A little crib neiide the bed, A little face above the spread, ' A little frock behind tbe door, A little iboe upon tbe floor. A little lad witb dark brown bair, A little blue-eyed face and fair, A little lane that lead) to fchool, A little perjoll, elate and role. A little blithiome, wineome maid, . A tittle hand within hie laid; A little cottage, aorea four, t A little old-time fashioned ttore. A little family gathering- round; A little turf-heaped, tear-dewed mound; A little added to hie eoil, A little rest from hardeet toil. little Uer In IU bair; A little itool, and eaiy chair; A litilo night of earth-lit gloom ; A little cortege to tbe tomb. : The Sierjrafe Life. Say what ii life T 'Tit to be born A helpleM babe; to greet tbe light With a sharp wail, aa ii the moan Foretold a elondj noon and nigbt; ' To weep, to ileep, and weep again. With funny imilee between ; and tbea And then apaee the infant growe To be a laughing, poling boy, Happy, detpite bis little woe, W ere he bat eonseioa of hi joy; To be, in short, from two to ten, . A merry, moody obild and then? And then in coat and trourer clad, To learn to ay tbe Decalogue And break It; and antbinkios; Ud, With mirth and mischief all agog ; A truant off by field and fen, Tot capture butterflies, an4 then? And then at lait to be a man ; To fall in lore ; to woo and wed; With teething brain to acbeme and plan '. To gather gold or toil for bread ; To tue for fame with tongue and pen, And gain or loose tbe priie, and then ; . And tbea la gray and wrinkled ld. To mourn the speed of life' decline To praise the scenes in youth beheld. And dwell in memory of Lang Syne To dream a while with darkened ken. Then drop into bis grave; and then? Tbe lUleta. The bright sea washed across her feet. As it bad done of yore : The well -remembered odor sweet Came through her open door. Again tbe grass bi ripened bead Bowed where her remnant swept ; Again tbe fug-beli told of dread. And all the landscape wept. Again beside tbe woodland bars She found the wilding rose, Witb petals fire and beard of stars The flower our childhood know. And there, before that blosnm email, By it young face beguiled Tbe woman saw ber burden fall, And itood a little child. She knew na more the weight of lore, No more the weight of grief ; So could the simple wild rose more, And bring ber heart relief. She asked not where her lore was gone, Nor where ber grief was fled ; But stood, a at the great white Throne, Unmindful of things dead. Giorgc Fbascib "Himself Again." Train waa probably himself tbe au thor of tbe rumor of hit aasMsioatton and imprisonment. He is very fond of dying that he may enjoy the laxury of a new birth. Now be report himself oa on xhi way to Toors, tbe seat of tbe French government, a pon the invitation of the ministry. George Francie must feel at home with tbe French. Tbey are tbe only people wbo can aoderitand and appreciate bim; indeed, be it, "a man after tbeirown heart," and might well be chosen tbe president of their paper repablie. . Wbile be wai at Mar seilles he printed a paper called the Revolution, made np of editorial puffs of himself and extracts et bis speeches to tbe democratic clnbs at out tbe city. Tbe conitant refrain of these was, "Let ns march to Berlin, and declare there tbe German republic." And with heroic self-sacrifice, he added, "If yon have nobody to pnt himself at your bead. I am here, and I will lead yoa to victory." Hie military genius crops out, also, In this remarkable sug gestion; "Yoa have in France many Ger ran prisoners ; let a special corps bo clotbedjin their uniforms, and make believe tbey are German troops, going borne." Not only is he ready as a warrior for tbe field, bathe tbowi him elf a Caroot or a Stanton in organizing the material ef war. Train annonnces that he baa telegraphed "to Madrid, Constantinople, Sheffield, Birmingham, London, Trieste, Florence, Brussels, Aavers, Copenhagen, Dublin, New Tork, Omaha and Sa Francisco" for arms witb which to supply his pro- 'posed army of invasion; bat as tbe arms failed to come, he explains, "that great monopolist," as be calls King William, this being tbe culmination of bis epithets. has probably bongbt tbem all np. Tbere is something very Frencby in all this. If Train is only, as some people say of bim, a grossly exaggerated American, he is bat a slightly aggravated Frenchman. Tbe sounding brass and tinkling cymbal, the audacity without capacity, tbe brightness without w idom, tbe senti ment without leose, the egotism which permeates and possesses, all these are ' equally Train and equally French. A 8an Francisco correspondent gives the Toptka Record some facts as to Bret Htte which are interesting. He was born in Albany in 1837, bis father be ing a professor in Albany Female Sem inary. Early orphaned, be went to California at 17, but failed to succeed in school-teaching and mining, both of which he tried . After varioa adventures he became a compositor In a newspaper office at Eureka. Here heated to surreptitious ly contribute to the paper, transferring bis essays from bis mind to bis com posing stick, without the intervention of pen and ink, and crediting tbem to " exchanges." They attracted notice from tbe first, but it was some time before the authorship was discovered He refused a situation in tbe editorial room, wisbiog first to master tbe me cbanical part of tbe business ; but be once took charge of tbe paper for six weeks, daring bis employer's absence, composing bis editorials mentally, and setting tbem np at once in type. Hav ing narrowly escaped mobbing, be cause be denounced aa indiscriminate massacre of Indians by tbe whites, be r turned to San Francisco, and became a 'compositor in tbe office of tbe Gold- en .,. until 1 bis literary abilities were discovered, and be was promote! to the editorial department. He held several government positions, and was concerned La the management of the C'iforniant a weekly paper started by Charles H. Webb. It was with tbe foundation,' however, of the Or tf land Monthly, in July, 1868, that bis real celebrity began. A Economical Kirq. It Is no won der that Prnsata has a email debt com pared with other European natioas, if all hart monarch are a economical aa King William. - The following is a cap. ital story: King William Is not lavish oa per sonal - apparel. His valet recently gave him a blot ta substitute a new coat for one which he bad worn two or three years longer than he ought, and was thereupon summoned to the the royal presence. . "Where is my old' coat, Jean 7" "I bare taken it away, your majesty; It ii not fit to be worn." "What re yoa going to do with it, JeaaT" "I believe t am going to sell it." i. "How much do yoa think yoa will get