Oregon ffigefefn statesman. OFFICAL ... LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. riBii .t tat tnu ttaaww or m Kwrr-mar cxaaaaa. POSTAl. CONVENTION. STWBEB ' THE CXIIKD 8TATES OF AMERICA - AS '' TUB PROVIXCES OF VANCOUVER'S ISLAND AND British columbu.- The' uniUr-'ljpna 1, beiag" tbereuoto Aitborsea by tbcir fspective (for to rn nti, hare agreed opoo the following art eel, frt'bluhing to . regaining the excbewe of correspondence be tween tbe Cni'rd S A-es t America and lb Provine-i of Vabouver's Island and British. Colombia. ABTICLB I. There tball t an exchange ( mailt between tae Called States aod the Pro vioees of Vancouver's Island and British Columbia, at tbe following points, Tie . Oa tbe tide of the United States at Bo loo, New York, Sao Fran cisco, Portl.od (Oregon), OynpU; on tbe tide of Vancouver a IsUad and British Coiambia. Vi t ria Tbe two pout departments may at any time d.e- ntina either of taid cfficea of rj-cnang-e, or establish otberi, by mutual content. t article 2. The mtils excbaaoed between tbe office of Boston, New Tork, San Fran cic and Portland, on tbe .one de, and Victoria on thn other, ate to puis each way ai through mailt, not to be opened at any intermediate office. abticlb 3. Tbe authorized weight of a tingle international letter shall be fifteen gramme (by tbe metrical Scale) in tbe Uoiied ..States, aad balf an ounce in Vancouver's laeaadaod British Colom bia. Tbe" postage on a tingle interna tional letter shall be tic ceott if pre paid at the nailing office is eitbe coun try, and tea cent if posted unpaid ; and for other than tingle letters the eame charge tball be mtde for each additionol fifteen grammes (or balf ounce), or fraction thereof. Letttrs iosuficieat.lv- paid thall be trantmitted as whol.y unpaid. Bat, it one or more fall rate tball be prepaid, tbe number of raet fu'ly prepaid tball be alwayt allowed, and the deficient pott age only rated up for collection oa de livery. Abticlb 4. . No aeconntt aball be kept between the pott depnrtmenti of the United States and of Vancouver' Itiand and British Columbia, on the international letter exchanged between tbem, but each tball retain to it own ute tbe postage which it collect. Abticli 5. Newspapers, pamphlets, ungnzines. and all othr 'printed matter potted in tbe United Statu and tent to tbe Pro Tincet of Vancouver's Island British Golnmbia, or poised in thoe prorincea and tent to the United States, tha'l be chargeable with the regular domestic rates of pottage, both to and from tbe frontier line in each country; which pottage tball be collected at the office of mailing, on matter tent, and at tbe offi.-e of delivery, on mttter received ; and each' reentry aball retain to iu own me tke pottage which it thus oollsett. Article $, Etch mad dispatched from one conn try to tbe other tball be accompanied by a letter or pott bill, tbowtrg tbe number of each of the articles com prising the mail, aad distinguishing the paid letters from tbe unpaid and insufficiently paid letters, with their pottage in separate column. : Abticli 7. . Prepaid letters dispatched from one country to the other aball be plainly stamped with tbe words " paid all," io red ink, in the right-hand upper corner of the address, in addition to tbe date stamp of the office of origin ; and in like manner and place tbe letters insufficiently paid shall be stamped in black ink with tbe word "Short paid," in addition the date ttamp of tbe office of origin ; and the number of rates unpaid sball also be expressed in black fgurei oa the (ace of tbe same. Abticlb 8. Dead letter which cannot be deliv ered from whatever cause, tball be ma- t nelly retarned, without charge, monthly ,or at frequently as the regula tions of the respective conntries will permit. But newspapers and all oiber articles of printed matter, which from any cause cannot be delivered, sball be retained at tbe disposition of the re ceiving country. Abticlb 8. m ' Letter alleged to te valuable, post ed at any office in the United State or their Territories, and addressed to Vancouver's Island or British Colom bia, or posted in Vancouver's Island or B'itisb Columbia, and addressed to tbe United State or their Territories, and deliverable at any of the respec tive offict of exchange, to be thence convejed to their destination, sball b registered at tbe office of mailing on tie application of tbe person posting tbe nm ; provided that the full post age chargeable thereon to destination, together with a registration fee of five cents to each letter, be prepaid at inch mailing office ; and provided also that uch registration shall not be compel sory, and sball not render tbe respec tive .Post Office Departments, or their revenues, either jointly ot separately, liable for tbe ota of tuch letter or packeis, or the content thereof. Abticli 10. 'All such letter mailed in the Interior of tbe United Statee or Vancouver's Island and Britiih Coiambia, respec tively, (hall be received, regis tered, and receipted for as direr led ia the general regulations ittned ia each conn try in regard to tbe registration of valuable letter, aad thall be tent to the respective exchange office tor the purpose of being forwarded thence by the Brat mail. AaricLa 11. . The respective exchange office shall ranke a separate letter bill for each rt- gt'tered letter or parcel of registered litter originally mailed at toe taia ex obtuse office, or sent to them, to be forwarded, a teribed by the regtr- latloa reierrea w ia toe proem iug ir tide, and ball enter therein the same of the person addressed, and tbe pott office to which itis'to be mailed for deliverr. The post m ester of taid ex change office will then enclose each tuch letter, er parcel of letter, ia a aeDarate Dackatre. which tball tie coo - tpicuoutly marked and plainly iotcrib- ed with tbe word Kegterea. ' ine letter bill of inch registered (hair not be enclosed lo tbe package containing tbem. hot shall be forwarded in a tep mat- wrapper or envelope, sealed, and addressed to tbe postmaster of tbe omee to which such registered letter were tent. . j " AsTtcLa 1J. .' On the receipt of registered letter for delivery or d cribution at either of tbe retpertir exchange office, the prstmaster of imh receiving office will compare the letleae with tbe bill, and indorse it Correct," if frond so ; or will not lb error, If there be one, io tbe routiner prescribed with regard to iegiie el letter received from an in land i.ffice. He will then fill np tbe corresponding retara bill, noting upon it wtelh.r correct or otherwise, and will see thit it is returned by the first mail hereafter to the escbaoge office of mailicg, , . J Abticlb 13. Registered letter received at eitbei r' for en inland post office tball be 1 wa drd in the arae manner at otb. registered letters originally mailed at, euub office. ARTICLE 14. The registration fee of five eeott shall accrue to tbe United States Pott Office Department opoo all regittered letters Sent from the United States to Vaocouvers Island or British Colum bia, and ia like manner tbe registration fe of five cent shall accree to tbe post office department of Vancouver's Island and British Columbia npon all regis tered latter lent from Vancouver Island or Britiih