(Dragon Statesman AND UNIONIST! SALEM. FRIDAY. : OCT. 25 THE CITY AND C0U2iTEY. Wcdacaday, Oct. 20. i'or the past two days we have bad a strong north wind that bos made the weather quite disagreeable. ' Mahrieb. Oct. 9, 18S9, ait the residence of lion. IL L. Tamer, in AnmsviHe, by .Jno. P. Cole, J. P., Mr. C. C. DeWitt to Miss A. Gard, allef llaiien county, Grcgoo. Fresh Salmon, ia cans, is advertised by Uzafovage k Wright. This article is well worth trying, for.every one who uses it likes .it, and keep on using it. Martin, the jeweller, bits, among other new goods, a beautiful article of plated table knives. Tlie blades are double plated and eaid to fee good for five or six years' wear. C. F. Ray, J. P. in Chumjiocg Precinct, few days since sent up IVutl Alanard, a half- breed, convicted of stealing a horse from Ilock- brnn. Ho is now in the county jail, and wiH be tried at the November term. State Fair Receipts. Mr. Minto, Secre tary of the Stafo Agricultural Society, in forms -us that the total receipts of thj late Fair, as furnished him by the Treasurer, were $10,15(5 25. The Willamette river is now only three inches above the low water mark made last summer, and if the present weather continues it will' fall lower than it has yet been this sum mer. A man from Montana passed through this city yesterday, who had in his possession $75,000 in gold dust, valued at $17 per ounce. It was a line sight to see so largo a quantity of the precious dust. Very Low. The friends of Dr. E. C. Adair will much regret to learn that he is very low in health, and will hardly recover, lie was taken not long since with a sudden decline ad has failed very rapidly. " The Laws of Business"' is the title of a new ami comiilete work for the use of all business men, treating fully of all business .matters viewed from a legal standpoint, with full forms, etc. See Yeatou's new ad. The P. T. Company has information that tho canal at tho head of the basin, at Oregon City was to have been completed yesterday. Tho channel has been deepened from two to two and a halt feet. Boats can now enter the basin at any stage of water. We met Mr. Eriggs, of Harrisburg, yester day, who informs us that trade at that place is lively. The farmers are disposing of their grain and laying in family supplies for the coming year. Plowing and seed sowing is ihe order among agricultural men in that jieighborhoud. The P. T. Company have taken the steamer Echo off of the Salem and Oregon City route This is done to save ber bottom, which is -comparatively new- The Company have work for her to do on the upper Willamette this winter. She is now running to the mouth of the YamhilL The weather has bee erne clear, windy and cold. Yesterday morning the effects of frost were plainly perceptible in many places and ice formed on still water. We may look for a continuance of good weather for some time, .as October is generally a good month for farm ing operations , and November is frequently a delightful season. We learn, Bays the Coituna-cied, that Dan. Williams was pat ashoro about twenty miles below Salem, during the first of last week, ?n route for the Fair. It was claimed by the Captain that the tiaket was a bogus one, Williams was 'Compelled U ".foot it" to the Grounds, as acoHsequenoe he will sue the P. T. Compaey Ior damages. Buttbb. it is a gratifying fact that the butter now being brought to market is better than has been offered fur sale ki Salom before thisyear. The quantity is greater jis well as the quality better. We have as good material here for butter making as anywhere in the Stato er in the Union, aud all tha is wanted is skill a care. Wo really bope thai the same iualijv of butter sow being made will bo .maintained hereafter, or, if there is Any dif ference, let it be far tho better. It is remarked by .every ebservitg person that the apples and other iruits raised this year aro better than the like produdts of 'S. The fruit this fitl", bears some resemblance to that of old times, grown when our orchards were jouug and thrifty. Last winter and spring orchardists paid more attention to pruning their trees, aad this fall's crop already proves the worth of proper culture, and if Ihe course is pursued again this winter, the quality of fruit will be more improved. A Night Tbagedy. The other aigiit, as J as. X. Smith and another man werr riding into town at a late hour post baste, hunting for some horse thief -or other, they saw a man emerge from a stable in North Salem, and as he started .to run, they put spurs to their hor des asd took after him, which made hun drop .a sack that contained three headless chickens. Those gentlemen took the game with them up town, sad handed them over t the night Watch, who, having a. nice sense of right, eacia to this office where he has Burners us friends, i jind divided with them. Tke people of North . Salem who find their chickens missing, all but the bfiade, will