for it?" This was bard to answer, for no "old elo' " Jew In tbe world would give a sbiliog for the old coat. Jean therefore hesitated a moment, and then answered. ul believe I shall get about a dollar for it, yoar majesty." Tbe king took bis pocket book from the table, opened it, and handed Jean tbe dollar.' "Here is yoar dollar.Jean," said be. "That coat is so comfortable; bring it back to me; I want it yet." . Hnmsn hair to the valae of $5,895 was entered at the Boston Custom House tor the week ending October 3d, 1870. ' A Maryland farmer refused tbe nse of bis hor for a fooeral, aad tbe in dlgnaat friend of the deceased, tarred LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Earepaa Rows. Versailles, Jan. 3. It is , reported that tbe Grand Duke of Meeklenberg was dismissed summarily from his command by Ifoltke, for not keeping tbe French at a respectful distance. The Ssine river is frozen sufficiently to bear men and guns. London, Jan. 3. A special corres pondent of the Tribune, at Paris, sends letters and papers of the 31st ult. He ajs coal cannot be bought, as it has all been used for casting cannon, aad by railroads and mills. Wood is nearly all gone. Trees of the Bois or Boulogne and tbe Boulevards are now being cat. Children are dyiog for want of milk. Tbe total number of deaths for each of the last two weeks was 3,700. Bread is plentiful, and is not rationed, and it is expected to last to tbe end of February. The Prussians tbrew shells farther, tbelr guns being of longer range than those of the French. Chicago, Jan. 3. Tbe Journal' Washington rpecial state, in a dispatch to tbe State Department, that Minister Washburn expressed tbe opinion that the surrender of Paris will not termi nate tbe war. Tbe French bave at no stage of tbe straggle evinced greater determination. Hr thinks tbey will not submit so long a they bave any men or money left. Tbe Elecleur Libre, of the 31st of December, demands more energetic military measures, end makes iocessent attacks on the Provisional Government, and quotes Pays as saying tbe authorities show a sluggishness and hesitation. London, Jan. 2. There was fighting on the 1st near tbe tbe Swm frontier 404 French retreated into Switzerland, and were disarmed. Tbere was a se vera engagement on the 1st at Delle Particulars unknown. There are vague rumors at Lille of a battle on the 2d, between the towns of Briegny and Bapaumn, with beavy los sea on both sides. Tbe Prussians were defeated along the whole line. Paris advices sbow that Intense ei citement prevails among tbe population, wbo demand to make a grand sortie. A number of mayors of tbe city bave called upon Trocbu, insisting that be will accede to their desire. Bordeaux, Jan. 4. It is officially an nouoced that Faidher'oe sends tbe fol lowing dispatch, under date of tbe 3d: Tbe battle near Bassantue, yesterday, lasted from 8 in tbe morning till 6 in tbe evening. I bave driven tbe Prus sian from all tbeir positions and tbe villages held by tbem. Tbe enemy's losses are numerous ; ours are serious. London, Jan. 4. Amadeus'made an entbusias to entry into Madrid on Moo day, proceeded to the Chambers, and took tbe oath. The enthusiasm is unt versal. Madrid, Jan. 3. Tbe Kins; consults Rosas, Gerrano, Itivtro and Olazago nn the formation ot ft CeDilitutiOQui Ministry. London, Jan. 4. Austra sends Ssurin to tbe Conference. CAITKKH SEWS. . Boston, Jan. 3. The steamer Con cordia cleared to-day for Falmouth, England. It is supposed sbe takes a a cargo of arms and war material for France. Albany, Jan. 3. Both Houses of the Legislature were organized to-day. Tbe Governor's message was read. Hsrriaburg, Pa , Jan. 3. Tbe Legis lator was organiaed to-day. Ths Honse elected Republican, and tbe Senate Democratic officers. Columbus, O., Jan. 3. The Legisla ture met to-day. New York, Jan. 3. The Chicago Journal special says tbe President ha tendered Horace Greeley a position on tbe San Domingo cemmission, with a view of securing the influence of the Tribune in favor of annexation. Washington, Jan. 4. In the House, among bills on to-day and referred, was one by Smith, of Oregon, removing obrstructions to tbe navigation of Or egon rivens.' Tbe President sent to the Senate to day tbe nomination of Jno. A. Sum ner, to be Indian Agent, Umatilla Reservation. CAL1FOKS1A. San Francisco, Jan. 3. The Young Democratic Club, of which John B. Beedy is President, and H. S. Gunn, Secretary, nominated Dr. H. S. Bowie for Governor, this evening. Tbe move ment is not as yet very formidably, and tbe acceptance of the noaiirnaf ion is open to doubt. v Stock sales to-day foot up over $25, 200. The quarrel in tbe old firm of Hay ward & Coleman having culminated in tbe withdrawal of Alvinso Hayward from tbe firm, their oil store and works were cjosed to day. Tbe First National Gold Note Bank was formally opened to-day, but notes will not be ready for issue some weeks, the notes not yet having been print ed in Washington. San Francisco, Jan. 4. Flour Su perfine, $5 75; Imperial Oregon extra, $6 50; 1,200 sacks Napa, and 1,200 earks Los Galos, superfine, private. Wheat-Inferior, $2 05; fair, 2 12; good to choice milling. $2 30. Birley Good, $ 42; range of mar ket, $1 37(1 47. Oats Market firmer at $1 401 GO. Mur.by, shot in the bead on Satur day last, ii still living, and able to take nour.sbment. He may possibly recover. Judge Rice and Governor Goodwin of the N. P. R. R. Co., bave arrived here from Washington Territory. It is decided to run the road down the east side of the Cowlitz river. Tbe question of tbe location ot tbat part of the line wa on ot ti e objects of tbeir visit. The assault by Tbos. Fenn, on Mr. Dunn, Rector of St. Paul's Church, at Oakland, on Montgomery Etreet to-day, creates much excitment in religious circles, procetdiog on the supposition tbat Dunn was tbe author ot certain scandalous articles reflecting ou tbe character of Mrs. Fenn. Public sym pathy is etronply manifested on tbe side of Fenn. Both parties bave been arrested. Tbe affair will be well ven tilated in tbe Courts. Possibly in tbe ecclesiastical also. Tbe Golden Chariot (Idaho) Co. pay a diridened ot $4 per share on tbe 10th inst. . Gilrny, Jan. 4. At 9:30 this morning, C. A. Flewelliog was tbot and danger ously wouudrd by Crittenden Robinson, Railroad Agent at this place. Tbe difficulty arose from a charge of em bezzlement, Flewelliog baa entered against Robinson, and for which Rob inson was arrested last nigbt. Tbe wound is not considered fatal. Los Angeles, Jan. 4. A serious ac cident happened yesterday to a lady (lame unknown) at tbe Ali'zo mills. Wbile looking at tbe machinery, bei dress waa caught in the shaft, revolv ing at thv rate of sixty revolutions per