SATgg : r J, JUNE 17 . CA&IPOR1STA. sin jFbabcmco, Jane, 7, The steamer Continental sailed for Masatlau and other Mexican ports this morning. . . TB electioh passed off qnietly and it is ttaonzht the suli will be largely m faror of ths railroad subsidy. Negroes Toted for, the first time, generally for the railroad.' 1 "They .wf" not molested, ' f ha 'United States steamer Wyanda, wtiirh went on a. cruise in search of the BritiBh ship William Wilson; Monday nijrht, Returned to-day without having seen the object of her searcn. 1,0.6 Brit iahtr U well out of reach by this time, t JtTiontne hundred washerwomen form d a woman's cooperative' anti-Chinese Laundry Society. litis hoped that they will not adopt the taefksof some otner anu-urunese oocie tlesfn this eity. ' :J '-r,V The next steamer from China is expected to arrive about the 12th instant. The special election has been exceed ingly quiet. . v rT, I ? i ' : " San Fratfclsco; uiie9. Thievesrent through the Boston party at Oaustoga The amount of fractional currency ob tained'is not knowEV Patton, of the Cos mopolitan, being in. the crowd, lost $1,000. All hands terribly disgusted P. B.1 Austin, editor of tbe New Aye y leaves,,, this ,city, tor y Germany, to-day to establish, the Order of Udd rellow lows in that country. WASHISGTON TERRITORY Seattle, Jane 8.-i-Iutsap county gives 74, and Jefferson county 147 Republican majority t; $ .'..:: i i : ' Yascotjver, Jnne 7. Garfielde has 90 maioritT in Clarke, county. Democratic Sheriff and Auditor elected. .. Balance of county ticket doubtful. ' Washington .June 7. The President has appointed Jas. Bi Delford, (colored! of Indiana, Associate Justice of the Su preme Court. '7''' ' ? - The Reconstruction. Committee have attached to the Georgia bill a proviso, that nothinz therein shall interfere with ' the election in ueorgi tnia iau as pro- Tided bribe State Constitution. The; Committee has resolved to postpone ao- tion is relation to 'Tennessee to next ses- , aion. :'-'-" ',;:r;i- j, The mixed commission for eettleme'nt of Mexican claims resumed its session on Monday. Claims number over 3,000, and may occupy five years in adjaBtica tion; ' ; ' A great council between the Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner Parker and tt 'Indian delegation was held to day. , ::.yir.rrr. wT'cr.;:;-, A Hatnfaliaatioii "BUI. . A Timet1 special says the Republican members of the House Judiciary Com mittee have, for some time, agreed to re-' port a birt taking the power of naturali sation out' of the State Courts and plac ing it in the hands of the Federal Courts. It is the intention td report, and pass the bill the last or this week. ' The Democratic members are prepared firmly to assail it. , It'iS more of a partisan scheme thad even Jthe enforcement bilU The'Kew York" Citymembers regard it as a virtual attempt to wrest New York City from democratic control. S i. . -a Washington City Klectton. , . , Washiigtea June 7.--Themajority for reform candidate for Mayor (Bowen) is S.ZOaliTbfenearly..Opo. i Repub licans elected two Aldermen and five Councilmen, two of the latter colored. New York ' June 7.--A- private dis patch from M,-Cremiux President of fth Jewtah Alliance in Paris says, of te re ported massacre in Roumania, that the Jews wer expeiiea, piunaerea ana Hor ribly maltreated, with a number wounded and some probably killed. This is the first authentic intelligence received of these outrages , New York, June 8. A grand proces sion of Free Masons, this morning was in every respect a success. More than 40, 000 Masons participated : ' Cincinnati, Jnne 8. The international Typographical: Union 'adopted a resolu tion discountenancing .the plans of Some - subordinate Unions of grving their print ing to the lowest bidder,' 4 'efropk. ?" Paris,:Jane S. M, Provost Paradat has been appointed .Minister from France to the United States.. w : Tbe Keamtaietl Couueti. Paris, June 8. Advices from Rome state that the Ecumenical Council is en gaged on the discnisipn of tbelnfallibil- ity schemes by sections. - The debate on the preamble is eloeed. Tbera were one or two exciting passages between supporters and opponents of the proposed; dogma', but the minority are now silent and pas sive.". A great demonstration was made yesterday in favor ot Infallibility. Jusuits were the prime.moyers. , - . i" A BiiubMtriBSX elema. New York, June 8. The Sun has a tet ter from a correspoadeut at BrownsvEle, whom it says' is reliable, giving the (ea " turn oi aprojeot for filibustering in Vas eon and the Mexican States which lie-be tween the ttouhtaiusof Sierra Madre nd the GulL-Tha leadera ro to be former officers eft the United States army and Confederacy, wtH Gen.-.Roseerans in ndLi Headouarters, New York Citr. Principal subordinate depots, Cbi casro. St. Louis. Philadelphia,. Houston. Texas ."jewOrJeanK :.nd;J.Shrevepbrt, Louisiana. Gen. J. Bankhead Magruder i in command of the New. Orleans por tioa of the expedition 3 A'grand passage over the Rio Grande and into Mexico will take place two months hence. :yt ..'..A. Traged y. .- A horrible tragedy occurred in Scott county, Minesota, on Monday, afternoon. - A farmer aamed Macey came home drunk and seined a knlffr and murdered his Iit v tie daughter, and started1 to slaughter his wife, when ; ar young, man took ,down a guu and firedf killing Macey Instantly: jUina Swbaldtea. J':lif': A Tribune't Washington special says . that fivofeills for land grant subsidies to canals in California ten sections to the mile were reported. lo-4ay. Mr. Thayer also reported a bill to give all coal lands on the line of ha;UniqB Pacific Railroad to that company at a minimum Govern ment p"rkett. . i'iir;: 1 The Senate has confirmed Gilman Mar- Washington June The Senate . 