.Oregon eefp statesman. SATURDAY. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. AITCKK NKI. Washington, Jan. 5. In the Senate, the Vice President announced as a se lect committee ' to consider certain charges against Senator Bpragne, in connection with blockade running in Texas, daring the rebellion, Messrs. tTbarman, Hamlin, Trumbull, Howe and Miller. - - - The House proceeded to the consid eration of the resolutions reported from 'tbe Committee on Foreign Affairs in relation to tbe dispute between Minis ter Wasbbarneandtbelata Government of Paraguay. . The resolutions of tbe committee declare that Bear Admiral 3. .W. Gordon, in neglecting to aid Wasb burne in reaching tbe Government to which be was accredited, failed to dis ' charge bis duty as commander of tbe Soutb Atlantic squadron; that Bliss nd Masterman were members of tbe personal' soite tot Wasbburne, and were, therefore, under the law of na tions, entitled to the protection of offi cers of the United States; that the forcible arrest and detention of Bliss and Masterman, toy the Government of Paraguay, was a violation of tbe law of nation and a gross insnlt to tbe honor and dignity of tbe United States. They approve the action of '.he President of the United States in withdrawing tbe American Minister, Gen. McMaboo, from the Government of Paraguay, and in declining to have further diplomatic intercourse with that Government. Ortb moved an additional resolution, disapproving tbe coodact of Rear Ad miral Cbas. H. Davis, in delaying for an unrasonbble time to proceed to the rescue of Messrs. Bliss and Masterman, In accepting their release in tbe man ner and under tbe circumstances de tailed in t'le testimony, in receiving, holding and treating tbem as prisoners. Resolutions were offered by Swain, from the minority committee, denounc ing the arrest and detention of Messrs. Bliss snl Masterman. They condemn - Waebburne for having submitted to the insult of President Lopez, and left Messrs. Bliss and Mosierman at the mercy of tbe Paraguayan authorities ; for not having assumed hostile or on friendly attitude to President Lopez and the Paraguayan Government, and for having reported Bliss and Masterman both adventurers of doubt ful repntation, with bis legation. They relieve Admirals Gordon and Davis from all blame, and declare that no legislation on tbe subject is required : on ihe part of Congress. Washington, Jan. 5. Judge Mercer has not yet brought tbe subject of a new apportionment before tbe House Judicary Committee, but it is tbe gen eral opinion that tbe Committee will be in favcr ot increasing tbe number of members to 280, which would probably prevent tbe necessity of reducing rep resentation in any State. New Hamp shire is tbe only State which would not be certain of escaping a reduction, if tbe number was fixed at 280, aud the only diCculty seems to be to find a number not unreasonably large, wbicb will save tbat State tbe loss of one of her three Representatives. Wheeler, of New York, expects to call np at an early day the motion to reconsider tbe vote which defeated, last session, tbe hill to give tbe Central Pacific Railroad free use of Goat Island, in San Francisco Bay, now tbe property of the United Stales. Tbe bill was lost by a bare majority, and the friends of tbe railroad claim to be able to pass it. MIBCBLLAHKOCS. New York, Jan. 6. The feature o? the trial yesterday of tbe case of the seized vessel, Florida, involving tbe neutrality of the Utited States in Cuban affairs, was the prodnction of letter from ex Secretary Cox, in ac cordance with which tbe accused claims that be has acted throughout. Tbe steamer Concordia, which clear ed yesterday for Falmouth, Kogland, where she will await orders for proceed ing to France, took 4,424 cases of am munition, 1,700 cases of catridges, 250 cases Of mnskets, 1,000 cases ot rifles, and other munitions for tbe French. It is rumored again in Washington tbat Senator Morton will succeed Sec retary Fish, after the adjournment ot tbe Indiana Legislature, in March. It is understood that all the officers of both houses will be candidates for re-election by tbe 43d Congress. . Indianapolis, Jan. 4. Tbe Legisla ture meets to-morrow. Tbe Democrats have a majority in tbe House, and tbe Republicans a majority of two in the Senate. Lansing, Michigan, Jan. 4. Tbe Legislature met to-day, but transacted no business of importance. TheHouae organised. ECROPBia HEWI. Brussels, Jan. 3. King William has abandoned the idea of entering Paris Upon capitulation i he-forts of Paris are - to be garrisoned sad provisioned for two years, and tbe Germans are to bold Alsace, Lorraine, Belfort, Bitcbe and all the line of communication witb Paris, alter an unconditional surren der, which will alone be accepted. Tbe Guardes army are to be made responsi ble for tbe preservation of order iu the 'capital, and tbe Corps Legislatif will be summoned 'o'meet on the 3d of tbe following monh. London, Jan. 4. Bourbaki has di vided bis forces ; one column moving en Cbarlons, and another on Orleans, via Gion. The report tbat Austria is abont to end a plenipotentiary to Versailles, it authomtively contradicted. . By the surrender of Mrzieres, 2,000 prisooers and 106 guns fell Into tbe hands of tbe Germans. The Duke of Cambridge is to be cue ceeded bv Lord Napier, of Magdala, a Commander in Chief of the army, ami Cardwell as Secretary ot War. Eng land I determined to arm. Madrid, Jan. 6. Tbe Cabinet will probably be composed of tbe following members : De Rodas, Secretary ol War ; Olazaga, Secretary of State ; Lopes, Secretary of tbe Navy. Tbe Liberals seem to be in tbe ascendant. Marshal Prim's body was removed to-day to the Cburcb ot Alecha, with out disturbance. There were 6,0u0 people In the procession. Officers, .Deputies, Members of the Cabinet, and various diplomatic bodies, followed on footv Tbe carriage in which be wf assassinated was in tbe procession. It is riddled witb bullets, aud tbe glass windows are shattered. Tbe body lies isa stale in the chureb, and he will be guarded by tbe invalided until Thurs- . ;4aj,r--- CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Jan. S. Flonr Sales of. 1,000 bbls' Interior brands, mostly superfine, part for export, private. S'iperfioeiosks$5 37j5 62 J ; extra. $6 606 62. Wheat Movement very much re stricted in consequence of high prices. Shippers are compelled to pay (2 20(a) 2 25, and millers from $2 25 to $2 30 Dairy Products Fresh roll butter 4050i; firkin and pickled 3540 ; hee 12(515 ; Extern 17; eggs 35 for Oregon, 40 for California. Provisions Dull, California bacon, jobbiag 1515J; Oregon do 161GJ; Cal. bams 13(18$ ; no Oregon worth mentioning; St. Louis sngareured 26; Cal. smoked beef 1314; Cal. lard 13 (13. A, S. Coleman, since the commence ment of tbe suit against bim by AI vinza Hayward, late partner, has been called on to resign his position as President of tbe Merchants' Kxchange Bank. He did so to day, and Levi Stevens, of Stevens, Baker k Co., was elected in bis place. I -The counsel for Mrs.- Fair made an ineffectual attempt to get JadgsStan ley to bring her case before the Grand Jnry of San Francisco tc-day. Tbe ease is oaler iaves'igatiuo by tbe Grand Jury of Alameda county, and tbe jurisdiction is not yet settled. San Francisco, Jan. 5. Tbe sunset ' this evening was the most magnifi cent ever witnessed in San Francisco, and such as li seldom seen outside tbe tropics. Many people were out on Russian Hill watchiug it. Tbe following speech is attributed lo a member of ih legilsture of Penn sylvania: Vlknow wimnu, Mr. Spesk-.