The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, December 14, 1870, Page 3, Image 3

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j ' Oregon ecfp iaUsmau.
Europeaa Nw.
New York, Dec. 9. A dispatch from
King William to the Queen, ttatei that
10,000 prisoners and 77 (runs were cap
tured at Orleans. The Duke of Meck
lenburg reported that be captured 14,-
000 prisoners between the 2d and 3d
inst. His loss is 32,000. The French
loss 2.000 killed.
London, Dec. 8. The Pott sers no
Lope of better relations witn America,
as the best Americans avoid or are
driven from nolitical life. Men like
Butler wield the political influence,
and ostentatious courtesy is shown na
tions supposed to be unfriendly to
England, who asks no indemnity for
insults heaped upon her in conse
quence of the Alabama matters, but
craves a settlement of claims, not only
because they are just, butas inaufrur
Ming between the two nations a feeling
of closer unity.
A correspondent telegraphs from
Tours on the 7th that the Government
states that the army of the Loire is at
its old quarters, but the locality is not
given. The evacuation of Orleans was
caused by the demoralization of some
new French troops and mistaken strat
egy and the indecision of Gen. Pallad
ines, who allowed two corps to be
overwhelmed by the whole Prussian
army, although be had 200,000 men
within reach. The army of the Loire
consisted of 300,000 men and 1,000
guns. In the engagements of the 3d
and 4th corps only 60,000 French
fought against 150,000 Germans. The
plan of the campaign was devised by
iarabetta, aided by DeVere, and was
either not carried out or its plan was
London, Dec. 7. The town is full
of rumors purporting that Paris will
capitulate on the 10th inst. Great
contractors are known to have prepar
ed immense quantities of provisions
to be sent to Paris, and special con
tracts have been made tor railroad
The quarrel between Bismarck and
the Crown Prince has broken out
worse than ever. Clubs say Bismarck
used his influence to postpone a rap
ture between England and Russia, on
ly to secure the taking of the German
loan for eight millions, which will be
brought to London next week.
Wilhelmsboh, Dec. 5. A general
impression prevails that the prospects
of the restoration of the Emperor is
steadily improving. Important move
ments are evideatly on the lapis here.
Distinguished guests move backward
and forward whose names are kept se
cret, and who are constantly closed
with the Emperor.
London, Dec. 7. A correspondent
at St. Petersburg writes on the 2nd
inst. that an order was given by the
Emperor to the reserve Corps to hold
themselves in readiness, which is con
sidered of great importance. This
measure has not been restored to since
the Crimean war. It has been an
nounced by the Emperor that 40 mil
lion rubles wouM be devoted to extra
ordinary war expenses. By the first of
January 497,000 remodeled guns, and
150,000 breech loaders will be ready
for use.
New York, Dec. 8. There seems to
be no doubt the income tax will be
abolished this session. At least a
dtuen bills for that purpose are al
ready presented, and there is a strong
er feeling against the tax than ever be
fore. It ia understood, however, that
a majority of the Ways and Means
Committee are opposed to the immedi
ate repeal.
The following nominations were sent
to the Senate : Vice Admiral Porter to
be Admiral; Rear Admiral Rowen to
be Vice Admiral ; Commodore Jenk
ins to be Rear Admiral ; Capt. Malla
n ey to be Commodore ; Columbus De
lany to be Secretary of the Interior ;
Beoj. H. Bristow to be Solicitor Gen
eral ; Clement H. Hill to be Assistant
Attorney General.
The House Committe oa Territories
bare a bill ready to report for the ad
mission of New Mexico as a State, un
der the name of Lincoln ; another bill
will be reported, to prohibit polygamy
l, if the senate does not act on
the one passed by the House last ses
sion. New York, Dec. 9i The Tribune'
Washington special says, the appoint
ment of Schenck to the English Mis
sion will be promulgated in a short
time. His name was sent to the Sen
ate for confirmation. The President
several weeks ago asked him if be
woald accept the appointment, and it
was only within the last fortnight he
decided to accept.
It was rumored that Russia has or
dered a hundred raitrailleors and a
million metallic cartridges from Amer
ica. , .
Chicawo, Dec. 9. A Washington
special to-day says, the Prussian Minis
ter has received information that Paris
will be compelled to capitulate within
two weeks, and that our Government
has similar information.
San Francisco, Dec. 9. A lively
fight between bulls and bears in the
stock market i going on to-day, and
the market shows some symptoms of
breaking down. If it does not .break
within a week, a number of brokers
A company of San Franciscoaoi are
baving designs made, and will proba
bly erect a first-class hotel, second to
none outside of San Francisco, at
Oakland, Bear the City Hall.
A wrecking; party, to operate on the
three steamers sunk in tbe vicinity of
Cape St. Lucas, tailed in toe gchoo ner
Arizona, for Manxaoillo to-day. They
carried a full outfit, and all required
apparatus with them.
Flour 240 bbls of Imperial Oregon,
extra, $6 50 ; market quiet for City
brands; superfine, in sks, 5 23(a),
6 50 ; Extra, $G 376 50.
Wheat 280 sks superfine ; 1,000 do,
$2; 1,280 sks choice milling, $2 15;
0,000 sks do, private.
The Chamber of Commerce to-day
paused resolutions asking Congress to
aid in establishing an American Hue of
steamships to Australia. Tbe Ubara-
ber of Commerce of Buffalo and Chi
cago will do tbe same. Col. Abes
leaves jor Washington with the resolu
tions to-morrow morning.
Raids by burglars, highwaymen and
sneak thieves are becoming so com
mon that the city has issued orders to
the police to arrest all known thieves
found on the streets and make charges
against them. Rounders and dissolute
characters will be treated in the same
Laconnor, W. T., Dec. 10. Two
men, named Jackson and Beu. Bolt,
who left Utsalady, were iound on
Skagit Flats this morning by Iodians,
Jackson being already dead, and Ben.
Bolt nearly so. Cause, drinking salt
water and whisky, and cold,
Olytnuia, Dec. 10. The Directors of
the North Pacifio Railroad, recently
arrived here, have chartered tbe steam
r Alida, and are now examining dif
ferent points oa the Sound, with a
view to locating the terminus. The
company have opened an office at Mon
ticello, and are now engaging 500 men
to commence the construction of tbe
Corinne, Dee. 9. A telegram from
Rawliogs, Wyoming, dated Dec. 8tb,
says, a jury was discharged and each
fined $10, and proceedings declarad
illegal by Judge Kingman, for playing
cards in the jury room while deciding
on a verdict. '
Seventy-seven lists of German losses
were published np to October 7th
Tbey show a loss in killed of five bun
dred and forty-three officers and eight
thousand two hundred and twenty-four
men. Wounded 1,663 officers and
35,933 men. Missing 14 officers and
6,047 men- Total loss as far as report
ed, 2,230 officers and 50,200 men. The
Prussian Guard alone has lost 254 of
ficers and 7,014 men.
Letters from Western Germany re
port a complete revival of business in
that part of the country. AH factories
have been reopened, the schools and
universities are again in running order.
the hospitals have been almost entirely
emptied of patients; and but few traces
" ' to be seen.
Tbe Russian Question.
