The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 20, 1891, Image 2

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    . , is,, l;v.f'
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NI .MI-.H I',
iiikI lrirli'tor.
Tax horrible li'iift'dy at Now Orlritna on
iuMny, In which vciip'niioo m
wtvitki'tl on the cowardly oantaalnii ot't'lilef
of Police, Puviil 0. Hennessey, ts,lo I do
krit, otnMMn!i a dattKvroin itii'
iti'Utto soim' oxtent ; yot II vvus Juatttlnlile
forth reason (lint the courts prilsttitly
rrftiacd lo convict tli Kssmsiici. Tit Mt
ltii belongvil to an ltiillivi Institution that
llii(!irons to thcriiitotlStutoa.tli Matin,
ud the lvy almllng citinons unable to
iMtmiii themselves; lontrerftiid took the law
Into their own hands.. Klevim cowardly
rnlllsns, who hud sworn nlli'idnntHi to tli
I'ldtcd States, now lie that A few ilnys
KO rejoiced or llu-ir victory lit one of the
greatest criminal trials thai ever look place
In this country. Tlicy had iiiuir.ldthe Ju
iliclal tribunal, mnl property and lite were
unsafe In New Orleans, l.eivditiit Italians
do not counlenance Ilia Matin, ami are Until
In their denunciations o( that institution
As all tlio tiuirderod criniinala were nyis
tered voters, no international complications
w ill arise.
The council lias taken advantage of the
U(tKstlon made by Tut KsmHRiat, and
an ordinance aiithorliit''.the purchase of a
new truck, hooks and ladders for the Mr de
partment has passed the first reading. It
was very important that the council should
take' steps In this matter as the appliances
now in use we positively unsafe, and it
would lie Impossible for the tire department
to suiYosslully cope with a lire that had a
good start, with the present apparatus. The
ordinance should have Included hose, also,
as the hose now In use are rotten and liable
to give way at any time with a strong press,
vi re of water. Money spent In this way Is
well t'XiH-ndcd, ami if II is thought that the
council are loo lavish in their expenditures,
let them retrench their appropriation! in
some other way. It is false economy to al
low the tire apparatus to become unlit for
use, as lire pmtivtiim Is of the utmost im
portance. It would a matter of economy for the
city to erect a jail and city lull, as It has no
jail that it can call lis own, and they are
now' paying eight dollars per month rental
for the building ucd for that purpose. As
the city owns a very desirable block on the
hill, that could lie utilized for the erection
of a city hall and a jail, and the change
could lie accomplished without distressing
the taxpayers, The city could reallre a
handsome sum for the engine house and
lot on Main street, as it is very desirable
business properly, which would almost
cover the expense of building a new city
hall, with lieniliiiartcrs for the lire depart
ment and a jail in the basement Itesldes,
there would liea saving of $:! per annum,
now paid for jail rental, that would pay the
interest on over a thousand dollars of in
debtedness. Now that the conservative party have re
tained control ol the Canadian government
as a small majority, and they consider
their loyalty to lireat Britain an established
faet until another election, Sir Charles Tup
per comes to the front and advocates reci
procity with the United States. Sir Charles
says: "I am very sanguine that a recipro
cal trade arrangement on a broad and liberal
basis, between Canada and the United
States will be very sunn made, embracing
all ,vtii lej,, whether the product or the for-
or tin 'farm, as can be arranged to the
material advantage of both countries.
The Albany Herald says the defeat of tJie
liberal party in Canada means ijuite a ditl'er
rut aspect, when the w hole facts of the sit
uation are taken in. The election was
taken in. The election w as called at a time
when the revisions of the register list had
not been made, and a large number ol vot
ers who hud just arrived at age were prac
tically disfranchised. That fact, taken with
tlic other, tliut the conservative vote was
visibly reduced, makes the victory really
defeat and places the lilic ral party on strong
Tin amended charter ol Allium has one
section that is intended to prevent any and
all domestic animals from running at large
and lo punish persons who allow them to
do so, and provides for a pound for the re
ception of all strays. Is n't it high time
the city council of Oregon City was enact
ing an ordinance to cover the same ground ?
When the busy season begins the streets of
tlio city will not make very desirable out
aide range for stock, and (lower gardens and
yard enclosures will necessarily sutler.
