarrh, "Cold in tan Head," Corisa and Catarrhal II"adaebe, as hundred of testimonials from well known citiiens and eminent physicians who have ued it in their practice abun dantly testify. It is mild, pleasant and nnirritating. The proprietor offers $j00 for a ctue of Catarrh that he cannot euro. Address R. V. Pieree, M. D.. 1.13 Sencea street, Buffalo. N.Y. Sold by .druggist. Remember that Dr. Pierce's private Gov ernment Revenue Stamp is on every pack age of tbe Genuine. marcb!51wdeod :" To Cere A ' Gorcir, to relieve all irrita tion of the throat, to prevent hoarseness, end to restore perfect soundness snd health to tba luust. kiicnte vrgauiiatiun of the human frame the Lungs use Wistar's Iiulsam of Wild Cherry. March 2,2w . . : . 42 Chapped tlanda and Pace.' - (eraLlpt, DrfacHsftht SSla, Kte.,Ke-, Cured atonceby Heokmax's Camthor Ice with (iLTCKRiKE. It keeps the bands solt in all vrexl her. ice that vou get Heoe wax's. . .Void by all Druggist., only 25 .:tit. Msntifactured nly by Ueokmas A Co., Chemists and Druggists, lc x. '- iani l:w y. Tbe Pain' Killer is by universal consent allowed to lave won for itself a reputation unsurpassed in the history of medical pre parations. Its instantaneous effect in the eradication and extinction of Pain In all its various forms incident to tbe human family. and tbe aosoliciced written and verbal teati- money of 4ho maesaos- in its favor.-bava been, and ar its own beat advertisements. The ingredients of tbe Paia Killer, bciag purely Vegetable, rentier it a perfectly safe and efficacious remedy taken internally as well as far external applications, " when used according to directions. The staiu upon linen from 'its use Is readily removed by washing with alcohol. ; This Medicine, justly celebrated rr the cure of so many of the afflictions incident to tbe human family, has now bean. before the public over thirty years, and baa touno: its way into almost every corner of the world ; Sua whenever it baa been used, tae ame opinion is, expressed f its medical proper! ics. In anv sttnek, where prompt action npin the tbe system is required, she Pain Killer is invaluable.. Its almost instantaneous ef fect in relieving Pain Is trully wonderful ; and when 'used acordinj to direction, is true t its nam, a Pain Kiler. , - March 1, 18,71. , 1m. Mrs. Scott fddoos eave a com pi I meetary reading to her fellow guests at a Boston hotel a year ago, aod tbey surprised ber by a present ot a bun dred or iwo dollars at the close. She gave another reading recently and was surprised again by a present of $125 to gold. . Wisconsin bas about 295.000 in Its public schools, values its scbool prop erty at $3,830,052, and pays its male teachers an average salary or $1 77 per month, and its female teachers, $27 40. v : The bullion product wst of the Rocky Mountains exceeds $60,000,000 a vear. In 1870 it was set down at $67,000, and in 1863 it was about 63,000.000. With improved proees for tbe reduction of ores.. aid the new Impetus which k bee given to ma ing, tbe bullion product for this region may run op to $75,000,000. Congress gaiters of aligator skin, at $15 per pair, are tbe latest new thing in tbe shoe line. . Said Sennet Rogers : Those wbo go to Heaven will be very much surprised at the people, tbev find there, and much more surprised at those they do not Bud there.' ' !' i Dan Swift eeld t If Is with narrow soiried people as it is with arrow narked