The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, May 06, 1870, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mem Statesman
1 1
! A treat t Dpr"
KowwHoctirn,,wbitetbe Sheriff o ttrre.t two
. batted Shim, J
ttb.t cU. f rteo.yj the er-
j frw ;tet.a turned rut.orjnxea
XblW doft "with dojf8, iwP0J.
lhoere pUd ,mtbe l.ow Jail.
The rtei.enrt.nt la "trtue and ibert, u i a
roaility ibai t priwwra will be
u&en frotn me cui'-cio u e
l,,xti-ari Vwr. '
tjbicago, April 28. A. special says the
long aoticipaitd trouble between tbe set-
" tiers on tbe Osage lands and the Usage
Indians bas broken out. ' Tbe Indians at
tacked the eettlers near Independence,
on Friday, and wounded two whites, who
resisted. The disturbance was tempora
lly quelled by Friend Gibson, Agent of
tbe Osages. The military were called
out and eighteen families driven out cf
tbe cenntry.
Tbe Thirteenth and a portion of the Sev
enteenth regiment of Infantry passed
through beretbismorning enrouie for tbe
- scene of Indian hostilities in Dakotab,
where information from Geo. Stanley,
pointing to a disposition on tbe part cf
tbe Broil Sioux to engage in a general
war. Gen. Sheridan goes" west nut
week, personally, to inspect tbe situa
tion. Tbe bill which passed tbe IIon?e yes
terday, relieving a tew persona in TeiHS
of political disabilities, created something
of a scene. Tbe persons relieved are
State officers elect , and as tbe Governor is
to be inaugurated and tbe government set
up to-morrow, it was considered neces
sary to pass tbe bill immediately.
Terrible Accident at Richmond.
Richmond, V., April 27. A laige
crowd assembled this morning at the up
per room of the Capitol building, where
the Supreme Court is situated, to hear
tbe decision in tbe Mayoralty case. About
lljo'clock the floor gave way beneath the
- dense weight, precipitating tbe crowd to
tbe floor below, which was that of tbe
House of Pelgtep. It is rni ? pros
en t to ascertain tbe extent of injuries, so
great is tbe exciiemeLt, but some are
' killed, and a large number severely in
jured. Many escaped tbe terrible fill by
jumping into windows when tbe floor
gave way. At a later hour it was ascer
tained tbat among tbe killed were : P H.
Aylette. a distinguished lawyer, Dr. J.IJ.
Brork, the reporter of tbe Examiner, Sam
uel Eaton, Clerk to Mayor Gaboon, Catt.
VV. A. Charters, Chief of Fire Depert
ment, N. P. Howard, lawyer, A . tevj,
merchant, fjharls Watson, Hugh Hutchin
son, A. Webb, and a brother of eneri
Schofield, P.U. Laory, j'., Senator Bland
(colored), and Powhattan Roberts. It Si
supposed that 20 members of tbe Legi -Uture
are killed and wounded. Judge
or Appeals all escaped unhurt. F.i-'iov.
Wells is badly injured, and also T. II.
Cbaudler, counsel for Gaboon, and James
Mason and Judge Meredith, counsel for
KMison. About 200 persons are burt by
tbeaccideDt. Tbe greatest excitement
prevails, and hundreds of perilous are io
Capitol Square, weepin? and wailing as
tbe dead and dying are brought from tbe
' building. Gov. Walker escupel unhurt,
though on the court room floor at the
' time.
Richmond, April 28. Last Light a
. great' meeting of Qahoon and Ellison po
lice was held, at which resolutions of re
spect were adopted to the memory of tbe
deceased, and tbat potb parties turn out
and participate in tbe funeral ceremonies
To-day business will be suspended, so
tbat every citizen may attend the funeral.
It is needless to say tbat no decision hus
been rendered in the Mayoralty case, andJ
it is now doubtful when it will be de
livered. Both branches of the General Assembly
. beld a session at the Exchange Hotel,
merely meeting and adjourning till to-day
at noon, to avoid any interruption to tbe
It is believed the Capitol will now be
abandoned as a public institution. It
was built In 1792. Tbe appaltng calam
ity is much greater tban yet reported.
The number of killed will reach over CO,
and tbe wounded is known to be over
20. The scenes of despair and anguish
, in the vicinity are heart-rending beyond
description, and dark mourning covers
the whole city.
, Washington, April 28. Private tele
grams from Richmond say tbe Court was
about to deliver an opinion in favor of
Ellison, one of the Judges dissenting, as
the floor fell. '
- Paris, April 27. Many public meetings
were beld yesterday throughout the
country for the discussion of matters in
relation to tbe Plebiscitnra. No disorder
is reported. M. Thiers has advised the
people to abstain from voting altogether.
Madrid, April 27. The Epoca is assured
that Prince Frederick of Russia, is tbe
Government candidate for tbe throne of
Spain, but that tbe Emperor Napoleon
declares that tba solution of tbe question
'would be so grave that It might cause a
war.between Franc and Prussia.
Great excitement is manitested by tbe
press at tbeprolongationof the Provision
al Government. It is reported that Ser
rano bas said be will accept even a re
public, if Gen. Prim will agree to it
Several new candidates for tbe throne aie
r mentioned, but no one of prominence ex
cept Prince Frederick of Prussia.
London, April 27. The Russian and
Hungarian Bishops have hastened their
return to Rome to vote against tbe dog-
' ma of Infallibility.
' Berlin, April 27. It is asserted tbat
otLer power will support the action takes
by France in tbe matter of the Ecumeni
cal Council, -,
San Francisco, April 28. Tbe Grand
Jury has indicted John Stratman for pub
lishing an alleged libel on J. U. uuncan
- In tbe late Evening Tribune.
Five hundred pounds of strawberries
go East for tbe Chicago market to-wor-row,
also celery and cauliflowers to New
York. Cherries are expected in the mar
ket Saturday. - " "
Stocks were still lower tbis afternoon,
closing ib a virtual panic. Amador 2J,
Virginia- 4J," Treasure 17$, Overman 69,
'Belcher 6, Currv 125, Daney 5, Nevada 7,
Crown Point 13J, Chollar 27 Kentuck
65, Imperial 33, Opbir 107, Yellow Jacket
; 41. At the afternoon Board Norcross.
ouereo, io,
. Chollar 2tf.
Kentuck 63, Savage 34,
Los Angeles, April 28. Developments
each week demonstrate tbe permanent
aloe of tba mines at Soledad, and the
flow of bullion through, Los Angelos to
gan Francisco increases.
Truckee, April 28. G. A. Hqmsv '
who lives at Sierra Valley, shot and kill
ed bis wife yesterday morning about 9
o'clock. Cause, jealousy. '
Los Angeles April 28. Intelligence U
received from Arizona of a big strike in
the Vulture mine. In tbe deepest shaft
rock paying $1,000 was taken oat. Wa
ter is. also found which, if permanent I
will greatly enhance the value of. the
mine. . '
The side-wheel steamer California, re-
cently purchased, by the North Pacific
Transportation Company, sails on her in
itial trip to Portland on the 5tb of May,
, at It o'clock a. m. . ,f
, ,. Hat-kola.
Flour Quiet ; superfine sks $4'25
ft 60; extra ditto, $5 255 37$.
