The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, September 28, 1870, Page 1, Image 1

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The arrival of General Sherman
j ii Oregoa i a matter of conewlera
general interest, for the jieople
' of the United Stales recognize him
as one of those men who most ma
terially aided to put an end to the
civil war, by proving himself to be
an able and efficient commander of
the armies niaraliallcd to defend
and preserve the Union. The
march from Atlanta to the sea
proved to be a matter of easy ae
(conipli'huicnt, but iruincts and
confidence were requisites both to
its iuccptiou aud fulllilliuent. Sher
man "Waa the first General to bIiow
; appreciation of lhe power of the re
bellion, and to exercise the energy
necessary to its overthrow. Vr
id no child's play. The puntouiiues
of McClellan were not warfare. lie
. . ebunneti conflict by dilatory advau
ces and retrograde marches ; too
timid to advance, and too powerful
to retreat. It was only when
Grant and Sherman became tin
moving spirits of the campaigns that
the Union was effectually sustain
ed and preserved, and to them, and
their able lieutenants, the nation
owes its very perpetuity.
Ill the II use. yesterday, a reso
lution was offered recognizing his
service and inviting Sherman to
visit the State Capi'ol, which was
met on the part of a number of
Democratic speakers by violent
attacks on him and denunciations
of his campaigning. These rcmaks
came from men who were arrant
rebels and who evidently forget the
great majorities by which the peo
ple of Oregon sustained the war,
and the rejoicings with which they
beard of General Sherman's victo
ries. The House might do well to
remember that all Democrats were
not Secessionists, and that failing
to do honor to Sherman is only to
make themselves ridiculous.
rarthan Legislation.
Jlr. Dorris, of I-anc, makes a di
rect appeal to the Democratic ma
jority in the Legislature to grant
him their, partisan support in au stt
tempt to divide the office of County
Clerk of Lane count7 so as to sepa
rate the office of Recorder from that!
of County Clerk, lie puts the
case in the plainest possible form:
says they have a republican elected
and acting as County Clerk of Lane
County and he want?, evidently, to
lose no time in reducing both his
fees and life official importance to J
the lowest possible notch. As to
the division of the office of County j
Clerk, as is provided for in the State
Constitution, we have no objection
to make wheu it shall be found ad
visable and necessary. Hut wc are
'not prepared to belcivc that because
the Democrats of Lane, in a fair
election, not being satisfied with
the Democratic nominee elected the
Itepublican candidate, the Democ
racy of all Oregon, assembled in
the State Legislature will go
through the forms of partisan legis
lion, as Mr. Dorris plainly com
mands them to, to please his fancy
and pamper hij prejudice. As to
the incumbent, we have not the
pleasure of his acquaintance and
, are not the least iutereaed in him in
any way. We know nothing of
his election, save that he was able
to command votes outside of his
party, which strikes us as to his
credit. We judge the case solcly
upou Dorris shaping of it and sin
cerely hope the House will not
throw the weight nf all its Democ
racy into any measure that young
mau may thrust before it. And in
this connection we will say that we
believe they will not, as his rancor
and prejudice are too apparent.
" Legislative Assembly of Oregon.
Sixth Hegnlar Priilon.
WmsisinT, Sfpt. U, 1870.
The Senate met at 10 a. pi. Prayer
was oBVred by Ki-. Joab Powell.
Baldwin presented memorial, pray
log tbe Legislature to remit tbe iodebt
- , edutli of Grunt county to tbe State,
in amount $2,CU0, tbe county being
$7,000 in debt, and couoty building.
. Laving lately b-ra destroyed. Re
ferred to Committee on Ways and
' FJ notice of a bill to grant aid
' for a wagon road from Jackson county
to Baker county.
Fay presented S. R Xo. 11, askin g
, : tbe Governor to itate tbe condition ot
Public lands, and which are for sale,
and which Bet aaide tor tbe University,
wbicb wis adopted.
Caldwin introduced S. B. No. 13, to
amend the law in relation to interest.
Fay introduced S. B. No. Is, relat
ing to roads and highways.
1 Cornelius Introduced S. B. No. 12, to
.'amend the law relating to assess
ments. Trevitt introduced S. B. No. 10, to
aid construction ot a wagon road from
Sandy up tbe Columbia river to tbe
Cochran, on leave Introduced S. B.
. No. 17, to amend the act relating to
private inrotporations.
'- -.'. Cochran moved toga into Committee
of 'he wbole Senate on tbe Benton Co.
' ' contest;
Heodershott stated that many wiu
aestea were here subpoenaed to give
evidence a the contested cases and
aomathior bhonld be done soon.
The Senate went into Committee of
the Whole, when Mr. Bnrch stated
tbat yesterday half tbe members were
either away or asleep, and tne Senate
' hxd neiter refer the care to a Special
The Comities rose after an amusing
. ", discussion and tbe Senate referred tbe
" case to Special Committee of Browe,
of Baker Litmallen and Moore.
S. B. No t, a bill to tax un-naturat-i'?lu&
foreigners was read and referred
to Committee on Federal Relations.
Motion to adjourn lost. - -
S. B. "o. 8, relating to fee of offi
cers, was read second time and' r
S. B. No. 10, to tax stock of National
Ranks, was read Second time, and re
. --ferrei to committee on Corporations.
After wbicb tbe Senate went into
- '. Convention to .canrass rotes , cast for
United States Senator, and tbenad
'' jonmed. " ' ; -
' ' . : arrKaaK'K.. . , f
Senate called to order at 2 p. m ,
and after a teisiou in Committee of the
VOL. 20 NO. 8. 1
House met at 10 a. m. Minutes were
rend and approved.
Tbe Speaker invited tbe Rv. Joab
Powell, wbo whs present, to opet. the
session with prayer, which he did very
acceptably, making a special petition
that tbey might be able to perfmm the
almost impossible feat of enacting
laws tbat would satisly every county
in tbe Stte.
S. J. R , rltiog to tbe appninttrent
of a joint committee to fee if a more
suitable building can be secured, to be
leased tor tbe use of Legislative As
serably, was read, and Dorris moved to
adopt, which carried unanimously.
S. J. R ,-to have Joint Kales printed,
whs read acd adopted.
Chair announced as the additional
member of the Committee on Com
merce, Messrs Savage and Olney.
As (he Committee on Insane Asylum
and cure ot the insane, Messrs. Alex
ander, Earhsrt, Whalley aol Hunter.
To be added to tbe Committee on
Military Affairs, Messrs. Porter and
Wblley presented a communication
from the Labor Exchange, and moved,
as printed copie wet? on each desk, it
be referred to Comnii'tee on Commerce
without being read. Carried.
Ami moved that in tb" trial of anj
contest for a seat in this House, no
member wbo?e seat i ccu'ested shall
be allowed to vote cpon any motion
calculated to delay at lion on tbe mat
ter. Loi-khnrt rose o a point ot order, as
the resolution cotiliicted with nil ot
the Hon-.e No. '!().
Tbe Speaker decided tht ill re being
no second to the motion, tbere w
uolhiug before tbe House.
DorriH came in wiib second to the
resolulion ot Amis, and the latter ex
plained that be oBered the resolution
to test the meaning of rule 20 of this
Honse. j
Starkweather said he whs in the mi- j
nority, and they could be. overpowered j
by votes, bnt be did not believe the
majority would willirgly set nide a
standing rule for any partisan purpose
lie thought time would be lost by
adoptiug the resolution.
Hare rose to a point, of order. The
resolution is in the nature of an amend
ment to rule 20, and under rule 04 re
quires one dny'u notice
Tbe Speaker didn't tbii.k it was cal
culated to suspend or rescind rule 20,
but to test tbe sense of the Hou?e.
