The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 20, 1891, Image 3

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    7 "X-
.. , .' '
The IC n t cm- p rise.
i'Kimy, makcu ;'o. istu,
schedules or time
NiHIttl HiU'Ml.
AHuay bunl at'itlioiM T il . m
I'nllfninH Kvnrv. illthMitlii . n i;t n hi
Knlnirj loul j:iy nuiliti.' a ,VJ . hi
n.H'Tit sn.
Krluirs I ni'M mm liil,,in. i ml n, m
Altwny I ce il in v tnllint! - fi mi p. mi
I'hWoniU iri iliniiiiili . .M i. m
0 tT- CO.'SSI'K.lMKIts!
ll'll K UltKiluN rirv.
T ' m
"II U. til,
1 11 1 III.
t un t m
S'OilHUT Allull I - II M Ul'l
I V. llNKililS I'll V,
H 111
a ii i hi
4 iM i lit.
itiu rnim iNe
?.' m.
W KV 111
' I HO (i 111.
;i mi ii in,
i"i i nay
Mini i
s mi in
II in hi,
i .111 A, III.
Am'huu (inn la--riui iiiii'iiiiinniiiit
nf tlm U A. Ii,. will Im hold Mud veur
Ht Anlill In, Mini tln fill' two ll.iVM. 'Tim
fimo U not fur April, Nth and tub. Tlnv
w' 1,0 ll V' , ' n'""' Mr, lVter ('lurks
ii Imv.. Hlmy IniHliiitf. A l.i'Kr iit-!o,,.,m I'lty Monday.
I"1""!"!' I I'X ','I'HVI, ll 111' l' I ION II III II
do to Wilson & Cooke lor Oliver plows.
N.'tllmi'-I tor M lU'iu mnl v Un Hum, T
111.. Mll,l il- IV i',lH,. l iy .lli.l l , I'urlhinl
ftml hn) Imullli,;!,. ,ltl in., I'iio-i.U) i, Huns
lU milt Sltlll.t 11
M.iil.w f,,r Pnt-m in. I hhy liti.ltiki. s in,
McttiUv. Yv ltti'.t.i-ntt'1 Krhttti t-ui r.ullnii,!
mut ii i y I iu4itiii. Ii m in. riu'Ml.iv, Ihitr.
ly mi, I KtliUy,
H.ui.w v Inxcki'tiiin. - On lust M.m
ilii v llio nl. ilo I. .mi. I ul' iiiiIhi.i.I rum
miiiiiiiiiiirs, iMiininiiiii5 n( A, N II mill- !
ton, ul lliintiiitiliin, liulii'il rl..w, ui
JunotioM.ti. V, Cilmr, ul Ittiii'lm i;, ;
llil F. J. Miller, uf I'm ll mil. ux eleik,;
cmui'li'teil llu'ir u in k u( tn'n eli.ui mi!
the Soiillieni I'll, ilie I'elneeii I'.inliy j
mill I'.ii lliin I lu-l Mi mil iv. I'liev li.tvii I
Ihhiii out c oven luy un llie ni.ilii line ;
brtwpon Axliliiinl iiml 1'mt litint. 'l'liey j
nvuiilliii'll I ii. une jiiiiMivenieiilH, nil. I
n'Ml tlmt u r;tt ileitl nl t I "lk li.i
Iwn iiei iiini'liHlii'il llii tutor. Muelij
wjrk U liointt ilum1 lineen 1'mil ui.l .
ml Siileiii, uiiil llie pay mil lur iuiien-:
tern Uilntieii tlies.i tu ii.i'hiIm iiiiiuiiii'i' I
ul HHtl.tst tiumlli The run veyum lire :
nnv un the i;n un I lieleeii t enun I'ity
::il I'liilLiu I, irei ii in.' t.i ci' annul. I
tint luiiij tieslle iii'iir t I tekuitiiii M.ition. !
with n "i i !' eeiit eiirv i. llie i iuiiilihv ;
lire li Inn; in rent leu wneievei . nil
entile, liuve ulu lilleil ill : ."i I)
.Hit 1 1 exile over null T eieek, n 'U
Atlil.uiil. The I like j,.il'ihh (renin in
Nil ri'bilill. ;t li 1 1 filiiiii.', I'lie euiuiii ii
nioneri iruniiiiiu e llie ruail liel in cmnl
t'Olhlili .11 Im twoeii I n 1 1 1 II, I mill Ailc
hiiul. Tlin I'umniij'Miiiii'r' are
tliomiiu'li wmk, mi l xl irled un) (imiii
1'nrlluml l'llelilV un l:i llnifrtiun ul
llm Wexl iie
A (iiiull Al'IVIM'Mi.M'. The ln'
Kiiniilil e.nit.iiiiK llie I'iiIIuh iii ill ilt ili"
IMttelim (mm Viilum;tun City: Tlie
O ekt'ei ilel.'i; ilum ti I iv lull M run
miltilti'MI .mil llirillv vll'eet.'il im uuree
nient imiiiiilaiit iiiMiiiitiiii nlii
fur (ri'uli, iiihI li ive ri iuiieinle.1 tu
tilt' ue-iilent ll.iM Peter I.. P,uilet lur
rrit'ivir ill tliu I'liitml Sl.iteit I in I ulliiM
at Oiyjrmi t'ilv, un. I TtiotiuH Munt.-iili
(or Mis'iii.iter ut All'iiny." T'lie llrn.
imnii'il sietitleinati ie.i.sunle, !lie
county u( I'l.u k.mias in tlie Imier liiiiiii'
of lli late levilaMI'e Ilo vwin rli.ur
linn uf tin) B in .in I ineaiK e.iiuinilte",
ml win nneuf lli.i lianl wuikeriuf tin'
Winioii. t 'laeknin.iH e unity lias lu eii
llid Inline fur in uiv eirn. llie ineelit
llioiiiiitmiit im Hull II. V. Ilnreli. u polk
county, wlm U ml e meiiiln'r uf the
leixlrt'iiro an. I unee siin' ul
the Htnto ienileiiliuiT Mr. Ptt.'let im
liut the unly nii'iratit lur tin iuilinii,
the oilier uiie liein,: Hun. 1'. T. llateli.
nuvr ui M.t'uv, 1'ilk euiuiiy. Mr
llatih id now in V;i !. iur. u fily,
whither he went a lew we. k-i iu;u.
til.VtliluK '"t KSin HK . II I'Hii.AV-
Ilil). The I ii.nhlune I ni iiilme M inil
faot in iiikt mii i .tiv liaxl'i-en iiieuri,niiiei
nniler the name ul tlm Kniure" Maiinfae
tilling t'ui,ii.inv, ii illi a enplt il ilm'k of
ofO.iK II I I Ili. em are I uv K. Rtr-
row, I'ri'fi L lil, A II. Steailinun, M'eie
tary ami treiieitil in nmer, iui. I'rank
Ulllull, HUIH-I'llltelnlelit. Mr. I.lrre i-
J r i'li'li t uf :he Larking Ihhi-i' uf piank
tt ll.iiruw, l'uriiin'. luw a . w iiile Mr. i
Mf.uliiian is a l.'.i lihi' l,'.i-inri in in u
1'eiiiim ivaiu.i, .in I has I n 1 n,.' run I e t-
t' ith til" I lii e.l SI i!e- I 111 t ii. Mr.
