ffiripu Statesman SALEM. FRIDAY. AUGUST S ' Ike SBtorlal. QacsiloaV Only ft short tima'remahrt . bnfor the Important question will come up for consideration and decrstoa to who tbalK TSgeiet19wgtm, foe Hufntxi tnrni io the Senate e? (be Unfed Statee. The lmporUtrse'of his matter 'cannot be esti mated bp. merely summing ap political 'tftftre, for to mil Intents those questions liTt' huts nasied aa and ultimately de w - ided bjr the people;. TJongress after. Coagrest bat .beea elected for eix jeare past wil thes testiona fnlly debated in-every eaavase and .ha endorsement of the people itecidedly givta by the re-elec tion of t?ro Republican leaders i to coo&o ue te work and finish It at theyad com.enced-Beconstruciioa it effected. There is ao Constitutional Amendment now pending or proposed. The nacUl ataodiog of the Government hwa the wisdom of. Brpvbiioaa admraittmiatt. The aetiat debt' ha been dued la tbe. moit,Mtonjibo; manner,' .Taxation bai beea !seoed aotbat fcardeni.of the war., are no lender felt "tyr tlie labor ing classes, and tbeatady-of the Govern meat Is. to reduce K still'moee. Economy has been- the 1xt TOY grant's Admlnit- tration and hi pledge tare beea faUj kept. .'' ... ' W T tVft'ia "Ve"hiogton,v In . tba parses. -of each RepwfntatiTeiaCoagre, an able, and -cow potent agnt, whose j ignrent can bo depended .bu and wlio.a. influence can felt. ;It It eery much 1 1 if we were ihotitToetnploy tome oa ' a boiitrers atrentrand there it aotont if "tt with aprivnte-business of inapt-1 an ce to be a'Weaded to, who would not telect aj man far the place whose competency waa undoubted, and, all other thing - being ven, we would aelecttlMtaaa possessed at the greatett inflaeaco to aure the nd desired, if With this ttateweatof the situation we aik which of he earodrtrtie candidates ftoawera tail deerietfrea and caa briag to our aid any terseae!. or , political influ enced 5f esmita amused himself during the Presidential campaign bT-indalgmg in the moattwsutting and unfounded re- flect'ont' -afoa the personal character of the President, and whatever reputation be may tare, bad as a clever man and good companion and atory teller live years ago, will not make the President liitett to bis opinion or receire him in rhe light of a friend. His war record was fair enough, tut the Republican Senators wBl hear that he claims to have beea then a "vic tim of misplaced confidence" and will be sure not to lend, him confidence to be misapprehended ia future. There la far. more consistency jn the course of Gen. Lane, and while we hare noi particle of respect or sympathy for hid political ca reer, we would, much" prefer to gee him Senator than Neamitb,' If only m the principle that "consistency la, a jsweK" Yet there is a'ot , a sane man ia the State who' believes thai Gen.' Lane, as a Sena tor, would bring Anhealthful influence to bear on our future. Smith, Kelly land Grorer, remain as aspirants, with proba bly a dosea others looking ob aa a possi ble reserve.. .Personally they may be well enough, and olioaljy they have all tbe Democratic .record "that eonld be deemed essential. at degree, of inconsistency it necessary to the -cultivation of simon pure Democracy, as tbe carvers of tneee gentlemen demonstrate.-; The party eom ptss varies from local caases very much, a tbe magnetio compass does. -- We itohesitatlsgly present the name of Senator WillUms brfore the people e4 Oregon, as a aTan whose career for' five f-era past has jleveloped character and influence beyood that of any man ever sent from the Pacio eoaet. Be baa die-appointed-the expectations of bis friends most agreeably, as he boa far exceeded what they could have hoped Confident that he woold do much frr Oregon, they have observed bis career with deitght to realise that he has also beco'me.'ooe of fbe great men af tbe nation, man whose judgment weight" second to none other, whoa words .were lately heard - fb the Senau, combatting ; and defeating Sumner, .aoppAaad to be the leading man A.. Lft i, J Jf C m map.!. Vi... n I. Uiams is HatetMtd' to oa the floor,- as circa another Senator if, nor that he is prominent and importsbtln the political counssis bf Ctogress, but Mind' far more' Important- -to' i he has. aperson weight and porr that jfirei him the in. fluence needed' to rge and Mild e s re sults necessary to iu aacoess and prot perity of his eo'asXitueaU, There ia not a Senator in Congress whoa epeeaeaai ;io lluence cad aceompliah more, and very few can achieve io mock. " In vi of the. fkct that the : rpiln political iuoes are disposed or, f tht the questioaa ts-blch remain relata W hv esty and econosay ot -ad oiiaigt ratio, and tbe collectioaot revaaue wi h as little s possible pressure apoalbe clseea teaat ab to bear taxation, the fiioit importaat mattar for this Satev Ja to J.ata sitjdM-a man as ecstor.WLIliaassia Co. sgms,4o give politfcaf conslderatioa to Orton, ai well aj to g!ita Influence cirecti la our fa vol1. On 4h: great - question of Chinese labor, h i the ?lBb)icsn party of Oregon also, aceapy a' position that even Peaqcmcy must mpeet.. There ts no objey Ja.hB-JB-'--00- qnettiont xttsiiess.t.tjl Jf jojKSr can put into the eld; m man his ual, it it a plain and logical dedxcl in &a& kit rt-electloa ahoald ba accomplished wi,. outfall. Jb faola of Oregoa wax to, ba represented is tie most abla manner.; ; and it will be a foot atJfaction far; them to issla -a Desocratlo Tictory at tha expepw cf avery materia! faterest, ' and at tha st M actual prosperity, .lad, too, tha peoie will strike the bail aacaat their. leisure, tai sotawarny dls ps of those who may' trlia .with their in tar eats aow. 'The5 juiaaiBt tsy be delayed, feat it will r-eruiyooma Tha Demot j ;8rt.e-Z. g Jat recognise, tha rsJi pf Ciii pctiUaa of oars, and show thai they da aa by the frequently ;'taaa ,enitt6a that" thir members , elect to , V-s oexf Le!;!itrrt should be pl3sd toi'ta tof port Wil liams andef. f-y -tl:'tizzzttstir- : 7i.it hows that tfcertj .teas; fca resi?'s why ba Ahould retire a itppcrt at tr !i oa party lda4raiUis4llA'ir o tin fiOfJBj. tint ttj t:.t r . U I ' ' ' ;"y ttsfe asTBemocrats. We do not knowj eta single Democrat whose vote to sup ort Williams is aeked for and expect!, not waa jf A &r rwiaar that a wide section. Rep resented eaUrely by DemoraU iMV it directly indebted to Geo.HtSlliais aad to bis personal inflaettffe.vHhat change has been made ia tberr favor and to secure tbe early eonitratfCHra of a rail road through the valleys Of Umpqa aad BgaeRiver, a matter tar more ; Impor tant to mat secuoa inaa any poutcai con sideration ' whaterer. TTo believe that Seaator.WXHUmttaa aventually that object, ao4 we farther believe that tho great ma'ori.y of the people of those counties ff.r or his re-election oathat sin gle issue, and if they could b induced to maka a popular etpreseioa of their , iewe tha resalt. 