fl?n Btatestnmt ANt) UNIONISE SALEM. FRIDAY, : s : : s DEC. 3 V ICHlAHilC ' STJimABY. "-" Tfce PrMUtii PSitT lii lke Matter - A special avs th President. expreswd himself quit definitely, within a day or two, 10 several financial frienda, concerning trie quustioos of taxation and return to specie fayuwats. II said he bad been represent el as favpring a continuance of the present vatea or Uxation, with a view of enabling the Treasurer to rcdnce the debt rapidly, lie really believes, however, the time has come tor relieving the great agricultural and, laboriug interests from so many taxes now imposed," and to lighten the load on other classes in many particulars. He thinks there can bo a still further reduction of the public expenses, which will go a good ways towards offsetting the reduced receipts from taxes. In regard to resuming specie pay ments, the President said, while his desire to accomplish this had not been overstated, he was free to say that the way to secure a speedy resumption does not seem clear to him ; he thought that it would be necessary to bring it about by such a plan as wonld make the losses occasioned by it fall as equally as possible upon all classes. For the present he thinks a leap to specie pay ments would be . disastrous, and be w in- I'linari tn holTarn ff ttia Stfrrntarw df the Treasury is enabled to go on with the pres ent rates of buying bonds and selling goM, before a great time bas passed gold wilt drop and specie payments can be resumed without much difficulty. New Tort, Nov. 24. Affidavits for the seizure of the Spauish gunboats were, made by Alairo of the Cuban Junta, who claims that they are Intended to make war not only on all established government in Cu ba, but also tn Peru. The Cubans place great confidence in the action of Congress. Petitions are being - signed extensively by Americans in Mexico, in Boston, Philadel phia and elsewhere, praying for a recogni tion of Cuban independence. A petition is being extensively signed by ladies in Baltimore. It has already 4,000 names. The Junta state that it they can secure the detention of the gunboats until the meet ing of Congress they will be content. Letters have been received from Havana, stating that five Spanish war vessels have left there for New York. The gunboats have been seized and are in custody ot the U.S. authorities. The writs are made returnable on the 15th of December before Judge Blatchford, but it in thought the case will be opened immedi ately. The contractors who built the gunboats have filed, with Secretary Fish, a lengthy protest against the seizure. Tbo District Attorney bad to amend the libel omitting all reference to Cuban affairs. Collector Grinnell bas discovered the most stupendous frauds against the Gov ernment by mercantile firms. Over two hundred respectable merchants are impli cated in these frauds, which have been car ried on for a period reacblog back several months in the last Administration. Tbey were accomplished by means of false in voices and nnder valuations of imported goods. Tbe names of the parties are sup pressed during tba investigations Cleveland, Nov. 21. The Directors of the Western Associated Press will employ reporters tor each branch of Congress to prepare special reports for the Western Press. New York, Nuv. 25. An order was grant ed by the Court on Tuesday, suspending Jay Gould, James Fisk, Jr.. Fred. A. Lane. Abraham Gould. .Geo. Hall, N. Smith and Charles G. Lesson, as Directors of the Erie Railroad Company. J. n. Ramsey, a well known citizen, has commenced suit on behalf of the stock holders and bondholders of the Company. He complains that defendants have earned no less than $41,203,000. That $16,000, 000 of new stock and $750,000 of new bonds issued and no account kept of it in any of the Company's books. A. D. Richardson, journalist and long at tached to the New - York Tribune, was shot by McFarland, who attempted bis life about a year ago. He is not expected to recover. Memphis, Nov. 24. A terrible affair oc curred at Christian ville on Monday. A party of armed men attacked a planter named Thomas Jones.' He armed bis ne groes and resisted, killing two and dispers ing the remainder. Jones and bis negroes were subsequently arrested, when an armed party took them from tbe Deputy Sheriff and shot five of the negroes, more blood shed is expected. Cleveland, 25. The National Woman's Suffrage Convention adopted a Constitution and elected Henry Ward Beecher President of the organization. Cardington, Nov. 25. F. MpCurdy killed h's son to-day. New York, 26th. Gold 1241. New Y'ork, Nov. 24. Tbe grand jury of the U. S. District Court have lonbd an in dictment against Blatchford for complicity in the draw bttok fuud, and against Tbeo. Caldwell. 'v - f Mrs. Wallace, who leaped from tbe fourth story window of a burning house on Satur day, gave btrtn to a stiu-oorn cnua in me hospital on Monday. The unfortunate wo man still lives, but is unconscious. Moran," of South Carolina, charged by Mrs. Lascar with applying to Iter to pro cure an abortion on bis cousin, was releas ed on $10,900 bail. He denies the guilt. . An Englishman (Herrick) was adroitly robbed ot $4,200 at tbe Bank of Commerce on Monday. ' - ; Paris, Nov. 24. Private advices received Lere contradict positively the general im pression that Italy favors the election of tbe Duke ot Genoa to the Spanish throne. A dispatch from Madrid, however, states that Gen. Prim has assured tbe Cortes that the proposition will meet the favors of King Victor Emanuel. The Duke of Genoa has now 165 deputies pledged to bis support Tbe Cortes passed a vote ot thanks to Les seppe. President of tbe Directors of tbe Suez Canal. Washington, Nov. 26. Tbe question has arisen whether a girl, one-eight negro blood, can attend the public schools. It is at tracting much controversy and has been re ferred to the corporation attorney lor bis opinion. A late act of Congress strikes nut tbe disabi'ity from laws relating to the District of Columbia, but tbe school ques tion is new agitated nnder the corporation laws. Richmond, Nov. 26. The Republican Convention