The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, October 18, 1870, Page 3, Image 3

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    f i '.: -. y -" s . . : I j , , ; ;
gagajajajBjinjfjnsjjnan ' aatMnatAstJjnWsnSatMWMM ' MaaaatAaaMBasJna,JM
i"1 1 1 r11 .' 1 '.' -' 1 1 : 1 1 i i ii i i ..i. i ' . "" ' i ' i . i . 1 -
.t. a 1 1 i irr -i"ie"Wlr''"' " ' '"TT'
tnaods tha irregulars and disarranges
'Prussian plana. ; Bismarck continues
to insist on the cession of Al nod !
'Lorraine, tavre says tbe natioo shall !
perish 'rather 'haa accede to inch
'terms. - ."!..-. !
Berlin, Oct. ;16. lit if reported in!
camp before Pari that the rinderpest
'Ii ragtag among cattle th Che city.
Toafs, 'OcU IS. Prussians wet
'driven from Barenxaod Cchartilion oo
the 13th by a heavy recoonoiteriog
'force from the itjr, aapported by goo
'of the fortifications.
Berlin, Oct. . A tpecUl to the
Tribune isajs Bortiside returned from a
second, visit to Ptrii. He carried rag
estions fren, Bismarck respecting
terms 'of armistice.
He made oo headway. The T-ntin
'Government la determined contrao.
he war, Clen. 'Sheridan haeOBTc to
'Brussels, which Is a, sign that ttwrr
'ductioa of Paris is net itominent.
London, Oct. 16 -Tbe Karri su'Cov-
rriirimf in instructed ll-.r.t Prussia ii
' prepared to modify fcer d-tuaad'fof a
amne? indemciij, or lo abamioa it l
loiretteT ; 'he, tbe neuirurifRf; of
3 rash-jrg and V.etr. r il be accepted
in liec -of t'setr surrender Tfce de
tnacu itf Prus: of the surrender of
' Preach raeo-oT-war baa Veec' abandon
ed The Russia Govs-riiftentl:! de
termined riot t permit the trarttiSK ot
any part "of '.he' French '4!et:tc the
Norib GftrEftn tJfr.
L-ndrm, Oct, ahe i at
: Tbitwmile, oroi:tJg aitW?tf
tnent. He bold the tiaes t''"tfertcei
' and -yWvire. ' 'stack. IbAV i'e!l
' drabrck, Treves aai F oroaCt.
L'iaioe, Oct', 17. The Freac
' is agtia BsactnMel off 'DnBarVk. Th
-aquadrneU WKorth'8ee4a aoeosn-
wanted by tat bottomed boat. Ger-
nans' Arsrenend mieefctet
Tears, Ojt. 17. SotfciagotScial
' fceea received from te ' arte tea oeo
? froatiag ac ataer a'ear v"frte. A
1 battle ia immtoent.
' The gTrir of VewBasecJa, aatde
1 a, eaeceafal ewti yertrymorig,
' a' thfck' fof 'prrtvaYlea1 Add'tmss Pma-
' aieae were Mrpnaed. aaehywerc kill
' d and waandesL
A baHaoR wtkfe eft'' Paris at 7
' o'cloHc this aaocaiosj with fetr aassen-
icera'ead twj narks of areit, hirtd
here at I n'cock this tjtr. Reports
' iaay Patis ia still cocrageooa. X bat
' tie occurred Q Satarday, Oct. IStb,
- outside the waTle, whereto 3,69 Proa
' aiana wr killed.
London, Oct.' 17th. Tbe Dake of
' Kecktenbnrg reporta" tbe capitvlation
cfSotaeooe with ' d.Se'Freack priaon-
ra. Tka'Praaaian anry waj to enter
' tbe city yeaterday.
: The Praiaiaol eratoated Bcavgency
' and blew dp the nidsct before aaarcb
' ing oat.
' The'Prnaeiahs wr still at tb Venae,
' bat in email force.
'Opening a hot of 'the Praasian bom
' bardment of Paria were fired Iron
( Belle . tile, oo Friday.
' coMritao eom raanocs oirta
Sao Fraaciaeo; Oct 14. Tbe ateam
hip Colorado from Panama pat into
'an Dieeo this moroiog briora news
'that the North' Pacihc Transportation
' Compioy's atenraer Continental, from
'MAxtllaa for'Sao! FraocUco, foundered
at sea, tbiny miles from Cape St.
'Lucas, 'on 5epi.--30. Seven passengers
and one'ol' tbe crew were lost. She
aunk to d pep water aud the mtii
'eogHra' baggage, freight and Irene urn
were a total toss. Tbe survivors were
'resetted by the'U. S. w ir etetuier Oai
: pre and theatemer of tbe P. 11. S S
'Oo. Wella, !Fro ft ". hve been
notified that tbey hitd UO.OoO in ,Vei
'icao dollars on hotrd l. is rumored
'that the 'Pa16 Ipsurnce ComuaDy
' had ioaared 'ais treasure, but it ia not
'Certain that aach ia the fact.
The 'Continental mxkra the third
steamer lost by the N. P T Co. with
in a 'year. The Continental was the
newest Vrd most seaworthy of the
three, having b-ea built in ltffil.
'London, 'Oct. 13 A Versailles cor
respondent slates that Bismarck caused
'intimvion to be conveyed to tbe Lega
tions at St. Peterabupg and Vienna
that intervenlioo to secure peace would
'b arteprable now to Prussia.
The -appeal of Bismarck has been
met 'by Bustia with a proposition
through 'Prince Orloff for mediation by
a 'Congreaa of the great powera at
New York, Oct. 15. A special to
tbe Evening Ttltgrmm from London
-sava: A dispatch was received from
Too re, dated 14th, by the Provisional
Government, via carrier pigeon, wbicb
tatee that tbe PrtHstane are lo full re
treat from Paris. So particulara aa to
the caase of this movement bad arrived
when our dispatch left. A dispah-b
was also received from Pans by anotb
er source, atatiog that the enthusiasm
in Ta-ris, consequent npon tui uoex
jpected event, ia indescribable.
Washington, Oct. 14. - It ia reported
as coming from a relative aod intimate
friend of Secretary Cox, of the Inten
or Department, that be tendered bia
resignation to tbe President on Tuesday
last, and that tbe President has not
jet accepted it.
Barrisburg, Pa., Oct. 14. From In
complete returns received for tbe Leg
islature, tbe Republican majority in
tbe Statu Senate
is reduced to-one, and
o twelve. Tbe official
in the House to
count to be made
We learn from tbe Oregonian that the
robbers who stole and broke open tbe
afe at East Portland, Cassidy aod
Miller, who were arrested tbe other day
in Salem, have been brought back lo
Portland and committed to jail.
That paper also tella of a bridal par
ty who ran away last week, during lbs
Fair, and sought the quiet of Vancouv
er, to get married, wbicb couldn't be
done in Oregon because the old folks,
the bride's parents, would not consent.
Tbe old folks came to tbe Fair and tbe
young wect where tbe taw couldn't
binder tbem. .
Mr. Qaivey haa aeat the 0-egonian a
ram bo apple 11 im-hea ia circumfrence,
raiaed in Portland.
The Bulletin eaya Prof. T. H. Craw
ford, who has been t!l,it convalescing.
Fair goers, returned fr Salem, re
port tost nqnor ia illegally soli at
many pta?na ia Salem. Thoe Port
land mea have a knack of finding out
aacn iblQg".
The Cethnlio fair at Dalles City, tor
tbe be Den I of 'tis BHMre or that place,
realised the hindiome sum of $500.
A scarcity of bousea to rent ia prop
Hy claimed at a very evident aign of
th- pros peri y of. the city of Portland
Thr will ' b ap unusually .large
docket at the next term of Circuit
Court for Multnomah county.
Vacant stores in Portland are being
rooted and occupied.
