.gym - a "was :i:,;;.,";:"?;'.y.;--'.:. rcfion BceHfp talesman. .THURSDAY. Contested Election Cases. Among the important mattera ari sing before the Legislature, and o be disposed of at an early day, are the contested election cases in wbich the seats of Republican Sen ators from Benton Longlas and Yamhill, and tin- Republican repre sentatives from Benton, Clackamas and Yauihill Counties are corseted. The Committees on credentials f both lliiupes have reported the Republicans from the comics men tioned as entitled to participate as the sitting memb rs, until sut h time as the cafes can be readied in or der aud determined upon by the re ppective Houses. Tlic reports on eredentials, wl.icli wire adapted without diWcnt, we miiel fay are jiiHtified by the ciicumetancey. The contestants apjK-ared before tlie comiuittee, and they f iljd to pro diire any conclusive evidence in support of their claims, yet even a X rima Jiici showing entitles them to A hearing before the respective Houses. We hold the proposition pood that every csise, tlmugli ap parently untenable, is entitled to a respectful bearing,' and. if necessa ry, to the closest and most deliber ate investigation, o far itseemtt to be the determination vf the p.e-scnt Legislature to act with j justice. The Democratic contest ants, wlto :ippe:tr and make their cl.'iiiiis ii: the face of c inclusive and overuling evidence, are influenced, probably, by a hope that p irtinan I prejudice may decide in their fa vor. In this we trust they will be deceived. The conduct of the Sen tile at the lust session in the case Dolpli and cls has been severely commented upon throughout the State. From assurances given by those in the majority at the present time, a different course will be pur sued iu the determination of each case. The Republican silting members are not only armed with certificate! from the proper authority, but they aie also prepared with full proof to over throw the claims of the con testants. The cases from Yamhill, l'enton and Clackamas counties will involve an examination as to the legality of the votes cast. That from Douglas in the case of Mr. Herman, is one of eligibility, he having been employed by the col lector of internal Revenue to ass sist him in collecting revenue taxes in .Southern Oregon. It is plain both under the law and the iacls, that his position is simply that of aent or employee of the collector. a;:d sustains no more relation to tin government than that of Senator Thompson of Clackamas, who acts as Deputy Surveyor, or that of Senium- Trevitt of Wasco, who has bet n acting as agent for llaj. Gen eral Steele in the disposal of Gov ernment property of Idaho. "We leave the whole matter to ti c judgment of the Legisla ure with considerable expectations, (wairanted by proceedings up to this time) that they will act fair ly. The working majority is suf ficient to make their power indispu table, and this fact renders any merely partisan conrso as uuueces s iry as inexcusable. Party exi geae'es may sometimes override ain ess, but when they do not ex s: any unfair course is doubly dis 1 on rable. MlsUkeu Identity. Tbe Republican editor of the Port land llerald is endowed wilh uiore cheek and brass, than any two "coufi deoce" mtu wo know of. He actually has tie impodjence to advise a Demo cratic Legislature a to wbat shall br its actions, and bow the thing must be door. This, coming from a Rrpublicaot cn be regarded iu no otber light ibat. a direct insult to the Democratic mem bers of the Legislature. Our view oi the matter is, that the editor is labor iog noder the impression thai the prrt nt Legislature is Republican in coin pleiioo, and that be, being a member of that psrtj, bas a right to come fir ward and give bis adice (7) The get tlemau, we are sorrv to sav, is muta ken io his belief. Our time will tome, and theu perhaps, he m) gie vdi to ponderous suggestions; but until then, Tor modesty's take, we would advise him to keep quiet. Be patient aoc. don't get excii?d. ' Inaugural Exercises. At 1 (j) o'clock on Wednesday morn ing, according to programme, the pro cession formed and marched in the order designated, from the State Hoate to Reed's opera Hoiise, which was fill ed for the occasion with a large audi ence. Tbe stage was Usufillv decora ted with tbe American fl- festooned about it, and pots of flowers were ar ranged along its front. A salute of 13 gans was tired wbile tbe procession was making its way tbitber, and tbe baud preceded its march, discoursing mariial strains. The eiercises were introduced bj music on the piano by Mrs. Berry, after wbicb the President of tbe Sen ate called tbe convention to order, and introduced the Chaplain of the day, Rev. S. C Adams. After a prajrr by the Cbsplaio, -wbirh was admirably adapted to ibr oi easion, and misic by tbe band, His Etceleucy, Gov. Geo. L. Woods, in iioduced to tbe audience lion. L. F. Groter, Goveroor elect, ho took tbe oath of office, which was administered by Chief Justice Prim, and then com menced tbe delivery of bit IStCGlRtL ADDRESS. . Ha ptoni wish an appropriate refer ence, u tne many blesaings of Provi dence, etj ja by oar Mate, wbicb has a ifiiiidtj of equal extent wilu many it the reatest States of the V iu. s il f great fertility, a climate uel gUifui niiil ralubrious, with abun c-t te-ource-, that promise us a poat tion f ibe gnatett importance before muy years shall lave elapsed. J. It CUIKAMAS. Tib 'Tital que.tii n" which occurred to li vrrutr Ciruver'r mind, as tbe moi lujyuriai.t tu lebd lolce 'and poiut to b inauitir,i kd ii'rs, was ibe "Cbi- o -'' rgu ueot. More tbao balf bis drees w- vcou wib it eisras r:on, and wh wbt uete be recapitu VOL. 20 NO. 7. lated bis Cbioese stump epeecb ot the Dipaign, includmif the essay on pa ganiara, and tbe nferem-eio harlots we leave nor readers to judge. We acknowledge that vre were, are ttill surprised at the fact, and a fiut .u pi cion stole over ns that tbe gentlemno might have been eiocere in the elabor ate attacks be made last spring on the Mongolians. Heretofore we have done bis judgment the credit to Imagine tlat he was then siniplv cateiing with poli 'iral Sagacity to ibe prevailing Deuio cralie piej idire. We 'hall lake i t sion In ref r to that subject eisewlierj. THK CllHSTITCTIOSiL AUKNDMkNTS. Mr. Grovtr iof .raied bi-i anlienre next, that since the last Legislative eession, Or-gun hid been riepiiied ' he Iree Icn ije of the right of ruf frage by tbe papfg of Ibe 'so-called " luiirleentb ami ri teentj amenrtmei.t . He quoted pxibitcal y from W stiiog tu'a tddrera, relntive to 'ina ion ' he provisions it the rntistiiuti n.'' The principle of local Self-overiiro- ut bad been a'taiked, and while -di -countenancing opposition to even as tamed ajtborily " be said tbal while we yield ti superior force under ibe form ot law, our Constitution mum -land as a landmark of liberty,' w Salever that lulgbt mean. He recommenced that O egro should jci'u io a rail tor a convention of all i he States Io revise ibe National Coc atituiiou, deeming itoeiessaM to de tine anew tbe rights of the States, and the powers of tbe general Govern ment. PI BL1C BCILDIX03. Tbe Governor brit fly recommended that steps be taken to secure that hi leapt one of the public buildings of tbe Stale sball be immediately erected. STlTK I-NIVKRBITT. The Governor alluded bntlly to the condition ot our University