split last night. Tbe with drawing members issued a call for a new Convention. The remainder of the Con vention elected Porter Chairman of the State Committee, and passed resolutions. New York, Nov. 26. Richardson Is very i feeble and in a critical condition this morn ' ing. The ball fired by McFarland bas been found. It passed through tbe stomach and ; lodged below tbe kidneys, near tbe spinal j column and bas been extracted. Tbe Cor I oner took an ante mortem statement to-day. IMcFarland was committed to prison to await the results of tbe shooting.' ! Chicago, Nov. 26. New York specials saylhe meeting of "Well. Fvgo stockbold ; era yesterday was quite exciting. An in junction was served on the old officers on complaint of Eugene Kelly, restraining them from issue of new stock. i New York, Nov. 26. Lyman Allen, an : old man, was found dead in his bed at Taylor's Hotel, Jersey City, yesterday j morning. He was a merchant worth $600, j 000. he has lived there five years, in a i miserly manner. He took but one meal a i day, and bis wardrobe at his death was valued at 5 cents. His friends in Newton, : Connecticut, aet hla Cincinnati. , Vat. . 9R f.n . X7a An ! tight, ab lhcedlary, It Is supposed, fired a j building at Coniersrille.'-Iadlana.'ised as I w n.er- tiiatvera ror x.pauger'8 menagerie Ly order' ot tbe Superintendent, the ant' majs were let loose, but this proved need less, for the fire was arrested before the building was destroyed. A lion killed several sheep on the fair grounds, and bad an encounter with a bull, which be finally killed. All the wild animals were eventu ally recaptured and safely caged. Damage $4,100. ' ' - The Kallrcad Trouble. , New York.- Nov. 26. There is nothing , new in tbe Erie fight. Fisk, Jr., remains in the office around which is a strong guard who permit nobody to enter until properly " vouched for. It is impossible to serve papers on him. All the parties have filed a general denial to Ramsey's charge. They ' are making arrangements to fight tbe mat ter, but hope to have it transferred to New .. York City. The general opinion is that ' tbey wil defeat Ramsey and retain control ' of the road. Judge Barnard has issued an injunction staying proceedings, and it is rumored that tbe effect will be to stop Ramsey from broaching tbe case. THE OREGON RAILROAD. Senator Williams visited thePresident yes terday, and presented evidence of tbe com pletion of the first twenty miles of the Or egon Central Railroad, running from Port land south. The Senator recommended the following named persons . as Government Commissioners to examine the road, and tbey will be appointed to-day : Thomas A. Savier, E. R. Geary and Jesse Applegaie. New Y'ork, 27 San Domingo negotiations , are again opened. A vote is to be taken shortly, and if that is favorable, it is pro posed to assume their debt (about $1,000, 000) and buy the public buildings for an other million. The Spanish Consul states that Spain bas appropriated $6,000,000 to build six more corvettes at New York, but will not go on with it They do not own the thirty gun boats, though tbey have sent the money to pay for them. It is proposed to let Mr. Delameter. the builder, sell them to En g- ; ljsbmen, who will sell them to Spain. If the United States recognizes belligerant rights 1 of Cuba, hVwiU demand bis passports. Tbe coming of a Spanish fleet is not meant as an insult, but a necessary precaution. Philadelphia, 27th. A petition to Con gress to recognize tbe belligerant rights of : tbe Republ c of Cuba received fifty thou sand signatures in three days. Washington, 27 th. Paul Gerand, brother-in-law of tbe Portuguese Minister, announ ces that he will be married on Dec. 3d to Miss Wormley, daughter of a well known colored restaurateur in Washington. Ge rand is a gentleman of position and educa tion. He is wealthy, and bas distinguished relations In France. Miss Wormley is well educated and ot pleasing manners Tbe event promises to disturb the social circle considerably. - Chicago. 27th. Strong hopes are enter tained of the recovery of A. D. Richardson. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Nov. 26. P. B. Forster. one of the proprietors of the Morning Call, died at noon to-day, from an appoplectic stroke. He was aged 30 years and was a native of Saxe-Coberg. At the time of his death be wai insured for $40,000. In the U. S. District Court to-day, the case of the United States vs. twelve thou sand barrels of sugar, seized iu September 1868, is on trial. San Francisco, 28th. Joe Coburn. the champion of America, bas challenged Tom Allen to fight for any sum from $2,500 to $10,000. The pt inters have resolved to resist the attempt to reduce wages, and a strike will probably be the result, if the proprietors insist upon a reduction. Stockton. Nov. 27. Tbe store of George Weinck, 17 miles from Stockton, was n tirely destroyed by fire The charred bodies of two men, named John Boon and Richard Sager, were found in tbe embers. Tbey had evidently been murdered, as a bullet-hole was found tbrongb the head of one, and the other bad a bandage over his mouth and bis bands tied. An inquest was held. Slander and .Insult Under Seal. 'Gath,' the Washington cat-respondent of the Chicago Tribune, isjdoing extensively the Becrets of the postal service. The following paragraph, an extract from a conversation be tween the writer and Fredrick Depro, for a long time detective agent of the Postmaster-General , will be found of interest : 'Mr. Gath,' says Depro, you have no notion of the number of cases which are exposed by the Post office agents, and which are compro mised or excused. The Post-office is an immense vehicle for anonymous slander, and for wreaking private spite upon virtous families. It often happens that some young lady, who shrinks from coming into print, is made the recipient for years of the vi lest propositions, and of infamous poe try and pictures, while gentlemen who. visit her are apprised of family secrets by the Bame remorseless post, and perhaps of out-and-out lies, which put a stigma upon her character. On proper complaint, we are tften