The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, September 21, 1870, Page 4, Image 4

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    in' "m wn ' "''sni'i'i -w'wissismm i r jiiiijsiu. . nii.. i m in. -"-s
9 lf ' '
DAf xa to KPTKMykk te.
London Bepi. A Paris eorrea.
poadeDt iy tha American recognition
of ths Republic "of Prance is really of
bat llttla value, aod is regarded merely
as food will without weight.
Sanday Prassian raconolierinfc
party eoeountered a body of French
Chalean Thiery. A sharp engage
ment oecnred and tha Prussians wers
repnlted with loss. - '
London 8e?. 13 Tha fw( speaking
'aeml-ofBcially aay: nentrals bare
"Abandoned all hopes of suspending
hostilities. Bancroft ia making no
farther offorU toward! mediation.
The Praiiian Gsvernment thanks
Washburn for extending assistance to
"Germans in France.
Paris, 13. Two corps of the Prus
sion army; 7 each" 40,000 strong, took
position last night on the Strasbourg
No person will be allowed to lesve
Paris after C. a. m. on 15th without
special leave.
llartial law is practically in force
within the city.
Defiance of the Commenderat Soii
son to Prussian demand for surrender,
has been enthusiastically opposed.
The inhabitants all declare deter
mination to fight to the lint, and en
dare any hardship ia the service of
France; -
, Midnight. The French fleet
lias left Heligoland on the approach
of a German ironclad.
Lowrensky, Chief of Staff, eoming
in operation, aginst Strasbourg, says it
is mathematically certain that place
will fall about the 24th.
Paris, 13th. It is believed the mis
sion of Theirs to the three courts
will be productive of fruitful results.
Portugal recogniteed the republic.
The Uplans bare cot the railroad and
telegraph line near Noisy, 8 miles from
This morning the Irish mail train
from Holyhead was thrown from the
track and plunged into the river.
Bodies of only 4 passengers hare been
Direct mail to Paris is stopped and
the wires are cat by the Prussians.
Heavy seige gans are now going to tbe
Prussians at Paris. Tbe Pope con
templates a retreat to tbe Tyrol. Tbe
Fenians are active again.
Berlin, Sep. 15th. Tbe Provisional
Government of Paris would have breu
accepted by Prussia, if tbe exactions
imposed by Prussia had been assented
to. These embraced portions of Al
sace and Loraine. and tbe dismantling
of French forts on tbe Ger nan frontier.
Montch, Sept. 13th. Prussia has
formally notified Bavaria of her inten
tion to annex to Germany a portion of
France as a military frontier.
London, Sept. 13th. Mets is quiet.
The siege of Strasbourg progresses and
its fall daily expected. The move
ment on Paris is interrupted.
Thiers has arrived and bad an inter
view with Granville, which is not be
lieved to have altered English purpose
as to Intervention.
Paris, Sept. 14th. The railway
bridge at Carbiel was destroyed by tbe
French. Uhlans were at Nogent on
Monday within 5 miles of tbe city.
Orders are , given by German com
manders forbidding tbe destruction of
bridges behind the army under severe
Proclamation of Cremux announces
the approach of the Prussians and calls
nps)Q sll France to rise and oppose tbe
invader, and create indestructible ram
parts. Invoke tbe memory of '02.
London, Sep. 13th. Tbe French
and German fleets are now in sight of
each other ia the North sea.
If the Prussian plan is realized tbey
most have 70 army corps before Paris.
The Provisional Government refused
to listen to any propositions fur sur
render of tbe French Territory.
Tbe Prussians will not negotiate with
the presont government at Paris, they
propose to occupy Paris. (
Tbe Regenry Senate and Corps Leg
islative will then be summoned, wbo
will be expected to name commissioners
to treat on tbe Prnssian baais. Wben
this treaty is signed Napoleon will be
released, and France left free to choose
ber own government.
London, Sept. 15. The blockade of
tbe Elbe has been raised, vessels now
passing freely. Steamers from England
to France and Germay resume service
Tbe mail from Paris is stopped for
. to-day, and communication has been
destroyed, the Prussians having tbe
wires. '
. At Honterin, 15 miles aontbeast of
Melion, sharp skirmishing occurred
between Germans and French. Tbe
former were beaten ff. Tbe firing was
beard at Paris.
Yesterday the railroad between Paris
aqd Lyons was stopped; and all bridg
es which can be reached will be de
stroyed to-uigbt. ?.
Gen.' Troeba says that 70,000 men
on the ramparts can by persevering ef
torts 'Save Paris. . The City is un
approachable if its defenders are prop
erly managed.
''London,' Sept. 14 Advices from
Strasbnrg says tbe defense is drawing
, to ft close, and surrender is imminent
from the' failure of ammunitions and
provisions. 1" ' ..
Berlin, Sept. 14. The catastrophe
at Laoo Increases tbe feeling against
the French. H is considered barbar
ous and opposed to all modern wP
fare. ..-
Toon, Sept. 14. A great number of
bridge aronnd Paris were blown up
to-day. The woods have been set on
fire, and heusee likely to offer refuge
to tbe enemy bat been destroyed.
Tool basagalo been bombarded, the
firing continued 9 hoars. The city was
much damaged bat the defense was
Tbo Prussians, at the request of
Switserland.have consented to let non
combatants leave Strasbourg.
- Paris. Sept. 14. Paris journal say
tbey hat little bop of mediation.
It is rumored that Basaine has nr.
rived in Pari, but the report is not
London, Sept. 14. The following
has been retslverl in Parli:
Strasburg, Sept. 9.' Affairs are inn
deplorable eondltion.audgrowingworse.
' Ths Prussian ad vsnee works is incessant
and frightful. I shall bold oat till the
end. Signed, ' Clriod,
:i v ' . Commander. -
London, Sept. 14. Tb King pro
hibit the storming of Strasbnrg, until
Ii ia possible without too great a loss of
life. Tb third parallel bas been com
pleted, It ts confirmed that Bnniu
refuses all terms, and it is expected
tbafToewllI be able to cut bis wf
Out." v i ii ' i
Paris', Sept. 14. riiicb at Stras
bourg, is at the last extremity, but
till continufs to resist. '
'It ispbtitiaefy asserted that Russia
and Austria will unite against Prussia,
If ibe insists on the annexation of tbe
tfrench Territory.
Pari, Sept. 15 Fiench troops wbo
recently crossed the Rb neinto Baden,
will probably remain and operate on
German soil.
It is reported that a large siege train
of the Prussians is deeply imbedded in
mud at Canal de la Latern sur Rhine.
Tte Germans were transporting these
guns by tbe canal, and tbe French lei
tbe water out.
London, Sept. 15. A dispatch dated
St. Denis, Sept. 14, says 400,000 Prus
sians are approaching Paris.
Paris. Sept. 15. Tbe Prussians are
advancing in immense numbers. To
morrow the capital will be completely
Isolated. All railroads except toward
tbe west are cut. There is over 6,000,
000 pounds of gunpowder here. Sev
teen bridges OTer tbe Seiue have been
destroyed; tbe gates of Paris are to he
c'ojed to-morrow, and all classes are
resolved to fight to tbe death.
Bouillon, Sept. 15. Par', of Ba
zane's army have cut through the Pras-
sian line at Metz, and are now march
ing to Paris. Canrobert is in com
mand. Paris, Sept. 10. Lyons, the British
Minister, warns English 'residents of
Paris to leave now, wbei tbey can do
General Cluser advises people to re
fuse mediation and fight to tbe death for
London, Sept. 15. Six hundred wo
men and children left Strasburg on the
It is said that Garibaldi will assume
command of tbe I'alian Legion at Lt
ons to fight tbe Germans.
London, Sept. 16. The Prussians
are not in any great "orce at Pun?.
The main body seems to be intrenched
in a circle from Yilliers on the north
east to Meli.n. Toe refusal f ibe city
of Soissons to surrender, embarrasses
them for a time.
It is rumored that Mirjbal Can
robert bas escaped lrom Metz, and is
advancing on Sedan, and menacing
Hbeims and Laoo.
It is not expected tbat tbe Prussians
will attempt fur some days tu tie-in tbe
serious bombardment uf tbe wurks ut
Railroad trains leaving Paris yester
day and to-day were attacked and cap
tured by Prussians Se.'tral passen
gers were killed and wounded.
After to-day communication with
Paris will be mighty uncertain. All
regular troops have left Paris tu oppose
tbe Prussians.
Jaquints army is well supplied with
provibions at Metz.
