The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 27, 1891, Image 2

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    TllP I T 'P iy li 111! TCP I
I Illi U I 11 1 l KlO l.!rml V.MlMT-('ivliill.lli.s,lm'.ll.,vtl.ii
I'litaltilu-r iiikI rroprlHoi'.
An Other Si I'i.
A eorrvspoiuli'iit of the Sontinl, of Mon
ro, Wlwotitm, utter rivtit a itood ili'ri
tioii of tin- ivuntn iumuiiiI IVrtluml, lum
thp lotion iii! t ny 'l oiiri'ity;
"Smth. twolvo miles up tho Vill;mietto
river, is Oregon t'itv, tlie liilipitlo( tlie
"This is A stnutfliuu olil town, strung
Iuiik the OAt si le tor H mile or more on
narrow, level strip of Inmt between the river
niul hiiih Mulls.
"It is the ooiuitv sent of t'hwkmuas eoun
ty, till. I it tine eoiirt house only serves to en
liniiee tlie gineial ir of iim lent ilivny tluit
"The tthnn.lane of beautiful llowers ami
shrnblH-rv is, howeier, a retleOiniun feature.
" This town otuv :i'irv,t to he the metrop
olis, hut Portland's growth has ntworNil the
vitality that (H-i haps ome existed, add signs
ol deeav nrv verv plain.
"I'lie'lnlls ol ihe illaiuetle it at this
tow n. The immense volume of w ater leaps
in series of falls and rapids nwrroeks ol
basalt or lava liitv feet or mow, and eould
supply Hierfr all the faetoriesun the Ta
ctile ilmst. A small Hrlion is now limit by
number ol llour, woolen, and saw mills
on the east sMe, and three or four immense
wood pulp mills on the west.
Should Otvmni Citv exirience a bust-
ness revival, its situation at this Immense
waior iower ougnt 10 iiuiko ii uir giariiu -s, ;
tiianutacturing ivnter, and Iruit and lish j
preserving point on the coast,"
Shall this state of things contintieor shall'
we have tire limits and soon have line up-1
lw.irinr? l.ri. k and stone buildimrs instead o( :
decaying and mos roverwl wooden shocks,
which give strangers a poor opinion of our
city and prevent them trout locating here.
As a majority of the school districts of
Clackamas county will soon engage their
teachers for tin-spring and summer terms of
school, it bchoou'sthe district officers to en
gage the hct preceptors that can bo ob
tained with the limited means at their dis
posal. It is false economy to employ cheap
teachers. The dav is past when the an le
ward youth of twenty or thereabouts is seen
plodding hi- wearv way to the country 1
chool house. A new order of things has
become prevaiei t, and the male youth is
expected to hac completed hi common
school iimrsi' bv the time he is sixteen years j
old, ami if he din s not go to college, enters 1
Into the active every day work of life. As!
a conse, picni c the pupil of today ha a wry
much shorter time to take his course of!
common school stu lies than under the old
regime of years ago, an I it is therefore nec
essary that he haie the hciii'lit ol the very
best class of instructors. The successful
teacher spends nnich time, money, and dis
ciplinary training in preparing for the
work of his profession, and it is but just ,
he should receive a fair recompense lor
his attainments. Money is worse than ;
thrown away to incompetent teachers who
give their pupils a w rong beginning, cans-
ingtham to unlearn in a great measure their i
-. .....i .i..-..-,;.... !..,;.. ...... ...! ...1. !
iti-Tl t'lii'ii. Dim iin.iiuii iiictt iiiciii.i, "u-
vaneeinent. The parent who gives a son or
daughtera guoil common school education,
has done well by them, and it is much bet
ter and more economical for the parents to
secure that education for their children
from competent instructors, as time is loo
valuable to waste on poor teachers. j
- i
Tun tendency in recent years to larger
emigration from eastern Kurope and Asia
has enipha.size.l the need of more caretul ;
tuiiervisjou of all imniigralion. , As facili
ties are extended the Cuited Stales will le-eoi-
jli- Mi l-en of the sor and oppressed
-.4 i. ouutries As in the case of
V.:t .-, th; single emigrant coming to
this country, perhaps by accident, may start
astream which, unless confined, will men
ace our institutions. I.aas to guard against
such a result, hut lik-ral enough to -rmit j
desirable emigration, cannot ho soon be en
acted. The financial effects of emigration
on a large scale are sometimes overlooked.
Probably forty percent, of the emigrants
to this country are assisted by prepaid tick
ets, or money furnished by relatives or
friends who have preceded them. In this
way hundreds of million of dollars have
been taken out of the I'nited State and dis
tributed aiming the poor of every nation of
Europe. It is not Phi much to sav that if
Kurope were for one year deprived of the
vastsums sent thither by the Cuited States
by immigrant, every depart inent of Euro
pean enterprise would feel the shock. Every
year large number of emigrants, especially
Italians, return Iroin a brief visit to their
old honics. Their presence among their
old friends, with all the evidences of prox
imity, and making know n the customs and
institutions ol their new homes, gives new
impulse to emigration, and cannot fail to
influence the customs and institution of
their nutive lands.
Thk trial of Sandy Olds for the brutal
murder of Emil Webcrin Portland, has been
concluded at II i INIjuro, ami the jury brought
in a verdict of manslaughter. The murder
was premeditated, and a cold blooded one,
and seieral of the gamblers of Portland
claim that they have spent at least ten
thousand dollars in their efforts to save him
from the gallows, and they regard the out
come ' the trial ut Hillsboro a signal vic
tory. Several important witnesses for the
state had been spirited away, and new evi
dence wus brought in that favored the de
fendant. The jury was selected from a
class that could not read, or at least objec
tion were made to all that had been readers
of the Oregonian. Prosecuting Attorney
Stephens, of Portland, and District Attor
ney Mcliride of this city, made strong and
laudable efforts for his conviction. Objec
tions were made by District Attorney Mc
Bride to Joe Day and other policemen, who
were called up as witnesses, which raised a
breeze, but Mr. Mcliride pluckily replied
that he proposed to show that the witness
had been paid by the vilest element of the
Portland slums, and that the sources from
which he formerly derived his living as a
special policeman were so disreputable that
the witness was utterly unworthy of belief.
feElf atok Tongue, of Washington county,
is accused of being the active power that
perpetrated the defeat of the new tux and
assessment laws ut the last session of the
legislature. The fuilurctoaincnd or change
the laws relating to assessment and luxa
tion is virtually offering a premium to peo
ple w ho have taxable property to go in debt,
and the lute legislature cannot be too se
verely condemned for its inattention to the
desires oi the people who sent them there
jo gee that just mid equitable assessment
law W're enacted. The large proorty
owner still (lodges Ihe issue, and the bulk of
the taxes fulls on the smull taxpayer. The
fjjjan manages to get in enough Indebt
edness to make his portion of taxation coui
pjrativcly small, and the burden fulls on
the man of moderate means, who willevent
uully find that the only wuy to escape the
injustice is to get in debt to the greatest jios
iiihle extreme.
r tut Northwest Heform Journal moans
and weeps over the election of John M.
