The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 20, 1891, Image 4

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    If" .. i .
'3 !
ShiuiisIs St uiiio Hill No ;-,, 'rtsil
lie SIvttTiith illoiinlnl SoshIuh r
the Oiyk'MI Legislature touinenil
tlu ( luntor of Oivirou I'll).
I'llis is UII Mvt o InCOtpt'lulC till! fity
of "OtVfjmi City"' mill to lepeul till iii'ta
mid aits of AiMh in iMtitlu-l therewith,
Anait to iiuonioiiilo Onyou t'ilv
I'lfst'd the Hons,', .l;n, U, IX'iO, Hllil
parsed tlu council Jam. 17, l.W; tin not
to dcllnc the powers and limit the liiihil
ity of Oregon City, approved Oct. LW
lSoti, also, an act tiled in the otlice of the
neervtary of Httilo, l'eli. i.'f, 1SH0.
Section 1. That no much of the county
et I'lackHiuaa ill the itt of Oregon
an is known the Oivuon City claim,
the same heiiii! also known as the dona
tion hind claim of lr. John McLaughlin
Ik ntiil tno same is lierehy constitutcil a
city corporation to he known hy the
nunio ami style of Oregon I'ity.
Section 2. The inhabitants of Oregon
I'ity shall he anil they tiro lierehy con
(.tinned a ttody politic ami corporate in
tact ami in law, ami are doclaivd to be a
municipal corporation hv the name ami
style ot "Oregon i'ity'" ami hy such
name shall have perpetual succession,
shall contract ami ho contracted w ith,
sun ami ho sue I, implead and he im-
defend and be defended
coiintv purposes.
:'. The council shall
Hiithoiicd to do so hy a majoiity of the
elei tors ol .ml town, voting at any ebc
tion held lor that purpose under the di
rection of the city council, to levy a spe
cial I ts in addition to the Ium author
ircd to he collected hy vittue of this act.
for any pu-pose or purposes; hut puhlic
not he ol such election, the object there
of, the amount reouirod (or such pur
po. or purposes, slndl he given as pro
vided in section 1,1 ol this act
, . the sf reels mid to punish those w ho
have power, il 1:l!i ,.iN UO til lt.1' III lll-.llllllit IllH'tlOllkl
I'ihiii loainliig the stieets lit unreason
able houra
e. 'I'o preenl the eiTclioii nl hiuld
inn williin Hie chy limits which shall
be diinoioii In passer hy, or to adja
cent pioperty, and in case any building
on any public street shall become danger
ous the council shall have power to
can no the sumo to he removed or made
safe at (he cipi'iiso of the propeily,
such eMiise snail ronslilule alien on
I'o license, lax and regulate aiic- it, .iroperty,
he collected in
aiKOKsmelHs for
111), I Hllll i
Honors, ti'.ivelleis, iiiuinuieis, comnier-
mil traveiery. tne neiiiug oi goons uy ,ln,,.i improvements,
sample I aw kern, pedlar and paw n hrok- j TortMiilute Iho election mid
ers, hotel and hoarding house run-ieis miiintaiiiiin,'e of electric uppliam en.
and to define what shall constitute the ;n, t'nncernii'g real estate sold for
same, and to license, regulate, and laxes or iiiiirovemenlH.
strain all oll'ensive trade and oceupa- , i, ..Hl I l im 1 1 mid rcuulato the
fees and conipensntioii ol all ollhers of
4, I'o license, tax and regulate nl 1 1
wheeled vehicles,
ft. I'o license, tax ami regulate wharf
ingers, junk dealers and dealer in sec
ond hand merchandise; to license, tax,
regulate and restrain harroins, drink
shops, theati ical and other exhibitions,
shows, public atnusemeiils, billiard tab
les or anv tables w here halls and cue are
! used, shooting galleries and howling al
lies; and to suppress bwudv houses,
this municipal corporation.
llil To provide, for the punishment of
a violation of any ordinance of the city
hv hue or Imprisonment, not exceeding
fotHI, or IH'diiys or hoth.orhv a lorleitine
or penalty not exceeding aa.HI, and foi
woikingany person sentenced to such
imprisonment, upon the streets, public
sipiaies or in work Iioiincs nr houses of
correction, during the lei in thereof, and
to provide for the punishment of any
pleaded, defend and be defended in all i mn. i Inns aiithoiuiin anv utile
courts of justice and in all actions, suits ! ,,, ( i a. kantus coiintv to grant tavern
and piiHtvdings whatsoever; may pur-j 0r :i-cerv licenses, shall apidv to pcr
chase, lease, hold and receive property, vending li.piors within the limits of
real and personal, within and la-yond j ,,,,id ,.,lv, and provided further that no
the limit of tho city for public sipiaies, iiir,i,. j,,,- ,u, ,,(,, i Honor shall W is-
parks, cemeteries, hospitals, prisoners i mA i.,r .. ..S!i H, UM tl, mnounl uro-
gaming and gambling House, places ,,, s,,u l,(,n,.,,, t(l i,,,ii,,oninent who
M'l'i ioi Miioking opiiiiii, huh p'xi" : shall relilse to woik when oiileieil.
smoking, and punish inmates ot bawdy j ;i7 To licence and regulate all such
houses, houses ol ill fame, keeper - i HUiii:.s, rn,U mul improvement the
places kept lor smoking opium and M'- j itlIU- ttttiv reipiilii lobe licensed
urn smokers, Providing that no laws or ,., ,,,lli,. ;,, ... not imihlhitcd
hv law.
aueceosor mo sooner iiiilnlnd and
Hiuililleil, Tho uiavor, muiulicrs of Ihe
couuell, lieiisuior and iis-eMrnr now In
oHicn shall hold tlieli le-pecllve ollices
tlillll theli' suicimiois iiuder Ihbi act
shall be elected ami tpuilillcl,
Sections I III lefcrs to the tepeiil of net
nieiiliouc l at tho coinuiem ul of this
Section 111, Inasmuch us the day
llxed for the regular eleciion under this
Act unit I lie lonuer chatlcr nl Uh'i'oii
l ily is Ihe liist Monday in Mnv of each
vear, mul us the that elei tion w Ml oci lir
In less Hutu id ,avs horn the aiouoval
of this Act, il Is hncliv ppoldcd Hint
this Act shall tiike i ll. i t and be in force
from and ullcr its apinval hy the governor.
IIMI.I II l V Mi All
VH'M'C ' ft
Net ' '
It all III,,
.him- i. I
If.-I l, il. 1 1
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ilI'M-: :l, l'.,i.
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en ,,l
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union vmvw.
el I'l-iii ,1,-1. ,
li.ili, ,i. Hili
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''Ill' ' "I
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.'.. 1 1 ll..l,lllll
lull, U nil. -I
till Ml, I ,tll
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"II.- I it-Ill hit -M'l I
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lo'lie Ioi' I'lllllll'llll"".
I'M I I.I, HI t I I n 1.1 '-'Il ill I Ii I
Oi i'u, ,u i ll in , , o-i i i i
Nu'l id; l Iii.,,-i,v uii h in i i t
It II II III" l,'t UllllHh llf P t "I I -IM
i I .1 ii llf -I, ,, I-, illll, -, "Ail ,i,. I, I lit., -.
1 1 III lie l' In I ill i, III I In' S I ill en ul I ' 1 1 1 N -1 i , I .i , 1 1 1 -Ni-viuhi,
nli'l t iinlillikh-u 'I i-l i II- ! i .
H alii l 1.1'ull,
el I'i-i I lilll'l, i-Mliul , ,,l M a It at III ill
II--I, It i" Mil. il-iy llli-.l III HO
. I'll- lilt.
I It,- III I
1,1. , n
ul lit'
i m VM vsx tan
n hi
..It ,,h-
. I -
0 111 II-. ,,
. O - l',i- -liil i-l I'.. in, in, ,
W . I Il t-l Hi mill., Vi nrlilnit
"I I', i ll ii. I. l u.-t'.-ii,
- t -"it t it ,, n,l i ,, i p.,-1 1 tin,
l i",l ltt li (iii'-ii. , ia I, In
tint. ,.llti mi ui I ;,1,
h, I . 'I .1 ; Al'l'l liSliN.
I.'.'iil lei .
woiKitouses, pest house and water
woiks and for anv other proper mi l
legitimate, municipal purposes ; and may
erect necessary public building and
works thereon; and may enclose, orna
ment and improve the same, and may
take private property within the coro-r-.i
to limits for public use, ami w itbin and
beyond the corporate limits for public
use, and within and beyond tho corpo
rate limits tor the purpose of supplying
the city with water ami protecting said
city from tire or H'stilence; and may
lease, sell or dispose of any of the des
cribed property for the benefit of the
city, and shall have and use a common
Section ;!. Tho power and authority
given to the municipal corpoiation ol
vided hv tho general law of the state
ll. To make regulations to pievent the
iutioihui ion of contagion diseases in the
city, or remove persons alHU'ted with
such tliseases there'rom to suitable hos
pitals provided by the city for that pur
pose. I'o secure the protection of per
sons and property within the city and to
provide for the health, ornament, Hace
and good order of the city.