Dorris thought tbe standing rule was
sutficiei.l, and opposed tbe resolution.
Dunbar moved to lay ou the table.
Amis did hope tbe House would not
be misled by the opposition.
Holmau rose to a poiut of order, a
motion to lay on tbe table not being
Cba r sustained the point of order,
and the resolution was tabled.
Davenport offered joint resolution to j
invite Geo. Sherman, "the hero of At- ;
lanta," to visit tbe State Capital at kin j
convenience, during the- session of tbe
Olney moved to strike out t'ue words !
"bero of Atlanta," and to insert (icn- j
erul- of (he anvil of lli' I'nile J States. 1
Grant thought tbe word "bero of !
Atlanta" referred to tbe burcing t f
those towns dowu Soutb, when tbe j
women and c'uPtlreD were abased and (
tbe cities deeirojed. He wanted to ,
bare the matter come squarely belore i
the House on its merits. j
Amis moved to insert after tbe word
!'liero," tbe word, "irho dtvattatt-i ti:
ditcrixainattltf the ptopt'e of a grail for :
lion of bur fjuHtry, oyaiMsl every tusvie f
civilizel tear."
Whiteaker move to refer the resolii- j
tiou to Committee on Military AE'airs. ;
that tbey might amend it to suit liieio- ;
l.llney. wanted bis amendment also j
Submitted.- - - I ...... . j
Alexander offered amendment to be i
read and so referred.
Lockua-.l said a motion to reler was j
not susceptible of atueulmenl. j
Fulton acceded to tbe motion of :
Amis. j
Dorris movd to lay on the table. j
Giant moved to iudefiuitely postpone 1
ibe wbole subject. !
An inttrertmg debate followed as to j
liicb motiou bad tie pre.:edeuce. j
fce prudent Democrats wanted to j
act decently, while the ime.ious oucj, j
with seces-ion tend ?ic;ry, wanted lo
vote General Shermua u left bandrd i
t'Oiopliment of the inost ultra cbarac j
ter, and of tbe most rebellious lone. j
The Chair decid d ibe question 'o tie i
as to referring, and instructing com
mittee to report U-morrow, wbitb
was adopted.
Wballey gave notice of a bill to pr. -vide
for the purchase of volumes Of
'I j Uiona of the Circuit Bd District
Courts of tbe United Stntu in )r too.
Also, a bi I to ots ncnrporale Triis:-.-. -ot
Triisity ticln;J, c.l oi-po.e ot fu:n'5
He'm gave twice f a bi'i to aoietid
general . ls reiauirg to testimoL-y.
Also, a bill for tLe r.-lief of li.
lionhnm as Terri;iial Librarian.
Alexander it a e uoltce of a bill for
tbe relief of Arlimi.s Dodge.
11. B Xo. C, to ep.trle the oflices
of County Uecorder and County CItrk
ot Lane county, was read second time.
Dunbar; moved to refer to a select
conimitiee of three.
Dorris hoped not, as be bad drafted
tbe bill witb great care, and be didn'i
want to have the bill pocketed, lie
wanted a Democratic ftecorderio Lane, j
He dsmanded a political rote, and gave ;
ibe majority notice to walk ibe chalk, i
Tbere wag a Rcptrhltcan Clerk in Lnne f
county, and considered tbat tbe Demo- !
crats must realise tbe necessity in the
ease. He couldn't find time, however,
to explain bow the Democrats of Line
eame to e'ect.a Republican County
Clerk. " '
Dutibir explained.
Hire wanted practical legislation.
Dorris wanted to see an oflice made
for a Democrat in Lane county. He
did not want bis bill mixed up witb
those to be brought in from other
Davenport coulda't see tbat the bill
was entirely local. Several counties
were anxious to make changes in re
spect to fees, and as to the division of
tbe duties of County Clerk. He
thought all tbe propositions sbojld be
considered together, and all acted on
consistently. He faroted reference to
the Judiciary Committee, which Dun
bar accepted.
Wballey said there was no intention
to claim such action for Multuomah
eonty.EIe believed partisan toes sbonld
not hare weight in such local legisla
tion. The motion to refer to the Judiciary
Committee prevailed.
H P.. No. 7, to amend general laws,
relating lo fees of officers east of tbe
Cascade mountains, was read second
lime and refer. ed to Judiciary Com
mittee. . -
H. B. No. 8, to regulate fees of wit
nesses before the Grand Jury, was
read second tirui and referred to Judi
ciary Committee.
Ilouta took recess. ''
At 12 M., tbe two Houses met in
joint convention in the Representatives'
Hall, which was called to order by tbe
President of the Senate.
Whiteaker, of the . Honse, moved
tbat tbe convention proceed to canvas
nd declare the Vote east yesterday for
United States Senator. -Adopted.
Tbe Chief Clerk of tbe House read
the Journal of tbat body on election of
-Mr. ..Kelly being present, was invited
to take a seat witbia the bar, which he
did. " " :
The President announced the reult,
and declared tb, lion. J. K. Kelly
elected G.' 8.' Senator for six years,
from the 4tb of March, 1871;.
. Tbe contention was then dissolved.
-Tbe House adjourned. 1 "
ArTaoo. n i
House met at? p. m- r " '
The Snaaker. havinir ciea notice
that' a ..dispatch bad been received in- j
vinos, the Legislator to jatend tbe
reception to be given Gen. Sherman,
O'Hegan moved to send an answer
to Mayor Goldsmith.
Fulton thoneht we had better talk
about ibe civil laws of tbe land in
stead of to seek and search after these
military gentlemen, who have unneces
sarily shed so much blood. If General
Sherman will attend to his business
we wiil attend to our. He beUived
we bad better inform b'm we are bti-y
Amis thought we should tell him
the dispatch came late.
Grunt sow! tell bim "we can't go and
bare more important business.
Holman moved to lay the mo'ion on
the table bi li was toted down by a
derided vote, but tbe Chair said it car
ried. 'Regan called for ayes and nayj.
Helm rosa to point of order,
i Speaker sustained the point of or
der tbat tbe Chair had announced tbe
result and ayes and nays were called
too late.
n. B, No. 15, wrs presented by Mr
Hare, relating lo assessment of taxes,
which was read.
Olney introduced H. B. Nof li, to
protect salmon fisheries, wbith was
Dorris introduced H. B. Xo. 17. to
prohibit ibe taking and kilhug of eame
or trout, at certain seasons, wbith
was read.
Whalley, on leave, introduced H. C.
So 18, to disincrp rve Tru-tees of
Trinity School which wa read Ai'o
fl B " No. ID. to pun hire of M. P.
De;ifty a certain Lumber of the tiouutt
volumes of the reports of the decision!
of the TT. S. District at:d Circuit
C';r!fr of Th;s S'Mte.-wnirh wvia read
Chair appnitreil on Jo;nt Committee,
to inquire if more commodioii" build
ing could he. lfssed fr use of Legisla
ture : UeSfrj. McCoy, O Kegan.
Tboniison, Lughlin and Drain.
Amis moved that H. B. No. 3, be ta
ken from the table, which was carried.
This is the hill to discourage caste
in this State, which was rend and the
accompanying amendments adopted.
Dunbar moved to tirike out the
words ' male" and ' bis" which mud
the bill rpply lo all pe'Sons mile Mud
femitle. This Would ci inpel tbe lad ej
to tliftbeir hair to wiibiu six inches
of the scalp, tnd forbid plaits and
braid. Tbe amendment enured a per
ceptible impres.won.