Palmer to the United States senate from Il
linois, and characterizes the alliance men
who voted for him deserters, notwith
standing the majority of tlie union and
alliance journals claim his election as a
victory for their party. It is true that the
lection of Palmer is a democratic victory,
,nd the alliance men cannot claim him as
their own.
Ai'i'OMiiiu tn lln Nnlluiml iml IVIlli
signal serviee depiirlment, the ootiililloini
are generally favorable for hollt fruit and
wheat erops.
Ahioiii v is determined to liv a railroad
at all hatards, and the cllitena of that on
terpthdug m-aport are now linvlugnivtul ur
wytil from Gobi oit tlit Northern TacHlc
opHisil Kahuna down the Columbia to the
IX .L., - ... t J
The police commissioner ac, tn which
K. Kvenlinit of I'ortland, eontestifil the seat
of Joe Simon as police commissioner, luui
been decided III favor of the latter by Jud(;
Heau, of the suprei it court. This case has
been in the courts two years, and had In a
grout measure lioen foremen by tin jnthllo.
Ki'qknk Citv is to hait an old relic falrftir
I.ane county, to which everyone la Invited
to bring some article pertainlnn to or con.
mvied with pioneer times. What la the
matter of Clackamas county having a fair
of this kind? No county In the atate could
make a bolter or more varied display of val
uable historic relict.
V'kom the demonstration) of Italians In
the larger cities it Is questionable If they
make as desirable resident as the Chinese.
A lew more bloodthirsty threats like those
made within Ihe past few duyn, would Jut
tify the Culled St atet Ui passing an it rt
striclini! Italian Immigration. They atnd
Ihoiisiindt of dollars ot gtMt American
money to Italy each year, which never rt-
- -
Cimirss N. hat been at last
elected Culled States aenator from
California to succeed Hearst. Tlie vil-
nt methods known to the politician were
used in Ihe contest, and there it no ques
tion but thai he Is the choice ot the railroad
cororations. With all the imputation!
laid at the feet of members or Oregon legis-
laturea, they cannot he accused of bribery or
disreputable methods in aelceling t mted
States senators.
lr is very evident that the coast defences
of the Culled Slates would have hut
I slight etVect ill repelling the attack of an
enemy, si,.ul, this country umxei tedly
mu, inter national complication that
ould precipitate a sudden war. The way
m M liii-li a couple of men-of-war ravaged
d,,. a lKanl towns of Chill demonstrate
our helplessness under similar conditions
loanabsolut certainty.
Til kick is no economy In sending east lor
merchandise or other article that one can
purchase at home, is the money is sent
out ol' the country never to actum, and the
decrease in the circulating medium works t
hardship on the'iitire community. County
Judge Moreland.of Multnomah county, savi
that they buy all their blank hooka, and get
their printing for comity use in Portland,
and that they never send east for anything
they can get at home.
It is now an assured fact that Oregon will
have a credittblo display at the world' ex
position. The stute board of agriculture
are taking active steps in the premises, and
ure determined to carry it to a successful
issue. Captain J. 1. A pperum ha been e
K'cially energetic in reducing .the measure
to an organized plan of action. The county
10nrt f Clackamas county and the board
f in,,!,, of Oregon City should lake esclal
interest in electing delegate to attend the
i-onvenlion on "I'ionner Iay," June 15, and
riiUinj; the quota of npprupriution due from
Almost every county in the state ha a
horticultural society where the fruit grower
assemble at stated periods, and discus mat
tors of imimrtanoe to Us memlirr, and of
subjects that require united action. Fruit
growing is becoming an industry of such
importance in Clackamas county tha( linrti
C11turists should organine lor their mutual
benefit. That such an institution would
prove ol immense advantage ha been ahun
ilanlly demonstrated by these organizations
in other sections. Clackamas county is des
tined to become one of the great fruit ec-
tionsof the Northwest, and the number of
trees being planted are steadily augmenting
each season
The incorimration of the lluttc Creek and
Molullu rail road is an item of iniKrtance
to the K-ople of Clackamas couiuy. Its
construction means a road that will
traverse the richest rtions of Marion
and Clackamas counties with a terminus
both at Oregon City and Bulem. It will
bring In close proximity to market the com
paratively isolated sections of Ilutte Creek,
Scott's Mills, WillioitSodaSpringsand Mo
lalla. All this country is rich in timber,
anil possesses the finest agricultural lands
in Oregon. There can be no question but
what this road would be a paying invest
incut, and would add Immensely tothebusi
ness und commercial Importance of Oregon
City, and would be of vast benefit to the
residents wherever the roail is located. The
completion of this road would make Ore
gon City the terminus of an important rail
road, and our board of trade and citizens
should give the enterprise every encourage
ment possible.
Wool, growers are becoming prosierous
under Ihe new turilf bill. The adverse tanfl
legislation of lHK't arrested the development
of our wool-growing Industry, and started
it on the decline which has since continued
The triumph of Protection in the presiden
tial election of 18as, which gave the assur
ance that the errors in the wool schedule of
the taaifTof 1S83 would be corrected, ashas
actually been done by the McKinley bill,
started wool growing on an upward course.