Tbe new ferry boat, intended for tbe
use of the 0. C. railroad, is being
rapidly completed, aod will be ready
for business within a reaaoaabls time
Geo. W. Pratt, a car neuter, broke his
at a by tbe gU-ing way of a step ladder
while working on Strowbridge s new
Statistics of receipt and exportation
of. produce is to bo tarnished hereafter
by tbe-Board of Trade.
CoaaBiUATioiAL. From the minutes
of we 8 lata Congregational Chorea
A"cit iom, held at Albany w.tJao,
just pah tithed, we learn that the num
ber of nembera belonging to tbe
Church in Oregon are 465; amooot
raised for horn miaiioaa, $138 45;
foreign miaaona, $68; paatora' rapport,
$4,897, ,50; for other objecta, $2,451 35
Conrer aloaa ia tbe p tit year, 41. Sun
day S ebool. acbolara, 779 The next
aooua' i meeting will be bold at Aato.
tin, oi tbe third Tueiday of Jane, 187 1
A Cmaiia Row. Lait Satarday
aboat 150 Celestials, working on tbe
grade below town, who had become
res ti under tbe reat or fancied des
potia ea , and cruelty of their railroad
bosa , attempted an assault upon bis
pera on in a body, with picks, shovels
aod other implements of labor ; but
fort namely for bim, he happened t
pom less a revolver and aufficient cour
age to present it in a menacing mtn
ner at bia mooa-ryed aesai'aota, which
in tantly cooled their conrageona pir
t aod caused them to desist from far
tb r hostilities Tbey, however, all
qn it work and swore hy all tbe (rods i
h F'owery Kinifdom that tbev wouM
no t cit another shovelful of dirt or
wi eld another p'i-k uotil t bey were pro.
vi deti with a d ff-reot bss. We doo't
k tow bow the imbroglio finally result-
h I. but we are informed that the Cele?
ti al returned to work on Monday lnt.
.nd presume their demand was acceded
to. Democrat.
LtghlatlTe Assembly of Oregon.
Sixth KegMlar Hasaiaai
rOBBNOON session.
Saturday, Oct. 15
S-nate met at 6J a m.
Ard after some preliminary mat
ters of mioor importioce, proceeded to
the consideration of S. B. No. 31, on
an amendment making provision for
the sale of awamp and overflowed
Cochran wished a aeparate vote ou
he amendment fixing the price of
awamp lands at aeveoty-fire cents per
acre. He understood the Committee
bad fixed on one dollar per acre as the
price, and believed all tbe lands to be
sold da ing tbe next two years would
bring that much.
Burcb had consented to name one
dollar at first, hut it bad been repre
sented that tbe best interests of tbe
State would be advanced by fixing on
75 cents ,ptr acre.
Cochran moved to strike ont 75
cents aod insert one dollar.;
Baldwin thought 75 eenta would be
high price for laoda to be reclaimed
Mr. President thought 75 cents an
acre aufficient, and inscanced tbe
on tbe coiesV and on tbe Columbia
river, where extensive works would
be required to reclaim the swamp
Thompson thought tbe Senate was
mistaken about tbe labor oeeded to re
ciam the lands along tbe coast and the
Mr President said be bad carried a
chain tor Mr. Thompson years ago,
when tbe surveys were made
Stout thought any lands worth any
thing were worth a dollar an acre.
On motion nf Fay tbe bill was made
special order for Monday.
8 B Fo 57, ta attach Tillamook to
Yamhill for judicial purposes, was
taken from the table, and after some
discussion as to tbe bouuda to be de
cided oo, tbe bill was ordered engross
ed and made special order for Mon
S B. No. 68, to protect oyster beds
was introduced by Strabau.
To make additions to State Library,
was introduced by IlenJershoot ; aUo
S. B. No. 70, to increase S.-bool ui to
four mills.
S B. No. 71, to regulate eontesta in
elections, was introduced by Newby.
Report of Committee was read and
tbey offered a Joint Resolution, which
empowers tbe Governor to contrac'
th D . Eiawtbora.
Treviit called attention to tbe recom
mendation in tbe report for tbe ere' -
lion of buildings. Oo motion the
whole natter was recommitted, the
committee to report by bill, and the
rep Tt was made tbe special order for
Monday morning.
S. B. 34, amending the Portland
Charter waa taken from the table.
Fay said be should oppose giving the
power to appoint Commissioners with
out reatrictiona, and enquired if tbe
bib was not unconstitutional.
Stout said that free law abiding citi
tens felt sate under present rale. It
was not Democratic, perhaps, but be
bad for once adopted tbe plan adopted
for New York St. Louis aod other
cities by Republicans.
Powell should vole against the bill
Tbe reason for it is apparent. He be
lieved bis colleague was doing some,
thing not bis own choice. The bil
was barefaced and obnoxious, aud cai
ulated ta repeal tbe choice of tbe peo
ple and 'bus declare tbe citiaens o
Portland incapable of self-government
Uosbor thought tbe bill bad manv
obj-ctiooable features, bot be was wil
ling to protect tbose Portland lambs,
His political and legal scruples would
have to yield to tbe necessity.
Fay tbongbt as Portland rather
claimed to be the State, tbe State
should take care of it and govern it.
Stiabao should be guided in bis vote
by the information gained from the
Portland papers.
Tbe bill finally passed by a s'rici
party vote, and the Senate adjourned
S B. 60 .- B. 61, B 62, S. B. 63,
S. B 64, S. B. 66, S. B. 67, were read
aod referred.
S B 12, to construct canal aod loeki
at Willamette Falla waa read.
Burcb moved to amend that in case
this company failed to give bonds any
other company could do so aod receive
tbe grant.
Fay enquired who composed this
corporation, ana was told Goldsmith,
of Portland, Senator Kelly and John
Fay thought companies should com
pete for tbe benefits of this, grant- He
waa satisfied with the policy of naming
tbia company. He believed there waa
great merit in tbe proposition to build
these Locks, but now tbe ease had been
put off for two yeara and nothing done
since the- bill waa paa-ed by tba laat
Legislature be could not understand.
Stoat explained that litigation bad
caused the work to be deferred.
Thompson said be was one of tbe
company and denied the report heard
bv Far ihat tbe company named was
willing to sell out to tbe P, T. Co.
Cornelias disapproved any project for
diverting tbe school fund from tbe pur-
noses intended.
Newby aoew mat me people oi mis
valley would be saved much more than
he cost o tots canal.
Cochran bad not been so wrapped up
in this bid as many others. He had
been rareful of be school food when
propositions were made for vUtonary
purposes, but be thought this a good
" ject, yet would prefer to raise a tax
o build a canai.
A debate f.i lowd as to (en per ceot
be ug refunded ibe State, which is one
of the provision of tbe bill, and Boal.j
ibe bill pasted, ayes 16, no l.
8. B. No. 2. Relating to Supreme
onrt and salaries of Judges was taken
Burcb thought $3,000. a sufficient
Cochran bad never seen any difficulty
in getting Judges at $2,000, as candi-
uatea nave alwaya been plenty. He con
aiders the Constitution as being plain
in limning tbe amount or Judges salar
ies, aa well as those of the Slate ofb
cers. , .
y'aaid the geotlemana views were
capable or modification as had been
Brat proved by bia voting for the an
propriation of tbe School fund to tbe
Willamette Canal Company, be baring
previously opposed any proposition to
divert that land. -
Burcb nrged his amendment to re
duce tbe salaries to $3,000, or be wonld
vote against tbe bill.
Newby took the tan position, bat
tbe bill passed.
Ayes Baldwin, Brown of Baker.
Burch, Crawford, Hendersbott, Holts
claw, Hoolt, Moo res, Mosber, Patter-
ou, Stout, S rauao, Tu-uipaou, re
lit, and tbe President 15
ys Cochran, Curoeliua, Lsnalleu
and Newby 4.
Seuato adjourned.
MOHOAT, 17th.
The Senate met at 10 o'clock a. m.,
and resolved itself Into a Committee
of tbe Whole to consider Bill relating
to sale of the public lands. . Cornelias
in the chair.
