The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 27, 1891, Image 3

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    The KiitcrprlHc.
Alhtnv I.ixmI (wy .iMI.m.i
ht,irnu kinri'ia itliroiiKlii
Kuliirj ( nullum)
ol'TII HOC Mil.
Ktwrbnrit (mm- niittltmit
Allitny I.umI (,v tili'tii .
i Ninriu Kitna nhn'iiflu
1 M lit
Isk. in.
SI Mi 11. m
WU, iu
tu; ( in
t si (i in
0 t'.T OV'NvrKAMKHN.
llt I OII'ION rirv.
ti'oo m,
I i i. m,
i t ivn ronri m
?. m,
10 HI K. III.
'1 ll 11 111.
t.nimr All,.nv-lt MnVt iik i'i, (
;m i in.
1 1 l III
p III,
l.V rolltl.aMII,
i .Hi a. ill.
kKi.UMHI I'O.'S STmilr.llS
N,mliwH-rr tf ilimi m v U.Hii, T
Ml , M 'li.l v ihIi , 1( ami t'rl.Uv ; enrlUiul
ml u laii.lnw I . i m., Hi,..,la)a, 'hur
lima an, I 8tiirUa
N-1' t'O '.SSI KtJIKKS.
Ma4,xvt,if mviou au.l Iu,lliiii. s a mi,
MvmUjr. ,liin,,Uy ami PiliUy r,H IVtilmiJ
n4 way Uii.!liu, ll , ut. tucnUy. lliiira
day au,l KrUlay,
ASOTIIKH U.IUl rtfUKl'lKtl, Till'
Portland A Origin 1'ily aiUy Com
vhy, iuoorporut.d oliori lime miihv,
Ii organised by th eietion ul I., XI,
lvi, president, Mr. II. M Wei.o,
mviwUiv mi. I lr.if.unr, mid A. l.
liOvkll-lioM, KIIH'tlllll'll.ll'llt. TIll'V l
lut mtrveyori in tin- licit next M,'m lav
to Iik'uIi' the lino In OMWi'ttn, It will
ta mi olivine motor lino llio liiiht i.(
way li.n been Keeuus! and wotk ll U
VtMIIUH'invil Ml tllll't', Tlio I'uillpullV llllH
nine iiiKiillm iu liu li i.t eompleio ilu
lino In (liikM, uml will Iihvo it in
ofor.itinn liy ihe end o( Mio your. They
liavo li:i Juno l, lStC, t.i complete I Iu
lino to Dn'timi 1'iiy, uud llio riiihl ol
y lor tlio urt'iiler . n( i tin dist.tnoe
have lvn wniroil, Hint llio mini will
without Jmilit be completed within llio
litre irvm'riln'il The Mad will make
a jitiLlioti Willi llio oloi lrit' nititiir lino
Innn I-nllon Turk lit llio roiuolorioH, in
llio kil'Htiu'k l!nM. A I'ulKui' ti Hrt, llio
i'lmi:u' Hill uililiiinn, n. I into tlu
UiuIh nl llio lirvtiiin Iron uiu! Slool I'nin
jwny. 10 (n !ii. Tlio Iuili mnl Stool
Co., luvo liu l a O'Milnur anrvov n(
lur lr;i t o( llioir pmrly iiioiniialoiy
to l.tviii); H nut lliHi llio Htrrotfi ulniU
conform Id tlio Uy i( tlio Inn. I llio
tiuiKlinit of llii road mill lnin .tonly il
clioup luN into llio inarkol, an. I will
vnlinnoo tlio viiltni of that n hu ll in now
onlxi'lo (iruH'ily.
Ckmktehv Advaxtahkm. Tlio Crrn. in
1'iiy coniotory in uiont tlosirulily looittoil
tin a iH'iiitiMiiltir of UU crontul, liouniluil
on tliroo Hiilon liy n ky u:il loripiUnia
Cjiivoidi, mil niiliko tlio liiiryinit
Kmniiiln ol I'orltami ami Kunt rurllun.l,
will not Imvo to Iw toinovoil in tlio ootirxo
of a frw voar, or rolunal to Hrniit nmro
l.ntmU tlioioin, Tlio eon. litmus of tlio
ailjoiniiiK luiulrt to tlio ooiiiotery am
noli lliiil it novor oan imorforv tAilii lliia
lot aiion a lnuiiil liroiuul, HuiUliiii;it
cannot nor novor will ororlo.1 on tlio
pwtiloit!i I.IuIIh .arli.illy tmrroumliitK
tlieie isniiiniln, ami um iIiih ih so Woll
a.liino.l for a oriotiml liuryini; K'ouml,
it wonlil io a iiiullor of ooonoiny (or llio
tnistoos of llio cemetery to nccuro tlio
aiiJitionul liiml ailj.. ilium tlioroto, ami
tiike teM t'iniiriU lieanlifyini; I lie prein
ioc. tiii! to Hie work ol van. lain, who
cairy off Hie flower uml kIiiuIk pluntej
in the cemetery I'V lovinrf lianil.a,
Mexton nlioulil t emiioyeil to remilu on
the to,"ul,' "'' l"''per eartj of
the muiiio. Nulure li.ia ruvileil a tit
resting ilaee (or Ilie ileu.l in Oregon
City eeinelerv, atlil it i- tlio iluty of Ilie
jeoplo lo we Hull it in kept in i'3er
Kaidk tmk I i ao A liirsio majority
of llio Mrliiml linnm'H tlirouliont Hie
country, ami a riMt iminy in t'lucka
in .it) count v, have llio lar anil l ri (e
floating from Hie aleiiilor tir fl.iif atall
that (iiirmiilliita Hi" liiulit eminence
mi the IiiiiMiiix". Omunn City hanjllie
leiulinu uml m't iniHrliint hcIhmiI hi
the inunty. with a eiiitfnitioent huililin,
jet, Btiun;i' to nay, inrlinij Uffor -itarfi
ami trii-ji a.lorn the htnl.liiirf In Him
rt-fieet they are far liehiml many ol the
unpretenlioilH Hfhool IioiIk'M in the
coiintv silualeil comparalively in the
liai-kwo-Hlu. Tiir KsTKi'ittHK is iti
(orineo that monev iw raineil amonK
the pupili of the Omiion l ily aclinol for
a flan oonin tnonllm ayo, ami the pur
cli.oie made, hut an et no fiat! HtalT him
heen erectcil, an. I the Mlarn and ntripe
are folded away poncihly covered with
Illkoai. Fihiiino . Mr.lico. T. Myi rn,
of the United Mate Vh comfiiii-mon,
w in Hie cilv on Tuemlay looking after
the iiilercHtH ")f Hie commiMfiion. There
in a determined pr.o.e to compel the
tihliermen to obey the lawn. The com
iniHBion are deteimined to put a Htop to
thin ilieital fihinK. They have already
arrenled neveral partieM, and are clowly
walc-hiiiif oth.r iKTBoni. At present
thii li-hiim U about wholly cmil! 1 to
the Willamette river between OroHon
Citv and Omwcku. The river im now to
I introled mid a strict watch will he
kent upon Hie moveiiietita of Hie parlie
w ho are (.lu-pi.-ioned, if c.anlit they will
Ket the full piniisliment ol the law. I he
tiKh canalit are Kold to ie-itail
rant k-epet'tl in Portlaml. Kven Ihese
re-tanrat.lH a.e known and detect
iveu are on Hie track of the proprietor..