4would inveubly be to evert throw tha-decision hastily made at the June electieD, and secure tbe Wst good of all (Soathero Oregon. , ' Affairs la Xarth Carolina. Tha dispatcfavs hare been briagtng u word of great troubles in North Carolina, and tha Deasocratic papers have improved ?.the opporvaoity to make the usual charge - of tyranny and radical despotism. . The situation, la that State, or ia some parts ofit oatfeer, is set forth la a letter writ tea &ially by Gov. Holden, who says : ... Cat: George WKitk "made tha'arrests ,tM now dMains the prisinersl'jamed' by my order'. ' He W ioitmcte J,triu!y, but vespeetfully: to devliae''to deliver tbe prisoners. No one goes before me in rr- tf ipeci tor me civu law. orior tnoee wnose duty it is to enforce abiuhaconilitioo of A'amaace county and acme other parts of the Siata has -'oen and is each, tha .though relnctaot tose.the strong power vested ia me by law, I bave toe forced to declare thrmta a state of wsurrection For months past there has been maturing . in these le raliriea,' ander rbe guidance ot bad and risloyal am, a -dangerous secret insnrrec'.ioo. I -bare ioroked public opiBioo to aid ma in suppressing ttts trea son. I have issued proclamation arte proctKmatjoa to. the people of tbe State to fceek -up these wnlawfnl combinations. I have brought to hear every elvil power t reiKre peace and order, but all .vain. The Tonstitution and laws of iBe TJaiUd States and of this State are set at naught, the civil courts are no longer a protection to life, liberty and property assassinatioa and outrage go unpunished and' the civil magistrates are intimidated ' and are afraid to perform therr functions To tbe majority of the people of these 'sections the aoBroaeh of ninht ia lika tha t ; - - . ' entraucenato the valley ot tbe shadow of death ; the men daref not sleep beneath their roots at night, but, abandoning tbei wires and little, ones, wander ia th woods until day., Thus civil go'vpanment waa crumbling aronnd me. . I determined to nip thia new treason in the bnd. By virtue of the power vested in me by tb constitution and the laws, and by that inherent right of e)f preservation which belongs to all governments, I have pro cl timed tbe 'eoaoty of Alamance in state -of insurrection. Col. George W Kirk U commanding the military forces ' in tbat county, and made the arrests re feruefo in the writ of habeas corpus and now detains tbe prisoners v mv or der. At this time I am satisfied that tbe publio interest requires that these mili tary prisoners shal not be delivered up to tee civu power. I devoutly nope tbat the time may be short when a restoration of peace ana order may release Alamance county from the presence of military force and the enforcement of military law. When that time shall arrive, I shall promptly restore foe civil power.. . We haw oaly to, add that where the spirit of thd late rebellion exists, aad per sistently refuses to obey the Ur, it i justS as necessary tons forcible meant to aab das it at when it obeyed Confederate rule - aad wielded rebellious bayonets. ' Z Taa FaAxco-PxcssiiwSvTCATroir. Tbe French armies, from oar last dispatches, have effected a junction .released Basaine, and interposed between tbe armies of Prussia. Baiaihs claims to have been largely reinforced, aa well as to have been joined by If cMatoo, and says he is master of the sttaaticta. Tbo diipatches of the dy before show at that the intention of tlcUaboa to join Baaatno waa Understood at Berlin, aad there it no reason to tup. p.ose that,. anderstanding, his intention, the Prnssfana allowed tb erase! re i to be 'outgeneralled or enrared. No doubt " the French are beginning to improve tbeir position by strategic movements.. They have undoubtedly dona tbe most heroic fifoting, and made the Germans pay .dearly for all they have gained, and it . would ba strangle if tha rashness of the Prussian invaaien, and the divergence of tbeir forces, did tot tive fcVench valor aa opportunity to retrieve many of tbeeasly ' BMsfortutoes." Still, Napoleon can never realise tbe object for wbich he mide war, the conquett of the , Rhenish provinces aad "tha perpetaal tncceesioa of tbe Bona partes to rbdthrone of France. - : Smali, Pax oa Tia Plaims Last sum msr (1869) a victim of imall pox was buried, off a eteamer, on the bank of the Upper Mishoari. It seems that the Grot Yentra ladiaas. mhn ' u th- k...:. 1 - -I . W !( t I.I. I Onanad tha. arronad anil rnK1-.aif (- WJI - aa - w w v w UMimj of its gaamenta.' This "originated the . tesable ravage of tmall pox among the Indian tribes. 0"ot of 1,900, 750 died, it il aa Indian custom to lay dead bodies oa tha ground, wrapped in buffalo robes . and covered wish brush.. Unscrupulous wntte men aave gone Around and gath red thes robes and baled them np for s&arktt. fiasie of tkem were stored at far Baa too, and .tbe .diaeaaa hrokaoat tor and . desolated the place. - One of 1 1& mai'ioM reu, oa recovering, iarorled 'toaaa clbtbea and teltrb.ua, witrr fiendish malignity; aa aa apt o 4 rail ia e Indian Yotfatrr, wbiT caused the 2 disease ta spread . with frjgbtful , dattrnetiyenest 'among tha Blaekfeet and other tribes. Goreromeet hat taken steps to prevent the thipmeat ef robes from tbe infected tegiane, to prevent the spread of tha die ;a !r and wide. ? srs.M ' Qua or KArotaoa'a Pkoxibii. When iiOUie . fiapwiBvo, loiv, xuaua cia at tempt at a Te eolation to France, be issued the following proclamation, ayiico it aoi remembered againjt him : - tp pear a among, yon at a warm and craa Democrat and Republican. 'I take ih tbadow ef fhf ban of tha ceatury aa .. a m, 9 a a w tsarymaoior tne promises waiea i aow aelsaij make.' I will be, as I always -( rrtj, a icoila fHFraco.aitOTrjr rrescn- maa I win aver tea a brother. . The uem ' acratic Sspoblio is the otject of my. ador- atloa, aad I. will be her liinister. ever 'wilt I try i clothe, nryself in Imperial . robaa May air heart oease to beat on ' tha day whea I foryet what I owe to yon trial. 