bottles, tbe. less thry bave io tbem, the more noise tbey make In pouring it but. The London Medical Prist warns la dles stralhit'ereen sloves. It mentions a ease hi wMch skin poisoning result ed from lheir, use. nn arsenical salt br ing employed.to produce tbe color., ;.r a AmericW are in higher favor thnb ever ib Russia. Tbe Cnar reemr to have a' particular : prefereace in their faf'ot5.' '"" "r . Te JVinter has been ao" .severe in Koglfn that thn birds are, djipg, of hunger. Amocg blackbirds the mor tality. is great-3f. . ,, ,j r i JL: dasgbter of F. 0. Rogers, en dammit street JJeeVoa, died - Irons tbe effects of swallowing ... a cut-glesa hntton. , t "" Two ladles In New tifaven vsit the drinking ealoons'dn Sunday i"nd re port tboee in wbich liquor is sold,. - " A catalogue of 1,83 ' works1' on tbe occult sciences bas been, printed at Moscow.' ' ' '" . Tbe pastors of fifteen ; churches,' In Eocbester, bare nailed , in circula protesting against tbe spirit of lawless ness that prevails.. ,,,. ..,,,.-T Jaeob Kauffman. of Sutk' County, Ohio, aged setrnty-fuur, waa recently rr Bolted to a bride of seventy-one from vbosB ha bad beeasittoroed thirty-Eve rfoDskote, his 150,000,000 aerei of lend. ,tf 'beiarae quality, aad. having nearly the tame climate, tbe (arujiug land 'of low and, Illinois. ' ' PK'i A i 'NsyrKEsV: WILLIAM DAVlDSqV, EEAt ESTATE DEALEE, Uflee Ho. Freat atreet, . 7., u ' .FORTtSKB, OREOOS. . ' ' . ; MAt itMTt la ff.u crrr d ist PORTLAMU, In the mo.1 desirable lacSIIUM, cow snitng 0r Ti, Hal fLOikd and BLOCK". UUL'ES and 8TO Ea; also - IMPROVED VARM9. and valuable BOcoi llvated LANriH, local cd In ALL farts of the sTars: for balk. ' SXCaL KTTB awl ither frerwrty Pr chased lor CorrnnoodeoU. In thi CTrT and hroBiibmit tin fTTfW and TKHKITOHIM, 'th vreat care and en the most ADVAMaOUIL'S TaJtili!. f . . , HOrfE3 and STORES tHA'SB. tO, vrfJOflATa'U. and CLAIM8 OF ALL CRIP1I-IN1 fg tsiPTLr COlLFClKl). And a Uroeral SISlsNClAL and AOkNCY BCSlAEst) tisosacud. ' c aonsre or this orr'at in att ihi' cir- IKS . Tvl N8 In W 8TTr lll receive dt scripiloi. of fARVI PK PEBTr and forward ibe same to thv above tiinu. a-.. Thtandar4 nm.,) -or t aarrus, laflw nBa, Hore Throat, Whno,lria: Coorh, Croup, Iver Com nlaint, ftronchltis, Htredtne of the ( unn, andeverv aiTeUonaf tha 1 ro, Lungw nS Oheat, In eluding- CoaseMrnua. . uliiai'. tiim noes not dry up a cobeh. but liwsvns It, cleans fhe 111119, an4 allays trrf- la'.loo, thus removias; sue can at 0 (he en ntaina. -tiooe aeaalo unlra icneo .Bctt. Pratxreubr rrrm w a eon, nto. ,.1.1 bv H. RamnOToB. Htwrarrva k Co..' Bao franClsco, and hjr aaaaers nenerHllr. Jut ay. Tile Great Family Medicine. TAKKS INTERNALLY, . It eurea suil.'en rH. Ccorha, and Wr.k Siomarh, General Dthinty, Nprtne (lore Vouth. Oankcr, Llv.r Complaint, Driwinw India. lion. Or. mo or 'aJn to tee eio n.ch. Bawl C"Wi. rlaloi .Palnten' Culic, Salatlc Cholera, Plvrhc and IjeMery, APPLIKO t.TTFRNALLT, C'ires Pe'ooa. Hoiis arrt Old Pores, S vers Buma, raids, Cna, Praises and epralna. Swelllne oT la J-tnt Rin-Wrm a 4. Trttrr. Bmkrn Snwll, frosted Feet aoi ChllMalna. Tooth. chr. Fain In the Pace. Vuralrla and Rhenmatlsm. It Is a jr remedy f.r aue, C CIs aod Sever. PAIJi KltiLlENa "alten IrrieraaTly. should he adulterated arltk antlk or wator, or Blade Into a avnin wl h molaaaee. For a C mx trw .In.na on 'urar, eatvn, will b snore effecilve than anythtrf Bee printed