A number of bills were reported on
by several committees, one relating to
assessment considerable dis
cussion. S B. 62, amending Sec. 20 of school
law waa reported with amendments.
Baldwin from Committee on Insane,
said they could not report,: as their
propositions were before them and
more would be and tbe matter was post
pooed to afiernoon.
Patterson offered a resolution that
no new business be presented after to
morrow which was laid on tbe table.
Strabau offered S. J. R. 18, to in
struct Senators aud requet Represent
ative iu Cungrrss to endeavor lo pro
cure the abrogation of tbe Burlioame
treaty with China, wbicb ws adopted,
after motions to reprint and lo refer
Aje' 16, noes 5.
Cochr.m preseuted S J R. 19. Bik
ing aid of Congress to rou9lru t u cu
rat and tit the Wiliauielte fail?;
referred to special committee.
Trevitt offered S.J R 20, that lie
Legislative Asnemb y sojourn Ae
Saturday r;t X i 10 o'clock, p. m. I.t;dt.
Ayes 8, noes 13.
S. B No. 73 Relief of Iii'eraal Rev
nun Stamps', was introduced by Mr.
S. B. No. 73, To provide clerical aid
for the Sec'y. of State was off red by
Brown, of Baker
S B. No. 74, By Brown, of Baker, to
provide ulerical aid for Sec'y. of Slate,
(bis bill appropriates $3,000.)
S. B. No. 75, By Stout, to amend
laws in relation to public printing.
S. B. No. 76, By Mosber, to estab
lish Board of Pilot Commissioners for
Umpqua river.
Senate adjourned.
Senate met at 2 p. m.
Tbe question of the insane came up
as the special .order.
Baldwin explained the propositions
Dr. McCurdy would take the insane a'
$6.50 per week for tbe first 150, aod
$6.25 for all over 200. provided they
were furnished wearing apparel. After
elapse of twelve years be wouid turn
the asylum over to the S'ate!
Dr. Hawtborue would keep them for
$6.50 per week.
A. C. Kinney, Ladd aod Kooit
would keep them for $6 per week.
- S. J. R No. 17 was. read, aotboriz
ing tbe Governor to contract with Dr.
Hawthorne, for the next two years.
Stout favored giving the contract to
Hawtborue. Said it coat $5.90 a week
to keep our criminals, without salarie
of oflicers being couuted.
Newby wanted to make the best bar
gain possible for all concerned.
Thompson said Hawthorne bad good
buildings and had kept tbe insane for
many years, and tbey knew what be
had done.
Cornelius seconded Burch's amend
ment to give $6 for all over 100, aod
that carried.
Tbe resolution finally pasted, ayes
14, noes 7.
Stout offered a petition from Port
land, asking tbe Legislature to amend
the City Charter, to allow tbe pledging
of the city credit fur tbe construction
of a railroad to McMinnville.
S. B. No. 77, to carry out the prayer
of tbe petitition, was read aud refer,
re J.
S 11. No. 78 was reported by tbe
Cora an I tee on Public Lands, forreli-i
of J. C. Galbrett., aod il was rend aud
S H No. 79, to eocourage Immigra
tion, was offeree by Powell.
S. B No. 68, relaiiug to ojsters and
.-almon, was read and ordered en
'S. B No C9. to increase State li
brary, was ordered e-jgruased.
S. B. No. 70, to inc rease school tax.
was ordered eugroaneii.
After a call-ot '.Ue House, S B No
71, appeals io contested elections, wi
read and referred.
S. B. No. 31, relating to sale
swamp land. Most of the afteruouii
was spent debviug amen 'menu to ib
ill in ot the Whole. F iy
urged indefinite poalpouemeul of the
After the committee rose the Senate
adjourned. .
Monday, October 17.
House met at 9 a. to.
II. B. 67 to incorporate the towo
Clatsop ; read first at.d second time.
H. R. 46, Helm from Judiciary Com
mittee returned this bill and reported
substitute to amend act to provide civil
code. Section 37 repealed and other
matter substituted, relates to title t
real property.
II B. 34, to incorporate City of E st
Portland with certain amendments,
correcting verbal inaccuracies, and 'he
report aod amendments were adopted
H. B. 36, per diem of ju
rors. Reported toe same back wan
unfavorable recommendation, litre
moved to lay on the table. Carried
H. B. No. 31. To protect stock
growers with unfavorable recommend
lion. Ordered to third reading to-mor
H. B. No. 50. Increasing penally
for violating law to presetve salmon
and oysters was reported without rec
H. B. No. 17. Relating to appropri
ation of property by railroad corpora
tions, was ordered eogrossed.
H. B. No. 54. Concerning fees of
officers in Eastern Oregon, with favor-
ble recommendation. Ordered en
H. B. No. 57. Uelaring to requisi
tions made by the Governor for crimi
nals in other States, with amendment.
Report adopted.
S. B. No. 10. To provide for taxing
banks, which was ordered engrossed.
S. B. No. 7. To lax unnaturalized
foreigners. Recommending its passage
Dorris indefinitely postpone
tbe bill.
Helm moved a call of the Home, af
ter which Mr Dorris made an earnest
appeal, setting forth that tbe law could
only be enforced against white foreign
ers, for as Chinese cannot eff-ct their
naturalisation, as a lawyer he toot the
position that tbe bill could therefore
nl affect tbem, but was only calcula
ted to discriminate against poor white
men. n read tbe laws of the United
Stales to sustain bim.
Porter favored tbe bill.
Hayden thought the law of seH-prei-erraiicn
required us to tax Chinamen,
and he was in favor of doing it direct
and above-board. He was of tbeopio.
ion tbe bill needed some amendments,
aud should favor it. He then made an
anti-Chinese speech in bis usual forci
ble style, and said he would force the
Celestials out of tbe State, if be bad
the power, and as be hadn't tbe power
be fell like doing what be could at it,
and taking all tbo responsibility need
ed io tbe premises. As to the Burlin-
game treaty aod tbe laws of Congress,
he cared not a whit for them when tbey
come in conflict with self preservation
and our own interests.
W naiiey replied witn a legal argu
ment, showing that tbe Supreme Court
decisions show that taxation cannot be
accomplisbea indirectly that cannot be
done directly. . He endorsed the views
of Mr. Dome. T
Hare thought tbe bill would not be
good law aod wonld be set aside by tbe
courts. He thought the bill waa got
up for effect and to satisfy party preju
The motion to postpone was lost.
Area 14. noes 30.
Whaley moved to atrike oat words
'Uonaturalised foreignera" and aub-
stiiute CaiitaBtaa which was lost.
Hayden offered to amend to allow
foreigners on years residence, auu
nress tba same in title of tba bill
Hare wanted to know if the gentleman
intended by this amendment to allow
Chinamen to overrun this coubtry for
one year, to let oar country be raiaed
aaa our wtvee and children destroyea
Ifth bill was to pass he wanted it
to taokle tbo Cninamaa the moment be
left tie ship. Then If the Chinaman
wtntiotheU. S. Dist. Court and of
f ot red to declare bis intentions and was
refuaed, be Would ' ua exruip , wbicO
was a feature be bad'nt thought of.
Wbiteaker thought tbe title of the
bill could only be amended after its
passage, wbicb was discovered to be
the fact.
Alexander moved to lay bill and
amendments oa tbe table for tbe pres
ent,wbich motion passed, very much to
the relief of the Democracy, who have
found it a sort ot elephant, aod growing
more elephantine as it was discussed.
