aSSS"" " ' S ' ' TUESDAY. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. KCROPEAN NEWS. r!illes,9fta. 5. Gen. Manteuffel reports that aa nttacic made by consid erable masses of the enemy, was re pulsed near Saphages, on Monday, with small loss on our side, and heavy loss to the enemy, including 250 prisoners. On Thursday Gen. Von Gaeben, with 1 j divUion victoriously repulsed an attack of toe army of the North, near Gapanmet. The French at the end of tbe last fight began to retreat, disas trous to them by the close parsftitof our cavalry. We Jiave already taken 100 prisoners. London, Jan. 5. Favre is coming here. After peace has been restored, France will remain occupied for some time, and French pnsouers will he sent to Men, which is regarded as a Germau fjrtress. The British government has ordered ciQ.G'MJ R iper ntleg. Versailles, Jan. 5. Th batteries south whose armament was interrupted by the French hare bombarded forts Boisey, Vanveres and MontTogue and the entrenchments at Vi'rfe J nit and Point Jour and the gunboats. The bombardment to northwest of Paris is continued heavily, partly from newly erected batteries. Results are most 1 favorable. London, Jan. C. The guns at Ken don and other batteries in theneighbor hood are in position. Materials lor the Honduras railroad are loading at British ports. New York, Jan. 7. Late foreign ex changes state that the Prussians have prohibited the merchants of champagne from snIiug their wine to Belgian! for transportation thence to England or elsewhere. The fljating population of Bordeaux is daily increasing. It is stated that 40,0ii0 persons hae arrived there. Brussels, Jan. 6. The batteries at Claiaart and Viile d Averg, throwing shot weighing one hundred and tweoty f.iur pounds, ad shells weighing sixty five pounds, cave bombarded forts De Is'sy, Von Vores and Moatrarge yes terday and to-day, the forts replying with considerable offeet with six and seven inch guns, throwing shell weigh ing one hundred and fifty pounds. German engineers eipect to silence the forts by the night ot the 7lh. General Chaucey is advancing by two columns. The main body is at La Loupe and another at Veqdoine. The Duke of Mecklenberg occupies a line between Bi ns, Vendome, La Noupe ana Ver- neuile. French reserves from Orleans, Chateau Dun aad Dreox, in all, 77,000 men, tre joining Chaucey, who has 150, U00 soldiers in splendid condition. The forces ol Generals Faidberbe and Ror friea are in excellent condition. Gen. XahtenfTel's losses in the battles of the 3d and 4th, were 3.500. Dates from Paris to the 3d and 4th jnst. have been received to day. Dam age from , the bombardment bad been slight. French losses, thus far, ad been 20 killed and 300 wounded. The citizens and army were clamorous for offensive action. Versailles, Jan. J. Fort Delssey bas been scaled. The approximate losses in the battle at Bapauma are 9.000 Germans, and 4, 0O0 French. The Germans, evacnated Bapaume yesterday. It is said 10,000 French have arrived at Cherbourg to equip for active service. EASTEK9 NEWS. Washington, Jan. 6. TheCoramitte on Foreign Affairs to-day postponed the Kan Domingo matter until neit 'Monday. Meantime the committee will mnjie further examination of the pro priety of rending a commission to Ssan Domingo. The committee now stands 5 to 5, and unless changed, will be un able to make any report. It is understood G;n. Butler has two more letters, which Admiral Porter wrote while Porter was in New York, denouncing General Grant. These let- j ters, be says, be will maka public in a few days. Meantime the Admiral s friends are working for his confirma tion. THE WEST INDIES. St. Thomas, Jan. 2 Steamers are preparing to lay the telegraph cable to -connect Porto Rico and Jamaica wjtb Havana. Hayti, Dec. 22. The whole country is now qniet. SOUTH AMEH1CAS NEWS. Caracas, Deo. 24. The surrenderor Maracaibo and forts surrounding the town is confirmed. The navy also sur rendered. Now the whole Republic is in tbe hands of Goseman Blanco, wbo hat hope of lasting peace. OlL'.l'ORIIa. Sin Francisco, Jai. 7. Snits were commenced on the 27th of December, in the Twelfth District Court, by John Nightingale, against Ben. Holladay & Go., C. Temple Emmet, Miiton S. Lath am, and others, for an lrjunction re training them from selling or offering for sale the stock of the Oregon Cen tral Railroad, and for cash agreed to be paid oa a judgment. Tbe plaintiff, Elliot, claims to bave held a contract, assigned to him by C. J. Cook, for building the road to tbe California line, after whieh he went into partnership with Holladay and others, who agreed to furnish means to carry ont the con tract, but failed to do so. Also C. J Cook against Ben. Holladay & O., Ben. Holladay, Tbaddeas R. Brooks, Milton S. Latham, C. Temple Emmet, Wm. Norria and others, praying for a judgment of $9,305,300. He (blliot) acting as General -Engineer, bubse quently he went Et to endeavdr to arrange tbe business, and was disap appointed and barrassed la every way by the defendants, wbo finally, in No- vember last, took possession of all the effects of the firm and stopped the! work. He prays for full settlement and division of partnership effects. The deenmepts are very voluminous, and contain many points impossible to give by telegraph. . Flou.r Some parties are getting $6 75for extra in jobbing lots. Aver- age of city brands is as follows : Su perfine, in sacks, $5 371 (S5 621. Wheat 600 sacksx coast, $2 15; we quote fair to good shipping at S3 20 2 2j, ana choice milling at 52 30, Barley Firm at $1 35fiU 45 for feed and brewiug. Tbe U. K. steamer Saginaw went ashore on the morning of Saturday, October 29th, on Ocean Island, French Frigate shoals, near Midway Island, Very few provisions were saved, though the ship did not entirely go to pieces nntil the 14tb of November. On the 18th of November hr executive filacer,. Lieutenant Talbot, with sub-officers, left in a gig for the Sandwich Island, and' after encountering incredilable sufferings they reached Kauai, Decern- ber 18th, bat all very weak. Lieuten ant Talbot, Peter Frank aad Quarter master James Muir, and John Andrews, sailor, were drowned in the surf in landing. The bodies were recovered News was sent at once to Honolulu, and a schooner, Lonal packet, was sent by the American Minister with provis ions and water. Two days later the steamer Kilauer, placed at his disposal by the Government, was also dis patched. It is hoped she will arrive in season to save the lives of the wrecked crew, 90 in number, all of whom were on quarter rations, tbe island yielding nothing. UTAH. Oorinne, Jan. 8. The following tel egram was received from Greytown, Colorado, on tbe 7th : About 1 o'clock this morning tbe Barlow House, con sidered one of tbe finest hotel) in the Territory, took fire from a defective Sue and was soon totally destroyed. A high wind wag blowing At tbe time uireciiy ujwarus me ousioes portion i- .1 . J , , . ciijr, sewnK uro 10 a notei ana table. It wasoDly by continual watch fulness and the utmost exertions on the part of the