Columbia to the United State. ABTICLB 15. Tbe two departments may, by mu tual consent, make such detailed regu lation a thall be found necessary to carry out the objects of conventioo, and may modify tbe tame from time to time, as the exigencies of tbe service may require ; tuch regulation! to ter minate at any time at a reasonable no tice by either department.! Abticlb 16.' - Thit convention thalt go into opera lion on tbe 1st day of July, 1870, and it may be annulled at tbe desite of either department upon six months' previoas notice. . D'ine it dnpl ca'e, and execute 1 at Washington the 9th day of June, 1870, and in Victoria the 2Mb day of July, 1870. seal. Jmo. A. J. Cbesswbll, Postmaster General of the Uneted States. SIIL. AaTHCB B.CJ9HBY, - Postmaster General of British Culumiia, I hereby approve the foregoing con vention, abd ia testimony thereof I have eaesed the seal ot tbe United State to be affixed. U. S, GRANT. By tbe President : & Hanaro Fisn, Stcretarg of State. SSAL Washington, Octobers, 1870. .CONVENTION BITWIEB TBB United States aad Great Britain. NATURALIZATION. COKCIXin MAT 1 J, .1870 ; IXCBABCID AU GUST 10, 1S70 ; PROCLAIMS!) ACecsTlS, is70. BT TBB PBBSiDEBT OF TBB UNITED STATE. A PROCLAMATION. Wberea a convention between tbe Unit d S'ate of America and ber Ma jesty the Q teen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ir land, for regu lating tbe citit'OBbip of citizen of tbe United States wbo bave emigrated or who my emigrate from tbe United States of America to the British do minions, and of British subject! who bave emigrated or wbo may emigrate from the Britiah dominions to the United State of .America, wa con cluded and igned at London, by tbeir respective plenipotentiaries, on the 13'h day of May l.st, tbe original of which convention i word for word a follows : Tbe President of tbe United States of America and her Majftt' tbe Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Brit ain and Ireland, being desirous to reg alate tbe c ti en ship of citixeos of tbe United States of America, wbo have emigrated or who may emigrate from tbe United State of America to tbe British domioioos, and of British subject who bave emigrated or wbo may emigrate from tbe British domin ions to tbe United States of America, have resolved to conclude a convention for that purpose, and bave named a their plenipotentiaries, that is to lay : The President of the United States of America John Lotbrop Motlev, Enquire, envoy extraordinary and minister plen ipotentiary of the. United States of America to her Britanic M-ij-sty ; and ber Majesty tbe Qeen of tbe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, tbe Rbight Honorable George William Frederick,' Earl of Clarendon, Baron Hyde of Hindoo, a peer ot the Uuited Kingdom, a member of her Britanic M'jesty't mott honorable Privy Cbun- cil, Knight of tbe roost noble Order of the Garter, Knight Graod Cros of the most boorble Order of tbe Batb, her B-itanic Mitjesty's principal secretary of ttate for foreign affairs ; who, after having commuuicated to each other their respective lull powers, found to in be good and due form, bave agreed upon and concluded the following- articles : Abticlb I. Citizens of tbe United States of America wbo bave become, or lhall become, and are naturalized a'cording to law within the British dominions at British subj -rts, sball, subject to the provisions of Article II, be held by tbe United S i r to be in all respects and for all purposes British sahj -cU, and sball be treated a inch by tee Uuited State. Reciprocally, British sojcts who bave become, or shall become, and are naturalized according to law within tbe United S'ated of America a citi zens thereof, shall, sutject to tbe pro visions of Article H, be held by Great Britain to be io all respect and for all purposes citixen of tbe United States, and ahall be treated a each by Great Britain. Abticlb II. ' Sorb rkitn of the United States as aforesaid wbo bave become and are naturalized within tbe dominions of her Britanic Mnjesty as British sob- jcts, sball be at liberty to renonnce tbeir naturalisation and to resume tbeir nationality as citizen of tbe Uni'ed State, provided tbat socb reonncittion be publicly declared within two year after tbe exchange of the ratification of tbe present convention. Such British tnbjectt a aforritid, wbo bave become and are naturalized as citizens witbin the United States, thall be at liberty to renounce teir natualisation and to resume tbeir Brit ish nationality, provided tbat such re nunciation be publicly declared witl ii two years af'er the ll'b of May, 1870. Tbe manner in which this renuncia tion may be made and pnblii ly declared sball be agreed upon by tbe govern ments of the respective conntries. Abticli III. If any snh citisen of the United Stiles as aforetMid, naturalized within the dominions of her Britanic Majesty, should renew hi residence ia tbe United State, the United States gov. eromcnt may, on hi own application and on inch condition! at that govern ment my think fit to impose, readmit him to tbe cbartcter and privilege! of a citizen of the United Slates, and Great Britain tbU not, la tbat cate, claim him at a British subject oa ac count of hit former naturalization. In the tame manner, if any such Britiah subject as aforesaid natural ised in tbe United States should renew his residence within tb dominion of ber Britanic M"jty, her Mi-jetty' government mat , oa hi own applica tion and on sncu c a Jitioos as tbat government may think fit to impose, raedmit htm to tbe character and priv ilege! of a British lubject, and tbe United Statet tball not, io tbat case, claim him at a citizen of tbe Uuited State on account of bi former natur alisation. Abticli IV. The present conventioo sball be rati fied by tb President of tbe United State, by and with tb advice and con sent of tbe Senate thereof, and by her Britanie Mjety, and tbe ratifications sball be exchanged at London as soon a may be within twelve month from the date hereof. - . Ia witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries bave tignrd tbe fame, and bave affixed thereunto their respec tive seals. Done at London, the thirteenth day f May, in tbe year of oar Lord one 'bousand eigbt bundred and seventy. lrBtl JOHN LOTHROP MOTHEY. I N i '!, tRFV'flV. And whereas the taid convention has been dully ratified oa both part, and tbe respective ratiSeationt of tbe tame were exchanged at London oa tbe 10th initant: - - Now, therefore, be it known that I, Ulysses 8. Grant President of tb United State of America, have caused tbe taid conventioo to be made palilir, to tbe end that tbe tame and every part at i clause tbereof may be observed aal "fulfilled with good faith by tbe United State and the citisen thereof. Ia witness whereon bave hereunto set my band and canted tbe teal of the Udited States to be affixed. Done at tbe city of Washington this 16th dv of September, in the year of our Lord1 one thousand eight hundred and teventy, and of tb Independence of the United State of America tbe ninety-fifth. ISALl U. S. GRANT. By tbe Presdent : Hakiltob Fisa, ' Secretary of State. POSTAL CONVENTION :. BBTWSBH . The raited Statet of America alO THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Abticli 