7. I'o provide and punish trespass
upon real and personal properly.
,K To provide for lighting the street
of ihe city, ami furnishing electric or
other lights.
To provide for the support, re
straint, punishment and employment of
vagrants and paupers.
Id. In prevent and remove nuisiuuvs
Oregon City by this act, is vested in a and to declare hv general rules what slutll
Mayor and council and their succcssoi i constitute the same, and to maVe the rx
in otlice to be exercised in a manner to : (H.nn, ,,( ,,,atuig the nuisance a lieu upon
be here in alter prescribed. i Ihe piopcrtv when such nuisance exist-
Section 4. Tor the purpose of iiiunic- f,,
ip.ll representation, Oregon I'itv is here- j ,, lnlil, ,,
by d.vuled into wo wards designate, ,,liu k, ,. v,.r nMV HtaK'unt water
and hounded as !lows: W ard .No. 1 . ,taIllis lllh, , make the cost thereof a
shall coiupnse all that portion of the ,,ut ,
c ty Iving mul being south and west of , , ,n , ' , llr,,inil,(,
the loliow ing described line, to-wit: i ,t -,, , ( .i.
I'ominem ing at the center of rieventh
street at tho Willamette river and run- I
lii'.g '.hence easterly to the intersection
of said Kleventh street with center -street,
thence southerly along I 'cuter !
street to its intersection with Kighth
street; thence ea-terly along Kighllr
street to the iioimdary line of the city.
Ward No. 2 shall comprise all that poi-j
tion of the city lying north and east of
said above described line. j
Section No. T The mavor shall lie i
elected for two ye irs, and shall hold his!
otlice until lus successor be elected and !
quahlied. i
Section ii. The members of the .
council shall be elected tor two years
and shall hold their ollices until "llieiri
successors me elected and ipialilied ; j
Pkovikkh that at the liist
under this charter two members shall ,
be elected from each ward to serve-oiiei
year and two members to serve two!
years, and thereafter two tiieii.bers shall
bo elected anntially from each w ard. -
Section 7. There shall be elected or:
appointed a hereimiltor provided, a re- !
Cor lor, an assessor who shall he col tec-1
tor. a treasurer, attorney, street superior I
tendent, superintendent of water works i
and surveyor, who shall he otlieers of
"'tbi ' municipal corporation. The
assessor and treasurer shall he elected
for one year by the ipialilied voters of
tl i corporation as hereinafter provided
and shall hold their otlice tir til their
successors are elected and qualified.
The recorder shall be elected hv the
council the votes of a majority of all the
members there constituting the council j
being necessary to elect; he shall hold j
his oUt- e dining the pleasure of the j
council. attorney .street superin
tendent, superintendent of water works
and surveyor shall he appointed by the
mayor with the consent of a majoiity of
the members of the council, and they
shall hold their ollices until their suc
cessors are appoint and ipialitietl, lia
ble however, to be removed at any time
by the mayor and council, for malfeas
ance, in attendance or incompetency.
Section 8 The city council may from
fiirtp tit limp niirwtiiili.fl an,,!, .tlwe u,,l.
;tH To borrow' money on the faith of
the citv or to loan Ihe to edit thereof,
and to this end may issue bonds of ihe
city to the amount 'of ,IO,lilO, uml no
nioie. Sail bond to hear not more
than six per cent, interest, mid to run
not more lliitii twenlv ycais iii bonds
shad tie taxable the same as other
pmi ci t y in the state.
Hit To a'propii.tle money to piv, liabilities and exieuatmcs of the
ciiy or any inirt.thereol limn anv fund
applicable therefore.
4U I'm Ihe construction of ditches,
canals, sewei etc.
-41. I'o make all needed regulations
lor the prevention and extinguishment
of fires, and for the preservation of
property exposed to danger in tin e of
tire, and to appoint all ollicers reipiired
for such pin noses ; and to establish nod
maintain a the department.
IL'. To make bylaw, rules uml
legulations and ordinances not icpug t to the constitution ami laws ol the
1'uded States, or of the slate of Oicgon,
iiecessatv lo carry into cli'oct the pio
visious of the ehm te r, and generally do
all things w Inch a city corporation can
or ought to do to secure" he ilth, H'iice
mid interest of the citizen of this i or
. .nation, and to piesi'lte good order
within the same.
Section lift provide that the power
mi. aullioritv given the council hv st c
Tin ins lor Ihe Kant leave I Vi I la lid, 7 :HI
A M. ami tMM I'. M.
TIPkFTQ In loci bum irhul,.l puliiln
IIUIlli in ii,,, tiin,, slum, ( 'nun, In
mul KUiitja.
f ' Veal Dking FiiliH'ii Curs.
Iiiiiiniii fiilace Mi'i'ii-rs,
VllV.V. CtU.OMST Sl.l'Id'INii t'Al!
run Through on KxpirssTiuiiiM
,x' St. I.OUIS
ttiiuoi i en t Mil;.
fltmo Oolilli-f llitll n at I'orllull.l ter Suit
t'li'iil Allil I'-tl'i't Siitlllil it.f Ittm.
Kur ttinlii.r i trtleiil.irii lit.iiliu nl hii)
ot Itui l't.iiiioiy er
T. u - i.i: i;.
... I. A T. A
i'cl Ihillil. Ill i f nit
o. n. iir.i,i.i:-v.
J -ll'l II II II II U ft'.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
MM IIA.Mii: ni'CAItSi
i IM i-l If 1 mi. urn s I-. :i, n, ,n
Ao(i lot' I'tllillfiitioll.
1' s 1 1 1- i- t-i 1 1 ; I, l si, IO..IH I;
i'i'-.,,.,t I lit. ii),, i -t-l, iu
1 1 tt Hi tt in i uiii li in,, i.
.ul Hi I ,-( .--.I, ,'.,-. ,,
I "Aii it- I l,,i Hit- .ih- ,. lint
0, . ,, l',lh,(, i, uii'ki-ii,
,-'t,'tl I ,-, l it,, i
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M, 1-111,-1,1 lit, h ,l' l,f
,lny llil , 111 M;0
N,-i l li, it-iiv
! II llil III.- I ,1-1 I I -I
j Jllllf il l-I- -II 1 1 1 1 .-
1,1-1' I iihU, Ol llio mi
Ni-t,,ili,.iii, w,.i,i
' t im,,
t I'.'lll Ol'l ,- ,.-
I lltt-itull leu, llo
1 .11 ul II tU-lt in Su -in.,, (,,,
lln- u ' , li , ' , -t,, I. i. I nn-1
I'J.iu luii u-.iit. No i, h,,,iu, i, im, ,. :i
i ,i.,-l mil fiiut i ( in hiiuit in ,i ii,
j .,-tiultt l III, ,i- 1 i,,l., 1. 1 . iii,l. ,,
; Hi ui i,.r pni!,, ,., , ,ii,, i,,
llhli hi- I'l-uiii In n ,-,, I ,u. l-i Hi,, i,,
i in,, 1 1 1't-i-HiM i. i iiih i -in, ,, ,u i a , ... ,,i i e i
, . I'" M'.ii'l 'i . Ilu V"ll, it n -,( M ot li, I .il.
Mi-lions in ii t'tii-....- Wnllir s ,-tl. ,1,-rtv
I'll'- im, v llluiM 'l..n,i ul t,iiili,,. (in-
, ,,li If ,',li Iti.i ilt-itii, ,, .11
Am iithl nil u. i-I.iiiii'i,,: t.t . i lv Ihi,
uii,, i, . .Ii-ht-ril.i -I idii-l- -in- ri'.tii--ii-.l l.i Iff
llii'lt i-inlii, in n, I- i, i!u ,- i, i, i ii, (..,, ..iij :,iii
tin ul II ,,, I, l-. , ,i.- umS.
I hl.tleriitail S.i, .'I ,i
' , ll ii ' , 'tll, l' ', ul - i, i, i.t -,l .' it '-" tl- ll., N (, 'in, illi, l of i- ',-, -. i- i I --.ul I- . ,..,,( ,i alum m il ll,, I . ,i, . I i,
lllllliil'll, iul- Ul. tlllilil-r i,' Hi !i ol l-U
i iilliinil itii, mul It, i -ioi! I, In , i I i
il'l l o., I l'-,!l, Ilu. r. ill ' . hi, -I -.