please take notice that tbe bodies were decently interred in ehioben pie. Valuable Ikvrkwos-s. Mr. M. -Stoker, late of Dallas, Polk county, took two premi ums at the late Fair, for inventions made by him, on which be has applied for patents. The first is " high and low water indicator" for steata boilers. A copper float, inside the boiler, swims on the water surface and by means of the lerer, to which it is attached, indicates the stage of water. Tie idea is very simple and must work infallibly. The tber is an improved saw tooth, for circular saws of the Spauldia'g make. It is being used at Cox & Clarke's saw mill, west of Dallas, and works with less power than any other and cuts smoother lumber, so Mr. Stoker informs us, and we have mo reasem to doubt the value of his invention. Rivek IsiPBOVKMBNTS. The rock at Rock Island, knows to river men by the name of Eissell Rock, is t be blasted out this week. The rock is abwut twenty feat square, and has always beentroublesome to steamboat pilots, The P. T. Co. have heretofore bee a patting ia ving dams on the sheals betweea here and Oregon City, with logs and brush, that have been, for the most part, washe away by th winter freshets. The Coaapany recently chafed a pile-driver, aad will hereafter , . . y men nver improvements ot i snoreperma ent character. Mr. Chnrch informs us that the Company contemplate going to work im mediately with the pile-engine, in which ease toe steamer tfeceesi will be detailedor that MITioe. r Theater. Monday evening a very fair au-1 dtenee was present at the Opera House .in re sponse to the announcement of a benefit to Mr. Reed. The play of Cainille was well ren dered, Mrs. Carter seeming to appreciate the fact of her last appearance. Mr. Bates, us Annand, was very effective, and these two leading characters were well supported, but it truck us as unfortunate that so sensational a drama, so French in tone and moral, was chosen on this occosoa, wheu many citizens camfe as Mr. Heed's friends, who would have appreciated a beautiful comedy like Fanchon or the Honeymoon much better than the high ly sensational and tragic play of Cainille. The tragedy of Lucretia Borgia is prefer able in its moral effects. Tho beautiful play of Ingomflr is capable of harming no listener, but the play of Camille is one we, as a com munity, can well afford to dispense with. Thursday, Oct. 21. Sheriff Murphy's notice to taxpayers will be found in another column. J. Gounsky, first door souia of Cole's stove store, hag. set up a tailoring establishment. See his advertisement, under new to-day. Coming. Fred D. Stuart, Deputy Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States I. 0. 0. F., will be in this city on SatuTday next, and will meet with the Lodges on that evening, at the Odd Fellow's Hall. Mr. Montgomery showed us yestcrdt y, a large sized photograph of a lady of this place, originally taken by him and afterwards touch ed with India ink. It is one of the finest portraits of the kind we have over seen, and well repiys for the outlay in the satisfa ction it must confer upon the possessor. Ihe following is a list of letters held for postage in the Salem Postoffice Oct. 20th: Mrs. Sarah J. Glover, Amity, Oregon ; Henry Hammell, Stony Point, California ; Mr. Chris tian Conner, Oregon City, Oregon ; McCrack- en, Merrill it Co., Portland, Oregon : Cor- bett fc McCleay, Portland, Oregon; missdirec ted. Cousin Harry at tho States. Collecting Agent at Porti.axd. We call attention to the card of Mr. T. B. Nichol son, 86 Front street, Portland, first in to day. Mr. Nicholson is tho agent for tho Statesman in that city, and is a gentleman. of undoubted reliability and of straightfor ward business talent, to whom any business in his line can be entrusted with confidence that lie will give it immediate attention. Robbed. While Mr. Pumpelly. of Eola, was asleep at his shop on the Fair Grounds last Saturday night, some rascal cut his pocket out and made off with five or eight dollars of small change, without awaking - him. The thief cut a cheese and mado o3" with minor articles, some of which were found in the brush outside the next morn ing. There was less depredating done than we anticipated, a3 we have heard of no large robberies. Mr. 0. J. Carr, County Assessor, has fur nished us the following interesting figures from bis books : Total assessment! of Marion county, $3,695,S42 ; number of polls, 1720 : number bushels of wheat raised last year. 429.4C0; number bushels of oats, 314.S20 ; number pounds of wool clipped, 72,109 ; num ber of cattle, 6.S4S ; horses exclusive of colts, 4,381 ; sheep 20,357, exclusive of lambs. Mr. Carr enquired about the loss of wheat by the rain, and from all the information he could gain, ho estimates the damaged wheat at 150,000 bushels, most of it has, however, been turned to some account either for feed or mar ket in some shape or other. This will swell the wheat total to over