1. An exchsnge of mails shall hereafter take place between the United States of Americeand tbe Republic of Salva dor by tbe ordinary roates of commu nication, via the 1-inmus of Panama, ood between San Francisco and f ana- ma; and tbe Government of Salvador to be at tbe expense ot tbe transporta tion thereof between Panama aad Sal vador. t- Abticlb 2. All mail matter transmitted io either direction between the respective coun tries sball be forwarded in closed bas;s or pouebes, nnder key or seal, ad dressed to the United Statet Consul and resident mail agent at Panama, United S ales of Columbia, wbo is bereby designated as tbe agent of tbe two governments tor receiving the bags or poaches, at tbat port, from either direction, distributing and dispatching them to their destinations, fetid con sal and agent is hereby instructed to make up the mail for Salvador in se parate bag, or pouches, under key or iieal, addressed to saa Salvador, and tbe ports of La Union and Accjutla, respectively. " Abticlb 3." No scpount shall be kept between tbe Pott Office Department of tbe two countries on tbe correspondence ex change between tbem ; but each coui - try shall levy, collect, and retain its own postage only, at tbe iollow'ng rates, viz : in. Tbe postage to be charged and collected io tbe United States on each letter or parcel, not exceeding balf an ooucw-(-.viudupois) in weigh', address i d to or received from Salvauur, snail be tea (10) cent ; and tae postage to be charged in Salvador on each letter or parcel of like weight, addressed to or received from tbe Unite! Statet, shall be two (2) reals, (or twen'y-fiTS centt United Statet currency ;) and each additional weight of half an ounce, thall be charged an additional rate of ten (10) ceott in tbe United Statet and two (2) reals in Salvador. 2d. The postKite to be charged and collected in the United States on news papers, unsealed circulars, and other descriptions of printed matter, address ed to or received from Salvador, tball be two (2) centt on each newspaper, or unsealed circular, and one cent an ounce, on pamphlets, periodicals, books, and other kindt of printed pa pers, and the postage to be charged and collected in Salvador on each newspaper, pamphlet, periodical, un sealed circular, book, or other article of printed matter, addressed to or re. ceived from tbe Uoited States, sball be at tbe rate of twelve and a half (121) ceott (one real) per pound. Newt pa- pert, pamphlets, periodicals, coons and other articles of printed matter mutt be tent in narrow bands, open at tbe aidet or end,, and are to be tubject to the law and regulation of eacb country, respectively, ia regard to tbeir liability to be rated with letter postage when containing written mat ter, or for any other cause specified io laid lawt and regulations. Abticlb 4. Tbe Post Office Department of tbe two countriet sball reciprocally return to eacb other, unopened, and without ch&rge, every three months, or more frequently if practicable, all dead let urs which from any cause cannot be delivered to tbeir address in the coun try to which tbey were sent. Abticlb 5 This arrangement shall go into oper ation on tbe first day of October, one thousand eigbt hundred and teventy. It may be modified from time to time by mutual agreement ot tbe Post Office Departments of tbe two countriet, and it is to be continued in force until an nulled bv mutual consent, or by either Post Office Department, after tbe ex piration of three months previoas no tice to tbe other of its intention to au- nul tbe tame. Done in duplicate and ligned at tbe rity of Washington on the fifth day of October, 1870, and at tbe city of Sin .Salvador on tbe twentieth day of Jul;, 1870. ELIAS ANGULO, Dtrttor General de Carrsos. sbal JNO. A. J. CRESSWELL, . Postmaster General of the United States. I hereby approve tbe foregoing con vejtion, and in testimony thereof . bave caused tbe seal of tbe Uoited State to be affixed. , - . U. S. GRANT. By the President: sbal Hamiltoh Fibs, Serttary of State. Translation. The President of tha Republic hav ing teen and examined the aforesaid convention, concluded between tbe Administrator General of Posts of tbe Republic and tbe Director General o' the same branch ia tbe United State of tbe North, and finding it useful and convenient, has approved it in all its pan. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, sbal ARREOO ARBIRN j POSTAL. CON VENTI05 bitwiii THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ABO TBI G0VERMENT ZEALAND. ' COLONIAL OF NEW The undersigned, being thereunto duly authorised by tbe r respective governments, have agreed npon the following articles establishing and reg ulating en exchange of correspondence between the United States of America and tbe colony of New Zealand. Abticlb I. There shall be aa exchsnge of cor respondence between tbe United Statu of America and New Zealand, by mean of tbe direct line of colonial vail packet-t plying betweea Saa Franciaco and laid colony, a well a by socb other mean of direct mail steamship transportation between tbe United Slates and New Zealand as shall here after be established, with the approval of tbe respective Poet Department of tbe two coaotriee, comprisiag letters, newspaper, and printed mater of every kind, originating In either conn try, a well at correspondence in closed mails originating ia New Zealand and destined for foreign countries by way of the United States., , , , s Abticli II. t, Th port office of New Tork, Baston and San Francitco IbaU Da toe banco State offices of exchange, and. Auk land aad Wellington tba effiee of ex change of tbe colony of New Zealand tor all ntaife trantmitted under thit ar rangement. - r--- TUESDAY. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Susbay's Dispatches. Surstftesue lews. The Pari Figaro says it is reported that the.Gcrmau propositions for peace ran tbass Tbe ctftfton of Alsace and Lorraine and a portion of .the Department of Doubi, an in demnity of 1,500,000 thalers; tbe Germans to keep all the materials of war captured, and the French fieet said colonies to remain intact. . M. Grevy has assumed the Presidency ef the French National Assembly. Tbe Ex. ecutire powers of .the Government bave been confirmed upon Thiers, Fritz, Crown Prince of Germany ia opposed to the entry into Paris. Foreign diplomats are return ing to Paris. A strong feeling is finding expression in France against the dismemberment of the Kingdom, and popular declarations are be ing filed with tbe National Assembly. English, Austrian and Italian Ambassa dors bave officially visited M. Thiers as Ex ecutive of tbe French Provisional Govern ment, and have recognized tbat Govern- ment. The Spanish Elections are to be held on tbe 8th of March and the new Cortes will meet on the 3rd of April. ' - - Ktittra Hews. The moat important news from tbe East is that Ben Holladay and wife and daugh ter recently gave tha grandest reception of the season at Washington which was attend ed by the President, Cabinet, Supreme Court and Congressmen. Considerable of that Portland subsidy must have "gone up." on that occasion. . Six bundred members are present in tba French National Assembly. The Presideat announced that