O.te $1 30(jl 55.
WooI--Sale of S0,X H3, clean Spring
20 cents. ;. ' -- -..",'.
Washington, April 28. 'It is said 1t
tbe Department of bats uaa YeceiVetJ to
forraatton that the Bpan'is'b toVrnw ent
baa Issued at order frfr tne nrri-1iurr of
tbe steamer Aepin'feal'l, XS-blcj not been
executed, perhaps kexrause- the Captain
General of tJaba, ts afr&iS ot tbe opposi
tion of the yel'anteers.
A large amoout of watmaterial belong
iafetotbe Feuians is supposed to be dis
tributed atone the border. Our Govern
ment baa adopt! measures to prevfut a
a breach ot the peace. -
The Darien Canal treaty, it seems, has
no, been rejected by tbe Colombian Con
gress, but is still pendieg aud toe oppo
sition is the minority. .
Washington, April 28. The Senate
bas couGrme l tbe nomination of John L
Stevens as Minister to Paraguay; Horace
L. Pinko Consul General at Tampico;
Adam Badeau as Consul General at Lon
dou. The case of Gilbert, tbfe sitting mem
ber from Flr-rida, was coosiflered, and
tbe report of the Judiciary Committee
tbat be is legally elected was adopted.
New York, April 28. A meeting of
properly owners, representing over $1,-
000,000,000, today, denounced the Ar
cade railroad, and called on tbe Gover
nor to veto the bill. They resolved, in
case of the bill a law, to contest the
matter in the Courts.
Commodore Vanderbilt Alderman
Barker and several others, were arretted
for ftsi driving yesterday and taken to
tbe Manbattanville station bouse, and
alter two hours detention they were re
leased. I Chicago, April 20. The Timr Wash
ington special says that tbe statements
sent hence relative to" Indian troubles io
tbe Northwest are exaggerated, and are
rot official information. The story that
2,000 Sioux are on tbe war path, tbe
agent of the tribe emphatically denits.
The cfficinl vote of tbe Dominicans
show 15,110 for and 110 against Annex
In tbe Senate,. Williams.froro the Com
mittee on Pacific Railroads, reported with
an smendroent a bill to authorize the
SuuiLeru !iiiPCotti Railroad to connect
with tbe Northern Pacific ; also, with
amendments, a bill to aid in tbe construc
tion of tbe Oregon Branch of tbe Pacific
In tbe House, Lngan, from the Military
Committee, reported adversely on the bill
permitting retired amy and nary officers
to bold citil offices.
Tbe House in Committee of the Whole
to-dv reduced tbe tariff on railroad iron
from 79 to CO ceuts per hundred.
yTb Trtfiune'i dispatch says a bill passed
' tbt House for the establisiueot of a De
partment of Justice, nod designed to re
duce the expenses now incurred by extra
legal services.
Aaterla ltallroad Dill..
The Senate bill granting lands to aid
in the construction of a railroad and tele
graph from Portland to Astoria and Mi
.Minnville, Oregon, excited a long debate
liolmansaid the bill appropriated 940,000
acres of public lard. He had stated oo
A former occasion tbat there were ninety
bills pending appropriating over one bur -
ared million acres: be bad since learned
this estimate was far belcw tbe reality,
and tbe number of bills was over cue
- hundred and seventy, appropriating over
two hundred and fifiv millions. Nolens
tbn one hundred and fifty million acres
were granted to corporations within tbe
last ten years. If that policy were con
tinued it would not be a long time till no
public land were left for homestead and
pre emption purposes, lor wnicn pur
poses ten million acres were taken list
year. Watch replied to Hclman. and Mc-
Corrcick spoke briefly in favor of railroad
land grants. Smith, of Oregon, argued
In support of tbe bill, as in tbe interest
cf settlers present and prospective. At
tbe close of tbe discussion Holman moved
to refer tb bill to tbe Committee on
Public Lands, which was negatived by 75
to 93, and th bill was then p&sstd hy 07
to ca.
Paris, April 29. Meetings to discuss
matters relative to the Plebiscitura were
more turbulent than ever. One held by
the opponents of Plebiscitum in this city
was dissolved by tbe authorities because?
an accusation of the Emperor was pro4
posed. Tb people separated without s
A TL. n . A ..
vote, though they expressed their disap
proval by cheering for the Republic and
ringing tbe Marseillaise. At some of
these it was resolved that all those who
favor tbe Republic would vote "no."
About three hundred refugees, who had
been compromised in the late troubles in
Spain, arrived in France yesterday.
M. Leormina, wbo at a public meeting
last night urged tbe impeaebmentjof the
Emperor, was arrested this morning.
Tbe Cardinal Archbisboo Chambers
azd Bishop Cap have ordered their clergy
to Tote ia the affirmative. ' . .
Madrid, April 28. Outbreaks occurred
last evening at Alcola in tbe province of
Soria, and at Santiago, though they were
soon repressed. At the latter place over
a hundred insurgents were arrested and
A rumor was circulated yesterday,
which, however, is generally discredited,
that an American Consul was killed at
Yeddo by the natives.
A report is received from Mrfdra3 of a
Serious outbreak among the native tribes
, at Newaf, 19 miles south of Delphi Two
thousand rebelled against tne chief and
followers. A terrible massacre bad taken
place. . Troops are ordered there.
.. " Canada.
Ottawa, April 29. la the Comnrons,
Cartier announced that tbe Red River
delegation bad been consulted by the
Government. Donald Smith, Superin
tendent of a mission at Red River, was
, before tbe House., He recommends a
strong force to be sent there.
The following is tbe proposed com
promise to be offered y the Government:
First To . organize a small province on
both sides of Red River, about 150 miles
square, which will cover the settlement
of half-breeds. Second Tbe Legisla
ture shall have control of tbe public
lands of the province. Third A sub
sidy shall be granted by tbe Dominion
for Colonial expenses. Fourthly Tbe
. bataoco of the new territory shall be gov
. erned from Ottawa. , ,
San Francisco, April 30. Weather
clear and cool. , ,
"Wheat at Liverpool advanced to 9a, 5d.
San Francisco sales of Fb nr 200 bbls
Imperial, Oregon, extra, $5 50; Local
Mills, superfine, in sks, $4 254 50;
textra$5 12$5 37$. . .,
Wheat Market almost bare of suitable
lots for milling and shipping, and prices
quite firm; gooa inquiry iur supcruuv
grades; holders of round Ios choice not
; disposed to sell; extremes $1 30160 per
100 pounds. . '
'Oats 200 sVs fair $1 40; 300 sks good
$1 45; choice $1 601 60. ; ' v ?
Eggs Oregon . steamer brought over
twenty thousand dozen, the UrgeBt sin
gle consignment yet received; choice lot
1,500 doten sold at 25c; other lots will
not bring over 20(?23c. t ,
Arrived Steamer Ajaz, from Portland.
, The steamer China cleared Yokohama
to-day, with 300 passengers, $521,000 in
treasure and $71,000 in merchandise. ,.
. Three 'hundred barrels of whisky,'
seized for alleged frauds on the Treasury
some months since, were released to-day
on a order trom Washington.
