i 1 V 2S y MAY 20 TELEQEAPHIC BUHHABY- Washington May 10. AMUwaslntro dnced grant ng lands in California to aid In Ibe BOBftruttion of a railroad and tel egraph line from Vallrjo to Humboldt Bay. las. tl. Lewis, Representative from the Third District of Kentucky, rice UoUtdaj resigned, took the oath and bit test. . Chicago, May 11 .TriLunt't Wash i n g ton special says that the chances seem to be that combination in fa Tor of lb. past- age of the Northern Pacific R. U. bill will succeed when able to get a vote, - Joint canvass of Republican members of Contrress to be held nut Monday. The call tinder which the meeting is to lie held simply seta forth the general necessi ty of appointing a- Congressional Com ' mittee for the next fall election canvaer and especially providing for the campaign in the Soatfc. It is spoken of by sooie as a Terr absurd thing to suppose that an attempt will be made to settle the tarifl issue or any other important legislative question in this caucus about which then has been so much sensational talk on th outside. Washing-ton, alay 11. The Recontruc- tlon Committee took una number of proc ositions on the Qt-orgia case but toe dia- cession indicated that Butler's bill will ! probably be accepted. Passage -of Wilson's army bill does not appear be certain. Kaatevn liwi. ' New York, If ay 10. Mi FarUnd is ac quitted: Jary was out two hours,. Steamer Arisona has arrived: she brought the survivers cf the Uoeida. Louisville, May 10 Steamer Nipsie, of the Darivn esploring ript-dit'on, arrit ed at AspinwalL The roa'e 'from Oanoo Bay being toaud impracticable, the eipe " dition moved to th gulf of 8n Bias and began operations there. ; Corinee.May 11. During tbe past week ver 15 families of Josepliiie Mormons, io alt about 100p-rsons, have left titan, re turning to the States. - New York, May 12. Public interest in the McFarland case has not yet subsided UcFarland thinks himself not fully find -cated, and intend takiog further proceed ings, in the course of which he will upset : the Indiana divorce case aod obtain pos session of his other children. Tammany has nominated Moses Tay lor, Royal Pbelps, Oswald Alieudotier and J. W.Jerome for Aldrrmeu at laige. The Republican General Committee decided not to j in coalition against Tm - many, ard nominated an - independent ticket. Mozart Oall resolved to su port Tammauy. - . Providence, May 11. Thos. A. Doyle, Republican, rt-eleated Major. OREGON. Jacksonville, May 12. The political campaign bas fairly opened in this county, both parties having placed their candi dates in the field. Some dissatisfaction exists, and a tbir4 or People's ticket is spoken of. Mr.Kincaid, Republican can didate for Stale Printer, accompanied by. Hon. B. J. Pengra, left here by stage this evening for the North. KVHOPRAH. London, May 10. By a railroad disas ter, near Luxemburg, 20 were killed. London, May II. The race between the Sappho and Cambria, terminated this morning. Won by the former. v- Paris, May 10, 8 p. m It is feared thst the disturbances of last night will be n newed this eveoing. : Great crowds gath ered In the Faubourg du Temple. 10 p. m. Barricades have again ap peared in the Faubourg da Temple; the troops - are operating against them. A captain is reported wounded by a pistol shot. ' '. 11 30 p. tu. Tranqnility restored. Barricades taken down. By midnight the street will b occupied by troop. May 11, Noon. Troubles throughout the city last evening were more serious than anticipated. The authorities were forced to make a large display of troops to restore order. Barricades io Belleville .district were stubbornly defended, though subsequently catried by soldiers at the point of the bayonet. Several killed and wounded on both sides. Doriog the night other engagements occurred, aod soldiers, citizens and policemen were kill ed. Belleville last occupied during th night by military in great force and no persons were permitted to pass. The po lice made several charges upon the crowds collected ont of curiosity: io some cases they used swords and slung shots where by many were seriously wounded, main'y those who had nothing to do with the dis order. Order was restored before " daylight. No tigas of trouble now, though the gov ernment has not relaxed -precautions to guard against farther danger. I CONGHKftftlONAI'.. 1 Chicago, May II. lathe Senate, the Railroad Committee have agreed upon the Southern Pacific railroad line to run from Marshall, Texas, via El Paso to Sao Die go, California. The United States is to grant forty sections to the mile beyond border of Texas, and within that State 1be road? will depend ru i It Legislature for aid.' ;.-.--.-.- ' Fremott's road is to be allowed to con nect at El Paso, bat not to have land be- ; JOnd.- ' ' - ,;..--?: . - The amendment proposed to the South ern Pacific; Railroad bill Is by Arnel. of Texas, granting alternate sections of land not granted to the road into the bands of thirteen trustees, to be known as the Freedman's Homestead Commission, who are to sell or mortgage these lands, and with the 'proceeds provide homes for the freed men of the South and. to educate them. ; ' " ' '' ' - J: A Times' special says the action of the House yesterday on the Northern Pacific bill, is regarded as a final blow to all land -grant, schemes' that, don't provide that the company- receiving lands shall ell them, only to attual aetlUra upon a . stated-price;' this the" Northern Pacific Company is not willing to accept, and the bill is considered dead. . , . . Washington;' May 12. The Army bill was lifted, and the motion or sir fome roy to amend the first section by fixing the reduction or tne army at ju.ouo in stead of 25,000, was agreed to. - The Senate Committee on Foreign Re lations have decided to Strike out the land subsidy from the Chinese Cable bill In lien thereof the -Government it to srnarantee interest on bonds. New York,; May 12 The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has leased the Ohio and Michigan Railroad. It is reported that a Fenian raid will be made next week. . Fsarfnl BsUIrwa eeldet. 8t. Louis, May 12- A o'clock this morning at Earekra, 8 miles from hereon the, Uinnnri Pacific Rai'road, tbe ex press passenger cars coming east collided with the exDressfreiffDt train goisg wes.. Sixteen persons wounded ; two will die; - no names given. ',, -r ? 