-er; Itay it in no disrespect. . I know m. I bave had a heap to do wi-h 'um. .They're -are a nsetnl class, and and yet, with the best of 'um you uisy have trouble " Kalama. We take the following particulars, as to the coming city on tbe Colombia, from the Oregonian: " Tbe town site proper is located about five miles above Carroll's Land inn, n(l nearly two miles above the mouth of Kalama creek. The company have here 1,800 acres of land in one body, having purchased the whole or a part of several donation or pre-emption claims. The tract has a river front of two and a half miles. Tbe principal town site, or tbat part of it upon wbicb the company will first commence op erations, is near tbe upper end of the tract. Along the river the land is overflowed at highest water. In 1862, the highest water ever known, the high ridge along tbe bank wos about two feet under water. Further back the depth of overflow was various, ranging from two to fifteen feet. Tbe strip of low land tbns subject to overflow, is from 700 to 1,000 leet wide at the up per end of tbe city plat, acd wider at tbe lower end. Where the company have already commenced to erect their warehouses and headquarters, tbe over flow extends bnt a little way from tbe bank, and tbe land rises graduallyjto tbe level of the plateau lying back of tbe immediate river bottom, at the height of 196 feet from tbe river. This pUtean, which is situate in the heart oi tbe town site, rises ratber abruptly from tbe river bottom to the height of 196, and then the surface is regular and nearly level toward the mouutain range for a mile or more. The whole tract may be easily and cheaply sup plied with spring water obtained on tbe tract. Tbe town plats begins im mediately on tbe bank of tbe river. The street through which the railroad has been located is 150 feet wide; all other streets are 80 feet. The streets i parallel with the river are named River, Front, First, Second, Third, etc. The travel 8e streets are named alter Oregon woods, beginning at the upper end of the plat, the names being ar ranged in alpbabeticai order. Tne company beg already located its bead quarters, depots, shops and wharves, and they appear on tie pUt. Tbe headquarters building is already under contract and in course of erection, aud the company is getting out timber and lumber for two buildings oneopposile tbe headquarters and tbe other oppo site tbe depot and machine sbops. Tbe river has been souuded in front of the entire city plat, and the lines are marked off on the plat, showing the depth everywhere at low water. We learn from Col. Tilton that tbe compa ny is not ready yet to sell lots, the surveys not having yet been completed; but we did not ascertain from bim tbe probable lime of tbe opening of galea. There are already quite a number of people there wailing tbe opportunity to invest, aud we learn Irom outaide sources tbat maey in all parts of the country are preparing to go there with a view to purchase. ' City and County Items. Accidental Shooting. Dr. Carpen ter informs us that a man named Dodge, living in tbe Waldo Hills, ac cidentally shot himself while using a double barrelled shot gun. Tbe charge went through his baud break lug some of tbe fiuger bones. Bkoki Down. Tbe steamer Reliance Started up Thursday as usual, and when near Davidsen's Landing was disabled by the breaking of a wrist pin, which aecident prevented her progress up stream, and she was taken back to Oregon City, where her freight was put on board the Fannie Patlon and started up again yesterday. Tbe river is becoming unusually high, occasioned by the heavy rains and melting snow. This makes lively times for boats, as tbey can go up to Eugene, aud we shall expect heavy freight during tbe high water to come down from the upper Willamette. Tbe Success and Albany, freight boats, went up the river yesterday. Reed's Opera House. This evening the Beatty Troupe will repeat, "by spe cial request," the great moral, sensa tional temperance drama of "Tbe Dunkard's Child," which was effec tively rendered last Tuesday evening. Tbey offer an attractive bill otbev and one unexceptionable in etc, spect. ' Fitiiio Bonds. W. H. Odell Esq.,' recently appointed and confirmed as Survejor General for Oregon bas been here, and goea below to file bis official onds, and have the same approved, le expects to return to Engene and tke possession of the Surveyor Gen ral's office early next week. Complaint is made by backmen and hose teaming to the railroad depot hat there is only one crossing for irriages ou tbe track, and tbat fre uently tbe train stands upon it at lat place, and teams are kept waiting n consequence. I won't cost much to ' take convenient arrangements of tbat ' iod, and tbe trouble could easily be oviated. Waterworks. The Common Conn il in contracting for water works con idered tbey were saving the city a um equal to the amounts promised to e paid by avoiding the city the ueces ty of purchasing steam fire, engines, 3d maintaiumg an extensive eqmp ent. Tuera is good logic in this, but le argument against it is tbat we mild do without water for a while nger, and tbat it would be better to ake the price to be paid by tbe city nnller al first and gradually increase tben lo fix the amine price to be paid cry year for seventeen years. The .x will be eeverely felt at first, but ul4 be easily borne afterawhile. We ve no doubt tbe Council acted in iod taitb and f.iirlv,and consider that le only objection ot impcrlnnce re .tes to the payments to tie made by ;e city brin if to Urge. t first. Calivohnia Best scnaa. Tbe Sin rancigco Jiulhtin, of December 13lh, as this notice of the Atvarado beet agar, which has been introduced into oat maiket : California graoalated beet sngar, lanufactnred at tbe Alvarado estab tbment successfully inaugurated a iw weeks since was introduced into ommercial circles to-day by Messrs. 'erkios, Flint & Co. The product is ow fairly before the people, and they re called npon to judge of its merits. tentlemn wbose integrity and prac i al experience entitle them to respect, nd give weight to their opinion in : usinest matters, claim that the best agar has a commercial VAlue nearly qual to that of tbe cane sugar of a imilar standard. In general appear nce, color and taste, ibe sugar of the ine and beet so closely resemble each ther that tbe novice cannot detect tbe ifference between them. All tbat is -iked of the public by tbe gentlemen jnnected with the enterprise is, tbat ley do Hot discriminate against toe eet sugar. Considering tbe dilScul es attendant upon tbe establishment f tbe factory, it bas certainly achieved remarkable success thus Nr. It bas ipacity for crusbiog fifty tons of beet er week ; with workmen unaccus med to tbe business, fifteen tons of eets were crushed in tbe factory dur ig the first week's run; in another eek, twenty-eight tons ; and, at p ref it, thirty -6 re tons are managed. It . estimated that 200 barrels of sugar er week will be turned out until tbe eet supply Is exhausted. The saccha ne liquid, syrup and gummy sub anc't forced from tbe beets will also e for sale. Tbe fiber and refuse if d to tbe cattle oa tbe premises, of hich there are 200 al present. It is said tbat Kaw Indians salt tbe kilroad track in order to entice cattle i front of tbe cars, so tbey-can get e carcasses. Now who doubts thutt ia Iadiaa can be civilised ? Troables are like babies; tbej row i igger by nursing. Holland hat abolished capital pnu-.