Flank I'mii'li i vi 1 1 knu'.Mi un the iimn- .
Hirer nl the I il.i.N'niii' I ui nil m e enm.i- .
II v. The new , i un ; .i u v ill e.enively :
liiiye III the liniiie't n iiiiiiinia. liliMik'
iiriiiinre lliat eijiial the;
innllll-! uf H- hent lnrie -II the e 'int.
ami will,'o tlie eui.uitv uf their;
works, ui vi i' einp'uviiieiil tu u Imve
fllllllher ul I' ll. Asiile liniii thin lll.lllll
laeluiini; t.ti-iii.-.-. th"V will keei their
(nrniliiie .-tuie Hell -.;ek.'. Willi tin1 hent ,
jfuuiln. The e UMlal Hluek ' II. IH emni:l-
ny is imi'l ) ) . wliii h inures nu ilelav ,
ill iMlHtiititf their i lltel I'tise.
evei'v iinl uf llie mute will lie theie,
PniM' I'uiMv To I'vv In I'iii.
1'iiniilv Tieninivr, S. It, Ciilill' went to
S:ileni Muiiilay, lakiins wild him ii
vullni ennlalnint! llm hiiiii uf l.hSI.'J'i,
heii'K llie lull iniiiiiint uf tux ilnn (rum
this lunnlv, Slate TrwaHinor Melsi lian,
ami itHiiiniit lieiimner lluilukliiH tint 1 1
Infunneit Mr. t'nlilV that t'luekiumin
ii the tlmt enmity to puy tlm "late liu
In lull, lint oilier eoiiiilieH Innl
inuile .ailial ii.u iiioiiIh ul their taxeri,
Hun. I.. T. Ihu in linn w ithiliiiw n finin
the law II i ni nl Ihiniey , I i .i um-, uf
thvuuii t'ily nml Pui'tliiml. Mr, l.uiin
leiiveM 1 1 io Ilnn un iii'enniit of his in
eie.iseil ilutien s I'nlle.l Slateii Miiiilnil,
ami the ImsineKit will he emitinneil hy
Hull V, T. Itintiev iin.l, I, W, lhaui.
I'lii'i liiin hine limit up an iiiiiiiei.nii
I In ii-i liens as l,m,l la y." s um I al I or inn ,
i in, l are the tie M leliuhle linn in theii
I line on the e.Mil, uu. have the uiiiii ll
I'l'lillilenee uf the inihlle
Siiummi Mmiu HuNiiits.-t'uini:iny
K nl Ill's i ity me ninkinti evei y ireuiiii
t i. in to take put In the enininit nthelelie
Inlirminieut In he Kiven hv i uiiininv (i,
i. N of Pnitlaiiil, April l.'illi
iTIieyiinMil iiiliye Irniiiiiitr lor ill! the
1 Uaines iiml liu eN to dike plueu lit that
time, nml will no ilonlit iIisIiiii;iiihIi
! llieiiiMihi's in eanyiini uw.iy their ulniie
jul llie inel.ils. I'mnpa'ty I'' is ennipuseil
! uf metiil, ami when lliev net iluwn
i o iiisines e.innut Im exeelleil hy tiny
! euiiipiiiiy in the l iisl lieiinenl.
Nfw Vaiui IV el' I'lsil The CuTVnllm
ii.i 'tto mv: I'M, Sullivan, (lie leil linn
! Il-heiuiall uf the h.iv, sent not Ml puiiinls
' ( Kentiell linh this week lo Ailani As
nil ul tins nty. Tins is a new vmielv
n ll,i in these' wateis, this ieni(j their
liisl apis'iu anee in Yatiiiiii hay, ninl it
is sai I the water is alive wilh them nst
nun. In ai'i'i'ai'iiin'e thev remnnhle n
; latue s.uelt anil me nlmul the sin i ul an
; nnhnai y i.ialmun trunt. They liiuku a
; veiy p'le ilisli when pruperiy pm-
I'lliKIVII Pill' SlVlisri'M- CuM-
I' ii The t'l.u Pull' S.iii.lslnne
U uinp my, uf this eily re iiinkinu in
lU'iisise pri'pa i ut inns lur upenim their
, ipi.ii i V uue iiinl-uiin hall miles "asl n(
Mliisplaie. Tiny inleml .slilpHiK nil'
llie I'.utli, trtea'v-live (runt mil lllly
lent ileep, u its In (Jul nt llie slrul ui
aii'l-li.ue in C".i I shape. This will
pill thru' ipi.iiiy in il ii .ti-1 1 1 1 n
In he wmke.1 at ism si ailvantie, as the
sainUtmie is uf n ipiality, iinil
is .uluiii.ihly ml iile.l lur Innl lni(( pin-
Mi. P. I. Iliillnnin, ol Oiiilmtvlllii.
was in the cliy Miiinlny.
Mm. A. I I'utrow went to kaleni
Tilesihiv fur h lu ll I vIhII,
An iileiranl nsmiitimiiit ol all I ho lalimt
slylea uf visilmo runl nt thin olllee.
Mr, Thnnui. Ilnnklmi. who walili'i
east of this pluee, him lieen Kirlouly 111,
Mr, It, IV l.ewla, the nipiilar mor
elnint uf nlu( wan III Uncoil V ty,
Mr. nml Mm. Hiiimiul Klwnr. of
Cliirk'n rejulim in tlm nilvunt of it liniiiio
Inn huliy liny.
Mi'. Win, ItiiHHoll, who 1 1 tin lu'eli a
iVHhlunl of Uii'uuu t'lly, fur tlm pnsl
two yean, tiled at Ht. ineimt'l lioapllul
III I'oilliinil lunt Kiiliinlny iiiornlii uf
typhulil piieiiinnnlii. His liuii'inl took
pliii'ii (nun the t'atlmlli' eliiiii'll In (Ills
eilv Mnii. lav, llu luaven a inullmr nml
slsiei'ln li'iiiiiniljiinlili'lilei' lillil hl-nllini
III I'hieaK'i. Mr. limmi'll Imui un c
vmplary iTiu i iiuli'i u imui( hU a. ipinlnl
aiu'ivn. '
Miiiuilionls nml iiui)(i-
liuvela kept hy
,il the leaihnif ihi t
nines, latest imif h, st
t'millelil A lliimlev
MessiH, ,1. II. Wulfni iin.l ,1. P. Hittot
pi'oinlnent leslilenls of Nenilv. wetii III
the eily Tuimiliiy,
The "Purt ul Purlluiiil,. hill will I
eonlesiinl hv J. V, t'ouk, a wt'll known
eapiliilist uf Piirtlainl.
