The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, October 25, 1870, Page 2, Image 2

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ttlj auJ Counts Item!..
lUaaAluus. OfILU4 are sumetitnes
Accused of eoavirnj Ueir victims, aad
it begins to "look XDighty suspicions
about tin Sherir office. Jasper bt
a barber's chair and stool there, at-.fl
aty racks rtseTasor and sicV Of be
ing ne4. tie says betook tnem oa.
" o execljr..0B, sad if so it is U rigbt4
irtft s? doo't know about that.
Oct Aoaim. We were pis-awed t i
'see Deputy Marshal Joho Hamiltr.B it
on the street yesterday. B mq.
j yiog a few oiiaetes of the bts t of
tba day in the saaebtae aiVJr tW ty-six
days coofiaevneaC to ick 'i. He
' looks a prec wreck, bat m'tew week
food fare wiU, no dou'h.., ""km g him
out all Tight Hii'd return (h asual C
prnfotui of bl frarne, aicti, ju-t
bu, (r oci; akvlt'o trtne.
SrsssT'LafcPS We liutice that the
-! irfo lamp poats for te city f
. h-vr a-riril Mid Itlave ltg diatrtbtt et
in their pu inon, -s rtt wr mj nun
expect tbitt the'p.sWe will hi relieved
Of tbe cunktaUX trouble of watching
and trimmine, m lut of oil ramps, of
wbti-b suni are in re to pet to amvking
Or wrong me way. Tee new light
besides coaling the e'ny lesa will bo
belter and a iireat denl lees trouble.
BLisaisos ix Oisgeisb. Tbera it no
unmixed evil, and yet those unftiriu
;natet who smashed their buggy and
wagon wheels at the Fair probably
could not tee the fun in that at all.
But let them go about town and see
tbe smiling aces of oar blacksmiths
and wKon makers, who have been
busy ever since repairing broken vehi
cles, and tbey can see where tbe good
comes in.
Momc.xtocs It is a rule in mechan
ics that multiplying tbe weight into
tbe velocity gives tbe momentum of a
moving body. According to that we
figured the momentum of that box of
Muscat grapes left here by those wide
awake grocers, Farrar Bros. Tbey
were of enormous sice, and tbe veloci
ty with which tbey went down tbe
.printers tbrnata wave uarqualed ; tnul
t plying the two gives a momentum
that is positively frightful.
Albums. We were yesterday shown
what is said to be the choicest lot
Photographic Alba ever tifuugbt to .
Silem Ye lint H hhi htve $
ti.r-f o-u rnui'tif to vnlue trastu
$ i I I I H IWM 'bl nut IUt. A l
t a in 1 1 BiliUs lbl are luairi l.ei.t,
b a- y cuju-aed iikhocco, lapux, Iii
tiuljritils; pborKrapb, foiily
rejti teas, aud mure other arraugrsneois
r $20 Ibau yitu ever hi,
RsmaTATav. doii. A. B. Mtacbauj,
Sai.erinteo Jeut ot Iud'mo Affairs, in
forms us that be bs beeb notified by
tbe ludinn Drpariraent, that Capt.
John Snub, formerly Agent at tbe
Warm Springs R-servalioo, has been
' returned to bin post, aod will iibtnedU
ately relieve Capt. W. W. Mitchell,
hu report at Wnablugton tor ur
deri. C'ripl. S ni t h is in Allan) and
will to -lay receive a letter from Super
i:iterii1rjv Ma brtin, i itormicg him ot
Ibe cuai.;e lu bis t'vor.
(Jo ,D Tisriigj. Tue uiiUl aef
ftijiipQ i t it).- Uraud Lotige ut I 0. U.
T , ot Ore, on, is now arS' moled at
O eg.iu City. We learu thai tbe at
tendance v.-ry lara-e, aod the exer
cisea more than usually miereaiing. A
routing: reatiiou public temperance
iiieetmif ai l lie beM iu lb .i ci'y thi
( ?'V-'nnjr, H hjh H -(UMlii'v
Mi- i f;.-- j -i lit"? inu.-lc u u
tie H" orctl . t ci - tt i t
Ctw i-ll
e w ! i
,. i I.- !
In F
7..- i.T Hi .i
Am ExratonoisAHT Muk a I'be
Ji'ti'rtii ha nu a-ciu' I ot meteoric
pbr 'ta-u n which oiimred on lUe
fS b in t Tne reaid.nis of Fores:
(Jrove wrre startled by a Doise wbl b
they deacribe aa rest-mbliDg tbe report
r.f a cannon, followed by a roll like
t'uuuier. Tae same sound was beard
l iof Coli n and Col Beldeo, who
wert 2 miest-i tbeiiorlbward. About
tbe same time 7 o'clock in tbe moru-intf-a
farmer near that village saw
what be describes as a meteor ' above
tbe brightness ot tbe sun." it is esti
mated io have been about sixty miles
to the westward of tbe points from
which it was seen.
Mb Risd's BsjisriT, Tbere was a
fir turn out last evening at tbe Opera
House to witness tbe performance of
Oliiipa, or tbe Wbtte Fawn, though
tbere were not as many present as we
hoped aod expected to see. However,
people baye not yet recovered 'ram last
wi ek and are for tbe preaeot surfeited
w.tb. amunements. Xtbiog but tbe
fact tbe perform tnce was for tbe rwne
fi f Mr R -ed aod was the Nat ap
: srnce ot Misp Lo Ha ison io this
plnCi-, CO, ill call out ni mi'l.
as there were. Ttie pieie w tione t-j
the ii ere lit,b! ttle of b' !!
pny, although ttie Imliruu pr'1ni
inaieO rnther more than we thick is
the ioteuiiou of the author. But com
edy ia the fi.rie of this cuiupatij, end
th-y out rooje in the afterpiece,
I avog the nud euce lu tears of laUilb-t-r,
when th' curnni talla 'or the lart
t'tn ctn tbe Bird Troupe.
D. ma Tm tHnUMUSi HI.
More farorable news from Paris.
Tbe French Gorernm nt desire
new fost.l treaty wlih the
United Buies-
Hapolcon iild to btTe a Urge mm
iBTeiied la Hen fork.
Bombardment or Paris to
mence Immediately.
Praslao Tlctory at Orleans.
Ballroid communlratinn to
Kfeine folly rs ablished.
Arr.val at Paris or band of Irish
Amertcaa Volantcers,
"Tears, Oct. 18 h There is faror
sb'e news front Paris. - A bridge bas
been thrown across the Seine, and tbe
Garde Mobile continue to make suc
cessful s rtiei.
Tbe French sbarpshootors in various
parts of tbe country are becoming more
efficient. . i i--: ;
French Tireurs occupy Melon.
Nesol is oceapied by the ,Prossisni.
"a Trench Government announces
s desire to make a new' Posui tretty
with the , United . Sates,: and weald
gladly receive a special Envoy from
London, Oct. 13th. The Prussians
attacked Mont Didier and 3 citisens
were killed and 190 Garde Mobiles
made prisoners. The Prussians exact-
bvid a
M tl Uiabllt t 4tjt a Il4ul
i a boatage for payment
tie is expected Lear La Fori
A but
e Prasstaes destroyed tbe tailroaii
.ga t Beangency, and tbeir left
jaeed tbe Seine.
It is reported that Napoleon baa ten
million of dollars secured on real
estate through the agency of Browi
Bros., New York
Basaine seat a flag of trace by Gen
Boyer to Bismarck, tbe result or ti
ject not known.
London, Oct. 18th. Tbe World1
Special says tbe Queen bas been urge
.y tbe Prusaiap Government to iu er
cede for peace between France and
rVruaey. She bas received a lette
trowi tbe Crown Princes on the sub
ject of the war.
The Prue-iian Minister at Brussele
lent diapaich to B rostofT. which le
m to seek an imerview aiih tb
Eaaliab Foreign Minieter.
Liitdon, Oct. igtb midnight.
Burneidea mission resulted in a lota
Tbe bombardment of Paris will com
mence immediately. Siege guns were
planted at Cbatillun yesterday
On Sunday a fresh attack was mad
on the Germans on tbe south of Pari,-,
and tbey were utterly routed.
I A series of engagements have oc
curred oa tbe lines to Rouen. Tbe
Prussians were obliged to fall back,
i Bismarck's proposals for peace
through Burnside, were 80, 000,000
pounds, aod Alsace and Lorraiue to be
neutral ten years, and peace to be
signed in Paris.
