I. 1 tiAim, 11UDAY. : : : : SEPT.. 9 LATST:XY TELEGrRAPE. DA.TKSTO S SffiMBKB 5. f BFXCUb TO THI STATESMAN. ; London, Sept. 1. A special dispatch to the Standard, dated TbiooTille, Tues day morning, says : The French have josi been badly beaten on the Sedan road, and the Prussians bate entered Caregnan. There was furious fighting all day yes terday between Antegnay and Doruri. Taris, Sept. i. La LiLerWttijs : S'c Mahon has totally dettreyed the left wiog and the center of the Prussian army, only their riftbt winjr, being able to retreat in comparative good order. Generals Frossard and Bourbaki are reported wounded in a recent eugsgeuieut. Palikao confirms the reptrt that a de tachment of Prussian cavalry is surround ed in the forest, making their escape ira paeeible. Pririctt Frederick Charlen nar rowly escaped capture at P,ueiras. Brufsels, Septal. It Is reported that a fresh battle commenced to-day in the direction of Sedan, " where UcMalfoa oc cujiies a strong position. London, Sept. . 1. A. correspondent who is with the Erst Prcssian army writes that the plan. of starving out Mttz has been cbaced to bombardment. A Prustian report nays that Lieutenant Von Scbemoer, who was tent yesterday with a flag of truce to summon the sur render of Verdun, was fired on, and bis corps trumpeter killed; Brussels, Sept. l.-r-Tbe Belgian news papers published tbo following: Bouillon, August 31 Figatiog com mcnced at 9 s. q. The Freuch are saiii to have captured 30 guns. No particu lars are given. Varennes, Sept. 1 vu Berlin. HcUa hon's efforts to rescue Metzaie without effect on account of the loss tsu.-uiat-d by h;td on Tuesday, when be lst twenty guus. The French loss'bfts becnimmrnoe, compared with that of the Prussians. Brussels, Sept. 2. The slaughter in the. battle of this morning whs terrible. The Meoso is filled with dead bodies. The villages are in flames. ' The French who are captured in Belgi um are disarmed and sent to camp, at Berenlou. Paris, Sept. 2. The Journal admits McMahon'i defeat on Tuesday, but claims partial success on Wednesday. London, Sept, 2 4 p. m The death of the Emperor is rumored,, but the pm ticalars are so conflictin , that the tffect id not marked at exchange. London, Sept. 2. The following offi cial dispatch dated Bouillon, a few miles from Sedan this day (Septtraber 2) has just been made public:" Tbe -battle of yeterday was very bloody, and result ed disastroofly for the French, who r' treated on lleziere's. The Prussiaas oc cupy Geretrne, a' few miles northeast of Sedan. : x'- -' ; i i' " r- : .'-i - Some ten thousand officers and soldiers of the French army were forced into Belgian territory, where they were' re quired to instantly surrender their arms. A great number of wounded have also been admitted io Belgium tor humanity's sake. . , Brussels, Sept. 2. Last night the fron-' , tier guard captured, disarmed and un horsed two hundred French on Belgian territory, near Sedan. NAPOLEON A PRISONEE. TREH!H.ARMIESjCWITULAT. McMAHON WOUNDED! TIIEt TTAR ENDED. EXCITING NEWS. London, September, 2 A' Paris cor respondent of tbe Glole vouches for the truth of the following statement: A pdiantic battle ban been in pmeres? since Wednesday morninp, near the forest -of Argionnesf A dispatch from tbe Em peror to the Empres dated on Thursday afternoon, sayp: "All poeg wonderfully well, oar plans all succeed. Brussels, Sept. 3 Rnmnr3 of French reverses continue. Thronsrs of French soldiers vwho. have crossed into Belgian territory have been arrested and dis armed by "tfie Belgian troops. Londonj Sept. 2 Tribitntt special dispatch .from Brussels at 3 this p. m. ays MrMabon U completely beaten and shut up in Sedan. Bazaine has lo been beaten before Metz by Prince Fred- erick Charles, i 2S0O French - iafantry and S00 cavalry vrita 2 cannon and sev eral military traits crossed tbe Belgian, frontier ' and the troops laid down thtir armsC.V; k ',,v 'Jl;- J;" j ; , London, September 2. Accounts are utterly centrad.cty, "eat the pmbability is that the French have won a victory at one point and the Prussians at another. Paris, September 2 I ia asserted that the King of Prussia is insane, and has been takea to Berlin. : w "i '.. ) 'Oi rrf? The Connctl of State of Paris,' thin'c of fixing the-price of bread and provisions to prevent the rapacity of dealers'. : New York, Sept. Jra-Berlin telegrams announce the capitnlatjen and surrender ottbe entire French rmy at Sedan. ' , V. YoT? Septi King William 'annooncei that the Emperor Lonis Napo .t. leon.yiwterdaysorideTed-to himself. McMahon is woundedT ;i New rYori; Sept; 'DispafcheVjnst1 received at this office sy that Klns Wil liam announces :to ,Jueen AnguBta, the inrrender of the- whole French army at Sedan, Including the EmperdrJhiinseif; Berlin,'" September" 3. tne following highly Important dispatch has jnBtbcen ' made public-here: ;-..- ' "Before Sedan, France, Friday Septem ber 2 12:30, P. M. From the King to the" Qneeh,'A''capitu1 whole army at Sedan are prisoners of war, has jnit been concJqdiwttliGf n.' Wimp-, v Trha'9.virtusRy Dictator, Myiofqrro UifommmnlUg, instead tftyfyhovrnfy XJjJJ fcjjshWM is wounded. The Emperor surrendered nattsf i himself tu jtuie, as be ha to cou,u mI, I and left everything to. tip e R gent at V nri. His resideure", 1 shall appoint afier a u in terview with him, 'to fie. fisei' iKiaie Vit&'t- ly. VuH a course events, wiiU ' Gja't j guidance, have takea!'' London, Sept." 3. The Germans are ! urgiojr King Wiilianr id declare himself I . I emperor at Germany. 5;,i;;i;.; i : New York, tSer.t..3. The 'N. Y. 7VZ graph says a special dispatch tiatml Sept', 3d, furnishing us with reliable t forma tioo, conhrming the purport of . t'ae tele gram rom King Willhvm to the Queen ot Prussia, dated Sedan, Sept. 2d. Special dispatches from the seat of war report a most brilliant Prussian success. Twenty thousand Prnssiiins'and ten thousand: French,-eotdiera,ly Skilled. or wounded upon the field of battle. A special dispateh-from Bruwls, da ted Sept 2d",Jrepoft3 KatWe who entered Belgium and surren Jered a' the request of Belgian authorities, 'have been sent tc Brutes. The French caw tured at the same time have been lodd ia the' citadel ot the eame ciy.' The greater part of. the otii'ers of boib pir ties hava been Bect, oiF on paroi"t ni' have placed themselves iu the service on the sanitary commission. Washington, Sept. '3. The folloivinu tlej;rauj bas been receiveil at the St'. Department, this morning from Mr. M t ley, dated London, S-pt. 3 1: The Em peror surrendered yesterday t 8e'lnh the Kinsj of Prussia. The obole F:ern l army at Sedan are prisoner of war S'urued, Mutlkv AVashington, Sept. 5. The fol!.