After all tbe talk about tbe present
demand of Russia being a step towards
taking possession of Turkey, it does
not appear that tbe Czar has any in
tention to attack bis weak neighbor at
the present time, or that be asks for
anything more than a reconsideration
of the treaty which was exacwd by
France and England after tbe Crimean
war was decided in their favor. That
treaty was almost humiliating to Rus
sia because it required that she should
maintain no fleet on tbe Caspian sea,
where ber most important commerce is
situated. It is true that this exclu
sion of naval armaments was made
general and possessed a show of fair
ness by being made to apply to tbe
fleets of all nations, but it was a direct
blow at Russia as a naval power; for,
by compelling her fleets to outfit at ber
northern ports, which are a great part
of the year frozen in, she is deprived
of any chance to compete for naval
supremacy on tbe seas, and is in a
measure powerless to cnltivate com
mercial relations because unable to
protect them. Such was the intention,
no doubt, of the treaty of 1856, for
France and England wsre jealous of
the growing power of Russia whose
destiny is sometime or other to possess
Constantinople and so be master of
that great pass to the East. They
fought against this in the Crimea, and
baving succeeded they imposed terms.
Russia most naturally improves tbe
first opportunity to claim a removal of
these conditions, and now, when
France is powerless to question and
England has no ally of sufficient pow
er to resist, the note of the Russian
Minister is sent to the leading powers
requesting at an early day a revision of
the treaty made at Paris in 1856.
There is nothing in this demand that
is improper or unreasonable on the
part of Russia, but it falls like a thun
der clap oa the not very clear sky of
Russia makes no threat of war, and
shows no hostile front to Turkey, but
that does not change the fact that is
known to exist, and ber claims are telt
to point in the future to the possession
she has always coveted. It is not
easy to see how those claims can be
long denied, and if tbey are denied
Bhe will undoubtedly seek to abrogate
the treaty of Paris by force of arms.
Let tbem be granted (as we believe
tliey will be, for there is no power but
England able to resist) and weball
soon see a powerful fleet bearing thn
Russian flagon the Black sea and making
its way thence to all parts ot the globe.
Give Russia a great naval power east
of Constantinople and she is in a posi
tion, whenever she has an excuse to go
to war with Turkey ,to attack with im
mense force. Russia has already
waited for centuries for tbe hour to
come when she could fulfill ber prom
ised destiny and she will not hazard
success by indiscretion. She will
claim the right to place her fleets upon
tbe Caspian and when that is secured
she can then proceed to fortify ber po
sition, to establish ber naval power
and be ready whenever opportunity
shall favor to make war, and extend
her borders to tbe shores of the Gre
cian archipelago. That is ber destiny,
and Eagland and France, with other
European nations, have warred and
will war against it.
tetter from Buen Ylsta.
Bdxna Vista, Dec. 10th, 1870.
Eo. Statesman : The weather for
the past week has presented the ap
pearance of an accomplished coquette,
half sunshine and half tears, at which
our people rejoice " muchly." The
river is continually on the rise, and
the boats are passing up and down
with their accustomed regularity.
Business, to nse an Oregonism, is on
the " look up," and everything pre
sages good things in store for Buena
Vista. More than eighty- thousand
bushels of grain are stored in the
warehouses awaiting sufficient depth
of water to carry it to market, and
judging from the fact that less than
half ot it has been sold, it is a reason
able supposition that our farmers will
soon have plethoric purses. Our en
terprising townsman, W. G. Pickett,
who was burned out in September last,
has arrived from below with a large
stock of general merchandise, and has
no ir one of the best stores between
Salem and Albany. W. W. Besch has
added a stock of groceries to his drug
store, and is as busy and accommodat
ing as ever. Not the least remarkable
feature connected with our town is tbe
wagon sbop of E. C. Hall, in which
wagons, buggies, and all that kind of
work are gotten up from native wood,
and tbe turning, riveting, bolting, etc.,
are all done in the shop. The Rev.
Longswortb, of your county, has an
nounced a protracted meeting to com
mence on the first Sunday in tbe new
year, and I have no doubt but that he
will, to use his own language, "make
a wrestling among the dry bones"
when be goes on tbe warpath.
The Buena Vista Temperance Society
held its regular meeting on Thursday
night last. W. H. Smith read a very
instructive paper, which was deserved
ly applauded. Rev. Mr. Longswortb.
and others made effective speeches ia
advocacy of the cause, and the Buena
Vista Glee Club saog in their usual
good style. At the close of the exer
cises the annual election took place
with the following result: President.
D. E. Thomas ; Vice Presidents, H.
M. Holden and J. Fletcher ; Secretary,
W. S. Linville ; Treasurer, Jas. Craw
ford ; Executive Committee, Messrs.
W. W. Beach, John J. Daly, Isaac
Comet, Miss Fannie Smith and Mrs. I
Your paper has a large circulation
here, and alttough you are a 11 pagan,"
it ought to be a consoling- reflection
that you have a dozen subscribers to
one to your "christian" cotemporary.
From tbe above you must not conclude
ns to be all "pagans," though we con
fess that we are lacking in Mercury-al
Our resident physician, Dr. Lee, in
forms me that the people are so un
comfortably healthy that be is enabled
to devote tbe major part of his time to
his store. Allow me to conclude by
saying we are tbe happiest lot ot meo,
women and pretty babies in the king
dom of Webfoot, and per conseqnence,
have " cary" smallpox.
Bavaria must support now twenty
thousand French prisoners, at a daily
cost of 10,000 florins. This will, of
course, be all counted up in tbe war
expenses. We are afraid, however,
tht Bismarck's bill will be bigger
than France can pay.
A lady, while gathering Autumn
leaves near Leceister, Massachusetts,
was robbed by a man named Harvey
Gould (who came np behind her and
caught ber by tbe waist) of a gold
watch chain worth about $200. The
lady fainted and tbe thief escaped, but
was subsequently arrested.
At length tbe project of a railroad
communication between Hamburg aril
and Bremen is approaching realization
Altbougb only a short distance apar
these two commercial centers ot GerV
many have bad no direct railway comi
The war increased the sale of lageri
in Buffalo 11,567 barrels the last quar
City and County Items.
School has ajournded in this Instu
tion until January 2d. Decl3:d&wlw
The Willamette Navigation Co. 'a
steamer Calliope was at the wharf last
Sunday. The Company have bad this
boat fitted np in good shape for active
Tbe Success brought down eight
hundred sacks of wheat to tbe mill
yesterday, which, with tbe lot she
brought the trip before filled tbe mill
nearly chock full.
The Salem Flouring mills lost several
days time last week owing to the
breaking of a shaft last Thursday, but
tbe damage was speedily repaired and
the mill is now running all right.
Express Wagons. The Salem Dray
& Hack Compaoy inform the public
that they will hereafter have express
wagons always on the street prepared
to do delivering business around town
at low rates. dec!3.1w
Operation. Dr. Richardson, assist
ed by Dr. McAfee, performed a very
delicate operation last week, by re
moving quite a portion of each of the
upper eyelids of Mrs. Smith, in South
Salem, as a remedy for inversion of the
Personal. Judge G. W. Ford, of
Chicago, one of the attorneys of the
Northern Pacific Railroad, has been in
Salem for several days. He has been
spending some months traveling in the
interests of that corporation. We had
tbe pleasure of making his acquaint
ance, and found him what all Chicago
men are supposed to be, a v-ry clever
gentleman, and a very pleasant com
panion. Ilia "points of law" must be
all successful if tbey are as happy as
his conversational efforts.