- hraent. State News.. PORTLAND. From the Bulletin of the 6th we learn that the Captain of tbe ship Mont gomery Castle intends to return with 1 bis vessel and continue in the Oregon trade. The seventeen river steamers plying from Portland on tbe Willamette and Columbia rivers are all busy carrying good freights. Tbe barkentine Falkenburg is a Honolulu waiting tbe action of a late treaty between tbe Sandwich Islands andtbe United Stales respectingsugars; and will receive her cargo for Portland this month. The City Council of Portland have appropriated $32,000 to purchase forty acres of tbe King claim for a city park. It was passed without opposition. A man named Bender has had bis brother in-law, named S. Alcorn, ar rested for forgery. The evidence be ing insufficient, and the complaint was dismissed by Judge Lewis. Money is so plentiful tbat advertise ments of money to loan are found fre quently ia tbe papers of that city. From the Herald of the 6th : In 1869 174 prisooers were confined in the county jail, which increased in 1870 to 300. A wholesale produce bouse In Port land is ordering fifty toas of barley from San Francisco for use in Oregon, when our farmers can, as well as not, raise it at borne. Somebody is to blame, and it must be the farmer themselves. From the Oregonian of the 6th : Pos ters are np and advertisements in tbe daily papers announce a great railroad meeting tbis (Saturday) evening-, wbicb will be addressed by Messrs. Nesmith, Hayden, Cornelius, and others. Tbe committee to raise subscriptions for tbe iluu,000, proposed to be given the Willamette Valley Railway publish an address to the citizens urging tbeut to aasiat in raising that aniouut, and show ing tbe necesity of it and advantages lo result therefrom. Robt. Smith was charged, in Police Court, witb threatening to kill W. O. Parker. A dispute occurred about a mflio. The charge was not sustaiued. Tbe Circuit Court will adjourn to day, and Judge Upton will have to hold a term at Astoria. Mrs. Bates took a benefit on Thurs day evening which drew a large au dience. T. Fitzgerald was sent' to tbe county jail for threatening to shoot Doscbar. Statistics or Commerce of Oregon. From the Oregonian we glean the fol lowing fact and figures relative to the com merce of Oregon : EXPORTS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES : Exports to foreign countries of domestic productions, from the District of Oregon, per records at tho Cu.-toro House, Astoria, during the eixtcen months ending October 31, 1S70, giving each month, and coun try exported to : Mo. A TKAR. TO WHT COTSTRT. TALCM. July, 1069. British Columbia $ l;s,'J3o " " Sundwich Islands. 4,750 Aug. " liritish Columbia 4,!, 4S5 " " China ti.alij Sept. " British Columbia l-t,fiS3 ' " Sandwich IslaniU..... :i,.MI2 " " China , 1,J7 Oct. " British Columbia 2o,S17 " Iceland Nor. ' British Columbia 2,215 " China 11, '.'61 " " Sandwich Islands... 4.IHX " " British Columliia 10,330 Dec. " Uraguay Jan. 1S70. British Columbia 11,34$ " " .Sandwich Inlands 1.574 " " British Columbia 7.277 Feb. " " 10,(K)6 Mar. " " 40,51-! April " Pamlwich Islands 7,10 ' British Columbia. 15,401 May' " " " ... 0,202 Total in twelve months $203,060 July IS 70. British Columbia 0,443 " " Sandwich UUr.s... 12.'.i7S Aug. " Trilish Columbia 12,853 leland 19,715 f rn 4,451 ritish Columbia.. .... 13.541 ngland.... 24,292 -:hina 2,251 Sandwich Islands...- 7,772 ; i four months ..$108,295 l'; - sixji&eu months... $371,355 The eipflls Jfkve consisted mostly of Flour, Grain, i f. visions, Salmon and Lum ber. Vm ports : Statement of foreign values o& dutiable merchandise imported into the District ol Oregon, and the amounts of duties col lected therefrom, collected at the Custom House at Astoria, in said District, in the fifteen years ending June 30, 1870, alco the similar imports and collections for the three months ending September 30, 1S70 -. JJatc. Val. of Mfhe. Ihitiet on 2njinj Ditti. Import. TearendingJuneS'.lN'iB.... S.I5!? 1 7'.W " 1n'7.... 1S.C9 S,!i4.- ISM 3i.7S7 6' ' " i,a 16 790 SJbii " " " ISfti.... 1.816 35o " ' 2t,014 4.(147 " " " "" JS2 22,-11 .V7W ' " W.1 41.HS1 18Pvi " " " 1'4.... M.Sill , " " 1SS5 1 54,117 " " ISiirt SI6.l'-5 !M.4 " " 1M7 114 74i iS.41 " " 'lllfUKI 8i."-27 " " " 1S 2o9 B7T ln8;9i" " " " 1S7D si.6iS m.i."8 8 mo. end's Cepf 30, ls7i) 19S 672 1i 2AJ1 Tbe mt-rcbatidiso represented in the above values, consisted mostly of fuzar, salt, li quors, coal and clothing, from the Sandwich Inlands, Victoria and Mexico, up to 1S69 ; since that timo tbe same, with a large pro portion of rice, oil, ic, from China, aud bar iron and railroad iron from England, with some liquors, crockery, carpets, Ac. The rates ol duty were from 15 to 30 per cent, up to 1862, and from 30 to 60 per cent, since, with some articles, as rice, liquors, Ac., averaging near 100 per cent., though on a specific scale. WEATHER RECORD FOB 1870. BY T. PEARCE, OF KOLA. LaTITtTDS, 4451' ; LOKG1TFDK, 1235'. Z" ? S 3 5 - -I S. J.5 j .s j. li ?. : 5 J : 5 5 s- e : : S-35 3 W ' I -v. -5. r, ; o : ::;. s :::"- : 3 : 7 Z S S : : , Jan... 48 20 37 17 4 35 9 2 3 2 Feb... 47 33 39 15 5 6c 4 8 0 4 Mar... 47 24 39 16 5 77 9 6 0 2 April. 60 38 47 12 5 52 11 7 May. . 66 44 52 10 2 46 9 12 June.. 68 47 59 7 2 26 14 8 July.. 81 53 ' 71 27 4 Ang.. 83 57 68 2 0 08 24 5 Sept.. 73 54 59 3 0 71 16 10 1 6 Oct... 59 39 46 3 0 90 27 1 7 Nov - 48 36 42 11 5 05 8 10 2 6 Dec- 50 20 33 9 4 38 12 5 3 2 105 37 31 170 78 9 29 January 17 Total eclipse of moon at 5 hours 40 minuets A. M. tebraary 14lh Pnow. Marrh lOlh and 12-.h Snow. JdIjSuUi Extraordinary whirlwind. Pepiember Pint frost on the -ilsi ; brilliant aurora on tbe S4th ; killlDK frost on the 19ih. Oocbsr Brilliant aurora oo Ihe V4:h, con tinuing; all n (lit ; pal aoror oa the 25U). . December Aurora on Hie l&th, 16ih, aud 17th- Thi Abmrgtos Estate. The Sac re menlo Union says : We see it stated on the authority of tbe Mew lork .ventng rott tbat tbe family of General Lee were much mor tified at the gratuitous effort of Sena tor McCreery to have the Arlington es tate restored to them. Tbey declare tbey did not authorize tbe attempt on tbe part of tbe indiscreet Senator, and have not even entertained tbe idea ot recovering the property. It would seem that a man who was able to make his way to a seat in tbe United States Senate, might have been wire ffiougb to ret'r- i i from bringing a raf ter before tbat body of sucb extreme delicacy to a family without first as certaining its wishes in regard to tbe same.; It waa wholly a public failure, and aow it appears to bare been a great private mistake, unrecognized by the family and eeen repudiated witb disgust. Such a Senator is a disgrace to the old State of Kentucky, which was once represented by a Clay and Crittenden. Grant's Letter to tbe Czar. The Chicago Evening Pott thus hiu Qff the report that General Grant bas written a letter to the Czar tendering aid to llussia in case of a war witb England : Certain unreliable newspapers hare undettaten to say that the story of an autograph letter from President Grant to the Czar, offering the aid of tbe United States iron-clad fleet in case of a war, is false. Guess not much, when we can produce the letter itself, as follows : ' Personal. "217 PNSYLTASIA AvMUe, Thursday Evening. "Dear Muscovy: We are glad to .hear that you are