SATURDAY. LtcUlatlTC Assembly of Oregfrir Istfe Hegnlar Session. - f..- i IBSATB, ,-,. FaiBAY, Sept. S3, 1870. The Senate was called to order at 10 a.m., and the Minnies read and proved , J Burcb. from the committee on Cor- . pora'ions, reported S. B. No. 10, to tax j Banks, with a recommendation (o refer to the Jndieiary Committee, which was adopted. Cornelias, from Select Committee to Which was reierred B. B. No. 15, ex empting endorsements for literary pur poses from taxation, reported amend ment, which was adopted. HolticiaW offered .S. J. R. No. 11, ' preclndiag he Penra ronle, which was referred to Committee on Iiiil roads. Patterson gave notice of a bill to reg ulate, school teachers in this State. Trevitt introduced 8. B. No. 24, a Homestead bill, exempting the same from exrcatioo, which was rend. Cornelius moved that 8. B. No. 15, be ordered engrossed. Adopted. S. B. No. 8, relating to fees, was - read ' third time. Trevitt, Baldwin, Thompson and Mr. President, made re- marks, after which tbe biil passed. lleoilersliott stated that be bad pre pared a resolution to declare tbe office of Sergeaot-at arms vacant. There were bills here waitioz fur him. Cochran wanted to send an officer ' after the Sergeant at-irms. Heodersbott said be came bere in j delicate health, and this morning there j was no fire. The President engeested that tbe Senate wait npon tbe Sergeant-ai-artu in body. i Cornelius said th officer was under j our control, ami be might have been educed by Black Itepabiicau iuflu- : eaca. a A general discussion arose as to the j tecessitv of bis presence, and tbe J ause of bis absence. Tbe President! instructed tbe Doorkeeper to attend to j b t duties as far as possible, and the j Senate concluded to wait awhile be- . lore declaring the oOice vacant. 1 Fiv introduced S. B. No. to aj-j pro iriate iSl ,C00 to pay per diem and J millage of tbe members of this Lepig- t tora. which was read, and the rules tie ! : ing suspended, was read secoud and ' third time and passed. ' I AKTBB.VOOS SKSSIOIt. SBIATB. - The Senate met at 2 p. m. . Tbe following bills were read second 1 time: I S. B. No. 12, relating to construe- J tion of canal and locks at Oregon Cny, j which was referred to ; Special Con.- j niittee, composed of . Heudersholi, ! Burcb and Brown of Marion. i ci. B. No. 14, relating to making of roads and highways, which was refer red to the committee on roads and Ligbways. j S. B. No6, denning the boundary! cf Grant county, which was read third time, tbe rules being suspended, ' and passed. Cocbran, from the Committee on v ' railroads, reported baek S. J. R. No. t . , niw puiuuuicill, WU1V.U wro l'l: j fd, and tbe resolution, as amended,:' was ordered to be printed. j S. B. No. 16, to aid a wagon road from Sandy to the -Dalles, was read a ricond time, and referred to the Com- ' inittee on roads and highways. S. B. No. 17,' to amend an act re lating to private incorporations, wa lead and referred to tne committee on J corporations. ' S. B. No. 18. To amend the law to organize the militia, was read second time and referred to the; committee on 1 military affairs. i j Some . dubculty occurred to get ai quorum, and then Mosber presented S ! B. No 16, from tbe committee on j roads and highways, with amendments, which were adopted. Tbe bill was laid 00 tbe table. Senate adjourned to Monday at 2 p. tn. HOU8U. House met at 10 a. m., minutes were read and approved. - Helm from Judiciary Committee re ported substitute for II. B. No. 7, re . lating to fees, also a substitute for II. B. No. 8, relating to compensation ot 'witnesses before grand juries, al.-o an amendment to 11. B. No. 11, relating to sureties which was ordered engrossed. McCoy from Committee on Mining, reported ameidojent 'to H. B. No. 5, relating to water rights, etc. A discussion arose on the proposition to refer to tbe Judiciary Commntee. j Olney moved to refer to Committee of i tbe Whole House. - j Davenport suggested the Judiciary j Committee, as did Apperson. i Amis made opposition to it, a9 he ! noticed that Committee bad charge of j all the important business. Tbe bill was referred to Committee of j tbe Whole. S. B. No. 8, relating to fees of offi j cers was read the first time. j Wbiteaker gtve notice for Mr. Sav- j age of Wasco, of a bill to amend act to i incorporate Dalles city. I Clark gave notice of a bill to pay the ! Judges of ctupreme Court mileage. S. B. No. 27, to appropriate funds to j pay mileage, etc., of members of Legis- 1 lature, which was read first time, aud i read second time by suspension of the rol-e. . I Amendment was odered. I Wbiteaker ' thought the amount named, $H;,000, was too largs. j Olney suggested $10,000. I Dorris bad heard that the $12,000 ! appropriated two years ago was not j enough. j Olney bad beard it wou'd take about j $18,000, and snggested $10,1)00 as a ! compromise, which Wbiteaker fa- ' ored. .... Hare wanted the members to be able ! 10 pay their board bill, louse adjourned. arriRitooa f I'sto. ' . L . - house. ; The consideration of S. B. No. 28, to appropriate money to pay mileage cf members being nnder consideration. fHar moved to refer to the Commit tee of Ways and Means. Amis eaid he bad tbe honor to board with Senators, and they tbreat . eod that if tbe House amended tbe bill the Senate would refuse to act on it, and if tbe members want their mileage tbey must be careful. : "!''wOlaey didn't care for the opinion of tbe whole Senate, he should not ' legislate to please tbem. Motion to refer to Committee of Ways and Means failed. Grant got leave of absence notil llonday. ' The question recurred on- the amendment of Olney, to include per diem as welt a mileage, which failed ' to ass. Dorrli moved to suspend roles and red the' bill the third time which - passed. Tbe qeestioa being on tbe final passage of tbe bill, tbe vote stood ayes, 37; uoei, 7. So tbe bill paseed. . S. B. No. 8, to define bonnds of ' Grant eoonty wae read firt time. Wbiteaker, on leave, offered a reo lation requesting tbe Senate to return 8. B No. 23, for further consideration. He thought the House might bare ebanged it mind on ibe bill, " which wai the one concerning times of holding Courts. We heard yesterday tbat the prom ise bad been made to Judge Tbayer that tbis bill should yet pass, changing the time of holding. Courts, so that Hit Honor ceo etay here and attend tbe Fair. This resolution looks very innch as if the rumor was correct. At any rte tbe lesolotioa passed and the b;ll was sent for, post baste. II. B. No. 1, relating to marking sal mon packed for market, waa read tbe ' " third time and passed, after explana tion or its intent by Olney. rl. B. No. Id, for protection of s tl -' ." 