detail ed to hunt out these persecutors, and it is astonishing to know the places and positions some of them fill. I might narrate how vile old men annoy young girls in this manner, and how legiti mate letters are unsealed & interlined with slander and vulgarity, to the confusion of writer and recipient. The families of Postmasters who have the handling of mails, are often offen ders in these cases, and they keep apprised of the under life of the whole community in which they reside per haps to circulate slander at some sub sequent time. By our shifting civil service the office of Postmaster is made rotary, and every four years out goes a set of Postmasters who are 'chock full of news' the debt? of sens, the disgrace of daughters, the peccadillos ot husbands and fathers. You absolutely, sir, have no idea of the extent and curiousness of this tampering with the Post office and making it offensive. - . Saturday Night. Saturday night makes people human writes some weary laborer of the. mart. It eets human hearts to beat softly as they used to do before the world turned them .. to pieces with tattoes. The ledger closes with a clash, the iron-doored vaults come to with a bang up go the shutters with a will, clink goes the key in the lock. It is Sat urday night and business breathes free again. Homeward ho ! The door that has been ajar all week gen tly closes behind him, the world is all shut out. Shut out? Shut in rather. Here are hia treasures after all, and not in the vault, and not in book, save the Tecord in the old family Bible and not in the bank. May be you are a bachelor, frosty and forty. Then, poor fellow, Saturday night is noth ing to you, jnst as yon are nothing to anybody. Get a wife, bine-eyed or black-eyed ; but above all true-eyed. Get a little home, no matter how lit tle, a sofa just to hold two, or two and a half, and then get the two or two and a half in It, of a Saturday night and then read this, paragraph by the light of your wifes eyes, and thank God and take courage, l-.-.'Sl:' i Man is, a raiete? and woniaa ft myi- tery,.,' -. ."Vv ";;'A; Advertising The New York Tribune has the' annexed on this sub ject which we ask our patrons to read and consider : Nothii'g is more common than to I hear people talk of what they pay ! newspapers for advertising, etc., as So much given in charity. Newspa-1 pcrs, by enchanting the value of property in their neighborhood, and j giving the locality in which they are published a reputation abroad, benefit all Buch, particularly if they are mer chants or. real estate owners, thrice the amount yearly qf the meagre snm they pay for their support. Besides, every public spirited citizen has a lau bible pride in having a paper of which he is not ashamed, even though he should pick it up in New York or Washington. A good looking, thriving sheet, helps property, gives character to lo cality, and, in many respects, is a dt sirable public convenience. If from any cause the matter in the local or editorial columns should not be up to the standard, do not cast it aside and pronounce it goofl for nothing, until satisfied that there has been no less labor bestowed upon it than ia paid for. If you want a good and reliable sheet, it must be supported. And it must not be supported in a spirit of charity either, but because you feel a necessity to support it. The local press is the power that moves the people. Remarkable Death. The Par is corrsepondent of the London Daily News, writing Oct. 14th. says: rfainte Beuve, the well known critic, pub licist and poet, lies dead iu the little room that served him for bedcham ber and study in his modest lodging hard by the Luxemburg lie may be said to have died with hardness on his back, for, though he has been suf fering atrociously for the past four years from the disease under which the Emperor labors, he had the pen in his hand alxost to the last moment. Three surgical operations were per formed on him this week ; he suc cumbed to the third and sighed his last in the arms of one of his friends, Dr. Veyne, a little after mdid-day on Wednesday. No minister of religion was present at the scene ; the inter ment, by his special directions, will also be conducted 'civilly,' without the attendance of priest or acolyte. In one of the spasms of agony that preced ed dissolution, he murmered. 'Physi cians should have poison for their friends !' He was thinking of the death of Socrates.' Not a Minute to Lose Com Vanderbilt, the great money and rail way king of New York, is seventy six years of age, andjt is said that lie frequently goes from New York city to Troy on a special train that attains the speed of seventy miles an hour. When asked his reason for travel ing at so fast a rate, his characteristic reply was, 'A man of my age has not a minute to lose.' Mr. Mason ot Virginia.the associate hero in the Trent affair, is not aris tocratic in f lis appearance and man ners. ; He drives daily to Alexandria in an old irwirket wajron, behind a wretched looking cob, and dresses iu a style not different fioni other far mers in the neighborhood. The marc Flora Temple, queen of the turf, is still hale and hearty, notwithstanding she has reached the advanced ago of thirty-three years. This shows that fast trotting does not harm horses, if only properly tared for. A Greek maid being asked what fortune she would bring her husband, replied : 'I will bring him what gold cannot purchase a heart unspotted, and virtue without a stain, which iu all that descended to me from my pa rents.' Conxs. One teaspoonful of tar, one of coarse brown sugar, and one of salt petre. The whole of them warmed together. Spread it on kid leather the size of the corns, and in two days they will be drawn out. There is an establishment at Bris tol, England, where a butt of sher ry wine can be manufactured from the raw material in half; an hour, without using a drop of sherry. Business people who fail iu order to succeed, generally become bank rupt in reputation. Altitudes are never reached by going down hill. It has been practically proved that wherever the sunflower is extensively grown