."Oregon Statesman AND UNIONIST. SALEM, FRIDAY, : : : : DEC. 24 v TSLEQBAPHIC SU2CIAEY. ! : " f ; FROM THE WEST INDIES. t New York. Dec A SanUairo dis patch to the Herald States that I be Haytien , steamer, seized on the eoast and taken to that place on suspicion of having landed tyrm for. the Cubans and 100 men of Val- ; msrta's battalion, has arrived. Fighting Mo'Satecontinttea. Cholera is decreas ing. The Cubans are in full possession of . the northern part of the island, and are . maklnsr extensive preparations to attack frt a Prince. Five ateamere belonging to the inaorgenta are coaling for the pur pose of joining the attack. Salnave is re- ported at Pelknille. . Port au Prince is reported in a wretched condition. One dol lar in gold is selling for a thousand in Hav tiea currency. Ilarana, Dec. 14. Kingston, Jamaica. Jp " to "oveniber 30th are received, Bteamer tatreita while sailing from vape uayu jo Port an Prince sprung a . " "u ur uidi 01 V.OV, zt&v upon tno , MUHrOYerj 01 wnicn n panic ensued among ; jne passengers and crew. Five passengers. . Jnciuainz Mr. CrecTor. the American Consul at Kingston, escaped in a small boat and rescued baa nicolas. A perfect pandemo nlum prevailed, but by the effort of the officers the Eatrelta was kept afloat and xeaooea ilolesu Aicolas, early on Sunday where she was met by a wbonner which took her passengers- off and brought them to una city, wnere iney arrived this morning, f ; CONGRESSIONAL. Washington. Deo. 18 Mr. Brownlow read m ong personal letter with regard to his con nection with late political events in Tennessee, ueujmg idh ne aided tho atumpt to elect ABurew wunnsun, (senator, etc. , iur. carpenter made an elaborate speech in support of his resolution, declaring that tbe fcpanish jptnWt should not be permitted to leave New York, and then- M.11 ilf ilia ... I w. ...., U vu iba passage. Mr. Sumner objected, and made a ferial ar. gnment against interference with tbe ennboats. art's aa. Mnf. 1 ! l. r . ' -. - lovvisuitron 01 me noans as belligerents. invmuva nu turnover unaertQe rules. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, made a long speech ''""J repeat oi me eignt-hour law. r nr. tr-- ' , . .. .u A " onerea a resolution requesting iuo vummiuee on Alines to investigate the cause oi toe late nornblo accident at the Av- vuuoie bido, ana report-a bill, to prevent the iwuiiDuco m euca accidents. V LEGAL TENDERS SUSTAINED. The Supreme Court, on tbe bank tax ques tion, sustain tbo constitutionality of tbe IhI tender act. Tbe Chief Justice, speakine lor , ".-"--"t "pi inison ana uavis, de clares that Congress bus the eon Rtitll finn A 1 right to authorize the emission of bills of cred it, in anotfier place be says tbe exercise is one of the indubitable constitutional powers of Congress to 'make currency for the whole country. mese expressions lead Congressmen u wiiieio me jegai aenatr Act safe. The Spanish gunboats are expected to leave iv-morrov. The New York Hotel property was sold at auction lo-aay ior u,Uvo,00U. 1 MOB IN KENTUCKY. Louisville, 15th A body often armed men entered the Richmond jail on Sunday, and took out two negroes, and hung one, and wnipped tbe other and sent him back to jail. I ILLINOIS CONVENTION. Chicago, Dec. 15. The Illinois Constitu tional Convention is having a lively time over us organization, ah 01 yesterday was spent i in discussing whether the members should take i an oatn to support the Constitution. It was Haany compromised by agreeing that thev ..i iii i . i . buuuiu i&&e an oato-tn support so much there of as is not incompatible with their duty. Indianapolis, Dec. 15. The Society of tbe Army or me ininoenand met to day. Gen. bhendaa was chosen President, in the ab sence of General Thomas. Sheridan made a brief and feeling speech on taking the chair. iivery allusion to Uen. Thomas was received with enthusiasm. . Rosecrans, Wood, Schofield ana rele were each called for, and addressed the meeting. A letter from Gen. Thomas was read, committees appointed, and tbe meeting - .1 : 1 . : 1 1 . vjumuti i iii iu-morrow. Cincinnati, 15 h. A desperate fight oeourred jnonaay nigDt Del ween a party of negroes and wmies at .uaiuen, west Virginia. Several were wounded on both sides. poib-ui. aua mat me uoernea ol ilitt people i could only be maintained br tha fniii r gard for the right and powers of tbe dff leren departments of the General Govern ment ana or the State. Wblle yielding all just respect to the JndldA ih i,of imply to define bytbis bill the powers of iua uepwHnwni. iDa aennitioii would not exceed by ofie step tho U nit which the 2Spi2?iei.-9jmrl atrea,IJ laW down. The bill bad mt been framed with any view of interfering with any questions now pruuiug. irumonu submitted an amend iucu reemcuog me powers of the Su wrua oi naoeas cor pus, to persons within their respective dis- NO REPUDIATION. Tbe House went into Committee of the Whole on the Prairiont'o m... Monger criticised the financial policy of c,Uuirui,Da aavocated a reoudia tion of the national debt tsrooits disclaimed all responsibilitv for .. j . .ruiiuo. speaking for tbe Democratic members from New York be said the debt never could be reoudiail' jvtii niou ictfuuiaien IQA unt m...i. -r woTpa bill in evening session. Davis mafle a speech against it. Casserly de- uuum.ru iue reconstruction policy as gov em men t by tbe bayonet. Williams' amend meat finally passed, reauirinar the adoption by Georgia of tbe Fifteenth Amendment, Florida is said to be in a bad state, as sassinations ireqiientiy occur. A reqnest has ben made for troops to be sent there. iv a a vivvtivui ( Monger, and said tbe DemocraUcTartv is -nS? - not in favor of repudiation. PTtJ 18 ?"d o""?1" do ide fcptiQisn ganboals are further d- tained by refusal of engineers to go in tnem as cney engaged. Tbe Saltan of Tnrkev has contracted fnr 10.000 breech-loading rifles to be made in iub uniieu siates, A plan is suspected, as being laid for tbe destruction of th Spanish gunboats after iney snail nave put to sea. The ete mer Grician. from Palermo, went ashore on Long Island and broke In. two A terrible mining accident occurnd Dec. 18th near Hxzleton. Pa. A coal mine :aved in. filling shaft and tnnni-1 remifiiattnn t J I uuwu i wo inrge nouses wnn rnten-int.ro.t -o.m:r...Jt .. . I several p " ..TL ",au,,rT """J stantlv killed, and Garfield, at the close of the dicu sion bv unanimous consent, moved that the commit tee report to theHonse a resolution that tbe proposition, direct or indirect, to repudiate o '. " " " luo ueDt ot tne United States, is unworthy the honor and good name of the nation, and tbat the House. - uuUi uiBuucuon or