M. Thiers would make his appearance with ministers, in the Assembly II all on Sunday. Gen. Cbanzy and Gsn. Billctte assert the ability of France to maintain an offensive war. Lord Lyons informs bis Government tbat be has announced verbally to the French Executive, M. Thiers, -that England recog nizes bis Government. Senator Sumner has had a severe attack, but is now pronounced to bo out of danger. The French Relier Committee of New Tork represent that Eight million of the people of France are suffering for the nees 'aries of life. The neighboring nations are contributing for their relief and America is is asketl to assist. Receipts at New York bad amounted to $32,000 last Saturday- It is suggested that an appeal be made through all the churches in the United States on tbe 2nd Sunday In March. Money given can be forwarded to Charles Lanier, 27 Pine SL N. V. An earnest appeal is inailo to farmers to contribute seed whont to be used in France, as one third of that country is destitute of seed oren. New York will furnish ships to transport all tbat will be fjrnished. California. The San Francisco Chamber of Com merce telegisphed $10,000 for purchase of food to be sent to France. Another party lately left San Francisco, under pretended spiritual directions, to hunt for bidden treasure at the Cocos Islands. The JapaneeM Minister and suite have left overland for Washington. Tbe steamer Ajax sailed for Astoria on Saturday. Dr. Horrold was shot and killed at San, Buenaventura In a quarrel with a German. Wreck of tbe Saginaw. We gave not long since the particu lars of tbe wreck of this U. S. Steam er, on Ocean Itiand, midway in tbe North Pacific, and at tbe arrival at the Sandwich Island of a boat,' which wat twamped in landing and all but one of tbe crew lost. We give below farther particulars of tbe rescue of the crew of the Saginaw from tbe S. F. Bulletin: The brave Talbot, with hi boat' crew, left in tbe gig for Honolulu on the 18 h of November the gig having been htted for tbe expedition by " ratt ing" ber about tix inches and decking ber over amidst tbe cheert of those left behind, for whom they bad volun teered to leek relief, and a most devoat prayer from every one for a speedy and" tare voyage. The tad result of the voyage in tbe boat ha already been published. Lieutenant John G. Tal bot and three of the boat' crew per ished, and cockswain William Halford alone survived to relate the mournful storv. : After tb gig left tbe island,, work was immediately commenced on a boat of much larger size than tbe cutter or Big, in which, wben completed, it was tbe intention to send a crew to Midway Island for such supplies a were to be tound there, and, if necemry, to dis oatch another expedition to tbe Islands. Tbls was to be done in case a time bad elapsed during which all b ope of tbe safe arrival of tbe gig and tbe retnrn ot relief should have ceased. Calcu lations bad been made of tbe time which would elapee before relief would come, end about tbe lit of January was fixed for the arrival of a vessel from Honolulu. At this time there wat nothing left of tbe wrecked steamer but the star board tide of the qjarter deck. Oa the 23d of November, 26 men were on tbe sick list. Seal and turtle bad been found, tbe former ia considerable num bers, on tbe island, and tbe bill of fare for tbe two meals a day wat generally seal meat and' turtle, with bread and sometimes a tittle salt beef. An extract from tha ofilcer't diary witl belt illustrate the glad tidings ; January 3d. 3:30 r. m. Horrab 1 8ail- bo I Commotion. Great Excitement. Tools dropped as if red hot. .Embra cing aad general joy through' ut the camp. ; A faint speck of smoke was discerned by Ryan. Have no recollec tion that I got my glasses, bnt found tbem in my hand ; in a twinkling bad a jook ana saw a steamer ten miles away. The steamer stood in towards tbetbor aod di(pd her colors. We raited our largest flag and gave a re apoasive flip. A Mr. Strickland, of Nebraska, wat announced as having been nominated for Governor of Utah : tince, hit pat ron, Senator Thayer, of Nebraska, Bas been defeated of a re-election ; and now Mr. Strickland's name is with drawn' and we bave tha' of Mr. George L. Woods, of Oregon, for tbe position. Tbe last nomination, though generally', unexpected, will command ready ap proval. Got. Wood ha been for many year a prominent citizen and politician of bis Stale, and for the latt tour, its Governor. He will take to hit new place not only experience in administration, but a good repntation for ability, independence and integrity, aa well a, what i important, a thor ough knowledge of Western men and manners, and a sympathy with western life. Utah bas never had a Governor from whom wa could reasonably hope . so morb, as from Gov. Wood ; bat its opportunity will challenge bit best qualities, and greatly add to or weaken bis reputation. Springfield Republican. Tbe mocking bird in Florida has a special fondness for the berry of tbe Pride-of-Cbioa tree, npan the juice of which he gets exceedingly tipsv. Tbe spectacle ot a flock of intoxicated mocking birda is said to be equivalent to half a dosen temperance lectures. . Tbe annual production of coal it pat at abont .20,00(1,000 tons, while th market requires bat 16,000,000 tons. Fluctuations la price, and occasionally . suspensioos in mining operation, must ineriiably result from tucb a dis crepancy between tha demand and sup ply. - -- ; " v .-. - MaBtssaaaiiM - More than fifty million copies of "Webtter'i Spelling Book" have been sold, and' tba present rate of it pre dudino is about a million eopiet tear. More than $250 000 have been paid to tbe family of Noah Webster, ?inre bi death, a copyright npon bit HoatlBe Antelopes with a Steaai- The following extraordinary narrs- ive .i frpm a recent nonsDer oi we Sioux City Journal : " One of tha mott langbable at well at one of tbe mott exciting boat that ever occurred on tbe kiisiouri river, was witneseed by those on . board tbe Peninab, on ber last trip ap tb river, while on her way for Fort Rice, Dakota territory, loaded with United State troops. . When wiinin sixty mues oi Fort Rice a nerd or antelope were Dis covered quietly feeding on tbe bank of the river, and within one hundred yards of the boat, as she was rounding bend, captain rjraay was toe nrsi to discover tbem irom his position in tbe pilot-house, and called for Mr. Hampton, clerk of the boat, to tfce a shot. He darted forward, carbine In band, a did three or four soldiers wbo were on deck at tba lime, and all fired together. Tbe remainder cf the men, being down below and not aware of what wa going on, were startled when the hot were fired. The innocent cause of. all the eii i emem, as soon as tba first shots were fired, started on a ran toward the boat, as in the opposite di rection the bluffs at this point wete so high tbey could Dot climb tbem. Now ensued a scene tbat baffled de- tcriplion. All hand were armed, and popping away. 1 Hera tbey cornel' There tbey go!' Wboop7 and con- fution reigned : supreme. Away went tbe antelopes, taking a backward di rection along the beach. Bark went went tbe boat.. . Bang, bang 1 went tie musket. Ding, ding, weet tbe en gine's bell, calling on the engineer to hark with all speed, to at to keep within musket shot. ' Hurrah t there goes one,' it tbe snout. T" antelopes commence falling I Man the yawl,' shouts the captain, and pick up tbe dead.' Away goes tbe yawl ; away goes the remaining ao'elopes. and on goe the "(learner. puffing and blowing, a it it were coo- scions of tbe intense excitement pre- vading all hands on board. AO more antelope were now seen, and preparation were made to go ahead, wben tbe chambermaid (a new enfran chised citizeness) who bad tnken np ber position on tbe too of tbe laundry to watch event, suddenly discovered one more unfortunate,' and the last of his herd, making a bold effort for life by swimming the river. Yer I Yer 1 Come yere, ye sogers I is beard, and with a majestic wave of tbe band and extended eye-balls, she directs attention to tbe game. 