on low lands,, marsh fever is almost unknown. In view of the occurrence lately of numerous cases of burial alive, the subject of rapid inhumations is nov under.general discussion in France. A girl of the period in Detroit promenades the streets in a, plug hat, and carries a cane. When is a storm like a fish after a hook 1 When it is going to abate. A Teacher has. been fined S5 at Washington for swearing in school. POEKI I WILL PAY THE FOLLOWING FRICES FOR GOOD, FAT HOGS : 200 lbs. and over : : : 6 1-2 c. per lb. 175 lbs. and over : : : 6 c. per lb. Under 175 lbs. : : : : : 5 J-2 c. per lb. Bog must be nnder shed over night alter being butchered, well spi ead open, tongues taken out and a chip put tn the mouth. Heavy hogs should be split in the center of the back-bone, one foot only between the shoulder. When hauled, to be laid on their bel lies, back up, and well covered. THOMAS CROSS. Balem.NoY. 4,1889. ffTAKEN UP, by tbe undereijmed, tivunr two L mile north of LBih bridge, one SORREL HORSE, iupposed 10 be 13 or 14 yeaw old. 141 rrnncU biKh, light mane and tail, smalt star in forehead, hind feet white, shod all ronnd. tome saddle and hRrnew marks; no oth er brand or mark perceivable. Appraised at 25s by Lewi. Poojade. J. BBECRWEB. . October 25, 1865. oc26w4 MISCELLANEOUS. SELLING O TP IP -A.T COST! 'JilE USDERS GNED, HAVING DETERMINED To Close Business in Falem, OFFER FOR SALE At Cost for the Next' Slncty Dajs, FOR CASH ONLY THEIR ENTIRE AND IMMENSE STOClt OP Merchandise ! THIS STOCK EMBRACES THE Finest and Best Selected Wry Goods, .Ladies' Drcs9 Goods, Clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods Hardware Hoots and Shoes Crockery Ware and. Groceries, In the City of Salem. Every one in need of goods would do veil at an early day, for lit the expiration of the ninety days what goods remain on hand will be withdrawn from ale. All persons indebted to either us or ths old firm of BREYMAN, CRANS TON & CO. are requested to come forward and make payment, thereby saving trouble and cost. No one is excepted. BOWES & CISANSTO.Y. Salem, Nov. IS. II. SMITH. J. W. M KB EDITH. SA1IT1I & MEREDITH, &$ :risvoItt's n ldck, Opposite Bank, SAIiKM. OREGON. VLL KINDS OF PLATE Yl'ORK T)ONK on short nonce, such ng Gold Plate, Silver, Plaiina. Ad amantine, Vulcanite, or Rubber Vulcanite fared with line void or alnminuni. WE WARRANT ALL OUR WORK not excelled by any office in the world. Prices and styles of work to ss;it all classes of pa tients fiom five to lorty dollars per set.. We use no gat In our office. Anxesthetics used to produce local or g.-ner-l ana.s'.hesia fur the pUn less exlractlon of teeth. oct IVotice. 4 IX PERSONS knowing them5elves indebted to j. me by note or bunk accoant r Kqimi tn nM itntt settle tne same witnoiu diay. Nor. 20. II. SMITH, Dentist. g L. FALLOWS At CO-i IMPORTERS AND DK tl ERS IN IKON, STEEL Tin ;late, Etc. Yamhill Stroet, b?t. Front and First. ! PORTLAND; OREGON, oetllxz'w D IXON S PATENT GATE. SELF OPEXIXG AJt'D SELF CLOSING For accommodation of tearrs. J O II IV BARKER, Corner Commercial and Chemeketa street, Salem, Oregon, manufacture the aliove, and Ima a working model in operation on tbe premises. It is simple in plan. He has purchased the right for Marion county, and is ready for orders. CX13IE AND SEE THE GATE. Salem AuguKt 8. 1869. xztf SCHOOLS. ST. MARY'S HALL, CorvaIlis,Orcgon. A boarding and day school for girls, conducted by Mr. an I 31 ig. 31. C. Blake, Under the supervision of the Right Rev. B. Wlstar Morrin, D. 1). Bishop of Oregon and Washington Territory. Thorough instruction will be given In all branches or Practical education, to prepare the pupils to adorn refined and Christian homes. The school year will be divided Into two terms of twenty weeks each, beginning on the first Monday in September and on the first day of February. Present term to commence on the 18th inst. For Terms, 4c, address the Trustees : Dr. J. R Bayley, Chairman, Dr. W. Graham, D. G. Clark, W St. Clair, A. Palmer, W. B. Carter, and Robert Her ron, Esqs., or CHARLES H. BLAKE, A. M. Corvallis, Oct. 51, 1869. QOLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Willamette University, H-YI.li:3I, OREGON. Gentlemen's Collegiate Department: 14 PER SESSION OF 14 WEEKS. Ladies' Collegiate Department : $:2 PER SESSION OF 14 WEEKS. Preparatory Department, 1st Tear: $9 PER SESSION OF 14 WEEKS. Preparatory Department, 2d Tear: 113 PEE SESSION OF 14 WEEKS. Tuition Payable Always in Advance. First Session connnenci on the second Monday In September; Second Session commences on the first Monday In January; Third Session com mences on the third Monday ia April, 'or partic ulars address the President, decMxtf Da. N. ROUNDS. gT. HELEN'S HALL, PORTLAND. A BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Conducted b.y the Hisses RODNEY, under the super vision of the Right. Rev. B. WICTAR MORRIS, D. D., Bi hop of Oregon and Washington Territory, will b. opened In Portland on the FIRST MONDAY OF SEPTEMBER. Circulars statins; terms may be had at this ofBca, or at any of the Episcopal Clergymen la Oregon o Washington Territory. Anirort 5, Tim "The Laws of Business." A ; NEW WORK FOB BCSIN'ES MEN jX Treating f all important basinet opart tions. with foil forms for all hnainen uses by Theopbilus Parsojis, of tbe Law School at 'Harvard For tale bv " C. F. YEATOJT. ,J oaiem, wen. . INSURANCE ESTABLISHED FED. lt, 1842. THE .MUTUAL Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. Offers the .following peculiar advantages to persons intending to insure their lives: THE ASSETS AKE LARGER than those of anv other Life Insurance Company iu the Uui ted States, amounting to over THIRTY-SIX MILLIONS of Dollars, auduie EXt 1-UMVtLY CASH. - THE DIVIDENDS" have been larirer in amount, and in. proportion to premiums mid, than ever declared ly any other company. DIVIDENDS ANNUALLY, commencing the first year, and available either t iucreaxe the amount insured or in cai-h to reduce the premiums. THE MORTALITY AMONG ITS MEM BEUS has been proportionality less than that of any other Life Insurance t otupanv in either America or Europe whose experience has beeti made known a result in the highest degree favorable to our Policy-Holder. CASH DIVIDENDS PAID IN 1SG8, Policies exempt from oecntion Policies issued ra Gold or Currency. NEW POLICIES ISSUED IN im. MAliK A KIN'J, State Aveut. J.N. HOMAS, Special Agent. October 5K. THE WASHINGTON Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. Dividends paid one year from date of Policy Policies Exempt from Execution. Cash Assets, over $2,250,000 SECURELY INVESTED. Ovoi- 12,000 MombeiH. ri-UELY MUTUAL All Policies mid Dividends N'nn-Forfoitable. Over 5,C(iO Policies issued in McKEXXEY &. L1XDERMAX. General Agents. 