direction; utik-fc aceoenpaav eacB bottle. go.d bj all D:uf?l'a. rrblilswlm . PCT- - I-. JI It s'lnil . i -t.:'-'ii I do net arish tn taftirm too, realer that Itr. Woe- derful. or anv eihr man. b-a diarovared a rem rdv that cure Con.nmirtion. when the larta ar halt consuTieri, In short, will cure an daiewae whether of mind, bodv or le. mak man live forever, aod .leave death to play I. want of work, and ia' desienrd to make our auhlunary aphere a htlaafal Paradise, to whf-li Hraven 1 aelf hail b bat aidealv Wv Tou havheardenooil tba kind of bumh rnr. Bat ah' I tell yu ht Dr. -azc'- Catarrh Rrmedy will pol tirfl mrr the arnrat as-a of Ca arrh In ttie '.x,f, I only Hsaert tm w'.W-h thnawanda can tes tify m. I all pav M Reward for a caae that I cannot rure. A pamphlet elvlnv symptoms and other information sent ftee to any address. This remedy la - SOT Q BT M3JT DRXGGI T8 IS ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ' ' ' ! ' Prle 50 ernta. Feat bv mall, postpaid, ea rw-' relpt of slaty cenia, or foor parkir a for twrtd.d Ura. Beware of cmnUrfeiU ami acoWAiea imi fttowa. eee Uat my orivnt- lap. whirhts a jymtive ffwirant t of Genineneio H upon the uutehle wrnpir. E-n.rn,b,-r sat thia prvate fian-p, issued by Oie- Untied ltatra flovernment ewpreaaiy f r staniiAtiT my mrdte.nea, baa nv portrait name and a'ldress. a.nd the -a-onla U. CeatiBeale of Geooi eness." enf aved upoa n, and ocd not be mistaken.' Dnt.'t be win'lied hy travetera and oth r rpreaentlne fwmaelvea aa Dr. H.ge ; 1 am U.e only enan an living that l.aa tl-e knitwinlg- and Htfht to manu acture ' the Gumint Dr. rtaev's Catarrh Remedy, and I nev er tiavt to seU this aiflHnr - R V: PIFTtT. M. T . " 133 Seneca rtreel, Buffalo, N, T. FebS.Jm'ieod. lstvlaxorate tt ep -ilbl Orajaat. ' The a'oma'-h !s the responsible organ of the system If the" d'eestlon Is Infpfr'eet, yrery member, every (tlaorl, every meael. every nerve and Sore la oi'te or Ira oat otairder. All the H ids are depraved. The br-ito,.! ! vt'ta The apjrlts art depr ssed. All dyp-ptlcs know Ihta 'O bi rhe truth. ! I hnol hoever,hlf the truth.. C.iltittiiia would be required to- enumerate tbe paiu and Dentllies Df dy-pefisia, aor r ,uU any pan do them justice lens of ihousaudi feci tbem ; no man can deser.be them. t an rhfybe prerenred? L Can th-y bere'levedf Ota they b b .iahad aa once au f-rev. f L'n q'lestionably th'y era. No dy. eotic ha tvrr taken MoaWJrr'a Stomach Bitter In vain. Be lt. v no one who aaya the c p ainl la invarable. This STeat veetMble swmarhie will eradicate It is eriMiicaiJiur it ia ilhouaaa m of case 01 er W14ch medieal practitioner, have hken ibeir bead omliMUdy, aln(t, Noililoij can be done x The lacullj haa Ha fallariea. t'oe of thetn I. that Indigo I a la the most difficult of all the ordinary ailment ot aiai.k'nd to combat and sundue- Thia la a ml.take Nothing can o ca. ler ihaa to.aoqitrr it It Jbe Irn apcelfi b .d niiniatercd. Tim v Teb.blr eemu.aat.Hia which ha. l-ecome fa ous thmufftaon thectvi'.a-d world a H atetter's Sloroa- h Bitter I an nitlilol t Uie dlaae whluli l.aa brver bern known to fail, and loriuoaialy It ta eter)whir procBiabac. If jou wiali to foul nth tbe d -1 ep la, iry the pharmarrnrmia p eacri)tlon.' It you waat to root It out and praVrnt Iu recmrciice, Uka the Bmera diily. There la 00 dl-cou.it on tb hn mnay la ut iavr. It ihtre I a scan or woman who ha aver tried It for Indlge km wl !out be ing benefitted .he fa-1 ha n trann IreaV. L'lH- veraal. an. ootia IcteU praiae avuurha Ik won derful tonic virtues. marlAwlwoeod. Sew IdrertiaemeDts. 