A m hbkk of cities throughout the state
that contain less population than Oregon
City, arc establishing sewerage systems.
There Is no town in the Willamette valley
that could be provided with auewcrage sys
tem for less proportionate outlay than the
municipality of Oregon City. It is admira
bly situated for that purpose, and It Jjf al
most criminal negligence to long delay
this important move, when nature provides
such splendid facilities of grade and favora
able surroundings.
' " Conhiiikkahlk money was spent during
the past season in cleaning the streets, es
pecially Main; but, notwithstanding this
the street is now used as a dumping ground
for rubbish of endless variety, old hats,
hoes, etc., w lii -h gives the main thorough
fare of the city the appearance of the back
yard of a second hand clothing store. The
proper authorities should see that the
streets are kept clean, and the dumpers of
tilth promptly dealt with.
Tiik appointment of Hon. Peter Paijuet as
receiver of the U. S. Land olllce, gives uni
Tersal satisfaction to his constituent", and
the people throughout the land district gen
erally. Mr. Pii'jUct in one of the pioneers of
Clackamas county and a respected ami en
ergetic citizen of Oregon City. There were
several notable aspirants for this position,
but Mr, I'arpict distanced all his competi
tors, and is in every way competent to fill
this important position. to Jlerr Japing, the hourly
rate of water falling over the Niagara Fulls
Is 10fl,000,IK;0 tons, representing 10,0110,000
horse power, and the total daily production
of ctclln the world would Just about suf
fice '!' pump the water back again. It
would take all the coal and wood in Oregon
to pump the water buck that Hows over the
W'illfirnetto Falls every twenty-four hours.
It is now reported on good authority that
the Klo Grande A Western, in order to se cure
a shorter line to the Pacific const, is
negotiating for the purchase of the Oregon
Pacific road. Their intention is to build a
railrood from Ogden, Utah, to connect with
It which would give them a first-class route.
If this deal is consuinatcil, Oregon can boast
of another great railroad line to the East.
NoTWiTHHTANniNii Oen. Palmer, of Illinois
was virtually elected by the votes ol two
fanners, the result appears to tie tar ironi
satisnwtry to the agricultural organizations,
of thatstato. Kumorsof war and dissension
are rife among tho agriculturists. Palmer,
although a democrat, states that he is not
pledgud to act with any party, but according
to his own convictions.
Skn vtoh I Nit i.s advocates coast defenses
Instead of a nm y, saying that a navy built
now would he worthless ten years hence, o
rapid are the changes and improvements in
the mode of mtval warfare. SVhosald Sena
tor lugalls wai a blamed fool? Koschui'if
Ar a vhuivli lair recently hold in Stillna,
Kansas, they blind folded the men and made
them kiss the women for 15 cents apiece
tine man kissed bis w ile seven limes, and
when he ascertained the base deception he
demanded his money returned and go! It.
He illd'ut propose to pay lor that which, ac
cording to law, divine and liumtui, belong
to him.
Tiik orilluance establishing lire limit
from the liasiu to Kleveuth ttreel, Including
all the blocks fronting Main street on each
side, has reached the first reading, ami will
no doubt become enrolled on the statutes of
Oregon Ctty. With a tire limit, and new ap
pm nlus for the lire department, Oregon Cltv
can proudly hold up her head with other
leu. ling tow us of the Willametle valley.
On the fourth page will be found a syuop
sis of the amended charter of Oregon City,
Many of Its provision! authorlie such legls.
lation lu municipal allnlrs as Is badly
needed. It revolutionise! to some extent
the manner ol electing councllmen and
other olllclids. The mayor, counciluien, as
lessor ami treasurer, are made elective oftl
oers, while the nn-order, rtreel superintend
ent suneriutendent of water works and
chief of police are appointment offices,
The city is div ideil Into two wants, and four
councilineii shall be elected from each want
One advantage of the appointment system
is, that the selection of responsible and ca
pable men for the city council, insures good
and etllcient official! for the other depart
...j -i
Never was a haer misrepresentation pub.