half a million bushels, and not a good year for wheat cither. A Comparisos. Tho Milwaukie (Wis.) Sen tinel 13 blowing about wheat crop making a little over twenty-six bushels to the acre. Wisconsin is called a grain-growing State, but 'mark how plain a talc shall put them down :' Right here in this vicinity, without going any further to inquire, theic are, on Ilowell Prairie, six men, living close together, who this year harvested an aggregate of 315 acres of wheat, yielding 10,840 bushels, or nearly 34. bushels per acre. This has been a poor wheat season, and Howell Prairie is no better than the rest of Marion county ; but these men plowed deep. One of thesame men, A. -Simmons, selected six acres from his forty of oats, and measured up from the six acres six hundred bushels. Of course this is no country for a farmer to live in ! Owlish. Tho ruined cities of the world aro said to be habitations for bats and owls but thereis no reason why the bats and owls should invade the quiet of a new and thrifty place like this town of ours, where there is no symptom of decay, and nothing for even an owl to boot at. iVell, the other evening a great owl perched itself, near our office, on au ancient knarled oak, and when his owl.ship spoke, ho thus tho silence broke : Tu-whit too-whoo, tu-whit too-whoo, and made a tcrri- ble adoo, as if a wondrous lot he knew. So ono of us gJt a gun and tried to shoot the owl ish one at least to scare him with affright, if not to spill his blood outright ; but as we got so near the critter we thought our shot was sure to hit her, there came a confounded ve locipede along and senred tho bird to death without our help. Friday, October Our streets have become so dusty that it is necessary to uso the street sprinkler. Street Commissioner Mathena is graveling the hill south of the bridge. The work is one that is much needed. The bridge across Mill Creek, at the north end of Commercial street is completed, aud that way is open for travel. Messrs. Geo. A. Eads, J. II. Moores and others, start to-day for the Santiaui quartz lead, for the purpose of removing the balance f tho qnartz mill which belongs to them. Personal. Hon. Geo. n. Steward, who "got his start in Yamhill," is Speaker of the House of Representative, of Washingtou Ter- aitory, now in session at Vancouver. Will Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ronew- r ehango gray hair to its original color and aot dye the skin ? It will ? and is a prepara tiea of acknowledged superior merit. To the Mixes. Ten or twelve of the men have been in the employ of the P. T. Co.. sit Oregon City basin, passed through towa yesterday . morning' on their way to the Myrtla Creek mines in Douglas county. Wheat Fas. Among the many premium articles on exhibition at tho State Fair, was a faaniag mill manufactured by Van Wagner & Co., of this city, which is superior for general farmer' wqtk to any machine vi this coast, mid eauy(o any made at the EasrV.lt is one of thrirferv few machines that will f&ke oats wheat. Tb HuMAir Hair. -Many persons abuse this delicate and beautiff ornament, by burn ing it with alcoholic ip'lihe and plastering it witk grease, which ha" fo affinity for the skin, and is not absorbed.." l7iurnet' Cocoaine, a compound of Cocoa-n Oil, etc., is unrivalled as a dressing for the h ir. is readily absorbed, and is peculiarly adapted to its various con ditions, preventing its falling off and promot- I oojfof 1 I ug its healthy growtn. Father Eyacintlie. t The tt'1i'gr;iph ti!d i:s "T.e time pineo of a letter written to the ln-ud of h;s order at Roniti, by Father liyacinthi-, a Friar of the order of Barefooted CfD'.ieiites. win) bus been for five years preachinjr in the church of Notre Dunie, 1'arie, t- which he attracted great crowds by the fo e of his remarkable eloquence. This let'er conies to us in fall, but is too lengthy for our columns. It seems that be had been .arraigned' at Rome as an offender against church canons and ortlerd eiiher to elmnge-his doctrine or abandon his pulpit. To which his answer is : Yit$ language perverted by a command, or mu tilated by reticence. I shall not ascend the puljiit of Notre Dame.'" The letter is em 1 minently Christian, but is bold and earnest with the spirit of reform. Hyacinthe is j oung, and bis mind has become deeply improved with the vital truths of religion that religion which the meek and lowly Sa viour taught and the early desciples learned from Him. 