Anotbir Litioart Croak. Gover
nor Grover has appointed the Chm
tian Messenger of Monmouth to be the
litigant organ for Polk county. It is
questionable taste, to say the least of
it, to select for a political and legal
organ, a religious paper, and the act is
calculated to place both bis Excellency
tbe Governor and the Christian Messen
ger in a false position, by making tbe
lirst appear to have a leaning towards
religion, and the second to have an in
clination towards politics by giving it
a share of te spoils.
Yaqdika. B. Simpson, Esq., of
Siletz Agency is in town, on his way
back to the Bay with a stock of goods
intended for the mill, where a good
store is to be opened. The new saw
mill of t. Simpson & Co. has been in
active operation about a month, saw
ing ten to twelve thousand feet of good
lumber day. The folks are prepar
ing to have a grand time over there at
tbe Company's store on Christmas day,
and eipect friends from this vallev to
come over and participate. A caalker
goes over to-day to finish caulking the
new schooner.
Is Prouatr. County Court, Terry,
C. X. Judge :
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Drinkwater, deceased Reuben
Lee, executor, presented inventory of
said estate; same filed. Also a peti
tion praying an order to sell personal
estate; prayer granted.
In the estate of James Hanutter, de
ceased inventory and appraisement
list presented and filed.
In tbe matter of tbe estate of L. S.
Scoville, deceased application having
been made for tbe sale of certain real
estate, petition was granted and or
dered sold according to law.
In tbe matter of the guardianship of
the minor heirs of W. E. Parris' es
tate application to sell certain real
estate granted.
In tbe matter of tbe estate of Catha
rine Whitly, deceased Jobn Shore,
administrator of Baid estate, filed ac
count for final settlement, tbe 9th day
of January, 1870, set tor bearing ob
jections to same.
la the estate of Jas. M. Townsend,
deceased application to sell real es
tate granted.
la the matter of tbe estate of. Wil
liam Eagle, deceased administrator
asked that bis time for final settlement
be continued until tbe January term
1870, of this court, granted.
Ia the estate of Miles Winchester,
deceased John F. Denny appointed
admiaistiator de bonu non.
Transflsrj of real estate for the week
ending Dec. 10, 1870 :
Sam. Brown to M. B. Ames, 2 lots
in Gervais ; consideration, $100.
Davenport At Welford to J. M.
Brown, lots in Silverton ; considera
tion, $350.
Joseph ' Charmess to Davenport k
Wolford, lota in Silverton ; coasidera-
HUH, !;JVI7.
Davenport and Brown to Daveuport
k Wolford, lots in Silverton ; consid
eration, $500.
J. M. Brown to Davenport k Wol
ford, lots in Silverton ; consideration,
J. M. Brown and others to J. W.
Daveoport, lots in Silverton ; consid
eration, $200.
Moses Woodward to Kesiab J. Hester,
152 acres ot land ; consideration, $350.
D. M. Jones to I. S. Mattoon, i acre
in Aumsville ; consideration, $300.
Francis Manning to E. M. Engle,
317 acres of land ; consideration. $850.
Jas. H. Garrett to Barlow k Fuller,
7 J acres of land; consideration, $1,-
Sam. Brown to John Barlow, 1 lot
in Gervais; consideration, $50.
Sam. Brown to G. A. Buchanan, 2
lots in Gervais ; $150.
S. A. Tremble to Volney Lenard,
320 acres of land ; consideration, $2,
0C0. I. R. Moores to Morrison,
2 lots in North Salem; consideration,
General News.
We learn from tbe Bulletin that the
new steam ferry boat intended to run
in connection with tbe O. k C. Rail
road was successfully launched on
Saturday. 07er a hundred persons
were on board at tbe time. She will
be ready for regular work in about a
The ladiea fair for the benefit of tbe
Catholic Church was s pleasant occa
sion and si financial success.
Mr. Wright of Milwaukee has rasp
berries ripeaed for tbe second crop.
A new free bridge 320 feet long has
been built by tbe citizens of Washing
ton county, and tbe county authori
ties at Schoil's Ferry.
The Herald states that L. G. Smith,
who was lately shot in a brawl at Al
bany, had the wounded leg amputated
on Saturday at Portland.
A man on board tbesteamer Okan-
agon fell and broke three ribs while
handling freight.
Real Estate. Tbe real estate an
nounced in yesterday's issue as being
tbe most valuable in this city, is fqr
sale br Mr. Davidson. Yesterday be
was offerred $30,000 for tbe Cosmopol
itan Block, but refused that sum, as
I nothing less than $35,000 would be ta-
liten, subject to a continuance of tbe
present lease.
The Oregonian of Monday says: A
Son of Mr. Bevis, living two mites be
low' Portland, accidentally shot him
self when climbing a fence, Dr. Chap
man extracted about fifty bird shot
from bis person, end he is reported as
doing weH. ; -
The Oreyonia savs tbe imports for
November were $84,741. Exports for
same month. $53,130.
FjBSrn At TBS second snmoi or TBS rOSTT-rilST
The General Pout Office of the United
States of America and the General Post
j Office of the United Kingdom of Great
j Britain and Ireland.
The General Post Office of the United States
! of America am! thn lti.r. I r,,. ltn
wi iuo uutioa nrogrtom ot Great Britain
and Ireland being desirous of establish
ing and maintaining an exchange of
mails between the United States on tho
one side and tbe Straits Settlements and
the British East Indies on the other, by
means conjointly of the iine of United
States mail packets plying between San
Francisco and llong-Knng, of tbe line of
British and mail packets plying between
Hong-Kong and Singapore, Calcutty,
Madras, Bombay, and Aden, the under
signed, duly authorized for that purpose,
have agreed upon the following articles :
Article I.
There eh all be a direct exchange of mails
between tbe officers of New York and San
Francisco on tho ono part, and the offices of
Singapore, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, and
Aden, on the other, comprising letters,
newspapers, prices-current, book packets,
and packet" of patterns or sample originat
ing in tbe Uniled Stales and addressed re
spectively to the Straits Settlements or to
the British Feast Indies, or originating in
the British East Indies or the Straits Set
tlements, respectively, and addressed to tho
United States.
i These mails shall be conveyed by United
States mail packets between San Francisco
and Hong-Kong, via Yokohama, and bj
British mail packet between Hong-Kong
and Singapore or the Indian ports.
Article II.
; The postage to be collected in tbe United
States upon paid correspondence addressed
to the Straits Settloments or tbe British
East Indies shall be ten cents per single
latter not exceeding half an ounce in
weight, heavier letters being charged in pro
portion ; two cents each on newspapers or
prices-current, and eight cents per four
ounces on book packets or packets of pat
ters or samples ; and the postage to be col
lected in the Straits Settlements or the
British East Indies upon paid correspond
ence addressed to the United States shall be
ten pence per sincle letter not exceeding
half an ounce in weight, heavier letters be
ing charged in proportion ; and fourpence
per four ounces for newspapers, prices cur
rent, book packets, or packets of patterns
or samples.