'Tbnr be goes 1 ' In an lnftant a score of ri fles crack, and tbe poor antelope sinks to rise no more. In tbe meantime the yawl bas not been idle, and several are tbe reward of tbeir labors. Tbe yawl returns to the boat and the bunt is ended, all coo gratulatmg themselves upon lis suc- ce'sfdl termination. Tbe most singular part of tbe fun lie to tbe fact tbat there were bat seven an telopet killed, aud a each man an. I the chambermaid claimed to have killed from three to four eacb, malbenatic were of no use in deciding tbe figures. Terrible Affray In Texas. On the 29th of December word was brought to the State police of a theft of some valuable horses from Messrs Jones, Vivian A Btnoit, and measures were immediately taken to follow them. About 110 milet from here tbe citizens came across the horses, and tbey rode op to secure tbem, when from the hrush they were fired upon, and Messrs. Benoit and Vivian fell dead from tbeir torses, literally riddled itb balls. Tbe balance of the pursuing partv turned in upon tbe Mexican thieves. and succeeded in killing tUree out of eigbt tbat exposed themselves ; not, however, without further losses, for tbe two Mexicans who were with Mr. Prrry were killed, leaving Mr. Perry Mud one other survivor the sole rem nant of the party of six that bad started. The thieves must have numbered twelve or fifteen, for, while the fight was raging, part of the band cut loose and drove off tbe horses, and, when out of reach, tbe remaining thieves fled. Tbe two survivors did Dot feel warranted 1n following, so tbey re turned, bringing the tad tiding! of tbe fate of the well-known citizens wbo bad started with tbem. Mr. T. J Vivian it well known throughout this section, at ia also'Mr. Benoit, wbo is ton of one of tbe martyrs of the Alamo. Their tragic fate bas aroosed deep feelings of indignation through out tbe couutry, and horse thieves would find short and summary jui'i. at the bands of an oatragrd people. Tbe tbievet ere from Mexico, and tbeir day book, which wa cep'ured, give tbe name of the parties, and show tbe amount charged daily to eacb one for expenses, "thus showing tbat it was an organized band tbat came across to depredate npon our people. The thieving ptrty were fully armed with Spencer and Winchester carbines, while tbe pursuing party bad only six shooters. Since the time of Murril and bis horse thieving gang we bave beard of nothing tbat will serve as a parallel to tbe Ibis last ooi rage.' II jw loog it our Uoited States Government lo allow Mexico to be tbe headquarters and safety ground of thieves and murderers, wbo deprive our people of- both life and property 7 Sen Antonio Exprest. A Hxboic K.NGisixa. The name of of Enos B. Hoopes, engineer on tbe Pennsylvania Central Railroad, de serves immortality ai tbat ot a hero, for the manner in wbicb he recently met bis death. A car attached to a freight train, bound west, bad lost a wheel, and wa being carried down a grade by tbe momentum of th train, pitching and jumping over crosa tiet, and making the fire fly oat ot the stones and iron. Mr. Hoopes was com iag eastward on a train with fast freight, and as be Seared the wrecked train be thought he saw something wrong. It was dark, and to tee more plainly h stepped to tbe fireman's side, whlcb is next tbe other track. Just then the wrecked car strnck bit engine breaking bis leg in fonr places, crush- toe his hip, tearing away balf of one or bis teet, and knocking bim, in com pany with the Eremao and brakeman, bark into tbe tank. Every man npon Mr. Hoopes' engine waa injured. Tbe fireman and brakemen lay senseless on tbe floor of tbe tank. Tbe conductor of tha train and th other breakmen were oo a rear car and knew nothing of the disaster. Tbe train wat not to much irjnred as to delay its progress, and Mr. Hoopes knew tbat if it wat not promptly ttopped it matt run into tbe hind end of th one next ahead, which would stop st a station lest than three miles off for water. Mr. Hoopet, crntbed aad bleeding, dragged himself lowly and painfully over the prostrate bodies of his comrades to the throttle valve of his engine, shut off tbe steam, whistled down breakes, sounded tbe summons lor the conductor aad fell back exhausted. - Wben tbe train stopped and the conductor cam for ward Mr. Hoopes was trying to stop tbe flow of bluod .from bis wounds by tying np his shattered leg, and said. It is ill np with me : do the best you can for me." - Ha lingered until next day in great agony, v- hich he bore with his nsusl bravery, and then died, la mented by all who knew him. This eminently natural speech was delivered by a young women, at the Women's Convention at Akron, Ohio : For my own part, I love man, in dividually, collectively, better than any woman, and to 1 am tare, doe every on of my sex, if tbey, like me would utter tbeir sentiments. I am more anxious for man's elevation and improvement than for woman's, and so 1 every true woman." The are ol tbe oytterbeds of tbe Cbenpetke and its tributaries it com puted to embrace 3,000 acre. These beds yield to commerce abont 25,000 -000 of bushels annually, and it it tut ed that a lufficient quantity besides is taken to form tbe chief provender ol 20,000 pertoot. . i h Aaxtoua to bb Sold A 'domestic gentleman" in the town of Flint Michigan, recently sold bis wife to a voung farmer in the neighborhood for ten dollar.- The young man look tbe commodity and ber children to nt home. The 'wife furnished tbe money with which to make tb purchase !l r..