'Addressing the throngs that c une to hear him. he seems to have forgot ten to preach "the Church" while preaching Christ. Hyacinthe has become a reformer, and being 'brought under the interdict of Rome, he renounces the pulpit of one of the most renowned Cathedrels of Europe, and with the Spirit of a Luther, indulges towards mother church the langusge of bold reproof. He protests "against those doc trines and practices, calling themselves Ro man, but which are not Christian." "Against the Sacriligious perversion of the word of the Son of God himself, and he appeals to the great Council about to assemble f'to apply remedies for the excess of evil." The last we hear of Father Hyacinthe, he was on the way to the United Slates, where he intends to 'withdraw for a few months. We look upon his defection as having an important bearing upon the state of religion in France and in all "Europe. Few men of this age have made a greater mark than ho in religious circles. lie has not renounced his allegiance, but urges, the Church to greater purity and renewed zeal. The time has come when tue Cliurcn must recognize the need of progress, and so act as to satis, fy the increased intelligence that is cbaaac. terizing the age. This is no era for mere "dogmas ;" religion must be vitalized and earnest," if it would combat error and win the souls ot men. COMMERCIAL NEWS. Salem, Friday, Oct. 22, 1869. Trade is eenerally cood in Salem. The plesant weather and fine state of the roads in duces farmers to haul in large quantities of wheat, which is being stored. The market price for wheat at this point is BOcts. per bushel. The supply of home product? ia abundant and pricc3 are well sustained. Coal oil fluctuates as the supply on band diminishes and merchants have to replace stock at tho 1 advanced rates. The general prices of gro ceries and provisions remain without change There is no prospect of any immediate rise in Spread stuCVs. Produce and Provision Market. Fsxiur Salerar XXX pr sack, $1 3T.V ; AumsviHo, pr sack, -01 25 ; Jefferson, $1 25; Moore.-, Widen 4 Miller,$l 25; Other brands 1 e5;Oraham,$l 95 Cuts Meal Scarce aud in demand. Oregon ground, mne in market. California, in 10 lb bass, 6c per pound. Wesat Best white, 60c. Oak From wagons, 30c. Potitoks From wagons, 4i to 50c. IJbaxs In good demand ; from wagons 4c ; retail He. DcTTCii 30 to S'e and abundant. CoFrsa Firm. Costa Rica, by 'the sack 22c; re tail, 25c ; Rio, 25c ; Java, 33rfc. CascsE Crauston's Oregon, 25c ; California 25c. Candl Grant's per box, $5 50; Wood's $5 00; Adamantine f 4 50. Per lb 25c a 37Mc. EoJS 33Kc. Grekn F rcits Apples per box 50c. v iiBiKD if kuits Apple sc a 10c ; peaches ISc a we ; prune: 30a 6icX Oregon cusrants locaBt'c; Zante do 26c; raisins 873fc, Fish SaJmon, choice, hi bbls, $7 00; bellies, kits? 20 lbs, 4 00; do do 30 lbs, $8 00; mackerel, per kit, 14 OO. Codfish, coast, 15c : Eastern. 20c. Baook Sides, 16c; hams, 17alSc; shoulders, 10c. Lard In tins, 20c. Kicc Per lb, Vl a 10. Scoar Firm. S. P. R, 16'ic; Island, 10al5c; crushed, 20 a 25c: powdered 20 a 25c. Strcp 3 S, ke;j, $0i ; per gallon, $1 25. Soap Per bar, 25 a 37.?e ; box, 'i (N) a $2 2f. Salt Carman Island, n-r 10k, $2 50; Bay, $1 50; Livei pooj Dairy, t i M : Liverpool Pack'.ns. 2 50 Teas Young Hyson, $1 50; Imperial, 1 75; Ja pan, l OU a 1 ot). Tobacco Per lb, 75c a 1 50. Ikon and St iel Common bar, 5c ; horae-shoe. 9c ; Heavy band, i a be; hoop mid light bind, Uic ; round aic. square, 6c ; half round, 8c ; Nor way nail . rods, 11c; plow steel, 13c; spring and tire steel, 16c. Nails 10 to 6u penny, per keg, $6 50 ; 4 penny, $7 00; 3 pen; iv, fine blued, $U 00: cutspikes, $6 50 Naval Stob is Per gallon, $1 50; Manilla rope, 22Jtf a 25. Oils Linse. ;d oil, wholesale price at the mill $1 37c per gsllon raw, at retail, $1 75; linseed oil, boiled, 41 75; lai d oil, $2 25; coal oil, per can, $3 75 t $4 50. Woodkn Wjire Palls, 2 hoops, 50f ; hra3 hoops, $1 00; Salem made tubs. No I, 2 50; No 2, i 75; No 8, $3 00; churns. $2 50 a 4 00; barrels, $2 00 a 50: half do. 1 50 a $1 75. r.ms Quan tity, ?4 25; retail, 4 50. Plastkk Pa;I8 Pei bbl, $S 5o. Obkoon Vo lim Good Blankets, Oregon gray. No a, $6 50: No. 3, do. $5 00; do. white, No. 1 extra,' $S 50; No.l.fS; do. No. 2, 7; No.3.$5 60: 8-4 white flannel, 1 10 a $1 25; 4-4 white do. 75c; 8-4 white -do, 37 a 45 ; plain assorted colors flan nel, 48 a 4 5c; faucy twilled shirting do. 50 a 55c; grey mixed shirting 40 a 50; hard times. 90c; grey doesi'dn, ?1 00; fancy dofl 10; drab mixed beaver, 9ic; fancy cassimeres, $1 01) a $1 40; tweeds, 75 a S5c ; double and twist, ft 10 a $1 15; yarns, tl 00 a $t 25. OorrosGooi Sheetings, standard, 15X a 16)c; seconds, 1 Z( a 14c ; light, 9X a lOc ; standard drills, ISt. 20c; Shirting, bleached undressed, 14 a 23c ; bleat hei M to , 13 a 15c ; denims, 16 a 22c; hickory, stripes, 15 a 25c ; prints, fancy, 11X a 12J Merrimac, 11 to 14c; delaines, 20; Ticking 4qr,8Jc; 80-inch, 18 a 85c; Hnsey,24 a 83c; 10i bleach, 45c; heavy sheeting, 15c pr jd; 80-inch Sheeting, ll!tf a 12c per yard. Wool Fall clip, 13 a 16; lamb's wool, 13 a lie Spring, IS a 21c. NEW THIS MORNING. WM. T. B. NICHOLSON, Gcneiai Collecting Agent, AND Agent for Orcoai Statesman. NO. 86 FROST ST., PORTLAND. "Tlie Lam of Business." A NEW WORK FOR BUSINESS MEN Treatinir of all important business opera tions, will full forms for all business uses by Theophilua