Tbe correspondence thus paid shall be de
livered at the place of destination, whether
in the United States or in the British po
session, free from all charge whatsoever.
fetters posted in either country unpaid or
insufficiently paid shall nevertheless be for
warded, ami shall be charged at tho place
of destination with rate of postage of tho
same amount tbnt would bo chargeable on a
letter of like weight posted for dispatch in
the opposite di.ection. together with a fine
of sixpence in the Straits Settlements or
the British Fast Indies, or of twelve cents
in the United States.
i Article III.
The exchange of the correspondence re
ferred to in Article II, preceding, shall no
give rise to any accounts between the Brit,
ish and the United States post offices.
Each office shall keep the postage which it
Article IV
Every letter, newspaper, piice-cnrrent,
hook packet, or packet of patterns or sam
ples, dispatched from one office to the other,
shall be plainly stamped in red ink with a
stamp bearing the words "Paid all." on
the right-hand upper corner of the address,
and shall also bear the dated stamp of tbe
office at wb'cli it was posted.
Articlc V.
Iead letters, newspapers, Ac, which
cannot he delivered, from whatever cause,
shall be mutually returned, without charge
monthly, or as frequently as the regula
tions of the respective offices will permit.
j Article VI.
The two officei may, by mutual consent,
make such detailed regulations as shall be
found necessary to carry oat the objects of
this arrangement, snch regulations to ter
minate at any time, on reasonable notice by
either office.
Article VII.
This convention shall come into opera
tion on the first day of Xovcnibcr, 1S0S,
and shall he terminable at any time on no
tice, by either office, of six months.
Done in duplicate, and signed in Wash
ington on the 2Sth day of July, A. I). 1S68,
and in London on tho 14th day of August,
lttmater General.
Pofimatter General of the United JCiiiffdom.
I hereby approve the foregoing conven
tion, and in testimony thereof I have caus
ed the seal of tbe United States to be affixed-
By the President.
Secretary of State.
Washington, July 2S, 1-68.
To replace article 16 of the detailed regu
lations for tbe execution of the postal
convention signed at the hagne, the
twenty-sixth day of September, in tbe
year 186r.
In accordance with Article 19 of the Post
al Convention between The Netherlands
and the United States, signed at The
Hague on the 2fith of September, ISflT, the
two administrations have agreed to replace
Article 16 of the Detailed Regulations of
the 26th of November, 186T, by tbe follow
ing article :
Articlc 16.
It is understood tbattheaccounts between
the two offices shall be established on the
respective letter bills in the proper money
of tbe dispatching office ; but tbe interna
tional postages on the unpaid letters or in
sufficiently paid letters shall be computed
in the money of the receiving country
Tbe reduction of these moneys shall be ef
fected in tho general accounts at tbe rate of
2 42 one-hundredths guilders for one dollar
of the United States.
In entering tho foreign charges on the
letter bills in the money of the dispatching
office, the cent of the United States nnd
two and a half cents of The Netherlands
shall be taken as equivalents.
It is also understood that the quarterly
accounts shall be paid respectively in gold,
and in the denominations of the money of
the creditor office.
Signed at Washington, the 23d day of
May, 1870.
l. s. JNO. A. J. CRESWELL.
Poetmaater General.
Signed at The Hague on the 15th June,
1870. J. P. HOFSTEADE,
Chief Director of Pott.
I The Emperor of Russia has sent one
of tbe highest decorations of tbe Em
pire to General Von Moltke as a token
at his admiration for the military gen
ius of the great Prussian General.
The Duke of Coburg writes to bis
wife from Versailles that bis heart
bled to see the beautiful surroundings
of Paris laid in waste. He says the
French seem to be utterly senseless in
their firing and destroying tbe finest
buildings without s particle of neces
sity. j The banker Oppeoheim, in Cologoe,
who donated a million of Prussian
tbalers to the German Sanitary Fund,
has donated another sum ot twenty
five thousand dollars to tbe German
Disabled Soldiers' Asylum.
A number of Alsatians have gone to
Berlin to pass examination for tba po
sition of Criminal and Circuit Judges
of their native Province, which is as
suming more and mc the character
of a German country.
Tbe twenty-eighth anniversary of
the Sons of Temperance occurred Sep
tember 29tfa.
The tax of $5 oa passports is no
longer required by the Department of
The Prussian Crown Prince is an
enthusiastic stock raiser and horse
breeder. . ,
Tbe first shot of war was fired by,
and tbe first death was died by, a
Frenchman. -
Commissioner Wells gives the amount
paid tor spirituous liquor at retail at
$tsn 4fi 8fi5 y'T.
Washington, Dec. 12. Tbe Presi
dent has nominated Senator Drake,
Chief Justice of tbe Conrt of Claims;
Hallan Richardson, of Maryland, Sec
retary of Washington Territory; John
Palmer, of Oregon, Indian Agent at
Grand Roude, Oregon; Leroy 8. Dyar,
of Oregon, for 8iletz Agency. Oregon;
John B. Dickson, of Oregon, for Uma
tilla, Oregon; David Y. Lorey, of Cal
ifornia, for Hooper Valley Resersation,
California; Cbas. Maltby, of Califor
nia, for Tule River Reservation, Cali
fornia; Hugh Gibson, of California,
for Rouod Valley Reservation, Califor
nia; O. A. Batemaa, of Kansas, lor
The House passed, by a vote of 157
to 25. a bill appealing the Civil Tenure
of Office Act.
Salt Lake, Dec. 12. While the Su
preme Court was in session in Cham
bers to-day. Judge Hawley and a law
yer aamed Baskins became involved in
a quarrel. It appears Baskins impeach
ed the Judge's veracity and action in a
case on trial. Judge Hawley threaten
ed to. commit Batkins for contempt of
Court. Thelatter replied that he might
do so, as be had a profound contempt
for tbe Judge. Whereupon Hawley or
dered tbe U. S. Marshal to arrest him.
Subsequently Baskins threatened to
kick tbe Judge out ot Court.
Helena, Dec. 12. Yesterday a party
of hunters iouud the dead body of a
Chinaman swinging from a tree, about
two miles from town. The remains
were dried and shrivelled, and ap
parently had been banging some time.
Tbe Corrouer's inquest has not de
clared a verdict. Tbe body was
brought to town.
Londoa Dispatches.
London, Dec. 9. London Clubs are
full of rumors to-nigbt of a speedy
consummation of arrangements for
peace and a restoration of the Empire.
Great significence is attached to tbe
manner in which tbe Empress bas been
received by Queen Victoria at Windsor.
The feeling is strong that a victory for
France is hopeless, under tbe Republic.
Private advices from all parts of France
indicate a reaction everywhere in favor
of tbe Emperor. The people are cou
trasting twenty years of order and
prosperity with the present misery and
anarchy. The Tours Government has
proved incompetent either to conduct
war or negotiate peace. Napoleou re
fuses to sanction any scheme for bis
restoration, t present saying bis part
is silent inaction until tbe Republicans
either capitulate or are dispersed.
