The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 27, 1891, Image 1

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    w 0joUtti
0 IS HO ON CITY 1 fnl hci'uiultig llin thai city
nl I lio Wcsl (or ittiinutai Iiii Iiiii liuluatrlca, ll
lll.tghllh't'ltl flTC Millet' pnWl't, slmtdtmi M'C-
ninl t i no uthot In Hie world, Ima alrcitil) up
riu'iwl luiiidrvda ol llnmnud of unt'ttiil ntul
Die ontitliit ytnir pimnt.oa (under lintnon.
OfstBOON C1TV l K"1"1 'l'1'! '"r luvcutiiient.
Capital lii vcMli'il lnro now la sure In double In
tliriii'yiuira, Hiirr.iiilulcd by ilie Icellng farm
Jng, mining Mini bull, vcg.tnblf mill l"i'k f"1
lug rtl.trlcl- ofllioNnrtliwcat, nnd ucliigdlrect
ly (imiiicntcil -with ucrnli and Inland cninniorc.e,
II In bound to become, a II V nf Importunce.
VOL. L.-XO. to. i
rnrcK 5 CKNT,
(lextcr IMK'IUIII.I,--
Crosoont Vrtlgs (warrantoil.) H S Proiif (Miaiiis. Amnio Files. Ioo. Crtwont Steel.
Lowers ami Wood Chojipers 8jeeiallii's.
Oreiron Citv Anvnt. WILSON A COOK.
Now have ii Full Stock of LuniKr on liaiul mill etui till
nil onli'rs jiruniitly. Tlii'ir stock ciuliriHYsi
Fl.ioriuc, (Vilinir, liustic nnd all
I'ickets mid PIiiuMisioii SI ii IT. '
Sptviiil li!ls I'ut. Si'iul in your onliT ln fon1 tlio Spring iuhIi.
Sorcnsen 1 1 1 Young !
ib'ir, Sjiriuv iuhI 1'nlnr; ulm 1 .lit tin, i iikrt.. Mim-J
I ( tlu rivrr or liv mil. i
Mill Miln:iii'l nit
- m
Cheapest : in : the : city
Orders from the country promptly tilled.
148 Third Street, Portiand. Near Morrison.
Of All Designs, From tho Smallest
To the Largest
I'u'eiit Keeking Chairs of neat and iiuhliy dej-igns; l'erfo
l i ed and Wnnd-seat Chairs; Fancy Kenlaiid Cmiiu
seat and hack Pining and Lihrarv Chairs.
We also carry a complete line of Mattresses Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; l!ox and Tup made to order. Woven
wire, two and three-ply, of all sizes; 1'edsteads, Lounges,
Cots, Etc., Lie.
liUrCLiri3ri c$ Holman.
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, I'ric-a-brac,
Engravings, Etchings, etc.
108 Third Street, Portland.
fl-Onlers hy mail or limit irom ,t I v lillrd.
Thin olil anil ruliiiMo (Inn ulwiiys
Heavy, SB m Manufacturei
Harlware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furaisheil.
Nnrtlittnatorti AuriiU for
Oooldenl Tiitllelnnlli liir
irniuVs uf Dit'ssoil l.tiiulifr, I.iitli,
WilLinn'tlr rlviT nl
Arlington Building
& CO.
kitcp in Htork a full lino ol
Portland, Oregon,
-Hllvtt Haw.
Professional Cards.
J. I. mn KH'M'IIM
T r rowiNit
llr'bnlirHHh A Cnwliig.
All (' lirlut 1'. H I.aii.l o ill po a i.vrlnlly
Ullli'ti Mum. IlKii.l l. C ImiJ nmi-
o--UiiIIiIiik, o
OHKilON l ll'Y.- "-" ( ii'.in
rtysician and Surgeon
, I'timv
i', M. iiii.miH.
J 0 II S 0 N A I I) I, I! M A N,
Corner Fourth and Main Sta
Orrguu II). Orruuu.
MAIN urMKKT, OHKUON I I r r, UMKIHIN. Almraria iilTUIs. Umii Minify. Cuit
i'Ii'.ii M.iriji gi., aihI trau.iti't tiviivml
liw Uu.lnvM.
r. A. MullKIPK A H lOlK-iSKK.
Attorneys at Law.
Ollli'i in J HIiH'k, Oii'ttmi City, Or.
. t mnv,
U. t HA HI H,
lit HMV, imti k iiini-Kit.
A TTO H X K Y S A T I . AW .
Ohkion Citv, Omkuo.v.
Tlw. Viar vite.rliiii n rL'U(ir nf 111
r. h. iiiii.l dlllfe ni'rti rot-ointiiciiitU im In
our hUIIv nl all kliiila nl Iniiinrnn U(nn'
(lie mul nlli. r anil lliiMoiirH, mill liiniUiliR
llu- irmilrf in tlir fi'iu'ral lanil ollli v.
Ollli-u up Hluir ovur OrcKon City Hunk.
Or. m. HAYES
Olllr curiii'r Main anil Kililli SlriMitii.
0iMinitcCourt IIiMinu.
Paid up Capital $50,000.
I'akiiikk CHAM. II. CAl r lr.M.
Manaokm... . K. L. KASTHAM
ltHiHltl n-CclVf.l NtltiJlM'l to clu I'd,
Aitrovp LIU nii1 imti-n IUcuumUm)
t'uiiuty himI elljf Wiirntnu ImiukIiI,
CnlltTtlMtm ihhiIk prninitly.
WrHftM ttnld on I'ort iitno, m.hi rrmifiwi-n ,cni(
K o. Nuw York, nml Hll tTtnclpul rllli'nol Ku
l!itfmphlo rxrtmtiKt'i ')11 on HortUnd, 8n
KmnciKCii, Chlcrif.i mnt Aow York.
Interest Paid on time deposit as follows :
r..r llimr inontlin, 4 por cent pr annuii).
for ft imiiillia. b mt cant, pur milium.
Fur li imiiilli., li pi-r pvil. ir milium.
Tlm rert I (!! ol dnnoiit iyhl inn il
m.l !., Ini.i.u.l I.i.ImIim.I If bafnr
oinl o If no ol dopoall.
Tho Commercial Bank,
CAFJTAL $100,000.