Mis. t in i i WorsliHin la very uli'k at
tln li Mlileni'ii ul lier iluilKhter, Mr. W,
II, Marshall, uf Caneiiiah,
The ClaekamaH H ums Paml will ti've
a lirainl hall nl Willmrn's hall, I' aiile
etvek, Weilnesiliiy, Mnirli 2'ilh.
iH'pnly I'uiinly Kneoriler, II, IC
Si .. hens has h. 'en seriuiisly III ilnrill
lue past few ilays, Imt is noiv rvi OVnniiH,
I are li.'HllllllllK to
out for mivollioa nml the
nn'ii iiin.'inlteliitit Klis kof aiirliiK
arrivu. I.nuk
lalest utiles
Tlutieiun t'lly Maniilai'tnilnu Co
are nilverlisiiiK In tlm San Ji'raiii'ii"i'0
fall lor ailnten faney eitsslineru weavers.
N Iy Helmol ilistiiet Is liavlmi an
ail.liliuii ereeteil tu their whool huiise,
.'I'.'k'.M feet. ami will hsvenKlinli'il n hnul.
tinleiH taken fur any newspaiHii or
.r..ilii'il pnlilinhe.l liieill ur ilnnieslie,
hiiiIii enpieH or hv (he innntli or year
CllHKI.ll A llt'NTI.KV.
Knv. II. Ilrnwii, llm well knuwn
.la ine of Salxiu, was in tins rltv Kri lnv
tlm unesl ul Mr. ami Mm. M. A.
Mr. V.. 1. MeKittriek has rivi'lvptl
his Hpiiii2 stis k ui limns Mini shoos, ami
has an elivuit ilisplay in his sluii win
ilow a.
1 i'
din I'muiiiiis I hi' xv ino The
insiiinli iii al Pnllainl knuttii an the
: hiiiii Is a hislnne il su it. It is the
' (Linn' ir.l lur nil the 1'iiiuii Pai ilh'
sleame'S thai are pa-t their usefulness,
i The emits m.H liuuj in this ei nieteiy
lie the sleiiuii is, t 'rieiit nll.l li eiileiil
nhii hhave heeu i un lniniieil, an. I the
I sie liners K. N ( nnk. I'haiupiiiii ami
i P.Nie riiiuiipsiin, whii h, llnuih nut
iilln iallv l uinleiiiiieil, are ulit uf sei vn e.
j Tliiee ul lhee sleaiuers, Hie IVeiileiil,
thieiit. ami t'hampiuii, uaeil tu rim
regularly to S.ilein.
I! iW Ii 1T US 'I'll K Wll.l.AMiriK, All
Hem apin'are l in the Salem Stalesillail
the uiher ilay civin an uamint ol
the r u e h 'tween the h'emiiei lli'itlley
nie I N.iilliwest, statmjj Ihnl llie .Nnrth
west wad viihir. llio Pentley irew
ilai I that the Nmlhwest left the
luksfuity uiiuiiti'S Is-lino the fuiiuer them ip'nlea start
lusellle this ihsimte the Iwn luinlo
anuther r u e S.ilnr.lav hnth Im its le.iv- j lisheil semi-weeklv,
uij S.ilein ti'i.'i'tiier. nils nine tlie nieni am priimim'd
Peiillev alter making many hiiiihiis
i llilie ullt li'lnl imis.
Mr. ln'ur l.a I'orvHt, wlm wan born
mnl raisin in tirenon Citv, reeonlly
manieil Mias Uira Mullll, at Uhm
1'. I', Itiyil, It. (' t'aiiiphell ami (iiHi,
K. M; em, stale lisli eonnisisaioniea
visileil tint l lai Imli hery last
The Hallos Ihuly I'luuuirlo la cniniiiK
totholront with nswa inteil pri'sa ilia
pnh lies, nml ii a eieilit lo that thriv
ing illy.
Mr. Henry MoMmm will almrtlv emu
ineneo snrveyinn the Harlow traet at
Mai ii ui slat inn, wliieli will he snh.llvhh'il
into small tiarts,
'Dm only aun ol Mr. Thus ltennel
I if I Muiiilay niiiht in New Ida. lie
ana klsmt Ion i ears uM, ami was Inineil
at t'anhv U'e.lneiilay.
The Wnislhiirn Iii,lestiiloiit an
nuiim oa that It will liiMrafter Ik pnh-
aml uthvr iinprovn-
Ni w Pun i n Hot si. l lio OieK'ini.ill
iiii'iili'ins thai a s, hi iiin is mi luul to
eitahhsh n soil uf a iini iii iwer linuso
In furnish siwir I" us'ialo all tlm
el-i trie run, Is in the fit v uf Purllnll'l
Pint in his thai, eveiiln, illy pnwef fur all will pmhahly he f ill niiheil
li . hi the, un t iiy a- it is hut iintmnl
that the lii iiiiilie eyl Water puller Iheie,
wi.l Is-anle tiiliii'.U'h il i heaper than
ht.. un plan' .in. Tins hits tlie nail un
t'lolnnl '! In-pns-ih lilii uf the puwer
uf 1. 1. U'lllauiet e I ill s fur inaniil u tili
iny; nirpn-es lime an. I at Purtlainl have
hanlly hi'H in .levi'li piiienl
Oi'r.MMi I'.'K A Hiiuv
si.leiiilnl niienii.i! for aiiulh
Tit IT N i ll I lll.V. Il is tiniv ussuroil ,
that Puril.ui I i-i hu ui to have n new ,
da: Iv pau."-. Tiic liisl is-me will appear 1
inilhuiil six weeks. The now piper j
will ! il-iii u'.aii.'. mi l a litsli'liiss i
hIi M't ill i'(
lluw on Ih
uf Hie III
0'litnr is a
manau r.
V re i ''t 1
way Ir no Hi '
.-I uiijir.ivc I
r , IV Y'l'sef,
i are I
t in
in ii'l
fur Hie
1. 1 he pii'l
he'll mil
fur lliei
n llio upper
sail! tu he
f..r it
oast, ami tn.
as i-i also
'ii i-.n'i-i Iy riis I l;n'
new sli-i-t miiuiin-H In . ,"H'i ni
viTtis,.in.Mit in I siihs riptiiuiH
tir-ii yi' u, nun-of wli'yli ii
lliltii" the pap T shall h.ivu
thren inuntlis AlrM-ty th
,, i. ui ikini snhn'tioMS
ie,.,l,i, (Lie,-'ll aho.l'lv hinll l
kuiih! ul the host talent .n
i Tiie riiv is
n.,n.' l',...,l . 'Tlm new ias-r will
fthil lio'il, hut uui: wlik'li is pieltv
u..,.iin ,.i . int. III "!! m room
l'i.i-l hi ml is the largest ritv in the
Stuten with hut onu ihuly p.iT -Salem
ThohkC'owh Aiiain. -Every Jay the
eomplmnlH lieiome more frequent nhuiit
the cow 8 that uro niHtinoil in llie
HtreotH of thin city, ami Komi! illi.eiiM
iniik'JH a riKlitiioim roar tlmt cuivh have
hrokoti into his ynni or oiicIomiiiu ilurinn
the niht, anil ili'l innutiieriililn (laiiiii,'i.'.