H. B No. 13, To amend acts rela
ting to pilotage, was repotted back with
out recomendatton by Judiciary Com
mittee. D.irris offered an amendment com
oetliog tbe owners of tbe steam tog
boat to keep a sail boat on tbe bar to
accommodate vessels coming to the bar
when tbe steam tug is inside.
litre favored the amendments, as be
understood vessels have complained
'bat facilities at the mouth of tbe Co
lumbia were not sufficient. Tbe peo
ple of the whole interior were interested
in tbe proner accommodation of com
merce He wanted tut cubstilute lo be
LiH'kbart thought ths whole State
waa being taxed for ihe ticuefu of tbti
Willamette valley in ttiU support of u
ttisj boat on the Coin tut ia, and ibis ws
done in direct opposition t' 'he imer
esi of Cjoa Biy, which hJ no such
House adj iiirned
H ai; raet at 2 p. m. and resumed
consideration of Pilotage bill.
Lockhart ciuimued bis remark
ngifitmt tie bill, and tbe special facil -uej
otf'red the trade ,f the Columbiu
W bally said he was authorised to
-? responsible mm were ready to
takf the cout'Hi t on terms more favor
able to tbe Stale. So be objected to
Ian her increase ibeir compensation.
Fulton, OR-gan and Porter took part
n the debate, and the pending amend
ment was rejected
Alter further debate the bill was or
dered eogrossed.
Lockhart from Committee on Educa
tion reported back H B 50, to provide
system of common scb'Ols,with amend
meuta, wbicb were adopted by the
Tbe bill waa farther amended. S-tl
ary of Supenote'.deut being fix- I r
$1,500. and another making Si-tie
school tax mills instead o five
The bill was ordered engrosied ai d
made pe ial order for Weduesdav 10
a. ra.
Hare asked leave to offer a resolution
to authorize appointment of Engros
sing Clerka. wiirh was adapted.
A cotumanication was received fn m
'be Medical Society of the 3d Judicial
District, asking that action be taken to
egulate tbe practice of medicine.
II B No 48., relating to that sub
ject wasord-red engrossed.
The Speaker announced that he had
igoed the appropriation bill.
Alexander from the Committee on
Elections reported on Clackamas con
tested election and moved it be made
special order tor 7 o'clock this even
ing. Carried.
Appersoo offered H. J. R. No 23,
making Congress to make appropria
Hon tor the improvement of ibe Wil
lamette River. Tbe resolution was
H. J. R. No. 24, was offered by
favoring tbe payment of tbe public
debt, according to contract, and dis
countenancing the democratic threat
of repudiation, which was immediate
ly voted down.
House adj turned to 7 p. m.
Honse met at 7 p. m ., and spent the
whole evening io considering the
Clackamas coulest, wnicb wat bnnll?
disposed of by a motion to indefinitely
postpone, which was carried by a Urge
The debate was carried on by the
silting members and by Mr Beaitie,
one of the cooteetants, aud the vote of
the House in disposing of tbe case as
governed by the elimination of evi
dence, wb:ch showed no positive proof
f tbe illegal votes claimed to have
been cae'.
II iuse !rij iuroe.1.
Judging from tbe long trains ot ve
hicles wnich were t een leaving
the ground iu every direction ou Fri-
din evening and in the rey light of
the neit mofuiti. ai-d tVo:u ihat lime
till u'Mio, one would not have expected
to find a per-on ieti on tbe Fair
grounds, but uoiwictulitDiiiog tbo vast
uuibera leaviug ia this manner, and
tne crowded cars of every train lor
Portland, the e were still a good many
ft. In fact il was only by contrasting
the eceue with tba' of former dajs that
one came to see that as
which hovered arout the grounds loalb
to believe that so much fun bad passed
away, or that tbe last chance to make a
dollar or two wis gone.
Still it was evident that tbe days of
tbe Fair were numbered, and that al
though it bad been a good, brave, vig
orous Fair, it was waxin old and be-
giuni igto look wrinkled and scraggy,
and ple and thin. Its incessant clat
ter was subsiding to a gentle bum its
baoyloo of v tices to a very ordioary
uoise, ahtle its loud moutbed cries all
sh wed signs of weariness. Many a
thr at which on M today sent its notes
out loud, clear and d'fiin', on Satur
day was hoarse and but-ky, .and spoke
m almost suppliant tones appealing to
tbe passerby to -'come right along
aod buy this or that gimcrack, take a
parting peep at a show or a last swing,
or a ride to Salem, or any thing else
that costs a quarter of a dollar.
By tbe way it is a curious subject tor
investigation why every one insists
that you should
No matter what a man at the Fair is
engaged in, if be thinks you bave
dime left, it is "come right along.
Amid all the ingenious devices to at
tract attention, no one baa tbougbt ot
any substitute for that one word which
is dinned into your ears from a thous
and sides at once, always tbe same
monotonous "come right along.
Yes, the Fair was dying it was al
most aeaa. toe neaa woraea away in
the Pavilion, tbe stomach was still
pretty active at tbe Aurora Restauract,
and away at the far end ot tbe track
the tail was feebly wiggling io tbe shape
of scrub races, pitching half dollars
and all sorts of one horse gambling,
but these were almost tbe only signs
of life, and all tbe while people were
hurriedly parking up aod taking night
with all possible speed Articles and
stock which bad been on exhibition
were rapidly removed by their owners,
some to be taken back borne, and otb
era sold at good prices on account of
the premiums taken.
al ncaic
took place accordiog to programme.
Tbe 23d Infantry Band bad it all their
own way, as tbe newt of their intend.
ng to co npete seemed to deter others
from entering. They look tbo first
premium, and tbe second was not giv
en, ibis nana merited ratoer Detter
things at tbe bands of tbe peopli
Tbey bave been in constant attendance
During the whole week, bave been
ever ready to turnisn music wnenever
and wherever called on, aod tbeir
presence ba been a great assistance
Toeir excellent music and eplendid ap
pearance added much to tbe gayety of
the scene, when they were called out,
bleb, by tbe way, was pretty often.
The premium wbicb tbey received,
tbuugb qui e liberal for tbe Society,
was Still insufficient to pay their acta-
al and necessary expenaea while in at
tendance at tbe Fair. In hope of
making up the deficiency, tbey tried a
promenade concert, but. unfortunately,
the people did not respond, aad it fell
through. We very much fear that this
fin band of musicians will not be
likely to attend any future Slate Fair
Tbe premium tor best gentleman ptao.
ist was awarded to Mr. John Ross, that
for lady pianist to Mis Alice Griffin
In both cases there was no com peti
tion, and consequently no second prise.
I We omitted to mention in iu proper
place the awarding of
j . rcT miTi's paimcMi
of $75 to tba beat Pathfinder", eolt,
.and $50 to tba second best. Tbe ab
sence of some of the judgee appointed
by the Society waa made up lor by ap
pointing Judge Deady of Portland,
and Hon. G.W. Grimm of Marion, with
Gen. Palmer of Yamhill, composed
the committee. Tba first premium
was given to a colt owned by Mr. F
X. Matthieus, and the second to oae
owned by Mr. Thomas Cross, who
onght to take another premium for hia
hearty indoraement ot the deciaion.
and aaying that he knew Matthieus'
colt waa the best.
Io the afternoon the Marshals clear
ed tbe track for
a thatch for untried horaea, for parses
of $15, $10 and $5, offered by the So
ciety at ibe meeting the day before
C. Neal named bn. . "Fly," a 3 jent
old Fiy-by-Night. H. O Hartley named
a 3-year old gelding. F. X. Matthieu
named b. f ' Lady Frauklin,' a3-yer
old Fly-by-Might Matihieua' fiily was
a fine little animal, but net in sufficient
training to go io aucb a race, and es
pc ially when Jerry Welsh was driving
a ood animal. Whea be can't drua a
horse to run, no one can. Iu thi. race
be bad the best animal (Fly), and coin-io-u
ed drawing nbead from the first
' F'y" won tbe heat in 3:27, "Laly
Fra'ikliu" eec.oud, ami Hajb y's colt
hd third. The second tieat was ju'
iht; same, '-Fly" wiuuiug- it anl tne
race iu 3:2
The ru ming race was drawn, and
thus closed'tbe racing of thi iu eating
This important element of the S'a'.