Berlin, Dec. 9. There was an anti
war riot of a serious character yester
day, caused by resistance to the order
drafting married men. The Landwebr
and the police were unable to quell
the riot, and the military were called
out. Tbey suppressed the disorder,
using great severity. If the fJrder
drafting married men is carried out. it
will give an additional force of 250,
000 to the army.
Mont Belheard, Dec. 8. Belfort is
making a spleudid defense. Tbe Prus
sians acknowledge that tbe siege has
cost them more than any other siege
duriog tbe war.
London, Dee. 9. An influential
committee bas been formed here, witb
Thomas Hughes as chairman, for tbe
purpose of exacting all possible securi
ty tor tbe main en n e or' peace with
America. Tbe committee, which was
formed some time since considers it
expedient to take no public action un
til tbe Eastern question is settled.
The impression is prevalent that ao ex
treme Canadian view of tbe fishery
dispute cannot be sustained. Tbe pro
posal to buy the Alabama claims is re
garded a big job, commanded by a
clique, who have already purchased
claims at small figures, intendiug to
make a hundred per cent. Tbey are
confident that tbe Government wonld
rather have such a large order, and
make the grievances seem greater.
Berlio, Dec. 0. The President yes
terday announced to tbe North Ger
man Parliament that in a note received
from Count Bismarck, King William
had accepted the title of Emperor of
Amsterdam, Dec. 9. A telegram
from Luxemburg states that tbe Prus
sian Government bas informed tbe
Government of the Grand Duke that
in consequence ot its having allowed a
violation of tbe neutrality of tbe Grand
Duchy, by the French, Prussia is no
longer bound to respeai the neutrality
of Luxemburg.
A dispatch from Gambetta asks
Laurier to announce that he had asked
au'armistice to enable tbe National As
sembly to be elected, and requests tbat
Favre be permitted to leave Paris to
coosult his colleagues and conduct ne
gotiations. He admits he bas lost all
hope of prosecuting a successful strug
gle, and bas no expectation of defend
ing Tours.
The tforlJ special says a report is
current that Jobn Bright is to be sent
to Washington to negotiate a settle
ment of tbe Alabama claims and tbe
fishery question.
Loudon, Dec. 10. The Time has re
ceived a dispatch from Berlin which
says King William will return to Ber
lin, after tbe capitulation of Paris,
even if war is continued beyond tbat
time. Tbe German terms of peace are
likely to be much more oppressive the
longer the French bold out.
Gen. Cbausey reports on Thursday :
We were again attacked to-day by the
army of Princ Frederick Charles,
along the whole front. We held our
position, and all ,tbe corps engaged,
from Saint Laurent to Beaugency, are
still in their positions this morning.
WeIonesdaT, Dee. 14, 187.
Flour Best brands $5 50 per bbl at mill;
$1 62 J per single sack.
Corn Meal Oregon ground 5c ; Walla
Walla 6c.
Wheat Best white 90c per bushel.
Oats 40 cts per bushel from wagons ;
50 cts at retail.
Potatoes 50 to 75 cts bushel.
Lard 10 cts in bulk ; $1 25 Tfi can.
Bacon Sides 14 to 15c; tiaras 18 to 25c
for sugar cured ; shoulders 8 to 10c.
Beans From wagons 4o; retail 5c.
Butter 25 to 37i cts; retail 40c for good
Coffee Firm, by the sack 25c for Java ;
330 at retail.
Cheese Oregon (Cranston's) 55c; Cali
fornia the same.
Candles Grant's $5 to $5 50 "S box ;
Woods' $4 50 to $5 ; Adamantine $4 00 to
$1 50 ; at retail 25 to 37 ia ft.
Kggs"35 to 40 cts.
Apples 50 te Tic per box.
Dried Fruits--Apptes 4 to 5c; peaches
16 to 18c; prases 30 to 35c; currants 16 to
25c; raising 37c,
Fish -Salmon, choice, hf bbls $7 00 j
bellies, kits of 20 lbs, $1 ; do 30 lhs, $6 ;
mackerel $4 per kit ; codfish, coast, 15c;
Eastern 20o.
Sugar S. F. R. 16e at retail ; island
10 to 15c; crashed 18 to 20a.
Syrup S F. Keg $6: gallon $1 25.
Soap box $2 to $5 25; ft bar 25 to
37 i-
Salt Cannon Island, 9 ewt, ft 75 ;
Liverpool Dairy $3 00 ; do packing $2 50.
Teas $1 to $1 50 ft lb.
Tobacco 85a to $1 25 lb.
Oils Linseed, at mill, $1 3t): retail Si 50;
lard oil, at retail, $2; coal oil, can, $3 sO;
gallon 75c
Lime $3 50 ; by single bbl $4.
Iron and Steel Common bar iron, and
round and square, 5jc; horse shoe 9e; band
iron 8c; hoop iron 19c; hf round 8c; Nor
way nail rod 12c; plow steel 1J Jo; spring
and tire steel 15c.
Nails t penny and over $7 50 3 keg ;
3 penny $1 1 ; eat spikes $7 to (7 50.
Oregon Woolen Goods- Salem make, at
mills; wholesale, blankets, gray. No. 2, $6 ;
do Ne. 3, $5 ; do white, No. 1, extra $30;
No. 1 $3; do No. 2, $6 50; do No. 3, $5 50;
Flannel 8-4 white, $1 12; do 4-4, 55c; do
3-4 37 to 40c; plain colors 40 to 45c; fancy
tweeled sheeting 45 to 50e; do grey mixed.
37 to 45c; hard times 90c; doeskin $1 00;
mixed beaver $1 ; fancy casimeres $1 10 to
$2 50 for double width ; tweeds 70 to 85c;
yarns $ I to H 25 ft. 9
Cotton Goods At retail, sheetings,
standard, 14 to 16c; seconds, II to 13; light,
11 to 124c; standard drills 18 to 20c; sheet
ing, bleached and unbleached, 14 to 25a;
bleached, i to j, 13 to 15c; denims 29 to
25c; hickory stripe 20 to 33c; prints, fancy,
1U to 12o; Merrimacks 121c; delanes 20
to 25c; ticking 4 4 38c; 30 in. 20 te 25c;
linsey 24 to 33c
At a recent Chess Congress in Baden
Baden at which Anderssen, Paulsen,
8teioiti, Rosenthal, and Other cham
pions of that scientific game participa
ted.' ;. Anderssen gamed the first prixe
of i,ooo. . ,
A :f intnelal XatttK
. With this Issue of the vreeHly we
mail to each subscriber. whr' owes
this office, a stsiement or his acvount
with a request tbat ha will remit the
amount immedi ately. In son. casesy
too many for th' good of the h'TATB"
ha, subscripts ns are owing for ih
year that is end ed as well as for 'he
present one. O ur volume commences
on the first of August, and there art
several hundred subscribers whose sub
scriptions coma encing in 1869 still re
main unpaid. Such subscribers are
not worth anytfe ing to a newspaper and
we are determii td not to hare such.