to fight England. If you get tbe Englisbers up into the Northeru ocean you can punch iheir heads between the icebergB ; but ir tbey get in on your Black Sea they will be too much for yon. When Alfred was bere be told me in confidence tbat he would like nothing better than lo steal lemons off your Crimean planta tion. That's bis little game, sure as gunny bags. "ow, Aleck, don't let up an inch ; keep a stiff upper lip, and play the bluff game. What I want to tell you is, that if tbe worst comes to tbe woxst, I'll send you our iroo-clads. If you get them into the Black Sea they will make the Union Jack look sick. Tou will bare to take them overland on wheels, and carry them across Bebriog Straits on a rait, for the things won't float on salt water. Chloride of sodium seems to have a depressing effect ou tbem. Tbey sink two or three times a day to the bottom of thi river, but we fish 'em out again -and you can us them iu ibe same way. By Jove, I'll go vou one better still. If the iron clads don't fetch England, I'll send you Porter to write letters about tbe English. That'll set tle them if everything else tails. Mr. G. joins me in eeudiog love to Mrs. C. and the boys. Write often. Yours affectionately, " U. S. Gbamt." Authority. Smart lawyers some times get bold of a witness wbo turns the laugh upon tbem. We have rarely seen a neater "non lequiter" thaa tbis : "I call upon you," said the counsel lor, "to state distinctly npon what authority you are prepared to swear to tbe mare's age." " Upon what authority?" said the hostler, interogatively. " You are to reply, and not to re peat the question put to you." " I don't consider a man's bound to answer a question afore 'he's had time to turn it iu bis mind." " Nothing can be more simple, sir than tbe question put. 1 agaiu repeal it. Upoti what authority do you swear to the animal's age ?" " The best authority," be responded gruffly. "Then why such evasions? Why not state it ai once ?" " Well, then, if you must have it " " Must! I will have it 1" vociferated the counsellor, interrupting tbe wit ness. " Well, tbea, if you must and will have it," rtjoioed tbe hostler, witb imperturbable gravity, " why, then, I bad it myself from tbe mare's own mouth." A simultaneous burst of laughter rang through ibe court. Mrs. Licrinore, the celebrated lady orator, was interviewed at arairisd station in a town in Maine, where she had beeu gpeakiug the night before, by a tall, angular, spectacled woman. Mrs. Liverwort! was asked, l Are you a married woman ?'' "Yes." "Hus band living? "Yes." "What does be do'.'" "Whatever h choose?." "I mean what tioea lie do for a living?" "Whatever he chooses." "Hich?" "lie wouldn't say no." "Any chil dren?" "Yes, two." "Hon- old?" Mrs. Livermore gave her tbe desired information, and ebe exclaimed: " Oh! I thought there was a l:irj;i lamilr, nud I thought you'd better be at home 'lending to 'em. You're mighty smart, but I wanted to nsk some questions." "Now," said Mrs. Livermore, "who are you?" The woman told her. " Are you married ? " "Yes;" very faintly. "Is your husband dead?" " No ; I suppose he is in California ; we're divorced." "Oh! and you thought to teach me my domestic du ties?" A titter ran round tbe room, for the woman had not been at all pri ute in her conversation, and tbe peo ple in bearing seemed quite delighted to see her so completely squelched. She probably will not attack a suffrag ist again iu so public a manner. Oh, What a Scandal ! The Idaho World ot December 27tb, contains iln: At the District School in tbis city, a $nort time ago, the teacher was exnni imng a class in gecgraphy. Tbe ques tion whs Hskid, " What is th priori pal frame iu Caiifuraia?' to wbicb the reply was, ' quail, jack rahhitg and rir.zly hear." Tbe teacher then ask"d : ' Whut i-i the principal .ime in Ore gon ? ' when one of the precocious youths, a brig,:t young lad, wbose name we will call, for shorl, Charlie C, promptly responded, "bean-poker." How's thai fur high ? Acknowledgement. The Monmouth Silver Cornet Band take tbis method of acknowledging their indebtedness: 1st. To our highly respected teacher, Prof. Francis, lor bit) Very valua ble service in rendering the New Year's entertainment a success so far as mu sic could make it. 2d. To I. W. Miller, wbo kindly vol unteered to assist us with comic sones tbat make men dance with jay in e pit of themselves. "Laugh and grow fat" is an adage that need not to he proven after bearing Mr. Wilier. Tbe band knowing this, lei Mr. Miller go in peace lor this reason; tbat febould tbey listen to bis mirth provoking strains, they being already large, (nearly all standing six feel) would ex pand, would glow to sucb dimenrona that tbey would be unable to perforin more ou account of tbe smalluess of common rooms. May success ever At tend bim. 3d. To Mrs. Denlingt-r in singine songs thit claimed tbe nttettiou of all, ami caused tbe heart of every one lo throb with a purer boiler i.-e. 4th. To the ladie9 wbo assisted us. Miss Mary Stump, ili.-s Nanny Springer, Mis Sarah Churchill and Mrs. Dilia Butler, we express our sincere thanks. To one and all, wbo favored us witb their presence, we Bay come again. J. S. Cbcrcbill, Sec. Band. Ode Watir Supply. Now tbat we bare bargained to have water works, the next question h where w,ill our water supply come from ? We are told that the W. W. Mfg. Co. aek $20,000 for water from their works to use for tbat purpose. The only other means we know of would bj to take it from tbe Willamette river, which could be done, it is thought, successful by means of a machine lately invented, operated by a steam vacuum, wbicb witb thirty horse power will lift 5,000 gallons an hour. In case tbis plan is decided on a reeeryoir will jave to be constructed capable of furnishing an 80 foot bead, as required in tbe ordinance. It is in timated that the work will be carried on by a joint stock company, a corpo ration. - Stag ! Accident.-On Thursday evening we beard tbat the mail itase from Boise City broke through the ire while crossing tbe Payette and drowned one span of horses and wet the mail. Judging from the condition ofatbe ex changes we received on that evening, we should think the water in the Pay ette was very damp. Walla Walla Union. A local poet indited to bis mistres, entitled" I kiss ber tub rota." Tbe compositor knew better than that, and be set it np in printer's Latin, "I kiss ed her tnub nota." Jerrold said ooe day be wonld pun upon anything bis friends would pot to bim. A friend asked him whether he could pun npon the sign of the Zodiac ; to whirh he replied, " By Gemini, I Cancer." ' Saida"kilhBg"youngman: "That charming woman and myself are in sympathy ' w'nh each othr.' How so, my dear fellow ?" "Well, I bate her bnfband, and she bales bim too." i II SUNDAY LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. European Ntwi. London, Jan. 5. A correspondent at Versailles, writes on 'the 2d,' that the bombardment of forts ortheast of Paris continues vigorously, uninterrupted by anything. The return fire is weak, particularly from Noissy and Hbso and tba destruction of the forts is ct. tain. It is believed tbe attack is in tended to ' prevent a sortie from tbat Bide, and only preliminary to a general bombardment. Events are evidently pressing towards a climax. Information here leads to the belief that Cbaucey is making a desperate effort to advance on Paris, via Char tree. Considerable excitement was created bere at