7 trion fisheries, was read third time and--''',paed' tn: S. B. No. 23 having been in tbe mean time leceived from the Senate. Wbiteaker moved reconsideration of ibe vote by which the Home refased to pass the oillr which pasied. Some one moved to reconsider the amend ment etriking ont the third aectioo. Lockhart stated tbe reasons why h had offered the amendment. The Stii 1 rcme Court has time to spend several - it,. T,!-n pnnnt- V ! this brit passed to 'be detriment oi Coot 00017, in pretense that they need time to 6oish ibe business of lb tertn. Dorris went on to enumerate the dreadful consequence that might n tue if lb whole Sopretae Bench was not to remain. Re said H the ex- pente to Coos county wonld b to nave the Sheriff notify jurors and witnesses I to come to Coort two weeks later, me Judges need rest, and have gone to tbe Linn County ttlr to recuperate. Wbalfey would have voted for tbe bill only for tbe remarks of Dorris, which hod convinced him tha. the bill should only pass with tbe amendment retained. Oloey said tbe bill presented a choice of evils i tbe imaginary one of trouble to arise from absence of Judge Tbayer front tbe Supreme Beocb, and tbe real tvil to occur to Coos coup.ty. Ileal etiW, he thought, were more impor tint than tbose existing in imagination. Tbe vote was reconsidered, ayes 24, noes 19. Lockhart answered tbe argument that the cost to Coo county would be trifling. It would be impossible to couutermand summons to niinesse an J jurors, as it would rtquire 800 miles or travel. Poor peipli would go there and get nothing for it.. If it is necer sary to pass this bill let tbe Stale pay tbe expense. Djrris thought the gentleman could 'not know oil these things, and iu any case be didn't believe tbe Judge would be there at the time set by law, if tbis bill didn't pass. Hare thought it was no new thing, as tbe difficulty hid always existed without being before a cause for com plaint or legislation. Hutchinson explained how the word could be sent to Coos county by tele, graphing to Oakland tbis evening. A vole was taken and tbe amend ment was not adopted. Tbe question being put, tbe bill passed, ayes, 26 ; noes, Id. Lockhart cave nolice that within tbree days he should r&ove to recou- j soon snnimoned Hev. Mr. Knight. The sider. j young people were ai-comoanieu by Chair acuounced that S. It. No. 2tJ, ; frieoua, and arratid in werldiog garb, bad been signed. j but their faces outshone their ailorn- Only moved report of Pilot Com- 1 nun's, when tbe clergyman a d--clara-missiooer be referred to Committee ou lion made them one. Commerce nd printed. j JIjU:o srjjurued utitil Monday, at 2 : Satisfactorily Ariiasgkd Mr P- m. i Jaa Martio desires us to state as an STATENEWS. Front the Ortjonian: .Suits are about to be commenced to settle tbe !otlg ed q"estion of the title to ilJIa Claimed oy tue oeira 01 v. 11 , Liwnsdale. Tber are only thirij ; lutj 50x100 feet each, in dispute. j At a meeting of the stockholders in j the Wallainet Hotel Association, held j on tbe evening of tbe 1 2tb, Directors ; wete elected s follows, to serve tbe i remainder of tbe currtLt year, lb70 : j W. W. Page, J. P. O. Lownsdale, Wal- ter Malleit, K. M. Burton and Moses Seller. Mr. M. Keitb, Manager, and William It. ;ewell. Secr;lary. Tbere is such a competition for fie gbt among sailing vesiels tbat tbey carrv from Pcrllaud to Sin Francisco for $1 S7 a ton. A rose bosh twenty feet high, and sixty feet across, has been destroyed to make room for building. Tbe Marshal is in trouble about bi t rcb lamps, wbic!) have not been re turned since the Sherman reception. Gk. Sherman. Tbe UjIUtm has the following: Yesterday morning, Generals Sherman, Schofield, Canby and Saxton took carriages and set out for a campa'.gn against Fort Vancou ver,idvaociDg by way ot E-tst-Po'rtlatid aed Switziers. Beaching the latter place, they found the high-preesure steamer Wasp waiting to ferry tbem acroes the Columbia to Vam outer. Tbe wind was bloa irg a gait, and they soon ound tbat the W-p would not be able to go to sea without a helping hand. Seeino- Ibe crisis. General Si,er- man hinted ( IT his coat, tbciMered a j "mount of hard Teeh'nu' w the part o ril, acd commenced shoving the 'teatn tn0!ie wh" w'keo tho-e prop er into tbe stream, tbe oilier irentlenieji erty holders who Hood i.fiv !. t)o lendir.g a helping band. Hut after get- ting the Wasp off the sand beach, th high wind blew ber back again, and rendered it impossible to cross tbe riv er, to tbe great disappointment of the Vancouver folks, who, together with all the school children, had turned out to greet and welcome the General. The party returned in their carriages, and will go over to-day on the Oaeonta. Subsequently, the Wasp got nil', and on her trip to Portland was blown ashore belew the bone-yard, where she now lies higb and dry. City arid County Items. Itsms The Judge of the Supreme Court did not return from the Albaay Fair last evening as eip-cted, but will uo doubt drive down this morning in lime for court. Tbe- Legislature took a recess until Monday, at 2. p. to., and many- have gene to Portland to spend the Sun day. The Commissioners to inspect the O. A C. Kailroad, bave been notified that anolber 20 mile section is ready for ex aminalioj. Ia tbe absence of the Legislature we bare Gxed to bave gas of our own. Tbe Salem schools are but poorly at tended yet, as many do not start in till after tbe State Fair. Coms'o Houx. Mr. Thomas Cross telegraphed bis son-in-law, Mr Wright, tbat be is in San Francisco, and will be borne next week. Milk Ranch. John . Shepherd gives notice that be will supply milk to citizens at 30 cents per gallon, to be delivers! at their bouses. Mr. Shepherd bas a farm three miles east of Salem, and is well situated to carry on tbe business. Jiwisii HoLiuAV. Tbe Hebrew New Year commences on Sunday evening next, and continues tor forty-eight hours. Monday and Tuesday tbe Jews will not open their places of business and tbe time will he devoted to reli gious services. Wednesday of tbe following wetk will be solemly observ ed as tbe day of atonement. Nearly Ussd Up Sever&l of us are nearly worn out. Some of tbe compos itors are