Illlt fill,',, I l,-i-,i l it V, HI , f.i tl-ilfl -.
il'itli tin i.t Miin li, s, . '
llf If nil,--, -t , It l i't,i IV S i, , ,.,,,
II, -lf I, Inn 1 I.. I',, II, I, ft j ',il I !n H,l. , -I, ' '
V, . Mlnllll f Hiiil I It", V : I , 1 1 1 1 1 " I II
Any uii. I ,tll ,-ii..,iii it,iluili,ii ,fli, i ,-!,
Hill, If ,1,-M-l I-, I l, 1 1, l I, -,,l-., -I .
Ihi-lr i I Hun, In llil'i fllfi, ,ui in l .luii Hi
tin nt Man h, -,.t, J I. Al'l'l l:si
I '.'il ,'I-.'V. I,-.. llMi. ACT ,11',', i'. :t, 1. ',',.
Colli e lop I'nlilii ndi.ii.
t ' N 1 1 i-1 1 Hi 11 1 I .1 M-1 1 . I, 1
lllll-'uuS l l I I , III , It'-l I' . I'' -I.
S'fllt c In hf ifl-v sit i a ll, il In i- lui-l
ti Illi Ilu, ui, i l.l i I lit,, ,i nl l .a.- ii-
.lio.ii a. I'-Vs, cm ll li-i "An m i ,,i II 1 1
n r u i.i i ! Vi if uu ti n
, .5. r MVfrEiV
- , iMI'nll.l' .i to t A P l'!-0 't I ! I
""D I A
W:slr!irs Jnvolry, Clocks iiiid
ail (jjootls.
1. 1 i -.10, r
l i-n it.. i i .
ll- ,i. I lul.f ,,(
hi ' eel 1. .11 ,S,i.
,- :l !,
j tllttlifl Inn, In III Hut i.t -i f
Ni-i mill, nit, I V to til ul lu
I ef I'liithout, t my nl Mtilliu-ii.-ili,
. Illrtil, lei. II, in ,-iv III, .1 In llil. ..I
I il fl II -I'.l, -in, in No ,il -, i,r (lie ,,o,
j llil' . 11 I , tl iv i , nit, I 1,,U ,1 it li .1 I ,,t it-,-:
j .', III tioi it,l, ,N,i. ii hoIii I,, in,,. S',, ;t ,
' III i.ltrl- ,lf,,t I, - le, IV Hull Ilu- Intel
i tllf If lilhfil.!l. I, a II. I.liilii-I- ,. .i-.ti.- II
i Ituitfiilluntl l,,it,, km-, ntiil I,, i-.tiil.l
j i-l lllll In mhi l.ilfl l et,,).) II, e I, -nl- I
ri-felier ul thin tilt, i i- ill lu, -i), ,ii I lli- i
, en Mmuliiv, Ilu- :a-lli ,iv nl Man-It
Ilu 11,11, ti-n l Vllllii.hf., .lent I
Willtel Sell, W. S. l,-fi,,l, ,-1 p.
(Ill-l-,,ll. ,!,- Iif-f .1, on ,, M.,1
Aft mi, I iiil ,i t ciiitiiilmr ri'l,i'i--i
Illlen, ,1,-hl-lil,, , l,i,i,,, i,r,, I, ,,,) t, -I I
llielr eliiiiu. Ill lloa ..Hie,, ,,, i,,,.
il'. I ,'!l, et
i-iir Mori isti!! M.
,u;i,i iis nc't 'i tit: "'I
liilies' I'fivitlc KiilraiH"'
JAM US IIOAK K.U'O. I'rniificfors.
of Mut liiiK i v.
Ill'.l'AIKS j.rnrni'tly mado
in tlicir
itu-iils .tii-l I'toi i, '.in-,- for the It'ltiiiK of i
Ihe .'onliaet for the work lo tint lowest j
resp -msiltlc hiiltler, mid on the coin pie j
lion of such improvement, thu cost there-
i of si i at 1 at' si it ute a hen upon the pmt,-j
crlv an I shall ho collected as hereinafter
provided in the case of street linpiove-1
incuts j
1 1 To prohibit the creel ion mid repair
of uootleii l'tiil,iiiit.-s within the lire Inn- j
its, an, I 10 restrict and limit the height
of l-iiiMiii.'s w ithin such limits ; to ro
vitle for and tletei mine the number and
sie of places of eulranco and exhibit I
front all public halls, chinches and all
other public liiiililiiis ii ht-, for public j
liatlfi inn-, ami the made of li.tiiinj;
iloois llf -reon. j
l.l. To provi le for the prevention and I
removal ol utistructions Irom the streets, i
crosM aiul -1,1,-w.ilks aii.l hir the clean-1
int! ami repairuii; of the same. ;
11. lo promlo for the pivventioii and ; nl the oliHtructions in Ihe il
lainctle river within (he limits of the
lo. To iculah Hie l.nil.liiih.' of
vt harv es .iloni! the city flout, ami diiv
in' piles n the Willamette river within
Ihe limits of (lie city and to establish u
line lit e uid which wharves shall not lie
hi. To provide for the establishment
of market houses and places, ami to reg
ulate the location and imiiiaxemeut of
the same
17. To provide for tin) erection of a
city jail, house of correction and work
IS. To regulate the storage of ttun
prjH'l -i -and eplusible ami couihiisiihle
lu. To le-tiniu and punish intoxica
tion, iL'ht oik' and iuai reline; on the
stieets, and any disturhance or any un
lawful or indecent practice, and lo tlclioo
what shall coiiniitutc the same.
-II. To prohibit the eurryiiiK o( tleatl-
ly weapoiis in a concealed manner.
LM To iivuliiti) and prohibit, the sale
of trans, iisiols and tiiearins, lire-crm k
er.n, boinlts and iletonatinv; works of all
tion ;H, hIiiiII he enforced hv on
Section ;ill provides the style ol
Sect ioii ;!7. provides fur rules for
readim: and passion of onhuaiici
ipiires ordinances to be published.
Section i!S to -I I spei ilies the duti
ot uiavor.
Pi siecilies
Slim fest Line to Cliicayo
All! tttt t(. Kil.l. 1 in
Iliu Northern 1'nrllic li. K.
I. Illi, i, lily hiiti rtllilitlut
Passenger Trains,
Secoiii-i lass Sleepeis (fiee of t hai
I.iimiiioiis i,iv I '.....'hi s,
I'lilinali I'itl. ice li i'iii iti; I 'urn,
I'l.l.lte l'llillie t 'his lllieaU
Pi inn I'tii'llniiil ;u the I as)
re- ! See llmt your tii kels lead via tint
I Noilhciu I'a, ille It , l; mid
avoid chant!' ol cai s.
nek ctiisis(f
I'V L'imkI-i.
.'i ilits
Seel urn
Ihe duties of !
I'l-lnit I'tirr,. i
illtiliiit e,o.
Sr.tltle .Sir.
'I hruiiiili I'lilliuitii I'mtu-p Ka
If h lit tiny i-nni'lti'i, lliif-l imliii-i,
I in ii-ii i',,rl,oi,, liii'fiiiH nitil
specitles the tliltu'H of . Inll r Ire
tl.'u'l Iiis. .tiicnl, 141 l'li-t
Pit.. I'lii tlaiiil. Or.
olilicll shall
nhllnalu nll!,-r. .a I I I. I . .UII , 'III1ISII 111,11
Mwy and proper, whJ slutll hold Uu , ZlTr
i --.. . .... .. ...
ollices at the will of the council.
Section t). No person is eligible to
any ollice in this municipal corporation
who at tho time of his eleciion or ap
pointment ia not entitled to the privi
leges of an elector according to the con
stitution of this state, and w ho has not
resided in Uiejion City for one year next
preceding each election or appointment
and if a councilman, he must be the
ow ner ot real property within the cor
poration and a resident of the ward
from which he is elected.
Section H. The mayor, assessor,
treasurer and members of the council
shall he elected by the (nullified voters
of this city, or waul as Ihe case may be,
at tlie general election next proceeding
tin; expiration of the terms of the then
inc. im betils of the ollices.
Section 12. The council shall des
ignate one place in each ward for liold
it't? ti e election therein, and appoint
three ju-liies and two clerks of election
ward Saitl appointment shall in all
cases he made of disinterested parties
from the ward.
Section l:i requires the publication of
notices of election. "
Section 14 provides that a qualified
voter must have been a resident in the
city for one year, and of the ward in'
which he oilers to vote for ten duys.
Section 15 requires that the inayor,
assessor and treasurer shull be elected
, by the qualified voters of the city, and
and coiiia ilmen by the voters of the
ward from which they are chosen.
Sections Hi to 22 provides for the time
of holding elections and the manner of
proceihne in (iiiinlint; voles, etc.