Trantactt oeneral Banking Business.
Iiiuii mail. Illlla dlirniuitKil. Mnki ro
liM'tluua. Huya ami arlla nxi'lminic 1111 all unliita
In Hie I iilti'ii Mtnli-a, Kiirnpe anil llnnR Kiinn
Di'iinalta rm i'l- I'll iiIiIih-I tn i lierk Intcrrat at
tiaunl ratra allnwcil on tlltit HfMialla. Hank
npvn (rum a. M. In 4 r. M. Halnnlny evrlilliK"
iruin 0 to 7 r, u.
D C. I.A'rotlKKT'l'K, rreili-nl.
K E UuNAI.IiUdN, Cn.liler
ft : : : BROO
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
None but llid beat of inoala lianiiU'il. Krce du-
llvury to all pari of the city,
iti:JOi 4'irv. - 0111:.
Practical Architects 4' Builders.
Will prepare plana, elevation, working do
tnlla, anil apHClflmitlinia lornllklnda l limld
lima Hin'i'lnl ntli"itlnn kIvuii tn modern cnt
tauHa. KatlinHtea filrnlalioil on aiipllimtlnu
Call on oraildroaa WIIITR nilOH.,
OreKnn City, Ogn
John Tyacke,
Carpenter and Builder
Okroon City.
Ouarnuteca aatlalactlon Katlniatea and
plana Inrnliilulil.
ICmIhIiIInIx-iI 1HH.
Drayage Sc Expressing
Freight and parcel", delivered to all
parts of the city.
The Enterprise.
Puhllnhwl ICvcry KiMii.v.
CArin IN AUVAm'tti
ltit vear - - - -
Hit. liioutha - - - - - I mi
Thrct) month. - '"
Adv.rtlalng il'' given oh iipilli wtlun.
Agrnia I'm-"Tlic lliilorpi I.e.'
Canhy, - - Gko, Kimuiir.
CLACKAMAS, - - A.Maiiikii.
Mll.W AI'KIK, - Altllll'll Hl.iH'K.
I'niun Mil. ik, - (I. J. Tin l.l, iMihii.
K. h. IIhamiiai.i,, Aim.
K. A Wanner, Miaimiv Hanoi.
II. ('. I.KttK Villi. A.
V, H. Nt.wiit.nv, - Nkw Fha
I'ol'NTY OKKIi Kim,
Jmliw J. W
t'li-rk of I'nlirla .
Slid ill
AaarNiwir ...
Si li.Mil Siiitrliili'inlrnl
t'oiiiliilaalon.ra ,
II. II. Jolinuili
W. W. II, Hillliaoll.
. W. T. Whlllin k,
H. II. I'aHll.
. Jolili W. Noblf.
Ali i, i'liniiiaon,
. Hiiliii'V Hinylh,
Cliiirlna M'ulinki',
t'uriii'liiia Hair,
('Kiiinil.alnnm' I'niirt inwta flrat ttnliiimlaj
ol .arli month.
IK, -
. . .Thoa. I1', U villi.
I.. I.. I'.nlT.
H, It. liri'i n.
y, H, I'hiirniaii.
. , . A. S. iiii"i r,
I'. I:, Hum.
C, llulai-k.
. W. II. Ilowrll.
ItmnnliT , . , .
t'liv Aituriit'y
sirrnt ('iiinnila"uni'r
Sup I u( Viir Worka . .
rorsn ii Mm,
C. II. faullilil, Cli. Allirv, ('. J. I'nrku,
I Clinriiniii, Iv H. Vhiitii, J. H
Tri'iiiluilli, j. W. t)'t iiiini'll
lleaulnr inreilna nf cily ruiiiiril ftr.tvit'
ne.ilny In tiai li uii.nth.
Mnila I'lo-c KoInK ll. 'ttli, . at., '.' I'. M.
MlllUi luaVK-nlliK olh, XM).. M ., II :'J r. M.
aina Ri'i'rx,
Ori'iimi Citv to Moliilln, Millino,t'ru lin.l
Willi., it: liiM'a nt In ml a. M. Mmuliiy",
Wihltirailnv a atnl I'llduva, anil ri'liuna on
IiiIIiimiiii; ila a. .
iiri'ifnii I u v ,i Mliik.l lit i k n. Miiliiio. t n
ion .Nlilla ami Mi-mlnu llrtaik: baua a I
ID a. M. i'ui'ailav, I luii-.liiv ami Siiinnliiv.
anil rvtitrna on lollon Ina ilitva.
Society Dlroctory-
Mfrta'at ('mill Moil... nil Mie.ilnl 1 ir..1ny In
ai'li month. apli'i'iiin.
f. K ;iiiNAI.ISON, J. T Al l "It HON.
ent!laiy 1'ie.l.leiit.
alt 'I.TSoUAII l.ol'iiK, Nil. I, A. ii A it
Hold. It. rraular poinmnulealliiii. mi flrat
and third Natlinlara of rai ll iihmiIIi l 7 ;l r M
htetluen Iii(ihmI .Ihii.IHh are Intlli 'l In allelnl
W. K I Alil.l,, .!.,
T. V- KVAN. hei-retary.
T OHKiloN l.tllKiR. I O. t). t No. S
Meet, .very Tliuradar .veil ..v al 7 iw iVelm-k
r at III Ilie O.VI Kell... II ill W illi .U.'-l
MemlMr. nl III. order are luvlte.i In allvltd.
UyurderultV A Mnllrion, N tl., ll) an. necreiarr.
r Al.tJl hNl'AUI'MKN t. No. , I II (I K.
Meet. Hr.t and third eieli in. nun.
al odd Kulluwa tin H MeinlHira lid vttlltint
patriarch., cordially Invited tn ai.,
H. J A K a a T . J ll,,
Itcilb.. I'hiel l'e:nol t
Meeia aeemid and fourth Tuevlay of earh .
mmilh at odd fellow a Hall.
K. H. WaaarN, V H. j
I. It J.y, t'lrrk i
rAl.lJI t'lTY LMlKIK or A (i I' J
I. I.. ...l.l k-..M..u.. ,.. .11.11,,,.
All .ulniiriiiiia breihreu coidlally Invited lo al
til A I. CIKt'I.K
Meet, every Tueailny K veiling at IW at hall
nil Malu and Cnlirlll Hirrela.