A Nkw PAIKY.-Mr M V. Handall,
who liven on tffl old Uandall place, Iibij
leaned Home landn adjoining, and Htarled
a dnirv. He i now (.repined lo lurniHli
lamilii-f- witl I"r aru In of milk,
l.iHcowHBre na-tured ui trreen rasH
are tiupplieil wiin pure
ruareniv" -
il.,,i. fli-Hirim' tin almolute
" "Hicle for infanlH or invalidH can
be accommodated. TIioho who do not
am tohea-moy-dwiili kcoi'inK WH;
will now be enabled lo nave I hat
exiie-meand annoyance, an Mr. lUiu a
iio and favorably known lo the
people that he iiocla no further recouv
1'i.ath Mr.Hetiry Iianft,
the Well
known iliaujih'.Hinan and
i ... . i. ...... ,l,,in.( Kline line
1H I m . . ; , .
work oil till!
town ami aim' ton i.i.r
n liia
tiled ill the coiliiiv recur or. " """"
e ruuHferHtbetnalltol-ookB provi-W
r that ptTPOHe, ami tno T"T "
diHt'tirtlv amleleiiuntly executed, fhe
BiirpflH-" i y . Iinvone can
i oant tti '"''". . ...iu booUH at
ohei ve ov '' "
the re onli-r'H ulllce.
A , Tllf Uo K QlIAHKIM.-Mr. JoBCJlll
v H.nith who has the contract for
E'miKlS roU for the ittty .t the
m, t o Ktl,.i Colu.-Hiia, Im. Jo
Pf" r oaCenun,
P'.fjfr.r. :. .. ilovment to a lar
berof in ChickamaK c.
ir lii v-.-i j , .
... i,. P.onloti and
RiccoiintNo or t ..a .a. -
Claclama..i" - U copied into
hereafter he H '; ' ' ffi,rel, f,
t,Uta. All li." i., eom
S:dn;r;f;om',,e county
pane" i . nrrei. ne9.
; i v.. n. .,
nell, Ihn leadiiiit elntliivr and iutier of
"ieou iny, i. a a nicoiveit bia Imue
iiiiKli.'k otclolhlnu, liala, fiiriilliiiin
twd.i, i(o., nil of the hiHt quality, and
iM onublod on account of inakliiK ti mihu
ally of thin lino of uoodn, lo undeiMid. till
coinpollloiM. I lain uiiil tiocktli'M ol llio
latent l v lea, valiea, and evervtliinti
Hint could b found lu a Ilka eatahluli
ment in I'm Hand,
Nkw IUiaim, It la lepniloil that tlio
Oiviton t'ily TriiiMpoiliitlon t'ompanv
Intend to build a now Inait niniiUr lii
mi lo llio Altona, an the Latoua U loo
muiiiII for llio piimmoiii(oi' tialllii during
Hie nuiiimor aeaaon Thin company
liava hiin .iMkt.,1 l. iIim ..l.i.uim mI ti,...
ton to put on a boat between that flace
ami roitiami, a' il it in piwMlhlo that
lion Ihii now luiat Im couiplolod, llioy
may linnter t'.ie I.iibinn to ttna route,
Khi'it I'lioMi'iii'TM, I'lui lale aprinu
will evidonilv prove a boon lo the fruit
crop In t'lu, Vuiiiaa couulv, a the Into
loMMoftlm Moamm prevoiitod llio early
Hppeiuati.'o of llio Im. In and blonHiuiia,
o ttial Ihoio i a ii. i. l pmi-pe 't of Hie
I oca tlio r.ivuKOAof ti wlhlo
(rtU An uniHiial iiumboi o! n uit Iivon
are Uitit phinio.l iIiIn Hoarion, an Hie
Hoplo an. iH'KiniiiUK lo routine that
(mil Krowiait i certain lo become the
most piotliable Indiiniry In the land.
Will fjKVca Ilia I'oNXKi'TloN. The
manv filcndrtof Mr. t). C Uaivn will
i on; c! lo Ici'ii that ho luia roMiunod Ilia
poaitliill in llio Oregon Cilv poat olllio,
lo lake effect April Int, n lie iiitemli to
ennaite In olber bunineaa. Mr, It aeon
baa tl 1 1-1 hia place in Hie (loet olllce to
the sat if net ion of llio public for mmie
llnie. and during tbo lat year of Ilia
father' ItlnoHM, haa had mIkoIiiio con.
trul uf Hie olllce, ami it in to hiacrooil,
that lio complaint have ever boon made
of bin of lb.' ulll. o, not
withalan.linit that Orciion t'ily ia a ilia
IributiiiK iiilica. fur a larire Moction of the
Miirioiin.liiiK country makiiitf it m il'itiea
a complicated ai.d luburiiiiiH.
ViMiriNu Him thn IIumk. Hon.
JnmoMti. Swatrurd, of Siioliumiah Wanh.
ia in the i it v the uucMt of Ilia nephew,
Mr. II. II. S Mr. fiwiitl'iird wan
oncuftlie pioneer lonidctita of Oioifon
Citv, uml wax a bullae huililer hero early
in lm tifltoM. Km Iho paat ten yoniM ho
haft lill-il in my Miaiiona of tiunl.and
wa appiiutod ixi-tiiinHtiT at Siiiiliomiali
immediatoly alter Hie expiralion of In
term a probate jii.L'n of Hint place
Immediately on bin ic'iirn M r.
Swatl'.ir.l expreaaoa iiKrtvaldo Hiirpii-e
al (bo inipiovemeiita that have taken
place here durinu bin ahcucc, and Inm
L'reat faith in the future of Ore nun t'ily.
Ho will return lo hia homo Hie latter
part of thin week.