London, Oct. 19th. Tbe expected
battle nesr Orleans bas occurred
After six bours defense of tbe city the
French fled. Tbey evacuated the
town so precipitately thai tbey bad no
time to blow up tbe bridge over tbe
Loire, wbicb they had already mined
Tbe force engaged were about eijual.
No further particulars received.
At Eteval yesterday, a force of 3 800
Germans encountered 8,000 French,
maialy Mobiles. Afier a short con
bat the French were defeated and
driveu iff
The fit minus are now fed from sup
pile captured in Normaudy and at
Riilroad communication to tie
Rhine is now fully restored and provi -ions
are comit g forward from G t
naoy. Tbe Prussians have just commenced
to ebrll Cbrteau D' Uo.
Tours, Oct. 19ih. Tbe following t
lUbhabed by tbe Minister ot War:
Vendome, Oct. 19. Chateau D' Un
was captured last night by the Prus
sians, after a seige lasting from noon
ti l 10 o'clock at night. It was d -
fended bv troops ot tbe National Guard
and 900 Franco Tireurs, who disputed
every inch ot ground.
Tbe force, 8,000 st'org.
was well supplied with artillery.
No official news from the two large
armies confronting each other near
It is understood that tbe French
are slowly falling bark, and tbe Prus
aians returning towards Orleaug.
Orleans. O I. 19'h. A band of
I '! ' -A uericah volunteer , have just
!- .. pe l here, a e t.ow roarchit.g
i r. nttb he e'rrets carrying Ameiicafi
'I F em-ft H 'g
LtgislatlTe Asst-mbiy of Oregon
latb Ht(aiar 8aaioai.
Sept. 20' b, 1870.
Senate met at 9 a. in., aud the Jour
nal was read aud approved.
S. B No. 3, amending incorpom-
ion law, was read and passea. Ayes,
12 ; noes, 6. -
S B. No 40, amending law relation
to Asn-SDors, was read and passed.
Ayea, 14 ; noes, 7.
a. a. No. 31, relating to swamp
lands, was taken from tbe table.
Burcb offered an amendment which
was adopted and tbe bill passed
S. B. 30. 80, providing clerical aid
for Secretary of State, passed. Ajes.
10 : nues, 2.
Title was amended and adopted.
S B. No. 9, relatiog to roada was
taken trom table.
Mr. Brown of Marion, moved to in
definitely pospone tbe bill.
Me?sr. New by and Mosber favored
the bill.
On final vote tbe bill failed to pass.
S.. B. No. 76, provinlng pilotage cotn-
misaioat-re fur tbe fJwpqua rier, wa
ken fr.m tbe table aud passed uu ho
3 B 71, providing for appeaU in
con e-t il ele io s, wan opposed b
trtieliue. Tbe bill m luet
S. K -So. I r relief ot Galbretti,
ae lak-U fiotu the table ami UUanl
ius pi-i d
S B. , to protect State revenu
and Scbo!l fund, waa taken fiotu tb
b e Tbe bill is to tax I u tuner iu
ir.e roast couiittee, owued by paitiea in
I f ii a. Tbe bill fil-d to pa.
3. B No 75, rela tog to public
l.ritiinitf, p-en o. Ave. 17; noce, I
S. B No. OH, to utoruct a roal
from M ilbeur river to Qiuo river, aome
mitiT amendments weie made, aud ti,e
(ill pa sd. Ates 12; oo-s, 6.
S B No 14. relating to road, a
udefi iitely i oip'ued
S .J. R. No 17, relating to S bool
ands, was lakeu trom tbe table, and
referred to Special Committee of three.
S. B. No 20, rteating the othce of
"upremn Court Rt purler, passed
Avea, 14 ; ooea, 6.
Title waa amended aod agreed to.
Aii-n G. Wuite waa announced as
els -ted an additional Eurolhoa Cierk
fleuaie adjourned
S. B. No. 64, to .provide funds for
Ibe erection of a Penitentiary, was
taken from the table, read, and placed
on its paaage.
Mr. Burcb hoped the bill would pas
es it coat tbe Slate $5 90 per week m
keep each criminal. He bad been iu
rotmed by tbe Sup-riutendent that the
building can be ready by next fall, and
wilt aave the State $20 OiO
Ti e ill pas-ed Ajea, 19 ; noes, 2
Mr. Ueuilerchott wanted tbe clock
taken way.
Mr Holtzclaw wanted it regulated
and hi- moiiou trevailed.
Tbe Pr-aiJeot announced tbe iigi.-
ng ot numerous bills
On motiuD uf Mr. Baldwin tbe Hou-.
roucurr-d in Senate amendment to H
B. No 13, tbe Canal and Locks bill.
Ai d on Ma motion also concurred ti
H J. B N . J7
H i M Nj 4 asking grantant Und
to aid a wagon road from Wtnne
muccann tbe C. P. R. R., to Pen die
ton in Umatilla county, waa read and
concurred io.
H J R. No. 25, relating to military
road from tbe Dalles, was read and con
curred in.
H. J. R. No. 26, relating to railroad
from Corvallis to Yaquina, was read
and eoncarred in.
HUI 0 SICOSD aiAbtso.
H. B. No. 54, relating of fees east of
tne Cascade Mountains, was read and
referred to eastern members.
H. B. No. 55, to prevent frauds in
elections, passed, ayes, 13, noes, 6.
A communication waa received from
Mr. Minto, Secretary of State Agrisal
oral Society, asking for re-payment oi
$1 500, spent for statistics published
i , una . itl'-'tei i ' Couhu i lee,
ctn -ting uf ijtuatora Burcb, Mosber
and Hendersbo'tt.
rsriTiosa. (
A petition was received from ci'i-ti-os
t Jeflerson asking for incorpora
tioa, which was referred to Committee
on Corporations.
S. B, relating to Supreme Court
Re oner, was repotted trom the Ju
In iary Comuiiltee by Mr. M. .slier.
Mr. Browb ut Baker, ft.m Coni
rutt ee on Commerce reported back
H Ii. No 53. relating td pilotage.
Hi. Trevi'.t, from Comuiiiteeou Pub
1 r Bundiugs, n ported unlavorably on
S. B. No. 87, relating to incorpora-
1 lion ot Salem, was oidered to be en
S. B N . 79, to entourage emigra
IO", wan ordered engroaed.
S. B. No. 89, relating to improve
uietits on Yauitiill river. Ou motion
be . m iiduieuia to ihio bill were adopt
ed, aud tbe bill ordered eogro-sed.
Mr. Br.wn, of Baker, from Joint
Cotiiiuillee to 'Ximine accruals of tbe
Pemt uli ry , reported that no bunk,
w-re kept, and certain vouchers bad
b en ii-tied which tbey considered to
b- fr.utis, and they found $7o5 50
charged againl Gov. Woods tor ctr
ri ge bire, Tbey recommended that
to- ouchers be uol paid, aud a coil
mt'tee examine tbe acccunts. Tbe
report was adopted.
Mr. Brown said be bad not seen M j.
B rry. but be abowed diacr- peonies lu
the report, and proceeded to iuveini
gtte it, and Mr. Moorts iboug-1
it was a curious way t. r a cotumi tee
to report what anybody told them in
the street. He bad been told by a
Democratic Senator that the repoitof
ibe committee was to be printed fr
partisan purposes.
Mr. Stout said tbe remark was made
jocosely, aud using it as an argument
was inappropriate, utigeutlemauly and
unbecoming, and should be retiuked
by the Seoate. lie knew ai.rueini. g
of tbe sale of tbe old Peottentiary iu
ahicb tbe Senator said he bad a part.
It was like man; transaction uuuei
Gov. Woods' administration li tblr to
tbe charge of bribery aud corruption .
He mentioned the matter because the
S-uate took too much interest in sup
pushing this report He wanted to
let Mj. Berry have a beriug, and al
iti to publish tbe report.
iiaviuir bad a raking down from ti e
' fliuh Priest ot the Senate," ilr
Moores' reputation will prub !! by
coiifd' j'd g-.ue :n (!) w.- hope he a ill
lake courage, however, aud not feel
any worse than the ,reuilctnn did wbo
wis kicked by tbe jyckass
Mr. Fay agreed tuat toe flu er
-hou'd be thoroughly investigated, aud
that they ahould tiot coinp'am of it.