The latest issue from the department of ag
riculture brings the gratifying intelligence
to fanners that the increased interest in
sheep and wool, noted a year ago, ha been
continued, and this has been probably the
most profitable branch of our stock industry
during the year, and "that the decline in
wool production, which began with the
slaughter of Hocks In 84-'H5, after the ad
verse tariff of 183 went into effect, has been
cnecked, theuggregate clip for 1890 being es
timated at 27G,0iX),0O0 lbs. over the previous
season." Protection anil not free wool, wa
the remedy for the declining wool produc
tion. Tub combine, that male a monopoly of
the steamboat business on Paget Hound has
been broken, but Astoria and the lower Co
lumbia ure gulling under the yoke of a
steamboat monopoly tht grinds them almost
U) despair. Freight and passenger rales are
soexhorbitantthat Astoria'scoinmercial re
lations with Portland, and points up the
Willamette valley are suffering to an alarm
ing extent. Astoria and the lower Colum
bia raise no wheat; it is not essentially an
ugricuiturtil country; but the population of
that section arc cash customers for the
products of the Willamette valley. And
when the Astoria boats cinch the people of
the lower Columbia by exhorbitant freight
rates they are slabbing at the producing In
terests of the Willamette valley and the
wholesale merchants of Portland, for ex
horbitant rates of transportation drive the
trade of Astoria to Ban Francisco and Cull
fornltt. As un instance of this Messrs. Foard
& Stokes, leading merchant and shippers
of Astoria, a few days ago received a car
load of flour from a California mill by the
steamer Oregon. They cluim that they
would prefer to buy their flour in Portland
add Hulcm, as they have been doing in the
past, but they cannot stand the present
high rates of freight.
A l..u niu n. ell'iut is being made by
several of our clllmms to retain the cannery
at this place, and a meeting I called at
the Armory hall on Saturday Manh IS, at
I:' .30 M, to Iroin a co-npoiiili company
to pitrvhasc the cannery from the present
proprietors, who claim that tt plolllable
dividend was miule from hist season' husl-
ntst, but a their Interest are centered in
Portland, they are dctlrloo of coniwilldut
log tholr Investment ituine place. Oregon
City can III all'ord to lose the cannery a it
provide a cash market for fruit nod
vegetable for mile around, and give
employment during the busy season to
hundred of men women and children,
lluslues men, mechanics, furiiivr and
everybody art Interested In this all im
portant matter, ami should turn out at tht
Armory hall Saturday, Thl cannery is a
home Institution, to which tht average
rlsidenl ha often pointed with pride. We
cannot afford to lose the cannery, Oregon
City ha too much enterprise to permit
ueli a calamity.
A rsw weeks ago the Juries and court
of New Orleaut refused to convict the
assassin of Chief lleniiesey, and last week,
Ihe jury and court at Hillsboro almost gave
another assassin his liberty one year In
the ieiiltentiary. It I said history some
times rcwat itself Doth instance are
anomalous. Tht killing of Weber by Olds
wa nothing more than the rtsult of dilll
cultie cautti by the pdlct of Portland,
favoring one tet of gambler and persecu
ting mother. Weler belonged to the clan
that wa prosecuted on every trivial occa
sion and as a result Weber kicked, and
kicked hard, They decided he must lie put
out of the n ay or lie would cause trouble.
What wat this hut premeditated murder?
Koi.tiiwiso In the wake of the Mailt ex
citement at New Orlean, is the horror of
the revolt In Chili, where the cut throat
oldiery burned buildings, and luiighterod
helpless men, women and children without
mervy; the re(Hirt of outright purchase and
bribery in the senatorial contest at the Cal
ifornia legislature; thou comes the terrible
disaster ol the wreck of tht Clopia In (II
braller bay by collision with the llritlsh
Iron-claW ltodney, and nearly six hundred
Italian Immigrants IkhiihI for New York,
found a grave at Ihe hollom of Ihe sea, lends
a more heart remlingtiorror to Ihe great
uphrat at of startling accidents and atroc
ities. Attkntio. is called lo the article of
Observer on the condition of sewerage and
the deposition o( refuse and fltlh In Ibis
city from a sanitary Mand-oint, In this
issue of Till f.NTlKFnai, which is well
written ami timely in It suggestion.
From some cause there I a fearful lot of
ickne in Oregon City, and unless some
thing is done when warm weather come
the result will Ih fatal in Its effects.
Auso the notable death during the
past aeck it llarrelt, the noted tragedian ,
and Captain Alexander P, Ankrny, the
noted Oregon pioneer, who died at Salem
Tuesday morning. Captain Ankeny was
one of the most progressive and enlerpiis
iug of Oregon'! early settler. Ho was 7
years of age at the time of hi death.
ItikkNsNT iedillers are working the
City, csiecially the residence portion for
everything there Is in the business. The
proer aiilhoritie should see that
they pay city license, if ieople will ktsIs
in patronixlng them when they should trade
w ith the home merchant, and aid 111 building
up local institutions.
A coxruiKT is coming from California
that they are becoming overcrowded w ith a
great Influx of Japanese immigraltoa,
Something w ill have to tie done to check the'
large undesirable Immigration coming to
this country, or serious trouble and compli
cation w ill ensue.
To add to the inflictions of Ihe Old trial
at Hillsboro, a new society of highbinders
has been fojmci! at I'ortland. Is it proba
ble that this ta a bra. .ch organization of
the Mafia?
Important Opinion.
The following in an opinion by Hon. J.
T. A pperson register ol the Culled Slates
land office, in answer to Mr. A. P. Willsnn,
I". 8. Deputy Surveyor, in reference to the
rcical ol the prc-emplion laws:
Okkoom Citv, Ok., Murdi , 1M1.
Mh. A. P. Wilson, Deputy C. S. Surveyor,
Tillamook, Oregon;
Dear Sir: We are of the o4nion that
under the act of congress of March 3, IS M.
repealing the pre eniption law, that the act
makes provisions lor "all Isuialide claims
lawfully iniated before the toissnge of this
act, under any of said provision of law so
repealed, niav lie perfected umiii due com
pliance with law in the same manner, upon
the same term and conditions, and subject
to the sumo limitation, forfeitures and con
tests as if this act bad not been passed.
A bouaflde anil actual stiller, who made
settlement on unsurveyed lauds, before
March ,'t, 18111, and can prove his eompli
a nee thcrealter on said land of the require
ments of Ihe pre emptiou laws, will he en
titled when the land is surveyed and sub
ject to entry, to file ami take title under
the pre-emption law as (hey existed at the
time when lie made settlement on Ihe laud.
J. T. APPKHHllN, Register,
U. F. BJltCH, Receiver.
Will They Do It.
Editor or Eistekpuihk:
It is hardly necessary to call the atten
tion of the people to the disgracefully, lillliy
condition of our city, for they all know it
is Impossible to overlook such a condition,
but it 1 necessary to point out the urgent
need of Immediute remedy for this condi
tion of afluirs.
