The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, December 28, 1870, Page 1, Image 1

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saleji,, oregon: : Wednesday, December - ss,
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I Journal
J written
, .tateeir by
; cation? Mt well
of C4tSUta and
o it now. connected
.terary Institutions of
republish it. oceans it
regoa life looks to a Straa
'f a if. -t it rv
y .t, Oregon f Oct". IB, 1870.
iociiAL : Will Itr aofi
from Oregon itret yar read
f I r m now at the Capital, attend
.' the State Fair, Whatever State
lf ay ixMfTotrwr pi (dee, hjh ;ao
7 Akug,'M this Jaia peeiaa.
'Ould I could give yon tbe ptamre
t now exiita, not la my eye," bat
tbe prosnd. I can hope to give voa. L
and foremott,' tbe people. W6-
taey are otedf.-om tradfilDB
Vis in ,Clifornt and ther en-
, localUini ; iodfted, tUat it .raiiu
Mcb that tbe inbabi'ante, on tbe
oral longing tbor;r," receive web
tbat thev ntr aadflle 'araand
'ably. .fIbeHe'r-aU to be
i. ei. Tb ttIe ye matMi,
' Ma-!frr -iWith a popaUUon
bao. .oasrCentn. pC tbof Wi-!
, ua d u t one Iitue piece ot rail
V o. .yatleav tbeaa- aaan been ao
ay notlelrt.ir4 waaf,tjkoaiatt4 p
ple. From ua from twenty, from a
handred, from Tt-baii dred nd fifty
milei away, mei(, women an ebildrea
are here, in covered ya!;a,-with teaU
aad provliooa-rtbey fcaya, jeoma .bare,
ore,bi't!jetif,h&ig..feee8 fight daye
in niakioe the journey. There ara an
tht ground and in Ua field adjoia-.-
tog from Btteea bandred to two tboo
aai lriti. Alf Ipeatt fhfe4 Boit? la
wo4er1ii. Ifoand Sninog H&et f b4
etmiA woand-tcl taenia Whole
tnrailifi, as aamereat and well graded
ii that of thfenoww4: ottn Roger,
" are grouped together in theee abode.
Hore hitche4 tba raar and wage
ia front, with ebairs ubleg end kitchen
farnitnre, all give to the tcene a peco-J
inrfi' gtoutque ppeiiraac, - p na
iled me long to imagine what all tbeae
teopie eme ,-fOB uwy.sroBjnK aoiu
ing. bat themeetvei, to ezbibit, and
aeemed ,to care very littler btM
i6ibited.-vAt lait 1. found it. Tbe
mo tt at tbee MopU came acroet the
pUiuat asd tbix little trip of Trace twa
taweaty days ie talcen aa a kind of
ra)nembraneer of o d time. They
have 4O0?JS ltuSebrerybotyi baa
toaey - i.", tbia ' eaiinary and ytim
anoaicSr. Vte soil being too dry" to 'plow.
ani to IGey com to ft a tateftf com-
Diav. -ana to: tea ita our. . weiu
tbeV are a bale, (tardy set of people,
avJagwg ; coaaiderably talleti. tbaa
i W tcoaata eeea. ot ail or the" web
fodf ' ataidena ara 4iad ia the iatest
atrV, lat -there is fees that it ofr than
atn eapeck . ri s- .m
Bideriog the State, its popolatioD,
ii-i 1 - '
Act tin ejehibipoe ) verr Creiitab":
fori be camber of people oat, it is very
lief. jTas groands area well prepar
dV'ac i tht ni Qaite a -large
movst f asttvastf ckvt on exaibitioa
Tftd.- iSne-btood. -fla cattle "the
SborthorD". eeeta to preponderate.
fair Devans.' ha exhibition of aheep
, -Coarse
."W 7 m a .
i uouwoia ax-
'- : a
viitj auu
t - ortes
jta on
lOBBt of
hK a is
g more eno
!) east-
'am arhn
re vo
of accriealturs
i'' Iemeata;
- iJvi" M'borse
'igoa and
lie wnoie.
v ulk man." "wiad
.i.i..k t Mv4-eaiMBf ea:
Ia doors, except tn iratjt the show
is very small. Fwirsau jeg 0f wheat,
rery fine, three or foarr fu, and a
litatagvaa4a4 cSv4 cinfries
all, except esmsllrfnow of eara', and a
few beao i A.pcalJLiBseiSirtyven
trie of Duter, and half that aamber
of theese,- Sam ap tbe dairy product!
TW. fin. aaA&artBlillt ia mAN n'lfjr
than rich' The frait department waif
what . I asest .waod. te .-sea. and it ia
fine. There are mm forty varieties of
apples oa etbibitioa, all aboat a fourth
larger taan tbe Si me kinds grow a ia
the eait." 'the taenty best varietiesj
awarded, b oressiams,. ara JUmba,
Early Pennock, Oraveastein, Yellow
Migaao. Jsnitoav Fli Beauty, Viaxoo,
VaBdeVtre, fei f. XJreenins? , Baldwin,
White eHflow,sYetlow .Ji-wioa Pip
pin, White Winter Pearmain, Ooldea
jitsett, lioamoetB ripptn ana Motner.
The Melon apple is excellent, come
pecimfetW the Okata Mahdt BM-Ottl
axbibiuon, .weigiung .two, pounu
piece, seventea'a ot them being all that
caaba pud ia . bethel boa; r. S Ki
There are thirty varieties of pears,
althoagb the early kinds are gone.
' There, are, Ppaad. Pears weighing ?
'and 3 pounds and measuring 1 inches
through one way aad 5 through the
otber. .trntnik' '
" it . baa been atid that th climate ia
not favorable for grape. - Thero ar
more thaa thur 'varieties exhibited,
om, M i tbem . saperfcv rTha -Blaek
Hsmbarg and'"Chassela do not seem
fallv rieened, but the others ara ready
foe-aa -table. 1 Amaagtb Aaaat fla. j
vored is tbe Bed Tramiaor, which I
think we might raise in Wisconsin.
Ion as are scattering. A few bunches
of liabellarfrsWWaahiottoa Territa-
ry ace BUntroui. 'I meaaarsd oeatesl
even-eight of ; an Jncb ia diameter
and the grapes weald average three-
fourths of an MS).n;.f'l " :Hr.
The floral dep artment is fair, though
I miss many of oar -finer varieties.
Jlsea and dabjins are qai to ny we
bay a Ut garden vegetable tnere n
not Inuck or siterest, - aothing beltar
than Iwe see at our county fairs, r
Tbire'weems'to be buf few xiii-
tors, S although (he, premiums awarded
are r; ?erjuerffHlible. There is enough
L-wtP-AstsJ. to- alrew? fc,Osga has tor
,nd climate wall adapSed t'creal
.n j frait. .Wllsi iW BttHdwnter it
mmt also be superior far grazing,
DairytisglS not fcarried on to m extent,
most at IBB lanaersriwr maiugrj.
' ; luarbttSjerjB) their owe ,famitie.irfQp
ffoa beef fs however to be commended arplsajsnt.eityof aboot
a ooo inhabitants, situated on the Wil
lamette riverstrrounded byaxc
lent farming soantry, and abundaotly
anolied with water power. Hera is
-' loeaaeeVabB WlUamatta iUoivsrelty aa-
.V der the i patronage of the Methodist
, Church. It ms,to' be well patron
' Ued.aavd the buildings ar bettor -tbaa
one would exjct4 ,Tbe capitol build
- logs art not wbt erected,-the Legisla
', ture being la session In buildings rented
for: the parpota, Here itoe of the
largest and bset dbnstrucud flouring
tnilla I have aver sein. aad a very large
and proiprr oilen,'miiil,mahbi"e
turing immeme qqaatitie of ail the
varieties ef " cassifcere,' waterproof,'
hlaukertrs.t"r cJ -5 By tba wayr-tiie
Governor " wai dressed in B'suit" of
'hnme ninn ar tn r.M of .which Oft 9
need 'Dot be ib med any irbere. 'Tbe
mills are under, the charge of a gentle
ma from Vermoat, who fully uader-
t and l U'ftiness. Her Is a grand
openiua or aa astabUshment mann-.
factaring agricultural ImpUmenta.