Sections ' 2i provides that each per
son elected to an oflice in this city shall
commence ten days after bis election,
and hy such time must qualify and lile
Sec. 2(5. All laws of this state renti
lating and governing elections, ami pro
ceedings and matters incident thereto,
shall a ply to govern elections under
this act, except, us herein otherwise pro
.vided .
Sec. 2(i provides that when an office
gliall be vacant , and thirty days placed as
the limit for the absence of a council
man and city attorney.
Sections 27 and 28 provides for the
manner in which vacancies are to be
" filled.
Sec. 20. Tho council must provide
for the time and place of its regular
meetings, at any of w hich it may adjourn
to the next succeeding regular meeting
or to some specified time prior thereto,
and it may be convened by the inayor or
by a majority of tiie members of fho
council at anytime upon personal notice
being served on the members.
Sections .it), 3t ami m provides rules
of the council.
Seeion .'Hi provides for the election of a
prcsnient n me council, who snail
preside in the absence of the inayor.
.Sec. 34. The council has power and
authority within the city.
1, To assess, levy and collect taxes
for general municipal purposes, not to
exceed one-half of one per centum upon
all property, both real and personal,
which is taxable by law for state and
To control and legulale slaughter
houses, wash houses and public laun
dries, ami to provide I'm ibeir exclusion
from Ihe city limits or from any part
21. To prevent any and all domestic
animals fiom running at large within (he
city limits or from any ptrl thereof.
-'). To regulate tho driving of stock
through the streets.
21). To compel all persons erecting or
maintaining privies or cesspools within
1(10 feet of any street in which any sew
er has or may hereafter be constructed,
to connect the same therewith; Provided
that, in cases w here blocks are more than
200 feet in width, this authority shall ex
tend to the center of the block.
27. To regulate the use of streets, roads
and highways and public places for foot
passengers, nnimals, vehicles, cars, street
railways and locomotives; to protect the
public lroiii injury by run-a-ways, by
piinihlit.ig persons who negligently leave
hoi-si s or carriages in the streets wi'hout
secure fastenings; to prescribe the width
of tires of all whe tied vehicles, ami the
weight to I e carried thereby, for thu
pio'ection of the streets and highways.
2S To regulate t tie us of sidewalks
and prevent the extension of building
fronts within the street line; bit they
shall have no power to authorize the
placing or continuing of anv incrouch-
incrit or obstruction upon any slreet or
sidewalk, except for the temporary ue
or oi ctipa'itin thereof during the erection
or re ia i o; n building upon the adjacent
lot ; Pin i !ed that no scaffolding used in
the cr.-c i on or repair of a buildina luiir
ever he a hotted to rest on ihe sidewalk
or cro-'siviilk
2!) To ietu'ale Ihe opening of street,'c, tie laying of gas ami water
mains, conduits for electric wires or
other pin-noses, the building and erect
ion of sewers, and gas, electric or other
oil. To provide for tho survey of the
block ,'ncl M rents of the city, and mark
ing and establishing the boundary lines
oi such tiiocKsaiiu streets
III. To build construct, and regulate
landings a', tl le foot of the streets ter
initiating ul. Iho Willamette river. To
permit, allow and regulate the laying
down of trucks for street cars and other
railroads upon such stieets as the council
may designate To regulate and ore.
vent puhlic cries and advertising noises,
steam whistles, the ringing of bells, and
to control and limit trallieon tho streets,
avenues ukI public places, to regulate
and prohibit the use of streets and side
walks for the erection of signs, signposts
awning, aw ningposts, telegraph, tele
phone mid electric liisht posts and other
purposes ; the exhibition and handnir of
banneis and placards or flags in or across
the streets, or from houses or other
structures ; to prohibit tho exhibition of
deformed or crippled persons, and to
prohibit such persons from begging on
the streets or public places, or from
House to innisj ; to establish from tune
lo time such pi.i, 1, c stations as mav he
necessary ; to regulate the numbering of
bouses and lots on streets and avenues,
and naming of streets and avenues; to
provide for cleaning and sprinkling of
17. The t-it v
have power to uhate any tax, application
therefore being iiiadt' and tiled in writ
ing w lib the ret order on or bt foie the
tir-t l ty of .Inly in each year.
Section 4S provides how ihe it'corder
shall pic pare u transcript of the assess
ment n il us equalize ! by the couin il,
S 'I'timi -I'l. provides for Ihe assess
ment of a n v propeitv t'V the tax collect
that has been ovei looked hy Hit assessor,
Section Ml to a.) makes provisions as
to the duties ofhUsscssor uml collector.
Sect on oil minutely sisvilies the
duties of the city treasurer.
Section fi7 specific the duties of the
city attorney.
Section ,riS. The duties of nil ollicers
not dclined in this act, may bo pre
set ibed bf the city council.
Section ,VJ piovides how the mayor
with the consent of a imijoritv of the
council may appoint a chief of police,
I and ,1 suitable force of regular policeman.
I Section hit provides for the appoint
' ment of scial police.
Section Id provides that the council
shall lix the salary of Chief of Police.
Section 02 regulates the duties of Chief
of Police
Set-iion lill provides for the authority
of policeman.
Section til to mi make addition regula
tions as to Ihe duties of the Chiol of
Sections li7, titt, 711, 71, 72, 73. 74 pro
vides for the iminuer of establishing
grades, slreet improvements, sidewalks,
ami pniviilcshal the expense thereol
shall he entered against abutting prop
erty ami statement theieof entered in the
docket of city liens. All notices of this
kind have to be published four weeks.
Section 7,ri provides how the docket of
city liens should Is) kept, and nil hens
entered therein, shall have t it only
over all other liens or incumbrances
thereon whatever
Section 7ti to HH provides ill detail the
procedure in all manner of stieet im
provements, advertising sale of lots and
lilocks for unpaid assessments for grades
and street improvements, ami the re
demption of of saitl property.
Sectiwti Kit provides that Hie council
must enact an ordnance for any pro
posed improvement on streets, and con
tracts shall be let lo the lowest bidder,
but the council shall have the right to
reject any mid all bids.
Section (It) provitles (or a deficit thai
might occur in making an assessment
for street improvements
Section ill to 11)1) provides for the
manner in returning a surplus, if any
alter the completion of a street improve
meiils, sidewalk, construction of sewers,,
etc. Piovides for the purchase of prop
el ly sold lor unpaid assessments, and
the reileui.tion of thu same.
Section llil Oregon City is not
hound by anv contract or in any way
liable thereon unless the same is author
ized by a city ordinance, and made in
writing ami signed by the mayor and
recorder in behalf of the chy, but an
ordinance may authorize any ollicers
or agent of the city, iiamiag linn, to hind
the city, without a contractor writing
for the payment of any sum of money
not exceeding one liiiinireii uoiiais,
Section 102 provides for tho manner of
pavment of demands uml accounts.
Section lllll. Oiegon City is not liable
to any one for any loss or injury lo per
sons or property, growing out of ai.y
casualty or accident happening lo such
person or properly on account of the
condition of slreet or public ground
therein. But this section does not ex
exoneiiite any ollicer or person by law,
or by the gross or willful misconduct of
such ollicer or persons in any other
Miction im. i. pon an questions in
volving tho payment of money or the
final passage of an ordinance, tho yeas
and nays shall be called and entered
upon the journal. ,
Section 11)11 specitles that the fiscal
year shall begin on Ihe lirst day of Mav.
and end on the last day of tho following
Section 10(1 provides that- imv mutter
left to tho discretion of the council is
final, and cannot be rescinded or culled
into vtiesl ion elsewhere.
Section 10(i The mavor and mem
bers of the council shall receive no sal
ary O" compensation for their services.
Section I0H. All existing cily ordi
nances in force when Ibis Act takes ef-
ct and not inconsistent therewith.
shall be and remain in full force after
this act takes effect, and thereafter until
repealed by ihe council ; and all rights
vested ami liabilities incurred when this
act takes ell'ect, shall not thereby be
lost, i id pal it'll or (lischaiged.
Section 10!), The recorder, marshal
and attorney now holdng ollice in Ore
gon City siiall continue therein until
the first day of June, lHiil, uiiIcsb tlutir
-ht-,-t. rurin-r l-'lr.l tin. I (
0. C. T. Co's
I Mia -1
Oivjj, m City Sc l'oitlaml.
7 :..'() A. M.
I0;oo A M.
I ;IHI p. M.
-t ut) P. M.
no Wav Landings.
I.cavi; I'oiiri.AMi
7:M0 A M.
10 IM A. M.
1 :0nP, M ,
:i;eO P. M.
Steamer Allot
Steamer l.atona Way Landings.
10:00 A. M. )C;!I) A. M.