tbe exposure of the fact tbat manufacturers of America have been us active as English manufacturer? in supplying arms to the French. Lille, Jan. 4. Tbe battle fought by the Army of tbe North on tbe 3d inst. resulted in a great victory for enr arms. Gen. Faidberbe reports thai rhe fighting lasted ten hours; tbat he drove tbe Prussians from tbeir positions and occupied the villages held by tbem in tbe morning. Losses on both Bides heavy. The villages of Bagaume and Debaignirs are totally destroyed. The fortress of Peroune, in this Department, has been nearly destroyed by the bom-bardmeut,-hicb commenced last wek. Il still boids out. Havre, Jan. 5. The Prussian force attacked tbe French on tbe left bank of the Seine to-day. The result is not.yet known. No particulars of b battle ar received. London, Jan. 5. It is motored tbat a Prussian courier bas been captured by Franc Tireurs, near tbe Belgian frontier. On bis person were fonind dispatches urging the United States to press the Alabama claims. Tbe report is hardly credited. A Paris correspondent of tbe London Timet thinks ihe turther resistance of Paris will be brief, and tbat lood wiil fail before tbe end of the present tuonth. London, Jan-5 Von Beas-t, in re ply to tbe dispatch of BiBinarrk, noi tying the Cabinet of Vienna of the euxn pletioo of German uuity, expreaara a sentiment of gratification with itbicli tbe Austrian Government DtMices- tbe Chancellor's friendly allusicmK to the treaty. He affirms ibat the restoration ot the German Empire is not only re ceived with satisfaction by k i-eople of Austria, but is personally gratifying to tbe Emperor, Francis Joseph, who he continues, sincerely wishes totnhi vate a friendship with Germany. Tbis would be a pledge of security ef tbe union, and a lasting peace. Tbe glo rious history of ihe Hapsbar-s is linked with tbe history of Germany, and will be remembered by thnper oa only witb feelings of ibe warioeat sympathy and with ibe best wishes for tbe future German nation. Versailles, Jan. 5. Tbe reports tbat Gen. De Cbaucey is advancing, are confirmed. Coustantinople, Jan. 4. Tbe Porte reports serious difficulties with the Viceroy of Egypt. f London, Jan. 5. The new Spanish (Wic3 bas just been completed, a fol lows: Serrano, President of the Coun cil; Morites, M'nister on Foreign Af fair?; Montero Riaz, Minister of Jus tice; Bergeury, Minister of Marine; Sacosta, Minister of the Interior; Clio, Minister of Publie Works; Acola, Minister of Colonic?. Tbe Londou Timet of this mcrning has an article ot tbe Alabama claims question, wbicb say9 England only de sires, by fair concessions and frank al lowances, to bring about a settlement; this is a foolish quarrel, in which two great cations are engaged. Jules Favre has informed Count Bis marck, through Mr. Va3i1burn, Amer ican Minister, tbat he knows nothing of tbe F.nropean Confereuce, and will not leave Paris to attend it. Versailles, vii,London, Jan. 5. The bombardment of tbe southern forts of Paris commenced lids morning. ISAtiTKRS SEWS. Washington, Jan. 6. The members of tbe Ways and Means Committee have decided to tender Schenik a dinner, before his departure for England. Senator Morton expresses ihe opin ion that the President will sot appoint any member of Congre3S on tbe San Domiugo Commission, in tbe event of the pass.. ge of the Senate resolution by the 11 )use. Chicago, Jan. 6. The Republican Senatorial Cenvenlion of tbe Minneso ta Legislature, last nigbt, nominated Wru. Wiuslow for the full term, and Stearns for the unexpired term ol the late Senator Norton. The 8'tuatioa of the Illinois Senato rial contest shows no iba- e Login is beiieved to be sure of tho caucus nomination, but raanv express the opii.i ti that in tbis event an outtile Ciinbiuatioa may b tortnwd strong enouuh to elect Governor Pairat-r, while not a candidate will, it 19 said, consent to become so, under certain circumstances. New York, Jan. 6 Cap. Evre, nf the Bombay, which sunk Ibe Oneida, bns been dismissed from the service of tbe Steamship Company. Time by Telegraph. Mr. Editob. A tew days since an article appeared in the Statesman ovir the signature of "Observer," making some enquiries as to ihe practicability of striking the boors of. tbe day on our church bells, by means of electro mag netism. It could be done in a manner similar to ibe ringing of the call bells ia the new hotel in tbis city, but it would require too much power to raise the striking hammer without tbe aid of a certain number of wheels and a weight to propel tbem. Tbe starting of the wheels into motion can be easily accomplished by means of a Bnif.U battery witb a wire forming a connec tion between tbe machinery and a 'regulator." Not only the honrt can be struck with such an arrangement, but the quarters also can be struck without aud ilional expense. Steps bare been taken towards ascertaining tbe cost of euch an arrangement, and in due time the resoltwill be announced. It would certainly be a credi: to the enterprise of tbe City of Salem to take tbe lead in this thing. Indeed would it not be enterprising if we yet took the lead of Portland 10 the Fire Alarm Telegraph, as we have of tbe Electrical Annunciator, as a proposition to es tablish tbe Automatic Fire Alarm Tel egraph in that City Council, and the Committee to whom it was referred re ported ad vrrsely. The automaMc sys tem is cheap, compared with tbe old system which requires a central office, and tbe small cities and Urge towns in the East are very generally adopting it. It w ould be well for ojr City Council to examine into the matter and lee if it would not be a matter ef economy to adopt it as a precaution against tbe loss of property by fire. Akhehciatob. A Wistibh Womas. An Eastern magazine says: Tbey bare wide-awake, stirring women in tbe West. We all know in Wyoming tbey go to tbe polls on elettion day and vole witb tbejr husbands; and in Colarado and Utah they are making efforts to do the same thing. An Or-goo woman writes to a well known paper: f I am tbe mother of six chldren, own and carry on a millinery establish ment of no mean proportions, write sketches and 'squibs' for half a dozen newspapers, talk buman rights on ap propriate occasions, keep pretty well posted in politics, have a life insurance agency, and still have plenty of time to vote without neglecticg the baby, wbo will, I'll venture a prognostica tion, grow to be a woman's rights roan, and wonder at tbe benighted days ot bis infancy, when some fright ened Oregonian wailed in bis anguish, 'who will stay with tbe baby while bis mother goes a-voting ' " , Poitland, Me., has spent $400,00 J in buildings tbe past season. Tbe total registration of colored votes in Maryland is 37,00". Baptism by moonlight is one of ibe latest novelties out West. , California bis recently imported 5.000 chogtnnt trees from Jnpm. nd Letter. I land, Jan.Cth. '71. Portia Eo. Siatxsmas: We are just now enjoying what ia known as an "Ore- J iron mist" the streets are flooded and ererytbing is disgustingly "moist; otherwise our city is "as It should be." Tbe river at, and below this place, is of sufficient depth owing to the rain, to float the largest vessel in port. Here tofore some fonble has been expe rienced by barkl ot heavy touange in getting out and lighters (river steam boats) have been employed in taking part of tbe freight down tbe river so that they may pass out easily. Withiti tbe past month seven or eight vessels loaded principally with wheal have left this place for various mar kets, with, perhaps, an aggregate ot ,O00 tons of freight. Within tbe past year there have been fcuilt more brick buildings here than on any previous season. Some of ahem are of a fine style of architect, and would be a credit to a much larger plan, especially those of Corbett, Aokoey aud Glisan, which are really magnificent. The Commtttee on the west side rail road question are going to hold a mass meeting at the Court House on to morrow evening, and hope therby to materially advance tbe amount already subscribed. Tbey have out a large bill calling oa citizens of every class to attend, as tbe interests of Port land are trembling in tbe balance. The meeting wiil be addressed by va rious gentlemen from Ihe counties through which the railroad would pass, among wbicb we notice Messrs. B. F. Burch, ex-Senator Nesrnitb, Ben. Hay den and Gen, Palmer. Our city can now boast of a town olock, something loog talked of and much needed. It is placed in a con spicuous position on tbe Odd Fellow's Temple, '.and can be seen distinctly for eight or ten blocks. 