party, bereby sets its seal of condemnation on all such proDosi tions. r F Alter some filibustering this was adopted JftnoB alnnn waas aiuuc TUUUg UU Baltimore. Dec. 16. Phillips, late post- ' n a a t am . . aT. . I i J ir-a uoouri vamunuge, mu.. was sentenced i.BAx n,ontD8? imprisonment, and fined 904.UUU ior empezziement. t ottsville, Pa.. Dec. 16. Samnel Nrlrr. vis. an English preacher at Centerville. is convicted of murder in tbe first degree for killing his infant child. Hia quitted. BUTLER AFTPTR THT? PPRPt a 'I think, bad an example been made of ruiue uau a zen leaders ot the South, esne- vicu luuBts wuo were eaucated at tbe mili iary scnooi or tbe United States, and were irumeu wun commands in the army ot the rebellion, every insurgent State woiild-long tic mis uavo Deep remoulded into the Un ion. All tbat now remains is to rm ihm every safeguard be given to loyal men white uu uiaca, mat person, property and politi cal rights be guarded, therefo re. ill anv an tion I miiy take in Congress or elsewi.ere. I suau nave mis end only fn view tbe adop tion of the Fifteenth Amendment." STEVENSON ELECTED. Louisville. Dec. 16. Following is the re suit of tbe ballot for United States Senator oievenson (Dem.) 117; Finley (Rep.) 10; Spanlding 6j John C Breckenridge 1. Nec essary for a choice, 67; Stevenson was inereiore declared Senator elect. NIRTO-G LYCERINE EXPfLOSION. liti.sville. Pa. Dec. 16. At 4 o'clock this aiternoon a magazine containing half a ton i uuro-giycenne. exploded, cansing much uaujngo io ouiiamgs tnronenout the c tv. u iuimuu aiiiiug ii. u. uropny. tbe only man known to be near tbe maiazine, which was about a mile from the ciiy. Washington. Deo. 16. The President fent to the Senate the following nominations to day : J. Wilson Shaffer of Illi nor of Utah, vice Dnrkee ; Benjamine F. Pottsof Illinois, Governor of Monta Aehley. EUROPR London. Dec. 16. It is reported to-day that the Suez canol will be closed to com merce shortly, in order tbat new excavations may be made. it. Several persons in the houses were in- some persons are sup posed to have suffered the same fate in the mine. Ten persons are killed. Some member of the Tennessee Leeisla tore, having proposed the sale of Gen. Thomas' portrait which hanas in the Sine Library, tbe General has offered to refund the cost of tbe same, and to return the erolil medal voted him by the last Legi lature. Later intelligence of the mining disaster recorded above, savs tbe mine bad no ben worked for fifteen years nast. Th. earth continues falling and their in itnnrp hension of danger to other houses near by Tbe iron foundrv of Wickson A Van Winkle is burned. Loss $200 000. The engine house of the Jersev mine. Scranton. Pa., was burned last week. Une man in the mine perished, three ! caped. , Indians, on the nigbt of the 15th. atfart-. ed a party of eleven men. near Fort Shaw. Montana-, ki led one man, and diove off 30 uorses. Intense excitement has been erpatorl at lerre llauie. lnd.. bv h-inrm ainii) Pa. -. . L ,. ... . ... -P.-""" man aiuoncs. oviivereu by lr. White, ex posing conduct if priiets in confession etc. His lectures wre densely thronged The Catholics bud b nil arreHtMlr hut rnlt make no case against h m. He afterwards leciured with still more effect. io to Sarah a hoiite. and etop a little while, and then come back ind tell me what she ays about imp; ihn I'll talk about her ; ben yon go and tell her all I say. then we'll get mad and won't speak to each other, just like our mothers do, vou know. O. that'll be such fun !' Suspension Bridge Falls. The bridge spanning the Cosumnes, near Latrobe. Cal. lately parted its cables when George Kopp was crossing with an eigbt-borse 'team, pre cipitating them into tbe river. Tbey fell near 70 feet instantly killing Kopp and seven of tbe animals. The cable was in jnred by rust. Tbe load consisted of over four tons of merchandise. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Land. Va luatle NEAR SALEM, FOTt sale: rOFiER FOR SALE 290 ACRKU OK LAND.lylnf IX miles eist of the Woolrn Factory, wiih Brick House, ana Good Barn, Sheds, FKKCINO, WELLS, AND Valuable Improvements and Growing Crops. Thlg Ian Is rart of the land clafma f Wo 'Ire.- A Gilbert. Title periret. Pertoiu KDting m ller parcelK msy find a barpaH to suit, as I will sell on aoeommouatinK terms. A plat ot the pri-mis scan been,aj'd pait cnlars as to terms can be had. at tlie TiTESMAH tffice, or ot the undemgned, on the uremlsts. ALFRED STANTON. November 27. MISCELLANEOUS. SELLING OFF AT COST ! LEGAL NOTICES. CNDER3 GN'ED, HATING DETERMINED To Close Business In 5"aTcm OFFER FOR SALE AGENTS WANTED For the Bfst and !ost Permanent Subscription Book I'ubllshed. McFarland. who Khot. Richardson: oeen maiciea in Aew York. The Surroerite has denied Ihe annl. ration Of Richardson's brother til Rriminiatr nn bis estate, on the eround that tion belonged to the widow and children of th deceased. UinhnnUfm lft- tinnnit - - w iw. vuv 7ri&une stock, and property in New Jersey. The vote for Governor, in Texas fa an close that it will require tbe official connt to decide it. The conservation in;.n majority in the Legislature on joint ballot EUROPEAN. Tbe English Government has sent troons to L ndonderry. Ireland, to prevent a riol on the occasion of celebrating the old siege of that city, on the day of its anniversary. The London Times savs that Minfatwr Motley proposes reopening of negotiations for settlement of tbe Alabama claims. Tin- proposal will be accepted, hut no negotia tions will avail if the respe. t ve parlies do not enter t pon them with mutual nfi dence in each other. Educating the Horse. There is a TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE. Aasnville, Dec. lo. The House to-day 1 . A l J ,- . 