1 owe to Franco. ' Mar mv line f?rIr elod if I T word against i oapuoiiaaa aavnreT-nly of the French amAtxlaa V L. ..... L j.. T a oo caraea si i snfJer doc trines U ba Saughi ia my name, coatrary Kent of tba JteouWia. M. i 5 : : r na ioe ffovern- deaaeed if I lay a treeeeaable band anoa fh v popie, aimer with their eocteat r s -lost tUIr will M Sou n i 9 'J?' 1 Z' And, now, trust, me, a. I traM fou anrff nyM,b- whles)- to a f land ia this may this call fron me 1 like lwtr &fZ$?;k oth'B swariieg Ueavea. i VictLr'"Hlltt ' d that hn potltioa totratd tho Komaa i r..m it .irtf.a..tJ.-f:---i A nharch is oreciaelv whrxitaraa -athan ba ItiCrjuD CorreopoudcBce. Lib sox, August 20, 1870 F2. Statibv ax. Dear Sir:" Ae I have eifeh'hihhrsf Jata ia'yonfpapet in ; to let your readers know that Lebanon tin. lives, moves and bat her beiog; aad not only bother enterprising cii- ixens . claim: for her the most desirable sanation, and that she is surrounded by the best a'ud most fertile Jands of a ay jjl,?ilCM.4v6ttaA growth is not rapid, it i ftaJy and we anticipate her future wttb at least some degree "of pride. SitObted at she is in the heart of tbe farming lands, of. Linn county, on tbe gretfc tbrooghfara leading from the capital to tbe fertile vaueys east of the Cascade mountains and bear the valuable lumber mills on tha Sautiam rivr, she has advantages "that few o.$er . villages in tbe State possess. As olir noble State is now fast Oiling up and will continue so to co,- we desire to lay the advantages of this part of Ore gon before. toe puonc tuai new. comer may know ' wbeie tne guraeu ot our State is situated. ' : ' Tilt SAMT1AM ACADKMT. . Onr Kc.bool for the next two yean will be under tbe management of competent teacheit, and it is the determination ot the Directors, teachers and patrons, to make it a decided succeta and to regain that reputation it bad and justly merited in by-ffohe.dsys. Tbe Academy building occupies an elevated position within a beautifulincioaure, set with magnificent sbiide trees and other nbrabery, and is rvmarkablo tar its cleanliness aud hettlihy location and presents a-picture for admi ration both to the student and to the pas: by : !' J .. : The Soda Springs, situated at two poiute respectively foar and six miles ia a southeasterly direction trom Lebanon, are places of resttrt destined to be second o'a y to the far lamed . Saratoga, as tbe water is decided by the must, eminent abyoicians to tontain .valuable medical properties. Prreons visiiiog Lebanon can at any time procure conveyance -to the Springs, at a good back or coacb runs regular to both those points, and cairlages and buggies can be obtained at any time. Information relative to those watering placet can be obtained at the Postoffice. We cordially invite all old residents of the S'ate who have not visilsd this punt, and all new comers wbo propose making a borne in" Oregon, to visit Lebanon and vicinity, confident that tbey will receive pleasure and profit thereby. bJiTBUPBist. Letter from Polk. . . . DAttst, August 16, 1ST0. , Ed Statismas: For tbe last ten days the temperature of our Dallas atmosphere bas beea about blood beat at noon, and on several, dura the thermometer bat rangd as high as 100 in the shade. There is much more sickness than usual in this pat of the county, occasioned most Ificely by the very warm weather. We hare been faroied with very little it any sea.breeae this summer, and I br ltave the nnnsual beat and icknes bave been induced by the want of that hitherto never failing supply ot fresh air (2bm tbe ocean.: . ' James R'rgs died at bis residence here on tbe 13ih instant. He crossed tbe plains and te'tUd in this rounty in 1845, when "Old Pulk"'was as fresh in her ab original loveliness as E len, and tbe bold pioneer surveyed with delighted eie her paradisical landscapes and felt that be bad been fully rewarded for tne dangers and privatiooe that beset bis long jour ney i-nto tbe wilderness. Thu, one by oc a Oregon 'pioneers are passing on to explore another land of promise, we know not of. t f ' " i I have it from tbe best authority, tht th Christian Cburcb will commence pub fishing a paper at Monmou'b, in tliis county, some time nxt month. Tbe p--per 1 am informed wi l be a cborcb or gan, devoted to religion and liHTlur; and you may depend npon it, under tbe hand of Rev. Tom Campbell it wilt tnke nusie like "The harp of a thousand strings." The printing building ia now being prepared for tbe press. Monmouth Wntle tha Ewropean wr i stringing np tbe "sinews of war" ehere, it ia tun ing up tbe "pocket nerve" here, and the prrieot indications are fht we will bave Mvely times as our wheat goes to the ptone of a dollar a bushel, lor vast uanti- ties of wheat are no beiosr tbrebed in Polk. ; 'Tis a pity ourbeartu should lbu be moved at a neighbor's woe. Alas fur hamaa benevolence 1 , X. letter froni California. ' Oaklaso, August 15, 1870.' Ho. STATaaxAN j laavabeerethere : 1 have seen it, the great city of San Fran-. Cisco, about whose beauty and splendor to much bas been written 'by traveling correspondents to the papers in Oregon San Fraaciaeo is really a large place, but its beauty I fail to see, because ibere ain't asy. Why, it is nothing but a great big sandhill, with kfiy buildings erected thereon, some of which have tbeir found ations on "something worse than eand,, aad that is water. It i a dirty, nasty city, overcrowded, Us streets filled with people intent upon the one great olject object of life getting rich, , and when this has been said, all bas been said, and whenever you see a rorrerpondence, tbe subject of wbich it the beautr ot Saa Fraarisco, Just pot it down that the one wbo wrote it waa never there Tbe people of lb U place are jubilant over tne fact that this will be the shi plnsr point for all i.arts of tbe State, Two tbipt hire alreadr loaded here with grain for Europe, and k third one now liea at tha wharf waitiag for a load. - It 'la very coaveaieat for veasrla to take oa earg$ berer the ptoluce being -loaded ngb from the cars, thus saving the extra bane ling . w hich it formerly - received at 3n Fraociseo, besldeaUhe people at the By are a tittle too high ia tbeir charges; - Tbe political bail is moving. TbeDrm ocratie conrention popularly -called: aatirCaoliaet met on the 10th inst.. at Sao Franeiseo. 4 "Tha action of its mem bers forcibly remind one of tho Harden Curl tort of Democracy, tuch exoresiioua oeing nsed in tha convention as "you lfe, "he's a thief," "pot him out," aic. bdu wueo tomoor tne more decent ones attempted to leave, the doors were loeked against them. r,;-. .