firemen that the stables were saved and '.he fire kept from ipreaamg. Loss, 120,000, mostly tuercu uy lusnrance. An Elmira farmer wrote to Horace Oreely for advice as to the best kind of bees to keep, and received an answer to the effect that husking bees" were the bet, bat in order '.o make them lay honey profitably be must use a china nest eirg, and blanket bis bees when Why is the earth like a school black they are not on the nest, nod feed them board ? Because the children of men urau nu iniu-ujings. Portland and the Subsidy. The Portland papers give an account of an enthusiastic meeting beld Sat urday night in that city, at which speeches were made, showing har mony of action in favor of the subsidy and a great accession of subscriptions. It is confidently expected that the $100,000 will soon be raised. Port land seems to be aroused to the neces sity of action, and some of the speak ers at the meeting were men living ic .vest side counties', who plainly told the citizens of that place that their prosperity had come from the Willam ette Valley trade, and depended upon it in the future. It wcnld be well if the capitalists there could fully appre ciate that fact and act accordingly. They can easily raise $100,000 to help a west side railroad, and ought to do it or else lose the prestige and trade they have already acquired, but which, as Judge Sbattuck said, have been ac quired without ' natnral advantages" to insure their continuance. State Xews. POaTLSKD. Fj-ourSunday's Herald: The Gung- ner will not have hr cargo completed until the latter end of ibis week. Tbe Oregon City boats are bringing down a large amount of flour. Tbe Okanagon will be able to re sume running on Tuesday. The Van couver will make an excursion trip to Kalama at 7 a. uiAbis morning. From Sunday's Bulletin: At the store of Mr. Edward Cbambrcau, on First Btreet, about nine o'clock last evening, a box of jewelry was Btolen by a young woman who had been al lowed to enter Mrs. Cbambreau's roon for the purpose of fitting a dress she was purchasing. The Skating Rink was well attended last night, and we are pleased to see it fast becoming" a popular place of amusement. a LINK COCRTT. From the Albany EeyUttr: Oa Sat urday last, Mrs. Beach, wife of D. Beach, Esq., of the firm of Beach k Monteith,. millers, slipped and fell upon the sidewalk a short distance from her residence, breaking her right hip. At. present Mrs. Beach is resting comparatively easy, and bopes of an early recovery are entertained. The funeral services previous to the burial of Mrs. Delazon Smith, who died on tbe 1st inst., transpired at tbe M. E. Church on Tuesday afternoon. A deeply aflecting sermon was preached by tbe Rev. Mr. Emory, aud the largest audience that tilled tbe chnrch was visibly impressed by it. Almost the entire audience followed in tbe procession from the church to the Masonic Cercelry, where the remains were interred. On the evening of December 30, the the Merchant's Hotel, presided over by Mr. James Gore, at Harrisburg, was routed of $(i0. The money was kept in the clock. Tbe loss of the money was noted about eight o'clock in tbe evening, and suspicion was immedi rectly directed te a Chinaman who had been employed that day. Toe Chinaman was arrested and tbe money found upon bis person. There is-no change to mention since our last, except in tbe article of wheat. Tbe general price seems to be 90 cents, although one lot wrought 95 cents. Quite a number of our farmers are still holding on to their wheat, avow ing their determination not to sell uutil iber can realize one dollar tier bushel. The question of building an Odd Fellows temple in this city next sea son, is receiving consideraole atten tion. POLK COTJSTT. From the Republican: On Sunday last, about noon, an alarm of fire was sounded. The fire proved to be in the wood shed attached to the parsonage of the M. E. Church. Tb family of tbe occupant. Rev. D. L. Spaulding, was absent th previous niuht, and bad been borne but a short time. The work was supposed to be that of an incendiary, as there was no chance for the fire to get into the woodpile, un-le.-s placed there. No damage wig done, further thnn the burniu of a few slicks of lire-wood. Mr. Wm. Clingham of this place, killed a porker twenty months old, which weighed 119 pounds net weight. It was a curiosity having seven distinct ears "our oa one side, aad three oa the other. TAHH1LL COOSTY. From tbe West Side: We learn that a young man living near btnogtown was hurt on tbe hand by -the explo sion ot a soot gun, on Saturday last. It seems he had loaded one barrel twice by mistake and on firing it off the gon burst in bis bands, tearing away the thumb and part of his right hand. The river having reached a stage as to allow the botUs to come up to this point, they bave been as bnsy aa beavers reducing tbe immense stores that await sbipfient. Treascre Taovs As Unexpected Forti'ME. The Philadelphia Age re- latcs the following : A few days since, an aged woman, wbo lives in the Ticinity of Fifth and Dia- mond streets, in bunting over a box of nickoacks, which accumulate in every household, chanced to find an old and dirt-begrimed breast pin, which, e.l- most a score ot years ago, her talker bad given her. It bad some stones in it which she thought of no particular value. She carried it to a jeweler lor repairs. After scrutinizing it be asked ber if ebe knew its value. " well. she replied, " there may be about five dollars worth ot gold in it; whereupon he offered her $SU0, cash down, for it. Tbis staggered ber. She then learned that the stones, of which there were ten, were each two-karat diamonds of the very finest description, five of them haviug a peculiar bluish tint that gives them great value. Upon taking the pia into a large Chestnut street estab- lisbment, she was offered S2,t)00 cash for it, and and another offer was $350 I for each tinted stones. Words cannot describe the joy of this aged lady, whose circumstances were far from comfortable, when she discovered tbe worth of tbe ornament which for years bad been shuffled about in a box of rubbish. A Mas Wahts to bis Hcng. The sentence ot Oiinntlly, wuo bas tor some time been awaitmg death on the ga! lows, at Columbia, Missouri, for the murder of Mrs. Moore, baring been twice respited, has been commuted to imprisonment for life by Gov. McCInrg. When the jailor communicated to him tbis last action of the Governor, be be came enraged and remarked: ' This is the d dest conntry on the earth, and has the poorest laws. I have been lying bere in prison for months. My execution, for which everything bas been made ready, has been twice put off, and now I am to go to the peniten tiary for life, instead of being bung, as t wanted to be." He wag evidently disappointed in not being permitted to meet deatB on tbe scaffold, baring all the while since bis incarceration ex- i tuo " - pnise& bimsell as desiring to be hung rT i-rI.a Drj A very large portion of the community tbink he should bave been accomoda ted. Every preparation had been made by the Sheriff