Waunr powes eoougbv. plenty of the
fiop.t tloeber ia t&e worldand. tbia va.t
growiog .coaiitri to, upply.rt , Same-
body will mike a forruoa out of it,
and a doi-a iaigbtbiaad.ti
I am more favarahrty impressed with
- Orrfon than then I last wrote you It
needs more u.bor, mors manufactures.
and. these it vlll sooa have. Its mate
rial grewth n tbe Bxt tea years W.Il
astoaiebafti.riose.; V H'.Q fi A,V
. Monti
. X f .411 w 14.383 men. and but
onrtn. :.
! CUr and County Items.
; Tan Ici Caor. Oar farmers ara not
dolnf atacWtbicwaatber tward: pat
ting ia rtelt nsaal : crops, bat oar 1c
dealea ate letodng their harvest, for
we notice that Usefovage k Wright ara
catting and hauling ice to their ice
boase ia the most enterprising manner.
'- i ? T r.-, ,' : f . " f '
I Hon At B. Veacnan foand, on bis ar.
rival at Pbrtlandv "Monday j OaJ bl in
tended janrney up tbe' Colombia and,
overlaadi tbrongb Eastern Oregon and '
Idaho to tbe Central Pacific railroad,
tbat navigation ea. the Colorabla river
was sr apended iaecoust af ,tbe ca
This readers it impossible to make the
joarney as Intended bod he will proba-
oi j go, an ice next suansrito tjaiuor
aid bad tbenee by rail. 4 " 1 ? i4
Aocior jO a the Ub TelVrdaVaa v
aecldenY ocenrred to lfr."Th6ma Tay
lor, mo r pal efaf th ab' 'dan gerb us .'as
whtle no'wai gallan'tly Vogaged in en
deavoring to tr a Jady -trieodcenaa -
fall, while .taking he Jifst Jeeaositint
Ihe ias a bad Ibaeed of
bis tbamb taken xlflar o3 by 4he steel
of a brother '-skater. 'Totny picked
op th pieces and plastered them to-
getbea sala,van( -makaa- th-s of, j
he paiolal occurrence.
; A Coasaan Iteaa were Scarce jres- .
terday: tb oaet thartVerbldotfrosea1
p were making the most of the tee.
There was, JHl.ciUnenUn kero- ,
sene, caused by the ssddea lis of that
artlcferd Califernta,' mnd bne' Cann
wealbbo l puxcliailott canj'.of kero-
seoa, antUJtewted aa4 had ia, hii i
.- ' . r V.. L-TJ3 I 1
town. The merchants" foand out th
zatna a?ur it sad beent played on thSnii
Vend eaaa to tbe eoQclosioa that soma
!:!- m. Jamb aa wall II nfhopa
jWiiiMB SreaTS.It is not in ttt
recollection of the oldest inhabitant
that so steady a cold spell ever occurred
n tbe middle: of DecembcTi. : The
weather ia: wialry but not by any
maattSievBre iTbt Uibat beea oear-: 3
ly a week acquiring thicknegs enough '
to be safes for skater, and as it is
hear occasiooally of i cut of suddea
imaerlidK Keuri8fan008r the please
are seeker.' 'Yesterday the' road "to"
the skating ground was thronged by
out-yoasg flka,;targ.9Bjpanies eJ
tag together and -catering . into tbe
sport oa tk Ite With tfa greateat aeaTl
T)i iloneb extendia4rom Mill Creek
,for f, mile above, waa, U apleadid oon-;-
ditiea.aod tbe akater were notatisna
with thronging thltberby hundred da
ring the day, but tbey rf turned again
at evening - and "kindled hag fire on
th ice or -on the adjoining shores
where dead , timber abounds: There
were very few mishaps aed much en
joyment. a the afternoon several of ,
the schools gave their pupils a half
ijoliday, which wa asbnaJM'enagb,
for oar chance to eojoy ordinary win-'
tr sports art few and far between and
geaerally brier at that " At tb pres-r
eat time there is no indication of a;
speedy retn.-n of "webfoot" weather.
Sa.v SrAsna: 'The citissns of
Lebanon and vicinity are alive to their
interests. ' A Yew days since a party
jof tbraeoaiistloV bfTJGofiallasd,
Hon. Jason Wheeler and 8. H. Claugh
ton, Esq., made a tri by boat fraat
Lebanon to Jefferson eOfJ , the SAOtiam
river, beobect 'of ,blcb,V wa to as
certain whether or not said river was
navigable fo'r steamers rAfid upon a
theeougb examfaatiotef the sueam it
was proaoaoced quite practieable for
steamer by removing a few logs that
have lodged in the channel and others
that He upon the bank and project over
thr atreaa is ehanael when tt near '
A baak.r, Jlacb cara wa andertakea
ty.tfia 'Jbnrty to Bote alloinU of ob
struction in Tie river and a diagram of
the streant wa made andj at tbe office
of Esqolr ClaugbtoB, iaLebanon,and
will be kept for f atare reference-; Very
much baa been said about a large drift
that bad "formed la the itream for the
rdistaae oi three or foar miles: aad it
ha bee temarkad by steamboat men
and others that f that obstacle was
removed their would be ao trouble ia
running steamers to Lebeaoa. .Tiiasar-
vevlng narty report tba drift B lovger
aa impediment to navigation, th river.
having cut a' neW channel through ta
across the bead in srhicb the dritt wa
located, thereby shortening the river
and, shaking better efaaaaeUt Jt ia.
seedless to say that th if stream ir de
monstrated to be navigable will form,
outlet to a large scope of country,
beyond question the most fertile and
best grain aad. pork growing portion
of Lina county. ; Steamboat men,
men of eenita.1. merr of enternriie.
look-tefeor intereau. ' A field Is nowf
thrown opea to yea. and tfaoogh small.
it is. nevertheless quite fertile, . The
people of Lebanon, of the forks of
the'SBBtiamV'br'Sweet"" Borne andofj
the Upper Calapooianust -have aa
outlet either by steamboat navigation
on-the Saatiam! river or by braaclr
railroai la order to gat tbelri aarplaa
into market. What Mtererx.iag steam
boat maa will 'undertake the naviga-
-tina at the 8mntia.ia river. - Anv 'de
sired information concerning the above
can be- obtained by addressing- iiW
C, Box, Mo. 3, Lebanon, Oregon
SasiToa-WittuJiSjOa pgiooj; Ar
raias. From tba Washington correa
poBdenbe of f'theJKew York Herat f
November 27tb, we copy this:
Seoatot Williams of Oregon arrived
here tbio-aBoraiag.. Notwitaataadieg
his defeat, for re election to l be Ben-
a.t. hola in. a. ran hooeful mood. andV
; maaiDCi thika Oregon wiU go Repoblicaa in
-families- 03487. tt Oraat is , renominated fat. tba
Presideacr. A change of a hundred
votes, be says, would have given the
Republicans tbe Legislature and would
have secdred bis Te-eleetiea. 'Seator
Williams speaks ofJbrs Successor; Mr.
Ketly; aa a very fair mad, end on a-ba-
wiil make a usem member at the sen
ate. Upon being asked if b expected
to be offered a place in the Cabinet,
Senator -Williams replied that all ba.
knew about ltb bad gathered from
the aewtpapers. He ba bad bo eoa-
muBlcation with the President oa the
subieet, and a proffer ef a -rlace las
bees made to" him. f- H disdaim bav
lag any particular ambition for office,
and say he would prefer t retire ta
private life and engage ia Vb ptaetlea
of bis profession. Tbe aeoatar report
the mater iU pfoepecta of Oregoijo ba
1 la a wa-w aiAaffMaaritia rnAtnn
Swaar Lisps. We leara that appi
cations for tb pflrcbaae swam
JaadijetoBor St Jif Jf
as w stated ytday saoraiag,
Board of Commissions fof th
of schoorand onivertity lands
one iWho receive all appl
claimants for swamp lands.
of deputies i eoafiaed to lo
repon; -. s swamp lands t
"of ,Commiseions, s who i
priority of claim and aB
Canada is to bav
Irelyfor "ladiei."
t hursday; j
r. Frawela War Sew. -... t.v,.;
New York. Dee. 2W Tbe Herald?