Tue trtjv.d .,i 12000 school children
a'nd Wftr friends at Woodward's Garden
'T4-Jay did & Urge amount of damage,
aitonlv destroying shrubbery and flow
ers to t o value of many niin-ireo, pos? -bly
The fruit growers will bold a meeting
Saturday next, when tbe report of the
Conference Committee with the Railroad
Company will be made, and tbe question
of the shipment of fruits east this season
will be decided. 'r
The' jury iu the Dwyer murder cape
went out at 3 o'clock," came in at 6 and
stated they could never apree. Tbe J niter
asked if it was on quesiions of law or
fact. The foreman repii-d neither law
nor fact, but an outside matter entirely
foreign to. ihe case. Oae juryman sai.t
he would stake. -bis life upon their no"
agreeing. The jury i sMH. out.
He Was "Thar,"' A passer ger who
latelv rotne tbro'.ph from tbe Es oyer
tbe grsndcon inental railroad. tlla tbe
following yarn, according to the Virginia
Enterprite :
At Promontory, just as the train was
starting, a ftalwn settler of that rgion,
with long hair and bushy b-ard, and n hat
of tremendous wtdib of brim, dashed np
'o the. station, mounted npou a wild-look
iog gray mare. Lapintr from tbe anima; s
ba-.k, be threw tbe reins r a nnnie ovr
a post, and bounded into the nearest pf
seoger car, just as the train was ruovii g
off. Steadvmrr bimelf as well as he
eoull, be pulled off his broad-brimmed
hat, and takiofr from it an immense ban
dana, wiped the perspiration from bis
brow lie then looked about the ear with
a mi!e of complm-eney, aod said, WallJ
I'm here; ain't I ? Pretty frnod dh for
it; but I'm here on time. No one in the
crowd said a word.: That tbar old (fray
mar' o' mine never foOiled me y it. Ef I
want to git to a place I get thar sure
when I'm a-straddle o' her." No one
eaid a word. "Powerful fine mar' th.
is." Approaching a Boon dud seated
in the car, be faid : Wall, sh got me
hre, didn't she?"' : No reply from the
Hub. "I say the got me here, eh?' No
reply. " Readiu' a newspaner, are you?
Wsv I see the New York Ihrohl Don't
you never read the New York Tribune''
uNo,! sir." gruffly replied the Htibire, I
don't; I wipe my feet on the Tribune!"
"Ob, you do, eb? "Wall, stranger," with
an inexpressible serious and comical
look, "you jist keep on reading the New
York Herald and wipin' your feet on tbe
New York Tribune, and pretty soon you'll
have more sense in your heels than you
have in vur bead."
A Scene at Salt Lakb. A corres
pondent of ibe Oakland Tratwcrlpt, writ
from Salt Lake, say: "I witnessed a
eight tbis morning which I will describt.,
but the circumstance is probably not a
fiir one from which to draw general ir-
ferences. An old farmer drove into the
city with a load of country produce for
sale. Seated with bira were two women,
one on either side. One of these dames
was old and wrinkled, tbe other much
younger, but decidedly the .worse for
wear this female bad an infant io ber
Hrni3. Upon tbe back seat were two
young women and a half-grown boy
Doth the women caried babies. I, of
course, supposed that tbis parly was
composed of mother, fatberand children;
judge of my surprise when I larried thai
tbe old man was tbe husband of all four
women, aod that the old wtm in wis the
mother of the young ones. Think of ill
One m-in married to a mo'ber ami three
duifbters! It was perfectly sickening
At first I could not believe tbat human
naturo could become so degraded; but
upon further inquiry of a well known
Mormon, I leirned that facta were pre
cisely as first stated to me. These pro
rriiscuous marriages are y no means un
common, so I am told. These women all
looked evidently contented, ut first fight;
but upon closer view, I thought I could
detect a sort of sense of slmme io every
one of their frees. They se raed to be
carrying a load of shame ud di-grad
tion that was rapidly burying them to
Pleasanton used to tell an atnui-ing little
lodian stoiy. He was once, while sta
tioned at a frontier post, quite surround
el by threatening bands of CbeyenneB
He wished very much to negotiate a
treaty with the Chiefs, but they were too
snspirious or hostile to place themselves
in bis power At length be succeeded io
capturing a young Indian o rank, whom
he held as a hostage. One day this i n -tive,
sullenly stalking about tbe tort,
came upon a soldier wbo, for want of
better amusement, was playing with a
child's jutnpirg-j'ick. Tbe noble savage
was t ran.-fixed with wonder and admtm
tion. He watched tbe antics of the little
figure in breathless silence fur some min
utes, then turned and leaped like oue
mad past the sentinels, over the obstruc
tions, and escaped from the fort. Io an
incredible short time, boweverf be re
turned, leading a deputation of cbiefc,
wbo, after spending an hour or so in wrapt
contemplation of the jumping-jnek, held
a solemn council and negotiated tbe sol
emu treaty, stipulating as tbe most ia
porfnt conditiou, that the marvel-jus lit
tle toy should always remain at tbe fort.
Might it not bo well to furnish our Peace
Commissioners with a quantity of jump
ing jacks? They were better, at least,
tban rifles, tobacco and whisky. :
Tbe Red Sea is said to be the hottest
place in tbe world. The atmosphere for
about fifty miles on that sea is steamy
and sticky. Everything in the shape of
iron or steel about a ship takes on a coat
of rust. During tbe summer months no
one travels on tbe Red Sea until com
pelled by business or military orders to
do so. Ia tbe winter nod spring the
passage is deligthful. Yet navigation in
that body of water is alway-ttended ;
with many dangers. The Red Sea is
long and narrow, with sunken rocks and
projecting reefs, and counter winds pre
vail, which produce dangerous currents
There are three light bouses in tbe eea,
which most be kept by salamander-like
men, since the thermometer runs up to
one hundred and twenty degrees in July
and approaches ninety in early spring.
Ah Isdian Relic As a comment on
tbe current talk in regard to an Indian
massacre, Grace Greenwood puts the fol
lowing in a recent letter:
While on a visit to the Land Office, I
was shown by Wilson,' tbe Commission
er, a singular relic of a late fight on the
plains. It was a garment taken from an
Indian chief after death A- shirt of
buckskin, made without the usual orna
mentation beads and porcupine quills,
yet graced with something quite novel in
tbe decorative way a lull, .long fringe,
formed of the hair of white women and
children. It was a ghastly adornment;
indeed, the entire garment was a very un
pleasant thing to inspect. Tbe only point
in it on which tbe eye could mt without
horror or pity was a small round hole,
beneath which tbe raging heart of a hu
man wild beast came one day to a full
Stop. 1 i:.v:-; .-.; u rje
The Revolution saya that in connection
wi"b the new firm of Woodboll, CUmBin
& Co., a bank and brokerage vxebange
for ladies are about to be established in
the upper part of New York city; where
omen can buy and sell, etocks, and do
all the financial business' Which they
have heretofore to traoeact through men,
or run the gauntlet of Well street. :! ;
Some of the strong-minded women de
nounce matrimony becausetbey say there
is something childish in it." , Iti does
have a somewhat infantile equint, we ad
Wssr Sib KaILBOa 8...I, PABfcXD.