Ir In Tim Tin k I'eoplo come into
Tiik K.n rKHi'KiHK ntllco nhiioit d lily w ith
a bitter compliiitit of (bo bnri ible condi
tion of llio ha. kvarilnin.l allova throiiiih
out thin city. Slop, decaviiiK (riiilMaiid
veK'otablen, an. liltli of oveiv ilemriii
lion in nmoiildoriiiit in the kickviirdu
nnd allev brecdini; dincao, n'tilence
and doalli It in no wonder that uiiicl,
nicknena in pievalonl lhroiii;hout Hie
city and plivnlciaii are answering call
at a I tmien dav or nlit. I'lilcn thew
yard and alloy am cloanod up
the conneipioiice will Ih diaunlmun. If
ii'iynuo ban iinv dmiht of thin comlilion
of 1 1 1 i i i k" . lot tliem make a brief tour
over the ciry and they can alien! aa to
it trutlifuliiOKH.
Spray of the fallsT
(into Wilwiii t; Coiiko for Oliver plnwa.
Mr. I. J M. 'nerve, of Heaver Valley,
wan in Hie cilv Tuenday.
Mr. Arthur Hl.n h, of Mdwaukie, waa
in the city hint Saturday.
The Kuihta of I'liv'hiun meet tllil
eveiiinxat Mai noiiic hall.
An elegant nn'ilmetit of all Hie luteal
-t i l.-n of vinitioK cardn at thin olllce.
Mr. J. N. Hv.iii. a pnimineiit reaident
of U.ifH'biirit, wan in Oregon City Tiiea
day. The nteainor Mamtmiill'i mm- run regu
larly from Salem to Hi.ena Vmla in l'olk
All the Icuditiif in'riodical and magu
iinen, latent and b.nt novel kept bv
Caulield A i I ii in le v .
Wantkh, A girl for general hoiine
work. An cany place and good homo.
Apply at thin olhce.
Mr. S. A. I I iitrley, principal of the j
went niilo I )rei.'iiri Citv Mcliool. baa been
very nick for the paai few day.
The ifomidH around Hie M. K. church
and painonaue are Indng cleared up and
leveled down, and will he noon in gran.
Tint Kntkhciuhk olllce in prepared lo
do every variety of home lull, promptly
at I'm Hand price. Satisfaction guar
iin'ted .
The Itapliat ladie contemplate hold
ing a I.adie l'.azar, and are making ex
lennive prepuratiolifi, It will take place
at an early dale in May.
Kev. lilazier. rec ntly of the HillMbnro
M. K. chinch, ha been appointed to llio
Vii'l.i cba'g.i in thin county. He came
over with hi family lant week.
When Tiik Knti:ki'kik ia enlarged to
citl.l pacea il will contain more original
matter (ban any weekly journal in Hie
state and will be all home print.
(iov I'cnnover him in.nned comminHiotiB
to llio three pilot coniiiiinn onera elected
by the laxt Icgi-dalum, vi. : .1. A. lirown,
Ii. K. I'aoKiiid and A. V. Halloran.
OrdoiH taken for any nownpapei or
p iriodical publiHlied foreign or domestic,
ningle copieH or by the month or year.
Mr. Henry Smith, president of the
Willamette pulp and paper company,
intend to erect a line residence on the
went aide of the river dining the coming
A Uaiioain. tl list mill with Jf3 acre
of good land for Hale about 45 aciea in
cultivation, (iooil bonne and out build
ing, at a hai gain. Inquire of Tiik
Mr. Michael It. Young died in l'ort
liind, Kob. 2d, 1WM, of typhoid fever,
aged Hi vear.i and leaves a wife and two
uniill children. He whh well known in
Oiea-on City.
In the Iwat columiin of Tiik Kntkk"
I'KImk of l.iat noek iii uilio i was made of
the stale tax paid lo the slate treasurer
Instead of fll,llSl.2ri, a typographical
error made it read 4,I1H1
Mr John Humphrey, formerly in the
telegraph olllce at Hie ruihoad depot, ban
taken charge of the Postal telegraph o -...
'n,l Master Will l'utrow succeed
Mr Humphrey ut the dnpo
Mr AlbeiTsTtheTiesneeof the brewery,
at this place, li.m given up hi" lease on ac
1 . I....1 l.u nnuie of 111
ri Weh. and
Chan. Listman are the new lessees.
IowiH & Trvdcn'H railway guide for
.,1,0: ..." t.JL 'eivel. which is on in-
a Me 'todt for travelers. It to lllui
,ra 1 and pnl liHliel monthly hy the
Lewis rDrytonJV Portland.
ii 1. .... rvtirwit.
T.)VerH of nii.mi! wm .. " "' i""
tunl y to hear the celebrated and only
o Ig i m ballad America . as.
4 Clark at Ihe Uaptist church, Knday
r-T'i ' March 27th. Adm.H8.on 25
Annio is. ir vm, '""";'. n( i. T
Missouri to F. M. Uovey, o. v.
mat'o., Oregon
Oigai'iliter Cn'o, of the Karnier'i
Alliance, waaal MariimiiiMvlll''l'tii'day.
Tlitvllrt lor ('apt, Sootra neiv lml. Hi
Flyer, are Mug g"tteu out at lorilanil.
Mo-ma, Cliaruiiia Hon have Jimt tu
celved a lot ol llio celebialod Yulu plowa,
which Ihey keep for aalu
The aianur Norlhweat running from
roitliind to Malein, will layoff next
week to receive now englnea,
Mr. 0, 11. ltvland, who recently M.n
pleted term ol hool at Needy, com
template purchasing a moat market at
Monnra, l'ope Co. are dally exi 'cl
ing a car load of Iron pliwr. l'hl" H
very gmid alilpmout of Iron plp lor
Oregon City,
The woolen mill have again Minted
up their Mock knitting department, mm
there la an Increased demand for gmula
in that line
Mr It, Ciinllold, father of K. t). and
C. II. Caulield, and Mr. Clam Kaalhaui
in ri'iKiiled lo be very Mick. He la M
yoiiin of Hgo.
Jiidg.'(?)Tiivlnr thin morning al Hill
Isiro, nuntuiiM il the nuinler, Sanuy old, lo
one year lu the n'iiltenlinry,--d'uHland
lady Kiamint'r
A (s'litliin la being circulated asking
the city council to reduce Ihe 20 fool
allovt throuuh aoine of the block on the
hill to the usual width, ton foot.
Mm Anna Sconce, aged SH year died
March 21, al the residence of her uncle,
C. V. Noblelt, near Needy. She waaa
aiater of Mra. S W. Ilardoaty, Sim waa
buried in (bo limk crck comotary laat
The bridge and lientle mink being
done by llio Soii'lioru I'licillc railnad
company I of the moat substantial
charuclea. Mr. I'. Ilanaet, who ha
charge of Ihe work here In a llitcla
hiidiie builder
A uf II. o roriiilontM of thin citv
aro cleuiinif mi their l ack vard Mild
enclosuioa, Tlila Im a harbinger of coin
ing spring and il I h"p"l the g'""l ik
will liecnino i.ievalotil iu it extent to
every portion of Ihe cilv
A mice in I iiii'clniif of Ihe went si. In.