'Committee on Commerce has agreed to subsidize -Australians steamship line, which looks favorable' for the Pacifip avis, fif Ifew "York, from Judiciary Committee, reported a bill establishing a universal... system . .of naturalization.! opponents were Sareatr who Apposed it ualess the amendment offered . y fitch excluding Chinese and Japanese was agreed -to... ' - . T. It. Cornier U aominated Receiver of ffahlle Moneys at Olympia, W. T. v New York: - June k fl. Th TriLunlM liondba, correspondent confirms, by tele graph," "the statement thatt th ncfd Eoumaniaa butchery was simply a stu- ' li50JJ9:--WashIngtonspeciais y P4 the debate' in executive sessioa. j,.v,.r v iuot uomiego Treaty,- TDBUBVor ry will TerV bittnr afralrtet K (President," charging him' with beinsr U- w' i mmuy.v.p. m corruptjooto , ,get ' the treaty trough. Sumner was iiio very severe ou ie f resident. ' Rutland. Vt. June - The accident on 4 the Rutland . Railroad is worse than at first reported. Only one man out of twenty-five escaped uninjured; three were kiiled outright. Boston: 'June 9. The best' time on record made bv a double team was made by Jessie Wales and Harkness. Time. 2:28$. - CALIFORNIA. j. San Francisco, June 9. Daniel O'Con nel has commenced suit against tt e Jltf- cantile Library Association in the Fourth District Court, to enjoin defendant lrom proceeding farther ia the grand gift con-' ceri Bcneme. r -,. ; - - ' It is currently reported that the pro-f ceeaings against tha Mercantile Library Association for . injunction of its lotury do wunarawn. The Ajax sails Friday for Honolulu wnn mans and passengers for Australia. Bayard Taylor lectures at , Mercantile Library' Hall this evening oh "Reform .ana Art." ' Commodore Taylor, commanding the j ' North Pacific Squadron, and his staff, made the toar . kf . the fortifications -in this harbor yesterday. "J KTJROPK. '-": ' 'J Constantinople, June 9. The fire in Pera District is subduecL, Over 70,000 building1 of all sorts . were destroyed, many the befit in the city. Loss of life greatly exceeded the estimate. Remains of 150 human being have been found. It is supposed this number represents one-half the actual loss. Total pecunia ry loss is computed at twenty-five mil lion pounds sterling. English underwri ters suffer heavy losses. - Madrid, June 9. In the Cortes yester - day, a motion to elect a King by direct vote of the people was .defeated, and a provision requiring the candidate to re ceive a majority equal to half the whole number of deputies, carried by 138 to 124. ; " ' - 7r " FROM CUBA. Havana, June 9. The Spanish column was attacked by rebels in ambush, at Seer a de Cubetra. The rebels were de feated, leaving twelve, dead, including two chiefs. Fourteen insurgents were killed in another engagement and twelve more in another attack on a fort garrisoned by colored troops, who lost three killed and Bix wounded. , . -. , GE1JESAL NEWS. ; Jnne 11. The discussion of the San Domingo question is creaungb-ad feeling. The" Senate Committee report in favor of a subsidy for the Australian and New Zeland steam line via San Francisco. Jo. Smith read a dispatch in the House from Salem, Oregon, that the Oregon Legislature is Democratic, which called out Democratic applause. ' The army is to be reduced to 30,000, so the Conference Committee has reported. Wheat in Liverpool has raised to 10s 6d. ' Gold in New York, 113J. X ' Wheat in San Francisco, $1.60$1.80. Jacksos villi, June 11. Information has been received here this evening, from Crescent City, that the steamer Active was wrecked on a rock twenty-two miles south of Cape Mendocino, on the 5th or th instant. The vessel is a total loss. No lives lost. Forty tons of freight and most of the baggage was saved. Pneumatic Tube four' allies Long. Hundred The following extract from an Eastern letter describes the operation of a pneu matic tube between Glasgow and London. Probablj few of our readers are aware of the existence of the process bj which messages and packages are almost instan taneonslT transmitted between these two ' "I had occasion to send a telegram to London the other daj, aad in a few min utes receired a rep I r which lei me to suppose that a serioos error had been committed br my arents, inrolring manj thousand ponads. I immediately went to the telegraph office aod aked to see my message. ' The clerk gaid, "We can't show it to yon, as wo hare sent it to London." ' But," I replied, you must .- have my original paper here ; 1 wish to see that." He again said : " No, we hare not got it ; it is in the Postofilce at Loo don." "What do you mean?" I asked: , " Pray let me see that paper I left here half an hour ago." "Well," said he, " if you must see it, we will get it back in a few minutes, but it is now in London." He rang a bell, and in five minutes or so produced my message, rolled up in paste board. . ':: It seems that for some months theje has existed a pneumatic telegraph between Glasgow and Loudon, and betwixtLondon . and the other principal cities of the king ,dom, which consists of an iron tube, into which the messages are thrown and sent to their destination. I enquired if I might see a message sent. ' Oh ! yes, come round here." He slipped a number of messages into the pasteboard scroll, pep ped it into the tube and made a signal. I pnt my ear to the tube and heard a slight, rambling noise for seventeen sec onds, when a bell rang beside me, indica ting that the scroll had arrived at the general Postoffice, four hundred miles off. It almost took my breath away to think of it. If I eoald only g to Boston with - the same reUtiva speed, yon might count on my passing as evening every week at No. 124 Beacon street, and running home to sleep. Wbo knows bat what we may Z be conveyed ia this marvelous