It,,, ti.n .rt i, '.-.jf ,i i 11,. i
Judges and Msi otiaU have ao.vee iw
tue rules, una tne ntn.w aud perlunii
ance of Oregon stock l as been the b-si
we have kn,.ll. Heretofore tliert- ha
always been to re or lesa imported ni
i:n !s, which bave kept tne big rac s
anoagsi themseves, and while, no
doubt, tt has heea better for tbe couu
try to have them there, they bav kept
our yoaog horses iu tbe back ground
Thia time one Oregoa 3 .rear old (I).i
ie) made the best mile that wa run
aad bat for his unfortunate fall, we
suspect that he would hare made it
pretty hot for tue winner ot tbe big
race; and in trotting, Oregon bred colt
did as well, so that we can tee a good
deal of tmprovem -nt iu this line, ow
ing io the efforts of lh State Agric.ul
tu nt Society.
During the early pirtof tbe' after
occurred by a circus team. Six horse
were ataudlag hitched to a wagon t
which was loaded tbe seats, etc., of ibe
circus. By some means tbey started
aodr twisting the king-bolt off, ran
away with the forewbeels. One of the
wheelers thrown and the other
dragged hies out to the track, then to
tbe road and down tbe road some die
tance before they were stopped. Th
part of the wagon whi?h hey took off
was smashed up, and the dragged horse
shockingly mutilated, the side f bis
head was woro away against the ground
uotil the beating of his brtin could be
seen. Fortunately no person w s hurt, i
though had tbe stampede occurred ai
any other time it would not be possible j
for a team to take the eours- they did
without killing some one. By the time
tbe excitement ot tbia ru was !
over the place was beginuiug io look j
too desolate and cheerless to b worth j
staying in any longer; evert' one was
hurrying io get away and we followed
their example. Fortunately we fuuno
a mcs HACK 11 Aft
driving Nathan's express. He was so
accomtn dating as to insist ou putting
bis passengers down wherever he liked i
without consulting their convenience at
all. So we rode as tar as be thought
best and walked home, glad that H
men nor all hackdrisers are not alike,
glad that tbe Fair had been a oud one.
and glad too that it waa ended.
Pcblic Mbktino To-miuht. The ad
journed meetiug of the Saieiu Tem
perance Union meets to-nk'h-. at tbe
Congregational Cbnrcb. P. C. SnlM-
vau, h-q.. addresses the meeti-ig. Th
M iscal I'nioo furnishes ibe stvgintc, i
aud those who attend are safe io h.i..
a pleasant hour.
Christian M ssskivosk We have r.-
ceived the Grjt number of tne religious
p iper of this Uitoie publieht-d at 'ion-
iiiouth, Polk rounty, edited by U-v.
T. F. Campbell. It makes a pood p typographically, and n:i 1
the management ot Prof t'a-cpbe!! v.
an all eipe-t to fi id tbe M st'nit' an
attic anU fearless tdvornte ot Ihettu'h
Casts. Thia beautiful comedy wa
rell done last night at the Oro !':u",
every part being well sustained. In
the ialerlude both tbe Mi-s Pixley's te
ceived encoreM, b-it tbe best of the en
tertainment was that most outrageous
ly adsurd farce Alladdin, or tbe won
derful scamp. The combination of
dress, language and scenery is such as
to make up the most fun of anything
we know ot in the farce line.
How it Was Our report of the
Fair, in Sunday's paper, was rather a
mixed up affair. The printers bad
weakened tbe day before, and left out
some matter which appeared out of its
place on Sunday, aod then, to make
the matter wore, our reporter was
taken with a sudden iudisposilioo oi
Saturday eveniug, aand as no one else
could make up ibe report from bi
notes, it was deferred, t .rtuna'eiy he
didn't die, and has fiuisbed up las
week, to-day.
Tbb Rkcbipts. It is Impossible t
obtain tbe exact figures of tbe proceed
of the State Fair, but on tbe best an.
ibority we ran get, there has been be
tween $13,000 and $14,000 taken in.
and tbe disbursements bave been prob
ably two-thirds of tbat amount. Thi:
is considerable gain over last year.
when tbe receipts were $10, ICS, and
the disbursments something over
Adjocrkbd Mbbting. Tbe Hon.
County Court, of Marion county, held
an adjourned session last week for
the purpose of Gxing tbe rate of taxa
tion for tbe current fiscal year. It is
as folk wa :
Stite Tax
Military Tax
School Tax
County Tax ..
Court House Tax
Tab Marckts. After a long time nf
patient watching our merohants assure us
tbat at length tbey aee signs of an improve
ment ia the grain market. This is said to
be owingto tbe inauguration of direct ship
ments, by means of which shippers can af
ford tn pay as much at Portland as at San
Francisco. Prices have not appreciated as
yet. but we learn that dealer are hourly
ex peotine news of an advance. We h'lpo it
may be true, for there i nothing so sure to
make good times in Oregt n us to see whea'
at a dollar a bushel
Track Lavibg. Wbile our citizens
were entirely engrossed with the State Pair,
the Oregon and California Railroad Co.
kept right on with tbeir work, laid the track
through town, up to tbe depot, and some
miles beyond.' Had this event occurred at
any other time it would have excited con
siderable interest and called ont crowds to
see the operation of track laying. As it is
we will bat a enokey tbat not one in fifty of
me people ot eaiam Know now it Is done.
v e don t.
A Laro Bnsimss. The Aurora Res
taurant at the Fair Grounds, andsr the
auspices of tbe Aurora Settlement, la not
only a great conveniens ta the public, but
it pays. Th business done during th
last week, exclusive of regular boarders was
aa fallows t
Monday....... .... ........ ........ $200 50
Tuesday MM 419
Wednesday ......... ......... ...... . 823
Thursday 1288
Friday 1174
Saturday.. . . - 340
Total .M.. ....... .$4230 60
This with the regular boarders, will make
th receipts over $5,000, or rsr 1000
meals served daring the week.
Thr Opira Hocsb. It is almost sur
prising to sea the popularity ot tbe
teed Biack Baas," now porforwtug
nightly at this fin ball. And yet
when one considers tbe wonderful in
telligence of tbe animal, it would bo
more surprising were she not tbe most
popular attraction of the season. Add
to that tbe excellent acting of Miaa Leo,
Mr. and Mrs. Beatty, aod tbe many
others of tbe company and it is plain
that tba company most continne to
draw as long as they stay in Salem
To-night they play the siarllind play
' French Spy, "in which, as usual,
Bonny Black Bss takes her part.
InraoviMBaT Tne Cbemeketa has
oeen furnished with windows in tbe
mansard roof, making it look much
more Aousey. Workmen are a'so eo
aged in putting op the heavy brackets
and cornice ot tbe upper story. When
this ia done aod toe s.-affjlding re
moved, we can form an opinion of
what tbe structure ia to look like when
completed. 0 i tbe Inside, work pro
gresses right well, th spacious dining
room, the private dining room, hill,
ITice, stationery and kitrhen, are all
it-arly co'iipl-ted Wmilo-xa and doora
ee lieioi: p'n up 'o 'he office, which
is eciiemlv designed to be a grand
ri.ftn. I'nd-rneHtb ihe ground the
sw -r ;nd ditcb ip be?ng cohered np,
ard the hiii:e i e!Ur is iilmosi ready lor
iu "l'blti'u"1 fl
Ctiir l "ews.
Tbe (liezHle sty the town was look
ing deserted while tbe State Fair was
A C. Craig, clerk in Biddle's drug
store, died verr suddenly about half
nasi one p. m. on the 2'h inst. of ae
ere spasms. A Coroner's jury found
a verdict to correspond.
Tbe EnXerpritf says Capt. Vickers, of
Oregon City, has been engaged by the
P. T Co to remove anag and other
obstruction" in tbe river as far Unas.
Eutrene City.
Theodore Btcn late'y ut bil fo'jl
while split'ina wood.
Ferguson's trart ran away Thursday
aod wreck-d a wagoo.