1 . ... . poswu io a miru reauing me Dill to preserve the credit of the State. It taxes all prop erty eighty cents on the hundred dollars, provides lor funding tbe Bank of Tennes see notes and the State debt fulling due be fore 1872. Harrisbnrg. Dec. 15. Governor Geary has withdrawn bis order for the execution of Dr. Scboeppe, pending the action of the Supreme Court. , ! A COUNTERFEITER. New York, Dec. 15 Colonel Whitney, chief of ; tbe United States secret service, received by express from Philadelpia last evening a package conl aining counterfeit ten dollar National Bank note plates. The pla'e. wuicn is in iour pieces, two tor tne race and two for the back, is splendidly engrav ed on tho finest steel. Tbe latter bearing tbe imprint of John Sellers & Son, Sheffield. Experts and detectives pronounce it the best plate ever seen. Tbey were of opinion that notes have never been printed upon it that bad not been translered. The person sending it says he has been a counterleiter for tho past twelve years and has reformed and left for foreign parts. ! BUILDERS INDICTED. St Lonls, Dec. 15. The Coroner has preferred tbe charge of murder in the fourth degree against tbe architect aud assistant superintendent and contractor of tbe stone masonry of tbe building which recently fell on the corner of Fifth and Olive streets. EUROPE. London. Dec. 15. The Tunes, in an article on the Canadian reciprocity treaty, says its rejection by the United States Sen ate relieves Lngland of an awkward ques tion, i London, Dec. 15. Eoopmanschap, tbe Chinese 1 merchant Of San Francisco, is ne gotiating with- tbe Loyds Steamship Com paoy for transportation of coolies from Chinese ports by way of the Suez canal. " f NEVADA. Reno, Dec. 19. Twd bnndred and forty neaa oi wua cattle reacned this place by rai at 11 o'clock last night. After being un- loaaea, iney necame alarmed at tbe steam whistle, and broke the inclosure, stamped ing torougn tne town, tnreatentng death anu aistruction to every thing in their path. Parties are now in pursuit ot -them. Truckee. Dec. 16. Last night abont half past eight o'clock, a young man named II Bannen, employed as nigbt yard master in a yard at truckee, in making a coup ling, slipped and fell between the car and both legs were run over and badly crushed in a shocking manner. The rizht lee will have to be amputated. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, 16th-IoSenate, Morton's amendment to bill to perfect reconstruction in Georgia was read. It provides tbat the Legislature shall be provisional until it rat ifies the 14th amendment. 15th. amendment, and the State is represented in Congress. Mr.Carpenter thought tbe amendment un necessary and pernicious, and might give Southern people reason to say that, while they were in a condition of duress, terms of admission were ri1otati.il K C mn., n.. v-'ugivm. 11C did not want a future Jefferson Davis to bring in a bill ot exceptions and move a new trial. . Mr. Drake said rebel Southerners should be made to feel the power of Congress which oonld not be strangled bv the Sn prema Court or any other State authority. SUPREME COURT BILL. Trumbull made a speech in favor of tha hill relating to the appellate jurisdiction of tbe Suprems Court He said t fully re cognixed tbe necessity for a division of the powers of tbe Government believing that ihe concentrating of all the powers in tha bitnde of tbo faw tended to war aod des Great indignation is felt in North Caroli na in regard to the misappropriation of railroad and other bonds issued by tbe last Legislature. Fraud is charged and inves gatioo demanded. Butler replies to Greeley's appeal for magnanimity to the Senate, and removal of all disfranchisement, in a caustic letter in which he insists upon proscription. The workingmen of New York have held an anti-coolie meeting, and call on Con gress to take measures to stop the Coolie trade. Tbe defalcation of Georee F. Dn nnienn. ui iuj iaicago siiD-ireasury. was discov ered lately, and amounts to $20,000. It is thought Allisons apportionment oin win pass congress, by which tbe House win nave ouu members. Judge Gners resignation has finally u kui imu me supreme uourt. Brooks, of New York, said, in tbe House. mat tne Democracy never have b en and never can be repudiators. The action n! the House on this subject is much talked of among nnanciai men, who regard the ques tion as entirely removed from the politi cians. The vote on that question was light, because many of the members had gone home to spend the Holidays. The insurrection in the Red Biver coun try, British America, will be left for the Hudson Bay Company to deal with. The Illinois Constitutional Convention has organized by the election of Independ ent Republicans and Democrats as its of ficers. The straight Republicans were beaten. , New York, Dec. 16. It is stated that an attempt was made to destroy the Spanish gunboats, to-nigbt. by a party of Cuban sympathizers, but timelv information ... abled the Spanish authorities to detect tbe acneme. - r Santiago, via Havana, Dec. 15. The cipanisn troops nave anally retired from l 1 .. . ! A jHugairt iu twu ueiacuments, one going to isicton and tne other to Serrano. Suhiuv qnently 2.000 reinforcements arrived for tbe insurgents, wun iresn supplies, and recruit ed tbeirold positions. Insurgents are in great inrce in tne neienbonn&r mountains Tbe landing of fiUibusters at the mouth of tne Kie uubana is confirmed. It is renortd that Valmazeda has written to Havana that ne must Have reinforcements or resign tbat it is impossible to carry on the cam paign wun 30,000 troops, a third of whom are sick, bicknees among the troops is in creasiug. - r EUROPEAN. ine ecumenical Council is unable to agree as to tbe formation of a commission to -regulate tbe relations between Cburcb and State, and define tbe rights of each. Alacard were posted in Paris the night oi tne loin or .uecemuer, calling tne peo pie to arms in tbe name of tbe Republic. The next day a number of arrests were made. . In the Corps Letrislatif. Estancalier. Deputy, expressed homage for tbe Orleans Prince, and regretted their banishment. His remarks were protested against by one of the mlniatrj. The Deputy continued to make a severe attack on tne Government The Spanish Cortes has determined to in vestigate i&e robbery or tne crown jewels, of which act tne ex-yneen is accused. . The Alabama question is exerting renew ed Interest io England. : . The Suez Canal is not to be closed on ac count of additional work to be done, as baa been reported. . . . , CALIFORNIA. Geo. Harker, manager of the Pacific Wine Refinery, baa absconded with $4,000 of tbe Company's money. ' Tbe -Placervllle and Sacrameato Valley Railroad baa incorporated. . Capital $750, 000. Wheat is quoted at SI 37J1 60. Oats range from $1 201 SO. j - Steamer Montana, from Portland, arriv ed Dec 17th. ': ' Steamer Moaea Taylor was to sail Sun syf pea. 18 a, for Portland. . LATER. 17- Tha Senate bag considered Uu (rood deal of what mat h termed human nature about the borse : that is. a siiRpptibility to improve by education. All di-mestic animals pi ses ibis, in a certain decree, but tbe horse is more than com monly endowed in this recpt-ct. It' left to himself, however, or butindifferentiy taught wurujuuug, me noise, line tue negu-cted boy. will grow ui with an uncouth earring anamougii a servicable drudge, will fail to give pleasure lo those who may have tbe manngenienr ot inm- A correspondent ol tbe Germanlown Te'erinruh suseets a nlan oi i rent men i ior colts, lie savs: 'Tin outline of my plan may be thua'piven : As soon as the colt is weaned, te should have a good feed, and be bundled even- day if possible ; he should be coaxed rather than made by force lo do anytliine- Nev er use a switch or the end ot a halter strap lie nrm. but not overbearing ; it will be round better to. overkok the tault. than to a tempt and fail to correct it. Nevr lose your temper ; for the moment you do so. you at tbe same time lose tbe advantage which yon should always have over him. 