It ia no iincominon orfiirienco to see
cows eatitm fillh out of llm iturlmx"
iliimpH that have heon ilepositeH in
back alley.' ami Ni'ln utroetM, ami this is
not to ho wonilered at, im the ijiasH is
prottv shoit on tliu huek MtreelH, owinj!
lo tlm trallic ati l ini'i'iMH:n ImHini'Hs nf
the city. 'The day is paMt wh"ii the
HtrcetH ol this city hIiuiiIiI ho iikimI iih a
cow piiHlnie. When cows are I'nin
pellfiil to feed on iiianmu heaps mi l uar
,alro depnsits, the milk inilsl uf iiit.'ph
ity b'.i nulit for nun, ami no donht llio
BicknesH now ho prevaleiit nimini; the
th cliildron ut Ih'iH eily cuiild Im turned
to this very cause.
FhKK Kbauino ltuoM Kor the henc
fitof thoso who contemplate slarlinn a
trM reading room ut thin place, Tint
K'TKtii'itisi'. takes pleasure in lulling how
the Poonlo'H Free re:i'linn room was ,,s
. . liahoil in Portlimd. Several ladi-a
J worki nmiiu" "lined 70 for that pur-
X d donati ,i.H of books, milium
and newspapin-H, and tlm oh ahl.H im.n
a Uowh not. over nix '.miI.h old, ih a
' I sni'coss. All t i n wiih accotn
..,t.r un a Tittiiiniiitt f , whore
vh"ltnZw lhn inOrenoiilJi.v.
" Z ii r.inir of 70, oncconl. cfirtnin
j;:3ttoll onahniumro.
-There is a
r t . 1 1 r v In
liiis i n inity. us .Mr 1 nmpkins is uniilile
to li'l all tne aiipli 'iiiioiis lor milk, ami that he has all Ih" customers thai
he .'an supply. There are a laitfe tnini
U r uf families in the city who are nn
a Me tu set nie milk fmin Mr Tumpkin's
.lairy that wunld gladly patimiij'.ii an
iiisii;it.ini of this kind IJcsidoa iheie
ale in. HIV eup!,' Who Would lint . :i
Hie In. utile and expense nf keeping a
cow, if lliev line assii.e.1 th it Ihey euiild
iot pui e niiik irulii a laiiMilall, liitf f
llio cows had Ire.ih (irass ami pure water,
Tanks Ki siiimi In. S'ioi ill' Samson is
O. lJ- n IT. W. was in-
Cll4',,iT Th I r l. V 'vonimA March 12,
,lit,ilfid T j ,n (,1ll.(,r
byy',J,( Tho olHcor. elected nrJ. A.
iiMsnilieff- ,,," :.!nL. K. Ilnlcumh, M.
Talhot, I ,V JH' ' p - J. VV. Roots, O. :
n-l'-WTh I'tdiluck, I.
iatiotl Hti" " n,Mvt
Tlie '"". ', .
"iiral'lc tttidpiwH-
! lo -eiviiu Hives lur that am euin
inf in h iih a rnsh, .is iho dais nl raco
' w ll on. I iiith H e llr-t ni A n ll Hepiitj
i ,- I H 1 ill M. .IMS i- "till Veil lltl-V I'l.lleol'-
inn ..ii.'H iii Hie iliU'nr.'iil preeinlH uf Hie
cuiuity. Mr. T. P K ind ill ha.i heon
i a-snu iii'.' in the "hoi iil"s ulliie a pari of
: ihe lime un iu'i'oiiiiI o( tlm .' 1 1 1 rush
"i t.l v. Ha . i'1's p. "i'l I lo up The perei'lil
! aiie ul l.l xea i uiiecli'd I. y llio sheull' nml
I his .li'pul ins exceed i Hull uf any preiioiiM
i so.istiii at this 'late. TIiIh is a jfouil in-
ihcation nl the prupi'i'it V of Ihe cunnlv,
which is u (,'nud round (ur a dull Mcasim.
OllOAMZINU AllAINSI' Monoi'oi.v. The
io-iih'iilsuf the lower Culiinihia river urn
'ic'iiniinu lo wince under the (tail of Hie
ciinihino 'hat is now upprnssiiiK Ihein
wilh heavv freijjlil and passenger I'aloH
and no jilaniiiuK an opposiliun to the
cor mi ul loll thill controls Hie river fieinlit
a lid paHseiijier Irallic They prnpoHit
hnldiiu meetinM nt every landing in
Culinnhia, ClalHup, Cou liiz and Wahki
akum ciiuulies lo urnaiiin a protective,
alliance, in which every ineinher hinjs
hiinself to patronize an oppnnilinn Hteiun
i r It is said that on Lewis river the
people not around recent couihinatlon
hy depili ixiiiK olio man to hny Hipplies.
for Ihe Hociiuii, Ilum uvoidinu ireiuhl and
transportation fur the Hopeiate inilividu
uIh A l.ivi; I'iiim Sunie, storoH arn ai
ranjied with il view lo tlm convenience
nf ciisloini'iH, and the wares are placed
in such a wavlh it in I tcmliiij.' jiiiri iiiiMci'H
can we what they want without wasting
iinneci'H-ary lime. Mohhih. Pope it Co.
wiio ine wiile-uivaliii lo t ie hest iulereslfl
uf their ciiHtoineiH have their nails, holts, in convenient receptacles,
with siz 'S nnmhered Ihoreon, ho that
purchasers can K''t w hat they want at a
moment's notice. This Ilnn carry the
largest ami must cumplele block of
hanlwiire, tinwiirn and Htnven of any
house Hiiulh of Portland, hesldeM make
a Hpncally of plumbing, ruolInK, etc.
Occupying taoirown hiiildini; and Bav
i UK I'm expi'tiHo of extortion
ale reiils, they are enahled to undo.
sell Poriland Iioiihoh.
A Ui'hii I'oit FoithitkI) TANiih. There
was a rush of land locii.tors ut the land
ollice on Friday and Saturday of lust
week, to file houieslead application. on
on the forfeited IiiiiiIh of the Northern
Pacific railroad siluiiled north of the
lnem line In Multnomah county, only a
small portion of the landHheiim located in
Chick iimiH. Ahout fifty homestead ap
plications were (iled. neveral npnlications
lur limherclainiHand liomesteadHwere ro
ieeted on the around that tlmv calhid for
lociUioiiH within the limihvof the Oregon
& California railroad latidH. lo pre
vent, truiihlo amoniJ ninneroiiH applica
cantH, thev were, roiiui red todrawmtm
bers, and await then' turn, and eonae
riuenlly everylhin paagud uir Batisfai'tor-
ily to an concerned.
Mr. V.. II. lliKina and Mm, May t
Yuiiinf were mmneil al tlm rrsi.lom- uf
Mrs Jaun Slmw In this oily on March I.
I.Mil, Knv, John Pursons uillciating
Coiisiderahln romplaint ia heinu mails
hv river men ahout tlm lonifth of limn It
lakes In om'ii the Mudiauii hridi0 draw,
as it ofleii ilchivs hoats si'ieral miiuiles
A ii eiliniiKO Suva Ihe m in who i
pe. Is in tu I lea veil un his wife's
.lunch iiieuihorshlp, ur Ihe chicken he
fed the pii'iichoi , is takinx aw ful
eh inecii.
A. Si liiitiel, of Mink, puh
appeiil lo 1 1 1 pri.ple in llie
ul the lielniin Jimriial, lo
clinic into tlm I'lilon l.almr party, and
they will et rest.