Hereafter no ni ime goes on our list
wilhoat prepaym ent, but we shall con
tinue to old ones Until we can force
them to pay np or learn that tbey are
not good for it. On tbe first of Janu
ary we shall pubb sh a list of such de
linquents, and keep It-standing until
tbey pay up, for il tbey wont pay np
we propose to let the world know it
and make them ashamed of it.
These statements are sent to many
whose time bas just expired, and to
such we would say that witb many
thanks to tbem for previous punctual
payment we hope they will not receive
our note as an offerjive dun, but as an
Invitation to continue their support of
the Statesman 'in a substantial man
ner. There is nothing personal in these
duos, as they are sent to all our no
paid subscribers utterly regardless of
who tbey are or what they may think
of it.
Wheo any error has been made
please give ns notice and it shall be cor
rected." Money carbe paid to tbe Agents of
the Statesman as follows :
J. L. Collins - ..Dallas
Thos. Pearce Eola,
R. Clark.
Rick real
Salt Creek
, Zen a,
, Aumsvillo
...Cottage Grove
J. Hollioshead....
J. II Savery
(!. Getcbell
W. Waterbousc.
D. G. Cooper
D. Simpson
W. R. Kirk
S.'H. Claughton...
E. E. Wheeler
R. L. Swartr
Smith k Crossao..
L. Flinn
Judge Odeneal
N. Martin
S. Creswell
J. Bowman Summit
J. F. Brown Eugene
J. W. Parker ....Empire City
II. Smith Harrisbarg
II. A. Johnson - Jefferson
Max Muller Jacksoovillo
J. R Ellison Oakland
L. A lplegate
S. Hunsaker
W. P. Smith
H. C. Stanton
A. G. Hovey
T. J. Vaughn.
B. F. Cone
M. F. Spencer
W. F. McCreary
J. M. Bacon
S. Brooks
W T. B. Nicholson
.Willamette Forks
. Belpassi
Baker City
Oregon City
O. Hays.. ...Varond
D. Tavlor St. Louis
The City Drug Store, of J. W. Souther,
bas been removed to tbe comer of tbe block
opposite the new Chciueketa Hotel, an old
stand for the drug bustnea, as it was occu
pied as such many years ago. It has been
refilled in tbe must elegant maimer for its
present occupant, who ia determined to
make it o attractive tbat the city and coun
try trade will naturally take that direction.
Ttii-4 establishment is unquestionably the
most complete of any outside of Portland
in the State. devSlmdaw
Reward Offered.
The City of Salem will pay a reward
of one hundred dollar for the arrest
and conviction of any person or per
sons for the crime of arson within the
limits of said city.
II. Y. Thompson, Recorder.
Nov. 2, 1870. tf
New MKnirigK. J- O. tirubbs k Co.,
hare on hand, direct from New York, Reed,
Carnrick A Andru's various preparations to
which they call the attention of physicians
and the public generally. Also Tuitet arti
cles and Fancy Uoods in large variety for
the Holidays. dec 10.1m
Chloral Hvkrath. This new drug
which is of late discovery and supersedes
the use of opium, because more efficient
and entirely harmless, is to ho found at J.
C. (irubbs A C'o's, on State street, put up
ia syrup form. deo.10.1in
Universal Saloon. This popular
place of refreshment is now opened by
tbe undersigned, who offer to their
friends and customers the best of
liquors and good lunches at all hours.
Pigs teet and pickled tripe on tbe side.
Scott k Coswat.
Salem, Dec. 2, 1870. tf
Piirk Brar Oil, prepared from the ani
mal lately killed in tbe Willamette bottom,
South of Salem, is for sale by J. C. Umbos
A Co., prepared in tha moat agreeable
manner for toilet use decSlw
A Cou;rh, Cold or Sore Throat, requires
immediate attention, svs neglect oftentimes
results in some incurable Lang Disease.
" BroKu' Bronchial TroeAc'v are a simple
remedy, and will almost invariably give
immediate relief. Owing to the good repu
tation and popularity of the Troches, many
worthless and cheap imitations aro offered,
which are good for nothing. Be sure to
obtain tbe true " Brown's Bronchial Tro
ches." Sold everywhere.
" DecHwlwdeod
Like " Qitaker Grxs." Artificial teeth
are of little use, and easily detected. Take
care of the real ones. All you need is lra
jrrnnt Soiodomt. Use it daily, and your
teeth will be the last of nature's gifts to fail
you. DecHwlwdeod
' SpAi i.rl!co's Oli-e," mends Headless
Dolls and Broken Cradles.
NoHfHBL'o. We do sot wish to inform
you reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any
other man, has discovered a remedy tbat
cures all discaaes of mind, body or estate,
and is destined to make our sublunary
sphere a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven
itself shall be but a side show, but we do
wish to inform yoa that Dr. Page's Catarrh
Remedy iias cured thousands of case of
Catarrh in its worst forms and stages, and
the proprietor will pay $500 for a ease of
this loathsome disease which he eannot
cure.' It may be procured by mail for sixty
cents, by addressing R. V. Pierce, M.
Buffalo, N. Y. For sale at Drug Stores.
Dr. Pieree's private Government Revenue
Stamp is on each package of tbe genuine.
Certificate or ah EmirihT Chemist.
I hare made a careful chemical analysis ef
the Sozoooirr, from an impartial sample
purchased by me personally, from a leading
drug bouse of this city, but nothing of an
injurious or objectionable character has
been found in its composition.
James O. Pohle, M. D.,
Analytical Chemist, 489 Broadway, N. T.
Later Dr.-James R. Chilton k Co. -
. CactiosM In oar changeable climate,
coughs, colds, and lung diseaseases will al
ways prevail. Consumption will claim its
victims. These diseases, if taken in lime,
can be arrested and cured. - Tbe remedy is
Dr. Witar't BaUam of Wild Cherry.
dec" w 1 wdeod
Tested sr Tire. For Throat Diseases,
Colds, and Coughs, "Brtn't Vronekial
Troche" have proved their efficacy by a
test of many years. The good efiects re
sulting from tbe use of tbe Troches have
brought nut many worthless imitations.
Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches."
$1,000 Reward is offered by tbe propri
etor of Dr. Price's Alt. Ext. of J olden
Medical Discovery for a medicine tbat will
equal it in the cure of all those diseases for
which it is recommended : among which
are severe, acute or lingering Coughs, Con
sumption in its early stare, Broach it is,
"Liver Complaint." or "Biliousness," Con
stipation of the Bowels, Lose of Appetite,
Scrofulous diseases, and Skin diseases, as
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches aad Boils. It
is sold by druggists. dc7wlwdeod
MPE :AL. 1 tOXlC KM.
wn.iu iam Di i Vinson,
Office We t r roskt treat,'
I-OTWIAHD. : s s ! r ' OwSGON
Special Col lettor of Claims.
JHaTgesmoantof' CUT and EAST PORTLAND
property far sale.
ii-. IMPROVED tA RMS, and valuable tin
caluvsiU LANDS, kveaied in all pan of the
Investment la MEAL E8TATI and other
OPfcHTV aoadefei - correyoondents.
tax of all deaerl ntlons pn niptly reflected.