for bis execution; his coffin and all the paraphernalia of a murderer's death at the hands of ibe law was ready. The scaffold was erec ted about one mile southeast of town, in a secluded and lonely spot in tbe woeds. ConnelVy, when he took his departure for tbe penitentiary, suit re gretted that be could not be bnng, in- giead of going to the State prison, I : j muiiipiy upou iuc iwpui it. City and County Items. The bouse and lot opposite tbe Dis trict school house, belonging to the estate of James M. Townsenti, was sold yesterday, by Messrs. Friedman & Gos liner, to Jos. Albright for $750. Tbe weather for the last few days hag been rery disagreeable ; so much so, that items have became aa scarce and as hard to find as water-tight awn ings. ' The Beatty Troupe played HThe Drunkards Child" to a very good au dience on Saturday evening last. Tbe play was a good one and well received, Mr. Beatty as Joe Morgan, May Wells as little Mary, and Mrs. Beatty as Me bitable Cartwright, could not fail to please the most exacting theater goer. Tbe new quarter at the University commenced jester-day with a larger numbsr of scholars than attended the previous term. This is one of the best institutions of learning in tbe S'ate, as the Faculty are competent teachers and very attentive to their pupils. Tbe classes were organized and tbe generous hearted Principal, knowing what a pleasure it is to the scholar to be allowed a few bouts of freedom, dismissed school for the day. Annivkusart Celebration. Olive Lodge, No. 18,1. O. O. F., will cele brate the third anniversary of its insti tution on Saturday evening next, Jan uary 14th, by the public installation of its officers by tbe M. W. Grand Master, and an address by Prof. Syl. C Simp son. After these ceremonies at tbe hall the members of the Order, with their wives and daughters, etc., will partake of a supper at tbe Cbemeketa House. JanlOtd. Thanes. We are indebted to Messrs. Snyder & Cook for a copy of the Sa lem Directory. It is a very neat and nsef'il addition to our Library, and should be favored by every business man and firm in tins' city. Persons outside of publishers are not aware how much lime and money is con turned in publishing a work ot thiB kind, but tbe above named firm have spared no pains in making it a neat and correct book. At a regular meeting of Marion Chapter, No. 4, 0. E. L., the following persons were elected officers for the ensuing year: Mr. T. H. Cox, W. P.; Mrs. Mary Trotter, W. M.; Mrs. Eve line Wilson, A. M.; Mrs.Mattie Wilson, C; Mrs. Lydia Kelley, A. C; Mrs. L'juretta Cox, Treas.; Mrs. Alice Gray, Sec; Mrs. Philips, W.; Mr. Andrew Kelley, S. Regular meeting of Marioa Chapter, No. 4, 0. E. L., Tuesday evening, Jan luih, at seven o'clock. Mrs. A. D. Gray, Sec. The following accounts were audited and warrants issuu in the County Coinmission ci's Court : ! 73 36 CO 00 10 00 21 00 15 00 8 B3 158 00 3U 50 19 01 73 9(1 3 '.'0 S 00 73 21 9 00 It on 20 00 200 00 200 00 125 00 llr, J. A: Richardson, inctHculaltcn-.. . dance on pauper I)r. Carjienter i. Chase, iue,lirul at- tendiuice en pauper J. F. Adyus, keeping pauper Clark Rogers, cot'dn for 14 J. C. Orubbs Co., medicine for pauwr . .1. N. -Matheny, Sheriff. Yeatnn & Uoon, stationery, etc T. Cunningham & Co., jail acct A. B. CoSr. for clerks acct K. D. Tonl, lumber for county mad . Knzle A Co., ' " . N. Lawrrnee, " " " A. -Johnson, J. P.f for criminal action P. H. Eweil, Constable in criminal action A. B. Co.-per, Court House acct . S. Moore, J. Powell, Superintendent , " School Total Si, 135 41 The following are the transfers of Real Estate filed for record for tbe week ndicg Jan. 7th, 1871: Cnoledge k McClane to John Riggs, N. E. J ot lot No. 4 North in Silverton: coasideation, $25. Paul Craodall to Alexander Spong, lot No. 4 in bloek 10, North Salem ; consideration, S300. John O'Conner to Ellis Minor, 160 acres, parts of sections 22, 23, 21! and 27, T. 5. S. R. 2 O: consideration, $500. H. L. McNary, administrator to Isaac R. Moores. ICO acres. S. W. 1 of N. E. and S. of N. W. , Sec. 25., and S. E. i of N. E. of Sec. 26, T. 6, S. U., 3 W.; consideration. $1,025. Abraham Blackbem to David M. Hall, 12 acres in Sec. 6, 19 and 20, T. 5, S. R., 1 W.; consideration, $237. T. J. Carter and wife to Thomas Cunningham, lot No. 1 in block CI, Sale" : consideration, $1,000. James A. Masterson to Joseph Engle, 72 rods in Sec. 19. T. 5, S. R.. 1 W.; consideration, $100. Geo. W. Weidler to Joseph Largever, lot 8 in block 37, Gervais; consideration, $50. David Cole toS. Friedman, North, 44 feet in width of lot 9, block 69, Salem; consideration, $1,500. Dr. T. B. Jackson to Jacob Ogle, 217 acres, T. 7, S. R., 2 W.; consider ation, $7,000. Proceedings of thi Probate Coun ty Co.rBT. C. X. Terry, Judge. - In the matter of the estate of John Snyder, deceased, J. H. Moores, Ad minstrator, Inventory and appraise ment list filed; petition presented ask ing the sale of certain personal prop erty at private gale; prayer granted: saie of hogs confirmed. In tbe matter of the estate of Wil liam Engle, deceased, Joseph Engle, Administrator, made final settlement of said estate and discharged from further duty therein. In the matter of'the estate of Alfred Brooks, deceased, Thomas Cross, Ad ministrator, of said estate, filed hrs first semi-annual account therein from which it appears said estate is insol vent, and not able to pay in full; or dered that tbe class of claims allowed within tbe first six months be allowed a pro-rato pajmeat upon the same. In the matter of Guardianship of W. ft. Boon, Seth B. Hammer, Guar dian, presented his account and vouch ers for final settlement; and if appear- ing to the satisfaction of the Court that said account was in all things cor rect and no objection being filed, said Gaardian is discharged from further liability in this behalf. Wntu Hell Is. "I wish to ask you a"qnestion," said Mr. Sharp to our young minister as he met bim in tbe street. '.'I am anxions to know where hell is. The Bible I have read, geographies, histories, and other books, and I can't find ont where it is exactly." Tbe joong minister, placing his hand on his shoulder, and looking earnestly into his eyes, replied encour agingly, My dear sir, don't be dis couraged, I'm snre you will 'find out after a while. As for myself, I have made no ioquiries, and really don't wish to know 'where hell is.' About heaven I have thought and read, and studied a great deal. I wish to make that my borne, and or the help of tbe Lord I will. Ask me about heaven and I can talk, 1 don't kouw where hell Is, nnd yon had better ihot find ..... lL I si i , . , VMW Ufan or-null VOTimoniceal. . r . y A half-inch thick glass skvligv, in hne, wag broken try s smalt eoeulJ'e an Friday. The pebble, wbicb waVs e cored, is full of specks ag brilliiin brilliant as dia-moodj. and oreseiits a orass appearance. Fasciks of a Starving ham. A Mr. Evarts, who get lost amid tbe moun tains of Calilornia, wandered about for many days, and was finally discov ered when nearly perishing tor want of food, and strange fancies come over him toward tbe last ot bis wanderings, whieh are tbus described : He does not admit of tbe idea that be was de prived of sound mind, bnt at tbe same time fancied that be had plenty of company ; thought bis right leg was one man' his left another, bis arms two other, and bis stomach a fifth, thought they were good fellows, and was sorry- he could not give them all tbey wanted to eat. He was surprised that when thistles were to be dug, fires xade, wood brought and meals cooked, that tbey would uot help him. Every thing be at tasted good except grass hoppers. His stomach bad not been educated up to that point. He fre quently ate raw fish, and esteemed them delicious; caught one snow bird, aud bad a rare meal ; chased a toad for two days, hut without capturing it. In bis dreams he used to rook some of tbe mo.