Mr. (i.
lislles mi
last isaim,
A uhiikI hall will ho Kiveii at Wih
hiuu'a hull, Psnln Creek, hy Ihe Clncka
inaa llinaa Hand on Wednesday ovnu
Inu. Mi ll '.'.nil. I sfll , Music will ho
furnished hy tlm Cluckiimua Hand, A
llloiloiia tlmn In autlclpiiled, mid oviny
oim la Invited to ntlend. Tlcknla, In
eludliijl auppnr, II.M Wll limit supper
1, I,. C. Chapman mid I, l. Junes,
four muiiiijjeiH : II. S. tlihaon, dnur
k id air.
Ilnn, Jnliti Minto lull heeu appointed
a spei'lal iim'lit hy the depili luienl ul
iiai leultiini of the I'nlted Stales, tu
uliliiln fnela nml llnitrna reluliiiK to tlm
alieep Industry ol the Norlhwesl. lie
will receive a sulai v of 1 IiHi per milium,
nml nil IravelllliK expeiihcs, Ills Held
of ilpeialiulis ia I'uutllied In Ureiin,
CaliliiiniH, mid Wanliiuulun He Im to
nnikn iiciimpliile report ol the Indiislry,
couiplelluK n aecliuii nl n lime,
Nhiainhoiit mi' I) w ho run on tlm upper
WllliiuiiiHo coiupliiln hilleily of the
nimuierln which Ciipt. Itrll iplemled
to tiiku tlu'Miiiia out uf the liver. Thev
claim Hint he really uecoinpliHheil
nothiiin. It la very oil. lent Unit work
done un the upper Willamette hy huvciii
lili'lit siiKlneeis hiiiouiiIs to Very little,
and It would he much more ecuiiumlcul
If audi liiiprovt'iiienla were let hy i nn-
Mia. A, II. Duulltlle and family left
for Mipettu, Citllloruia, Mumlav ei ciunu
where aim will Join her hushiiml, w ho is
ill hllsluesa at Hull plueu, Two ol her
chllil'oii iciuain In Olefin Ciiv, a sou
who Is employed in the pulp null uml ii
diiuchter that has a lu.riilive puatliuu
in llm wuulen fuetury, A hni'o nunilur
of friends iisaemlileil ill llm depot to see
them oil', and wish Ihem a picas tut ti ip.
The Masonic ludi(e, wilh Ihoir fiimilies
lind luvi'ed lillests, assoiuhhnl nt their
hall lust Wednesday I'Veiilntf to listen t i
w hul proved lo ta one u the iiiusl in
leroBluiK ri'iidiuijHever uivnit in this ci'y.
F1U l.eolta Nwiiutnti was the talonled
yiiiitineliiciilhinUt w ho eliteitallied thoiu.
All (,'i'sluies and mnieuieiils displayed
her sTlci l aiipiainliiniii wilh her pm
(easion.- Pallas Timea, (li t S1al.
Tlm I'orl land woild cumes to l.uii.l
this week ill a new ihess mnl chilli..'.' ul
propiielnrs. W. W. Ciipeland uml
Hnherl A. Tlioiiipsnii, are llm new pnh
llahera, uud Isitli am expenonced mnl
well know n newspaper men. Mr
Thompson ia editor, while Mr. Cupi'lund
unaumoa Ihe husiueaa iiiaiiuieuieiit
rhejnliriial aa heirtnfuie la dones'i utie,
and has a much impruved u pcataur '.
Messra. J K. Cill fi Co , liitvini!
leaned the Hour nl lint Hid Fellow's
tiuililllirf, and deaiilnu lo (Hi ilpV Mil the
avuiluhlu spine lur their htis k uf .u..ks
and stationery, W. II. H.ivia jeweler,
and hi r K. Hueun, inanai(er lor the
Postal Telegraph CompMliv, will secure
Iwallona elsewhere. Ihe pustuill.e
will reinuin in the sumo loralion for the
Ilev. )r. liilman Parker, ul .Muliiie,
III. alio has aceopti'd the call of the
Fust Hnptist church of this' city, will
deliver his llrst aeimon heiu un llm l ist
stiiidav ill May. Ilia airivul hero in
ilelalud short lillie u he dosiins to l.c
present nt Ihe imirriiiife of his daiiiihlcr,
which lukea place main
The Clackamas Improvement Associ
ation, wilh F, l. Cintis, president, ami
F.C. Hamilton, wcrelary, has peilei ted
lla uiganlcilioll, ami are dolnit iicUin
work. Aa an evidence of then' enter
priaiiiK eirurta, they have (oiir cohiiuu
displnv advertisement in the Claci a
inaa New a.
of Union Mill,-, j
i Mr. ih II. I.ooney,
wan In town yiiitenluy
Mr, John Tyucke, who luti lienti III
for aniiiii lime, la Iniprovlnij;,
Mrs. Miiuera, of Mc.Vliiinvllle, was
vlhitliiK lelatives, In Ihla city, iluiinK
the lll'il nl ihe week.
Theie will Im n Hiicial and entertain
1 1 mi 1 1 un in-x I Thursduy I'veiihiK at the
Piesliylcriuu i liuich, All inviled,
Tlm lUHUiuniil In llm main la fur
Woman s Siilliiie, hill against Ihe weal
wiurliid ol hloomeis ur any audi cxliav-
Mr, II, A, Kruno, ul Willson ville, la
a inemher of llm clasa thai Krdualed
from Prof, I'ai'vln'n coiiserviiloi v uf
iniisic at huleiu Weiliiesday evening,
Mra, Julia Tluule, of Heaver Vallay,
Collliuhla coiliily, has ii'IiiiiiimI to her
hinne idler apeuilinuseveiul weeka wllh
her ihuiithtor, Mia. II. F. t russ, whose
heallli Is much luiproviiil.
A niluiher ol llm imuiiher of Achillea
Indlfn, No, uH, K, of P , euusistiuK of
Pi, li. i . Souitiii'is, C, Alhr.uhl, lino
Winner, C. M, West and F, M. Hands,
in.ele a lialeriial visit lu Castle, K, uf
P, n( I'm Hand, un lunt T tics. la v.
Puslimislei' Itniida ia mukiiiK Home
improvement In the post ollice, Ihut will
in u I it i u 1 1 y ussisl in hicillluliuK the luili
dlnij u( llie mails A money unler win
dow has heen ii lldn ut the loll uf Ihe
tier of lin k I... m.s, and new Imva are
Imiiill ui inured fur the (iciieral dehveiv
I I ii t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , an luls'led Ihul there will
he lower of Ihem lo look over, thus cf
fecliliK a lircut aaviiin of tune,
Mr (InurKe llruunhtuu received tt
lllll uf liuidwisid l'..'s Tuesday mnl
stm led ini the saw mid UCIiicmIiiv,
Mr, Ihniiifutuii la iinxiuiisly nivniHuK
liih Water to luiiiK down Ihe
immense ipimitlly of II r Imja he had cill
in dm Vauihill river, 1 he demnud lor
liluiher is ijisul, hut il Is iiusinnihle fur
a sawuiili lo inn mi full hum m H limit
Mmrcli Soi lahle.