4:111) P, M. ,'l .00 P.M.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
T. I' Ilium, Ueccivcr.
I v u i:i i i in"' asm i'. K i:s t 1 1 1: i .( ) w i:sr
Train No. :t will run Tnrniuy-t, TIiiiim
ilnys uml Sul ni'ilii v , uml uu iuicriiit'iliiili
diiVf tvlieii cmu',! :
Train No I it III run Miiiiilitys, Wedni"'-
dnysiiinl Friday, and on Inter dial day
it hen la-i evan :
Steamer Sailing Dales,
l.mi-KH Vaiji isa IW llliiiiii-lli' Valley, Miir.
silt. Iiitli, Mh
I. raves HanhiaNi'im ii--W lllniiii'liti Vnlley,
Miiri-li .1,1, l.'ih. -Jl.. until.
Tin I'-inilHiliy remTVc Ilu- nilllt to 1-lulllKP
Itlllllll t'lllra tvlllliillt lt',1 li e.
Trillin ciinu'i't Willi tin, o. A V. II. mul Itlvor
Hindu HtiNirvnlliii Hiul Alliioiy,
The Oregon Pacific sleuinboals on the
Willamette river division will leave
Portland, soiit-bound, Monthly, Wodncs
dav, ui d Friday at I) A ,M, Arrive at
Corvailis Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at ;t::m P.' M, Leave Corvailis,
norlli-liouiitl, Monday, Wednesday ami
Friday at H A. ,M. Airive at Poitlami
Tuesday, Thursday and Salinday at ;1::I0
P. Al. uu .Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day, 1mi It north and hoiiiIi-I.oiiiuI hotls
lie over night al. Salem, leaving held nl
(1 A , M .
Frr-lidit tin, I Ticket Ollicii Sulmmi nuvel ivliurf
l'i rl I in i .1 .
li. C 110(11 K, (J. I', ,1 I'. A. (). P. It.,
Southern Pacific Jioule
Kxpress Trains leave
I ll I'l ho. I ,... I. ...... I U .,
. ;'t ii r 1 , , ... .... , Li
:l i I : (' V . i li'l 'i' r ,, in iiil iv iiiM.-i
t II -a . . . . ... .1,. i ,, l I . 1 1 I I I' A DM I . I 1 1
. " i ;;.:,,; l:,,....,, r 1 A N ,M I I it lit I d II ' I itll'J
! IIMI.I li I. AMI Ai M M- :,, MHIi l' '
: I i li I'l hi , A lloN. ..
ii i , .... , , ,.... ' i.v.mi a ' i . ii m :t, -,
i in-,,,.ii i ni , in, ,,,ii, .,,- i . ,i j ViHcc I'm I'u Illicit iiiii . ...- .- ... i i
I .,OI.'"t,.'' . ,'"iV""'o ""'",', I I'-'" I HI.1II", I Hl.1 ..111.., .lii-n -..,),.:. ,1, : . ...
II ! mill I lit' I , , I I . i " 1 1 1 i -1 II,,- ,1-1 i'mi .til--, ,-( . ,, 'am MI MU. I' l
i u'rT-i.i.!'Tii''!''ii',''''i'';' ' v"!-'!' Vt '" t-i"I N;"'"" '""'f ! 9 I IV I
! 1 nil,.,! 1'. 1 a " . , ,,- , , 1 ' ! hi.... s... .-,.,!,,..,. i VJi H 4 lmm Im I H I
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.I,,." 111 1 it,, i.,.i ,-ti 1, ,y, ,:.t ; ;: , ''""';;!;' 7" " ,!";," ",'," .,. ,
:") ";'"". i-i 1, 1 K,.,.,v,r, ,' . . ,. , , :
"in--'', '' ';'- ''i" '- ,.,,.,M I, ,: , ,,, !
1 s,Bv,': :,;:! ' ;;,:;:r,,r I: '':- .. .-,,:;:,,. ;;;..;; . 1 .1 ,'.','!i,.-v. nhnw. ,1
I 'ht'iMr,:.'',:. r::nz" ,ti Til'ijfir:: ! ''' ':": ; ,iri11
; ' '"l'""r ':,'V;,:,V,I':;,:I!U1;!:!,': ';' ' 1 i- lh. ir iM-.tSo.
1 '" " 1 1 ' . .I ' 'j ', A rri 1: -t -. ,::-, :
I I Hilt -I II, . I l., 1 lul ,-i-.l ..,...
j III,-.-- II I 1 1 ) , tii .,-tl, I'll- '.I, ---ti t 1 Ml iilffc.. mmm 1 ..iiiiiii. n mmr,.-
,,.l, ,- U li, 1. to i-l,, -II III 11 In i-,,.,,,- 1 il'-lrll' ' !E I I 3 ! . ' ! " I m m
' I iuii,- ... !. - 1 ut.t!,-. u .1, 1 1. 1 il,,, ,,. ... in, 1 I .. . t
ii,'ii'i.-i in cm- .a 1 uii .11,11,1,1,',-. 11, 1 I ,j?f " , ;-f-i':i f-r r-r.- ---- I . , . . . .
,v-i i , ,o,.i ti ... ,-!-. 1, 1, 11 it.., , .- I UJjt-Ki, . . .-' . .-.. I j
- lo ,0 , 1 ,u, L, ,' i I Bft UII,. t, , . .1 I-- - t f - . , . -. . -
ic ) . I ,,1 1.,, 1 1 1, 1 1- nun , ( Mi ,., ,-..i, ,,1 , l fj3 ', A i, :. Jv ."-. - - V'K ; '. - ..- .., . .
t ,.!, 1, , ii,i..l -i ii, :-t it, it.t. ,-iti,-.- i, .,,,., : lofs. V -,' W-M '.' H8 : " t,K ' ' -Fl
lt..r 11 it. r -r .1 11,0,1 ,-tu-ii,o.-i 1 U .AV.. K. 1 1 A -'-t ' '.i I- ? 1 ' r t
li'i"ii''' "i lo.-iiiiti ..... en I'M. Im', ; J' fi'.i,' 1 ... '.' . " v'' ' v.r-'-'. '-.'-'
I . Iltr Kit. .Im el A'..l. I 'I tl . w. j t lj - ' '. v.
i l I in-n o,,, - . ii ii Piii'l i..iii..i, 7 I .... I ' . ..', ij . ,.v . (.' V
1 f'"0-." 1 - !-....- "'..l,.l ! , ..:' ' " ' ' '''' ,'("').
I'll i. -i-l, ,0 1 t , ,,l -,,,,,1,.",. I I t.,1,.,,1,. "I !--, V -'' J V - - " 1 , .'
1 1 -,ri i. in i t.r v.....? . v - V -'" .- ' "
' Any mi 1 nil i . -1 .ti r ! 1 1 ia i ' i: ii.i , -r m-1 v Uu' I i-i ; . : .- . ; . ,;t: .. .y ' i ---:
,-,lne il, HO- ,-li . .- .-I,. -, l I- I-., 1. 1 li-ii, ,-, , I ,; ',, . ', ' I ..--".' . I ,. f .,''' C- Vi- j, '.-. - f
I '" i VJ',!-' x.jir''- ',v.k': - -- ?; k ..', r. -' ',. . , ',..;
i i ....... -.... i.. ...I-, i k i' ' y ! "': a : ' " 'y -v: - -,. ;,.,
, " tut or , Ot-.- I. in.-., : aiXj ;V J;'U J il i - iL m-vX''-"
s..ti, -.,!. li, i.i-i (in. n t ii..t in i -,,1111,11 on" : taiv'JiA-'' 'If i. yjrjijjl !
I il III, Hi-- -ri, .l.i.! I In- 1 1 - I t ..I. - ii I . S'ilv V'
i I in..-:;. (-. rmu-i-t "An . i i..r 1 1, .,,. l - 11 III N- ST & KaJ-l ': (' I
1 1 i i,,o,,--i ,t 1 1. ii i Y HI i I M'if.:?. f t i I
ntnun i::r..'SMti-;'.;!Mffl
UlUllU. !;:r : .rzj":;:; l lt n.i...rm afTi
is,,;. ,1, ,it-,o,,N s,..u,i,,. ,-, n .it,,, Mi QFtui cr flH i r
i '.''lj'.,':;!,.,v.'.'v." J'::- lOW ......roYr'1 never i r- ?-, r I
Hti-"fi'i- .0 "I- iuii. kh i irunurawft,f!Mruiii!rf?.nKMrcM:cc . " .-- ;:.'..-:.".:.;;.: r; N.....e
t . i ,...t o,., . ,ii ii wm u tl in . not i i,..u-..,,i '"ii --r . .