Oregon City school district la called for
April 1Mb, for the iiiihwo of voting a
lax lo erect a largo 4 room Inad house,
wh'cli will afford llieui autlicieiit room
for a IliHtchiM graded sclusd.
Mr Amelia (ironhoiig, of Wilhoit, la
l iug In a precariou condition al Hie
renidonco of J. Unwilling, near I'arkei a
villo. I lor Irouhlea aro of a cancerotia
nature, and twing 77 roaia of age her
recovery l very doubtful,
There will lie a fro basket mocImI at
Mi. I'loasant school hottae Krlday even
ing, April 'i, s;i. There will I Hak
ing by County SiiH.rinloniloiit Thomaon
and "other. All come with lunclio
prepared for a good mh ial time.
Th aixlh annual convention of the
Oregon SImIo Sundav Schixil AniK'ialinn
will In-held in the CuniU'ilalld I'ronhy
lo'ian chiircli, K.ugone Clly.comniencing
I'li'-aday evening, May 111, and cloning
Thursday evening, May 21. IWl.
IHi not fail to hear the great ballad
inger thi Friday evening at the Hap
(ml cbiin b. He cornea highly lecoiu-
meiided and la giving the bent and uiont j
auccenful tmllad enlerlainnieiit held in ;
tbia county for several day.
The 17th edition of Copp'a American!
Setller'a Ciuido, of WaaliingtoTi, I). C.,j
ia an invaluable work for aeltlera who ,
Intend locating government lands. It '
contain all the latest ruling and give
complete instruction. Trice 2 cent.
Mr. H. V. Scripture ha pundiiwd a
bonne and four lot from K. M. Kind
on 1 tit ti and Madison street. Mr.
Scripture Maya thai be will hereafter tie
hi own landlord, and collect rout with
due regularity.
(invel Ixxlge, No. M A. O. I'. W., re
ceAlly organiieT al Canby ia in a proa
Hroua condition, and now ha llnrty
one active, wide-awake member Mr
K C. Mrtddia k i the etllcient master
man. New member are being iniated
each meeting.
The resident and properly holder of
Winndor, Westlynn and the addition on
the Went Side of the river have Miillicii i
vnt money rained by nuhacilption lo
build a sidewalk from Winndor to the
suspension bridge. 'Ihe West side ia
evidently booming.
The third regular meeting of the Ore
gon Congregational Club will lie held in
the East I'orlland Congregational chinch
on March ;tOlh. l'rof, Kerren, of l'acillc
university and Rev. O. W. I.ucaa, panlor
nl the Congregational church in this city,
w ill make abort addrcssc
Mr J. S, I'urdoin'a father, Mr.
Joaeyh Itea , agreeably surprised Mr.
and Mrs. l'urdom last Thursday hy
nnexecledly stepping off the train
direct from Winchester, Ohio. Mr.
Kea ha been con '1 nod to Ida room with
a averecold contracted on the trip.
Mr. Wm. Quinn, bun preaenled W. II.
and W. SHncer,eiich hiimlnonie medal,
their name engraved thereon, as a re
ward for saving the life of nin son. W.
W. Quinn, who narroiialy escaped being
swept over the Falls in a small boat lant
On lant Friday evening F. and W.
llemer, W. C. Hillings and II. C Hlopor,
all excellent musicians, armed with
banjos and harmonicas serenaded
Councilman Alhey and J. W. Kelley,
at their residences. A very pleasant
evening wa enjoyed by both serenaded
and seienailura.
Clare.ieH Straiubt. son of Cvru
Straight, of l'ark l'lace, went home from
this place late in the evening last Wed
nesday, and on reaching the l aiier Mill
Station, he wan held up by a couple ol
hobos, who relieved him of a plug of
tobacco, all the earthly poHsesHion ho
had in hi pockets
Mr. S. H. llellomy has of his lease
of the store building next to the Oriental
hotel to Mrs, worsham. who will carry
a stock ol notions and confectionery,
Mr, Itellomy has leased the old lterlin
chop house building, and will open out
a complete second band store, where w
will buy and sell all kinds of furniture,
which articles.
A meuting of Ihe citizen of Oregon
City and vicinity is called to awemblu at
the Armory hall Huturday ut halt punt
twelve o, clock M. for Hie purpone of urgaulx-
Ingaco-opcnitive company to purchase the
cannery. Farmer a id everybody arc In
vited to be present, as till in a mutter of
importance to Oregon City and the sur
rounding country.
rVU a..t.,... Ui. ....... wuu fnilu VAum
HID Dkiuiii umirniiinii .. i v j .......
old lunt week, and tn weekly mid daily
I-a: t L. UV.nlU.l in t,a an tula
tJMlliUIln UltlllMJb UO CAi.rin;u hid oenvu.
....!.ii.i..r t Im ( krufrnniun. Thfl iimno
c At.i fs vtv m
gero and editors of the Hlalenian are
cinsKleraliy younger loan mm jui....
and it in but a very few yearn Mince K.J.
Hendricks ami uoo. oaiioen ""i" f
prenlieeM in the Hoseburg I'laindoaier
ollice, but they have made the States
man one of the great journals of tbo
District Attorney Mcbnde, who ia
attending circuit court at Ilillsborp,
received a telegram Tuesday that Ins
., ....... u;..b IIh Immediately
w new an iw, --- - - -
engaged passage on a hand car to the
;....!... n. Fh ion l'ark motor line
where he transferred, ami reached
Portland in time to connect with the
. .. ... Oreiroil
seven o cioca. i. , .7 ,
Cily the Mine evenliif. .Mrs. McBrule.
comlilion was so much improved Wed
nesday afUirnon, that be returned to
MoasiM. Wilson A Cooli'a nnw sbvo
building Is iiearliig I'limpletlnli, and will
be ready for their now good by Hit' INI
of Aiull. Itmh Ihe upper and lower
Hum am Iu!im amiably lUtcd up (m
the reception of guild, and an eleg.inl
ollU'ii la Wing convenlenilv hnlll un the
lower llmir etli'lo-ed by uln, w hli'li w ill
oi'bupy a poaillon In the center of the
room (nth rear end of Ihe building.
The will open out with an iintnonie
atoek of new g.snla.connialngof lutrdwaie
agrlcllllnial liiiplomenla, llnwaie, ele ,
lu groat variety. Thl eiilerprlalng
linn deaeive a liberal paliomige from the
public for their grit In opening out a
more extenalve establishment than
ever. Their now building l now
covired with corugaled iron, which
rendit it Hre-proof.