H- couldn't see ihe cttriie bie or
the rupp'y of wbi-ky u-e l m-dicioally
by ihe convicts iu auy other ligbl than
n vrorg frauds.
It la surprising bow easily Drmo
Catsare interested in a wbisky Hem,
i-owever small
Mr. Mosher --aid the invetiirt ion
aoU'd cost someth ng. He tbonitbt
gross mistuaoig-me:ii bad been shown.
Mr. Btown ot Marion, waa willing
to have that and all O'ber matters it
vestigated. Mr Cornelias Onposed the adaption
of be report, aod It it was published
now it would be tor political capital.
Mr. Cocbrau did nottbu.k it advisa
ble to print tbe report of ibe Commit
tee at preseot, as it was imperfect.
When completed it should be priuted
aud scattered broadcast. He wished
uei'her to accuse or 'screen anyone
until ibe facts were elicited.
Mr. Moores said M j. Berry was
present and would make any uevtasary
eiplana ion.
Mr. Fay renewed a motion for the
pro ious question aud tbe report was
Mr. Mosber offered a joint resolution j
to apooinl a joint cotntuiHee to include j
three Senators with power io etup'oy
an accouutaot, to sit nut muro tban
three mouths during tbe comiog recess,
o investigate ibe business affairs of
tbe Oregon Peuiteutiary for the last
tour tears, and report to tbe uet Leg-islalcra-e
To receive, each, $5 00 per
day while so employed.
senators Mo-her. Strabau aud Cot
ueliua were appointed by the Presi
dent aa such committee.
Mr. Mosber introduced S J. M. No.
ti, relating to construction of Military
Anioii Road fioni Snug Harbor, Doug
las county to Sitislaw, Lane couuiy,
wbict. Was adopted. .
S. B. No. 8t, for relief of Wasco
county, by Mr. Trevitt, read three times
aud paaaed.
S. B. No. 90, providing for purchase
of rolls of Supreme Court decisions
waa read once.
S. B. No. 91, to provide for contin
gent expense of cstle Government was
read twice aud referred to Committee
of the Whole.
S. B No. 92, relating to terms of
Circuit Couru, was read twice aud re
ferred to Judicial y Committee.
S. B. No. 93, to incorporate Jeffer
son, by Mr Moores, was read twice
and refeird.
S- B No. 94, by Mr. Newbv, relat
ing to incorporations, was read first
Senate adjourned to 9 a. m. to-morrow.
House met at 8 o'clock, a. m.
Krading of Journal was deposed with.
H B. No. lb' tor protection of sal
mon fiatieriea, waa reported on f-tVor-ably
with amendments, wbicb were
H B. X 79, for relief oi Duioti Co.
omn up on rep .rt of Cuuiiuiltee of ibe
Whole, stating circnmataui es of ibe
dehnqueniy o' Union t'o., and sho
iq that i. was unavoidable ; tbe
county being new aud tbe collection
ot poll tax and many tuber lai'-a about
nupo--ible Tbe ameudmeot named
$2 756 as the sum ol the relief. The
m ndiueni wag adopted. '
II. B No ij, to reapportion repre
a oiailou ot Columbia1, Clatsop aud
ill ituook c tintu s, camn trom Coin
uiittee in rhape ot a aubslitu e, abUb
waa adopted. ;
Mr. D oris from Committee to ex
aniine books aud touchers of S'ate
Penitentiary affairs, reported having
employed Vt . K H we I to mke the ex
auiinutiou. Tbeg found ihe Supenn
teudeul bad kept uo rash or sale books,
aud comparing bis official report witb
the meiuorabd be bad kept, it appears
tboi $1 660 has been twice paid by tbe
State, and that $705 bas been charged
by Governor Woods as carriage hire,
tu tiaitlog ibe Penitentiary, wbicb tbe
Committee considered alraud. He re
commended that further examination
b- tuade durio tbe recess ot 'he L.gia
iature, and recommended Gov. GroVer
and Private secretary as such Com
ni r tee. He said Mr. O'Regan bad uot
met wilb the Committee.
Mr. O'Reaitan intimated that be bad
only receiv.d one notice i f Committee
meeting, and then did not bud tbera iu
a-8ioo. Tuia was not tbe ouly Cou
tuietea on wh'ch be was, that bad not
kept biro, am fi.d ot ita meetings
Mr. E ktua moved to bae tbe report
Mr. Shuck moved i's adoption. '
Mr. Whit.aker tbojgbt tbe r-porl
asked too much In recommending that
the Penitentiary warrants shall not be
paid tor two years to come. There!
cau be no question as to Some of tbe
accounts and tb State Would have to
pay lot-reel on lb-in.
Mr Hire asked if Mj. Berry, tbe
Superintendent, bad been called before
b- Committee and asked to explain.
M D irns said be bad questioned
M j. Berry, who said that be kept an
account of disbursement by filing re
ceipts. !
Mr. Bare coos dered tbe report an
attempt to blutkeu tbe character of
a man without giving: him an oppor
tunity for defense. :
r Mr. Dorria .disclaimed sucbotiject,
said he had tried to protect the Stale.
The Honae refused to adopt tbere-:
port. Ayes, 19; noes, 21. i 1
Tbe report waa re referred, and tbe'
Committee instructed to call Mj.
Berry before it and receive bis explai.
alion. '
SWAMr LAID!. ' j '
Tbe Special Committee on Memmo-)
rial to Congress concerning location ot
swamplands, reported amendment 15
set apart tbe land tor School purposed,
wbicb was adapted as was also the
C .SAlj LotitS BILL
S. B No. -Si-, to sppiopnaie $2)o,
100, tyr construction ot Canal ti
Locks at, Killam it F..lls, wes reton
d ty McClain from Committee, wh
a-k-d further : time as tbey could no
aitree on a report.
Afier a leogtoy debate the maj t t;
report was read, with amendment pr. -posed
to pay ten per c-nt. ot tbe ero-s
proceeds back to the Stale, instead 0
that mu h f tbe net profi s
Mr App-rsou presented a minority
report, also a petition from Cla kama
ouuty opposing ibe bill, also a mem
rial signed h 300 names of all politics.
:Voring ihe East Side Company. Tne
miuoitiy report proposes amendmen
that proposals be advertised for.
Mr Whitaker opposed the report and
amendments as i ffVred to kill tue bill.
Mr. McLain said be wouid aappori
be hill aiib amendment.
Starkweather opposed the bill.
Helm opposed tbe amendments.
Hare sp ke: against tbe bill as ai
improper investment of tbe peoples
money. j
Hayden thought it ridiculous that
members should urge thecry of "Cum
mob Schools V io every ra-e. Said
thepirty which or pes this bad stol-n
he School tund to the amount
$40,000 a id tbe entire University fuud,
and it waa an insult to this House for
them to come in witb such talk h
bough they were going to get mad
tto m it. j
Wbail.y did not want to kill the bill
and so sb aid vote against the ameud
went, fouud within bisowu party in
dividuals willing to p-oaiitute 'bte
fund as be considered it, and be was
determined they should not reap tb
fruits of this j treachery Tbere hail
beeu bargain and sale (toing on. If he
was satisfied tl"e gentlemen woulo
have stood up to tbe mark, would have
been wilb them Ilia mind b id nevei
been made up until that morning bow
be sbould vote, now be was determined
to thwart tbeir intentions.
The gei tletuan from Clackamas geti
up here and presents a peiitiun. Hi
remarks careiullv weighed, show that
his object is io,k-ep tnia appropriation
'or the P. T. Co.
: (H r- Dtmorr.ita cried out "bull
tor Wballet 1 ')
He accepted D mocrstic compliment
pleasantly, audi said the question wa
whetbei the cm-il and lucks should be
'uilt. He hid some doubts abou
using the money, had expressed hi
opimun privately, that Couuress roul-'t
not (five an in pi ed couseut and so
thooght tbs act aou'd be conantu
tional lie urifeil the importance ot
tbe o ject and believed this would in
sure us comple'i n, cheaper freight
and build up a (jreat hustnee, besides
adding to increae of taxab'e property ,
o lieneti itiug the School Fuud
Apperson a.-ked tu he allowed a word
more as he had oocupi d bis five miu
utes, oices ol jected.
Starkweather Said the Clackama
delr(lion had been charged wilb bar
tfain and sale at d be ak d to say a few
words, obji ction was again u ale
Speaker S"id the gentleman wanted
soeMk to a ques'ioo of privilege.