4 Among holders of real estate in this place there is much uneasines with regard to the prospects of a largo town (ooe which will probably rival Portland ia point of wealth and pop ulation) springing into existence, like a cloud of ill omen. This favored spot is down tbe river some distance and situated on tbe Columbia on its northern bank. Its name is Kalama; and should its anticipation be realized it will be a rival worthy of respect. The citizens cf Portland have ever flattered themselves ttat Portland wonld always be the metropolis of the northwest coast; and tbat tbey bad a reasonable right to this pleasing sup position as is easily seen. Being much tbe largest town in this State or Wash ington Territory, and tbe principle and only port to which ocean going hteam ebips came, and consequently the only outlet for the produce of tbe interior, she whs bappy in the delusion of hi-ing the Queen city of Oregon and Wash ington Territory. And this idea ha9 been strengthened by the concentration of capital and her rapid growth, and the success of the railroad. Her rival, prospectively, has many natural ad vantages which Portland bas not, and should the N. P. R. R. Co. make of il what many persons think they can, Portland will have but small hope3 of maintaining the position of '-metropolis" of ibe northwest coast. tlty and County Items. Diku. Mis. Dr. liissel, of this city, wbo has for a long lime been a filleted with cancer on tbe lungs, died two days since, and was buried yesterday. Gons East. Yesteiday our towns men Thomas Cross and John G. Wright started for a journey to New York, to be absent about two months. Cranberries, fresh from the East, as big and as red as premium strawber ries, are for sale at the grocery store of Adams & Wilson, on State street. Sister Mary Florence, tor a long time connected with the Sisters School here, died lately at Portland. She was very much beloved by the pupils, and v a Very amiable leaeh-r. Circuit CotaT. Tbe ai'journed term cf tbe Circuit Court will begin to-morrow. The docket is snll and pretty rr uch tbe same as we published for the December term, save tbat a few cases haN been heard and decided. Dan Kroceubcrgens packing up his effects lo leave us, having closed out bis market business, lie goes over to tbe S xind to permanently establish him self, perhaps intending to hunt the li rm tnis there, and l''en drive his takes. ArroiNTMiiXTS. The following ap pointments have been made by His Excellency tbe Governor during the week : John C. Work, Notary Public, Multnomah county , P. L. Willis, No tary Public, Snlrm, Marion county; Erasmus M. Corn-11, Commissioner of Deeds, Hebron, Nebraska. Mabysvillk Gift Enterpbisb We hue received a communication from tbe business agent of the Marrysville Gift Enterprise, who assures us that it is bound lo go ou to a successful ter mination. There is a good deal of talk ing and lawing in California about lot teries aud the like, but the Marysvilie people are bound to make tbis enter prise win. Poetlasd Schools. As will be seen by tbe advertisement of tbe same pub lished elsewhere, the St. Helens' Hall, school for young ladies and girls, and the Bishop Scott Graramer School for boys, commer.ee each a new term early next month. These schools are under the charge of lit. Kev. Bishop Morris of tbe Episcopal cburcb, and have be come established on firm foundation, and bave attained deserved popular-ii- Reed's Opera House was well at tended last evening, and tbe Beatty Troupe had the incentive of a good au dience and gave a very successful en tertainment. Last week the evenings were so stormy that the lovers of tbe drama were unable to torn ont, tbe coming of pleasant weather will Un doubtedly assure better bouses next week, during which this company will give several entertainments, which will be duly annoanced. Polici Matti BS.-r-Tbe law bas been broken lately by Charles Gall, who spent sixty days in jail lor one offense and got out just in time to steal bed ding and blankets of Mr. Reed, for which a warrant was issued, but be was off and can't be found. Alio Bob Doberty assaulted a fellow named E. B. Brown, and wonld have been ar rested if be could bare been found, bnt be can neither be foond nor ar rested. Vicx' Cataloged. We have re eired from tbe publisher, Jamet Tick, .f Rochester, New York, a copy of bis (Uuitrattdloral Catalogue, fjr 1871. Vltbough the work is, in tbe main, an dveriising medium for tbe floral and vegetable seeds which be tells, it is otten np in such elegant style tbat we teem it worthy a notice, for the en- ouragement of a love of bit pro ioo, as well a a token of oar ad niration of tbe work as a specimen of be art typographical' Tbe colored loral pi-ce are exquisite, and the iook abounds in useful information, t is forwarded to any address for ten ents. - Tbe steam power employed is this ,juutry lseqoatlo 130,000,000 men. Tbe Prince Imperial of Russia ia to itit Boston the coming season. Portland Tbe Christian Religion, as a JJlracle In Itself. And' now bow did that word of Christ, that first manna which dropped and rained on simple hearts, on ibe bill tides and in tbe corn-fields, and which tbe Holy One in yiag bad wa tered with his blood ; bow did tbat word, armed and clothed with the doc trine and taitb of St. Paul, pass out of Galilee and Juda-a to be appropriated by tbe Gentiles and to inoculate tbem ? How did tha. which at tbe beginning was special, and which bad reference particularly to Ca'ilean hearers, be come general and universal? How did that kingdom of God which many ol the first disciples interpreted in a nar row sense, in the Judaic sense, and as soon to be realized upon the earth, little by little recede, till it became simply tbe kingdom ot beaven, tbe kingdom unseen and on high 1 Haw did the seed firl scattered to ibe wind, and carried to the shores ot Asia and Greece, spread from place to place, and spriug np in that vast field wbicb waa tbe world ? How was il sheltered under-ground ? and how did it multi ply in the shade of the catacomb dur ing the first centuries? By what fa vorable predisposition did the lower and wtetcbed classes of the Roman empire embrace so eagerly tbis religion of tbe poor and suffering? Tbn. when tbe doctrine rose from under neath tbe ground, and sprang up in a thousand places at once, bow did it become, in a few