'During the winter, tbe colt should be bal Jered tLe greater portion of tbe time, either in his stable or out in the open air the latter for at least a portion ot every day ; use the mirrycomb and brush lieely. Re member you are forming the future horse, and care now taken either in his appearance or character is by no means lost. By the time be is a year old, he should allow you to place light ai tides on bis lack without any resistance, and should bo taught not to be afraid of straps banging loose eiiber about the body or heels. This education should be repeated during Ihe second win ter, aod by the time he is two years old, lie will quietly permit himself to be harnessed up alongside ot a quiet horse (bis tnotner. if possible) and driven about. During the operation of halter-breaking, great care should be always taken to make him walk fast fast walking should be made a part o nts education, and be will never torget it during his after life. I know of no colt wbith may not be made a good walker, if properly trained when young; but this is fast time, and walking is too slow to keep up WllU 1U OVll HOMt: PHYSICIAN, By Gporp; M Beard, A. M..M. D , of th-Unierlty of New York. It Contain I nvt-r 1.0'M pages, nll"v illustrate"!. This U n entirely n--w wui Ic. Ii. (1 npiin the Intent nd beat t-uihorities. Quackery, humbiipg.-ry am- old fopy dogmas epn.ed. We Imye several other In'e mid popular subscrip tion hoot S. For circulars CO-lianing It simouials, terms, etc . dd' ss WtSTKKN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 4i'J Kearnev s.. ?-n Krancifo, or dedO Box 4. Portland, Oregon. For fStile. Thn e Good Dwelling Houses and lots IN SAI-EM. Also, force Good" Building Lots, All of which n lie Imd cheap f. r each. N"w ie the time to j;et gooJ barHii e. J. M COULTER Salem. Ortolier 28 oc- Town Lots in Seattle. I AM prepared to ofll vatuaMe property in the city of Seattle, on Pnttet Sound All persons desiring to secure an interest in the FUTURE TERMIXUS OF THE N.P.R.R. Will d well to csll hikI see the maps 1 have, aud learn tlie tern;s I ofl'er hETH K. HAMMER. Salem. Sept. 12 xz INSURANCE la iTIrmorium. At the last regular nieetinjf of Capital Lodge No. 11, 1. O. of G. T., held Satnrday evening, December 18th. 1869, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHim ABoor beloved Brother Doctor H. B Lintro has been removed from onr midst bv the band of death, and wheras we desire to give some expression to onr aoriow at tbis greai loss, 1 bwrelore be it , , Resolved, That in onr judgment. Brother ljinvo was a man of strict, unswerving integ rity, always fearless, aud regardless of conse quences, in bin adliereuc to right and iu bis opposition to wrong, naving a trulv Koman hiyalty to jnstice aud virtne, and, like Bratus or old. sternly ana pitilessly sacrificing every tie and feeling tbat interfered with the dis charge of bis duty; but while he was thus in flexible in h'9 adherence to principle and mer ciless in bis denunciations of vice, he had a heart as tender and compasoionaie as a wo man's, in a case of real unmeited suffering, and uo deserving object ever appealed to bis sympathies in vain. Retolved, That in the death of Brother Lingo just as he was entering upon a career which promised so ranch of good lo bimxelf and to bis fellow men, a great calamity wasinflicted upon society and npn the, profession which be bad chosen, but more especially upon tbe cause of Temperance, which in him loses a champion whom it can ill afford to spare a champion, too, in a calling which is calcn'ated to exert great influence either for or against that cause. Kenolved, that while we endeavour to bow in meek submission to the inscrutable decree wbicb has called our Brot her bence" from labor to reward we deeply mourn his untimely death, yet not without hope, for as he went forth UDon bis dark lonrnev full of culm ennfl dence in a blissful immortality at tbe end of tbat journey, we too take courage aud believe that it is well with him and that he baa been i dealt with even according to bia taiih. Keiolved, Tbat we tender our warmest anV moft heartfelt sympathies to. the family of Brother Lingo in their great bereavement, and trust that they may recwiva full consolation fr"m tne Ulver ci all mercies. .Resolved. That by this sad evntwe are admontsbed tbat we too shall soon be cnt ot! froth among tb living, aod tbat if we would accomplish anyt hing for the cause in wbicb we are enlisted we mast "be op and doing." Keaolved, Tbat these resolutions be spread at large upon tha records of tbe Lunge, far rounded witb mourning border, and tbat copiee of them be sent to the papers of ibis city and m tha Corvallis ' Gazelle fir publication . and also to tha family of Brother Lingo. Secretary of Capital Lodge. pLATrxo W"rb Womkn. Three little girls were playing in a back yard. Two of them were making believe keep house, a few yards distant from each other neigh bors as it were. One of them says to the third little girl i There now, Nellie, yoti I NEW ENGLAND Mutual Life Insurance Co'y. -cVswetw, !5!8,000,000. DIVIDENDS AXXUALLY. ALL POLICIES NON FORFEITABLE. All Policies Taken Out Daring this month participate In Dividends to be declared on the 1st of January next. EVERSON & HAINES, (etieml Agents, Portland. Office 12. Carter's Block. S. A. CLARKE, Aent, Salem. dec3 ESTABLISHED FEB. Im, 1842. THE MUTUAL Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. OOers the follnwinsr pecnliar advantages to persons intending to insure their lives: THE ASSETS A I?E LAT7GER than those f any other Life Insurance Company iu the Uni ted Slates, amounting to over l THIRTY-SIX MILLIONS of Dollars, and are EXCLUSIVELY t'ASU. THE DIVIDENDS have been larger m amount, and iu tiropoiiioii to premiums pid. than ever declared by any other compuny. DIVIDENDS ANNTALI.Y. commencing the ti rut. yetr. ami avtiilalile either t- increase the hmomit insured or in cash to reduce the pie tniu in 8. THE MORTALITY A MONO ITS MEM BERS haw been proportionally lees than that of any other Lii'e Insurance I onipxnv iu either America or Enr've whose experience has been made known a