laud, an) tbe action of Congress relative to tbem. He also called attention to tbe State action relative lo the Agricultural Col lege, and elated 'hat tbe lutnl.n, w-11 managed, will form a sclid buais foi the icstiiutioo. TUI FEN1TENTIARY was alluded to as having a'waya been a great expense to ir.e State Constant employ io necessary for pur poses of reform, and prison discipline, and a moderate outlay wtii enable tbir institution to be selt-Bupportiug, e -baps even a fource of proCt. Tin abundant water power may be made to aid this leeuit APPKOPallTIONS. No appropttations having been mad twn vears ago, early acli'iu is necetgai t 10 do justice to public creditors ami stop payment of interest, lie Saul gome warrants migbt have been issued lo satisfy just claims tbai would hav. to be legalized. Action might be nec essary to do justice iu suv-b canes. He recommended Ibat "equitable ad jusimeiit" should be brougut to oe in any case where the amounts were larger than would bave heeu th case with an open Treasury. This idea has tne merit of being Democratic, with out beiug particular!? sensible. Tbe joke sounds stale, but our opponents still like to use tbe smart saying wbicb they invented last -pring ri'BLIC 1MPKOVKMKNTS. He alluded to ibe State tunds tor in ternal insprovemens. aud to tlie grants made for aiding railrod and bis re marks io this connec'iou were entirely ali.-Nctorr. He fully appreciated Ibe ben-fit of railroads, asd tbe oe essiti of f tbtering and encouraging such ft terprists. OTHKH MATTERS. lie (ugg-sted that Insurance compa nies should be taxed ou husiues dm to this Mate. Urged that sulH. ienr meaus sbouM be appropriated lo pro ure efficient clerical aiil f ir both the Governor end the Secretary of State Advocated that some p ovi-unn f r u' milting tbe qu-siion of an independert Court to ,he elector to lb72. Alluded to tbe uecessi'y of providtug for a Slate Insane A yluni. Epresed the opinion that hard work and much leg islaiion was bif .re this Legislature, a a school law needed lo be t'. a tried, and laws passed to regulate lilies of public lands. lie clored with a compliment on tb prompt organizitioo of ibe tlou-e, and exhorted them to have wi-dom in our I . ws, in tbeir a.'judication, ju-lice; ana in their exe utioo he would try lo show faithfulness and firmness. Tbe exercises closed with music on the pi.no, by Mts Blanche (ray, hdi1 benediction by the Chaplain, after which tbe procession reformed and re turned to the Stale Hons". Legislative Assembly of Oregon. Sixth Kcgalar Session. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1870. Tba Senate met, and after reading and approving the minuted of jester lay, look a recess until 2 p. m., tot the puipose of attending the inaugural ceremouie. After the reading of the minutes a debate occurred as to the propriety of -tyling Mr. Simp-on, Secretary ,or Ctiiel Clerk, ot Ibis bdy. The term u-ed at all furmer se.sions has been ' Obie Clerlt," and (he President ordered t'bn 'be preredeo'. so set xbon'd be followed during the present session. HUISK, House met at 9 a. m , minutes ol yesterday read and approved. Committee on Inauguration ceremo niet made a report, wbicb was received and adopted, beiug the same published by ut je-terday. Mr. Wbiteaker presented the petitioi of Townsend and Sbuck, coutestanu t'or seats in tbe House, from Yamhill county, and moved that the tame be rtfetred to tbel'omtniltc . n Election'. It was agreed that tbe .natter be la d oa tbe table until 2 o'clock tbit af. r- UllilQ. Helm, of Linn, introduced petition of W. R. Calloway and D Carlisle, ceo testanla for seats in tbe House, from Benton, and, oo motion, tbe same was laid on tbe table until 2 o'clock tbi afternoon. Wbiteaker offered joint resolution to appoiut a committee of three for each House, to coosidrr tbe subject of tbe care and treatment of tbe State insane, and tbe propriety of constructing in sane awylum, etc., to report by bill or otherwise. Oo motion, tbe resolution wat adopted. Mr. Davenport gave notice that be would to-morrow introduce a resolu tion to change rule 8, to increase tbe members of tbe Committee on Elections from 3 to 5 ntembert. House took a. recess until 2 o'clock, a. m. gtttiATK. At 2 p. m , tbe Senate met, and tbe President announced tbe Staudiog Committee at follows: Judiciary Stout, Baldwin and Her man. - Wayt and Means Cocbran, Brown of Baker, and Persli baker. Llactions Hendersholt, Holllclaw ana Cornelias. Claim Patterson, Hoult end Pow ell. . Corporations Burcb, Crawford and Cornelias. Counties Hoult, Hendershott sod Brov n of Marion. Jl.lita.ry Affairs Hullxclaw, Burcb and Cornelius. Commerce Brown of Baker, Stout and Witbam. E vocation Crawford, Baldwin and M ores. . Engrossed Billt Trevitt, HolUclaw and Witbam. Eorulled Bills Baldwin Brown of Baker aud Moore. Roads and Uigbwsji Herman, Lieo alleo and Hault. Pdnlic Land Hendershott, Cocbran and Persboaker. ! w-v- ' V . tLs:,-r -.. --. J.. . Mm "wit ' --..-, . Federal Relation. Lieualleu, Holtl claw and W-tt Mining llol'iclaw, Lienallen and Puebbaker. Printing Trevitt, Herman and Pow ell. ' Railroad Cochran, Baldwin and Herman. Cornelius moved to print SO copies of Standing Committees, wbicb psed. A deha'e arose or proposition to in clude "Priming" and 'Railroad" among the Standing C iramitteea, wh- n it was decided ibat they were already so included. Trevitt otesented tbe petition of W T. Xewhv of Yamhill, contestant fori .ear Mr C-,r. .hi.-h ... r.,1 ' ..j ..., -.. ... ...,..., i on E e- tinus; which carried O'l mo ion of Trevitt it was ordered ihat me ofTners of the Senate he lur ftiahed new -paper same as memher-. Burcb offered J. R. io bave 500 cop e ot ines ge aud documents, and of In augural, priu'ed. Cornelius moved to increa-e the nurn her 'o ?fH0d copies, lost; Trevitt wan ted 3,000, loft; Cornelius ofier. d to amend t'V ioernng 1,000, which wi ecepied by Burcb, ahdearmd. Ayes, j is, noes I Bal'iwin off-red resolution that the C uii for I) u, I i be referred to d m iniiiee on Election, which was car ried. HenderBbott offered resolution thai 'he Secretary of tbe Stale furnieb sui' able committee rooms, which was adopted. Heudershott give notice that be would introduce a bill to suppress U 'efiinrafic e. Burih offered a resolution that tbe cout sted election iu the 7ih Senato rial Ditrn t he reterred lo Coujuiiltee on Elections, b ch paused. Baldwin gave notice of a bill to de line the boundaries of Graut county. Fay gate notice of a bill to tax uo na'uralized foreigners. Ileudt r-h.dl gaie notice of a bill to 'i.erenge school lax trotu 2 to 4 millc, also, of a bill to regulate s.le. ot -wauip lands. Al o, ol a bill le regit ate pa'e of public Jands belougtug lo tue Stale. Cochran gave notice id' a bill t amend tbe election law. Trevitt asked leave lo inToduce two tolls, S. B. Xo. 1 Providing tor relio q'lisbment ot title of land- io Dnbten S ates, fori glitiniu-es, etc Lot Seut w.s grauti d and the bill was read the 6 st lime. Trevitt moved to suspend rules and read reci nd time by title, wbicb done, aud the bill was referred to lb' Judicmrv Committee ?. U. No , giving consent of ib State lo pun ba-e by L"nitd States o' tuds for lUbitiouses, etc., was rea-i hy concent the first lime, and the tule tietng sucpended, it wit- read tbe tn oud time, and referred tu Judicial Committee. Oo motion of Cochran, Senate ad j.iuroed lo 9 