Starkweather wanted to distinctly
disclaim tbe charge ot bargain ano
-r. I
Speaker sail) the gentleman had be;
fr m 'ke his statemeur al auotto-r llru-
h. d the H;tlse' was in a diffrreti
Starkweather reiterated tie as-ei-lioo
that there was no bargain
The amendment was rejected.
Tbe petition and amendment was
then read at request ot Mr. Apperson
proposing to i-uipower the Governor t
comrtct with (tie lowest bidder
Apuerscn moved ibe adoption and
ibe amendment proposed to designa'.
uo ('otuoHiiy and t e- not name the P.
T Co. In reply to the gentleman from
Multnomah. (Mr Wi alley.) who u -dertook
to burl anmst C a ksmas an
infamous falsehood.
Whallev called "he gentleman to or
der, and demspded that bis words b'
taken down and that be be required u
apolog'Z" for tbem.
Tbe Speaker said tbe point of ordei
was well taken. Tbe gentleman will
he more guarded in his language.
Mr Whalley repeated bis demand f .i
an apology, j
Mr. Dorrts thought tbe gmtleman
from Clackamas meant that the appli
cttioo of the Words bargain and sale
to bis dili gallon was a false applies
ion. I
Mr Apperson declared tbe charge to
be false. j
Mr. Whalley "Infamously false."
Mr Apperson Yes; "infamously
false." j
Mr. Whalley thought be was accused
ol uttering a falsehood.
Mr. Sp-aker said tbe Honse must
consent to have tbe matter brought b -fore
it. It would probably be beltei
to settle it at some other lime.
Mr. Whalley concluded that be rot In
d-fend bimself and tbe geutlemar
could go on witb remarks
Tbe Speaker gave cons nt and M
A (person went on to pronounce tb
charge made against tbe Clai kanrn
delegation to be "totally false." It
tbete bad been any bargaining or ael -tng
some one else is responsible for i .
He thought there migh have been Some,
be belie. rd tbere I ei). Uedtbd aiy
one to bring 1 evidence to suopurt tb-
1 charge. j
Mr. Dorrif favored tbe amendment
and urged al length tbe ..t jectious o
tbe bill. He aaw en opportunity I
save at least $75 000, aud Utged tht
necess'ty of doing so.
The p. rs. nil l-xplanationsof Messrs
Whtlley and Apperson ws continued
for a while longer, tbe former repelling
any insinuations against bimself anil
making a lengthy explanafpn of bi?
motives and bis reasons for acion.
A general debate followed whicl
was participated in by many
Tbe amendment to authorize the
Governor to contract with tbe lowest
bidder was lost.
S. B. No. 72. Mr Dorrts moved to
amend bv reducing amount of subsidt
from $200,000 to $25 000, wbicb was
lost. Aye 17, tines 26
Mr. Wbiteaker moved to place the
b il on third reading now, which pag-.
ed and the bill was read the tbitd
time. i
Mr. Wbiteaker stated his reasons fr
supporting it ; supposed every mem
'.. r wo'ild vole cooscieutiously ; en
-Meted it one of tbe best in.e-tueut
ttiat could be made of ihe 500 000
acies, whatever fund it may belong t
the ways; of roinmiitiit-aii n of th
S ate are locked in a mea-U'e Ti e
Colombia river is controlled by a
pora toti and to is the Willamette. H'
believed the people favored this me -
ure; be bad bo fnith ic tbe proposition
nuiid the lock? on tbe east Side. Tt oa-
making it d;d not appear to him to bi
re-lly intending to build tbe lock;.
D-emiug it one of toe most oeces
ry measures before ibis Legislature
aud toinking nothing else could b-
dooe to secure tbe end be favored th.
construction of the locks on tbe wes
Mr. D rris said tbe hill would not
benefit a great prt of tbe Slate lying
outside ibis Valley, nor tbe counties
like bis 01, above navigation, and
tbe counties below oo Ibis river wbicb
do uot use the river. It would enricb
two men, who are rich, Gold
smith e.ud Teal, aod Senator K lly
wbo is in good circumstances. It will
require au appropriation of $50,000 to
py the interest two years trout now
Besides be looked on it as sure to de
feat tbe Democratic party two years
from now; He charged that there was
bargain and sale.
Mr. Otney said bis county was most
interested in opening tbe Willamette, and be would sacrifice many
acraples to secure tbal.end, and would
rote for tbe bill if it secured tbe re
turn of tbe money to tbe school fund
t- wbicb be believed it belonged.
Mr. Grant said - everything was
'School r und," scarce anything else
was beard ot, bnt be bad been borne
aud found bis neighbors io favor ot
the lock and be sbould vote for it.
Mr. Apperson considered tbe bill au
lofringent of tbe rights of tbe people
and be was governed in bis action by
what was for tbeir interest, and should
sacrifice Jt to no partisan or personal
tnterest. I
Mr. Hare wanted the people to un
derstand what waa transpiring. An
amendment which was Toted dowu
proposed to pay the State ten per cent
of the gross proceeds. You bave
voted down an amendn ent requiring
be money to be etVntn lly paid ba
to the school fudd. Also an amend
ment which WouW reduce tbe subsidy
to the aame mojbt that ws propore
0ft 1 and io k. Tue bill paaei,
yet 28; noea. 15.
H B No. 3t, Mr Loikhart moved
that this bill, wbicb was special order
for yesterday, be now taken op, wbicb
S. B. No. 12; Mr. McClain gave no
tice of moi-ion to reconsider the vote
just bad oo this bill.
Motion to adjourn carried.
BVEMI.VO sss.ios.
Hon-e met at 7 p. m. '
II B. No. 59 to incorporate Rose
burg was read third time and passed.
8 B. No, 19, creating office of Laud
Oo motion of Mr. McL-an the vote
ny which this bill ws reconsidered
rejected many efforts being made
to have it rejected or laid on toe table.
Tbe debate on the bill was such as to
cover tbe whole ground of tbe argu
ment. The bill was ordered to a sec
ond reading.
H. B No. 34, to incorporate East
Portland, waa read third time and
S. B. No 8, rela ing to fees of of
ficers was made special order for 10 a.
n. t -morrow.
S. B No. 41 to locate Agricultural
Co'lege, was passed after considerat-e
debate, ayes, 28 ; noes. 9
H. B. No 41. tor relief of Lane Co.
$2 912 60, passed.
House adjourned.
Moving. Tbe Salem office which
has been at tbe Fair Grounds station
for tbe last two weeks ws being moved
n the depot of tbe O. & C. Railroad
on tbeir grounds south-east o the
University, and we presume pasnen
gera tbia morning will start from tbere.
Ths Rhine. This is the name of
he very latest style ot bat received
from San Francisco yesterday by Mur
phy A Crosmm. It apeak-t well for
hf enterprise of this new 6 rm th-t
hey err suppled with the late styles
ahead of any other fi'm in Oregon.
TaRLXTS. We totind some tablets at
Yenlori A Bonn's that are the neatest
h:ng out. They bave a page foreach
day of the week, and when full yon
take a wet sponge and rub it nut jnst
I ke wiping a slate. We could not get
along without one of tbem.
Bio Sigs. Commodore Sloat was
engagidm painting a sign in large
letters across the front of T. Cunning
ham i Co's brick building. We doo't
know bow bi each letter was, hut
'hey were a little legs than the Com
modore and a little bigger tban bis
Goino Down. That Court House
tax was not levied a bit too soon. The
old building begins to show its ag
moVe and more. The FOti'b wall h.-s
-etiled two inches more than tbe bal
ance of the building, and in conse
quence tbe partitions are coming anart
in-ide the house, and Some fine day
e expert tn bar of bait a dczen law
vers and officials being buried in its
Racks. The Walla W'dKn racea
whichoccur at th.s season, promise to
he a lively occasion. The Union pub-
ifhes a list of fine animals that will
be in attendance and compete for pur
ses. In ibis connection we learned,
ome time since, fr..m Superintendent
Meat ham tbat tbe Indiana at Umatilla
nave a horse that tuns fire miles, and
bey bae authorised him to state that
hey will beta thousand bead of hor
des against anything tbat can be
brought. Th-y will not run off the
R'-getvation, becau-e hey have been
wiudlt d on other tr icks; but they will
ive any one that wauls it, a good
quare nre mile race on their race
Sa.itiam Bridqb. TbeVpbers for
tbe Railroad bridge across tile Santiam
are being forwarded through Salem.