The Oregonian announces the recept on of
a, telegram from Senator Williams, stat
ing tbat the, Portland, Astoria and McMinn
Vilie Railwa4 R:ll has passed the House
without amendment. This secures for the
counties on that side of the river great
benefits in the near future, for it will
bring them into direct ' commsnication
with the ocean, so that their products can
t e thipped with tbe leastpossible expense.
That the rga-d wiH blop at McMinrviUe
we have no fear. One brarvn of it will
come direct to Saletn, aud it will contic
ue sp tbe Valley on the west side within
a few years, and supply the upper coun
ties witb a needed outlet in each direction.
Tbe difficulty exists in bui'diog the road
from Arloria and Portland to McMioit,
ville; from there to Ibe bead of the valley
the cost f coLstruction will be compara
tively light, and it will be easy to com
mand tbe menus lor its completion with
out a y Government subsidy.
Nothing is beyond ibe reach of Yankee
ingtnui'y. A lazy but ingenious New
E:iglander hag made a machine for feed
ing his domehtic animals, which enables
bira to dispense with the belp ot an at
tendant, and be himself may lie io bis
tied as late as be pleases, or smoke by
the chimney corner. 1 he machine is a
sort'of clock, arrangement., by wbicb, at
eriaio hours, tbe food is dropped out ot
a hopper before tbe cattle. It is rumored
tbat this genius is now at work on a
uia hiue fr putting vituals iuto bis own
mouth, while his bands are in bis pock
ets. Thk McFablakd .Trial The trial of
MFrland for the murder of A. D. Rich-
ardsou bas occupied a great share of pub
lic attention and an outline of ihe pro
ceedings comes by telegraph. Tbe full
reports, however, are beginning to come
in the. New 1 urk pnier. 1 be lxst num
bers of the Police Gazette Uhi' Doingt,
and other ppers, with full proceeoings,
are for sale at Yeaton k Boon's News
Depot. 1
Tocchiso. A few davs since, at Water
bury, Conn , a lawyer returned to the
,-t.ilroad ticket ugnt at tbat, ouc
dollar overpaid bim in making change
For a moment tbe agent stood specblet-s,
then as tbe tears poured down his cheeks,
be grasped him by the hand ana ex
claimed, "Please. staDd still oue moment,
sir, and let roe look ut you bonest! and
a lawyer, too!"
Right on ihe hetls of the passaga of
Cultom'8 Polygamy bill comes this an
nounrement from Utah: "Married in
Salt Lake City, Utah, on tbe 16 h instant,
in the presence or' tbe Saints, Elder
Brigbara Young to Mrs.: J. It. Martin,
Miss LI M PendergBSf, Mrs. R. M Jenik
son, Miss Susie P. Cleveland and Mi.s
Emily j P. Martin, all of Berks County,
The; Kentucky Legisla'ure proposes to
postppue the elefiiori of Coogre. smeD
until 'August, 18T1, thus leaving that
State Unrepresented in the next Congress
until that time U is boldly announced
that it is anticipated tbat by that time a
pretty good understanding will be ar
rived at as to how the accession of the
negroes to voting population of Kentucky
will pfJect the political status of that
I Slit-riff's Sale.
"I Y VIRTUE . f hii eM-utin 1-omI out of Ih- Cir
1) Cuu Oiv.rt o( tbe 8e of Oreitoo fortl ecmimy
Mr-n ln'HVorofA C 'l lua 1 '.! 'iff, at dnptin-t
i. II it je II giui h. O o A E'e. r d Wiley
K'uyon, D fei.fja'it. fr ib mtiii ot eilit hnndred
Mud pvent-ihrf US H O rtti'iMrn iu gold ruin, ai d In
terete ( d c t I Imve I.Tied upon and, on tbe C0:h
oav of A ril liT'i, al tho C urt H- uo d r in -n d
cutty. I will aril m 1 ii'. lie nuctum. fi.r g"d ri.iu
the toll wiiig deeorih.' p-"iirr, i.f ihe .id Wl ey
K-i yon V f.rdm.t to tcit: L N 4 and 'h
mult; liilf ! lot Nil 3 in !i S4 h r) of
Siw Mut !. ni.t, O g' n J 3 MURPHY.
M-rhal ISTii. A r 8 1 Ph riff.
l juiiderllieU 8 lilt rnal K- v. i.ue Lw, 1
tii No. 4 ciii-lctli g of IM1:, Mnrio" and Cinci
niHn C"niiiieii. in thi Dnirt ot orignn. ill be 1 e-i
f-r pub ic examin-ion aud cnrre-ii..u t ni ffice in
Ktl.hi f. m ih 24 1 diij i.t l;trrh to the fjih dy ol
Airi, 1ST0; here all i.r.oi.n l-ito'i g deduc'ion
i r lntei ciit i-f tuxeM in r ntM-tiieire of enriieun
e(M.iiRiit, ii'iml d mt in riiioic b. fore rreetpir
1i .n; f Hi' 1 t ire a 11" di dm fori ill be 1I wed
After the lit 1 cl e-l Mid i,ii d Ter to ibe Colitct
or. WM K MKLL1N.
1 U . A.n!nii.t A-teor,
4'h D :l o 1 I tiictiif Oiegnn.
S iU m. the 2.1 rtv .l Vi-r h T70 .tf
j "Vrnliiiil-le
j 1)4 milet eit of the Woolen Factory, with
Brick Housp, and Good Bam, Sheds,
Valuable Improvements and Growing
! Crops.
This Isn't it part r the land clalmt of Walker 1
Gilbert, Title perfect. Pereona wanting tmi Iter
parcel may find a bargain to suit, at I will sell on
accommodating term. A plat of the premls a can
he seen, and particular at to term can be had, at
the Statesmab office, or of the undertigned, on Ihe
November 27. , -
For Land in ilie Countrr.
JL South falem. Inquire of the und-rsn ed. at
nia TfMUence. . H. B. JURY
Farm for $alc.
I WILL tell my farm in Pprlng Valley .Polk connty,
Oregon, one-half aiilv (mm rpong'a Ferry, on the
Uavton road, containing 418 acre, tnoatly fenced;
nil 1 fill IV I xt ,,i 1 nnr 1 it'irwi .....
GOOD HOUSE and. ontbuildiogB:
' Term eaay. Apply to
j At Cooper' Store, Bend Spring Valley, Folk
j county, Oregon. Iec.81,'ls69. i
Tor Sale.
HOUSE AND LOT in Sooth Salem.
Inq nreof T. A WOOD'
Salem Keb. 111. . ':.' -
For Sale Cheap,!
G-HOl'SB at heca-i enf High ai d Feirt
tiew-. F pur-leu lax at tola fll -. or 61
Apm 110. I81U , J. A. JOHNS.
For Sale; r
ramprt ing, Ii, lb 60 acre ot good
laud tioat-d new Olimoia a d trniiDD' "f Nuitn-
ra P mc and tba Uiegoa ad fjlilirni Rdlroad
to Waun.ton Teriiniy, will t e aold cheap or ex-c'-attged
for town prupertj ih t hi city or For. land
Apply to
Secretary Salem Uonuatetd Couiiany.
t,l.n, n , 19 x
Flower and Vegetable Garden
Published th January. Every lorer of Flowert with
Ing thia new and v-tuable work, tree of charge,
al.ould adilrea Immediately 11. U'&KE?E,
CO., Jwauger 4 Harry 'g Block, Rochester. N. Y.