Brassels correspondent telegraph this
morning that the bombardment of
Pari is declared to be impossible." It
not humanity which restrains the
Prussians, bat simply the impossibility
for tbem to succeed, as they have nei
ther tbe ndmber nor tbe canore oi
the gaos necessary". 1 They have only
500 gus, mainly 34-pona.ers. in
French works which command batter
ies can destroy them the moment they
open fire." Paris has two month's sap
plyrf food. ' -r?t i-" "
irfndoai Dee- 1. Tbe Prnssian
ar short of mat and twenty thousand
fresh troop ara -coming: In,' oat v er-
laillas ia likely oa to- be enteoable,
as he ieavy gans of the Freacb,
wblcb ire being moved forward,- wllr
soon brinr the ealae within their
raaga, and tbe Preach ar resolved to
destroy M. Krentaauy rarts wui mi,
by isurvatloa, but not witnin tore
month. There will a no bombardment..-
t-: ' 'r? 1 "4' V '
Thera ha been ma figbtUg before
Paria aioea the 10th. ' The peel had
outside new to tba lltb. i They are
nedismajed-, Orders is psriect and
storeauemple. ..-1. A ' ' V' "-
A Yndomaicorrepoaqear. wrttet
that ms(vrig is ths order of tba
day, with tbe Preochaftuy eoaemaaaed
ay uisensiwt aaneew,"am v.
man osder tba Daka of M eekleabarg
andPrinca Frederick Cbaries. At a
conaeqaeaoa, tbec are nBoree.hait
ing marches than bard fighting at pre-
A special ,from Brusiels says the
large calle for'Landwehr -denote the
weakness of the investment of Paris.
One or two more sorties, like tbat of
last aight, will raise the siege. '
A Frankfort special says a month
will be required before the bombard
ment or Paris is possible. TDe pres
ent guns are neless, whilst f rencn
guns are almost withlu range of Ver-
sailes. i - .- ;
The French troops fronting tbe Duke
ot Mecklenburg bold , their ground
with. splendid gallantry.
A. eorreeponOnt at yenaome says
neither 'of the French ' armies, ccn.
mended by Chaucey and Bourbaki:
amber less than 100,000 men, and
they ' can draw reinforcement from
etbef part of France for nearly doub.
le tbat number. The appearance of
tne Treoca armies is favorable.'
5 General liwi'sf Kanpt,
London. Dec." 19. Tbe Csar has se-
erely reprimanded ths Moscow corpo
ration for, petitioning, on behalf of a
free press, . religious toleration, and
other reforms, and the University for
asking for taint intervention .to save
tbe Jiterary treasure in Partr.: , He re
fers," unpleasantly, to tbe siege bt Delhi
and. other tokens of British, civiliza
tioa. .' ' ," , ' . ..." - r - ,
Berlin, Dec, IS. Two prominent
members of tbe North German. Parlia
ment, for their anti-war acts, were ar
retted oa the charge of high treason,
by order of Bismarck,
London. Dec. 19. Parliament will
meet on. tbe & of. JTebruary. lion
John Evelyn Denniaon will be re-elect
ed Speaker.
Urant'a Messages were reproduced
here at length. Tbe Tuna lay Freei
dent Grant expects England to take tbe
initiative in re-openiog negotiations.
Ha will be disappointed, it was Amer
icstns wba rrjeoted -tb-lt celtUment
The King of Prussia bss received tbe
address at Versailles, and accept th
dignity of Emperor, tendered with
unanimous voice by the Prince of tbe
free towns and tbe German nation,
Tbe abolition of the Scheldt due I
voted, .., , -i. - .-,:-( .f
Madrid. Dec. 18. The caucus, of
Deputies, of the majority ia the Cortes,
est night, adopted a reaoiatioa la fa-
vor ot a dissolution of the Uortes, aa
soon aa tbe new Aiog baa taken tbe
Oath or office. -.. ;. ,
:,. -GA Peaee Praapeesa.
London, Dee.- 29. Prospects ; of
peace are looking- much Improved this
moraiog." It is thought Jn Berlin and
Frankfort that the peace basis pro
posed' by 'tbe neutrals, with some
amendments, will probably soon' be
adopted. ' Military movement ia the
field continue actively, and tbe French
are evidently endeavoring to concen
trara f One of tba -German Armie Is
falling back before Bourbaki.
Vienna, Deo. 18. A conference re-
spetcing meditation was bell by ths
representative of neutral powers, st
tbe Foreign tfflce, oa Tuesday last
All ambassadors were preneat. 1 The
basis proposed i a follows : Neutrals
to acquiesce in tba annexation of Lux.
emburg : to acknowledge William the
Emperor of Germaayr France to pay
$1,100,000,000 'francs; raise tba two
frontier fortresses ; cede tbe District
of Alsacd to Germsny, snd acknowl
edge 'the GetmSB - Emperor. Count
Hosbourg said that France would pay
mora money rather than cede a mile of
Tb Conference will sot meet Until
January. ? ur-;i t.;.t e
: ;; ;Wyawsla;. J
Corion, Dec- 20. A telegram from
Medicine ttowr Wyomiog, say that a
coal mine on the soutb side or tbe
main railroad track, at Carbon Sution,
owned by the .Wyoming Coal Coaipa-
ny, whien baa been buroiBg tot aboat
two weeks, became untenable an the
morning ,f -the 18;h lost. , Six men
includiag .tba pit boss, wera just leav
ing tba. interior of tba mioe when a
small eiploaioa occurred, biewlaf out
its forea tbrouga tbe shaft, and injur
ing au ot tnem mora or less, but no
one serioosly. Shortly after tbey wera
hauled out . another and more .terrific
explosion occurred, injuring the shaft
and throwing aa iron bosket. weigh
ing a ton hundreds of feet ia lbs sir,
aad scattering timbers and coal ia
every directioo- - Six hours later two
otber explosions occurred, blowing
oat through th ground..r. A-maa nam
ed Tbos-iWbtter who wa asleep ia a
dugout, wa burned to death by tbe
latter. Several light, explosions oo
carred ev tbe afternoon of the 18th,
and. another heavy en at midaigbt; of
th same day, opening additional reat
for tba gas, since wbea no, ax.ploeioQ
bar , occurred ;: U to th present
time the Ara it still raging with usa-
bated fury and there is no pessibility
of extiaguiahlag it, since tbe whole
town was supplied with water which
cam from tba shaft. The Inhabitant
are much alarmed, and many are mov
ingaway. Tbe Wyoming Coal Com
pany, estimates its Joss at $80,000.
The main aad all aide tracks will have
ta ba moved.;. The maia track crosses
several drifter which are now oa fire
and liable to be blowa out at aay time.
Washington, Dee. 19. I th 8enate
Nye introduced a bill to enable tbe peo
ple Bf Colorado ta form a uonsutution
aodSteta Government, for tbe admis
sion of. said State into tbe Union, oa
thauseel footing with original State.
Referred to the Committee oa Territo
ries. - , ; ,9V;Ji. ;..:(.
I the House, among other bill in-
troduaed wa on by Axtell, to char
ter th California and Arisona Rail
roadvt; a .- svi r'si i-a-s t-
The Hoasa Committee on Foreign
V.oVirs to-day completed their Oeean
v'elr graph bill, and aatboriaad Fereaa-
Wood to report rfe The bill iagee-
in U terms, snd authorhre t&
'fsmblasl. from aoy part ef the
't tba United Steteav by aay par-
t. certain ; conditions aad t
bt Dee- 20. Gea. Sehesxk
, twaorna of fata aaaaeiate
: at ba would not take hit
s after Thursday nut,
. - ia departure for England
: ig -delayed. . Ha i bow
' ata Deaartmeat, snaking
tat wtut tb past history
f ia eialsMf aad other mat-
ters of Interest between the two coun
tries. j ' , "
Sea Francisco. Dec. 20. The thirty
Russians oo board tbe United State
steamer Newburn, from Sitka, to-day,
are In poverty, and the Russian Gov-'
ernraeot pay to sir expense borne.1' P
i Area meet Uedrobanskl. with stair
of Deacons aad a full choir for the new :
Russo-Greek Chnrcb, to be erected
here immediately, at a cost of $80,000
also; arrived by tba Newbara. Tba !
money for tbe erection of the church la
already raiaaii .
p iseuer say tne nonoav traae wa
nevar better than this week, but useful
articles are almost exclusively ia da-
mand. The trade ia mere toys is smal
ler than ever before. , ' ;; i , : .
