SATURDAY. LATEST BY TELEGHAPIL Date tm sTe. lftss. Tefarrtaoa of Betfort kas wimJmJ -to tae Oeraaae, aa4 km mbHiW to marea oat with the aoaace of m - Tho Boreeae Aseeftblt is engaged veri ,fyiof electioa of mkm, tbo 16(b tfco ttaMMftkl to "prdeeeel to constitute tbo bow Govern owns. Too Depotio wore -received with greet aathstietia by tbo pop vJaoe. ,i Priacw Napoleea las taken op bU per- ntaaeat mbodo ia Leadoa. . - Tbo reizaief, soTereigas of Germane aave beealavUei to attend tbo grand eu- -Araaee of tbo Emporot on bit rotors to his eWital. Hk ffl Tkit tbem U oa fair war Wk from Paris. Ho wiU bo ia Berlin Watch (. whoa tbf ret Gerntaa Diet oetU. Traneo Is said to bTO eiproMod a cot- "vicSUa that a Kopablio will bo established - iMttra Sie-we. Washlagtea, Tob. . Ia tbo Hooto tht bill to eaforee tbo 1Mb Amendment was warned you 14, nays , oftor a Ion J du eoaoioa. ,Tho bill provides for tbo apweiutsaeut, y tbo United Statoo Cireait Judge, of two supervisors of oleetioBS, of different poli tioa, fartowat of over 3,000 Inhabitants, aad for a Chief Supervisor of each Judicial DittrieL It enables tbo Called SUUo Mai bait and depoUet to call to their aid by Standers or a jisass emmmitiwuts direct. 'prbridof that all oloetaoBt of Representa tives to Coacreoo bo by ballot, written or Driated, aaythiaf ia tbo State laws to the contrary aotwitbttaading. ' Tbo oImuo roqairiog tbo military author ; ttiea to obey tbo' eommaad of tbo Deputy U. S. Marshal was atruek oat. Government bat rocoired advices from Xey Watt that ao bow need bo expected from the Tennessee, which went to San Do mingo with tbo V. 8. Commiuioaen, until tbo last of this month, and that ao foart aeod bo entertained of her safety. Tbat lift. Sollee" Tho Stata rffieial paper contains notieo from the Stat Tressorj Depart' snoot, ia which air. Pleitchner aoti&et the pablio that be has fnndf oa hand applicable to tbo 'payment of certain , warrant, and tben followt an enumera tion of aboot two hundred warrant which tho holders hare reason to snp poso will bo caahod oa pretontatioo at tht 8tate Treasury. W are informed that the numbers published art tho warraa'B reaodited by the supereroga. tioa of the commission which lately adjourned, and instead of paying those warrants as he baa advertised, the Tree sorer merely pays as much of them as the commission thought it for the inteiest of the Democratic party to hare paid at the present time. sir. Fleiscbner does himself injustice wheo ho published that he will do a thing which in fact be will not do. h may have been ofersigbt oa his part that this announcement was made in such gen oral terms, bat it is unfair to those who lire at a distance and are holders State warraats to publish that they can tome here for their money and disappoint them, on their arrival here, by tendering them only a part of it. There-is another announcement made in this advertisement, in which it strikes os I he Treasurer has "reckoned without bis host." He adds a para graph to say that no interest will be paid " after this time." Wo confidently anticipate that the courts will prick this bubble blown np -by Democratic .legislation, and declare the commission an illegal affair, and pronounce all its acts illegal. We should regret to see all the high judicial aspirations of our friend Bonbam pot out by such a damper, bat it is high time that the humbug pretensions of this commis sion should be done away with and set aside, and steps taken to bare the busi ness of the State properly transacted. "Equitable adjustment" and "repu diatlon" are syaoeymous terms with Democracy, but they will answer much bettor to bumbug the masses la a po litical ' campaign thaa for practical peratioa ia Sute f Banco. The State Treasurer baa evidently been laced ia a false positioa as to some matters of Importance, and we hope to see bin) change the specification of that "fifth Notice" to correspond with the facte. v ' T State JSTews. j Vtmm Cwauatir. From the Albany Democrat: Wheat, $1 per bushel butter, 89 coats . eggs, 18 ets. : There are at present fire schools ia suo- oossfol progress ia this eity. About 190 were tho receipts of 'List Ap- plegate's Mohammedan lector. O. M. Stroud, mail agent oa tho railroad, h as moved his family to this oily. ' Mrs. T. J. Rose, daughter of " Uncle Johnny Crabtree, died near Scio last Sat urday. ' Last Bondsy,' at Brownsville, Mr. Leaa 'dor Kirk was married to a Miss Brans, daughter of Berry Evans. ' It is rumored that six of the most invet erate and incurable guttlers of our city are soon to join the Good Templars and thus get " out of tho depths." - The family of Hubbard Bilyew, So.,-In the Forks of the Santiam, are at present all stricken down with tho smallpox, but strong hope of their reoevery are enter taiaed. ' There are .sarca members of the family, and all have been attacked with the terrible disease la its most malignant form rUaatel. . " ' The 'ffertJd lays i "We learned yesterday that the1Korth Paeifio Kail road Company had purchased a tsoot of load oa the Co lumbia river known as Carrol' Leading, a flaee for which they, were negotiating .purchase tome time since, previous to the location pf Kalama... This fact caused all .sorts of rumors to roam about town yester day, ia reference to the fate of Kalama. . There seems to be ao cause for appreaea- eioa, though quite aa exeiteateat originated frees the report. Xae Oegewim says the rash ef paaseu gers aad freight to the aew eity continues unabated. - The eootra-jt made with Condon k Co. to construct the rst section of the North Pa eifio Railroad emmeoeing at the Columbia river, has failed to be 'approved by the Compaay at the East, aad Cant, Walker has beea appointed of construction. A Tillamook maa reports a discovery ef gold mines aver that way, aad has pro eared mej and appliances la Portland to . work them. The Jtullttim says, a young maa named EaU, who attempted lately to rob Cab's store at Itilwaukie. was arrested ia Oregon City. . -..y .,, w Work ia to be resumed next week Beer the gas works for the railroad landing do- pot and ferry. The Oaeoata lately took ap 1M head of young cattle to the pastures of Eastern Ore gea. The Ajax waa to leave Baa Fraacisoo to dsy for Portlaad. r Work is lo be resamed oa the MeMian villa ititeb a spring opens. - Tbe fr'at Sid says th. Hoiladay's sar- 7og i arty ba.eUiety easapleUd the nil- read survey from Astoria to tbe junction with the Portland and McMinaville route. This work was commenced last fall, and has beea continued to tbe present time. . The Astoria surveying party eonfirm all the previous reports of a practical route, a valley of the richest soil, with rolling lands toward tho mountains, aad groves oi fine lumber timber. Game