One hundred and fifty thousand
Prussians are at Joinville, seven mile
from Paris.
The Italians have surrounded Rome
Paris has been declared in a state of
siee, and non-combatants are being
It is reported that the American ship
Queen bas arrived at Toulon with 500
American volunteers and 70,000 rifles.
The forest around the city of Paris
is now entirely contained.
Bouillon, Sept. 16. Canrobert's for
ces, which lately cut through tbe Prus
sians at Metz, and are now raarcbioK
towards Paris are six thousand strong-
Bazaine has himself himself jone
to Sedin.
Paris, Sept. 1C. Tbe Prussians are
massing at some distance from tbe city
Sharpshooters and free corps, are cap
turing many Prussians in the suburbs.
compiled from PREVIOCS dates.
London, Sept. 12 The Tribunet
special from C'arlsrube, September 8tb,
says tbe Strasburg besieging army i.
cooBtautcy being reinforced, and num
bers nearly 70,000- The sortie of the
defenders . are desperate and futile.
Batteries are being rapidly completed
and heavier guns placed in the nearest
French sharpshooters are doing much
mischief on the upper railway between
Unsle and Frieberg. Thy firrd raj
idly at the Scblengen passenger train,
even on the sick aud wounded.
Eight tbousan i Germans wbo bad
been- expelled from r ranee made ur
Carlsrube. Tbey were disgracefully
treated While passing through trance
Women and children were deprived ol
food aod transported in open cattle
cars. Drenched and insulted, tbey ar
rived here nearly dead.
The Pope bas sent a protest to the
powers against the occupation of bin
territory, hut will not resist witb arms
He is coming to England in a Briiisb
Irt.'ate, and Archbishop Manning !
making preparations for bi reception
The KTlullon la Italy
London, Sept. 12. Au out
break is repo.rted in tbe province of
Yiterbo. Tbe people surrounded ibe
Papal Zju-iTes in their- entrenchment
anil threatened to attack tbem. Order
was restored in the name ot the King
of Italy.
Baavjr Failure.
" N-w York, Sept, 12. The suspension
of Francis Skimmer & Co New Voik
aod Bosioa, -wholesale and commission
dealers, is announced. Liabilities sia
ted at four to five million dollars. It
is reported tbat they will pay fifty
cents oo the dollar. Tbe cause of tbe
failure is said to be speculation in
railroad stock.
Mall Contract.
Washington, - Sept. 12 The mail
ronte from Oroville, California, to
Purtland, Oregon, to be transported
daily by stages for a distance ot 600
miles baa been .finally contracted for
with Hill Beachy for $158,000 per an
nm. He received tbe contract be
cause those bidding below him failed,
after tbe exiention of the time g'ant
ed by the Postoffice Department, to
furnish responsible bonds.
. There bas been another massacre of
ministers in China.
crape of War News.
' It Is asserted tbatMcMahoo wishes to
retreat, bnt was prevented by Paltkao's
order. He will jostifiy himself to tbe
public wben he recover from bi
Four Generals, one Colonel, and five
Commanding officers are to be sent to
German fortresses for refusing to sign
the capitulation at Sedan.
ArroiSTmxTS. We learn tbat W.
H. Waikins, late "business manager."
has taken charge as Supt ofthePenne
tentiary. II. TJ. Gllfrey, of Lane Co. has been
appointed Private Secretary to tbe
governor, ana assistant Secretary of
Thomas . II. Cann bas been ap
pointed agent of the School Lad Com
missioners. A. P. Deonison, is Adjutant Gener
al. .
Mivoritt REPBEsmTaTio. The ma
jorlty in Illinois for tbat clause of tbe
new Constitution providing for minori
ty representation is said to be 20,000
Considering that the question is new,
and tbat the American people are slow
to make radical chaoges, it l a matt-r
of snrprise tbat it wa adopted. We
attritma Us adoption to the fact that
tbe question was not made party
iaoue. aud was aeeioea on 1's merits
accord ng to tbe bta judgment of lb-
The Democratic "tight mare.
The Chinaman with bis pig tail, and
rat-loving appetite, forms a ghost tbat
will not down from the distorted Dem
ocratic vision. Tbe campaign last
spring woold have been a tame affair
only for the Mongolian feature. Gro
ver's inaugural would have been weak
rr than it was, but tbat the' familiar
flavor of rat soup and Mongolian p
ganism gave it both point and effect.
And the Democratic Legislature, what
would it do if it had not the Chi
naman to assail wben tbe tough j
fckinaed Republicans cease to afford hi
profitable target T Yes 1 they should
bless tbe Cninaman fur affurdiog a
spice and variety to their monotonous
lives, and helping them to crawl out i-f
tbe Slough of Despond to occupy boc
rable seats in the State Leg sUture.
Tbe Chinaman has done it ail ; has e'
evated Democracy, by giving Ue:n a
text to preach from, and to win by.
Tbe least tbey could and suould do un
der tbe circumstaucts is to tlect Wa
Sbiog and Iron log to tbe United
States Senate. And only tor tbe pro
verbial ingratitude of Republics, we
should expect and demand to have this
Tbat tbe Democracy have concludej
tbat tbey can never hit a Cninaman
amiss, is shown by tbe late action of i
Mr. Amis, in iuimduciog his famous
bill in tbe House, "to discourage caste
in this Slate." Tbis delightful bill
goes on to provide,
Sec. 1. Tbat it shall not be lawful
for any male inhabitant of ibis State,
over the age of fit'leeu years, to wear
bis hair in a cue, or platted, or ot
greater length tbau six inches, or shave
a portion ot tbe scalp, without first
oblaiuiug a license therefor, to be i
sucd y tbe Clerks uf tbe several rouu
ties, an 1 delivered to tbe Sheriffs ot
same, eigned with bis name aud seal of
Tbe bill suits us eutirelj. We never
did like 'cues," not evea a billiard
cue, aud tbe Chinaman h, at tbe pret
ext time, tbe bel "cue" D tnocracj
bas, Bo we a e fo nenst h tu. Cues aud
braids, and are to go out ot
fashion, then, and we would sogeet
tbat pen's between 15 aud 75 be not
allowed toparttbeir hnir iu the in id
die. P.irtitig the hair in tbe middle,
aud wearing soHp lucks, should be
boat ily taxed. This bill is aimed at
the Cbiuese, but it fires eoiue scatter
ing thots thai bring down a
Democratic statesman uow aud llieo
The t'lauee about "shaving portions ot
scalp" is certain y one of aoti-Derut-cratic
tendency. For jtoodtteaa sake,
don't pass any law that could justify
ao examination of Democratic crani
ums, for whatever m-iturs of lively in
terest might be founi hy such examiu
tioa would be overpowered should it
transpire tbat not ooly Chinese, but
high toued D mocrats occasionally
"shave a portion the tenlp."
Democratic Legislation.
Democracy- discovers a faiut show
of reason for ousting Mr. II Tman from
a seat in the Senate, on pretence thai
he has forfeited bis claim by accepting
an appointment from the collector o'
Internal Revenue for tbis State. They
made tbe most of what argument they
had; stretched suspicion to it ct er
most, and studiously ignored all tbe
authorities quoted by Mr. llermaito
show tbat the Collector has uo power
to appoint a Government officer and
that his deputies are ia reaii.y bu'
agents whom he anoints, t'r w-hute
acts be is responsible to Government,
aud who are ot!y responsible to him
and paid by bim out of his own sal
ary. Several Senators had intimated, we
are told, their detetmioatioo to oppose
tbe admission of Mosher, but tbe
strength aud tyranny of ihe cacus sys
tem wasbrougii. to beur.nod tlese gen
tlemen were forced by it to vote f r a
man wbo had oo claim to tbe seat save
tbat il had just been declared vacant.
It is difficult to see bow a body of
sworn men, such as our Stale Seuaturr,
could ignore the logical, candid and
comprehensive argument of Senator
Herman, wben be made bis defence
Leaving out ol consideration the ar
guments In favorof tbe seat being cou
firmed 10 Mr. Herman, and the t'-ic. that
ihe Democracy construed every pos- -ble
doubt against bim, let us x mine
ihe claims of Mr. Mosher to a arm. Mr
Herman lock the ground tbat Muc tier's
election was entirely illegal, baring
been irregular aod unauthorized.
Our constitution provides tbat in case
of a vacancy, tbe Governor tball i'sut
a writ of election. T-iis was not done
as no vacancy w s known to eiui JI .
Mnsber rsn for Slate Senator a tb.
su'picion tbat he could, wiib tbe aid
of a Democratic meinrity, oul Mr.