Th Steamship Jspan. from China:
three days overdue, arrived this even
ing, and attempted to pas up the har
bor in the darkness. About a quarter
past seven she ran into a vessel off
North Point, with a crash: which was
nlaintv - heard a shore, the :HrifU,A "
disabled, with the tide up ta Jsokson
street wharf. Tbe damage by tba col-
Union was less than at first supposed.
Tbe Japan ran into tba North German
ship CaroltBt-f which wa hot badly
damaged. Tbey drifted upon the Amer-
icaa ship Marmion. carried away her
bowsprit, : stem aad headgear. . The .
stesmer'l port goard was smashed and
two boau stove. Some otter damage
wa done. . Ne lives lost.. ; -.'-v.:-, ,.
Lss Angeles, Dsc.20. The Vigilance ,
Committee hold sightly sessions. As
yet nothing I known of their delibers-U
tloss except ia tbe cats of.- aotoriou
Sok thief, who received a note yw-.-terday
frosa the committee suggesting ;
bisimmediau departure.
The last two nights wsrs tne coldest
Jacksenvill. Dec. 20. The store of
A.iFisber Bro.. of this place, was
broxen into by burglars last night, but'
tbey secured but little plBBder. - The;
safe wa untouched: The thieves ef-':
feoted an entrance by breaking througS "
ths rear wall ef the building. '.''
k Cbinamao wa shockingly beaten
by a white man, oa the street to-day,'"
and it i not known whether be wilt ya-
-The weather berstcverycold, and
nearly an mining operations are sns"
Bsaded in consequence --' V -'
Paris and France.
: a. William oi rrussia uas oern
ttudered aad ba graoiously accepted
the -offer of Imperial Purple made to
ta him by the German States' Bad the
Qerman Empire is a settled thing, but,'
Saris has not surrendered, and France,
it not yet brought to submission.'' Tbe
war bas continued . wit varying for-
Bines, enlisting emr sympathies with
icrmany most decidedly ia the outset,'1'
snd changing only when the Empire
tat dethroned and tba Republio de
manded the respect and claimed- tba i
good wishes of Republican America
At the present time France astonishes
tbe world by massing armies and rais-
ies snd" maintaining an almost equal
Warfare against tbe , victorious Ger
mans. Under . the Empire tbe people
were easily discouraged and over
powered ; wbile under, the Republic
which, is only naif formed, and wita
a government divided between betleg.
ed Paris aad tbraateued Tours, the
people of France show the 'greatest
possible heroism, fortitude aad fidelity
to the Natioa. t
It eommeueet t look as if Paria :
could not be taken, and as if the arm
ies of France . wera able to snake tbe
soil of that nation ' nnteaable .ground
for the armies of Germany. Paris baa
yet two month's provisions, and the:
jiesleged army' is constantly making
formidable sorties against the Prus
sians with a prospect of ultimately
raising the siege. Is France all els i
abandoned to prosecute tbe war. - It fa
brought home to them ia so terrible a
manner tbat there Is bo recourse left
but- battle j no employmest left bat
war ; no hope left bat death or victory.
In Germany it is otherwise, aad while
we ..bear that volatile, (revolutionary
and reactionary Franc accept battiw
with one voice, and wage it wlthont
complaint against terrible discourage-
ments, wa hear from Berlin that a riot
has occurred in the Capitol of the vic
torious nation, aad that the military
force has quelled it by shedding the'
blood of the cititens. The attempt to
conquer France for it is no li
necfsaltates- that every ,-abla bodied.
German shall take tba field.'. This is
a strain no nation can bear, and occur
ring so early in the war, after only six
months of conflict, it carries tbe belief
to all dispassionate observers that UT
France can prolong the struggle abe
can in two months from bow secure
peace upon macb t better term than
Prussia baa yet offered.
v State News.
From tbe Herald: Tbe steamer Cas
cade, which is to, ply oa the atstoria
route, is nearly completed. Her en
gines and boilers are erected,' and her v
staterooms ' repaired ' aad renovated. '
The boat is one ot the stauocbesl ou
these , waters, and has been provided 4
With all that: ia necessary to insure
speed, strength and safety. t
S9 " a a
t: pevaaty arrests Bav -. aeen made ty
tbe police autborltlesi since the first of
ijecember. Three-jfourths 'of the ca''
wera for drunkeness, and , the rest for
assault and battery aad petit larceny.
' BnrCb and Rulan muni.. ,
... T .
sentenced by Judge Upton to a term of
two years aad a half in the peniten
tiary, for the robbery of the store , of
Mr. English, in East Portland. . ,
Tha present n a inker at prisoacrt tat
the county jail is twenty-three. -"
From tha Elltm : The city af Port-...
land is bow la a stat at siege. - Com.
maaieatloa from lb north was com
pletely cat off yesterday. "The One.
onU ba been laid b at tb Company's .
ship yard, aed th Vaasoever packets '
aave taasa rtiagsis pir Bar bo r. ...
A man glvisg hi aaata aa John '
Milkea yeeterday lodged complaint at '
tb Police beadiaartars agaiatt a per
son at the lis ward Salaaa far robbery
tie allege that be waa robbed of ,
check aa the Bank af Britisb Colam-,:
bio tor $230 ceiB, four $10 pieces and.
aa.$20,; fj-.M ...;i
From tba ftrtyaarfaw Tbera is troabv
I ia many places in thr city with tba'
water, pipes, '.'aad ,. hydrant.,, . They:,'
freexe np io BBproteetad pi ' ' 3f-, .;
" The ie compeny is Snaking appsr'
reotly.ampl provision for the proper.,,
treatment of parched throat next sum
mer. . For two days tbey have bad' a '
large tores of cutters aed teams at
r,rlrlliair their tea fcanea.- r' vi; .
-v TntteatBei' Oaeant ian "ioi Into
'thb;Combiarlvt' terBx.paniaf
to proepM tat Hwto aa regard rua.
ning klha found th la not so
.1 - .1. - J.. hut tt Vlt
1 .... ... ' T
Tbe dials of tba aity deck War put
ia place without accident yesterday,
i They ara five feet and ibraa lashes ia
1 diameter, and 4b Agora cawfce plain
ly distinguished for about five or Six
, blocks. -..-. ... .-
The steamers from below ar bring
ing large supplies of gamsT, Veaisoa
steaks ar becoming quit a apecialty
at om of our markeu.
The Oriflamm was advertised to
salt, front San Fcancicco to-day, Tbnn-
day Dee. ?2d. , , .
From ths 01mpia JVansert pf Deo..
17th, we take tba foIowin
The officers of the railroad compa
ny enured - 20,000 acres of , land ba
Whidby ; .Island, : this, .waalul., 8om
5,000 acres more were also entered by
outside parties. v '- ! ,!- O
Th following amount of buiinss of
the Olympla land office was traBsacted
during the month of November : Num
ber of acre of land, sold for cash,
7,JS7 : - homestead eowles, 3,14 ; de-
clatory atatamenta, S.750 : donatioa
claims 1,2)7 final- proof on home
steads. 829. . Total.. 15,881. , ,
Work wa coaniericed the Northr
era Pacife railroad x oa Friday last,
fir utile above MQnticella. Th a-
fect of the force now engaged a grad
ing is to enable th company to make
estimate of cost. Tbe advertisement
of tbe company, tilling. for five hun
dred, men has put renewed confidence
la the matter, and satisfies everybody
thai the building of the railroad from
Puget Sound ta the Columbia River la
to ba immediately built, , Tweaty-fiv
or thirty laborers for the road cam
up from below -oo tbe steamers oa
Wednesday; aBd others are continually
passiag tnrougo lor sioattcaiio
: City snd Coanty Itemt,
MaasiiD. Attbe residence afLabau
i Case, in Polk county, Detsmber Slat,
I by Rev., P. S, Knigbt,. Mr. John C
Booth and Mrs., belle Headrick. v,
Hods ' by Rail. Mr: Cross received
a caf load br cold pork by railroad
yesterday,- brotght down from torn
where abov-
To ao Ov.ati.D. A tba Colbmbia
river route ia closed and the ocean
steamer travel, is nucertaia, as the
Willamette may be olotsd by ica below
Portland, Mr. Meacbam will go by
overland Stage to California and thence
by rail to the East. Ho maydeave to
day or to-morrow. '
We neglected to mention before that
tbe redoubtable Shulta alia Bardmau
Is a neighbour of ours but is rendered
docile aad harmless for - tba- p reseat
from the State by a pair of Gardeaer
shackles and a room ia tbe Penitentia
ry to oceupy for tea years to come.