Mr. Casslu Harlow, ol Hallow slalloli,
wai lu Oregon Cilv Wodnesday. lie 1"
now handling Hie IIiiiUiw'm larm. Ihe
greater part id which lia laen divided
liilofi, 10 ami l acre iraet. Harlow
Slalloli la located on tl.i hind, the prue
farm of Oregon. This la nndoubtedly
Hi beat plai in Oiogon to purchase a
lot or tract, aa it In siliiiilod In Hie
center of the great Willamelee vallov.
All the Immense ciMintry hoi w mm Ihe
Molalla ami ruddlng river Ia naturally
tributary lo Harlow.a Mr. Harlow In
forma Tiik Entkciiimk thai Hie railroal
eoinpunv have Im nlhed gravel tu cover
one-hall mile of road panning through
tula tract. Kour new biill'Unga are now
under way, ami work will b cumnionced
ou three next week,
Til Kntkmi'Mmk will apja-ar ii"M
week mm an eight page lonriml, and rev
oral new feature will lie added, which
will tie of Mieolal Internal ta II counli I
patron. In addition to the local Hot I,
and Ihe county new a liirnihed by an
'ile corpe of coriosMindnnlM, will li
added a farm and houin depiiiluieill,
and a complete rvnuuio of foreign, na
tional and stale now. Tiik Kn H4HI-hikk
appreciate Ilia kind olllce of It many
fiienil ami patron, and will reciprocate
by (urnlnhing llieui with a largoi and
In'ller paper
Mr. Oscar June who own awnilll
a slmrl dinlaiice from limn on the
Abornatby, wa hauling a load of liuila-r
for the lailroad Ircntle on last Monday,
when hia loam Imm iiiiio frightoiiod and
tinted lo run away. In the turmoil one
of the wheel of Hie wagon either slrimk
or run over In loll leg a.luve Ihe kirne
liriismg i to an extent thai will lay him
up or awlillo, Sir. Junes i-aiiw n
Cbarman'a drug nlo.e It edial-ly allor
for awhi e. Sir. June came to
Ihe accident, where Hr. rowoll drcnsl
bi wound.
.... .. .. . 1 inii-.i pr..i.iui'i. o Hie 1 .
Ill answer to the Mink curiospniidoiit ' . ... .. .
ottiiK KNTKaema, who ask If acbm-l ; V'"" 1V"".Vi X 1 IV '', T
dtalrirta will have to wait until August I l'hhe.l .1 b.anch olllce in the ih-Io -l...f..r..
will not money out ol (be 'l' . t'''' w lime packagen of w.inh
achiK.1 fund, will say that licithrr the
ch. ml aiim'tinlendeiit or county
treasurer have a yet received any 1 ,, , ,'T, of a change iu tno mailer ol the Miss N. . ill ha received her spring
apportiontneul of school fund., and II... k of milhlioiy g.K.dn, c.nninl...K of
regular April proportion. will ... lan-7 go-sln, bat,,, etc Her
apportioned among the .bntncls ''" window present an elegant ..
J Himi ' s'i!raiice, and attrui t the attention of all
! p.in0l bv.
A Tiik Kntkmchi I tolm oiilargd j
to Might pugea Willi Ihe llrst issue III Oscar lunon' leilin that bsik frigid
April, Mini will ciiiineipii'litly be 11 nl n passing Height tuiiu Monday, cuus
coiinidorable eX'lino In piiroba- j ing another leiim lo rim awav, beaidos
ing now material, ntalemoiit , builiiig Mr. Joiie, did noiuo dainairx lo
wi.l Iw wnt mil lo a few of the sub-! Ihe Ice i s i.( Mm.'orent and Mi
aciilaTN who bave not paid un. Tim jAVhitliH k.
KNTiiMi'Kisa ia to lie iHiiidiicted on a cash -
bama, ami ox im..'! a lo pay all lla IhIIm, Mr. (,eo. Hrougblon leH for t he iini
and to do tin mum exact prompt ,... nil river lat with a ol men to
montftoin lla patrons. bring down lu logn ol w hich be ia an
. . ; immense mnulicr. It i Impi'd that be
One of the evidou' indication of Be will ho successful, a the demand for
proacblng spring Is the advent of baby 1 lumber is iucioasiiig.
carriagoa on Ilie sireem. ixoiuiug anu
mine to Ihe Health and happiness of In
fanta than an exluliialing ri.le In a com
(nrtablo baby carriage .11 the head air.
Messrs. Warren A Hotmail liaie all 1111
inenite alia k of babv carnage of every
stylo and variety at fnbiilouly low
price, in addition lu llioir mige iocn u
Mesnrn. J Howell, Ii. It. H. Millei
and Rilev (iilmore Mtarlod Monday for
Little Ibille iu the Norlhoni pint of
Washington, where ihey Will be engaged
in building a Hrilish nleanior of large
dinieliMioii lo run on Ihe water ol ItM'
uper Columbia aero the line llioy
eiiwct to be abnenl til re molitli
Tin great Columlila river In a irenm .01
nonmall iinportaiice even I'l in 11111
, . . . " ,7. ..,1 ;,i
The ladie aid sm'iely connected with
the Haplinlchuich an 1 prepared to
give a largo amount ol work lor a small
amount of monev. having two llrstclani.
newing liiachlne in Ihe nm iely and
large corps 01 latnen. 1 nose "'"a
family sewing done, pleirne give u a ctll.
Aildros, iir A. M. i oner,
I'auemah. Oiogon.
1'. C. Ilert and II. J. Harding have
boon eleclod a delegate ilolu Mead,
l'ot, (. A. It., of this cilv, toattend the
grand encampment which meets in
Aatoria April Hth and Hth. The com
mandor (i. A. Harding, and the following
Host coinmandor are entitled lo in-ill III
the encampment, J. A. Stewart, P. H.
Caliir. 1. il. 1'illnbmy. t. II. Punchy
and V. O. MWown.
Al a ibinci. uiveu lit licoriH! Wvllllld's
near Wilhoit, thu oilier day, a slight
,1.1.1..,, I... u...,irri,uf lu.luiS'll Sir Wvllllld
ami H. Thotmia, Ihe former wa seriously
otiibbed in Ihe side with a knife.
Wyluiid's wound Is not considered ilan-
...... .i.u A witrritnt u-uri lsnll.1.1 IlirlllO
arrest ol Thomas, but the constable bin
been unable to discover bin whe'eabouts.
There is a wanton waste of material
In the way dirt in bandied, that is
taken from excavati am in this city.