Parsons, of the Law School at Harvard, tor sale Dy C. P. YEATON. Salem. Oct. 21. . J. GOUNSKY 1 TSFORiCS the public that he has set up, X for hitri8ell in tue Toiloriiig1 liiixinefss-i, And haspened a shop on Commercial street, south of Cole's Stove Store, where he will be prepared to do all work in bis line at short no tice. A fair share of public patrouage is hoped for. Lookout for the Blindfold Merchant Tailor, a few doors below. fialetn, OcuiJl. j To tne Tax-Payer of Marion County. NOTICE is hereby given that I will attend, at the usual place of voting in each elec tion precinrt in said comity, lor the purpose of collecting Stale, County and School Taxes for the year 186'J, from 10 o'clock, a. in., to 4 p.m., of the following days, to-wit : ' ; JetTersoo. Thnrsday, November -1, ISO?. . Sublusky, Friday, 5 Uucola, Satnrday, " Silvertoo. Monday, "" Abiqua, Tnesday, Howell Prairie.Wednesday" Fairfield, Thursday, "" Cfearapoeg, Friday. " i fi ! 8 : a ;io II J2 l:t ilo ! 1 ; 17 18 19 !20 liutteviile. batnroay, passt, Monday, " Tnesday, . Wednesday, North Salem, Thnrsday, " E5i-lem, Saturday, " J. J. MURPHY, M - Tar rrtliptnp Marion nnnntw. Slem October 18, 1863. ; oc21w4 TV Aosxa. LaBfX. CHAS. ADAMS. LOCUE & ADAMS, DEALERS IS Groceries & Provisions GLASS AND QIEEXSWARE. STATE STREET. SALEM. Next door to Gill's Book Store. WE have just received a large ana cnoice etock of Merchandise in onr line, and are prepared to furnish onr customerr and the public generally with goods of best quality on most favorable terms. WE have just purchased the large and se lect stock of Elegant Glassware lately held by Geonre N. Cady, aud offer the same at greatly reduced rates. - Goods delivered to all parts of the city Free ok Charge. . Aug. 28 xz VEGETAELE SICILIAN m HAIK -n-, nrfTmnt -r Peioiis who arc Gray Can have their hair restored to its natural col or.and if it lias fallen out.create a new growth, by its nse. It .is the best HAIR DRESSING in the world, making lifeless, stiff, brasliy hair, heul thv, soft, and glossy. Price $1.00. For sale by all druircists. R. P. HALL k CO., Nashua', N. H., Proprietors. CHEAP SEWING MACHINES. ClQf HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MA-CjQr, i)OU CHINE a double-thread lock-i3)DU stitch Shuttle Machine; stitch alike on both sides. CJ f) f Celebrated Common-Sense FamilyfiN iOtZlJ Machine. Both machines fullylkiJiU warranted for five years. Machines sent by express to any part of the country, C. O. D. Agents wanted in every county. Liberal commissions. Address Home Shuttle Sewing Machine Company, 146 First Street, Portland. octl9:dw6m TUlTllASON AXD HAMLIN ORGAN. HAVING been appointed sole agent for the above instrument, I can now offer them tor sale at Kkduced Rates. I sliall receive monthly invoices of them un til my assortment is complete, and can furnioli them at lower rates than private parties can import them, J. K. GILL, Sept. lU.xz State street. Salem JOH SALE A Splenaid Water - Power and Mill Site, at Oregon City. Inquire of J. H. MOORE, Machinist, 8alem. Sept. 18xs Surprise Oats. THESE Oats originated in De Kalb Conntv. Illinois. They are reported to weih. 45 pounds per bushel, and to have yielded 4,256 pounds per acre. I raised last year, 70 ponnds of Oats from 3 J ounces of seed Rent me, and this year, by replanting, have 3,60) pounds of the seed for fale. I have every reason to believe they fill the representation made of them. For sale at 10 ceuts per pound, t A sample of the Si.rpri.--e Oats can bo seen at the piiKUON Unionist ollice. . IJICKUVsOX. S'-.lem, Oregon, Anyust Id, lMV.). . xztf jpoil LATE PERIODICALS Soyt 1. tro to YEATOX'S. FIIKSIS SALMON LL the year round, in cans at 25c. each. For sale by UZAFOVAGE & WRIGHT. BASCOM'S ?as. 2 CHOP HOUSE! Second Door West of the X-Itoads, OX STATE STREET. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, BAY or NIGHT Fresli Oysters, 1 Fish, Fowl, Game, And Meats of all descriptions to be had in this market, will be served up in the finest style, on the shortest notice. Pickled Pigs Feet, Tripe, Head C'ltcese, And materials f ir ELEGANT LUNCHES Constantly on hand. M.J. ALPHIX Candy IVlanufactory. Wholesale and Retail. Commercial street Salem. ; . . . Oregon. WE have on hand a larce and complete stock nf CANDIES, NUTS, SKGAR9 I5tc. Klc. Which we will Bell at Portland prices. Orders supplied on short notice, and satisfaction gual anleed. ' Oct.. 9. BACON, IJaeon Sides, ' And Fresli lard. A LARGE supply of these articles received and for sale bv LOGUE & ADAMS. Sate street, Salem, Oct. 14. Gl EAT REDUCTION IN PARE! Oregon & Gal. Stage Comp'y Portland San Francisco cw York THROUGH TO PAN FRANCISCO IN 5 DATS NDW YORK 11 " The S ages of the O. & C. S. Co. connect at Oroville with ths California Northern R. It. and Steamboats at Sacramento for San trail ccisco. Aa, at the junction of the CALIFORNIA CENTRAL '.villi the GREAT OVERLAND RAILROAD TO NEW YORK! Stages leave Salem bound South at abont 4 o'clock r. m.. each day, pasdnir through Alba ny, CorvnUia, Eugene. Oakland, Roseburg, Jacksonville, Yreka. Shasta, Red Blntf, Chico. and sonio of the finest valleys upon the Pacilic Coast, combining pleasure, comfort and speed. For I'orilaud at 7 a. m., daily. Ollice at the Cnpital Hotel. WM. CORBETT, Agent. Salem. Angust 14. 