a m. to-morrow. HOUSE. A FTCHNOON StSbloN. House met at 2 p. m. The Chair annouueed the followm. standing t'omniitleea: Klections Alexauder, McCoy nnd (Jiimby. Wats and ileans Whiteaker,Oa! ran ter aud K irhart Education Lockbart, Hut'-bius an ' Ilaie. Judicinrv H- Im, Dorri, McCl iiu Olney at.d Wballey, Military AB.ma Savage, Munker and Starkwetv'her. Roads and Highways Hunter, Gram and Davenport. E- gro-sed H lis Waldron, Porte i; anil iritntau. i Eunoled Bills Rider, Elkins aud1 Loukhlin. i Indian Atliirj Tomp'on,- Coiuegj- alld II U8S v . Printing Fuhoti, Drain and Apper son. Corporations Dorri.s, Clark and Mills. Commerce Potter, Burnett and O'Kegan Comtes Hutchinson, Fulton an : Dunbar. Fedeial Relations Grant, Dasbiei and Paquet. Mining McCoy. Wells and Kelle Pub.ic Lands Burnett, Amta ani Harrison. And ou motion i f Mr. P -ijuei one hundred copies of the com mittees were ordered to be printed. Wbiteaker moved that tbe petition of i-iinieKtauld be taken from the table. : Carried. Wniteaker moved tbe petition from Yambi!) be referred to committee oo elections Hire moved to refer to special coil inifee Wbiteaker hoped the amendment wt ii I J not prevail. Hire withdrew amendmeat, and the motion carried, tbe petition being s ref-rred. Dorrts moved to increase the num ber i f the committee to 5 instead f 3 Lockhart made point of order tba rule cannot b chaoged wiihout one day's notice, which was sustained b the chair. Pdiiiunsof contestants from Clacka- ma-i, Messrs. Straight, Be tlie and ! Carmicbael.was read, a.kiog that the petition with the evidence be referred to a committee, and on motion of Wbiteaker it was leferred to toaiuiiUee on elections. 11-lm moved to take np petition of Mexsr-i. Carlisle and Galloway contest ants fro u Benton, which was carried Helm moved reference to a special committee. Dunbar moved a special committee of five he appoijted. Tbe origtual motion carried. A men-age f out tbe Senate announi -ed tbai body bad failed to concur in tbe resolution lo provide member wiib Stumps. Also, tbat tbe Senate had concurred iu tbe resolution to appoint acommittee on Insane Asylum. A reso.utton was iotroducted to pn -vide for printing 4000 copies of Inau gural addre.:. D.venport moved to amend hy inter ting tbat 800 copies of Gov Wood' message be also published. Helm s id tbe number was too large. Tbe message was already printed. Davenport said be uuder-jtuod 600 copies were already printed, and bis motion wat intended to cover that number. Helm objected to the printing of tbe message by Ihe late State Ptinter. Message from the Senate with joint resolution from that body to puulisb one thousand copies of Governor Wood's me-sage and documei ts there wt'b, and 500 copies ot Inaugural, wag received and discus ed, aud fiuallt amvni'ed,afer considerable discussion, to read 1UU0 copies of each. During this debate, tbe pending Houie resolution was laid on tbe table. Some of the D-mocratic members re in nded tbe House tbat in 1802 tbe Re publican m-j rity wa dtspo-e 1 to print nut few copies of Gov. Wbileaker'e me'Sage, but that gentleman, now a member, opposed any reduction. Paquet moved Ibat Ibe hours ol meetiitg be 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Alexaoder wanted to amend to 1 p m., which Apperson thought would ooi be convenient Alexander said tbit town wat never known to bsve. sufficient accommod - ion, and thought all member should bring their lent aod camp out. - Dunbar aaid much work mott be lone io committee at well at in th Uonse. ; ' "' Tbe amendment was lost and the resolation carried, fixiag hours at li a m. and 1b " Dunbar rffered a resolution to invite tbe clergy of tbe Stale to open exer ci with prayer, wbicb wat adopted On motion of Wbiteaker a commit nication from Secretary of State wae taken from tbe" table, wbicb was read containing a vet I message by O ivern-.r Wood of ibe bill to tax Chinamen, pasted in tbe session ot 1863. Wbiteaker wat railed lo.lba chair by tbe Speaker, and ft motion than SALEM; OREGON, passed to lay ibe eto o tbe table u. til next Wtdnei'day. Adjourned. boprenie Court Tuesday, Sept. 13th, 1870. McAr'bnr J. announced the decision i of the Ci urt io ibe case of iNHmso Tt. J Pittman, effirm og the decision of Ibe ! r,,nr h. ln nhemiweth and W'lliam for apo'lant, and Strahan & Burnett for respondent. In the cae of Havden, Smith Sc Co i hteadman, resp..naeut mo.ea me foiiri, tor a rule on the Merit ot tne I'ourt below o certify up 'he record in tne caes; graiiteil. Walt lor the motion, VVil-on con'ri. 0u motion o1 O. H jmason, Theodore B iiiiiejO r was adiutited as an attorney ol Ibis Cou M, The caiie of Dearborn v. Smith tt al was argued and submitted Tbe Court adjourned to Weduesday at 9 a. m. I Widnesday, S-pt. 14th, 1870. Court mil at 9 a. in , aud alter dis ,, , f ,,,,, nrelimiaarv motions look a lecess for the purpose of attend iog the Inauguration of Governor. I the afternoon Ibe case of II 11 vs. Me! ro et al, appeal tr m Polk coun'v wae argued and euruniiled. Sullivan for appellant. Haydcn, Myer, aud Curl lo Reepondeul. Tbe case of Bamford v. Bamford, ap peal from Multnomah, was tran-lerreo aud l-ken up. A motion of respondent to strike out depusiiiooa was sualaiued, and tbe rare was then argoed and sab untied. Cbeuowet hlor appe.lanl, 11:1 for respondent. TheCmut ndj iurned to Toursdav morning at 9 o'clock. To Mllhoiis and Rack. FJii'tily summoned from the office to make a Hying trip to Wilhoits' Sod. Sptioga our experience was so diffei ent trom our aa'i ,-ipations, as to come near producing a nervous thock. It) the li--t place iher.nl, we bave an impress ou that ov r one hundred pet snus b tve solemnly assured u tb it t e road to Wilboiig, is a good one, wefoun i it so iu a modified Sense, ibat is, it must be good toraagou makers. Tilt mg a favorite team from M.irrU Bean' 8'anle. we made the distance to Stlvcrion io a very short time. There we were aeaio atsured lhat tfce road wa ao ) I an t would a unit of fa-l driving, but charity comnels tbe belief tbat our informant bad nut been a balf mill that wav For ittnu hundred Tear' The road began to lie over the bill-, however it is a good bill road un'i V u eave tbe Foster road and tbe: you pinnae ioio tbe forest over a rou1 -"tit thin su'omer, aud hris ling wit. tump- torougb ut ibiern uLing d s tance of some milea. 