If el man. He announced bimselr as tbe
Democratic candidate and got tbe
Democratic votes and then comes to
Salem and by Demoratic votes again,
but without any shadow of In w except
that which makes the Senate the jude
of tbe qu. l ficatioos of its members, ia
installed as Senator from Douglas
county. A precedent is established by
which, hereafter, any man who choses
can run for State Senator, and geltiuga
few votes, no opposition being made,
be can come to tbe Senate chamber,
at d trumping some excuse for bu b
action,ttie seat of some Senator canjbe
declared vacant aod he be installed
Cul. Cornelius moved that inslead of
inducticg Mosher the seat should he
declared vacant. Such a course would
have been more consistent, as the ex
ecutive writ of election could then
have been issued, an election held, and
a Senator elected from Douglas county
under the forms of law. At it is, Mo
sher occupies a seat to which he bas
shown, and can show, no proof of a
legal election. It is a proof of tbe
disorganising and revolutionary cbsr
acter of Democracy, of tbe unscrupu
lous character of pollutions, and car
ries with .it the conviction that parti
san feeling rules tbe dy aod overrides
both justice and reason.
The Democratic member bave been
in informal council several times late
ly, witb what effect we do not exactly
know. On Thursday evening they
met at tbe caucus room, most of the
Democratic members , being present,
and discussed matters generally, not
coming to any eoncluion as to wben
tbe party caucus on tbe Senatorial
question should come off. Tbey bad
considerable talk about railroads,
which interested the Southern mem
bers considerably. We understand
tbey want plenty of time to talk over
tbat important question. Last night
they met again according to adjourn
ment, but ; having beard tbat Several
of them have openly asserted that they
could select a candidate good enough
fir them without any help from a cau
eas, we are inclined to believe that uo
result was arrived at. Indeed hear
it strongly asserted that tbe matter
" 1 1 - i I I a. .n l n.. ur ilium mi n- ..inn. n.i.n. I iimi i il i mi ml I I I II IN
wa a failure
I itp'USitilf tlfU Ki'-sl .
Caucus ha been dethroned, as ett as
Napoleoj. 1
Midnight. Those Democrat ta tu
bers wbo attended tbe enitou ne-iii g
last eight, resolved to go iota s Legis
lative Caucus on Monday evening.
Tbe question is, whether a Vnaflority or
tbe Legislature ran be wot into tbat
caucus, for if enough Hay tut to 'break
Ibe tnajuritj, no game can be made
tbat will win
LfgUlntiTe Assembly; of Oregon-
Blub lttalr lila.
; HOt'BB.
StiM, Sept. 16, 1870.
Tbe Houe nutlet 10 o'clock a. m.,
Speaker Hayden in the Chair. Quo
rum present.
The speaker announced tbat the
Sergi-ao'-U-Arim b d be-o unlil tu
pro ure Ibe eervit-es of a CbapUin, and
that inert fore tbe usual prayer would
lit, omitted.
Mr MrCIain, from the Committee on
"Amendments to lb Staudioii Rule.
reported an amendment lo rule 8, in
creasing tbe Committee on Election,
and tbe Oomuiiiue on Couinie ce. from
3 to 5 members. Alan, an am-udment
to rule 43, requiring 100 copies of all
bills to be provided, unless otherwise
ordered. Tbe lifer part of the r. port
was struck I'Ut and tbe former adopted
Mr. l'ultou (rave notice of a bill to
renuiate the tees aud salaries of tbe
otti ers of Wasco and Uiuuttlla couo
Mr. Wbiteaker effered a resolutiot to
furuUh each-of tbe oflii-ers ot tb'
House with the same amutiut of eta
liooery Mnd documeuts as is allowed
the members.
Mr. Elkinh gave notice of a grntral
fee Htid axUry bill.
Mr. Burnett gave ncti e of a bill tu
compel butchers to retain the biiirg ot
all cattle slaughtered, for public in
Mr. AmiH introduced a bill to amend
e. tioo 9 ot Chapter 'i ot the General
Lws, so as to exempi $100 worth ol
of iereonal property Iroui taxation, tt.r
ech mem er of a family. Ordered
Mr. Oldwell pave no'ire of a bill
relaiinu to loll tin ger and terries.
I Mr Alexnidr gate nutice of a hill.
reUlli u tu the coutrin-tii)ii of a canal
aud locks al Oiepmi Ci:y.
Mr. S'ttape ofl'end a rer-olutioii for
the appulul lueut ol an adtlilioual Page.
The Speaker announced Metsrs.
Vbttenk-r and V.ttla us additional
immbeis f tbe Coiuuiitlee ou Edi
tions. House artj'iurned.
The Senate niet,at 10 i. tn , and the
ni-r i e npeod Aitb prJ r, by ll-v
Juki, l'.iwell, ol Ibe Fu'ks of I lie Sunt -
miii. Minutes lii-in if rr-ad and approved,
I Ileudershott, tnni Cunimittee oo elec.
i iion made a report st-tiiup furth tht
1 ihe Couiiuittee uetdrd power tu pru-
j cure peou nun papc..
! t'urueliu-i moved to accept ther'i-
1 purl
i Cochran moved tu amend lo tnkf
; Ihe.; powers npptird !r only exieud It
! ti-e-raee ol Vniubiil county.
H-'tiilerrbol taid he would accept
i he nineniient.
! Cornelius ruiaed priut of order that
J it wn not i'i Itt-iiilerrbiii'a power to e
nccept. And Chair decided potul welt
A vote oo ihe amendment being ta
ken it Wis lot, and the origitinl uu-
tioti tu aci epl tbe icpotl mid grunt the
Commute power lo send lor perron
a ml papers was carried Ate 1 1 . noes 3
Mother 1.3'ered resolution to pi)
HeriliHii mileage, which was lost by a
mixed vole, mi mbt rs explaining that
ihey suppoed a-t he was the ettlin2
member, the 1'resideot of ihe Sennie
would draw his warrant fur mileng
ad per diem. Mustier explained that
be (lulu i make the motion fur but.
come, liui for a fur purpose.
Henderabot gve uoiii e of a bill lo I
aiioiieb ibe ulii.e ot Ailj itanl General.
M.isher gave notice tn..t be would in
troduce a lull relntiug to arsesruieol and
culler tion l f taxes.
Mr. l'reetdeut called attention lo a
communication on his table relation lo
a rocinble to be held iu the evening at
ihe house of Mr. Holman.
Tbe President gve notice that Ser
ator Mosher was appointed a nieuihei
i f all ibe Commiuees of which Mr
Herman bad beeu a n ember.
The Hc.u-e met al 2 p. ro., beiop
ci-lled to order.
.Mr. Laublin offered a resolu'ion
urnhtiug the comna.I.e ou contested
election case in Yamhill county l!"
power to feud tor persons and ilm i -menls.
Mr. Liuitblin ot Vnmhil
r;ued ibe need of tbis power to d
justice to the sitting nieuitiers ami
stated the circumstances under which
he evidence bad been taken, the Imi.
notice of ci'tite-t llnvinu uimie it im
postitle lo cvnplete the necesary evi
ill new as tunic of Ihe u:o-t linporiani
wnnesees are reei leuls of Marion and
rther counties. There w re 53 wit
uesses cal ed and the inking ot iteposi I
tions had been a very slow aud tediou-
business. I
D itr a thought the H iu-e and com- j
uiittee houl l not Wi-ste lime on tin
dilatory run vi inn. is ol men, who, t,
their own ehowina' bHd bexlected in
collect testimony, which they now call
indispensable. Let Ibe geulieiuan tr -foi
in the committee on e- aettons whet
and w here be can bave this lestim nj
readj .
Hire thought tbe gentlercan miuu
derstnoii the nieuih r lrom Vnmruli
who h.vd stxttd Unit the wituesves who
couid not be procured were resident
of Marion arid other counties. It thi
m -joriiy of this hou-e ure in earnest In
wht they pretend, and Intel d lo de
eidr Ibese vaees tairly ai-d borestiv.
i hey wilt cerininly allow the Mtiing
tin tubers a tair ehow to procure testi
inony, and committee should have
power to reach it by procuring evi
Helm was opposed to ihe resolution
as il stood, lie favored a lair trial but
ipp8d delay. He predict, d that n
would he found Ibai the ri ti irf mem
bers from Yaoibill had received Hire,
months to procure test'moi-y
He believed the evnleuce was all takes
and they bave it with tbem. He ete1
he delay in ibe Grant county . on es
in '66 as male for a purpose, aud com
pared tbis l u.