-ir.s ofi!ci! dispatch has been r-Teiveij at L Ration of the North German t'uioo, in . Washington : The Empsror Xh pnleon having dcrl. rec that h 8 captivity prevents liisi i)fg"!i ting peace, the French Govemrut-nt tii'g at Fari9, the war will be di-con:i:iiied Piris, Sept 55 p. m Itoi-hefort hr. been liberated- Ttie people are in a . Ptate of extraordinary escitenient. From j time to time .Gambutti. addrtssea- thttu, exhortipg tbeci to preserve nrder. Soldiera of all reginjfuts mix among the people, unarmed, shouting "Vive In . Rt publique." From the entrances and fondas, and nil the baf rica-jes, the sol diers salute the people. At 4 o'c'ock to-dy the Lnp' rial fi p was lowered from the Tuilleries. PU card have been posted a various place,' 'Daln to Thiers." Mobs continue to tear down sins containing TmperUL srms. and medals. , In some cmscs the people have climbed to ifce highest storks to teiir from theaters the words- Imperial.'' Paris, Sept 44 p. m. Tee Council ot Ministers have issued a proolrfnr-ttioo ti the French people. Among other thing it 8ys -a great misfortune hs come uj - on our country. After three dajs heroic struggling against 300,000 of thu euemy. the armv of Sedan bave been made pri- ' , , oners. The Emperor has atao been made prisoner, ut this will not shake our cour- age. France is to-day in a complete state cf defense.- The military will tf; orgnn- - ized In a few rlttys, and your p ttrnti ro. your union, and your energy, will save France." j In the Corps Legislative, JuIps Tavre ? declared that they were nnnajmnus for defence ; until 'death. . Qreat applause, lie concluded by attacking the Imperial power, proposing to place extrai.rdinarj ; power in the hands ot General Trocbtt. Paliako and the Chamber protested.; In the Senate, Jerome David said: "Let us defend Paris on the walh and in the streets. We will bury ourselves nn dcr the ruins of the city in its defense." : Washington, . Sept. 4. Minister Jone-i, telegraphs from Brussels a full confi'n.a tioo ot the nenrs yesterday, : London, Sept. 4. The .number of Prusiant engaged in-the lte battle, a estimated fcy General Von Moltke, was , 250,000; of French 120,000. McMahon, although wounded, commanded in chief ' on the French side. Von AIoHke, the . Crown Prince and the Print- of -Saxony, commanded the Prusians. TELEGEAPHIC SCaiEAIlY. COMPIIED FBOt PUBVIOUS DATES York, S-pi. 3 -A London special World says K eat excite.,., ,,t .n.-u XeW to the World says ill eat - there. It was not km wu that Nnpoieou wan wt ib the army until after tbe turret,, der. Oen. Wiuipffen, who surieiiiiered the Frepcti ivro.y, ia a cou.-in ol toe J'tus-i . siau Geneikl of tbe uarjee nitiue. - It is ftatid that Napoleon in&iated upon nur- ; render againh the protests of- youujic. titEcerB, as he was so hhockf d by jne f. ar 1 ul slaughter of fFedLesday aud Thurs day. '....'"'..'.' :'. .".. It is Leiievf d that the residence of tbe , Elector , tf lesse Cassel will be Hssigned to' Napoii , K'JtbiDi;' " Is reue'ved at . Londou fiora Paris, nd nutLi' is known tbere .tib!icly of Jiipoleon's turreuder. It is ataud that toe IIinj of Piuski.t js willing to abandon Ins iudeuinity claims, provided he secures Alsace and Lbrrjiie. it is understood that Austria and Ruiuia oppose this, while Englaud lavors it. London, -Sept. 3. -It is reported that ' Razaiot, with the entire lories iu occu pation of Meiz,. surrendered at.. A. p. tu. - yesterday-to the iuestio army, on re ceipt of the "news of Napoleon's surren-der;-. ',: ) , ' " :" ' ,-';.., V; ' U'doklnivlAn ' fi.nl ' n- Ct.,1 ,,Vw. t t f tbe bs dtCuH oin .bal.nc; m the Treasury of $09,768 330. Go!d cer tificave Sil;424,&2u;i .Currency balaince, $37 15,824 ' London, Sept. 3. A special telegram from the King's beadtjuarty at Vendres, near Sedani Friday, says : Tbe t a ile at Sedan commeaci-d at 6 a m f,Se tember 1st. ' Two 1 Prorsiuu torpj were in poV-t ' tioo on the west of Sedan, hating got there by loop forctd roarcbesto cut off tbe French retreat t JTezieres, south ct Sdan, yTfeera were tiie 1-t Rarariiu corps on the east across tbe Mo use, , the 2d Bavarian .corps and Saxons were on, the northeast wild the guards. After a tremendous battle, the Prussians baring completely surrounded Sedan, the Em peror capitulated at 6:15 p. m. Bis letter to the King of Prussia said j 'As I can not die at the'riead of tny army1, l lay my swoxdatlhefeet pf,your Mfjejitf .'JU.H. left Sedan lor the Pr uoeitfti heaeq'aart; rs at Vend re s, at la. m. on the 2d. McMa , hon's whole army of 100,000 men cai itu- latea without coudifiott. i Tia'Prns.-ians . bad 240 000 med engaged or in reserve : the Frehchl2b,000.fc-' V Londou,Sept.,.-iFriiErPafi8- rone i counu of the poverty cf the 4rieian. J"J, 8t preparing for famine. by expell ; ibk all foreigners not-possessed of means for their gnpport. Thepoor French in : retained, if f bla.bodied, fpf military, ser- VlCf. If not". ihev nr lent tn ttin j.nnnt. , ibe fortiQcations ra', completed Geo. London is wild with delight jotu the l imul uniujuii'ik.r lira! pj,"jlt,Tilitf - riV. r 1 were led wnb iici ei crowds ot i E - til-bcii-D', rolipram a.injr ech ber.",' i? ili-'e ft i s b-m ati B-'tinh victory. Sym p 'ly wiiH.Pliy Wttj "u-Vet ail ,- tlg ly m-jnifested. . - i GEriijE,L iiiW&. , ; ' ' "T uootiso Affray Lst Vi"ednp?d-iV evet.iu,; L.ui. Bowers, who reside a Couple t l tUtle (IO!II u Miy, id uruum t . t : : - l . . 1. ciiO iity, went into the Albnny Po ewerv nad ytung into rn altercmiou with ilr. Uwiieri, one of the pioprieiors, dew u pitol and tired two h-t at-Mr P.., bu' fortunately 'awther" of'th-m'took iy - !Vct .AtoUt this time m ninu bo wml iu fb" brewery caught Cowtrf.' band from r,.-hifid an! wrenched tfre pistol froiii liiiu, wbep Mr. R.igi;er3 8httreil a tew be. i Usses over iltS heafl, cutMlig tt 0ereU in Several place.'" Boireri was arrested, vharje(i wuh n 8?mU t wilt) latent to kill, nt.d, alier k h-'rit.g teforr Ke'mi r 'nobf'.' 'W4 hef'i to beli it) Itie i-tttn t S-r00 to ns.wer at the next term of Cir- uit Court Mljony Democrat. 1 ' i Liss CoCSTY. -The Democrat claim t'ott the wHg-m road from Aii'oliy ' Ucba. o i. iLe bet road, h-aoi". ou' ot tii Vv iilmnette vni;ey Hint ciie aaf pioot it i? belter thnti a pit' Uu- 'i!, the t c thKt citizen at Alh' y diove, r Hi -lrt' of i be route a-datkuiibt iu h 1 Hi:ts b':figy. ' i: A workman on IJem-h k. ll'Oi'eith'-it-.iiratet was.cpi.ed ou ud pur ed up to 'lie hTup! H, w it. v, us e.Xit Ifn ted ni;hoi)l iu i!eri it OsiHiage. , ... J . A."N. Artf-ld b'Sbeen appfiinted D putv' As.-efSur ot L i'U un uij. M"-. Jtt(!ii XjSMii, it f.trmer it ar, Han i (I rg. "iu hii cuuoiy a liile wirk ;iig H, ire iiire-t held !a-t S i urd H , t int.jr nl t ; Mr Nixi'ir ms br tlur of otir-exs Conni i'i e-'tf urer. Mr. Ji. ph Sum!, ni v lii ivei'-iil y" r-M ecle.t ry a lnrj- clivic .J ' jaitH! e iit this purl of the JStrtte. !le .'lmvt . wit ul -se. era! cbildrtn to i.ouru hi? iuiituilj tieHiii. j lj-it. Shbht h eveDnt", a' 5 o'clock, V r. VV. R. '('itnoW, nf it.i- rv, citnttetl r V tie Ip e Uo'tom. 50 tl.lles (ruin '.ere, on the On.