was alto found in plenteous quantities, such as pheasant, deer and elk. Cltj Mi Coj Items. Fibibsu's Bali.. Tbe programme ( .r , the Fireman's Ball to take place m lUe J2d, will be found elsewkor. Inducvuieuls will be offered to bring out people from abroad, aad tbo Saiean Department will ao doubt be fully represented. The intention is to have a first class good time. Famuia' Bills. Sol. Durbla received by boat yesterday a box of " farmers bells," an article in general as in the East, . which stretch b fancy, ao he brought some 4 back with him. They are to call bands .home to dinner, aad can be heard easily for half a mile. Hail. Facilitiks. The more we have the more we want, of course, in thit world, so it it only following the inevitable rule to suggest that it would greatly accommodate the business of the upper valley towns along tbe railroad, if the mails could be ' transported twice a day. Fob CALirotiA. We see in the list of ' passennrs. by steamer ..daho, tbat our townsmen Hons. E. N. Cooke aad S. E. May have goes to California. Mr. Cooke goes to meet his estimable lady, whose ' health required a trip to the milder climate ef Southern California, where she preceded him last week, accompanying Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Hoyt Qatar AataatCAjr Bkoilbb. We have made a trial of tbe new broiler advertised ia our columns, aad are prepared to recom mend it at a convenience no housekeeper should be without. Meat is broiled nicely and easily, and in a very abort time. Call at the store of Anderson A Brown and ex amine tbe article, which is not expensive, and its merits will be apparent. Wilo's Avwcl. Tbe City Council, last evening, authorised the Committee on Streets to make such contracts as they may think best for tbe improvement of the Avenue. It is not thought beet te attempt to grade tbe walks tbe present year, but to have the public square planted with a va riety or snade. trees, so aa to insure a . growth as soon as possible. Febbiasb Rzdcced. We are informed by the Ferry Company that a reduction of nearly one-balf bat lately been made in ferriage at this point, a liberal movement I'tatwil! nodoubt result to the advantage of Salem, as it will greatly increase tbe travel between this city and Polk county A pair of horses and wagon are now erotsed for twenty-five cents, and other rates are in proportion; Sum A Bowgxa. Our friends Bowker A Smith have spent so mnch lime together as stone masons that they hardly know bow to do any business separately ; so we con clude since tbe popular meat market of John Smith it to be run hereafter under tbe name of Smith A Boater ; John tried tbe meat business alone for a while, but found it didn't eome natural. So he takes Charley in as a partner. Ti o thb Tback. We learn trom Col Farrieh, who came up on the train last evening, that this' side of Oervais the train was stopped for the purpose of removing a tie placed across the track by some mali ciously disposed individual. If the per pefrator of this offensee could be found he would be apt to spend time enough in tbe State brick yard to learn how the law treats that offense. Boots Missixs. One of our subscribers In tbe country informs as that a man calling himself Dr. Jinks, who bad a companion with a Dutch name, not to be easily pro nounced, stopped one night last weeh at the house of aa old gentleman, who missed bis best boots after their departure. " Dr. Jinks' is requested to hunt up his Dutch mac, who is supposed to have worn tbe hoots off, as the old maa can't get around thit muddy weather ia his stocking fet, and hat ao other pair. At tub TJkitsrsitt. Yesterday after noon Prof. L. L. Rogers lectured upon the chemistry of the humaa body, at announced. He handled his theme familiarly and Well, " creating great interest among tbe scholars. After the lecture followed music, essays, recitations' and tbe reading of tbe " Mock ing Bird,"' a weekly paper of the school, eoaducted by the young ladiet, quite lively with wit and sarcasm. Then came Call ' thenict under tbe lead of Prol. Gill, joined ia by the whole school. The recurrence of Friday afternoon is evidently anticipated with pleasure by all tbe scholars. Kor as Rbfobtbp. The telegraphic ac count of tbe Chorpenniog affair, whioh ae cused the Postmaster General of being about to pay off an old claim which had . beea repudiated by tbe Post Office Depart ment for ten years back, when be was stopped by a resolution of Congress, s to have been unfair to tbat officer. It seems that he had directly reported against the claim, which amounted to nearly half million dollars ; but the rush of business at tbe close of tbe session, last summer, a res oluioa was passed ordering him to adjust and settle it. Ascertaining the mistake it had made. Congress countermanded the previous order. The neck tie sociable was immense Words fail to describe tbe rush for ties, and tbe confusion and fun that ensued. Some times a contretemps would occur a trifle - embarrassing, but as a whole tbe thing was ' a success. There were a myriad, or per haps a trifle over a myriad, of small. boyi I there, a few more than we bad any use for, Tbey carried off all the neck tics before we ' arrived, and they disposed of their share of tbe supper in double quick. We conclude : from late experience,' tbat all sociables are for the purpose of developing boys, but as - thit It like to be an essay on boys instead of . Beck tioa, we conclude, repeating tbe assur- . eaoe that, boys and all, the M aew thing was a success. Tbb Mtirs PBOFoerTioji. A number of . cititeas met last evening at the. Senate ' Chamber to consider tbe proposal to erect Agricultural Maciaery Works and a turbine Wheel Foundry in this eity. Geo. H. Jones t Esq., was elected Chairman, aad S. Hammer, Esq., Secretary. Mr. Myett ex , plained at length the value aad importance of the works he had ia contemplation, aad showed tbat it would require at least one hundred thousand dollars to put them Into operation. Be stated that the people of Oregon City were anxious to have them erected there. He had been offered all tbo ground he wanted and water power free at "Jefferson, If he would Voeate there, but be preferred to purchase for twenty-five thoa . sand dollars here, if the eitisene would offer a subsidy of tea. thousand dollars. He w - followed by Got. Graver, who made - etatement with regard to the value ef the water power, and added that he was pre pared to guarantee half of the tea thoa jeaad from himself end aatoeiate. He . went oa to remark upoa tbe beaeflts that ' would result to ear eity from taeh eater ' prise; said the W. W. Mfg. Co. ia tended to dispose ef aU their water power at fast at valuable sain afaetoring interests offered to locate npou them, only reserving tbe oae apon which the Woolen Mill are situated He alluded to the value ef Oregon timber , which weald he ased in the works eon tern plated by Mr. Myers. That gestlcmaa, ia his remarks, had made the etaiemeat tbat tbe capital for these works would be broaght from tbe East, where it hast beea made from the turbine wheel business, aad would ; taas be a permaaeat addition U the wealth as Ore roe. tiov. G rover msute stsrtemeaU showing tbo great importance of turbine wheels at a manufacture in tbe East. Oa motion, a committee of' five, consisting ef Gov. Qrorer, J. H. Meows, Warner Broy men, James "Martin and John F.Miller, was appelated to canvass the city for sab seriptionss to the proposed subsidy. Tbe general sentiment of tbe meeting was evi dently favorable to tbe measure. Orrtjoa Children's Aid Soelety. We are requested by tbe Society to pub lih the r-iwrt ft the flee re' -try -ef tbe above Sw'- frr the laat trar. i . lutf T -;;ui..av. . 