M ll II tl Kl rv. or li ll'
K. I'aimi.h, Heeretary.
ANIUIKH llnKKK l.olniK, No tl, H'iNH ol
Meet, every Hunday nl 3 o'elia k n in nl
Trenliath Hall. faun iiNMiio.. I'na.
Al iiKar itini.t.iMi, in n y
W AHM.Il IIIIANUK, No. 117, 1' nl II.
Meet fnurlli H iliud'iv "f 1' ii'h iniiiilli ill their
hall In Nvtv Km. K. t:. Mtdda k. H.o y.
J, I ml I, M II.UT.
MKAIK I'ONP, No 2 11 A. II..IH I'tltlMKNI
III' oKKiioN
Moela flr.t Krld iy nt curh inmith, al 7 !H'
. at. ai Odd fellow.' Hull oreiimi t'lty.
liKU A II 1 1 1 1 1 N I . C llliilldi r.
MKAliK HKLIKK COlll'H, No. la, liLI'AKT
Mra. f O. Mef'nwii. l'rel.lent
Mra. (leo. A HiirdlllK. - Hi metiiry.
Mra f . H .Cochrane, - Trenurer.
Meeia nil flrat and third fililaya uf co'll
month In Cniiui'll Chan her. Meinhcri of cm p
from abroad, cordially welcniiud.
f COMI'AN V, f lltrt T KKH IMKN I', 0. N. (I.
Armory, Third and Muln Hi'Diilar drill nlijht,
Monday. Hegiilnr IhiIiiok iiii'i'IIiik, Arid
Monday of .neh mouth.
K H. Warren, - - Kind l.leiiieiiiiut
T. f. Kalnlnli, ; Hueniid Lli'iltnniinl.
J. (I. (lannng, lt. HnrKeant.
W. T. Whltluck, l. M. HnrKciinl.
Hegular meetlnit, aei'ond Wi'dni ilny III eack
mouth at eiiKlnn iiouae. cant hide. Main alreul,
(Hitween Heventh and Klithlh
1 Al'KKIlM AN, HiM''y. LtNl K (UllllNKIl, 1'll'H
Kn. Nkwton, fiireiiuiii.
Meet acc.niid Tucaday nf each month nt Cut-
aract KiikIiid hntiae. W II. Iluwi:i I. , I'rcr..
U. II. JlKamw, Hoe y J. . u ciinnki.i., r ru.
M.nta flrat frlday nf tai'li ; monlh al
Fnuiilalti KukIiic houae. Ciuh. AriiKV, I'ma,
U. C. llAtoN, Hio'y. Cil.Va lliT.nit, I' 'nil
0. W. LiitiAa, lhtaior. Hnrvlt'iia nt II A. M. uinl
7:110 p m. Hunday rlcluail alter inornltig aer
vicc, fiay.r meeiliiK Weiliieniliiy nvnutiiK nl
7;:tUn,cliielt. l'rnyer nu'etliiK nl Viuinu I'nopln.a
gonluty of C:h rial Inn Ktiilenvnr uvury Silllilay
evi'iniiK nl :Mi prompt.
f I KMT llAl'TlsT Cllllll!ll.-IUv. C.C, ItATK
MAN.FnHtur Morning Hervleniiit II :(HI; Hunilny
Hchnol al I'MTi; Kvelilng Horvlt'd 11:110; Hi-Kiilnr
prayor moellug Wtnlneaihty tiveultiir, Monthly
Covunniit Mncting ovnry Wnduradiiy uveulng
prenedliig till) rlrat Hundiiy III tho month. A
ournlal liivllntlnn to nil.
Hll.l.RHltANIi, fnator. On Hinnlay noiaa nl H mid
lll::l a. U. Kvury aniinnil mid fnurlli Milliilny
(lerman aerniou nftnr thn a u'clnnk ihiihh.
At ail other maaaea Kligllah aoriunua. Hunilny
Hchnol al '2:Hl) I". M. VualwrH, nunliigetlonl
aulijecia, and lluneillctlnti at 7:9tli. m.
HI'. FAUL'H If. K. CHOIMII.-ltl'V. J. M Don
allium. Itiii'tiir. Hnrvlnna every Hutiuny at II :IKI
and 7:110 n'clnck and WeiliioNdny cvuiiIiik at 7:110
o'ulnck Hundiiy Hnhmil nt lil:ini hi. l'mil'i
Chiipol.Cnnuinah; Hervleo enoli iilteruiitn Hun
dav lit 4:00 o'olock. Ht. Hilul'H lllllld ll'nnla llrat
ThurHilay In curh month, Mra. II. I,. KtilWy,
Prealdeut; Mra. f. 8. Cnehrnno, Hecrnt iry.
Joiim I'AKaiiNa, l'aatur. Mnrnlnq anrvlco nl 11;
Hunday Hchonl at 10:00; Kvcultigacrvlce nl7:!lll.
Kpworth Lengun meeting Tuesday evening nl
7:00; Prayer Meeting Thnmday cvciiIiik ntil;llo
atrnngera cordlnlly Invited.
flltHT I'KKHHYTKHIAN CllllltCII.-ltnv. 0.
W, Oiiionkv, l'natnr. Harvlcca at 11 A. t. nnd
7:11(1 P. H. Hnhbnth Hchnol nt 10 a. m. Young
Peuple'a Society of Chrlmliui Knduiieor meeia
every Hunday evening nt (1:110. Wodiiemlny
evening prayer meotlug at 7:110. free.
KvANiim.lCAI, CHtlKl'll. Ilev, .1. M, t'relaa, of
the Kvangellcnl An.iirlnMiiii, will hold aervlcea
at fopo'a Hall every Hunilny nt 11 A. M the nee
Olid Sunday excepted, UcriUttiiHabbuthachool
very Sunday at 10 A. M,
Inli'l'ihlliiK TIiI-IiIIh (.nllitroil liny mi
Ai'lhi Cui'iik of llcifiilnr t'ltn
llllilllora. Huatar I',
SintiK aplliiK K i il i ll Inia Imi'ii aoivn bill Ajm
Kruiiinl li moil Ion Mat lor amilliiK, linvi'r
lli Ina llin (iroiiii urn lio.illn mill initial
Ihm IiIhIn lno ri'liiriicl Hint CMTyllilnii Iih
put on llin iiiii'iiiiiiiiiii nl' airliin.