'V . A social train out wa sent wlta pbyst eians and every appliance for the comfort of the wounded, who will be brought here as rood as possible.? Tbe President and Superintendent of theraiirlad are both on tbe spot doing eyeryoifg poeei ble Tor the relief ot tbe ooff rer. , The accident wascaused by l the coo doctor's misapprehvoBion of orders. ' . St. Louis, Msy 13. Total number of killed on the Pacific Railroad at Sareka SALEM, FRIDAY, this morning, is nineteen a large num ber wounJed; none but What will re cover. Tbe blame is attached to the con ductor of the extra freight train who should have Waited at Gravel Switch till , the express train passed. - ' '' v - Toronto, May 12 Troops for-the Red River expedition will leave Mondr.y. There is now shipped Eat dail hr h veovrmi raciuc nauroaa, from 100 to 200 n I rt : e - r -. J Daies or wool. It is reported thst another through PoJ man traio will be placed on tbe Pacific Railroad, making three per week. The committee of pnblic school teach ers report that their excursion wii leave for the East, Saturday; 'the 28th iost. Ampie sleeping accommodation a will b provided. Ticket, good for tbe round trip, $140 in currency, which entitles tb- holders to all the privileges of first class iare, goou ror nays. Letter! sUte that J-mes FUk, Jr., will F""""1 . aw lor oan f ras ico. with wijiubu iraio, Uouworln s band, and a gay party, all traveling at GEUEEAL HEWS. olk Cocxtt Kola Precinct sent the following delegates to tbe Republican County Convention, which meets at Dal las to-day: Mesera. J. H. Chitwood, S D. Gibson, J. H. Chapman, T. Pearce and W. Ruble. We have a protnUr that the proceedings of the Convention shall be furaished for publication t-rnorrow. ai tue ticket to be nominated lure to be eleeted our frien it over in Polk are bound to put np their best men. CaLiroama amd Orcoun Railroad. Tbe Marysvitle Apptal of May 5ih bas the following, Chief Engineer, S. S. Montague, Ar thur Brown, Superintendent of Carpen tenng, etc , and" I M. Hubbard, Land Agent, arrived on yesterday i-rorniug'i traio, accompanied by Contractur Siro bridge, Boss Carpenter T J. Dvi and Road master George Holland. They pr ceeii to tne front on tbe construction train. They go 'over the road to deride at what points side tracks, station house., water tanks, etc., shall be placed, ex amine tbe bridge bow completed over Dry creek, and decide about pile driving in Butte creek; all the pile driving will be haished there by tbe end of this wet-k. The iron horne will run over Dry creek on Saturday, and by tbe end of next week passenger trains will run to Nelson's station, wbere the stages will make close connection for Chivo and otber points. I. M. Hubbard has the right of way for the California- aod Oie gun Railroad Company to Tebama, and to company expect to complete the road to Red Bluff in time to move crops. Tbe Sci'o Xetct tells us that O. Harrison lately cut a severe crash in bis knee with a band axe ....Herman, the Wizard, cas oeen atsirio... J times Logan ' got a big hurt in bis saw mill by being canght by tbe teeth of bis Urge circuUr saw. The wound is severe, but rot dan trerous There is to be a. Sbbatb School concert oo Sundry .MacUt, ear was fioed $3 and costs for pushing a colored boy ovt rbosrd, atid several other things happened, ihre or somewhere else, oriu ibe Eastern Sates, we cannot tell which by reading the -Vrtrs. The Albany Rr jitter says Mr. Ira Mi' ler, wife, child and Lrotber-in-law, bad a narrow escape a few days ago. As the wagon they were io went down a bill tbe breast yoke broke, tbe tam ran away and tbe 'wagon was smashed against a tree, but tbe passengers were not matt- rially hurt The phen. rnina shower mentioned .in tbe Statssmak is attribu ted, by a correspondent of the Remitter, a a jb u ot mar ie pouen, : . ' The Democrat says three pea fowls were brought by Mr. Payne, of Linn county, last year, from liliooi Mr. Geo. Burkhart and Mr Ed. Reach, wbo bave been ill are nearly recovered. Ohigo Citt iTsiii. The Steamer Dayton has gone to -tbe bone jard for r- patr, the Active takes her place Tbe Alert has been repaired and takes ber place on Monday.... '....Work has com menced oo tbe new hull of the Eugene She is to have only one deck The Echo's days are numbered, there is notb ing left of her but the hull. Tbe echo of ber whistle will never more be heard on the Willamette. 'Noticb SrxAKinoI-R.C BybeeE q , Democratic candidate tor Prosecuting At toroey. Turn out and hear him.' We went to bear Mr. R. O. Bynee speak, aod of all the speeches I ever heard, it beats tbem a'l for a failure. (Tbe start) Fellow citizens and Ladyes. - Fellow ritic-ns an. Lidy, I appear before you as Democratic candidate for Prosicuting Attorney; and I think you ought to give it to me aod not to Governor Gibbs. Wbat the people want is an honest nan. Governor Gibbs is known to be an old Political Hack. The first fire minutes speaking, ten left; in ten minutes, twenty bad left; io fifteeu minutes, thirty left, and twenty-five min utes all the ladies left but one. Out of tbe lot eigt were Democrats that could uot stand it; he is going to give tbe lady that stared ten bushels of cherries, when they get ripe. He abused Mr. Gibbs all through bis speech. Outside, he said he thought be would bave to give politics up As alarm of fire was made this evening. It turned out to be tbe chimney of tbe Phoenix Hotel.. A Democrat . aod a Republican got into a dispute on politics. The Democrat bit tbe Republi can oo the mouth. So R. trot hold a kit tle of boiling water, but Dem. beiugtbe strongest, turned the water on bim. Tbe consequence is that R. is going around on one leg; his foot is very badly scalded. v " " ; : - - , ' . 