obliged loquit work. Tue ! editor enjoys a fever with tbe coucious nes's that the ague' is hot'far off. We ran light tbis morning, hoping to keep more regular hours of labor when rt cuperated by Sunday's rest. E. Mabtin k Co. We call attention to tbe advertisement of K. Mtrtio k Co.. wholesale liquor dealers and wine merchants of the city of Portland, who do aa extensire business in tbat line, and spare no efforts 10 secure the best trade, and treat tbeir customers mos liberally. Mori Tdas Hi Kcidid. Some gen tleman found a man last night sleeping . near tbe buraing remains of tbe Foun dry and Sash Factory. On being awakened be wanted to know wby they bad made tbe bre op to large, but finally settled down again ai d slip), be doubt concluding be could itauri the waste of fuel. pAtDOKtD. John X. Miller, sen tenced from Wasco county to Peniteu tiary for two years, for assault with in tent to kill, was yesterday pardoned by Gov. Grover. His term had almost ex- piied, and he was pardoned to reward blin tor uniform good conduct while is prison. y v Will r.iscarj. Nothing daunted by tbeir heavy losses, which would break down some men, oar friends B. F. Drake and Bootbby k Stapleton will immediately rebuild tbeir establish ments, and go abead with greater vigor tbao ever. We trust tbat tbey may mon be able to put themselves in as good condition as ever, and certainly the town could not well do without ei ther one of these firms. ,, Gcttiso "Riled. "At tbe meeting of Tiger Engine Company No. 2, last night, a committee was appointed to challenge Capital No. 1 to a trial of an,inaa A)iA redo! II LiOri!) Were flAMt w" '- e,iit-st:ng tie r.n jiceer anj ..-si'nt Not .m r ..uidj received a dispeJca irom Gen. Sherman inrVdponse. in an invitation to visit S w hich Ibe great soldier expresses regret at not being able to ootnply,and state that having mapped out tin coarse of travel before starting, time will not of a chacoe now. At some future time be bones to visit tbe Capital, ajtd we hope be will, as many of our citicena are disappointed this time. For tri Eist. Dr. S. B. Jessnp and A. C. Helm, old residents, left here yesterday morning, for ' the Atlantic States. They go by steamer to San Francisco and from thence across tbe continent by rail. Dr. ; Jessup, who holds the position of , Prufrfor ot Ananmy in the Medical Department of tbe Wnllamet University, will vi-it tbe Various schools of medicine during his absence, for the purpose of port ing bimeelf more thoroughly as a teaeber. These young gentletu n rarrv tbe best withes of their numerous friends. . ; A Cluss Siitvs To speak precise ly, we should rather my a lose singe in speaking of Mr. Churchill's advtn ture at tbe fire. lie was at work in tbe foundry, and fou,iM tbe fire until tbe latest moment. A- be started oil', be ran for bis coat an I wat'-b, and just then tbe flaooes darted out add envel oped bis bead. His hair is badly singed, and hi head arid face scorched and blistered, but was able to be about yesterday. Impromptu Wmhinu. The other day a couple of lovii g Leans went to Mr. Cosper and required a marriage license, determined to make tbe valley of the Santiam their nuptuil home j They atked next for His Honor, Jmige lerry, who wan away, but Mr. Uusper ': 1 ct of Justice tba t tbs Canyon Road Company lave honorably aud libera' ly settled his claim against them for damages, in the doatb of his sou-i, -law, Eli Durbin, catisru j a difective emb nkment in tbe road. Mr. Martin took tbeir bonds at tbe time of the first con. promise, and has been inform ed that tbey never wouid be collected, but be has t. en nut there and 11 tin ined lUecate lor liim-eii, and is satis fied tbat everiuiiii is correct. This I Company is paying ihnr oonds as fast ('as tbey b.'uie due, and there cau te i no cause for complaint hy any one Mr. Martin also sittle9 thai the Catuon road has been placed in good repair, and is in all respects a first class rotd and perfectly sate. I A SrrxM Kmjixe. Tbe universal opiniou of those we have heard speak on the subject, is that the ti;ne has arrived for the Fire Department of ! lem to be furnished with a good steam fire engi.'n. The advantage possessed by a steauierover the man kiliiag b tnd machines are so Dumerous and evident tbat it seems useless to dweil on that point. The only thing th it ion 1.1 po -sibly be said against an imiueditte purchase is tbat we aunol airord it t, and tbis is so fr from correct tbat tbe facts are we caunot afTor I to be witl -out sucb a means of protection against loss by lire. Tbere can be no dontil that it good steamer wiiuhl Inve saed halt its tost at the tire n Tbardny. besides doing away ib a vh.-i ( great, n-J we 1 hiuk corn lu. n,g, ar ineul in lavor m navtng a ranker m that then those who have property u be protected ill pay for its safety in proportion to tbe betielit derived, in stead of lettiug some do ail the ink as now, while others suiik tbeir du-y Oasr.oM Piiouccts Tbe f.n-t that the steadily increasing volume o j Oregon exports has already obtained j for us a place ia the pages of corumer I cial statistics, is one that must give satisfaction to every one. A lilentim ber of tbe S in Francisco Vmnmrrciai j lltral,l guys : Oregon iceata and lard continue to command the uiarkei at lull prices, while California supples are more free and pr'cta incliued to droop. So lar as reported, sales are of no rnnsoi tilde. Our local reporters are all busy doing tbeir utmost to 3101k the tut ket with all articles in the line. The receipts of certain articles of Oregon produce from January 1st to late bave been as follows: l lonr Quarter sacks, 40S,7S4. Wheat S nks, 30,150. Otis Sacks 14,-147. Silmou Barrels l,82i ; half barrels, 2 77: ; cases, 18, &73 ; packages, 1 23. Itacoii packages, 3,750. Beef - Barrels, tiii Butter picksges, 1 021. IIhim Packages, 6.10. Lxrd Packagis I, LIU. Pork Barrels, 2,:54j. Dned Apples Packages, 4i78. Ta Bird Trocpx . Mrs. Bella B.r 1 arrived in town on Thursday, with aa array of talent such bas seldom or has ever appeared before a Salem au dience. The star actress, Senoritt i : Eloa Ge Carfano, brings with her the . most ilatteriog testimonials from the large cities of the Eastern Stales, jhe: will be supported by Mrs.; Bell Bird, Miss Eva West, Miss Dtla Stanton, Miss Victoria Singleton, the Misses! Sallie and Dora Bird, and Messrs Wil liam Ellerton, Charles Thornton, .Sam. Dennis, Tony