years, a ferment and a matter of politics a danger or a re source a power Which must be taken into account, and which, not without modifying itself somewhat socially, at last imposed itself upon tbe emperors themselves? It is for history to tell of this, devel opment, to authenticate it bn-"-t tbat is possible, lo divine and coi jec t'lre it witb sagacity and prod, me where direct testimony ig lacking a id is interrupted. Such a history, it il shall ever be possiole for tbe first cen times, is still iu a stale of critical study antMef preparation. Tbe secret and underground labor bafSes us in part. But tbe results of that forma lioc, and of that slow, gradual, inces sant elaboration, which were marked in each century by successive enlarge ments and stages, are known, and can not be too much pondered. Tbe tree of Cbfietianity, and particularly of Catboficism, planted in the centre on one of the bills of Rome, seemingly tbe heir thenceforth of an earlier eter nity, increased beyond all others, spread out on every side, and towered; tbe very storms and political upheav als which seemed destined to shake and overturn it, strengthened it, and barbarism consolidated it. The im mense tree, privileged, possessed Oi-f!ceforward of soil and land of its own, unceasingly gained in tbe West, and sheltered or menaced all with its abade. It penetrated, during those centuries of tbe middle ages, tbe en tire edifice of society, into its base and its foundations as into its crevices and its interstices, uniting with it in many places, at once supporting and sup ported. For a long time, even when Ihe period of its firmest and proudest dominion was no more, its struggles aud its parti-tl losses in no wise im paired its luxurious vegetation and its irtBjHjity. It was not till the beginning of the sixteenth century, that a violent wind from the north, coming on a Btid-d-n from Wittemberg, irjured it for tbe first time irreparably, and brcke with a crash more tbau one of its principal branches. But tbe living Christian roots, laid bare, Ptiil con tinued to flourish on the very Bide where these superb branches bad been cut off. What gball we say to-day, when the course of seasons and of ages bas kept on continually, when the silent work ot years and the slack ing of the sap have made tbe trees an ancient trunk, knotty, mossy, half hol low, and in some of its parts only up held by belp of props? Ah ! beyond a doubt, it is venerable in many re spects, and it bears within itself majy things, buman and divine, which can not be too much cared for. Tbe birds of the air have made their nest in il ; the bees have deposited their honey iu it, though horuets also bave been mixed wnb them ; many passages and peaceful cells bave been hollowed out among the roots; though foxes also bave made tbeir boles there, lo a word, there is a whole world entan ;!ed in the arms and the feet of the old oak. Which are the dead branches ? which those which only nerd to be disencum bered to live? Who shall separate tbe green wood from the dry ? ibat which is rotten from tbat which will grow green egiin? At any rate, the mo ment perms come wben ibe separation cf the dead and living cannot be long delayed ; and if not man (its cracking ia evidence enough of it), tbe very winds of heaven will make it. Bui Christianity in itself, in its essence, in its intrinsic morafyalui) does nut depeud Upon forms, more ir less historical or political, which bave ofteu changed, and whirh may yet change ag-tin ; and without going be- yood tbe Gspels themselves, or read ing them over, ana especially on carry ing back oce's thought, as 1 have done to-day, 10 the discourses f Jesus, 10 that incomparable Sermon on the Mount, tbe first and most beau-.iful of all, ooe is led to say witb one ot the friends ot Pascal, " If there bad been no prophecies of Jesus Christ, and be had wrought no miracles, there is something so divine in bit teaching and in his life, that we cannot but he at least charmed with it ; so ibat, as theie is no real virtue, or uprightness of heart, without the love of Christ, no more is there height of inlellig nee, or delicacy of feeling, without admira tion of Jesus Christ." - Tbis conclusion, which contented good men of tbe seventeenth century, may still perhaps sufilcs to-day. Old and Xeu for December. A Jioble Rover. Two years ago tbe following adver- tiiemeot appeared in every paper in the country : Dod I am well, but we are in afflic tion, and I long for you tbat we may comfort one another. There is a letter for Dod at tbe postoffice, New York. Ma. It was continued for nearly six months, exciting universal curiosity and comment. It was followed by a second, as follows: Mstblic I have been seriously ill; getting better, but very weak. Come if you possibly can immediately, for you are more needed than you can tbink. HA. These advertisements, it is now as certained, were inserted ia order if possible to find the Earl of Aberdeen, a young man wbo left his .wealth, title, and honors, in 18GG, wben but twenty, five years of age, to follow the sea at a common sailor. Tbe Earl of Aber deen is one of tbe oldest Scotch titles, originating in the seventeenth century. Tbe father . of the young man was at tbe head of the famous Aberdeen Min istry during the Crimean war. He was Invested with the right to a sea ia the House of Lords under tbe title of Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen, by royal decree ia 1814. Tbe estate is estimated to yield an income of 40,000. The young Earl came to this country and shipped at a common sailor 00 trading vessels on the Atlant ic coast. February 6th, 1867, he was made mate, by certificate from the American Shipmasters' Association, under the came of George Henry F. Osborne. On tbe 28th of November, 1868, be wss granted a master's certifi cate, and waa in command of tbe schooner Walter, of Richmond, Me. In January, 1869, he tblpped as a mate on the three-matted schooner Hebra, bound from Boston to Mel bourne, Australia, and tbence-to China. On tbe sixth day out he washed over board and drowned. During the first two years of bis absence be remained in correspondence with bit relatives, bnt kept his employment a secret. A little more than two yean ago hit next youngest brother and heir pre sumptive died. He then ceased writ ing' borne. Thit fact explains tbe "Dod" advertisement that being bis pet name. As it and the subqaent ad vertisement failed to find him, tbe matter was f ut in legal bands, and the ablest detectives of England and America have eicce been in eearch of him. They had tncceeded in merely striking tbe trail at ihe time of hit shipment on tbe Hebra, tome months ago. Having become convinced of bit death, commission was tent oat from tbe English Court of Chancery 10 gather proof with a view to the succession of the titles and estate. Tbat commission is Hill pursuing its dutiet, and it now in Boston at work. Il bat obtained photographt of the seamen; Osborne, together wilb speci mens cf handwriting, which lully identify bim at the missing Earl. The Hebra bas been chartered to go to England, with ber ship's company the same at at toe time of Osborne's death, to give evidence of bit death. There teems to be no doubt of hit death, and that tbe Hon. Jobn Camp bell Hamilton Gordon, the youngest and only surviving brother, succeeds to ooe of the oldest lilies and wealth iest estates in Scotland. The revenue of tbe estate, which bas accumulated during