- ;r- ' Jjrt. Agnea il.. Uanninf bat tned the If. P. T. Co., for alleged damages dona bet in walking off tbe gang plank, ia tto leg from one of their i steamers to the whtrf. there being bo lights onthe wharf U K is rt quired there should be. ' She estimates her oamagea at 150 flM.r-''- The printer j- acknowledge tha failure of their smts. The proprietors of tbe daily panert of Sao Fraar4eo have sect East for printers giving each one $100 to come here with, i It it alwuy t best to let; well enough alone. ' The Eurom-an war causes mnch excite ment nere ana in oan r rancisoo. itgt crowds eoBtiBQAuy - snrroond tbo. bulle Aa boards of tha dailies, eager to obtaia tha - latest newt. Both tho French and Gstmeai faava held meetings fur the pur pose or expressing tbeir aympatny, ana to raise funds for the' benefit of tba tick l a ' Mai. i ai. a i kaad aranndeJ 'J- ifhr have been attended iarga and enthusiastic crowds. , M. . Mijyiooatry.. ' : . .V: . tel.: GS7.JESAL EEWS. r The - Qr&on Sentinel says a young man named franklin M inert, was4 thrown ftm t4e horae on the) 16th and faUinjroa f t kat word from Goose Lake that a' Mr. McDowell, of that section, asssulted and heat C. A." Cogswell over tha head with a pistol. The attack it represented as -vsptOTokwd.' z. ; (J- Tha Enterprite reportt that the, tapper ffivea v byJ tba ladies of the "Spiscopaf i We alia learn from it that the steamers Senator and Fannie Pauonr are boinif thoronghly repaired. " The aid bottoms have been takea off, and it will be necer rytto make new ooet f.r balf of each boat. , When tbey .are repaired tbey .will be. aa good, if not better, than when new. ' . . A youog man lodging with J.' W. Lev is while working on the railroad, before leaving, ttole a watcb.money and clothes, and encaped without arrest. j i Theives visited the mlJeoce'of John Hatton, on tfio bill, and" ran "off whta he named a shot gun to them. i AV. B. Barlow and wife and J. L. Bar- i low have returned from tbe States. f ; Wilson, arrested for stealing cattle, was frnod guilty by .lattice lioote and fioed $100 and costs. '- The Ortgoniam describes several brick buildings now going ap at Portland, at among tbe finest oa the North Coast; lour of these are Senator- Corbett'a new block on First street, which is an iroa front from fuundatlon to top. Tba walls are no and tbe interior is being finished. Dr. G I Ivan's baiidmg, corner of Front and Pine streets covers a quarter of a block', and is' two stories biith... C'pt. Ankeny's new building on Front and Pine streets, covers tralf a block , 100 by 200 feet. Capt Flander's ouilding at the ateambip landing covers a quarter of a Wla k. All will be finished and occupied this fall. Tba Ortfctian learnt that one of the workmen at tba etone query at the mouth of the Columbia, had a leg broken by a falling etotie. Tbe Bulletin ija a bold burglar lately entered tbe house of Wm. Drlsobnieder, corner ot B and First atreets, helped hi re sell to what he could find and left ut discovered. . The Norwegian Bark Lcviel had arriv ed wi'h ber cargo of iron for the 0. and C. railroad. - The people of Astoria, that paper says, are organix-ns; a fire company. ' The Wsshington Guards, of. Portland, intend to visit the State Fair and compete for tbe the premiums offered. Work will . soon commence on the railroad wba-f at Eist Portland, ar.d it is to be so far completed as to be of use ss soon as tbe road is constructed to Salem. The steamship wharf is to be fenced in so as to exclude hotel runners and give everybody a fair show. This will , be a great advantage to all concerned. Tbe lit raid says three Chinamen wbo were arretted, charged with robbing a countrymen, bave been discharged. W. II Clark; member elect to the Leg. islature from Grant ' county, has come down and will soon reach Salem. He says the people of Canyon City are not disheartened by the late fire. A man named Z. t. Bones was drowned by falling off a scow at Estei Jc Slimson's wharf. ...... . .. . . . ' The JTerttld learns that a fire at Lan caster, Linn county, has destroyed the m mill of Wa'eoa A Woodbury. Los $3,500. IJotnsaranie. . Benry Morton wi arraigned on Mon day, on charge of drawing deadly weap one en F. M.Morgan. It learns that a fellow,, calling; hioiet-lf Frank Divis, i charged with atealiai; $40 co n ant a suit of elothinp at Fairfield, on tbe Frroeb Prairie. He managed to get away. The Jacksonville Xtw telfe of a Utile boy three years old, son of A. M. Berry, ! wbo was found standing in tbe buticm of L tbe weft, whub bappeut-d not to cootxia ! : much water. Tbe little fellow ba-1 lil j down the rope, thirty feet, and bltMered j his .bands and luckily 'struck, shallow f aater. . ; . . ; Leopold Solt drove over tbe embank ment on Jackson creek, caad by brek icg the n.ck yoke. No very great dam age done. i A horse ftir is talked of. in Jackson county the lat week in September. . ... The millers of that section, talk of a combination so ns to refuse to grind 'or tbe formers more than tbey need for home use. . - : ; '- :' i ' ' . Yaung Minert was 1 thrown from bis horse and badly injured, caused by a loose plank in m bridge. Mr. Fay had returned home from San Francisco. . i- . . ' -: Businits was improving at Jacisoc ville. ";;; , ; -: '.-r '!-:'! Some one bas commenced suit against Jackson county, claimiag $10,000 dam gfce for a leg broken, caused by an ngly bridge. ; . The Portland papeis announce the ar rival of tbe 0nflmme Tuesday, with a lull freight aud a lerg4 numbrr of pas sengers. .-aj -w ;- Tbe Herald says , the Chinese war be-, tween the waeb bouaes h"a got iolo the Recorder's Cnrt." That officer has io one case discbaritd the accufd and put his accuser into jail a&lit costs were pxid. " r.'lIUtoa ' Mcflillan, on Colombia '(.lough, tell from' a barn loft aad .dislocated tba arm at the shoulder. We learn from the Orejonian tbat Gor. Salomon,, who. bad just arrived by steam er, addressed a German meeting oa Tues day evening. $873 bad been collected for the sanitary fuud in that city. A tombinyof toldiers arrived by the Oriflamme," and were tent to Vancouver. A burglar got iato tha home of C. F. Weigand, Monday nfght, and helped hlmi: aelf tof $150 out of that gentleman's The BulUtm ' learns that tha bark Ed ward James bai been pnrchateJ by Wal ter, MoffetV of Portland, for $30 000.1 one it at oan r rancuco, aad will proba bly be chartered by the Chinese com pa niet to go to China and back.'' ' .From tbe Idaho Aealaftehe wo leer a that grasshoppers are makin great havoc ia variant parti of the Territory. ' . . Tba Loon Creek diggings are doing well : 500 men fiad emDlovment thert. Mr. Cy Jacobs has started hit new flour mill, and it doing welL i Tba grass near Boito City waa fired by. lightnfog and maoT tailea burnt off. A German named Louts Beid, who wat hiridentTy insane, jumped off tba Stiver City stage, aad wandered into the moon. taias. Partiea weat ia aemrea of htm and found him dHnst of atari erion.