Ward, G. li. Bird, CIms. Vincent, Win. Grave, Wm. Wallace, J. L. Taylor, (scene artist), W. C; Mills, (machinist), and a tine orcb-s trs band. Many of thete ar old favorities, and the ctbers bring i'h them bigh reptttition as nctuts O) account of the laaugural II til on Tues day, and other circumstance-, tna opening night has been pogi.p-.jii rd to next Thursday een'mg lieu tu-y will appear in a play composed by S. t'a -fano, end represented by ber with good Success in tbe East and in California. We are impatient for an opportuti y of feeing this, troupe on the alage. Prssbytiman Ciiukch. Tbii t e, which has for aonie time bad tbeir services in Gill's hall, has determined on building a cburcb. Accordingly the members bave gone to work iu ear nest, and are alrea iy nikng g md progress. Tby have purchased a lot on High street, soi.tti or 4 be-' St. Paul's Cburcb, for $1,200, and bave ihe base ment almost d oue. The edifice is to e 33 by 5G feet, will bave a good base ment story, io he used as a lecture room. Tne ed fi will be surmounted by a steeple 80 feet bigh. The cost is eiUmated at a little less tnan $ti,000, of which over $4 000 bve already been s inscribed. Messrs. Booiboy Jt on a plttoo are eouiraciors for tbe wood work, and their recent loss by fire a ill delay tbe work some six weeks, as all tbe sash, floors, etc., were confirmed ij the fire. : It is ibeir intention, bow. ' ever, to prosecute tbe work with vigor, -and we may soon expect to see another movement and liberality of our citi eess. f e Pcacuxs rrok Joscpniii, Mr. John Martiu, who had just returned from a trip to Southern Oregon, left a box of fine peaches at this office Tbey are called tbe Yellow Cbief, and are from tbe orchard of Mr. Moore, of Jose phine county. Tbeir 'quality speaks volomes for tbe climate of Southern Oregon, nod as to the quantity, we learn that Mr. Moors'i orchard will produce 1,200 bushels of penchei this season, besides al large quantity of apples and an abundance of the finest grapes ic tbe world All of this fruit fulness is of little value, to tb- ee tlets for luck of ft uarket, allien nothing but a railroad r in , iv them j LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. DATUM TO SKPTkHR v 24V. f SPECIAL tO THE 8TATE8MAH. Tours, Sept. 20tb. Sharp firing has been - heard near Conget, for two hours. An engagement occnrred between tbe Prussians and French sharp shooters, on opposite banks of the Marne. The Prnssians were defeated and driven off at midnight. Berlin, Sept. 20th. The Queen re ceived a letter, yesterday, written by tbe Emperor of Bussia, congratulating ber Majesty upon the gr;at victories ol the armies of Germany. There is no foundation for the state- rnent that King William will not treat for terms ot peace with any other than Ntpuleoo There is do slgus of tbe capitulation i.fMetz. H-vy siege guns are needed at Pari, . . . , , and cancut be carried forward until , . Tonl 13 reduced. . y. , ., . . London, bept. 20 b. An engge- , , ... . meDt took place at iS3oux. Twenty , , , 1 1 fire thousand French were attacked , . . r.y btieen '.boutand Prussians. Tbe Prussians were mowed down by ibe French arttliery, but after considerable ! loss, recrossed tbe river in good j i onier. ' j Ge neral Crusert is placarding the ! j aalls ot Paris with inflammatory ad- ; dresses against the Government. Resolutions were passed by tbe Goveruuiet of Lyons that should Paris i sailes, 20,00'J Garde Mobile captured a surreuder, her right to capitulate sball j number of Prussians. not be recognized, aud tbat the city of ( Lundellsheim, 22d. The eeige of ' Lyons aid the people, will defend the j Strasbourg is pushed vigorously. Lun ' country to the last man. ( ette, No Zi'J, waa captured to-day, and i Tbe eubiuarine cable between Prus- I 5 guns, with little loss. Rumors of sia a'.d Sweden has beeu cut by the : the capture of Strasbourg are afloat, j Kiencb. i but lack confirmation. ! Tours, Sept. 20lh. All telegraphic j Londop, Sept. V2 I. Telegrams in ii communications with Paris ceased ye- i g0me of tbe Londou j lurnais assert lerday. ! t'ntt the Prussians have beeu repulsed j Thiers started iu a special train to ; jQ the last assault upon Toul, and I day for Vienna, whence be proceeds to j fcme abandoned the beige, and are i St. Petersburg. j marching to juio tha army around ! Florence, Sept. 20th-8 a. m. Tbe j arts. ! seige of Rome was commenced by 6ve j Tours, 22d. FigLting near Paris divisions under Gen. Cardouato ic- j cont.ooes with varying results, but no vesting tbe city. Resistance is a mere importaut engagement as j et. matter of form. Tbe Surrender is ex ! The Provisional Government will pected to-morrow. j repress txrecsts of tb Red Rcpub- Florence, Sept. 21st. Rome has j llcan been occupied by the Italian troops Calais, Sept. 22 1 Tie main im without bloodslnd. The Pope forbade j tiun of the French lieet ia.bere. Three any .eii!ane. Tne Romans received j iron-, lads are at Duukiik. the Italians with tb greatest enthu- : ;rr:in, Sep 22d. Official statement si-tsm. Tbe city of Florence is cover- j f tne niiliinry situ ttiou declares the e.l wilh flags iu honor of Ibe new ol investment o'f Paris complete to tbe tbe occupation i f Home b tbe Italians, i U,t!,t , zteiil. ; ians witu tbe greatest enthusiasm, j Tt. bUlhHrdmt.ol 0, Tn, ,m, bn Tne population is nearly crazy with ; contiB111.a ivttssM,lliv itie ,Uln I delight. I et September, with heavy eeige guns, i Marvelous activity is being displayed ' i . e ,. . .litis reported lhat Nanoleuu i pre : on the pait of te I reucb at aad ' ! , ,, ,. , , , . p.tring- a cautfesto to tbe Freucb : around Par.. Earthworks are being ; 1 ! thrown up at tbe northeru approaches j lcol''e- j!of the. city, and defenses on other! Marseilles, Sept 22 1 Garribaldi is j .ides are being strengthened every prev. n ed from leaving Caprea, and is ' njmr. .guarded as a prisoner. j Kuseia is moving large bodies of j jfew Yotk, 23 Paris special says j troops into Poland. ; (;en. Trochu intends to call into Paris ! Btvaria has made arrangements to ' all troop) now outside, uot employed ! upp!y ber trt-ops ailb ibe new pat- in scouting. . j tern of Matrailleurs which throws ' The heavy guns of Fort Iey did I three bundrtd and fifty balls pi r i greal barm to the Pru-S'ani masted : ruiaute. , i tne wood. The French loss is Dot Tha revolution at Paris is recogniz- j ycl published, but reported as much ! ed as Republican ; that a: Evens a? lees than that t the Prussians. Thus I so, ial Tbe red 11 tg bas bcn aiopted ' bag conioieored series of strupgles, I -v the Inner. . bicli inatigurate's the siege of Pans, ; Toura, Sept. 2oih. it is reported 1 and which must now be ttrniiiaie l by I that tbe Prussians on the liue of tbe; victory, arid the withdrawal of- tbe j Oreleaus Railroad, after a sharp t d- j Pi ussiao-', or a d feat that ill con vert ! g gein-tt, weri driven and repuUcd i every house imo a fortress. i l a k upon Male Buder. ! Provinces and communities are fast Ironclad gunboats for tbe defence of Paris, have commenced operations. General Ripley, An.erican, has of- fered bis tervtces to the Committee of Oefetice. Floatiiig batteries have been con- j s ructcd tc defend the entrances of the ; i ivt rs of Fiance. It is reported that large outibers of1 roops pnd volunteers are at Sellicts. The H'&r.V London special dia- ; pan lies intimates tbat Bismarck bas i luauifested a rii.