'i,.Ki, Xov. I, If 70. e l.nJie f Ki Orfjnu Ckildrtn't Aid I .Society: ! Herewith I submit my annual report as Secretary of your Society for year ending with last month. During tbe year the regular meetings of the Society have been punctually held, and well attended. Our efforts have been less active, in some respects, than in previous years, because, probably, of tbe accomplishment of the de sign to provide a home, which was built and provided with a matron daring tbe pre vious year. At the present time this institution tt un der tbe eare of Mrs. Raymond, and while there are no orphans in the Home, it is still accomplishing much good by affording a comfortable home, at very low prices, for half-orphaned children, where fathers are not prepared to personally provide for them, except in some such manner. Tbe child, in the institution a year since. has been adopted by Mr. Fisk, and so is well and providentially eared for. . While it may be thought by tome that the Society ia not accomplishing much io the line of its epicial design, we may feel proud of having, by our labors, and the benevolence and generosity with which tbe public has seconded them, erected a com fortable Building and made a commence ment that shall some day form tbe basis of an extensive establishment or which the State may be glad to avail itself. We are ready and willing to receive and provide for any orphans who need a home, but it U a fortunate thing for our State that there are not many such as yet. There are frequently cases of orphans adopted and kindly esred for by families, which so re lieve the demands upon us. I can say, with sincerity, that so far we have done a good work, and have met with success that is gratifying. Our means equal our needs for the present, and when ever the demands upon us shall increase there is no doubt that tbe public will second our efforts by liberality in furnishing neces sary means. Harriot T. Clarkc T be Sate of Puget Sound. Samuel Wilkinson, who accompani ed tbe North Pacific Railway Expedi tion across tbe continent, Is writing op bis notes for tbe Chrittian Union Tbe following is an extract : Tbe Pillara of Hercules, on which swing the gates oi inlet and outlet to tbe Mediterranean tea, are but tbe posts of a wicket compared to tbe gi gantic portals of De Fuca. Tbe width of tbe entrance is fourteen miles. Tbe northern gate-post, Cape Bonilla, is the seaward buttress of a tauge of mountains, some of which are 6,000 and some 7.000 feet high. Tbey are covered witb fir tree to the summits Tbey are not bald. Tbey bars the green of eternal yonth. Cape Flattery, tbe headland on the south, is a wonder that men should travel around tbe globe to see. It is the termination of tbe snow-clad Olympic range Where tt breaks down into tbe ocean it ie a perpendicular wall one hundred feet high, of jagged, contorted rock, a conglomerate of boulders of basalt beach-sand, round cobble stones, and pebbles, solidified into tbe hardness of adamant. Tbe material presents tbe resistance or mat. But a force of na tare in some far-back age cracked Drone ana disarranged it, ae a man with a grip-of bis fingers would splin ter an army Discuit. immense blocks stand detached in every position. Their characteristie is a snspension of falling. Unseen pressure bolds the vast masses in place, bnt their down ward movement is so seeming, that tbe beholder sweats with impatience at tbe stoppage of ao action wbich be feel mast instantly be resumed, and te see which he is constrained to wait. Tbe never ending, yet never arriving ava lanche of mountain fragments was ar rested In mid-heaveas thousands of years ego I How long? Who knows I Down beneath tben tbe sea has for ceo tnries been drilling and boa ring into tho rock, and baa made vast and deep garrotters, and arches, and rolouades into which tbe tides ebb and flow, and where seals live and love and raise familiee of baby seals, and where violet colored cormorants, petrels, guillemots harlequin ducks, and muroa mak nests and make music of a delicious oess tbat money cannot buy. And unparalleled beanty, all around tbi gate-poet of the entrance to Puget Soned, In which foam, down into the sea deecsod cascades of water from tbe snmmits ot cliffs. Litcbens and mosses grow on the rorks, above tbe swells of tbe wavre. From tbo upper tide-lerel down, hang fringes ot sea-wfeds in tbe greatest variety and tbe utmost profusion. Above these are bank of blue flower, whicn in great patches change tbe jagged rocks into sott blue T" It was in 1739 tbat seme ten pereons came to John Wesley, in London, to consult him concerning tbeir spiritual state. Tbey formed tbe aucleus of tb society wbicb, at this hour, numbers more tban 50,000 preachers, 3,000,00" commuicante, and 12,000,000 bearers in Great Britain and Ireland alone tbe number exceeding 100,000. Tb religious body extend it circuit over tbe whole known world. Henry Ward Beecher' cbnrch i composed of 1982 memhers just about two full regiments. Tbey. would till 150 omnibussee, or more tban thirty railroad ears. Toe musical director ot Plymouth Cburcb rrrrires $2,000; Mr. Reck wood, tenor, $1,000 ; Mies Thors by, soprano, $900 ; Mr. Zuudel, organ 1st, $1,900.'