Altitual Hlni'lill hint aliiiiiil lila iolutna
to llin nii'lni'iili.
H iiiih h'lutlvi'a of limn I'alilll, from K itn
, InUmil loloi Mli' Hour limn,
A ilriiiu il ni,rMB 1'iiilv iin Klvnn to
llnvnl I'liniiiiu nil Miiroli III, llm oia ualon
lu iiiK lila !(hI lililliilnv. (iunii'a mill ilmic
lug mv ImiIiiIkwI In ntnl loi-ryoim wbiiI
lioiun fni'lliiK ui if till' (VimiIiik liad livoll rn
Jnynlily aH iil.
Mi I I it Ij'IuimI la hkhIii at liiniin aflvr
Hulking at vi'ial nioiillia lor Iti'iiUn I'ltnlmi,
of t nnbv.
Wm nri' kIikI In nol lint ri'imory nl I'luia.
Muki a, ulli rsai'iciri' Illnpia.
Mia. Win. lll.liT Ima lu'ioi iUlli' ili k Willi
tlip mi'ltallla. Mill I ltl.1 Illilir, llO liH'l
ni'arlv mi'ini'ml, Inia tnkioi n liiii', rioi
iIitIhk bur i'iiihIiiIiiii mi in I i ttorw, ami iniik
Iiir tlm i'iiIIIiik of u iliM'lor iiri'eaiii v.
II. I', 1 i - I, ii 1 1 lui gum' l,u, k to rniunii'
JiU u,illl"ii in (nuiiimiir on llin K. II. A N.
Al llin bIiiIIoii nl ollli'i-ra ol I lie I vntritl
l'olnl llli'iiiry an. Irlv hrlil III llin llrown'a
xiioul li.mai, .Muri li "Jl, I nil r M. Ulaml
nna I'ln'li'.l iit'liliMi ; (li orKO Ailvma, vliv
iri'alilnnl ; lii nrKi' llynil, an relury, uml U.
S. Ilumlall anil (iruritc MrArllmr unlltiira,
tDmirvii fur llin Hint llim. niontli". Tim
n I r l lo Im riwiil mi-ry two m k Inlrml
of unrv four a lorinnrly, uinl lo he n-iul ul
li'rnali'ly In tlm villlora. N ativk.
M H' ii it'll.
.New Kra Newa,
Milliinl llwilie ami II. ('. Iiorrla reltir I
TliiirMhiy. of lat urt-k finiu lln-ir trip to
Southern Oregon.
Mi Ji ann W III. hull hill been c 1 1 k' I" " ' I l
It'm Ii a Hi. nr nit ni'iiitli'ii lerui nf i linol nl
Mea lim llioi'k. Heme Mr. I'liurnlx we
will la- lliiiuklul fur your gul'lamc during
Mna Watdrou'aalianiH-,, Iriun im.
Mr. Iluubi'a.of llrnti r l iei k. pun haae.l a
lioran ul l l,v Hunt ii linn, one day la-t win k,
fur wlni b In- p il l H -'''. -
J. I., W.ildron tiri-h:ii-il a ti-aiu of valu
able Inir-,,- from Mr, Ntiiitti'l on laat
"tithiriluy. Me liib iula rugiiKing in IiiuiUt
hauling lioiu W. h. ItiileraaiiiH'ritai r llroa.'
autv mill 1. 1 til. , :nii t'ily during the aiiioninr.
I'urtlt a tiMiing In (.'i t a lir-t t in- bill of
IiiiiiIht i an nr -ii,l un the laiva lo gi-l it.
While In On k" ui l ily la-l Haliiiibiy, we
Wei. piiineil lo In ar ul the illueaa of our ea
Ui'innl frieiitl, Mr. A. I. (iurh y ami ain-ct-ri'ly
liujif for lila apecdy rt coti'r.v.
Mia. t'hiia, ln tumuli ninl llii'tiii r of Joe
lleigman, of tirt-g.iu City, die I at her hoiue
four linii". of I unbv on Saltiriluy nli;lil,
Mitrt-h '-'M, I -HI,
I'l'lif. W. K. JollllHuti ha- Ih'i'II t'llgilgnil lo
I ,-fs -1 1 the Ml. I'!, Mnnt wbool for the cn-u-in';
) ur, W" am utt.lli. I lie hoanl of that
dvtnJ Ji '-'I wtwly in a, uring I'rdf. J iliti-
aon forn j lung a tiiiin, at Im la well ijiinli
llnl to It'it. h any m IiikiI In the country Hint
i" hn. no fear ol tltfideil aut-t'ea.
Mi'-iri. ililliiiiin ,V Mnllii-iin, nf I'mlhili I,
w ill mote out aii,, n to the Atigua I 'iimpbctl
fitrni, lime milia aunlhea-l of New lira,
which they have hn-cil fur a Mriml
ol acvcu y on ia with n aiipulaliil pitrt'lia-c
prne liiacrlcl in Ilia- lean' lit Hie expiration
ol the le:ia Cim-i-'iui lill v Sew Km n III gain
Iwo more cttt'lilubli' cilicii.
Y"iir t'orroaiuiiili iil ia plcan il lo Indii-e
III la-l wick'a KNTturmr, Hie iippuiiiloiciil
ol our tune hunurt-il fiieml, relrr raipit-t,
to the i'U'oi'lnnt po-iiiou of rtvi'ii cr of the
html ollice in Oregon l ily, I'etrr plniM hc
ci'I'I otlf t',iii,'ral titiitioto-.
Joacph Citliill, uf (ilno, l;ua rt'o nlly citinc
out lo hi con-In a, Kiina ( aliill, ninl in
lei.illn mtiLc i iicpin In future hoinc.
-'itrmi'i it cl liutc hiirdly tundc tiny nt
li'tupt lowiinl Inr.nli'K. uinl by pt'i'i-nt iiuli
I'atliui c oitiy i';hi- it, lime will
be ntllicr lulc In I lil." Ini iillly. '
Miia Mitgvio Mi-Arlliur ba bct'ii cnkiigcl
to ti in li tlm Mi.i.inoi' a. liool nt rilulloi'il.