-t delicious meals be ever ale in bis life. Tbi Cbow. Aside from tbe special question of profit and loss, we have a warm side toward tbe crow, he is so much like one of ourselves. HeislAzy, and that is human; be is ennning, and that is human. He takes advantage of those weaker than himself, and that is man-like. He is sly, and taidfes for to morrow wba; bp can't eat to-day, show-i-jgareai bum;u providence. Helearna tricks uiueh faster than be does useful things, showing a true boy-nature. He thinks bis own color the best, and loves to hear bis own voice, which are eminent traits of humanity. He will never work, when be can get another to work for him a genuine human trait. He eats whatever he can lay his claws upon, and is less mischevious with a. belly full than when htiugry, and that is like man. He is at war with all things except bis own kind, and with them when be has" nothing else to do. No wonder men despise crows. Tbey are too much like men. Take off bia wings and put him in breeches, and crows make fair average men. Give men wings, and reduce their smartness a little, and many of them would be al most good enough to be crows. Jitecher. A Qextlk Rebuke. A lady riding in a car on the New fork Central rail road, was disturbed in reading by th conversation of two gentlemen, occu pying the seat before her. One of them seemed to be a student of some college, on bis way home for a vaca tion. He used much profane language, greatly to. the annoyance of the lady. She thought she would rebuke him, and on begging pardon for interrupt ing tbein, asked thp young student if he bad stndied the laiiguages. " Yes, madame. I haje mastered the languages quite well." " Do you rtad aud speak Hebrew !" " Quite fluently." ' Will you he so kind as to do me a small favor '."' . " With great pleasure, I am at your service." ' " Will you be so kind as to do your swearing in Hebrew ?" We may well suppose tbe lady was not annoyed any more by the ungen tlemanly language of ibis would-be gentleman. Elder Knapp, while baptizing con verts, at a revival meeting in Arkausas, advanced with a wiry, sharp-eyed old chap into tbe water. He asked tbe usual question, whether there was any eason why the ordinance of baptism should not be administered. Alter a pause, a t&ll, powerful looking man. with an eye like a hlz, who was leaning on a long rifle, and quietly looking on, paid: "Elder, I don't want to interfere any in tbis yere bus iness, but I want to say that is a bard en old sinner yon've got hold of, and I know that one dip won't do biro any good. If yon want to get the sin ont. of hirn you'il bave to anchor him out in deep water over nigbt. Egos I Wistkii. Deitz, in his Ex perimental Jvurnal. says : To bave heus lay in winter, teed tbe following kinds of feed : Boiled meat chopped fine, or chandler's cracklings chopped fine and soaked in hot water, to cause it to swell before feeding ; bread crurab3 soaked in ale; oat meal mixed with milk. Tbe above teed is stimulating, and tends to make fowls lay. Tbey at the same time should be be fed legii larly with corn, wbeat screenings and barley. By feeding tbe above regular ly, and keeping the fowls dry and warm through the winter, the largest amount of eggs will be had. The other day the front door of the Tribune olfio.e bad to be closed for some purpose. So Horace wrote oa a piece of paper, " entrance ou Spruce street," and-sent it dewn to the man who does the painting of tbe bulletins to be copied. Tbe man studied over Horace's tracks all tbe forenoon, and finally, in despair, wrote " Editors on a Spree ! " and posted it up. The passers by thought the circumstance was not unusual, but wondered why it should be posted up so conspicuously. Cheap Food for Can aria's. Folks who bave pet canaries will find tbey are extravapaDtly fond of the seed pro ducettfrom tbe plantain, which may b found in almost etrery yard, the leaf of which 19 known to every school-boy as an excellent remedy for the effect of a- bet-sting. The birds will eat tbese seeds voraciously, when tb,ey appear to have a decided distaste for every other kind of food offered them. PrBi.ic Speakers and Simcehs will find "liroim't flrnnchinl Troches" bene ficial in clearing tho voice before apenking or singinjr, and relieving the throat after any unusual exertion of the vocal organs, having a peculiar adaption to affections which disturb the organs of speech. For lou'rhs and (. uldti rae 1 rochet are etiectual. ajun-liwlwdood A Lady ot Illgrt Hank, Wife of one of the leading statesman of England says : ' I have duly received tbe case of MrnitAY Lanmax's Florida Wa ter, which you were kind enough to send me. 1 have tested its merits, and Unci it a must delightful perfume, more delicate and fluiverlikc in its aroma than any utuer toil ed preparation I hare before used." "i?rur('iiaers should be particular to aslrlorthe Florida Water prepared by I.n man 4 Kemp. New York, who are the sola proprietors of tbe genuine perfume. Jau-lwlw. 511. Chapped Hands and Face , dure L.lpa, Dryness of tbe fclltn, Kte., Kte , Cored at oneeby IIeoehax's Cayphor Ice with Glycerine. It keeps tho bands soft in all weather. Sco that you get Hece 11 ax's. .Void by all Druggists, only 25 cents-. Manufactured only by IIegeuax & Co., Chemists auil Druggists, New York. jan'ltwly. Floral lncutl The fragrance of fresh flowers is agrce- I able and pleasant to even the most fastid- lous ; and in toe genuine ML' nr. ay (c l-ax-mas's Flomju Wter we have the floral fragrance in all its relreshing purity and strength. Delicate persiins and invalids are greatly soothed anil benefited by its use. .EST As there are worthless counterfeits, Olivers should always auk for tbe Florida Water prepared by Lauiaan tt Kemp, New Xurk. Jan 4 wlw. 34. Why was Robinson Crusoe's man Friday like a rooster? Because be scratched for himself and crew-so. Try Welch's Rotary Wasiuno Ma . rmsit. rirst premium awanled to Welch's llotary Washing Machine. Anyone wishing to try Welch's Rotary Washinjr Machine can do so by leaving ibeir address at Anderson t Brown s. Can do a large washing in one hour with Welch's Rotary Washing Machine. A child twelve years old can work Wa-lch's Uotary Washing Machine. Over forty Welch's Uotary