0. C. , : Mr. Patterson, Democratic candidate for State Printer, who has been op the Valley for a week past, working on hit , political problem, came down as far as ! Salem yeaterday, and gave tta a call. 1 Mr. Patterson is ' business manager" of the HeraU. -- We hate always found him gentlemanly and sociable, and if onr State is to bear tbe Infliction of a Dmo cralic administration-which we don't believe, and which, may Heaven forbid ; the election of Mr. Patterson will be the least of our troubles. We predict that he will never be paid ior the time lost in traveling to nurse bis expectation. ; Scbstitcti roa Ccmbtkrics. An odd discovery has just been made by a man of Grenoble, by which it U calculated that cemeteries and graveyards will be come superfluous. At the decease uf an individual, tbe ; body is , plunged into a liquid in vented, by a man of that place. and m about five years the individual ia turned into stffne I Tbe secret of the pe trifaction it known only to the discoverer, He says that , in a thousand years time . if persona will only preserve their rela tives aod friends, they wilt be able to build bouses,, with tbem, and thus , live ia reaidencea surrounded by their ancestors. There art 540,000 tenant farmers la Ire- ' Gardrnal Wolsey was the aon cf a poor ' Shakspesre waa the aon of a wool ata- : Robert Burns was a plowman ia Ayr ' hire. "''S " ' f Demosthenes was tbe son of a ca'le. - ; Horace waa the so a of a shopkeeper. ' ; Milton was the too of a. aeavengsr. : Waconda Correspondence. I - Wacohda, May 16, 1870 Ed. Statesban : Saturday evening,' af ter the debate here, Gen. Pilmer aod M- jor Magoue rode down to Waconda, at which place tbe Democracy had been ad dressed by Harding in tbe afternoon, ho talked about the tariff principally. In the evening there was a meeting of Republicans, which our friends attended. Mr.T.W. Davenport being also present. It was well attended bv all parties. Geu. Palmer was called for, but excused him self, as courtesy to Mr. Grover required him to be silent. Mr. Davenport was railed out and spoke for over an hour with the logical force aod power p-culir to him. I Mijor Magooe ws called oo next and proposed instead that tbe policul eppouents be invited to participate in tbe discussion, which proposition wa finally adopted, though decidedly opposed at first, on the ground that the Democracy had never extended any such courtesy to them. After considerable debate among t'le Democrats present, a Mr. Ean, whu is one of the Demoara'io candidates for tbe Legislature, took the floor, thanked tbe meeting for the privilege, then ad dressd himself to that gentleman's re marks, and chawed away at that unfortui ate Kentleman and bis modest speech no- til be foamed at tbe mouth. His speech waa really fur-mif-able. as he usea the word, and was chiefly remarkable for h courteous treatment of the newly made voter, Krmerly familiarly stvled by big party, tne "nigger. Mr atgan mum bave secured the promise or support from some colored voter, lor oe anemnieu io pronounce tbe, to his party, uop'ounein ble word, ntgro, and from want of prac tice invariably called it "nigiter- '. Mr Eag;an is decidedly progressing and will be known hereafter at Waconda as tbe roan who thought be used up Tim Daven port. : Afterwards tbe crowd called oo Major Magoue again, wbo spoke accept ably for an hour, but being mindful of the unfortunate fate ot Dtreoport aod unb'e to pronouncetbe wird 'oiitgers 'as gracefully as Exgan did, was obliged to content bituself with couiroun hoelisb and common sense, but ibe Deuocracy do think that he is "for-mi-Able.M Ehmarck's Opinion of thc Amebicai GoviiiNif int. Bismarck himself public ly declared bis conviction that popular representation as exemplified in tne Uni ted States was tbe only surt-and perma nent foundation on which tbe governing system of a great people could reft It was a remarkable and sigmbcaot thing that Bismarck, who bad so loug been re garded by Englishmen as a litic g nymhul of. the mofrt dogged and uncompromising toadyism, should come to receive, as he did, the public aod cordial thanks of the English Retotm League (then tbe most radical organisation ia England, com posed of men wbo regsid.John Bright as slow and conservative) lor bis practical and complete recogniiinu ot the principle of free govtrnmeut. I presume we may take Bitsmxrck s own word tor it that he lb ad learued bis great lesion io the art of governmeul from the leadings of the American war. The echo of Appomat toi rolled along the Rbioe, the Eibe, tbe Spree and the Duube.-j-Ziiiico Magazine. m AftCiEUT Curiosity. A child, while playing near Drogbtda, Ireland, found a curious piece of metal,- which she gave to an old woman, wbo took it to a dealer in old iron and got a ehilling for it. The dealer in his torn sold it for two ten shil ling, and it bas finally been pun-based fur the R yal Irish Academy in Dublin fos three hundred pound. It is proved t be the celebrated " Tara brooch," one o' the most remarkable pieces of gold smith's work ever known to exist It is formed of while bronze ('his probably saved it from the melting pot, to which countless treasures of gold and silver have heeo rooig"ed) the eurace over hid witb gold filiagrpe-work ot eurpri? ing intricacy aod marvelous delicacy of execution. Such is its excellence- that one of tbe most accomplished living gold smiths declared that Lo could not find a workman.; with every apparent advantage of modem knowledge aod appliance, com petent to mak tMzU another. Old Cesar aud thi Angel There used to' be a pious old negro in Boston named Cae-tar, and be was in tbe habit of praying so loudly as to be beard by man of ibe neighbors. On retiring for tbe nigbt bis petition invariably was : "Lord, send dj augi-l for ole Csear ole Ctc-tar always readj." Oae eVfi.iDg two ot bis neighbors good men but sometimes bored by his ttIe, thouubt thej would try him on. : Tbej took position at bis door, and trben tbe B-iU) petition was made, "ibat tbe Lo-d w iuld-ud the an gel." ole t'seiar being nln-aya ready, tbey kno'ked loudly at the door. "Wbo dar?" said tbe old d itkey. " "Tne aogel of tbe Lord, - come . for faesar," was the reply. Out went tbe light, a rcrambinur into bid was beard, and then, in trembling voice, that same , old unolr) said ; "Go way, dar I go way 1 01Cear been dead dis ten year !'' Table Coxvsusatiok. You will find that a great deal of character is imparted and received at tbe table. Parents too often forget this; and, therefore, in stead of s Fallowing your food io sullen silence f instead ot brooding over your business; instead of severely talking about others, let the conversation at the table be