Tbey are got out on tbe Clackamas and
vere ron ibis far by rail some days
since, from here tbey are hauled on
wagons, so tbat by tbe time track lay
ing reaches Jefferson tbe bridne will
be built and tbere need be no delay.
This bridge is by far tbe beavie-t struc
ture yet made on the O. It C. Railroad.
It consists of two spans ol four bun
ired feet each, and is forty-even feet
gb. Tbere arenbrce thousand f;et in
length ot trestle work. It is estima
ted tbat over half a million feet of
lumber and over one hundred tons o'
iroo are used in its construction. The'
stimated cost of ibe bridge is $75,000
Messrs. Boo'bby A Slapleton and B
". Drake, are preparing to build their
espective establishments iu tbe most
-ale and substantial manner. Lach
hat a froot of H2J feet on Front street,
and the new buildings will cover tbe
whole front of 165 feet, extending back
110 feet. Boothby 4 Stapletoo will or-
ler their machinery from the Eaat aa
soon aa ibe question is decided as to
whether tbey can praenre brick this
all Th -y expect to be in operation
again some lime in Ibe month of Jan
uary. Tbey are now excavaliog, so as
to have a basement for shafting and
pulleys. The p wer will be placed on
he outside in a secure building Mr.
Drake has already commenced using
some of bis machinery, as we meD-
ioiied the other day He hopes soon
have a furnace erected, and will he
at work in full force as soon as possi
ble. The new buddings to be pot up
ny the sufferers by the late fire will be
au ornament to our citr and a valuable
aud permanent addition to our indus
trial institution.
Thi GitSAT Lottskt. Many of our
nizn l, in common witb the test ot
niai.k n l. have t ken a chance in the
great Lottery for the bentfil of the
Mercantile L brary Association of Saa
Francisco, oot because they had any
idea of drawing the $100 000 prize,
tiut simply to b lp tbe association out
of their pin'-h Tbeg- people natural
ly feel an interest in tbe progress of
their lottery and the more so on ac
count of tbe unexpected delay in lb
final drawing. For their benefit we
condense the following from an ex
change. Up to the llib of this month 180,000
f 'he 200.000 tickets bad been sold
and tbe others were going off like hot
cakes However, should tbere beany
oot band on tbe 31st, tbe day fixed for
tbe drawing tbey will be destroyed.
The 200 000 numbers, corresponding to
th tickela, were primed at Sacramen
to, by H S Crocker fc Co. Oval shap
ed slips of leather, bearing tbe num
ners, are placed oo copper wires, 1,000
oo each piece Tbey are counted three
t me a at Dore k Peters' office, and tn. n
sent to E. W Bourne. Secretary of the
Meri baut'a lusurance Company, and C.
L Wiggtn, at tbe Pioneer bonding,
wbo count them one after the other.
Short or defective numbers are sup
plied and replaced by orders oa the
gentlemen wbo bave charge of tbe en
terprise. The first one hundred thous
and bas been counted, verified aud
sealed up, and together with tbe sec
ond one bundred thousand, will be
delivered the morning of the drawing,
at the Pavilion, under the seal ol
Measrsj. Bourne k Wlggin.
1 The large wheel, accepted by a com
mittee of mechanics, will contain tbe
numbers trom one to two hundred
thousand, each and every number print
ed plainly oo leather. '
: Tbe second acd smaller wheel will
contain six bundred and twenty-eight
gifts, each printed oo a large scale and
enclosed io six hundred and twenty
eight gift boxes, exactly at ke.
After tbe large wheel bas revolved
rapidly tor a considerable length of
time, a blind child will draw forth a
number from ibe large wheel, and A
-ecoad blind child will draw forth
prise from the small wheel. The. bo 4
containing the slip of paper with ?
.mount of tbe gift upon it, wjtV be
opened before tbe audience, anff )t f r-
ua"oo concerning it given flmmedi-
iMfoBTAar Uxciatojis. I'be contest
ed election cases lor tbe county officer
of Wasco which were tried before the
8iprerae Court elicited decisions of
general tutcrest on several points of
law. These caes had been contested
before Hon. B Wbitten Judge of tbe
Fifth Judicial District and resulted in
favor of different political parties in
different cases. Tbe parties that wen
beaten in each case appealed to tbe
Su'preme Court and some uf the decis
ions were modified in that court. The
court decided :
1st. Tbat a voter may vote for coun
ty officers, in any prteinet of hit county.
2d. In a contested election case,
names tbat bave been rejected aod do
oot appear on tbe poll books cannot be
enquired into by tbe Court.
3d. Tbe Fifteenth Amendment is in
force in Oregon and tbe negro vote is
to be counted
4'h. A general prdon of a convict
ed felon restores him to tbe rights ot
clt'zensbiu and of suffrage
We presume that the last three f
these decisions would bave been an
ticipated by tbe m-jority of men, bui
all Oregon will be surprised at tbe fi et,
and we await witb some intert the
publication of tbe line of argument
by wbicb the Constitution of Oregon
is construed in tbat way. Tbe task
of writing the opinion of the Court
wa assigned to McArthnr J , and it
will probably be given to tbe press be
tore long.
. Shall We Hare a Tito.
Governor H'glit f Calitorn!a, won
or bimself the respect and support o
'he pxiple of California by using bi
iiower as Ibeir Elecutire to velo sweet
, e' measures ot the last Legislature o'
ht S'ate. I' requires no small
iiiiouut ot iniiep-mlrDce and sterlm
ntegrity.on his part to do so, for the
messures in question were in the in
rest of men of wealth and toonopoliz
tng cot Durations, wbicb are said to
t -
i ule the State, and the passage of tbe
j hills had only been secured by com
i hinations of the strongest character
lie believed those measures to be coo-
! rary io the besl interests ot tbe peo
ple, 'and he placed himself oo then
tde fearlessly and independently, an
'hey think more of bim to day than
ever before. A similar condition bas
.risen in the affairs of our own State
Powerful combinations bave been
formed and tbe determination exists to
invade and diminish tbe irreducible
School fund by taking from it the 500,
1)00 acres plared there hv the Slate
' on-titution wi'b tbe consent of Cou
llre.-s. A measure dear to tbe peopl
and which they will not consent to
a ve set aside.
Wo appeal to Governor Grover to his veto oo the bill to nppropri
ate S'iOO.OOO ot ibis fund to build a
canal 'd oi In t Oregon City, or on
the west side of the rivtr there.
Fust, we believe the bill to be con
rary to Ibe Cimsii'U'ion.
Second, we believe it to be a "job
n the interests of a few : fir instance
it is sai.i that b-nator-eitct Kelly ba
diminished his privata fortune tn
secure his electiou aa S-nator, and it
is charged that lh'S bill is greatly goi-
eu up for bis benefit. It is the duty
of tbe Governor to put bis veto on all
"fat jobs."
If Ibe 500,000 acres is to be so ex
nended, we desire to have it made a-
serviceable as possible, and accon -
plish as much " internal improvement"
as possible, and lberetore urge,
Third, That as tbe P. T. Co. have
off-red to construct canal and lock
for tbe benefit of navigation at tbat
point for $125 000, on as good term?.
Otherwise, as tbe other bill; and a.
n the passage of tbe bill giving them
tbe franchise, before its being signed
by tbe Executive, they are willing to
execute bonds for the pen'ormance o
tbe work, we insist that the bill sboul t
at least auttorize tbe Governor to let
the Dos', liberal competitor bave the
franchise, and in ibis connection we
express the npiriion, hated on : ufBcien'
information, that the P. T. Co. will d i
the work if it can secure a subsidy ot
We are aw .re tbat ibe Governor can.
by vetoing this bill, save tbe Slate im
mense sums as priuripal and intereai ;
'hat be can secure great popularity for
himself-and save hia party trom the
ruin to follow its headlong career, but
we will bid him ameo and G id-spee 1
it be will do tbe State the great serv
ice to fighi its enemies and protect the
j' bool f lud by ranging himself boldly,
firmly and irrevocably on the side of
the people. Will he do it 7 We urge
and hope be wll.
Political Printing.
The Democratic party bas an un
wholesome majority in eacb House and
has obtained the entire control beyond
tbe power of even an Eiecative veto
to binder whatever it may unite upon.