The voiiuu people uf Mountain View
li ill hold n diiiin a.s'l.ilile HI the Con k re-i
liiilliiniil chap,. I nt that pluee on tins,,
I'lldiiy.eveuiui, All ate inidiully inviled
I lo nlli nd mid partake ul the unod Hiliinn 1
llirnisheil, The uhjecl la to raise moiiev j
! to puicliani church oikuii.
' H. I I'l .'iii Imis .t sMichitlnn,
' The iiiiuisleiN uccociatinll and minimi-
arv ci.iiM'iitiuii nf Portland I itrict uf 1
! Ihe M. IIiihIi.i Fpisenptil i Inn. h Has
: h.'ld Hi tins citv Mutnl.iy Mini Tuesday
I u this Week, ir.'iiditcoll pieiicliera were !
piewiiil and the scHsinits weie well ill-I
: leinli'd. The educiillulial inteiesla of !
tin' i h i iri l were diM iisse.) mi Mundiiv
HIksoIiiIIiiii ul' I'm I ici- lii,
1 'a ii it I'i.aci:, Don,, all ii, o. laiil.
n Uml Hie nail.
Nnliiu ia heinl.y kiv
ui'i-iii. ui ii'iuiiiiii in i 1 1 it Inlw.'lfi
I' . I in . a n mnl .1 1 ih ii Miili""im, holh
I ill li place . I Un Kiiiiniri en uui In
under llm Mini h um ni I1,,
aon, ia Huh
day ili--nv.-. ,y
Mai he.
Ill ll III! I
I'!. Pi'on v
II N M lllll I
,V ItllesH
S. F, I Ini ili.
(i . Hamilton.
The hiisinoa will he cnnli
old s'nml hy ,1 . Mallicsuu
liny ,
i li II Vi a ioinl Mi' y i -li I'liniii
'd III lln
liii aloil, ll hlch I cull Koll ut the aiiloiilsh-
llililnlow Ukuiii ol fh'OII, ll., iii fai
see il. C. II. Iivii,
"111 iver Oregon Cily Pank
: i
Take Medicine?
IT is ol N A
Necessary but Unpleasant
to mimnM.
Tin-IP la lixl l I Ii k
Wp 1'iit, )i iiik, WVar or Have I nn
'Unit l.. an in mil liii.,,rliiin r n
The Mt'ilitini' V Takp.
A III I.IAIII K hltl'UHIHl' Is a ),.) Ini.-v.-r l.i
aiiy riitiuiiiuili).
E. G.Caufield
I'1. ll.'llill'K I, III
Pure Drutjs of the lliyhcst
- - )V,A'A IX - -
Fresh Stock of Garden Seeds Just Arrived.
gips, Attention !
eveniin:. I'r. Siratlon made un uh'e i
and eliiiiiieiit plea in hchalf of the Hew Iv i
pii.ii'iteil Poiiliind I'nivi'ihilv. lie
lluiiiijht llm tin-tics uf (ho institution ;
Would ri alme -am,!! m ul least from their j
land clid'iw incut at I'uitsiiiuiitli. 'ireut
ihili.'s may ho expecled liimi the I'ort
Ian I I'ntvei'-nly. ia pn'sl lent ia the j
fuieiiiusl educator un the must, i t r :
ni.uiiin ni'iil includes seme of the nmsl
successful hii-ineaa men of Purtlu id and :
In hmd It l llie Methodist Kpiseupul I
chilli h. (it-out interest entored in -the j
w nt k uf Tuesday. W ell w ritten papers i
in re lead nu I "Hi praeticahle uml i
nhli ue themes, nml Hiuue lively (ha-j
siisHtuiia tisik p'ui'O. lu llie evemuii ;
llieru W as il sprite. I and practical III-;
hots v Ilev. t. V. tiiitnnis and Hi
scl.ulmly imper hv Hr. Ilmiithtun un j
"We-levus a Missiniiaiv."
' '
llesuliltliiiia id ( iiiiilnleiice.
Hen mil lillHiiiN, M lB , H, lM'.H . J
To the ulhcers ami nieiils m ol (Isivexu j
but in- No. 1:l I. I. it, V We your j
i "inn. Iltco lli.iill!i-'l 1,1 ili aft resulll- I
ti'ina on the ileulli uf l'.i.i I,. S. Junes,
sudmit the ("ll.ia in ; piemnhlea uml
li'Si'llltinllS i
Inasmuch us It has'd Aim 'hlv
HooliS, SiaiioiIOrj iResidence Lots.
) One (if tin' licst .sites for factory
Fine Factory Site J- and .lode in thtu ity. Has.100 ft.
J riverfront near lnisincss center.
Near tlie .Snljiliiic jnill, within 00 feet of
of the canal ami locks. 1 00 acres suit
ahle for platting into lots for manufacturing,
resilience or business jiurjioses. This is tlie
first oU, f,,r the West Side, and will he sold
as a whole or in lots to suit.
i One of the hest corners on Main
y street, Orejron City.
1 A large list, both improved and un
! improved of desirable resident prop
J erty, both within citv and suburbs.
IWest Side
Business Corner,
nAIIFIFinX HIINTI FV'Q L . 1 . Fill(' ,1'a t ,H'!U 0sw,' with one-eigth mile
ACreg v ,.,V(,r ,ront.
Fine Slaflonery ui al! tt:t UM
Pi Pioim ai.s
I'rii l.c llrt'l ill tin' lery !uiii.?t nlri-ii
Prunes and
Pmiiick's I'ii. i
liver lied linnet
I'm dli-uril"!' of
A vigorous but
very excellent for manufacturing
J and very sightly for residence property.
Several of the best tracts for Prune and
Veaetabies C ';'Ial,le J'aii'i in the valley, on tlie ranroau
u ') and near Clackamas Station.
"0 acres near Hatfield Iiutte, this side of
A Bargain.) Mihvaukie. Very sightly, and near pro
' posed motor line.
We have also many other line tracts and special bargains
which it will pay you to consider. For particulars apply at
the ofliee of the
Willamette Fulls Investment Co
lind tu remove from mir imdsl our he- j Kent lo physic Hint cleanses uml renovates
Justice poll Is nltlciated al two mar
risKea, huth of w Inch tisik place in his
nlll. e this week. The liist was Alien
AllhriK'il and tienre W. W i, M. h
14, and Moli. HI, lnNy A. I;ik- nu I
Horace Slmrl
Inn d I'.rother la-ma.
I fine he it
I S. .luliea, there
Mr. I',. K iu will remove the
I' leleifraiih ollics to l.i vol morn's
lli'iv holel in the ('hiiriuail hluck, aa
I iill ,V Co. 1 1 rniiic to use all the stuiensnu
in the Odd Fellow 'a huildinK.
T ledeiiiocrntsol Pnitlund am ilia
i iihiiiil' the ii'lvisahilil v ol plicinu an
iuies'iidant ticket in lire held nt the
i i'Iiiiiil' eleclinn, aa they cIhIiii there ia
no use of politics ul cily eleeliona.