minute. Sbe was whirled arouLd, striking ber bead and feet alternately on the boxes. It was stopped, and sbe was taken away by ber friends. Tbe extent of her infury is unknown, al though nearly all her clothes were torn from her person. ' Sore About Swanp lands. Ma. Editor: From tbeir after con duct, it is evident tbe amenders of Mr. Birch's Swamp Land Bill in tbe House, intended by deceiving tbe Legislature and tbe Governor to rob tbe State of a valuable source of revenue. They oc eeeded in the deception by making their measure of tbabtful and ambig uous construction, and conceallog tbe purpose under a cloud of minute and useless provisions. It is the purpose of tbis article to inquire whether they have been equally successful ia rob biag tbe State. I am informed tbat immediately upon the success of this fraad, " before tbe ink wa dry in tb signature of tbe Governor approving tbe Act,", these parties two of whom wer members of the House, and openly charged with receiving bribes s legislator filed application for a large amonat of swamp lands, tWmost valuable In tb Stale, aod dispatched one of their infamous party to set np the stakes and make tbeir marks on tbe ground which tbeir applications de scribe a being already theirs. - Afraid or ashamed to expose tbeir bas pur- be might, under tbe circumstances, re- j fate to file their applications, they ft. them with one ef his clerks, who ac cording to their own law had no right to receive tbem. They now consider themselves in possession of that prop erty, which , tbey may hold eleven or twelve year without paying tbe State on cent ; and with the further privi lege of baying or not any parf orquar- tity of tbe land included ia tbeir ap plication!. It wonld perhaps amuse some of your readers to examine this law, sec tion by section, and expose tbe means need to mislead and deceive tbe Leg islator into making it a law. It wonld be no more than right to expose the men to the public scorn and con tempt wbo have thus betrayed a sacred trust for mercenary ends. " But the game is not worth the. candle" my time and your columns will be far better employed in ascertaining a way, if tbere be any, by which tbe State may be protected from some of the evils these men bave sought to inflict upon it. Tbe law is a bad one under any con struction ; bnt much worse under the construction its framers put upon it. They claim tbat the applications for swamp lands may be filed witb tbe Board, whose duty it is to carry tbe law into effect, immediately upon the passage of the law. I bold, on tbe contrary, that do application can be valid, for any tract of land of which tbe Sate is not in possession, or of wbich it bas no official description at the time applied for. Because, the law does not say when applications may be made, wbich leaves that im portant, question to be decided as the executors may deem best for tbe pub lic interest, or the time most be settled upon from inferences drawn from tbe law itself. Tbe inference favorable to tbe con struction tbat applications may be filed immmediately. is found in the requirements of the law (sec. 3) in re gard to tbe manner of describing the land in the application. Tbe words are, " By actual survey, or if no sur vey has been made, then by fencet, ditches, mpnutnents, or other artificial or natural land marks." As the U gives tbe laud to the first applicant, and its framers were the first to apply, tbere is no doubt of tbe meaning tbey attach to this sentence. But tbere is no evi dence that tbe Legislature which en acted tbe law so understood it, or tbat tbe Board to whom the execution of the law u confided may not in its discretion etc line to receive applications, on the ground of inaccuracy , or application of any kind until it hat in its possesrion otfi- ciol evidence that the State possessed su amp lands in that particular section of the country, or of that particular description. I make this sentence emphatic, tor if tbe Board adopt the view contained in it, it will save the State more than half a million of money, and win the last ing gratitude of its people. Tbe Act of Congress, granting to Oregon tbe swamp lands within its limits, bears dale of Sept. 12, 1860. Congress cannot give what tbe nation does not own. Hence, all swamp lands disposed of by tbe Government, no matter in what way or for what purpose, prior to tbat date are exclud ed from tbe grant, and applications for Lac la Biscbe, Wapato Lake, etc , Included in donation claims, are simply null. The act of Sept. 12, 1860, re quires tbe Governor, wilbin two years of that date, to report to tbe Secretary of tbe Interior tbe swamps over wbich tbe public surveys were at tbat time extended. This, the Governor did not do. Consequently all swamps inclu ded in the public surveys, executed prior to Sept. 12, 1S60, have been for feited by tbe State, and no more belong to it than if tbe act of Sept. 12, 1860, bad never been a law. It is true, Con gress may, and perhaps will, restore such of them as may not be disposed of tbe State, but Until such re-grant is made tbe Stf.t1fos no more to do with tbem th'a' U with tbe mountains and -tberiry land liut to tbe swamps surveyed since Sept. 12, i860, and tb6se sot yet sur veyed, the State has an undoubted right. Tbe failure of tbe Secretary of tbe Interior, (a Federal officer) to re port to the Governor tbe swamp lands a tbey wertf surveyed, though not im pairing thefrigbl ot the State, has kept them out nf iW nnmraxxion. Of tbe swamp lands in those parts ofj the State not yel surveyed, the State is not only, not in possession, but under the act of Sept. 12, 1860, never can come in possession, of tbem until the public surveys are extended over them, which may not be done for many years to come. 7'herefore the State has no official evi dence, Slate or Federal, that it coir will possets a single tract of su amp hind. The Federal Government bas given tbe swamp lands to the State, but it still own tbe dry land. Tbe line of segregation or separation must be drawn between tbe proprietors before tbey can know the size and :bape of the tract! belonging to tbem respec tively either proprietor may make tbe division with the consen. of the other. The line of revision may not follow the exact diviaing line between the dry land and tbe wet it may be a com promise, the legal subdivisions, mostly wet, going to ibe State; those mostly dry remaining with the Government, the original prori-tor to tbe whole makes a deed to tt e State for its share. Witb tbis deed or patent tbe State comes into possession ot the swamp lands within its limits, and not before . The State, not having possession, can not give possession ; having no title cannot make title conditional or