18611. xztf LADD So TILTON, PORTLAND, OREGON. Established, 1859. DEPOSITS received and Accounts kept, subject to Oheck or Draft. INTEREST allowed on TIMK DEPOSITS or TRCST FCND3. in sums of ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS, FKOM date of deposit. Money Loanod on Approved Becurity. BONDS, STOCKS, nnd other valuables, received ON DEPOSIT for SAFE-KEEPING. COLLECTIONS made, and proceeds promptly re mitted. INVESTMENTS IN REAL property made for parties. ESTATE and other A (rents for the Transaction of all kinds of FINAN CIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On Sal Francisco and the Atlantic States for sale. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES bought and sold oc9w KENTUCKY BLUE-GRASS SEED For fale at. epSS COX & EARHAST 5. J. C. LOGL'E. MISCELLANEOUS. BASKETS!! MARKET BASKETS, WORK BASKETS, . CHILDREN'S BASKETS. ANY BODY'S BASKET. EVERYBODY'S BASKET, In Fact A Great Assortment or Baskets ! AND AU Kindsrof Baskets. IZAFOVAGF WEIGHT. P. S.-ir Too dont think we baTC Baskets, come and sec. Grreat Bargains To be had For Cash! Dry Groodis, Clothing-, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Provisions, Cooperware of all kiuds, WELL-CURBS, WASIITUBS, Etc.. Etc., Etc. es Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. J. II. COULTEU. Salem, Sept. 23. DR. HAWLEY'S Ague Remedy, A Purely Vegetable Preparation, And adapted to the climate of the Pacific coast. FOR FEVER AND AGUE, DUMB AGUE. CHILLS AND FEVKR. INTERMITTENT FEVER, etc.. It, stands without a rival. Hundreds who have exhausted the abominable nostrums thnt are daily palmed olT as snre cures, and almont des paired of ever beinj: frci d from this debilitat ing disease, have cust their praise npon Dr. Hawley's AKiie Remedy, as their voluntary statements will attest. ': " ' It is a pleasant tonic, giving new energy to the Stomach. Bowels and Liver, giving a heal thy flash to the pule and languid countenance, and strenijth to the enfeebled body. It is NO HUMBUG, but a hlessiug to mankind. All we ask in. Give it ;i Fair Trial, HODGE, CALEP 4 CO., Wholesale Agents, I'ortlund, Oregon. For sale by Okokgk A. Edks, and I) yak GuiiiBs. Salem. p.n(r20xxpods!"p Patent Improvement on Lamps.' SAVES 40 per cent;, in coal nil, gives a better light, without smoke, and can be attached to any kind of a lamp. Price triniti. I will he in Salem and canvass for the improvement daring the next ten davs. 'ROBERT WILSOX. Oct. 15. 1809. jgAKKEU X BAXTER. WACOfi M A K i NC. South east corner of Commercial und Cheme keta streets, Suleui. Oregon. Orders received for all busiiie.s in our line and work promptly done. augSxztf yELCH'S PREMIUM SALMON " Of 't'.) catch parked in Liverpool salt by the pound, kit, halt barrel or barrel . A fresh lot at COX & EAElIART'S. August 2:i xz S. L. FALLOWS & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Tin Plate, Ktc. Yamhill .Street, bet. Front and First. PORTLAND; OREGON. octllxiTw APPROPRIATION MADE. We will pav highest market rntes for Sinle Warrants. " ' 15. V. RliuWN &, SOX. S:ilnn. Sept. '-'!). scp'.'-2,l !w Carpet Store. "JICKLIN makes a specialty of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs fc Matting: Has tlie largest stock in town. Sep. 57. jrjOCSKS AND LOTS IN SALEM. I oiler for sale CHEAP FOR. CASSII, Several Residences, well calculated for private i families, in d'erent parts of the city. Persons ' desiring to purchase, will do weli to call on i inc. SAMUE J EL HAS. Salem, .AiiL'iist, 12. ISfi'.t. x.if oke;on MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REl'OKTEK WILL BE ISSUED ABOUT OCTOBER 12th, 1S69, and on the first of each mouth thereafter. Terms of Subscription, $4.(K), legal landers. Communications, books for review, etc,, should be addressed to the editor, E. R. Fiske, A. M., M. D., Salem, Oregon. Those who wish to advertise on liberal terms, or subscribe for the Journal, will ad dress H. CARPENTER, M. D., Dean of the Faculty, Salem, Oregon. I'resli BACO. Aud LAUD, At Cox & Karliart'a. SAVINfi I SAVINGS ! JT'irst National Banls: OF PORTLAND. Savings Department. rrMIIS BANK has established, In connection with 1 Us general-banking business, a Savings De partment and will allow Interest on coin deposits made In aecordance wilh the conditions adopted by this Bank. In estnblishinjr a Savings Department, this Bank ing Association has in view the benefits to a clasa of persons having smnll sums to loan, by providing a a fe place of deposit, ample security, and fair rate or interest, as well as to aggregate and bring Into use Idle