We expect to see carving and slashing
extraordinary, and rerognixe tbe ten
dency of starving men to steal corn
and a hungrier set never were tarned
loose to empty the public crib. Thst
ihey should manufacture fai jobs prof
table offices and all the political capi
tal possible i tbe most natural conse
quence of Democratic success, but a
ittle tbe tuost interesting proceeding
we bave yet beard oi occurred yester-
lay when tbe report of tbe Committee
in the Peniteotiary accounts was
brought into the Senate.
The Honorable Cammittee claimed
to bave discovered be most stupeod
us frauds in those accounts, which
were perhaps mere typographical Inac
curacies, bnt tbey bad found a mare's
best and having cooked op a case were
determined to make tbe most of it, aod
seud it home io betr conatttnents aa
some proof of tbeir partisan efforts
and tried Democratic energy. It is
trne that Mr. Moores told them Major
Be ry was present and conld and would
give tbem any information or explaoa
tion tbey might deem, necessary, bnt
tbey could'nt afford to take any
cbances to miss a good tbiog by learn
ing more facta tban tbey could make
Democratic capital ont of and tbey
hurriedly adopted tbe report, and or-
Jered 1000 copies printed and adjourn
ed. So ibis high toned Democratic
Senate have blazoned to the world, by
1,000 documents to scatter broadcast
a charge tbat Major Berry bas
acted the scoundrel to tbe tnne ot tens
of thousands - of dollars, aod
bave done tbns witboat giving bim a
chance for explanation ; and 'While be
stood by determined and anxious to
explain, tbey ordered tbe charge
against bint to speak a thousand voices
io print aad hurried it to adjourn.
What lesser pestilence will a just Prov.
ideoce inflict upon as when this Dem
ocratic Legislature is wound apT
Letter Fron California.
: Oaelaib. Oet. Uih 18T0.
California teems aowilltog to be be
hind aav Stale ia tbe eaase of ednca.
tion, aad for tt she deserves great
praise. Tbe University of California,
opened ia September 1869, has been
founded upon a broaj aod liberal ba-
-a v- -v. :.f .n.i -
S'l n to complete the buildings, bnt
lately commenced, and to maintain a
complete corps of professors, yet tlo
murces are here to build np a fir
e!a.-s ashool. Ab.lefd s.-' i I O i of th
great undertaking may not be devoid
of interest to many of your readers.
This University has five Department.,
viz: of Mines, of Agriculture, ol Me
chanic Arts, of Civil Engineering aod
of Letters. Tbere are eleven Profes
sors, all of them being men of high
literary culture. A laboratory bas
been obtained at great expense. Tbe
full course requires four years, and is
free to all. Tbe new building bas been
commenced on the University grounds,
four miles from here, beaut:f.illy situa
ted upon tbe sloping hills opposite tbe
Golden Gate. Ii is to be built of bri. k
and iron, add as the plans specify
"earthquake proof." There are two
buildiogs,each fifty by one hundred aod
fifty feet. Tbere are also to be erected
seven dwelling bouses for tbe Profes
sors, and hereafter, another building is
to be added for a ball, library, etc.
S'ich is very brieflr a description of a
icbool wbicb California hopes to make
qual to that ot Yalu or any Easteru
..ilege. In this, as in other things
here, no eipeuse 1 . apur. d aod one can
uardiy see where all tbe money for
-hese vast nndertakings comes from,
rtesoles tto Uutverrity tbere are locat
ed here five other colleges belonging o
private indiv duals, yet where a g od
college education oi y i.e had
Tbe Ceuttal t'aciti - Railroad, Unable
tu procure Goat Islaud upon wbicb o
t.uild tbeir depot, machine shop etc;,
nae stopped the eiieuslou of their
wharf sir. ily !q miles long. Tnev
ic building up m Ibe end ol their
ha f, l o treu b ' sheds to be eight
hundred feel long, end a grain el--VHior-
f great capacity . This company, like
.1 moro p.jlies, get nil tbey tan, and
nuld f.,t that which ibey ilo get
I' bey own iu this place nearly se-.eb
'iiindred acres ot land, a grea er pan
nemg in the hay, aod of course of
ureal value as a mearg of prevent
ing oppo-num in the terry beLAeen
here and San Francisco.
This place is soon to be connet"
wi'b the town of A aiiieda by means of
a bridge. These two towns are separ
ated by San Aotonio being
simply a part ot :be Bay running bai k
into the country. The cous.ruciiou
will entail an enormous outlay, aa it
will be two m.lei long, and built witb
a draw to admit tbe passage of vessels
up and down tbe creek.
It is thought tbat at no distant time,
the l. wua t Alameda, Brooklyn, San
Antonio and Oakland will be but one
. ity , and that as Brooklyn I- to New
York, to will Oakland be to San Fran
cisco. M.
The Germans orrupy Orleans.
Capture or several French Fort
resses. 'ew From Paris.
Boarbakl DIssaf.-rted to the Re
public Reported French Victory on the
Prussian Armj of 32,000 dlstrojed.
Tjurs,Oet 19. Tbe journals publish
recounts of the occupation of Orleans
by the Germans. Tbey state tbat enor
mous requisitions of money, horses and
provisions were laid upon the people.
The bishop interceded witb tbe Prus--ian
commander in behalf of tbe city
acd was udsdO erSral ."ome of the be: t
residences i t the ci'y were quitted.
News from Marsailles i unfavorable.
Tbe Garde Civiqtie is troublesome.
I. is rumored tLat Ibe Prussians have
captured Creteul, with 3,000 of Ibe
Garde Mobile.
The Prussian force at Orleaus was
The giirrison at N-w Bresacb made a
ortie aud repulsed the Germans.
The garri-on at Momvedy made a
s .rtie and captured 400 German pris
oners, two wagon loads of Chassepots
ajd 20,000 Irancs. The uext day tbe
Fieucb captured a number of cannon.
New- fiom Paris eays great measures
hate beea taken to proide food, aud
.arge numbers of borses are killed and
ibeir flesh potted. Ttiey have a lare k of potatoes. Tneir forts keep
up a conslaut fire.
Tbe Prussians asked for assistance
to help bury the dead near Paris.
Alexander Dumas is dying of par
'lysis. Tbe statement that Bourbaki com
mands tbe army of the north is incor
rect and bis lukewarmness astonishes
his friends.
Thiers will urge at Tours aa instant
conclusion of peace.
Berlin, Oct. 19th. The capitulation
of Meix is reported. Baxaine's meg.
reoger, General Boyer, carried to king
William tbe terms on wbicb be would
surrender the fortress. Tbe place is to
be given up to a German garrison, the
troops to be disarmed and suff-red to
remain on parole, aud uot take part in
tbe war. Tbe Prussian ministerial organ
says negotiations for peace oo Ibe part
of neutrals Is useless. France mu t
submit unalterably to tbe terms al
ready stated.
London, Oct. 20. A report comts
fro i i Luxembourg tbat Baxaine has
raised tbe siege of Tbeooville on the
1 4th after an engagement lasting four
hours, in wbicb tbe whole iovesling
force of thirty-five thousand were cap
tured. On tbe 1Mb be returned to
Mets witb an immense amount of sup
plies and military stores.
Io the meaottma the Prussians wbo
bad fallen back to Pont a'Mosson after
the defeat of tbe Utb had swur g their
line around so it extended to Fort Hen
ry. About five o clock on tbe morning
of the seventeenth Bazaine attacked
the Prussian center in an overwhelm-
ing force aod succeeded in tbruwing
his whole army between tbe two wings.
Tbe attack was followed op vigorously,
tbe left wing forced back to Pont
a'Mosson. Hemmed ia by river and
largely .s.ipefior, force tbe Germans
foogbt stubbornly. Tbe slaughter
was frigbttol, one division of Land
webrs attempted to cross tbe river and
was literally cnt to pieces. Fighting
lasted tar into the night and was re
sumed early nert morning Oa the 18 h
about 9 o'clock, finding resistance use
less, tbe Prussians laid down arms, 9,
000 surrendered, this being all that
waa left of tbe 32,000 the morning be
fore. Tbe French force engaged is
estimated over 100,000. French losses
equally great.