manner before many years. ' Perhaps you. are awaracthat there bas been a large tube between the general Postoffice in London aad the station in Eustace Square for a number of years. Bhe mail bags for'the north are all sent by, this conveyance, so that the Postoffice receives letters up to a few minutes before the train leaves, three miles off. The transit takee less than two seconds. Sure ly, this is an age of wonders. f The Liix Cocittt TACHaa' Isbtitotb was attended bj a lair representation of Jthe cititena of the county, and was char acterized with nnasnal interest. The! address delurered by fieT.l El.R,' Geary and Rev. Mr. Batcher, were able. and inBtmrtiTe. ;The diseaisions were marked with a generous good feeling, and with a seal that showed an earnestness in the cause of education." A new Constitution was adopted changing the name toth'e tiLinn County Educational Society, accord ing to the Constitution. The principal 'object of the Society r is to furnish oppor tunities 'for free exchange of opinion among its members concerning school eorernment, disputed points in any branch of education, different text books; and all ' other subjects calculated to promote the "cause of education." The following resol- : titions were adopted, some of which called forth spirited discussions : ' f , i; Resolved, That it is - the opinion of this Institutethat tne clause in tne school Law . requiring teachers to give publio Tmioationa on the iatt day of each "quarter, and inviting the County School Superintendent to be present,, should be , 2. Setoicfdi That, the School Law 'should be so amended as to make it the da tr of tbe Directors of School Districts, to levy such tax upon the property of their ." districts' as may be necessary to enable thera to make such provisions for schools and school - bouses aa la required by tbe -law' 3.4 Kctohtd'. That the reading of the Bible' should not be prohibited, in our Common Schools. . 4. jBjofrW, That no rt of the Com mon School fund should be impropriated to sectarian schools. , ' - 5. Itctolved. That the thanks of this Society be tendered to Rev. E. R. Geary D.a Ala UnnK fr. 4 V .! . i n SMI 1 1 n T and exceUent addresses: and, also, " Miss Mary Williams, Mr. F. M. Gray, miss Alice Gray, and Mr. H. C. Philips, for the reading ot Essays ; fcnd, also, to tn ciu- sens of -the vicinity - for their mna ana geiferal hospitality. The, officers for ' the next sessionwere chosen to fill the following places J 5 ; President Rev. E. R. Geary; Vice President N. H. Clayton ; Secretary, Mr Gibsou ; Executive Committee -J. W. Mack and Mr. Taylor. , 1 Adjourned to meet next July. . . T. L. Portbb, Seo'y HAHMOHT'CncacH, June 6th 1870. . .. -? : Tni WaB STOPPKD ABBEST OP O'Neill. The New York Tribune thus epeaks of the arrest of O'Neill near Pigeon Hill, an occoant which is given elswhere: a dain narration of this story a war stopped by a V.arshal and one deputy, a wkole army aeteaiea ana unenj ruuwu by two men, is so uueriy luuicrous uu n comment can improve it. , But in fact w" have no desire to dwell upon the tar- eieal feature of this new discovery in strategy. We have no disposition to speculate upou what wouia nave nap peoed if Wellington had heeu arrested by a Sheriffs officer in the middle of the battle of Waterloo, or Grant lodged in jail by a Virginia Constable while the army ot tue JL'otomac was nguung. in ine WildernesB. The serious side of General O'XeiU's ridiculous blunder istoopain- tl to be laughed at. The folly of this charlatan hss cosi thousands of working people the last dollar of their savings, and perhaps some poor fellows their lives. It lias covered a good cause with dis grace. It has postponed the liberation of Ireland. It has degraded Irishmen in the estimation of many of bis fellow citizens, who will perhaps overlook the difference between the patrotism of the people and the imbecile vanity ot the leaders. These are the aud results of . the last Fenian in vasion. ' ; Lite ci by. Some of our monthly ex changes which failed to reach us. by the last steamer have just come to hand. 'Among them the Western Monthly, the Chicago- "Harper's," for it - no doubt aspires to represent the western metropo- lii as tbe latter does New York. Tbe present number, like its predecessors, is a valuable book. ' ' The Little Corporal is so efficiently ad vertised that every one knows what it is. and none ean doubt the good sense of the publishers. The Atlantic for J une, wnicn x eaton & Boon have just received, continues tbe excellent storv of " Josepn and his- friend," and the experience of tbe En glish governess at the Siamese court ; has v losrg article on Wm. Hazlett, something about French and English magazines, drives from a French farm, Oldtown aiories, correppondence of Napoleon Bon aparte, the logic of marriage and murder, and other articles, making an interesting numb. Portland Items. ( From the Oregonian. Portland, June 9, On Tuesday night a couple of men named Marooney and Miner got into a row about politics, incited thereto on one side, or both, by too much whiskey. The latter, in the fracas, got Btaooea witu a una. kuwc, tuuuu um seriously. Miner was arrested and tried for an assaultutnd battery, and fined $5. Tbe other was arrested on a charge ot a more serious character. The ship " Herman Doctor" arrived from Hong Kong with 280 passengers And 400 tans of freieht. Tbe Bate's and Prftey's are playing together in Portland. W. Lair Hill, C. M. Carter and D. B. Hannah have incorporated a Water Com pany, stock $20,000 in shares of $100 each. A couple of tame elk were driven through town. Strawberry festivals are all the rage. May 8th, 1870, Air. Theodore Burmester aad Miss Dana Humphrey. All of Albany. 