. Two new deaconesses, Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Fanning, hav been recently elected, Thb Fibst Fimalb Mbthooist Mia ISTxa. Even tbe Methodists, with all their theological,dogmatieal crotchets, hare eome over, and licenced Mrs. Van Cott to do the work of the ministry. What is the world coming to T Mrs Van Cott Is belaboring tbe sinners right and left ia Fond du Lac, Wiscon sin. -- - - Not So. Aa exchange savs tbat womea ara rapidly taking the places of mea in many of tbe higher branches of art aad Industry. We deny tbe as sertion. They ara only taking the places which rightfully belong to them, aad of wbich they have beea oeprived by prejudice aad usurpation. Statb Taxes. The Orcgeaim grows Indignant beea ate we have shown that the poll taxes returned from almost every coonty are greatly deficient, and some ot them are exceedingly short Mnltnomah eoanty happens to return about one-third at many poll taxes as it east votes. Oar stricture have been general aad made with reference to every county, aad for tbe parpote of correcting aa avH mora tbae to make present complaint. The Ortgonian, In correctly, boetU that Portland pays tbe great majority of the taxes as it is. What has that to do with tt not paying the poll tax It owes T If tbat county having got rich off the risk, caa't af ford to pay taxes oa its gains, it bad batter refund tbe profits made off tbe rest of as and sell eat to some place that can afford to be a metropolis A yoang lady of Cincinnati is abont he commence the study of law, witb a view to the practice of It ia tbe courts. As she possesses great personal beanty, it is to be presumed that she will das ale aad bewilder a jery aa much by her ebarme ae by fcer Infi.. IATLST BY TELEGEAPH. , s. ... . : - - -,- :- wasutat Dates to the lttss. Bismarck will only consent to prolong tb armistice five days, owing to military pre rations in the south of France revy has beea elected President of the Kational Assembly at Bordeaux. A caucus ooea posed of a majority proposes a Provis ional Republie, with Thier a President, Favre, aa Premier." Duke De Cess, as Min. !,tf 1 ForeiS Affairs; the other minis ters tu be Si -non, Pk-anl,' ISuffet n.lB ar they . Ot. theronclusl'tn ef terms f peace tbe v'ocirer.uou will arijoara to Paris, sad submit to a. plebiscite a further form of government. The Vice Presidents ef the Aesembly are M artel, Besom and Viteletrol. The LsdMe CwafereMee. Tbe Conference at London stands ad journed waking for the arriral of the French Repreeeutative. The British ministry declares tbat tbe remark made last November by Odo Rus set to Bismarck, tbat England would have to go to war with Russia without allies. Was unauthorised and censurable. ' The Alabaana Canauatseten. During a discussion in Parliamemt an explanation was given of the American Commission to the effect that it was simply to discuss amicably all differences, which are to be referred to the Home Government for instructions, wbieh will be returned by cable, so as not to delay consideration. Gsrsssa Maveuaenta. The Belgian militia serving on tbe fron tier have been disbanded. The Emperor of Germany will not return to Paris until peace is declared. German troops are concentrating in large numbers on the Loire, and if war is re sumed the greatest energy will be exercised. The Prussians are levying contributions in tbe Departments in spite of the armistice, but the Emperor has reduced two-thirds tbe exactions on tha lower Seine. Bemter Hews. Samuel Sym, of Oregon, whoever that may be, is appointed Counsel to Singapore. Senator Nye, from Committee on Terri tories reports adversely to tbe organization of Alaska Territory. All intormation relative to tbe Alabama claims, fisheries question, and other mat ters of dispute with England, are being ar ranged by the Stata Department for tbe use of the Joint Commission. Callforsita. Datee ta the 17th. Wells, Fargo ' A Co.'s Express box was lately taken from a stago between Clover dale and Uealdsburg. The Japanese party, wbich arrived here for Washington, inoludes a Priooo of tbe royal family, uncle to the present Mikado, and a regular : Minister to the United States, also of the rank of a Prince, who is the first Minister crer appointed to reside abroad by the Japanese Government. Quotations of flour remain unchanged and wheat is quoted at $2 20 Q 2 40 per cental. J. R. Hardenbnrg bas assumed tbe office of Surveyor Grneral, vice Sherman Day, removed. Late news from San Diego says: On tbe 3d inst., within three miles of town, a team owned by C. D. Thompson, was stolen and the waron burned, by the Apache Indians, who kHled the driver. A white man escaped and brought the news to town. At midnight a party of volun teers started in pursuit of tbe thieves When near Round Valley a man named A Gonzales, a wealthy citizen, being in ad vance of tbe party, was mistaken for an Apache, and shot. Tbe Apaches escaped with tbeir booty.- Ninety vessels are now en route for San Francisco from Eastern and foreign ports, including twoniy-six ships from New York and Boston, and twenty-two ships and barks from European ports. Late news from Acapulco is that there is fighting between the revolutionists and Fed eral troops ; the former have been beaten. Crops at all points in California are said to be looking unusnall well. Corraptlon Charged. We published yesterday a short Statement as to tbe way tbe Cborpen iog claim patted and was about to be paid, we find that tbe matter wat fully treated in an editorial of tbe Sacra mento rion of tbe first instant, which we republish. We hope to eee the charge thoroughly examined, and if there it truth in the cbarget made, the Postmaster General should be held responsible and his place supplied at tbe earliest moment by tbe appoint ment of ao bonest man. Coder the head of "Ghastly Corruption" tbe Union says : Tbe storm raised In tbe House of Representatives upon the discovery of tbe enormous fraud in tbe matter of one Cborpetiing's claim for service in carrying the mails, will startle tbe country as much as it did tbe bonest members of tbe House. Tbe claim it for nearly $500,000, it ten years old, bat been four timet rejected at illegal, and by tbe iotriguet of tbethievet who infett tbe lobby, bat been at last, through dark and . villainout ways, piloted along so far that tbe draft for tbe money bas been signed by tbe Posimeater General and it presented at tbe Treasury for payment. At this stage, just when tbe swindle was about to be realized, tbe Committee on Appropriations get upon the track of tbe swindlers .arrest their game by res olution asking tbat payment be sus pended till an investigation can be made. Tbete proceedings occurred last week, and now comet 'bs sub committee with a report, tbe most as tounding, we venture to say, tbat be been published lo tbe country since tbe memorable day when it was shown b iw Howell Cobb, tbe rebel Secretary of the Treasury under Buctaansn, wat 0:ing hs office to break down the credit of tbe United States at one of the surest means of making bis trea son successful. This cue is worse tban tbat, since Cobb bad at least tbe merit of sincerity, without avarice, while here is a combination of a De partment officer and Congressman witb tbo lobby, whose sole