Tours, Oct 30 Prussians are re
turning to Paris seeking a battle witb
tbe French on tbe right bank of tbe
Loire. Tbey are still ia peaceful oc
cupation of Orleans. . j
Tbe Herald has "re.Iieatble antbnr
ity for eating that tbe Ktatbsii a a
rill be diacootinaed after tbe aiijoarn
meot of tbit Leuisla'nre. Tbat "an
tbonty" is eviu.ntlj both able o lie
and re-lie, benee tbe applicability of
tha word, bat if the balanVe ot tbe
Herald l items are no more trotf tul we
would not give moch tor their -ilbor-
XX the County Court el tha State of Oregoa
for tha County of Marten. In tha mailer af
tha Katala et Pelatlsh Channel, deceased. To
w. Mvrse, Roiy Ann Myrei. Jam. a vya", Al
fran Myrta. HI ha Chappal, Oslin Ohappal, Polly
Patiarson. Rmlly Pouluin. Carharln Chappal and
clnrlnaa Chauprl, and all other heirs and da
Tiieea.ef aal.l Pelattch Channel, deceased, k
petition havliiR been Sled by n. L. McSary.
Administrator of aaid Estate, asking for aa or
der for the sale of the tallowing nerertbed seal
property belonging to sain Rrare, to-wit: South
Weal quarter of U.s North-fcaat quarter and lha
South alf of the North-west quarter of Section
iwenly-Sve, and the Houih-tast quarter of the
Nor.h quarter of Section tweutv-aii, all In
Tnwahlp Mix, South of ranae, three West In aaid
county. Ton are theref re . iled to appear at the
regular tern of said Court, commencing on ihe
Tih day of November. A. I. 1 S70, and show cause
if any exists, why aa order of tile ahould not,be
made In accrtanct with ihe prayer of said
petition. C, N. TRRY,
Oct- t. 1mju Co. Judge.
Aduiluiatrators Police.
N'OTICE is hereby glvea that tlx nndersltned
liaa been duly appointed adrolniairat. r of
the K Hats el Hoi. A. K- Mc len. deceaaeil, by
the C'Hiotv Cou t rf Manon oanty, 8 a'e of
i tregon. Therefore all p-raoaa indebted to aaid
K.tate wlU b.ake miracrtiate paymeut c-f Uie aaoie
to the underaifiied. Aod all having
clatnia Mid llatate will pieaent them to
the undtrsgTie.l with pmier vouchera wlil.loati
mootha, at hia oiarMc wnr a in th - CI y of
fin I. id in aal l ronnty. A. J. MUNRoL,
Oct. Sib. l7d. Administrator.
Alraiiiiatratori Aotice.
auTICf la hereby alven, thai the under
deraig'ied, wai at Ihe September term, IsTJ,
f the Cnn y Court for Mareai coonty, ttreaon.
duly appointed aod qualified aa tniioitrolor O'
the eawte of Jaa I. Crump, late deceaied.o
lai'l county. All rraena havlnr clalma anainut
-ad eatate arc req l r d to preaent tile aame with
ihe prner vouchers to Ihe undersigned, within
sixrui.nihs from tha date lt-r restdence
i.i mi lent, in said county, or at the nflice id bt.ii
li b A Lawtoo. at the a urr House.
Administratrix u( aaid fcatate
falem, cpt. T, IsT.t. asw
Aifmtniatrator's Notices
NUTICK l hereby (riven, that Ihe un'ier-igned
w. at Hie S-.leioter terra, la,0, ol ilia
C.unty l ourl f.r Marion county, Oreiroo, rtuly
.ppun led ami qual lird aa liiiniiiltrno.ri.fth
estate of 0. A'laii, Uie deceased, of said coun
ty. All pe.snna hvinir claims Hginst said es
ate arer.qui'e.1 f tie same Willi .rpei
vu-h.rri l. the unite sijned a: I is es..leiiee.
a out one file eaat ot Nn.lh alem. In said
t-ountv, a ittno s.x months ! o-. Ihe ote hereof.
'. H AOAl .
Administrator of aaid E.tRe.
-ale.u Sept. 8, ISiU. alw
X2sti-v Koticc.
l.i Mini a half miles N.irlli-west of Amity,
"neliatu tlunn Mie supposed ti te 4 liaml
tHgrh, mack main and tail, iiiuall itar ill lite to e
heH.I '.in'l leiis mh "e. u;i to pas-ure joint, mi.
omtt win e pl on earti of the t.ak, sup
tos:d ni he marks, mu.I supposed lo b
7ersol.l. arti&ci-l marks or n.niiils per
ceiviblc. T ken up us a treachy animal Ap
praised at IWcU.y 6,e dollari. Ana Ittth, (-Til.
ia. M. il.
S.j.1. Jl. A nilv, Vamt.ill l(n
Final ettlenienf.
F ESTATE OP KM. 8 BARKe'R. Not.-e !
J hen by ricn that Aurelia A. Barker, l.lec
utr x ol Ihe Kaia'e by last Ml I ana Tr.lsm. i.l
f wm. 8. Barker, ai.d rtaa fivd her a.'coum
for fl al setHemel.1 ol said estate. 1 Is or
dered hv the C u.l, th t Tue dr O.e S:h .lav ol
November next he set fr Leaiinx .Mei-no.
agaiot sa-d srcount, before me -at the Court
House In alem, Martini l ..ui.ty Or. g. n.
C. S' TKKKt , Coin ty Juog.
BONriAM k LAV..-OS, Auys. OtU 4. 4w
Pinal Settlement.
"V"OTICE ia hereby given that N. T. Caton, Ad
it mlnislrator ot Ihe eataie ol P. B. Marple.
lias filed his aerount for final sertl-m-nt of s-id
ealate. The .Vh day nl octobee. l-..i, baa been
set by the C.unty Court ol Marioa C.runly. for
the heari-i-i of said cue, at the Court lloa;ar
in Salem, in said count v.
Ity order of C. K. TERRT,
Cuuty Judg
HOXHAM A LtW.-oN, Attorneys.
Pe),t. 9, IbTn. istv
To tlie Tax-Payers
f Iiii-ioii County.
"V"OTI('E ia hereby given thai I wl!1 attend Ihe
usual places of to i g in aah ejection pra-ciu.-t
In sai.l c.unty. for ihe purp se ef collecting
Si te, C.mniy and fcripcl Taxea for Hie year
1--II'. fro a lu o'cha-k, a. m., to 4 o'clock, p. m..
of the following uai a, to wit :
Jefferson rbnrs-iaj Nov. 3rd, 1&7(
Publimty. ...... Piiday. "4 "
Lincoln Patuiday 6
Snverton Mn1ay T
abiqua Tueartav "8 "
Hawell Prairie Wed.i s.tsy" B "
rarfleld.. -...Thursday '- 10 "
llrlre.a.1 11 "
Ij, Ml.h ... .a'ur.tay " 1 "
Cr.aniH eg .. Monday 14
B i tvlle T iesday " M "
Au-ra Wednesday " 1 "
North eVem ....... .Thursday " II
.inh Salem Friday " 1 -
Satem -Pa urday 19 M
East 8 dem ...Monday II "
Tax C .Hector, M.rion Co.
Oct. H. 4w
ruDDing from
AnmiTiHt, 9rlo, I banie Brtwai-
Hl. f-oda BprlnsA, Plutf
Wllmmrtic kiifffiic titf
nd l-prlniLifleld.
I -rtei iVm, TnetT e
Arrive- Ku'enr Wtpaii-ar1aT, r M.
LrHTtB fuge, ;"Ui..eiy t ornina; und
Arrives at Salem Monday trenitg.
- Th"e wlin conult econnmt ami pleaiare lr
tr--in will find It to ih'.ir futettt topn'ron
I ih' liitr, a w te:l -s th- iwtncipiv f livr
ni let live. Health nd pv ir a-rk-r wHh
inf Us o to thua jjrins w ll find our tioa a
chran and eT mvxle nl conveyaaoe fnm any
nf the artore inmTfnntl p'arra. P
Bstablihed. 1850.
nrpO?ITSrecelTHl and Accounts kept, 'abject
i Check or Draft.
THUr Fl'ND-. in puim wf ONK DOLLaU AND
UPWARDS, rUOU date of depotti.
Mony Loaned on Approved fnrity, -BO
DP, PTOCKfw-and MheTTatuaWea.iaceiTed
COLLRCTIOM tnade. And procoede promptly
rem i tied.
If oprrtj made for piirttce.
A eentit for the Trarnactlon of all klnda of FI
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange
On San Fraocisco and th Atlantic PUtea for aato
G0VKRNMENTT tKCLRI TIES boofht And told.