Halted than the following from the Alblna
Courier, and to add Insult to Inlury, the
Kvening Telegram of Portland reprints the
article and credits the same to the Oregon
Cilv Courier:
"llv the following extract Fnin tit last fort
land i hsmlier ul lommeree (irix'eeillin
ll II
nils to
mi Kl sri'i'sir ItiKt the halt million ton
niste a ' port ol
'ortlninl" Is also tn InelilUs
otcK'iii uy
twenty flvr Ii
III ha uxallon illstrlct, ami a
M,i shin channel U lo be matte to
thsi uirt ol the port, II Usui anuses aim ininya
are lo he ttUcetl hetwaeu Portland andVlt-tanii-ltr
l-'slls as sosKesteil;
Krom the navigation enmmlllee reonimiil
Ing Dial lulitit anil tntoyt lieeeJaary, tie placeit
(eittiM-n rortlaiul acnl Oregon City, ami that
the light hmiio tHMtil he reiiial lo aileud lo
the lustier forthwith: Biloittt.'
In llm early ilays of Oregon Inland aaviga
ttoii the routtf from Portlaud to Oregon City
was ou ol the malu roiitas of Ira. In lo Mouth
eru Oregon, an. I wen to Northern ralltornla.
Steam lKiat of that day. although erowilril with
loi.lui... never umtertook sight ruua lo ur
from the Kails Mluee the era of railroads up
the vsllry. steamboats in Oregon City have
(Iwitotlcl lo otiw or two trailer to the Orrgoa
i lly rlocr mills whleh takes la twn nr three la
terini'illale lalnllnia t'lllea the chamlier
have a "lup cliaiiiirl lu their eve lo that point,
here Is almiil as much use (or "lights ' an. I
"tiiioys" shove Portland tn that directum for
eoiuincrciat otrpoaea, as to oruaaieut a euw
wlfh wings.
This article expresses an unpardonable
Ignorance In the w riter, as he has been pub.
lishing a itewspajMT within twelve miles of
Oregon City fur the past three years. Every
business man of Portland knows that no
les than a doren boats are Usui In the car
ry ing trade In-twecn l'orlland and Oregon
Cilv and up-river points. It is verv evident
that the Albintt Courier is very sick over
consolidation, which may account in some
measure for its rash statements.
Atlvertlscil l.elterss
The following isa Hat of letters remain
ing in the pisst ollico at Oregon City,
March 111, 1HUI :
Andrews, l.con II
lleckticr, Mrs, vVm
HrUeoe. Charles
llirgc, I'avid '.'
Ilarhiir. .1 A
CasisT. l O
Carson, Win
litineew, I
l.swsee RnlM'rt
I.yona, Mra Nora
Ijiureilson, Solomon
Lang! Hamer
Minkler, 11 I,
Milne, John I
Mulligan, C II
Miller, A T
Oleson, Mrs Oust
Duugi'V. Aiml Liuira Olson, Mrs. Annie It
Kuril, W J
ohee. Austin
Foster, Mrs J
liiirni'V, Mrs.
. il till in. John
(ieigen, John
ll.nidcriou, Wni
Iluls r, I .in
Ilowerd, K T
Kayser. Frederick
l."L':in, Link
1'arvin, Sadie
Retard, Wells
Hot her. K F.
Scbatt, Will
SH-rlok' Frank
Smith, (illl
Sclioemaitn. .Incob
S huck, Joseph
Weiss, reter
W'licnciilli'il for please say when adver
tise I. E. M. Ramus, 1'. M.
Pleasing KulcrtaiDmciit.
Kollowiug is a cant of cliaiartprs in
the drama, produced at the Baptist
church last Thursday evening by the
young. men. Tlio house wan tilled w ith
a largu ami appreciative audience, ami
theyouiK limn linva been Holicitod to
repeat tho play :
Prof Jepthlne W isdom Alvln W. Halrd
Miss llliiiTol llosiou I
Hon. Amiustiii I hnphilus Krsssiis Smith
lirown of Clilcitgsr QeorKO Klnearsou
Miss I'enii ... M. Ilariravel
Mrs. Mauley Merle Johnson
Mr. ChsliKOiitilfl Harry Hladden
Mr. Miiulcy. with baby K. I'onaldsnii
Peter Whack, hill poster K.dwln llesehs
Chris. Slupp, bull riuger ... Mcldrma Motown
I'AItT I. Holllnipiy, "Number One," Mis
Hast II. Boll Iilngcr slid Bill Poster.