-ci.'ie Muin te.ti at on 'load, Htid wiriveit there nl 5 ol ' k on ,Mi) i.ii t nioritiiig, having linveit all ntj-b. Atter rem i.i ii.u.tt ere one hour ami reM :nr bi lemu, be dtarieii on hi" return md aruved her r un about 3 o'l.lmk the i an evHtihif havii.g,-'itfle li e ro'uio :r:jiu! 11 iiii:e. wttii(i'J4' ho":rs, over the wor-l p.rt .f the IVmOf ?J . i u " i- i ! W'oii R.in!. lie wa il-p'.:c.n nl i t M r. J tfi ;;ii N.oii nlm wh iiuu n r it tie tjn.iin'it'tif , anil Bills'- brother had Mid letilv uied V' lael Saturday., ; Tms f-Kssrs. Tiie returns of, Deputy C S. Mar-hal, thus furs-how it increase in 1st popuiatio'j of Oregon Ourii g the past ten year- of 112 pr cent - The f . iilition in ISiJl) vv 52 4V ; anil if iitr' i Outl'ies yet to he returneil eliow the H-t e r-.tio oi iiicree ari thoe we rive bel w i'oe prei-i ut fiju'es e.te 1 1 I -220. Tiie c.otinties from whi -lt rrturus re;iu ite a? foliows : . ! . 1ST0 . y p4 , 1.255 . 4 2i : . 5 !iJ2 .11 wti.i . A ?.53' . 2 &03 . 2 555 . "J HIT, 1 15;0 7 .OrtS 49S 5.2 . S3 2 Mil 4, 1 o'l 3 1)14 Marion CI i''p i in o:-.... Ti '1 .ui-ii-iv . U'ni-liiiiyior 'l li k itoaa.. !vlu! tiiomal' . I ; fUk r lief: tor Uniol UltiatliJa.. ... 4u 1173 21 ;.vt It is probable that the Somheri. cou'i ti-K hv t o filled up rapid'y 19 the remainder of Oregon, but the full retinas can hardly show lets than lCO,O00inhab- lantd. ; Pohtlano. From the Unlit tin : Oo -nelly, the man who killed yBuck-in 1 1 1. beat his wi'e ieue!ets with a bijj cluo The police are Iookiu lor hioi.r" John Hadd'a "iMohawk,." beat Acker ? 'Mac" a trottirjsr raee, niiie heat? three in live. Rest time 2:Dj. T.p Orfgoman thinks it i. rt.t nrobal ! noiv that the population of lhiS at" wi I ex ed (j-n,(!l)0. Jo. Lti S'OU'ly a-M-r'e.i in Wasbiriiiion that we hait this iiumher fifteen ears ago. j The total population of R'-ntou county jii 4,543. j Lane Coustv, F-io thj Journal: Mr V T. VVilpon, of Ohio n o His y irotij E 'jbuid with a lot i f ('ni-m ht h -ep, which he .j ropoie to, t-ell. iii will p-obably hebfre early hi O ti.i.ei. Firn er ai.d etot k raii-em fhJ' hi taae a LT-aier iiitere-t in iiuprovii g their itm k. Eo - evidence ot this Im t u is in.h nei s sary to note the pr, jp ritt ot: thn hi hawe, 'beeu itupr. titr thei-iftock tur yniis n'. Mr V. is a !?o bri'tifriiiK fcouie line tihimjul i i . VVe r.- iufurni d that Purveyor Oener.. I Ap lrgate has let utvvirji eoiitractx thi ek to Mei-18. John VV. M-ldr-uii. ! J' " ?"A a'' '"-- ru, $5.00, ,',"ret "Bi"unt W,tiub b" let to oiie man. Tiie Journal thinks Luie county is e little the hest county ia the State, because it ia aimatfd at the bead of the Willam ette Vall-y, snrrout ded by rootttitaini op three side eaj-t, i-oulh nud ;wePt wall nuitierou-i mnnntxia ttreatns fi.iwtun through it, aff.irdi'iir pure water, and ,d Tictut.g the noil from the wa-h'if the moon fa ins. lint the whole of in Wi'l 'm et'e valley iatiea'rly the si.me.atid u;.y pur: of ir ia good etiouuh. Tii railroad wtirh in to connect with the Pi ifi,' rail road in Cahfortii is. i'eirj: rapidly tuiii south from, et.d will petbapa be coii(.le ted a d;tatiee of nearly ore ;bu miles 'this seeon,- and will n.i di tili' 'each-.-Eugeoe . City, 125 ii tie souhi. Portland, nxt summer. Lat'O iiarapid ly advanced 'in Value "duriijig the Ins three years, and farm wbichj c.iuid ba-vi heen purrtinsed forir five years ago fo $3tr ?5 per acre .are now eeUiug..al.$15 to $20 per acre. ' " - - ! .- '' Ll.vs CoCNTV From tiie'ftraff r: At tbn :iiliMad meetli g iui S -X'CjTi'rf ' ' nil it W9 lHii'mr ti-l voted ti rv indtri' ti'tt t''es t-T , lb!. atiHMiMa-wt their fr(,l . rcr'piions jinwrd ioca'iDfr th line if rind ilmtngh A h' ry ' Mesrpf a.' 'Rhiioi Montgyn erv, B-rrowv Frj'm -n. Coniitr it'aue aud Foster were appointed a oi m i m vr t a: tf n dt cr)r or m i aT th'ti o" e which are pajali'e ihirivrda nftef lie road reache-;ibt pdht provided tha occiirby July, 1871, . .;. .. ,,,.,.,-4 ' . ; ..".. - Ji-Ji"; ''!fll-'s isii5Ci, A pat-ty of jBvc, in a six day! bnnl, killed 52 deer niid a black bear. Aoothet party of fofir killed 9 deer in two dajs. The wbet ;rpfr40t.1n AtbaDT forthe week were 10 4S8 biirhtls. 1 . A lot of boys. who went ioutjto steal. melons, tried to outrun a charge of fiu shot, but brought it home with them. PoBTfiAif d. V'e learn from the?rxy m'atbat a seven year Id cow of Mr F. B. Risley'S was kicked by a loose boriein ,' ... .. . . J ' -i- iLl: I. ' ii tDfltrs, ana so -ecTerty injurca in ie head that ebe is not expected to survive. ! A sneak-thief is in the habit of robbltg the Library f.TSJ'Ji'j i'.'KlXlT ::l Eev. J H. Wilbur is csnvflsains; Port lard for $4,500, to fioirh the Taylor street M; Chnrcbi y W- 8. Ldd eiib-crib' d $1,000. Tbe dedication aiU take idace to-day, at the bout fotmortiing, services. ' , .", ., .' ,s'j"f? ,t;f Jf.ta'i : ,; 5 PoBtiaxd. Frf-m the JuUf(i; w. II Brack-elt beat a Ch nese coiik who wa-j in his empb y, with a p'.ate and then Cut hi pose' with a t"b!e knife, ifor wbohbe pleaded goilty of aiHiil and I att ry and was fined. The Chinaman is bardH ex pected to live. M'HHil I II' 1 1 1 II I ill E-UfcaiJUgia There are live O iiho, Men ftup auj is Steamer, at the waarves of Potilnnd. The Hera d has a retrark-th e C-ib ftorv which, had it been seriously fi. Id, woul C;ue n-'. Mcry Hi tbe l.i gue ot Luke peare, "Give us a rtst!" - It is rumored that a farmer was robbed on the road of S 125. j. ' ! i . " One of the chtidren of Cba. Parrtb E-ii., met with ;iite a Hceiilenl, yes er ay, noder the following cir- utn -taiMfe. : The nur-e ws haulinir the chrlilre'u, oii about eiyh'een 't ouibs of ege and th ither a babe, in a riiri-g, up anil iiwt the por h iu trontof Mr. l' irnrh's dweii io,r. Wt'ile her atteu'ion was direruo to gametUinvr in the Btreet, she unrn--sctonsly walked off the porch, cam in with her the .carriage, which upe', throwiop the children to the (jroiiml. a diettce of 8evtr.il feet.' The youne?- one, ky some niiracu'oui mean--, waa n ir jureit, hut the oi h r receded sevi ra severe bruises a;out the beii. DotroLAS ConsTY. i-Frni the I'liih den!er : Tbe Ro ehurg. mil', which h,.r been run' in fifiec-i vnin. hn' t-cen cotn pe Ud to .stop no'k eety riiinitier t-t link of water. Thi fn.-im, upon i-Jnn illation it w-i; f i-.iiiil thrttthe fiutne-nt th wheel eighteen inches higher than tile daiil. The on net , Mr. ls. J-nics com luied that it. wouM be h-. well t. have ttu-water rim itown bill a u ; : t orili pi v be low red 'lie' win el aMittlnni ' aiol yesi rday the mtU wn tarnl, !i-l i mr runtii'-g wilh j.leuiy of wnter r.tii- some to spare. On la?t "S'Mifd-y, 5 J n Smh2(t. h vi nng inm ebmit evetiteen x i urs iit'aM.-'a-sou of L. Stinirer of Cai-yonv i!le, was hiiMiugr lie- eirl-i'li" his yiin b ;!