Washing Machines are in use in tbis city. Why is a whale like a water-lilly 7 Because it comet to tbe surface to 'Amefican fl.clnre now largely inan ufaciured in rri. " LATEST. Earopeaa Saws. London, Jan. 8. Paris advices to the 3d are received."' ' ' ' ; :' A council of w'ar has approved meas ures for associating tb" National Mo bile Guards with the Regular Army, for a more vigorous defence of the city. Brussels, Jan. 8. Eight arrests hare been made in the Department of Saooe and elsewhare, suspected of being Bonapartist agents.: A reign of terror is 'Ojmencirg. s Tb5 Prussians re-occupied Anxonne yesterday. A battle is imminent between Gen eral Werder and the armies of Bour baki and Garibaldi, t The army of the North has been re fitted and will shortly be prepared fir duty. Tbe headquarters of Faidberbe will quit Barcelaux to-morrow and will ad vance towards Bourheki's army. Tbe combined army will then advance to Nancy and cut off the base of the Ger mans. London, Jan. 7. Semi-official au thority announces that it is impossible to fix tbe time of tbe meeting of a Congress of Powers in consequenee of the absence of the French representa tives. The Observer says the Confer ence of Powers will certaialy meet be fore the 23i of January. Tbe refusal of Favre to attend is not considered final, but whether France is repre sented or not, the Conterec.ce will f setnble. Lille, Jan. 7. Faidberbe still claims a victory in spite of German bulleiioes. Paris letters to the 4th indicate dan ger of riots. London, Jan. 7. Faidherbe is now advancing towards Peroune. The casements of Issay and VeD dome were battered down fter a tight of eight hours duration. London, Jan. 7. The Germans in the upper valley of Oise have evacu ated Guise aud Herson and are re treating on Messieres. Versailles, Jan. 7. German forefs beyond Vendome encountered, and af ter a severe engagement, repulsed two French army corps. Tbe Germans oc cupied Oosay, Mont Orles and interme diate villages. The German losses were inconsiderable. Bordeaux, Jan. 7. The Germans on Friday attacked French positions at Ville, Cho-nere and St. Cyrpaiilt, and af terwards forced our lines at Xruil'e. Tbe French at night took the offensive, reoceupitd all their positions and en tered St. Arnaud. The enemy retired toward Vendome, leaving many wonnd- 'ed and prisoners. They, appirently. suffered heavy during the day and night. Havre, Jan. 8. Ten thousand Ger mans, mostly from Roud, were defeat ed yesttrday by Gen. Roy, near Jum ereirr. The French have since occu pied Bourgacbard, and threaten to drive tbe Prussians' from Point Aidco. j Versailles, Jan. 5. Tne vanguard of I Werder s forces in the valley of Saon engaged the Freueh yesterday, and took 25 prisoners. The King ert to-day th fnllowinc dispatch: Our ln rturmir tbe hoi-- i tiardmeut ot Fort D'lssev, so far, are 17 j killed and wounded. Large supplies , have bpen captured from the French at Ro.-be Roy. Versailles, J in. S. The second army I corps has been augmented by rein'on-e- ' man Is, and resumed ouensive move ments on the 1st. Bourbaki is believed to be planning to raise the siege before attempting to invade Germany. 1'lHck Forest will be bis base of operations. German losses at Vendome on the Cih and 7th were btavy. London, Jan. 8 Evening. Bonrbs ki is marching on Nancy and Belfort. Tbe Prussians bave feoccupied Aux ocne. The Freucb have entered Salonr. German sgents are withdraw ing from Northern Department. The French marines aud infantry re pulsed a Prussian detachment near B.-iare. Uerman loss 2o men. The account in the Trmr of ihe i on- ! versation Wwren Wasbbnrne and Favre is contradicted at Bordeaux, i Favre is st ill waiting to receive Eng- ! land's invitation to conference. j Uhlans have appeared under the j wails of Lille. j mtlTISIt COM MUIA. ' Victoria, Jan. 6 The Legislative I Council opened yeterdny at half past one p. m. Tbe Governor's message ; gives general satisfaction, tending to ' immediate confe deration and api-y con- ! sidering other points of interest. j i k i James Bagley, of the Rovai O Hotel, was found dead iu Lis bed yes terday morning. A banquet was given last evening at the Masonic. Hall by Victoria Lode. News trom Peace River mines con ti ioes most encouraging. Weather mild aud rainy. From the lloebsrg J'iainde-:, The i citizens of Camas Valley built at their i own expense a bridce nbout 100 teel j long iiqroa the Coquille, about five mile ce.ow ait. wm. uays. it is a great convenience to tbe travelling public, being on tbe mail route Between Koseburg &3d the coaet. The population of Dougiaa couaty is 6,300. A flock of 700 head of' sheep was of fered for sain last Thursday. To tbe surprise ol of every one the highest bid wag only one dollar and a half, at which 100 were sold and the balance withdrawn. From the Roscburg Ensign: As a public journalist we are called upon to impart to our readers, tbe painful in telligence of the death of one of our worthy citftens, Capt. S. D. Hinsdale, a pioneer settler of tbe Umpqua Valley, wbo hag been closely identified with the early settlement, advaucem-n, and general intereats of Southeru Oregon. PORTLAND. From the Oregonian: Tbe boy, Brown, wbo was accidentally shot lafct week, is reported by the attending phj biciau to be gelling along finely. Capt. Dick Hoyt, who came up from Momicello yesterday, informs ns that the Cowlitz is very bigb and as it is stilt rising, the people bave fears of another overflow. We have seen one or two of the peo ple whe went down to Kalama on Sue day. They were disappointed some what in not finding tbe city they went to see. "Tbey couldn t nnd a botel, or ' distilled damnation" cbebaog in the whole place, and the trip was, there fore, a rather dry affair, except as toW . - - I . V : toe rain una sucu moiaiure as iuo ex cursionists could get on board the steamboat. Mr. Carroll, the latest case of small pox in tbis city, ot wnicn we bare any knowledge, was out on tbe street again yesterday. He bas been fully recovered for some days, but has kept in doers on account of the inclement weather. If yon feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, bave frequent headache, muuth tastes badly, p,ior appetite And tongue coated, you are wiffcr- iu! from Torpid Liver or "Iiil!iou?ness," and nothing will cure you so speetiity and peruianently as Dr. Pierce's Alt. l',xt. or tioldca Sledical Discovery. It also cures the worst lioirerinc; tbe same time strengthening and puryfyiug the whole pyj-teui. r Kewember that lr. Fierce s yri rate L. S. liuvernmeiit Itevcuue Stami bearing upon it his potrait, name aad ud dre, I upon every bottle of the Ueuuinc. Sold by ail irugjiats. jau4:wlwdeod. TJxivkbsal Saloon. This, popular place of refreshment is now opened by the undersigned, who ofier to their friends and customers the best of liquors and (rood lunches at all hours. Pigs feet and pickled tripe on the side. i-COTT i Cosway. Salem, Dec. 2, 1870. . t "Time Tbie all TBisos,rt and has proven that ll'i'iiitr'i Valtam of Wild Cherry is fie remedy par tretlhwe, for the