The dep'it at Oregon C'ty is to lie
consirncted m a abort while.
A Chinamen was found dead at
Portland the other nigbt and is sun
nosed to have been in very bad health
and to have committed suicide, tbe
Bulletin says.
That paner says the stage from
Olrmpia to Mouticello was lately tired
ou bv a sportsman, who explained po
litely thai he tired at some pheasant".
Some of the shots lodged in the hor
Hes. Vaughan's mill i rnnniDg oig'tf and
day grindin over 200 birn-ls ! rl ur
each twenty-four hours.
News has been re-eived in Portland
of ibe death ot M j. Justin S'ein'ier
ger. Sieitiberger, bad resided
many years in this State anil Wash
ington Territo-v ; in 1852 be was aeni
of the P. M. S S. Co. at P.rtland;
afterwards he was ajent of Adams &
Co 's Kpress Co , and bad been for a
number of years connected with the
volunteers of tbe rogu'.ar army
The Intrlli'ienrer (of Seattle gives an
account ot th dieeovery of a lalnaMe
qnar'i lode on a branch of the Skyk -msh
U'v-r, specifnens of whicn ass.y j..M $25. Tne pa
t jf '-,f disco. e-y in d l si' u en iii h
.Su Fr-iucit o to onke a ".Ifr-iugh
It r.
(Jret. f-xcitem-nts Irive ioen
i .tied on the S.iund by r-p.irl-ihe
terminus of the X I II It
been located on
f 0,r is'and s ncr 1 1, -
P.rt -J !,.. r i-he.J T -y tske
i Is etc., but s-tmeljow ,-ttn ;i- ver
Ut w t;t re to locate.
up Wi
find o
Cranberries, ffitui the mars'ic b-i
tbev trrov vtild. are lieinn h.-.niiilii m
t.v I id' sos in Isrjje quantities and sh p
j,fd to California.
Th- InitHiyeneer svs parties of ettr-
arantaare ctttlllu mlo the Tcrnt-trv
t v -he Sn tuu ili ii i in-'; no I it ihev
i;eet no ttit'er'al obs ' r a-t ion alsre
iiitnvrttto.i ail' follow titein b s fall.
A Frenchman u'iied R uxl has died
at. Seattle from a pistol shd received
'mm a Prusaisn mined Preis
Surveys ort the N. I. R R have been
very euetgntic ally prosecuted
P. reck of the Continental.
By the Colorado we get tbe following
particulars of the loss of tbe Continen
tal: Ot the nig b l of the 9ib tbe steam
er Constitution signalled and notified
tbe passenger- off tbe cape of St.
Lucas, oo tbe 10. h, aod commenced
lakiug the wrecked passengers Hn, all
told on board tbe steamer Colorado.
All were in a very des itute coudhi in,
none of tbe of the passengers or crew
having saved anytbiug but wnat was
on their parsons. Tbe Connneuial
left Matatlao on her return trip t" tan
Fraucisco on the 2d iusianl. On tbe
same nigbt, while crossing tbe Gulf of
California, she encountered a severe
gale. For some time ii blew a perfect
hurricane tbe wind coming from
every quarter of the compass. Tbe
abip labored heavily in tbe heayv,
chopping seas. Several leaks were
sprung, and tor a time tbe steam pumps
kept tba leakage under, but the coal
boxes parted letting tbe coal loose,
wbicb, getting into tbe pumps, efT-ci-ually
closed them. Tbe passengers
and crew commenced bailing and
throwing the cargo of salt (wnich was
in bulk) and bides, etc., into the sea.
Tbey worked incessantly for 12 hours,
out were unable to keep tbe water
from rising in tbe bold Until ibe
fires were extinguished, strong hopes
were entertained or saving tbe vessel.
Tbe scene now is saidto bave been oue
of tbe wildest excitement. Some of
ibe passengers threw tbeir gold into
the ocean, and, in despair, cried to
heaven for aid. Very tew ladies were
among tbe passmgers Life preser
vers were used, in which tbey jumped
intc the small boats.
Orders were given to take to tba
boats during the oigbi of ibe 28 b, and
tbey remained in close proximity to
tbe steamer until 9 o'clock a. m., of
tbe 30th, when they left her to ber
fate. It is supposed she went down on
the night of the 3tl h. as on tbe morn
ing of 0't. 1st no signs of ibe veetel
were discernible.
Of tbe six boats, only three of them
landed at St. Lucas. Tbe other were
driven up tbe coast, two of them lortv-
three miles noi th of the Cp--, from
where tbey had to mk their uj
over tbe bun. ing sands, without a
drop of water, to Cape St Lucas, at
which place slaughtered cattle aod
otber kinds of provisions were ist-ued
with a liber-tl taaad.
Blame is alia, bid to C ptain Da 11
for deserting the ship during ihe
Tbe carpenter makes tbe assertion
tbat tbe timbers of the ship were rot
ten and unsafe, and that she was
liable at any moment to go to pieces.
Osmbstta- Tbe overtarnings in
Franc have made queer work, social
ly and politically, with individual.
Leon Gsmhetla, wbo now makra and
oomakea Prefects and Mayora, and
rules tbe whole hierarchy depending
on the Horn Office, is tha son of a
dealer in hardware in the south ot
France, and was unknown to tbe pub
lic until tbe day, less than two years
ago, when h pleaded tbe cause of
tbose. atadeats arrested for tba Baodia
demonstration. Less than three year
sine be was unable to attend th po
litical parties of on of the Republican
female celebrities, becauie he was un
able to procure a dress coat and white
Wistar'b Balsam of Wild Cbsrbt
This medicine Is "a eotubinaiioo and
a form indeed" for heating and coring
all th ills which afflict ns ia th shap
of coughs, colds, aad inflammation of
ths throat, longs and chest.
TJraxssbribs, and plenty of tbem n
of sn prior quality at Uxafovage k
Wright'. Sep2u
l oiai. o ?s io)N
Fern a 1m ia"NOwJ5r"2fot-N-;
r e mates Na n!ot-rt'-. rsa nneontet.n
OJoni.oi -
0""-..'sn o-e-a -X-eT-
r- t- s as -
t3 H
Indians. I
Blacks, j :
x r. a s i 2
i is r -m
Female. ! 2 U -5
' V l ls - --7 -
! l lie
jvVlli B
. - x :- "
r": i . t r
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F iiuiii.-s.
i-;T -e
JDwelinM S5-i'5?t?!;:.-l:':?'r!!
o . -i n
! 5
-.2 c - D
Tne Latest Lork Game.
We bave beard much about lock
games perpetrated on tbe people of
this State, during tbe past year, but
tbe most interesting lock game is now
being played by the Legislature. A f
bill bs passed the Senate, giving tbe
Willamette Canal and Lock Company
$200 (100. while a bill is pending in tbe
lower House to give tbe P. T." Compa
ny $12j.hO0. The latter is an organ
ised company, aod would construct tbe
locks ; the former is a company which
we have reason to believe has nd organ
ization, and is only in existence to
speculate on this subsidy. Tbey were
granted a subsidy two years ago, but
could not find a purchaser for tbe fran-
hi-e, ronxquently tbe locks were not
constructed, and if this bill becomes a
ls-, w,-ptitt hend that the locks will
i.t be t;i.s. rurted unless the specula
tes c in find a speedy chance for a bar
cam. It is a very nice little game. It
o ily cots tbe people $75 000 more
hsn it ran he done tor by a responsi
ule cotfpary. We like tbe iocorpora.
'tr. well enough, aod sincerely hope
ifi.y will do the work if their bill
....-s, hut they didn't do it last year,
mil it may be possible tbey won't do
i; ,his. If the Legislature has the in
ter? s of litis valley at heart sufficient
ly to spend ibe school fund for our
bu-Gi, for heaven's sake, let it at
U.Rtt throw open the whole matter to
competition, and leave tbe work to be
done on either aide of the river, and
by ai doing waste aa little of that
fiiiO 000 arte fund aa may be posaible.