-. jnii it loWariia b I IU b the int.ZZ'e. Tin Chari e entered 1 i- ri(;h' eMn'W iii'l'i'i' liikt ItteTii-ly. I.'r i'liiintller iiHltiitni '- ami vv- leHru liii p .Tifpt 1 doing 8 well US coulil tie rx- pecttd. "Lat week a Mr Wil.-on trom J ick.aoi ciiTity, nits rnhhe'l, o- ''rolled' ' i III t about one huniireit ilullars iiy -, a newi tottned ai (n -i t! I" - t'V the n 'i e of l.'tn ryCil-js. Sheriff V Bnren, who set-into Know V intiiii'i whir,- lo li . ! hi - nun. ovei (l -11 left (ilaS On his way lo n- l U''"' er hii'ir tin b" f- u o' $21 iinin.-H-.I Wets .in d .4iJ;i m b mi Glass pleart truiliv ami was cuni'i iit-'t ' j i! ! y J-i--liee ltse in ib tiull ut ?50; ti .il, to ai jBfr t-f re the. (rrmil jury Vi'i'M'i. Mei:i- t- be in a ure k l'a,! luek, s one ot the lior.-1 of hi.- 'earn w as .!iok d hv a cow and ibed while be was cri camped near thi place. Frivii the Kns'uin: The t d'ow "ts 'be trai sactioos o' ' he Ho-elihTi; Lun! otli'-e ti.r'-. iruat, . Ib'-i: Acre- ot hind id. ;? 7 f - 44 Acie- 1! nii-t-ade , 24fT 12 a-r.-s pre-i njptcd,. J.u-ii-fa. Tot-il VZIZ 50 l.i-wU Chipman. a (' if Mrs t1' r re 1 1 . wiiiie carrvir-v a loud of .:,!, tVli, 1 1 1 k io?. his tace aaitit a lo: ami vcr bncl i: j uri d out-ot bi.siy-a. , ... A t ew brids;e"is bei'iuV Vnitli a'.-fo'sn the Miiilb U"H ciua liver, j i-l toe the obi one. - Tt i i- good n t a for tr veler.-, tot the o fl rc'Mon ore tat t (in patiS thi tiver i.s d.Kici roi.s in tiir extreme. ?.Ir W. B. ri-rlfii bui' dine n I house lit lily mill til ("oie'e VaileV 1 ther - i at y ' tre. z " thi.- n in er, S utb ern Orecn ill ha', tr a full npp y oi lv-- next r 11 iu no r. I (ioci) Tkmplahs Cl'NVKNTIoX. A t'i- j trii-l cih Vei tlnii -of G' iH Teti pl-r-i W II j he hel l t East R.-rtli'-d, in M-'1 . ; S pt' iid.er 12 Ii. E-i-ay- 011 t follow j ii'i? u'j ct hiive he'ii ap;o;ti ed l.y '.-n i 1 ri 1 lt- pu'y. C. . Dei trie, atnotnj' th j Loike- : .ililt): III -1' Lodi;i Mnsir, hoi ; obi iried dm! its adveirHiieM ; Otjst :l j Ti e Lo'tge Room. :t hx'ur. r KTH'tf- j m-iit ar.it Miioriitiierit ; Nunimreil i n- , Financial Secretary, bi' .tii-i-- nd what he can best do for the interest ot hi- j L-.'e ; Uro-iKijn The Lodjie Deputy.! bis it II' ier- ; "il t. 1 .1 Oi.r I i in per.. I.ce I'll-t - , j it- ni-ii:it-iiieni and beii-lii ; Fountain j R 'i I val , how of.lM ' tied 11 m! ' s ',' 'a n ta jT'--: 1 C iliiil'ia Order ami li --t p'ii.e ; S . i hii.f SicA cj ; E.isit Poriltttid D .-tnci UoaveiiiiouS. ' I'LJt iiASliS From 'he E;U- rjrke : M--. j Etidy w is ki ked t'j a lin'.-e 1 i-i Mi nday. j. Tiie old L-entl' man ii 1 11 d. Hi il wa'k- aroiit'd -our ftne'S bv the ei'l i t :i cuiie, i a ti d tie hoi ?e was t i"i ' t. liif Mil' walk, c't'i-ttit; the old i.t'eli.a to n Ik agaitl.-t j the animal.. i Trie Or- iri'n V .-i n i: iit t i tnmeni eii j it. S---iiiii on Mi.i-iiat lifi , !', there I- t f'lti'- d l!ii-ul: i.'i-..-i iy a i li i f J jurisiietni;i lutBieti . he - n li I l"jt Uir iii I Hi t Iiielll ul loll. The' p'opio ti.r.-i . t tie In.ptiixl re Xrei-li-, y -tnviry j.-in tV the main tinldit ' The ' I'-irti'tiit luii ,fil tniiti t'i rock, and Ihe ivy.il ii f-ur. f e- l.'mk ut the hoitoui. The itddliioti is io be ZZ I i 4 0 teet. I A rohher h:is been a r m ml the reMi.'ence ol Mr. W. H. Iliii tiv. in, ihe li-wer end o! the t in. On ti e (ill Vlt Mr. 15. elm' at linn uhin he ran away. The gerund! night he cut n pane tf jjlrt.--.in a window. ' bu..; wis Iritbiened c3" bi fore be gaiueil i an eLttmn e. - ' j Jo-.e(.h Ot Blonej ft II from wapi.n, the wheel pat-s tu.ovei him. bit-; Moi'd lie wai cctuidi rabh it-juieil, bul is recoer-l Fi.aX Skki 'Matty of tb- fa)jier of Linn coutiiy, tays the L'rwcri t, have e'e- j voted some utteuiiou to fl tx Iture. j Mr. J. B Houston, iiting three mile-! eai of town, realiis'-iT 24 t ush-Is to Ihe 1 acre tin his crop, w ho b is bet'er' than uiatiy u' the fannSra dm ui h tlte.tr wheat, mill it.H ttaX seed ri OmiliaiiOS double, ibe prici i wlieHt lute, Mr. Hmiaton certifti i di!-layid ii.uh vt d. m in iltvuiin r ' t i toil to ie c uiitire ot that nub le. I Ibe ItiipreS-ti'tl ot i'U' farilie, s that t Ik d iX-wiflytrij.'e. til-tw-r - t bpiV u lit at " tj LmiVi limilly tin eai ; atol Ui.h i; can l-e . Ut, thres,hd and clenneil Will, the Same marl.ii ery that i. ustd umiI 'or hti baa been tul'y'd nionnirait d Wi'. h tbe lai ter article taut g 75 vems, and 11 x setd atSf 6i -U i.-. not diBi. ti It" to snritii.-e who will renliz- the most uiuuey to the acre. '! ; - v - ' The PfcNok Road Mr Woodwprtb torms us that he returned from Klam-th by the Oregon Central Military. Rad VVe have enquired of him concerning thi rou'e, and . are sati.-fied that. pur .state ments concerning it have been correct. We might perhaps be more dt finite in de scribing the road'otTcr the Cascade''moun tains and tbe descent on the west side, wherwor eeileatmost wjthfnt a res-tinjr plai'e 'or, man r beast, the road runs down till at a tremendous. angle It is doubtful if a railroad could be con- t . s ructed there for any reasonable sum i f money. Thejands on jthe nionntatn and beyond for a distance of about 130 mile?, are described as comparatively worthies-: - - r for purposes of settlement and cultiva tion, end the fertile lands on tbe line of the roadj beyond;';tbereiiarei,si(l t be witbio easy eacb of any railroad ibat 'may be located between the bend of tbe Humboldt and Jacksonville. "A M.IOBT Uold, ' UeCGHS Few are aware of the.imporrcnre fififfheeltmjr I couizh or "liBht cld" ia, it fir t state ; that whi hnMbe be'pii.iitfr'fcftnid yield toni ld remedv it, negieckd, i f'en ut "tcVs . the lllriirsi.1 ' Brown' li ottcltuil 7VeA'' 've inrv at4 . ilmnat ia tnertiile r"lief 1 Tiie TrocTir' ;'h e 'provt4 it A, elii.-aey by ft te i. hi pik a jear. i,d b j ve received! teftimoni t fta eCineot iiroeu who bave csed them. tvaet.9 the Uc.ci.a Laipire. France . declared war gaiat Pru-8ia in that arrogjnr spirit which aiises from ctiuiciousne.-is of p r atid a rtetertnma riou tif Qi'lt fit peisouul agrandizt ruent. ' The allege ! cause was a mere pre ense, and when the candidature i f tiie Ilohenzolieru for the Tnrt.i.e of p n tea ed, thru tbe pnt-t-fe hec-ra" th -uiert-Bl uiiterfuje. Fmnce aid P us biie iiyed for jears ou iln- nii.si j alum terms. The F.euch GuVrM.tnet ha beet! ail the time aiixiou- it wou'd e. m io uinke a t-ecr t com pact with Pin.-, f r acqiiifiuon of Holland, LVjiimii LuSeuibeig, while P r u - I - fhould b- rtr:i-SMi--ns elsewhere. lint Itie ient idf d l iduiari'k'ii life, the rtic-Si of whti) will as-U'edly make bis u-ti) i u. nior 1 , had beeu to uoiie ihe l.ule T ulna tan. i!V into niie Va-t powerful and eiue r troiiioteL-i ous ' Etup re. The cour-e i n; during the !.-t few vweks ui'-k- . t hi - ifii:t II uavoiua iiie Tiie Kar-pouw .f Jr rtnany 1i ' - a-iiinr.l p' (ipi.ri to:.