cure of couzbe. cold, croup, whooping enush, bronchitis, Bothnia, phthisic, sore thront, inflnenza, and "last, not lv?t," e'ine'liinption. j.tn4:w5w:deotl Commercial. SALtM VAltKET REPORT. Wedxesdat, Jan. 11, 1871. The price ot produce remain un changed. Wbeat still selling at Su ets, per' bushel. Groceries, woolen aud cotton goods, etc., selling at same price.. Flour Best brands S3 50 per hbl at mill; $1 C2J per sirtgle suck. Corn ileal Oregon ground 5c ; Walla Walla Cc Wbeat Bent white 9Co per bushel. Oats 40 cts pur buhei from wagons ; 50 cts at retail. Potatoes 75 cts to $l,00Jfi bucbel. Lard 11 cU iu bulk ; $1 50 can. Bacon Sides It to 15c; ham. 18 to 25s for ugur cured ; shoulders 8 to I2o. lleaus From wagons Ac; retail tic. !!ut:er 374 to 45 cts; retail 50c for good rolls. Coffee Firm, by the sack 21o for Java ; 331fj,al retail. Cheese Oregon (Cranston's) 25c; Cali fornia the samo. Candles Grant's $5 to $ 50 "ji box ; Woods' $4 50 to $5 ; Adamaiitiue $1 00 to $1 50 ; at retail 25 to 374c i 111. Eg;s 35 to 40 cU. Apples 50 to 75o per box. Dried Fruits Apples 4 to 5s; ptncucs IS to 20c; prunes 30 to 35c; currants 10 to 25c; raisins 37c, Fish Salmon, choice. Lf Mils fj" 00 ; radiies, kits of 20 lbs, SI ; do 30 lbs, 0 j mackerel $1 per kit ; codfish, coast, 15c; Eastern 20o. Sugar . F. R. lG;s ut retail ; island 10 to lac; cru-htvl l'i t -'Oc. Svrun S. F. Kts $Sl "H call-.n $1 25. - l box 2 to 52 2j; Lar 2j to T.e. Suit Carmen Inland, ewt. f I 75 : Liverpool Dairy $U 00 : do packing 2 50. Teas $1 to $1 50 'j3 lb. Tobacco Sic to $1 25 f R. Oils Linseed, at mill, $1 30; retail 51 50; lard oil. at retail, $2; coal oil, l j) kiiUou rot:iil, owing to f peculation iu that articlu. l,iuie $3 50 ; by single bbl $1. Iron and f-tcel Common bur iron, an 1 round and square, 5c; horse shoe 0c: hand iron 8c; httop iron 1'Jc; hf round Sc; Nor way nail rod 12c; plow steel 12Jc; spriug and tire steel 15i-. Nails t penny nud over $7 5(1 Leg ; 2 penny 511: out spikes $7 to $7 50. Oregon Woolen Goods Salem make, at mills, nook-sale, blankeu. Kray, No. 2. $0 ; do No. :i, $5; do white. No. I, extra No. 1 $$; do No. 2, 50; do No. 2, $5 50; Flannel 8-4 white, $1 121; do 4-4, 55c; do 3-4 ",7 to 4'Je; plain colors 40 to 45c; fancy tweeled sheeting 45 to 50c; do prey mixed. :i7t'4..: b.ird times 00c; doeskin Si 00; nibed Leaver 1 ; fancy casiuiervs $1 10 to i.' 50 fir double width; tweeds 7l to S5c; yarns $1 to $1 25 lb. Uood At retail, shectinrs, standard, 14 tu 20c; secointa, ti ljgLt, H i tnl2ic; standurd drills IS to 20c; slirait ini;. bleachod and unbleached, 14 to 25c; bleached, i to g, 13 to 15c: deniuis 20 to 25e; hickory stripe 20 to oiler prints, fancy, tlItol21o; Merriuiacks 12Vc; delaues 20 1 25!; ticking 4-4 3sc; SO in. 20 to 2ic; iust-y 21 to s;a. AOF-STS FOH THE STATEHUX. J. L Collin? Thos. Pearcc... DsiUs EoU ..: Ukkreal Bridgeport Sa'.t Creeit Amity Monoiouiu 'eoa Auuisytltft Brownsville Lebnnon Scio SorKiinity Silverton Albany Corvallis ..Cottage (IrovH Cbetfo Summit Eupene Empire City Harri'buro; JeflVrsou Jacksonville 11. Clark J. HoUiusbeait J. 11. SVery i Get rib el i'. y. Wnteriioust . ) ; hooper j), .Sunoon v. R. Kirk , s. I. C iaogrttou.., K. E. Wherler n J 5 Smith ic Crjara-i. Taiiu J t:- O'lencai.... N. Martin ,S. C'regweil J. Itowmao .1. K. Brown .1. W. Prtrkei II. Smitb 11. A. Johueon... .May Muiler , I. 11. Eilihon Osklaud Applejrate... liunsnkei .. 1. Smitb... ('. Stanton. i.' llovey... Ashlnnd .CaDvoa villn Peoria Uoseiiur ..Sprinirfipld J . V, hn WiliBioette Forks 15 K. Cinr M. 1". Spencer V. F. McCreary ....... J. M. Uacon S. llrooks". V: T. 15. Nicholson. J. C. llava J. P. Taylor YV. V. Beach Bilttevilio Belparii Baker City .... Oregon Cit Dalies Portland Waconda St. Louis ....Huena Vista A reverend pentleman wag address ins a Sbhth school concert at F,os trr H;ghlanil3 end was trrintr to en fori e the doctrine tLnt the hearts of the little one were sinful, nnd teeded to be civi n to Christ. Taking out his wntcL, and roloing It up, iie said : " Now here is my watch ; suppose it don't keep eood tim ; now poes ten fast, and ro-.v too slow ; wist. shall I do wilii it !" " ell if," s-bouled out a fldX' ii-headed youn'"r. Fir.": Pi:!'!irvEXT No bills will be allowed by tbe Fire Department, except arh p.J are ordered by the Chief Er.ziueer. Joiix d. W'K'.niiT, Chief Eugiuecr. Sili-m, .1 n. l-'TI. lw M'l'.flAI, SOTH'liN. WILLIAM OAVlDfOSf, Office !io. Gl.Froat Street, PORTLAND, : : : : : : : : OKSwOM tREAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A lane ainor.iit ol CITY and EAST PORTLAND proieriy lor aa'-i. At?-., IMPROVED AHMS, anfl valuable on CQttivata LAMf?, located in all pari ot the Mate. Inve-tmeiits In RVAl. F5TATF and Mlier PHOPKhl'V ma.le lor correspondent. Claims of all descrUtl-'na promptly collected. HOICKS ai.,1 MOKES leaaed. All k-nrta of Financial and General Agency busioeaa transacted. Arties bavin FARM PROPERTY for aa'.e ar!U pteaae tnrnUh descriptions of the aarae to AORNTi" or TH1K OFFICK, in each ot the prin cipal CITlfcS and TOWNS of Ihia STATU. jun29xs Pain la supposed to he the lot nf na poor mor tals, as Inevitable as death ItaeK and liable at at any time to come uiwin ul. Therefore It Is important that remedial aayma ahonld be at hand to fce uaed on an emmerKency, when" the aeminat nrlnctole ldred In the avaiem ahall develop ;isef, and wo feel the excruciating agonies 01 pain, or the depreaniK Influence of nis-ass. eu-il. a remedial aeeoteaifta in the Pars Kiu.ia, whoae fame haa nade the circuit of the piobe Amid the eternal lc of the pnlar reirionf or lielieath the Intolerable and burning sun of the teop es. Its virtues are known and anprec'ated. Under all lautudes. from the one oxtreme to ihe other, suTerine; humalty haa found relief from manv of i:a ilia by Its use. The wine and broad area over which this rotdielnehas aprevl, attests Its value an potency. Front a small htrlonm, the Pain Killet has pushed pradtially along, makina; ita own hU way, solely by Its virtues. uch unexampled uccesa and popularity has hrousM oihers Into the field, who have attempted, under Imilarlty of name, to saurp the confi dence of the peoiJe and torn H to their selhah neas and dishonesty, but their efforts have pros ed fruitleaa, while the Pais Kl.icr is itill grow, eg In public favor. Jan4wlw8eod. Dp re ad Site Tesatli. Some medical men Insist that It la undignified to advertise a remedy, however valuable It may be. Queer reasoning Ibis. It is like saying that an article wiilch tbe world necda ahniod bUd In a comer that benefits aad blessings may be loo widely diffused that 'he means of protecting and reaterli-g health ahcnld be a elose saebopole, and Dot aecesaable to all. The argument Is bad. It In worse than that: It la Inhuman. Fnprwae Hoatett'T's utiaeh Bittera an absolute apeeins for dyapepbia, blitouatiesa and nervous Debility had never been known beyond the rejrtrivir nf the faculty, what would have been Hie conae qj-i.ce? of curing and invlgoraiini; millions, the rood Veti of the preparation wc-ald have been onttned to a eonsparatlve lew. There ia Uie Inchest aulhoriiy for raying that lieht thould not be lud under a huahe! ; that wba-. . ever ia excellent should he placed aa a i-lfy on a h'.ll. where all men can take cogoiaaoce or It. It ia upon this principle that the Bittera have ' been advertised and continue to be advertise in every newspaper ol any prominence la tit wes tern hemetpberw aad that the apontancoui teali moMUla In Its lavnr have been translated uits all wntren languages. Thousands erjr perf-et heaita W use who sU W laweuelu&g as baa of aw-kness If the newspapers had not spread the truth with regard to thia unvualed Inv-goraot and corrective tar aad wide. supp-ee protit has been reaped Irnm rMs pabiictt?. - is that any ar gument against w ? If- the public health haa been protecMd ; II Uvea haw keen aaredf If tka feeble hrve been svengtlwoed and the ale re stored, f rsat (.m4 has been aecooipiuJied and who so mean as to grudce to ex.