genial, kind, social and cheer ing. Don't bring disagreeable things to the table in your conversation any mora tban you would in your dishes. For thia reason, too, tbe more good company you bave at your table is an educator to tbe family. Hence the Intelligence and tbe refinement and appropriate behavior' of family which is given to hospitality. Never teel that' intelligent visitors can be anyillng but a blessing to you and yours. How tew bave fully gotten bold ot tbe fact that company and conversation at tbe lbl-ar no email pan of education. Seth Boy den, who died recently1 at aliddlevtlle. N J., aged 80, was a great inveutor. He invented tbe breao-intting machine, and was tbe first in this country to start in tbe manatactnre of patent leather and malleable iron; be perfected ihe steam engine, potting, the -t driving rods outside the wheels and inventing the steam "cut off:" be produced '. the 6rst dagoerreotype in this country and aided Morse in working out the problem of electric telegrapy. Of lte be bad en- k aged in agriculture; discovering new processes and breeding varieties of frui'. especially of strawberries. He only ak ed for twenty years more of life to produce a strawberry as large as a pineapple, and unuo noerr navor. He was born in Maa acbusetts and died poor. r -: Scheeck, the chairman of tbe commit tee on Ways and Means, was tearfully bored by tbe repreaentativea of various interests, to have their particular duties ent down in tbe tariff bill. Being late at a breakfast to which be had been invited, be gave this excuse: ; "! could not get away. I was called on by grindstones, slate, wrought iron pipes, hoop-skirts, corsets, and bair pins. I ran off at last and I believe hair-pins is this moment watching for me on the outside. " A little school buy out West presented his teacher the following- note from borne as an excuse for tardiness: ' "Bby cross Blicutt to Bake Had no B-tkea powders tbe dg op aet tbe coffee pot tbe cat licked la the Milk; and got Bp late Excuse." ; j Eepublican Platform. The Union Republican party of Oregon, n Convention, makes this declaration oi its-principles and polo y: 1st. Unfaltering devotion to the Union, first, last, and forever; and unwavering fidelity to ibe Constitution ana usmuu meots, and the laws of our National Leg ialature. . . : 2d. We wholly approve the principles nd policy of tbe administration of Pres ident Grant, as carrying Into practical application tbe principles for which we bave aucce(uliy striven. And w par ticuUilv commend tho -e noi t- in bis In anauial A.idress. wherein be declarer "let it he understood that no repudiator of one farthing -f our public debtw-ll r.e iriwted in nut. he i.lacCS and It Will If" ' ' . " ,:. tar towards a.rei.gtnening a creon wui u niiuht to be the beat in ibe world,"- and I would protect tbe law aMang cii sea. wnetner ot native or roreigu onio. wherever hi rights are prejudiced or me flg of our country floats;'' at.d, ! wM bave no po'icy to enforce against the will of the people. 3d We have confidence that tne a.i minictration will wisely and firmly pro tec tbe interests and sustain tbe dignity of the Nation in respect to otber nafona, nd especially with regard to our jutt claims egtiost Great Britain. 4.b. We denounce all forms of repudi ation as a national crime, and tbe na tiooal honor requires tbe payment of tbe nublic indebtedness in tbe utmost good faith to all creditors at borne or abroad, not only according to tbe letter, but the spirit f the laws under wbicb it was rnnttacted. And for this purpose, we avor a strict economy in the Administra tioo ot tbe National Goveromen, and tbe application to such payment of all sur olus revenue, from whatever source de rived; and that taxation should be equal ised aod reduced as rapidly as the na tional faitb will permit. 5h. We make no distinction between ci'izens, whether of foreign or native birth; and tuat we sympathize now and ever with men of all nationalities striviug for self government. 6th. That we are opposed to sny change io our naturalisation laws which hatl admit to citizenship any foreigners not now entitled thereto under said laws lib. We favor a judicious system of railroad and riyer improvements to Ore g'.n, in order to develop our resources and iorite settlement of our unoccupied territory and tor tnis purpose Insist that Congress should make us liberal grants of aid.- 8th. We are in favor of a tariff for rev tnue, with such discrimination in favor of our dorrestic manufacturers as will not diminish its efficiency for the purpose of revenue 9lh. We favor universal amnesty to tbe people of those Stales lately io rehelliou which have been restored to full relations in ibe Union. 1 10th. We are in favor of fostering tbe can -e of education, and are opposed to any diversion of tbe common acbool funds of this Slate to any other purpose tb'tn the support of common schools. 11th. We recogniz-in the Union, Re publican party tbe measures and men w b j saved the (iovernnieut rriuu destruction, and that it.-! couliuuance in power is the ot ly cure safeguard to national pea e aud properity. And ith this plattoim w appeal to tbe voters of Oregon f r theii suffiage aud support. Life is but a trum; let as be careful it; onr dealings that our account may bt proved. -It is bener to Jad than 'Irajr, indocr tban compel, instruct ignbrance than punish it. Virgil was tbe sun of a potter. Mabomet Alt was a barber. Anna Dickinson Is io Indiana. Montreal has a l2-v ld rirnnkard. Philadelphia has twenty silk factories. STITZEL & UPTON. KAL ESTATE BROKERS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Corner of front and Streais, Washington PORTLAND .... OREGON. General Laud Agency. Will attend to th pnrchaas and rale of Real at in ail par's M Ur goo. BRANCH OFFICES AT Salem, McMinnville, Albany Eugene City, ,...J. 3.)A arphy, - Agent. ...William Dawson, " ,..i.3. C. Mendenhall, " ...E. L. Applegate, " Tha Ileal Etlat Journal nvb'l'h d by o at Portlaud aid ih. ,ru tree "I tha'a to any addreee, by making appilcatluB to our oSica. SillZKL A CPTOH Hay, 0, z:tf CH10MQ GEMS, -GHRQMO GEMS. j " WHAT ARE THEY? GO TO MONTGOMERY ASD SKK. Two Dollars wnrl Fitly rente per d I I ana flm.lKd la lwnt .mautee raay lo jo ! Into albums. From O to ! Pie-arcs ta.kn Ml ting, mt One THE M 1ST tV' ABIE AND ROlT WATfJtiAt. P1CTOKKS MAUK. i Montaoinery lias JosV rrcrlysd the s-atrritl and apparatus 'u t kiir ibe Hburest Is piciore. fiaiem, Ma 14,1-70 istm : ON HAND AGAIN ! w. L.; WADE H AS AOIM OFS.NID UK WirU A TVLh IStjr Oowds, . j 'iioibtwa;, . Urseei ' Batsekvlsss j . ... llardwars, Aen A d will n-iMifa the m as cheaply aa any u-bsc ssa aw CaBU r K DtC i nurtb8a.ni A ritT 8 ... . r'S THOMAS CI1AI131 AW, r ..... bulbs ia S0CE1ES, BUY tiOUCS. CLOT 111X0" - ' Ilardwnret V Plntt. Oils. Sash, Donraf It. J-. y OREGON CITY, OREGON. ; - at f2- MISCELLANEOUS. .T.CUNNiriC'HAKI & Co IMPOBTEKS, WBOLKUH AND RKTAlL I'KiLSH-t Builders and Blacksmith s HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Tin Plate and Zine, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, HAFTS and VL MS, Stoves fc Tinware, IS O IV AT TAME T. AGENTS FOR TllE CELEBRATED awaepstake Thre.tiee Haln' GcmuIbv llaader, Improved for l7a Backtf Mowtrt, Reapers, Droppara i Kseelalor Mowers, Meapers Croppers Hew Ysrkrr Comblacd SelfItaktwg Hcaprr Blew Yo It Csmb sid Htad - Raklag Haapar Kaatarty Heaprr Slower and Dropper combined Bnr' Baajla Reap-ra Baekejra Uralt lrtlla Flnlavaort's and tlimlltta't Broad east "awara DvI' Prcmlam Gang ad Su ky Plow Hamilton's Premium Malky Plow. Bf aaoa'a Challenga Utn Plawa Bweepatakee Callfor!" Gang Plow Pllala Gang- and 8lky Plowa Wrbfoat Gang Plow Long Tons Stalky and Oang Plawa Hand Plnws, Hirmwi and rnlilrat n, of -various descriptions We are importing direct f'om TASTKDM ND FUK'PgN MARKKTS. a d can pc-ea thi.e wbo maj favor u- wlih thair patronaga on a FAVjtt BI.H TBilMS aa oy bua In Oregon T. CDSNINGIISH A- Co. , 8 lm AprtlJllSTO. J. K. GILL, State Street,.. .....Salem. Cffers for Sals PIAM)S- Both New snd 8 -cirid Hand at low Prices. CABLNET OltGANS- - Sots Agent t Celebrated Mason A tTamlin ' FLUTES- One to Thlrte.ii Erye, friMn $3 to f40 Ewb. VIOLINS- Kew and OM from )i pe o snd Anerirao Mwatacturs. GUITAIIS A La e Asrortment Jolt K wet red. SHEET MUSIC Ten Th "end Pas- n? 'inset SeWtioas, and New M .-ic Kch M mth. INSTRUCTION BOOKS- For all Kis-is of Mn.lea' Inetrnmetits VIOLIN & GUlTAIt STRINGS Of toe Best Qsality. SCHOOL BOOKS- Ersry Kii d need in Oreg in, Wholesals or Re t iL BLANK BOOKS - Pbaw Co O lebrsted. GOLD PENS- Tha T.rg ar 31 k N.i'th of sn Fr var 4 Vans lea if A M irton s. inclco WRAPPING PAPER "traw sod M tilt a of B nt Qoa ty. S. S. LIBRARIES A Conptets Aeeorment. ST NDARD WORKS- Plaln sD-t Pins Kdtttors. flIAGAZINES AND NEWSPA PERS At Pnbliober Rttss in Cnrreicy Stlvm, May a 18T0. xstf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. "Valuable NEAR SALEM. FOR BALE! I Or FIR FOR PALE S90 ACRFU OP LAND, lying IX miles ejitof Ihe Woolen Factory, with Brick Doasp, and Good Barn, Sheds, FKNCINQ, WELLS, AND Valuable Improvements and Growing Crops. This land part sf the land claims of Walker A Gilbert- Title perfect. Perona santlng imi Iter parcel may find a bargain to salt, sa I will sell on sccommodstlng terms. A plat of the prrmis scan best-en.ai'd particulars si t terms can b had, at the fVATnaAM ofBce, or of the undersigned, on I lie premises. ALFRED rJTANTON. Noremher !7. VALUHI.K PROPETY ; ' TO EXCHANGE For Land in the Country. nnowN PROPERTY OR MILL PROPERTY, hi JL . South ralern. Inool'S sf tba and- ra si ed. a his reridruce. 11. 8. JORV. Farm for Sale. I WILL sell my 'arm In Poring Valley ,Potk county, trregun, one-half mllv frrnn epong'i Ferry, on U e Dayton rosd, roi.tslnirg 41 scree, moetiy fenced; 100 ACHES IN CULT IVAT10N. " GOOD HOUSE and outbuildings. 1 Terms ssy. ' Apply to D. J. COOPER. At Cooper's 8t re. Band spring Valley, Polk county, Oiegon. Dec. 81, 1. G For Sale. a-. nrvaw a V r f fV Ssa Qitnlh Ksa lasm Ii.qiir.nf T. A. WOOL Salem Vl For Sale Cheap,; . C'lMfOitT hls ad i iuiiii..ca dhj l O-HOtSB at ase..srof H'gh sjd Fe.ry . w.iu. mantra at tbla fB -.r4 A ijri, li l 1870 , - - J.A.iOBMI. For Sales mvVO VALWBb. HOMT-AM- 1 - - ef North. , Pc flc aQdth.Oreg.is al C-H.ai Bwlwafli eK.Mi ftw tows aroaarty 1c thiseiry sr PtrtiaaA, i tinavd near ehaxsvd w tuwn property Apply M 1ARHART, Cecretary tale- o--is tiasy. Land LEGAL NOTICES. l iual Srttleuieut. WISH H'alKK. AdmhoMralnr .f lh T.2, uti B X. faitln, Uc jr.ou urea . i vina n d ti account fir BiihI 1 wld HUtn no t to brt S'Va tiata ot-j ctf-Ha u anch ttual a-n-nuta, ai.d tbe catlap m: lurrvut nill Oo hr bef re "k- auy JBvie. t -Oo.ac..Uoij,a' tba Jaiyt-rn tf Cuo J -ariluraald 'uai.tv al the &. Hua-a IB JCot pir Vtij, O e nnty llracon Br ir0nr i4 a. B Mun tluuaty Jotna w. ii J-Cf fOI, Cmi tv CI rk. Cuo. Oo lenn,, April r-H u?rt - Administrator' Notice. E TAIB tf L C LkkH. i-e-fi C O-nrt Mr . ninai 8t . i-t (Iru m Ttw ia-wl Ado il.int r of the tartt L 17 Is iiJd ikcr4, b. - v pwic.lhal p-ira ,t In an rO'-r u ib u a'l) V nri n nwi- -uDD'y. mtui- at th A ril -' im 18.0 brwO'aatl ' iiib'lA atio-1'.o t.r ra-t IwdCHjf.i tnSMWnft a-jpr- r 4 wi. lh- rat Mla s nf aa d lm.- a.a4. CriU4 at t lloa rWf i l.llif at S P4llt 40 & w -t rbaxtb ro- ar'trt acitua (I6i iltn in t.miah'DiT) r a. ul1rwiw l i,m tt tu-ridixD, in n aw toa; tidies ii ltd 80 '; Metier l 100 -vt; ltiMK '' trb'y 'Stn a'a tri t- t a n-i dm ea-t ITO S 10' ile-ica w-t S oi ihr i.trtit a d to p,a. a of tvniimii . . a ainii 90 c ra A'i 40 anraa of land doacrihea a tiilloar.: The u 4 h r qart- r I the t.. th ea-t qo rter f h.n Sjoxiwn io t inimhfp (7) tvo i rih. rne (1) -fie vat, Wl.iami-tis i iiHia i ' h- aid- iw'a doner orihrdo a?h, which urra r d t hern 1 he le will isana 1 ft-nt i4 the Oonrt M aidonr la tb d'v Salem eli'eeoay, tbe 8th dy of June li"0 xt 3 . m VOLNLT LK D M-jrt, ls70. Admlnietrator. humniuiiH. Tt the Cin-nit O-nrt oftheSuie of 0-eaon tw th XCoan y of via 1 William A. Wilt, tlaniiff, a. Ani- d Crf . drf ua it Ball for Imti rcn T maid Craft, delk-tdant : 1 1 ilie name of Iha rear of U Kiln, yon ar b.h req aired (a ap iar sad anew-r 'he oa uluut tt ed rivial rs in the ai-ove entitled ntt. "a or b-tre ti fintr d. of ibecfit term of sW art. which term ronjir.eo -eabo iheJT'h day uf June. liQ And l' oa fill to aii.w-r, f. wdI tieii (ha Pl.wtiff "111 ao lit u eaid Cunrt f ir lb- r lief d-aianrtvd ia ui romrlaint. wbtrain he prav. a dia-oloil n f.f e