Of thediseascs resulting front filth und bad
druinageor no drainagh, thiscltyls having
its share, and will unless something is done
have more than itsshare. When the inhabi
tants ol a city so far forget what Is due to
laws of health as to throw all sorts of
wuste and kitchen refuse ulrectly into the
streets and alleys there to lie and breed
genus ol disease, it is high time our board
of health took some action in the matter.
The remedy doe not consist simply In
spending money for any of the so-called
disinfectants, for it is a waste of time and
money to throw much or little lime, etc
over these plague spots. Clean them out
and then keep them clean ; do it before
the warm weather, do it at once, a few dol
lars expended in that way may save many
dollars to doctors or undertakers; do not
waste your time looking to see If your
neighbor bus a clean buck yard or fester-
lug sink drain or cesspool, look to your
own, Muny times strangers visit our town
and see only Unit portion of it only under the
bluff, and declare it to he "the filthiest
town they ever suw," to our sorrow be it
said, but who can deny it? Where will
you find such another? Look along Main
street from the bridge to the basin and see
the sidewalk on both sides literally bor
dered with a green and stagnant foul and
fever breeding muck holes, deeper and
worse in the front of the shop doors, there
to catch all the sweepings refuse from store
or 'saloon ; and the rear of nearly every
place is worse than the front, if you will
only take the trouble to Investigate.
Will they heed?. Will our board ofheiilth
enforce any or all of the regulations per
taining to these matters? If not, then It
would be well to publish the localities
und places where the worst conditions
exist, Oiisk.rvku.
Important Bid ness.
A special meeting of Mead Post No. 2
G. A. It. will bit bold on Friilay evening
at 7:30 at the ollico of ti. B. C.ilill',
county treasurer.
15 y Ukdkr or the Committee.
Com m
TIlCSO tll'O lilU'gllill! tllltl wil
last but tt few tliiys-tlou't
fail to call ami sec
' our assortment.
Hiislness mid lii'iil Ksliite Ailmilly
lloniiiliig nt Unit Live Tot n.
Tho eiitcrp'isl ng low n of ( 'unity situ
ated in (lie midst ol inn finest agricult
ural section of the Willamette valli')' i
actually taking on new life, l' ilteen or
twenty new building will on elected dur
ing the coming season, ami a meeting ol
the legal voter of the school district n,i
held Monday evening, when it was de
cided to erect a new two-story school
house with lour room, to ho healed
by steam, provided with cloak room',
ami modern iuinrovruieiil. The pre
ent school building is cnutpurutiudy
new. but i entirely too eiuall lo meet
the increasing demand ' of tho school
Aside fn in wheat glowing, Ciuibv is
noted a tlie watermelon patch of the
Willamette vulli v, und fruit inning Is
becoming one of Hie most profitable en
let pi iscs i.f that section. In hut, the
warm, saiulv loam soil of that vicinity i
peculiarly iidaiiled or tlm successful
production of all funis that can be grown
in that climate,
I'niiby w ill sihiii luivo four large nur
erie, Mr. Siiinunl Mulliew alieady
having one of tilteen acre well sti ked
Willi the U'st V uriel iesof trees of eyer
Ihiiig grown in this climate. Mr
Ihivnll'ox is planting a nun-cry ol ton
acre, ami Mr. Seth l.tielling, the well
known Milwiiukie niiuerj niiiu ; plant
ing sixty acre Willi ninsery slink. In
addition to this the Willamette I. and
l oiiipiiny aie setting out an extensive
The level w heat field around Ciinlcy
are being cut up into 5, ID and 'M ncie
t act, which aiu Hold from i!t tofliM
per acre These tract am exactly
what people waul who dusirn to engage
in tliu raising of vegetable or fi nil of
any kind. Ihe liberal term on w libit
they ure sold tilings Iheiu within leach
of the man Willi limited means, l.esides
they art) situaled con vniicut to short
lriinHirtalioii lo maiket.
The re'iilciit of l iiiiliv will org,inie a
boiint ol tinde, which will enable them
to work h.irmonjoiislv together for
mutual iH'iii'lil. It in their iiitcniion as
euily us praclicable to eslahlish u ferry
across Hit) Wiilamel'i' river ut a point
opposite t'anl.y, w liich will bo a
convenience lo peojiln living on both
side of the river, 'i'lieyulso intend lo
improve the county mad in the direoiioii
of I'liicli I'recincl. alid.will endeavor lo
have a budge built across I'u Iding rit'er,
which will enable a Urge number of Ihe
resident living toward Muckxbnig to
come diret I to i iinby when they dcsiie
lo reach Unit place or Oicgnti Ciij, us
they now luivo to come by way ol
Aurora, on account of the iuiimssihility
of croHsiiig that river Willi team.
SK(0M ATlll.iniC TOntVt.MKXT.
Co. V, nt (hi ( lly, Will Have ( luuiee
lo Win More Medals.
Company U, of l'oillund, uro making
cuiupletn iirraiigeiiiciitH for tho game
that will take place at. Ilm armory Aptil
loth. The list of events, which will
coinpoHi) lie) program for this occasion
shows a number of feature that weie uol
in tho lirst tournament. I Inn is the rope
climbing contest a billow:
The course i nlisut forty yard. Mid
way between nturl and finish arc as many
rope as there urn coiitnnlant, Biispemled
from the Hlringers (a distance of about
flfleeti feet.) At tlm top of each rope is a
ling. One and u hull inch nianilla rope is
used. The start is by pislol shot, und
each contestant is required to run to hi
rope, climb it, and secure the Hun, slide
down and finish the nice. The contest
ant arriving upon tho finish line willi
In flag Hint, ih coiiHiilcreil this winner.
Tliero are no knolH in the rope, to facili
tate climbing.