-' Ha bad' between; $3,000 aad $4,000 4a gold dust with him. wbleb. t tretoar with lis rr-' ' mild. . a.rsiJia ia cbsrgebTthe U-!1- sonlo irateraity, af jrsich ha wat a mem- . ; LATEST i B7 1ELEG2APH. i DAT T IWT M. i.f SrCOIAt TO THE aTATCSWAV. ,J 4 Ue'w York, August 33 A private ea- We dispatch from Loadoa dated 12 Loadaa dated oVlock th dar, say that tha armies wf Eing William and Geoeral .Sieiametx are ttao serion.Ty crippled ta assume the ef- it tt given oat cm via authority tbat ''TJiHaas"e'iijro(Wil fron'Chalons, on Sanday, tdr tha furpose of giving battle ta the enemy near Melt.. Be it confident "'aft victo y, when be will march upon the army of tbe Crown Prince, and rescue Paris. 'j . " ., - A report bas reached London of a French Utjry..;. ; . - - Aoother special sayt Bataioa was at Mete yesterday, and bad tbe north and center entirely open to him, either to rt reat or receive reinforcements. The news of thesppalling Prnssian lor ses has sent a thrill of borrr throughout Germany,' " Bazaine profrsses to be master of tbe situatii n. ; London, Asgust 23 Bazaine hes forced a passage via. Antien, reaching Montmedy. It is reported that the forces of the Prince : Koyal and Prince Frederick Charles have formed a j a action westward of Mets. ; J . ' ; New York, August 23. Private dir patcbes from Paris say tbat MiMabon has completely turned the tables on tbe Crown Prince. ' The change of the French armies from the line of the Moselle to Melt and Ver dun proves a serious blow t9 the Prnr sians. ' McMahon, with ISO.'OOO veterans, has thrown himself between fl, army of tbe Crown Prince and' that of King Wil liam, and has effected a jiaxtion with Ba xioe' left wing, at erdna. . The Prns tian position is considered perilous. Their army iscatintwo, wilh the united French left wing at Meiz, to prevent them, from shortening their long line. London, August 23. The following has just been received from Alexandria: The Prussian frigate Bertha, carrying 28 guns, has been captured by tho French. No particulars are given. London, August 24. A Paris corres pondent of the Standard telegraphs tbat D x tme bas succeeded io cutting tb eni my's lines and ie retreating on Montnredy. It is reported that tbe Crown Prince has gone back to support the Prussian armies . wett of Mets. Another r-pei iil Bars the army - at Chalons has rone towards Tbionville to effect a Junction j wib B-e line. MiMahon is driven to a choice of two evils, to leave tbe road to Paris open to tbe Crown Prince, or, by holding it, to sacrifice Batiaae's army. London, August 23 German dir. patches say that Met z is enclosed on all tides, and communication between Cbal ons and Paris is cut off. McM abort and Failley are still retreating to rover Paris. Tbe grand total of Crimen forret now in Fn.nce is 520 000 men with 300 000 L-n l wher in tbe rear as a supporting reserve. Part, August 23 Tbe Tempt com plains that tbe Emperor and Piiuce I trip Tiitl interfere in military m titers and that the latter ditloes important secrets Pari., August 23. M Mahon has joined Bsiue with a treat number f troops. ' Bxzaine bas not abar dooed the Mroog poeiiion held "by bint near Metz Mi-MMboo moved North ard France is saved liy way ot Rheime. Full col fir mat ion of tbe good news from the army was received U-dy. i . - t . , New lurk, Aogut 23. Cable dir paiches from London reeeleed to day confirm tbe statement tbat B xine ba succeeded in retreatiog from Meiz with the bulk nf bis army. U is still uncer tain whether be is moving to St. Men chould to join McMaboa or wails for co operation of McMahon from tbat poiot. In tbe former case he is supposed to intend f tiling in force on theCrowa Prince, in tbe Utter to attack Frederick Cbailes and Steinmetz at MrTz. Steiumetx and Frederick Charles bave lost over one hundred tbousaud men, leaving them no more than a hundred and fifty thousand to bold tbe line from the frontier to Metx. The feeling in Ber. liuia of undeniable horror and depression Tbe war threatens to last for a long peri od saud already tba dower of North Ger many is decimated. : Prussian Armies all March ing: on Paris ! ! Jew York, August 24. -The Courier'! I dispatch from Paris sayt B.ztiue tele, grapbt that he cannot leave Metz. . He t sayt the enemy' wishes to rat off bit com vmunication with Paris, but are notable ta: accomplish it, and calls it a draw -'game. "' ;i . The Paris pspert lay that Mt-Maboa hat gone to Avdennet and will effect a jam tion wilh Baxine at that point. . . There are eanflictlng rumors io Paris as to the whereabouts of the Crawa Prince. v - London, Aug.' 24. Private letters ssy the Crown Prince is at St. D tier marcL 'logon Paris. Mex ia isolated and1 the Prussians are strong to the west of there. Paris, Aog. 24. Communfcation with "all points of tbe departments of Aube, Cote and Dor it cot off- ; - The Paris ComtUutumal denies the state ment of the' Loudon Timet that tbe French armiet are in a desperate situation, and asserts that that paper ia heavily subsid ised by Bismarck. Il is reported that tha Prussians have infringed oa tbe neu trality of Belgium, violatiag it unawares. Braseels, Ang. 24. A cable dispatch received by the New York Sun from Ball Baa Eossell, dated as above, say: 1 did Irot succeed ia reaching Bsxaiae. ' The Prafslaat ate everywhere, aad marehing. The railroad from .Tbionville it oat of order.'- Baiaine it ant at Verdun. He it that np in a Prussian net between the Grandway, tha river Orae aad tffe road ftom.Xeta toEtaia. - .. - ; v McMabon Is to tha left 61 Cha!oni,bnrn- Jt the eamoa bellod nim-aad atn-iiir. Ok.. ..i -f ism report of a vot.fl.ct mtlrt fvia He x with advantage fottbe French, but Icanuot V 'u for it. , Tbe French cap- t nea Pmcaiatt eacStoa in tha recent bau ties at Lobgville wtrd'ilars le Tour. . Loudon, rAsgufV' 25Thay following offici.l , dispatch baa jnst been received irom Berlin. Government bat received a d.spalcQ datvd Barre Le Due to the ti facl tbat Chaiune, has been evacuated by tha French aad tbat the Prussian column is west of Uaatoesaod advancing rapidly. Paris,-Aagaa ItMidnight. felt re ported that too Pf nssians are at ' S x tne to-day. Tba Prince Royal ol Priis.ia i reported at Nancyl . Notbing bat'.beaa received from Met z or from tbe army wl McMahon, or Bxtiue, - ' London, August .25 12 ooon. 