0:' the thump a.id titimps, the pounce nodju-, aud i he uialedictious heaped on the heail t the whole hundred who had said it was a good road. Not being ili-posed to pa) three or tour hundred dollar f.rr a smashed hug v , niipa t'etn-e w.t force lo cve way l. lore i rude ore. end weto go slow. Arr v ng at th '(.rios we round t space of prrhao n acre cieate t of trees and a liltie lla planted for a gard-u. a b i-e hu hee'ti erected, that tsmu- h i-esier than We 'but is much b-'f te r lliasi we woui i ex cted to tkid so tar in the wo d-, a -.labie, ba'iihouse, sTore, aud an uu riuished two story building i-itende i tor a ball and a hospital, complete lb ut; heal 'iiva. titles ot tbe place. The natural advantages consist of an tumense amount ot j. tiling tbat mm he undergone to reach the place and a -pring of oaturut soap suds that bub ides furiously under the vain deltisioi hat it is effervescing. To one in a uooil to enjoy him-elf, the sight o' the water nr okers must have been a little comical. At any hour ofihe day let one go to the spring and from behind logs and trees io every direction 'night be seen botb old and youuw following the example and flocking t take a dr bk and 'de?cant on the mer Ms of the waters. They must possess -o n- intrinsic merits for there a-e al ready a score of wll authenticated traditions of cures performed. Oue enthusiastic individual whom we met declares tbat if he evi r feels thepn momtory symptoms of a chill coming on he will go right there and sttv two weeks. Mr. Wtlbott theeuierpris mg proprietor, has assumed cuutrol f the place, and will no doubt suc ceed in making it bulb a pleasant and popular place of resort, but at presen' Oh' tbat ro d Itsms The large water tank i i its place at tbe top of C.'ierotketa Hotel and look like a common sized wash t u b. Cunningham k Co. had the whole -iurwnlk literally covered wttb plows which tnty were receiving yesterday. I M- ssages io Western Union Telegraph . fri e. fur F. 0. McCown and J. M Murphy. Postponed Tbe auction sale at Mr Bowen's bouse, set for yesterday, was postponed on account of ibe loaugura tioo eetvices tnlertering yesterday. Some nice furniture is lo be disposed o', and probably bargains ran be bad. Tbe sale tskes place to day at Io p. m. Rir. Juab Powell This tmineot divine, from tbe classic Santiam, has been invited to visit Salem with tbe ex peclation of being elected Chaplain ot the Senate. He is engaged to return and bold a mee'ing near borne oo Saturday, but will preach to-night in Salem at Reed's Opera House, at 7 o cli ck in ibe evening. Everyone is invited to attend. Have Opened. M irpby & C-i a'tnar bave filled that reserved space with tome reliable facts relating to thf clothing trade. They have lota of new goods, just purchased and brought trom San Franci-co. Those goods are he newest styles, and we bave confi dentially discovered tbat ibebojs bave pent all their money tor those goods, and it is safe to bet Ibey will aeli eheap 'or awbile to get tome back. Badly Scared. -When the guns were being fired yesterday, at tbe time of tbe inauguration, a handsome specimen ot tbe genus Shepherd dog ruebed into our domicile, and in plain mute language demanded protection. He could neitb er be coaxed nor drtveu away till ibe none ceased, wben be qu'etly trotted ff contented. It wat tbe first Demo cratic victory be bad ever teen celebra ted. - Tint Table We notice tbat tbe O, AC R. R. Co. bave potted on their oalletia board at Reed't Opera House, a copy of tbeir time table to take effect September 14th. Train are to leave East Portland at 7 a. m. and 1 :30 p. m., arriving at tbe ead of tbe track too boar later, and starting in return half an boar later. Tbe rate of peed north of Aurora not to exceed fifteen railet an boar, tontb of tbat point not to exceed ten. WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 21, 1870. iMPKOTaMEaTS AT TH Fa! Gaol'UDS. We learn tbat many very necessary i nprnvementt are being mad by the Slate Agricultural Society, at tbe Fair Grouo.ls. An addition 40x70 feet ba been made to the Pavilion, and the whole interior bat been whitewashed r painted. Tbe front and tbe gale bave been painted, and Ihe general ap pearance will be mui'h improved Sheds and stables are being prepared, and tbe prospect is that tbe ground and buildings will be in much better condition this year than ever before Obstscctiohis. It is fortunate for son.e lolka thit the City Ordinance egninst obstructing sidewalks, tnkee an exception iu favor of merchants moving their goods with diligence across tbe walk, or else Uxafovage & Wright would be in a bad fix Tne have been as hu?y a beavers receiving irond.- the pasl day or two, and thei 700 pai kages of all S'Z-s keep Ihe place in a constant state if confusion. Where tt.ey at going lo pu' so many tbings after ihej, get them inside, is more than we can undertake to y. , L' catkd. We bave received the Wathiugtou Standard of September 10, contniued tbe salutatory of Mr. Beriah Brown, late of tbis place. Mr. B. pro poses to publish an independent Dem oiratic paper, in which politics shall be made secondary to the local intei etld of tbat section of tbe rouniry, and tbe development of Lr resources, lie proposes to eschew personalitiea auo iu recti ve, "in tbe confident exot ciat.on ihat'bn iu'etcourse with them will be long coutinu'd and mutually profitable aud agreeable." Bad Ei'M T. Several of tbe party o ladies and gentlemen of Salem, who ascended Mt. Hood a short lime since, are still suffering from tbe effects ol toil aud exposure. OoejouDglady as -ended to within a thousand feet of the ton, and finding ihe task too much fot her, very prudently gave it no. She not only escaped suffering, but ci j'tved as much of the magnificent scenery a anv of them, lor they were up among tbe clouds and could sea nothing r low ihetn but og. Prof p.iwell returned to 'be foot of tbe motmtaiu and t.len re ascended wuh Ptof. t'oilier'a p"v trom F 're-t 'Jrove. They had instru itivtits with litem for a regularscient fi exploration, and for estimating Ibe height of ibe peak, wbtch they made 11.218 feet. This being so nearly t he same as Col Wi li.ms n's measurem' n of thre years eg . wh- n he found th al'itude to be 1 1,225 may beconsiderd as definitely settling the qnestioo bow high is the biguest mountain in Ore gon. SiiREHAOE s. About 9 o clock la'l evening the Salem Bra?s band, accom panted by a number of citizens, paid a visit to Gov. (irover at bis oflice io tbe Factory store. After playing a few tunes the (Joveim r w -s called for. He came forward, and in a few well chosen ou'ih thanked them fur tbeir compl -uri.t, and express, d a conviction ihal none hut a sound Democrat would te elected I i the U. S S-ifct- lloo.J. D Fay was Iben called. He would no niak a spec h, hut i ot.gratulated al on tbe orcaaion. lie hoped to see a I l-mo'-rat elec ed to tbe I'. S. Senate. J H. Heed wa -railed, and Said Ilia, lie battle it' fought and won, and he w' ted nothing and had nothicg to say. He hi ped m see a Democrat elect ed to the V S. Senate, and had roe more remark t make, which must find a respotise in each tir-st, ''coma up and take a drink." Kelly was call-rt ti.r, and Governor G'oVer cam f -r ward aid .aid, "Mr. Kelly it not here, comt. and take i driit." (luiuieuce ap pi use and tin le ) Hotel Arrivals. (SEPTEMBER I4tb., ltjTO.) OPKKA ll!l'IC. TbosDiwltug, Mrs A J Duniway II Theiisi.n, J R K-epere, John Cratitnrd, M Browu, T (J Kichiuoiid, T S Smith, I) S riuspell, Toeo Burmesler, J II Lap-pens, Jack Alphin, H L Applcgate, J J Murphy, M'a- llarley, Mis Witlen, W Sunntion, J II Washington, U K din, J M gone, J S Wh-te, J Itardwell, Mrs 11 B.ardwell, J E C ark, .1 Kays, J Mack, W lialloway, W Apperly, J Myers, J Stmpon, A Ltncnln, E ('ahalie, W llarn, J J Whitney, A Morris, Rev Joab Powell, Mr W Shannon, Mrs W Smith, W H Marshall, J Yolman, J Laniger, J Hutchinson, J Dul'lio, J Crawford, T fi Ricbwonl, A B .Smith, S Vail, WA'ail, V'MO IIOTKL.. J H Backensto, Francis Potter, 1" Demick, A II Gordon, O 1) Manick, T A Turner, J Titleps, L Win I':cksoo, C R Dodge, W S Peierson, T Hayes, Peter Smith, Simon Oli' ere, J B SuiilL., Shadd. How Dead Pktssian Soldier ake Ii entifieu. A Berlin le'ter in tbe LoDduu Tcltyrajh eajs : Mark one io stance of ti e German practical spirit as a proof of tbe fashion after wbicb these Teutons prepared to fight. Iu recent wars popular feeling has