NHidt i f matrii on i xieilns hetwrsn eaid Plointifl aod t'cf uai'. and lbt .l I Pl-lnUff bars iha car' ai d cn.tiu ..I ihs minor children of said Pialm IT and Urln.dtnt. I laud VI ar 'b, 18T0. By ndr of Hua. SL P Bniw JnUs. MAI.LO Y?lfAW raatrsS Af rrirta w (br r atat'ff rp fus Uf by the entHoibrr. Ilviuif is ll't, 1 uii i r a rn' 'b- tt m i4 rrDrna) y. 1S7 I, I e a s 'ed ci, alt asotli-y fa- s. s me bite us bock tm tetly, ota ad arich an nin r bit rm 'eft ear aid ondeibit ot riabt ear. in- p d to ne rz yrr ol-i. one ahl e h-iflr. 3 tea's old. no mrk or -s-.de B th f tbe Kbu. c ' have cavvahoat th a rooiiibe eld. A DDremd b A W r M J r. s $ 0. A. B.C0! VK iha A-'O? 1"T0 m if MPCELLANEOUS. J. C. GRUBBS & CO., DKALIKS 1! Drngs. Medicines, Perfumery And Toilet Aitlcles. Prescript lonsailed at All Honrs MCJIIT OK DAY. A irorxl nnHnrtrornt of tlv- rURKfT Hriik'S and" and r:T Hiiicles iu our line w ill always be foil lid on hand. Great Inducements for Cash. Th.'rr) wli" com with mnnrv in l and w ill find tliat vi e ran roll Drnun and Medicines at - (JHEATLY REPrCEI) TRICES. Cat-li in Imnd will pnriha-e triHul at low fiiruie. at an hour of day or uiht, if yon lirintt it to the First Doer from the Expresi Office. In Pattern's Block, STATE ST-, : : . SALKM, : : : : OREGON Man h 1. Brown & England, COMMERCIAL STREET. SALEM. Wil atwHvs ' be fonnd hand, ready to do WAtiON&CAlUlTAGl? WORK Making and Repairing. All Kinds of IVaeons f'oriataiiflv Kill f-at-li". on liand. and for mle nt $l' 0 to Siileiii. Eel ldv AV1.!! NAVIXCJS! PirstNational 13n.nlc OF P0R1LAND. Savings Department. 'PHIS BANK tins etlllhed, In connection with! 1 Its general bm lli f liuninevs, a Savings De- parlment and will ll, w li,i,re-t on coin deposits made In sreordsnce with the condition adopted by this Bank. In esliblihing a Paving Depart ent, tut Bank ins AMOCiatinn ha in view the benefit to a class ol persons having small sum to loan, by providing a afe place of denit. ample security, and lair rate ot lmeret,s wells lo agiregate and bring Into ue Idle capital. For the talety of deposits in this liafik. are pledged the entire capital and resource and aim the seminal I'abllits of It nireclor and Stockholders, a provided by ec. 13 nf the National Currency a ,sprovrd Jane 8. 1S64. a srester secu rlty than that offered by ordinary saving banks. Printed ct'pli- of the condition UKn which de ioit are received can be had nnon applii'stliin to the Bank. HENKV FAIUNU, President Jamu PtiiX, Cashier. DIREOTORB I Henry Faning. L. H. Wakefield. W J.Van Schuyler Henrv W . Cnrbett. Jame f'el. bPHING AK It A1N G F.ME1NT. Great Reduction IN FAR t CRfGQN AND CAL STAGE CO. R1LKH TO BAM 11 A. JriCO $5 Portlitnd, San FrancUce, Kew Tork TLB UQHTOPAN FR ANCISCO I DATS, . NKW TO K 11" The Stages of h Company ennee at Oroville wirh the Calif n la N. r'hern K K, and Btta boats at Faorsmeoto for an Fracciwo. Al at thejaoctton of th CALIFORNIA CEN TK AL with Uie Great OTeriand Railroad tsRwTrk Ptar leave Fsiem , boand south, at abent 4 o'cl'k p m each dy. riasntns tnrongb Albany. Oava'li Kni-wa O hiand. ritwhurg. Jarksnnville, Yreka. Pbs'a. Red Mot 01-0, an some of tb fl,iat vl- levanp-a the P-cflo coast, combining fleaaure, cr enf ri and p-d p. P,tlatid at a a. m . daily. etsyOffioe on & art street In Maed'a bnildln. WM. CO BltTT. Agent. Sal A Mir 3 ' C'licnp SEWING MACHINES. (CjOQ homb phuttlk pkwino ma- (2jOQ 0 CHINK a double-thread lock- -iO liK-li (Shuttle Machine - stitch sllke ou both sides. V t ACe,!br"ted C-mnwn Bene Fsmlly (& f) SJ 'U Machine. Both n.ai-hlnes tolly ku)a-V tn anted for Bve years. Machines sent by esprea to sny part ol the Coast, C. U. D. Agents warned In every town on the Pacific f 'oart. Libet al Commis toa. Home hhuttlr Pewlng Machine Co., enl7dwv IS 1 First street, rtland, Oregon. Q. W. TRAVtK, Agetib WELL PLACED LOVE. ESAT FUR TUDkOHKS, ontbekaa pt ea uf w ! placed tfml'-n, Ii earl tin-, aud h. propriety t early Manlaga, as a prot. ctloa aval' st ths f'Srfnl sbaea and aoetal evils of ba dA ftit free. In Krai d envslnres Addrtss. HOWARD 4?mTI aT10, B.s P. Philadelphia, fa. aw - ' OREGON Candy T.lanufactory. WHOIiKlALIC o BBTAlU raiaiill Mri - - . Salem. WS HAT! A HAYD THE LARGI8T STOCK o- CADIKS, all of ear w buIki. . bsStata. and are dstarmiDed to eeU aa low ae say In tbe State we bave oa hand af all asaortmettcf - bcti. cHicwifto ac, ETC - ll ., . -. -? 4 CIOASIS UP -Ia BWM. isngtng ia pnea tts tS6 per aa. to $100 per B. Jtwcfaaota wilt do woil io toy from aa, as w ea warrant ad oar goods to Pa satlshctkm HOLBABT4PARRIIH. - ariaastAprfia. J- C IT Y DEU I SALEM DISPENSARY 1 J. W. SOUTHER, Druggist and A.pothecary, (KittHbUahed in Oregon in 1837.) i - - ! AVIioIokhIo tisia llettill Denier In DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, XTC. ETC, ETC. SOLE AGSST IS MARIOS COtTNTY FOR TIIK SALE OP ALL 8TAXTIARD f ATIST 7AMILT MED ' ICINI1- A I St Ihem rtlre-1 from tlie manarsclurrrt ti, I can warrant Ibero do1c,FL'RK and frrth, and sell tintu at the LOW KfcT PKH ttf. PCRS IJQCORS for Wedk-taal and Sacramental po'potee. PIIY81CIAN3" PKECB1PTI"N8 accurately eompoundtd fnm tlx purni drurv PAMILT Mr DICINH caie'ullypri pared. My (.KHti hare been tM.tiKht UW fur CASH, (elected with the greatest care, and are WARRANTED ts be lust an they are represented. , ...... IJ.vInu hail IWHaV V ara epn-rirnre in ne vw pm, ' " .. . -i 1 1 taaH whs may laVor me Wlin Weir painmare. an irrtr9:y budding Hivei? SAW-iiILL. X allies Noitheart of fslem. between Howell Prai rie ana uiae kiiou. S CAW FCRSISill TUB BBIT kind IX MB KB and sill Mill bO ra ! W1 la ,. W r-s-'-an eo-iien piaoer, inn lr. DRF.-0F.P LUMUtR ol ever) a ecripii o O dLATUKma.io.o . April 1.1S70. w Premium Cliehter White Pigs. PUR. PLOOO Fhort Horn, (IHirhtm.) Devn, Al derney and Ayralnre Ca.ves, Merino. Soutli 4own aud Cotssoid rherp, Cashmere Ooaia, Import- ed Miffolk, Ertes, Berkghlre ami Settou nif., ana an Choice Breeds of Poultry for aals. bend for Circu lars and Prices. Address, li. r. not u m wi i Tebl l:Hai Parnrshurn. Chenter . rv Eggs of Pure Bred Fancy Poult, y FOll HATCHING. WE have on hand the .argeit and ne seiecuou r Pimltrv to l-e found in the country. Kggs carefu'ly bied and hlPwi to sny part ol til Country, ror circulars aim ri- c w-, N. P. rloVk.lt A CO.. Peb'.l:8m Parkrebuif, Cnesier Co , Pa. J. MONROE. - DEALER IX MARBLE WOKK Culiloriiiii, Vermont nnd Italian ltlnrbls. Obelisks, Iiloiiiiinvuls, Ifcad and Foot Stones, SALEM OREGON. AIbo. MANTLES ami FUUNITUKK MAU til.h furniHlicd to irnrr. Salem, April, 18ih, 13 9. GENUINE IMPORTED NORWAY OATS, "AWI'LE" PEST FREK TO FARMERS. 