Ice, but not any great quantity ef
It, baa been oa band is ear city all tba
time for years paat. bot ao one kaew
tu Uzatovage Wright fouad
chunk of the lot they put down foar
year since, preserved nameltad in tbe
saw, dust at the bottom of their ica
Iet. TJxafovage 4 Wright are de
termined to put np ica enough to last
this town through oo season at least,
and w tne roold weather . taste long
. enough wa shall have a thousand tons
, (or less) of it to impair our summer
Asotit Itsms During thi freezing
spell items are ebudatrjr ' lacking
both ia number and interest, tbat It
not only the ease la Salem, but we are
compelled to judge by tbe lean look of
the local column of our exchanges
tbat tbey bav as little to say as macb
a w nave.-t i n jt ,-,
Old and Vew for December comes
to band with the usual amount ef ster
ling literature" in it. It ia on of the
' best magasina Boctaa ever baa far
ms bed, and new, at the begiaingof
the year ts a good tim to lead on your
lour dollar currency aad subscribe for
the next volume. Its corps of eontrib
utor includes ' rnach at th beat, aad
best paid taient in America.
Skating continues to be tbe exciting
aad interesting occupation . of both
- sexes, who realise that tbe icy rale
may ba brief and so make tbe most of
ib Hundreds ware oa tbe Slough yes.
terday, and tb city hack were comic
aad going there with lady passengers
from a distaace, who were determined
to see the sport. 'The ice bas attained
a thickness tbat makes it safe, as tb
slabs cat for the ica house ar nearly
tour tnenes tbick.
Stats ' Lisa abt Rsaovtn-Th
Steta Library and Adjutaat General'
oCSc and "aB th good. ' chattels
books, safe and effect of those in
stitutions are now being removed ta
tGrover and Miller's building, formerly
known a Smith's block. Of eoarsa
there is bo use of having baildiags t
rent, without improving opporteauia
to rent tbem, and thougH U r..
bow to be occupied are aot so good aT
convenient as those left, still it is aaly
very strong aad, sharp. Finding tbat
the steamer we getting eat eensiiera-
bly, Capt; .Wolf concluded, te retara.
what w must expect that every haet,'8" " namuvoo, ..wever macu
est oennv abonld be taraed bv u.
present administration.
tV i.
Csa Asssptrso. A alrd ldi-
vidual complains of having beea mad
a target for a bad shot, night before
last, when pursuing bis legitimate busi
ness, somewhere near th Catholic
church. :did not mind bring shot
at much, though considerably annoyed
at being o-shady In appearaac that
tbe aavioaa ballet couldn't Bad bim.
He was a little pet oat, tbat be dida't
know what the fellow bad "again bim"
who shot at bim, but he wa awful
maa whan bt nia aaeailaat laid
asid tb firearm aad with snera suc
cessful aim threw a rack at bins and
smote bim therewith. Cassar still Uvea.
but his indignation continues.'
' 4t:- II 1 1 a. i. . ) , .... ,, . ;!..';
Council Proceedings. ...
The common Council met In special
session on th evening of Dee. 20th,
Mayor Scott In the chair, and Alder
man Williams", Wade," Drake, Bridges,
Wright, Starksy, Skiff aad Bro wn pre-
Mr. Williams, from tha special com
mittee to whom was referred tbe ordi
nanea relativa to smallpox, reported
without recommendation aad cassation
of Alderman Starkey tb subieet was
lata upon tne table.
k - PtiU S'-ii
A emmunicatioa wa received fraas
Maitia at Allen, askint tba passage t
an ascioaea wa tor an erdiBaao to
great aa exclusive fraachi for
17 year toaapply tba city with water.
is bu was teterrea ta Messrs. Wii-
liamt, Starkey end Skiffs, .;tw
t.Uw.aria.' X-'-'i
A bnl la favor of Andst jon it Brown
for tn tS, anda bill la favif of R. W.
Sayra for v S'tfr were ordered paid. A
Mil in' favor of A. R. P. Mbthiot for
$10$ forre-airfBr foot brida across
Mill creek was referred ta Ut lrt
'. ..t.ffASTMa. BfW. f '
Wash leg tea. Dee. 21. In tb Boas '
number of Southern members spoke
ia favor' of a gsaeral amnesty. 1
Mr. Berg-nt introduced a biM to for
feit to lb United Stetea lauds grantsd -.
to the Placerville aad Sacrameato Val- '
ley ; Railway Company to aid in tba -construction
af a Railroad front Folsosa
to Placsrvill. - Pasaed. . v . '
M n . Scb enek took leave of k is col
league of th Waya aad Maaa Com
mittee yesterday, aad bis Bam will aa -
sent to lb Senate to day, n4bs will '
be confirmed to-day., -, ,. , -.- - 1 ;
Mr. Hoeaer, MaacbBaU. will
act as Chairman af tba Ways aad Meaaa
Committee for tb balance of tb a ,
SiOB, SteS 8cbBCk v.: : ci ,n.' 3f
Tb followisg aaaalaatlens were sear , f
t-day: Schsnck, of Ohio, Envoy Ls
traordiaarj and Minister Pleatpateoti-
ary to Great Britiaa; J.. C. CiaaseBM.v
of Ohio, Secretary 4 WasbiDgtoa Ttv
itoryj.T,.,r , ' '
''. aiawasiaasi wji-i -,-ir.; ri(
Versailles, x Dsn: 20. Th sflxietr
tb German for paa ia ta
tense.' German troops ara Ba tba -
point ot . aiiy The bombard mat ; ;
Of . Yersaille is expected every . aa-.'
ment.'.The Freaeb have Id sitW
guns capable af tb rowing sheflsthroaglB-
th King' palace, end driving tSaGe- !
man from the work on tbaeaat aad
ortb af Veraill. .u ;'! 4---
La ados. Dee- 10 A aosr wadent '-
front Pari writes on tba ltb, saying: -Wa
have arrived atthurvttrplBt.
The supply wiU last but a few day k -
gr., taa-eveatartbeiaitara.r tba :
next sortie, Ducrot, Fvraasd etnsra '
of tbe Gaverasaact will laava Part, by -balloon,
t proeeeats tba war hi tba '
proTincet. Trees a will remain tjilthasv
sarreoder af tba city--. k , 1 - .-; ; " i
Le Man. Dee-18. There ha bean
a seeead change of base. This drffa-
ton f the army f tb Loira is a sue- -s
ceasful strategy, as there bas beea bril-1
iant Bghting near fart.. ? ;ii -
Tba Army ot tbe Loira bas simply
moved some 60 alias north of their,
former positioa, aad there joined bands :
with new army . Tba ad of th Ar-
my.of th Loire i not just yes. i- j
Versaillej, D-c 16. Ducrot Ba Bot
se-eaiered Paris, bat remaias at Via-
cennes It is certain ba contemplate :
renewel of th attempt to- hre-k
through aad affect a junction wit tb :
army of Cbaaesy,. who ia gailaatly en--'
deavoring to fight bit wy northward.
Versailles, Dee-16 Wa bav eater-
ed aaetber period of omiaoa ilease.
birh is probably tbe perearaor at a
aew atoms 1 fir tbat will swallow Bp
more than a thouaand af baman live. '
Mevnwbue reintoreementa are arrlviag
rapidly, about ,6,000 daily. - Th aew .,
year will see upwards ot lvu.utivaia
soldiers recalled to the s-aak, i after
pending year ia oecnpatioaaaf peaee,
and will be fathered aroaad Pari t
strengthen tbedeepliees of investmeat,
hich death, wounds, aad stcKna
have recently weakened, , , s . .-, - j
Tbe Guard in Germany. pr.Soq.OOO -
French onsoaers. ha been aatraated'
t the Landwebr, who have been caUV
out, .with the exception f boy aad
old men. Tbe whole Uertaany popala-
tioa carrie arm.' ,-, ,
Rome, Dee. 15. There is a set ere
preliminary conflict at Folorenca re
prardicg the futute status of lb PonUff. -This
important questioa wa submitted
to Uke prated ena over .