When an oxcavaliiin is made for a new
building the-dirt in usually dumped into
in the river, while it could be milch
economically used in tilling up the low
places throughout the city, 1110 cny.
council should regulate Ibis mailer.
According lo the Yale News of March
It, published at New Haven, Conn., J.
K. Hedges, son of .Tiineph Hedges, of
this citv, was elected president of the
Yale Union at the regular weekly
meeting. The question for the evening
was! "Hksoi.vkii, that the United Stale
ought to maintain her claim lo the
Retiring sea fisheries,"
Tim dime sociable L'iveii at the Con
gregational chapel at Mountain View
last Friday evening, was a very enjoy
l,lr nM'nir Six dollars and sixtv ccnln
wore raised toward purchasing a church
organ. JUnniigli in aciuiiion i
the proceeds of the two sociables,, ha
been sutiscrlhuil ami imm up to eoconi
the organ .
xliiuur. Aelierninii are roceiv-
tl,..ii unriiiir uml Hiiiiinier slock of
new dress goods, clothing, bonis ami
shoes, fancy goods, novelties, in : , an
selected by expeiienced purchasers,
and exactly suited to the wanla of the
people of Oregon City. It costs nothing
to examine their stock before purchasing
Mr. Frank Btischy, who is employed
in tbo Gladstone sawmill had his
ankle severely crushed the other day.
Hia feet. caught between the rollers and
carriage in Homo way, and before Ihe
machinery could bo slopped, hi foot
and ankle were badly sprained. The
injury is not considered very serious.
Tbo fancy chairs, rockets, settees and
tables made by Weston Bros., the pro
prietors of the rustic furniture manufac
tory, are daily becoming morn popular.
Call and examine their stock of home
manufactured goods. Their chairs and
settees are delightliillv comfortable.
Several bits of gold were panned out
from dirt rvmoved from the depot site at
Jacksonville recently, and the Dem
ocratic Times savs it is estimated that
the dirt on which tlio town of Jackson
ville ia built is worth about $15 per
cubic yard for mining purposes.
Ciiiniiihslnnnin' court cntivniie next
Mr. .lack Vegi'llUN left Wednendiiy for
Ihlllnli Columbia
No Chinese labor employed liV I'ol't I .it u t ti 1 1 y Co.
Mr. S. M. l.'auinby, of Molallu, wa
In Oivgon City Tuonday.
Hi ml your soiled clothe lo the I'lut
l.uiliiiliy Co, Host olllce lunik sture,
Mr. ,1, W. Ihaper leave today lor 0
bay wheie buninenn will keep him for
ewiiil day,
Hon. , I.U l.en, ut Tim I' alien, wa In
tin. city Wu.lnesiliiv, uml paid hi share
ol Clackamaa coiintv luxe.
Mr. C, I, liiior In teaching the Canbv
ai'hool, and la deservedly popular with
both patroiin ami pupil.
Mia J, W. (lanong.of lhlcily,re
turned lust Monday fiom Kant I'orlliind,
ahoin alio visited (i lends and relative
during Ihe pimt week.
Supeiluleiiileul Howell Inform TllK
INtkiiI'Iuhk that Ihe dew pumping sta
tion will probably be In opeialion by
the lust of the month ,
Special K.imtor service will be held
next Hiitiilav at tl e l'robyliilian church
In Ihe evening Itov. lillnmy will preach
on "The Light of the World."
Itecnidor Wbltlm k, Sheriff Saniaon,
K. Hnrcli and C. J. Iluniley, have boon
coulbioil to their room a porllon of
lid week, with the la grippe.
Mr, Clin, buckles, wile and two
children, have anived Irum California,
and will lis alo in Hi! city. Mr.
Iluikloii i a brother "I Mr. A. It,
Tuxes are coining Into the sheriff,
olllce al a rapid rule, and 11 ia possible
that tin. deliniiieul lint will, not lie very
huge when the Hint nl April ionic
The lila.lstnni. Mill company have
helved 1,0 0,11 foot of l"gn from lip
thil Clai kauiiin during the pant week,
ihat stream having mined nub. icnlly lo
allow them to float.
Chief, Clerk llcniv, ol the railway
, " , , ' '
I ' I "-rvice. ba. len.gnod. and Roberl
" "" "' a
1 h H,kim Kill and It. It. O.
will he received ami promptly lorwariie.1.
I Stipci inf Inundrv ttuik I guaranteed.
II. 111 W S Cone, of Hay Cilv, and
V . Kdw aids, cuiiiilv siiivi-)or ol
Tillamook dimly, were 111 Omg.111 City
Tiiositav, on linsiuosn eiumcelcd w ith the
tlnd olbce through Ihoir attornoyn,
"uin.-y . iuar.
Mr .1, Malhenon, n( l'ark l'lace, was
made happy by the ai rival of bin family
from M nines, ila on Tuesday Mi.
M.ithoin ia eroding a aawmill on W.
K. Mi.rris' please one iniie hack of l'ark
I'lac. wliilch will bo ol 1,'iiKKI fowl daily
The Oiogoniiiu un, "Sandy" Old
get mi" tour in the penitentiary, It
will hi 1011 mil round, and bo will ho
1 ,ui.k jn f, ttn "in biisinesn" again,
nnd.r iirnleclri.n and im ronago olllio
; i..ilire. union there snail la- a change in
1 police adiniiiinlriitloii la-fore that time.
, si,wiilitu,ing (,re.-ii H.o. A Co
i (ri, rm.,.ivinrf 1 1 tci t- si ring nlm k of goo.ln.
; H ,.nj,,vinu, pMii InnV, thev llnd
j, p, Vejuice over gmid ipiwa' from
tb,.r Hlue river iniiiea in l.ane itv.
Tlio Kugeiie board of trade will have a
wagon mad mado to the mines at an
on'liseof :U.,IMH)
There wan an iiiiclion sale of old
chair and pigeon hole ciiplsmrd lit tbo
U S land olllce last Saturday, and
seveial parlie who wore short of chairs
last week are now better supplied An
old fashioned iion safe was bid in by
Fly llron., ol Mountain View for 75
cents. The oilier ai tides sold brought
a fair price.
Willie, the eleven-year-old son oflb.
Nonis, is in a verv ciilical condition
with ccro-hrO'Spinal ineningeti. The
attending physicp n aro !r. Wells, of
I'orlland, ami lr. I'nwoll, of thin city,
who in I'liuuoclion with IL-. Norrinar.i
lining everything possible to relieve the
At 11 meeting of tin. sto.-l liol.lcrH of
the Mt Hood and H.irluw wagon road
coin puny has been called to meet in
Oregon Cilv, April lllb at tlieotll. e of the
necii'lary, ll. K Cross This is one of
the olilc-t roads in Ore;. on, nnd many
historical events are connected there
with. It has been a toll road since lHii.'.