de manded tbat rani and file, captain and general, shall he equally and im partially mentioned in tbe lists of tbe slain ; but difficulties have ariaen. be cause the eLCuiy cannot know the dea.' men's names, and, wben ibe mustei roll is calKd after battle, the missing may b on'y wounded or prisoners Germane hat in her si lid, calm man nir, arranged, in view of tbit difhcul y tbat each wife and mo bor sball tpedi ly know tbe best or ibe worst abou those wbo go in figbt "with God, for King, and Fa'berleud." Slip ol 'parchment, like luggage labels, have hi en prepared, on which the nine ot each German soldier is plainly wiilten nod one of ibese will be fastened inside bit coal when be goes into aclioo. Alter ibe day is. derided, the enemy, it be be master of the field, will be re q-iesied to collect aud reiurn tbes Uhels, of wbicb about a million bat tieen provided, grim tickets for an u u known j .urney I Think of tbe Ger man wue or molt er tewing it on tbe battle ticket of her slake iu tbe qusi tel the address of ber particulai material war," tbe awful traveling label whereupon no loving band maj write, "witb cere," seeing ibat its bearer goes into tbe Valley of tbe Shadow of Death, to come forth agaiu or cotaj as heaven sball decree. Sewn on witb German thread, ripped olT perchance, witb French knife, whole packet! and parcels of these little hu man memoranda Will surely be return d, but yet every man wbo buttons his roat over the laoel of death bat looked bis fate fall into tbe face, and mad. bimielf ready for tbe burial." . Stamp duties. U i of interest to our reader and to know tbe fact wbicb is likely to be overlooked by many. tbai tbe Tariff bill passed by tb last Con gress, doevaway witb stamp duty on receipt and on promissory notes, for urns let than 1UU. Bank Ubeck and do.-.umentary stamp are (til to be used, but tbe tax removed from re ceipted bill', and from small note ha been perhaps tbe most annoving tax we bave bad, and it removal la a thing to pleated with. 'IRIIacVY. Tbe uorernor'i Bald on Ibe Chi nese. Ha'l our new-fledged exfeutive commenced his inaugural wiili a re view of gome of tlie important quet tionej lie treated of afterwardsy- and given theru to us hb a matter for jiifliiiiinary consideration, we conld ki1ihib have borne liid excruciating raid on tlie Chinese, us matter of nftertlionglit. But, unfortunately for that geiitletimii'ii reputation, he employed the first moment of exec utive license to impose upon mi in tcllij'efit audience, one of the nio?t disgusting pieces of demtigogisiu ever perpetrated n this communi ty. We did not believe it possible for a well bred man toso far forget the respect due tu his position as exec utive, however new he might be therein, and tlie cuiisideralion due a first e'ass audience, to say noth ing of the convened Legislature so far as to insuit the common ur.der tamling by referiiees to Chinese paganjsuu and harlotry and the pre tence that the m.llious of Chinese stand ready ti pour like a Hood up on tlie shores of America and over power our fn e institutions. There an" occasions when deuia'roi'isin may become sublime, when the tricks of a politician may at last be excusable, but wh 'ii success has Clowned the effort, the demagogue might afford to rise above hiniselt n at least attempt to pUy the ex ecutive, and assume a virtue if he j has it not. j If anything c iu be made out of the Chinese question, the (invcruor j aud all democracy are welcome to the profits. Let them oppose the j Chinese treaty and Cliinese itumi- gration iuhI do what may seem to j I hem best towards accomplishing; , ... ;'. -...,..,. l., I llll.lt , O IU lll'llr 1.1, kl.ll let them al least have self respect And iliscriiniualioi! enough to kii'w when and where to play the poli tician, lest the public who are well informed show out the disgust that is forced upon them, when the r common sense is so openly insult ed. We have some pride as to the icpu'a ion of Oregon, and would pn liT that the Inaugural nddress of its executive should possess qual ities t.i command re.-pect. The ef fort of Governor (Irover as in many respects creditable.and to some extent we agree with it, but we cannot coin tia.iil nor will the world I i respect this tirult for it is nothing J else, against the Chinese. There is no matter concerning which we feel more iuditfer, iice.tlian this one of Chinese immigration. Let the Chi naman ctniie or go, as circumstan ces shall direct, it matters little to j us, and as for this democratic out burst against Mongolian suffrage, whenever we see it "coming we shall be Fit re to oppose it bitter- Legislative Assembly of Oregon. Sixth Heanlae Session. f IIUL'S E. Thursday, September 15, 1870. Houa met met at 10 a. tu. Minute? of J esierday were read and approved. Dorris offered a resolution that a se lect committee of three tie appointed lo investigate the c'aim of V. It. Dunbar to a seat in this House Dunbar moved its reference to Com mittee on E'ection. VV bailey thought the Committee on Credentials bad decided tbe question y reporting Mr. Dunbar as eutitled lo t seat, and hoped the Speaker woul'1 rule tbe resolution out or order. Dorris aritued tbe question at length, and urged tbe appointment of a stlect omtni'iee. Wballey read tbe clause rela'ing to 'he dune of Committee on Elections, nd tho'igbt tbe certificate ot election aas evidence io tbe absence ol any contest, or notice of contest, ana' bouuht the action proposed UDnecet arv, illegal, and out of order, aud due o a partisan feeling. Mr. Wbiteaker bad not beard of tbe resolutico, but tho-ikbl it could do no harm, and was legitimate, aud should vote for it. 13 r. Grant read ibe Constitu'ion rel alive to qualification of members rela ting to tesideuce. Dutibar wanted to oflVr a few re marks. Dorri thought be should not he al lowed to speak oo wbat be was inter ested in. Grant thought Dunbar had a right to peak for bituselr, but not to vote on be resolution. Tbe gentleman from Lane had a wrong view of ibe matter. Hate intisted tbat Ibe teaolutioo aKould be reterred to Committee on E ecti.ies, wbicb was appointed fur .bat purpose. Mr Duabar expressed bialf a en tirely willing to bave tbe matter ioves. ligated. and did not waat a teat if sot entitled to it. Oloey naid th election aot being questioned, and the Committee ou Klectioo being burdened with busi nets, be should vole for a (elect com mute. Tne propositioo to amend by refer ence to Committee on elections was lost, aud tbe resolution wa referred to special commiHee of three, composed ot D .rris, Wballey and Cal l well. Elkins, ot Lino, offered a joint reso lution to appoint a committee to Mam inn and report oa condition of the penitentiary. Wbiteaker thong ht tbe report oo the penilea iary' would fee in before maty days, and tbe adoptioo of tr resolu tion would be premature before it re ception Tbe vols being' taken, tb rrsolaiioa failed to pas. ' Lockhart ottered a resolution that do-ameol duo member shnotd be en. releped Defore delivery. Pasted. Paqu-t offered (louse joint reiola ion (bat a committee of 3 of each House be appointed to report Joint Kale. . Passed. Amis of Linn, gave notice of inten tion to Introduce a bill to abolish cane. Also, a bill to a-rend th Uw exempt ing personal property trom taxation. Oa motion of Wbiteaker, the vote on committee to investigate and report oa Peaiteoliary, was reconsidered