131 Montgomery street . S. F., Din-el I v opposite Occidental Hotel. HY WIIITWEL.L Port lanl, General Ai-ent for Oregon nnd Territories. E. P. ClUNSTiiX. Local Agent, Salem. Salens, Anit-t 31 . lMii. 3mxz a wwww' a.fm.mmirs w wwna. REAL ESTATETOR SALeT NEAR SALEM. XX) 15 HALE I0FKER FOR PALE 290 AfRKt OK LAND, lying miies e ist of the Wonlen Factory, with Brick House, and Good Barn, Sheds, Fr XC1XO, WELLS, AND Valuable Iiu rovt-nn nts ;tt;l Growing Crops. ; This Ian'' is part of the laml claims of Walker k Gilbert. Tiile erit ct. Peryoii wanting ' snu Her parcels may find a bnrpai-i to ?u t, as I will sell on accommodating terms. A plat nl the prenjis s can be s en, and particulars us to teims can be hart. at the M-atesmax dice, or of the uuders:gned, on the prtmisi s. ALFRED STANTON. November 27. Farm for Sale. The undersigned oftVrs for sale a fine farm of 253 acres, lytrg in Yamhill county, on the rosd from Palem to Dayton, and about two miles from Mathe ny's Ferry. It Is ail Improved and conveniently feaced, has tvo fine dwelling holmes, a wagon shop, good barn, outhouses, etc. Also a larjie orchard and a fine stream of water rnnniog through the entire grounds. Apply on the premises to MlCHAk. MATUENT. For JJile. Time Good Dwelling Houses and Lots IN SAl.EM. j Also, Three Good Building Lots, All of whi(h can be had cheap fur cash.; Now ia tbe time to get good bargains. J . 11. COULTER. Salem. Octolver 28. oci!9 Farm for Sale. I WILL sell, on easy terms of payment, tny farm of 265 acres, sitnated three milea north of Salem, in Polk county, near the Wil lamette rivet, on the road from falem tn Port laud. One hundred acres of this land is ptairie, under cultivation; the remainder ia timber. The improvements are, a good Dwelling House, Barn and ontlioiise. Fine Orchard and Vin yard. Liviny Springs of good water conveni ently situated. K. W. HAMILTON. Salem, Sept.. 22, 1SCD. , xz Town Lots in Seattle. I AM prepared to sell valuable property in the city of Seattle, on Puitet Sound. All persons desiring to secure an interest in tbe i FUTURE TERMINUS OF THE N.PJLR. Will do well to call and eee the maps I bave, and learn the terms I offer. 8ETH R. HAMMER. Salen.. Sept.. 12 nr. WAREHOUSE AND DWELLING llOl'SE For Sale. I OFFER for sale my Warehouse and Ilome Premises, in EOLA, POLK COUNTY, OREGON. The Warehonse is capable of containing 30,000 bushels of grain, it is situated to accom modateoue of (lie finest grain growing sections of Oregon the Rickrenl Vallev with eleva tors completed. The Dwelling blouse is lnte and comumdinuM SAMUhL ULt KET. E"la Polk county, Oregon auu'.tixztf Boot Inlter, Dealer in Custom Made Boots Shoes STATE ST. SALEM. OREGON. . Just received, a large stock nf French Calf and Kip Skins, American and California Calf and klphkins. French Topping and Lining Skins. California Sole Leather, (Large stock ) Lasts, Boot Trees, Crimps, Shoe Findings, Ac., Which I offor cheap. Cash Paid tof Hides & Furs. Bill -sand Testaments. I T?AM1LT BIBLE?. - - 4 MlUi KftKENLH BIBLES, if II ; i. POCtLtX BIBlMi AMU TESTAMENTS, rorialecatp,at TEATCWB. MISCELLANEOUS. SAVINGS ! SAVINGS! FirstlVational Bank OF PORTLAND. Savings Department. rpHI9 BANK has established, In connection with X Its general banking; business, a Barings De partment and will allow Interest on coin deposits made In accordance with the conditions adopted by this Bank. In establishing a Barings Department, Ibis Bank Ins; Association has In view the benefits to a claw of pertons having small sums to loan, by proridin. a safe place of iltpotit, ample security, anl fair rate ot Interest, as cll as to aggregate and bring Inli: use Idle capital. For the satetjr of deposits In this hank, are pledged the entire capital and resources and also the personal I'ahlilty of Its I' I rectors anil Stockholders, as prorided by sec. It ot the National Currency a :t, approred June 8, 1864, a greater seen rity than that offered by otdinary savings banks. Printed copies of the conditions upon which de posits are received can he had upon application to the Batik. HENRY FAILING, President Jxuta Siiil, Cashier. DIRECTORS t Henry Falling. L. H Wakefield. W. J. Van Schuyler Henrr W. Corbet!, James Steel. QUE AT REDUCTION IX FARE! Oregon & Cal. Stage Comp'y Portland San Francisco New Tork THROUGH TO FAN FRANCISCO IN 6 DATS u NEW YORK " 11 " The S'ages of the O. & C. S. Co. connect at Oroville with tha California Northern R. R. and Steamboats at Sacramento for San i ran- ccisco. Also, at the junction of the CALIFORNIA CENTRAL with the GREAT OVERLAND RAILROAD TO SEW YORK! Staees leave Salem bonnd South at abont9 o'clock P. sc.. each day, pnin? thronuh Alba ny, Corvallis, Eugene, Oakland, Roeelnirtf , Jacksonville, Vreka. Shasta, Red Blnlf, Ciiico. and some of the finest valleya npon the Pacific Coast, combining pleasure, comfort and speed. For Portland at 2 a. m., daily. 13? Office with Wells. Ktrjo tc Co. WM.COKBETT, Agent. Salem. Angnst 14. 18611. xztf LADD & TILTON, BANKI PORTLAND, OREGON. Established, 1859. "TVEPOSITS received and Accounts kept, suhject XJ to Uhecli or uratt. INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSIT or TRUST FUNDS. Id sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS, FROM date of deposit Money Loanod on Approved Security. BONDS, STOCKS, and other valuable, received ON DEPOSIT for SAFE-KEEPING. COLLECTIONS made, and proceeds promptly re mitted. INVESTMENTS IN REAL ESTATE a-d other property made for parties. Agents for the Transaction of all kliwls of FINAN CI AL and TRUST BUSINESS. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On Sa- Franrtsco and the Atlantic States for sale. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES bought and olJ octlOw G ODDARD & LAKE. Nos. Il l and IB, Cor. Morrison and Second Streets Portia ml, Ori'iion, Having I c ught out and tetitted tbe old Bennett A LIVERY, SALF & FEED STABLE We are now prepared to receive all the old custo mers, and as many more patrons as see fit to give us a call in our line of business, and will givepartic u'ar attetitioi to Farmer's to--k. We are satisfied that we can and 111 give entire satisfaction to our Iricnris and the public. Our Livery is all new, both carrtges and horses, and we shall take ri.lt In turning out as Dice an out fit us any establishment can ou this coast for the same money. tf "Wanted. 10,000,000 lVc of l?0 (i s OF THE BEST QUA1.ITV, OF Sl'OAU TIN!:. WHITE AND RED CEDAR AND YELLOW FIR, To be delivered between the mouths or April and November, 1S70, to the , ELLENSliURG MILL COMPANY, At the month f Rone river, for particulars enquire of GEO M. St UDUER, at Ellens bui jt, Cm iy county, Oregon. Sept. 16.1809. w3m Post-Office Store, LEBANON, : : LINN CO, : : OREGON "yOU will find a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LOOTS AND SnOES, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, At tbe above named store. Produce taken in exchange. S. II. CLAL'GH ION. Lebanon, Sept. 1. 1869. ISTew Groods AT Uzafovage & Wright's. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Crockery & Glassware OF EVERY DESIRABLE PATTERN. CHINA DINNER SETS, CHINA TEA SETS. CHINA VASES in great variety, MOTTO CUPS WITH SAUCERS, MOTTO MUGL SILVER-PLATED TABLE SPOONS, DESERT SPOONS, TEA SPOONS, FORKS, Sliver-Plated Table Castors. Pioneer Store. COMMERCIAL 8 REST, SALEM. THE FALL AND WISTER STYLES OF 1869 Iu Silk and Cassimere Hals, ARK NOW REACT AT J.C.MuesdorfTer&Bro. A' LSO. a larae qwitl j of NEW PTTLE8 OF HATS AND CaPj. Uk numerous to mention. Dealer to our line Will consult their own Interests by eiamlu n our stock before purchasing elsewhere HA18 OF ANT BE?CRIPiION MADE TO ORDER AND 01D HATS NEATLY REPAIRED, at Store Corner Front and Morilseo streets. nov PORTLAND. OREOON. - dw This Means Pay. ALL PERSONS knowing tbem-elTes Indebted to me by note or book aeeount, for more than thirty days, will tak notice that I hare placed thair aocounis and notea lo the hands of Bonbam A Law- 03 lot collection. T . B.-Specia. contract. eP cotrLlaj, - e'm,Kor.8J,18C. m ifuesdorffer.JS IlIATTKllf I Cor .Front and I I Morrison fits. I ay Jl PORTLANPJ CITY DRUG- STORE. SALEM MSPEIVHAKY. T. W. SOUTHER, Druggist and A-pothecary, (Established in Oregon in 1857.) "Wholesale and XSetnil Denier In DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, ETC., ETC, ETC. SOLE AGENT INT MARION COCNTT FOR THE BALE OF ALL STANDARD PATENT FA MILT MED ICINE. As I pet them direct from tha manufacturers taut, I can warrant them genuine, 1'CRK and fiesh, and sell them at the LOWEST PKICEd. PCRE LIQUORS for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS accurately compounded from tin purest drugs. FAMILY MKD1CINI8 cate'nl'y pr.partd. My goods have been boapr-t UW for OAf H, selected with the greatest care, and are WARRANTED to be just as they are represented. Havinit hail twenty y ars' experience In 'he business, 1 feel c r.fi.lrtit tha I ran tire entire satisfaction to all who may faror me ith their patronape. Call and txaruiiie mrilixk before un hasing elrwhre. nori:y , MEDICAL. AYERS' II A. I TZ VIGOR, For Restoring Gray Hair to its Natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which Is at once agreeable, healthy, and effec tual for preserving the hair. fadid or gmy hair it too rftvrcl to it original color rith the glot and rtthnett of youth. Thin hair la thick ened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are ilestroyed, or the gland, atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for nsefu'nes by this application. Instead af fouling the hair with a pasty sediment. It will keep It clean and rigorous. Its occasional use will prerent the ha r from turning gray or falling tff. and conse quently prevent baldness. Free from those dellterl ons snbstancts which make some preparations dan gerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor ein only benefit but not harm It. If wanted merely for a HAIR dressing;' Nothing else can 1e found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not toil white cambric, and yet lastsjonp on the hair, giving It a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Practical axu Analytical Chlmists, lowell, mass. Pyice, $1.00. X3T Sold by all drnggists and dealers In medicine everywhere. SMITH A DAYI3, Portland, (Wholesale CRANE A HRIUUAM, Sao Francisco, ) Agents. septlT:w1y AYEIt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Choughs, Colds, Whoopiug Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history ol medicine, has anything won sn widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind;, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and amr i,jr most of the races of men it bxs risen htgtur and higher in their estima'ion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made tt known as a reliable pro' tec tor atiaiust Ibem. While adapted to milder forms ol dlsea-e an. to young children, it Is at the same tiioe the uwst effectual remedy that can be given for iticipent cotiBiiuiptiuii, and the daugjerous affections of the throat and limp. As a provision againts sudden attacks of CRol'P, It stio :ld be kept on hand tn every iMinily, and indeed as a' I are sometimes subiect 10 co'.ds aot co ighs, all should be provided with this aiitidnte for them Although settled CON.-CMPTION is thought in curtile. still irreat numbers of cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the pa'ient restored to sound health by tbe CIIKKKV PECTORAL So complete is its mastery over the disorders ot the Luni:s and Throat, that the most obstinate of themieid to It When nothing else could reach them, under the CHERRY PECTO RAL they subside and disappear. SINGERS AND PUBLIC) SPEAKERS and great protection trom it. ASTHMA Is alwavs relieved and often wholly cured ty It. HRONCHITI3 is generally cured by taking the CHKKRY PKCTOP AL in small aod frequent doses. 