-posiiiuu to recede from bis extreme terms, and that he will it - dure King William to consent .o treat ; ' rainy a treaty, ravre cooceeneu an ailb the Provisional (;overnmeDt as j indemuiiy fur tbe cost of war; tbe sur eoon as it power ii confirmed by a render of prt of tbe fleet ; the dismant Constitutional Assembly. II objects lioK of iltl. Straaburg, and pos,ibly however, to an armistice. ! olUer forlrease. ' . There is no longer any doubt tbat Rii'sia l.9 made a positive threat tbat . i ebe wiil not permit the territorial aggrandisement, of (lermany. Tbis is cot'firmed tbe bigbe&tantbority. 'This taken in connection with the growing i riif Htinfartinn of the Knelish nennle I ... .!,. i ,s with the ronrse of Gladstone s Gov- eminent, indicates tbat peace mast be made. Tbe Russian fleets ere now fi ting for sea. It is reported that the l'riifeians ! city. Tbe Fr-m h t reS i n heavy t o' were badly beaten, yesterday, in an muni met tbe Priiesian-", posted iu attempt to storm one of tbe torts west of Paris. Tours, Sept ' 21. Thi Government hts ordered all Iroops in the country doQ ,efgram has tbe following etarl to converge on Paris. It is rumored j linj? iaU.igence ; Russia is in motion that the Prussians bave entered Or-i leans. The following dispatches bave id received by tbe Ministry: Eperoay, Sept. 20. Toul bas again been attacked, tbe Prussians repulsed, arid their guns demounted. It is re ported that tbe Prussians investing Paris have been defeated oartbe plaias of Meudon, and euffered heavy Josses. London, Sept. 21. German forces occupy Nemours. It is said that Geo. Wordrr threatens to utterly destroy Slrasburg if it does not surrender. Paris is entirely shut in, wiLb all com oiunication cut off except via Berlin. Official dispatches from the Prussian headquarters stale that a redoubt with seven guns, before Paris, bas been captured. Berlin, Sept. 2 laf . A complete in. etmeiit of Paris was accomplished jefterday. Tb French troops bave been driven bark. The capture of an ouipost with 7 caonoD, was accom plish! d with little loss. Toh.s, Sept. 2rsi. General Worden has refused to sign any more safe con duct for inhabitants of Strasbourg A general bombardment of tbe city is to take place immediately. London, Sept. 21st. The number of men under arms in Paris is estima ted at 4.'id,000, including 180,000 vol unteers from tbe Provinces. It is announced tbat tbe heavy bat teries at Strasbourg bave been silenced and the bombardment threatens to de stroy tbe whole city. There are no signs of surrender. The Beds at Lyons are becoming more moderate. Tbe appeal to their leaders, from Rocbfort, had a great effect. '''.'.-''' ; London, Sept 22. King William reports to the Queen that the inves -ment of Par is comp ete, and that French advance on tbe north of Paris had been repulsed with tbelossof 7 guns, and 2,500 prisoners. Prussian defeats re obscurely spoken of as having oc curredat AtbtsandMeaux. Negoliatiot it procetfiDg hoptlully. The genera principle's have been agreed onbetwe Bismartk and Jules Favre, and detail! are now being discussed.. Thns far tbe only question is as to who can ratify a treaty on tbe part of France. - The American Ambulance corps is of incalculable serv ce at the teat of war. Lines of communication between London and Paris has been 1 coined. A dispatch from Germany says a constitution .is progressing for the security of German unity, and to ar range tbe formalities for proclaiming j tbe Emperor of Germany, Tours, Sept. 22d. The Prussians J menace Orleans, and have cut tbe line j 0f the Orleans railway. j Bronze statues at Paris have been t melted up to supply the besieged city ! wjth cannon. Uteat activity prevails among tbe . troops here; tivthii.g has been received j from Paris to-day. I - ... i Loudon Sept. 22d. It is generally 1 r 0 J 1 believed that tbe Prussians are nego- Iiaiiug with i rauce solelv lor the sake " 'of delay, bo as to secure tbe posses- : " ! sioo ol Paris. During the investment ! : ot tbe city the following engagements ; J 0 B B occurred : On the 17th, three Prussian brigades routed several battalions of French, noith of Brevemes forest. Next day sharp skirmishing occurred near Vichy. On Monday the French were driven from the entrenchment; at Petroy, losing 7 guns. Xer V'rr- ; CJluiDg tu )ae rescue ot the beleaguered : ( Kpital. Three have already suliecnt- ' ed live luilii.iu dollars, aud ibirteeu ', others twenty two million, 'uward tb ! national d. fence. The aspect of tbe streets changes wonderfully from day to day. Ambu lances with wouudd ealdiers ate con tinually passing. Londoa, Sept. 2:f A dispatch from Berlin says Bismaick aud Juirs Favre were closeted ail day. Tbe former in sisted on thv convocation of astembly The I'niesians are apparently prr par.Dg to move on Orleaos, which bag be'-n evacuaieu b) itc Freucb. In commercial circles hopes of ptae are nearly abandoned. I'rusji.i will id strt on terms to wbicb no French Go i ernmeut at present, dare accept, ! London, Sept. 23d Couriers just i from the vicinity of Paris report mat i a very aevere battle occurred yesterday al a (io;nt iiumi'diately soinb of Ibe force, and tbe former were repulsed with great losss. London, Sept, 23d 6 p. m. A Lon- to seize the Baltic sea and probably the Dardenelles. War between Czar aud Sultan is imminent. tbe TELLGU APII SI 11 11 1 RI. COMPILKU l-HOM rBITlOlS OATIS in L.o.d... 1 ; Kew Tofk, Sept. 20. A special dis patch to the lloriVfrom London, dated i e-iteniaj aays: Tbe democratic demon stration of tbe people of London, held Monday ntght io Trafalgsr Square, was one of the greatest popula- assemblages ever seen in London. Tbe streets dur ing the evening were alive will miccej. give processtous of workiogiueuV eoci eties aod democratic societies an I aano ciaiioos. The meeting was presided ever by Mr. Uerriman, who made aa rf fective speech, in tbe course of wb cu be alluded to tbe fact that wbtle tbe London press rieicuied and r.igbted the republican mote nentio England, to wbirb tbeir own daily denunciations or w .rthlesneiig cf ibe royal family give l ooitam encouragement and slrei gib, ibe American press, thousand and thousands tf inilei away recognize its importance and lend its moral support aud generous sympathy, aa ibe A meri cm Republic lends iti priceless support ad glorious and successful example. His remarks; were received wwb temp pesmous cheers. A spirited address to tbe Republic of France was adopted, la wbicb it is de-1 clared tbat tbe monarchies of Germany prosecute tbe war now against repub licanism and But against France. Tbe add ret tells the people of France tbat English people bave demanded and will not cease to demand tbe recogni tion of tbe people in France, notil tbey shall bave compliance to tbeir will from a vacillating and cowardly minis try. Groat, Distress In ffranco. Tbe Tribune t special dispatch from Pn if, dated tbe 17ib, tsys tbat disease ia o great ro tbe departments of Mo- -selle, Meoee, , Meurtb, and Ardennes Ibat. bit tbe authorities are fjreed to ai peal for aid to all neotral nations, especially America and Eng land, say tog tbe people eie di pendent on tbeir cops, aod inle or nothing is lefi re n.aimng. ' Il.ii; aod eta' lea bave been dtitro . 7tiei'r"SeTu?;,,0 mead oS are rJttlp.rj iioan; ty) T . . . iU,u. a 1 meir tatilf, shiep f and aiBe have been seined, and tbeir laborers pressed into the army. Not even corn enough is left for seed. Star ration and pestilence are at hand, and oar American brethren mnst know the desolation. Your country is naturally rich, and ours poor. Our resources canoot compare wilh yours, conse quently our sufferings are unspeakably greater. We implore you to send us aid. . ' - - " -' . - Los A nostra, Sept. 20;h. Tbe fol lowing advices to Sept. 1st, are just received from Tucson : Tbe Indian's bloody work goes on. On the 7th of August, Thomas Venable, Peter Riggs and a Mexican were shockingly killed forty miles seutbeest of Tucson. Tbeir train, consisting of wagons and inert chandise, valued at $0,000, was de stroyed. On tbe 8tb, 25 miles east ward of Scott, Young and a mail rider were killed, a station destroyed and the stock run off. On the lSih tbe mail stage was attacked and tbe driver William Burns, Stage Supeiintendent, John Collins, and two privates of Co. L, 21st Infantry, were massacred. The Mage and mail beg were burned. Within tbe same period a number of Mexicans were killed just across the border, in Sonora. Tucson is in a state of eeige. Gov. Stafford bas called for volunteers, end many bave responded for duty. Several farmers have abandoned their bomes, as tbe Indians are boveriog aroujnl, stealing t and seekioc a chance to kill tbem. Tk. a I, ,. . r .... ii. -. . 1 i be mail service east. 1 Florence, Sept. 22d. A contingent j of each division of the Italian army oc cupy Rome. Tht remaioeder went in to camp outside the wails. The Papal I troops on capitulating laid down tbeir , I arms. 1 be Papal legion bas gone to J Civita Vecchia, tbere to await the j tuuiiiriiuu ui arraugeuieuiq uuw iiiaa j iu to iiauspotb mrui lu tueir iciriai countries. The Italian loss in killed J and wounded before the city waa ; trilling Tbe people ol all Italy are j AlL TI1 ,T1!II)1B , w.isnas, uclidiso enthusiastic over the acxompiisbmeDt i of Italian unity. - I Berlin, Sept. 22. It is understood! ,J. J?. CUTTER'S that Napoleon is preparing a manifesto j lolhe French pople. Tbe membeisi of the late Senate and Corps LegislntiS j ExtTQ. Old EOUIiBON " will probably iisseinhle at Limoges. i London, Sept. 22. A correspondent j at Berlin slates that the Repu blicans l'in wn9lS or Tht., minuraetore,! Ol Germany countinue to agnate ngaiust tbe aouexalioo of Aiaace and Lorraine ...... .,.,-..-., .,,u..t.uu, ... Vueir journals aod public gathering. Military circles inUermanv demand, itbout aty r. flection f coo.e.jtience, ! tnat AUuie aud Lorraine, Mel aud Toul, be given up by iLe French and ) atm x d to Ce piany. They also urge, j Willi equal d sreg-rd of cooneuueucea, i I I' .iccoaiion of Luiumbuig, -i giving Fr M-b Flanders to Kelgiutn, ' H , n.voy lo JSiviizerland, and Nice and I C ri i a to I'alv. Tbey will not fuh- 1 , . ,, " f t , m t to tbe lnerfireijce of neutrals. V .... - . . . ... .i u i i i r it her tor tr wm use tlie wholeeale '. dK.t.emnere.,1 ..f France, but ask tor .efficient guarantee to be given Ge,- j inaoy ag .i,.si the f.Hure aggression of I Fiaui e. Tbey inutiaie that guarautee ehould take the ft. ape of incorporation of Alsace anil Lonaine and tbe diman- i tnug ot ibe fortreso of Melz aud ijiras- l,,nr Islin, Sept 21. The complete in- ! ve?in.ent of l'aris was accomplished tea. er f . y. The French troops bave ! .r.eeu driven bnct. 1 tie capture ot out i oiks with seven cannon has been ex- ' : ecired with little loes. Tours, Sept, 21. Cen. U'er.ler has 1 refje.l to eign any more safe conducts I for inbahilauts ot Strashurg. A geuer : al boruhardweul of tbe city will com- ' i meni-e immediately. ( j L ndon, Sept. 21. Tbe number of: men under arms in Pari is S'ated at t : 4.'t8,li(i0, including lso.Oito from lb i Provinces. i FkNCE I'uaTS In regard to Kettine f ei ct -posts, It. C. Strong, of Louisa' comiM , Iowa, gives, in the I'raine l,ir- ' iwr, the (olloaiig bit ot exierience : 1 " In tbe Sprii-g of lfCl 1 r ut k tier, tbrifiy- vtliite oak, about eighteen i in diameter, for gale -poets. I ! f-plit ii io two, aud took half for a j pool I f-ut tbe butt end of one oil ihem and the tor, end of the other one in the ground. Now, io the iwelfib year, lsoiti, tbe former bad entire!, ; rotltd off anil fallen down ; and Ihe j j other tine is tr-tay found, haying j j etood 14 years, and I think will last 10 ' j J ears longer. j i For UosMorrH -A small hand pre, j j i-MKt al tue Vulcan Iron Work, was i tir..ught up on the (Irillanime. : It will j be sent lo Monmouth, Polk county. ' and will be used in tbe new piper to be i I issuid at that place ia a few week', j I undr the eoitorial ausiires of i i Prof T F. Campbell, and will bedevo- ! j It d to tbe intereMs of the Christian de- j s noiutaaiiuo u..'m i Tbe Cionciueiii Commercial says: ' "Tbe mot destructive epidemic that ! ever viited this country is the ceneus ' of 1370. it .wept of 17i,0u0 m Chicago I alotie." DIKD. At tbe i eMtirnce t f ma s m, J-nies j Jury, rrveu miles south i t Salem, on i Tburi-day evening, Sept. 22, i f Typhoid 1 fever, Jamea Jory, Sen., aged ti.'j years and one inMh. Funeral services all 11. a. m. Saturday, at 111. i'lrgah 1 school boue.six mites south of Salt in. MMnaa.,- II HA L 1-STATK. For Dckcrititire List of Town lro.ertjt F.,rm. etc . In Oren, rend f.