Pudding River
tjf Mllas Wmtheaat of Salem, hetwaan Bswell
rralrK aaa Las laiaiab.
II klndofLCMB R. end will sell on reaaan-
alla lernis- Wa have an eioeilent planar, and
c.n furnish DRESS cD LCHBEK of asr da-
Good LA f H C mads to ernee.
April, 1 1ST0.
The feat aotlsction el 1X0 Admired Haraa
Taoes and Anthewia which have lieeo the sanai
pniaiiar, and tl4 baaia of Amercan Chareh
Music, duriac lha laat Sftv vaara, Coaipuad bv
ouv editora. -
Ererf Cbolr Shoald be Supplied
Ulik It.
Prlesj ti 3d per dnaan. Spceiaaea eoptes scot
post pair aa reeetptof ratal! prsce. -
Oct. IS, atf
IIodgre.Oa.lef &, Co.
Drugsand Medicines,
Paints, Oils and Window Glass,
And OragsiiU Sundries,
drl Portland, O'esoa
Bssli aatsl atkaev ma. la to order hy
; IBOO rvrt
I think T hear tha bay bAre eaeftW
If h a lot cured Haul take htn 8V
111 boy soma "al. H. H this Sag "5
Anitfivattt my l oor old Bay.
X facl, I fact, I I al, . ,
1 hat "a what lha l borae aeli ' '
I tuemper workup lu wnjrthroagb ,
li'S head. . ,
Caoaira hoo ! My, doo't bother me,
flea) I ly, dont b ther are, '
CbM I Hy.doot bother tne,
I'm aalng "U. ti. ti." you aea.
I fed, I fee', ' fed,
I feel like the sua at noon,
ha H. H." y.. . ta toe
Has cured me op so sooo.
1 feat, I red. I led,
1 irt like a say old apnrt,
fin anealna or spavins bother Bsc,
Bo wind xaha 1 report.
Caoaca .-boo I lly. Sc.
. 1 think I hear tha Jockey say,
V j last est Horse ni hurt one dee
He sprained his llu ba ar d spavins came
And made my trotter very lama.
I feel, I feel, I teat
Thai's a hat the trotter said
I must have "II. U. 11." this da;,
ITor 1 am almost dead.
Caoaca Shoo 1 lly. Se
ll cures all strains and luls.s sore.
fo weakened Joiols wenccl ;
To colica ana crami it sl.uta lte d"r
Hits-H. H. H.."o WlM-msS Howe.
I led, I feel, I feel
Tha-'s wha. the J.ckey aaid .
A aica borae needs seme '"11. H- H "
And good straw for hia bed.
Caoaca rhool Sly, as.
PMl C n Ifl rR CHAMPS It Is Instan'aoaoaa.
To iti table spoor.fulls of he H. H. . a.ld one
pint of water and drench ihe horse, and r. p-at
id urgent caaea. lor town. w. man or child,
riven in do-ea from & to So drn, diiute.1 In
water, wi.l relieve rn I. almost tostaotaneuus'y .
-I), o. T.' ' ruiigisis, do try rt ) v
a HK hT w t I I K In lha market. Per
sale by all lrurxlsts and eleia in ediciae.
Hi'1'UtC, C A LICK aV C ., Aessie.
majSls Poitland.ircaoo.
The sta'dar.1 m,Iii, 1 i fl u-
e.. aa, Throat, uh..t.ii.g t'ongh, Cr. op,
- Ivr Com plaint, lironchlos, Be dsn of the
lungs, andev.ry affection of the Tneoat, Lungs
and Chev, including CoaeCMerior.
Wliia. 's Sahsia oins r ot dry up a Cough;
but looa.ns II, cleanses in- lungs, and allays Irrl.
lation thus remneirg the c.use of the
plaint. N.ine aennlne unl-ss sianel I. Brrra.
Preoare.lby erra W. k Sa.n, .n.
S.. Ill by II. RrDlaCToa. II.eiTSTT.a A Co esa
rrsnctsro. snd by dealers geLerai'y.
June 17 ty.
Thia celebrated me-llcirthas won a iteaeevedly
high reputation a. an alleviator of pain and a
preseraer d health It has b. come a hooaihotd
rem.dv, from the fact that It gives Immed.ata
and i. manent relief. I: Is a pur-ly vegetable
preparation, mae fron he beat and tmrest m a
feriala. aa'e to keep and to u-e In rvery family
It Is reeommende l bv phvslrtana ard persons of
nil clawea. and tn-ilae, after a pubhc trial of tiilr
ty yea-a Ibe-avemge life of m.n It san'ts un
rirall.d and unex. elled. sta-ea.lioc lis useful-nea-overt
e wid" world. Its large and Increas
ing aale affords poMftvr evidence of osei during
fame. Wed" not d -em it n-cessary to sav atoch
In its favor as one amall iM.nle a III do a. ore to
cnvinee you of Its .fficai" than all Ihe adver
tisements In ihe world, lilve It one 'air trial and
yoa would not be without It for ten times ita Coat.
Pir etions accompany each bottle
KoW bv all Druvit.
Price iu eta., and $1 per bottle.
h rvmt1v Hoats not atmplv aai.lTB far a rt
t1m, bnt ti prrvdiw n rfe'i mmi pfprrrnanent enra
( rti worsj rfa- of Chronc x ' atarv, r1 I
wtix r V $0 ma a raa tw t I cw T craaa
"GoMfn HO head' and Caferrhal He. h. .
ar rnrtM with a t-w pvU mir-n9. If yin haa
a d'as-hae-aTr fnsa Ihe t . ff-Yi,? nr o(h-rwt,
fipptna up -f he momm a tlme-a. punta Um of
thaener rrl', tt- ar he r tne. err wlen-r
rt weak, feel n haee r pfv-vt h
ttsad. a ma j ret anird that ya tiaee Ca
trk ThfiaiHl annuaMv, "hvt manue-tinf
ha'f-of the h t TmpTirtna. terminate In Cn
amttlrn and end In the arave daas a
eoirtmon. aioe" das ptWe. nr ret n nrlert"d hy
ph.eUr. I i1lead my pamtaMe on Catartii
a anj ad Ireaa, fr. . lr. tar'i Catarrh faatao
dy ! not
Price M eentf. 0ant hf vaH ptnaipald, Tw
eetpt of A) renia, r f pokava tr t dnt
lara. Kewara nf cnnrraart-iTn and W(kthlkm
mtTTinw H-f tnr rareata hTar nt-h
m a rua-mra otTARairra- o oaartwtna?, ia wp-
the nut e vrapp- r. Kertv-nibaf r that Out prtvata
(tump, Ht-urd hv ihe Vn tr tit' 0-irnmejt
iprrwly for Wanp-nf mi meilicfnea r.m ny
pr trait, name ai d aditre. and th worna 17.
tertinctt hrna nm- s-tnvrtive iHn li.
and ned mt h mttken. Donl he rtwlstdled by
rarelorerfl and oih rs ret'raaeiitmf tirmtr?Te as
Dr. fav; I am the onlv mmn imw l-rlnf that
ha th knattatelae anl rrht to manufactuie hm
ouniri Or. atari h Remedjr, and 1 Doeor
traTat to aril ttia mtitri- e.
alyttrt". 189 "aoeca roet Batalo N.T.
- Xlto Only
iroKTaajAa MAacncrratss or
Vonlding nnd rpholstcrj Goods.
Hoa. 106. IM, ITOsaS HS.raraar
( sallasa sii d First a treat a
Oar assortment ef rTRNirCREla . heat la
thia citr- To CAf II UCTtKa wa of tepertor
Caae Oevxla at Saa Frame lace) Prl
au asid ;srralf;ait.
Pep. It, rtra, (1
Forwardinf . Commission
: : : : : OREGON.
w. k. LrvKRiaa,
A. p. avs RKTr,
Pan Prmnciaoo.
SIS rreot euwet.
was. MOHT H,
Sept. IS. ISTd.
91 Froat Street, Portl-ind, Oja.
Promptly Executed.
Fartiaad, rapt. II , !ITn. : mt
Waelrsale aad SUU Dealers ia
Farnlbhlnj Goods, Xo lons, Etc
. Corner af First sid Waahto Slrseu,
PCRTLAND, : j i : : t t OR KG 3!T.
rVaratan. -