Other fealurcH will be tho uck race,
ttiga-of-war, ollicer '.'iKI-vard race, 4-10
yard dash, fitl-vard iluxli, Ill-yard dash,
'jL'D-yard hiinllu race, oiio-milo run, one
niiln walk and other standard event in
variably recognized by all athletic unso
cial ions a ncciiHM'iry to llii'ii'giinie. The
committee in nrranging tlm progiani pio
vidnd for several event for w hich entries
w ill be open to any I'licilie coast, bona
lide athletic club or institution of learn
ing. Such entricH being reiiiiied to sub
scribe themselves to the definition of un
amateur, miles vouched for by lliepmp
er oflicer of Ilm association they ropm
Heiit, Acciuding lo t ho rules of the
Miiltnonmli Amateur Athletic club the
following lire thciiualillciilioiisof contest
ants, w ho must be over eighteen years of
"An uinnlmicr is liny perHon who lias
never competed in an open eompelioii,
or (or money, or money order under
false mime ; or u if li u professional for ii
prizo, or with a profcNNioniil whero gate
money is charged, or nt nil tilhletli: ineiil
ing whom u prohiHsioiuil contest ix given,
nor has ever ut any tinin been taught,
ptii'Htiud or iiHsiHted at athletic exeicises
for money, or for any vulnablu coiisider
allon, Hut uolliiiig in Ibis dcfl'iilion
slitill bn coiiHlrui'd lo prohibit the compe
tition between iiiiiiileurH for medalH, cup
or prizoM other than money or money
Aside?- fi oni these evnnlH tho cnliicB
will bo limited Hliicllv to active or veter
an tneinlieiH of the FiHt regiiiient. (). X.
(., tlmy lo be nmuteiir iillilolefl us (In
fined by the Amiileiir Athletic Union
Suitable gold and silver medal, will he
awarded us lirsl and Hccond prize, in all
evi!titH except llio In;' of war und tifly
yard diiKti. Tlm prize for tho flfty-ynrd
iIiihIi will be n very handsome, iiiodul to
be known as tliu "Uugiincnlul Trophy."
It will bo coinpnti'd for twico yearly und
imiHt he won Unco times to become the
pHrsoniil proiicrly of tho winnor. It will
be awiirdcd for liie first limo nt the coin
ing gaiiM'H, and tliercallcr under tlm iiiih
pieeH of the lieginienlal Athletic AHSOcia
tion. The prize for the tug ol war will bo n
largo Hilvnr urn, to be knotvn as the
"Ftildmihciinei trophy." The contt'Kls
for IhiHJwill be L'ovmncd by the condi
tion nniilied to the fiftv-vitrd desh 1'hls
Trophy is ofl'urod by Mr. A. Feldnnliei-
KnliicH must be ncoumiinnied by nn
entrance fee of fifty cents for ouch event,
and must be iiiado to Lieut 1. :l
It't, corner Hist and Washington, or lo
Dr. II. W. Cuidwull, Tinin mm fii
HlreetH. Kiic.h com pot it or will be IuiiiihIi-
ed with n ticket of admission to the
Entries will close Saturday evening,
April 11, 18M, nt 10 o'clock.
esaci ibo'
An wo havH anvnl only n muii-
lllllil ol oill slock, colisi ling plilicipiillv
id notions, cutlery, clocks, etc , wo liiivu
concluded lo disponi ol same bo wo can
open again Willi it Iresli, Hew stock. To
sell llicso good ivn have marked llicin at
figure i luil will innkii them go Tim
cost of sumo w ill not be i olisldcleil, a"
wt piefcr to Niiciallco lliein nillicr than
I ui v storage until wo lelmihi.
At I ho above ditto wo will Imglu tlm
sale of the following aiticlc at price
men! limed ;
riiKsKNr run m kh
loin en 1 1 k
Nickel A tnrm cluck - I I 11 I 1 Ml
s ilny I'l'ick", ulilko limn and
h ill hour ....
Illltn - ...
Nickel lliieliesler lump, nhiule
4 mi
,'i ,'sl
a no
tt no
i an
6 Ml
" Inllllls old)' 'i H
" " a un
Mr. John Ibooke, of Ml, Tulxir, paid
."tlnockl ille a living Islt this week,
Ijnlte a nilinher of the hoy who were
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it d before the griuid Jury of Wash
ington county, Inn e relumed home. It is
hoped lliev s ceded in Indicting the two
or Ihicc saloon keepers ot this place.
Mcs-rs. John I'ln h ami W in. Kihler have
reiilcd Hwick s building, a id me lining
lo remodel It mid run a It i -1 class hold here.
Mr. Wilson bus l.onejit a lot and bulll a
biitciicr shop in t 1 1 1 1 ii kville, bin untorlii
luiielv t'tit bis hand ipiile badli', so that he
will mil be al'le to open bis shop for a low
dut s j cl.
Albert hoy who was nenl lo Ihe
enuiilt jail lor ml day lor slntotini! nl Mr.
J . Hi hnei.ler returned home a lew diiv ago,
! ami (he lirsi llum be did was lo k" t" the
saloon and get a lillle lo lion h of that ' Oil
i le .lo fill", w hen he got into another row
with a man liotii M Idilleion, and cut bun
iiboill Ihe head, and' cry sineii'V, and then
sklj'pcl, John rhapiniiii who was impli
caled in the allair. has lieeli itraesled and
1 lodged in jail,
Mr. J. V. Hall and Mi. I. ha Hall, were
liiitltled at Siiorkvllle lus week.
Mrs ttai her slat led to raise funds last
'Saturday lot tht- new I 'onpre;rational church
here, and raised .linn subscription, w hich
show s that a new church Is now mi as,rcd
I. t'. A. 1.
Ninety Klflliigs,
'I ho ileslli of M.s I'rtrker in vmir Unl Issno
th'iiibl Imvo rosil Mrs IihiiIoI Piirkrr litsieml
of l'Atlteniliaa.
J rllno hud Itio inlsfnrlillH to Inns twohssil
of tiick lnl week frinn llio t'tTeets of a polum
ens wee. I lliey Ii nl e-ttcii.
I' Miittiusn U-ft but week fur llrlll-li 1'nbini'
l.itil week the ItinuiHs brother Rsve bstl.
Pie. slut 1-nkoa fur nipper tnl spplo Juice tn
drink. lt it 'p inn I for Icnin sAynif It wss a
m. Plcki'tis U seltlliK out between latir nml
Itte liiiiitri't frill! Irt-es mi til pUee.
I.ssl week if hovonlio hiiiI Mr. I'hsse nUrtt-it
hii npiKi.ttliiii t.iii It no lifivteeii llilii pUer ami
itiep.iMresI nilda III t'Uekslil'ia enlllily itt
aluirt wi)t from ilila plitee. It la lime fur u It
nnke Up slid astenur r'-pnlslliili.
Mr. Ktitiro lina roiiirut'il fri.ia 1'ortlsiiil wltlt
Ilia lltltl' te. Wtl-i Iota tlml tn Itnve till tit III
eyes removed to saw the aliflit nf ihe oilier.