-rikins ihu di rected tl-rlr fair reward! " This la 'th most tlioronsfh blond purifier yet cUieaTrrt,ii4 cure all tnimora from ih jrt Mrrnfula to a enmiuan Eruption. Ptr.ples and Biotche aa th fa, ami scaly or rooirh slrln. whlth are och ann.-jln? blemishes to many VAunr ttornns. V elri ro the tte ef a few bottles lrthl M-Atulrrnl Mjtfltetfw.. from OD to eiffht liltln cures fait Rheum, Kryslpelas, Jk-ald Head Rlnr tt'orms, Boil.8clv KreptloM of the i"Sn, hcr-'ila Sm;, t'lcer and "Canker" In tho Month ipd Stomirh. It is a nor medicil extract of naive roots aafl ptants combining In harme ny Satnre's most ,vereien curaMve pmiwrtles, which Joa has Innllled Into the TMlabl king dom lor lieMi- ft tlm nick. It i a ret reoKar r fnr the strength and vlipir of the .two. Thoae who an laOLUid, nUtplea. havin Drvoo ap. prehena m,s i r fer, or any of Ihe aflectinnl aymptonjrirc of weskners, will nod eonvtnelnjr. evidence of it restnraiivo power upon trial, lf yoa f-el dull, drowsy, debilitated, and despond ent, have frequer.i Headache, month tastes bad ly In Ihe mornlnu liref-ilUr appetite and tonipM coated, yon are suffertne from Torpid licr or-BjlMousiies In many cafes of Liver Complaint only a part of the syieptOTOS are experienced. Ar a remedy lor ail auch cases, Di- fierreV Oolden Medical Discovery has 110 eiul as it efT-wrls perfect cure, learlnir the liver slrelirtliened and healthy, tor the cure of Ha bitual Constipation of the Bowela I. ! a never lailtntr remedy, aud those who have ued It f.r i this porjK,se are !d in its praise. Tn, Mi, . 1 , .... ! .... j" h.i nrulild. A mf,V llintBI THI UU1)( A!",TTOOf , M -nn " ......... trutv remarkable turt-s, o'her medicines had'f-dlcd. fold hy drusylsts at tt.ilOper bottle. Prepared et the CUemic-il l-abatory of It. nt.i-r. jn. I'. Nov. 9, wSoideod . BuffJSr, N. The standard remedy tor Coutrba, Influ enza, hre Throat, WhooplDjr Cm?li, Croop, I Iver Com plaiut, llronchitia, Weedinfc of toe Lui:gg, aodevery affection ol Ihe Tliront, Lani and Chest, in cludm? CosscMFnoa. Wlaiar's tsatlsatn docs n-t dry uy a Cou?h, but loosen il, cieanaes the lungs, and aliay trrl latirm, thus removlrj tbe can--- of the r-m plaint. Xnrie seau'ne nol,s , rn-d I. Be its. I'reparedtty fna W. Towta , r-.m, BaVn. fold by H. Kumsgti'S, lb.' jrn t Co.. fin Krancturo, and n.y dealers eei.erallj. L'jl7 t J. Xew Advertisements. GRAKD GIFT CONCERT IX.... rm ti:e BESKrrr of the northern' District Agricultural -V.! I! Y. ri! Ijr CITY I ir.r.A V. Y. Man svi'iie Bcncvcient Society AND 1 Ki; IMPl'.OVKMfcST (IF IN THE City of 32arisville. ! AG(iRKRATINl j I I I SO.tLGOO iie i.Id Coin! j 930,000 Ticket ma $3 fCachl The best and oicel I.i!ersl Schedule yet prenenle.l to ttie 1'uWic. CaV I 1" t cm ( , t2,,P'io it" , l'M4l IM.I : ' S 0 .i.mi no 7.'-N (hi .i"m mi !".-.iii in) lT..vm no IU- t ). l i '! t .... .. .... ! (i-rts .,f ?! .;) ench .... 14 itta i.l .f'-!0 r-,fh... .') ; It- of e J.'KI each 1'H lima if !' n il-. K"- ;ifta nf !', .ch 4 .Kl Git a ol t J5 each ll,i;50 m j i Hoard, of Jlauarafl, M. M.IKCU.-E, tv. r. : 1 1 1. ('. P. FIt.KI, N. U. i'Ol'tltT. M. C.T-rFFICV, H. 1 ILKKMAV, C. W.WHUniTI.. C. H PATTtBSyX, W. J..LAWRK:, a, . PreSl.lent, Secretary, ii:, r.iKDfx. Treaanreia, !JI 'VAJtCC.-F. LT A SMITH. T1ia lira. 'r.e of ttie :ihov li.,t r.f filfu aril! come otT at a n ami t'.ii. Coreert tor.e j:Iace a: the .i.n-y.-i-.,,'- j ...j(.-v. il (nr. -v, ,. J , la. i. j T'le draa:r.:r n-i'Mb r.rrvluc'ed In & precmly I Mn.-'Jtr ti- i!r.l of th- liteAl'.ft Concert o? I t!,e :-rc?ii.t;te I.eary Aao'-lutin in ' c-sc f.t.-i a, e ct proipir.ent c:'!ens du- Iv ni".Ln:e-! l-t aa;- r'litend the distriburion of - (,:;. j A ii.'0UT.t rf ten ('.") prrcenf. viM 1r? r.:fie tn a!I purclieiifr tf FIfir Ticket. r in re. iib; . ; If tJ.c T.c'r.f firp p.V. A': vt given, tt;t; Coiitttt r wi!l take lace fcffote the first d.iy of rfrruary. J-;T1. In t-vrnt tfti diyii notice will be yir tn tliroi'.yh :1k! jmblir prrss. AJ.ireiJ orjfi t- J .Ti. CONDON", Pccretrj tni IJu:r.tsi -ilacaer, Marrsvi'iINov. 21, 170. Ticket- frr sale at HAAS BI'.O'S r.j-k ftore. lec2!Hlfta-lni VB CIC'S FLO UAL GUIDE miJK PUPT EDITION OFONK fTUNPRED AND X li fty tuouF&n l oytc3 of Vlc,a) 111m t a.fe4 Mta.loi.acan of md Kloml Outtla, W vuh;ighel nod readf tosrod out 1(H) paxes, and ivn Ki4rrrlnc of almost er vrf desi ruble VIwm- dU veetwhle. It ia eie Tct5j printer! on fine tint-.. pjrr, iltastrattnl with Three Haaiireu fine Wood EngraTingi ud Two btu.,fui COLORED PL.ATES. The moat beantlfat and the moat Instructive Floral Guide published. A UKKHAH KUi. i'lli nubililied. In all other reJDecU lirallar to the tntli.h. Sent free to all my enstomers of 1S70, as rap- Idiy as possible, without appiicaUon. r ent to all oihers who enter tliem for Ten Lenta, which is not hair uie cost. Ad.lrem JAM Kit V1CK, Dec2Mlwlm ltoctlester, Da. Y. IZERMAX &.IiIRSCIIs Grlswold's Build ls g. Uare a.full stock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, SUITED FOR City and ConntryJTrade. They can outfit, furnish and provide all com era with Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, etc., T IN FCLLJVAIUaTT. DecU I. u. irrxm. rtiD c bil.teu. lvEIXF.Il V I14LSTEAD, 65 LIBERTY 8r., EW YORK. - . OREGON AND STORTR-WST GOMMISSIQH aGfliCT Forhaylns; and forwardinc direct, via Tsth.a Hail and Cape Morn, with Ban Francisco connections, all classes aud varieties of Merchandise, and (or sale - of Kxnorts from the North-west. - Advances wade on approved eonsHrntaents, aad enters resueetfally solicited. Alt orders and business will receive peoaupt attention. llelcrcnces. A'sJIT YORK. - V. Y. Sift Ex. Bas, cor. College Plsee A Inamoers e-reet. Mrssits. A. C. A C. F. TilTOW. 93 Uhertv Rt. Mssaaa. J. U Baovtia Baoa., Baaker tS Brfasd etreet. - - - Altvsu B3m.T. Mtiiss A Taoalui.SA South St. ' 'OBXGOX. Maws. Xasd A TtLvo, Bankers, FcrUvnd. Host. F-. D rasTrnua, Portland. . , A. A. McCcur, Hit-, Sales. DecNdawtf i;j-f Drops ata fH'ii-lncs. . " CITY DRUG STORE. t5aieixi ispensai ''. ' -' ' (Opposite Cheineketa Hotel) J. W. SOUTHER, jjku'ggist! AX1 APOTHECARY, i KatablUhed In Oregon lsjft - o . t. jinj Succeasor toj Geo. -V- . IUe ( .& Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRCGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTSOILS, VAKSISHES. WIN DOW GLASSES, CHOICE TOILET PE1U CMEEY. Physician's Prescription . Carefuiiyi Cdmponcdcd. Pure Wines and Liquors. JPai Ally Medicine Carefully Pre pared. ITavlnsr J t twenty years experience in tl:e business, I fed confldent that I cun g-ve enUre milafactioa to ail who may tavor me with tlittr jwuonaj-. J. V. iOCTHivat. Suletn. ttee th. 167ll. Sra.lia- w. witATantrimo. fartJaud. ; J. w. wiATHtumaD. . bales. UIIitllfUKU ci IU. DRUGGISTS, Deal en inJ?ore'gn and; Domestic DRUGS, CHEMICALS Etc., PAtSTft. OIL. VARMSir '. URL'.HKS, COLOBfl, AID "Winlo"v OliitatM, PEKFl'3IKRY, TOILET GOODS Ac , l3irc; "Viit LiquorM for Medical purposea.' We r, JMerctfullc !nite the at'ent-on of all who are in vim ol auch arucles aaitre kepi in well re-":tkted Kstabllshcients.v '' Our Goo la are Iron Crat hacila aud offered for ale at the lowest ralea. PHYSICIAN'S PKKkt KIPTIOXK, Accurately CompoianatecL of WKATUKRMHtli fcCO., Front t. eortland, , 1?7(J. Commcrclei 8t. Saleul. Dec. J.C.CR'JBBS&CO., DEAL IRS 15 DragSjKdicineSj Perfamery And Toilet Atticles. Prescriptions filled at AH Honrs, 1VIGIST OU DAY. rou aaaortment or the rraayr i'rn? and r.cirwrticlt!i in our line wiU alwaji bei'ound oa bad. Grw'at Indccenisats for Cash. tthnae who come with nT"r In hand will Cnd that wa can Sc:l Drugs and Mcd;cisef at GREATLY KnnrCEI PRICEa Cnli In hand will nurc;a?e goda at low fi nrea. at any hour of day or or Dlgiil.att yi.u brinR It to the I irfct Door from the IZxprrus Of fice. Iu r.-sttou-s UIo k, TATE ST-, : : . SALEM. : : : OREGOX March 1. AS. 7I'JIKrE. CHtS. E. CALEF. G. W. J i si . 'v IIolffe,Calei Sc Co., CKALKZSra Drugsand iVisdicines. Paints, Oils and Window Glass, VARNISn3,BnCHE3.FAINTFJtS'MATE RIALS And Druggists' Sundries, 7 FRONT FTREET, Portland, Oeeeon drt L,M 1MB, PLASTKR, Jni reeet-redi bjr I'ZAFuVAUfci WRIGHT. Patera. Avr. V. Hardware, Moves, Tinware- ANDERSON & BROWN STOVES, TIX PLATE. SHEET IL0Y, COPPER ZIXC, BRASS, .ic., BLOCK TIX, 3 Force and Lif Pumps, MAXUFACTCRERS OF TIX.SUEET-IBOX & C0PPEK-TTAEK Xatepuirinaf , . Iu all its branches done to nrier, at the old stand or 15. Strunjf.- Unlon Block Commercial tt. Salem. Kalem.Jane 1.13T0. tf A VALUAIJLE UOOK. "': THE ' '; -.- NEW YORK OBSERVER Y E A. It BOO K AND ALMANAC, TO BE ISSUED JAJfL'AR Y 1ST, UTL v One of the moat complete cetnpends of Import ant Information whien has ever larea compiled la th-a country. It should be In every Library, as a Book of Reference. Ll contains an iu'ertstinr HI stsr y of Al tnaaaaesil Civil, Commercial an A rrtciil aral laformatlsa coocercmr all the (Jovernments in Vm vrorld ; a General . hammsiy ol all the benevolent Inatltutlona and Kelipooa Deoeaainstions la Ibe VVorkt, with , lomplete Ministerial Directory of nearly every Keltfrioas Body la the United rMatea. a com pi ale Llat of all the Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Medical and Law tcboob) in the Hotted Sta'es. - Irice, Oiie IDollar.' AH persons aolncrlbtnf and paying for the NKWtOhK 0BKRVEB tor one year (lil) will receive a copy of this valuable work . .. CIw-rJO-tTxltoxxsly- Sample eoptes of the Obnerver sent free. ( cIOKatYK.MORSK.Jr. CO.., i -. . AT Pajk Row,Kw York, Mailed to any address, post pa' d. on rseelpt ol prlca. ' Doe8d.ww4w . - f " fJBIKH HOSH at AAUKmun sa inuwi'i. 1 Hi i Sty "AdrerthettCBts. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FTJES!,: A UOOD At-FOarjIINT RICKlVnX , Direct from , IVew Yoik, ' BY..... HERMAN & HIttsciI. SEWING MACHINES GILUKRT BROTHEKs' Arc recelv Ing a large IbtoIcs or G ROVER & -BAKER'S Hoviiiff SlnchlnosH Wi lch they offer at At San Franeisco Prices, WKbostC rrwlffkt AVatdad. Machines delivered to say part of the CRT free of charge. . IteolMlm aiinsaT aowr. aoaaarlALL. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. HOWE a. HALL, CSMMiSSIQN MERCHANTS, And WKolesal Dealer la California & Oregon Produce f P ALL KINDS. Not. 408, a-iatt 10 Datirts Streat, Hta ATrsvaaclacas. The ABfivEnta haviso run TiimTTKM veals' experience (in connection with the old firm of J. Vk. OALE CO.) feel confident of disposing of everything entrusted to their care, to the best posiibie advantage. . t-ALL PALEd Goarasleed, and Eetoms Promptly made. ReCer to DANITL LOW EE, Portland. ' Dec3(ldtwtf Land For Sale ! ! SEVERAL TIKC'ASD ACBE8 Clioico XjAXXcS. IS MARIU.1 .COTMTT, ON WILLAlItTTK P.IVF.R, near BLENA VIBIA, For ! on Ueasoaiabla Ternas, - lo qualities to suit Pnrcnasers. Contlstmg a Exct'llciit FainiiitS Laud, Good Stock Range, 1NUU1KE OF T. J- BAXTKU Living on the prssalsea. !-a m, Jan. 6, 1ST1. tkwu TJ.t eKVUiP SCQTT Grkl MM AH school roil hoys. Thf : tKgU ! XF.XT TKRM OF THIS 8CIIOOL ILL Cin eu H'ediiea-lay, rvbruary For adinlaslou of pupils apply tj C M. alAK. or ItltUOP sivl:Kl jaiKe-UAaS'.m ' Por.Uud. ST. HELEN'S HALL. ' HE NF.XT T:' M OF TT11! fCHOOL WH L. '2. heicin on t'caneeday, tl,e 1st of February. Far auniiaslou ol pnpus apple to f Ikila KODSLT. ; . or Lli-UOP MOHKI', , jan5-dw:Tm. Frtriland. Restaurant, OA STATE STREET, S ALLLU Kext to Pioneer Marteu G1XF.9 N0TXC1 TO T1IK . nub'.lc tlmt t:t it prrp-vrrd a( tbe abov naravti plic to ftiruUh COAIiD AT 1 PER WEEK." Mritls nt 25 Ccnt. ' :' ; OYaTKitti, ntlH AND UAMb. To be had at all Honrs. jan-MirwIni. COLLAR FACTORY! 1IOBCI1T tVCAHEY, nlls. I'ttllc Oo.. Oirn, I Would resiieet fully call the attention ef all tlnmesa Dea:era io tee tact that the; liavecosa raenctU tbe tuanulactureof Horse Collars, Of all ?rs'les and descriptions aoil of Foperlor Qiiai:ry,for the purpose of sitppljing the trade Ia hia Siate and v, aJiinvtnn Territory. tir linodi shall fceGUAE OilEtU of ths BUT QUAUIV ana sold at , Moat Keaiaoaiablo Bates. janMm IVEW CLOT11EVO STOKE BANK BUILDING, MURPHY At CROASMA1Y : Where you can Bad Fine Dress asaits. Business Suit, All Sorts Gents' Underware, Hats and Caps. Dee. 4th. YV'. W. MAUTIX ' Practical Watchmaker s. Jeweler. CsaaaralaU Ktrost, Ueass. . NEW GOODS FROM TBE BABX. A FULL stock of CLOCKS, 'PLAIN AND 0R5AM 1ST JL. ',' WATCHES,, GOLD AND SUYUt, , JEWELUVOF ALLKEVDS. JSJIvok Ware, - KNIVES'. AND FORES,, ItEAVr PLATE n. ' - - n- -' Solid Silver Card Cases,' PORT MOSAIEU, . ,., Clotlcn, Watches Jewelry . . Repaired In the best manner, j Solid Cold Jewelry . MADE TV ORDER. DeclAU3m , DISSOLUTION. -vronoc ia HraKBT givjr toat. the' copartnerahlp heretofore exiaticir bewreeu O. r. Terrell and Walter J-ckaoa, of the firm of Terrell A Jaokaon, ia thia day dtasotvaa fcy. roulual cotikeul. Ike hnainess will aereaf ter se ronuueted by 8. I. Terrell, who assume Ail the liabilities nf the said firm. All rallies knnwtoe: shesav Indebted to the Ana wait pL-aso aUand,attUelauadiaiely. - i t. H.TKRRFLL, WALTF.B JACKSON. Falesa, Jan. , WIU .. ' dAwlra J. H. FEASTER;- Iructloat T'lo-wftmlcor, MTaeatda, Oregona. ; OAKO PLOW oa hand' ami Mad t Order. Dee. 14th, 1S70. SnxlAW Orernt ami UifrilU, at , FitapHV sk. VAU.SsAai4. tec 4tb, s:.-v . 4 A