'Th entire command cf McMahoa is to'the left of Riieims. - ! On Monday Prussian too a ting patties were oear Chalons. E.troye's advices to Tuesday mention nothing of Bag ne't junction with McMa bon. The rtportt made byBXiiaefind no credit. Prussian detachments are renortadat atChanoreugb and Breoule. Etrassbourg it well defended, aad tr.e French aimy is well toflred with pre visions of all kinds. r It ii believed iu Siraeibourg th it ?aar. sbal Bzaiua hat bien sereretl Ironv tbe main French rury, and feie power com pletely paralj zed. C'jalout hat been 'abandoned, and Pilnca Frederick Cbai"i moves ca Pari irect with b'i a'rWy. La L.ltrte, referring to information from private soceces, aajstbe siege of Paris is altogether improbable now. Tb ratr4 report formally that tbe Prussians were defeated in Suaday't battle. London, August 2: The wbole of AicMabon's away left tibeims on Monday. The garriien of tba fortress of Toul made a sortie yesterday; 700 Prussians were kilied and woaoded. TELEQB-PflIC SUMMABY. j coxriLto raoM rBxriocs dates Tfce follow og is a r capitulation of army movements near Mez On Sunday. Aau-t Utb B ziue left Mtz tu ly gar Tieoi rl, nr.. i rroesed to ttie left btnk ot the Jiuell ., where be i attacked by P.ince Frederick Churl. I with 70,000 mm, wb- assailed bis rear. The rrus eians are repulsed with great loiS, sur fenng greatly from tbe guna of the for trees within range. There followed a truce io bury the dead. M- nday,' tbe 15 h, Kztine pasted the Moelie nodituibed. On Tuesday Prince Frederick Charles also cro-sed that river and attacked the "French at Gravelotte aud T.ioDville. "" At tbe"same time tfteiu- j mets advneed with th firt army corps, came Horn the oortbrat toward tbe F rencb center at Doncourt, where n sevrte battle followed, fur th- Prussians tried to drite tbembak on the army of the Pr nee Royal, advancing from B.r h Uuo: Tin plan i bi fS-d ty French lran s, so the 3d army under the" Crown Prinre waa met iy Bazatoe aud badly puuUhed nn Tourdiy. It is reported from d ffrrent sources tint the different European power are a boat to iater.reLe jointly and make an . ffort fur jea5e.' - . The E uperyr, while at Cbalooa, was bi!ed NUii bixtteil be the aolJiera. Tiie Freocb a e xaid to bare lo.t 45 000 men in three batllea in as many daya The Prussian lose in the terrible batl.e t.f Tliurday is placd at 4'i, 00 i oere are juU,ouu guua troops near Paris. Priore Napoleon was at Florence d -mxndioir the mediation. of lrely. Toe Fteocb Minister at L udon makes a aim ilar demaud t tbat governmtnt, so it is said. Oliver haa left Parts. Austrian Germans are said to have prouocmed io hvor of Germ ny in tbe war. The dfiiiruction of tba famous Bois de Boulogne, at Paris, bas com meoced. Tbe villages around Mets when the late battles tock place bave beeu nearly eetrojed. The London A'act bas a severe aricle agatnt l he Q teen a ho absents herself at a distnnce from tbe' seat of Govern ment in ibe preeent crisis. 0iier is attacked w.tb brain fever au-t bin I fe epared of. Tnr Enperur was to command tbe Im perial Gaide in person on tbe nest great battle. The report of tbe capture of Kiog Willi u) and jSberidan waa a Canard. . It ia claimed tbat the present French position coverall tbe railroad lines undse cures retreat to Paris in case of dtfeat. SALT LKE. We bave a. record of a Mormon out rage committed on apostates irom tbat church. A storm cloud lately- burst over the Hot Springs three miles from Salt Like City and caused great damage, washing away tbe railroad. , . IDAHO. N. Kirby II. Courtney and II. Jones, were arrested for stage aubbery. The testimony is strong against them. CALlsTuHNIA. The Mercantile Library lottery drawing win oe oetetreo enotber mootb. - Hun. W. H. Seward has arrived to CI ilurnia much fatigued and exhausted German aod French pariUaoa are hav ing a warm lime discussing national af fairs in Sn Francisco. ' r The Fr-teh celebrated opoa the report or late victories. . . , -t , . . The yield of grain in the Uropq-ia is reporit a a one-bair Jess than nsoat, ow ig to the haated term earl iu July. Gkkeral TatCHC "Trocha his tl a triple talent ot writing, talking and fight ing." So said Marshal Bugeaud, a g iod judge of men, and especially of soldiers In tbe fJjing rumors wbich come to at laden with facts and theories possle and impossible, Troth u a name ia aasoci. atid with tba possibility erf dicutorship Tbe EagHsb military criiits have long known Trochn as one of tbe strong intel lect! of the French army inferior to noue in the Crimea , save, pern .t, only to ws a . s a. . WW a . . ' Aouueoen. te nave aireaay given som account of his soldierly qualities. a personal appearaare he is described as being of middle size, elegant io figure but atroag aad sinewy. He hat a t-laa' ing couotenance, full of intelligence, ar d bis address is quick, almost warm. He bat a broad, thoughtful foreherd, tlightir bald; small eyes, bat to LrilliaBt kA eparhJiBg that tbey eoettitota a remark- oi i.aiore. on nana la aervout tboarb smalt, and wbila bit whole asneot i. .Ji. of a soldier, there it tneb absence of pi, tension that one is not oblis-ed tn m.AA... him always at M. la General, m. ..... predileetlo., have Mthardeaed bit heart, tbongb they may bave given him stronger Views of hla .tut. n.. i . . r . Ul a and left nma et.lMe.. .nn..t .. ftr Troth a took charge of them all, and 'or tbeir tsket ha baa remained a aina-le ntn. .'He is sela sna nt ,t.nl. ulatlty, but hit meritt known td tL .iadima.u; fw, aadJSj.thrm tat ataaj. weeotngiy Bigs value. Y. World. ' . GESERAl HEWS. T Puoxt Socs6,;August 20 From tie Pfuerifl The iVet iueul.aient of the German migriiUoaJ bas arrived, aud ,t'ful'(l 7he cil;l.oa wilh Um aUeminttraion. Two huodrad Toore are on. the way from San Fraacinco. Tbey will delay location their culooy ut -til the arrival of Gov; Salomon. ' Colder atnd ttoiuid, two mardereri. escaped, frow tba Sieillsa-oom pri on the night f ib7 13 h? This ia.'kes twelves rwnvksw bH btve.esvaipedw-wub. ItfUrUehaatKit u's, "od tbe people are anxiaas 'twlfeta the new Pvb.reutmry bur ied up. A. kite bas been selected on McNeVl Maw-and work will be torn meoeed ihr wesson. s. - Twelve vbicaiand acres bave- beta ee jt ' Land 6fice daring tbe past week by Eastern capitalists. . The r'get Soand Mill Ccmpaay bave shipped during the year over 30,000,000 feetof ! amber, besides a great quantity of lath., sningles, pickets, spars, piles, abipk'jee,-, etc. " Tb s oyster croj of Shoalwater. Bay it etir anted at 70 000 bushels. About 150 it are engaged in the trade. - Mount Rainier bas been reen sending ou;? rmoke lor several dnys. - , Tbe Walla Wall ' Union of Augnst 20'.b,says the Germans of W. 11a Walla held a war meeting oa the I7tb, and or gthized a Sanitary Club, of wbicb A H. Kslleunurg is President; H.. Wollsteia, Secretary ; Louts Svbwabacber, Treas arer. Tbey appointed cosniuiiwes, and aljuurned to meet' .at the call oi the President. 