The ''lleesttlck Skule"
The I.adje lielief Corp will produce
Ihe "Old"' licostr ck -ikiiln" tit rope'
bull no tlie cvel imis ol the ITlll and 18
of April. Tin diaiml will be In
Irodiieed under Hit supervision of Mrs.
I.llltowe, till! well known eliM lllionest
und dramatic reader of Portland. The
"I'ocstrick Sknle" w ax given twice ut the
Tabernacle in I'oilland. und ouco at Hut
Mari'iiim (iraml opera house, was re
ceived with tho phiildil of crowded
bouses. The scholar w ill be prominent
Indies anil Kcnlleiuelil of Oregon City,
while Mrs. will take un active
part. This piny i an exact reproduction
ol imitation of a disliict school of fifty
yeuiaiigo. To ee sediitti matron nml
elderly gentlemen dressed up as
scholars, and living over their old school
day amiin i nuiiiKiug. and give one-a
glitnpxi) of life in Ihe eirly day of their
Ileiil IMule Transfers.
Mary V, Ambler and M I' Ambler to I,
V llelkuiiv ;, 7 acre in lint estate of i
Wise; V
J I! I, ee ii nd wife lo Mom Ifilov; 10
iieiex in Ilm I) I, (' of ,1 S 1 1 inula mi and
wife; fl'.'"i.
Nelson Heche to ( i T Iti'ebc
lie1., of
xw'4 of -ee 'HA x, r lie; f It-ID
.1 C I'tnry and wife lo Harriet tiro-
bong; one lo re in Line (lain, of No -l.'l
in I fi , r e, $17')
O ,v C II Ii to JohtiniKi V Sclniht;
li '4' of inv'j of sec Illi, t 1 . r II t' ; lf'J2 ).
Swan Olxi'ii and l'Jiner Olscn lo
.Inn Krixlensoii ; ' acri.' ill t 2 H, r !l e ;
A I in i mi CIiiimi! Iii 1'elcr Olseii; 10
ncies in sec III, t II s, r 1 w ; ln00.
(i W Kinney el nl lo A W Kinney;
hw'. of no'u of Hue 27, t I h, r 5 e; f I
A W Kinney et al to (i W Kinney.
nw'4 of nf'4 of hoc 'i, t li , r 1 e; $1.
V Campbell nml w ile to U W Kinnev,
He'.j of see , t a , r 4 e; $4(1).
T II M llald'i to T M linker'; HO ncicH
in tlm f3n of hv14 nf mcc il, t It h, r 1 w;
!f IT) 10.
II I McNiiry, triiMlee to Tlm Oregon
Land company, lot i7 ami '.'S, blk 70,
lots 7 and K, I, Ik 4.', lot 11 and l'-, blk
Ti lots 5 mid (I, hilt 71, lot 25, 20, 27
nml 2D block 41, Minthorn ; IfTHS.
C O r.ovntotl le ,S II Miller; o'i of ne'j
of sic (I, t 5h, r 1 e; rfl4D().
C O Iiuvnlon toNC Miller; '' of
of He'4' of xcd (I, t 5 h, r 1 e; $1200. .
Levi Uobhins 11 nd wife to Miirgiiiet K
lliiiih'xly H nercx in Johr. Wright, I) 1. C,
John Wilhoit lo V, A Knsxell; bw1 of
ne'4 of sc'.i td iiv'4 of Ben 21, t U , r 2
e, Ml acre ; $076.
M N CnulU'ld und husband to Nnncy
June Itcuttio; II iicich in Oregon City;
K I! Itciillie und wifo to Nnncy Jane
Itenttie; I) acre ill Oregon City; $1.
I.euoie K (look and liiislmnd to Nnncy
Jiinu lWtfie, II iicich in Oiegoii Citv; $i
Liiiim K llealtii! to Nancy June
Itenttie, il iiercfl in Oregon City,$l.
J I, liaileylo Victor and Jno HiiyeiiH,
2IW nercx iii (2 x, r I c; $1i),'i0.
F IO'Iliilierxliiini et ul to M A lun
Ht t I ; lotH 17 nml IK, '.dock 4, lieiiHiinl
I, illln I lonii'H iidpilion ; $100.
AOiu-ylo T(! Sham and ACinxner;
H1,, of nt! nml n'.j of mi' 4 of xec 22, 1 6
, r le; $'.'),
I) H Jewtdl nml wile to W II I'liubion,
2U nercx in l I, C, No. 42, $lo().
Ti K Chiutnan et nl to Maggie McDon
uld et ul, blk fid, Clnckuiiiiix Heights;
Hoard of Trustees of M K chnrcli to
r.ndru Hoynl et ul ; lot 4 nml li, blk 20,
C'bnncey Kuger and wifo lo G N
finger; r'' of xc1 of hoc 30, 1 1 n, r 3 e,
0 (! H K V.. to ThoniiiH (hilley; ho
of xe!4 of nw'i of fee 23, t 2 , r 5 e;
W K Morri nnd wife to T.eiln Brown
et ul ; 20 iicrcn in D L C! of II Johnson,
Hello M Olxon nml liiixlinnd to C F
Keslerson; nw'of hoc 28, 1 1 s, r3e;
O&CUK Co to Mr Anna SollerR;
40 ncrt'H in sec 8, t 2 s, r 3 e, $1145.
lien Ely and wifo lo Jo, ileckeit,
cortnin fraction ol land ; $25.
O&O K Rto U K OalilT; xw'f of
nv!i of ec III, 1 3 h, r 2 e, $125.
- FT
IP H cl ;
Ul'im 1011111 HueliinliT lumps,
Viuni " " ''
lliiiutliiK hull
" library " " "
Hlliull nickel lluelieater In In p
1 1 M ill Knife mnl Hitw combined
t'lickfl Knives tt eelils up,
klilvf" nl'd fink", per el,
Ml I'll j
II I '." i
I'll I II" '
J 7,1 i ( i
6 ! ; i
I ,KI II Ml j
till I '
1 11 ft
I UI 2 Ml
m I ii
tt Ml
m ii-
, r. (m
an ii
I uu I
VUil Win
ti id n i
4 (SI il 'HI
lliilclirr Knives
Mlfl'ln ,
Hllver sicol table Hiiimuh, pr set
KhUl brl
MAItkti HU'Oltl
llnluW la nl voll tli (iH'K.ill City Mullet Ho- I
hurt eitrreeteil woeklir (mill iiiietsllniia ful l
j nlalitwl Tim ICNtusraialt by Hie lueal merctiiit
I Whilst, Valley, f ll ll.a,
nsla, f uu ins ,
ort'Kiiii I'll Mllla, p.irllttinl llniiel
rntniliV llrsiel
t ern Moid,
mil Meal
a a a n.