-II "Tk- I.rt lll aar
WVMKii. iU- SaMu. .a...w...
deavor to destray tbe Papa, tha Sacrei
College aad th whole Body iplseopaa.
Tb extreme right will try to save as .
much as possible of tba eonrt powr'
aad dynasty of St. Peter. The questiaa
of transfer of capital bas eause a break
between tha eppoait parusaat oa tba v
ministerial project for g aaraataalegtb -independence
of tbe Supreme Pontiff
aad tbe exercise of spiritual Barbarity.
Londoa, Dee- JO. Mr. BrigVt Baa
resigaed, with tb penrioa da ta a
Minister for twa years' servic. HU
two years ended an tbe 10th lost. .ta
Advices from Fans ta tb 2lst aay
th people ara calm, reaelut and coa
fident. Prussian ara advancing, -aad
bav a greater fore. Tb Prussians
bombardedMarae, aad marched tbeaea
oo Veraina. A German reMaisssBS
from. Amies ; attacked Faidbarbea'
corps, but war repulsed. The Proa
siaos evacuated Sergaiga and Be-.
moat. . .- - !-- -
. . Oa the capitulation of TbionvWe,
50,000 French troop were paroled
Tba majority wera much ee raged, Beat
causa oi tb urren1er, aad soma of tha.'
troops threatened t explod tb maga
sinea, bat were dissuaded a pea th ep-
paarai. of worn aod cblldrea, who, I
oa their knee besought submission.!
During the action 50,000 shells wera;
thrown Into tba aity. Dtsseg, h
million dollars. ; -n- s - r . :
' Loadon, Dee. 21 la th Spanish ,
Cortes a motion waa carried a galas,
dissolution. There was great xeite
mantaad tha opposition retired. Bob
ledo declared that h did not with B
cotif 'dttat, but ta aava tba King or,
perish with bins. Figasra sspportei!
bim ; be said tba eaaatry waabi aot
ettle dowa aa Aaata aad a thiwaa.
Th UvramBt tapparWd tb motion,
aylog that to sa' tba country every
thing was agreeable. . .,' H .
Palltlelajis and bUtetmei.
Fram "Wanted, a Statesman," by
J. T. Clarke, ta December aamber bf
Oar difficulty, ta this country,' is,
that awl persons begia public lite a
BaliUctaas, sad so aequir a habit of
leehlar aaly to party saeeees, whieh
" twanw or vi.w. x
- k4 I
""." !. ,e"
i Wr" tr ''""! nei
men war y aad Jba Adam, and
others whom I Bead notaame. Nor
d I tblak tbat lt eaa be dealed that
Mr. Webster was a statesman. Per
haps be became too much of a politic
ian ia bia latter days: bat daring moat
f hi career, ba kept his eye fixed
apea principle. Charles Sumner la
also a statesman Ho satisfies all tha 1
teste we have laid dowa; be bas al
ways wished to eteer, aad hae aever
beea willing to drift; b hshrys'
tbougat less or tn next erection than
af tha future of th natioaf aad b be
always aeen farther into the future
thsa hit eotemporerlcc."" That poU
ticlaaa bav dlaliked bim, .while the
people have sustained bfm, is another
evidence af tbe tamo fact, and a most '
encouraging sign that statesmanship
ts valued by the mas of th people,
Tba people can understand ideas and
principles better than measure." This, '
indeed, git a temporary power ta tba '
demagogue; but it also helps tba true1
taseemaa, -wh fixed bia ey Onth'
ererlastiag stars, while nteering Vba
ship' of state a bob -tba sea ef human f
history and ' temporal -dreumStane.-Tba
great mats of th bbMob ara will
ing to ' tolerate ' traoslent errors and
mistake tn the who avidently be
lie v la prlBCiple. As fonr a thk
Democratic party seemed traa to its
ideas af equal justice for all men, tbe
aatioa eaetaiaad it. bat' whea, to gain
political advantage, it bitted itself to'
slaveholders bod alavebaiding, It lost
it bold on tbe national mlad. 1 '
J 8o tb Repablieaa party, wblcb baa
saved tb UatoW Bad abolished slavry,
ha eecured a long taasa f power by
tbat epieadia raoordf at- it win ioa
ita hold, at last, oa tb pub'.s heart
if it How ttseif to ts corrt;UJ by
, venal politieiaas.and permits tL fr4
of wfiee to sapplaat faith ia prracl
plH. ' As losg as tt Is hd ty riatee
mea, it 1 saf. When it is governed
by nlUieis,aaratter b adroit aad
abl, ita powt will b ton. - v' '
....... nil .in lu ? 1
' Th Aatioch Lodger' mmrU iUil
Bsaaqaita in f-t r--t are s k
that a feam. ao i.te a elovd of
tbs tt;r i. zy aad t ke U. t : -ft
f alabn." " 1
; School Tsiad.
It was dn(Hptd befora one Ssnator ;
reUraed ta WVshingtao, that rmmadia-
tely an the opening bf the session aonr
step would be taken to decide tb
Question whether Congrasd. would ap
prove tb clause af our 8teta Cansttto-'
tioa, aettisg apart tb 600,000 acres
erigiaally 4atnd4 aa an iBtemal ins-i
provemaot fund tob a part of tba lr I
reduelbl achoot fund. Such action
tion was taken by 8aatc-r WiHiaots on
the first day f tba aaagioa, and if this
resolutiou we publish below pases, of
Which ttr U little doubt, it wiU i
check tba Dsmocratic raid opoa tb
Oregon Steta Conttiution. , . '. , ,"
la the Senate of the United States,
December' 5th, ' 1870 Mr. Williams
asked, and by aaaaimoa cnent b
taiued leave to bring ia tba following.
joint resolution: which was read twice
and ordered tb be printed. ') ' , '
fount kiaoLettOB. :' " .'
Explanatory of the Act aJmitfini the
; fiutt of Oregon sate Ms liuon, ,
WBBBBaB-Deubt hate arisen a to
th effect of , tb. Act foe tbe admission
of Orego, approved February 14th,
1859. , far. a it relate to the iva
huBdred tbousaad acres of lead great-
d to said State by aa Act entitled "An
Act to appropriate tbe proceedings or
ths public laud, and to grant pre-amp
tion rights," approvsd September 4th,
I84i: tbrtor, '
Be tt molted by MS gsmsmaaW Ham
efRcfit$enlliDetofik United State of
America m Congrett auenbled, .That
Congress,' by it said .'Act admitting
aid Stele iota tne Union, did, and
hereby-dotb, ascent to tba applicatioa
of satd leads lor tba support of eaaa.
mon ceboal aa mad -ia tb aecoad
ection of tha eighth Article of Ota
CoBttitotioB of said Stat.
Thia docs not require any sxpUaa-
UoB.,W shall comment npon it la
du time. Senator Williams means
business. . . . , .
How It wai Pone..
Tha Bulletin publishes an Interesting
epistle from Jacksonville which' direct
ly charge' Burnett and Wells, wbo
were members of tio Honse from Jack
sob county, with eorrnptioa oa th
Senator' question, , aad .. then, abow
what they ar trying to do with tha
sash they received for voting for Rally,
Th .following j extract . from Fay'a
Speech on that point ia especially In
teresting : ... J; , (-..r.-i
j He said, aa all of a her know, that
oetore they went ta tba Legislature,
burnett and - wells were-BotB poor
Buraett was too bard up to pay a Bate
of $75 which Fay held against him for
a client for over two years, .and Weil
bad to coat a friend to whom ba bad
old a bora to- pay the pne a moath
to advancaor tb gred time to pay
hit expenses to Salem. Yet after tbe
Seaatorial electioa tbey each bad plea
ty of money, He related, what w all
kuw here, that "since -Jack Burnett
bad come back, be offered a certain
merchant in this county $4,000 in gold
for s part Interest in his business, but
that tba offer was rejected, that the
merenaat saia n aid suit want aay
maa ia business with bim who made
bis money tbat way. Fsy also told
another thing well known her ; that
while Well ma . rery pwor before b
went to Salem, h baa been abl sine
hi return her , ta forward $1,600 in
gold eola to lb Willamette tor clock.