absolute When tbe Slate bas surveyed or se gregated the swamp lands to wbich it is entitled, or baa accepted a survey of tbem from tbe Federal Government, and received a patent for tbem, it will then be ready to dtal with applicants, and not before. Tbe Board will find plenty to do to accomplish this work in the uext two years, and as no individual rights will be vested under tbe obnoxious pro visions of this law, it ia to be boped another Legislature will remove tbem. Z. Calivobxia Bekt Scbab. We hare received trom the California Beet So- gar Company, a sample box of tbe sugar manufactured out ot beet root, wbich proves conclusively tbat beet sugar is equal, if not superior, to any made, as it is white and apparently equal to tb best crushed and appears to contain a more than nsual amoun of taccbaniar matter. We fully en dorse the word of the circular sent by Perkins, Flint & Co., San Francisco, ageuts for the C. B. S. Co., which is a follows : "Our product is now before tbe people ef this Coast. If they, the con earners, give tbe enterprise a helping band, calling tor aod using home grown Sugar, in preference to Sugar of foreign growth, Sugar Factories wil multiply rapidly, and tbe three or four million dollars per year wbich we now send away for tbis necessary of daily life, will be retained among our selves, to enhance the valae of every farmer's lands, and promote (till fur ther development of our prodnctive capabilities." Pork Wanted. Iwi:l pat for pork delivered at my Pork House, In Balem : For 160 pound hugs and upwards five cent per pound ; for 175 and upwards, 6J cents per pound ; fur fiUO and upward six eeuU par pound. Hog must hang over nieftt oo the gr Hows. The tongae must aUe be taken out, a that cut the arteries aod free the alMMiWIera of fotood Thick bog must be split In the backbone, tn the thick part ot the hool der only (say twelve Inch long', and spread open with stick, say eighteen luchr in length. AM hogs roust be spreau open, with a Mick In the bellle. In loading, lay with back np and keep dry. For ho delivered alive I will pay b)4 ocd eeot per ponnd per hundred, divtulof oo IroO, and i Unentered tree of upenae. -HowUdlwtf ., THOMAS CROSS. , FRUIT AMD VEGETABLES: Fresh from California by every Steamer. ORABJOKS, 6RAPII, tWMT POTATO, Kl U. Ordinances. Water fforks. An Ordinance to provide for supplying the City of Salem with good wholesome water, ' and to authorize the laying down of pipes for water ia the street of said city. Be it ordained by the Common Council oj tit City of Salem : Sectioh 1. That J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associates successors or as signs have the authority and consent of toe Common Council of the Ciiy of Salem to supply the said eity and the inhabitant thereof with good wholesome water fur the term ot seventeen years, and for tbat par poee they, the said J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associates, successors or as sign bave tbe authority and consent of the eaid Common Council to lay pipes and erect hydrants along the streets and alky of eaid city ; to excavate the streets and alley whenever and wherever it shall le oeecesary to do o ; to erect reservoirs, lay dowa pipe, erect hydrants or keep in re pair said works as the water shall be re paired for tbe use of tbe city or for tbe private nse of the inhabitants thereof; that 11 pipes other tban waste pipes shall be laid oat less than twelve inches below tbe urfieee of the grade of the street or alley ia which the same may be located, and bo pipe whatever ehall be laid nearer to tbe eaid water pipe than two feet, excepting for tbe pnrnoee of crossing tho same, and when ever aad in all case in which it may be necessary to aisturo side or crosswalk tn -ceastrweting or repairing ths said works tbey Miall be replaced by tbe said J. M. Jdacttn and llavid Allen, their associates, ueceeeers or assigns, 'with as little delay as pueable ; the said grunt of authority aod permission being upon the following eonditsvei and stipulation, to wit : hc 2, That tbe said J. M.Jfartin and David -Alien, their associates, successors or aesiftis in consideration of tho author ity, ooeieent, privilegea uud compensation iiereui granted suau be and tbey are hereby Trquired to furnish the said city of Salem with all tbe good whnlesume water ncces sury to eupply such hydrants and cisterns as may now or shall hereafter be construct ed or erurted within the following limits, to wit: Oa Ferry street from Front street to Liberty; on State street, from Front street to High street ; on Court street, from Front street to High street j on Front street, from Ferry street to Main stseet : on Commer cial street, from Trade street tu Center street; Liberty street, from Stnte street to JVtanua street : en High street, from State street to Marion street, and on all the erase streets between Trade etreet and Ma rion street and including Trade and Marion streets ; aod shall furnish a continuous sup ply ot good wholesome water for the pri vate use of tbe inhabitant of said city aa tbe earn shall be required along the line where the niiun pipes shall extend; and they shall furnish water for then.eof all engine) houses, rooms for firemen s meet ings, the Council Chamber and tbe City Prison, free of charge, during tbe continu ance of tbiri grant ; and tbey shall also fur nish and act at such points along the main pipes and at ftuch time as tbe Common Council shall direct as many hydrants aa the Couiuan Council shall require within tbe limit hereinbefore specified, of eucliViie as the Common Council shall direct, and shall furnidb and lay the pipe connecting them with the watcr-muin, without charge or cost to tbe City of Salem. Sec. 3. That the City of Salem hereby agroes to pay and shall pay to tbe eaid J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associ ates, successors or assigns for supplying tbe cistern and hydrants mentioned in sec tion two (2) the sum of eighteen hundred dollars per annum in gold coin of tbe United States, to be paid in quarterly in stallments, for seventeen years ; and tbe City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to draw hU warrants on the City Trearer, pavubie in gold coin, fur tbe amount due at the end of each and every quarter, to be computed from the day tbat one mile of pipe i laid and supplied with water, and to deliver the same to the said J. M. Martin and David Allen, their astso ciates, successors or easigns. Sec. 4. Tbat the said J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associates, successors or assigns shall tile tbeir acceptance of this grant, in writing, witb the City Kecorder within ten days after the passage of this Ordinance, andshaltcommenee work within six months from said date: nnd tbey shall lay down and supply with good wholeaoine water at least one mile of main pipe within one year from said date, and they shall also lay down and supply as afoiesuid an additional mile of main pipe the year next thereafter. Sfj-. 