resnlt in the highest degree favorable to our Policy-Holders. CASH DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1808, 3,257,137.26. Policies exempt from execution Policies issued in Gold or Currency. NEW POl ICISS ISSUED IN 18C8. At Cost for the Xext Mnctj Dajf, FOR CASH ONLY, THEIR ENTIRE ANU IMMENSE STOCK Of Merchandise ! t'THIS STOCK EMBRACES THE 1 Finest and Best Selected Dry Goods, JLaIiet' Dress Goods, Clothing. Geur. Fiiriiitlitu Goods Hardware, Boots and Shoes, 'rckery Ware and Groceries;, In the City of Salem. Every ore iu nted or good wouM do well at in early dy, for at ihr expiration of the ninety days wlut goous remain on liaud will be withdrawn from tale. All persons indebted to either us or thi old Ann of BREYM AN, CRA N. TON A CJ. are requested to come torward nd make payment, tliereb? saving trouble and cost. No one s excepted. BOWEX Ai. CRANSTON, a Salem, Xot. 1S.J Summons. I N ihe Clreoit Court tl th- rials ot Orecoa for the 1 coui't.t of Marlon, . John t. KrrWrr, pl i.niiff, vs. L. r Curtre. William O itrt, Willi ra Ptrmt Btnllir PatTine. Chvli-s I'.trrine. J mr Harrlne, panner under the I'm name ol L'sitre, (iaiel a Co defondti.u. Ai-llo't al law lo recover inmiry. T i ibeahovr nund defeodimia: In the name of the ?i .1 i-l ori g in, )ou r- lier-iy required tu ap peir ai.d answer the .-on-pl tut 8ld nain jou In itte Kh.,ve eotiiitrd aff.l.-i.. b l it first day uf the ir. Ii ttrm of sn;d ioh i Ior the 'r lain, i !,e h.dilen t .-ulim. m M muiiif, commencing on th ciid M'inilM ol 9 ld tunuih ; ai d 1 )m lad r 10 to nnawer, lor want iherro -h pUimld w;!i ink jixiKmeot ituxinti you 'or tlx wn of .me tliousitml I ninety four dullara. fgr her With 'D'errs'. there- on ai th rie i.f r'gliieen per ce i.. per annum. a;.d eoaisaud diaiui wruie . HoN HAM A LAWPOV. Atm'ne- iur .be riainl lT. Ordered tlirt t! nive aummoos b- prlni.d for six fiici-e-u've w- e.. K. I'. Fjiisk, Judy t-nlrin. I)e-. In. v9. Notice of Final Settlement. II UMPHREY LOM. Admlristiaior of the estate L. ol VI. E. I'AKKM. Uecr.-I. 'ate ol Marion coun y, Urrro:i, ,HVi B'd hi final account a tni imrnt.,' .if sm,t t-aiate, I huve appointed T. ead 'y, u 8l'i nay ol feb-oary, lS7u, t 1 oVtca a. m., ior Hie hrarinjt ui oljrclmus to ucft final ac count, and iht tetilrineot iherenr. J.C. rKEHLKf, Ciu-iy Judp. Mart. ui cou ,iy, Ortpnn. Salem. Or.p.,.., 7ih, w4 'pAKKN I P, i.j the u d-r.itmed, I vtn 18 miles 1 Mil lit.. kl .1.. .. I In.. ........... 1 , Mare. soppoMii t. be 8 exra old 'sst prnir, aii"f itiirteen I and h h. aiid npjirl-. ai SC Nov 26(h l"6i. 8id mare ca-e t' nv ula. e i.in ih. I.t ,n June. 169. r-leclTwSI W. L. KENDALL. Pudding Rivei SAW-MILL. fi.V illles Noi thrast of ialem, between Ilowell Prai rie and Lake Lub.sL. 0l"R Mil l, is n.'W runnli-if, and mak'n? the BEST KIND OP LUMKtR. hi' h we abie tn II at au AVKRAGKlif TEN Uoi.LAKS PKK M. FEET. Cli ar Lumber, in Mt-cti-d lo's, ai 12."mi pi r M. feet. Our mill is o -i.vtnVi.i to nil pentnns liviiijt on Hnw i PrKirir. j-ilv-rlnii. Prt-ncii Prairie, and country ailjol'd"!: in Hie Waldo itdls 1ENNY t TARPLEY. lWt-niber 7, 119. w QODDAKD &. LAKE. I MATTE It GCr. Front and ! S Men if on Sti. V, j PORTIA NT. I L OF TBE FILL AMI WINTER STILES 1809 In Silk and Cassi'mere Hals, ARE NOW READY AT JCMuessdarffer&Bro ALSO, a lare-e qianti y ot NEW FTYLKS OF HATS AND CaP.-1. tno unmernut to mention. Dealers In our line will rotitu.lt their own Interests by riainin njr oor ato.-k before purcbaslnc rls where HA'8 OF ANY PFJ-CRIPiION MAliK TO ORDKR AND 01 D H A IS KEXTLY KI.PaIRED, at Store Corner Froi.t ai.d Mor.ifn.it Hreeis. nov PORTLAND, OREGON. dw J. IT. ITVVJS, DRALra is Clocks Watches, Jewelry PLATED & SILVER WARE, PA1 TON'S BLOCK. IFALEM. Havirg removed my stork to thesto-e In Pat ton's new block, a ijoinhiv the Hank, I m prepared to furnish all coods In my line, and to do all work at short notice. 0 ods for the Holidays ! CHRISTMAS PKESEATS! Those wanting to procure pr. nts for the ( mine holidays slinuM chM and esamitie.lnr I shall keep a supply to suit the want of all Nos. 114 and Id. Cor. Morrison and Second 3trvu Portland, Oregon, Having tcuirht out and I edited tbe old Bennett A White LIVERY, SALE k FEED STABLE We are now prepared to receive all the old custo mers, and as many more patrons as see fit to give as a call In our line of business, and will givepartlc u'ar attentior to Farmer's tok. We are satisfied that we can and will give entire satisfaction to our Irirnds and Ihe public. Our Livery Is all new, both csn tages and horses, and we shall take pri.l. in turning out as nice an outfitas any establishment can on this coast for the same monry. stf LADD & TILTON, U 3l. 3J- 331 H3 PORTLAND, OREGON. Established, 1859. CITY DRUG- S T O EE. J. "W. SOUTHEE, Druggist and Apothecary, (Established in Oregon in 1857.) "Wholesale and ISetuil Dealer in : DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEAIICALN, DYE-STUFFS, xtc, xra, etc. SOLE AGENT IN MARION COUNTY FOR THE SALE OF ALL STANDARD PATENT FAMILY MFD ICINKft. As I get them dirn t from the manufacturers fcakt, I ran warrant them reouloe, t'I RE and flesh, and sell th.matthe LOU ES-T PKIf - i PURE LIQUORS for Medirlnfl and Sacramental purposes. PHYSICIANS' PKE--CRiPTl' N3 accurately compounded frran tbe purest drugs. ' FAMILY kUDICINf" caie ully prepared. i ' My g.-o.Is have been Ixiunht UW for CASH, selected with the grestest care, an.l sre WARRANTED to be lust as they are rrpresenttd. Havinir had Iw. my y. ars' nrwrlenre In he business, I feel confident tha I ran tlve entire s-tisfartloo to all who may favor me with their patrooare. Call and examine my stork before ur hasini: t Invl tn. tio4:y MEDICAL. Mimic A I, mi mm iholesale agents. DEPOSITS received and to Check or Draft. Accounts kept, subject INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or TRUST FUND, in sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS, FROM date of deposit. STney Loanod on Approved Security. BONDS, STOCKS, and nthr valuables, received ON DfcPOir for SAFE KEEPING. COLLECTIONS mad mitted. INVESTMENTS IN REAL property made lor parties. A rents for the Transaction of all kinds of FINAN CIAL and TRUsl BUSINESS. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On Sa- Fran isco and the Atlantic States for sale. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES bought and soIJ oct!9w apd proceeds pror-vtly re- E5TATE id other PORI 5 S31ITII & j. w. stKBEorrH. MEIIEDITH,. a I AVILL.PAY THE FOLLOWING PRICES FOR GOOD, FAT HOGS: 200 lbs. and orer : : : 6 1-2 c. ncr lb. 175 lbs. and oyer : : : 6 c. per lb. Inder 115 lbs. : : : : : 5 1-2 c. per lb. lings mu-t be udder shed over night after being butchered, well spitad open, tongues lakt-n out and a chip put in tlirm. u h. Heavy hogs should be split In the center of the bai k-boi.e, nne foot only between the i-houldrr. Wi en hauu-d, to be laid on their bel lies, back up, and well covertd. i. THOMAS CROSS. Sa'em, Nov. 4, 1869 J!Xf)N S PATENT GATE. SELF 0PEXIX0 AXD SELF CLOSING For HCComuiudHtion f teams. J O II X U A K K JG K , Comer Comuiercitil and Cliemtketa street, Salem, Oregon, mantifHCtuie tho almve, and haa a woikinj; model ia operation on the premises. It is simple in plan. He has pnrt-haxed the rinlit lor Marion county, and is ready lor orders. O.UE AM) SEE Salem Anifii-t 8. ISci'J. THE GATE. aztf October 29, MARK A KINO, Pute Agent. J.N. HOMANS. Soecial Atteut. THE WASHINGTON Life Insurance Company, Of NEW YORK. Dividends paid one year from date of Policj 2 . i -'- 3 it Policies Exempt from Execution. Cash Assets, over $2,250,000 SECURELY INVESTED. Over 1S.OOO Members. 1 PURELY MUTUAL. 1 AU Policies and Dividends Noo-Forfeititble. Over 5,000 Policial issued in 1868. McKENKEY &. LINDEEMAN. General Ajfenis. 131 Montgomery strs-et. 8. 7., DirectJ? opposite Occidental Hotel. W. WHIT WELL, Portland, ' General Agent for Oregon and Territories. E. P. CRANSTON. Local Agent, Falero. Ralera, AofOHt3l. 1x69 3mx BUY TOUR SOLID SILVER and Plated Ware at J. U. HAAS. Bank, ALL KINDS Or PI.ATB WORK DOVK on a notice, such as Gold Plate, Silver. Platlna Itnanlina X7..1 . v . m, . asm. Griswold's Block, Opposite SALfr"M, )REtV short "caoiie.or nuuDer Vulcanite faced with " v fv"i ' i niuminum. WB WARRANT ALL OUR WORK not excelled by .. Pice ni "' of 'work to sr.lt all classes of pa tlents fiom five to mrty dollars per set. we use no gat In our oftVe. Anaesthetics used to 'u.i.vcincworrencri anatsihesla forthepsln -"-v.luu WCUI,- QJ IVotlce. 4 LL PERTON8 knowing themselves indebted to J fe tr Bote or book account are requested to .iju kiuc ine saoie witnout dlav. NoT H t! TH. Dentist. Ti'uit Trees FROM THS East Portland Nursery ! TTfILL BE FURXIHKD IN SALEM durlntr the f vear, Iticludini; all the varieties of 'RSKRV STOCK rommonlj found io O egron. All persons wi.l.ii.g anytl Inic In this line, please call at the Ag ricultural Warehouse of T t 'unnliifrlmm, C'rnmer cial street, frst door south of Lartd A Bush's Rank. Nov. 13 w C. W. ROY L. SAVINGS! SAYINGS I Iii'ist IVn tionjxl Bank OF PORTLAND. AYERS' II IIS, "V I Gr O It. 9 For Restoring Gray Hair to its Natural Vitality and Color. A dressing; wlilak Is at once afrreeaUr, healthy, and eBeo tual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair fa toon restored to iU oriffin.il color utih tlif glut and fi thnca ofv-uth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and halilness often, though nnl .1... . i . .1 . , iy-Si .... v-.t. ...... t saEaaaa 1. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are i-estrnrfd, or the elaml airt-phlrd and decayed Rut fuch as remain can be saved foe usefuliies by this application. Instea-t if foullr.g the hair with a pasty srfliceDt, It will kee. it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the ha r from turning gray or falling ff, ami conse quently prevent bahlnets free from those deliteri ous suhbtancts which make some preparations dan srerous and Injurious to the hair, the Vigor cm only neneDt but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, Nothing else can I e found so desirable. Containing ntii..tr on nor dye. It does not ol whit -i,.i,r. and jet IhsU Ion on the hair, givii g it a rich glossy su m a. i aiciU! CI I UIU, Prepart-d by UK. J. C. AY Ell CO.. Practical ami Analytical Chemists, lowell, ma&s. Price, 9I.OO. tW iold by a') druedsts and delers In nirl loins everywhere. p.MlTH DAY!!, Portland, Wh- CRANE k BRlGllAM.San Krncico, ( y cpiJi.wijr A I E It's CHERRY PECTORAL. For Diseases of tlie Tliroatand Lung euch aa CLoughs, C0M3, Wlioopiu, Cough, Broitcliitiij, AstLuja, ai.d Consumption. Probably never be- .n the whole history ol medicine, has anything on so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this ercellenl remeily for pulmonary complaints. Through a long jfenr, kiiu amriig modi oi ttie races or men 11 lias risen ti.gn- r and higher, in their est i ma Ion. a it has become better known. Its un'fi.rm character and lower to cure the various affections of the lungs im inroni, nave mane 11 Known as a reliable pro tector a'niuM them. While adapted to milder forms ol disease an to young children. It Is at the ame time the most effectual remedy that can b given for iiii-ipeut cousuuipnen. and tne dangerous affections of the throat and lung-. As a provision againts suunen auacits oi iiiui r, tt 8ho.:lil be kept on hand in every Utility, and indeed as a' I are sometimes suniect to co.as an t co ighs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled CONiUMPTION. Is thought In curable, still icreat numhers of cases where the ills ease seemed Settled, have been completely cured, ami the pvient restored to sound health by the CHERRY PECTORAL. Po complete Is its mastery over tlie disordeis ot the Lun:s and Throat, that the nii-st obstinate of them i lelii to it When nothing else could reach them, under the CHKRRV PECTO RAL thef subside- and di. appear. SINtiER AND PL'BLIU Sl'l'AKERS find great r-ttctiiiii trom i. aSIHMA is always relieved and often wholly cure.l by It. HRONOHITIS Is generally cured by taking the CUtHRV PMTuPAL in small and rrrquent noses 4u cenerHily are its virtue" known .liat we need not publish 'he certificates ol them here, or do more th ti aaeure Ihe public that Ha qualities are iully maintained. AYER'S A(iUE CURE, For Fever and Ague, Intern itlent Ferer. 