- m. :.cl:ived .-U'.ceas which II -1 jn ishej I- ' cr.d,aii. one d' tic mo-l i-Ufptl-1i:g ' tarts Ot the -i;e i ;, liiat ,li Oti.i 1 j-eiii.ie are im re a-tom-hed than lii. ' G t in u. i h' uj.t l'1 S Wi h id-ai ' 4-efL-i ting tiie u.il) i! tierintu piwer ciiis'i-H ly iu ui'.ud, the v. i-e st.i enii. l:v goV'Ti I'tuiu luiVi' fi i.utoyii- the people tLr rtlt I Jlij tL.-t C lilt s l.ou tbe cultivation of uior.ii aiid i..u-l!c u .pot i.- m well ua lo to ii.i-i.e nulitarv ois Ciiioe the uiiiHMil,ruie, mm tdu n. ii. il t r v eci-nee to (.re t r petlec i tho any, other initiu hi-e cur dui.c Prssetaii were tr of cery Fretici io:iitiOU, and, b'lWro r II e M ctel Ui'ti be kept, eviry tieapohol Fiiinh Irak' 'a- iuiri'dii' td i-iid luiptoxiii upi.ii ti i';H - Mull fil l Ual-. Tiie llliirlpol a .- i ottijiucd vsi.il lit (.vi j; li u , i Ii e ii. e lianeUje t h:- ;ol t upt- (1 bul n i it el e.. frur-f.A knew mti icniel v all 1 1 e i-1 ; e i 1. 1 Ii ajt riM urn s ot F-auce, bile tt...i 3-iiirv uifd to rt st ia igi.oii lii, of . hltt 1'lUS-irt Wil- ncrl'll I Istiln J2. a Ml -t it, i-.-jh! ii-if.ilii. N 'p" urn ii ti trie h S iroi.p- iti tin- .n- e:tj 1'ioutur tliiviiliij; to divide Guiiinn! Iiliil ti -Piue.eia tu.a;i'C3 Tne l'n Ian tr C!lid ti. di t lara'ii-u ol war with .-oi Uik p'oitptaiiims thai tt.ej bad m t dc i'id nr ptovokei it. Tn'j et.tt'rtd uoi. the :ttt i,!-e ot t In ir bi'ini vf ti trr en a, i eil to the Aluiiijuiy tt'u 1 the Pat bi -ui, u', ihe!i in Mrioii, de toled u dy t-j-o i u jtajtr. Ti en, wbi'e Na; ooi. ht Id ht . r ii mililary pyeati', tto ji-tmi:.., i ii i' b'-t int ftiudrcds if tin u fan., MM-'iilhled Jit eif b i: iin ry rtu fltZKitn. Kt.d even b le Frame ibnub. Pu-ei v ft ut ,j.n -pared, ifce defei d r tit the F.-.U rUt.J x e' e rrof - tr jr t he t. iti lier to we'e'L"' n- Frn m e h n d pro v o k' r upon French s"ii'. I! ft- r had no mi ) ch-ip ei u ii ' i I i ew. tV r hi? n i i r- t'fiii f r Fii- h p ir and fi-'i;v us P r ti -fi: has t-hov. I, a I d 'he d i tin t a ot tl e pi?' ht I ui) mi li bl od tpi-o'ie- F'ral.fe h.-is i'rt.rf1 the nri'i"-p!'hl'-Ml r.t at d tile t Sfa'.l'.- htlit I t'i f a Ce'lfiatl .E'lt litre ,weiernl of il e (iern aii Si.it were je -.ii- of I'r ti - r- i , Mid N-i;,le.i linp'd I o'l-f-ti' dis,ei S:'"f Mil"" tfcer.1 h-n he d' i Nret w r. Th'- hlpelui;; turn dis appointed. I'e hr.s done ri"e to per'erl Oi in. al. unit; ih.'i' e -n Bimii 't c could C ave liopcl J-ah il- t i f I'm -sin hsvi- ve'jih-d n rt h t'j; yheii 'li- ii'Va MOO Of (ieMllan tertit ty WH-i Cilll'll plat d, ai d 'he ,-t 'll eri" wlililiavetoitj.il iile bv piole at e ji-n.b' rr "i I Si"n wi'l li t !."' that a? y pn-i't-u- j- lou-J ni n e S oniii iJniiiaiy 'b ri; m k i ml y t V.-H-.-M . Tie i.l. a of a Gen."! ll Kn - .... , pi re w il ! i i l'i 1 1' e; I z- o , a i ii r. n i i he i Oi aiar ni c. u.-t I be f i-t t'b i-l iti I in ' i y wilti i' i 1 'i J i' i d i i: 1 1 1 a -1 d li ii j a. i on pi isMi'i tit. j Auir ta li--b - iilUtio.i ot 3'i (!i',0i:. ; otn-'iiil lb ot w I oni. and the i!i ni'i'iiii j pur it.r, ere .(;rui!ii!. Vie t-n a- U hji ; much a (J.rn au t i es l riin, and a e - . i ,ilre.t''v l.eur ti'al ik lletiiiana ol Aus- tria m t i.cn'hiz wib Priijeia aj!aii,.Pi . Kr.--.tii e Ve niav Ilk, then, for 1-Oine . . - . : r' . i.ii:tii-t- lif'ttiui .u.-iri ami i "i-M" , th'al Shall ben! ll.e breech between thMII J ,-.t,d let, -1 to insiireJliie fafety and pro,- J p-ritv of fo'b. Wi'h k Ot-maa- bil'j ;r, 1-hitl ji fiorn ihe r5 il' ir lo the Med it firiitean , e lorj: vtx-d qnc-hon of the j balance of pi.wt r w:li tie very ill.ctiiaily j Settled. Ii in "rohahle that IMjfinm and j I Holland will ciniie wi'hiu ihe Con'edem tii'ti, ai the oi ly can e of f ar iy, le-t i Xiermaliv shall become i jTfc' r. -sVe nri'l j utteicpt to rule lie C Ii' !lient. .We can j ifnsiiitie .no trea'er bn ti irr Euri-pe thin the establ i-hinetit of a Oern.aii Kuijire, f j it would !e ccnteri' to I j y'i' own pow er end ilidepei'ijfire Wi b'OIl'eticroni 11 nietit on the rights of oilier 'nation. I' remains t o be ee, n if Jhe p. ar j.n n'lis which ba! bieu ruiini es'td in uiiinnj! "i d d-f'id'tg fltrmaiiv can be Safely It lifted with I be X' rcise of pi.wtr when gained . e believe it can. Tbe Jjrat.d rie ot 1'rusi.ia. t. be foremost among the ni t'ons has be n luatked by a mnderatiin. i i times of succe.-... tiiat almost aioues f, r its apttre-i-i t'dtit, hich have bt-eu frequeul. Xap olcon as. a Prisoner. It is bai -lly poseihl- tlii tbe Empenr of ibe Fr-ettrh - nrble.. to escape when tbe cajiitiilmiou of bis trooj g be, tarue oeces :-tirv. Ii he had doott po, ant! en erel I'e ir nni be con I 'I have cro?erl to E 'lamJ ami retiirned tu Parifi wbere. Hccordini; to Iii? on' aey , be ftonltl never. retiTD nhve ualet-g vicorioua. Tbe iilen of rrinryln to Paris in i'etei j was not. pj lamb!., How U-ng ibe popii I-tce iOr tbti t City would tolerate b'3 8'at wasi unrertaiu, nrti it is tiot hard to ht lieve i.tbat iu v.ew ol . the reverse ofxbi foTtucei i be ptetVrrtrl to-be in the rat coittody of B -ii(r Frederick YV.lliim,ra-hrf tbn at the mercy of Frenehmeo. ' Comment! i.jf t o FrtBi b uinaeinei t io 1 be pteseat ttar, an observing writer ayf It eeem tbnt the FreDch Military -Bareau "Wn8 fi badJf ' roa.tlgl tbf t he t'ororn ry Depart! -lent War Hlm-oil pitlioue prit ian B-' - Toe. writers'; from. Mr il-ibon'e rmj eny lb troopa w ri I'Vinu on veiiet nbles and unrij.e fruii. No' doubt' thet are remedy it' (j tti ae ireai latil's. and get. tint) ready U rn. long tid-bard waf B it l tbieho c!e-r'j that itie .Frtm h a-my I witbout an b t Geheral, t ri ibe ' Fteuch peoi'le without aii abl- C 'VerT Bieot.' When' the- Frewrb iik T beirijf f.verb Imtf by rftliahere. tectv'lei t tb-t Flftnre J bt' W'lle e ; il.( llU inn jbatl all frermatis. !'r,'i bi 3B Obir 0;;(r o pM'ple. od ''or ti ue '-mi k-tp ivt . imr -iwn wf ,raer ii, the fitlt.- The tfinfr is, the Getroao-ri tiitrf patri. Uc and wil ling to fight than the French are. ---Tve -C-' - AISvV Oiil) I'LiO IHEAiLi:. (. ornitrl) the lgrm.) SALEM OREGON. : ; 1 t , , . -,, u . XJ aim.' rier 11 -m e. is-ucd .out of 1 lie ( in-u.i The above place of auuisemetit will Or lou, t nt the tn e of u e.n. t..r ihe e m.iy .1 M. fitted up iu a most thorough banner, bo'b j t, in -fav..rot Levi c. Mlt,r .ml w J v,. r j , .: I101 vcr. 1 artrers 1 iiil. r tiie fiioi iihiiic t Abi-nl tor the comfort and convenience of pa'- j A Van!', hoyver, ph Int !T , ami at!iii't .lu'i.-.n t. 1 ot . Carolli e Pr.iYwi, m ! Krxi.. i KumiiovU- il. rotis, and the artislic representation j (e, ,4i. lor Uie sctn i.ft t4 7 -t'liitn. t,i cum. the L-eitimate and Sens-itio-nl Dr,ra. Tne atai'e will have al' the ni'drri in ' (roVi tneiii, wi;b ample rootn wh.