Amis wasn't ready to bvo the vote
taken. He did not want the bill ridi
culed out of the House, lie was sin
ceie and intended to tight it out oo
that liue if it look tbe whole session.
He didn't quote lhoe words, but be
couldn't have expressed hitns. If he'teri
Amis went on to defend the ladies, and
didn't want them brought down to tbe
level of Chinese. He hd bestowed a
great deal of attention to tliii bill in
hopes to clean on' their luujr tailed,
Ttt eating pe-ts. Ve have iiLlertood
that Lisb Applegate claims to ta-e
written tbe bill for him, but it. teems
be didn't. He endorsed Gov. Grocer's
inaugural, aud thought this bill wat
ai!-mi rably calculated to carry out the
via lhen expressed. Tbe bill comes
in conflict witb no law, is a general
bill and applies to every diss. He
brotu'bt forward n measure lo langb
at. lie was earnest in wanting to get
sbui of these f eople, and meant to ac
cnmplisb what be undertook. Tbey
should never override bis measures bj
ridicule. He wanted tbe minority to
unite in tbe effort to gtt rid of Chi
nese. Dunbar explained ihst be thought
the bill didn't go tar enough. U pro
tided for driving tbe he Chinamen out
of tbe county and made no provision
for the other-.
Fulton explained the necessity tf
cultivating the Chinese. If tbey were
to sl'iy here thiy must be educated aod
made to accept our customs. He went
after tbe long cues and Ibe bald faces,
and female suffrage, and grew so elo
quent in talking tbat be quite grew in
iove witb tbe Chinese for offering bim
a chance to be eloquent.
lire wanted no objection made to
the bill. Let it go its course and
U R'Hjtin said a night mate bunir
over itie Democracy, acd lhey imagined
opposition when none whs intended.
He was not opposed to their cnrrjit.g
out tbeir views.
Dutibar's amendment fniled. Aves4,
noes 3d.
Olmy wanted to amend to prohibit
Chititse shoes, blome and loose trou
sers. He repelled tbe suspicion t.f ri' -icule.
lie bad voted with Amis oi.
every vcte, and his purpose was to
amend ibe bill, so as to curry out lhe
int. ot of the title. It availed no h
ing to bob off the hair, if the whole
body aaa wrapped in htatten raimci i
Te cu'S i-f gtncta;iy out .f sight. Tlie
spe fic indii atoms of ca- e ar- S iow n
in the' i'eiisi i c et.uttj' t t,ed in tiie
Aniishd much repecl fir the gen
lltniaa ft run Ciatsop, tiut couliju t rid
biruself of a su-picion that he meant to
ridicule the bill. He opposed any
Fulton, whose .voice is admirably
calculated lor precti' iiig lw bef .re a
jury nervous old maids, put in a plaint
Davtnport thought the bill was in
tended to t fleet unfriendly legislation
against the Ctiinese. The majority
coul I do it, but he wanted to prevet t
injury against bis constituents He
could go against wooden shoes, but
s itiie of bis neighbors wear their hoots
ovtr their punts, and loookiug about
town be loiind a number of Democrats,
including ex Gov Curty, wore who their
hair over six inches loug. Some citi
zens, not having width of forehead,
Bbavo thi-ir beads a little, and be f.-li
that if we want to send tbe Chinese to
China, we should do it without trout
ling our own citizens. Just then the
anti-caste bill became so. moving, tbat
it threw tbe speakers tuuir out of gear,
and Mr. Lockbart, tbe protein occu
pant, bad to pick biiuelf up, which be
did handsomely, and put the question
on Olney' amendment, which was vo
ted oownf ayes 3, noes 37.
Davenport . moved to amend the
clause relating to lEe sbaving of tbe
scalp, witb a reference to a Democratic
precidut iu that respect aud thereupon
Democracy indignantly laid tbe mo
tion on the table and did it suddenly
and iudignantly. Ayes, 31; noes, 10.
Amis called for tbe original motion
bat the Chair luted the bill and
all that pertained to it lay on the table.
Amis moved to teconsider.
Elkins then moved to adjourn aod
asked leave of absence until Monday.
Tbe House refused to adjonrn.
Tbe Iloa?e voted on the moiioo to
reconsider the motion to lay on tbe
table a foNows: Ayes, 21: noes, 22
Some Republicans voting aye for mis
chief, but Democrats enough were
willing to k'll the bill who voted oo,
and they were proCably willing to get
rid of a troublesome customer on such
A discission followed as to tbe stat
us of tbe bill.
Tbe Cbair thongbt it was perma
aently disposed of.
Olney thought tbe bill was on tbe
table to be taken np at way time.
Dorris thought ibe bill was "alive
in a .ickllsa state."
Grant quoted Cusbing's Manual.
Honse adjourned.
Supreme Court.
Wednesday, Sept. 21st, 1870.
Judge Upton announced tbe decis
ion of the Court in tbe case ot Fulton,
appellant, vs. Administrator of tbe
estate of Huntington, respondent.
When the complaint alleges that tbe
defendant contracted to. pay, and tbe
proof in tbat the contract was by tbe
defendant acd another, the evidence is
fatal. Judgment sffirmed. Bonbam
and Lawson, for ppprihet, Williams
'and Willis, for respondent.
Thayer, J., announced lhe decision
of the Court io tbe case of McDonald,
appellant, vs. Evans, respondent, ap
peal from Douglas.,, . ..
Wbeu tbe plaintiff recovers la part,
ohtalna eeatu, the defect" ran
-. i ..... S ... j , .
not be entitled to cos's; judgment re
versed; Watson, appellant, vs. W. R.
Willis and Kelsay, respondent.
The Wasco county contested cases
were ytken up, and ibe argument con
tinued, pending wbicb Court adjourned
to Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.
Items Tbe sociable -k last night
was a successful affair, and tbe gas
made it a brilliaot one.
During the werk there have been six
arrests for drunkenness. So much joy
over tbe Senatorial election.
Two men were arrested Inst evening
in tbe attempt to run oil' Mr. Hughes'
delivery wagou.
0ross' Market being painted and
placed in a first rate eouuitioo.
Dr. Kllis is visiting physician to tbe
Insane Asylsm, and not Ibe 1'eniten
liiry. Chas. Stewart H putting. np a cooper
shop alon ;s de this bu.Iding.
Coming IIomk. We learn tbt Mr.
Thomas Cross aud family, re expec
ted home next wet k from their Hip lo
England. We are pleased to learn
tnt the talk last summer of Mr. t'ross
intending to go lo Chicago was a flse
al.tnn, and ibat he wil. engnge iu the
potk packing busioiss ext-u-rively
than evt r.
Souk Scow A Pe r. land paper is in
formed that a latg. li.tijb'-r Oor.t is be
ing i'Uilt el St. Helens, wt.iclt ll s.-ys
is ifiOxl OHO. It thr is ibe tiiessur:
uient in inched it is rsttier ustrow f,u
a large tioat, tint it is protistd) ex
pressed in full and lhe Great Kittiru
w lit be employed as a tender.
ci'KkaK Col itr. - This body is c!er
ing off the denket etendily. Their
were no ap; eal !ro:u the 1-t District;
'be 2d aud 3d title been di.-po-ed of;
i lie Wasco election cases from the 5th
District were taken up out ot their or
der by agreement. and to dny tbe docse! j
of be 4lh District will be taken up. !