2- , DIED. . In South Salem, on tbe 10th instant. Pluma L , only child of Elias and Sarah J, Cary, aged 1 year, 5 months and 21 days, . . . The funeral will take place from the residence this (Saturday) afternoon. , STITZEJL& UPTON. KEAL ESTATE BROKERS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Corner of Front and "Washington .- Htreata. P0RTLAND,........................0REG0N. ' General Land Agreney. Will attend to th pore haw and sals of Beat tt- tate In all parts of Oregon. . ,. BRANCH OFFICES AT Saleru, ...J. J. Murphy, Agent. McMinnville,..;...Williain Dawson, " Albany,.......,. ........ J. C. Meudenhall, " - Eugene City,.....E. L. Applegate, . Ths Ileal Estate Journal nnblihd by w at J Portland will be tat htm ot cnarice to any add res, bj making sppiicattoa to oar office. . ; ,i : . , . ETIIZEL CPTOJC. ' 'a f ? - : ... v , .. i ' Tbs Salem office has thesdrsntag of ths parArencr at Portland, wnic& is tnorooguy sbwd Iithed, sod so veil fnmUhed br girlng information upon real estate, that it sffjrds ths Host complete facilities for all parties having business is our lias. 49rToo incur no expense la placing jonr proper ty on sale with as, anlcas a sale is made. j. 4. auarui, AgBHt. Hay, S. z:tf - CHARLES DIMOW, Commission Merchant JBTJYING, SELLING AND P0BWAUDINQ ALL KINDS OF MEKCHASDISE, P. 0. Box, 5o. 4091, 1S1 Ttul ttn , 1 NEW YOBK. Eefer to Messrs. I add Ac T; Uw. fHmla4. Messrs. Kespp, ftrrU te t a. )lmm Kavwr Sa (', " M.K. y 4r. W. F, Afaraats, F 4 , i ' f . CLEAR Tin: MI ' I low V Bj Trias EUaitri f r rAl'TIOSs J this srOwi r aao parcaas mm hwm smw Onmpasiy, of Saa F'Mn . - - -Tbs aaittia are - - .- - a rmlar pri tt s .l -. - - Sar this pu Ji ! t,. Ides far wsah r. i m and does tiars tt fc-., ? Grocer. Trf Sna4afl tvm C.f'e ttmvt April 1 110. Ss MISCELLANEOUS. r.UUilllUltinHltl OU VsV WIIOLE3 ALK ASH EETAIL DEALERS Builders'! and Blacksmiths hardware; Iron, Steel, Tin Plate and Zinc, : . i - HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SHAPTSand KIMS, : i . .- ' i " r " Stoves & Tinware, IK GREAT TABIETT. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Sweepstake Haines' Gcanlne Header, ImproTed for 1870 Buckeye Mowers, Rearers, Dropperss Kzealator! Mowers. Keilers, Droppers Hew Yorker Combine! Self-Raking i . He ape r Hew Work Combined Hand - Raking Reaper Easterly Reaper Hirer and Dropper combined ' Bnrt'a agle Reapers Bnekey Gralit Drill s Flnlayson's and Hamilton's Broad east Bowers Dn-vals' Premium Gang and Sulky Plows' Hamilton's Premium Sulky Plow Mason's Challenge Gang Plows Sweepstakes Call! brnla Gang Plow jpfleU, Gaie ad S iky Plows Wtbfoot GMf Plow 1 Lone Tom Sulky and Gang Plows Hand Flows, Hanrows and Cultivate ors, of various descriptions ' We are importing d tract from EASTERN AND EUROPEAN MARKETS, and can pin'ce those who may favor m with their patronage on as TATORA BLE TERMS as any house in Orgoa. ; T. CTJKTflKGHAM at Co. ' SJem. April 12. 1870. . ATTENTION CALLED! J. 15. Sc M. HIRSCII, IlaTins still on Hand a .Large .Lot of Goods, and not intend ins to purchase new supplies, llerey giveg notice that our resent STOCK IS FOB SALE At a Great Sacrifice. CHEAP FOR CASH AND riO MISTAKE. My 19, 1870. xftstt IMPORTANT T).. EVERY LOVER OF NATURE ! I THECELKBRATED PATE5T CRAIG MICROSCOPE DuriDg tne past six rears its worth has been testified to by thousands of Scien tific Men, School Teachers, Students, Physicians, and ethers. ' Simplified aad Adapted to l'ppnlar as well as Scientific use, it is an Optical Wonder. Its Magnifrin?; power is Ten. TIiohwiiikI Times I Combininfr endless instruction with amusement ; e,auttfal Gift, and one that never loses its interest, reveals the aneeen wonders of creation, Eels in "Vin egar, Animals in Water, Cheese Mites, Sugar and Itch ' Insects, Milk Globules, Adulteration in Food and Drugs ; also, the Trichina Spiralis or Pork Worms. A. vtrr besntlfal and ornamental lttmraBt. should be oa tne table of every - .Kanallyy IPbysletaa, -gelen ! une iien, Btsaent ana ocnool. An TJueen Kingdom Is opened to ths eve bv this lastraswnt. So lover f the besatiral sbonld be without it. . , Kvery Initroment is pnt up in a neat box, with fell direetioas for nsing it, carefully pasted on tbs eover. Tboneand have been sent by mail, and the proprietor guarantee a stfe traaalt tor every imtro ssent. - We eie sendiag them evsrr day. rrice by mail, poota prepaid, $1 Zi, or with two SMnnted ijljecU, S3 00. Address, S. H. BOSS. . JelO d3m . 313 Locnrt street, gt. Lonl, Mo. . VA3L,TJJSJL.liZ PROPETY ' TO EXCHANGE ' ' 7 For Land in the Country. mOWNPROPERrS OR: Mltl PROPERfr, in JL Sooth Balem. Inquire of ths nnderairned, st bis residence. . , B.8. JOHT. it 1 Farm for Sale. I WILL seH my farm in Bprlng Valley .Polkconnty, Oregen, one-half mils from Spoog'i Ferry, on the bsyton road, containing 415 acre, mostly fenced: 1(W ACRES IN CULTIVATION, .. GOOD HOUSE and outbuildings ; Term easy." Apply to v D. J. COOPER, , V At Cooper Store, Bend Bprln; Tslley, Polk coanty.Oreson. . Dee. SI, 1869. For Sale Cheap,;;; " 4 COM rO KT A BLB AMD COHMOniOUB DWEXL-,-. I.NO-UOtSK, at lb corner of High and ferry . Far perricslars bvjotr st this office, or of ara1a, 170. ' J. A. JOHNS. Kew Store la Pattons Blocl. TKHREIaL 5c JACKSON ! rse iaii ta a Kit and Well Selected ( ttoek of ; ' rs:up!o a Fancy Dry Goods, ? U K V I KS DRKSS GOODS, , s. . t;ntf xnilslilnsr Goods! tasfferssJBdent IndBosmenta i w mzmtf N rre, aad rswatsttba IsuHss aad Oes I -mmtm iaiisa aad siefalty to call aad examine oar rat' XQwCk, Set Dar Crm Btuak MaySS xa MISCELLANEOUS. ; Jf. Swsaiir-'j'" fieal SUaU Attorney. C P. Irw.T, Notary PubiU RUSSELL So FERRY, Hsal Estate Brokers ' ABD ' ' Collection -A.sjeiit8,' jMrthwett Corner rlret and Washing. ton streets, pOSTliASD ( a ORBGOS. ST ICtAI. ATT JNIXOM 'OITI3 TO TSI gALK Ur UElh KITATK. CoHecMoM miU In Oregoa ana Wshingt Terri lu-se rooor-t of detlrable Cttr Ttoptt , Tews Sots, Improved Perms, Stock Bsocbes. Timber Xands. sta, 1tatod la tbs beet portloui of Oregon ued W. T., o" reseuosoie wrms. . . , Special sttenti4i w called to a large amot .ot of BSilBABr, PROPERTY 1H HAB1 OK COD5TT. Full Abstracts of Title at the Branca Cice, la PATTOS'S BLOCK, SALEM, OR1 OOX. jKVH R. UA913IKR, Real K state Broker. 