Apperson said be did not think the
Democrats of this Hous would refu
tbe committee ibe right lo secure any
evidence tbey might find neceriary
Iu tbe case of Clackamas county, ai
least, there had been uo rebutting ler
timouy. Laugblin did not wish to bold a seal
in tbis body if not jiietly entitled to ir.
and wisbrd tbe cuniniitlee end tbe
tlou-e to satisfy themselves as to tbe
time wben tbe oolit es were served oo
tbe members from Yamhill. Tbat
would be proof against Helm's asser
tion that there bad been three months
service of notice to contest.
Alexander said ihe committee, of
which be was a men b-r, had only met
aod organised this noon, and .bad ni t
yet made any exam nation ot evidence.
So be moved tbat tbe resolution lay on
tbe table until the committee hate
time to judge if further evidence is
needed. Which motion was carried.
1 Serate Joint Role was read pro id
iug tbat the Judge of the Supreme
Court aod officer of the two Houer
be furnished witb copies of Code aod
session laws, which was adorned.
i McCoy offered H. B. ilo. 5, relating
to water rights, flumes and ditches,
whlcb was read brat time and ordered
printed. -
Dorris gave notice of a bill to sep
a rate tbe offices ol County Clerk and
youniy Kecorder In Lane county,
j House adjourned.
Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m., and
being called to order, Burcb gave
notice ot a bill to aid tbe construction
uf a canal and locks at tbe Willamrrt-
falls. also a bill consolidating tbe tim
ers of State Librarian, Clerk of the
Supreme Court and Reporter ot that
Trevitt gave notice of a bill to ant
tb- construe ti.. n ot a wagon road from
the mouib of Sandy op ibe south bank
of the Columbia to Dalle lny.
Mu-ber f?tve notice of a bill lo
mend tbe Cod- of Ci-il Procedure
Cornelius offeied S. J. R. to provide
copies of ibe Wit aad .eloa Law
to Judge uijfTae fuprenje t;uurtaa,
officers of lw two Houses, wbkb was
cniedi"alo S J R- tor cu mitiee
of 2 on prt mf the Senate; and 3 oo
pari of itie Huubr, tu arafi joint rules.
Senate adjourned. . , . '
Itxms. The workmen are putting
ibe finiabing touches on the mansard
roof of ibe Cbemeketa. It will be et -closed
to-day, with the exception ot
of the windows.
It is said that Senator Corbett and
family are on their way borne frua
Tbe boats brought another besp of
pluws fur Cunaiugbam k Co.
Teamsters seem to be devoting them
selves to oak wood ju-t nuw. AVe
counted seven luads in one train yes
terday, and one t an see at leaH re load
cnuiiutc i j at any uiomeul tbat be is ou
tbe road.
A wagon load of fine cedar lumber
was brouubt to town from Staton's
mill. Il found a ready sale, ot course.
Groceries. E L. Corner bas bis
advertisement in another column, aud
be baa received a line lot of new gnudr,
which justify adt ei tieing ou a liberal
Capt. Scoit was receiving a lot of
new goods last eveuiog. Tbe Captain
as trade is quite as good as be xpec
ed to find it al bis present aland on
Stale steee".
Tus Rivkb Si'hvbv. The river su -vey
is prot:reisiug favorably Tbe par
ry al work below town will fiuisb Ma
theuy's Uar today, and to-morrow
will move camp up the river to work
o-i Huiu hr.y'a Bar
Rkdcctiox or Fans Pkhmiseo. Tbe
st- amboat compmies un ibe Wil
lamette and Columbia rivers bave
agreed tu carry pseugers and fre gilt
'or the Slate F ir at half the u-u,l
rains. Our item vreterdy slxui'd bae O. S X Co. fur O. Sl C. ai-je
CoaL CtiMlNU We eee by the Por -land
papers ibataUige lot of Bank
nead coal in sacks has been received
per bark A I ii y , and conrined to tbe
Stbui G.a Cr.tupany. We expei t lo
net out our paper by ibe light of coal,
iu a flay or two.
Tug Lts Coi'ntv K.ib. Tbis eom
lll cue i-3 oo next Tuesdny, aud continu
es through the wtek. The wrait.e
firouiisvs to he pleaeaut, and if ao lueie
is eery reason to expect it at the al
tendance will be late, muiI the OispU)
li'SI rl-. I tie people ol I. Mill C 'U'.I
t-el milch pridt- tu n tnli ru g theii Ciuu
iv Fair ucelul ai d attlaclivt.
CauuUT ("p. The H'eatner Sbon
lestenlav brniubt up 50 tons ol freignt,
tid ihe Albnn) quite m ijuauliM , Ihu-
I clearing out the wuretiiiu.-e below hiii!
cauliing up wih their titiMue.-f, for
ihe tird tune iu a we.k. Tre steam
lion! in n i j thl t hurt h cau Uow
waik I he main silt-eta of luwii, at.d not
t-ike through Ihe Hlievs to nVoiU being
a.-ked for the bunOredih liuie "abuui
thai Iretgbi,"
Hy IUilkoaii. Farrar Bros have re
ceived by railroad au invoice of fruit
from California, which includes grapes
put up iu 6 lb boxes, at $1 per box,
lOcoauus, hanauas and tomatoes.
The grape lhnt came loth" TvlKS
MAN Wee e -cioi S tie lault e
dii-covmd was the box ot.l not pus-esj
the miraculous ijual lies ot the widow's
What Mr. Whallkv Said. (Jo
Thursday Mr. Wnxliey, iu Ibe discus
sion relative to discbm gin the Sftecial
Coiuuiitlee on the elections in ll.-nluu
County, rrmatked thnl tbe regular
Standing Cunimittee for tualpuipose
was the one on elections, w hich was
rovided by law lor that purpo.-e, and
he showed the propriety ot the reg
ular buiu ss beiuy pla e.i in it h iiOs.
i ue oiuipie iran!posi Ion ol lo let ets
in tv pe the word "nti" biiig r.lup
uisleMtt l on. mad- iiiue a juiutue
of our repor. of Lis r-uiai ks.
ear cuimeiced lat Mondy, uu'er
llio.-t t oiahle ciri t.lul .ue Tu. m
tendance is l-rge, and President Gatch
has been making uiai y niiproveuirnlr,
and instituting a pei'eci eyriiui lht
already shows good renul s. Tnere
Will, we believe, be Ilie Urgesr l en-'-ance
during the yenrever k wu in the
"isiory uf ibis su- cear'ui lu.ululiou.
I'n.t. nor H., ho-e lnr.itin 10 Ihe
t.'hair of .Ni'iiml Scientea e an
nou.icd, hassiguiti d ti. Bi-.epiue,
aud he will nrrive in a .rborl liui-.
V'r- R geis w ill t-hcIi d'aw uig In ibe
L niit lany. Mis Adano. has xriived.
un win Miun assume her au les ns
l'r, i ept ress.
Mu if al It em er it Su i h i- the sug
gestive title ot a company, f . r which
Mrs J. D. Gary is ageut. Its ol ject is
similar lo Ibatot lite comp -
isies, l ut tbe plan ot woiking is Old. i-
eut, being lkeo from that of tbe dit'-ler.--iit
betieroleni societies. One thou-
sand persotis are numbered in a class.
A payment of six dollars coustilut.M
tne a nuuitter, an enun I tvmeot of
.J'i aud an ascessu.ei I of ii ,ri() on ihe
death of a lui-mbrr .f ibe las- entill-s
Ihe furuily ol the deceased tu a Ii n- fit
I J' Sou, or a pMjtneni ot .u .. ij.i
S3 iu the smite iii.nuei pei nr.-- jaO "tl
Tlii.i, beoiiirs tiein cheper Ihn m-ur
ance n-vers the g.nie put pose, ninl
ihun euihies any Inn. ., no matter ho
poor, to plae-e his fnui y out ot d nger
of beiug left destitute t.y bis sudden
Lifs Insuka.nck (Jaim Frank Ells
woeth, Esq., ofi'ers bis servicrs to iu
sure li es, on auy lu-lhod the iorur. r
uiav thoose, iu ibe Mutual Life lu--urance
Company uf New York. Tuis
is tbe mammoth Insurance C. oip-i y iu
existeuce, numbers its loeurtd by buu
ureds of thousands, aod hg assets fool
up tens of inillioui. Frauk under
stands ibe bosiosss, and everybody
knows orougbi tu know that Life In
surance works admirable results, and
that tbe Mutual Lite uf New Turk bas
no superior and scurce an equ-tl tur
safety aud reliability.