GfcNEKAL Sherman. The City Coun
cil met last evening and appointed a
committee : consisting of the Mayor
and Aldirmen Skiff and Wade, and
Messrs. John F. Miller aud J. 13. iic
Clane, to communicate with General
Sherman, and tender bim the hospital
iiies our city. We hope be will accept
the invitatiou. '
" Fxll Oi'ESing. Mrs. Howell pre
sen's ber compliments to the ladies,
and olLtrs them her f.ill style of Millen- !
ery. We were iudiscrete enough to
to venture in and take a look at some j
ol lhe beuu'ifui things sue of utid j
cu btar lesiinony to their richness i
aud beuury. ileaily, ladies, Ibe fall j
styles are siij.erb.
i !
Horpe Killkii. As the great Circus
aud Meuagerie was on the way bere
from Portland, oce of tbe best horses
a yaluaMe aiiimii!, was suddenly tnkeu
si(.k aud died in a few miuutes. It
W9S working on a baggage wagon, and
in urdet to gei tnroaU tbey ne oil i
liged to put iu one of the ring horses.
so that he became Hln.o.-t too lame to
tie able to shuw iu ibe nog.
A L-ii-ntAL, Display. We were' al
most repaid for being obliged to wo;k
bard until 1 o'clock, on Wednesday
moruiug, by seeing on tbe way home,
at tbat hour one of the most beuutiful
displays of the Xorih,ru lijibts. Pil
lars of fi.tnje shot up ibe x tiiih rt-l
banks ot bi :.j;hi cran.i Li butig u tb
northern tkv. A beautiful star fell
athwart the (ky and the n gbt was
really magnificeiit.
j A Misuap. Frank Bew ey is gel
ling to be a Useful man iu I lie item
line. Not content witb sbaving bis
linger t If be has invested iu a fine
buggy, aud Yesterday as be was ex rise
ing bis team by taking a friend
arid a little girl, daughter of Mr. D W.
Piennce, to the I'jir prouuds, his
horse tuck fright at the locomoiive's
whistle, and sheering suddenly, Und-
d Ihs occupants of the in tbe
dnch. Tbe lilile girl was nroiscd
sl'gbily aud the buguy somewhat
dfrii!igcd, otbetwire no great barai
was t'oue.
I I!a Ui.iur.r!. Loud (( tuplaints are
wade by 'ho-e wbo h.ivt- tucnsion lo
trei the r.jrt.i Dixie lo Amtiy,
ou iiccuutt of ibe eoiidriou of tbe Lijih
tiridge k. rjss the Ash swale on that
road. TLe timbers are said to be en
tirely rotten and the wbole structure
is in eucb a condition es to endanger
ibe lite and limbs of all who Use it.
There is a notice stuck up on a stump.
Slating that the Supervisor will not he
K sponsible tor any Unmsges, but we
believe it bus been decided by lhe
Courts tbal such a notice does not
save tbe county from peyiug any dam
ages tbat may tie suslsined ibrougn
tbe negligence of its officers, ll may
be worth while lor some one lo at
tend to this matter, and save a biil ol
Tbe Vuuntaineer says: Why will not
Our County Conrt tell us what was the
reason tbat while in July, 18G9, the an
nual report made our debt only $0,0(10,
iu Novtmber following ii was found by
the grand jury to be almost S-10,000,
and that fact is known lo at least oue
of the County Court. We know tbat iu
J8G7 one of the County Commissioners
said publicly on tbe streets of Dalles
city tbat the levy had been put down
from twenty-seven mills to sixteen
mills so tbat at tbe election in the fol
lowing spiiag it could be said in ibe
canvass that our taxis weie letaened.
Tbat is true, but we have now a tttnlic
debt hanging over us lo answer such
hnancial efforts.
' A party of Indians went to the gard
en of Mr. Kice, oo Fifteen mile creek,
aod loaded a pack train witb fruit and
vegetables. The owner tracked them
until tbey minded with ibe other Indi
ans and gave it up.
j Tbe survey tog party that were csmped
on toe opposite bank of tbe river, start
ed oo Thursday morning op the Colum
bia River, intending, we were inform
ed, to ran tbe survey npto Priests Rap
ids. Tbey will leave tbe river and
strike across tbe country at tbe first
favorable place they find to do so. Our
people East uf the Mountains will real
ize the tact after while tbat we are go
ing to have a .Northern Pacific Rail
road. . ;.
j The Sentinel says: Mr. J. B. White
caught tba largest trout ever taken in
RoRoe River; " It measured 32 inches
in length and weighed 12 pounds aod 9
James Adjey, a cripple, has bad his.
pony stolen from bim.
Jrcksoo County is badly io need of
! A letter from Rosebnrg costains tbe
following items:
Lester McCree, teamster of Look
ing Glass Valley, had bis leg broken
on tbe 7tb ins'.., faia team running
away with bim..
' W. A. Mills, an old pioneer, wbo
was for many years proprietor of tbe
Trenton Ferry, ol tbe Scottsbnrg road,
was declared insane on the Cth inst.
lhe father ffirV rr, bag
recently been in town circulating a pe
tition for tbe pardon of bis ion.
A new Court House for Douglas
county is neatly comp'eted. It is the
finest, best, and most substantial build
ing of tbe kind in the Slate.
The new steamer for the Rosebarg
and Cmpqna trade was launched at the
mouth the River a few days ago. and is
now nearly finished; she will make her
fial trip to Roseburg upon tbe first fail
Tbe Coose Bay Road Company are
preparing to receive tbe land grant Irf tn
the Legislature; thev have aboat 20
miles partially completed.
Simul'aneously with the 'inaugura
tion of Democratic officers (Judge and
District Attorney) Sol Culver.tbe ting
Uadcr of the Cole's Valley bell rncm
mnrdereis. appeared in our midst. It
will be remembered that he escaped
from the custody of the Sheriff in 1
and it was generally hoped that, be had
It It tbe country for bis country's good.
From the Jrr we learn the follow
ing: As some loaded wagons were go
ing down a steep grade, tbebrka of
one of the wacons gave way and th
team of six horses was foici oo tbe
top of tbe wHiron ahead, nd the rwo
team' thrown tr the foot nf the biM.
doir-e a irond denl of damage, though j
the driver escaped. j
Seven soldiers have been court-ma'- j
flaled at Fort Klamath, and sent to ;
Fort Alratrax for terms of various
leniilh at packing sand.
Mr. J. M Sutton and family, some of
the Drst settlers of tbe county, left for
Portland on Thursday, with the inten
tion ol making ibat place their home.
PORTL .?!.
From the Portland pipers we learn
that General Sherman's reception aT
Portland was most enthusias ic. A
committee of reception had been ar- '
pointed by the City Council, consist- ;
rog of tbe Mayor, and Counrilmen ;
Lewis, Congle, and Ualleck. Senator
Williams was selected to make tbe j
reception speech. The procession was !
formed by Marshal Phil Saunders ; the
military composed of the Washington ;
and Krcet Guards, beaded by tbe Mil-!
ittry Bnttd, takitie the bead of the col- ;
nron. Then came the carriage with '
General Mieruian, General Scbofield :
and Senator Wiiiiams. Next came !
tbe carriage with the C'tv Committee, .
and then citizens iu carriages, w hile j
citizens ou foot packed the street from j
side, to side, and cheered and shouted !
vttrlcome with a wiil
Senator Williams addressed the Get- j
eral in a speech. Sherman made an p- j
proprUte reply acd retired amid L'reat j
ehetrirg. Gen. Schofielii and Senator I
Corbett were called, tut declined tnak- ',
'log speacbes, mid after tbe National i
air t y the bands which enlivened tbe
occasion, the gs.tberig bloke up at a
late bonr. !