43-o.ep)e iDcarred aaltet a ss is is bhm1. . My 80 lw HROMO ."EMS, CHROMO GEMS WHAT ARE THEY? GO TO MOIVTUOMERY AKt SEE. Two Dollars and Fifty e nts per dex ana nalnu up in iweoty nuaaiae rojy to go into albums. .Prom 6 to i Pletwres taken at Os Sitting:. THE MOST UUKABLK AND MOBT KATCF.AL PICTURBS BADE, Montomry haa jost rwelvad tbs materisl and -;iTriimtus for cHor to boot njiu picrars. balem, May l: liTJ nlm Livery and Sale Stable f ORRIS fc BEAN having miifht i'.it Utc Livery Eta- l)le of William Delaney, Cor'r Conr.2rclal and Court Streets SALEM, Are (trepared to furnish Carriages, haggles and Saddle Horse To whoever vhv call on tbem. Particular at- 1 entioir paid t stock left on sale. Horses Iwwnlnd on reasonable terms. The beet oi accommodations for trantisnr t ravel. . A fair sliarc r.f patronage is solicited &dej,Feb. ANDERSON & BROWN. STOVES, LATE, SHEET IUOy, COPPEK, ZlJfC, BHASS, ttc, BLOCK TL, Porce &. Uilt Pumps, MANCFACTUREKS OE TIX, SHEET-IBOX L COPPER-W ARE. f Xepalringf la all its brair:hes dona to order, at the old eland of li. Strantf, TnlonBlock, Commercial st. Salem. Salem, Jobp 1, 18T0. tf J. C. GRUBBS & CO., DEALERS Iff . Drugs, Medicines. Perfumery Anu. ToUet Aiticles. Prescriptions filled at All Boars, NXGIIT OR DAY. t good awor' merit of the ruaasr Drnjrs and and bkst ia tides id onr line will always be found ou band. ' Great Inducements for Cash. Those who cme with rooner in band will !find tbat we cmi sell Dregs and Medicines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Cash in hfti.-.l will purchase cood at low lipores, at any hour of day or night, if you e riujj it 10 tue . . . . Sr'irst Door from the Express Office, ; In Patton'i Block, &TATE ST-, : . SALEM, t : s s OEEGON ' March 1. CHARLES ADAMS, SOCCKSOB TO LOOCS m ADAMS DVALER I!f Crocerias & Provisions v STATE : : : . : : : SALEM. Next C .or to Gill's Book Store. GLASS AND QUEE5SWARE. A .Beautiful lot offered at reduced pries. Mill Feed. OkTS WHEAT TMEAL ' Cacosa & Bacon Sides.. Fresh Iird, Itutlcr. Eggs, "Etc. Goods d live.'edto all psrts ef ths city Fres t caarce. . Cheap "SEW I KG MACHINES. C)-CbQ HOME J 1ICTTLE EEWING MA- 0Q 0jO CU1SF; a doubls-thread lock- O-O t,u. Siiuttle Machine stitch alike on both sides. fSjO A Celebrated Onnmon-Sense Fsmlly QOr ityiUMachine. Both machines fully UJJ -wssBsnted for five year, ilachlne Sent by esprea to aty part of the Coasf, CO. D. Agent wsnted nrery town on the Pacific Coart. Liberal Oommis ioa. Home hhuttle Sewing Machine Co ' eeslTdwr 1S1 First street, Portland, Oregon, i O, W. TRAVEK, A rent. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS ATLARTIC WHITE LEAD, pars; LUilKEDClL, pra; , VARISISHEH, BRUSHES , .PKATTS K.ADIAHT" COAit Oil ft DSVOE'S COAL. Oil. " ;, CHINA HUT Oil., LARD Oil., pore; ff ACHUERT OIL,HBATS FOOT Oil. Tor sale at small advance on fan Frsneisos J'-".. . . . .... .:'; a - '? - Prices, by '- ' ' -." f, . . . .... ; - , QIO. A.. TORT,' nayilxi FROMT STh POKTI.AP S3. UZAPOTAGK. , J. O. VRiGHT. Uzafbvage & V right, Wbolesale and EetaB Dealers In , GEO GEEIES. s Conifectlonory,' ' ' CIGARS. ' TOBACCO, ' PIPES, . Croclitery & Glassware . : -TOTS, NOTIONS, . fSilT-eir- Plated Ware, ' Rc ' 'Be, Be. .:. i . - . .. . ' Union Block, Commercial at., Salem. - ' - ----- . Good aeliverea to any part of the city Fret . chart. Jan. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Candy T.Ian ufactorya WHOIiBgALE BKTAIL. . - Co rclal Street. - . - - i Salem. Wl HATB OW HAND THK LARGEST STOCK o( CANDIES. aUofour own mannfectnre. Id th ?tt, snd ant determined to sell ss low sS oayia tbs Stat.'. . ' : . r .-,.-! We fasTs oa bssd sfall snortmect of KTJTS, CUKWISO OCn, ETC. C16ABS UP AL.L KINDS, ranging la price from $'.'5 par m. to $100 per m. Merchant will do weil to tar from dl m vi es warrant all but goods to gtv ssiisfbctios. HOLBKRT ot PARRISH. slwi. Aprlli J. H. HAAS, nauaa i Clocks, r Watches, Jewelry PLATED & SILVER WARE, PATTON'S BLOCK. SiUM. , JETWELRY MADE TO ORDERj fte AST - ALL WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE "Valuable Land NEAR SALEM, FOR SALE ! T OrrER FOR BALE 890 ACHES OP LAND, lying jl ift mueseastoi tne nooienrsctory, with Brick noose, and Good Barn, Sheds, FENCING, WELLS, AND Valuable Improvements and Growinj Crops. This lao Is part of tbe land claim of Walker k Gilbert. Title perfect. Persons wanting itniiller parcels may find a bargain to uit, a I will sell on accommodating term. A plat of the premises can be seen, and particular s to term can be had, at the 8tatb8MA3 office, or of the undersigned, on (he premises. - ALFRED BTANTON. November !T. ON HAND AGAIN ! W. L. WADE H- AS AOAIX OPENED OUT WITH A saaoruiient of Dry Goods, Clothing-, Uroeerles, Boots it Sboes. Hardware, k-e., Asd will rxebangs ths tame as cheaply as soy tfber man for Ca8U or PRODUCB. North Salvm. Arril T. 187u. . spit BOOKS AND STATIONERY. LARGE STOCK JUST KKCEITKD Direct from the East. BLANK BOOKS, atw styles, SCHOOL BOOKS, MUSIC BOOKS ot all Stlstds, Fresh lot of NOVELS, CIIROJTIO LITHOGRAPHS, MORTOX'S GOLD FENS. . We she call attention to out large stock of WALL, PAPEK. YKATOS ds, BOO, Commercial street, Sale April IT. W.W.MARTIN, IMP0ETEK AND DEALER IX CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AJVD SILVER WARE. COMMERCIAL ST. : : : : SALEM- Jewelry Made