' . . dtclSti.junl
Premium Chester . Wliite Pigs.
PCRK BLOOD Short Horn, (Durham,) Der-n, At
- derney and Ayrliire Ca.Te, Merino, goutti
Jown and Cotawo'd cheep, Cashmere Goal, Import
ed MirTolk, Eatex, Berkatitre and Setloii Pig., and all
Choice Breed ef Poultry for tale. Send for Cirou
Urt and Prices. Addreaa, ' f
N. P. BOYER k CO.,
Tebll:3m rarkttburg, Chetter Co Pa.
O. czafovage j. g. vRdirr.
Uzafovage & Wright,
' ". f ' : WlfOlesale and ReUlt ter in
Crockery & Glassware
Hilvcx Plntetl "Wiiro,
Be, Etc., Etc.
Union B ock. Commercial m., Salen
Gob:s delivered to any part cf tl el'y rre o
charge. I5
How '?
By Using Standard Soap forapanj's
Cl'TIiN.-0lr( to th- mai tniiU'i. n c.f
tbimirttsJa pm-f hi.ull b Ter rnli..
oi d purchtMA nor hnt tbv triidd "8 m d d 8-p
C inppy. of 8 n F auctaco." ou la-ksite a-d Ik x
Th Imitation are p'med f IT by ti,w b.can 01
a greater to ih-mle. Ibe cret dnind
for 1I1U p ler U aor guwan ea of it g(xl q il
i'ie f T washing pnrp-e. It ti time nd lab- r
xd doe int ieiuro lb fiarat fiWir. 8 .Id bj ll
G'i!ei. Trr Standard Sjap O-mp-ny'a letr'te
April 11870. aai
: S28
1 CHINE a rinunle t)irei.d Intk-
uti'i'li Shuttle Maclilna' stitcb alike ou both (tde.
Cj OAWektsleil C-xiimonSense Kamlly (JS f) f
0-lM':lilne. Both marblne lolly O V
warranted for fle yeam. MNchlnes sent by exprew.
to any part nf tbe Co', CO. I. ApeM wanted
In every town on "he Pxriflc Ct. Liberal Commil
ilonl llomv i-huitl.- fieTlrig Mnrhtue Co.,
epl7dwv 1H1 Flri Mreef. 1iiilnd. Oregon.
it. W. THAV:ir, ''Agent.
Sash, Blind and Door
Front Mreet Salem.
Bootuby & Stapleton, Manufacturers.
cf el i1ecriptiuui krpi cuuatnDily u hand aud
B.d to order.
Snrfu-e Flaulrg Flooring and CtlliDg drrued and
male tied
"Ming d-sed and ed'd in the bet pouible inc-
Scoll-aawlng, Turning and Jobbing
f all kifcdvrf ite 01. nix rt notice.
A'l ordei pr. oiptly fil ed. April 2 '
TO THK WORKING CLASS. We are now pre
pared to furnish l'. clames with eonatsnt employ
menl at home, the whole Ue time 01 for the
spare moment. liuaii.eaa new, I glit md pri filalile
Persons of eiilur aez eaaily earn irom !c. to $0
per evening, and a proportional iuto by deToling
llieir whu e time to the butinras. lioja n4 gii la
earn nearly aa much a ni n. Thai all who eee thia
notice may tend their adtlres, and test Ihe buslneax,
we make this unparalleled ofl-r: To such stare
not well aatiativd, we will vend one dollar to pay for
the trouble of wriiiu? Full particular, a valuable
ample, which will do to eon niencewsirk on, and a
copy 01 The l'eopWn Literary Companion one
of the t-irtfeat anil best fam lv Dewhpapi-ra pub
lihed all nent tee by mail. Keatler, if you want
permanent, profitable work, aildicn R. C. Al.LKN k
CO., Augunta, Maine. d8ro
1 OO BirsHKI''' RO 1 PUTAT0K8
500 g.lloua ftuperlor CROUT,
400 - Pit hlKS In b ine
(B.rrela reacrvi-d )
51.0 H ITa BAuA Tl'HSIFS at
.'5c. f er bnai el, en the en mta-a.
For other and n tlr pariiculaia, a ply to the
CoiuruUwry of the Stt- Pii n or
Snperiiiteoriiut O 8 P.
Pa'm, April IS la70. .li
nt ilverton,
Propope from t tie present date t'
Greatly Reduced Prices
ALL kinrtjof rnuntry Pniilnce taken in ex
vim nue, but no uood- aoltl except on tlieie
terms. 11a we liii'l nniaclvea niixblc to colilinn
the lonif credit ayetem. Cull anil we wil
allow yoi: how low trondrt can be Mild for caali
We intuit iiIko inaiet upon the immediate net
(lenient of nil debts due 11a
' ' ' ' - - 1 . 1 1 r k
Pudding Kiver
I 1 1 vr .1. . . 1 .... ,. ...
vjt ft i.t. iiirHm ui rnitrin, neiween Iiowcil t rai
rie and Lake Labisb.
l kitid ot LCMBKR an.l ill tell m re a-n' le
tern - V la-, mh illent planar, md Can furn
lh DrtESFP LUMllfcR ot eTer d aciipti n
G d LATliK uiAijtf 10 111 dn
Ap'ill.lSTO. w
Post-Offlce Store,
"Y"OU w ill find a general nasorlment of
- GROCERIES. : ' .
: At ttie uliove named More. Produce taken in
xonauve. S. II. CLAL'iJIlTOX
- lehaiu.n Sept. 1. 18C' .
Commission Merchant
P. 0. Box, So. 4091, 181 Pearl St.,
Refer to Meaaia. I Hdd Tiiton. Portland.
v- : Mcrara. KiiHp, Biirrell 6t Co. - .
Weaera. ier Si. Co ,
M R. VVmte, Kan., Salem. '
W. P. Abraiua. Eeq., Dalles City.
feb25ywawd .
Seeds, JSeecln I
Iteceited by every ttiamer; alas,
Cf tui table Ttrietirt fo tMvclitr.ale compiUing Id
an, trie
To be found on thia coaat. Order mail or ex-
prttl promptly attended to. In their turn. Addreaa
w. Mkiurto, Peedamin,
2..jaD4m 81 T Wa-hiiiitin ttrect, Baa Franciaco.
New Store in Patton's Block.
Haw laid In at FRGIH aTOCK of
Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,
(Kent's Furulhin? Goods!
V claim to baabla to offer ttiffclfiit Indacementi
to awtiat an t ayara, wad requ. at th L ultra aod Ga
tlemea of 8 Jem aud (Iciolty to call wad examine oar
Pattot'i Blatck, 3d Door from Bank.
pluei uf w li iitacad affaeti..u. In earl Hie, emd
tbe propriety ot early Miwile, a a pmetton
aaalott tbe fearful abaa and aocbal evil of be day.
8.nt free. In teat d envelope- Addn, U0WAH1
A88OCI ATIO, Box P. Philadelphia, a.
Eslabliiihed, 1839.
DEPOSITS received and Account kept, robject
to Check or Draft.
VKOU date of depotlt.