I'akt III VVoineii'a Kliiht's meeting. Mr.
Mauley brliiRs the dirty baby and ininrriipti
Mrs. Mauley In her speech. Alter (her have
both hpiiknii, he takes her home.
Transfers of Really.
U. I.. Haliin. triiHtoo, to Emily I'".
I hivioon ; lots It ami U, blk 22, and lot 10,
blk 12, of WindHor: 300.
A. It Doolittlo and wifn to Jdin
Krusu : IoIh .'I and 4. blk 125: Oregon
City; HiOO.
Finns KiiikImou to I'. O. Sanrlbnra;
ba of iic'a, and lots I and 2, r fi e; 100
acrcH; 1.")0.
It. L. Saliin, trustee to W. II. Hullivan
lots 1, 2, II, ami 4, in blk 11, of Windsor;
It. L. Sabin, triiHttn to Ceha lilack-
wcll; lots 17 and 1. tiik ll, ol Windsor:
Oregon Land Company to Miss A. J.
Smith ; lota 7 and H, blk 42, Minthorn;
V, K. IlalmrHliam and wifo to Alice
K. Aldington ; Iota 5 nntl ft, blk 3,
Pleasant Little Home; (100.
W. II. II. Humsiiii to W. V. Kludlv:
Hlicrill's (lend of forclosure ; iw4 of neW
of sec ill. t 5h, t 1 e; $518.40.
Jolin ii. Hurnliardt to John F Urit.i ;
l.'iO hitch in sou 1 and 2, t 2 fl, r le;
State of Oregon to (i A Harding ; hd'
of nu,1 of hoc 18, t 4 s, r 3 n, 40 iicich,
Ktiito of Orngon to G. A. Harding;
nc'i of m;'a of hoc SO, t 4 s, r 3 e ; 40
ttlTCHi $.riO.
Mary K Potter and K Poller to M A
Dutchcr; Iota 2, 3 and 4, blk 144, Oregon
City, $:ioo.
TA (loinli ami wifo to I D Kurfus;
lot 4 in bile 4 a, county ad to Oregon
Cily; $300.
( A Harding and wife to Mury E Pot
ter; iindividoil in nw,1 of of sec
30, 1 4 s, r 3 e, 40 acres; $1.
John W'cii'iiiiindol to John Vordhau
sen ; nc1 and w, of nw, and frac
tional n'4 ol hw'wj and one acre, hoc 111,
1 4 h, r 1 e, 103.(12 acres $7000.
America Tucker to 8 Irona 15 acres
in sec 31, t 5 s, I I e; $450.
Isaac Kwygiirt to George P. McNear ;
ne'i of e of sec 45, tin, r 3 e; $10,
000. Knink liiiscli t al to The Empire
Manufacturing Co. 1.23 acres in D LC
of Jas Winston; $300.
John A Talliort und wife to Mary E
Paddock ; 10 acres in 1 2 8, r 2 e ; $1000.
John J Iliiiilciiian and wife to Tlios
F Kvan, IoIb 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, fl, 7, anil 8, blk
2, Pleasant Place ; $1000.
CO T William, t al to D Fanchor,
lot (I in blk 22, lot 11, blk 4, Falls
View addition ; $200.,.u 1 ....,u tn IT T) l,.la O
SUIIUB 11KUS VV. J illUllias, tUlS O
and D.'lilk K, rioiimint Hill ml. In Ore
Hon City ; f nit).
Kriink (iilliitm lo J I, Spcrry, et ul
ol nxi of sec 116, niul w o( ace Utl, t I
, l'l!e; ii i id tliocij ols.'c 1, I '! a, I' k';
SUM oie ; fl .
I.lllio It. Austin al i ni Hint i ii 1 1 1 x . lo (I.
Kiiylui i tik, n( no1; of hoc IM, t tl a, r It v.
100 acres; T 15:11).
Miuy K Ambler lo I. r' llllktinv; 7'
acres adjoining Jos. I' Kagan I'l.t. ;,
,1 II I en and wife to Munis tillov.
IU iicniN in It I, 0o( John M llowlund;
The measles are raging In this vicinity.