Christian Hooker, propilotor of tbo
A nin 111 l'oullrv farm, bus succesNfiilly
competed for Hint prize at nil the load
ing lairs iu the state, and 11s an importer
mid breeder of thoroughbred fouls, has
established an enviable: reputation all
over the coast. Rend hi advertisement
in another column,
A tannciy on an extensive, scale is
being elected at Sellwood, hacked by
plenty uf capital, which will no doubt,
provo 11 prolitahlu investment. The
natural and bent location fur a huge
tannery would have been at Oregon Citv,
but a the proper efforts were, not made
to secure it here, a loss advantageous
point reap the hcnullt.
Mr. C II. Ilanliins, of this city, left 11
cony of llio (begun Argus tit liiis ollice
bearingihe date of Oregon Citv, O T.,
Nov. 15, 1H. (I. Vol. 2, No ;il All old
copies ol the Spectator, Argun, or Kntuu
I'iiimK or any other papers ever piihli-lioil
in Oregon City will hccaivfmly handled,
and kept i i a lire proof safe until med
for the historical number of The IO11 Chaplain 0. C. Bateman, lectured in
First Baptist church in I'oi-llaiid Wud
nosdav evenlrg 011 "I'oblic Speakers
nd Orators, Their Trials and Triumphs."
Chaplain Halemaii wan until recently
pastor of the First Baptist ehurcli in this
city, and i well known an one of the
most, instructive and eloquent lecturers
onthecoast. His lectures at I'ortland
was under the auspices of the 1 oung
I'eople's Association.
The entertainment given by Fdl Leolta
Swan ton, under the auspices of the Kp
wurth League, of the M. K. church, at
Hope's hall, Tucsdiy night, was not
vry largely attended owing to the bad
leather. Miss Swanlon is a splendid
elocutionist, and fully met the expecta
tions of the audience. Solos by Miss
Neita Harlow and Mrs. E. K. Charman,
wore well received; Mrs. Williams pre
sided at Ihe piano, nnd furnished ele
gant music, while Mr. A. 8. Dresner with
a violin, and Prof. Smith, with his cor
net, aided materially iu the evening's
Annual Mnelhig- nfht, I'liiil' (lulld.
Tim liullce given ut St, Haul's church,
last Sun. lay morning, that tl Is mooting
would talie ImimIci Tuesday, Whs
without ni.tboi liy. Tim bylaun ieipihe
this mooting shall bo held 011 LhhIui
Monday. Tim Guild will met on
Faster Monday tit the resilience of Mrs,
F. Ii, Cut loan at 2 1. M. A full alloiid
ani.e Ii dilrd 11 t tie ciltUur lor tlx
.Tuning year will be elected at that
Hy order of Mm, II I Kku ,
Fansix L Cm HKAK, ('resident.
Annual Mo ling of Vcatrr I'arlali
To An. WiinM It May Coni i hn :
The notice of the above miniting, given
at St. Paul's I'arlali last Sunday morn
ing wa without the niitlniriiy of the
Tliuioforn tnl.e notice Hint at a menlliig
nil! Im Veslrv held Ibis day, it was
ordered thiitthn annual meeting
of Ihe parish for the election
of Waidnna and Vestry (or the
ensuing year, be hold 11 1 SI. Paul's
chinch on Fimler Monday, al 4 P, M.
By onhirof tbo entry.
II. I.. KM I V,
(I. A. II llllllNll
I'. C. Wil l iaus.
Oregon Cilv, March 2ri, lWU.
Auollirr Itallriiml tnleriulse.
Article ia? Incorporallon of the Putt
fieck and Molallu railroad have been
foiwardml to tbo Mecretary of stale by
Menar. K. IL H,-ult, Robert Thompson,
W, (I Miner,!'. J. Killing and F. M.
The purpose of the coMipany la to
build an. I maintain railway and tele
graph and telephone lino oyer and
lliioiigtt the count ie of Clackiii.iaa and
Minion and slate of Oregon, commen
cing at or near Salem, and priH ooding
thence throii'li what I known as How
ell' I'raiiie," to point at or near
iowu' station or Mt. Angei poslolbce,
ami thence to Hullo Creek jnistollice,
thence to Scott' India, thence to Wil
hoit' mla Mpriug, thence to Molalla In
or about section III in township A .. R it
F, of the Willamette meridian, and
thence In a northerly direction and ter
minating at Oregon City.
The find i to be over the
most practicable route, with br ilu li lino
also 1. 1 Ik' connected w ith telegraph and
telephone line.
The company also have the right to
borrow money, negotiate limn, etc., and
lo secure right ( way for railroad,
telegraph am) telephone line; to Moll
real oelato; also to manufacture railway
shops, bonne, car, engine, tools ma
chinery and any building, appliances,
apparatus, luidgen, switches, fences,
.lilclaa, wa'etwaya, coimtnict canal,
lliiine, water-Hwer, etc ,etc
The piincipal office and place of busi
ness ol tbia corioralioii i and shall lie
Until! Ci.H'k, Clackamas county, Oregon.
The amount of the capital stock of thin
corporation ia ('.'.'iO,!. ), The amount of
each sliaie i I M I The duration i
and shall Is' uiiliinitel nnd nr-tnal.
I'nH Stl.K. About I Midfeet of piling
tt I'apcr Mills Station.
J. Maihkmin
Park l'lace, Oregon.
Aihertlned Letter.
The following i list of loiter re
inainlnir in the pml ollice at Oregon
City, March HI. K1.
An lemon, Pavid Iaiioii, A R 2
H iker. J M laniard. 1. 1 2
Mallard, Sum I.mnna, B
Baldwin, F11111111 MrnMnclestcr, J Mis
Heauiuiiut, I. Mr Mclsiiiuld,
Brown, W S Miiv. Joseph F
Ibisco C Miller. K F 'I
Mi., I. no Mis Miller, Martha A
llreene, Mr Phelps, Martha , -
lloiiluea, Oali lieuiU'rlon, Mr
Carpenter, J W Oney, William
Camner, Willie Rood, J I. II
1 leaver, Geo A It mill, Grace
Cooke, J F Runn, John
Collin, K O Riiffner, Susan
Havis, Fliner Satliiuiarnh, Arthur, M.lolpb Scburder, Goo 3
liwi'ldle, Chan Smith, l.vdia
Frnl, C A Smith, Katie V
llail-eu, Nells P Siiiims, Goo
llendersoii, Anson Siiiiui, Lucy
HiighoM, Henry Tan, Viola
Jenkins, Byron Walker, .1 A
Johnson, F S Welch, B P
lliicrtman, J J
II called for aav when advertised.