Botany is Orkgox. From ibe Ore-
goman: We learn that Mr. B. lioetl,
who is now in Oregon, collecting seeds
of our forest trees and oiher botanic
specimens, fur the St. Pete burg au.
thoriiies, was very busy all day yester
day, preparieir bis Cascades collection
for shipment, previous to bis depart-'
ure down the Columbia to dty, aud
tbroceto tbe Sierra Nevada mountains.
The principal seeds procured here, ro
far, are species of the bemlui k and
spruce. What is commonly termed
tbe yellow fir, we believe, Mr. Buezl
prononnees the Douglas spru. e. He
bas been r ry successful, and i well
pleased witb bis visit to Or-gon. He
bas found various new species here of
both plant aod trees, among which
are five lili es only one of whl. h he
fiuds named or referred to in botanic-1
works of tbe U. S. Government. Ii
seems a little strange tbat our Govern
ment -State aod National ehould be
au care lees of Ibeae subjects, as to leave
the discovery and nsmiug ot our native
plant to European schools ; but the
industry aod tact displayed by Mr
Boexel show an earnestness and inter
est to the matter which ia undoubtedly
well paid. He bas tbis year visited
many 'places In South America, and
pr cured from there many sacks of 6oe
xurcimens wM.b were firw-rited ttr
Europe p re Ions luliif departure for
Ca it .rnia and Oregon, about which be
inces B'ticb uli.i ude f.r fear of
tbeir lo- io tb pre-ehi co i.f Iications
of Commerce incideut to tbt war.
From the Union ; There is a good
deal of sick Dens in tbe shape ol cold
piliooo complaints, and ague in all
parts of the valley. ' -t
Tbe wheat crops or tbe county i es
timated at 300,000 bosbels. 1 ,
Tbe Public School opoed Sept. 1.
with 85 sctieliars. Tbe Wbiimao Sem
inary also bas commenced.
Tbe population or Walla Walla City
is, 1 304
A Melicsn man nndetook to put a
nose oo a Chinaman, but got whipped
and wa-fined $10 lur trying bis ex
periment At tbis time we see there is quite a
scarcity of carpenters ; or, in other
words tb re is an umi'ual amount ot
work io tbeir line! Yeeterday we saw
men hunting for carpenters, and offer
ing $5 per dsv, without Gudiug any to
except the offer. There is room lor a
few more carpenters Jin Walla Walla.
The demand is not confined to tbe city,
hut is eaqually great ia tbe country.
LI IS Ctll'Ml V.
From the Albany Democrat: The
county Fair commences on Tue -day
next ; and tbe Democrat propoeer
in issue a daily edition during tbt
Tbe full amount of $50,000 bas beeu
secured by individual notes, and Ren
Holladay h-is bten notified tbat Al
nany bas complied witb ibe terms of
his proposition to oring the road
through Albany on tbe subscription ot
hat h nioti 1 1.
The fune al of L W Doolt tie w.ts
l-rgelv attended. D- Lga'tons of
Mi.iioa were resent trom Corvalli-.
J-fferson, hro wnsrillt , Lebanon and
Actual ue b-ts demonstrated that
Ihe 0"goi H-ajiers are superior to
4iiv in porn d machines.
The Col'epate year of the Corvallie
tllege ci lumeuct d on Wedneadav
'ast. Diriug vacation the huil'titi
ha' been repainted and newl eeaied
MARlrt. Or. Sept. ll'll. b K. V.
Powers, J P , Stephen H. Cojal am'
M sa Ma tba M P-r. ish.
Scr to be RcxsriTBir. The penpl
liviug in the Forks of an'inn r j c
in the prn'pect ot having a depot oi lb
O 4 C Rxilroatl within six mile o
itnirtown. The .Was stales that lb
depot will be tot aled at I'reti herd, an"
that a gravel'ed rund will be mid. ,
coonei ting lie two pom's.
We have a large body of land in lh
1 !o ks enr.ucb in ciecututeience to
make a full Hzeil county; and the da
is not far in the futnre, when a new
county will to deuiHnne'; the pnpula
Hon and resources of the country will
in a very IV years at mo-t, be guffi
cien' tor such a demand. Io popala
tion Ibe'-lorks" number about fnt-
tb'rd of the county W have an u -diifiriou-
ami enlerpri-n.g p, piilnltot.
nil r i iito iiig ihe ..c-l- in ihe Sab n
a'id I'or'lnnd paoers, il is eaey lo he.
'hiit uiote produce of various kltid
(altest and oals rX'-epted) is yeerlt
tak.n frorn thi- lorali'y. than any ott
er io ihe county and perhaps iu the
We know ai II m. niemhi r of the
pr sent legi-liure, w-iniitig, on a cer
tain time to purchase a barrel of good
Ou ter tor bis i wn use (he then livirg
aa now at a treat distance) application
was rrtetle for that ano-iint in the towu
of J ff. rrton, but cou lit no1 be had. The
gotid mother ol tbe Hon. Uepresenre-
i live made inquiries of us it tbr
amount c nli! he had in Sciu, and wae
aiuaied wben told that in one -cellar
aioue more than a tiundnd barrele
was waiting for leama lo haui it off.
tine thrash r, we ere informed
iha-hrd 27 ot'O busheU of gnin lis
-iitoni.r. Tins Season we can foil nl
l-n ihtaatierr". all lni.y from the earl -esl
de i 'id, and y t in Hie field, ami
at a mod. rate average ot 1!0,0 0 to earl ,
uulil fi'e 2uo ooo I u. In Id ot grain
raised iu th f r ."
n Ut.TtM til.
From ihe Utmlil: Tbe driving tif th
pi'es lor ihe railroad wharf ou ihe oi -pu.-ite
eiile of the river is provian a
very lah'.riou task The ground is
vtry liatd, anil the piles caunot ne
li'iven de'-p en mrh to insure their
atanttitiff tu hivh water. To niake lh
.'ru lute eultetantial, a tare aiuoutt
ot iron etrai pll'g will I e iece-sar .
No. I s sieaoi hre engine has been
verhaiiled, sud prouou need io firl
ela-S order.
K-v. C It 1! tmell's eesav on the
in ai ii p t.f ihe word 'Catholic," ii
pronru' crd a inasttrly t fforl.
Tlie Nicl olson pavement is a failure,
-tnd is being reputed by planki' g.
Seieral (.male sa onu keepers are In
tr.uilil. , iliioiwh belli); cauabt su allujl.
I S. Voting furnishes Ihe
Ovijun n ai h tlie fo. lowing' r
l .M'llinoinah coua'y, ! n i n.fO :
I, p. nation whit- nt .les, ti,lp!; whir
(males, 4 019: colond m-te., 58H ;
. ol. red i. .. alee, 117 Total. 1151.1
F'Tein horn Males. 2 1 3 9; lem I s
'Jll. T -'al. 3 'Mil Cia-S'.li. ation ol
. olor It.ack- 1G! ; It diaits 3S ; Chi
nr se, 600 Ci'ti.'i u'o.nal telaiititis
No. of oters, 2.1L7 ; No. of dwililn
n.-uees, l'Jt;3.
I'ohtlamo From ihe Bulletin: Lao
eni.ig a man nani.d Flannaao, oik
! t f the dt-t-k hands ou the eteanter Aler,
was thrown nterhoardj and betore aa--tetauce
could reach t i til was drowned
At ibe liiueot tbe sad occurence Fleo
oaari was dttcet.dii (t tt.e ((at gw
ami a beaviir loaded band nu- k. Th.
olaiika very elippt ry from tati
and be could obtain no foot bold. When
near the bottom he slipped, and befor.
he could overcome tbe liuprlus of Ihe
Odd, be was foiced ai-roes ttie btiw o
be boat, and thrown into tbe watrr
ilia roiupauiona ufed every !iort poesr
ole tu ease hi 111, but owirif It, the dai It
ie-s, he could not be reePued iu t'nie
Ho.rn.dt was siiiiaeijiieiiily recovered
.nd an intiiest held over II bt Justic
Mureland actifia' " Coroner, and a ver
dit t loubd as above.
From Ihe Orejoninn: Tbe damaged
locomotive Portland, bas been placed
n her wheels mid removed to the shop
for repairs, which will begin itumed
Toe Id'-om iltvr Clackiinas has been
tried, and work- fiuel.
Triesteainsbip CtHorniaarrived from
Sin Frunctsco, with 14 a passengers
Q me a number of elenant and cosily
resiliences are about completed.