Tbe Orojoitt'in says: A building on '
the corner of First an J A streets, owned ;
by H. C. Leonard aud occupied by a !
colored family nimed Jolicson, was de-1
strayed ty fire ou Tuesday eight. Loss, :
$6ta. j
The crew of the bark Loveid, loading ,
witb wheat for Coik, deserted in a
body, and have gooe into tbe coun-j
U-V- . . t
Many business houses were illumi- i
nated in honor of tbe distinguished t
! visitor? of the cite.
'Shcouraglns Caste.
The way tlic IIuiisc discoirwjcl
ens'e in their proceedings tlie oilier
day was a caution to new beginners';
and Mr. Atnif, the Lane county
Later .t il.o "pig-tailed rat-taling
Chinese, " to use Iiitt own e'egunt
phrase, U tvidenlly a new beginner.
Mr. Amis is an "honest Democrat,"
and lmtes the Chinese, as how
could he help but do so, :ilti r all
tlie fury agitint-t tin in during the
late campaign. Mr. Ant's, like
many another Democrat, is a man
of one idea, and lie is to be cxctiK-d
for calcliing his one idea this time,
from Giovcr. Mr. Amis spent the
etiuiuier, since ilis election, drawing
up this bill to discourage "c.-rste,"
a'.'d it contained all Lis geiiius boil
ed down and intensified. Wo say
it contained, lor alas, if the rpeukers
ruling holds, tlie bill ttov contains
notting, it lies perdu, lost, defunct,
"on tiie table," and all .Mr. Amis'
summer wotk ami bis legislative
thunder is gone lo wasle. We in
sist on it that sal volatile be applied
to both Mr. Amis and his bill, and
that each be allowed to run their
allotted course iu due season, with
out accidental and untimely squelch"
At the same time we beg permis
sion of our Democratic friends to
be allowed a tjuiet laugh at the fact
that they legislated this poor bill
on "caste" to death, and plumped
it into chaos, in the effort to save it
from Davenport's amendment. If
they have not bad enough of
tbat bill yet, they had belter give
the next performance upon it in a
more commodious Imilding with a
moderate charge for admission, and
we will insure a full Louse, if the
Statesman can niuk a trifle by
advertising it.
The Judiciary Conimi'.tec aston
ished the House yesterday, by mak
ing a report on the bill, which really,
dc fncto, seems to Lave been in Mr.
Helm's pocket all the while the
House was ridiculing if. That
committee is trying the sal volatile
of a report on it and should be al
lowed to bring it to life once in a
while to save the members the ex
pense of spending their money for
other amusement. Eeally, howev
er, the committee id right. On Sat
urday tLe bill was referred to them
with an amendment, ami made the
epecial order for Tucsduyr So we
find recorded in Sunday's issue
and wc advise the House to keep a
file of the Statesman for conven
ient and reliable reference. It
might eavo tlieru some trouble.
Oa Wednesday Mr. Holman moved
to lay an amendment to tbe
Sbermsn resolution on the table, and
his motion . carried. His motion' was
in good tuste, though we gave to brief
a report ot the matter tbat be appear
ed by it be wantioa; In respect for the
resolution fobnnorGeo. Eberrrai.
5ot to be Invited.
' The House unanimously resolveil,
yesterday, to treat General Sherman
politely, and invited bira to visit Salem.
The Senate refused to concur. There
marks of - member were courteous
enough, and to the effect tbat tbey
i wed no consicerv.ion aud sbouM rRJ
bim none. Mosber said pathetically
that he didn't rejoice tioic ever Act e
tarn and Gettysburg. Fay, with more
trtilh ihnn pal boa rr policy, says they
n-c-r made him f. el gond, aud this is
the Bist be ever heard of Mosber's joy
over tbrm. Sherman bus the satisfac
tion to know tbat the rebels never did
want bim to come ard see theiu.
Xett Railroad Organization.
The Oregon Branch of the Pacific ;
R. ll. Company completed its ort'an- .
ization in this city yesterday, tbe 2i.
The ol ject of this Company U to sttnd
ready la carry into effect the amend-
ment of Smatnr Williams lo the Hutu- :
boldt Branch Railroad bill, should
that measure become a law. The
place, t-f business of the Company is :
Jacksonville, O eon, aud araorg i's
officers aud corporators we are pleased .
lo see the nami S of many of tbe s e -ling
citizens ot Southern Oregon, of all j
politicx! parties. Tbis is as it should ;
he, ami the Company his our hearty
wi.-bes lor its success, as well as every :
other body of c'uii-iis wbo bave io
virw the improvement of our Slate. '
Legislative Assembly of Oregon-,
Sixth Regular ftnloo.
Tilt BslV, Sept. '.'?.
House met at lo a. to. After prayer
by Rer. Father Goens, the luiuule?
were read .
Savage, from Committee on Military
AffiitP, reported:
y.V.i (?((, tbal we welcome Ger.eml
Shrn.Hii, the tieneral of the ermej nl
tbe Coit-d Stales, and invite hiui ano
his- Stall' to visit the capitol ot tLe
State during tbis session.
Tbe report was unanimously adopt
ed. '
I! ii rn.'i t , from the Committee c
Public I. ods, to whom' was referred
11. H. No. 2, to aid the Coos Liny
wnnon rond, reported auiecduieois.
Hare lookd on the !!! as an irr.
por'aut one, aud wanted lo fee the act
of Congress properly carried out, at, J
moved lo reler tLe matter lo a Com- .
uiitlceof tiie whole House.
i'U -ir ai.rouuct'd ihi rjuesti.-.o to
to adopt the lepoit of the com. nil ec.
h eh motion i u-can i .1.
l.otkhutl wanted to Le tje ret ort
printed. Catiicd.
He IU, In l u Cotr.milioe on Judiciary,
reported 11. U. No. 4 bm-k t ttu-Hou-e
aud i ecutuuieudu! lis lti jefi tnti (
Amis eipUiLed tlie bi'ii, that it
lalended to becure a jiirt oj-entliou !tL';
make the exempt iou Irom tHntt,ia coi
respund to lhe number i !' tbe hon.-e
hold by eieuipting Sl'iO to c.uli ic
tlivniual, instead of $iiou t tvery
fmiiy. Thelw wm for ihet.eMti'
of ibe poor, and should he cori-i-ti utly '
for Her bentti'.. Tbe ceitus rhow;
lhat pentrul tr.nation vrooid uot. be re
duced, it would be cjuafied i s
tbe bill. II aiued to show ih t! 1
Clrerou r-ho s less f.ivor.- to t 'te poor
tbati other States ar d lletouArai-v
owed Iheru cotiiIerHM(.-ii.
Helm tbtitibt Mr. Amis roiild'nt .
reach tbe otijei t fo iht by tliis bill
Jetlersouian imiocracy providcil trqual
taxatiou aud lorhiila any eseoipiton.
He favored lhe repenl of toe eiemp
tion raiher lhau lid amendment as pro
Wballey favored tLe report because ;
the bill pr prxed to Xempt real a.
well as per.-unnl propeily from Un
lion. Hare liked tiie bill and endorsed tht
geatlt men lroio Line. He saw more ,
in it th in the report of tne touiinittee
ndieaied, and he oj.oel j'ust.mi e
oteiti. He argued ire case li tho
Ibe operation uf me hi u -w , iu con -ttiirt-ou
wi'b tbe auiendini uti propueii .
by lhe b 1!.
Stuikweatber said nlu.ot nil t .J
paers were hou.-rhoidrr. At Cine
passes families ircrea.e in nuinher.
anil H e means of the boiiseho ili r ir - 1
creas-e in proportion. .After a certain
K'e children are not a burden but iid
nfsi.-itxuce to a fjn.ilv. lie nailed
save the I'Uie of the lioure by t.tny
hc'iod on tbia bt:l.