,., w.m.'.v.., ' ii simiti,,.,,. tv, r , .i.CAo - J0 union KjUAbENX- 'cwtAS. , ';' '- - ','.. ,'.,'H'u"
.' M M I'lini-n. mi ; s, I,, M. ATioNT.o,,, i H n;- y : :; .: , -; ,' ;-. V ' ; r; i u,-
'If-.-. hi, - A-JLL'.f VTI -V -Jll-i ' t- f i I u .! i I i! i .... , ill.,' r...Mt
-- - -' .""'j i.v wr;.'. .V.;;-.--.:.r' I "';
ihvgun Cily.
v r?":Vy t. m.
MSOI- r -t lill'Tl KK
Undcrtakcrn and niacksmitiis, OiO'-on City, Oroaon.
t;.'uii.'ts uivvi.ys in SltH'k
i ,,- o... 'i. K OllKonS I'lTV. I Hi, ii o i
li'iriit i, J
il'in .
Anv iiiel nil 1-,
itl,,,ti- ,l,-.,-ili', I,
llielr t'l-iiiu. In tltS
,l,i ul A,iil l-U.
1 ll, ii .'!.
inlinltiK n, Ii ,.r,-li l)n'
i' n-.iii-ti-. i" ii,,
a ur lii luii' nalil :i,
T. Al'l'l ,n i.
, Fair's Co'ucr? Fcmalo Pills.
VS '-'it l'i iniilii Iiri-i'tititr
i-. rN "u': null, liuiliki'lli. -in
?. l',i' '-v's " Uu' iu.iil.i-1. AViti
' 1 -'Jl (Hi. Mli't -I'fslllllV U:i',l
N ) i.y t,',iii,-iit hi.ti,-
irv" . i y '' I'uiii'lil.-. (iimrnaiei'il
' A '' '" nlii'te i.,r. sm-i
Oregon City
vrnt i: i-oit im aci.u A i ioV.
I IMI.I !: 1 AMI. ACT .11 M.:i, l?s.
Notice tut i'.l'.M' i. lion.
,.!,,! - -- I.,.', I I Ulu -. , It IK -tl t'ill, I trt-ll-j
rf9 Celebrated French Gurs,
HlliCISArtl CEiltHINt
h.iti'l t,e hiunti'
Sill 'I line, ll' iilth,
I!1I,IIHI!H-J .UUt-tltllj.ll-M
tVitt to nn v mlilre'i,
i ,-,-ttr,, i,v im, 1 1 nt! Itl-i'i-l,i"l-rli',',f'.'..
I '
,S HiliM 1-
Wostcrnllmu. il, lluxW, I'lllt'l l.AM), Olf
1'i.r s.iie l.y ( 'luirnian ,ti Co.
( h iij;tfisM, I ln-.'.in ( 'ily, ( Ir.
piiltMZ&MWjrGKMlBk- : IIiiiiImiii.U tit
Ei-"-, ,N ,.t n '" 'lel'l "'"O'l", Willi
N't ... c ,v ' '"' ,N . H ; t'.v iiniii'iii Aiiin
n v.-'owy...N .f- Hi., the
9 -0 V., O.V ... y ,'' .u,V ji B'l 'sti'in Uriuit'lt,
XI t: , r
. . .11 v.o ,.
"rvo- am- ,
V.j.! .. ,v
' i-W'' ,
J. '
Llil ml lliiilv,
ri i Tr . it .
7:0111'. M.I l.v I't.rlliilnl Ar !l :,'l.'i . n.
7:Ki I'. M. I l.v Ori'K'u.K.'lly l.v S;:Ia.m
III:1.'ia.m. Ar H. l''i-iiiiitlN(.i ,v Haiti e. i
AliuKt tmiiiB stnp uiily nl thu Tt.nVm Inn
Iliinit nurlii .if ltui,i.itiiK: HiiBt I'ort In . . I, orc
Kun City, Wiiiiillitirn, H'tliun, v, l ituci.t
Bhitihlfi, lliilni.y, lliirrlKliiiiK, .lauctluii Cily, Ir
vliii aiul Kairi'iii.
IIOMHItHllll MAM. Minlly).
S:(Hia.m, I l,v lin-l 1 it. I Ar 4:iiiii'. m
t):iiA.M. I,V Ori'k'lUlCIIV l.v ':f,U . u
lMr.M. Ar Itimi'liiirK hv ll:'2IU.M
AIIANY I.OC A I, (l.iilly.i'jci.piH hiyjj"
rumr. M. i l.v I'nrtliiiiil " Ar l u":00i. iiT.
.lut'i. M. i,v ori'iruii Cily l.v 7 :ii-l a.m.
WIHIJVM, f Ar Allmiiy l.v f.:iHi,M.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Por scdiuti tun urSi'eonirciiiHH I'iiHN(iti;orn
alUiclicil to Kxprt'NM TriihiK,
VVt'Ht Hllll! llll'lHllill,
Mnll Train, Dully (Kx(ti'itHimiliiv.l
7 MU. m." l,v" rurtiiiiiil Ar T fi:lto i m
l'2:loi. m. Ar CiirvtilllB l.v !'MifiM
Great Reduotino
Cabinet Photographs
1117 1'lrnt, Slivi't, ll.'t. Miirrlyiiil unit Yiiinlilll.
I'Olii'l.A N I ', OUKtlON
. If (T& n a ,"' T T""" " ' '"" '' " ir-o 11 '. r.
mm I'-fyi'yyyyyii.!!,':::-!,'!
yntii' i..,i.
I'liilii ly i.
i' m i rlt mul ii)'H iiiiU,
,i litinUli ,i ilic i tti-
f.t ctll.ll. t'1. I till
M. II. Kliintiu'iii. J. T, Hill
Flanagan & HiSi,
l ul Willi's, l.iiiiitirs, Ale, licor, Ac
tlll'IIHI UIIWUIIIIU. l,'..:t,l
In Sol n os a
til (Mire Hill- fin lit
til hernias ihi-nit
.irnny iluii, i, let of
the iifiii.t,ttlvi. in.
ll.iti'iil ullliei si'i X
'-H.!. iilii'llu-r,,.,'
: -r lrii,iitlit'i'X','i".,iu' .
BErORr le-i'uf Si, milium,, ftf
: riiliiii-i'iiiirOplina.iir tliniurl, tiiiciii
llllll.OV.T IIIUIIIi lll,,., ,V,' ,. , ..,, ,,.,!,,
i Poller, Wiikehillli'Ha, lli-ni iiivr i,n, i- ,UH n ,
linck,siuuiiil VAi'itliin "in. It xti-i tn, Siriniii I r s
. Itiiliiii,. N.ii-iiitiuil Kinli.-i"iii, 1 1 a nrrli.i a -..
in,'H, V,-nk Mi'inurv,,f ,.r , i,m.,,.
- ti-uey, H lili-lil(iii-i!li-i-iil,,ii,,a ,., n, ,,
nlil sun unit heiiiiilv. 1'iit-o .nn i.i,n, i, i.
fur , uu, hi'in l.y ntntl on i'"-,-i,i in i,.,.-
- A Wit IT. KM i It A X-l CI-'. I-, ,.,.,. f,,r
every I . (hi . irl:- rccelvetl. lorelun-l ll,,. m. m.-v n
, iruin, ctiio In tint cHi-,-1, ,1. iv ,, ,,,,
.11. Ill i It 1 H III,, oli I,'), I l ,,, ,m-
luiis liifti i.,.riiiitit,,iii;: , in. , I
I i 1 1 i - Clr. illllt it, ,.. t,ln .
llux 27, I'm, ii ,-m,, on
l''or sale hv Cliariuan A; Co,
I irintuistH, Dtetsoii t 'ily l Ir.
Mll'ICIi l Olt I'l Iii l ATIDV.
I.'iinl .illi nt (Iii-iiiii Cllv, or. Al ir . :.,
Nollt'e 1.4 licl'i'liy i-.h I'll 1 1 1 )i t the I - -! 1 1 . u 1 , 1 1.,
llnilli'il Ki'lller litis filcil n, ill, -i-of Ii.h hilt-tittnii
I." 111'. lie llll 'l lui'iif III sill rt of lii.y i-i iiiu.
: mul tluil, I piuiif ti lll In- mi ,1, i
I licfiire ihe ii'itisler niul n'ii'ii-i-1- nl ihe r, s i
i litiiti i iiii'i-ui tio-Kuii cm, i in
I'V.u. il:
Wllllioil 11 ii rr In.
ll'iliiesleinl K-itry Nn. II, fur Hie i- t
' ,, s iv 1 , of ii iv 1 , for let -i uf M-c ;itt, in
I sniiilt. r.otiii' a eiisi, unit uMiinm il il
l-atiry No. .Villi for Uu-lui t uf .t'l'liun :
:l it
In hick tlie Ml. in lit-.' u-iiiiosfs
tils euiitliitiuiis i-t-vili-in-i' ti,iiii n a. mini iiii .M
of. Mini l.'tu.l. vl: li.vil Ciilllli-iti. I.uui-i' tili
h 'i u , i n't u'iii' 1-', Hill mul ,t.'s...h s t.i. ,11, if
M.iIm Il-i I. li. c Luii .i nets Ciniuiv. uri-i
.1. T AI'I'l-.K'i 'N.