Money Loaned on Approved Pecnrlty,
BONDS, STOCKS, and other iralaablet, leeelred
COLLECTION made, and proceedi promptly re
mitted. INVESTMENTS iV PEAL ESTATE and other
property made for par tin
Aent for the Trargactlon of all kind of FINAN
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange
On San Francisco and the Atlantic Ftatea for (ale
GOVERNMENT!1 SrCURiriES boufhtand told,
F'ii-st National Bnnlc
Sayings Department.
rpHIS BANK hat eatablinlied, In connection with
1 lit general burking buaineat, a SaTinga De
part men t and will allow Interest on coin depoail
made In aeoordance witb the condition adopted by
Ihi Bank.
Io eatabllahlnf a Sarinjta PepartmeDt, thlt Bank
111 if Aaaociation haa in view the benefits to a claas of
liereon havlnf; mall turn to loan, by providing a
a fa place of depnait, ample tecurity,and fair rate
ii liitenat, a well aa to aggregate ar,d bring Into
lite Idle raphal. For the aafety of deposits in thia
bank, are pledged the entire capital and resource
and nlan ibe reraonal I'abllitv of III Direciora and
Stockholder!, at provided by aec. H of the Naiional
Currency a 't, approved June 8, 1864. a treater teca
rity than thatorTered by ordinary aavlngs batik.
Printed enpie of ti e ronditiona npon which de
ponits are received can be had upon application to
ihe Bank. HENRY FAILING, Prerdent
Jtuta Stiex, Cashier.
Henry Failing. L. H. Wakefield. W J. Van Schnyler
llenrv W. Corltt, Jame f -el.
A little volume on tl Canit of the
And a
Will be I nblitbed aud f-e ante a early a April 2 1,
I'rlce Sii g'ecrpy.
LhI Agm: V N GILPERT Fab m. Oregon.
W B BLAKLSLEE L'ol .n. Oreg-B.
,R Treicis Al'r.d bunion, J . U lticbardtou, it
J Jlari.m c amy .
11. It K;ng. W Panl, J Eal.ton,
S 11. htorry. J B Pa ri-h. of Lino
Afrents 'Wnntod in every Tow 11.
h ui lirl:-,0 d
15ooli for l"ai mcr.s and
Bimnd volumei of the AMP.H1C1H Ftk;k Jocrsal for
1S6S, ciiiiiainitiic !f4 lar-e double colun.n np-s,
sent poat paid lor $li)0 tl &o
Bound viilumea of the Amkrica5 Ftock JomitAL
f.i o ntaii lnK pagit, sent post-paid
for 1
The Dairy niana Manual, aent paid for.....SV
The Horremana' 'aiiul. f)c
The lleg Breeders' Manual," ... .o.V
rhe Pheep Brerdeia' Manual. " " " 25c
The P.iultry Breeders' Manual, " " " .25c
Die whule five Manual tent poat paid to one
address for J 0(1
Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements will
be offf rtd. Ad'Ires?,
N. P. l OYr.R k CO.. Publishers,
Fehl Lwflm Parkrsburg, Cheater Co , Pa.
Selling Off at Cost !
Our Fntirc Muck of
Merchandise !
Come Ono mitl .All unci
Gret J3n i gains !
J. U. &c M. Ill UNCI!.
S.H!em, Sept. 13.
4.- h.:jL-rt
Baccom's Chop House.
rr"E nndraigned lava pnrchaeed tho interest o
JL ihia popular h.'O-e, and will anp.1v th people
FWlnoi and ibe tiavelmg juMic, at all boor, in
the bt at at) la
Freth Uyalera lit every Stjle.
I'lg.'Keet, Game and Flah.
OOCD LU.NCU1S all th timo.
April TO. f roprietra.
SASH & DOOR Factory
Conneoted with the South Salem Mills of
Moore, Wttten and BtiUer.
Sash, Blinds, Doors, fflndow-Framts
MOULDINGS. CORNICE, nnt and Inside finish
constantly on hand.
done to or cr. A large lot of
AVujron Timlicr
For tale at reasonable price.
Call and examine (ample and prlcet.
Salem, Oregon.
13- F. 13I?VltIl, Prop.
Steam Kngines, Saw Mills, Qrltt Mill. Reaoert
Pumps and and all klnda and atylee of machinery
made toorder. Machinery epaired at a ahort no
tice. Pattcrn-makiug done in all Ut various foims,
n . I LI.H. ... tr .,... . . . . . , , .
..u.i. wi trM uu trua uaksvinga lurnisnea
. . r .... ,
-i"nce. J
a-auilu.uut of
Dry Go da.
Boots St hott,
llardwart, A.
And will zrhnge tba ame aa cheaply aa aoy 01 ber
mn Kir CASH r t lV DLCK.
North 8eui, Atril T, I8.U. ap'8
ISTew Groods!
" ApiUlS, JSTQ dtf ' ! j
Druggist and aVpotliec.ary,
(Esiablished in Oregon in 1857.) ,
Wholcsnlo and Retail Deuler in
O ICINKS. Aa I get them direct from the manufacture ta.t, I can warrant them 8enulne,l lltf. ana
freth, and tell them at the LOW EST PRICE.
PURE I.1QC0R3 for Medit lnal and Pacramental purpose. '
PHYflCI ANS PREJCRIPTK'NS accurately compounded from tbe purett drug.
.y. -lectea with the greatca. care, and are WARRANTED ,0
'"l.'aTinV h.e? yTrrrerience In He tad 1 fee. confident tb.J l
to all whomay favor me with their patronage. Cat! and examine my ttock before punbaaing
novi:y . :
For Restoring Gray Hair to its
Natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing which la at once
agreeable, healthy, and effee
tual for preserving the hair.
faded or gray hair i toon
rentored io it original color
trith th glot and freth
oV'tuth. Thin hair It thick
ened, falling hair chocked,
and baldness often, though
nnt altrttva. rnred hv lta naa.
Nothing can restore the hair
where, the follicles are tleetroyed, or the gland,
atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be
saved for usefu'net by this appt'callon. Instead of
fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep It
clean and vigorous. Its occasional use win prevent
the ha r from turning gray or falling r.ff, and conse
quently prevent baldness. Free from those dellterl
out subatances which make some preparation! dan
gerous and Injurious to the hair, the Vigor cm only
benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a
Nothing else can 1 e found to desirable. Containing oil nor dye, it doe not o'l while cambric,
and yet last long n the hair, givirg It a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & CO..
Pkactical ami Analytical Cuemksts,
lowell, mass.
Price, $I.OO.
ty Pold by a'l druggists and dealers lu medicine
PMITIT k DATIS. Portland. Id
CRANK A KRItillAM, a:i Francisco, j' t.
AY E Il'S S A K S A t A It I L L A ,
For I'urtfyin; the Blood.
The reputation t!is ex
cellint medicine enjoys,
it derived rrom Its eurea,
many which are truly
imirvellou Tivcteraie
easel of Scrofulous d s
ease, where the system
seemed saturaled with
corruption have been
nu ifii d and cured hy it.
erofulou airectiuns ami I
.iisorilers, which were g
eravated fy the acro'u- !