K. M. Rispn, P. M.
Yoi' Can Fin n
P. M. Kkrhy'n,
K. J. Boivkx'b,
Stmi iiktt'm,
L. L. May's,
Oniov Skts,
Faiii.Y Rosk Potatoi:.
Hv tiik 1'ai'kh, I'oimi or Bi siiki., at
lllg GlIOi'KK.
Take Medicine?
Necessary but Unpleasant
There In niillillig
We liat, Drink, Wear or Have Fun
Tlmt Is ol mi iniieh liiipnrtRiirn
The Medicine We Take.
A Klil.lAlll.K Dltl'UtllHT Ih b Joy f'irevor to
liny coiuimiulty.
1ilKiiiseii notliliiK lull
Pure Drugs of the Highest
Caufield: & : Huntley's
fB00K ST0RE4
"A World' ltasiro," by Hut-'Kiird & I)ii(.
"liny Ulna." by Victor Hiiro.
"Tbo Lost Ilcires.1," bv Kriidat Olonville.
"The Ablie roiistiuilin," by Unlvey.
"The OladintoiK," by Whyte Melville.
"The Light, tbht Fuilfil," by Kipling.
alio roi.i.owiNu porui.AR books:
"The Pbniitiiin Hickslmw," by Kipling.
"A Fellow ol' Trinity," by St. Aubyn.
"Miss Hretlierington," by author of Robert
' Journal of Marie," by Bashkirtself.
"Culled Bnck," by Hugh Conway.
"Dark Days," hy HukIi Conway.
H'M'iity-I'le imt cTer-4l Iot
el recclrcd durloff the
Hiht week.
Fresh Stock of Garden
) Ono of lite best lien for factory
Fine Factory Site ! ami dock in th city. Has 1 ft.
J river front near business ('enter.
West Side ' I''altin
Business Comer. J Om. f thiU.j.t cornow on Main
street, Oregon (. lty.
1 A large list, both improved and un
Residence Lots, iniiroved of desirable residence iirop
J erty, both within city and suburbs.
1 Fine tract near Oswego with one-eigth mile
river front very excellent for manufacturing
and very sightly for residence property.
Several of the best tracts for Prune and
Vegetable Land in the valley, on the railroad
and near Clackamas Station.
Prunes and
j Vegetables.
HO acres near Oat field Butte, this 6ide of
A Bargain.? Milwuukie. Very sightly, and near pro
) posed motor line.
We have also many other tine tracts and special bargains
which it will pay you to consider. For particulars apply at
the ollice of the
Willamette Falls In vestment-Co.
Not Ire In hrby given thnt by order of tin
County I'tiurl of th Htttt of Un'gon, for
CkckHmn Comity. the mnlerlt;neit Iihn Wvu
duly appointed executor of the eMite of lvier
Hlu'le. deeeed, Hud tlmt leltern ti'tttmeinnry
hitveheen timood lo him; nil penton. hnviiik'
elnlmti mniimt thu ild cut ate nn ht-ndty noti
fled t prm the Hume wtthin kIx niouthi
(torn tliedhttt hereof to ld exeeulor, nt the
orti'- of W. T wliilhK'k, ut the court tioime, tu
Ori'Diiii Citv, Oregon. J, C M (iHKw.
xeriilor "of the mtHlP of Peter hto-le, de-C-ft
UrttPd March dll. 3 27 4 J4
St. I'atkick'n I'h.i.s, (or iliHiinl'.'i'H of
the liviT uml lmni'li. A viuurous lint
Ki'iitlo iliyii! tliiilcli'iinsi'Hiuiil rctiuvnti'S
till" Alllilu HVHll'tll. I'lil'O LTl ll'll'H pl'l
j llDX.
Frank NYMon nt Wincwtt & Scrip
ture's liliu-kHinitli Hhop nmkoR speiriulty
ol teuiriiig nuns revolvers ami Hliiirp
eninn winner. Satiafuctioii nuiiruntceil.
Wurren A llolnmii, I'linenil liinvtors
and Undertakers, Orejijn City Hunk
A K"'l rediiclinn in tlx 1'iieo fo
blanklB and oveieoats to nuiUt' room
for larno invoieeof (jooilsoxpi'i-led from
tl.o east. Tlios. t'liarmiin A Son.
Fino 1'illowH inaiie to order uml Mais
Rues, el'., of neat designs at Warren A
--C0M1UNAT10N I'KNl'K-
For CITY and FARM Fencing.
UUN CI I'V. lor Hie Mmuilclure of this
KKNCK n Invito tlio towns, peonlo mul
firinerH of CliickiiiiuiH comity ! ,H '""J
liiZiel IIiIn KKNCK 111" tbo elicapesl, best
mnl nioHt iluriit'lo over ollercd.
Livery, Feed mid Sale Stalde
n..,,l.l.. , Kiimlo llins. and sad
die luirscrt always on hand at the
lowest prices. A cornill connected
with the liarn for looso stock.
lnforiimtion r-tiui .lint! any knul ol
Htoe.k promptly iilUnuleil to I')' person or
horses Bought and Sold.
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Vat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Huited by Calling on Mo.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
f"Opp. the Coiigregntioiint Church
Seeds Just Arrived.
Near the .Sulphite mill, within 00 feet of
of the canal and locks. 1 05-100 acres suit-
lllto '" "r "mnutactonng,
lirst gun for tin; West .Side, and will he sold
an a whole or in lots to suit.
Corner of Front and 5lorrison,
For giMieral ropairinp ho stands
witliouta iecr. For first class, re
1 tu I Ie "jooils his ntore is second to
none. Trv him !
Ol'o. V. KI.Y
W. .1, HATCH
Store located at Mountain View, on
Molalla road, one mile south
east of Oregon City.
00 "
We divil in Flour, Com Meal, Feed,
tiroeeiies of all kinds, Boots and Shoes,
lienta' Underwear and other styles of
(.'lot hinc, and numerous other articles
suit able for tlio needs of the farmer and
his family . liy prompt arid fair dealing
we bopo to receive in Iiiture, as in the
past, n liberal share of patronage .
J," Tlio highest market (price paid
lor liutter, EgKB and Fowls. '
September 11, 1H0.
We now have iv ,KiJ Lino of
Hardware and Stoves. Sole Agent
for Superior Stoves and Ranges,
The Oliver Chilled flows at $1 an in.
We have connected with the house
a First Class Plumber nnd Tinner
and work in this line will be as
Promptly dono and ns Cheap as any
could de-giro.
Wilson & Cook.
Opposite Post Olfice.
iiirveyor ...