Mr, A, Mather has been tpilte sick for a
few days.
Mrs, Steward relumed to Cortland hist
Mr, Thornbm Slrltn has gone east of the
inoiinliilns on business,
I'r, llutnplirey and family, of Hell wood
are visiting at Mr. I'. llumhrey's.
Mr, T. Allen and nephew have gone lo
Astoria on a business and pleasure trip. We
wish them success In both pursuits.
The Clackamas brass baud hav e sent east
for uniform!. Wo are much pleased to see
the ruplilitv wllh which the boys are Im
proving under the instructions of Mr. linn
School was toliegln last Monday, but was
postponed another week on account of mea
sles. Mr. Ulbsou and Mrs. Storls have been
engaged to teach tlin spring term.
The citirens of Clackamas have formed
an organisation known as the Chickamas
Improvement Association, for the purni"e
of adv ancing and developing the interests o'
the place. They meel Tuesday evening lo
elect their officers. We hope the orgimita
tiou will prove a success, and thai many
Improvements will lie made in this vicinity.
IVputy Ontml Master H J. (larrlson, or
ganised a ItalgeofA. O. 1'. W at this place,
with sixteen charter members, on Ibe l.'th
of March. The following ollicers wre
elected and Installed: I. M. W.. J. A. Tal
bert; M. V S. K. llold.nih; O,, J, W.
Hoots; Recorder, II. 8. (llbson; Korenian,
I . K, l'.as..; l-'in,, A. Mather; lice., C: It.
I.ivesay; tiulde, L K Jones; O. W,, A. W
Mills; I. W J. C. ruddiM k.
The socialile given by Mr. ami Mrs. Hem
rose last Friday evening, was enjoved by
all w ho were present II was given fur the
purKsii of helping to sent the church. The
proceeds were I'.'l l.V The upHT was so
good that alter any one ate he was tempted
to eat again. The evening was spent In a
pleasant manner. After supier Professor
Thomson gave a devlamation w hich cauied
much laughter and amusement. The post
olllce was a source of much plenum' for the
young lolks, as they rm-clved many letlers
of Inlure.t, lie fore Inning, the young .'.!k
gathered in the parlor and sang severnl
songs and then went home happy.
Mullno l'lllipln(-
Spring Is shrw In coming and the farmers
are very Impatient, as the freuetit showers
prevent them from seeding; but the fruit
growers are pleased, as the lateness of (lie
season besieaks an alniiidiiut crop of fruit.
Feed Is scarce and high priced, conse
tUcntly stock Is very HHir; hot the farmers
are In good spirits and making preparations
for an extensive harvest. Many are In
creasing their hop yards.
The annual scIhmiI meeting passed off qui
etly, resulting In the re -election of Mr. J.
Mallatt for director, and S. Knolls, clerk.
Mr. Frank Irish found one of his horses
dead in Ibe stuble not long since. There
are several cases of blind staggers.
Prof. J. R, Kdwards Is taking some Hue
out-ihxir v iews of the creek, houses, stin k.
Ac. He has rented his place and Intends
tti move to llallstou, Yamhill county, where
he will start a photograph gallery.
The young people of Mullno meet every
Sunday afternoon In some private house to
practice vocal music under the direction of
Mr. Calvin Hall.
March Tth was a gala day with the grang
ers of Molnlla Orange No. 40, w ho met at
their ball alsnit one half mile from Mullno
po olllce, at 0:.' o clia k A. M. to cele
brate the sixtieth anniversary of the wed
dlngofOrnndpaandliraudma Darnell. The
Urange held a short closed session, after
which the lady members spread the long ta
bles w ith every thing that heart could wish,
until llo'V fairly groin ed with their load of
good things. Noticeable was the large pyr
amidal cake, the work and contribution of
Mrs. Or. (ion. her and family.
More than forty persons partook of the
sumptuous repast. Amongthe visitors pres
ent were the editor of tho Courier, I'ncle
Hilly Vaughn ami wife, (ancient grangers,)
Mrs. Mzsie Wright, Mrs. Mary A. Wright,
and others. As the aged couple arose from
the table, the Worthy Master, Mr. Reuben
Wright, stepped forward and with a few ap
propriate words presented them with a line
umbrella, with their names, date, and name
of (he grange Inscribed on (he handle.