-r a copy of the r.-,d FM.llt ;, e Itt HKL.. K K li lt V, Portland, orlo.fe.TH H. 11AW NMt, rul, valria. sep12:zi rpAKKS UP BY TflE M!B3.?R!HErt L1VINO A tiru Miet ntu m'le .irtrt-wet or Amity, I one lirtit dunn Mire ti.ped in he 14 hand 1 hirh, h'ark main and till, .mail itar In the u.t- head titnd lee. up to pa.ture juinta, one ! amatt ohi e u.t on each side of the haek, aun- noaed to he tdd'iie marks, and Uip iaeil to tie liyeartuid. No artiUcii mark. or lirattils wr ; ceivahle. Taken up ut a brea.-hf amninl. Ap ! praised al twaulr-five dollar., a.ik- tlith. - I SVpt. SI. Ajiliy, VamhiU xn- 1Z. 31. WAITE, (f-CCCISSOft TO A. L BTIS50N) BOOK AND JOB PBIK"TER, CRISWOLD'S BLOCK, SALEM. HtVlNCI purehae. tht complete Book and Joh Printing Katahtiahment.l am prepared to ntly maintain the reputation it has larreroiore enjtied, and t- execute ail description of Print Ine In atjle not surpassed on the ouast. Call and examine i tmn.- I"eeial aitentlun paid lo Book aud ramphlet Pin liar and work la colors. Blent8:nlai E. M. WITK 01ienpJ for Cash. Choice City Property f Improved and Unimproved. As good as can be found for Invesfment In this City, WiU be sold at 'A.- Groat; Unrfjain W. C. B0RAL, Pattorr's Block, Stale street, Salem, Sept. 13. Pudding River , . saw-mill. ; Jf Miles rtailheaet of Salem, between Howell Prairie aod Lake LablsK. WB rA Irl'rlsJIaH TIIK BKT kind of LCM B R, snd will tell on reason abts teroas We fare an exceileot planer, and can laraieh VBESSCD LL'MBKK of every de sc tptloii a Good LA HE aude to Order. UE.NXT 1 TARI LET. April, I UVK NEW THIS MOKNiNU E.? MARTIN & CO. Isapertei'e mt fl IDI Front Street, Portia tf, Oral, 498 trsat Ct. laa Fraaclict. (t take pleasure In annoaccing to oar pat rons ai d the public f Oregon that wc have on hand and are constantly receiving the choicest brands of Ltqaore known to the; In the United rtatee, wlilcli we utter lo l) Wr- at the lowest figures they can besol-1 fui oa tbis coast. "T-T-g ATVTTiT-r7!' (In Bund or Duty paid.) J. IleBiiessjr Cognac, J. P. Handle, Marette A. Cw'a Cofuir, JaloaltoblB A, Co'a do. -e.. Ste. fc WJ.J.LJ k. ri-mp. , 1... i h n:TTtt I of LouHvile Kenturkv, KTid the only proprietor i nd mauufactttrerot "Culler lioin. t 1 MILLER'S" "Extra Old Bourbon," HARTI.1 tL Co, Proprietor. j i ' Ti e tame of thii Celebrated Wht'kr liatinz In- ; ' duel unecrupulous fartiea into an attempt to r r . r I -""""f. "e ''sre b' ' in'"rm ' ! j ",4t " ,re b"lh P'ected by T.-.Je-ai.rk,, J nd """ ,re "' !lhont j ! J i GrIN. 1 ; i 8wneboard Co. London Cardial Ciln. ehedan Cli Swan Gin. TI.TJ1VL. J m Bum. hi. Cioll Bnm. Kwr Kofjlnnd Hin, SllOrry dfcj X01Tt "J7 TTVI t !GaL Kino Polo and Dork herrlee. Burgundy Key ami Part !, . i ,n ", " inorer Caaka. I Fine Maderla In quarter Coako. AVin in Uot t low. Cliampaigxio (lu p'l.U and qniirti ) Prlvaic lavfc. Iitr-d'ar, Crto-dAr. Vo Cltrquot Ponaardln. -Euaeno Clicquot. Chaa. lleldalck. Piper do. Land.brrgtrt Cat fomla. I a i: ujia' w i rs i: n.. "Hoc kite liner"-- -Slelnweln R iideheliuo.- " -- JohanlbQr- ' Se Vino Maicaltl. Irencli Liquoi-8. Tarinlllli., rhartrrair, Hoaae kiui, Briirdlc'lnr, IHiiicblae In lira, hwatnrboard dw Co. tlrangre Ulllera, Micrry f oidlai, Aliona. tlaret Wlaet from 93 00 lo 30 OO. All kind of foreign and Domestic Ultlcta. English Alo and Porter, tn wood and laae. Asjento for lyeu'i Celebrated Col. Ale, and Stewart's Cal. Bottled Ale. Sep'. 23. GBEAT OVERLAND MAILROUTE HA1V FItANCIfvCO. ntiiKcoACiifcsorTiiic okiwjov and cali- hirma etage Co. leave daily t..r HAN IKASClsCO aud Nk.1V VOKhL. lun 8alem 1 p. Kurene V AklUVB AT i....Kurene next day 12 m. .-Csnjotirilitf ' 4 a. m. ...Vieka tl.H " haa:s " tl p. m. .Chieo " 8 a. a. ranjonvllle.. 4' V-b. 1- "h.KU Z Cliico a.'i0Hme dajll " ....esa Tru'co s p. m. The Stapes of the O. A C. B. O. connect with t-e Cal. A tl. K. Koad at Chico, tl miles North of (miii Frauclaro ; also at the Jum-tiuu with Uie GresiOvcrland Kailroad 19 New York. Time through lo fan F.aneiaco a dava " " Nw Vorkj.,. 12 - tw" I asseogers alloweil to lay orer aluog i " rente. TK..u mn. r.r1 Ihl. .iiiil. ..nLI tti. a.n. I vers ol the svo and that rtreadcdaod terrible freline of sea-tckne. Tle wild pictareMia I scenery, beautiful rollers snd snoo-auiied noun taiDt, alone, doubly pay Ihe tourist lor a trip over this Toute. Tlie route passes thr?r1 the nrioelpal frl eultursl districts of Oeejronv ibe volleys or tlie Willamette, Usipqoa sod ItoFue River. To the immigrant comlne here in search of a hosae or inreauoecil, tbis route Is stronrly reeosnmeod ed. ; a. F. BROWN. rept. 15,1670, n Aft, 0. ACS. Co. " OHEGON , CANDY MANUFACTORY. ' Cor. Contmsrciol m, Conrt ata , J. G. IIOLBI2RT, Prop. Everf Description or Cantly . Manufiictti red. SATISFACTICFCUARAMEED. Prices to Suit the Times. A3 LOW AS III- LOWEST." " MT TVrtlr.ry Wston will sinks revalsr trips danot Um snuter to oil uwne lo this vst Isr. : , Order tolleited from all par s of the State, nd will be tilled at mv loarst price sod at short aotlcs. irU:is J. u. uululb t LIQUORS UAUDWAlliv T. On in lixlu. in Co. Importers and Dealers IX Wngon Timbers Atjriciiltur il Iinplomrtit AND Sola Agcolj fer Ik celebrated j Silvei SteelPloM's. Proved to he TlielBestPloAv IN 5aiem, Sepu mher 1 , 13T0. EJTAULISIIF.J 1851.- E. J. N0KTHRUP & CO., lutpirtcro and Uealero In Shelf and Heavy Hardware, 111 BS, SPdKKS, KIMS, ETC. HARDWOOD LUM HE It, Cordage, ntcb, Tar, Uakum ct 0a s Agents for A. . IIAI-L.IDK dk. CO., Wftre Rons ManuCaolnrera, ansa 0 ronclseo, Cal. 131 IRtlST RTHKKT. POKT LAHU, OltovUON. rortland. Sep'. 