Mrs. T. W. Clark entertained it num
ber of her youiiK frieuda al her residence
corner Monroe und sixth atreela, Snlur
day eienlntf. The lime waa pleasantly
spent in parlor irn meg und darn ing,
Mrs. .1. W, liout, nun of Ihe live real
estate men of Clackamas, waa in Oregon
Citv Saturday. He reiiorls mailers
loukiuu' up in '.hat thriving Imiv, and
piiispeclH fur the I'uiniinf season good.
The liamu of K. C. Ilacket, of ttiOK.m
City appears ainoiut the lial ur those
who joined Ihe lending circle last month
as published in llm I'.ilucational Com
pendium, He completed last year's
coin so,
Mrs Niinev H. I'rult. a pioneer ol
lSuii, died ut iSulem, March 111, IHtM , in
in her 07th year. She leaven three
children , Mra. S. II. Hush, Mra. K. J.
Itahcuck, of Halem, and Win. K. Pratt,
of Ort'Kon (-'ity.
Altentioii ia called to the new ndver
titiciiiciilH of TboinaN Ciuirni'in ill Hon
on another pane. Their direct imiioi ta
lion of NpriiiK ip). sis have arrived, and
me enabled to nive huruiiiH that can
not be duplicated.
('oilur Camp, Modern Woodmen of the
World, ol tins place, will invite Head
council I'ulkinheiy to visit thoiu while
on the ( oast Should the invitation ho
accepted, a warm and fraternal wel
come will be uiven him.
Mivhi'M. Chiirmuii . Hon mo rn.eiv
iny direct from New Yoik, ChicHo and
other inaikelH t hn lalest slides of sprim;
Koods, including clotliiiiK and furnlsli-
initiroods, bun i anil sices, all the latest
Nlylea in dresH ooda, fancy in tides etc.
Mr. ('has. , I. Wilson, of I.nifan, called
at Tiik Kntkki'kihk ollice on lust Friday
and wishes it diHllnctly understood that
he Ih not married, nor never lias been
reports to the contrary iiotwithstandiiiK
There ia u reliance yet for sonm young
baudsomu C'lackaiimn county girl,
It, Ih now stated that in retaliation of
the KelloKit company pluclnir the North
West on the upper Willamette route,
the Oregon I'aeillu will run one of their
bouts regularly on the Cowlitz river
route from Portland durinic the season.
V. P. llellany, roeontly of Oray'a
llarhor, has nurchiiHod the notion store
from (). P. Mullen on Main Htroet. In
addition to a complete stock tf notioua,
etc. lie will add a eecond-hund de
partment, whore llio higheat price will
ho paid for these articles.
Mr. D. Olds arrived this week from
KansiiH with his family, and will locate
here. Ilia aon hafl been a resident of
this city for gome time, and ia employed
in Ihe paper mills. Mr. Olds has
another son at Lincoln, Nob,, who in
tends coming here soon.
Messrs .. W. ami. I. liaird. foimcili
nf tins citv, hull' npene I an nlllce in Hie
. ,, . . , . i , . i , . .. . i. ..
.iiiiukIoii iiiiica, I ni ii.ui'1, in'ii' "' 1 i iniHiv t
will lumille eiictricul apparatus, sim , ,),,
uiiike a ss'cially ol placiii)! these appn
ii 1 1 ces in I 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 1 1 i: h . eic.
Itev II. II llrmin, uf Salem, is en
pec ted lo lecture at Pope's ball amm
time during the last week in .March.
Pel' Itruwn la paalor nf the I'nilaii-in
church ul Salem, and is an able minis
ter and lecturer.
lio ilie I, that
h-lli'S. this lo lu'C
.1 ll.iilhv and ml
h ,,' Me d ,. ,li
h nui'li snl inn i.
d'.lh all things ti
Pc-uliol, Hull
alllle I it in no exli
i Hie fiiiuily
I hinlller.
in the death nf Itru
has been deprived uf
'initial me. iiber and
m i l II "! I iss We
llm ha i N ..( who
1 1 .
in iius s 1 1 hour of
ml mir heat licit svm-
ni l Ii imiiH o I our
tlie w liule system,
con's s-r
i l.'es.ilied that il copy uf these resold
I tinns he senl lu the pmeiils of llio, .bines
mnl a copy published in Tin:
I'liisn .uml that Hn-y ho spread upon the
Prank ut Wincsetl A; Scrip
line's l. i, k-iuith shop makes a si'ecuilty
of lepail ini; eiui'. revolvers nndsha'p-
enini: -c.-s-ns, ili-.i.i. ',H'ii (,'u.u antei
Wair n Ibilni in. I in
and I ' ndei lukei s. Oiei
A ifivut leduclioii iii tie price fo
blankets and oveicuats to make mum
lor I arm" invui. e of mds expected fnm
l.l. e oust Thus Chin inn ll & Sun.
iinnutes as
ll'l'ol.lut tilt.
i nait
W. I..
M. K.
K. Ymiiitt, who resides near ll nvard's
mill waa biolljjhl lielurej.1 nation li'mils un
the cluuk'n of alealiiiit a itriiiditi'iie
from Mr. Spunkier, a neii'lihor. lie
was let oil' w ilh a line of ,-,.1 which was
paid ,
Thromih Ihe cll'urla nf t
Hermann, the ciiuuuissiunoi uf Hie
geneial land ollice has niauted un in
ereaae of ('.',') per inonlh in the clinks
of the Oregon City hind nlllce frmu Jan.
The following marriage hocuses have
been issued Una week: I'.slher Smilh
Smith and Ida I.. Iluwer, Jeusin A. Farm
er and 1 1. A. linrley .
Mr. A. Schilling is having the ground
excavated (m a buil'liuK '.'llx lil feel, on
the vacant lol between .laager's block
and the Portland House, which will he
occupied us a siloon.
A BahiMIN. (irlst mill with lull acres
of good hind for sale ahout 45 ucies in
cultivation. Hood house and out budd
ings, at a bargain Impure of Tin:
A splendid enterluimnent was ren
dered ut the Preshyteriiin church last
Sunday evening, and the church wus
crowded .
ui 1 1." permanent
Si iiikw ii A riiiji.
Tux Kntkhi'Hisk ollice Is prepared to
do every variety of horsu bills, promptly
nt Poithiml prices. Satisfaction guar
anteed .
Itev. T. II Ilrownson, preHidiuit of
tho McMinnvillu college held services
at tho First Hap'ist chureli last Sunday
Mr. Chailes llarclav, accompanied by
liis sister-in-law, Mrs. I'etei' llniclay,
arrived from Calil'orniii vrstarduy.
Miss Union Wllliuihs bus uccepled u
position us clerk in llio delivery depnt
mciit of the post ollice.
Wantkd, A girl for general house
work. An easy place and good homo.
Apnly ut this ollice.
Cedar Camp, Modern Woo linen,
will meet at Odd Fellow's hall next
Tuesday evening.
Ciipt. A, Shannon, tho leading mer
chant of Hpringwater, was in Oregon
City Tuesday.
Mr Christian Kochtir, proprietor of
tho Aurora Poultry faun, was in the city
Hon. 'L. T. Itarin, United .States
Marshal, was in Oregon City during the
Mr. John Revenue, of Sandy,
been appointor! a notary piihiie.