Dorris ihouxbt tiie b:ii was cot uni
form, ss a bachelor would be i-ij
more than a man with 1 J
like his roilea((u. The committee i
liked tbe law as it now stands, nint h
ex-nipt $300 aod allows loe deduc
tion of indebtedness.
Whiteaker moved to lay tbe report
on the tabic, which was adopted.'
Ayee, Zi ; noes, 8.
Meg-age from tbe Senate, announced '
dod concurrence in House amendment '
to the Senate bill No. 3, to provide '
membets with postage Mnupa.
I'aqiiei moved to lay ou ibe table,
w hich was lot-t. I
The House then Toted to recede from :
its amendment to henate Bill No. 3. 1
S. li. No 23, relating to limes ot '
any places of holding colitis was read
first time. , j
Tb rules were suspended and the
tbe bill read recoml time
ll was repreteu'ed as necessary to
pass tbe bill, or tl?e Judge Tbayer
would have to leave bis seal on the Su
preme Bench to bold Court iu Currt
Lockbart objected that tbe jurors
were summoned, and parties litigant
were sure to be there from San Fran
cisco, and the bill would cost -Coos
couuiy $1,000, and be great damage to
the parties litigant.
D r 1 wanted the bill to pass i s it
eame to tbe llou.'e.
. Fulton favored ibe bill.
Appersou favored Lockb art's amend
ment. llare moved to postpone further ac
tion until tomorrow morning.
Lo. kbart said tbere was no time to
lose if the bill was to pass, liis i.ui-ud-ment
merely delayed its cpcralious io
Coos county 00 days.
House adjourned.
House met at 2 p. m., and resumed
tbe consideration of tbe bill to regulate
tbe times and places of holding Coun
ty. Circuit and District Courts.
The question being on tbe motion to
strike oat tbe last section of tbe bill,
the vote was, ayes 25, noe 10.
' Lockbart moved to suspend the rulrt
ad read tbe bill third time, on wbicl
the vote stood ayes 23, noes 13, aad
the bill was seed third time. On the
fins I vote the billwaa defeated, aye,
21,najl22. , ,
Hutchiosoo moved that a. committee
of one from each county ba appointed -lo
visit tbe penitentiary, and report on
the same, and as lo the best course to
pursue io regard to improvements and ,
baildings, which was adopted. (
- Oa mi tton of Lockbart tbe House .
excused Jndge Olney, wbo is ia feeble ;
health, from rising whea be wished to (
address tbe Chair.
Porter, front Committee on Com i H R Vn. 1. rclatinv i
to marking salmon prepared for mar
ket, with, amendment, which was
Helm, from Judiciary Committee,
reported H. B. N'-. 3 back without re
romoiendation, "a bill lo discourage
eat "
Olney moved reference to the ccm
mittee of tbe whole Home.
Hare wanted to to k".ow how tbe
Judiciary Committee got bold of the
bill, which wit placed on the table
yesterday. ,
Helm explained thtt the committee
had it in its keeping all tbe while.
Starkweather thought tbe bill wsi
launched into chaos.
Whal'.ey gave the history of the bill,
and was satisfied it had never been
committed to tbm committee.
WLiteaker read 'the hi.-loiy of the
bill from his raicnuar.
Helm said it eame to bis committee
in due form, properly enveloped.
Davenport aau ed io know where
the biil was yesterday, when the House
acted upon i'. i
Olney explained that at that time tbe
bill was in tbe pocket of the Chairman i
of tho Judiciary Committee. If there
lijtbtfully, the House bad no coutrol
over it. " If not tbere rightfully, the
House may have acted lepally yes;r- ',
tlav. As It was impossible to dec d !
the status of tbe bill t was, on moiioo
ot Olney, passed informally by.
II H. No. J, (or proteeriou of Sal
tiinu fisheries, was read tbe second
lime, and ordered engrossed and read
a third t tne to-morrow,
II. It. No. !', to define more particu
larly the duties of county Surveyor,
waa read second time aod ordered en
prosecd and read a third time to-mor
row, j
A nu:sue was rc-eivtd from the -Senate
anuouccing a refusal to cob- j
cur with M. J. liesoliitioti to mend
welcome to General Sherman. "
11. II. No. II, reTaiing to f?c of!
oiit,ty oliicers, was reud a leconti :
Mr. rikino, tbe mover t-f tbe bill, j
! ing absent, it was pa-sed over in- I
11. B. No. 13, amending section 114,
chapter 1, of Code, was real second
l ine, and referred to tbe Judiciary
II. I! No. 10, to aid the construc
tion of a canai and locks st (ir.'gnn
City, wrs read fecou-1 time and refer
red to a Special Committee of fi i e, con
s.stitiir of .Messrs
H. IS. No. 12, reintir-g to filii. of an
e fli'iavit Hud uudertuking fur ari urrett ,
as read fecond l;ne .-cud teler
red to Judiciary Coiuunivc.
II. li No. 1, was read second lime
as amended and or-JerrJ t-Bgross-ed and
read tlnr.i tMue to intirioir.
Ciiir announced as Committee to
iit lhe 1'eniientiary, Messrs.
lltmier gave Lot ice vf a biil for tbe
reiitf of Caion county.
il'lmave cot ice of a bill relating
to ferries, i.iso ol i bill lor the ot
Lui er and Needbam.
"... Thotuiison gaiie notice of a biil for
the leiief of Uiu i'illv county.
Ai w trted lo get bold of the 'Vue
1 i'." htiriesi ami etraigbteu it up.
P.'Cjaet iiitToduced 11 li. No. .0, re
h tiii- l i licence to Be.l t irilous
t qiinrs, whfo was read first liiue.
SiarkwialLt-r ino'.td to priLt 1. IS.
N .v 2 ).
li.itris objected, tut the House ot-ner-d
it t.i iuied . .
11. li. No. lil, for tiie relief of II 1'.
i'liiniiani, which was read first linie,
. lo II. II. No. 'J'J. supplemental to a t
to perpetuate lebllu.ouy, was Ivid
r:rst time.
.The alarm if firo w;is given aad the
House aHjjuriit'J..
The f-'riate nit at 10 a m , and was
c-;iCLei with j.riyer by Iter. Mr. Lax
ler. ot tbe M. E Church, Sioutb.
The Journal as read aul approv
ed. IN7KOLICTI0.1 OF V1LI.5. j
l'riidersliotl introduced S. 15. No. j
l i, lo a.orod
to oi game the I
Itiirch introdnceil K. B. No. 19,
craimi acommisioner ol Mute lauds.
l'.y introiu.-ed S. B. No. 2H, r
latic to Cierk of tu;retJie Court and
f-tat Li't rnrian
Mi'sher introduced S. II. Xo. SI, to
aid the ,rou road from Jackou to
Hiiki r counties.
Fsy introduced II. No. 22, to reg
uinie enclosures.
M -!:er iuiroudured S li. No. 2U, to
fxikut sa d plat es cf liolding Court?
iu the Mate. Owin to the necessity
ot re gti't i tig the time of holding courts
so a-i tmt to interfere wild the present
term of ibe Sutireme Court, tbe last
r ained lull was read 2d and 3 1 time,
hy tupeti img lilies, aud passed.
Sedate hilj turned.
Senhte met at 2 p. m
Kny gave notice of a bill to amend I
Code. " j
Trevitt ceie notice cf a bill for the
reliit of V -c con . i
lloult 'ri'm I'oinanfee on Counties,
r-p nte l S. V.. No. s, regnlattnjr the i
. e of o!!i-er. wliicb whs read sen-j
oud time and ordered engrossed, amend- I
merits having been made in Committee
if lue Whole. The biil ti..iles reii.ic
lioti cf ft if county c"..'ers mt-.J iLt
amendments to it still luribc-r reduce
L. No. f', relnting to romia, was
enJ (econ.l nu t. and on motion of
I'.urch, was reti rrtd lo Committee on
oad and Highways.