motive can be nothing but the making of money by aa act which it is flattery to call 'robbery. One of the counsel for the lobby who were interested in the consummation of the villainy was Earle, law partner of Creswell, now Postmaster-General. He was alto once Assistant Postmaster General. A joint resolution, authori sing tbe payment of tbe claim, was re quired. It was engineered by Jobo Cessna, Congressman from tbe Six teenth Bedford Pennsylvania Ds trict, ia this wise: Oa his motion, tbe rule were suspended, and the joint res olution was carried without report or debate; he then bad it sent at once to the Senate, where by a similar process it patted tbe same day ; it was tben rnthed to the White Home and the President was prevailed on to sign it right away. From first to last bat 18 hours elapsed. Tbis " law " was then taken by Earle, tbe conasel for these confederate swindlers, to the Postmaster-General, to receive the d ran ft for tha cash wbicb it authorised to be paid. He showed Creswell a forged report of tbe House Postal Committee ; aad on the sight of this forgery aad the law just paesed, Postmaster Geaeral Creswell, without waiting for farther information drew tbe draft oa the Gen eral Fund for it. He did this ia the face of adverse reports made by four f hie predecessors la tbo- Department, and aleo by kimttlf! - That reports all concurred that tbe claim had no foun dations in law aad equity. Whea the facte were exposed by . Dawes aad Beck of tha Sub Committee ' oa Appropriations, 'tha House stormy as is it normal coaditioa even ia tbe . fact of most important matters, was ' startled into a thrilling silence. Mem : bers crowded aboot the Speaker's chair ia-otter consternation at bat was be : ing divulged, and Cessna, tb member wbo engineered lb claim through tbe Ron'. et eilm, aw t.h4 owa cbalr. At tbe conclusion of tbe reading of tbe report a resolution-was unanimously passed repealing the Earle Oeeena ' joint, resolution 'to . psy the claim, and so Tor the present arresting tb swindre. Tbat is,we treat, bat the begioniaff of boocit proceeding. Now let the House arrest this man Earl and his apparent coadjutor, Congress man Cessna, and let tnere be such a thorough overhauling of the matter, from top to bottom, aa will drag to tt" ' tight every one of the confederate high or low. The conduct of Post master-General Cretwell, to make the very bett of it, is suspicious and blamable. His hasta in signing the wbeu he knew tbe claim was a cruet without color ol law or equity to support it, will shadow bis reputa tion witb suspicion, and decent men will be vety apt to think that tbe bett thing he can do is to resign bis office. But as for Earle and Cessna, the timet demand an example, aud there will hardly occur a better opportunity to make one of material more worthy of severe punishment. i T Htixte News. Vimm Coumty. From the Albany Stgitttr we learn tbat a cattle plague prevails near that place, and many valuable cows have been lost. Mr. Applegates's lecture netted near tTO for the A Ibany College. Thirteen new members bare joined the Good Templars at Albany. Tbe County Court of Linn county bas trdered tbat the Court House shall not be rented for lectures, shows, and such like. George M. Strong wat lately robbed at the Overland House, in tbat city. Some one went through bis clothes, when he slept, and took a half-dozen dollars. Some three weeks since, a German, styl ing himself Dr. H. J. Fasy, opened an of fice for tbe practice of medicine, and after making a great blow among the Germans of this plane, suddenly decamped several days ago, going to Corrallis, taking wish him a young girl from this city, and after tending tbe girl home, left Corvallis yester day, on foot, for parts unknown. He leaves aereral solicitous friends in Albany from whom he managed to borrow $250, and said friends are anxiously awaiting some tidings of him. A gentleman from Victoria recognized him as tbe same indi vidual who lately received a coat ot tar and feathers from the citizens of that city, for misdemeanors. Portland. We gather from tbe Portland papers that tbe manufacture of spurious dimes bas been stopped there. Rev. D. K. Nesbit is to lecture before the Young Men's Christian Association next Tuesday, on Shoddy. A boy tbicf bas been lodged in jail. Tbe Advocate says : The Oregon Edu cational Union Society has been organized at the Portland Academy. The corner stone of tbe Episcopal Church, at Kalama, was successfully laid last Wednesday. Rev. T. E. Corkhill, of Iowa, has been trauTerrcd, by Bishop Ames, to Saiem, Or egon. Rev. II. H. Spaulding intends to resume his labors among the Mez Percea Indiana, with whom be was a Missionary at the time of the Whitman Massacre. City and County Items. Temfehabce. By invitation of the Good Templars Prof. Rogers will deliver a dis course this evening upon Temperance at tbe M. E. Church. There should be a good attendance. Job PniCTixa. E. M. Waite advertises tbis morning. He is prepared to do all faney, job, and book printing in tbe best manner. As a printer he has no superior, and his office contains overy modern appli ance of the art preservative. Ramsdell's Norway Oats. We have all heard a great deal about these wonder ful oats. It will be seen by the advertise ment in another column that Mescrt. Ms- Clane and L. II. Judson, have a lot of them for sale. Those wishing to secure them for spring sowing will take due notice threof. Vacation. The South and Central Public Schools have given a vacation of one week to tbe scholars, and will reopen on Monday, Feb. 27th. The East and North Schools, having lost one week during tb smallpox rage, will not give any vacation until the olose of the next term. r now to no It. A splendid cut from that extra beef of Smith A Bowker being placed ai our disposal by that liberal firm, we made use of our " Great American Broiler" and disposed of it. More of that beef re mains to be disposed of, but as it wont re main long those who want slices must apply early. A Susbt Mistake. A day or so sgo the Bulletin went after the Assistant Treas urer ot State as a "carpet bagger" from Idaho, and accused the Treasurer of having sent to that distant region to import a rel ative. Tbe Treasurer is named Fleiachner ; tbe Assistant's name is Flciscbman. The Bulletin was deeeived by the typographical error committed by tbe Statesuak, for while we took pains to write the names plainly, tbe printer, deceived by the seem ing similarity, put them np alike. Mr. Fleiscbman ia no relation, we understand, to the Treasurer. He hasn't that excuse for sending out of Oregon for an Assistant. Gas ros EvKRVaonr. Tbe latest light furnished tbe world seems to be a new pat ent burner, osed with a