(Irandpa's feelings so overcame him that he
could only utter a few words with a heart
felt "find bless you all" in response. It was
agift of the Orange, and showed tlienppie
cialiou Hint his brothers and sisters feel for
him, he being one of the charter members,
and has stood by It during all the reverses
through w hich it has passed. Alter dinner
all repaired to the yard In front of the hall,
and Prof. KM wards took a photograph of the
entire company with the venerable couple
in the place of honor.
The boys say the best of all was w hen on
leaving, tho worthy editor of 'Tlnf 'ourler '
attempted hi mount his horse from the
wrong side, and meiisurod his length In the
road. No worse results than a hearty laugh
and a pleasunt "good bye.''
Mr. and Mrs. J. Knotts gave a social dance
on the l.llh Inst, in honor ol the eighteenth
birthday of their daughter l.illie who Is
siendlng a few weeks at home. A good
time is reported.
The work on C, T. Howard's mill is pro
gressing nicely imiler the direction of Messrs,
Hpanglcr A Tower of Oregon City. Mr.
Howard wishes your correspondent to say
lo the furmers that the mill is running nil
the time, and they will receive prompt at
tention at all times.
The "Farmers' Alliance" movement is
causing very general comment und discus
sion among the neighbors,
The Gypsies who have been ramped at
Mullno for tho last four duys have moved to
"pastures green." Did not succeed in trad
ing many horses, or telling many fortunes,
and nil wore glad to sec them start. Thev
had eight wagons, live tents, ami over thirty
horses. An Ouhkiivich. '
Mulino, March 10, 101.
Central i'olnt.
HouiIb an! I mil und nieicdoH nru wo inc.
Kvcryhoily In lliis m-ii;lilioihi)oil liits tliuni
exct'tittl.osB wlitr mive in:vloiiMly luid tlii'i...
ltidirr, Crilzcr A Co. I.avo moved tliclr
siiw mill to Kiioh Cnl.ill's lunn,
Hcverul tciuus have licon stotipcil on tlm
road by a cult ol' Mr, Hiiniliill'.". which
nhoulil be tiikcn tip out of tho pulilln IiIkIi
wily. Mr. Tboninif ItiiriiH, wliolioiiKlit a piece ol'
reid enlntc lately of J, M. Kiiulli'V, in tiilkliiK
of niovini; the county road whlcli now rtiiin
thriitiKli the tnlddlc ot IiIh plncc. In niov
liiK tlm sanic ha Hhoiild bi'irin whore ft will
benefit others hcmik-H hlmm-lf. ItiHlenil ol'in-
juriiiK (hem more. 01' course this la only
liilkno liir. A pi'tillon la to he drawn iiii
a itil u on., ..,. ...I.1..I. ... ...Ill ..1...II.. ft
.... nifiimij. i, tvoi:u nu ttin mutiny lk;il 11
it flllta UN.
Kreil Millur Iiiih at last opened tlieroivl
whore it hehiiiKH between nectioiiH 111 and .'id,
of which In; owns hind on both bIiIch, SO
acres in section St), and 10 in unction 111. The
roiid formerly run on the north initio of the
ten acre lot.
0. II. FoHter litis moved buck to lilt farm
at the Proven school house.
11. C. Horrid took a trip to Southern Ore
gon last week. Quinto.
G 10)17 A "V
Ooin i b i
Tlit'so arc Imrgaiiis uiul wi'
lust lmt a few tlays-ilou't
fail to call and set
our assortiiH'iit.
H.uiki:r ii iron i'
llelon s(lvi'U the tlri'soii t il) Mnrkrl He
llnrl Tlnmil nnnnmiTT
KH h I Mill U M " U
11UU1 lUilLUlUUUlJ
liorl eorrectiul weekly Irmu iiuiilaibun list
iilshed Tits Ksmsrsisit by the local iih-m-Iisiiis
Wheal, Valli'v , '( im It's, I Ti
Ollts, fi lll ll'S , IN 4 si
Orenmt City Mill, I'lirtlionl Itiainl I IS
Country 111 Mini w
Corn Meal, .... ii'
Oal Meal . -"
l mo.