1jaCHlMrv Anv Lady or Gar tie man ean ma $t,oo0 a monf, aeriir thrir wn happiaen aad lodrpeoWenoa by reading; P-yihoniancy, Pasttnatlon er foul Cham Ing, HI-KVat rail rtra:tlao tea- thla pnwar ovvr De. or animal Mt wih, how w Mramcrlsa, breran. Traoee or Wrltl g Mediums, Wv nation, dpirltualisiii, Alch -my, Ptilli sophy of O r.ens. and Dreams, Brbrham Voung's Harem, Guole to Mar riagn, o ; la3,00u au d real "y mail In et to f. r tl.1V paper eover SI PS. The Phlla.-'a guar apr.ki gol thwbenk aya Ps aathov I Hsaaa v HaniLT a, B A., the reJebrat-d Paycholoical leeiarrr, and the pab lahrr T. W Iv, f ih ol.i-t ea aUlah-d Perfumer ai d Publl-hera In the ety, th mention of whoae name a a utn dent guarantee f b merK of in tat.- Ha via . ha Sat $(Vl,iiO already, in advertiain ' and getilrf nut H.la ordinary book. Pkepnc la Psyrholoay rca I aud b coov ucaJ of tbiaaett derlul occulel p'W-r UTICK Any p raon ailllrg to act aeAeent will reolv a sample copy FKKE. Aa no capital U required, all dratr,ua f artiteat etnploymewt should tend for the work. Ineloatng :0 renU for wtage, T. W. Eva, 41 6. Klghth St , Phila delphia. Pa. t . . , . arto-lm 'maylS-Im -"Jalyl5-lm NEW PHOTOGRAPH BALIERY I a. SI iaaV.'-' f"-1 Of falem. ' 1 'w.j. canwwsta. Lately Iran lb KaM. GRAY k CROMWELL,' , . sfi'-in s twe th; ' c .-.! KENYON ,G A wLtRY, (Lately occcpUd by 8. A. Lobdejl J . , STRCET, .',",,- SALfM, : I .1,, 2 OPEOOa. HsVlNO REFITTED THE ROMS AND PRO currj new stock and appa'Btot, thev are -fawpared te Uke alt klsd of naswres la tb latest atyle. w have fltted op apcjy. tar aaktog law eearbra-ed , , " BEMBRANT" PHOTOfiRAPH I " i imothlng few, and lit finrat plelnre'takenr H a vimm haS IB alairlMM ha art kaal.,-a. eaa guaraubt (atlatactloa. Call aad xa ' Io - - w ' - aaarivu ' Ilamsdell Norway Oats. n Thaaw aata. anwn Mav 1Sth. 1S7f. 1 hn.k.1 jRT "lbs j per aete, gave vi babe's (or 1.TT1 lb.) on , smi 91 same awarau uwaaaana oaca. aowa.aai late a ovr. gave, per acre, only SS to So bushrl : frn S 1 to w lb.- oi seed- tnwn. The surprise Uala. M lb, of seed an eg J000- of an aer. the hrnd a .-wltlvatwaa eamciy ffft N.way. g.yl nU9ra. Ws.ffar haee4 tautaav a: of t auwNtla. Tl lb, each) t several sacks ar i 'akaai. at H ps .act jriNek, M SO; en buMcl, OS ft-i; hair hihi tl io; tuaU.pau. i ge"la1l, H., ' n; 4 '.. tl fh a will reling at Si per Butul la 6n rranct-ca. , Isf wrra t nr e'ematid geuli . PyiBt tat coin or Pjatat Ordera at rm rates. . . . . J. H MC.XAMJ, 1-U.JCi,ao!f. 'S'W. fWfl Pi 19.1ST1, , dff ' -rStir iartTtUiztevu UNK WEED ; RE !f EDI? .iti ,.-(. ii Qns i :-:-r-t. 4 . .. ..OR?QON ;J RHEUMATIC CURE. History. Iblt remedy Is eoetpMni ef lb tatty prin ciple of tb Unk WeJ, Eng Thapia, Cot da mm frlganhu. Lat. Iad!gswa v Oregee Grows nvat abundantly aad perfectly n, Wah rgtoa Cowoty.- ' . - - .. PnOPJERTE8. &c. It contains an- active velaMla pnacapt . t ret It d bf. Ether, aod a kilter Teal pn. 