S It. No. II, to ( rvid a uniform
tours of instruction in common
Schools, read Second ti.ue and re
ferred t- Couituillee oo Kductou.
S II So. 13, to aroeud ueueral Laws,
tec 1, chapter 24, title .', was read
Ficoud time aod referred to Committee
on Judici.iry
S. It. No. 15, waa red secoud time,
smeoded on motion of Cornelius, and
referred to special Committee of three.
Chair appointed as such Committee,
Messrs Cornetiu, Cocbrao and Moores.
A communication Irom tbe Governor,
relative to swamp and ove' flowed lands
and salt spriogs, was read by tbe
Clerk and oue buudred copies ordered
to be printed.
On motion of Trevitt the Senate went
into Comiuiltee tf tbe wbole on S 11
No. 8, Gov. Woods messag and tbe
inaugural of Gov. Grover, and the ar
tertioon was spent in consideration ol
those matters in such committee
Alter Ibe Commillee rose and rero l
ed, their report was adopted by the
Senate, by which the amendments to
S. 1). No. 8. and 'be topics of tbe me -age
Were appropriately referred.
The 11 J. H. io welcome Gen. Sher
man,was rec ived early iu the atiernoou
and was ibe occasion for remarks trim
Messrs. Mosber, Cochran nod It. Id win
wbo were opposed to inviting General
Sherman. Tbese gentlemen claimed
that the civil service was superior to
lhe tiniitnry, and tbey owed tie blign
tloa to go out of their way t eu
tertain military men. - The mtmoriesoi
tbe war tbould be fovotteo, and so the
resolution waa no', concurred iu, the
tote beiu ay S 'J, noes 10,
From the : John McCor
mick, of California, fell from Couch's
w barf, and wa seriously iujuied.
Portland !s badly off for a hospital
When a 8roger is hurt or becomes
sick, belt taken i the county poor
. house.
A man named Green was bnrtby a
caving bank, on the Sixth street grade.
From the IeratJ : ' Marshal Saun
ders petitioned tbe Caancil last even
ing for tbe erection of a oew j iil, tbe
present makeshift being wholly insa
cure, and amenable except in the sum
mer roonlbs. " - "
II. Wendt'e tailor shop was burglar,
ized and relieved of some fine dress
coats. Portland thieves put on style.
A stranger was run over by a car
riage, aad bad bis ankle crashed.
The Willamette Iron Works are
turning oat a splendid .'root, for tbe O.
S-& Co. ' new building.
Thomas Mountain bad bis band bro
ken in a scrimmage on tba wharf.'
The sloop Bell bai arrived witb pro
duce from Tillamook. -
Aboot twea-y borsei are trainlof for
the Hillsboro Fair.
A new steamer bat beta laancbel at
Yancoovf r. ;
$2 per Annum in Advance.
t , itiHruiiiic lug.
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
tbe men at work io Boothby & Staple
ton'a Sash Factory, discovered that tbe
eagine room iad taken fire, probably
by a spark escaping Irom tbe furnace.
Aa attempt was made to put it oat,
but tbe building being full of combus
tible materials, the flames assumed
formidable dimensions In aa instant.
Attention was immediately turned to
saving tbe contents, and tbe men .
worked with a will. A number took
bold of a heavy cast iron lathe and
carried it bodily out of tbe foundry
and machine shop adjoining.
In the mean time tbe alarm Lad been
given, and the 6re department was
out. It was fouud tbat tho
to reach tbe fire from any accessible
water. The hose of both companies
was united,-and one engine set at tbe
intersection of State and Commercial
streets. The Came bad spread too
rapidly to leave any hope of saviDg the
building, aqd all that could be done
was to save tbe adjoining rtsiileiices.
A heavy stream of water waa kept
playing around the engine and costly'
n.a U'jtery of the foundry, tt fate
tberu if possible. Ia tbe mean time
the citizens were busy savinp adjoining
buildings, in which tbey partially suc
ceeded, by great tfljrld. Lints were
formed and buckets paBeed to the top
"f the houses, wbicb were covered, as
far as possible, with blankets and kept -wet.
The residence of J. Q. Wilson,
on t'ae north, and tbe bouse owned by
Mr. Townsend, were save! with tbe
greatest diCiculty. A DOlicet.Lle fea
ture wis tbat our
heartily. Tko Legislature adjourned
about lhe first of tbe fire and many cf
th members runticed the brakes aad as
sisted in carrying water or in any
other wiiy tbat seemed to be of service.
Others too, from a distance, deserve
credit for the spirit witb wbicb tbey
lent a baud. Prcmioent amotig these
we noticed Col. Cornelius, ol Wash
ington county, and Mr. W. W. Brown,
of Amity, who rallied tbeir acjtinio
taaces aud Sit a freat ruaay uiea to
w .11 k. Sen.i-.or 1 lenders hot. and G rant,
member from Tolk, worked like heroes,
but tiu-iitiot cf names must necessarily
be invidious w here so many did well.
I:s lets than nn hour from the first
alarm the wboie building wei con
s.::iifd, together with Mr. li. F.Drake's
re-idence oa tie west, the bouse occu
pied by Mr. John Collies and tbe barn
Uioagiugto Mrs. Towaoeud.
are variously estimated at froia $2.000
!Q S-HJ.'JO'.', but as near as wc coul 1 as
certain lhey a il! fnil short of tbe form
er figure and will probably be not far
from $21, 0U0. " lioothhy & Stsi Uton
!oe about S10.00J; B. V. Drake,
$10,000; Mrs. Townsend, $20: C.
Wicks, $250; $;C0. Tbere waa
no insurance. Mr. Drake saved a
Utht intacr,'ind t wo lathes and a laner,
a sic-run engine and tome othermuchln
ery, (iamafrrd to seme extent. Tbe suf
ferers are all tut-n of high standing in
be (ommunity, and a large circle of
frieuds heartily fyrapatbize with tbm
io their uii3'ortune.
We are glad to be able to announce
that there were no serious personal ac-ciic-nls,
and but few
Worthy of note. Mr. Churchill at
tempted to enier the building for bis
coat, and the ilames set lire to bis hair.
lr. Starr clashed wateroti him and pre
vent. tig any terious daiunj-c.
A little boy who bad better been at
home with Lis mother, bad a narrow
escape. from being struck by a bucket
NlliDfj from the roof of a bouse. It
barely missed bis bead and was dash
ed to pieces cn tbe ground.
The occupants of several of the bous
es nearest the fire moved their furniture
for safety, bat the precaution was ne.-d-less.
Our friend Jerry Patterson lost a
new bat, and bis face, inside tbe post
oPi.-e, w indow, looks disconsolate.
Oar rtporter lost a light tickory
cane, of little value, but prized as a
tr f'. Some gentleman removed it from
a feuce near the fire, for wbicb he will
receive thanks oa communicating with
this office.
Items. We have received tho Erst
number of the JKiily I Vs'or. -
Tbe Jadfres rf the Supreme Court
went to Albany yesterday acd will rc
tura this evening.
Tbe encitemcnt of tbe Cre caused U3
to omit the Supreme Court repott fttd
otb r items.
The most common remark last pif bt
was ibat Saleui needed a steam tire
A purse lost containing 25. If. tbe
finder will leave it at tbis office, be
will receivers for his honesty.