6o generally are its virtues known Uiat we need not publish the certificates ol them here, or do more th n assure the public that Its qualities are tully maintained. AVER'S AGUE CURE, For Fever and Ague, Interrcittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fe ver, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever. &c. and indeed all the affections which arise from ma larious, marsh or miasmatic" poi sons. As its name implies. It does CURE, and doesn't fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Qunlns, Bitmolh, Zinc, nor ny other mineral or poisonous substance whatever. In in nowise Injures any patient. The number a-d Importance of its cures in the ague die tricts, are litterary beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our (pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments 11 recti e of the radical cures affected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly tailed. Uuacclitnated persons, either resident in, or trav elling through miasmatic localities. Willi be protected by ttking the AUUE CURE da.lv. tor LIVER COMPLAINTS, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For ISilllous Disorders and Liver Complaints, it Is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, where other medicines had tailed. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO.. Practical and Analytical Chemist, lowell, mass. Price, $l,O0. IIT" Sold by all druggists an 1 dealers In medicine everywhere. SMITH DAVIS, Portland, 1 Wholesale CRANE ft BRIQHAM, San Francisco, ( Agents. aeotl7:lwy A. J. MONROE. DEALER IN MARBLE WORK California, Vermont and Kalian Marbles, Obelisks, monuments, Ileatl and Foot Stones, SALEM OREGON. Also, MANTLES and FURNITURE MAR BLh furnished to order. Salem, April, 13th, 1869. Silverton Tin Shop. r HAVE REMOVED my shop to Silverton. -a. wuerv am pre rare a 10 nil ale- ordera for Tinware. Job H ork . etn. I elia'.l aoon go below, and lay in a large Stores for the Fall Trade, When I will be able to supply all demands. Farmers' Produce taken in exchange. T. R. BLACKERBY. Silrertvn . 0n.. Ann;. 21 . 18C9. amr'Ji!x rpAKKN CP by the subscriber, living about fooy 1 miles north w. st of Corvallis, Benton county, Uiegon, one KUAN MARK, one hind (mot white, sup p srd to be 5 or six years old Nov. 6 4 JOSKPH TYLER. IUEN k VISTA FERRY. THE SHORTEST AXD BEST ROAD From. Salem to Corrallis. This Ferrv ia diotant 14 milea trom Salem, and 15 luilea 'from Corvallia. THE ROAD IS IN GOOD ORDER, liettf r than the Stage road. The ferry rang at all boora I have a Wire Hope and a Good Boat, And will take von across any time at uitfht Ana v. y. l, R1GGS. jj, 1 I have the best Warehonse on tbe river for receiving and shipping grain. August n.1869. ; "lf surprise Oats. THESE Oata originated in De Kalb Conntv. Illinois. They are reported to weigh 46 pounds per bnsbel, and to have yielded 4,25i poands per acre. I raised last year, 70 pound of Oata from 3 ounces of seed sent me, and this year, by replanting, bave 3,600 pounds of tbe aeed for sale. I bave every reason to believe tbey fill the representation made ol them. For rale at 10 eenta per ponnd. a . nU tKa jsi t-rtt-iLca fit t faa n Ksk at the OmooH UiuosiaT office. ; : O. DICKINSON. Sslctn, Oregon, August !'., 1869. xztf M KDICAL pUEXCIl MEDICAL OFFICE. Dr. JIT LI EN PEBRAULT, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of I'aria, (Graduate of the UniYeraitr CJueen' College, and Physician of the 11a pi i te Society San t-ranciaco. i Da. P sua 4 clt bas pt sasnre to inform patients, and Others seeking confidential medical advice, that be can be consulted daily at his office. Armory Hall Building, North East eoi aet Montgomery and Sc raraento streets. Da. PaaaaCLT'a atndlea bave been almost exclu sively devoted to the various forms of Nervoua and Physical Debility the result of Injurious habits, ac quired la youth, which usually terminate ia impo tence and sterility, and prematurely Induce all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret Infirmity exists Involving the happiness of a life and that of others reason and morality vlictale the necessity of its removal, for It is a fact .hat premature decline of the vigor of manhood matrimonial auhappineas, compulsory single lire, Ac have their sources In etuses, the germ of which ia planted In early life, and the bitter fruit tasted long afterward; patients laboring under this ceuiplalnt, will complain of one of the following symptoms: Nocturnal Emissions, Pain in the Back and Head, Weakness of memory and Sight, Discharge from tbe Urethra on go ng to stool or making water, the intellectual Faculties are weakened, Loss of memory ensues. Ideas are clou ded, and there is a disinclination to attend to busi ness, or even to reading, writing, or the society of trends, etc. The patient will complain of Dlssloess, Vertigo, and that Sight and Hearing are weakened, and sleep disturbed by dreams, melancholy, sigh Intr, palpitation, fatntiugs, couchs. and slow fevers, while some have external rheumatic pain and numb ness of the body. Borne of the moat common symptoms are pimples lo the face, and achlngs In different parts of the body. Patients suffering from this disease should apply Immediately to Dr. Per rault, either In person or by letter, as he will guar antee a cure of Seminal Emissions and Impotence iu six to eight weeks. Patients fullering from venereal diseases In any stage Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures, Bubo Ulcere, Cutaneous Kruptlons, etc.. wilt be treated success fully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely removed from (he system. Dr. Perrault'a diplomas are In Ms office, where pa tients can see tor themselves that they are under the care of a regularly educated practitioner. The best references given, if required. Patients suffering