5. That the said J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associates, successora,or or assigns, shall supply all streets and public places; not hereinbefore specified, with water, ns the same shall trom time to time be ordered by tbe Common Council, aud the city shall pay therefor to the sai.t J. M. Martin and David Allen, tbeir asso ciates, successors or assigns, at tbe same rate in proportien to the amount of water used as ia allowed tor streets hereinbefore named; I'rnrided, tbat the said J. M. Matin and David Allen, tbeir associates, successors or assigns, shall in no rase be compelled to extend their pipes for supply ing such water more than one block I rum where ibe main pipes are laid and in oper ation at the date of making such order. Sec. 6. That the said J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associates, successors or assigns, shall at nil times atler the said works are put in operation, keep a sufficient supply of good wholesome water in the tlisiributing reservoir, the base of which shall te at an elevation of not less than eighty feet shove tho grade of the street at the intersection of State with Com mercial streets in the City of Salem to sup ply all demands upon them lor water withiu said city. fw. 7. The said J. M. .Martin nn-1 David Allen, their associates, successors or as , bins, slialt not eiiarge higher rates lor water thuu is cntomai ily alluwcl f'tr water in towns or cities of like population the l'aci'ie coast. .Vkc. S. That during tho continuance of the grant herein made, lo wit seventeen years the authority or consent of the said Common Council shall not begranted to any other persun, persons or corpurution, for the purpose indicated herein, nor t-hult the corporate authorites of said city, during, the aaid term-ereut or operate within tbesaid city, works for supplying the same or the inhabitants thereof with water. Sec. V. That this Ordinance shall ho construed to be a contract between tbe city of .Salem and the said J. M. Martin and David Allen, their associates, successors or assigns, to furnish the city with water pursuant to the provision of the Charter authorizing the Common Council to provide therefor, and that tbis Ordinance shall not be altered, nuiended or repealed without tbe written consent of the said J. M. Mar tin and David Allen, their associates, succes sors or assigns except upon proof satis factory to tbe Common Council of gross fraud on the part of tho said J. M. Murtin and David Allen, their associates, succes sors or assigns, or of a violation by tbem of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Stx 10. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be ia force from and alter its passage. I certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the Com- . mon Council on the Stlth of December, Ibt 0 J. A. WAYMIIIE, Jan3,5d Kecorder. Fire Department. An Ordinance to amend the City Laws re lating to semi-annual report of tho Chief Lngineeroi the iiro Department. - The people of the City of Salem do ordain as jQtloue ; , That Section 5 of Title 1 of Chapter , be amended so as to lead as follows: Sectios,$. Tbo Chief Engineer shall bave sole .'and ab-olute command of the Fir Department and the fire apparatus in time of any fire, lie shall control and keep in repair all public cisterns. . He shall re port to the City Council the first d ly of January aad tne Urst aay oi July ot eacu year, the eonditioa of the tire department, engines, apparatus, cisterns and engine house ; also all fires that have occurred within the city, the cause thereof, tbe num ber and deseriptioa of buildings desiroyed or injured, the names of the owners or oc cupants, ana tne estimated loss, as near as the particular of the same can be ascer tained, which report shall be published in one of tb eity papers. In case the Chief r.agineer shall not make such report within thirty days after tbe time specified, or if he shall be abroad from tbe city thirty days without permission from tb City Council, or shall fail' to qualify, bi office may be declared vacant, and the Council shall fill such vacancy by appointment for tbe unex pired term. All repair needed on engines, apparatus, cisterns or engine bouse shall be reported to the Conneil by tbe Chief. Enji neer, with the estimated cost thereof, but when inch repair ean be performed tor not more than twenty -hve dollar, he shall cause the same to be duly made and the amount shall be audited and paid bv the city, lie shall bave power to use gun powder, and by other means remove build ings for the purpose of extinguishing a fire, should it be necessary, lie shall have power to (uapend any Company for disobe dience to orders or neglect of duty, until a meeting of the City Council shall be bad therem. I certify tbat tbe .foregoing i a eoirect copy of an Ordinance passed by the Com mon Council of Salem on the 30th of De cember, 1870. J. A. WATMIRE, Jan3,d5 Recorder. WASTED. A WET NURSE, Call at ' W, ItVr'S Store, Decl5tf alem. Boots and Shoes. Capital Boot and Shoe Store. STAICER & BIER, Keep constantly on hand A GOODJ STOCK Of California and Eastern Boota tSo Sliooa. t ALSO Manufacture to Order Men's Boots & Shoes. We have ,te kesl of facilities to larn out IVO. 1 WORK Not surpassed in thel 'late. Cnljr Ike best Stock in the Market will be, used. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. 1 D "or South, of Cawdy Manaitacto- ep12:xx ay. Commercial Stiect. 3ST. H A. A. S, State Street, Salem, Oregow Fashionable Boot - Maker, DEALER IN CUSTOM MADE BOOTS. f ALSO t Ibe Highest Price In Cash Paid FOB. PURS. Palem, Kov. 8, 1W. dwtf Boot & Shoe Store Three Doors from Oregon Candy Uauulac- lory ou Commercial street. T. 33- NICHOLS HAS JUST OPENED A Full I "a 11 Stock, Of all Articles in hi Line. And ha a Fine assortment for Gents, Ladlci & Children's Wear, Lately purchased in San Francisco, For tale on Most Seaonable Terms. ALSO? Boots IVSade to Order I ,IS EVERT 8TYLE, Repairing Done at Short Nettle. Nnv. 13-dlf Eaa a new Bock ot 3Iilliiier.