to Order. All Goods Warranted. A Good Assortment Just Ecceired. Best Electro-Plated Ware, on White Metal and Nickel Silver. Palem, June 1.x TI1031AS CHARM AN, CULIS DC , GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. CL0TI1IXG IIardwaret Paints. Oils. Sash, Doers. te. OREGON CITY. OREGON. novS . SALEX Boot and Shoe Store Three Doors from Oregon Candy Manufactory on Commercial street. , T. 33. IwTCHOXjS HAS JUST OPENED A Pfew Boot and Jsnoe Store, And baa a Fine assortment for GESTS, LADIES & CHILDREN'S WEAR Lately purchased in San Francisco, and For Sale on Host RcaonaMo Terms. Salem, Feb. 19 ' DISSOLUTION NOTICK. THK COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be tween Uie nnterslsne)t I this dsy dissolved by nmtual consent. The business will hereafter be eon doc led by Terrell A Jackson, thev assuming all lis bill tie of the late Arm, and to whom all claims das said firm most be raid. G. P. TERRELL, A. J. MOftROK. Salem. Kay S7.1S70. - DRIKD PEACHES ASDPLCM, - Very choice, at COX k EARHART'3. DISOL.UTION ROTICB. NOTICK niREBY GIYKK, thst tbe eopart- nershlp boaines heretofore exiitlng between John Barker and William Baxter, In the business of blackamithlnR, -in the city of Salem, Is this day dls solred by mutnal consent. All debt dne the late firm will be collected by William Baxter, who will continue the buiines at the old itand, and solicits a coatlnnaDcs of past liberal patronaire. JOHN BARKER, ' WM. BAXTER. Salem, Jnne S, 1S70. xlm J-ESBITT'S MEAT MARKET, Oa Commercial Street, opposite tbe Unionist Office. Here can always be found .' - ' The Best of FYesli Meats, CaremDy prepared for market, and kept In every variety, Mr. Kesbltt will always have n ; . . - . Sugar Cured Hams and ;u Dried Meats, ' Conatsntly'en ani, aufrSxtt STALL-FED BEEF . . At the old stands of :''. SALEM IVlarlset ' (Known a Crosi'cld stand), and' . O-AJpflTAJL IVIarket, Kept by WM.M.LACQ HEAD. THE tedersirned will esrry on rh bosiness at these wU known stands, aod Is prepared to supply a nice article of 8TALL-FID BEEP, and ether jroed meats, at the same old prlees. Mr. LAUGHHKAD will eontlnne In cliargs ef tbe Capital Market. - -,r , . DAITIIL CTJUIK. . Salem, March W. ' . . THE BEST Chevrfng & Smokingr Tobacco r, ; And Prime Cigars I -. At Post-0lce Store. MISCELLANEOUS. UNITED STATES MAIL; WASHINGTON AND ALASKA; TER. , EITORIES. . ; Peer Qmes ItarAiTaWT, ' ,. WaJtkitifrton. ADriloO. 1ST0. wrpnar.H will be rceiveJ at the Contract Office a thta TMiiactniMit nntll a o'clocr B. m. oi wntdav. June 8.1S70 (to be decided by the 80th). forearylng the mails of the United rtates from -July 1, lSti, or aa soon thereafter as prse. tlaWe, to June 80, the following rouwia th Territory or - wAsnmaTOv. and by the schedule of departure and arrivals herein specified, vis : ... - . - ; :- Port Towniend. bv Ean Joan, on Toneaa. and Fori Wransle. to etus, Aiasaa lerritory, 800 mile and back; once snonth, In uiti.hl ud aafo ateamboata. - lesvw Port Townsend on the 1st of every month; Arrive atstika on the loth or the same montn , Leavs rtUca on the 16th of every month j . : Arrive at fort Towniend on the 221 of the same Proposal to begin service at Portland, Oregon, Intsead of Port Townsened, 500 miles farther invi ted. Also lor service twice a month. INSTRUCTION. I Containing conditions to - incorporated in tho I coattvu to w men ins ucpanmewmuW l vrooer The medal stents of ths Post Office Department, en exeliibition of-their credentials, also post office blanks, mail sags, lock, and keys, are to be con veyed without charge. Tbe route arents or tne dmsrtment. thonia it i- pslntthem, to bs conveyed without charge, aad, for their exclusive tue while travelioe with the mall. a eotBmodioua apartment is to be provided oy tne contractor, under the direction of ths department. No pay will be made for trips not performed ; and for each of such omtsalons. not satisfactorily explained, three times ths psy of tbs trip may be deducted. Arrivals behind time as to break connection with depending malls, and not satisfactorily ex cused , one-fourth of the compeniatlon for the trip Is subject to forfeiture. Deduction will also fee or dt-red for a trade of performance Inferior to that specified In the contract. For repeated dellnquen cies of the kind, enlarged penalties, proportioned to the nature tnereol and the Importance of the mail, may be made. Sines will be Imposed, uoies the delinquency te proitptlT and satisfactorily explained by certi ficates of postmasters or the affidavits of other credible persons, for falling to arrive In contract time ; tor neglecUnr to take the mall from or do urer it Into a post office, for suffering it to be wet, Injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost; and for re fiulrr, after demand, te convey the mall as fre quently ss the contractor runs, or is concerned in running, a conveyance en the rente. ' Tbe FoBtmatr beneral may annul the contract fer repeated failures to a Ereeablv to contract, for violating the post office laws, or a isobeylng the in i ruction of the department. Toe roatmasver Ueneral may order an Increase of the service by allowing therefor a pro rata In. cre&seinthe contract pay. He rosy chance the cneauie or departures and arrivals,- provided that by so doing the runnier time be not abridged. Sach bid must ee ruaranteed by two responsible person, certified to be such bv a oostmaster or a Judge ot a court of record. The department re serve tne right to reject any bid which may be aeemeu extravagant, and also to disregard the bid of failine contractors and bidders. For form of proposal, guarantee, snd certificate, and also for other Instruction ss to the condition to be embraced in the contract, Ae., see adertise saentef September 80, 1S09, inviting