- ti '8 ... , e . ! e-s-ctt.tl to the t.r-.rluett..n , iore , S,,,H.,rlr, ami tt.e Bt'RLK-'Ql'E DRA- ! ' . ''A. NSW M'ESKRY,- PROi'l-'UTIE', ; . ... ,, . a-d a "(,.01 par,, if 1'ii'r-' i"H At-i!itj , hi ell will beconipo nl of a.T tbe Ladies j J. ml G ntlemen d Last e-,-ann, i:o m ; -!T"tii m O ii trii t! I ri-111 Si-ri Frio' isi'o. A 'mm il the t.i vorite. to i-piifvir will be HR-i.F. M. B.VTTE. Mi-s Ai.r.m"ptxl.y.' Miss Miiiuie Pix'ty, Mrr. E. F. h Mi--- L zzie Indies, MR. F. V. B t1E, 4. H. Vl'i.-oii', V.. (J. Melcil e, R. i'iintiin, W II. St. iih. U. Caitod, I F. ' Ivn:ey a-o other-; G. L. I'ove.l zni- Carp- i,i r, in.o i: C. Xieiulle Seine Artist. T9e H ar u at S-iinii will open ia S-p'em'ier a"d con t true on n:.iil :ier i;:.j AN N UAL ST At K FAlli, niiriiiir vrhi.'b time v. ill be pro duced the LEGITIMATE and ENSA TIO i AL M:Vi , CnME!V l-Xi lV. liANZA -I'-URLH-QI-E n-Mi FARCE The public Hi'iV re-i a-Mir. d 1 b'M. p-t -'ihII t,e fp-rnl ''ti tny p-'ft to ret-in :hf ilk-i ly .1 it-d Iliel at I Im! r- pWlati' I) ' -t.iel1 ll.'. Ti e I II"- t) -U' pllt'l'C. I HE UO l'INU 'I liEA I Eit; iVrihimt, iilo.eii tnii ilie iila-ir iiiupMuy nbi ui i.e iliiiiiiie ol tl. iobel, lui Hie nji'il..r F(' auil U'lliiH S'M'll Ol lrl,l;--ix W-ek. it la Ilie (ilir,iO-e ot III- 11 llttt tO play dillll'tf lheCOIOIII S-afcoll, i- e Hiel; In ti'-. at .Sileu;, a.id idUUrt .-ii i I Stars rii'e ii. dn liri F. M. Hate.s, M.yiBL'er. Miscr.i.r.ANi:ors. IP till Tradc,-.1870. L. G LD'.M TH &, ZV. Iiispoj tors nix J T1 il t: OK FOJSEKe: i lld DOMCSTIO!" TiFf TllK TK LK THAT TUET WIU. OI'KN ! t 3'.'th dtjcf A tMi, 1 8 Jo, The L-irpet anI 3e5t Asortmi-nt nf . Docirslic L icrcicra.Drv Ooccls To be foiiwl in Hi's iiinriet , ,orn"rl'i(t every lua n! ai ri make ill Cotti'O On ic.ow.i in iiie tra.re, at i u t; 2 :i 2 J A'fi, I ' "'" "'nTi"- T" ' ttl attention to our latgeaud W il elei'UU ;;i.i. . . . , rCilltj Wwv.u) v. u i 1 1 AM) f ' FUHNG GOODS! V i.-h a-e i Ifer at . Cd i be moii f i vurahl-.-ternu. ou:: STOCK f F BOOTS & :-. HOIiZS 1 I w r hj Hi- atii-nt'i-n nf rtir' But. er, havl, g j b. vi rxi.r-i. Mutiuf.tciurci fur ihe uresun Hade u.l wil, Cor ... - clllCi:m L.ir's 0 Pal' Ja.t.X Jt 1 C;OM)S.11tTI2'&. CO., 75 Fr nt i lid TO Fnai ft. ct H.'tllanrl, I'rei-on !-i Cliuuli Mite . New lurk, fiib-m, Auunt !W, is.i. xi--ii L. (JOLDSMITI1 &CO , T5 Kront and 78 First ftriet, Portland, (trygon, QOLF. AC. FAT-- OF WIl.l.AVKTTK WfXi. M.'.NC l tm-ti'iy lu'Ve a t arjrc i. ,k nf Oi C) -oila e.ai; uf ietoreil l y ih- tib .ve tn nthiiird tompany, now in suire, coiisltii. g ot" Fiaiiiiels. Cas-simerrs & Our NF.TY STTI ' t1 A?0IMr.t:K Kxeel In Style aed finbh a y jtani. manuiactnred oa th a coast. -,-ulcm, Augasl 8i), ISTu. 3.a fASON & HOADLY'S .NEW ME1IIUD FuR THE r' l A NO FORTE. It la a grata hot ; ew,orh lnal to laree tttent, cnicplete a- a tthub and in eai.rt uf Ita part, ,n-l en in. nib ptai-i'cal lir-iOitii ct. . - . I ii ro-eiv ii arilh I' ;peateat Inter, it nd app o bati .11, and haa atnad. bjt n annpi. il in all tit It teactn. f by nii y imhac heret. fj la-en ui.aill big t ue any Inntrm linn hm k. Piiidi-hed al li latth A'ricnt and European t'ingrring la arp ara e Kill.l..i a. Frlfe t4ju.'. Cent poe paid lo li a dtena ud lece'l't f rice. . OlItIR klTS v Oo.; ttotton ' ' '.. . tMI HITitN 4Cc.,Ntwtork. ' fcp emher 8, tf'O. WEW STACE LIWE. , KX ) A TALLfONV KtW STAGS LINK,o v nit.g fniin ' ' . - ,i- - -'' ; Af,, IU PLfcAMRf Hltt. ' '. - ' . , ' . ' . v( . . - - . - -- . inmivlllt, tikoa, Brawai- hi. i.t.i eptiitg' Pe. Vllauei Kaiiraa tljr ; , LeaVi satcai, Tura lav. 4 A. , . fjjj ArT'Ta a a.uitfi-r, , cniic-u7, ( Le ar, a I cg-i.e, Mim ay e orimnr ami r , ' ' j -.! Arrltuaat alcm Monday evenlr. Thoa trim ciKiaidt economy and pbaure lo trav Hn will fli.d h tn tlnir bitete-t lo pairai i tins tine, aa Wr iie.,1 th --principle of die am, lei lie.;. Ileal h nd p'caa ire a rknl wi-hin to no io theMida rpritv w.l. tmd our I ne a rhean and I j made ul conveyaui: from any of .ha abuy meo tload p.acra. Scp2s LEGAL NOTICES. sherifps Sale. TT v"RTlT Of A OSt-REF. Of fiUF.O!.OPUBf ''' 7 ,4, - 10 ti tia f p ea her, A ! l-,i, at 1 V'i-ck p. in , ih.-' u;i linus. dtair In i'l uiiuij, . will fella ub n ii.i.-u.'ii, Ii r (!M c-im , i,e ri,: . u,iVt ra ate atil mi-'i ot ihe s.iil Ju.u I'-i.vik,!. .'to.li-e t'ri.v t atal tatic: ky.a. ... in an 10 fBwitf ,lMVr ,,rcn,j,..., ,. .- u. " " -'" '"' . i-' ';. N (-) eiM' l. lil kii wii 'lit: I t il t-le-t b. I N lu- rem-.- atol Kile ,10 J. K I'rnt., ,,!' ish.li, nl A .(fii, H4. aini to 1 f mdi 5- -eel ir-m ! ! f..rl ,t it.lu. , tK , r,,i.a l.i, I 'he ""' -f Man,.,.. a.l .m.u- i .-r.p.-n n-.h-r wi h ail h.-'iiii-oiemi-ijt3 and ii'a)iui.-i. ci tliere ui.tn b. loi gn J. X. M.'IUKNT. M.e. C lijr 'hnT ii MUtv, Aurusi 19, A net ioi:. - 't'KR I S!KR I'JXtl) wil i.ll r f..r naV. to t,e I Hi.liiil hiu er.ac il.cll. u I He m i!,.,.r. Ii, I. a fMl.le, iire(f .i, mi fr'r iay, llii- H il - epit m-e". IVT'1. tiie iniiiiH'iiic lU-p.-riUk.! r a. tstHte. bi in g 11 tn H e es-iite .t Jiiiiii-S I! IX'!, dic-a-e-i. Tin 1.11-ill-i 't-il i;e iutlJ iii trrs I11 iwn .luiiiir- il ar. ol Sni'l, i'.h ti e jn iTiit of t;.e :i ie. In n ft a 'r tin"! '-f :1a; d -11.4UOH laii'l i ia:m nf Ji.l.it t-l't-ri.o.t a. d a be, n- 4t ' v.je-i by beia t Jauiea K. v.i-. Tii Jrt"raile iraci nl 1 j 1 . . I j ins il e mi n'f Xlll uv iii, it,,.- e-t. Al. at li e me ii , ai U t i , w. l ii.? s M tiie u.i iivnl il ..ii;- ii.lj iniir si In three I ttN'Tri hii'I ten y nous t' t tui, ii-itti pi ivil. ( o Hie wlmttf o. ine Ir ci ef Isini ku.'Wii a- ih inMiiiiii ii i- in: of ni. -.t'.t-n mill ws e, iint't l- ( Il!-I7l C'llv. u in Jillliel 14. 1-11OI. ' I t-rilin, t a-111 III 1 iinhii. l i" nr er to in:: .nu:i.; 01 .iacMlli v M r, v,Vf- u. Aitn.'r of Ks:au? nf J m-ei U. P...l. m ty, July iti. lill. w4l 1IU1V idti:iii.i-f : ais ;;3t'. Ofr. H IHYiIVlS. "HUT BV'VIIf. In i nn urili-r l. tie Csillilv tuort l.f "uU 1-i.uii v. or, g iii, lu.-.d- at tl.e - a. term, tl, ienf, A ll. 1".', tl.e ll iters a dint luriitrii' tlm ec lair A'ni.r.ii V, in U. ut I'iiK i-nuiiiv. il.Cca.-eu, aill i-il a' ;.i.b i; aa i.'ii. ;ii ihr I i u t Ib.u iIimi, hi Oari eiuiiit : , lire eti, l.i ti e bisr1 et lulner.' hi 1 "M i-k i. in . i . ..tni nay, tl.e IT h i!u nl' rt tilio.i r, A. II Islil, tl.u foliiiAii ir .lenri b il rt;il c , ta .-, l i ii : i ni Nn. in.r 1 1 In i.lia V .N.i i irii (il) ii; Nui l.i .-ul, in. (e ijrr.-i.il i.wuii tl e rci u tl in I' t -! Ni.i'iU -H'tiu, Ni;i ion c llr.lv 'Tri.':''!. 1 v i tin ul 6,ile, I', s ot il ciitn iii h mii ?n il7 ol a -. s M. II -V.' 1) IiF, Ai!ia'- t'sln'e uf A. W n.i, i icc.ee I. Pa'cit', An; list J5, ."-Til 4 Finn! .Seillintciif. j AjmiCi". li h rrliy ii'v flint N. T. Citnn, il j iiiimsiratur o! Hie r.