capital. For the nalety of depoxiu In this bank, are pledged the entire capital and resources and also tlie personal hablllty of iu Directors and Stockholders, as provided by sec. 13 of tho National Currency a jt, approved June 3, 1864, a greater secu rity than that ottered by ordinary savings banks. Printed copies of the conditions npon which de posits are received can be had npon application to the Bank. HENRY FAILING, President J amis Steix, Cashier. DIRECTORS t Henry Failing, L. II. Wakefield. W. J. Van Schnylcr Henrv W. Corbett, James Steel. THE CELEBRATED H. H. JEL. H ORSE MEDICINE. D. 1. T. 1868. HAS beccunc an iudispensible article in the market,' which is clearly demonstrated by the large and increasing derrand, Nothiug has yet been discovered equal to it. IT WILL REMOVE ALL Callous Lumps. Soft spavins, Wind Galls, AND IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Distemper, Sore Shoulders, Sweeny, Colic, etc., etc. . E5F PRICK. $1 OO andX30 per bottle. HOOQE, CALEF &. CO., Wholesale Agents, Portland. Sold by GEO. A. EDES. and . DYAR & GRUBBS. lm. Cf.n. MISCELLANEOUS. UNIVERSAL STORE. . ISTew Groods! FROM Chicago, San f ranclsco and London I HAVE coming, in quantities packed in trunks, boxes, kegs and barrels, more uoods than my store can hold, so they Must absolutely be Bold as thej arrive. Heady-made Suits at $13. . DRYG00DS IN LARGE SUPPLY. Ladies' Dresa Goods, Staple Cotton Goods. Hosiery till you can't rest - Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts JEWELRY of lJ;tU"' Hoots and SEioe, FOR GF.NTS, UOYP, I.AllltS -AND MISSKS. All booght on good iruiH, and to U, B0ld at oc9 .IQKl'HUS U OEM E.O Pioneer Store. Crockery and Glassware. TTTE are now opening a larire lot of first- V V clusa ware, just received from San Fran- Elegant China Sets, Table Cutlery, Plated Ware, And Lots of other goods. IZAFOVAGE fc WRIGHT. Oct. 9. Music ior the Million! iow on Exhibition, Beautiful PIANOS AN1 Mason & Ilainliii ORGANS. A Sew ArrlTal of Various Styles, For sale at the very lowest prices, by J. K. Oct. 8. State st., Salem. JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE LOT OF I'lor (Stoves,-' Cook Stoves, PUMPS A!D PIPE, PORCELAIN "WARE, French Tinware. Yon can get. LARD CANS. LIIASS KETTLES. CAST-IRON KETTLES. And auy thing else iji his line that yon want, at DAVfD COLE'S Mew Stand, Commercial St., Jtetween Moore's BlocK and the Post OfSce. Saleui, Sept. .'. dw Kane's Condensed Soap. Five liars for One Dollar. At COX KARIIAliT'S. .s-p:$n More Arrivals ! OF New Groods ! AT THE Post-Olfice Store (i rockery mid Glassware In large quantity and for sale cheap. oe SCOTT FARRAR. QALIFORXIA Ci rapes, Oranges, and Sweet Potatoes, At JOHN HUGHES'. Salem, Oct. 'J. Time is Up. PERSONS knowing themselves Indebted to the undersigned will take notice that my call for settlement on or before the 15th day of September, lHli'.l, is past. Now the accounts will beplaccd iu the hands of the proper offi cers for collection, an i jron can all nave costs by immediately paying up. J. M. COULTER Salem. Sept. 2;, 18G9. , A FEW LADIES' DIAMOND RINGS at .1. II. HAAS'S gCOTT & FARRAR, , Saleui, Oregon. ' WHOLESALE & RETAJLL DEALERS IN Crockery. Glassware, Stoneware, Roger's Silver Plated ' Spoons and Forks, Russell's Table Cutlery, Lamps &, Lamp Fixtures. We are now opening the finest assortment of goods in onr line, ever brought to this market. To cash customers v?e will sell cheaper than any other bouse in Salem. Croceries & Provisions Also a large, stock of Groceries and Previa- iorts always on band, Ht the loweet rates, for easb or produce. Store in Front of New Post Office. IN STARKEY'S BLOCK. SCOTT : FA II RA It. Salem, Angnst 13. 18tD. xztf Buggies for Sale. PERSONS wishingto supply themselves with good and neat baggies can be accommo dated at the Pioneer Livery and Rale Stables with several different patterns ol KIM BALL'S LATK THOROUGH-BRACE ; also Side und End springs. Prices to suit tb times. These baggies are of Eastern and Sau Francisco man ufacture, and are finished in workmanlike manner. Call and examine before bnving else where. OLIVER WISWELL, Salem. Oct. 6.1 Hti). Proprietor" "Wheat Bought JAM prepared to ,yj CASH for Wheat. ' Uring on yon Wheat aft" cet your money Sep. zxz A. I. NICKLIN. MISCELLANEOUS. "yADE, KOLTER & CO., Opposite tbc Woolen Factory, NORTH SAI.EM. ' Have full stock of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats Caps, Boots & Shoes, Crockeiy. Also, a Urje siocl of GROCERIES,! Tobacco, Cigars, Hardware, Woodenware. And will teUthcin at Ihe lowest figures, for cash tir producn. ff GILBERT BRO'S A UK receiving from San r rancisco Uieir Fall .Stock Ulcus Boys and Youths' BOOTS & SHOES And a complete assortment of goods in their line , For Laliefe' Wear, LKCLCDIKO Congress Lasrng Gaiters, Congress Foxed Gaiters, Lasting Foxed Balmorals, 1 ji-ting Balmorals, Calf Walking Shoes. P.utf Calf Walking Shoea.;1 And a full