proposals for oau service in u morula, and Oregon and Wash injrton, to be found at the principal unst offices. Bids should be sent in sealed envelopes, super scribed, "Mail proposal, home No. 1M21. Wash ington Territory," aod addressed to the second As sistant Fostmaster General. - JNO. A. J. CRE'WFLl, Postmaster- General, NEW ENGLAND llQtual Life Insurance Co'y OF BOSTON. INCORPORATES.. ..1835 The Oldest Purely Mutual life Insur ance Company In tbe United States. Assets, :!, 000,000. Tims ONLY MASSACHCSETT3 COMPANY, AND 1 the only Company eorernert by the MASSA CHUSETTS NON-lOKFElTUKa LAW on the Pacifie Coast. PRACTICAL. KXAMPLE3 Of THE BAENKkTITS OK THIS LAW. A. C. E. Miller of Portland, Oregon, insured un der Policy No, 18,051. for $5,000, died over six months after fie premium was due and unpaid. The S5.000 was promptly paid tbe widow, leas tbe unpaid premiun. J. W. Jones, of Colusa, California, insured under Policy No. 88,016, for $10,000, died over four faonth after the premium . was due and nnpald. The $10,000 was promptly paid the widow, lesa the unpaid premium. . J. B. Baldwin, of Colusa, CaL, Insured under Policy No. SiJSX, for $1,000, died over three month after the premium was dne and nnpald. The $1,000 waa romptly paid, lcsa the unpaid premium. . t v ' I it not an object for 70a to Insure In a Com pany where ycur policy Is protected by such a wise an i equitable law f This Company is not rentrlrted to Investing; Its fnnt In Massachusetts. The funds sre Invested in the best securities, the largest interest is ob tainable. Thus It bas been a le to return as divi dends to the policv-holilers It cash during the Vist four years, $3,466,109. - Dividends payable an nuallj in cash. EVEUSOX & MIDDL.EMISS, . , i, GENERAL AUENT8, PACinC BRANCH OFFICE-Northeait corner California and famsoae St., opposite Bank of Call ornla. STERLING M. IIOL.BREDGE PORTLAND, URBG05, sokhki roa' OREGON AND WASHINGTON TEEKITORT. May.26xslm " 1 SWllING AKRAIVGEaiET. Great Reduction IN FARE t OREGON AND CAL; STAGE CO. IALEM TO SX FRAKCIJSCO $45 Portland, San Francisco, Sew fork THROUGH TO HAN FRANCISCO IN 5 DATS, KEW Y0KK "11 " Tbe gtages of tbe Company connect at OrovUle with the Calif ;ro la Northern K. and BteamboaU at Sacramento for can Francisoo. Aluo, at tbe Junction of the CAUrOENIA CEN TRAL with the - r Great O-rerland Bfktlroad to New Tork Stages leave Salem, bound annth. at sbont 4 o'cl'k Sm. each day, passins; through Albany, Corrallis, n, Oakland. KesebnrH. Jacksonville Trnk Shssta, Red Bluff. Chico, an i some of th finest val leys upon tne ractno coast, combining pleasure, For Portland at 0 a. m , daily. T"Offio on Court street In Keed' bnlldlng. , ; . WM. OOKBRTT, Agent. ' Balem, May. 3. . i xstf SAYINGS I SAVINGS I First IVational J3thlz Ot PtRTLAND. ' Savings Department. fTIHH BANK has established. In MMtt k X its general banking business, a Saving De partment and will allow Interest oa ootn deposits nwic ui Ktoniucg wnn tne eonuiuons adopted by .tale Bank. 1 - .. ..- . - -. . Ia ectablishlna a 6a vines DenartniMit. thl. R.nV. ing Association has In view the benefits to a elass of persons aaving small sums to loan, by providing a safe place ol deposit, ample security, and fair rate ef interest, as well as to aggregate and bring into ae Idle capita). - For tbe safety of deposits in this wans, are pteagea tne enure capital and resources and also the- personal liability of Its Directors and Stockholders, as nroTlded b see. 19 of the National Currency act, approved June 8, 1SA4, a greater secu rity una tbat offered by ordinary savings banks. Printed copies ef tbe conditions upon which de posits are receired cao be had upon application te (he Banc. UE3BT FAILING, President Jambs Strl, Cashier. : V DIRECTORS I : .; Henry Palling, T H. Wakefield. W.J. Taa Schuyler nenrv w. uoroeii, . PATROjnZK HOMK IICDMTBT, ' TIIE PIOTSTlILllt CELED HAIR MANUFACTORY. Is feaw prepared to wpply tk Market with a No. 1 Article of tnrled Ilalr " FOB s UPHOLSTERY WORK, ' Which will com pars with any imported article , Ia CLstallty or Prise. , ; ; I pay th highest price toe Manes aad Tads of Hones and Tails of Cows at my store, corner ef rroat sad Babaoa streeta. D. KETZQER, Uay, 6. xx Itrtisnd, Oegoo. MEDICAL. AYERS' HAIR VIGOR, For Restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitalit and. Color. : ' A drewlna which la at once arraeaMe, healthy, aad effe.' tosl for preserving tbs hslr. Faded or gray hair U toon a rtetored to it original color cithte glou and frtt qfutX. Thla hair is thick ened. tailing hair checked, ,and baldneu often, though J not always.' cared by it as4. ' "Kothlogcsn restore the hair where the follicles are ilettroytd, or tbs glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for osefutnesiby this application. Inittad jf fouling the hslr with a pasty sediment, H win keep It dean sad vigorous. It oeeasteaal as win prsrent toe Jia r irom turnins graj or iuuig w, .u winr qaenlly prerent baldness. Free from thos dellterl- snhstancts which maks Some prepsrsuon aan- gereas and lnjorioas to the hair, the Tlgor esn only benefit bat not bam It. If wanted merely for a ILSJR DRESSING, 1 Nothing else ean be found so desirable. Containing 1., u .... it da not sail whits cambric - nr 1 w.c vi. mv. - - - and yet lasts long on the lialr. giving it a rich glossy llXfjlCS aVllU m K aaa7 taa j-aiiinui Prepared by DR. J- C AYER & CO Practical axd Akalttical Cuescsts, lowell, mass. , ; Price, $1.00. " rmr gold by a!l drnggltt and dealers In medlctna everywhere. t t BMITH k DAT13, Portland, , 1 CRANE k BRIG HAM, Ban rraneuco, septlTrwty AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. . For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no oaa medi cine I so universally re quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever sdj before so uni versally adopted Into every countryand UJVUft -. mm this mild but efficient .. purcatlv Pill. The K Iah. a Mf.9 I- ..a'igit Is a more reliable and dy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that tt eared tbem ; those wno nae aoi, mow wit It rnres their neighbor and Trteods, ana an Know tlat what it does once It does always that It never fulls throufrh any fault or neglect ef Its composi tion. We hsve thousand upon uioasanas 01 cer tiflca'cs of their remarkable eare of the followmf complaints, but cuch cure are known In every neighborhood, snd we need not paousn inem. Adapted to aU ages and conditions to au eiimatea, conlainiug neither calomel or any dtleterlou drug, they may be taken with safety anybody. Their tugar coating preserve them r ' fresh ana makes them pleasant to take, white betn rrely vegetabla no harm can arise from their usr .n ny quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate It into healthy action remove the obstruction of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular aOioa to health, and vy tun ei 1 ui)(, wnfirm ukj cxni, ram aoruQ ment as are (he tirt origin of dikease. Minute direction are given In the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure : For Dyspepsia or Indlfestlom, List lite, they should be taken moderately to stlmultee the stomach and restore Its healthy tone and ae. tion. For Iil-wcr Cemplalats and Us various ysnp toro. Bilious Headache, elesi Uwo. ache, Jaundice orUrtra alekiaosa, Bil lons Colle snd Bilious Fevers, they should be judic'trasly taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruction which cause it, For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but on mild dose is generally required. For Hhcsmatlam, Oont, Gravel, Pal pitation of she Heart, Palis. Ik the Side, Back and A.olsta, they should be contla. nously taken, as required, to change the dieased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. Por Dropsy and Dropsleal SwelltBga they ihonld be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic trarge. -. For Suppression a large dose should be taken . a it rrA i. . , Vi A i w4 fTt kv rninmlhv As a Dinner PHI. take one or two Pills to promote digestion and rerfsve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulate the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorate the System. Hence It Is often ad. vsntareous where no serlosi derangement exlits. One who feel tolerably well, often find that a doxe of these Pills makes him feci decidedly better. from their cleansing and sr. novating enect on the digestive apparatus. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER k CO., Pbactical hid Akalttical Uhimist. LOWELL, MASS. ' . Price 91.00. sr bom oy all arurgtita ana acsier in meaiciae everywhere. SMITH A DAVIS, Portland, lWholesal CRANE A BBIGHAM, Ban Francisco, J Agents. njayiBtsMm. 8 II OO F1.T t thlok I hear the bay horse courh -It he ain't cured 'twill Uke him off, I'll buy some "H. H. H." this dsy And give tt to my poor old Bay. 1 ieei, 1 icei, 1 ieei -That's what ths old horse said, I lutemper working Its way through .- y poor eld head. Chohcs f hoe I Fly, don't bother ms, Shoot lly, don't bother me, Shoo I lly. don't bother me, I'm using "H, H. H." you ee. . I feel, I fee', I feel, . . ' ' I feel like the sun at qpon, ... . be H. H. H." youga.ete me lias cured me up so soon. 1 ieei, 1 ieei, 1 ieei, , I feel like a ray old sport. No apraini or vpavin bother me, . No wind grfll 1 report. , kCHOBC8 Shoo ! fly, c I think I bear the Jockey ay, , My faitett Horse got hart one dsy , , He sprained hi lioib aod iparlns came And made my trotter very lam. I feel. I feel, I feel- That' what the trotter (aid -' I must have "H. H. H." this day, . Vaf T am st Imnat AmA Cbobds Shoo 1 Fly, Ac It cure atl itraln and braiie sore. no weakened joint w need deplore ; To colic and crampi It shots th doer This "H. H. iW ot WlUiam k Moore. 1 ieei, x mei, 1 iee That's what the Jockey ald . A sick horse need some H. H. H." And rood straw for his bed. . Cbobds Shoo 1 Fly, Ao. vn nit in no 1 um ii 1. 1..1..1 m. two table spoon fulls of ih H. H. U. add one pint of water and drench the boras, aad repeat in ar gent cue. Por man, woman or child, rlren In doses from 5 ta SO drops diluted In water, will relieve colle almost instantaneously. "J. p. T." Druggit, do try It.) THK BEST. MkUuINE In the market. For sale by all Drorgtita and Dealers in Medicine. HoDOaC, VAL.rn.lf dk C., Asreatts. ' ' ma21s e Portland. Oresoa. 1 nn n -ri 1 -- LrtUU M l ILlUn, 33 A N" 13L23 H. O . f ..:: - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. ' Established, 1859. DEPOSITS received and Aeeooats kept, (mbjct to Check or DrsfL INTERE8T allowed on TIME DEPOPTT9 or TBCST FUNDS, in sams of ONE DOLLAR AND CP WARDS, .FROM date of deposit, . Honey Loaned on Approved Security , ' " BONDS, STOCKS, snd ether vafaabie, received ON mCPOSlTfnr SAFE.KrV.PIM3. ' COLLECTION made, and areeesds promptly re mitted. . ' INVESTMENTS lN REAL ESTATE and other property made for parties. Agents for tbe Transaction ef all kinds ef FINAN CIAL and TRC3T BUSIS ESS. " - - " ... . u . r Sight arid Telegraphic Exchange On San Francises" aad the Atlaatle States for sals GOYERNMENTT SECTJRI riES bought and sold. " . . . . ; feblw 1 I?uddins: Eivei? ? . fc a -ear maww w . 4 -;OAy-fiAJJUlj. ' $X MUe Nottheast of Salem, between Howell Prat. . , rie aad Lake Labiah. WE OAR PrREIIH THD BEST kind of LUMBER, and will U on reasonable terwts. W have ea ecellsat planar, and oaa faro ll nnrnrnt runrn - - - -' " Uooa LATila mas w oroer. .-, l Bolter's Uroonxa ' - AT PORTLAND' rIC23, WITH IxilOHT added, at ,W. L. WAX) STB, April 1 Sorts Bsisss. ml