0 li ill Fever. Remittent Fe ver, Dnnib Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever. &c, aud indeed all tlu affections which arise from lua- larious, marsh or miasmatic eons. As Its name implies. It does CURK, an does n-t fail. Containing neither -rsenic, Qunine. Bismrth, Zinc, nor nv other mineral or poiionous substance whatever, In in nowise Injuies any patient. The nnmher a d importance ot its cures in the ague dis triers, are litterary beyond account, and we believe pnranei in me History of Ague medicine, is Brat fled bv the tcknnn-lr.lim.nii.. e radical cures affected in nKii.A enses. ana wnere oilier remedies had wholly tailed. Cuacclimated Drrsons. either resilient in ne i.... elling lhrooeh miasmHtie Iccalities. Willi be protected by t iking the AttL'ECURK daily. rr.r LIVER C M PL UMH, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into h. ahby activity. ForBilMous I sonlers and Liver Complaints, It Is an excellent remedy, producing rcany truly re markable cures, where other medicines had tailed Prepared by LU. J. J. AVER & CO.. PRACIICAL AND AVAI.TTICAL CHEMIST, LOWELL, MAS8. Price, fl.OO. tSr Sold by all druggists an I dealers In medicine everywhere. SMITH a DAVI. Portland, I Wholesale CRANK . BKIOIUM, Baa Francisco, t ABenU. septll:1wy piiENCII MEDICAL OKUCE. poi- witluiut Our Jprlde recei e of the Dr. J IT LI EN PERRAULT, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty ot Paria, railnate of the UuiTeraity Queen's College, Hiid Physic au of the Iit:p in te Kocieiy shii t rancisco. Da. Perbuclt has pi msure lo inform patients, and others seeking confidential medical advice, that he can be consulted daily at his office. Armory Hal) Building, North East coiner Montgomery and 8ic raaiento streets Da PsaaACLTa studies have been almost exclu sively devoted to Ihe various forms of Nervous and Physical Debility the result of Injurious hsbits, ac quired in youth, which usually terminate tn Impo tence and sterility, aud prematurely Induce all tha concomitants of old age. Where a secret infirmity exists involving the happiness of a I'.fe and that of others reason and morality dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is a fact hat premature clecliue of the vigor of manhood matrimonial unhapplness, compulsory single life, 4c, have their sources In causes, the germ of which Is planted In early life, and the bitter fruit tasted long afterward; patients laboring un'ler this complaint, wiil complaiD of one of the following symptoms .- Nj.cturrisl Emissions, Pain in the Back and Head. Weakness of memory and Pljrht, Discharge from the Urethra on go ng to stool or making water, the Intellectual faculties are weakened. Loss ot memory ensues. Ideas are clou, led, and there is a disinclination to attend to busi ness, or even 10 reading, arlting, or the society of irenas,etc. The patient will complain of Disalneas, Vertigo, nd that Sight and Hearing are weakened, and sle-p disturbed by dreams, melancholy, slgh Inir, palpitation, faintlugg, couirhs. and slow fevers, while some have external rheumatic pain and numb ness of the body, Home of the most common symptoms are pimples In the face, and achings In different part? of the body. Patients suffering from this disease s: ould apply Immediately to Dr. Prr rault, either in person or by letter, as he will guar antee a cure of cemjnul Emissions and Impotence in six to eight weeks. Patients suffering from venereal diseases In any stage Gonorrhea. Gleet, Strictures, Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneous Eruptions, etc.. will be treattd success fully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the system. Dr. Perra ult's diplomas are In h's office, where pa tients can see tor themselves tbat tbey are under the care of a rem'arly educated practitioner. The best references slven. If required. Patients suffering under chronic diseases can call and examine for themselves. We Invite Investiga tion; .'lain, not to know everything, nor to cure ev erybody, but we do rUlm that in all caws taken un der tieatment, we fulfill our promises. We i srticu- larly request those who have tried this boasted doctor and tbat advertised physician, till worn oui and discouraged, to call Unn us. Low charges and quk k cures. Ladles su ering from any complaint Incidental to their sex, can consult the Doctor with the assur ance of relief. Female Monthly Pills. Da Pkksjiclt Is the only sgent In California for Dr. Riot's Female MnntMy Pills, fhelr Immense sale has established tlaeir reputation as a female remedy, unspproaebed and fnrfh advance of rvrrw orher remedy for suppression and irregularities, and other nlmtrnctions in female. On the r-ee pt of Ave d liars, ihrse Pills will be sent by null or express to any part of tbe world, secure from cu- no.'.ty or damage. Persons at a d'stance can be cured at home, bv addressing a letter Iu Dr. Perrault, corner of farra meoto and Mon'goniery streets. Rooms 10 and 11, or Box 978. P O . San Francisco, stating 'be case as minutely as possible, genera) hablis of lint g, oc cupation, e'c., etc. All communication confidential. tlmy691y A. J. MOXROE. I. r. STiioaa. STAIGER & BIER, commercial street, falero Oregon, opposite Eureka Livery Stable (Garden's old stand), manufacturers of Haea'sj Calf, Kip muA Stagie J Boots & Shoe;;, AB LADIES t MISSES' SHOES t GAITERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. repairing ncutly done. Fvlem, Nov. ST. CJOUTH SALEM STEAM ITLOTJX Ac LU81BER i- MILLS. - COAIVCiE OF FIRM. The nrm of Roork, Wltten Miller, has been dis solved by mutual consent. Mr Roort bavins dis- i -- w ,u t-' v nn n. asorea. The business will he contlno.d under the name ol Moorea, Wltten k Miller, who assu-ne the l-blU Me of the old lira, and m wmm all debts due thetn will be payaols. ROORK, WITTKN MILLEi We have just completed a large and convenient granary, adjolnbig oar Soar aim, and are prepared tt purchase wheat, receive ou storage, or grind for toll, an favorable terms. - -i " ,or Our floor is equal to tne best. Give tbe new mill SALE A Splendid Water Power and Site, at Oregon Utj. . Inquire of J, H. alOOKX. atsebinisUiSalaMi. mil t ept. 1SI Savings Department. 'pHIS BANK has established, In Connection with I Its general barking business, a Savings De partment and will allow Intere-t on coin deposits mane ii. aecuraance who in conamons adopted by una p.ni. In est-bllshlng a Savings Department, thla Rank Ins- Association has in view the benefits to a class of persons naving small sums to loan, by providing a ate place or deposit, ample security, and fair rate of Interest, as well as to aggregate and bring Into use Idle capital. For the safely of deposits In this . are pledged Uie entire capital and resource ana also the personal rabtllty of Its Directors am "lockholders, as provided by sec. U of tho Natlona vurrency a , approved June 8. 1864. a greater aeca my man that offered by ordinary savings banks. rnnted copies of the conditions upon which d imait are received can be had oHn application to ne nana. rt E. K I rl U?tU, Presdent Jsaae bin, Cashier. DIRECTORS t L. Ft. Wakefield. W. J. Tan Schuyler Henry Vailing, Henrv W. Corbett, James Fvl. BAXTER. BXACICSIMITIIIIVG ARD WAGON MAKING. Hoath emit corner of rommmJ mnA i-.-,- stuu uriuo keu streets, balem. Orpjcon. Order received ir an uustness in our Una and work r,,nn,n,i. "'v. lltrHr.ff Surprise Oats. TH??.E P1 "risrinawd In De Kalb Coantv Illiuois. Thev ars rnmiru.4 ia i..K l pounds per boebel, and to have yielded 4,251. ix'Hiiu per acre. I raised utat vf 7i nnn. . - i - va. irwm o j ounces or seed sent me, and 'hr" ear. by replanting, have 3.600 pounda of the seed for sale. I hare everv rt.xa.in tu l.li . v. - --j . iuev ail tne retimaenttuni urni .t theru. For sale at 10 ceuis oer Duntid. A sample of tbe Simrixe Oata can be seen at tbe Oregon Union ibt office. O DICKINSON. 