under chronic diseases can call and examine for themselves. We Invite Investiga tion; olain. not to know everything, nor to cure ev erybody, but we do cUim that In all caws taken un der tieatment, we fulfill our promises. We particu larly request those who have tried this boasted doctor and that advertised physician, till worn out and discouraged, to call upon us. Low charges and quick cures. Ladies sui.ering from any complaint Incidental to their sex, can consult the Doctor with the assur ance of relief. .. Female Mcmtlily Pills. Da. pKMiCLT Is the only agent In California for Dr. Biot's female Montlily Pills. Their Immense sale has established their reputation as a, female remedy, unapproacbed and far in advauce of every other remedy for suppressions and irreeularttles, and other obstructions in female. On the r ceipt of five dollars, these Pills will be sent by mail or express to any part of the world, secure from ca riosity or damsge. Persons at a distance can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to Dr. Perrault, corner of Sacra mento and Montgomery streets. Rooms 10 and 11, or Box 973, P. U , Han Francisco, stating he case as minutely as possible, general habits of living, oc cupation, e'e, etc. Ail communications confidential. Iftmay691y rpo THE UNFORTUNATE. Jiew Remedies, Xew Remedies! DK. GIBBON'S DISPENSARY! 628 KEARNEY PTREET CO& NKR OF COMMEC1AL. Van Francisco, private entrance on COMMERCIAL. Established in l&M, for the treatment of sexu al ana seminal niseases, suen i as Gonborrlioea, Gleet Mrtetare, fvuhillis in all ita forms. beml- r - nal Weakness, Imp tency, etc.ZV--Li Skin diseases, (of years stand-y i jC. ng) and Ulcerated Legs, suc-VX, ruafullv trrate d. AOSL Horrible Diseases. How many thousands of persona, both male and female, are there, who are suffering out a miserable existence from the effects of secret indulgence, or from virus absorbed into the system. Look at their pallid, emaciated 'and disfigured faces, and their broken down constitutions, disqualifying them for the happiness of marriage, or the enjoyment of life. In this horr'd situation, thousands suffer until death closes the scene. Let parents, guardians, friends, attend to those who are suffering with any of these horrible, life destroying maladies see that they are cared for and cured betore It be too late. Send them immediately to Doctor Gibbon, a physician, wha has made private diseases his especial study for years, and wha Is certain to cure the most invet erate cases wfttout mercury, or any Injurious drags. It Is important to those who are afflicted, or to thoi-e who are interested In the Wrlfar of their friends, to be careful of the many pretended doctors who Infest all cities, publishing their skill in curing all diseases in a few days. Imposing upon the public by using the name of eminent physicians from Europe and other places. Be therefore careful, and make strict inqu ry, or yon may fall into the hands of those charlatans. Seminal Weakness. Seminal Emmlsslons, the consequenca of self abuse this solitary vloe, or depraved sexual Indul gence, Is practiced by the youth of both sexes to an almoat unlimited extent, producing with unerring certainlty, the following tram of morbid symptoms. Unless eoinkat ed by scientific meuical measures, . via : Pallo counteialnce, dark spot under the eyes, pain In tl bead, isi g in the ears, like the rust ling of ltves st. rattling of chariots, uneasluess about thlolns, wsfkneas ot Ihe limbs couhjs- d vis Ion, bl Jhted tutuct, loss of confidence, diffidence In apoachlBg strangers, a dWtke to form new ac qualniinces, a aispositioij to shun society, toss of menrfrv. hectic fcsherlni(esand v a rloue eruptions abcift tha fae' n tongue, teiui Drawn, eouens ft tha cofaumpt gtil-sweais mfmujui, ire If relief be not obtained, should a apply immed telv. either in person or by letter. ura effected by tits new an I scientific. and have a mode of I effecting a ins this disease, which never falls of ck and radical cure. Dr. G. will give i dollars to any person whe will prove One 11 and atlsfaetor to him that he was cured of this com- plaint by ei her of the fan rranctsco quacks. Slurried Men, Or those who contemplate marriage, who are suf fering nnder any of the fearful maladies, should not . . i ...Mil p.naostiill-v restlne mtan them. lorge -7 ' -- - - - - nor delsy to obtain Immediate relief. To lle Ludiciu - m i .... . .mnmIIhIaiI n.l A lLr..lna A lu.. ins Tariwu vv"' !"'1 ,ig .wTMri . . . . .A I ... I... t k.I with .lnln.nl lncmen. ...... ... ... .uvmim. Such as Suppression, Irregularity, hltes, Falling of tbe Womb, Tumors, all Urinary Diseases, Ner- Yt.fltw I. infill a n I W. 1 1 1 1 IIm.I.h.11.. YOUS . .ill! U. Va ' I .-... .l.li.HWIIUII, snmnimi . i ........ u, wiwi.ru. poi sonous drug, injurious or unltaole Bbcdiclnra of l-! II... mm n.H.-.cw til J in n n a lr . any kiuu. . . -w .-....., uw muo I. . .ffin.iUI ... Iv. Tk. . Ml 1 .... J enCV WII. JVUI uiui.Ullli. J w. . I IU NU.IU,ei4 are cordially Invited to call and satisfy themselves. Persons calling at Dr. Gibbon's office er sending for package of medicine may rrly upon his assur- rancea of confidential secrecy, with Implicit faith, and expect no more than reoiuueratioa lor servi ce rendered, considering the clrcumstancea aod difflcuitles of the case, rather than a too prera'ent and selfish practic- of extortion among quacks and pretenders. , DOCTOR GIBBON la responsible, and will give tn each patient a written Instrument, binding liitui.-lt to effect a radical and permanent rare, or make no charge ;urea ai iiome. Persons at a distance may' be CURED AT HOU E. bv addresstna- a letter to Dr. Gibbon statins cae. symptoms, length ot time tbe disease has continued, and bave medicines promptly forwarded fieefrom damage and curiosity, to any part of lbs country. with lull aod plain airecuona lor nae, lor ten dollars. sent in registered latter or through Wells Fargo A Co. Address Dr. J. r. uiubu:, 6 Kearney street co-ner Commercial, Ban t racctsco. Pest Offica Box xOi. , REMEMBER TO PUT BOX i!2 OH TUK LETTER Consultations FREE. maj r