If tbey did aot aell tbeir vote for this
money tbey bath bav w. aMboagb
poor beior tbey went ta Sal,
Fay (aid, let these dare to tall hew
tbey cam by it.
City ltd Cointy Ilcau. . ,
Yesterday aad to-day are twS ef tba ,
shortest "days that hav vr bean
known in this latitade.
Msasisn. Ia Marion county, No
vember, 34th, , at the bease af the
bride's father, by Elder S. Williams.
Mr.Thoma Jones aad Ml Ellen Short.
Eastibs Rsstacbast. Traveller
bo want a meat at aay bear ia Port.
land, especially if leaving thai city by
early traia ar boat, ar arriving there at
a late hour can find a good meal bu
short notice at tbe Eaatera Restaurant
hlft la A ..Hi . aa . ..Ini...
Nor Csai. Ws received a call
yesterday from Ca-sar. who says ha ia
tha only, colorsd maa in town who
owns that historic name, aad assures
us that he waa aot abot at. He aaye
Junius Brums Snipe got shot at, and
take nrs word tor it.
Tb Willamette river, la tha effort to
keep warm this cold weather, baa
crawled dowa into tbe very bottom of,
it bed. It doaaa't hap pea to bav -a
feather bed and mast be suffering in
tensely. .Tb steamboats still wigglo
snd worry np and down, and tbe only
consolation they hard it that the river
is ao lower now than It was last sum
mer. "- 4t..;f n'I'i -"V In tit,.
Masoato Fnstivaa. Ob " Tuesday
next,? the- evening ef St. John's Day,
the 'ancient and honorabl order ol
Free Bad Accepted M stoat will bold bn
Installation banquet at tba Cbemeketa
Bouse. Ths installation exercises will
take plac ia - tha spacious parlors of
tba hotel aad th supper in tbe dining
room. . By .request we announce that
sQ members of tha order ara invited
to; be present and participate ia tba
ceremonies. . Tickets can ba had ef R.
P, Eaibert aod T, McF. Pattoa.
St. Chablbs HoTit. When at Port.
land a fsw. daya sine wa atopped as
this .hotel, which is now kept by. Mr,
Jacobs, welt .known to traveller on
this coast as lately tba popular land
lord of tbe St. Georaa Hotel at Victo
ria. Mr. ' Jacob bas beea at Portland
bs't a few weeks bnt it successful ia
main tain tb reputation already estab
lished for lb 8t .Cbarlea aad la ad
ding considerably , , hereto. Tha SW
Charles is a first class bbuse. . - .
I ...
VMABTSvatn Lottbbt. Wa call at
tantion to tbe advertisement ia to-day '
itfucf of tb MarysvOle Gift Coneert.
The' schema la aa xcediag!y liberal
one, aad the.. rata f prisea to .Ua
nlmbet of tickets more adraatageous
than- any that a yt beea gotten np
ta uaiwornia- tb acbama is nader.
tia tnauagement of tb leadidg citi
te -s af Marysvtrie, Who names ara
g-araat that ta .-wilt be keaeatiy eoa-
osct-a, ana in probts to b davouA t
W"rtny locaj object.
Ccssjuiia lTSMa--Tbe b very
torrfbr tft ea fot' item Iter, for tba
V'-rs.aVv x ar gdlof on ara ar-
1 -yfo'ij. to wards or, froat th lea, ap4
hUe' avarybody I trying to b happy
a th xt:t Ttr"WmaJ6oalBrt
actking BJ-ryeas worth temi f.wal'
Bw -atsMBK wauld baa variety, a it
wouid at lnt- t tb ati of tec
reauon. . va--t;- : .r''y nrnn
r, , ... i v ar tf wt gau under
a Tcaaa atae there. ; -i:? vjj ,
I - v" ' "- ,
tb. ica kws'r-; if bad aot ftw-- riV 'rt '
etiva-yCU a., tka lea aaaea.aa bsteita QUy ofU r.
i -"- !na 4aakiBg, i7 Ctatfwi. s si Ta r-'-ra-,
n i . mt local nouee to th VJrrL. t .i.I i . , -o-fr an-
et.- ntt,.iing.
gtate , NewSs
I ;i t - .! .v
Tha Oregon 12d aaya that fen.
account of the freexe and stoppsg
of th .Colombia river travel,' Pos- '
tal 'Agsnt Undsrwood ba tl-
graphad t dea, Utah,' to have all
th overiaBd Btail fo Oregon seat via
San FraBclseo. . ! ,..,'. .
k... V...(.VJ...l..l
i i-iiivi kpmii 4iwr.aiiirf
last avening frost tb iowor Celnmbia ,
Sh report the ranaiog ice vary haavy .
Mo rurtber trip below will be attempted
for th present. Boats ar still rua- .
sing to U east bank of the Colambla -f
opposite tha moath Bf tb WUlasatt. '
Tasterday "morning, the river oppo-1
tita Stark siiaet ' was frbxen almost"'
across and ice rsmaiaed far out .'Nf
!' fHtm tha isaalata Van V im .
tb dayj r ?1 wUiwridantly naqab
a few degree iacraas of cold to,
tba WjUaaitta against steam boat f
UonJ " 1 ' -r '
Tha BvUeti . of, . that data furnis
the followisf: ;,Tb musical sxrreit
at the Pata an Wed need sy and Satu
day fof waph week will . hereafter b
ied by vary largo proportion o
tha eititenS of ! Portland. The baail
of tha Twentr-tha-d Iofaaury ha aaew
ordered l , Vaacoaver, and wii; go -
our uu woea- ,
Hro'nrt favof oe CspUin Tnrnbnlli .
tb . Portiandtnall ara deUvtwd a'
Vanoooter ,ysteTday w Th..ateamr
erosssd the Columbia rivr in tba
midst" Of ' ery layy aid' bitenslvo -fild
of tea. h'lmoi s -ia tecai 4"f.i
' The bcllersbf tb raflroad ferry boat
wera- iaspected yesterda'by eacari?
Diarderff aad1 Lotaa. 'Tb' Company v
oniy saked Ibsi they b nUaweii a ,
prase nr of 60 poaada to tba square .
inch, but tb test waa extended ta 00
pound. -"' ' ' '
. . -, . i. . .
? wc-a vl9 iaa ytruay .
afterbooa wa ' greatly heightened by '
ta sppaarane or tne Twenty-third
Infantry" Band, about four o'clock, p. '
tn., wniea wt aowa aaa pteyed -most
axaaUent programaM tt manic. -
A faraser Irons' Polk coanty, who ?
stertedarbaad tawa to see thaelephaat,
on Tuesday evening, eUd at on of
tb hurdy-gardy 'a aad ther aaada bins ,
self sociable,, Jf ext . morning whea ba ,
recovered bis senses, he found himself
mi'mit $40 which h had tha prariooi '
Cassldy, the companlan ' of Bureb
and Hackney, In the robbery of a saf
in East Portland, was yeaterday foand -'
guilty oa th Indictment preferred, by
the jry, Bfter a abort dllaration. i
Th two- compaalo . war aeataacad ,
on Tuesday, to two aad a half year la
tb penitentiary and it ia supposed
tb trio "will terra tha 1 same term
together. .- B will b ! sentenced to -
ojuKuw. wrcs vuiSl9BK
wnt on Hnnday., . ,,...
A Ratio ior Paraicc Baowa. The
other 'day' while Mr. Joe Downer was
plowing a field on Swegls'f place,
about a mile aad a' quarter from tb
Penitentiary, ha plowed np th greater
part' of a tea pound Gardeaer shackle
aarf foand 'by H a piece of cloth aad a
piafc of a boot and part of d white
leather strap, f The relie ar sup
posed ta cave bean irt tbera by Fat
rick BroWB, tb convict for who cap
tar so many effort wer made. He
mBsthav bad a wetltemperedsawaahla-ai
pertoa at tb tias of hu soapeJor th .-
shackl shows a piece to have been
aeetly sawed out with great labor, ao
that the teg eon Id be slipped through it.