'htoatotsDORRf leased.
At of Fiswclal and G eneral Agency
All klL
r i . i airlnn FARM PROPERVT for sale
Tiv!'. OmCK, In each of tha prin.
ifeal riTlls'. TOWN of this STAT,
cltwl CITIES a Ju.-lx
Tlie standard remedy for Cona-ha, lnflw
naa, riore Throat, Whooping Cough, Croup,
I Iver Com plaint. Bronchitis, Bleeding of the
Lungs, andevery affection of Ihe Throat, Langs
ana Cbest, including uowumrTioH.
Wlilsr' BslMn tfoea not dry ap a Cough,
but loosvos It, cleanses the lungs, and allays irri
tation, thus removing the cause of the cum
plamu Noue genuine autess signed I. Butts.
Preparedby kth W. Towle A Bon, Boston.
Bold by H. Rsoitotor, HogTsma A Co.. San
Francisco, and by dealers generally. juli a y.
Thl ! fthe mo ft thorough blond purifier yet
dlacoreretl, and core all humor from the worst
rVrofula to common Fruition. Pi jks and
Blotch?- on the face, and scaly or rough akin,
which are such annoyinx blemishes to many
joan persons, yield to the uk ef a few bottles
of this wonderful medicine. Krom one to eight
bottles cures fait Rheum, Erysipelas, Pcald Head
Bins; Wofii, Boil, Scat Eruptions of the ktn,
frnfula Bores, Ulcers and Canker" In tbe
Mouth nrd Ptomach. It Is a pure medical extract
of nitive roots and plants combining la harm
nr Naiure tnnst soTerefjrn curat Ire proertles,
which ?n.l has Instilled Into the vegetable klog
lom for lieMit t; Ute sick. It is a great re tor. r
for the strength and vigor of the system. Those
who are InnvuM, sleepless, having nervoosap
prehens nns r fears, or any of the affections
symptomrio of weakness, will find convincing
evidrnce of Its restorative power upon trial. If
you f-el dull, drowv, debilitated, snd despond
ent, have frequent Headache, mouth tames bad
1y in the morning irregular appetite and tongue
cnatrM, you are sufTering from Torpid LWer
nrHilHrosness.M In many cases of Liver
Complaint ouly a part or thete svmptoms are
experienced As a rvmedy for all such cases,
Ir PieroeV OoMcn Medical discovery has no
eqaal U effects jerfect cures, leaving the liver
utrwifihened and bealthy. For the cure of Ha
bit ii at Constipation of the Bowels U is a never
lalting remedy, and the who have used it for
ths pttrirnne are lud in its praise. In Bronchial,
Thrnat and Lung Diseases, it has produced many
truly n-markabie cures, where other medicines
had Ntted. iold by drugs-tuts at $1,00 per bottle.
Prepared at the ChemL-M laboratory of
Nor. t, wSmdeod Buffalo, N. V.
Am Absolut ftafegaard.
lavsUdu, broken down In health and spirits by
ChronVe Dyspepsia, or suffering from the terrible
exhaustion which follows the attacks of acute
disease, the testimony of thousands who hae
been raised as by a miracle from a similar state
of pnetrattjo by Hostetters Stomach Bitters, is
a rare garan tee tbat by the same means yow ton
may be strengthened and restored. But to those
who s'and in peril of epidamics, to all who, by
reason of exposure, privations, and uncongenial
climate or unhealthy pursuits, may at any mo
ment le stricken down, hls paragraph is most
particularly and emphatically addressed. Tou,
wh are thu situated, are proffered an absolute
saft-guard aeatost the danger that menaces you.
Tone and reculate the system with this harmless
medicinal HUmulant and Alterative, and yoa
will br forearmed against the maladies whose
seeds fl'rst around you In the air unseen. Hos
tetter's feomach Bitters are not only a standard
Tonic aDd Alterative throughout the United
States, but they are accredited by the certificates
of the most distinguished cMisens of the Union,
to the people of all other lands. In Canada,
Australia and the1 West Indies, ther re gradually
taking place ot alt other stomaehfes, whether na
tive nr foreign, and as surely as truth Is progres
sive snd demonstration overthrows doubt, t-iey
will eventually supersede every other Invfgorant
and Restorative now empl- yed in medicinal prac
decl4 lwdeod
New this Veek.
A ' IV U A
CsTrsiiKl Opening'
McCormick's 'Book Store,
(NaalaClaat' Headquarters,)
105 Blre.t i :
iv:v C Y GOODS,
ff Juili Ciaut' Proclamation now read; and
distributed t REE. on application.
1051 eat trant. Port t mud.
Vet. 14d3w
Groceries, etc.
Commercial Streat Balaam.
Keeps a hit stock of Groceries constantly oa
And other Articles too nttmerans to mention. Al 1
for sale cneap for cash ur marketable produce.
A Choice Lot of
Tobacco & Cigars
W Ooods Iddlrered to all parts of the city
free of charge aeplzna
at ran
JPoHt-Ofllce Htore ! ,
Hare just received a NEW STOCK ot
Crockery, '
liuenaVista Stoneware
Plated and Tableware
A Goods delivered free, 01 charge to an
pariof Ute city,
ttalrm, July S3.
Stale Street,
Next door to tbe New York Bakery. -The
andersleaed will keep a full supply of
And of the best Quality,
And Inrltea.a share of the public patronage.
Salem, October ttth, 18T0.
Books and Stationery.
Direct from tba last, r
BLAB K BOOKS. nw string,
HTJSIC BOOKS of all klada
Frcsb. lot of HOTELS,
Ws alao call attention to our lmrfo slack a
rotaj atreatt Salasa.
Annual Sale iO.OOO Copies.
adapted to aphonia r mu v.-i.
nook complete In Itself.
Thn Hnnar Osvrctaai n a.k
beginners, oith. a variety of t as aad cleulnr
-60 els.
Tfco Soaar Oaraem. teeond Book. In
addition te a practical course of InMraotton, It
contains a collection of Srhool Music.. w) eta.
Tho - B( Garrdoa Third Book. Be.
Wea a treatise on Toeal Culture with IHnstra.
ttona. exercise, Bollfajrl, Ac, It contain New
Music adapted to Hifh BChools, Deminarien,
; - ...Sl DO
Sent post-paid on receipt at price.
O. H. OlTiHfH . Ca.. BOBTO!,.
fornia Star to. leare SALKlt daily for
ftaleni 1 p. m
Eugene tX "
CanyonTille.. X "
Vreka .. li "
aaam it
....iTngen imrtday 13 m.
..CanyonrUle " 4 a.m.
....Yreka- - HJf
.missis1 p.m.
....Clllrd - 8 a. m.
Phsita.... 8
Clilco -. 8 a. m...f acTo One dayll "
Bacrameoto.Jlji" " .Ban VYn'oo 8 p. m.
The Starea of the O. A C. 8. CX connect with
te Cal. A O. K. Road at Chico, 250' mllea North
of San Francisco ; also at the Junction with tho
OreatOretiand Kailroad to New York.
Time through to Fob Francisco.
" - New York
tW raasenrers allowed to lay orer alone
the route.