-; li.fi.ll. IaATEST. I- Kwreweaja slewa.' A dispstch frees Bordeaux, Feb. 18th, tays : The conversion of tba Republic mt an Orleans monarchy is probable. Napoleon aa been notified net ovn- step th privilege of a prisoner by inter ference in polities. It seem that he eat so figure ia the reformation of government in France. , Th proceedings of the Freneh National Assembly are tumultuous, and the mem bers of the right and left insult each other. It ia feared that disturbance may follow tbe entry of that Prussians into Paris, as tho feeling ef th French people against Bismarck and tha Emperor is intense. A large number of grenades have been seized. Tb eld French families wear mourning and declare their house shall be closed when the Prusstans are in the city, and af ter tbey leave the pavement they trod shall be removed. It seems that Earl Granville, m behalf of tha English Government, sent a letter to Pruseia, early in January, urging peace and a declaration of tbe intentions of tbe Prussian Government, which letter Bis marck treated with ton tempt, aa it bas nev er been answered. It Is said tbat Bismarck refused to re ceive the letter alluded to, aad said Ger many refused interference by anybody.. Odo Russell says peace is certain; but revolutionary movements afterwards are probable. The streets of Paris are being put in or der for tbe entry ef th Prussians. It is said that Bavaria asks for no French territory, and tb annexed territory will probably be a distinct province. The wires were down and tbe dispatch was nnfinithtd. General News. PwrtlsMd. The Herald states that a sailor named Peter Martin fell overboard from tbe bark Whistler and wa drowned. H had spent a day on shore and bad become intoxieated. , Thomas Dougherty bas been found guilty of assault aad was sentenced to the Ceonty Jail for fifty days. A copy of the census returns of this State has bees forwarded to tbe Secretary of Slate by U. S. Marshal T. O. Young. The Oregonian speaks of the condition of Judge Stout at past hope, hit life being dcrpaired of. A young man at Oregon City, name un known, fell down dead ia tbe street on Sun day evening. Tba Dixie Thompson is to take place of tbe Oneoota, upon tb Cascades route, for awhile. This is pronounced a firbt-clast boat. Tbe Ritltetfn says the Oneoota lately brought fifty head of fat cattle from east of tbe Cascades to be butchered in Portland. O. W. Vaughn's mill has shut down for want of wheat to grind. A small house at St. Helens, occupied by Daniel Lynch and Mr. Darst, was lately consumed by fire. A case of arson, prob ably. Commercial. SALXH MABKCT KZPORT. Wemesdat, Feb. 22, 1871. We bave no changes ot importance to annonnc. Wheat (till command a dollar per bushel her, and tba tu ple articlei of trade remain without variation in price. Very little grain it offering, tbe greater part of the crop raised in tbit county having been sold and shipped. Of course the farmer of Marion and Polk aie now busily occupied with plowing and borne work, and owing to this fact and tbe heavy storm of several day past trad from tb country Is not particularly lively. Our merchant are preparing for a busy lying trade and tabstantial improve ment! are talked of that will add greatly to the permanent proiperity of out city. , As ErriCTCAL Rsbcxb. Oo tbe wsy borne from hit latt lour in Ireland, R-v. Rowlaod Hill wat very much an noyed at the reprobate conduct of the captain and mate, who were greatly a-Jtcted to tbe habit of tweariog. First, tbe captain would twearattbe mate, and then tbey would iwear at tbe wind. "Stop, stop," ihonted Hill ; "Left bave fair play ; gentlemen, its my turn now." " At what is your turn?" asked the captain. At swearing," replied Hill. After waiting notil his patience was exhausted, tba captain urged Mr. Hill ' to be quick anb take bit turn, for be wanted to begin again. "No, no," taid Hill, "I can't be hqrried ; I bave a ribt tov take my own time and twear at my own conve nience." " Perhaps you don't intend to take your torn," njiined tbe other. "Pardon me," said Hill, "but I do at toon at I can find out tbe good of doing to." Tbe rebuke bad its desired effect ; there was not another oath on the voyage. Rev. Albert Barnes was a man of beautiful modesty. Although nearly every college in tbe country bad at ome time conferred oa him " D. D.," he never assumed it, nor did be allow it to be printed on the title page of bit booki. " I am only Albert Barnet," wat the nsoal reply to any one tainting him aa " Dr. Barnes." ; - - t i.- - . A gentleman pusehased a quantity of supposed milk at a Boston rettau trant, a few dayt ago, and a tew hours atterward, found bi purchase had "settled," tbe top being clear water, aad the bottom a poor quality of flour. A tearcity of coal prevails in Germa. ny, and ia terionsly on the increase.. It arises from tbe want of labor in tbe mines caused by th war' levies. The expediency of employing tome of tha French prisoners as colliers, ia being discussed.: A weet young thing of th male per suasion mad hi appearance at a Fifth Avenue party, recently, with hi hair powdered and parted in th middle, and with embroidered collar and caff rimmed with fluted lace. Mr. Crosby, a Texan matron, is a model dreamist. Sam dreamed the other night that if she should bay a lottery ticket she would win a prize. Sh accordingly purchased the last ticket that was tor sale, and drew f 400. The editor of a country paper tays : " Wednesday's post brought us a letter addressed ' Rev.,' another ' Col ," and tbe last 'Esq. Oo tbe way to dinner wa accidentally itepped on ft lady's traia, and she addressed us thus : Yon brute." " who among tbem is rightr , .. .. . .. - An attorney, in Mr. Beeeher'i com pany, once aaked bim : "Supposing tbat tbe parson aad tb devil shoe Id litigate a cans, which party do you i think would gain it?" "The davit, no doubt,'' replied Mr. Beecher; "aa be- would have alt tha lawyers hi id." - ' ' "" Napoleon," affirm th prophetic Bismarck "ha goa down to low tbat, be bat not only killed hit own dynatty, but he ha alto succeeded in utterly burying hi great uncle." Pauperism I growing rapidly lo some paru of London. Ia tbe parish of Beth aal Green, for every 100 pau pers In 1859 there are bow 316. An exchange says that nearly eight million of pound of eber were bipped from Wellington, Ohio, daring he year 1870, amounted to about $100,000. . Kentucky folks won't recognize aay man with a plug bat oa. Michigan garroters chloroform the r " netWreu." your skin, feel despondent, tupid r drowsy, .ppetite wetfeady. frequaat btavoaoaw or -'-ei MTttn-fM." nouung , win aroose jour-liveVw' a strengthen np your system eVI enm 1 Krt. or Golden Medical Piaaosrery. . Alt- Used j i j---- .uTtr in saaiaruM poi ."" L. ..W torn it enable to liver iv tb poison aad will thus prevent .Ague i and It u in at tha thine for J Bil ls n ItU 1 1 AW.. " J w - dice.. As a blood purifier for the ear S Pimples, Blotbcbes, Eruptions, Ban nncum, F mil nthor tkiu diseases, it bas never vet been equaled. i -- 6old by Druggists everywhere. fee. ZZ.-diweodlw. bjtmttrai ut AceaaapiUkta' Of tb Island of Cuba, ia a letter to a friaad in Sew York, eevs s ' Ia bavinc th Ftoa- ida Watkb for me, be sure to get Murray A Lanmaii's. I bave tr ed various a-berr. but found tbem much inferior in every ti - It is true tbat unprincipled men bave oouoterfttitcd this great perfume. There fore buyers should always ask fon the Flor ida Water prepared by tbe sole proprietors, Lanman t Kemp. New York- Feb. 22.-wlw sra Ejra-t Bta.sta.as; MUr . Are tbe tore indications of scrofulous blood and humors. ' Tb poison mast be neutral ised and purged out of tbe system, if you hope to be cured. No time is to be lost. Take Bristol's Sarsspasilla and Pills ; tbey ill not disappoint you. lUIy npon tnem. Use them freely, at directed, and in a few weeks every vestige of tbe dnca. will dis appear. reb. ZZ.-wlw. at Be Wise To-Dav. 