12, liTO. xttt "Vnlua.lle Iixiicl . NEAR SALEM, J vSU'r to, o . IOrFER FOR BALE 190 ACRK8 Of LAND. IJU'S li nilleseast of the Wooteo Factory with Brick House,andood Barn, Sheds, FENCING, WELLS, AND - Valuable Iuiprovemcnta and Grow itig Crops. This land Is part of the land claims of Walker Jt Gilbert, title perfect. Persons wanting smaller parcels may nod a bargain to suit, aa 1 will sell on accommodating terms a plui of the premises can be seen, and particulars as to terms can be had, at trie leransoia otnce.orsf the onAerslgned, eo the premues Sovil aLl'KKD STANTOH. Cnll and Settle. JB. 4 M. I1IROCH re anxloss lo settle s up their books, and all persons kncwli r themselres Indebted tons are requested lo ea II lamed lately at our tifflce. al the store of ll.r- maa A U.rscb and tuske settleuieut by cssh II possible, or If not by note. Sept. 12, ISTa. " Xs WINDOW GLASS. All izcts for Sale AT IAB fRilfCISCO PR1CII AID ... JTHEMsUTs . At GtO. L. ST0RTT8, 45 Front Street, Portland OrefOB. tkpt. It.lbtu. t cnARixs Commission EJerchant FOB CCYIKO. SZLUTSQ AKD fOKWABD 1NO ALL KINDS OFUEKCBAXDIeK, r. o. box, 40M, ; isi rein st KEW YORK. Eefer to Messrs. l adJ frlton, Portland. Messrs. Knapp, Bnrrall fcCo." Meson, rtavier dt Co., 2 U.U. Wado.Ajq .llalein. W. P. Abrams, Esq., Dalles City. feb25yw:tawd 1 JlMst,. Pl.ASTst&, Jn.t rseelTen njr ' -: iZtKuVAUh. WRIGHT. Balem, Any. ii. I LADD t TILT ON, 13 AN xs. m n. o . portlsd:obe4in. " ' - Kalablirhvd, 1859. DKP05ITS received and AccMSts kept, 'abject te Check or Draft. T!rrREST allowed on TIME DrPOMTor TRCfer FL'MM. In sums J tNK lOLLAR AND t PW ARUS, PliOkl dale of deposit. Moaejr Lnaoed OD Approved Pecarltj, BONrw, PTOCK4. and nher TalnaUes, leceived ON D texts IT for BAKS KEPlKi. CO1.I.K.CTI0S ssade, and proceeds promptly ra mmed. IVVF.-TMKNTS iN REAL ESTATE ala other property aade fur artle. ArenU for the TrarneVlon of all kinds of EINAX CI AL aod TKL8T BLSlNt?. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On Ban Francisco aod the Atlaatie Plates for wle O0VERNMENTT TRtnK8 boar 1 1 and sold, fc-l.lw KIIUO 0-L.V I I tlii.ik I aearilie laj bnree eoaah, It he ain't cured MalM lake him uU, I'll her annWH H. II." this day And give it la my toorold Bay. I feci, I foil, I feel, 3 lir ali4. .hv .m horse eatd, I iMeaiper workiiig U jr through h head. 0jai-'hoo t 'ly, don'i hother -, Hunt f . ly, don't b tlier ne, rhoof 9 Ij. riwtil ImIImt I'm BAlhf "it. H. H."yoa see. I feel. I fee', feel, 1 feel tike the un at noon, . I.t "H. II. II." f ! m Hat cured me up iooa. I feet, feel. 1 teel, 1 Irel like a T ..I I DTl, No ata-aius or epavina beiber me, ho wind gall I report. Caoac ?hoo Ur'y. c- I think I hear tl e Jockey , Vy la..-:t l(..r c t hertoneds.r Me enr ..ii--l r i- iut tA and atmrlno came And iii'mi.. civ tro4trr t-ry lame. 1 Itel. i fe. I, I feel Th.-ii' il.e iroiier nW I wi.i liave-li. H. II." il, to .lay, rr I u:m"at dead. 't.ra M.oo My, Ac. li cure all .train and tB evre. ho wrakeoed j.unia n ne.t ; to coiiri ai.d cranj,' II nturs 'he d'o:- Ti n "II. II. II.," o uu.i.nua I leel. fel, I feel lhai'svliat Ihr J"cfcer a dd . A iek l.orae need, aume ''II. II. It." Abd h..i ptra f.-r l.i l.t. onoro -ho I I ly. A.-. KOK 0 ,1 10 ok rB.vp-tt ahdanrm.nrr IW I Hlle i.,,lulj of II. II. . al.l ! p. lit ..f w..iee au-l de-i.chihe h.TM-, ea.t repeal lu Lr reut ctfte,. lur luan, tian or rh.iu, toven to d"ea fr.tin ft 'o li-i ,lr..r illiuird l-i wat-r. W'll relieve e,ilc almt Hiataolaurooslr. !. l. T.' i,- ruffim., do try il ) I UK IIK.XT WaMi VE in (he market. Per ule by all UruK-r l and I elen iu Mrdicine. H.inUb, lAUrkl . Ao'Mta majSli Po.UoBd, ,reon. MK-rilT'o Sale. BY vtrtae ol an exerntfnti .oed .iif of lite Cr CDit Court of the eiau. .f Orepon tlte ;unly i.f larmn. In lavor of Vi llllmi, W ..le, and MUMiut A. I. N.ckllli, de cndal.l, lor Ihe .Md. ,f fit- . terti hundred ah.l tlorly h.ur Hullar aoa lntereta ' and c.t. I"r want .f .eronal properly, I have tevird uH.n and on eaturilay, the eih day of O, io-l-r, ISTo, at one o'clock, p. III., at the ovrt llouaa d...r In htid rfiuii'7, 1 wul aell at public auction h,r gold coin, Il.e luhl. title, euate aud interest of Mid A. I. Niekltn. defendant. In and to th fulluvhngde ertbed preinifres l.-wji . I.uti nuuiber one ,1 aud two, ytt In Mock nil nher egtit?.1iro, i;e tilu-ate!! In ihe cny ot raleni, (J.muiv of Marion, and fiata of Ores-nn. J. N. WAIIitNY, ehrrttr. Sepl. I.ISTO. FIRST DIRECT IMPORTATION j To Mule ssi. GRAND OPENING )F F. Levy's New Stcre! CORKER OP MGOKICh,' BLOCK. I take pleasnre in informing my manv friends and the public generally that I have opened tbe above store, with the I finest stock ol goods ever ren in tbia j market. I would especially call tlie attention of LAD1K5 to uiy iew Line of Y)res. Good a: SILKS, POPLINS, nil wool, SATIN STMPES, etc., USE FRENCH BUOCHK AND LACK SHAWLS, BROADCLOTH & SILK CLOAKS, KMBP.OIDEUIKS,. 1'ARA.HILS, LA DIKs' HATS. LADIES' UNDERWEAR.. Aod a general asEortment of Foreign and Domestic (roods. Also, a splendid and complete assort nieut of LATEST STYLES of GE:TI.E.1K CLOT II IAG And L'uruahliing Good. All at liicf not to be C'om tctfl tith bv any uac ou Hi in Count, As I pet my Goods direct from Europo aud the East, and rereive fresh supplies every month. F. LEVY, Moores' old stand, Ct futneriial ttnet. Salem, June IU. jx w. vutauroM. w wtsraisrosB. WEATHCRFORD&Co 1I1 LGGIHTS, Front street, Portland Commercial street Salem, store formerly occupied by . Geo. A. Edes & Co. JjAVEOPENtD A f-TCCK OF . DRUGS, CHEMiCALS, TOILET OoimIn, ot., Where t''y hars a wall selreled assort menl of iroods lu their line, snd resnectlully In, Its tle at trotina of all who are lo want of tuck articles as are kept la a well ref ulatrd 1" 111 f- lt! PliTMCIrtS PRfCcniPT10SS atcurately com pouudsd ol I L'RE liKLUS. - J W.WroiherlbrdomflTsbispcrsooal aueoilrn to tbe wants of custooisrs. WCATUIBKBU A CO. Urs slss a stork el PAISTS, OIL., VAHBISHKS, VHISIIKS. Pit inters' Sriitovlnlso AS - AVillloV Cxllltaix, Pure "WlnctH nnd Ltiirf For Mcdlrsl purposes. OfTsrsd far SoJo at Ihe Lowest Rales. Orders solkiud sad prosnptly atleoded to. WKtTHSBFMD ACO. fsleio, Aofast 12,i::0. Ill" ANDERSON & BRCWN STOVES, Ti.t plate. sniEi nor. corrH, ILVr, BRASS, Ac, BLOCK TI5, Force & Litt Pumps, , VAXUFACTUKERS of n.v, SHEKMB05 i corm-VAtr. Ilepnlriuj; la all its breaches done to order, at tb old land of B. Strang, I'nlonElocA Commercial it., Bale. blSIIh i tf COOPERS WASTED. Three or four good Coopers vsattd Nob l)t U best netd apply. . .. ....... TUOS. CROSS. Apply to Uisfovsgs.A Wright. Saletnf July 23. ti , ft