the Earl's ab sence, alone amounts lo nearly $1,000, 000. Tbe Earl bad refrained from drawing a single farthing during all his wanderings, but on toe contrary, bad accumulated a fund from bis earn ings, which was deposited in savings banks bere and in Bosto'h. It is sup posed that it was bis intention, wben able, to purchase a ship, and sail back td Aberdeen on bis own quater-deck, tbe product of bis own industry. The Major Excommunication. The KrtrUitlng Cutii if tbe tto man ath ."le i.hurch Ft omuigal ed Against Victor ALiumnuel. By authority of tbe Almighty God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and of the holy canons; and of the undefiled Virgin Mary, motber and nurse of our Sav:or; and of tbe celestial virtuess, angels, archangels, thrones, domin ions, powers, chernhfms and sets phims ; and of ell the boly patriarchs and prophets ; and of all tbe apostles and evangelists ; and of all tbe holy innocents (wbo, in the sight of tbe Limb, are found worthy to ting tbe new song) ; and of the holy marlyrs and boly confessors ; and of the boly virgins ; and of all tbe saints, together witb all the holy and elect of God we excommunicate and anatbemize htm, and from the threshold of the boly church of God Almighty we sequester him, that be may be tormented in eter nal excrusiatiog sufferings, together with Datban and Abiram, and those who say to ihe Lord God, "Depart from us ; we desire none of thy ways." And as fire it queuched with water, to let the light of him be put out ever more. May the Father who created man curte bim. May the Son wbe suffered for us curse him. May - tbe Holy Ghost which was given in onr baptism curse him. May ibe Holy Crss wbicb Christ (for our salvation triumphing over His enemeies)a-cended, curse bim May the Holy and Eternal Virgin Mary, Motber of God, curse bim. May St. Michael, the advocate of boly souls, curse bim May all the angels and archangels, principalities and powers, and all tbe heavenly armies curse him, May St. John tbe precursor, and St. John the Baptist, and St. Peter, and St. Paul, and St' Andrew, and all otber of Chr st's Apostles together curse bim. And may ihe rest of His Disciples and fonr Evangelists (wbo, by tbeir preaching, converted the uni versal world), and may the holy axd wonderful company and martyrs and confessor (who, by their holy works, are found pleading to God Almighty), curse bim. May the Choir of the Holy Virgin (who, fur XW- bonor of Christ, bave despised ' tbe things of ihe world), damn bim. May all tbe Saints (wbo from the beginning of the world and ererlasting ages are found to be be loved of God), damn bim. My tbe heavens and tbe earth, and all things remaining therein, damn him. May be be damned, wherever he be ; whether in the house or in the field, whether in the highway on the by-way, whether in the wood or the water, or in tbe cburcb. May be, be cursed in living'and ia dying, in eating and in drinking, in fasting or thirsting, io slumbering and sleeping, in watching or walking, in standing or sitting, in lying down or working, mingendo, carando, and in bloodlettiug. M-iybebe cursed in all tbe facu ties ot the body. May he be cursed in- wardlv and outwafdly. May be be cursed in bis bair. May be be cursed in bis brains. May he be cursed in tbe rrownlf bis bead and in his temples. In bis forehead and in his ears. In his eyebrows and in bis cheeks. In his jaw-bones and in hit nostrils. In bis foreteeth and in his grinders. In bis lips and in bis throat. In his shoulders and in his wrists. In bis arms, bis bands, and in bis fingers. Mny be be damned in bis moutb, in bis breat, in bis beart, and in all the viscera of hisiody. May be be damned in his groin, in the thighs and genital orgnns, in bis hips and in his knees ; iu h'8 lgs, feet, and toe-nails. My be be cursed in all the joints and articulation of bis memoers. From the top of bis bead to tbe sol of bis -foot may there be no soundness in bim. May the Son of tbe living God, with nil the gloi v of bis mJ?sty, curse him Ht4 may Heaven, witu all the powers tbat move therein, rise up agaiust bim curse .-.nd damn bim I Amen. So be it. Amen. Books and Stationery. - ALREADY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Y EAT ON & BOON. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS ASD5 DEALERS, OOV-r at the time OLD STAND, Commercial Street, Salem, fla adlitiou to a fu'.l supply of !s r i 1 1 : goods IN'THE e BOOKLIXE Jinny thing Intended for CHRISTMAS ANOtiEW YEARS. ELEGANT GIFI AXmiS. PABIAN.MARBLE.VASES. STATUARY.! BOHEMIAN WARE WUITIS JOK8KS POrlTirouIO, WURK BOXES, BIRDCAG&S, VIOL.IMS, GUITARS, 0&OASI9, " ' FLCTEl, TAMBOURINES, And many other 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALSO " . ATTRACTIVE TOYS Including the Champion' Mechanical "V E L O C I PEDE. which are, as a nutter of eoorse, TO BB . HiD OS, REASONABLE TERMS. De.4,lS7a. ' lm.xi 1 Hats and Cnps, afc CKOASMAS'. Late MtI4 of at MVKPHV . Dec. 4th. f Statesman column. PEOSPECTUS OREGON WEEKLY STATESMAN This excellent FAMILY XEWSPAPEIt is published every Wednesday morning and sent in the early mails of that day to every point in tbe State. The Statismas is tbe only paper in Oregon, published on Wednesday, and as it contains a full and complete summary of the foreign, Eastern and Paci6e coast news, received by Telegraph, and a full compilation of news received by exchanges from all parts of tho State, those k, sub scribe for it bave three days later news than is contained in tbe Portland weeklie, which are published on Saturday. THE SEffS DEPARTMENT Of the Statet a will be made as perfect and complete as possible. It will contain full and and leliablc information, with news carefully enn-Jensed to the limit of its col umns, and the chaff winnowed from tbs dispatches leaving only the solid subttance. In addition to giving the latest news by Magnetic Telegraph, its Exchanges will be carefully culled frr tbe selection of tbe most interesting, suitable and instructive IMSCELLASEurS EEADIXG To be' gleaned from the field? uf politics, lit- eraturc and science. TBE LOCAL DEPAKT1IEST Will be especially relied npon as a means ot interest, and will contain all the items of value to bo gleaned from the city of talcm and the surrounding country with which tho Editor has became familiar during a residence of nearly twenty years. IN RESPECT TO PARTT POLITICS THE WT-cVTESSJLAJV WILL BE A!f Independent Repnbllcaa Jonrnal Supporting the principles of this adminis tration as at present carried out as the re sult of tbe lute war, wbicb principles tha people sustained by the expenditure of life and treasure, and hare since adopted by repeated action at tbe polls. TIIK STATKSM AS WILL Bl ALWAYS Independent of Men ! Wedded to no Cllqne! Owned dj no Monopoly ! BUT ALWATS On tbe Side of the People!! And striving by every legitimate means to advance the He.t interests of the masses by the giving of reliable infurmatiob and good moral reading. Independent ef politics I am determined to make The Stateimax a First-Class Family Newspaper That shall command tbe respect aod de serve the support of U classes. PRICK 09 SUBSCRIPTION, Tng Statesman will be sent tn all pre paying subscribers for the low price of CO PKIt YEAR. No new names will be placed on tbe list without cash In advance, and all my old subscribers are requested to pay np punc tually, as newspapers ean only be run with cash in hand. S. A. CLARKE, Pwblluher. Salem, January 4, 187 1 . 1 i , 9