and laid oo the table. Helm gave notice of a bill to amend lwt relating to lient, mechanics' and otber. Paquet moved to reconsider the vote by waich contested case io Benton county vera referred to select commit tee. . r : Helm thought tbe motion oat ot order. $2 Cbalr prooouoced tbe motion ootof ord- r. Davenport took ao appeal from the ruling !f the Chair. Gluey suggested a motion to di i4jarge tbat comtiiitlee would be io order. Davenport withdrew bii" appeal, and Pa i net made tbe motion to discharge, tbe committee. Wbt'eaker opposed the motion as an insult to the committee. Davenport said acb wa not tbe case. The Cbair wa aid to be attor ney for contestants, and prepared to prosecute the case, which be considered ansa tor tbe ducbaraje of tba commit tee. Helm laid be bad not been attorney, or drawn papers, or done any act as attorney to gather testimony. He thought tbe opposition wa to him as a Deroi.crat, anil tbe ttalemeot were made for a pu'p se. He denoonced the whole thing as a fabrication. The H uise cannot iu eud to intuit tbe corn uiuiee as tbe motioo intenaj. i ney have partly done tbeir business already, and uo objection bad been made by be attorney of tbe siltiag members. Judge Chenowetb. He cballeoged the gentlemen to tbow testimony and give tames. . .. Davenport would only correct the gentleman from Linn. He only knew htui as a Democrat, and did not im peach his motives, but he thought ibe lacts warranted the excusing of tbis comn.ittee, and that the business be pa sued over to lb stat-dicg committee Mr. Hare would vote to discbarge the Otutotiee, beiatife there were three conte-ted cases Similar questions wmi Id arise iu each case, and it would ave work to bave one committee pa-s up.in all tte e questions of law io tbe same manner. In case of several com nni'.ees, tbeir aclioo might conflict. II - m ide an appeal to the tuagnauimit) of the majority. The sitting members were not satisfied, and Ibatwas a cause for action. Durris nev r knew a cri t.ina' wh was satisfied wi b a jury, and ibene men would never tie saiisticd witb a committee composed of Democrats. To have const-teucv, the coulisted casrs might all tie referred to the select coin uiittee, of wbicb be was a ru-tuber, and ba would lie niihog to try tbem all. 1'iillon thought the opposition was hound to ret up tbeir co nplalut at ai.y hiog the Democrats could do. He ol I some anecdotes io a fluent voire and low tone, sud beed pardon aud sat down. Dunn e at-d what he had beard lo make bin) tielieve the Chairman of the committee was so situated as not to be hie to do tiitn j ! i. e iu Ibis case. Ilejio replied, anuouu.'i'.ig his deter luiualion to do j i-lice. Il allmled lo tie cases ot ISijt', and said he would out act as he sai l ibe Republican par j f'd ihen. Democracy ln-d refuse I to I..II .v the (itecedetits si t at Hint lime Whallet Ibougbt tlie disrtissiou hail -h-iirii iu re passion iu it thau reason. Tie rr.ii.nr cotuinliee was that o eh ct i 0 p'onded hy law for lhat pur pse. It looks as it "lie geotlemin en i-rtained rti-pii-ion of that coniiuillee. The Commuter on E eclioua are tueu o' ciimmoo seuse, aud lljey w ill do justice, alii. li i he ritt ing memners do not be here will her me by the select coin itit'lee. He Ibougbt the retereuce tc oast action of Legislatures was onlt calculateit to exci e passion and cauor pr. j-idice. Graut wouldn't go back to the dark ages, hut he ibougbt tbe opposition had failed to furnish any proof lo ground to their suspicion agaiust the i-tiuiu'ttee upon. Mai k weal tier thought, ihe anxiety ol the Deinocras ou Ihe special committee a cause, f. r su-ptcioo. . Thought tb Democra.-y could .trdly waut lo refet 'bis case to a party cbarged, in evidence to beadduc-d. with imporiiug votes lii elect tlie cunlrslatits. This Was said to he ibe case, and to rid tbe cane ot er. j i.ii. e, he thought gentlemen ebould tie willing lo submit the case io the regular ciiiiimitlee, which wat also a Democratic one. Am s moved the previout question. hirh was carried. " tin the luoiioa tu discharge the conj oin lee, the vote stood, aves 21, note U.'. S the motion was lost. I he House a.tj lurncd. HKM ATE. Tbe Senate mt at lu a ui. The min j ute ot yesterday were read and ap pruved, and then aiij lurncd to 2 p. in. IIOl SK. A F T K U NOON SKSSIUN'. TI e Ilou.ae met al 2 p. m., nropoi- i s and motions being io order, Mr Coy gave notice ot a bill relating to water rights. , gave oolii-e of a bill to prevent and punish vagiancy. Mr. Rider gave notice of a bill re lating to rue o-ures. Mr. Aleiau irr gave notice tbit be should ofl-r io uojriow a resoluiiun to amend rule 8, so as to increase the Co ntiitltee in elections from 3 to 3. Mr. McClain moved to appnint a coninii'tee ol 3 to revise ibe rule ot tne House, which parsed aud lie Cbair appoiuted McClain, Kult-iu aud Cald well as sin b committee. Message Irum Meuate received an nouociug . out urreuce in or tering .l.itiU pies of the Message of Governor Wood's and ihe Inaugural of Governor (irover. Mr. Whiteaker said lhat in tbe bm k part of the ball hat was said hy Ihe Speaker or at ibe de?k could not be heard. Mr Alexander gave notice of a reso lutiun to be introduced to-'nurrow, tu increase tbe committee on election lo 5 members. , Uluey inquired if tbe order of bnsi ness was finished and desired lo intro duce II. tt. No 1. j A bill lo require Ihe proper marking of salmon prepared lor uisikei, which wat read first time. Duly moved lo lav oo tbe table aud be priu'ed. Car ried. Lockhart introduced H. 0. No 3, an act donating lauds to tbe Coot B ) Wagon Road t o npaiiy, wl.i. h waa read first time. Ou mu'.ion it wat i ferred to Committee on Public Laodt and ordered printed. O ily moved tbat H. B. No. 1 be taken from tbe table aod referred to Committee on Cotntuer.-e. Carried. Amis introduced U. B. No. 3, a hill to discourage caste iu tbit Slate, Tbe bill provides ibat no pernio shall wear nair of unusual length or plaited, or done up in a que, without piyiug a monthly license of ten dollars a mouth ; license to be issued by County C.erk aud be collected by tbe Sbentf. Person found break iug tbis act sball be arretted ai.d made lo work oo tbe roads 10 days in case of conviction. Amis moved tbat the Cbair appoint a committee of 3, to whom the bill be reterred, wb"icb motion wat carried, od tbe Chair named Amis, Hire and orter at inch Committee. Tbe Cbair announced ( the Stand ing Committee on Claims, which he sufpoted bad been previously ao LOUuced, Caldwe 1, Carton aod Dunn Aran moved tbat 100 copiet of tbe hill te abolish cast be printed. ' Car tied.. Elktnt gave notice of a bill to reg ulate feet of 'be louoty officers of Linn county. ' Cbair annonnced that be appointed Paquel, Lockhart and Savage a con., mtttee on Joint Rule. ' Mr. Wbiteaker moved tbat of any paper ordered printed 100 copies bimld be turotsbed. Earbart gave notice of a bill for pro tection of miooriue ia corporations ol Joint Stock eootpanie. - . gicaiATti. srnixoo titstoj. Senate being called to order, Holt slaw, from the Committee oa Election, made tne maj irity report in the Dou. U eoanty row test, quoting tbe Contti 'union of Oregon, Article 2, Sectioo lit. which declare ''No person holding office or appointment under tbe United State, or under tbi State, shall be tl igible to a teat In tbe Legislative As- per Annum in Advance. smbly," which wa made to apply to Binger Herman, Senator elected in 1868, who hat bea acting at Detmtv a.. . T--..