'ROM llX) In ISO riuhirl erown to the sere. W. lgh- from Ui 46 pnunda to the bushel. Tt. ia Gain tins lieen g.-nwn n every vmlrtyot ll ami in every hc ol the Union, with the mini per feci r-uccess. .- The araln in rem laraf. txump nn Ranamtte haii a renwrkallr thin Am, and ripen tarlut Hiho th- coinnmii vrietle. ' Tde iiii ir bniiht. elr. ftaut. and not Iint!e ti. Id . ! ni- f.ctly ittiir of runt; and grow from 4 l 6 fei-t h gh We have Iwtli ihe White an I Rlack Norway, bolli Ihe same iirie anil q 11I17 rrnducttve. We will send one e aliove uat 10 ny one adilrr pixt piiid for SI mi Twu quart, i at ai,l 2 line iierk m-nt b exi-rrns or freight 8 IHi IUir luh 1.2 piui da Oiieb,iliet.4Up-nnds . KIWI CAUTION, r- Ws wiali it tistlnril un lt-mio-l th! il.i t n,'t a 1 g'lt nuts, welg'-mg 2i tu Hi ,uiid rted in New Kiviard. and sold mlerthe nanieot Norway, but tniMrled Peed, err ualiel guaran teed t i w, igh 4n ! un., or the money rrfundrd. .im. Us uf both Win temtfrer lr a tbrre cent staii'p l-n Cirrular- and Tt-i!iii"f'lnl. Ad. r all order to fi. r. nOVKIt a tw.i lebll:w3:n Parkel.uig. Clieter Cn Pa. LAD.D Bo TILTOIM. JB-. 312 3EX. O . PORTLAND. OREfKlN. tslablished, 1859. I) FPOfIT? received and Account kept,ublect tu Check or Draft. IVTER EST allowed on TI VR DKPO'lT? or TRUST FUND-, in Hunan f ONK DOLLaH AND UPWARDS, FUUVI dale ol dep. sit. Honey Loaned on Approved Pecnrlty, BONDS, PTOCKS. and other valuables, lecelved ON DEPOi-IT for SArK KEEPIN . COLLECTION mitted. made, and proceeds promptly re- Investments n real Ei-TATE and other iroperty made for parties A rent" for the Transaction of alt kind of FINAN CIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. C:nr)f nnfi TAlpnranhl. Fxrhflnnfl I "a ..vj. 3 n vrnrl., .nd th. Atl.nii. Pt.te. fnr .ale OOVERNMENTT 8r CCRI TIES bought and sold, lebiw SENT FREE ! in.O'KKEFE, HON cV CCS SEED CATALOG U E AND GUIDE TO TIIF riowcr and Vecetnble Garden For'1870. Published In Jsnnary. Every lover of Flower wish Ing thl new and vluable wotk, tree or charge, bnuld sdilres immediately M. O'Kr.ttK, CN A C00 aLlwarger A Barry ' Bl.-k. Rochester. N Y. declSujunl Fresh Garden, Flower Krnlt, Tree, Shrub and Evergreen Seeds, with di rections for culture, prepaid by mall. Thf most complete and judicious as sortment in the coanlry. igcnts wanted. 25 Sort of either foi 1 .00; pier rid by mail. Alo Small Fruits, Plant. Bulb, all ti.e new Potatoes, Ac, prepaid by mail. 4 lbs. parly Roce Potato, pre paid, for l. (Hi Cnnover's Colosral Asparagus, f 8 nerlm.; for liX. rren.id. New hardy, tra- grant, ever-blooming Japau lloneytickle, 6t cents each, prepaid. True Cape t ed t rannerry, ior up land or lowland culture. 1.0i Per 1K', prep id, with direction!.. riced Cataii'S' e. to sny addrers gratis; ain trade list, heed on Coinmlwton. B. M. WATK0N, Old Colony Niirerie and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Uaas. FsUbiUbed in 1643. - 1 Heeds, Seeds ! FRESH fUrPLlES OF GARDEN'. FLOWER. FRUIT AND TREE SEEDS, Becclved by erery straaierr also, GRASS AXD CLOVER SEEDS, Cf ulibl vsrieth for tMrcllmate compttoing la all, the LARGEST COLLECTION OF SEEDS To be found on thl coast. Orders by mail or e pre promptly attended th. In their turn. Address OfcO. F. rTLVESTER, Seeilimm, S.JD4m 817 Ws hinston ttreet, Sao Francisco. Books for Farmers and Stock-Breeders. Bound volume of the Ansaicut Prottt JotrssAL for 186tl, eonialnlnc 884 large double eoloian pages, seat post paid for II.&0 $1 oo Bound volumes of the Aaaaicis Stock Jocssal f.. 186s,contslu4ng 84 pages, sent post-paid for -.11 80 The Dairyman' Manual, sent post paid for S-Vj The HtHvemans MBnnal. " 86e The Hog Breeder.' Manual,- " ... .5e rhe Sheep Brrrders' Manual. ...." t&c The P Wiley Breeuer' Manual, .jie The wmae five Manaal (ent post paid to one address for..... ft at ' Agenu wanted, to whom liberal Inducements will be offered. Address, N. P. nOTER A CO.. Pobllher, FehllrwSm Parfeesborg, Cheater Co , Pa. PltllSTING MATERIAls For Sale at a Great Bargain. Iran furnish a good anted newspaper with liraTier. Minion, Noiiparie.1 aud display type, writ assorted, and all otber material ex cept a press. quality woth goou aa um ijpi Bcrwtoiorv used on ths Oregon Statssxan. . 8. A. CLARKE. Uareh II. . Publiaber ot Statksman. T O EE. i v..nu. ! pt. . . : . . . i.k.r L..I..L ami rsanune ai iiki rtraif pan ii.ii'i w.rwu.... iiEDICAL. AYERS' HAIR, r I Gr O n. , For Restoring Gray Hair to its Natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which Is at snes sereel4r, healthy, and effec tual for preserving the hslr. Fudttl or gntff hair i soon rtttortd io it original rotor iritX Ms glott and rMM 0 VaU. Thin hslr ts thick ened, falling hslr checked. and baldness often, thoagh not slvsjs, cared by its sac. - Nothing can rrtturs ths hair where the Mltrles are lettrcyid, or the glands atrophied snd di-csyed. But such aa remain csa be tared for rMefn'nes by this applicatloa. Instead it fouling the hsir with a pasty sediment. It will keep It clean and vigorous. Its oocailnnal use will prevent th- ha r from turfllns grsy or falling -ff, and eonte qaenily prevent baldness Free from those detlteri one surtsocts which make some prrpsralloos dan gerous and injurious to ths hslr, Ihe Vigor en only benefit but not harm it. I' wsnted merely for a HAIR. DRESSING. Nothing else esn l found so desirable. Containing nttil.rr oil nor dye, it does not ro'l whits rarnbric, and yet laita long the lisir.slvirg It a neb glony lustre snd a grateful perfume, Prr-parfd by PK. J. C. AYER & CO., rKACTICAL An AXAl.TTICAL CuEMISTH, LOWF.LL, MASW. Price, 1. 00. ry Rold by a'i druglti aod dealer In medicine everywhere. FVITII A DATI3. Portland, CRSSV. A ItKlUllAM.San Francliee, eptl7:wl7 Is a. AY EIl'S SAIiSA PyV It I LI. A , For Purify iu ; the Blood. The reputation thl ea cellenc medicine enjov, i derived from H( cure., many fX which are truly narvelloua. Inveterate cases of Hcrofulooi di eaae. where the yterri aeeraed saturated with corruption have been jm. In, d and rtired by It. .rrofulou alfrctlnn and illaonlera, which were ag gravated by the crou- loin coniaiiiit.ai.