'Tis madness to neg lect a cough or cold. Consumption msy follow, and though Dr. Wistar's Balsam f Wild Cherry cures (hi latter disease, y t tb former disappear at once under it in fluence, fobli: w2wd& 40 Chapped Uavaisfst awd Lp, Dryweee ef Ms ftklw, , KtsEls, Cored at once by Uboemax's Camphor Icb with Ultckrihb. It keeps tbe bauds o;t ia all weather. &e that you get Hbob ma.i's. Sold by all Druggists, only 24 eents. Manufactured only by Hecexa t Co.. Ch.uiUts and Druggists. New Yc V. jao71:w y. Pennsylvania wants her Constitution revised. ' ' ' SPECIAL. NOTICES. WILLIASf DA VIDBOS, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Office . Of, Prest Ktreet, PORTLAND, OREGON. RFAL It TATE In this CITY una EAST PORTLANt,-i th-mi-t detlrthle localities, con iirii.ft or t T4. HALF kUXKS aad BLOCKS, UOUafcS aot STO E3; also IMPROVED FAKW9. and valatble uncul tivated LA NIK, located la ALt, parts el the BlATK for SALK. REAL ETiTE and rthee Property pur chased for Correpodcctt, In thit CITY and ihrouirhoui the ?TTfc. ana TIHMrHK8, w th jrret care aud on the mort ADVANTAGEOUS TKRM. VtOCPES tnd STORES tEA-ED. LOtS", Ni10TTATD. and C I. A IMH OP ALL DR8 CRIOTI NM PRMtPTLr COlLFCiKO. And a Uem-rKl FINANCIAL aad At.fc.NOY BCtUNEj transacted. SGE1W of thltOVP'CE In all lh CIT. IES and ToWSS In th STATE, will metre de sert pi iona of vaRU PR PERT If tod forward the same to tha abort address. The Great Pswlly tledlela. TAKEN INTERNALLY, It cures snddea folds. Couehs. So., and Weak fetomarh, General Debility, Nurtlnf Sort Mnutn ranter, urcr Complaint, uetpeptia ar inmget lioo. Cramp or Pain la the ftionieh. Dowel O"io pltlDt,Ptlntert' Colic, StUUo Cbeltra,Suu-rbosa and Dytetitery, APPLIED EXTERN ALLT, Cures Pe'ont, Boils tnd Old Bores, S vera Burns, ca'ds. Cuts, Rrulses tnd rpntlna.l'welltns; of the Joint.. Rlne Worm a A Tetter. Bmkea Breaita, Ousted Feet an l CMUdalns. Toothache, Pais In the Fare, Keuralfia and Rheumatism. It It a t-re remed; fiar Airne, O l!la aod Sever. PAlBt KIL.L.ICH, alien Internally, shnotd be adulterated with ml!k or WAter. or made Into a syrun art h molaaaes. For a C kih a fear .lri.pt aa tugir, eaten, all! be more eUVr.ilre than anjthms -Ue. 8-e printed directions, ahich accompany each bottle. Sold by all Dinrflsta. fcbldawlm I dinot wlab to Inform yna, reader that Dr. Won derful, or any ether man. haa discovered a rem -dy that cures Consomtaion. when Site lungs are balf eonsuned. In short, will care an diseases whether of mlnd.bodv or estate, mak" men Hvr forer-r. and tear death to ntty fnr want cf work, and ia desmDrd la make our tulMonery sphere a blissful Paradise, tn whl h Heaven I self thall be nut a Kit an iw. loanaveheameooofm of lh kind of bumbui feey. But when I tell vn that Dr. -ate' Catarrh Remedy seill posi fttvly cure the worat 'a cf Ca arrh in the Head, X only utert mat w4cft Hiooaanat can tes tify to. I wll. ptv Soul Rewird for a ease thai I ennnot rare. A pamphlet rlrloe symptoms a. d other information ttnt fiee to any Address. This remedy la SOIS BY UO&T DRCGGITS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Priee M c nti. Sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of atxty cent, -r ronr parke a ror two flol Inrft. Beware of counterfeits and seorthtess imi tation. Fee thai my miTaM sta-i p. hlrh te a positive guarant t of Genuineness It op-n the uld wrapper. R-men.ber that I hit prrate sump, lumei by tha United Plates Government expressly t r stamping my mea tones, nas me portrait nam and address, and tbe words - U. S. Certificate r Genuineness," engraved upon H, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by traveler, and oth rt rrprettntina theuweWes at Dr Page ; I am H e only man now llelrf tbat bat tt-e knowledge tnd firnt to mana aetnre the VMWai Dr. (Mret tjararrn aemeay, as a i nev er travel lo tell this medicine. R Y. PIERCE, M. D , 13 Seneca r treat, Buffalo, R. T. FebSlmdtod. esa. Sort Throat. Whnnplng Congh, Croop, leer Com plaint, Rronchltla, Bleeding of. the longs, andevery affection ef Ute Throat, Langs tnd Cheat, In c lofting (oaaeHPVioa. VVIt'ar'e Balsam does not dry np a Cough bat loosens It, cleanse the lungs, and allays Irrl latlnn, that removing the cause of the enm plaint. Noo genuine anb-sa signed I. Bon. Prepared or Pure W. Towa m Bon, Boat in. Sold be It. ReDnwroa. Horn ai tan A Co.. San Franciaco, aad by dealert generally. (Jail t y. ' Pelseaeat Httlletae. The theory that the vlrat ef disease en be safely counteracted by dote ef pohwn, tt mist tnd danfrtroo Within ij ttet twtaty-Sr yews, sot lees than a are re af vtralonl potoont hart been sd l id to the rtpotttery ef tt wl aal erafeMoa Tbev ar given ta stsa I doss, otherwise tbey wo aid destroy Bfs ImateaVaMty ; bat evta la mutate aaaaUOta. tbey aradae. ul timately, very dtsaatroaa eg t. It as aatnm and arphnaeophieat to smptor, at remedies, owerfwi tnd IneMtwat drag, wbteh. I awbifat tag aewhwatw. snrn tbe tted of aaataar MIS tsar eaw-anaseablt- Moat ef the 'trriblt M- dleamewtt eewrate wl b at ttacb Hrtetnwt and eerfa'ntv apoa the eaa.ee rf d.a est at Heav tetter! eweaacfc Wrttes, a ttwet anal twrreettra, wltbaaa a tingle aWtetertawt In gradient ta ttt ana sosufcv.. a rseslt aad ewlola are girts tor brter asHient; bromide af pose-tin m tar nf at d la en Wee; sirrah alee aad stomas aM -or general deM ilr; aweary, fa varhae form, f- r Brer aanptuat tretsrtt. ml ehlot -term and raat for tlm' test us; aad yt thee deadly drags d. at e sari, at spsciSut foe tbe dta fte a here ta ameraled Wttb tint wfca ee-ne w, guttata Iwvtserajrt aad -Iterative. whSe they art ad a pare1 -I -ws that tt M onl-blog any BnysVtaa ehauld ttkt tbe re-pew-lbUity m pre eerttrng 'best Let In vaPd . er ihebr own ket. a-V t 'Wert b-f -e tbey raters (a tbe pit nt, Tbe r lie tbe wl-l xprrieora treat a rawest I roe bar nteta steKrAe, wilt reM r a rtennrertn tbe a-saaar pre pa ratios re fared to, q ute aontt- . rtraV t. r- If y'oa have a tied; taste in .il.. .U,wnet or yi low color of V Vy 9e AaTertlstmrBii. CAS LIGHT CHEAP f ' COAL OIL, LAMPS ' Cbsnged tt - -' -t . ' ' GAS EAMP AI A TRIPLING JOtT j I " ' NO CHIMNEYS REQUIRED " ;o WICK kht"' ' ' , 0n Burner Equals Six Candles I COSTS ONE CENT AN HOUR I ! The ndereigned ha "parehateal the right (tr Marlon county of tb . . ,r . . r ( Ward's Patent Gas Earner, A&4 to prep&rtwS t Mil ; W -" ' ' " i ' - -- I.''';' Elegant Lamp Fixtures OF ALL KINDS. Baratrs applied at a Triflla; Caef . i FOR BALI BT TH1 GALLOS Oft OAS.,' Merchants and noaaekrepert are tnrltrd Is call and te th worklag.of tbt new Lanpa at the ) Gun Smith Shop or nvBTJiaii porstskb, (Sack f Xvangertett CbtvchJ -feblSktwtr alesa. Ortgna, txsa aows. aosaraiu. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. HOWE HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wbolettlt Dealert It California & Oregon Produce tF ALL KINDS. Bio. 48S, aael 410 Dawla Itrnet, aa trraaclaao. , rpilE ABOTI FIRM HtYIXO IIAD THITtIS 1 reart ezperlenee (m ronneetltm wKb the old Arm ef i W. GALK A CO.) feel renfideot of disposing uf erry king enlms edl their tart, to tbt bett puttbic adra-ttet.. 3PALL PALES Ooaranued, sad Ketara Prunjptly mtde. Refer St DANIEL LOWFR, Portlaad. DecaOdtwtf FIXCY DRY GOODS ! ! LADIES DRESS GOODS! HATIS-,PDIICU'ED Tift 1NTERF8T OF Mr. Jack-on, of the firm of Terrell A Jackson. I tbaU carry on tbe batlntt at tb old stand, Patton's Block, STATE STREET, f SALEM. aaaortmtnt ol Gents' Furnlsliin; Goods ALWAYS OK HAKD. New Goods art eonitaotly arriving by each tttamrt . P. TIRRSLL. Salea,Jte. 5,1871- 4Aw Jpple Parer, Corer & Slicer ! (-DOBS IT ALL AT OHCBE.) OLDBT HARDWARE DEALERS. Wholesaie AgenU: CLARK. WILSON A CO. SS Betkman Ptrert. New Tork. Mtnufactorcd by D.H. WUITTCSI'iRR, WoreeHer, Matk. fcblbwdw , . FARMED BRLS I The andenigned, hsrtug iu.t retnrntd f i nm tb Fast, where he fooad toch trtt-le In ponu'tr a t, I ssbrousht on. for sale, forte Farmrrs Hells. Tbey can ht beard tt U.e distance of a mUe-aod- t-n .If or two ml et. Call at the Ueery 8'tble, Ptlca, where tot a tn op-raMoo. Feol.lwt SOL. DPRBiar. First Premium at the STATE FAIR! 1S70. KM. ME BOOK at JOB :it! Salem, Oregon, The best Prlntine:. of all kinde, at I.K3S than Portland price. Biaakt for sale. FIREMAN'S BENEFIT ! Tiger Engine fompanj No. 2, WILL Give A GRAND BALLi - AT TI1R OPEBAHOUSE, Wednesday Etc., Feb. 22, 'II . (WASHINGTON1 BI Rill DAT) oottamr or mists. W. H. Wtikln.ls, T. J. Boford, W. R. Boon. J II- McCoralck, Joseph Meyer. Bsctrno o smivna. : Jtmrt Imbre, i. J. Morphy. Josepb Rtctur, Grorgv Collins, A. t. Brown. t rLota AXA'Bt. i A. B. Croaamao, W. V. Wttktodt, Sol. Darbln, J hn UaaUioa, C-McNtlly. j oaoatav eottarmt. roaTLAia. Robert HMmta, W. If. Weed, A. A. Williams, Thomas G. Voang, R. UatWrl. . O. Dicta. Aiatjrt. ! ' Jteeph Wtbkwr. . MeFtv4ta, I attortt, C. Ptrrltb, T. B. Ktctsy. A tptclal InviUtlna it t tended te aembert ef Capital Rngiat Oa. Me, I and Hem. A La. iar Ca. be 1, of ibla etn ; alto lo members ef lbs Ftra DevartmeoU st Poruud sod Albany. TlottTe W 60 rPAU Ftrsavta an rcanesttw te appear la eat. . a-blksa tor in J.M.-1ALTIS10RE, Collection Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON, j , AND Aaeat Far ttt Oretjaa Btatotaaaa. ttblSU. Cleaning and Kepuirlu?. L. HAINES,! BttwartV Hlwek, Baleaa. Uoder tbt Statishab ofllct. Clothing elesMd and reT-ared la beet waster aM ai tle meet reasonable retatv , palea.Nov.t, !?. , ; CLOSED iOTJT! f ; H AVISO S -LO OrR UN Tit St STOCK OF sserehauolM, ws ar angt n to ttate aa a i tt-sss i, and those Indented at art re oneetsd ta call at an early day, at ibe tod stand, aod .etUe wtib either Mr. McCnlty or Mr. Myers, se ef wham wl I be tbere daring th pretval w-atbeortbstptrpcea. . V f a'eaa. Ft. 4. ldw. Aratnlraculas. , ! TrtS weederfnl tsedv-rne It titrertlseit ky DR. 1 A . SUtrH; It beart many tetttumotsJi pmsonnclng lit eflw a-v ia Rheumatism, Hen -ml-' gla. Oewt aad Screfnt aad bvie-xlen StAtetaf Ret Silt hy til I irngt-ttt aad Dra'era n Meal ins w.i M l I" Sum t. W II as. : Trs n See . Orc-rrtttt stiirl XTm'trpll ta , at irRfUI AtllVASJiAs't in, an Kefr AtrrrtreBiRts. NEvV CLOTDIJ.O ' STOIXJS DANK DUlLblHC, MURPHY icKOASlUAit a eaa Ud Fine Dress atiitv BasllsPta Snft a, All Sorts Cents' rndenrari, . ; Hats and CAp, UPHOLSTERING LOUNGES Jt MATTRESSES. Far ctoiferl, darabatiy, ,eeeaWot an4 . tbetpoets, try ratAt , Patent Spring . MattreM. A Complete bed la Keelf. Hit Wm sre seat la Ftyw, Plreog ind Cheap. AO kinds of llattrettet. Hair aa Ftatatv PUltWa. and Bolattrt, attdt te er order. TJI?II01ERIlVGr la tUlubraaotirt " Neatly and 'Scientifically Done at reetanable rates by AWTHrR T.TtATOlF, Two Doors north Teaton A Booa't Book blete. Cowimerelal street, Balani OrtfOtz. Ilicliosit jJrXarlcct Irioo Ptl in Cask lee Fresh Butter. EKcsa.Clirla.cm Turkeys and Wild Ganrj , AT TBI OPEKA HOUSE. ' C. A. FD, Irartt)r. Paltm, Augntt 10. 1ST0. . U . FOX SAJ-.EL. Parlor Purniturei BSLEQAHT BLACK WALICT, - Crsaa Plaak Bit Be fa, " BSaejr Ckatra, Be.( Can be bad o favorable terms of PARAUttTKR A BAB00CK. Palrm, Jta. M-tw. .-.?!; . . Wanted to Kent. yiLt "ST A MEAT AND 00MFOSTABLI DWELLING IIOUME. Baited to a tmall ftnrtlr.rWIth nleaaant smtm roandingitnd cent al!, located at botlnast apply to C. W ROYAL, Real Zitatc Agent, pattoa's Bloea. Palea. Jan. M. - CHARLES WEEKS, BLACK8 IMt I T H, : Foundrr Buildinvi. Nalcm : Oregon. All Work done la Arat class tbape, a short aottce. Jaa.U-la - . COAL. OIL! COAL OIL!! TtTB PRPT QTJAL11 T. At THE I0WtT prleet, or tale br th case, gallon er any quantity at th Do g Star of Weatlierrortl ic Oo, DEALERS I!J Draf s, Palais, Oil, Ave. Jtn. ST.tm. '' Bills and Aeeonnt Collected. THE DNDPR TONED WILL ATTEND TO all Golleeslaot rceniuttted re bit ebarg., awd makt rpeed, remrnt of tbt tnmt. Ht desires a ati are ol bntlnett ta that Imt JAMES COFFEY. Jaa.Mtf. Copartnership Jfollce. TEE CNDERTINRD B YI THIS DAT FORM ed a tmartnersh'p, nadev th Arm a a ae ef niVVETT, FL0WEEDCW tt CO , fir the portiote of t-smarting a fSctrtl Ceta mission and tb peinf bwlnr. , MRJiBT IIHWITT. JAS.O FLOWKRiE V. Dated, Stlent, Jannary 14, 1671. I IIS IT IS If KIVCl4 : a Praaelacas Sfetsrt. Falkner, Pell A Co , I Henry Land, Rse - Vrost A Co., I L Frttdlaader, Bej. Prlaa, Ortlta j Rdwtn RnttelL Es. , Mtaagtv Bank ef Brttttb.' Cdnnibia. , Jw. CHEAPER THAN EVER! ASH "WOOD FOIl SALE! AI BYeC t'LLT rO'd Blare, At l SO ct. per cord, deUvtrtd. JanlStltwInt ', Fib, Ponltry and Game i - . "rVT V F Trii!'! COMMERCI tL P. I RETT,. BALEkf, (Opposite Strwnrft Block ) Tbt andenigned wtu keep a eontttot tapply ef riU, PoV't-TKT, t . UAMttdOTITRR(, In tbe .bell, tt tbe tbere sued. A 0. MATTHIEV. , JaoffT OMON SETTS, Wk-leCaver dtTtatexay teotl, , OARDER tRRDS f tllKltdt, PtlTATUATB. da , afce.. AT JOHX BtO El. ' Wf - . -J ii ; ST. HELEN'S HALL. 1HB NEXT TR M OF THIS SCHOOL Wit L . begin on a edneeday, the 1m ol Pebraary. for admits tou l pouilt tpplv to HI RODNEY, er Bit uup MotcRia, JanS-dAntoi. , PerUaad. AtlonrnnirntorCiBinaiat)a Cspe s Lrrts meet Cum arteta, Caat . , be S.J R. R'V IT. e-Ain.Jaa.STib.UTI. n. f Bsheet. That IMs Poard t- ke n reeess natal Ibe 1st Mwday to May. I1. walata tt.nar smm verwd by erdet i f the Prtadeat el the Board, e whlcb In that -rent do net lee will kg gteea. JfsaoJeatf, That anon lb atillng af tba Cwas mlatlou tbe Board will bear aap attstJeattta from pert t balr g ela-tat agahatt th Ptai to iarct tny ermr waleb may bare born mad by tlat Board In th report ef ibe tame, tba dtp ssadc te tb. . Tremawrer rf State ansa warrant examined bt taid Oc mm kali en is aalhertry ed -said rtf loUone. And B M further ordered by th B trd, tbat the shoe rea-jhtt'onebe pnbthtbtd ta tbt Msremrm ' aadStAVatJiAt for Mtr weeka I b. f. iictcn, Pretklent Board. R. H. DEARBORN, Crrk. - Jantt4w Diolunn Notice. ' , 1'HE Pti nrRrpTvi known as m . tarn A Roo, b art sellers aad attMsntra, he heea dissolved by mnuiat crtent. Mr. Veataa retiring inn the Bra Mr. H D Be. will as tame aft ItabUttha tod eolleet aH aaewaat ef tho x abev Arm. . , - . ' 1 ". . . H.0.BOON. C I. TEATON. Te ear oM turloenere I weaM tny that my reed wMMs beem Iran.terred te tba prtaeet lanpia tor, aad I wop hi atfe yea te twntlcae tbe liberal patrnnatj te him thai pea aav Mtrawen epos at whOt parUert- v. r. itji-ua. - JaaSStf ORNAMENTAL TREES I btrtjix trxtEiOr .:': GKAPE VmEf . . i . ' . Garden Shrubbery , : Seeds of oil Kinds, ; BY " rbitr B.P.OWH, t MtrM OM Caraer. Snllif for gale! ' I shall n.t.aaee in. r the "ib e MaerK net . l th ar of Frl-dm a &-et'eer. a saU ke, hel rglne t.i Cwm Met letnr, to rwenvee-a,tre,-lr. m.d. to A jSTr!' nine sine- b t tone, tmlet. sld Mc VIHeter re deems the tsme ta the meaaWw be eywrt et rherf-a tber iM. J.W. AUTCttBIA- : ablest, Feb. A. . e nSJ t s,