Mi- .Mi Aithiir t.ui.;iil Hun a. huol luat win
ter, benrt' flic du, -a mil reel any U-ltt-r rcc
utuinnii'tiihil inn.
Miaa Ag,;in Mi Aithtu will li-iu h u achonl
near Ihinui-i'tH. where aim hua Inunlil be
(ore, liciiir llin pcui'lc of thai tliatriti are
taking no cliitili't-a tut baviitg a ai-htiul thia
Mi- Kulc I'li-tn will Ictuh her aciuiul
linn nf a' in ml ul Miiliiio urn! the people til
new Milt littvc jtil ciittae to licl it little bit
proud of mil' tiiiuici'iuia at'ltont InlrluTH,
Itiuclilni; Ihi ir Nt'iuiiil Inrma in Ilie anine
place. Snnitrv,
March :M,I,1.S'.1.
Mink Mullera
Thollci'iiiiiii Itt'dirincil clinri h tvtia crntvil
eil full lust Htiiuhty lo wilncaa Ihc enn llt'inii
liuti I ii ho nt lil'tccn chililttjii by Itcv. Hlanb.
Tint ceremony lit.' ted iibnul Ihrco Inmrs.
Mr. Win. Uticnlhi'i' reluiiicil hia acwing
machine lonnvo fiirtlior Ironbli', The S. M.
cinnpiiny nuw hnvc hi obi mitchinc, the
ni'iv line uml his tiulc, uml hu hut Icnrncil n
liwoti hu will mil anon forget.
Mr. l'riuik Miller Ibiind pur! of un cine
loiti. llu picked ll up ami thorn wan purl
of it li'llcr In it ; n I mi ti purl id n Idler in ll ;
also n purl nf a ten, ii live niul n two dollar
bill. The lcllt'i' wiim ntuit lttMr, C llorn-
slitlh by tint) of hia boya who mo working nt
ICtiMt l'ortluntl. JIcwiiai'xpccliiiKtholt'llwr'
The son htm tho oilier pitrta of tho letter
but IhcKt'oetilmi'liN have not yet been found.
Whoever has II. hud better return it uml
uvc I'tirlltcr tt'onbic, iih hc will lie Mircly
ft ii i I mil.
Mr. T. Iliill'y baa got a fur ttwny look in
Ills eye till on account of bin w ile leaving
him iiiicxpeelt'tlly, We hope he will repent
anil hu will return .
The llein icl boys arc clcmiiij; their fields
of rocka uinl nre buttling lliiini in tho county
road. It. iatlio comity court will compel
one mini to move hi. fence uinl ullmv an
other to haul rock In the road.
Would you please let u know through
Tint Kntkiii'Iiinb if school dial rlcis will have
In wail until next Aujtust before they will
gel money out of tho school fund, or will
III, re be it drawing this spring as usual?
Mtttehl'.'t. Uas.
Kiiirott Knticri'Iuhk: Hceing no items in
your paper Irom Ibis part of (lie county I
will send you u lew.
The Currin llros. have dehorned about
novenly-lie head of citttlo tho past week.
Mr. V, l' I'lilmntcer will soon leave for
his work nl. Grcsliaiu. Ho will rent his
plaeo near hole.
lion. John W. l'ulinatuer has been quite
indisposed for a few days.
Hovetal families hnvo located homesteads
on what is known as "hell's hull' acre." I
Tlif ('ri lKlimiiil lirotliera luivn iiIkiiiI ioih.
ilftti on. of lb. lineal rcaliliiniea tn (jar
field imi lni t.
Mr. (lt'orKe H. (lulfaliyliiiaiiioyitl bm k on
lila fai ii linn, ami Int. la-fn iii!i. nu-k lir
llircu tttiika Willi im ntlmk nf rliftiiiintUm
uinl "lairipii,"
Mr. V, lllioailfaliaari'iiliil Mr. II,
anu'a I'lai. niul w ill aomironiiuciiti' piittliiK
In Kriiin.
I 'linaidi rulile lnkuaa prevalla In tlila vl
l iiilly, ami ir, linlii-rila la keit bnay annul
IliK III. all k.
Mr. K, O. I'nliunti't'r will i t a neat re
lileni e In tho nnur filtiirn,
A I llin annual arliiml meellnK Iml'l In
Dlallli t Nil. IK, tlnorKU (J. Ottlnaliy waa
t'lti. led iliri" lor niul ukiilriiuiii of tin Imanl
of ijlriM lora, uinl Mr. Jay Hell waa HitIkI
rlrlinnl la In aea.luti Willi Mr. Km mu
Henry n lein lior,
I'uriiinra will Im lata Kt'HInx In tlnur grain
owiuy, In au in ui li ruin.
I'.ill aowu K'iln I. Kooil lit'n, ami I initi
al! IniTi'nai'i! ui'rriiK baa Ih'Oii aowu.
Mr, lieorne Currili la iloiK Komi bnil
lira w lllt liiaalora.
Wluit la tho inatler with t lie mall? tiro
Kou I lly aH'ia Ret her. un Kalunlay nr
M lay, lunli'inl uf Friday Ha lliey aliouM.
Mail your iaira an they will gel to (he
Kaat rorllanilollli oouTliuradny cvi'iiIiik for
llin Kaiilffreek mail route.
Mr. K. M. rovoy ami Miaa Anna Irvin
wure lunrrli'il lait witek, llnv, John W.
I'alinali'nr r f , r ; 1 1 1 1 1 n the rereuioiiy.
V t Pit.
Marrh ;'l, H!i,
I'lai kaniat
Npring haa conic und giirdcna are Ix-lng
The A. ll. I'. W.urc luklng atepa to bullii
a hull.
Mr, liutula atnl family aK'iil a lew data
1 1. -1 week vi.illng at Mr. Clurk'a
Mr. Wi li-ter baa been iuiprotiug hi place
by aellitig out frnll Ireea.
Miaa Mollle TalU'rt came home fnun
Portland, Iridity evening. Hhw relurned
'I l, in i U hi Ntrilu relurned from east ol the
moiiiilaiua Monday.
8. H.Mlliald Inia alurlcd a hull her ahnp III
town. A ahop wtia tiiuih nce'leil here.