-.' uutH th.y were palmully afflict ing, have been rdb ally cu ed In u. h great num ber in almot every eection of the country, that Ihe public :arcely need to be Informed of It vir tuennr uee. pvmrulou pnlfnn la one of the moil destructive enen,te of our race. Ofien Ihe nnaeen aod an lei t tenant of ihe org tnlaro undermim the eone'ltuilon, and Invite the aitarkof enfeebling or fatal dlee, will oii excing a (anplclon of It presrnce Agiin, it weitu la breed Infi ll m Oiroughout the body, snd tbeii in fn-i favorable occasion rapidly devrlop Into one or other of Ita hideout form., either on the ,irf ce or among he vital. In Ihe latter, tuber cle mar be tnddenly deposited In the luns or heart, or niranrs formed in the liver, or it hw its pretence by e -upturns n the kln. r fool nlcera Hot on some part of the body. Hence the occa sional ne sf a boite of thl Saraapa Ilia I advlM blr, evin ben no active avmptiim of disiatesp pear Ptr-otis sflllcted wlih the fnlloyln com plaint generally find Immediate relief, d at ngth, rare, by the ne of this VAHaAPARILLA : St. Anthonv's Fire, Roe or Reryaipela., Tetter, Halt Rheum. Scald Head. Rlngaorma, "ore Eye. Sore ar. and other rroptlun or visible form o: Scrtilulou diaease. Also In the m,-e concealed firm, a Dvp. pia, Dropy, Itesrt Dlee, FiU, EpIU-psr. Neuralgia, end ths various Clceroul sff tion of the muaeul.r nd nervous vtem." Syphlllt or Veoeral and Mercurial Disease are rured by it, though a long time Is required for sub dnitg these obmtoate maladle by any medicine. But long cantinod ue of this medicine will cure the complaint Leuenrrhrea or White. 1'ierine Cl cralion, and Female Dieas, are romim nly ooa relieved and nltimatrly cured by It purifying anil Invigorating effect. Miuute Dlreclloi lor each cae are lound In our Almanac. nmHed gratis. Rben- matiura and Ooul. when caused by acrummulatl'His of extraneon matter In the blond, jleld qult'kly to It, a aim Liver Complaints, Torptdlfy, Congestion or Inflammation ol the Liver, and Jaundice, when arrbdnr, aa they often do. trm the rat king poiion in the blood. This SARSAPARILLa Is a great re storer for ths strength and Vigor of the aytrm. rhoe who are Languid and Ll-tle, DeMindrnt, Sleepl- , and troubled with Nervou Apprehendon or Fear, or any of the alfeetinn ytnnt atic of Weakness, will find Immediate relu-f add convinc ing evidence r.r Its reatornttve jxwr upon trial. rrt-pafed by DR. J. C. AVER & CO.. Practical axi Analytical Ciieviut, lowell, mass. Price, tl,00. fW Sold by all drnggliU an I dealer in medicine everywhere. SMITH A DAVI, Portland, I Wholesale CRANK A BIUG1IAM, San Francisco, ( Agent. janU.-wljr - - - AYCR'S CATHARTIC PILLS. For all the purpose of a Laiatlv Medicine. Perhsp no yr elnlonnlt ryr quired by evt mJTf a caihartlc, S Dl Ter any be ft no one medl- trally re- everybody a nor wa before unl-" nsiiy sulopied Into ase.t cvsry countrysnd among all tUtet, a thl mild tut efficient purgative il. Ihe ob v loo reen is, that it is a more reliable and far more effectual reme dy than an uilitr. Thoe who have tried It, know thst It cur. d th.-m ; Ihi-ss who have not, k w thst it ore their ntighhors and friend, and all know that what It doe once It doe aiw.y thst It never fall thr ugh sny fault or ni gleet of Its eomp si iion We hve thound upon thooand of cer liAca'es of their remarkable cute ot hs following con p'sinu, but uch cart are known In every nelsliborhoed, and we need B"l puhllh them. Adapted to all age and condlt on In all ollmate. cnnt'tnl g neither calomel or any dtleterloo d ug, they may be taWea with afety by anybody Their sugar coatii g pre-erve them evtr fresh end make them pleaant to t .ke. while being purely TcgeUble no harm can ari-e from their ue in anv quantity. They cperste by .heir powerful1 Influence on the Internal vl-ci r to purify the blood and (t'a ulste It nto healthy artiott remove the obstruction of the vmsch, bowels, liver, and ether organs of th 1 body, rcsto'lug their Irr gular atnloo to h.al'b. and Ij corre-lli g. wherever they eit, auch derange ments a are the tint origin of dl.esse. Minute direction a- given In the wrapper on the box, tor the following complaints, which the Pill rapidly core: For ysp-l-w. or Indlffeetlwn, ! In,ari.. L.aiaar and a -t A pp -tttf they should be taken moderately te stimulate the stomach and r eater a Its healthy to and ao- torf twer rsas'slati and Its various ymp toms, Btltawa Headaelae. I-Si acb. Jaa 'Kir. or r.ia ale ka. II- .. wile and BtMww Fvr thiyhniild be Judlc ously taken for rsch eaae, to correct the diseased action or remove tba obstruction which caoae K For lyeentarT or ''larrnoeiu but ens mild iot to generally required. Fortttieama Ism , Grvl, Pwl pUaflast wf ho Hear.. Pain la the r-l t. sf ae aod alas, they should bs eontlo- -uoatly taken, ss required, to chai ga the diseased action of the tyatem. - With each change those complaint disappear. For lira-pay aid Drwpetaal wlllaf they h aid be taken la large and frequent dose to nnainc the effert of a d auir parrs for - epurrHlea a large d we itmnld be taken a tt produce the desired effect by sympathy. A a ' tstesatr Pttl, take o-ie r twe Pill to pram ite dleeetmn and rei'eve the tomach. An occasional do atlmnlates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence It I often ad T ntageou wNere no serious derangement ei'U. , One who reel torersbly welt, eftea Amis thst a draw nf theee Pl'a makee him feet decidedly better, from their cieanilng and renovating cDectoa the digestive apiarato. . ..-: Preparra by DR. J. 0 AYER & CO., Paactical asd As aittical Chimist. LOWELL, MASS. . Prlea tl OO. V Sold by all draggitts and dealer In medicln .verywhere- PM1TH 4 lATI, Portland, . 1 Wholesale CKANR A UkIQUAM, Ban Frsnciaco, A gen la. myl:s3di. Iloltor'H Brooms PORTL-SD PKICF3, wITB IIBGHT A. L WAT)-, April aorta Bale-. G S "Of 1 a J I r ,m Bt addl at tf far; of ask! eve j Deti tbe conl 1 rnu It u it j.rol boti OV( thtj corf poif rarl evil to tra! so' I1' if crij in to ,0 tbi . CM dij Of IS'J th O - al th lo ttl tl P i: of f i