Inns ciiutaniiiiHi.t.i. until thi-y were pain. ully alllict-
ing. have been nidi, ally cu ed in suih great num-
bers in almot every section of tie; country, that j
Ihe public t:arcely need to be informed of sis vir
tues or uses. I
Scrofulous poison Is one of the most destructive j
enemies of our race. OOen the unseen mid -uiiieit j
tenant of the oig'tnisin undermlm s the cnnsiitiiiion, j
and invites the nttai-k of enleehlingor fatal di.efe, 1
without exciting a suspicion ol ils irsence Agiiii.
it seems to breed !nr Ii in throughout tbeliody, ai d I
then on soie favorable occasion rapidly develop j
into one or other of its hideous form, either on the
surf ice or nmntie he vitals. In the latter, tuber- I
clee mar be suddenly ile"isited in the l-.mi.-s nr
heart, or lumnrs formed in the liver, or it show! its
presence by e.untiont .m the sklu. or toul ulcera
tloi a on some part of the body. Hence the occa
sional n-e af a bo'Le of thij Farsapa. ilia is advisa
ble, evm wen no active s.vmptnnis of dixease ap
pear Prins afllicteit with the folio inu com
plaints generally find Immediate relief, a 'd at
ngth. cure, by the use of this KAKAPs RILLA :
Pt. Anthon's fire. Rose or Kerysipela, Tetter,
Palt Rheum, Pcald Head, Ringworms, fore Kycs,
Pore ..ars. and other eruption or visible form 01
Scrofulous disease. Also In the mine concealed
f irm, as Dysrpia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Kit,
Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and Ihe varlnut flcereui affic
tion. of the muscular tnd nervous systems.
Pyphilils or Veneral and Mercurial Diseases are
cured hy it, thoueh a long time I required for tub
duiig liiete obstinnte maliiilles by any medicine.
But lot f cnntii ued ne of this medicine will cur
the complaint. Leurorrho? or Whites, Uieein CI
cerationa, and Female Diteasvs, are commi nly simio
relieved and ultimately cured by Its puiitying and
Invigorating' tffect. Minute Directloi tor eaeh case
are 'ound in our Almanac, supplied gratia. Rheu
matism and Ooul. when caused by ac-ummulailnna
of extraneous matters In the blood. J ield quickly to
It,' as aUo Liver Complnirts, Torpidity, Congestion
or Inflammation ol the Liver, and Juundice. when
arri inff, as jhey often do. Iri-m Ihe rat king poison
in the blood. Tbi PARSAPABH.LA Is a great re
storer for th ttrergih and igorof the systein.
rtioso who are Languid ard Li-tless, Despondent,
Pleent ss, and troubled with Nervous Apprehension
or Peart, or anv of the aifecilons symi4n atieof
tVeakness, will find tmmcila.e relief add convinc
log evidence i t It reMorattve power upon trial.
rn'parfd by DR. J. V. A lilt & CO.,
Pbaciical Axi Analytical Chemist,
Price. $l,O0.
ty Sohl by all drugclstt an I dealer In medicine
PM1TH A DVI, Portland, I Wholeeale
CRANK k BRIGH AM, San Francisco, Agent.
AJ. MOXKOE. ' , .
' California,
Vermont ami
Kalian iTIarblt s,
lleatl uikI
Foot Stones,
I5LL furnished to order.
SaleTi, April, 13th, 1809.
T?ROM 100 to 130 bushel grown to the acre I
V HVfcrh. rrAmaiiindft nom.d. to th. Whet
Tills Oata hat been grown on every vaiietrol
toil and lu every State of the Lnion, with the most
perfect success.
The grain it Trry large, plump and handtom.
hat a remarkable Vii huii; aud ripen earlier
than the common varieties.
The straw ia bright, clear, ttmit. and not liable to
lodk-e. It perfectly cr ortwf; and grows rrom
4 to o reet high.
We have both the White an I Black Norway, both
the tame price and eq iall7 productive.
'- We will send one amrt of the above Oatt to any
one address pott paid for f I
Two quarta, post paid 8 tnl
One peck aent by expresor freight..... 8 no
Half bushel. 2 pouhd tt
One bushel. 40 pounds 1000
CAUTION. tST VV.- wish it itistlnctly understood
that this is not a light oata. weighing is tu Si jiound
raise-tin New Enland, aud old I'mler the name of
Norway, but imported Peed, everv jusliel guaran
teed to weigh 4" pounds, or tne money rrjunaeu.
Samolr of boihkino tent fret ot three cent
tamp. Also Circulars aud Testimonial.
Ad.lres all order to N. P. BOVEK k CO..
tebll:w3m Parkeshurg, Chester Co. Pa.
Fresh Garden, Flower, Krult, Tree,
Shrub and Evergreen Seeds, with dl
rrctions Tor culture, prepaid br mall.
Th'jmost complete and Judicious as
sortment In the country. Agents
S5 SorU of either fot 1 1.0O, pi err id by mail. Alto
gniall Fruits, Plants, Ruth, all toe new Potatoes,
Ac, prepaid by mail. 4 lbs. Early Rote Potato, pre
paid, for fl.tMl Conover't Colo. sal Asparagus, $3
per It"1; '25 for It", prepaid. New hardy, Ira
grant, ever-bloomiog Japau Honey tuckle, 60 cents
each, prepaid. True Cape tod Cranberry, lor up
land or lowland culture, $1.00 per loo, prepaid,
with direction. . riced Catalogue, to any addres
gratis; a'so trade list, heeds on Commission.
B. M. WATWX, Old Colony Nurteriea and Seed
Warehouse, PI jr mouth, W EMablichcd In IMi.
Eggs or Pure Bred Fanej Poultrj
r have on hand the .argett and best selection
If of Fancy Poultry tu ! found In the country.
Lgg carefully boxed and shipped to any part of
tbt Country. For circulars and 1 rt et addreaa,
N. P. BUYER k 10.,
Feb;i:w8a Parkeaburg, Cheater Co-, Pa.
J. 11. ilAAS b
of Medicine of the racoltf ol I'aiis
(Jraduate of ihe Univeraiiy Queen'
C'olleze, and Physic an of ihe
te Society San I- ranciaco.
Da. PiaaaiXT has pi sasiire to inform patienta, and
othert seeking confidential medical advice, tin be
can be consulted daily at lilt office, Armory .1 1
Building, North East coi ner Montgomery and Pc
ramento street.
Da. PeaaACLT's atudle have been almost exrlu
alvely devoted to the various form of Nervou and
Phvtcal Debility the retult of Injurioua habits, ac
quired in youth, which usually terminate Id impo
tence and aterility, and prematurely Induce all t..e
concomitant! of old age. Where a secret Infirmity
exist Involving the happiness of a life and tbat of
other reaaon and morality dictate the neceasity of
IU removal, for it ia a fact bat premature decline of
Ihe vigor of manhood matrimonial unhapplnts,
compulsory lngle life, Ac have their tourcct la
cruses, the germ of which It planted In early life,
and the bitter fruit tasted long afterward; patienta
laboring under this complaint, will complain of ope
of the following svmptoms: Nocturnal Emissions,
Pain In the Hack and Head. Weak net of memory
ati.l Picht, Discharge from the Urethra on gong to
stool nr making water, the Intellectual Facultie are
weakened, Loss of memory ensues. Idea are cloa
'led. and there I a disinclination to attend to busi
ness, or even 10 reading, writing, or the society of
Irendvetc. The patienl Will complain of D allies",
Vertig-o. and that Sight and Hearing are weakened,
and sU-p disturbed by dreams, melancholy, slgh
Inf. palpitation, faintii gs, routrhs. nd slow fevers,
while aome have external rheumatic pain and numb
loss of the body, fVme of the most common
symptom are pimples In the face, and arhlnga In
different parts of ihe body. Patients suffering trom
this disease t' ouM apply Immediately to Dr. I'er
raiilt, either In person or by letter, he will s-nar-anlee
a cure of Pemlnal Kmltalooa and Impotence lit
six to eight weeks.