Trsa -ABTBBTcasa---Th Saora.
at Uan baa tb foUowlng; ,- :
Aasaag thapsssaagsra by th Central
Paciaa xpra traia from th East yes
terday Was a boy tea or twslv yeafs
af tee, aa xedlg1y dirty aad pic
tareaquely ragged yaaas; rooster,' who
gav bia aaeae aa Jeha ABdaraoa, aad
staled that be ran away from bia bom
ia-eaa rraneisco aoout twa mon to
ago: and durtor tbat tim bad mad
trip avarlaad to Chicago aad back "oa ;
bis-bapa." Aa b wa buegry, Jack
Bidermaa gave him a -hearty laach at
th refresh meat Stead la tha depat. He
paid too much attention to tb eatable
for soma minutes to ba able to talk, bat
after a bad boated . two r or tare
doughnuts and an equal number of
sandwiches aad pig feet, he began to
bo communicative, aad stated tbat bia
mother was dead, bnt that hi father
aad stepmother lirsd In Saa Fraaciaeo.
He wanted to aea Chicago, as aa bad
learned that it was a great place, aad
he got on tb car aad Want ther. Hd
was nevar pat off tba traine dariagta
trip, although moneyless, bnt ho had
to " wsit a day or two at stations to get
something to eat." HI stay In Chicago
wa United to on week, aa ba faand
tb place l0Bsom. Ia kit epiaioa
Saa Francisco was aa good as Chicago,
but (and b cast aa admiring aad ap
preciative glaac npon tberefreshmsau
near by from whicb b baa ben. aW
towed to help himself ) "neither of 'osa'a
M . a wa . f i v.. , . uww, vii.
noticing tb smoks acd dirt, bearimsd
condition of hit hands and faco, Inquir
ed what waa tha matter wkb thsm.i
Ones I'd ought k wash 'am.'i basw
puea." w Ben did you wash your-
elf last 7" "Just 'lor I lertUbica-
go I" A bystander inquired if ha was
going oa to Saa Fraooiso by th train
just about to start, to which ba made
answer: don't know; it denenda."
Presently, however, on catching right
Bf tb good-aatured cob nt nance of tb
eond actor, b appeared taarrtv atth
eoncmsiOB tnat tba 'depends", were
favorable, aad jumping into the ami-
grant car ha was taken on toward his
father's house, where it is to b hoped
b , wui reoeiva ta weieamn r u
Prodigal Son..., I .. .. , ,s ? . .
Railbsao. Wa silmlu' tli.t
tber ia considerable excitement at St
Helen ia regard, to railroading, expect.
mg tn a or to era facihc road to cross
aboat on aad a half miles below tha
tow. Several parties havw jately sold
Out' their ranches to tha. company.
Among tbem, Mr. Bennett sold forty
acre to a party la Vancouver, for
l,ooo. Kai estete is rapidly advaip-
The eitlta which requlr six figures
to express their inhabitant, by th
present census, ara: "sw lerk.
408,000 ; t;nicgo, 3to,70; ai"ore,,
380,000 : Bostoa, 280,101 ; Cla.aaai,7
aad St. LeuU, each 1.4,000; Kw
Orleaas. Jtloo Vewark Bad. SaaY1
Fraaeiace, eaeb, 1 12.00 ; BaCtlaa
1 14,000 ; Waablagtoat, 110,000. - t
S lull . .. ' ! f . "-t '
Tha darerlptloB taatal4 la Ca '
foliowljg would apfly to a freat Star-'
prayarav - " ur , r iBiavi-, ; ;
preached in David WaH cbareb . '
8aday vb1b;. Tt attendaaa a j
fair ad the servic was na. , rr n
tbbtle;. tolafow hymn th I
delivrl a nice, wy Xi w; -vi ,
as aprayer aad t -n k itf V ;.,
treat which to pret.a. ;o.,. . ,a . .,, ....
-An Trlimaa rt. red 1 U f 1
post-offie th other d-y, . - . J . n
lowlBX asaOSaa- B l'ir" ' T
s2tf fJil-,-:
wsred, "Ail ovet C s It , -MV'
'ar rt.
t -H J
I S 1. IB -am
jBtt-oq nam awin tl 'tl s,-.vs,
aor)tano A.ea aeq jo lajs qj,
jArrjA,'r,---r. f ...
. Oass Wa-r - r N T
J jrT--- alas w.-
COaw ta Uaa-a Ce
, . " . w xzvtuj,
fc j .j j-.,,, ,,rf.,.. . , r -si.,
-. a i - -i -' lZMntSart'. '
rrtHt S vHteew
JL 0 rasudBBMr
aaanoei mtmiii
ArtUeM work as '
llwp as eaa b
a Baam ov-1
gow.srr'a '.; .j'
Qr a s
tomrxAjn, ouooar
' OSW. tuin-il. K. ' sM Vra4 Ws.' '
aafWaBwMts mmox. at. uai '
' ! aViLBtaBaaT n .
a taw
" SiLEaf. OKZOObT. I
' Maltha ' ..-.r, - .,. , . ,
Onto aad raaidewB esraai Pnaoa ami! ,
Vneren auwata, ,,'
j -3 p tal jem, onjcooM t :-.',--i
Orders ea be Mt l SooiWaJDrev ft.'
Attar map am C aa Xavwr
aussl aasieitar Im Cbaaiaerr.
AmAMy...,..:.. ' Mtaoj .
arMn)AjtcriAJtT rvmtttX"
d arrraa sswamttysaaaaemt -
i ...l-wuiia,;;.-.;,
. DALLAS. -ORaOOW. ' - rr
tVa.M adaatt-a ires kwaaaia. awUkv
Oollictlual an Irimireti la Baas Ommta
Qttca awatairslttMwC-art, .. . Aiaittt .
I Aittijrnej' Jrlt Law
Ana eta Ertt; 'AKtaf. V'
Oadiattawa in C aa btasl Cwrry Cawss.
, 'Bt i,t lawapity attiasiate. " l
AUtAiut ASB Sat-tar1! UHMf .'' 1
fsrsd far sal.BM!ia t. Iml Sarma,1
(teeb-naasBea, Tlaaav tH-hfm ri iij .
' lafatat ., f-aaa aj.
flara at acalroas la nm la m and "
Carry easauta. ac. tmrm Cta. wva.'-
BMaer Osam ef rest Qjmt . aagiiA r-
r ia a-a , . , .
B-,.w .CSC5
BJsrTATsB, iraK.A.
i JL aa
tlcctla Bmwss. .aaal k-M ha . ...
taecKy awS
a tttfat m BisrsaB awaaS. '; -; - o '
L.Mie. aawtt .t
A tSati mi v 3 rsmaisaalaBin t f Java, - t
PROwfCB xd BOLlcrca.,
i" 1 ' ATOCjlK'n'
Praatises ia tbe 8tat aad U, $. I
Ofllea TTo. too Freat ajtraicl'.
H(Mmick'sBookMB,j r t
4MUB. ltbvt h.
an - T IB emtrmtnt
- i i ilaacM-av mat
-ayt'a. Gzznrr:';;: J,
m bm a
iSaaw M, lMat J
T n'a
.v. '
GriavwUn laaWOr7smn Caami.
iffdaa, aSaai
1 aaatte tet4
t WB Oiul
BSam-a, 1-aaBa, I wt 11 f
ani. I . a a. . - .. . .
.ABT'a a. Kva vm. me Blled
awwMajiwM.' 1.' .. - .1
Prtm aad atrtas af vB t asBaV sanma. i
t astlesi rrsai Irate awy 4aar p X , . .
Wa ma fmaa rrm aa. au- a..ajl
T-f sSaas laaal inail aaaasa-Maa
late miaaa at aw a eel r
'i- t-s r'.t fun' ;ri' t,. . i i -
i cist i:::::::;:::t ,
Xm 0jaartar 1 amaaa-Mr a '
ta a satin ala. aaare Be. Ij, 1
I far east yaar
r - ! 'Oi -,:.' i - f " :Jl
TMsbtaa f o 3mr-' r
ravaaava-A. -i lar , - t, ,
(r. -f..v i 5
Bt -'- -far, A f m, .r-..i '
Bt aafiwMalwIg tab abwaa ' 1 't i J . v t i , 1 ,f
vanie B-am Oa!
a s-asat
Baa a aa.
e 1
Bsai. a4 Ca
SsTpa,- latv
v -A.