gasoline lamp, wbich requires no chimney, no wick, and little care, as it furnishes a gas which flames exactly like any other gas. Benja min Forstner, tbe gunsmith, whose shop is back of the Evangelical Church, has pur chased tha right for this county, and bas lamps of beautiful pattern for sale, or he will, for a trifle, change your coal oil lamps to gas burners. Tbe gasoline is perfectly safe to handle end is no more expensive than kerosene. See Forstner's advertise ment elsewhere. Tbe public are invited to call aad examine the lamps at his place. WiLtOH Avercb Ihpboveheht. Last evening the committee on streets let the contract for letting out .564 tbade tree on tb public grounds to Alex Miller. These trees are to include a majority of tbe native forest trees of Oregon, snch as the fir, cedar, maple, balm of Gilead and Laurel ; 300 cultivated shade trees of over twenty varieties are to be added. Tbe contractor is to warrant tbat these tree (hall live, which will insure them being set out with all possible eare and attention. Tbe setting out of these tree will be all tb work tbat aeed be done as a commencement of im provement af tbe Avenue, aa until they grow and offer a shade we cannot expect it to be a place of popular resort. Transfers of real estate filed for record during tbe week ending Saturday, Feb. 18. 1871: J. B. McClane aad wife to Geo. W. MeBoe, lot S and 6 ia block 17, North Salem ; consideration, $800. Arthur H. Breymaa and wife to 0. H. Sbeldon. 2) acres, near North Salem ; con sideration, $00. Linus Brookt to George W. Weldler, cashier 0. A C. R. R. Co., 10 acre oa R. R. line ; consideration, $1 and ether val aable considerations. Benjamin T. Hall and wife to J. H. Set tlemire, 2$ acre of claim, No. 7S, T 5, 8 R 2 W ; consideration, $275. James Whitney aad wife to David Whit ney, undivided one-ninth interest ia dona, tioa land claim ef John Whitney, being 409 acre. T 5, S R. 1 W j consideration, $180. J. E. Bently to Samuel Brown, lots 7 aad in block 43, eity of Salem ; consideration, turn. Jama B. Simpsoa to 8. W. R.Jones, 2SS acres la T S, S R, S W ; consideration, $2,400. . G. W. Gray'and wife to George G. Van wagner, 100 by 15 feet in block 2,Reb- Tbosb Bells. Sol. Dnrbiu bat those farmers' bells advertised. He also has one set op for another advertisement, at bis livery stable where it can be both teeo and beard. The river ha beea rising of late. as well t might, for tbe flood gate aeem to have veea wide open. Boat are coming down loaded heavily, and the down freights are strong. Raftiog is also being carried oa largely and successfully. Items have been scarce of late. Nothing new turns up, and while we bare exercised uncommon dili gence of late, we have been only poorly re warded. Benefit Tendered L. F. Beaitj. Salem, Feb. 18, 1871. Mb. Bxattt Dear Sir: We, the un dersigned, citizens of Salem, and members of the Fire Department, desirous ot show ing our appreciation to you for your efforts in behalf of tbe Fire Department, and, also, for your endeavors to furnish amuse ment for the public, which, in a pecuniary sense, bas been anything but profitable We, therefore, wish to tender you a com plimentary benefit, to take place at such time as you may think most proper. Trusting that this will meet with your approval, and wishing you success, we re main Yours Respectfully, (Signed) D. McFsdden, U . 11. WaUiuds. J. M. Patterson, 8. Durbin, J. N. Matbeny, J. C. Brown, B. Strang, And 60 others. A. B. Croaaman, L. S. Scott, A. N. Gilbert, J. H. Haas, E. A. Thatcher, F. Lew, J. W. McAffee, Salem, Feb. 18, 1871. Messrs. D. McFadden, A. B. Croasman, W. H. Watkinds, L. S. Scott, J. M Patter son, A. N. Gilbert, 8. Durbin, J. II. Haas, and many others. GcffTLBMBiv . Your kind favor of the 17th instant tendering me a complimentary benefit, in token of your appreciation of my efforts to eater for your amusement bas been received ; and in reply allow me to thank you most cordially (or your oppor tune offer, wbich I moat gratefully accept, and am pleased to name Tuesday evening, February 21st, as tbe occasion. Very Respecfully, Yours, L. F. Beattt. TUESDAY. French Betoastraetloa. We have received no positive infor mation at to what are tbe terms pro posed for. Germany to secure peace with France, but it is evident tbat tbey wish to secure a lasting peace, and to bate It upon a Government that shall be satisfactory to the French people. It was expected that Germany would either attempt tbe rretoratioo of Napo leoo or tbe foundation of a monarchy lo some measure dictated by herself, but we see no signs of interference with tbe proceeding of tbe French Assembly ; no attempt to dictate a to what style of Government tbey may adopt. England, Italy aad Austria, have already given an official recogni tion to tbe Provisional Government witb Thiers at its head, tbe first act of tbe Assembly. With thit Government Bismarck it willing to make peace, after wbicb tbe French eople are to be left to work out their destiny at they may elect. So far, the Germant have been reasonable and tbeir course commands respect for its justice snd forbearance. It is to be hoped tbat terms for peace may be agreed upon so reasonable and just tbat the two na tions may be able in tbe future to maintain tbat peace and cultivate friendly relations without tbe constant threat of war to hover as a shadow of evil over both. wild for France. Suffering France, trodden nnder foot by armies, devastated and bleeding, presents an object for tbe tynipatby o' all mankind. Eight millions of brr people ere reported a being bocgry for bread and in need of the necessa ries of life. The nations around her bare lent a helping baud, and tbe peo ple of the railed States are now called upon to do something to aid tbem. Tbit call it being liberally met, and it thould be so, for humanity should lead ns to recognize the want of tbe suffer ing at a claim upoo us not to be ignored. War bat its horrors wbich set human ity aside, but peace brings back to man the privilege to cultivate all tbe kiodly grace and tbe truest feelings, aud to be hoth able and willing to re lieve the wants of maa should be tbe means of truest happiness. GENERAL NEWS. Tbe Orrj'sniau says it is rumored that the elegant and fast steamer Annie Stew art built some years ago in San Francisco, is soon to make her appearance on the Co lumbia river under command of Capt. Yin Turubull. - The first steamer oa the Upper Celumbia, to run from Cclilo to Wallula and Umatilla, is to start for that place on Tuesday, the 28th inst. Dispensation bas been granted for two new Masonic lodges, one at Pendleton Uma tilla Co. the othtr at Cottage Grove, Lane Co. Hon. Lansing Stout is dangerously ill at Portland. ' - We learn from