Henry Wilsoo bas been sentenced to
aix days in jail, for stealing a gun and
some blar ke'.s.
Supreme Court.
Salem, Sept. 14, 1870
Mi-Arthur, J., anoounced the fiodii'jr
of tbe Court in Hill,appellaut, vf. 5M-
len, lespoutienr, appeal from Polk, af
Hr ruins; tbe deci.iou of Ibe court below ;
Sullitan for appellant.
In Grant, appellant.vs. ttucb respon
dent, appeal from Wasco, Prim, J.J
announced tbe deciriuo of tbe Court
dismtssioif theappeal on motion; 11 in
aeuo for apellaut, Wilson lor respoi -
lo While, respondent, vs. Allen, ap
pellaat, an appeal from Wa.bmtoi ;
iti lKinent below athrtned on rootlou ot
ibe failure ot the appellant tu ble bis
rauecript. Hare and iltlchell for re-
In Whitney vs. Jobos, argument
coocluded aud case su'rmitted.
In Wood, re p indent, vs. Johns, ap
pellant, appeal lrom Wasco, a motion
lo strike oui parts ol the etatemcol wus
argurd and submitted.
In Mi Farland, appellant, v. Ho'land
re.p indent, appeal fiom tr e 6 SS wha
pu. pons to be a cro. tatemeuf. tie
spot deet move, toetrike out statement
nd bill ol exceplione; argued and sub
t jilted. . . . , .. ... r ,
Fulton, appellant, s. Erhart,resoon
dent, appeal from Hanoi ; ared and
Court adjiturnrd ato Saicrdsy mori
ing at 9 o'clock, " '.
From Puckintlo : The. order ' wt'
Which our I'i h etetoei t embraces t'te
cause of France furm'shee a puisle for
in ny thouab-tul inio is, and yet its so
ot ou ittsimole : Iu plat. t ins; a ps-
i ti.- Rnlne, L- oi Kapoleo
j,. oposcs to bi idget. Thai's all.
A Sew Motive fever-
Em'de Limm, a Frenchman, ha in'
traduced to tbe world a new motive tbe shape of ammonia. This
alkaline gas is compostd of three parts
of hydrogen to two of nitrogen, and is
produced in large quantities by many
decaying vegetable and animal sub
stances, giving tbem their odor. L
used to be produced by til distillation
of born shavings, and hence gained
ibe popular name cf hartshorn. A
most important quality of this gas is
tbe facility with which it is absorb, d
hy water. Io this vehicle it returns to
ibeearto to nourish v-geUtion. After
having been exhaled ny dec- ing sab
stances, and the same cbarai t riaiii-
eadersii available as a mo ice power
The density of tb-gas il btlf that ol
air, and of sn.moniaud wa-er on
quarter less than of pure water The
vapor al a beat of 60 degree- ex rts a
pressure of 100 pounds to tbe gquare
loch, while water, o give an quiv---
lent in steam, must be raised to3i&de
g ees. Wub the tatne heat, ammonia
requires ah tit three limes as m ich
room for ixpatsiou as inn. Tbis
gag bas no action upon any til tbe me
alg except copper, and on anouni ol
be low pressure required will no'
aear onl ma. ninety like sitam
Speakiorf of i'S app'H'alioo to hor-e-i
i t (mi which it ba been Hied), a
w rit. r in the Ei'g utetiug andMiuii g
Journal say- : lis cbeapnen, wben
compared wi h steam, is owing to tbe
f ct tbat one steam eogme, -f it could
tie made to propel oi e huiided etreet
car wr.h ease, would h- inu b i h.ap r
ban one hundred strain engines, ear b
reiiuirii g a parate fire and ri giueer,
"e.-ides ihe regular coiduttorof lh
err; hut the caee is far d IT rent with
i-nru ma, as a single ei ginet r at tbe
etation ran s upermtei d the stipplyii g
t two hund'eii cars with I quifieo am
nion a in eiirtit i- tit quami y m tun ai y Will. in ibe limiik t alaige
i ly, by n atie ol a Single fiie undel
the staiiunerj boiler io which ihe am
uiol li al gas ia liqii tied Further
i u l lied atuiui rna can be couipnrd, ll 1
riiftv be pern.ined the Xpn Sein, 'o
eio tie up power, w bit b can r niaioiu
-i rtpervoirfor months or even y ear
nd be tranfponed anvwlurein any
tte-trable qnaiitiry ; and then at once,
without any further preparation, car.
t-e used for any purpore desired ; aid
l.y the eimple turning of a la lit el can
tie made ro act as poaertullv as when
Pr?t liquified. Tbe et mated coeto'
constiuciing ai d eiet tii g no rtiiierv
net-eesary lo propel twen'J-five street
tars by amiiiouia i $23 fiOU The cost
per day ol ruaiutalliil g I qlli't tl g p1" -eees
at elaiion. and charging twenty
Hve cars, eac b car making eevenly two
miles per d y, is et-limsted at
The ptrcet t-ge of loes in t ii mou ol
as al tne Louisiana lie ilanularlu .
mg Cotiipai.v for oLe tear inn uut lo
25 per cent .
Ureal Mepubluan t'emouatrall us
t . t-e iidoii.
New York, Sep. 14. Late io the af
teruoon, au itni-rouiptu Hireling wae
ailed aud a ureal crowd aceellibled i
Tralalar Square. Tbre were uiao
-peakers, anions thtni O-titer and Ju-
nn M-.Car by. T e liov.rumeut was
deuouueed in t e bitiereet and most
uuineasured terms for its course toward
ibe French The Cabinet
was declared to be a Cabinet of treason
o human nebls and tbe peace ot
Europe. The example of America was
invoked enjid Ihe uioel tremendous
cheers lrom tt.e multitude. Immense
..pplaw-e followed the sentiment that il
the right of tbe people to establish a
K public in Fran, e was lo be denied,
Tt would become Ihe dutv of the peo
pie to eelablt.-h aUepuhlic iu England
A (jreat i)em. crane meeting is called hi
lie held in Hide Park on Sundny next.
Il is in contr roplaiii-u to form a grand
. roces.-ioo io honor ' ot the entablish
tueul or the French Republic. Th.
-sine kind of tneetiuits are oeing held
ill over England
1 1 allaa Stma
Flrreme, Sepr. 13ib Eve.trg
The following . flifial news is mad
public: The Papal troops have eval
uated Ibe towu of Tertacine. Th
I ailaus were warmly Welci metl at
V.terbo anil elew ere on th-ir ai peai-
nte in Papal teiriioM. IVpailrtc pe
traieruize with tbe I altan eoldiere
tieneral Cordoires advanced eoliih- j
from Viterho, and siooi-rd lor a
ime at Civ. ta Casiell no. The Papal j
'. .utvn foriuiug the narnaon ot the :
t a.-lle opened hie on t e Italians. A
oaltle i u tied, lasiing all hour,- w In n
he Poirlb'tal troops -urfvuiiereii.
fhy were Inkeo to ripolilo as prison
traoiwar. ev ra I places bsir lint.
coupled ty the ltl ao troops at Ihe
fcjuet-t ol linzT!. FreXine hue
t-i teen eva. uated y the Papal
-i.ons, whit h Lit utenani General A t -
. lu.tie, of tb.- I alia.-, forces, no
eu . l
Lieii'eoair-(!eneral ItiXo
(Vn to, 12 unit north oi C viia
V. chiO The 4 II army corps le'l
C vita Caaleltano laet ni)jhi, alter it-
fucit it the rantle. Tnis force is now
t irohi! g on Utue.
w Y-.ik, S-pt. 1t h. A special
om K due d led the 12th, says tha
a. pr.ipo.als from ibe h.u.ti ot liaiy a.
to future arraniietiiei.t-, are repudiated
l.y the Pope, wno decline- lo acku -wt
ie ihe an b nny of ihe King to treat
to the eu' j-ctton t.l Papal States.
La ct Gt,ss. Tbe glass for the
front roota of Chemecketa Hotel which
is to be occupied by B. F. Browi ,
til brought up by boat yestcrd.ty. Il
con let of two plates for the windows,
each t inches hy 140, and two foi
he door, rah 2Si by t4 These
plates would now cost in Hau Francis
co, $000, but were b-uuhl before the
ar for about $it)0. Mr. J. (J. Wrmhi
inform- ii- that hy buying lheirlas'
which i' all tbe fi test finished p'ate a
t'.e litne they di t, fu-lead ol waiiiiji
till il tit needed, Ihe couiptr.y naa
made a -aving of aver ii.Ouu iu ibai
one item.