- Goodst, Or the Lstest Winter Styles, lmcludii f .n as sorttuent of Feathers and Flowers, 'Wbich tbe Ladles are Invited to rail and exam ine. dtclO-Siudaw ' Aramiraculas. THIS wonderful medl -Ine is advertised ty PR. I. I SMITH; ft bt-ars many testimonials pronouncing Its tfliffv In Kheuuintism, Neu-al-iria. Gout and gcroful and Is recetvirf ttatrr.ng notices trom tbe prc.s. based upon tbe state ments of relieved patient.. J Koi Sile I J all Druggists and Dealers In Med cine. k. u . i. w rniiARi Oct 4 1ST Dn Trav:inir AW. THE CALIFORNIA PQVD ER PiiKS, 314 CALIFORNIA ST., San Francisco, MANUFACTURE ASP HAVE COy.STAXTLYliOX ' UASD Sporting, Mining,! and Blasting POWDER or siTEEion QVAI.ITT, Fr.Lsii rnojt THE MILLS. It being constantly received and transported into the Interior, is delivered to the consumei within a few days of the time nt Its manufacture, and Is Inl very wny superior to any other powder In 111 market. We l.ave been awardedsuccessively THREE GOLD MEDALS By the MECHANICS' 1XSTITVTE and ttie STATE AG IUCVLTUHAL SOClEiXtor the superb rity of our products over all other. We a'o call attention to our HERCULES POWDER which coiubii.es all the force of oth strong tx jdoifirr now in use, and tAe titina force of the EST ELA8ZISO PU WlER, thus mating tt rastly tnperior to any oilier compound ntrw in ue. A cirrular containing a full description of this powder cao be obtained on appliiation to oar office, or of any of our ageuts. JOHN V, LOUSB, Nov. 8 worn Secretary. ADAMS & WILSON, aoocvaoas to chahlu a da mi-; tIIAI.IK IN Groceries and Provisions, Stats 8TKEKT. :.:.: salbm. Next;d'xr to Gill's Book'Store. CLASS AND ftlEESSy.ABK. Scsxt!'"l lot offered at reduced price.; OATS WHIAT 0ATMIAL Bacon & Bacon Sides, fresh Lard Butler. EffT- Etc. fsp" Goods delivered tsU par sfthe city free af charge. Uzafovage & Wright, Wholesale and Retail Dealers tn GROCERIES, Coiiicctionery,, CIGARS. TOBACCO, PIPES., OroolceryV Glassware TOYS, NOTIONS, Silver-Plated Ware, Elc Be, Re Usslosi Block, Comaitrl St., ffsUcsst. Goods delivered to any part of the eity Pre of charge. - Jan. 16 IS. UZArOTAOK. I J. O. XRiGHT Cleaning and Repairing. L HAINES, lUwsn't Block, Stalest, Coder tbe SraT nal tflca. Clothing cleaned aad repaired is beat Banner and at tne most reasonable rates. a.t - r- 'fT" ' General Merchandise. First Arrival "T O- Ac C. RAILROAD. i BREYMAN BROS. Bv just received o IMMENSE HTOCK or FILL AND WINTER GOODS Which they offer to toe CITIZENS OF SALEM & TICIXITI Aerates tbat DEFY COMPETITION We call particalwir atentkDtr ear 'arge flock of FOREIGN. & DOMESTIC car goods, AHOY GOODS, CLOTHIAO, CEHT'FTJaKISlIIKQ GOODS boot;ajid bhobs, iuti amd caps3,; okockkik8, CROtKEttV.; A HD IX FACT ALL NEECHANDISE SUITABLE To Tills Market. We also lovlte especial attention to our sloes ef Carptta,MattlDE, Oil riotlu, Win dow bkades. Etc HAVING had many years exertenre of busi ness in r-alrm, e fl .u.-r ourselves tbat lire goods e no ftVr, which hare been selected Willi great eare and bought to the best auvan t.Ce, will be adopted In every particular to the vuiuot our customers. We are elate the patrnnsge heretofore en joyed aud uieau to merit lis coatlouauce in the future. liept. 1.16T0. as FIRST DIRECT IMPORTATION To Mul em. ftCRAND "OPENING OF F.Levy's New Store! CURKKK. OK SlOORKfc' BLOCK. I take pleasure in informing my many friends and tbe public gener ally tbatl bave oierjeii tbe above store with tbe finest slock ot goods ever en in thin market. I would especially call tue attention of LADIES to my JStw Line of Diets Goods! SILKS, POPLINS, all wool, 8AT1N STRIPES, etc., fixe french uro' he and lace shawls, broadcloth & silk cloaks, embroideries, parasols, . LADIEs' HATS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, And a general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Goods. Also, a splen did and complete assortment of LA TEST STYLES of gextl.i:mexs' clothes g And Furnishing Goods. All at Prices not to be Com peted will bv any oue ou this Coatit. As I (ret my Goods direct from Europe and the East, aad receive Ireob supplies every mouth. F. LETT, -Moores' old stand, Commercial street. Sl-m. June 16. zz .V. .T. MOXltOE, !alMii, Oregon, DEALKIt IN Mcvxrlolo "Worls., California, Vermont AND Italian 3Xarllcfs, OIoliriliM Monumcutx, Head and Foot Stones, ALSO Mantle and Warble Furniture. 8aleta Dec. th, ISiO. lyrdnw SEWING MACHINES 31 rs. Vroom Now has the Agency for these popular Machines, ana seeps a variety of them constantly on bend, the inrreasliViHMwIarlty ot the MNUfR MA CHINES proves their excellence, and tbe ladies are icvlted to call aod examine tbem. b 1 r e h 31 aking Is also carried on at ihls Establishment, ! as heretofore,: Whtch I constantly In receipt of the Latest Stjlt'g and Catalogues of Fashions and Patterns, DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Not. fwlttlm i:. JL.. COItlSEIt, Commercial etreet. kalaan. .DKAUR IN GROCERIES IRUVUIOK, at ILOIH, FEED. ETC. Keep a fall stock of Groceries constantly .oa hand. . lALiO. DBVOK'SOIL, CLOTHES WRINGKRS SALTOKVAMIUIJ K.IH08, NAILS, CORDAGE, TABLE : AID POCKET CIT1ERT, And other article too numerous to mention. Al 1 lor aale cheap fr eaah or marketable produce. J,A Choice L.01 of obacco 5fc Cisrars ALWAYS ON HAND. (JS Good dtllvered to all part of the H J frt ul charge. epi2:x FARRAR BROTHERS AT TH IPost-Ofllce IS tore ! ? Have Just received a NEW STOCK of GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, BuenaVlsta Stone wart Plated and Tableware ETC., ETC., 7 Good delivered free 01 ebarf te any pan of u.e city, italem. July M. GOOD PASTURE NEAR TOWN THB tJNDF.RnG!F.D O'FIE GOOD PAfTCS S on three hundred acre of food bottom lanonai nis troea town, wa wukch Mack ha be ma Bin. Inquire at either wf or al Tos9pkn(, mt Dnrsta' Livery ruble. Terms cask in advene O. m. fkllkQlB, WM.CaAJT. V- WI v.t Seal Estate, etc. ST1TZEE Jr. CPTOX. REAL E S TATE BSOK &S AKD GEKEBAL AGENTS Cwrnar ef Front sad 'Waasttx; iobi strssls. PORTLAND OREGON. General Land Agency. Will atteod to the awrthasa aad sass f leal Eitat In all part of imgu. BRANCH OFFICES AT Salem,. 1. J. Murphy, Afcnt. McM inn ville.- .... William Dawson. Albanv J. C. Mendenhall, Eugene City E. L. Applegate, The Real Estate Journal pnhllsbxl by a at Portleod will be tut tree -t chart I at, ad drees, b) maalnc application to our ofiic. The Sslem olBre bas tbe adTantace af the Prin cipal Agency at Portisnrt wlch I tlioroushly ev tabllihtd. and so well lumishnl for tlrliig Inlor- ma Hod upon real eeule lliat it atVxils U.e most , complete laclliues for all person aattnf bust- , ntrs to oar line. XW qu Incnr do expenses In plecire; roar property oo sale ait bos, inl slr is n aoe. J. i. Ml'liPllY, agenl. MT. lh. a:tf. 11EAE ESTATE. ForJl Descrlptlv List of Towa Property, Farms, etc., In Oreton, tend for a eipy of the Seal Estate Gasette to Kl'SsKk KSLK KV Portland, or to HAsaMKH, . TKKllY igeals, galena. yl4ji House and Lot For Pale on Piety Hill, oppo ite the residence oft. E. M. Iloose, brown roll, story ana a half higli, good tlable and other eut.housea Inquire of 11 t&l.lEk t.lt ealem, Oct. 2. 