The I'lai kauiita linpniveinent A'n iniiuii
paatl rtiaoliiiliiua giving him Ibeir aupimrl.
Mia Ih llii (ibiver, who baa Ik'Hii viaitiug
al Mr. liiliaoti a fur acvcral week, returned
lo Kngle ('reek ri.tlurday, aicouipanied by
Mta. (iibtuti,
M r. Mat, uf llin Marine baud of IVirthniil ,
paid a vtail to the t'lai knutaa band lat Nat
urday ci.tiing
licv. V. lluiiviin I alnpplng at I'urk
I'lacc, uiting Mr. in the store,
while Mr. Waabliiirii has gone eal of the
A, W. Hill, our bin. kauilih, met with a
painlul ai i i'lciit Monday. While filing a
plow the lile broke, call-lug Ida bil'id to hit
agiiiiial 1 1 if sharp plow, aphltitig one of In
linger from the etui lo the ttrt joint.
II. II. Mi liiiirc A Co., n! Portland, have
purt haat'd I'JH acre of land o( Marion John
aon and laid it olf in five acre trai ts to aell.
.'"1'he ll ll nil. in vim 1,1 I hi triict la Clark A Ml A
I lrk II uill belli In Ihuoii Chu kaina
MtiiKirn. Man-h II, at Oregon City, Mr.
Harriet Ilitvall and (icorge Wood. The
hoys galhere l in the eveuiugaml cblvcraicd
them. Mr. Wood Irtutcd Ihe boya lo cigars
bit Wi'lncailay. (ivr.
March iX
falrvlew Itenn.
'Hie I'liirticw wheel is slid revolting.
Mi Cord a auwitiill i busy sawing mil lim
bers lor a new houae, which Mr. Hunter is
gulug in erect immcdialtly, huving sold Hie
rial ealiitii where his home waa.
Frank Jnggt-r is busy asaeing Ihe -ehonl
ilitru I at Unit place.
Mr, Howard litis been grafting sonic prune
fruit foes on his farm. Thai is right. Fruit
pats b. llnr than wheal.
Nome ol the boys tried lo play ghol with
ft certain young fellow here, one night not
long ago. lie had walked home with hi.
avticlhcart, uinl coming buck, awing some
thing w hile llapping In Ihe wind by the side
of the road, went up to it and found sheet
lied lo ll, climb ofn live. The owner of the
sheet will Iiml Ihc same ill Mr. Howard's
I'lea-e cmie and cliiim It.
The coyotes arc milking Ihe woods utoiind
here ring wilh Ibcir hideous xelpinu. lint
long since they visited Ihe hen house ol
(leo. Wtililrun and got o'l with a few hens.
Mr J. K. liraham has already been on
the roads this year willi his line black horse.
There are sonic of us busy sow ing grain
wilh Ihe hopes nf harvesting a good crop.
Mn. Kalon, who hits been so lung sick, is
slowly Improving, Splash.
March :'4, IM'.U.
Km rntt Kntkhi'Iiisk: 1 suppose nearly
all ol vottr leaders have heard of Missouri
ridge -not Missionary ridge, although il is
almost na famous as a buttle ground as that
historic livid.
For I'eiir some uf them may not know just
where il is located, I wll inform tbeni Unit
il Is a suburb nf Willioit Hprings, situated
on Ihe wkst aide nt that fainour resort, and
Is inhabited principally by a race of semi
barbarians formerly from Missouri; hence
tho name. These Missourians tiro all la
limits warriors, and don't know the war is
over; and so in order to keep up the tnarlial
spiri In the risltiR generation they indulge
In periodical pitched battles, In which Ilie
wenpons used are bad whisky, clubs,
knives, or any other weapon which llrst
conies lo hand Tho result of these bat
tles Is a lew bruises, a long trial, a big billof
costs for the county to pav, and a truce on
the rldero until the next spree. II used to
be said thai it was a custom among tht Mis
Hourinns when funds ran short and limes
were hard, tn gel into a row, make tin arrest
or two, subpoena the whole neighborhood
as wilncsscs, pocket tho fees, anil then pence
and plenty reigned lor a time. The last lit
tie pleasantry occurred at the house of Mr.
(Icorge Wyhintl a few nights ago, where a
dance being in progros w hisky Howed freely,
as a result of which a light occurred between
Mr. Wyliind and a young man by filename
of Thomas, when Thomas inserted a knife
Into Wylund's side nnd then skipped for the
brush, where he still remains.
Now, wo propose to present a petition to
the county court, asking them to supply the
deliizens of Missouri ridge with a barrel of
whisky, a few tlosten howie knives and
revolvers, order nil otlicors off duty for a
lew days, and let them enlor upon a war of
exlcumiitalion. Or if Ihe county court
thinks best we will bctilion fhegenertil gov
ernment to send us the remains of Sitting
Hull's gang, similarly equipped, and locnte
them on the ridge, thus settling Ihe Indian
question and the Missouri ridge question nt
tho same time,
I suppose if It should be known who
wrote this I would have a head put on me
the llrst time I apponrod in public so big
that I could not gel my shirt olf; so for fear
Biimcthlug might happen plcau don't tell
any on. who wrolc litis, but Just auy it wn
aigiuiil by Km Cahthk,
I'. H. For fear aome one intiv lake oU'ense
I will Just uy that all of Ihe residents nf
the rldg. are not of the kind dcac rlhed. Ho,
(o mold any haul fi-eliuga all who feel thai
my description doea not apply to litem need
not Im oU'ended, while those who feel that II
doc apply will have lo grin and bear it,
lleniemlK'r, we live In Itiiascllvlllc, hast
of Huilu Hprings. K. c,
Msriiiam Itfini.
Wm lher clear and line.
Farmers tire busy sowing th"ir spring
grain as Ihe wcitlher peiinilts.
'I here was an Alliance Ix'cltire in town on
last Tuesday and a large crowd was pres
ent coii'iiderlng Ihe busy times
Them will be railroad meeting held at
Wllholt Hprings on Kalunlay the 21 h at
1 o'clock p. m,
II. H. Hcolt says If no one will help him
hc will build the ruud himself lo llnwu's.un
the lino of the Oregonioii U. It. and tlurt
huleni will conned a road wilh his.