Didst di ir. I)--m crtic organ
vinies back on Tiro Davenport with
t otsiderable. force, but no accuracy, in
the as-cit on that in tbe County Cot -.
niion last Spring, he voted against
Major George Williams, who was ibrn
a candidate for Couuty Clerk. Tbe in-
curacy occurs in the declaration
that Mr. Daveoport voted against bim,
which happens nut to be tbe case, be
cause be was not able to be in the city
then, and bad no occasion to be here,
-s be was not a candidate for any of
fice, and he couldnt very well have
voted had be been here, as he was not
delegate to the convention. Tbi
statement come within about twelve
niles of the truth, which il a short
mistake lor d-mot-racy.
liotct Arrivals.
(sEPTEMita 16ib, 1870.
OFtnt HOl'tE.
4 Smith
J Savers,
J Buck'naiter,
Waldo Ross, .
D H Williams,
K B ThomnsoB,
I, H Wakefield,
J Q Chapman,
J II Sheppard,
J S Thorn is,
Q A Br.Kjk-,
A O Ctbbs,
K K lit u.
Jonn Carley,
A Cowan,
Wm Lmk.
I Uearmic. W C Rolht
Wm Stetthen SmithC Cain
H Burrows Wnt X wdith,
. C Morgan, Ja Navoprum,
r C. Tole, Wm Tomer,
S Keller, Job Toler,
Of Eli . HOUasfi.
Hiit?h Starr. L S L-tt,
Jtihi Craw ford,
Jack Alphin,
M Hanley,
J Whitney,
Btroit Z ft times,
J C Mo eland,
Edward B Geary,
KPE rbart.
N Fitch.
( W W.ldroo,
H HavtinsT k wife, fi M B-'e,
D B Banoer, W H Marshall,
C as .M.Coy, T LoKan,
I LnnahaB. T tia IOO.
Mrs Hofird k son, Henry H wttt,
.Mrs Lewis.
Chas Gardner,
H J P7,
W'ro Hottoo,
Joe Buchanan,
B J Bi ogra,
.l .tj- Kel'y,
J W Mossherid,
W.ia-e B tt.
Tony Ward,
Ham J Dtnnis,
Wm E dertots,
J H K.en-rs
Man- A M ro id,
A ht r'm lt t
Frank Mastersoa,
- The following explanation i gifnj
of "Ubln j" Tbe German cavalry arey
romposra or cuirassier, aragooos.
hafrers, "and Uhlans The last name,
wbo seem lo alarm Ibe Fiench ro must,
are lancers. ' They sre a part of Jibe
regular cavalry force, Itgh'ly artned,
well mounted, aad are probably to
msks raid in. tbe cooi.try in advance
of 'tie German line of march. Therefore
tbey naturally excite unusual and wide
spread terror. But tbiy are only Grr
man c valiy. ,Tbe Germans seemed to
bave learned, from our success in mak
ing "raids ' dnrng tbe last war, bow
effective it is to barry witb competent
cavalry, an enemy' country.
maBmrn. .
On Sunday, Sept loth, atibe t'aniit
meeting at Kutteville. by Bei j Todd,
Mr. E J P illip. o Sa em, lo Mrs. L
M. H-dge ol lodepen Jedce
Also at tbe same lime ard place Mr
A. Dunior to Miss Mary A Voran.
Near Oakland, Oregon, June 10th
1870, of consumption, Lawrence Mc
Cauley, eged 30 jesrs.
A the saoi- place, or dropsy, t o 27 h
of Augu-t. Martha M Cauley, mother
of tbe above, aged 52 )eara.
"DeaUi lores a shiulni mark "
Oregon pap-rs please ropy.
J tBta.0 a. Hit H tblisos, St. D
lli j-wlt'lan ii nd Nurp-oii,
(Late of Brlleme Hip tl Medical College,
Hi York Citj.
ume tn Moore's Brl k. Stalm. Osrw
AlloriH-y A ConiiM-lor it I Lnw
Practices iu the Slate and t". S. Courts.
OIHee Xo. Ids Kroul Street, oppJmili
'iv Cormirk'a Btak Siote.
J. C. bRl'BBs, AI. l.,
I'll-HiCJill II It iltl "ait r l
Offers las aervices tn the citizens ot Sa
leaj and Tlcinilv
OrrtCE At Orua- Store f firuhl.s t'o..
oi Statu alretst, one door earl of Kxpree
SALEM, (IKKtlO.V. nihiitl
A. St. BSC1.T. SI. .
OtCcs and resilience corner Ciiiun and
Uunt streets,
ir.b r ,-i.n I l-II at Souiher'a llrti? Sttr
PottKLu 4k. rLiAsr,
Allot u) a and t oanaelora at Law
aatl aoalcltora I Ihncit) ,
tl.HA.W OKb.rJO.
a I ectton and coneejaoces promptly a..ale.i
t . L. run.
Attoi-sit'y tit Ltiv,
froinpt atientkin iiveo o bualoeae. SperfU
Collections ami iransutions In Real Katatt.
Oibc. an suirs iu the Curt Uouae. drclltl
Te.lh ttkta out Wltlawat Palst.
Teeth extracted
withlhe uae of
Hllus Oxi'le
Lausliirif bas)
the most popular method ustd In Kajtcra
Ily L. -. SwICIFF1.
ref" A'l DentUtrv ra-rfiinned with late la-
j . i .. i . .
i rwreiuents. raiem, uiic t, uiw u
T. Li. Nit KLIIf,
"lIIR eontl-ued patrotiag- of thoe apprecl-
1 atins KhillMto i it t
mll i S aarnesllv toilrlted.
Srtilirial wu k as ! a the hei. and as
cheap at .-an lie liarl ar a y i.BIre in the Plate.
aw. M ' R"t XIDIi for Kalnle.a ex Taction.
RrM.m. liter w mile's Store anil ailjolnoiir M, ar
aouteiy'sliallerj. Jlae'JsxS
a. nr.. : w. auna
ajiirii st a.
;riwold'a Block, Oppoaite Oast'
a.,ri notice, such as tit.l.l llare. Stirrer
IM i tna, Ailaroantlne, Volcantre. or Ruhtw Vol
eaniie (,-e.t !. Ane unld or alnmiiiuni.
anr t.ftlre iu the world.
I' an I alyl-t ol work to suit all rlaste o!
I ileiioe flom Bve lit tony ditllart la-r t.
We tiae no yot in uar otljce. Anaetllietitis aaet
roiuce local or g-fntrr-l auattthesia f.r the
pain in fxlractinn of teeth. r.cT
Capital Boot and Shoe Store
Keep constantly on hand a good itock of
California and Eastern
IDoots cto Sliooa.
Manufacture to Order
Men's Boots,
M oment and Misses' Shoes,
Of Every Variety & Style.
We bave the best of facilities to urn out
ISO. 1 WOltlC
Not sunael In th BtaK.
In Hie Market will bt osed.
CnLr the best Slock
I r argaailh f C..J Pf aaafaeto-
seplS:ss jr. Caaaiwaras S Stuaat.
Administrator's Aotice'.
XTttTlCr: Is Iterebjr siren, thai the unrfrr-
XI dcraiguetl, was at IrvePepteoiber itrm.lbi j
uf the Conn V Cairt for Mareai cttnolv, Uraicoa,
dalr aaiuted anil qnalinea as atuilaatra,r el
tn eaiate vf Jaa. T. Crump, tale aeceaaea,a
at a county, a il arrn basics; claims against
aaal rat ale are required to present Ita saroa alia
ihe rta:r oucl-rs lo ih antleislgiieti, wtthla
six BMiuiti from the dale heteaf, at her residence
ia ealetn, la saM cuaott, or at Uia otoce at Ban-
haaa a Laasoo, al tha usn House.
V A Hi i Ha CHUMP,
Administratrix af said SMate- -Itslem,
'evi. T, IsT i. atw
. Admlnlatrator'a IVoticea
VfOTICK U herchv siren, that the utirienlrned
i V aa at the 8..-otvmbee tee as, ISTu, ol the
CiMHitjr Voars for SlariuB oawiljr, Uresvn, Salj
apoiiiMai snq qtiaiiaeii as aaiaiuiatrawir at in
estate ef (LC. Aiiali, lata deceased, of saiS eoare
ut. AH pa. sons basiaa claims acaltaK saM es
tatc are requited Iu present the. aaai ailh ua nt
veurhsrs la tba (maaislsned at l.ta riatdaoea,
ataat eaa s-ila cast af hotth ratea. la aaai
cauntj, aithia six aiotilhs f aai tha Oat bacaei.
wm. n aiAI t,
AdialoSnralor ef saU kalara,
falea, Ptpt. S, lotw. - ate;
Oauyis frrv. Anrast 4. ISTO.