't-.i ' ;v :. . '. MEO CAL Vfl1 PcfiTtlS AUD L'SES. It la th mosi Sure aoS Ppeedy Car foe 10m. matiatn, Rheamatlc Gout and Rheaavatle Pain of alt find's thai has ever been fnlrodared la tlx Materia Medlca.. Tlat-CUl Ward' lUraidy aa prepared bf ua, la oareee ot the nlsUng bitter pr etlple piisswasssthe nceef v-rtae - beings - " e - POWERFUL TONIC, . - . ' ' ' Promoting th Appetite, and IntlgerStlftg th whole Dga-tlv Apparatus, .tbas bnladbif and strcDg henlr g tba system. eh'W aA U uaaa tfm th voia- laaprlacWI heloe abaaitird la the laVeal act pecieeallv ea th itkewnaatl FVoon, rr- movlng H from the circulation and system. T.erc are a few renrd14lrM ' the Wed- leal profesalbn. ahlrh wil remove Bheumat lc" pcla from Hie blood, but whoa action so powerful In drprtsstr.s the system' of the atrraJy enfeebled Rlieumalc jUeBt .lhpl their aaa ha tob aband ;atd few(or,ipcKL ffec' ar b lalnab'e bene tb waat cf Boeeess la tre ting thia prevaHrat, tut ns as pami; fccrtnofur incura'rie dlaea. Crlik the tltdkluea, al ready Down,'.ini ' 'V'" 'U J UKK WEED REMEDi M .- - ' -.-.IT --. . ii a . M Though proCaeuiff a powvrfw aaat a aMtlw f i:u on the b:otd ana sytas aa reeoavlog Iha Rheowiatlc -pBhiuB; also puaataaaa a atwg Taole and recuperatlu ( Irment which admits ef It coot ribed use even In Ihe" at dcllcat and de bilitated. ' Thus we hav th combination for the first time ol Uics t wo accessary elnt la th on remedy, which account for la (upcitov and never failing arallv effect la " B.hnmat!m, Sbennaatto Oeut, ant BhatmaTlo Falaa cf A'l jLtnd. Tut Tp In-10 01- Bottlfi t $1.50 . Per Bottlr. .... i t PEIPlRED AT. TBE Orecon 31ctllcal . Laborafoir BT DR. A; M. L0RYEA & CP., Eait Portlanal, Or(a. 3TTot Sal by all Drrgghw; . f march 11 TldAw To Whom it May Concern! I - , . McALPIH & DODGE; a w M comity's Btatark, alra . tEALERB 15 CLOTH Irs Of BOOTS IBOEI, -GSOTIRIEI, . . HARDWIRE, , , CROCKIST, AT RrDUCED PRICES. Grive XJa ft Call ? Suenrw " - ' Teas, ... e , siCC8., . ., Brooms. ' : Coal Oil, : Lurine Cil,, - -. . ' . iails tic.,' . , ;' SatiAll kinds -Plitafra - , - Pelem. March 1th,18TI. ' ' " '- tf CAS LIGHT CHEAP! ' Co A (.OIL. LAB PS " , ' Changed t .GAS jA.XI?H AT A TbIPUNO OtlBT! AO cillSlM;Vs BKQUIKKD .ralOWlCKItlEDI One Burner tquals Six Candles! COSTS ONI CEJTf AS HOCB ! ' The aedera'gerd hi prchased the light for Marlon eoenty ef the Ward's Patent Gas Boroer, ' 1 ' And I prepared to sell Elegant lamp Fixtures OP III EISDP. Bwrtsere Pwpptfeel aaTrtallsrCt. GASOLINE FOR SALE BT THE 6 ALIOS Oft CAN. Merchants and hnoaekreper ar Invfle4 to call aod are th working of th new Latipa at the Oun mltlE Shop Of BEN 4JEIB rOEITEIE- Sack ol I-wganeaU Owrrh.) feblJkswtf alna. Orom-au U- Bf. TBAVCSB. a, A ssMtcaaa. THATCHER fc SOJT, SALEM DRUG STORE. - - ,. . " i-. rj . ' Duuss nt Drags. Chemlcftit, Pateat Medlciset fancy and Toilet Articles, PBStFCSSBStr. dfcC, dtO. Pare Wines ; and Llqnon, For Medletnal sad samlry V. '- i good taaoRmTr or t WtU always to iwaad a haad Prescription! Bjled at ILi Boara , NIGHT OR DAT." '" ' 1 . r .,. r -Jf Win rfi-'Mawr wrVr 'cwa- ', fsiMa'a BlawBT. ' mtlaT i l l lAUM, I ifOKttO. ...J ill -t -.n.sreaJw- -!U,'. Tft OWNERS Of.ClTY COVS, "to nrt,u mnTHKoivB trow) , A. jwIU se teat roaa it ie ta Eeat Esknav at I) cartwrini aarn By th aui4rignl, who wall pay eewh iae ! thr May waa aaa b waraa and tbe awrvaia ot tb haul fr-w "kltttts " W.l.E0tl 1 -Vl.T.. i." " .- 'T - n -t- Cvtt a,i.,FARWFR,SsRFII!i,lsif, w w araaav B nVh'a anderalned. havlsa'awti raanracdVcan Ibe s.wheres . r.t. iwwnineawlnrwe, n a I nrna.hl am. fine aU Snrt W. . m- t. Vl.ry can V hrard at darlaaaieoS a ad- a h.lf or tw.a. aw. Call at I tlx IJrinr E'able. ale whr ne is erika'lim . .. ,re-JBV.ewtr . StOla. UCStBljI. ' bast is voice or , .vr -, MarSf Cl X db KAKHARl'S.