-J o. . .. . ' viuneviur Ui mi VOUCH Ultlsl rrVCBOe, tor toe counties or. Loot, Curry and .Douglas. The report weot oo to ttate "tt'at L. F. Mosher, contestant at the general election beld In June, 18?0, re ceired a majority of the vote cast for Siate Senator, from Duoglaa county, and i therefore entitled to bold tbe seat no r occupied by tbe taid Herman. Mr. Cornelius presented tbe minor it report of the same r.otnmittee, deny ing that Mother was entitled to tbe seat no orcupiel by Dinger Herman, for tbe following reasons :" "FIRST, because bit election wat irregular, illegal aod unauthorized " 1st. "Tbe records on file in the office of the Secretary of State, aod also ot 'be beoale, show tbat said Binger Herman was duly elected a member of ibis Senate for the term of four year, and lhat io tbe session of 1858 he wat admitted and qualified without objec tion, nun is sun sucn inemoer, 21. ''That no vacancy has ever been declared as required by Sectioo 45, Election laws ot -Oregon." 31. '-That no writ of elections wat issued hy tbe Governor as provided by Section IT, Article 5, of the Constitu tion of 0 egoo. ' 4tb. "Tbat no notices of election were ever given lo the legal voter of said district, or any part thereof; tbal an elecliou f jr State Senator would be held, at the time said Mosher claims his election, at required by tbe election taws of Oregon, Section H, Title II, nd tbat therefore said election is null and void, and a fraud npoa tbe legal voters of taid District." 'SECOXDLV. That no groundsel ist tor tuch contest, aa claimen by con testant, because, 1st. "That a Deputy Collector is not j n lucrative ollice, urappointmeut nnder the Coited Stales, or under the Stale of Oregon."' ' 2d. "That und-r the Coited State j Constitution, Section 2, Article 2, it is uroiideil ibat all o Hi. era under tbe L'uited Slates can oniy be appointed by tbe President aud Senate, the Pres ident alone, tbe Courts of law, or in he Heads ot Deariineots." 3d. "Tbat ms a D -puty receives no appo ntment from any of tuch bodies, directly or indirectly, but from the Collector for tbe District of Oregon alnoe, and lo whom he is alone retpon sible, bis position is nut a lucrative oibce or aioom'uienc under ibe Coiled Elates, l.it simply tbal of an employee or agent." 4th. "That a deputy receivet no stated salary or couipen-atioa, aud tu. Ids no debu te time, subject to the ili-cretioa and pleasure of tbe Collect r, wbo employs bitn aud compensates htm out of bis owo salary." 5th. "Tbat the Supreme Court ol California, uutler a prohibitory clause iu ihe Sta e Couati'u ion, similar to ours, has decided io 20, Ctl forhia Itc pori, page U3. thai Coogress has bu power lo vesi in a Collector the ap ' pointing of an mferior ollicer under the L'uited State, and also that a Dep uty is uot an ollicer, iu a Constitution al getise; and iu tbe case of Lindsey v. Attorney General, reported i 3;i Miss., under a like Coosti. ulionai clause, it ia held thai ua egent, employee or Deputy is not au o.'!icer under the l'uited States, and Ihe same is uni formly held in oilier casei your com mittee has examiued.". Tberefore, your committee, io minor ity, recommend tbat ibis Senate declare L. F. Mosher is uot emitted to a seat in this Senate, and tbat H. Herman continue the aiiting member from Douglas, Coos aud Curry couut'.es. The Comruit'ee on Eurolled Bills re ported that they noiu'nated Thomas B Merry of Jackson, as Eatolliug Clerk. bicb action was coulirmed by vote Ot ibe Senate. The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported that they bad nominated J. J Iwiaves, ol Lue county, Engrossing Clerk, wbicb was ratified by vote o' the Senate, and ihe cterks so elected were duty sworn in, after which tbe Senate adjuiroed. To bk TiastD Os. We learn from Mr. Burrows ibat the Gat Company has ti ed up tbeir iron retort and bave made torn gas on trial. If nothing k'oes wrong tbe gat will be turned oo Saturday. A number of advertisements were ' knocked iuio pi" wheu our-accident happened the other day and they are uol all up jet. If any of our patrons miss ibeir advertisements ibey may be a-surred lhat all wilt be made right io day or two. Half Fact. The P. T. Companj aod ibe 0. k C. Stage Company wiib ihrir accslomed liberality, bave in formed Mr. Jno. Mimo that ibey will carry visitors aud articles o! exhibitioo, to aud f. om the Sate Fair al balf the usual rales. Cikcclsr Stsibway. Messrt. Don aldson & Piiih are putting up a fine circular stairway in Cbemekela Hjtrl. Ii is about the center ot ibe building, nd in making the ascent of tbe three H um, it describes three complete cir cles. T te stair is aelf tiipp irling,nd vnen u nshed m lo be not or.ly sub stantiai but highly oruamsutal. IsvItatiox Accepted. Hon. J. II Douibit, President of tbe L nn county Agricultural S iciety, informs ns tbai tue Judges of the Supreme Court bave accepted an invitation to attend tbe annual Fair in lhat county, and will leave Salem on Thursday of next week for that purpose, to return on Sat urday. Impboviso. Hon. Lancing Stoat, who bad been confined to his room for several dayt from tbe effect of a con gestive chill, i reported to be on tbe mend. Some of tbe other wing of bit party bave said tbai tbe tick nest i a dispensation of Providence to prevent bit electioneering iu the Srant jrial con test, bat tbe Judge's friends ray tbat be will be able to stir tbem up a Utile yet before he dies, wbicb we hope will uot be for a loog time yet. A Bad Bhsak. Yesterday, as Mr. J. D. Hoiman, astisted by some of the workmen on tbe Cbemeketa Hotel, wat engaged in putting in tbe large plate glass windows, by tome misbap tbe box slipped aud tbe jar broke cae of ibr wiudo light into three pieces. - It wat put up however, and will be used until it can be replaced, but it is not every one wbo can afford to break a $200 pan of glass. Excess rj.-We bave bad to mucb work grow oat of tbe effort to enlarge, tbat band bave ap to tbi time, been obliged to work all nigbtto get out tbe Daily at all. So tbe carrier ha not been able to deliver it before day during tbi week. We ask our reader o bear witb ns aod we will try to hav he Daily out io good lime a oon si possible. Tbe fault doe not lie with the carrier, please remember tbat. Ditr At bit residence ia Stlem, S pt. J4tb, 1870, Rice Dunbar, io tbe 08th year of hie age. Tbe deceased wat born io Ohio, February Cib. 1802, moved ia ear'. life to Illinois and ibeoce to Oregon ia 1746. Uiadaatb leaves a family of three loo and lit .laughters all grown, tomoorn bit lost, and ia tbeir affliction they bave tbe -jBipathyof a bott of friends. The funeral will take place to-day. Friead ar invited -to attend Tbe taaerat sermon will be preached oa Sunday next st tbe M. E. Chtircb. ' Jk.7 tat OritA 'EMi ballding wa fined last (jting ta bear Ber. Joab PoU preaci.. Kr. Wm. " CorbattTacted "eitoa; ad did tb Honor well. Tba' erooB, despite tba eccentricitie of tbe pakr, wi ood and well received.' Xt IU clot I com tneoced to ng tbit well 'known Ijraa " For to play on a goldea "harp".1' Ad unfortunate coN.r.r.nps caaied a tubmen tary confusion, aud front tbat 'oat tb teene wat indeteribabl. ' At on mo ment good order, aod tkeix. t"n powerful voice of the peaker irowatd amid tbe clink of falling- balf dutlar V