4 , ..v. s There seems to ba no doubt that Pat nek Browa was the leador o' ibe gang that robbed the Umatilla' stage. Tbe tbitves took nothing but Wells, Fargo A Co.'s treasure box, and the only incon venience to wbicb tbe passengers were put, was holding tbeir bands up during the time they were ia dorauce. Prof. Plummer, of elocutionary and humorous fame, complains tbat there is no rula in elocu ion nor in rhetoric ttat tequires such a position to be maintained to long as tbey kept him at it. Valcs or thb MiTatiLLKCss. Tbe Hera war correspondent of tbe New Ygrk Tribune thus speaks of this arm : As. we returned to Metz we pasted a battery of the much talked of Mitrail-lu-ust coming ia from the station. Tbey bad each a tarpaulia oer them, bnt il was plain to any one wbo bad ever seen a mitrailleuse wnat tbey were. Besides, tbe-care tbitt was taken to prpvent any one from coming near tbem was sufficient to rbov.ibat they were not common sis ponud field pieces. Tbe tremeadoas se cret about these weap ins is do secret at all, there being drawirgt-of tbe Fretx-h weapons io every arsenal ia Europe. The French Uoverntaent bas adopted a very inferior model to that chosen fy tbe Bel gian or Prussian Governments. Allartil lery officers are uoanimous in declaring tbat mitrailleuses will only be able to be used in peculiar places and circumstances, io tbe breach of a fort, in a narrow de file, or ia street fighting. It was doubt, lei's for ibis latter purpose that tbe French Government tbiuks they m iy want their preoent large stork. Trie raogeot tbe mitrailleuse being far inte rior to tbat of tbe lightest fi-14 piece, they would at ooce be silenced' io tbe field. Cottox-3-kd Oil. The ovtnofie are of ibis oil iu the Uinied'Statee is iDcrea ittg enitnously, and, accord3jf to ti e Rural Ctruhnian, now reaches the high li.,u-e ot 9u tOO galltsos a week It a bt.fi used tor adulterating other oil', a hareed, Sard, ole a nit aoaaraa. 1 t only other nes are for wising patty, tor which it answers btl-r tbau any other known oil, and for caring' tobacco, n which it hs rrplacd the beae oil lurmer y imported for tbat purpose. In a former otimhtr of tbe Journal we refrfred to ut m'x'ure ai.b olive oil, and to the proba-l-iii'y that it mV bereatter become a sab. etiiute for ibat oil for cafioary purposes. The crude oil is of a very 4aik red color, .wbicb it derives :lrora a aort of resin, wbicb can b seen iu black specks, iu tbe kernel of tbe seed, with the naked eye, and tbe presence of this resin cau ses mnch trouble io retinicg ibeoil. A voiiventtoo of the manufacturers of cot ton seed oil H about being held in New Yotk ti'y, to ovorider vktious sui jects connected with tbe buiu's, and espe cially to find legitimate nses for tbe oil. It ia clamed Mat fifty per cent of ir, saized wiib busted oil.'u better for paiot ing than tbe pure lioseed, as it dries ns rapidly, aod gives a coat more elastic and less liable to crack or peel nff. As a soap ttovk, it alio does well, when miied witb other oils, but aloae it does not bar den readily on the addition of salt, as other oils do. lioslon Journal of Cke'mit try. Paradel was a widower with three chil dren, the eldest of whom is in France. M ts Paradol is a very beautiful and ai -compltkbed young lady of eighteen years The servants speak in tbe most affection ate terms of the family. Ia person, Paradol-was man of middle stature, plump and compact body, with a dark, almost swarthy, complexion, oval face, long bead, leatures of a decidedly Jewish type, black b'air and full beard, both cut short and close. In conversation be spoke English somewhat deliberately, but with a purity of acceot aod ease wbich was renirtrkable. His French, as became so accomplished a scholar and writer, was periecitou list 11. i- A Bloomiogtou (111.) girl was recently b tien by a wad dog, and a so-called mad Stune was applied to the wound wbicb. luoi.itu seyere, naa not been previobslv k. .. . l . . . . patntui, out, became set ertly o, a stench almost unbearable filling the room. Wt,en taken off tbe wotiod, tbe stooe was pitted in water, on wbicb a green scum arose, like that teen on the surface ot s.vgnant pooia." According to the Indiana Stats Ve.. tbe r-ason tbat Hendricka failed toseenra tae uemocrauc nomination for tbo Pres Idrncy ia, 1863, wat on accomnt of th untimely resurrection of a speech which ne aeiivered in 1862. advocating a it vie too or tba country and tbe secession tf tne nonnwestern Coa ederacr." whiek speech wa telegraphed from Indiana at a cost or t$uu. ; . : An admirer of Sanj Patch, by tha name of John VViaht. hat several timet jamoed ' ZZ 1 , w,DUow o a rain at ladtan F .lis, X v., into tbe Genessee river, a distance of about 60 feet, bm on attempting the foolhardy feat ana in, recently t-nrk the water oa bin rhest. atnnnin ,.- . . - - ia. v. . 1JMV " at once soon to tbe bottom aad wat urgworii... . .. .. , . . t , . . . ... ., , A com oan t baa been nretni, t v Orleans for the application of condensed lr as a motive never f.r atr. ii... The cylinders era to be of oa nee a 1.4 . ran. tosoilWfin. A trial has bean made with this method and a ear 'with twenty-eigbt paasenrert was driven tbe.. miles aod a half in seven and av qnerter ."IIIJIIll SOIDl LO mis fai-fa ut mission as tbe emblem of ariefocrej oa aeconot or defection in rieet.i .... 