4 C'
4 lai I
le I
xlmria f Inn
lirau, "
I iiiiniliy hsy, "
t'li.vei (my. "
I'lillltiifa. 'ft ewl.
1me.11 p II.
Al'titea, Kret'll. f Isot
A . lllll'.l, (' Hi
llniler. f I
tints, film
ll.iiiey, f Hi . .
I I l
Heel, live, f Iti .
in of. till oil
Mnlti.n. Ilti' P tt
Miltlnll. ilrea.e.l. f "li
Polk, lite, at II,
Piirk..lre.i'd, r II.
Veal, lite, f III
V.'Hl. Irt-a-i, f Iti
II lima f Hi
lUisili, "
.k:i', f
t-e .
:vn le 1
S"0' ,
.. ' I ,
t'llleki'lia, y HUH. p. r ib
I'hli'ki'lia. ill. I. per il" I
Inu-ka, per '!
lll'i-ao, per ibiX
1 urkltia. per ptiiltnl
1 If.
n in
Uiit I
DIsHitliilUin nf I'lirliicislilp.
I'aiik I'i tt k, Oon., Mi ii, III, IS'.U.
Nolice is bttniby given lluil (lie uul
nershi herelofaie existing between ('
V.. Itioati and John .Miilbesou, both of
I 'it t k plriee, Clackatiia county, (bcgoti,
under the firm lianie of Hrnwn.ti .Mailie
son, i this day dissolved by liiiilual
C. K. ItllOBN.
John M a nn son
S. F. Iloleomb.
(i A. 1 1 .1 lit i i t Hi .
The businc will be continued at the
old s'liml by J. .Mathcsoii
(tent Itediictlini In rii'ilngr.iilis.
K. Trier, the old established and
reliiihle ibolograiicr, of Oregon ( itv,
opisite Fan' the butcher, Mill after
Thursday .March 12th taid cabinet
pliotogrnii nt $'.' T doren.
For n lame back, a pain in the side or
chest, or for lootli-nche or enr-iiclie
prompt relief may be had bv using
Chamber lain' l'ain Halm. It is reliable
For Hide by Oku. A,
For hatching from the
lending Vitiielie, the
largest and finest breed
ing MtoCK on the 1'aeillc
coast. Visitoi welcome
ii.i.rru vri'.iH' it ti.ot.i i:
, i'iiiii: - i
i . i
Christian Kocher
Notto of Amuml Mrftlnir,
Tho mi n tirtl iiicetliitf of ilm nlork ImlticrK of
tht Mt lloixl A llnrluw ltnnl ('niti niiy will W
ht'ttl it f (ho olHct if II K. Vt Iii Orritou ( Itv
mi Moml'iy, April lllh, IW.M, Ht (tin hour of otic
ociock, rnr mc ptirHifto ol t-ioctiiiK h uoirl o.
ilircctor for the tHiMiiinir vr nml for ihe dan
unction of mi eh other IminIiiunk am limy ctmif he-
ire i lie nu'tMiUK. 11 r, ( RuNy,
it MtM'riliiry.
Notice of Anmiiil Slci-ilnir
ThcrinniiHt moctliin of lh miH-kholiltuM of
tlir (ilmUtoiio IUmiI Kftlnte AnmicIhIIoii will lx
lu'ld nt tli filtipt of H. K CroHN In urctron City
oil Moiolrty, April Mh, 1MM, fur tin purpono of
ul.'t'tliiK n hourtl nf illrrt'inrM fur the ciihiiIiik
vtnr hikI for the trnnnnclloii of tiich olhor bu
Int'Ni nn mHy cum before the mroiltiK
2 t 11, K. 1-Kiii.h, Hoit'y.
l.ANI) OFFK'K AT OltKtlnN ClT.(Mt.
Murch iii, i;vu,
NoHcaIh horohy nlvt'ii thut tin foMowlnir
iiitini'il Ht'tltcr hiiH fhu t.iiiiH'il net l It' r hits tiled
tioth'ii of liur intonlloii to nuiko Html proof In
support of hln eliilm, untl thul km til proof will
ho luii'lt' htfoN the Ut'KlKtcr H iitl Uort'tvci' of H.
H liitol otllco nt Uicgtili City, ttrtiKoh, on My H,
IK'Jl, vU:
Hoth K. Jnm-n,
llonipsteiul Kntry No, M'.T. for Iho so'', HtM1. l!, t
2 n, rft e. Ho mime iln? followliiB wftu:.on lo
prove IiIk ro.itltiiioiiM rusiilehee upon iiiol (Milti
vniloti of null! hunt, vU: John Tr.vell, of
Siindy, nii'1 Uuhert l Aloxninter, F HievcrK,
itnrl John Knylnr.-of Mttrmot, till of iMHckmntiH
coiinry, Oroumi
I J. T. Al'l'KitsoN, I!cl8ter.
Lanu Okficic At Ohkoon City, ok.
Mnrdi ai, IHUI.
Notlro 1h hcrohy Kv n tluit Oio fnllnwlnn
niunetl mittlcr hun flU'tl nollro of her Infenlton
toinnko final proof In Mtipnort of her claim, mnl
thtit naltl pn.of will ho miule tiefore ihe HeiiUler
nnd Koomver uf the U. H. Ind Ollico nt Oregon
City, tireou( on May 1M, IS.H, via:
Mury A, Pleltonn,
llonniste ul Kntry No. fiWi for tho nf ro1,
nnd h' it of nw1 , of nun. 10, t I k. r ft o Hlie nitim'K
the follow line wHneNsCH to prove her niiiiti
01 tn roMiUjhi'inmit iind niilllvutlon of smd I'tml,
-t Itohert Alexitiiiler, KrO'lerlcU Slevorw, of
Minmoi.iin Ilonrv (Iultoii und Ororur llol)'iii:iii.
of Hrtinly, ml of (Mitekitinus ronnty, Oregon,
J. T. AvriiiiMoN, Keglster.
Mnr. '21, im.u.