J. Pktkii.
Ollr:;) AT IIIC AI.O.
Fifty Thousand Whir Will he KuUed
hy the Stale.
Thorn la no question hut Unit Oregon
will he reprosented at (hu World's fair
lo he held in Chi, ago in Isj'.i:!, notwith
standing Ihe late legislature refused to
appropriate any sum whatever for thai
purpose. A coininittet) upKiintei re
cently hy (he slain board of agriculture,
consisting !, Mayor Van llel.iihliniuH, of
Portland; J. T, Apperson, of Oregon
rilv; U.S. I), liuick, of Itosolimv; V.
K. Matlock, ol Pemllclon, and Mr. Simp
son, ol Sinslaw, took charge of Ihe mai
ler ami called for a inci ting which was
held in Portland last riulunlay. Only
threti of llin members presented them
selves nt the mayor's, ptivatu ollice at li
o'clock in the afternoon, Mcss-h. Mat
tock and Simpson wero unavoidably ab
sent. Multnomah, it w ill hesuiMi, will have to I
slaml nearlyjialf Hit) bur loll, but there
will be iioiiminai fr,,i tbia cuoiitf m,r i
w ill there Isi Irom any other county in
flic slate, so the coiniuitiee bclieven. j
Ami there should not be. llin com
mittee considers that the foll.niW) sub
scribed will be hut a loan. The lad
legislature negliTt"d lo lii ikt) nppropii.i
tioii, but i-ainiidiiles lor tilt) next legis
lature will Ih given to iinderstan l
the stuns adviuiced bv lint dill'iTi-nt
counties for world's fair purposes niiisl
Ik- refunded. It issiuiplva guaranteed
(uml (or which Ihe stale of Oiegou will
Imi called upon to stand good. There
is no doubt, according lo expressions
advanced by the committee, that the
next legislature will not only allow this
fr'iD.ikK), but, us il meets somo months
belote the opening of Ihc exposition,
will see the necessity of pulling up more
money, so that a display inferior in no
w.iv li) either thai ol W;i-liingt in or
Cnltlorniu can be made.
The meeting was a highlv enthu-iaslic
one and stirring remarks were made by
MaMir IVl.anhinul!, Apperson and
Ituick, and it was unanimously agreed
uin ibat (oll.lHK) was a sullicient sum
for all purposes, anil in -order to rniso
this amount, it was decided that the
connnitlee should prepare an address to
the cotnmi-sioners ol eacl, count v in me
atnle, asking their co-operation, and also
that ul all boards ol trades, public and
private lushes and the good will support
ol all public spirited citizens, and that
they be requested to select delegates,
not to exceed live, from each county, to
meet it, this oil v on Juno 15 (Pioneer
lav) for the luirrosit of considering the
bel w iv of iicshu needed funds and to
lecide upon the best manner of adver-
Using the slate. The committee hetiev
ml tl.eie should be no ililliciuty in
raising Ihe 5-.),0l0. .Mr. Appetson has j
taken the trouble lo consult assessment j
rolls, nnd llnd that Multnomah county!
would be Inxe l proportionately, f Jl'.O.Hl
and Clackamas fl.'sHKl.
lliiseliall Season.
Th) Poilland P..tseb:ill Club is now
pi iclically complete, ninl no more men bo signed except those who have
acci'l'tt'il icrnts nut nine inn ;u u.iu
opportunity lo put their autocr.ipli tut
t ic contract. Tom and ".) iggs" I'arrolt,
Ihe old Portland favorites, were signed
by Manager lilenalvin Saturday, and
litis gives the a full complement of
mm. Tom is signed us a pitcher, and
ib., obi familiar c;v will be head Ibis
year as of yore" Watch Tomy plav
the game." Tom is a good pitcher
No one will deny that, and being a hu
nnin, his ap eataiuv in Ilie box will
always arouse the enilinsiutn of Portland
eiaiiKS. "Jiggs" will plav thiol, and he
will do it in good shape, too. lie has
always been a side inlielder, and his
throwing has earned him many a ova
lion from Him bleachers. Not only can
lie throw with roumrkabli' accuracy and
swiftness, but he is a good Holder, and
if the ball comes an vw hero within reach
he is nttnnst certain lo gdt it. Tom
I'arrolt, Woodworth and Lawson will be
carried through the Benson, and the
Portlands will leel no weakness in the
box. Tuliv and I.vtle will catch ; Mothz
will ho found on first ; Ghmalviu on
second; Parrah, shortstop ;.liggs Parrot!
on third; George, in right field;, Hot.,
in center Held; and Wcstlako m left
Hold These men will open tho season
and ptohablv finish it for they will
make a strong team. They will ho able
to cope with i.nv foe. The Oregon City
ciuh will ho in The Held this sotson, and
will play with their usual success. It
will he remembered that they were
victorious on several occassions msr,
season .
How IVopIo IHsriiIsc Themselves.
Most of us hide behind disguises.
Some do it innocently, from shyness.
They shrink from slnnding in naked
personality before tho world. So they
cloak themselves in mannerisms. Usu
ally there are lonely souls which brood
l....,,un1enu ThllS ill isolated
f,,.b,.s..s. whither Hi.) poets semi us
(or the simplicities of nature, one is
likely to Hud more aH'cclalions and
tricks of manner than in our city dwell-!
'"tIio nflei'tatioii of a quality, of an ac
complishment, is a covert roguery.
Tho overt rogue, picks your pocket in
his game of hitlo-untl-seek with society.
But tho man who would win your esteem,
ad mi nil ion, alloetion, confidence, by ap
pearing to be what ho is not, is a rogue
so subtle that he often ends in deceiving
There is tho sweet infantile creature
who simpers and writlusH, and drops her
chin to look up from under her lashes,
and uses alt nianniir of guile to show you
how guileless she is. Theieis the strong;
minded woman who talks in chest tones,
is always positive, and holds advanced
opinions on all points borrowed opin
ions, since the strength of hor mind is
not in the direction tf originating any.
There are the ignorant people who uf-
tent culture
This sort of dishonesty gulls only tlm
dullard. Such atleclat'ions are open
advertisements of poverty, since no one
affects what ha possesses. - Harper's
Biuar. B
finder Hswn !
from The Ladles Home Journal,
ilieuk brightly, glorious Raster mum.