-t-i'e ot P.M. iai file. Iian j lia-ii Lis mviiuut lur tinal ce -I-m -ni i.f k.oil e-iaie, Hi .i ll ln nl i I'ii.tii r. hiia tireii ol tv iln- ' uniy Ui tin nl Mar.o, Co.iniy. . r tin- hear! , sod uiue, at Ilie Cuurt Ibm-eii, tulcc, in tall t"uu y. E.v orjer of C. X. TKi'IlY, I'l iuiiv Jii'tjc -. bUMlAM LWV-u.N, AUnriiev. Kept. 5, litH. . itv r. iii tiie , Jut. al (Biglit) VCatrli Co The ntletitinu fif waifb botera id called in the billowing in,j. rorements ID the Awtr iti.u 1 Tt'uichi v.liltifU larlured f,y ihe X-it:on .I (K )in) Watrh C-im cai')- of KlMti, ll!.: 1 fei- Kli.is WATCtlESa-re furnifheii wiih i'urt s pn n: j.it.iu ii, lo prevent dan air. to ihe ir .it) ia ci.se of the bierfki:.g of trie main prlt.l: Ti e Mli.in WATCHEijare furr.i-'jed with '"'T1'1 '" pr.e-ud, U. prevent ice ci:iitj;iTg i uc Koj'iM nit hi. oi :uc itair .-pr tiur ! er the w.-.tch Las ocn rcu la" d.. Ti'.- Hlgin Watciics tre furnished i h' a pnlent'l ci. to ri a nee for Ihe liltinc dowo.-or tbe nuinepiini; 4-Uvnt. rtiaovtiif ilir d'.ul or Imif!. Til- Klgi.n ATiutS are fn ri'riftru?:ed thai l..e btnei cat, be rennned ami Ibe jliliio t'prit fr chat.i;eO' l'hi.l.t taking Itie , i--.-i.ii. ..... ln hLCI. i it llt 8 are toro-hed with Ibe ut li diiii'Ieu proin Hon nitin.-t dua ft lutrc'Oucil iii'Vti Aoieruaii- ma.'e mow merle. Tl-e duat-t sciuder Ued j iijaui ibe K'in itiovt Miei.t- tli'i-tioil'T en- j i l-ees I be w nrk-,ard irritli ra Ibr ebtra&ce I i f tins- nn tti..ii-.-i''i I'V .. ! 'I II' I f I'll ll O l e;o-l- are , r oh-, r to f 'u ; ,- l.'.'iHU. ai .1 are t I, ml uu none jo'loi. The i:n-t excluder will Ifpei- r com in n i i m i io in u er-, ratlin j 1 men, ami iii.et-i iiiti.L'i d tn ni of door empl'.M meni. ll.e lu..i W.icit lir.ml. il ' It. M. Rajmri il" ii i i-:r,.i ii l l tr . ti e- j.- i l I r er. iii e I-i 't e-e liji -n j erigii.e. hJhI ei'i ii g 1 1 int, -i il b" on' t r. lit riii iui .-r it f-a ii I- . I.e " . i- it ii l u a i Ii hi ihe at ni. j lie- t.l nam ? i.o (.ii-e..l r-x Irua-i itii-i.,i4 i tir uv I , ti it tiit ii r e ii i ei.il r m n . ai.il c a': n e- ii;t m : I t,. n I l-l'ls. t -o . !'r. '.iH-i t I. ke - h 'i e inn! ii..,!i l?-ii -i ii le n I! It ; !. O li tlainiannil. Mip rm len ient I iiiim I'.n fi H. ' ; lilwml ll. h.iiim-, in ceral u tin ' i d i t I'eio fy vmi ii. ll t.'n ; I.. II !: i-.-t-e , lie era! r i.ji-t iu i :...ei:t I'i ir ;, .: J M IttMeey, l.eiirial M.p. r eti in ei.t Hu'la n I; r.-r K ll ; ii. I. liuu ep, t.f e'ttl -uw-!-i;i!eu in I Cii ci j.o ni.il nrtii .vlts i-r t 'v , '.ii-1 lunuy i, I em. ' l-ai".Mt tirta. i f par, ho-tt'ir h. il me.atro'jt, ai.il rerrii-: I ime 'i-e a I fi-ul ilie e etfiTit auli Ii mi- u ilie 'r-uie n hi k i "l. . ! Y ,.1-i-1 " in lie all 'lint ll ey il -lie. I. q iie ol yoar j-.ael r I'.r li e LAKY KitlJV. Tie re-'l Ki.cs WaTcnaa. et- g.-f, aceurate, dn'a lile in iiiai .v a-- K'S ami al var.f-uH jirieia. eicn iti' c iiiii,eii liv Iii- -ieoi.ii wu ia .iy c l.fii-a'e "f tlis CiHiiii-o y, anitisu .iiv nl ii purH..ii-trl Ht il.-: liK-t' ib-ler ur aauinnnkcr, can lie li-.l nf tuoul j-'tvelei-! In ail t-wna ihrtiutit mi o e Uuiie.1 tale, i a I a: it itfk In i e tne . AS nn a-'ilitu nl r 'eo t:. i. ti . k tor at int.:, I W,h Co." mi tb- Lai, ami nt.e il th fi.n.iin(f KAIIK SI tllKi-, vii , "it W. v i o: (I. ' "M Z. ( ....er," '.i. 11 T.yi.n." "O ii. - I.te -r." ' V.. II. F rrv," -M i b-uiiiu," -J. T. TljeiS'ii," "I.jiIv rl.in," or ' Kiaicrs Hiil.l-," o -p.-tli..r trltli ih ti- ir.' s "tLflKM, ll.L-.,"e' uraved nnll tae j; fi ihIi iuiiie "n f-f ate ll. i' Irn.it- Hia'Walt lein l- tiie vnrii a.i pra es Mill t li-s, Ian hi jvt-n tl-efi'- have le.-n ale , r qin-e ai-" i' e p e:a1 warrMi.sy eenifli'n'e, ibtly tl.nnl Iiy T. . ater.v, lli l' eiilent 'f ills it'll-laov, imil Tnunh$ nl w tn I rf .oin 1 all Ii the wati h. 1 lie oa-'e ute-n ilie l:t itb-Ci.a.t mij-iri;i--f at far tnry fn ii-eii I'V I eT 1011 lirnji. 1 29 W'agi.i -treet, an run Ki-. . wi o bave On t ami ..t ill fnm a ti;l iii p y at all ')( ib 01 m .Ve in uls, nil -K -luati'iai w r ptf li.er - In. s-oi'e an tt ua'atea pamfMet.eiit ttnlMak'nu Yfan-tie ly a t iberj ," l Hie la'e A tarrl I-. lot l:r-i-o, aill be lorwar ed tree ot i li,rir- bv ti-n 'in ad'lrin8 to X.llii vl. W TOM CO PAW, l.i9ml il'l l.rfce fee, 0,l;jrr.; No t Manieii Lai.e. New Vo.k; OrlVVfi X 1! (Iti. 29 Washing 011 .- tiect, f'an Kruniiboo, Cai. xz-it f ., T? tr . a. a a ' Prt'Bt Ilia Kallou.l (tJgln) VValth Co. Anetitiou of watch-buyers is cnU-d to the improved Amrrtcan U'olclirr. tua tin fact ur d bv the Natioual (Elgin) Watch UompBcy of Elgin, T!t. '-' i liaiiies iesiroiis of run baeinp a hand Borne, Btron. and correct time pieve, will find" the elegant WHtch b-arin,' the trndit mark of "LaDY ELGIN"' to U'e all that they desire. Inquire ot jour jeweler fur tbe LADY ELGlX.v '''-' : iJ The trade upon tbe Pac:flc cons, re plied at, lactor prices by Levisor, Bron., ti'JO "(VafbinKio i-treet. Sun . Francisco, who bave on hand a, all times a 'till Mlp ply of nil grade' ot movrrtien's, at.d nla terial for ruiair rn the same. An iilurtrated ptiami'hlet, enti-Jid 'Mak ng Watrbea hy M-efcinery," bj the Ufe Albert D. RicbardnoB,1 Will tie f raarded free uf cbre by- eedi?,;x d dreg ti '! .. ,.. N a TlOS L VT aTOH COMPASV, s . U"i9 and 161 La It-rtti t i ; CtiuKjii ; ; N, 1 M idfn Latt, New York J O- LEVI'ON WRuS i i ' 29 Warbiiitfion Sir, e. S Fraf luci Salem, Ai'K'"1 25, lBVO. o:6ieod 6t GtTF. H TICK that -Vr. G JLINE baa gone be ..w for aa ..; r . .,. , ENT1UE 3 EW fiTOCK. : '- . i ,-. i - i . T , ...... And prevbiiu Id the arrlvnJ of S'w Gcodj, their ex " - ' tenairv ato- k of - - MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS , ' ' - '. . - .v. --.I.' .: Will be offcr.lto tha ubic, K - ' r. Regardless pf Cost. . . " "j " - Or af prai ioua price.. . ; - - .- , late entire Old Siek niat t-elcaat-ai b'Ture at, Mew to) coin, aa a lii be avid ', - ., ..'..-,-... . ;- cheap for cjasxi;;!;'.'4.; CHIAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. MKDir.AL. hm WKAfJiC PILLCv F. r nil t'.e ia ) oi of a Lavatira !!ivla. Per tu p no on tnedl Ciic it tu utiltertallj rt qnr-d hy e. ryb, ay a -a caiti.i lie, imr wa en aiy brli re onl- ' v rtr.Vj a I. iae In' w-mi. 1 vi y eiM.iilr) ami a I'.iiii? ail c! Ma aa tlilii mil. ui mclnt p irji live -l . 'Ibe o'iv.' II- rr- n It, tiiht -SMfci4. ia m nv rri-l.a' l- an4 - -fa . : -- . i.' m 1 ir.- t., nnie- ilT t! n ll "0 I 11 -wli bate I t.l ll. am that tt c-t ih' w ; l -t-liu have nil, kii IMI Ii ure it e'r i Ii;. 1-iM a l bl.i il-. anil all fcrn-W th'it wlini' .i..e niu-e 't it tt J- tliaf it it. tree f il- iln i.p'' er.y t ul t or I. 1 ' Is e.ji'i, ti ll ii V i- I.nv ib.iiiatt t iii" ft ll..- aamlafil eer Ii6 e nf II, ii r 1. 1 a-.' e cu-e-"' 'in !' il S C,.:i . iil-.i-, t'-ll tie '1 Cwl' -lie Ull W11 lit eVtiV nei.'litmrt-01-.l. m: we i.e-l n t p .i lis! tleip. A1i4.1t. d tn al t'-t'l'l i-ii.". it mi-in ah .1 mil. a i-.iii ni ir nei I.. . c il 1 1 ' . i '' ' A '' tliev iv:i I.. IHK..II t-iMl Ity ai J'm.i y. 1 heir n:jrir i-oli; p (irr-ervti -Iteiii r. r !nH. in I laM ttieii, . .Ir--..