::.-l;lii l:,-i' !- ;
N OTIC I'. I'iMI I'lliLICA ! iON.
I'NtTKIt Sl t'll's ' i-, (ll i-, .-
DlititltiN I'l l v, Dr., M-ut'li .', I' i.
N.illi'ii Is hereby ulveti ihtl 111,- f,-il,,,i Im;
iiiiiui'il m-i I lur hns III, -.1 ii -i ills im,',,!
lu lit-ikl' 11 lla I pit nil III siippui t uf III-, i-l i,,t ,:n,
lli.tls iltl prunf ivlll he uiii, le I,, 'fun' il,,, i, -i-i,.
tt-r .nut rt'i-t-ivi-r of lite I'. S I,, ml otlii',' ,,l or,,
torn Cily, Or,''.. n, uu Auil'.!l, l.s-l, iv.;
Alfri-.l II. Haines,
I're eitii linn D, S Nn 7:!'J'i .ui' lite u '.. nf u e ' ,.
uml w '.j nf s i' 1 ul sen. ('.!s -','a
lie ll, ones Ihi' fitll.nvlni; ii-Iiu-m-s In pruif
tils i-uutiiiilniiK ri'slileiit-,' id ... 1 1 nn, I i" . 1 1 1 1 - it 1 1. it i
uf, mm l.l I. mil, vi,:
l-'rrt! A. Tlliiliiisiili, (i-il'iliu'i- lle-i.-li. Ilcio-i-l.liltr.'.l,
Iti'lifit (, nil ill I'lii-i-ryville',
Cl.icli. linns ciiiinly, Or.'ittin.
,i. i . Arri-:i!Sii.N,
li tilt I.
pun It I
Cur I'liiillenlluM.
isn uiii. n,
l i t) In. !.. ,
I- In- ' V .-lu ll Ih .t till fnthiHrltlir-
:. i n i. lite I ii.-iiri, ol. hi. iiitrniitiu
lot-ti j n.uf in "-,i.-rl ul Itl.rlaliit,
ilu pre, f ii 1,1 li innilt' before
ioi, I le. ell.-r el III.' C S. Isitil
.,i'l.-it. t'lly. tit.-ij.iu, ib A.rll S,
1, until Iterrlek,
ii ,1 -y lor ilic nv' nl nw
,i-l,- f-.r ! im
l.ii p
i-i I n,
. il'l N
ll eulllplliilil','
f t ,,uurt-. of
:et fur lit.' -il" uf
of I tlli.'llll.l.Oll'if.ll,
I i-rillui v, '
-li. llil.
Klin;, -1 il- ul
i-' v II Ii ,1 In
..ti lit Nn. '.iliil. fur tlie
a "-iiuii n,i :it. in
(,- .Nn. a i-iisi. ,iii, a in
: tin, litiut m. in-ill I.
-i-r ur l.,ue ili in fur
n-1 tn ii il,ll',t his
ii- ll.t- n trtsler mul
t 'iri.'ii Civ. dr.. on
ii-li I-l,
. Vti.llvl -feullut li, rl-
I'l.hti ,,t I'm iliiii-l. in,'
I ftuiui i,l M,,l,ii!-I. lll.-;'ull,
. rsi lli, Miiiilnii.i
-o i- t-iiii iniii .-ul i i'rst-1 v Ihi-
louts nii li'itii'li- In liii-
i . , -llli'i' uu nr i-t-lun -t t , I
i l.
i M -,
J. I'.
Al'l'l KStlN.
5! 1 Vtt fl Vi.tV tl
I M i t it '1 11 1 " I, AMi (II ni c, I
in. I N l'i I l dr., I i-li
lu-ivl.y t-tv.'ii Iiuii Un
it r li is It-i, liii , itulit-,.
i.i l
-u -t i .
.--i ill Ml)-pull
V, ill l't- 111 lilt' I.
io- ' S, l.'.Uil .'
.i- M oi-'i ...
in lo Miiii t
. .-ttjt (ui Ihe i-i
a 1-s .l. I
foil, -ll icir ;
f Ills illlt ll- I
if Itis I't lllll
lure to ,:ls- t
lice lit Uf,
'I. It.t:
uf II,'! j uf
II Aplli
ilu- follnll Illi: I
on- I v'-l.-li, l-i-l
.ill-1, ii.-:
V ii.ll in I'.i'lil'ili,
1, N en i. i i eh i icr
IV, tin'
llll'l f
. ',, uf
r. Hun. Seloniili
i Mink. I'. o. nil
.1 !' AiTKI'SON, hi-nislt-r.
-,f II IV
'le l.l
lu .
( '.n i' il h. niul Trntli'-M arks 1, ,,i,.,. !lm n i'llt.
ein liiisini-ss i-niiiliii-i,-, fr Moderate Foes
Out Oifico Is Opiinsltn U, S. Patent Ollice.
niul ii i'-,-,iii si-i-ure p.-il,-iit In loss liinollwn lltotio
ri-muit' fiuni W nsliiiii,'iiin.
Si-nil iiiuili'l. lira u ue r plmio,, wit It ili'si-rit).
t Inn. t i' mil 1st'. If piili'iilnlilit nr tint, freo of
I'liai'.'t', (lot fee nut ilu,' nn patiMii is pofunal
A P:iiliilili-t. "Iluiv tn iiniiiin I'ali'ius," M illt
names uf .-u iual ,-i,-nis In yourStutc, vuuuty.or
Inn n, st'tii lit'i'. Ailtlress,
f? IBi fVl P. f
jf a i-i J9 a J V If CiL. ILi U .
0;'icsito Patent Cflice. Waslilnqton, D. C.
pre loni'it.ui. i
nf n'f ;. I i s.
He .none tlie (nltim Inir w line. .en to provo
tc. r, an, tin, ais re.l-teiii-e upuii mul ctiltlvmhin
if mo. I In inl. vo K D .l,-iiii.l.-r Kri'.tt-rirk
Si-n ers. K-iriu-.t Sell eis ionl Atlnlpb A.clttitT
nil "I M'lita.'l, 1' (l t'ii.i-kittit'is Co., ..reRuu.
.'II-: ." .1 I. AI'IKIiSON, Krlltf
oi m i: i"o i-i ui.H' 'no.v
IMiia. Sttks I.asii (Ifiii . (
(Mtt-i.uN Citv. nr.. Dee. II. intm
N-'lici' in-. . i.y niu-n niul in ('.iinpilnr
it iCi Ilic l-r.-i !"i..its nf nit' net nt Cn.iirri'st of
June :t. l-".s , 'inlili-, I "An act fur lli i snle ul
tiiiiii.T Inn, l lu ihe M iles nl CalitoinU. (jr
"It. N,-i it.Ci. WitsliiiiiMnn 'lerrilnrv,"
.limit's I. II-o-hn,
Of I' I'ulll.llitl, I'lilllilV ,,l Mllltlinillilh, (tntd
iif di-l'. ill, Instills ilny Itli-il la ibm tutire hla
siiurn siiiii'iii.-ni Nn :'.t, fur Hie piiniiHH' nl
lilt' i',. It H 1,1"!. Hllll '.'lit H'l'linu No. in,
in liiiuohii Nn. 4 south, rmis,' 5 in si
niul mil niter pr.sif In slmiv lbi ilm i,j
s.'tiiitit Is in., re inlii ilu,. fur lis limber or atoii
lleiu ler iiuiii-iiliiojil iitr..iki', niul in cstnlili.r.
Ins elii'iii in s iiil I . ml lii-fnre tin' ri'Klstcr mul
r.'.- t . r uf litis nil,,, nt (iri io-it city, ornon
ell l-'i i.l iv. lite li'lh ilin- n( Apitl. Is-.ij,
lie ii-tin.-s n Hiii'ssi-h; Krvln I'allfrsen of
l-.nsl r,.,il,ni 1, Miiiiiiumiiii cniititv. OH-gnti
Ail.lren Mieis. nl Kasl I iirllninl, Kl lllm.u.Rtl
enutiiy, I M.notl. Aliioist I'lial nl tVr, I'nrtlnnil,
Mu.iiuiiii.tli c. miit y, ori'Kon, Henry WhiikIi,
uf i-i I'm tl-i ti.1 . MiiliimiiMii cnaiiiv, Orewiui.