Sunday JlulUttn tbat a Company has been incorporated to manu facture printing and wrapping paper, Capi tal $20,000, and which expect to lease the Clackamas paper mills of H. L. Pittock A Co., and continue the business. Tbe Rosedale is loading for Allen A Lew. is with wheat for Liverpool. Tbe Teaax Propositi is loading for Uewett, Flowerdew - A Co., with same cargo, fur the aame port. but has been delayed in getting her cargo down the river. Tbe Stella, loading for Rio, witb flour from the Salem Mills, will complete her cargo this week. The bark Whistler is unloading and will have quick dispatch for San Francisco. Tbe steamer Idaho was weather bound at Astoria on Saturday morning. Tbe late heavy rains have flooded tbe streets of Portland. Tbe Dixie proves to be tbe fastest boat oa the Lower Colombia, having made the run to Kalama in two hours aad forty min. ates, and back against a head wind in 2:45. A new military brass band it being organ ised for the City of Portland. The laying of the Corner Stone ef the -Episcopal Church at Kalama is said to have beea aa interesting ceremony. Bsstob Cocwtt. From the Corvallis paper we gather that Henry Pain, of Har riaburg, lately arrested aa Indian horse thief at Con aad brought him back for trial. Sheriff Palmer, of Benton couary, lately took Gerge Irvin to the Insane 'Asylum. Corvallis is bong improved by the erection ef buildings of various kind. To Stop Blebdi. It is said that ' bleeding from a wound on maa or beast may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in equal parts, ' bound on with a cloth. If tbe bleed rag be profuse, ate a Urge quaatity, say from one to three pints. It may - be left no four boars, or even days it accessary. Tbe pereoa wbo gave as . this recipe says : " Io this manner he tared tbe life of a horse wbich was ' bleeding from a wounded artery ; tbe ' bleeding ceased ia five miou'.ee after 1 tb application." . Ton ara very stupid, Thomas," said a country teacher to a little boy ' O'ffht years old. " You are a little " donkey ; and what do they do to ear 'them af stupidity T" " " Tbey feed tbem better, aad kick them leas." said se-S 1i'l . City ind Coanty Item. Wcatbcrtotd A Co., Druggists, invite lie attention of painters and builders to their stock of glass and paints. They also have brushes, painters' materials, etc. -' See tbeir new advertisement. ' Id ' Tbe river waa at a stand yesterday, be ing witbia six inches of the highest stage attained this winter. The Albany started np again last evening. The grain on tbe upper Willamette it rapidly being trans ported to market. G. P. Terrell hat still a sice assortment of staple and fancy dry goods on band, but be will soon go below to lay in spring stock, and ia prepared to b uncommonly liberal to those whobare wants to supply meantime.' Police matters revived the other day, so that a couple of young men got into a fight. One man must have a hend put on him, for be went to law, and bis opponent paid a small fine. Still be was a head in more senses than one. Not Goiiio. Prof. Francis calls our at tention to tbe fact tbat certain persons in Portland are advertising there tbat he in tends to eome down and open a class, witb them, in a so-eslled musical institute, wbicb be assures us is not tbe ease. He baa all he can do here, has every reason to be sat isfied, and intends to remain where he is. Salem Libuaut Association The la dies sppointed aa a committee to assist tbe successful organization .of tbe Salem Li brary Association met yesterday and ar ranged to have tbe city districted, with can vassers, whose duty shall be to canva.s for books or money to lay tbe foundation of the library. Arrangements are not yet complete, snd due notice will be given when tbey intend to commence tbe work. Not a Sin pl. A friend calls our at tention to tbe fact tbat February bas disap pointed us this year, and belied all our tra ditions. Usually thit month is balmy and spring-like. We expect green grass and sometimes realize peach blossoms in this montb, while the wild fldra of our region usually is blooming in beauty. The fact is. the clerk of tbe weather has stolen a march upon us, and bas chopped February out of the calendar. New comers must be rea sonable aad lire in hope. lsvrTATioM. Officers and members of Capital Engine Co. No. 1, you are cordially invited to attend a Social Ball to be given Tiger Engine Co. No. 2. at Reed's Opera House, on the evening of the 22d inst. J. J. Iubbie, Secretary Tiger Engine Co. No. 2 Palem. Feb. 18, 1871. The Secretary of No. 1 requests us to publish the above, there not being time to call a mooting. BlIIOLET't Natcbal Hiktobt. Mr. R. T. Martin is ajrent for the sale of the above work, wbich is a volume of 1,040 pages, eontaining a thousand illustrations. This volume conveys a vast amount of informa tion, and should be in every family for the take of the children, as it covers an im portant field in education. Tbe book is most attractive in appearance and is well worth tbe money asked. Mr. Martin will canvass the eity tbis week for the sale of bis works. Illinois vs. Orego. We were yester day shown a letter from Central Illinois, which described a snow storm that lasted three days incessantly, and snowed fences under and did all sorts of things. Here we are, far north of that latitude, and we don't have such a snow storm twice in a century, at least there bas been none such ia tbe century since we came to this country. TntATER. Our readers must remember tbat tbe benefit of Mr. Beatty comes off this evening. Our citizens btve offered bim this testimonial as a mark of respect and at as a trifle of encouragement after a not very profitable season. The entertain ment will consist of the laughable comedy, "Taming a Tartar," wbieh will be followed by pantomime and tableaux, with songs IxMwifn the acts. Every possible Pains j will tic taken to bare bouse made pleasant aad comfortable and the entertainment will be good. PAcinc Law Exctclopedia. Mr. R. T. Martin, of this eity, is agent for the sale of this valuable compendium of law, which is adapted to tbe wants of any and every eilizen called on to perform any business involving legal responsibility or requiring legal lorms. It is the sum of great vol umes of law condensed in a single book and practically adapted to ordinary use. ys publication is not in tbe interests of the legal fraternity as of the pablio. Every property owner or business man can find fiequent use for such a book and Mr. Mar tin will undoubtedly find many wbo will be glad to subscribe for it. Benefit Sociable. The ladies of Salem are about to do a neat and quite appropriate thing. They intend to bare a united effort and hold a grand sociable at the Opera House for