Nttllen f hercliy nlven thm the following
n Htned Hettler litis riled notleo ot liln Intention
to nmko fltuil proof In support of IiIh elulm und
Unit ttaid proof will he made before tho Keirt
tornnd Kuceivurof the V. S. 1uid ottlee ntoi-
Ko I'lty, Oregon ou Mny I'i, isoi, viz;
rioreoC Vlller,
lloiiiL'nii'iiii uoiry rut utiw uir 1.110 nn'itn hv.
of Ken. 27, t fi p, r i o. He numeH tho following
wttneHses tn prove hit contlniiotiH leKhtenee
upon And cultlviiilim of Nld hind, viz: ChitrleM
l in ii k'lie ply, o. w. onwieu, ,ionn Miewiui, nnd
Fr-uik Hiiwlell, all of MoIhIIii, (.Inek.iniiiM Co.,
OroKon, J. T. Api'KHhon, Heulidur.
3 27-4 '2( -
itiaiqi Jtuomi UM((ii(uti iuiih -mil
-Hii t(u (uatu lt 'hui .ni i at)
ttup Djuai 0 vjiom u") -niitf ubij imu
oi way Jiujtuw a'u4 ui ojuiio5
aq Dis "1U iMtiij m 'mtiot( ,i
A pUN afJOM tt(l OplIM tU 'lUOIi
0('(H)9 UJHit iUo .rio.i im
VlI U 'llIMStllallaUat0 'Itu )
Ut0 'OfOIOL UU01 'Otlf llltt 'HPKO.l.
HiWV '1J uity 1 '"I Jty
Vintmuiii4uibHij iijiiii jjnu
TO)?? -tO A T IPr I
M ,il till llll'l IJlllielielllMHll rllle
II ,rrel eli'-irii
t M
I l
7 'M
hii 'liileieen ;l eelils per lb,
Hpriir llos'l I'll'" '. O l"'r "''
lien. ThIuiitii cents.
Ci ir. ciwlliuf M I"' lli"'i""'l,
il 110
Plus, HeeiiU per Mil,
H-ilet) Puis ft I'lillH e r il".
riiihnif luui" I'' cents escli,
Cnliili., ,"i oeiils, worth I".
I'uiiiha 10 cents, worth V
ll ltllliillless, lii ut, worth tt.
1'iifMu ill 10 cents, with
Purses nl Pi rent", wntih tt.
Partes ill it ee-iU, ttnMh '.
A,rlei hairpin Ml i'll"K ei'l.
klllltlllll in "III '. t""'li l"'l"". cuff l"l cl
, . . .... ,, .iu. ........ I.rtkt.ia. ilher Hums
,tll IHIin.ii". I .,. - j
(er liros Hllver I'lst' d "' 'l kl1"1" j
III Mull L
Tin- iiumsI can fully H li'ctt'il i.mi-'rtii-H i tlie City or County
For Salo
No. 1. Kill Here, 2 inileH friitil
('unity, 011 S. T. It. II., ci.Ii'titlitl
li'vi-l 'IaikI, rui" hmw timber, '.''i
itiiCH ciiltivittetl, ffittt"
hllllXf, f V-'i-
So. . Hid ai'ft'H on S. I'. It. K.
I! mile from Oregon City, .'V-'""-
, ;i, nil itcri'H, open level ItiixIi
liuul. I luili H i'mhI oft 1ii'.'oii City,
1 mile from Cluck. uiuih river
iH.oon on time
No. -I. 10 itcri H joining- Clurka
mu llciglil on tin- isonlli, ii'curly
lovt'l, run U' xoM in lot ui'ul
I l.lot-k, l,'.'".ll.
No. 5.
on rtcar (''k, i inilcH ciint of
No. 7. 7 lot in i r-t Stile addition, loin .'I, I, .", H, 7, Mock
lul, 1, l'. ti, 7, H, Itl.M'k I'll, nil of I'lffk '-'n, Muin Mrt-ft, nil of hl-n-k l
Ori son City. One li"'1 I'd in S-lUoml,,,
.n. H. ot) m rcH in "Cl ickiuiui Fruit l.atitl" nil in rultivation.
Kini st jieiich Inii'l in Hie worlil, prirt- :'o) jt ticre. My jm'ucIi orchanl
iicttf.l 'Jhi nn acre tlii yttir,
W ill cm hiinge No'. 1, 2, .'!, .r, (i, f"r liny ptKul city jtroKTty in valley
towiiH. For li nn; ami lartictiliir to
H. E. CROSS, Oregon City.
The uck mm ledge.l
Direct Spring Importations From
First Hands.
WV uro nhotvinp i la rp; variety t'lmiee new ntvles nml late novelties.
e will puarmi tee the iiiHlity a.ul make of these i;o,h1h in all re-KiM-ftM.
W e will Hfl them, one a.ul nil, a low an any living man
ilnt'c sell honest jrootls.
Best iMlitf Loret ProcBS.
0...'S1'KIX(I)KKSS Owns: A full assortment and oom
Cannot he sur:nsi,l pletc stylos of tho Red
nnywhw. Sehool House now
C'mniildo liiiM of Smith X-
Angel's hosiery and Down
Corset i have been
Our annual direct importation of
Teas have arrived and defy
competion in prices.
Ilios, torman & Son
Have new attraetions for all consumers in their
iammoth Assortments
c. Quick sales and small profits
is their motto.
Bank Building,
ffareli 2,0,
Wo almi Imvo tlie J's'Kt grades
of KiigliHh I'.rcakfaHt, Bpi-ili-rlt'g
an-) gnni)owl-
cr ti;as.
In Conner
(Irt'iroii City, 10 trrw In culti
vation, ') acr. to break, new
fntiu" lioiixo, lu-w burn, lim? wat
er, Inst anil, jtihhI tifijfhlxjrlxj-Ml,
hcIuhiI, i lo., jiriff f,7 "0, on time.
1; ,'. ncrea in FjiriiiKwater,
the I'Cht all roniitl ct'x k furtn in
( litiknmn ronnty, level land,
IDO itcri H in line cultivation, 7
acre orchard, good houise, two
fine frnme luirnx, tliouxanil of
iuti'H of otit range, water evcry
wliere, I") lit U'l ciittle, Jterkxhirt
hogH, .'!) ton hay, 'lOOlttlr-liei oat,
wheat, vcgttalilt'M, horscH, wag
on iiiol fanning iinjileinenU, al
tne;t ilu r nt I-'.") ja-r acrt on time.
leading lealer in
lTho wnl' houso south of Port-
land carrying a full line
Oornian and English
Oregon City.