-! i-1 ii. : wl.it Ii inrf iiuiely erf.-ible ll.l Ithrm f.tl art-e liieu tl.e r e- II. ,. qit It Ity. T . y e-niie t'V I., it ii ai ibil I. flui'ii e mi the int. mat v: ci rn pu 'ty ihi-ht' id tile, ie i. I.I., leal'l-y a I n im Vi- ilie b rilil"iu tit h- :un-i li. h .wvU. liv. r, am! o. r i.rjra.- of ttie b iiy, riii ii tl ln-lr irr j...r ar'i. n to In al li, a-.nl nf i-erri-.-iii-jf. aliertver tley tx t, iu- li th.riii g'.--m--nt.- an ate :i.- lir-i i-riiii'i o' ili-ea---. Mi. uie ifir.-il--i' a e rvm in il'e t rnr-r n Hit liux, t .r il.e .'..il.iw.i jr cmiipl ili.i-. wl'ic i tli.-fc III. rapi'lly uie: Fur J "' ''(ieat lt. I.l.l-l.n.n-t . i miiiar ail o tf pu if I!.. -y 5 i . ui- bo. taken i.H itrn--ly in 'l uit-i: ilie Ui.h. acli fcinl re-!crc u l.ealiby tni.e aud lion. I-or tvr Cunvl"' t a ard I's var .lbs "y-rr-t.ii s, 'It'IlOlia JIratti.elie ' " at lie, .Ih it .il. e or lit.ta lf kn 4 it t uc nnil IS ue livtif ih y sin, Ul lie j nlic nu-lv laki li lor ei hcae, t i ci'tiic the tSice-ine l agtiou or rciu' Vr ti.e cl iwrutla'i.. )i b i ,iu-e t i ,r yrHtr- y r.r ' larihe. lotoBeB lld time U iienerni y leiii, reI. . Fjr Khriiiini t-m iow, Ci v'. 'W -it-ilia i f he t,ar I in Ilia -t'e It-ct. .nil ' ilt. Iliey' tli il rt I.e coMiu tt i.sly taken.' a 'fjuire-l. tt , p- the rt aea.t an mil . f .be ytriu. wUb ioili vbai.-e I'm.- 'ciiinp a.nit ii-.8i.t'j;:tr. h.r i..ii-y .1 irni'i'i 'bey li ill - a- i n in Hie ami In tturfit .le!i. to pn Im e 'lie t lb t ! a ..iiii- nutp' 1 Fur ni ., .' a hi- B-il-we V H l takt-o aa it .ri- u r t'ie ile-nreii eff.c by vn I a dry. A a lie'ti I I. lake ic r iw i I Ilia ti pri m ite linefloM and rel ev ibe rtmnai ti. An .re ii "'at d e ,ti -iiilate ilie a'omarb ami Imae's It - la-ally netan, I r'iT. Hie apietile, ami invie.ira.ea ll.e elem. Hence l' la ttf:. n d r i i if.iiu ahere no aei rui del anifi n.i nt i tu. tine olio n el-H I. r. well, elii ii tlfnla lint a tlnie i'f tti-ae I ' I a amk liim tee I dee.de.iiy heller, ffwn their c'eai.ainjt ar.l rcUi'VaOUi; i U-tt in ibe rt'in stive anir,iU lre,n.v.! by WR. i 0 AYE CO., . Pbacticai. n Analytical Cukmibt. Pi Ii e $t IUI.' V il. by all dru-'jiisiS anj desh ra In Dicdicise vf'tili-'r. - SMITH k IMVT-l. Pnrttand. I . YVh tl'T'iltt CKNK In ItiilAM. ban rraneiaco, f A.c.iiU. tn 'Vlttrzitn , Paiclding River : AW-315LL. f'X Mi'ra Nnitbi-at o' f:il. rr , t etwi en l.'oaill Prai rie and Lake Li,lt-)i. TK CAS ) kit-o i Ll'Ubr It. in ' iH i il '.... !5 v , I ml I'lmir, tt'H etal-.rn- mli I,r.F.'.-F!l tUMltbR ot e-t) d iliUi D. (1 - .1 LATUK Bia Jo lo ell! lir-XNT 4 TAHI LEY. Ari-i'.'I 170. St.'OO KLY J I thi it ' hr-.rtV.i hav b"fe cii):h, It h- ain't curt, ln.i l 'nke I. in. C, 'ii tii smne -. . II " it' s d-.y -' Aai R- ll t try itrfa-uH aWy. fi-el. - f.-. 1, f tl, ' Init'a tvb:it ihe . Id burie I !ie!iiler aorkii it y llitoagh i i I i. I Djiii'3- Inn ! ' ly. dun' I oil er tn-, - ll 11 ! l. . mil "' b titer Iiie, 1 1.. ! ! ly i'... n't Ii' '!' r ire. 'in using -H ll. it." 'uu n- -. 1 f. :', 1 fee , ' fell, 1 'nl like ti e -ii" ai noon. l e' .11 H." y- a ce i n-.e -lia cuml me vi, -o iioii. 1 n el, (eel. I eel, I i.e like a cay- l-l ap rt, ii ;,r- iu i.r -jinvii.-a I'n'her me, ;.0 a .iid ;a'- njii.it. Crimes' I no I ff, c. I Ihh k I bear Ilie J-rtei ta.' y ta-'e-t ll'-r-e v-ei linn i-ria -iay lb- fin-Hilled hl.t H t a it tvL-, came A ii ma ile in ooitt-r ttr Iiiim.. 1 le. I, I leel, I teel That 'a b t tt.e iro'ter kd I in i,t ,.' II. H M." tl.iilay, it.r i am a:ni-z.t iic.'-d. N inii.is liriu ! ly, tc. f eMr- a'l itr4,r and h-ui. a pore. An w, aki mil ji'ii Is we feed il. pimp ; ' ii e)'i.-' ai.d i-r.'ii p ll ti.ii a 'lie d'-or irs'-ll ll,H..".i til 1 ni Xoote. I .'eel: I I, 1 feel lha arl' t ihe J -ekey ail.t i 'i k boiar nr. Ui ' !im "11. II, II." . i.i goml ttrs ..r l.ia l e i. I HOBttii llOl, 1 Hy.iC KilH r. T ) . I' ni- t f- It la Instantar-enua. o Im i ti.t.le rpuv.-irulis nf he II. II. ,- , and el e pink nf n u.ri.iid iir. i.cii be I .r-e, and r.piattn i:r re'it c-i-f.. - or t'lui', ari itinii or , hil'l. f-iven in d 1-4 Irmn .' o - i ilrnH ill uif.l hi water, wl ivliete i ti Jn aliiio-t ti.ataiitaneoiiS y. "D. l. T. - ruigi-f. do try UJ iii.-. i.K.tT i - I I ' E io ibe m-trket. Fertile hy all llirnrista and i e ileia in etr.;tt;(ne. I .,. titbKr A, t . Admit, nia.tSiz Pt). tlal.d, r. iina. LADD Co TILTON, ZST. XS. 313 '"Tt S - ' . l'OKTLKND. fiUEf.oX; ' (:tab'.i"hl, lfioU. Drro?lTS rtcltnl ai.d Arcauoia krnt, tul.jt-c t . W thick or Unilt. IM KllhT alloard en TIMV DKI'OsITr TfiCeT FIM,-. in tuni- ( t'NK buLLAb ASU tPtVAUb, Fi.Ull dare ol dep. ait. ' Mon. y I.niitird on Anprored 5ectirlty, ! ItriNbS. PTOCK. and o.h-r yalua'-iles. leceivsd ON I'Kl'ii.-lT for !AH.' KKKI'IN . COI.bECIION asadf, and proceed promptly re- mitic.l. , I YEr-TMKNT5l X RfAL 1TATB anil oUier l-ruinriy man for utirtiea. Arnt for the Trarnart'on of all klndt of FIN AX CiAl. and TUlsT lA'il.NtJf. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On fan Francisco and the Atlantic :atra for sala GOV E UN M F. ,N TT 8.- CCKI flt3 bought and auld. trt.l w AYERS' II AI Xt YIGdU, For Restoring Cray Hair to its Kalural Vitalit and Color. - A dresaina which la at once ajmeahb-, healthy, and ftVe tual for prenervkiff the hair. V.y , . rfwf 'o.ii original ct.'or ..-, i tci'iA Ut ( untl 'rthnt f.i'if'l ' e.t. T! ll'VV 'V'i'-f.'A .,..1 f.llln, bin lialr l thick - falling hair cheikttl, re,dry 'ia y and haldriei drieu oftrn, Uiouch $V--, .i T-, not aJwayf, tared by ru ute. ZiiJzjm Ni.tliin can rrtr lha ''' where the f.lllrl.-a are . enttd. or Ile vtaada aimplibd and d.a-ayed Tat uch as rnnain can l-e aavrd lor ueru'nea by. Ihiaai-pl catton. Ioatea-i Jf lotilirg the l.air with a fumy ardlirient. tt will keep it clean aii'd v'jfi ri. U occan nal will prirmt lb..' ha r from Inrtiina at ay nr lallil tt. and cone-" queni ly prevent baUineta rre Iroin those delHrrl ou nttanct whlrli make nie prrraiiona dan eraua and itgunou. to ll.e hair, the Vigor c in only limrfit hut u..t barm It: J? aatfed .itj for a NothiniT l can I e found ,dv.lraM. Conlalnlna ntlibero lnor dye, ",' " " '! br,c and ,et lat. b'l" " ! l.ar.Hu l" nth glow lueirr and a arattful f rruia-. - I'rtpareti hf Ull- J' C. AY Eli & CO., . i'lIACTICAI- Al AXAl.TriCAl. :CUKJIST8, . , LOlVt LU MA&i. Price, I.OC. '., - yfr-itll by a'l drugliti and dealer tnmedicloa rry where. ..-.-. . : ' 8WITII A DATtH. Purlland, . I I. CRAVt; A BKlOHaM, fan Kraaclaco,' J a , a.-pil7:wty ' ' ' i- JSOTlUi: . ; I . "I ' ... . . 'I'nB TIME 0? i.XtVIMVit.lIlE APElMEXT J loll ol ilda .bounty a 111 be extended to the latr kiotisiay Iu Sipieu.inr, . , . '. . . - . - ritr t. c.n w, -r Ealem, August SO, 160. -AanrtMr Kailea Co. I 1 i -