Patients suffering from venereal disease In any
stnge Gonorrhea, tileet, Ptrlcturea, Pubo Ulrers,
Cutaneous Eruption, etc.. will be treated turret
fully. All Pyphilitlc and Mercurial Taint entiiely
removed from the system.
Dr. Perrault's diplomas are In Mi office, where pa
tients cn see tor themselve that they are under the
rare of a re-u'srly educated practitioner. The best
references given, if required.
Pa! ietita suffering under chronic dlscatet can call
and ex imine foe themselve. We Invite Investiga
tion; .tlaiii. not to know everything, nor to cure ev
erybody, but we do claim that In all casts taken un
der tieatment, we fulfill our promise. We particu
larly request those who have tried this boasted doctor
and that advertised physician, till worn out and
discouraged, to call upon ut.
Low charge and quirk curet.
L.idiet tutering from any complaint Incidental
to theli sex, an consult the Doctor with tne assur
ance of relief.
Female Montlily Pills.
Da. PKajurLT Is the only agent In Callmrnla for
Dr. Bkit'b Female Montlily Pill. Their Immense
sale bat established their reputation a a female
remedy, unapproacbed and fur in advance of every
other remedy for suppressions and Irregularities,
and other obstructions In femalea. On the nccipt
Ol nve aoliara, ineae rms win lie pen uj iiinu or
express to any part of the woiid, secure from cu
riosity or damage.
Persons at a distance can be cored at home, by
addressing a letter to Dr. Perrault, corner of Sacra
mento and Montgomery streets. Rooma 10 and U,
or Box 978. P. O , Pan Francisco, stating he case
at minutely at possible, general habllt of living, oc
cupation, e,c, etc.
All communications confidential. lOmayMly
'cw Rp medics, 'cw Bcmcdlrs!
Francisco, private entrance on
UIMMLKt lAU established In
IsM, lor the treatment of texu
a! and seminal ilUeases, stieh
as Oonhorrho?a, Gleet nurture.
eyphtllis in all Its forms. Semi
n I , I ..... . ......... A "r .
ji,i i rKiirH ten, j , rill fw
Pkin diseases, (of year stand- i3!
ng) and Llcerated Legs, tuc-TV
e..fullv trateil. Vvi
How many thousands ,t person, both male t..d
female, are there, who in lin 1 gout a miserable
existence from the elTecis 01 . c tl Indulgence, or
from virus absorbed Into the sv,m. Look at the' r
pallid, emaciated and d si gn ed fares, and the r
broken down constitutions, rilMuilirying them '..'
the happiness of mar-luge, or Ihe enjoyment of ll'e.
In this horr'd situation, thouaardt suffer unt I death
closet the scene. Let parents, guardian, friends,
attend to those who are suffering with any ol '!-
horrible, fife-destroi ing maladies see thai tbi re
cared for and cured before it be too late, tend
them Immediately to Doctor Gibbon, a pvysic1nn,
who ha made prli ate disease hi especial study (or
years, and who is. certain to cure the most Invet
erate cases without mercury, or any Injurious di ngs.
It it Important to those who are attlicteo.or to tho-e
who are interested In the weliar of their friends to
oecareiui 01 me many pretended doctors who In rest
all cities, publishing their tkill in curing all dlteasrt
In a few days. Imposing npon the public by using
the name of endnent phyt-ans fiom Europe and
other placet. Be therefore raretul, and make
ttrict Inqu ry, or jou may fall into the handt of
those charlatan.
Seminal Weakness.
Seminal Emmlsslont. the consennenra of s-lf.
abuse this solitary vice, or depraved sexual Indul
gence, I practiced by tint youth of both sexx-a 10
a 1 inon uniimiicn extent, producing with onerrinir
c"' '"",m"""w morm.i symptoms,
" ed by scientific meoical measure.
vi: hallow countenance, dark spots under thr.rn
pain In the head, rlnslr g In Ihe eart, like Ihe rust
ling of leave and rattling of chariots, uneasiness
about tbe loins, weakneaa sMhe limb eontns d vis
ion, blunted Intellect, loss of confidence, difflilrnra
In approaching strangers, a dtaJike to form new ae
qualn alnces, a rtisnositloi- to thun sorletv. Inu (
memory, hectic flushes pimple and various eruptions
about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, roughs
consumption, night tweata monomania, and fre
qnent Insanity ir relit-f be not obtained, should
apply Immediately, either In person or by letter,
and have a cure effected by hit new an I telertifio
mode of treating this disease, which never falls of
effecting a quick and raolral euro. Dr O. will give
One Hundred iloilara to uy person who will pruve'
atisractorlly to him that he wat cored of com
plaint by either ot the Pan Francisco quack.
Married Itlen,
Or those who contemplate marriage, who are tuT
ferlng under aoy of the fearful maladies, should not
forget the s.;rrd retponst'ill y resting opon them
nor delay to obtain Immediate relief.
To Ihe Ludies.
- Tho- various complk-atod and distressing diseases
1 icident to female, treated with eminent success
fitch at Buppreaamn, Irregnlanty, hltet, Falling
of the Womb, Tumor, all Urinary Dlsessea, Ner
vou Debility, Painful or DilBcull Menstruation
Barrenness, Ac, will be speedllj cured, without pol'
lonons drugs. Injurious or uopalataole n.edlciiiesof
any kind. Have no delicacy lu calling, o differ,
enco what your tijfflcttltlet may be. The afflicted
are cordially invited to call and sailify themselves.
Person calling at Dr. O ibboo's office or tending
foe package of saedlcin may rely opon his assnr
ranee or confidential secrecy. With Implicit faith
and . exiwct no more than remuneratlon for servi
ces rendered, considering the circumstance and
difficult- of rhe ease, rather thaa a too prevalent
and selfish practle of extortion among quack and
DOCTOR GIBBON 1 responsible, and will w. .
each patient a written Instruueot, binding Mm sell
to effect a radical and permanent curt, or make no
Cured at Home.
Person at a dlatture may be CURCD AT HOME
by addressing a Ictlssftto lr. Gibbon Mating esse'
symptom, leniith of time the disease has continued,'
and have m.dl. lm protnp y forwarded free from
damage and eunortty, to any part cf th country,
with lull plain direet'oos f use. for ten dollars
sent In registered letter er tbrnvah Wella.Faro A Ca
Addres Dr. J. F. G1FEC N. 23 Kn; .
B-x Sil ".uito roi umcej .
Co nsulatlons I SIX m jWJtl 1
at . V a ' r
i, vv.- . 1
- fi