8nlem. Oregon. Aounst 19, IstS xxtf TOMESTIC XJ nieut, at At Factory Cost FLANNELS, a large aasort- BOWKX tt rKANSTON'. MILL HAWS ANU CKOSSI UT SAWS t BOVVEN & CRANSTON'S PEALF.R IX 3JVI13L.E WORK California, Vermont and Italian iIarbl-s, Obelisks, 31 o n u m cuts, Ileatl and Foot Stonrg. SALEM OREGON. Also, MANTLES and FURNITURE MAR BLL furnished to order. Salem, April, 18th, 186B rpi) THE UXFOUTUXATE. ew Remedies, Sew Remrdles! Dll. CsIBno.NS DISPKNSAKY! 623 KEARNEY STREET COR NER Of COMMKCIAL. fan Francisco, pri ate entrance on COMMERCIAL. Established tn IsM, lor the treatment of sexu- and seminal diseases. su h as Gonhorrho?a, Gleet Ctrtcture, ypbdlis in nal Weakness, Skin diseases ni;) and Ulcer ceasfully trealcd. Horrible all its forms, Semi- C Imp. teucy, etc . W'i'A 1 , (of years staml-iic; S I ited Lees, sue -X?Wr. r? f-Jf ------ i f Diseases. Silverton Tin Shop. r HAVE REMOVED my shop to Silverton, JL where I am prerared to till all orders for imwire, dd Tora.etc. I shail soon go below, and lay in a larjre Stores for the Pall Trade, When I will be able to supply all demands. Farmers' Produce taken in exrhanjrs. T. R. BLACKEKBY. Silverton, 0n Anir. 21. 18b. TAKEN CP by the subscriber, living about fouy sniles northwest of Corvallls, Benton county, Oiegon, ene ROAN MARK, ens bind fsot white, sup Y m w v or bix years Ota. Nov. 6.w J08FPH TTLER. gCEXi VISTA FERRT. THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROAD From Nalem to Corrallls. Tint Ferry is distant 14 miles trom Salem, and 15 miles from Corvallis. THE ROAD IS IN GOOD ORDER, lietter tban the Siaee road. The ferry runs at all hours I have a Wire Hope and a Good Boat, Aud will take you acrosa anv time at uttcbt 3 W. L KIGGS. N. B I have the best Warehouse on the river for receiving and eliippiUK (fraio. Aarut II. 1869. r " Post-Offlce Store. LEBANON. : : LINN CO., : : OREUON rOU will End a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE AND CROCKERT, At the above named store. Produce taken ia exchange. S. H. CLAL'GHIOX. Lebanon, Be-pt. 1, How many thousands of persons, both male snd female, are there, who are suflerine out a miserable existence from the e (Tec Is of s- ciet Indulgence, or from virus absorbed Into the system. Look at their pallid, emaciated and disfigured faces, snd their broken down constitutions, disqualifying them 'or the happiness ol mar-luge, or the enj.iymetit of life, tn tbia horr'd situation, thousands suffer until death closes the scene. Let parents, guardians, friends, at'end to those who are sufferiiiir with any of these horrible, life destroy trig maladies see that they are cared for and cured ei re it be too late, feml them Immediately to Doctor Oihhon, a pysicftu, who has nisde prlt ate diseases his e.M-cial study for years, and who Is certain to cure the most invet erate cases without mercury, or any Injurious drucs. It Is Important to thosewku are alliictcti, or to tho.-e who .a. lull lUPlliU Iu ihe oVar of their friends, to be careful ot the many preteaVied doctors who Invest all cities, publishing their s'.l in curinif all disessea In a few days, imposing pm the public by uslns; the names of eminent plv im.s fiom Euroj.e and oilier plnces. lie theotfore rarelul, ami make strict Inqury, or youAiay fall into the banda of tnose cnarlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Kmmisjlons, the consequent's of self abuse thissolitaj vice, or depraved sexual Indul gence, la practical by the youth or both sexes to an almost unlimit J extent, producing with unerring certainity, th following train of morbid symptorrs, unless couibafed by scientific meuical measures, vis : tallow countenance, dark spota under the eyes, pain in the Aead, rlnvlrig In the ears, like the rust ling of leases and rattliiis; of chariota, uneasiness about the aiu, weakneas ol the limbs eontus d vis Ion, bluntt-d Intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence Id spprosehing atrangera, a dislike to form new ac quaintances, a disposition to shun society, loss of memorr, hectic flushes pimples and various eruptions about tha face, lurred tongue, fetid breath, coughs consumption, ni;lil-S'eata monomania, and fre quent insanity. If relief be not obtained, should apply Immediately, either In person or by letter, and have a cure effected by his new sn I ac'entifio mode of treating thia disease, a hlch never fails of effecting a quick and radical cure. I)r. G. will glv. One Hundred dollars to sny person who will provs satisfactorily to him thsl he ass cured of this com plaint by either of the Psn Francisco quacks. Itlarried Men, Or those who contemplate marriage, who are suf fering under any of the fearful maladies, should not forget tbe sajred respousi'dl y resting upon them, nor delay to obtain Immediate relief. To tlie Ladies. n. various eomtillcatod and distressing diseases Incident to females, trsated with eminent success. Such as Suppression, Irregularity, Whites, Falling of tbe Womb, Tumors, all l nnary viaeasrs, Nr. vous Debility, Painful or Difficult Menstruation, a-irretiness, e , wiU be speedily cured, without pol- sooous drugs, Injurious or onpalataule cdlclnea of any kind. Uava do delicacy Iu -aillr, m nitTer wbat your difficulties may be. The afflicted ars cordially Invited to call and satisfy themselves. Persons calling at Dr. Gibbon's office or send In fo- nsckages of aiediclns may rely upon his astur- ranees of confidential secrecy, with Imptielt faltli. and expec'. no more than remuneration for servi ce rendered, considering the clrcuasstancew and difficulties ot tba case, rather than a too prevalent and selfish practlc of extortion among quacks and pretenders. ; DOCTOR GIBBON Is responsible, and will give to each patient a written Instrument, binding hlms-lt -to effect a radical aod permanent cars, or make no inured at Home. Persons at a distance may be CUKZD AT HOME, by addi casing a leuer to Dr. Gibbon stating case, symptoms, length of time tbe disease has continued, and bars medicines promptly forwarded ties from damage and curiosity, to any part of tha country, with lull and plain directions for ese, for ten dollars. sent ta regisUred letter or through Vi ells Fargo A Co. aoaresa ir. j. a-, uissuii, oxs a earn y street co-oer vommerelal, Baa rrai-ciaco. Peat Oisoa Bozsft.'. KtMEMOER TO PCT BOX tt OK TBS Limit Coasttttatlons FREE. . majloJtly , chargsv