Miss Amelia Cluggott, of Salem,
visiting her aunt, Miss IVTish.
Mr. J. F. Kisley, of OBwego, Was in
Oregon City yesterday.
District Attorney T. A .
at home oyer Sunday,
McBriihi was
Cinliii'il Prein'inllii gs.
Speci il itieeling uf the council Wod
iii'ulay evening, .llaich P.I.
All the i iiher and olllcor preMcnt
except Warren, cuiiiicilniiili.
Mimili'H uf last rou'iilar inoeling lend
and approved.
A p(l it um was real from Mrs. Fast
j hum, staling Hull she was the oivner.'of
l,iis :l ami I in hluck -II and uskin ; the
Ipiiiilego of touiiiiiarilv fencing in ten
feel nf eighth street uluiig hit 4 On
in i .I i i ill petition giilllted.
The ice u-l.'i' lepnrled that he had re
reecived u e.'rlilie.l cupy of Ihe ni'ivch ir
ler iiocunling lo inslrucliniis of the
Hill of liolilsiuilh it laiwellhtirg of
!ll.'.'ll for inaleiial fii'iiishoil for the
new pumping station wasordeied paid
mil uf llm special filial.
Cnmmilleo on slioets and public uni
erty repuited favniablv on the esluhlish
inn'iit, of it glade and street improvement-on
Seventh silent from Hie inter
section of 1 street to the boundury of
the cily. liclinrt of committee udopled
and notices nt grades end street im
provement ordered published.
Committee on streets and public prop
ertv reported fuvorahly on tho petition
of T, P. Kuiidull to' open tho alley
through block Pill, ivoport of commit
tee adopted, and reorder instriliten to
give notice to the property holders to re
move their fences.
Special committee on printing re
ported Hint bids hud been received from
Tun F,.Ti:ui'itisi: nml Courier ollices fur
the city in idling, und the contract was
let to i i.oMaliii u. of the Courier, his
l id being Hut lowest, to-wii: Tivenly
llneii cents ceiil h per sipiurc, iionpa
mil measure for the Hist insertion, and
one-third of tweiily-lhreo cents for each
suhsoipu'iit insertion,
Committee appointed to devise means
for raising $10,(10(1 for Ihe city re
poiled their plan waa to issue bonds
drawing 0 per cent inlerest, (ill In num
ber running for 10 yours, ench with 20
seiul-annual coupons, the bonds to be
signed by the mayor, leeonler and treas
urer, und the coupons to bo signen by
the treasurer alone, lteport of o niiiiit
Ine adopted.
Cominitleo on lire and waler virtually
introduced a new lire limit ordinance to
includo blocks 1,2, II, 4, C, (I, 7, 8, 0, 21,
22, 2,1 , 21, 2."), 2(1, 27, 28 und 211 fronting
on Main street. All buildings in this
limit to bojnl' brick orstono, or incombus
tible material; substantial 11 reproof
walls lo be constructed between the in
terior und exterior of all buildings in
cluded within the II ru limits, roof of
buildings lo he of tin or somo Incombus
tible malarial. No permit will be
grunted for u change or improvements
in a wooden building exceeding 25 per
cent of its value.
An ordinance wus introduced und
rend for tho first, time authorizing tlie
oimiinilten on lire and water to pur
chase a new truck, hooks and ladder for
the rlre department. Ordered published.
Fine III
lings, etc.,
Holm. m's.
Ins niiiiio to order nml Mats
uf lie it designs at Warren &
(10 TO
The New Discoverj't
You have heard vour friends and
noightiors talking about it. You may
vourself he one of the many who know
from pcisouul experience jiiHt how
good a thing it i l If you have over
tried it, vou are one of its staunch friends
heemiHu tho wonderful thing about it is
that when once given u trial, Dr. King's
New Hiscoveiy ever after il, holds a
pluee in the limine. If vou have never
used it und should be alllicted with a
cough, cold or any Throat, Imng, or
Chest tumble, secure a bottle at once
and give it a fair trial. "It is guurunteed
overv time, or money refunded. Trial
Bottles free ut U. A. Harding's drug-strro.
A Successful Worker.
Work cannot Ije successfully con
tinued unless there. .ia an active mental
interest in it. If the mind is not clear,
bright and buoyant, then the work is
drudgery and the worker is' ii machine.
An occasional dose of Moore's Revealed
Remedy will put the body and mind in
such harmony that the" hardest tasks
will Bcem play.
, They IKVW look ahead nor think. l' have ts-cn kmm n to mil till planting Mason rantottugre.
fry (or Ihoir iceilv anil then repent over it lur i months, rattier than slup and lliink whal they will want
fc.r the garden. VICK'S SEEDS never disappoint, U the verdict from the millions who have planted
Ihem. ll ilis Hos-cr or heeds, I'lanls. l!ull or anything i., this line, MAK AO MltiTAKF
llm vear, bill send lo cents for Vtt'k'n Floral Utlitlr, deduct the io cents Irom first order it rosr.s
BOthlag. This pioneer catalogue contains three tolorr l plates, .'mnricst ,(lv'rie ever otiered
fico in ca.h premiums lo those sending club orders. i,.o cash prues al one of the Stale Fairs lirand
Otfcl. chance for all. Made in different shape from ever b. paues 8i x it.' . inches
JAMES VIC'K. Ei:DSaiAN, Kochester, N. Y.
We now have a Full Line of
Himlwnre nml Stoves. Solo Agont
for Superior Stoves ami Ranges,
The Oliver Cliil led Plows at $1 an in.
We have eonneeted with the house
a First Class Plumber nml Tinner
and work in this line will boas
Promptly done and as Cheap as any
could desire.
Wilson & Cook.
Opposite Tost Ollice.
For CITY and FARM Fencing.
I I I1I1N 1:1 I V. Illl 1 110 .iniiuii-i I...V- -
......KT.L- ... I...-IIU I to Kill' S llCOI'lO
-.. ... f'l.w,t;,im,ll OOlllllV 111 (lllll
hniicot tills FKNOK It Ih tho cheiipest, best
und most durntito ever olUnod.
Livery, Feed and Stile Stable
Doublo and Single Rigs, and sad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information reirtinlini! anv kind of
Btock promptly attended to by person or
horses Bought and Sold.
Mi Mr,
ConuT of ImoiU iiii
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first cIhsb, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him !
liFO. c. ICl.Y
Store located at Mountain View, on
Molalla road, one milo south
cast of Oregon City.
We deal in Flour, Com Meal, Feed.
liroeencHof nil kinds, Boots and Shoes
Oei. s l and other styles 0f
t lollKjiK', and numerous other articles
suitable for t lie needs ol the (armor and
bis family, l.y prompt and fair dealing
1 Jl ' ""!lll,le of Patroimire.
7,llu' '"et'iest market price paid
'oi llutter, K-j-s mid Fowls.
September 11, lsoo.
Parties desiring Wood Turning Vat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
el bestow,
ifOpp. the Congregational Church
i Citv Hunk k-S&!3iJ2iKixA-t I
I 1
- i :
! I
niot fnv
-- - j-
J5&- -'V