thrown oo tbe floor, two litUa colored boy terambhng to pick, tbem up, cheers, veils, (tamping, etc. Two pieces were mag la tbi meaner tad tbe meeting broke p ia ba4 order,, ' Rivtb SCBVuy.LUat.'ff.H.HeBer, of tbe Corps of Engineers, TJ.' 3.'" A'., wbo it engaged ia making a "tnrvey of the Willamette Rlrer.for tbe perpote of enabling Congrotl to act'upoa as appropriation bill for thelmpoTmn of that river, bs completed the" extm ioation of Cbitwood's Bar, a mile below town, and yesterday moved bit a camp to Matbeny's Bar. " Oa "vVedneiday tbey took some 3,000 loaadingi, nd during the time tbey lave been at work bave made a complete and acnraUeban of tbat part of tbe River. Tb work ia being done nnder the toper-vision of Col. Williamson, t. 8. A., wbo Is now in town. Tba work on tba WilUmatu will be left io charge of Mr.' Cbarle F. Brown, while the officer go to Cmpqua tc organize a snrveying party there, and after thete two river are well an der way tbe survey of tbe Maerameato . will be commenced. . Col. WUiiaasoa intend to complete all three of these rivert during the present year, if poasi hle. Tbe Willammette will probably be surveyed at Righ as Corvallis; i li . , -, ' r Supreme Court rreteedlngtu Thcbsdat, Sept. 15, 1870. In Msyt vt. Fitzgerald, appeal from Wasco county, Tbayer, J., announced the decision of tbe Court, that the Wasco county election eatee be placed oo the ducket at tbe foot of lb 3d Dis trict. Ilumason for appellant, VCilioa tor respondent. Io tbe cate of Fulton, appellant, vg. E irhart, respondent, motion to discuitt appeal, L'pton, J., announced the deeis- ion of tbe Court, denying the too. too. Konham and Lawson for', appellant,. Williams and Willi for respondent. , Dearborn, appellant, v. Smith, rr spondeot, appeal Iron Donglal county Prim, C. J , announced the decision ot the Court reversing tbe decision at tbe Court below. Tbi i a case io wbicb tbe respondent was beaten en dtmi r rer in the Court beljw, over a year go, tbat judgment was reserved ia the Supreme Court o 18o. Tb ca wat then tried on tbe .merit in etbo Court b. low, aud lb appellant bealeo, aud now that decision ia reversed in Sup; erne Court. Toe Court derides tbat a transvript of judgment from a Justice's Court, filed ia tb Circuit Court, U obtain a lien on real estate, must contain sufficient to tbow Jtb jurisdiction of the Justice's Cotrt. Williams tnd Williams for appellant, : Watson and W. K. Willi for rSDad- est. Grant, appeiunt, ts. Kacn, retpona- ent.1 Appeal from Wasco county. Mo-" i tion of respondent to dismitt because tbe bond was not filed within tea day, after service of notice ; and crott-mor tion of appellant for leave to file an other boud,;now argued and mbmUted.' Humason for appellant, Wilson for re spondent. , -. . m Argument concluded In Bamford v. . Bamford, and case submitted. Oa motion of R Williams, Joba J. Wbitney wa admitted a an attorn j, and oa motion of J. Kelly, Chat. Gard ner wat admitted as an attorney to ti.it . Court. During tbe argument of Wtitney vt." Johns, tbe Court aijourned to Fri day at 9 o'clock. TU Great tire avt Ctalcagw Tfir-, ttaar Partlealas-s. Cbicago, Sept 5. Tbelostes ty tbe tire last night are now figured to ag gregate ?2.T50,O0O. This, however, is only an estimate, and other place tbe amount at over $3,030,000. Wbat- , ever tbe loss, the insurance probaiJ cover two-thirds of it. Tbe nerlibef of livet lost is ttill uoknowa, br.t there teem a tad certainty tbat at least i'2 . to 15 m n and boy perished ia tba 11 itnfi. iae of the emdloyeet ia Far- " well i Co.'t store, wbo wat coming down stairs with a package cf valuable ' tbawlt oo bit tboulder, wat strnek by ' brick from the fulling wail. E re ports that from 15 to 20 men and boys were behind him, and nnable to etcape. ' Tbe excitement wat to great, however, that many exaggerated statement ia regard to the loss of life were made, and ibis must be taken a rather doubt ful. Tbe morning paper give a list of 15 persons irjtired and til persons minting, who were know to bave been engaged io removing goods from tb ; burning building. Nevei, perbapt, ia tbe history of tbe city of Cbicago, bat there b.en so mnch public excitement over a fire. The block burned was ia ' P lint of architectural beauty, pergap . be first in tbe city, and its total de ttruction is 'the ift'ise of Individual re gret. A stated last night, the fire ts supposed to bave originated ia th -spontaneous combustion of oiled rag in the upper ttory of Laflia Brothers' & Co.'t paper wrreboate. Bat tbit it not yet certain. Toe bigb maotard roof forming the sixth ttory of the . building is held responsible f-r tne ex- . traordinari rapid spread ot tbe fire, which throughout balll'd every effort of tbe fire department. The intense heat damaged tbe stores aad stocks of gouds on tbe opposite tide of Wabatb. , ' avenue to the extent of $10,000. Tbe anxiety of the people to have a detailed account of the tVe, coupled with the- eagernes for furtftVr war news, caused an unpracedepied ma oa tbe newxpa- , per od er, aod by 8:30 a. m., not a copy of the Timet or TWoune conld be be had io tbe streets, ia tbe nws de- ' f its, or at th office of tba papers -tbemselvet. No extra editions, how-,, ever, were istued. Later Cp to tbit hear, 8:30 a. m., ' no bodtet bave been recovered fro at ibe ruiot. A painful ruator It afloat ,; that Charles, a young son of Charla. B Far well, wa seea to enter hi fath er' store and never .was teen agaia. John V FarwelLtba tenlorMniber ' of tbit firm, i abtent on tba alatat. attending to bis duliet a IndUaa Coata. mitsioner. " ' ' Rostttr or tss alsTaorxtr Book - Coxcikti Saris. A dispatch dated ,: Xew Vork, Seit. 1st, sayt: It was discovered yesterday morning ' ' that tba great tafes ia tb rooms of tbe -Board ol Mission! of the Metboditt Book s C intern, Xo. S'Jti Broadway, had beeo,, rohbed. Property to the amount of . $150,000 wat carried away: Tbe con- -tent of tbe safe were private property; -bonds, money, plate, ate., dopoaiud by a clergymen for safe , keeping, aad. lt)f eems var'ed in amount according to the circumstance of the depositor, there betog ia tome iattane) tba ftnaH" tavingt of parish preachers, said tba ;j large accumulations of fortanata aad,, fashionable prelates. Every negotia ble article of value wti taken, butreg- ' ittered boaas were found amoag tb paper oa the floor. There ia daani to tbe perpetrator. Tbe officials ef tba v Concern are tery reticent, aad refute to talk to reparters about tbe matter, tty ing tbat tbey bad beta advissd by th i. detective to puriu tbU cears aala, bave atked that tbit tUtameet b aot , publitbed. Tba only person baring" room oa tb floor, -with tb exception'1' of aa artist aod oa otber peraoa, are t churchmen connected witb some of tba, Meibodisiiceaeeraec A rather Strang ' circumstaaeaof tb depredation i that tbe safe are la oo wise iojartd, bat they were opened witb keys, aad. a tbey were fitted with combiaatioa lacks to open them, the thieves roast have f obtained rombiaatioa nstatsers archer. acters. Tbe aafes wera ef Marvia'a-s make aad wera contidved firttr-cJaSb . their kind. ,-' In rot a An . Wabtw. Whera wiold.tbefjorteen "solid" Democrat- ie rotri from st of tb Boaatalos have beeo if Teal aad hU friaadi ha saoeeeded ta tlectiog Lockw4 to tha Senate In p'see of Trvitt ? : f i i ' ' i a 4 - -."VJsB-i-.." A--' .-t. tife iff r va-t.--''