We want to see the locks built, aod to
have the State eventually own and
control tbem, and so prevent monopo
ly of the Willamette river by any cor
poration, hut we don't want fat iobsat
the expense of tbe State made fur
j North Paciric Railroad Me.
I Samuel W'lkeson, Secretary of tbe
I North Pacific Railroad, in bis report to
the Company, says thai the distance
; between few York and Shanghai is
1 COO m'lea les by way of Pnget
j Sound or Portland than hy San Fran
j r!co. After consulting Lieut. Mn
; ry'a wind and current charts, and ap
' plying the experience of prominent aea
j cau'aint, be gives it as his opinion
; 'hat st-atnships from Puget S"tiod can
reach Shanirhai an days id advance o'
, those from Sn Frsneisco.
As Eiuy m Y..CR .cth. Di not
put an enemy iu your mouth, to steal
away your teeth. Beware of destruet.
ive tooth washes, aod tooth powders.
many of which are base imitations of
Sozodoht. Insure a life lease of aonnd
teeth aod fragrant breath, by adopting
tbe fragrant Sozodomt octl8:weodd
"SricLDiao'a Glcb," handy about
the house, mends .everything.
Hawk, Hawk, Spit, Spit, Blow Blow,
and disgust eve ybodv with tbe offeu
alve odor from your Catarrh, just be.
cause aome old fogy doctor who baa
not discovered and will not believe
that tbe world moves, tells yon that it
cannot be cu'ed The proDrietor of
ir. aage s Catarrb K-tnedv will nav
1 S00 reward 'or a case of Catarrh which
he cannot ru-e. Sold by drnyg'S's
or send sixty cen-s to R i V. Pierre
M D., 133 Sent ca street, Buffslo, S Y.,
foe it. A pamphlet free ' R-ware ot
eounttrtit and vorth'ttt imitation!. Ra
member tbat the Genuine bas Dr
Pierre's private Government S amp
npon eacb package. This Stamp is
sued by tbe Coiled States Government
expressly for stamping Dr. Pierce
medicines, bas bis portrait, nam and
address, engraved npon it and need not
n mi-'fken - ocil8:seod:s
rant I sc.
In Sabm Oct. 14 by Rev. P S
Knight, Geo A Ridings, of Clacka
mas county, and Misa Uary E. Milster,
of Marion.
On tbe eveniug of tha 13 h, at the
Methodist Parsonage, at Salem, by
tee. J. H. Wilbnr, George W Cullins,
Esq., to Miss Sophia 11 Evens, all of
Marion county
At ihe residence of tbe bride's fath
er, (W. H. Reet) near Buleville, Ma
non county, Uregon, Uct. a 1870, by
Rev. J. K. Allyn. Mr. John S. Clark,
of Union county, and Miss Anna Rees.
Oct. 6th. At the house of Wm. Athy
by A. Stephens, J P. .Mr. T. Bolch, to
Miss Rebecca Ann Cave. All of Polk
Co Oregon.
L il
At 8clo, Sunday, Oct. 18, 1S70.
Mrs. Janette Pugb, ia tbe 73d year of
ber age.
Faneral services at tbe Brick Cbnrch
in Saleas, at ten o'clock, this (Toes
day) morning. Friends ar iavited to
attend. i
rTTfllg wonderful nwdi-lne la advsrttsea ky DR.
lit, SMITH; It hear many testimonials
proaonaoUg Its ettca-f ta tUwasaauaaa, Mearal
gla, 6oat aad Scrofula, aad la reaatvtng fi atari eg
natle froaa the piasa, based apaa tb atata
uala of reliavad DaUrnU.
Ko, fry all PrsrrwU and Dealer tn MadV
etoa stU. IS- t atStt,
Oct 14, 1ST0. Ouxs Traveiaf Aft.
Bot sussl tMaa mm6 to rant y
KOTAL it tutrrp.
TattoTi'STlocV, Su:e"frae mttg
SaiWOClHJI-lO. MtDJigjgOI-Bgt-S"tsftr-sinr:rJOi-'0;0
M ii e c
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WILLItM DAVIDS), o. 4, front Street,
PORTLAND, : : : : : : : : OSCQOX
Special Collfetor or Clalma,
A lanre roounto! CITY and EAST P0R1L4M
property for sale.
Alt'., IMPROVED FARMS, and valtnule an LAND?, located In all part of (La
Investments In REAL ErTATR an I other
PROPERTY made for correspondents.
Claims of all desert i.ti.tnn promptly eoHcctrd.
HOUBKd an.1 STOKES leased.
All kinds of Ptaaorlal ioJ Getxril kfti.cj
auilneas transacted.
Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sals
will please furnish descriptions of the same ta
AGENTS OP THIS OKflCK, in rare or ths prin
cipal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATK.
Mo fear of a ttalapea. Tltrtuandt who
suffer from Chronic eftnstiition, dare not take
the ordinary purgatives, because the short relief
they afford Is billowed by still owre terrible eon-
riciloa and a aeneral aggravation of the dis
ease. For theat the in 1 1 lamtlve, rorre rtvr.
nd tonic operation nf's Krrutnx-iir
LTZKB ApnissT, is literally tl.eonr thins need
ful Almost Imperceptibly iind wiutoot ativ rr
ing pain, it restores the uaiural tteristalic action
of the b 'wells, while it tonrs their mrmnranous
nina, and thus prevents a return of the eon-
rictlon when the lasailve action r.r t;t ssrea-
ble and ehullieat draught h siihsntrt
Oct IS eodx:alw
Trait what Tlaa lis. ftaaclloaad.
The maxim that the volca of the pecple is tha
veice of the divinity may tn some easel be
open to doubt, but ths testlntocy of honest and
enllght-ned witnesses extending throuifh , series
of years, and all to th tame purport Is worthy of
credence, admits f no question. U oa such tes
timony the reputation of Hostettcr's Stomach
Iters ai an antidote and curs for mioy ail
ments Is haled. During the twenty years that il
ha been before the world Innumerable prepara
tions Intended to compete with It, have tous up
like rocVtes, anC coma down the rxilnxulshrd
sticks Meanwhile the progress of that locom
p rabl tonic haa ben swift and steady alwsys
upward and onward Ilk ths eagle's flight. Its to
roductioo produced a revolution In thoraptuUos,
n! It proved to ba one of lboe salutary revo
lution thst cannot go backwards. T.-dy Bos
tetter' Bitters is ooe of th meat popular rene
d'ea In chrUtendom, -nd o tbinaml a larger sala
than any otber medicinal preparation, domestic
or Imported, on thi aid of ths Atlantic Asa
cure for dvapepata. bilious disorder, nerroa af
fection, gentral debility, and as a preventive of '
epidemic ftvra, It take precedence of every oth
e- remedy. This 'act should teach the ambitious
oontry dealers who et deavor to foist their local
abortions on the public In its stead, how futil
their small attempts to cajole the community
mut nrcearlly be. Where the game din have
fai'ed thers la no chsnce for th "auckera."
hi rmd does not simple aausva for a short
lime, but It produce perfect and permanent eure
ot th wont ease of Chronic Nasal Catarrh, and I
will pv Sa OO m a caaa ratv I Camror Ceaaa
u Coldtn the head" and Catarrhal H aad ache.
ar eared with a few application, ir yoa bave
a diMharge from th ooa. offeoalv or otherwise,
atoppkag up of th aoee at times, partial loss ef
the a nee ef tmell, taste or hearing, eve watering
er weak, fed doll, bave pain or pressure ia vhe
bead, yon may rest assarea that yoa hav Ca
lami, i ttotaaanoe annually, wlUwut atsnilestinc
half ef tb above ayanptom, karmloat tn Coa
sumption aad and la the grave, sf e diseaa la so
enramon, saors deceptive, er leas aaderatood by
pnvaieian. x win aena my pampnieton Caurrn
to an ad drees, tree. Dr. Bare' Catarrh Reme
dy I now '
Prlea SO cent. Beat by mail, aoetnald. aa iw
eelpt of SO cents, er foar package for lw dol
lars. Beware of coromarttT and wnrrais
lam no a, gee that aty rarvrra eraap, which
t a rosrriva ouaaama os aawiaatea, 1 poa
th ooUHe wrapper. Remember tbat thl private
Stamp, Issued by th United State Govoremejt
expressly far stamping air saediclne, kaa any
portrait, nam aod address, aod th weeds U.
e. vertincate or uenuine" on a r Ten apoa it,
and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by
travelerers and others, representing themaelves as
Dr. Sage; I am tbe eniy maa bow living that
haa the knewledn and rlcht to manufacture the
sretaa Dr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy, and 1 never
travl to ecu thia medicine.