HHP. IVas . ft MIUUi.a!Ml-.a It
oral Aatts. and a. At Hot. octroi.
Manager Uraavtu aa-t w aihlnt ton Beaeca UOfas..
af tha Mew tuiaiana Mctaal I le loaano.a O a
par : Ws eceiTcS t-a trm IStri tsatsttt, (A
to brhaH af th - iUw af . Koseiiateta, tninraS
la f a' Camp my ao Smaw an, IStiS weraa
caaaot asurvas few ar eeaw Mils aaoaes Is t"
uw bereavcl vtSoa of Mr. heasaatelu, for It ta
all ah haste oeateet aee from aeiasl want.
1 aaail aar be sratafal ia aar Caaipaar for
the BraiDti.eea a d b-artv SXod ! Hb ahlah
mis atoner was paid. SJ, JaCOh,
Adm'r of ' of S, Rosensttln, AcosasaJ.
iVi; . a.t, w-'wa'
LKGAL notices. -
Sheila's. Sale.
BT vIAmV an eralaa tswi aa af h Car
sail Court ot the etsia r orturaa for Ua
Oaiotr at Marloo, la la Tur ef w Dilam Ms, ar 4
awaUwt A. I. S) eklln, e'eiaiant, lur the sun. f 81
tcea boadn ana thrrtj four ilollars aa lotemM
as cost. rr want af persowal propenjr '
krle wpua an on Ssturrls, the ih tmy mt Oi ta.
brr, 147(1, at one 'ctock.p. . at Uw Mart Ueaas
daar tn said eaanty, I will SeU al parill sac Hon tor
(.Id rata, tha rthl. title, ww sad lteea at aa4
A.I NI. kiln deleadaai lo aad la the lowtag 4
scribed prewisei to-all . Lati wwntMV an il aid
iwe, la hloo l.a nWr 'gtilT-w, St altaatod
In tha elrjr sf f aiera, 0-aia'jr at Marian, aad Stat a
tf ires tm 1. N tdATUr,elmrr.
Opt. I IST0 a4w
JSntiCf t AdtsilniwlrHtloM.
'IOTIt'K far herahT gitea 't ar rhe arder.rned baa
iv has been afe b ted Adssin1 Is. ta tha
all! ar aes.d, ef "t-e r-iala Josek wimaaiwr,
deceased, b li s Coa' t mici oi Stnrtea cowa'v,
Mai of orrgt a. sll per ns having elaiai a, alas
said estate are berrnv required preaenl the arnt,
with the pr. are arbree, wlrhlti s a asantha Iran
rhe data aareof, ta the andrralea.d, at bar , eal -rt-nce
near Lancaster, Lan cauaijr, nr ta Mr. H T
Thompson, tip atiarney, tn Saleni, Marr a roaaijr.
H order or H. n N. Terrr, Cauaiv Jatlge.
Salem, July K, If7t).
JultSx Ailnt's, a II I. will aarxird.
33 JNT J3L. 33 XL S .
Kalabliabed, 159.
I:P0flT! received ai.d Arcaunis kept, .abject
f lo Cheek or Draft.
tNTERrVr allowed on TIMS' Dr.HrtTIot TRTPT
CKOd dale ol dre ilu
Moae Loauedon Approreil Secarrty,
nxtr. STOCK, anil oiheeealaabtes.iaretTtd
ON DEPitolT for rkt k KKt fl.t l.
" COLLECTIOM Bade, and proceeds promptly ra
mllled. IWfgTMKNTS iN REAL ESTATE aad ether
property stadc fur parties.
Arenta for the Traesartlon of all kinds of flSArf
ClAL and TRC8T til HNtiH. .
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange
On Ban Fraocisca and tba Atlantic futti fur saat
OOVEKNMENTT SrCl'RI rm boaditaad sold,
Commission Merchant
P. 0. Box, So. 4094, 1S1 Pearl Sle,
Ke'er to Messrs. I add Ar Tiilon, Portland.
Heaats. Kliapp. Itnrrell dt Co.
tMeeeca. Sa ler Si C ,
M il. Made, Ke. , Salem
Vt . f. Abraius, tei , Hallos City.
feb'J.'iy w:tawd
Sugars for rrrwerTiue,
SisgMr ror Table I s,
Sugars of All Kintla,
RecriTrd In larse supply, and fur -ale by
la. . St'OTT, SStnle t.
L Palrm.'utr
Force I-irt PnmpN,
In all its branches, dona to order, at lbs old
statin of b. t-trantf.
TnlonBIork Commercial it.. Salem.
fcmlem.June l.lslo. If
Direct frtaa tha fcaau
HLAftK BOOKS, w alylaa,
al 11 UUL. BoOKSi
Sf L'WIC BOOR af all hlaata,
Kr.ah Iwt af SOVKLS,
Wa alaa call altaa loo to ear laraj slack mt
Cwswwaaralal tticat, Oalaaa.
A pell IT.
1 Hit k V hear ths ha Ivraa eaofh
It he aioH cureu'laill lake l.iro i ff,
I'll buy some H ri. II." ihta da
An'i a rt, a t my cor old ISaj.
I feel, . feel, I f el,
".hat's ahai the .'Id horse said,
1 tnetr-r aurkinf Its y threafb
I. s h.atl.
Ol JSLS ltm ! I ly, don't ttott.rr W,
eh.t! ly, dun! b-aher m,
thou I ly. riutit bother mv
. 'm aaina U. U. U. yoa ec.-.
I feel, I fee , 1 feel,
1 fel like lite sun at noon,
lite ' e . H It." yt.u g-a.t la Bit
Has cured anr no so evea.
I feel, lee), 1 leel,
I tei like a say old p.rt,
ho apraiua t.r spavins bother ate,
Se wind sails I report.
Cnoaos -laHi !alTI, Sc. .
, I think I hear Ihe Jockey say,
h jr lasteat Hurae s('l hurtt.Be day
tie sprained his lia baaml siav1iis cam
And made my tiotter very lama.
. 1 teel, I feel, I leal -
Thai's hat the trotter ta fa
I most hare -H. H M." this day,
tor 1 am almoai dead.
I loses thou,! rly, Ac
It cures all strains and taruts. s tore,
o weakened joiats a-e aeeti deoe.ea ;
o colics attd cramp ' It shuts the dot
Ihli' ll H ll.,"a HUti.msAMoihe.
I leel. 1 feel, 1 feel
1 hat's what the Jiarkey said
A sick horse tied tea; II. H. H."
And fnal straw fur hit Wrl.
aoacs : boo I Hy, 4 c.
rOR O if 10 f R O A V p. h it tnttantaeeaes. Ta
tw i table sH3onfultt of he II. H. .' . aiid one pint
of water aod drench the horse, and reptal In ar
rent case. or atan, woman or chil.i, i'n la
doaes frtaa 5 lo Stl drops diluted In water, will
relieve cann almost tustaBlanoaaaly. "il. t. T,'
(' russistr, do try tt.)
TIIK BK.-'T ltt-Eln th. mtrket, Fcr salt
by all Drot-tltts and I ealars la Sediclna.
Hiintia, VatLtSkSi at r , Aeals.
msjils fil)arul,t.reaao.
Drugs, Kedicines, Perfumery
And Toilet At tides.
rrescrlplloBs filled at AU noors,
A good asaortment of lire rcasav Drnns and
and ssst ankles in our line will always he
found on band.
Great Inducement for Cask tb ettma with money bt hand will
find tbat can sail Llrnys and Medicines at
Cash In band will purchase irnndt at low
NirMtaa, at any boor of day or uiaht, if yoa
brinsj it to Uia
riraS Oar transa ts Exprcsas Office
Its PsttteMBH Block,
TATE 8T-, : i . SALfcM, i t t.i OKEGOJf
Mawb I.
gieet atattce ibat be la ready te
Bepatr AgrlCBltorat acnlaerj,
la aH Ms parts, weed er Iraa, aad
Steaaa Cailaa At aw Still SSaahltaarj'..
, 8AW-asHTHIs ! SdiOrdar.
faralaaaS at saor ooUoa.
vrOnD-WOBKINO, MACH1MRT sta4 to ardar
ft,lem J iwe ft Tt
OIO Stbt ..bin.
O AlarvakrlJastraMlvedby
vxAruTAvta waiainT.