11 . itj. . . : . J "inirsniai are now ton in ram at thirty cents a pair, and ea B-oadway they are marked at low aa! fifty ceata. . Tbe tneiket ! alio absclately over-stocked, and even tba present prieet cannot long be maintained In tha trade. Fresh beef from Texas it served an at tha New Orleans hotels, beiog prepared therefore by the9 refrigerating; " process. It it said to keep better,- ant! to be, s a po tior ia fit ver to tbe beefslanr' terd at Sw O-leana. Beef from Chirr wo aee- a T d Jhf tha jaa aew.fl, Jt gkCz 2 f favor la tha Boatoa aarkatV Jii'KCiAl; NOT.CK9L n labian.vA ? iuiusi ' " 1 Ofllee Xa. O I," SraS Streaf, FOBTLAND, j j : j ': : " - ' ' OXXGOH" ; REAL ESTATE DEALER. . . . m m mm M...A J ByWIHt l,u,s;ijg -m V iMl A lrj? BaTaoigft J CITY d HAST mETXANr . Kttltslal aTaalVt)Ai a ST Pl.taaaa , i . Ale.. lIPCOY.f 1AKV.S I valasMa 1 ancnIU eats lAMV, W-caUd la all parta f tba 6tat. . . . a-a a Kivvsta.es jn KAt KitTlTC asuftntWe PEOP CttlT ma le tor corieapoutlcuts. Claims of all deserttaM-ats siaptlf eoaVetetlJ llOtj al stOHKS UaS.' All kiniis of atncUl ana! Geoeral Agency trail-. f. tn.M.... J IWtSa bavtng r ABM rVtOrcKTT toe eat wtttf plme (araWh deHHrlplioM ol iWe" Same to mCtXTi Of THI OVriCK.In aaek a tbe prttxlitat CITIa. aud TOWHiat this dTATX. . " ? t - -JaoMxa A WOTDBRFVti JtSIGHOtCOPE. Bev Daniel Wise, D. U, editor of the New-Tork. Suoaajr School Atlrocate. Umis speaks af t eel, brsted Craig Microscope : 'I s siaipBeitv, cheaKies sad grti ntg-ilflrlrig power s tick e wait surprise, lheo I was asaai loltig a Hj'ttjt hf Usall, an 4 wts atraok wltb. wwnder at lbs skill a.nt nowtr of th Ores tor which VsaSspltjed In its structure. When 1 saw a atate- ntent la aa a'lrertiseiae'it tbst the Crl Mlcrscop matvatif aaa KaanitaS Htma.l4 . r.A nn..T.I l hoaght for $J,75, 1 thouf bt It was one of tbe buoa- bags af the hoar, for 1 had paid f2u f.r a mleroope jQot long befosc. Bat to I Bud It to be a reap valaaata inttrunent which I should IUm to sea lu trodoced lot.) the famil c' of our readers In place f tha manifold useleaa toys which pieaso for aa hoar and is then destroyed.. Ttits mlcrecepe. would . battbamaae and Instruct them aadI advise tva y bny and girl mho wishes to .know the woods ra ' which He in litte tilings to saretiia soasM aatil he has 12,75, which ail pa tor tba mieracops aad tha postage whea sent by mall " ' . As a holiday tlft this mlcracofM is aoaurpassed,r lekig ornaneotal, ItMtractiva, aod cheap, aad oever looses Ha interest..' Agents aad .teak-re twppliea . od liberal terats. A sample vrUI be mailed, P st paid to anv adJress for $,T3, by K. Q. Koss, IS Locust ft., et. Loats, Mo. ' Scad tbe advertisement in as othjr colam a. stsa. TUB THICI11N a seinsias OR POBK WORM. Perhaps It Is not gtaeratly kaewn that the aob talke! of tru:hirwfsinilis, or pork worm, was first discovered In A mat lea by Dr. R. C. Kendall, of Phlltddpliia, Pa with that American laatrBtnant known as the Craig M'croseope, cotllng only t.TS. after reprated lallores Ij discover tha worm with an imported nitcroaci.pe, eosilng tV, ,lof fsabWr power ard less reliable. This mat Dr. Kendall stands ready to pmva at any time. The "Craig anywhere for ij 15, by K. U. Rosa, III t Locust ft Louis, Wo-, Kead law adeertlattncat ta this paper. ' Jana liula OILBCRT BR'lTUtnt Areopenlaf a fresh invoiee ga.tds la their Hae coositlii got a is assortment af 1 adies, Stl'tes and ( ChU.lreti'aKKtlK and KID-rOXFD BALMORALS, Genu t'lon trgt anal lland-Oewtd Beets. Thej ata lso taanufcloring the lat st)le of FOXKD-T.i-1) BOiT.-, an I oprweneol on anyti.tng as ye offjred to tha publis. CaK-sn, Jium SB. . BaMsta sttsd Sthwra ma te ' order by KOYAL th silllTII. Patti n'aBloek. State atreet njUg JtsiLbiii ssa' a A Can a. HOT At. tb SMITIt Aea em-taot,y rereirint K W ' 6C1IU at af BOOTS AND MHOE8, aalcb (hay ofar at the lewess. CASH e 4 JATTOjrs ziocr.t... April, li .SALK3C. b. V.ta.Ve ramlty Vtbtc as baseea wtdete aud rTnrly do we in our own end lorelica ouaatrloa. apwardset ' THIRTT TKARS It baa I-et aoas . t t, , a.me by repeated trtat-. yt e vtlonea toiwvapt a prumlaeat poaltioa ta every family medietas eh-. ' 1 1 1, aa Ka-ra I a. l Tntornal Remedy. For nm me c -mplaiM or any ruber f la -t b wel Ski -ana ' ainits lti.aialuv-ste tain etr.,d baa witboet dnnbt. h--r. mnre aaceaaafal la eartew it-o ra-t. a kind. of Cllf L R tCrw kr.T othar known . e-mety. h. srat aklltMl pbrnc. a IdOi. A voa arH Ct.ie, wb-ea tt Uitrt f .1 mnh . m iZ l-a. pr Talent, tl- f la K ll-r tacn,.M-r-4 by tho na'teea, a. -rl W..-ne.n r id.nt, thnm eM n." VK Rtt T- ar d wb'lo It 1. amoat em t-at reed f -. it t. parlaittr sato modt iJaotnn aklHfat bauds. ttXr-pttrrtlonaanra put erh hnffi. i5w-ii8.8 nd 00 Bottle, hU rVITseylr doH liai lmw.lea ami..-. ai - ,,., . ' -..-.,. w meamv ej tor tl nr t I p,rrrc' 1 Permanent eorea of l?.,h . r - and cataerltal Heaaa.k,. te, red rlI:P"wt,0,n If - ahanre tmmb the neae, rt-nle or otheewnte min ... taste or hearlrts:, eyes wiHering ne weak, few dull. '!!'? ". rett m1, w7a WIS! t? "',V'b- Tnod. I.Dolly.' wltbout manlfeint ha!f of the aln.ee symptoms termlBs le In Conmptl and end la the gV.et ? dtseaae U so enmmoanors deoiptiee or l-J mZ Crrhy..h.Tn,C,?:- 1 "L W'af , fOLD W MOST ItCGGI5T.a IU iU PARTS Cs? TH WORLD. -Mee 5! eettta. S-rt bt matt poatpaid, en reeeM or 0 cents, or faar package, tor I wo doll.T," of ones .arsirs end wrMmttaas, nsrrsrioaa. . ea tbat any ratViTt Pr.ur , wrrfrh ia a iwrrrve evsaAi. rsa o satrmsweaa, hi opn the ottUI a wrspp-r. lha thisprleal, hamp. bwssd b I tht, Delsed 'asa'sa Ooeemmej eapremly far tttsalu ate medicines, b my portrait, name at.d adiewal and the words D. e. Oertineate of Genulnees" ea mvednpon lt, and nsed not bsvmlsttksa, Doei't .l fcVrr,4rT., " reprsosoun, themselees as Dr. Mtge; 1 ata tbe only man stow hvlnt that has the knowledge and rvM to maaarac- ture the 6ssuiss Cr. taf,s t atanh edy. aad 1 aeeer travel to aril th's meileioe. t'aaeee.fU,Wt.W.T. ,, BAKER'S HAUMONr. ' AXD . rilOROUGH BAH8. ptTRRT FPKCIE. OF CONCORD ASD DI3fX)RD I Jm treated tn deUll. simplifies and mad- piain, wnn irompreboaslee and aa'nml eki.lauatloBa la keeping wl h ih- bee-dih of the auMert. It Is 'As Bonk far.. Stttdea atvi the Maslelao ." whether lor lusfc ameatal, Voca' , wohesval or Band NQSiC. - . , BjrB-r. BAKBR, ' - ' ' ' fries m Cloth. PI. aent post-paid la any address aa receipt of re all pr es. - ' tiLIVKB sSTrr dV fctK. Boasai 1 O M. OIT-..N v CO., At t tarsw , , Salem. Aagast to, 1ST0. SYDEU r?c COOIv, PRACTICAL BOOK - BINDERS AXO TJJPETL I sTXI3IS ORDIRI SOIICITjXD ARD WORK VALlArfTED- FinST-CLA. 4s Aaraet t,18T0. - Baleaa. (Vegesh TO -ILB-AtT BBOI. ABO t. c t V: Qwirmti- ' .f - 'v. -. tteonnai . rra Etaeklag -t tt Um Warld. av ayvia . mm. vr.w SzzUt Vz&lP - , m 1 - atay.-