Those who trarel by this route aroid the dan
ten of the sea and that drendedand terrible
feeling of aEa-sicknpM. The wild pictaresquo
scenery, beautiful ralteya and snow-capped moun
tains, alone, doubly pay tbe tourist lor a trip
orer this route.
The route passes rhriffth the principal asri
riMtural districts of Oregon, the valleyr of the
Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue Hirer. To the
Immigrant coming here in search of a house
or Investment, this nuts is strongly recommend
ed. B. F BROW.".
Sept. 15, 18T0. x Art. O. A C. 8. Co.
. wkath teaman.
. w. WEATHnmnn. '
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic
Window Glass,
PuroWlnott Ac LitiuurH
For Medical purposes.
We respectfully tnrtte the attention of all who
are In want of such articles as are kept in well
Drug Establishments.
Our OnoJt are from first hands and offered tor
sale at the lowest rates.
Acearateljr Coan pomaded ef
Pure Drtijr-K.
. Front St. Portland,
Dec. 1, 1S70. Commerciel St. Salem.
Right Raw. B. WIST A R MORIS, D.D
will open on Monday, September nth.
Applications for Boarding Pupils should be
madewlthont delay. autlm
A large lot just recelTed by ';
Iliirhest Trior If et Price
, . Paid hi Cash lor
Fresh Butter, Egcs Chickens
Turkeys and Wild Game,
C. A. REED, Praprlator.
Salem, August 10, 1ST0. tf
LnTjr's Storn, Maaro'a Caraer, Bavlnna,
Is selling
Fruit Trees,
Garden Shrnbberx fc Grape Tlnct,
WaUlais, Lowclllaaa da WlUard's
At Nursery rates, snd la ready te fill orders
at short notice. Deo. 6th, UxlAw
More New Goods .
Pioneer Store.
I a adMHIoa ta Ska Larro ataek af
Oroeerieo, Crockery. Qiaos and China ware
receired by this Loom, early In the season, we
are now opening Boll day goods la groat rarsrty.
Tla Toya,
Wood a a Tap,
Wlllnw Ware,
Clatan Baskssa.
Open Market Bntslcetwo
Wark Baakols wltk Pooko a,
Wsrk Baskets Plata,
Katfo Baskets,
Wall Baokntn,
Haagtag Banks I a.
Coaananrclal St,, Salasa.
Doc. nib, 1ST. U
Beal Estate, etc
Cnraer af Fraat sad WasklaS
taa atraata.
PORTLAND,. .... 0KEG05.
General Land Affency.
WIH atteod to thn nmrhnaa nnd ante af Seal
fctale fn ail parts of Oregon. .
Slem,..MM.M.J, J. Xurpfcr, Areata
McMirmTille,M.A.Willia(a Dawaoa,
Albany. ....... J. C. jisadenbalL,
Engena Cilr,..E. 1. ApplegaU,
Thn Heal XHtaU AHfnat psWiH by n
at Portland mil be atiit fro of charm te any adt
d. -ns, by making application to oar off too.
The 'atom office fesrthe adTaaterrsf the rrlo
dps! Arencyat Portland alch a thonmfMy es
tablished, and so weft Ajrtel foi aPrmg tatar
matiod upon real estate that n asTbroo II most
complete facilities for as) persona having bast.
tfM In our line.
(W You Incur no expenses la plETrks jour
property on sale with ns, i-aarr a sale Is nvla,
J. i. MCBPHT, Agent.
May, Sth, x.lf.
For DescrlpttTe Lists of Town fProperfyV
Farms, etc.. In Oreooo, send foraoopyef ihef
Anil EMate OomU to Rl'SsKL mX VK.U
RV Portion d, or to HAIXKB, V
TEKKV Agnate, Snlean. aeplfias
laS Acr a Valaablo Lam el.
85 Acres af It Timber.
100 Act-cs Pralrta.
SO Aorca Under Gooel Caltlratloa,
ON Till
Apply te Mrs. Ma-y Townsend, In Salem, orte
W. A Townsend on the premises.
There It no Belter land In Ore ton.
House and .Lot
For Sale on Plotr Hill, oppo Ire the realdeoeo
of S. E "'. House, brown color, rtnry and a
half high, good rtable and other out-houses.
Inquire of It. tlKSLUUkU.
Balem, Oct SO. 1871.
Wheat ! Vhetit ! !
We will pay the
Highest Market Price
20,000 bnshfls Good Wheat
Balem, Not. 8, l7n. d-rtf
Kits and hi, bbls.
L. S. SCOTT, State at.
Salem, Aug. SS.
Late Stva of Hat nnd Cnns,
Dec. 4th. ute
Drugs and Medlclnrs.
DnigSjMdicines, Perfumery
And Toilet Articles.
Yrfftcrlptlons filled at ill Hoars,
A good assortment of the ream Pruge and
IV assr articles la our Ilea will always be fnaod
on had.
Great Inducement, fbr Cash.
Those who come with money la band wwl find
that wn can sell Drugs snd aedicules at ,
Cash In band will purchase goocn at In fig
ares, at any hour of day r or sight, H jot
bring It te tho (
Pint Daor from tho Exprraa trf
flee, la rattan's Black,
TATE 8T-, : , . SALEM, i t i OREGON
March 1.
0. W.
IIotlf?;e,Cixlef e& Co.,
pulsus m
Drugsand Medicines,
Paints, Oils and Window Class,
And Dragglit.' Sindriet,
nNtf tint font OraffOS,
In all parts of the raited tetos.
L. V.
do Ca'a
Agents arc making ISO te fM per week sS
Ing the Aluminum Jewelry. Tho bast imltaitoa
of gold ever Introduced. It baa the ezael enter,
which It always retains, and stands the lent of
the strongest acids. No one oaa teH it worn gold
only by weight the Aluminum Goit being 1 la
lighter. L. V, PaFoarM A Co. are eeniog tbetr
good, for one-tenth the oriee gold jewelry is sold
for, and oa moat liberal terms te agents one.
fourth caab.bahuice In SO, and Svdnyr We
send persona whn wan to net an a genu a ran aitq
complete asaormont ef goods, constating ef tea la.
Bracelets. Lockets, Ladles' and firm's Cbntna,
Pins, Ring. Sleer Button, Bind, Ao ar filoa
123 te be paid when the goods are received,
the other ' In SO, SO and fin days. Parti rs
wishing te order goods aad act ns agrnta will
address L. V. OsFUlbST, -
Mot St'dwSm 40 snd s Broadway, H. T.
To fcave Latxar,
Tlann. Hoary Clothes aaa Saopgasa
"Washing: 3Icnine5
It fi any Ptoru. and wash nod bolls tho
clothe al one operation ready te riftan, wring
and hang out. and will do a large wash Ing la ooo
boor. Any woman, or child of tweirn yrnra 4d
can work It-requiring ao rabbi og, aad aalng
common snap, .
Machine oa baa J and tec sate' at
tasasaneolal St. BsUnaa Ow:
Trrrkory, far nam by ' A. .SMITH,
al Waatnet.
Sept amber N. n
Fat Cattle.
JC I a Iktlf and six cents per pound. 4t d ut
on bS no u. ids. THOMAS CHO.