170. H. d. GltAY, Saddle and Harness Maker, STATE STUKKT, ' At the old (tand, o fjf e r;s fob; bale Saddles. Bridles, ; Harness, W 11 1 P s , SANTA CRUZ & OREGON LEATHER Of the btsi Quality. All work In mv line done at short notice aod in the best niauncr. ReatrtDg neatly don Preinitun !ultlles Constantly on Hand. Palem.NoT 4. is"ii. dwif FlltST rKESIIUM1 AWARDED TO XYiK LCII'S ' Rotary Yashing Machine, Ojr all other machine. At the Illlnola Vtata Fair f 1800, and Oregon State Fair ef 1S70. l'rice GIt it a trial. The snnney will be refunded If it dwrs not do all that I cinla.-d for it.it the dlrrcitoiis are followed We err kiLdiy permit ted hy some of th- Indies of &airm, who hare tested it , to ose the folUia ine names ttr relerence as to Its worklns to theii entire satisfaction : Mrs. J. II. f-mith, Mrs. J. C. B i wn, Mrs. K l'.d.tock, sirs, ilomrr hronh, ' Sire. o. II. fhclt'ou J irs L llrtitley, Mrs 8 M Joiks, Mrs H Mckl n, Mrs t has Calvert, Mrs H Mrs nt;, Mrs F B I.di.w, Sal-m, Nor. 6, 1ST. Mr. J. F. MlOer, Mrs. Usui K-ranc, Mrs. 1. A. Claike, -Mr.. M. C. CHi.e, , Mrs. A. piauton, Mrs I) A Whitney Mrs K M.RisK'i. Mrs Df Terrell, iMrs C Adams, Mr a C Smith, Mrs John J McFariaoa It"Ir T -T A T Tfr.wSi MESSRS. PHELAN & C0LLENDER, The well known Billiard Table Miirufsctnrer ol New York, bave established at 51 Maikct at , Pan Frsarlsto, An extensive branch of their haslne, where they p" pose to keep rrn.tntly on hand the LAKGrT and tnest complete aartment of BUliaid Tables, Clctbs Cues, etc., ON T11IS COAST. THE TABLES are of the latest style aftl site recently adopted In tbe Kastern ta:es ; are man ofaeture-l tn the be.t possible manner, and tor nhhrd with tHKLAN'i) LA TUT IMPHOVtD CtMlIONS. THE NEW COMPOMTION BILLIARD BALL, irade by the Hvatt Manufacturing Co, of Albany, N. Y., the best aubstbate for Ivnry y-t discovered. Fi-r 1t only by as, price 112 per set. ' All goods sold wiU be of the beet quality, and the prices fully as low a any other house in the bustneea- Parties vlsitina: theclty are Invited to vb It our warerooms and Inspert our stook. GEO. P. I'll El AN, Ml Market St. N. li. The public are notified that no other parties en the Pac'flc Coast bare the rii-ntto sell Phelans' Cushions- nor 1 usio-in BOARDING HOUSE. TITE3. POTTKR GIVES JN0TICE THAT SHE jL htf opened ft Boardfrg Home on Front trvet, eart tide, third oor from Slal Met, north, nearly opposite the PBh Factory. Mie olfcita and hope to merit public patronage. Salem Dec. . 1S70. dtf. THE BEST PAPER, AND TI1K BEST INDUCEMENTS This Quarter's 1 3 mm bora KT FREE to all subscribing:, beiore Pee. 20, l$7u, fr next year'a MOORE'S RURALNEW-YORKER THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED Rural and Family Weekly. This I not orly tbe fjarweat. Beat a Bad Cheapest, but by far the A.arareat Clreis. 'If Jwvarnati . us tiae.I National In Character, Ably Edited, taper bly Illustrated ana rrintea, it i in BESTJ1MEBICJ1J WEEKL 1 It 1 the H and arc! Aattearlty on all branches of Agriculture, Horticulture, Ac Aa a Llltrsry and Kaaally Pier It I a fa vorite from Canada to California. Indeed Mnoat'e HoaiLAae no Sival in Us Sphere, and Is the Lvra;eat lllsiat ratedl Juarialnn the Goouoetit each number containing a)lx- aea Ive-t olania Ps(m, (double the tie of most papers of it class). ANewFentnre. Among recent accession to tbe Rpsji'san rquaied Kdltorial flail la that of Hon T. Haxt Hyatt, ol Cala , aa Editor of the Pacific Coast Department a new and valuable feature. By urompt mailing aod rapid railroad Iranil'.the Kiul now reaches the Pactfb elope aboLt tb nine of It date. TERMS, 1KDUCEMERS, ETC VFItlHa -13 a Tear of M Nnmb.ra,en -nly t ra clubs af Ten. This Quarter' la Numbers sent KB It at, as effer.d above. Our club Inducements for 1871 are arprecedented. pectiacoe, Premlam Ueta, Ac, seut free te al formic claba, at. we want a lira Club Agent a every Towa. Addrea D. 1). T. MOORE, 41 Far It Kow, Haw Yaik. DeclSdltwtt CITY MARKET, Stale fcfret-t, Kc'(door te tb 5ew Tork Baker. Tht.iLde-sifaad will keep a full supply ef ' MEATS OF AL.U KIADS, And ut the beat Qualltj, J AT THIS COSvErtKKT 8TAHD. Aad tavitwaja share of the public patrooe. JOHM HITII. a'JK October tffb. 18TO. Helmbold't Ex trie. Bochn. TO PHYSiCIANS Skw0, ii, Input lMb.lSCS. Allow me to ci II at emloo to my PREPARA TION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BUCHC. The tcmponent (j part are BCCUU, Los a Liav, CCBKE8, JCMPLR MHRIEb, Hoc or PrriaATl05i Buchu, in vacuo. Ju niper Berries, by dittlllatlan, to form a One gin. Cubrto extracted by displacement with spirit obtained frasn Jumper Berries; very little eugar Is ased, and a smaH proportion of spirit makes It more palatable than any new In nse. Bw-hn, a prepared by Druggists, 1 of a dark color. It 1 a plant that emit It fragrance ; tb action ef a flam destroys this (It actlv principle), lrartrjg a dark and glutinous decoe, ties. Mine i tbe color of Ingredient. The Bu cha In my preparation predominate.; tb small est; quantity of the other Ingredient are added, to (prevent fern. entation; upon Inspection It will be found not to be a Tincture, a made In Pbar macopcea, nor 1 It a I yrup nd therefor can be ustd In cases where feter or lcflarostloa ex ist. In this, you have tbe knowledge of the In gredient and the mod of prepiratlen. II oping that you will favor It with a trial, and that upon Inspection It will meet with your ap probation. With a leellng of confidence, it am, very respectfully, H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemlat and Drugalsts of 16 Year' Experience From;the Largest Manufacturing Chen. Is s In the World. Norman 4. 1S54. I "I am acquainted, with 'Me. H. T. Helmbold he occupied the Drug Store opposite my resi dence, and wa successful In conduction the busi ness where others bad not been equally so before bim. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise."1 WILLIAM W EIO HTM AN, Firm of Powers A Wcirbtajan, Manufactur ing Chemists, Ninth sod Brown Streets, Philadelphia. ' rlaxaaou)' Firm liraicr Brcac, for weak ocas arising from Indlscntioo. Ths exhausted 0 power of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symrosss, among which will be foand, Indisposition te Exertion, Los of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of disease, or Forebodiogs ol Evil; In fact. Universal Lass! lode, Prostra tion, and nabillty to enter Into the enjoyments of ncietr. The constitution, once affected with Organic Weikness, requires the aid of Medicine to a rengthen and Invigorate the aystem, which IllLilBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHC Invariant doe. If no treatment la submitted te Consump tion or Insanity ensues. niaaoLi's Finn Fxtbact or Brcnc, In af fection peculiar to female, 1 nncqunlled by any other preparation, as In Chlorosis, oryteten tlon, Painfullness, Suppression of Customary Evacuation, Ulcerated or Fchirm State of the Uterus, and all complaint Incident to tb sex, or the dec Hoc or change of life, 11 xu old's Fluid Fxtuct Bccao and lat raoviD Boas Wahh will radically exterminate f rem the system dlteares arising from habit ot dissipation, at little expense, little or na cbanga In diet, no inconvenience or expeaore; complete ly superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copalva and Mercury, la all these dla- ease. I Use Hsuib u's iLcin Extict Been In all disease of these organ, whether existing In male or female, fiom whatever caoae originating. and no matter of how loug standing. It Is pleas ant In taste and odor "Immediate" tn action, and more strengthening than any of the pre'prra Don of Bark or Iron. Those person suffering from broken-down or dellcate constitute. ns, 'procure , tbe remedy, at once. Tb reader mnst be aware tbat however alight may be the attack of the above diseases. It Is cer tain to affect Ui bodily health aai mental pow ers. All the above dlseaso-(requlr the sld of a Diu retic HELM SOLO'S EXTRACT BUCHU 1 tb , reat Diuretic. Sold by Druggist everywhere. Pic St ; er pottle or six bottle for M. Delivered to any addrea. Describe symptcm In all oonm-a .Icatlona. Fend toH. T-.'BELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, (M Broadway, It. T. NONE I GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN steel engraved wrapper, wKh fac-rlnvl ot my Chemical Warehouse, and signed. wAdly H. T. HELMBOLD. Legal AdTeriUi'iDeiils. AiJIniiuiKtritt . r Sale "V"OTICK Is fcareby given that, pnmant to ' Jjl an order of the luuuty Caurt of Mariom county, Oregon, altiins In Probata, mad on law 7ihdiyf NorA.D., 1S7U.1 shall proceed M ell at public auction, at the Court House door In Salven, tn said county, to Ibe highest bidder for ctsh In hand cHd eott, or eauurday the loth, day of December. A. D., IbvU, at the hour or II o'clock A. M. of said day, the lollowiog described real propertT, the same b'lng of the (slat of Prlatiah Chappel, latcal Said eeocty, deoaaaed; The KouUt West H of the North East H and tb South X of tb North West H of the North Ea t V of sretion tn, all In Township south of Kanga Threw Weat, ooatalauig loo acres of kaad according to the Government Survey, said laud being litualtd In Marion rountr, Oregon. H. L. McNARY? Administrator, Salem, Oregon, Nor. 8, lo7o. dlw4w IHOO FLT I I thl ik I hear the bay bnrtr eoogh, ' If be ami cured HwUI take bias utt, I'll buy some -U. H. H." this day And giva n t my toorotd Bay. 1 feel, I feel, t f el, 1 hat' what the oM horse said. I Isleenper workiog iu way through b a bead. (Jar -flioo ! Fly, don't bother me, rh.-o 1 I ly, don't b -ther me. Shoo ! fly. doDt bother eaa. I'm using "it. U. U." you Me. I feel, 1 fee', T fe!. 1 feel like the sun at noon, he"H. II. H." you ra.e ia me Has cured me up so sooa. 1 feel, feel. I leel, I leel like a gay old sport. No spralua or spavins bother ase'. No wind galla 1 report, Cnoac eboo I Fly, Ac I think I hear the Jockey sir j My fastest Horse got burton day. He sprained his llos atd spavlua came And made mv trotter very lame. I feel. I feel, I feet Thai's ahat the trotter said -I must bave "II. H. H." tills day. For I am almost dead. Cnoar Shoo I Fly, Ac It cure n strain and bruises sore. No weakened joints we need deplore 4 To colics and cramp, tt ahutathe door thla-H. H. H.."ot WlUUmaA Moore. ' I leel, I feel, I feel That's what the Jockey said A sick horse needa some U. H. H." And good strew for his bed. Caoac fhoo I Fly, Ac FOR f! 'tie OR CAVpa It I. Instantaneous. To two table spoonfulls of 'he H. II. J . add on ' pint of water and drench the hore, and repeat In urpent eases, for man, woman or child, given In rio;ea from 5 lo HO drop diluted tn water, will rrlteve cfilte alraoat lustantanaouaiy. "D. I. T.' (rirucgiatr, do try It.) THK BIT MmI'IE In th market. For ale by all Druggist and Pealera la Medicine. HO LI CIS. CALI.F At, CO., Affassta. ma)21a Portland, Orecon. TEE NEW JfUUi..' For a few cents you can bnj ;i your Grocer or DnrggLst a f ackage of SEA 3I0SS FARIXE, made from pure Irish Moss, or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Pud dings, Custards, Creams, Char lotte Russo, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food In the Trorli. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and Jolicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! t TIIK CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC. .i .antation Bitters. - This wonderful variable restorative i the ehe?tan rhor of the feeble and debili tated. A a tonic nnd cordial for the aged nnd languid. It ha no equal among stom achics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc especially sab ert, It is itnpersedinr; every other stimulant. In nil Cli mates tropical, temperate, or frigid, it nets as a specldc in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength nnd breaks down the animal spirits. For sale by all Druggists. S..T JS wly THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, An Infallible) BLOOD mtnea. Ing ran toic aad scmviat property a certain euro for anrniTls, sour, ajEi.itAi.ciA. and all kindred Diaeaae. It complttelj' rMtore the system when lnv. paired by disease, iwtItm Um action of tho KIDUETw mmd CMITtL OKCAUai. radk rally enre (taorfLA, SALT atanrt-'M. and all Eat rriva mm riTAsaou Cla. eaaea, give ImmediaU and permanent relief in DYSPEPSIA. EHYaiPELAB. TumOTl, Boll, Scald Head, ITlcer and Sore; radi cate from the iratem all trace of Mercurial Dlaeaee. It ia huelt rccCTlLC, oein mad) from an herb found lndlgenon In raliswmla. It ia therefora peculiarly suitable for va by remalaa and Children, aa mood km. aTIED saaal BaXOVATOB. Far Sals by all Druggists. RtOIRQTON, HQSTCTTER 4 00. A-QKINTTS. 28 and 631 Kaxket StrMt. Bts Frasciaco. Nor. 1 dawln ly. Pudding niver SAW-MILL. H Mile K". tbea st ef Ralem. between BoweU Fraine aod Laa latbUh. JC CAH FTJRHIfH THK BEST kind of LLliR,l.4lIl Uoaraea- bl. term. We i.-., u o ui nlaaer. and can tarnish DHItidU LLMBUt ei arwrj 4. c.'tptton. Good LaI UK mad lo order. DlNNT k TARPLET. April, 1 1S70. . Bags and eggirg. We hare ea Kaad nd are reeetrlnf froea Measra. Ol'rey Bi. a C... Dwmmm, a eaostaat apply ( tbeir MtWtor feed i II a4 Iswsa Mairlaa) WkU Mat Oat kssta 40 IbcIk katrlapa af waiiwaut Weight Will b sold at rbe Vw- aaefwe rate by ' a MrClAKkM, MKKklU. CO. rAB.ise aratasna, Fertaaod. W. V. aBTAb Fa Hen ., lai C W. nOYAL, Ileal ErttatoAtrent. City Praswrt aad Farwa 'er ie."fllin aa . SJni 1 v JT" V r A . W F , aW- 9 mm0 A r