assortment For Misses & Children's Wear. The best stork of French I&ipnml Culf Skins California Kip and Calf Skins And Santa Cruz Sole Leather, Ever brongbt to Salem, is offered to the trade on reasonable terms. GENTLEItlEiVS BOOTS Manufactured to order, and WARRANTED OF BEST MATERIAL. More Sewing Machines, of Grover & Baker make, and new style, received and for sale. Salem, Oct. I.dw J. K. GILLj' STATE STREET, : : : : : SALEM. Importer, Wholesale Jt Betall Dealer IS SCHOOL KOOKS, 131 in lie Books STATIONERY, Sunday School & Gift books TEACHERS' REQUISITES, . And everything belonging to a First-Class Stationer Establishment. Sole agent for MORTON'S GOLD PENS. " CLACKAMAS PAPER MILLS Salem. Sept 10. ' xx Selling Off at Costl! Our I'utirerStock of Merch.aiid.isel! FOR CASH ! Coinc One tmtl and iGretl Bargains ! J. B. & 31. IIIRSCH. Salem, SepU 18. A. I. NICKLIN, Griswold,s Old Corner, ' Keeps Constantly ou Hand DRY G OODS, GROCERIES I ; BOOTS AND SHOES, Carpets, Rugs aud Oil Cloths, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS,. And all Staple Goods. , Goods delivered free of charge iu the city. Kent. 4 i CHOPPED WHEAT for sale at ' ' : COX tc EAKHAETS 1ST. TLjJS? Boot IVXaker, Dealer In Custom Made Boots & Shoes STATE ST. SALEM, OREGON. Just received, a Urge stock of French Cair and Kip Skins, American and California Calf and Kip Skins. French Topping and Lining Skins. California Sole leather, (Large Etock) Lasts, Boot Trees, Crimps, Shoe Findings, lc, Which I offer cheap. Cash Paid foe Hides 6 Furs. Capital Saloon. No 1 WINES and LJQUORS .Cigars and Tobacco, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Refreshments at all Hours Provided for onr customers. . JOHNNY RUTH & CO. Salem, Sept 1, 1868. ' dtt QARRIAGE PAINTING. E.D. SLOAT, CARRIAGE AND SIGN PAINTER, Commercial street, opposite StarVey 's block. 6alsasf August S, 156?. ' X2tf MISCELLANEOUS. LOUD ELL'S Photograph' .Cattery ! on BTATK STREET, : J SALEM, : : : I I OREGON Open from 8 a. m. to B f . si. daily. Iir-st-Cla-sM IMctures. J AH NOW PREPARED TO TVt W THK t3T Sun Pictures ! PLAIN OR COLORED LARfff 0 SMALL MY POPULAR Gem Pictures Ah ALL THE RAGE. I shall spare no pa his to always maintain this as s Mrat-clrsa Gallery. t. k. LOBDELL, . oc7' FINISHED IN A WORKMANLIKE z w n y a o 3 i Q O s w 4 n O ? r M m MOIYTGOMER Y'S cs h Portrait Gallery. g Parkish'h Brick. : : Up Iitaiks 05 Pictarra Krloochrl O In India Ink. Oil or Water Colors a o z M R For the Best PHOTOGRAPHS IN TUE STATE, Go to MONTGOMERY'S. Salem. Antrnst 31 , 18ft. Rooks, Stationery AND 1'ANCY GOODS. C. F- YEATON. (Successor to Pa'kkish & Msbtin) , COMMERCIAL ST., : j : : SALEM. T KEEP CONSTANTLY ON BAND a foil A assortment of M School Books, Blank Books, Music Books, Pictures, Aud all other articles ia my line. SHEET MUSIC A largo assortment or dered and on the way. Grcneral IVews Dealer. . All the Magazines and Periodicals of ths day constantly on band. Ang. 18 xx gOUTII SALEM STEAM FLOUR Ac LU3IBBR MILLS. CHANGE OF FIRM The firm of Roork, Wltten k Miller, has been dis solved by mutual consent. Mr Roork baring dia IHjueil of his Interest to John H. Moores. , The basinet will be eontlnaed under ths nana ot Moores, Wltten Miller, who assume the liabili ties of the old firm, and to whom all debts due them will be payable. ROORK, WITTEN M1U.EK. We have just completed a Urge and convenient irranarr, adjoining our flour mill, and aro prepared to purchase wheat, receive on storage, or grin for toll, on favorable terms. Our Flour Is equal to tne beet. Give the new mill s trial. MOORES, WITTIN MILLER. Salem. Angnat id, 18W. ntf Paints, Oils, Class. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE Paint Store IN SALEM, Is to be found on State street, where there can always he fonnd a good assortment of PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS' MATERIAL, and WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS. , Window Hash and Doors on hand.and orders received for all sizes. R.A.KIGGS. Sept. 22. Grand Eusli TO BREYMAN BROS ! WE ARE NOW OPENING THE FINEST STOCK Jt BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS Ever Drought to Knlcm I WE call the particular attention of the La dies to the fact that we have received the 1 . Latest Styles of Dress Good. Fall and Winter Wear, AS FOLLOWS: VINCEYS. ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS, itnnns. WATLHrROOFS, REI'S, LUSTERS. 1X)GMA CI)T1L melancu Cord. SILK POPLINS, COCHINEAL DELAINES. , ' And also fall assortment of Staple Dry Goods. These Goods were bought daring the btte panic among the San Fraocisco Jobbers. ut will be sold lower than ever. Mrs cannai e COME, EVERYBODY! And see tor yourseWes- '.,".'. We have an jaaense stock of goods, beaghfc, low and to be sold low., in proportion. CIOtS, :'-- ' r" ' Boots nnd Short, . Cloths and Cms! mere ' The sis usorUseo ot J " GEMTLEIriEIS WEAR To be bought io SsuvFrsnciKw tmm, Sept. 28. 4w