Wbeat is quoted at TO cents a bushel
ibis week, at the Salem mills, and
prospects are ftvorable for a rise to T5
cents next week.
Goons have Ar.RtvEo. W. L. Wade,
nf North Salem has received these
goods which were on tbe way, and is
prepared to sell them oa most reason
able terms. Those who trade witb
bim know what tbat means.
ArreixTiiEXTS. The Governor has
appointed C. B. Bellinger, Notary
Public, for Multnomah conoty, and
several commissioners of deeds for
Oregon, in other States ; also Alex.
Cimpbell, has been appointed Port
Warden for Columbia District.
AftOTBEn Sociable. This evening
the ladies ol tbeCoogregational Church
will have a sociable at the Opera
iSotie one that will be worth attend
ing, and we will give notice that all
are specially invited lo attend. . Oon't
forget it or you will be the looser.
Thtrewillbe very fine music as pari
of the attractions.
Not Dkowkeo Yesterday forenoon
tbe alarm was given tbat if boy bad
been drowned in the race br the Salem
mills, and and active search was made
iu the water and all along the race.
After some consfderable time the body
was discovered playing marbles in an
aliey near by. .
How to Ccre Tuts --A friend of
ours wbo was annoyed at having bis
bands covered with large an 4 unsight
ly warts has recently rid himself of
them by scorching each one a blister,
by means of a sun glass, .lie had
thirty five warts, and got rid of them
all. Tbe -operation is represented as
painful for a moment, bnt tbey soon
dried up aud pealed off leaving no
scar. Many of our readers may proSt
by trying the same experiment.
TaiComtio Ball. Tbe notice of tbe
Toangnral and Senatorial Ball will l
found ia another column.. It will no
doubt be a grand affair, and attended
by many from abroad. ...These festivi
ties are, of course," a gratification lo
onr political enemies, but if tbey de
tin to celebrate important events by
making a fine social jubilee, there is
no lesson In the world why all wbo
are sociably inclined should not grace
a pleagmt company witb their presence. '
The htroes of the boor are very clever
gentlemen, and we will congratulate
them thia time, and spare no honest
me; to beat thetn text.
- ,ti f.- 4
Physician and v Surgeon,
Eesldene. and ofisva Liberty $xtmti nrb
opposite ll, Cengresatlmal Cliarc
- - ii.- j
A. H. BELT, If. Ot,
Olce and reidVnce corner Cuion and
Cnunx streets,
Orders can be left at Souther's Dra-r Store
, (
Attornrya aad Coaaiclsrs at Law
and ISoaJcltara t Chutttj,
Conecdons ttai eonveyaBeM pfewpt) aciwuV.!
W. l. rua.
I. lis SJOLL1JSS, ., . , r (
Attorimy ft t Iett w.
I Prompt aurntbiB given ta biulaes. Sptel-ilty,
Collect imn and Irmiii vflo:u la Keai EMate.
; OSc- oosuira in th Court Hon. dltf
J. C. cnt'BBS, M. D.,
Oiler Lis service to the eili7en ol Sa
lem and vicimt v
OrricK At Urotr Suire cf Gruhbs At Co.,
on Slsts street, one door eust of Lxpre'a
tii'ice, ; ,. ' I i: t -
! 8.4LKM, ORilCOV. . ttiiiJ
(I.sti t Bellera IIo.i,'t.a Mc-J cat Cvllwe,
N Verk City)
- .. i ;
Ofllee 'n Meora'a Brlek, CaJcm, Oja,
Attornry A; CotiiKelarnl Law
: Practices in the Plate and tT. 8. Cottrta. , - '
OS'-ce N'o. IfW Kront Street, oppoe'iio
Mc Curtnick's I look iMorci, . .
I IJt'inoval.
1K . .T. W. I i-AFKll
lias removed his office to GrUwoM's Eleck evtr
Meyer's Store.
-ox- . - , ,, ...
C o in in a rcl il " rtict
Where he will be foun! at all hour" ortfnvt-r"
unlei profcssiorially eiifkjred. iH-pta-aftt
Ttetlt take Sat Wlthwnt PUa,
Telh extracted
l'icrouc Cxl.te
' than chin ir a)
tSe ruott rKijiuiii' u.ethod nsrd In kastera
clihs. ' ' .: '
By 1. S. SICTT'jrr. - 1
fff" 'l Dtntintry perfrnl wMf fata in-
provement. lateen. Jne 15, lvi'l xa
.- - ,t
SALE 11. :::::: 0RKG0N".
MMIB eoatl-ued ptronjr- ot hoa atareei
i 1 t!nR tKKMANFVT AND JlMfclitU OP-
EKATMsd eameatlTaolK-iled. .
ArtjCcial vrotli food bs the best, anil at
' ciiea a ettn be tool nl an ofllee la the auier,
; MI'Kota I'MDK Tor Puinlrin extraction.
K.Mjtn over w ade'tf Store and aibotntne Mvol
I eomery't Uallery. , MxjSsn
t. . a. w. iuc t
; GriKtvoId'k Rloclf, Oppoaite Itaaa
'. 1 fiorl notice, uc!i i Gold Plate, Hileer,
' rutins, Aflsmanltnt, Vulcanite, ov Roofer Yut
. nlt. fn-'e.l wiib liije p!d or alrtrrtrnirt,
WE WARRANT AM. Ol'R W08R BU'evcellel
i anv ottiee in the worhl. . '
I'rice r,l styles of work to r:!t all r'nm
; patients rrorn Are to fonv dollar peraet
. We use so v" in oar oice. Aaa-theUja gwt
t-roijro I .cat or fner-l anaeathefte jhr ih
: pio In rxlrartJooW textli. - . .. aT
Oaot & Shoe Store
Three Donrs from Oreyoe C'atvfv Maautac
toiy oii Commercial street,.- -
- -, r
IS'ew Boot and Slioe Store,
And he a Flu Menrtment for
Ccnls, Ladin k rblldrcn' Wear,
I.alelv part'liased in Sail Francisco, kDd
For Sale on Most Beaonable Terms.
balem, Feb. In
.0 ; J
fficcEsaopj to n..8ATiro,
AJiD '
Forwarding kv. Cfimmlnioo
- XercliautaSe I
poartAXD, i t 'i t't ri oiiws,
wm. WAntiAMS, ' " W.K. trrrwfnK,
.moiiT ,.,. . A,P.tvc.Rrr,
Portland. fHn PranriKa.
S4b rnat Hroi.
epl.ll, tSTJ. ,
Corner Promt ad Merrlsaw (
rOTLAXD.t7 S'l :'f i. r0tQC.
M. K.KITH. nwar .
IMVr?T 'AND I.ARCWT nbftbov Tint
RSnJiM Com. T. kIMi Is a new
rwk, aoA laniWinl la aioM 4e(oHtrl,
affuidiD( Um rtij bert aecuaaMdaUou u ftau,
srr Cwaeli and pr Waa
t frwaa las '
Awtlan. epl. II. lTt
. i. :c - r , . - ?-
' ' ' -. : i . ;i
' - ' .
-n r '""" .?' rj
Milllnrry, I)rr Trhnmlng
; "aaii . J
- -' ; m .. 4
rfEllVM'iht".ji inuT K WMteMOm
t baaUt wnck of fat h ia
th way frma th HAM I arrive see ky railroad
tne itmaer-. .!. .-.u tt (.!(r,
-r J.i.if.-i, i, a '
8ept.tljRJ '' - w ....
cbs br nitm at -
A s UKaiOl . BROWX'k.
'M T TYTTTi U - x2?
- ' - l . , r .
J i