Any iiii.i nil in'i-M.iis -.niifc. ailv'oivly Ihf
iili-ne ilesi-ril-ij bonis itrn rt .ttMt'.) initio
I it'll- el inns in lii ,,'lici. mi nr belnrt' suit! loth
iliy .'l April, Is'.'i, j.'i, ai'I'kk.n,
I ...: s-i Ut'irisier.
Aririi K I'l III.H ATIO.
TlMIIKIt LAND AT, ,11'NK 8, 1S7S.
t'Mri'ii Staits I.asii orrtt-K. I
.'iiiiioN Citv, dr., I ire. l.l, l.KUO.j
Noll,',. Is li'i-'-l'v uii-,.,, nun I,, (inntpllmic
Will, till' pliilMiilis uf (ho Hl'll.f CllllBIPSBof
,,' li.. eiiiiib-ii -a,, ,. ,,r the sale ol
tliuui-r hunts in . MP,,,., llf (,iln,,Ure
itnii. Ni-iiuhi mt, I Wiisliiinunn Territory,"
Tl. minis Iv nibs, in,
..ft urll-iii'l, cm, my ,,t Mnltiinnt'ili, stnlo of tins tins ilav I1U" in n,,. ,,tlli. 1,1.
it si,,ii-i,ii in Nn. -.':;..,,, r,,r tli ,i,i.-l,.A.,i
niul lots a uu." 1 nf st'i-liuii No
u J Mint li, rani;,. Nn, 7 east,
I'l't'l if In kh,,.. ll..,, tl... ,.. .
I, I i- '....I. .. , " " " '."
Hciit'i.,,,,, I.,,,,,,,-;,;,;;;:, ;',':;r;:
ori'i!.,,,, n .'ri,b,v. ii, isn, a.,,. ..,V.?,V" :.
. . . - J ' ' n l'i I. is'
IIS IVIIlli'ssi's; l-,vl, lf),,'l
Cli-is. Seluiett'r. ('in. i'....
nf uu1
11 tulllislll
II, I lllll u
-'"'ill Mil.'lii-ll
ml tifl'tall mil, (ir.
tiii'tiii'lr eliiias in .io
s-ilil IV it ty nl April, ls;il
ini',-1 a
iu-e i-i'tiii,'st.,.i ...
elllie nn ur before
J. T.
uu .'ii-
l-:s' Oi I
, llr. 1', ,'. 1
F.L. Posson & Son,
ii-l: It)
Nnliee i
Willi (111- i'l
.lioii' a. i-
I ttlUl','1- I ,!,,
L h i .
fiiiniil In tlie Hiittu
(llvu nut it Villi.
to l)(
III hiiKaN-lCaslhtiui
COIt N HI! Kl 11ST ami. T A Y l.t U! i'-T I! K ICI'S.
Al Albtuiy itnil CurvnlliH (iiiiuttic.l wlih trains
of (IniKun r.ieltle kitllrniiil.
Kxpn-ss Train Dally (lixcopt Hiiuilay)
C-llil'.M. I l,v I'ortlitn.l Ar K:20a.m.
7,'ir.jii. I Ar Me.Mliii.vllle l,v U -,-iri A
For tlekutH mul full hiforiniitlun rcKiinlliiK
rut in. mn ps, etc., cull on Company'.. HKiuilHt
Or.arnu City,
Maimiior. AH'tU. K. mid I'lim. Aijont
I'ei'HoiiM l.roiililcil with rliciimiitiHiu
hIioii Id toad the fu'lowinn from Aim, N.
Al I'etiit'H, of IOiinI Dch AloiueH, lowu.
,sheNiivH: 1 Im. I KiiU'eretl Willi rlieuuiii
tiHin I I'm L'ti'iiler :irt- nf the timo for
nearly hiivcii voiiih. I iluclorctl :t urent.
ileal for il- willi physicians an, I 1 1 ii'.l
elcelrit! ImltH, piiti'tit. mcliciniiM uml nl
mtist evcrj'tliini; licit wiih rei'oinnientleil
for rlu'uniiitiHiii. I' inally n neiuhhor iu
viHinl me to ti y t 'lianilicrhiin'N I'u in llul
Htiui iiiiil wiih ro Hiire tluil. il -would help
uii- that I J it i( ' 1 1 it'll ii liolllt . It did help
uiii, rilit from tlie Hl.trl ; hut it. took live
at) cent, Lot Hum to cure inn, ko yon can
KUc.HH how Innl I vvaH an twu liottleH will
cure imy ordiniiry cuho " I'or hhIo I.y
(ten. A, lliirdiliJ!, .Irut.nst.
If vim want
I'l IK I'.KST, Imy
I-vil i.
of IVi'Mm-'I .
ji-m. li".-- Im
'S'.tli'niciti Nt
I in1 n v:'' , i-i
-t.iilii, i' t'c.c
show (Ii ;l I
ilH illl v . i
i, si'v I'lnl ;.i
( irc'tiii ch v,
t.t ,M'.ir!i. l'y
Siiiniii'! 1 1 1 1 -
(it'.M'.'f M
A T) v (M',1 nil
Kivt'ii. t!iai. in fniiipiiiiiH'o
fi Hit' net m roiiK l ilK.s o i
" An (.r )v suit of j
m tir,. ui ruiifitniid, ori'mm, i
licit .;i 1 cnilury,
il ti i. mull.
mi', 1 1 Mi:l;i(t-niiih. .Slnlo uf Oro
tln liii l in thi: tr.'.Wv ti i sworn
fur I'm )nirc!i:iM' uf ilu1
rt imi Nti. I, in luu'iisliip No i
. Vi' inI. iiinl will viXvr proof (tt
itnl'it is intirn viilnnblf for
linn' ,!i ui fiT imn.'iilumil (mi'
l il)yoi his cl.'Hm to until lnnd
li'i- niul ivi'cm it ot liii)- nilico nt
i t'iiiin, on l''i-itl:iv, tlm :!7lh luy
, v itiii'sM-s: (Moiih'fi ScliMtfi't,
, Cimrlcs ( tilrr, ol I'oMliiml, nr.,
ul' ('(i;ti-;il lJtinl.
v ihuinir iitlvorsi'ly tno
To'ir ri.on-v h
i i) i f .1 ir- !i,
I'ii. ; .u
iMfMt'ri t.i nil-
.tn ot .n'ftMt' s lid JVth
.i. '. Al'i'KllSOiN,
Xjr hJ
I ii. lu'l-i lo- given
i Ailitiiiuiti tior of lint t-:-
XiP :tl.-.-i-,-i.l. hive tih'il my
vo'c-u o l-,- ii seltl"
if the inercliiiul you ileal willi .Inert not
lteep them Hcnd to ALIKN tliiect. He
myn the punt'iite.
Hent free.
Heaulil'iil calitloii
J 171 SCGOlld Street, rOBTUND. OR.
VIUIIN'.-: ;'l;.V "li'' S NOi'M'i: Ol-' I'l V A t.
n I I-; tii'M'.
irlv.-t. th u I l. ll. lli, -kin in,
1 tie ul Iu-e. Al.irinlit,
litl i tu-eulllil, with
ii tlu il seltli'liii'itl uf Hi,' nliiivi' en-
lilli-il iiitlli-i- iiiel all li-'iiiiiiis nit! tln'refiirt
li"liii'-'l '.-I lue iil,j,-('iltiiis to leu-li Ki'Uleini'iil, If
ituv lii--1' li ire, on or It;-''.lie lite "111 tt ty uf April,
IN'il, lu Im- I'r-ili-.t" i,in-l ul lue Ciiiialy nf
Cl ii-k-'iiias aii-l o! t;e t.i tlrt'i'tii.
.1. 11. HICKMAN,
liiil.'i! litis '.!7tlt ilav uf I'Vlirimrv, Is l. l'uli
IMieil l.v "'i- uf .1. W. Xli'l.lriiin. .Iitilue nt
tlie Cuiuily Cuiiri. il l: :l-'i.
t--iif ral Agl. for I). M. I-'crry & Co's
Jlimd JrnnJ jLJC
Garden Seed.
C-rass, Clover and nil kinds of
Trees, l,ill,s, Fertilizers, etc
Give t
Ilee Keepers' Supplies.
We want you for a customer.
a trittl order.
F. L. Posson & Son.
ua m., Portland, Or
rrnii-riilni;tlu. ti. . . '
Catalogue Fim
Sticccsscrs lo Milter Bros.
'. Ul
1, lf.
ll , j
v yw
11.114 I
E. I
tress nf
itie nt
, (lr-
llt' of
U e hi
I Ko i
t eiiM.
nr of
tti e-
3 M'pl"
n t il)', .
Itl'lt to .
A '-