tbe benefit of C. A. Reed. Mr Reed bas been liberal and accommodating in offering the use of the Opera Uou.e to the different denominations, and tbey wish to show some substantial appreciation of bis kindness in so doing. Mr. Reed bas by bis enterprise, dose mueh for Salem without, aa yet, reaping substantial benefits himself, and we are pleased to see such a movement. Tbe Union Sociable may be expected at an early day. Treses roB rae AvEitrc, Alex. Miller informs that he will immediately commence work on the Avenue, setting out tbe trees according to eon tract. He bas bad previous experience in this liner having improved a public park in Racine, Wisconsin. The list of trees lo be planted inclades ISi Brs, 69 cedar, 70 maple, 38 Balm of Gilead.m laurel, 8 white maples, 6 sugar maples, 34 locusts, 5 European poplar, 5 Lombards ditto, 20 Silver-leaf ditte, 4 American Lin den, 4 Judas Tree, 8 Lebanon, 2 cork bark elm, 14 Scotch Pine, fi Balm of Gilead (Pop lar Coodicus), 15 horsecbesnut, 4 European Linden, 8 Monterey Cypress, S elm, 4 Euro pean mountain oak, S Weeping Asb, 3 Ca talpa, 2 Salesburia, (Jingo Tree) 8 Magno lia, 8 Tulip Tree, 20 Weeping Willow to tal 564. Twenty years from bow if we live to see tbe day tbe Avenue will be one of tbe most beautiful spots on this or any other coast, and half a century from next June it will be magnificent beyond compar ison. Ce.tscs or Salem School District. Mr. J. H. Brown, who has been taking tbe census of this school district, kindly Torn shes as with follow! ug figure of popu ilation : 1 Salees,... I. ealesa M. Sales Country Total - toft I 1,187 V 128 ST v. lot 67 o lJSSIotv 1SS 1,588 Tb population of 8alem proper, and North aad South Salem, be states as being 4,024, while that of .the whole District is 4,289. Mr. Brown took the census last spring and made tbe population of Salem and North and South Salem 3,983 ; in the fall he took it again for the Salem Directory and fouad it 3,798. and at the present figure up 4,024. A maa living ia Freetowa, Bury, ( Ebglaed), "after due announcement," pat op his wife tor eala tha other two having become muaally tired of each other. There were tarec bids 4s., !. and . and lor tb last teaerous offer the woman as"koccked down" to a neighbor, for whom sbe had previoasly sbowa a liking. Tbe wlot' - was bora away with a rope ennid it neck. , lYIiscellanetus. . ,v- . M - ..... . - - A . M .. SI 1 1 35 1 l4 THE HJTCHELL WAGOTJ". V sV sVfcSk''tV iV O 1 1 i 3 q W. WEATHER FORD, 1 i Portland l i J. W. WEATHCB'ORD, f ; talent, j i Jan"5if H DRUGS, Brass and Medicines. CITY DRUG STORE. Salem rispensary, (Opposite Chemekete Ilotcl) J. W. SOUTHER, DRUQOIST AJfD APOTIIECARY, established 1st Oregon 1SS7, and Successor le Geo. -V. Ekles V Co., Wholesale and Retail Peelers la DRCGS, MEDICIXES. CHEMICALS, PAIXTS. OILS, VARNISHES, WIX DOW . GLASSES, CHOICE TOILET PERFUMERY. I Physician's Prr?c-iption Carefully Compounded. Pure AVUtes mid Liquors. Faawlly aTedletnaa Carefully Pre parte. Havlnf had tweety years experience In th tmsneee, t feel eonfl-lent lhal I can five entire eellsfaclkiei to ail who may favor me nth their pall on we. J. 1. tOVrtlKK. Buleni, Dee Sih. 1S70. S not Aw J.C.CRUBBS&CO.e DIALERS IB i DrngSjindicines, Perfumery And Toilet Articles. I Prescriptions filled at III Honrs, NIGHT OR DAY. A freed assortment of the rcaasr Trace and SWT articles ia our line will altars be found en bad. Great Inducements for Cash. i Those wne earn with merirv tn hand will Snd that wn can sell Drug ana lledirines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Cash In hend win pan-hsse fods at tnw Br er re, et aiij hour ef da or or efliW 11 bring it to the fc First Demr front tbo Expreaa Of f ice, 1st Pattton'a Block, TATE 8T-, : : . SALEM, t : : OREGON . Man hi. CIJA. HOIX'g. CHAJ. K. CALM. S. W. IMU. IIodge9C7alef Sc Co., Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils and Window Class, VARNISHES, BEOTHI8.P aINTERS' MATEBUU ind Drngglsts' Snndrles, S7 raoirr strut, rortlanrl, OreSMu drl W.W.MARTIN, rractlcal WatckBaker A Jeweler, CoaaeuerelaJ Street, Baleaa. "VTtW GOODS rROU TBI BABI. A TVhL J.1 stock ef O I O O XSL 0, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL. WATOHEO, GOLD ARD SILTDL JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, Wlver War. KNIVES AND FORES, BIATT PLATED. . j Solid Silrer Card Cases. PORT StOMAlSES, dte.. eta. Clocks, Watches Jt Jewelry Kepau-ed la the best saaaaer. Solid Cold Jewelry MAOB tu okdu. DeclSdawta SALEM I3QH W3FKS, E. F. Mill, : : : Proprietor, SALEM, OaCOOS. ; : Bte Bree,ew Mine. Oret Stills. Keepers Pun aad e Biade ef wiles af ssaehloerv ssade .te etder. Machinery rea.trrd at a rhort unlice. Fa-em. ataeta. em tu an na vateas venae aa4 aM kW d. ef Braaa and Ire Caatirwe fara- mwd at el ert '-. , leblotf mi ml a a u u CO M m 0 8 ay ST - JStf fi H M B 3 0 e G 0 e DKALtESIH PilNrS, OILS, &c, &c. Books and Stationery. H. D. BOON, (Successor to Tea lop 4 Beon.) BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. AND DEALEE FACY OOODS, WR1T1H DKIKI POHTPOLIOI, WORK BOXES, BiaucACEa, vioLisa. GCITSRS.: OBQlll,T rkVTBS, TAHBOTJaiBJCB, And maav Either MTJSICAL!INSTETJMEIJTS. r.e.R. 1871. IEI13IAN &,.I1IRSCII. tirlawwld'a B wild la a;. Have e.fyir.Wcl ef GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, f CITED FOB Citr aad Country Trade. They can duifll, furnish and provide all com era wiih Dry Goods. Clothing. Boots & Shoes, Groceries. Hardware, etc.. 1 1 rcii taeiett. IeclS J. H. HAAS. BULKS IB Watches, Clocks and Jewelry AMERICAN WATCHES,' Or all tiies, kinds aad ejaaUtfcs. LADIES' JEWE UlY Of the very b at and latest styles. Solid Silver Ware. II TUB HOUOATS, Of all descriptions, su table for presents. Just Heceived AND OON8TAKTLT BECEITIKQ A. LjVKGE 8TOCK Or alt articles la mj Lute. Wattsss, ClsMlta and Jewelry ' Bit P At BED, Sallsfaettoa Warranted. ja a. n. niAi, PATTON1 BLO K, Salem, Nov tS, 18T0.;rlSw Bute et, Beiera Wheat I Wheat ! 2 We will av the Highest Market Price 20,000 brshels Good Wheat, BACKS rCEMISHED. COX da BABHAKT. Beieaa.Kev. S.18T0. dwtf HARNESS AND SADDLERY! The Bret ef Jordaa A Downer krlo eee. thf solved hy snatual eerwent, tbe easiness as BsW sarrted oa at the etd staad by J. O. JORDAN St CO., Who will asefca te order aad esB SADDLES AUD HARNESS A B tie better aad eheaaer thaa eaa be bewtl.t elteerkeve la tkss ri'j. l wMefc- fact aB wbo see Iheee nicies .re leqeeetod to toke aettee. The, too wins thewteehn I dented t. the e4d flrsa eee txiarwed to eaS aad. seetle List lia-e with J. U Jerdaa, true la aeilmratd sa art k both. JOftPrl liOWNlrt, iOUX J. JORDAN. 8eleea.Peb.t,dawtr rpiaawtbr, IBtae tlraes, asset e lwwer Bw , AT o 5 i 0 5 or VI Me I S 8 3 O D COX r KARHARl't