Now Unit the wintry days are pi,d;
And so deny, with splendid scorn,
That Karlh Is haggard, old uinl deail!
A in it lion -mil I Jon emeruld spears
Hise to proclaim her ever young;
And bark I her ever youthful years
On lily lu lls are sweetly rung.
O, freely awing and grandly swell,
Ye church tower bells, with merry din;
The shadows from our souls cxl.
And lei the light of love conic in!
Ilieuk brightly, glorious Knsler morn,
Into these gloomy hearts of ours!
That they, too, may this day adorn,
And shed a 'rfuuie like Ihe flowers,
( Hpltiil A ipl (iirlatlniia.
The Oregon slate capital and grounds
will ji-l f!M,KKI. For utting on the
doino fjfjO.fiOO Is appropriated. It will
lie a steel and glass dome, of the latest
and most approved pattorn, anil very
For putting in ft heating apparatus
throughout tlm building ffl.lMKI bus been
appropriated. This will do away with
forty-two stoves and a quarter of a mils
of Hlnvn-pipe in the big building, and
add much to the comfort and safety
Ten thousand dollars is provided foi
remod din i llin hall of the house, cutting
oil committee rooms, up stairs and down
on the smith nnd, and improving the
iicotihliis materially.
The sum of jf H.nWi will n used in pro
viding the building willi lire protec
tion. Four thousand dollars was made
available hy llu legislature) to continue
Hut work ol improving and bcnulifying
the giouuds, so well begun
A new ruuf will bo put on the big
building, for which there is appropri
ation of L'lXKI.
Forfeited Lands.
At !i o'clock, Friday morning, March
HI, tho rush at the Vancouver land of-
lice for the forfeilt
1 Northern I'aeilic
lan,I. commenced
Two hundred men
stood in double lile hclore the door of
th land ollice, ami I bore was a steady
ru-li until -1:11(1 in the afternoon. One
bundled nnd forty seven homestead en
tries, sixty lumber applications and
forty-three cash applications were made
during tlio day, and f2S00 received.
Forty -five entries were disposed of the
following day, which wound up all the
forfeited lands in that district.
Vkoltaiilks Wantkd. Farmers wish
ing to make contracts for ruising Cu
cumbers, Tomatoes, Onions and C'auli-
I How er w ill find it to lie lo their interest
to can on or correspond tauii uie iui
land Preserving Co., Portland, Oregon,
Comer (Itli and 1) St.
Seed Potatoes!
A well selected stock of Early Rose,
Burl oi n ks and (iarnacbillies for sale at
Hed Front Grocery and Crockery House
Oregon City. Fresh Garden ,','''HJnjil.
uriived. ." ie?fi"
.f. P. Croaker, of the Mountain
Piluir Meat market, is doing quite a good
business and is slid incieasing, notwith
standing the dull season and the very
extraviigetit advertisements that have
appeared. Last week was tho lsest
one since Im canio here. The choicest of all kinds is kept con
silium- on luuut at moderate prices.
( urn bcel, l ickleil pork, Hams, lsacon,
I.nrd, I, utter, F.'gs, et,
J. P. Ckockkk.
Notice for Final Settlement.
Noiico is hereby given Hint I have filed
in the county court of the county of
Clackamas, for the stale of Oregon, my
!inai ro ort as administrator of Ihe es
tate of Joseph Floi erne, deceased. All
pci sons are hereby notified to appear in
said court and make objections lo said
report on Monday, thel'tllli day of April,
lSlU, and tile objections to said report if
any they have. A. M athkh.
Admini dralor of Ihe estate of Joseph
Florence, deeooscd. 3:2i) 4:17.
i ...
I Mo'tlee to Iiiidgc Iiullilers.
lliils will ho received by tho county
court of Clackamas county until noon of
Thursday April, !th, 18H1' for the erect
I ion of a in iiigo across Ahemathy creek
j on tho Jones extension of Morton road,
length :.''; ft; width lli ft. clear; heigth
about HU It.
P.idders to furnish plans nnd strain
diagrams. Guarantee deposit of 1 6th
of bid required. Kight to reject any or
all bi'.ls reserved.
11. II. Johnson,
County Clerk.
All parties indebted lo the firm of
(ioo. lUt ker & Co., of the Ked Front
Grocery, Oregon City, nre hereby re
quested to settle up nt oneo as the money
is needed to re-establish our business.
Promptness in the matter will greatly
aid ns and save further trouble to all
Geo. Pikkkb a Co.
i t Oregon City.
Is catarrh, nnd there is hut one prepara'
tion that does cure that disease, and
that is the California Positive and Neg
ative Klootric Liniment. Sold hy J. 0.
Clark, it also cures neuralgia, rheuma
tism, headticlio, sprains, burns, and all
pain. Try it, and tell vour neighbor
whore lo got it. Sold hy
K. G. Caipikld, Druggist.
Onr Candid Advice.
It is seldom that we appear in the
roll of spiritual advisor or family hysi
ciiiu, but there are times whm, "fnnl
justified in calling tho attention of our
'""' subscribers
to an nrticln nf Irn.l
merit. Wo fool instilled in saving that
Mooros Kovealed Hemedv 'contains
more actual merit than any medicine
it has ever been our good fortune lo
test One trial bottle will make you as
enthusiastic ns the writer. For sale by
nil druggists.
The Pulpit ali the stage.
,,1i!'v!I1l,11, 8,l,0llt' I'HHtor of the
United Hret iron Church, P.luo Mound,
says: I eel it my du,y to telU'M
rviuuTiH jt. Jvlim'H Nfxn- TV; 1...TT
done for me . My lungs wore hadlv dis
eased and my parishioners thought I
could hvo only a few weeks. I took five
bottles oll)r. King's Discovery and am
weight'1" EiiiiK '-'t' pounds in
Arthur Love,. Manager I.ovo's Funny
Folks Combination, writes: "After a
thorough rial and convincing evidence,
I am confident Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, boots "em all, and
. .".e.n "' "ytliing else fails. The
I o i m.!ss 1 can do my many
H,0"!',mlJ r is to urgo them to try
I .," . . bottle8 a' ' 1Iard"
s drug store. lto.ular 60c. and