BlytlasSm IBS feoee sreet Boftato N.T.
Th great eollastlea of l.COfl admired Hyme,
Tune aad Anthems which bav been the mo,
popular, and Ut bast of American Oharch
Musto, dorlag tbs last fifty year. Cempllol by
e0 editors.
iTerr raolr Rhould bo Sipplled
With It.
Price $1 M per aeaea. Speoiatsa oW seat
peel paid est receipt of retail prtoe.
c. a ditsos co., . - kiw tork.
Oct. 19, . ' Btf
Imported Sheep.
I bav at SIR. S. PCtTUU, on saO Herth -IBalMB,
SO laapovtoal
Leicester Ruiiin,
Which win b efarcd for Fal derrat fbe eott
togweek. W. 0. BtcOILUS
1 tni.
To the Tok-Payeni
of Clarion County.
"VTOTIoe Is hereby given thai I wtl attend i
usual place of o:t g In saali aleetMa vw
ctaet In aaid eoonty. for ths parpcas f Aliawuat
a te. County aod School Taiea for tha jw
ls. froo lu o'clock, a. aaMt4 Vlart, p. m.,
ef tbe fcUcarlag dais, t wit :
Jtirrstia.. .Thutsvlay Ho. , 1M,
l.lnci'ln ftai day
Ablqua ..
II swell Prairie
.. M.-la
...Tuesday "
,.. Wednesday"
Helps ial.....-..-1.
"aiurday "
Aa era .........
North Calcta.
Ronth (taleai-.
.Vte.liielay "
..Prldy "
East Hlm..Mnodv
Oct. It. w Tat Celled-, Isartoa Oe.
The standard remedy for Cowgla, latSlaa-
waa. Sore Throat Whoopiag Cootrh, Crew
tvr Cnm-plaiot. Rronchtti, Bleeding of thw
Luogs, aodevery affection of the Tbroat, taltqa
and Chest, In cludlnc Voaeeiirnod.
Wlnai'a Balsam does rot dry ap a Cfw,
but Inoetrt It, cleanse the tuagt, and allays trrt
tatlon. thus removing lbs eaaaw af the shb
plaint. None seoulo anlea signed I. Bctts.
Preparedby frra W. Towia h Boa, lata.
Rflil hy Ii. Rd'jgt.,. H.serarrsa m C Baa
Franritr. and by dealer gsaersiiy.
June 17 y.
This celebrated medicine ha won a deservedly
high reputation as so alleviator of paia aad a
preserver itf hesltfl It haa beoowte a bouarhoM
restetlr, from the fa?t that It aire tmmediata
and permanent rslief. Is h) a purely versaaida
prt.pmratton, made fron Ihe beat and purort ma
terial, aafe to keep and to Be la every (amuy
It la recommended by physician and peraon of
all olse. and ta-day, alter a publ.e tnilef th'r
ty years ihe averaare lif of aaan It staads en
rivalled and unescelled,. spreading it u-(a!
nru t.ver t: e wide wnrld. lta lar and In -r-a-tn
aale atTartls pr..itlve evideoce ef lis enduring
fame. Vt'e do tint derm M neeeary to ssy much
io It favor asene stcall bot He wilt do aere to
mnvlnee yoo of Its etticacy than ail tl adver
tiaement in ihe worl.l. tlve it en ta:r trll and
you wouid not be without II for ten timet U cvet.
Dtr-rtloDa accompany each Ul
eold by all Drugristr.
Price eta., and II per bet He.
l' UH tmAlmlil f law .
lying IX niliteit of the Woolen FaeMvy
Brick Boae,and Good Bar, Saris,
: Valuable Improvements aud Grow-
ittg Cri.
Tl,ls land I psrt of Ihe land rlalox ef WeltW
A Cilbeit. Title MTfeet. Person wauUas?
amallrr parceln may find a bargain Ivsun.asl
will sell on ac:otuaiolatlng term A pl wf
the piemise can be seen, and particulars a la
term can be had, at th fTavssaaa vsSoe, rf
the umleraigned, cd the premise
To Kavo Labor,
Tina, riwiaey. Clwltias asset Beta ft we
! WaKhinre Incliine$
! It fit sny Ftove, and washes and Iwtlja ths
i clothe at ene operation ready to rlne, wring
j and hang out. and will do a lanre washing ta oa
t hour. Any woman. orchti4of twelve yrara 1
J can work it requiriug a rubbiog, and ostag
emmon op.
I Machines on hand and for eala at
Commercial St. Saleas Or.
Territory, for a by A. B. MttTHj
tgtati Waateel. t
S?ptrtnberSJ. f aa
SAVI.M.rt I 8Ay
Fifest IStitlomtl
Savings Department.
fpill." BANK has ertabllshed. In eonaert!
X wilb it general banking tautlne, a Bav
lngt Department and will allow lnteree oo eeiat
depovli made lo aecoruanc with tb eendUleos
adopted by this Bank.
In rwabllahlng a pavings Department, tla
Banking Aaeoeutiion ba In view Uw beneSts to a
class nf peraon having sssall ram te lean, by
providing a eat place of deaswlt, ample security,
and fair rata of Interest, a well a ta aggre
gate and bring Into aee Idle cap tel. For tb
afety of depodta in thl bank, are pledged th
entire capital and reeoorce aod aleo the per
sonal Pablllty ut lta nireotor aad Btoekhetder.
aa provided by see. to nf the Nattocal Currency
not, approved June S, 136, a greater security
than that offered by ordinary saving banks.
Printed copies ef the condition apod wbteb
deposit ar received can be bad po anpooa
Hon tnt he Bank.
HENRY FAIU50, President
Jausa Stbbu Cashier.
fUnry FaDing, L. II. WakeSeld. W. J.Vaa Scay. .
ler, Ueorv w. Cerbett, Jasae t ntL
Commission Herchant
P. 0. Box, So. 4091, 1SI rear! Stv
Eefer te Messrs. I .add Ar. Tilton, Portland.
Measra. Koapp, Bnrroll ItC."
letter tVavter U Co.,
M R. Wan. E.,Haira.
W. P. Abntm, Esq., Oallea aty.
H.adiow, Ioolc Utro!. ,
A larr sad epieodid a am Soul ef
Just reeehad at
MRO. CLiriE'8.
If vcu want le "ira IeH year money far feaSs,
at a bargain, wall and examine ear etocV.
rsje-vnu se found en th Greanda lartat th
fi, Salem, Sept. . gwtw
TBjr-t-T.T.T rxi I.Msl"Tr
Faii and Winter fitylaa.
RibboiiH, Laticets,
And Lata Styles of BaU.
Miss C. T.I. Gchwatka
ey T J
f 1840 f 1870
Having laid la aa ;
Elrgant Stock of Goods
Salted ta iht taa.
Invites tb ladle, of Salem sad vtrtany to eal
and esaaalne U aods which a see psirehaawd .
for their eapraa us. "
Oct. -vt. f '
Rlgkt Raw. U. WIST AM MOsUa, DsO
Tki sin tihw or this lmTrrrnow
will open a Mood ay, Ssettstbee Sth.
ApftUeatfooa for Boardiagj raptla ebuejd b
sadcwltbout delay. 1m