Hhnrls y Ion . , . I'J in
lirau, -s i si
lliiiwibv hay, " Isn.M
t'luvei ha, " .ti !
rsoin-i a,
I'.. V eat, . , V
IIUI..I.S p ll , V ,i"
Apples, ureell. W but i1Vl
Apples, dried, p ft '! '',
Itiilter, f lb . ,. , .U'j
Ki-is, ..t -i
Holier, f ll . .... I
Ileef. live, Y Ui . M3
lleef, dlessed , '.'
Mutton, live ft tti V I II
Million, dresse.l, p 11 M'
I'ork, live, r" is ku1,
Cork, dressed, p th s'-o-
Veal. live, f Its le
al. dressed, ft Ni
Hams f tl lb'
llaroll, " ') tt'
rot i i ti
Chickens, y tins, per dot $ I ft
Chicken., old. per doi ".!
Inickf. er Jos' . . N" in
tlet'se, per do ,IMv II
Tnrkli's. per pound H"VI -c
nt Ice for Filial Si'ltleinciil.
Notice is Itch'by given Unit 1 have tiled
in the county court of the county of
CliickamiiH, (or the statu of Oregon, my
liliul report as it'lmliilstrutor ol the rs
tate of Joseph I loiciite, deceased. All
pei sons are bcrebv notified to appear in i
said court ami make objet timis to s.ii.lj
rt.iMtrt lit,' On, 'Jill b tbiv of Aunt I
1 s' 1 1 . und lilc objections to said repot t if
an v they have. A. M vnir ii.
Admiiiistialor of lint estate of Joseph
Florence, ih-ceosed 3 :20 I :I7.
Notice to Hi Idge Huliileis.
Kids will be received by the coitniv
cour t of Clackamas county tint. I noon of
Thurs'liiv Apiil.'.nh, lif fur Ibe creel
ion ol a (iridgii across Abcrniithy errek
on tin Jones extension of Mm ton road,
length 25 ) (I ; width HI ft. i lou ; hcigth
about 30 ft.
Didders to f n in i 1 1 1 plana and strain
di.igrunis. (iuarautctt ilo'.i-it of 1 'rib
nf bid ri'ipiire l. Right rcjeot any or
llll bid resol ved.
11. II. Johnson,
Cotilitv Clerk.
3-13 '
All Panics indebted lo tint firm of
(ieo lin ker A Co., of the lied I-tout
llriH-erv, t llelon City, air- hereby re
quested to settle up at unco us the money
is ni'islcd to re establish our business
Promptness in the mutter will greatly
aid us ami s.ive further trouble to all
(iKn, Imkkkh . C".
4 t ( iregou Cily.
(rent llciliii'liiin In I'liiitugraplis,
U. Prier, the old rsltil lislicd niul
reli iblo photographer, ol Oregon Cilv,
opM)site Furia' tho butcher, will alter
riitirHibiV March I'.'lli lakti cabinet
photographs at t- per doi n.
Vkiiktaiii.ks W a mi: ii. Fur mora wish
ing to make contracla for raising Cu
cuuiIh'ih, ToiiiiiIik'h, ( liilnns and ('null
llowcr w ill lind it lo bo lo their interest
to call on or correspond w ith tlm Pim-I-I
land Preserving Co., l'orlland, Oregon,
Corner 0th ami II Hi.
Sectl I'ol ill tics!
A well seltn ted slock of F.nily liusc,
Hiirbanks and (iiirnm liillins lor solo at
Kti Frmit Ons ery and Crockery House
Oregon City. 1'icah (iardcil Heeds jusl
arrived. 2 27;lf
J. P. Croaktii, of tlm Mountain
Blul!' Moat iniiikct, is lining uile a good
biiHint'HS ami is still iiicii'iiHitig, notwith
standing the dull s.'iron mid tho vi'tv
oxlriivngi'tit inlvciliHt'iiiciitH Hint have
appeared. Last week was tlm best
one Hint't" hn ciiiiio lit'iti. Tlm cltoiccsl
meal of nil kinds is kept n in
stantly on In r 1 1 at tiioih'iiilo iniccH.
Corn lici'f, Pickled pnik, llatus, Itacon,
Laid, Piitltci, KggH,oU!.,
J. I'. Cltlll'KKII.
"TIhto is little ill woman'" advice,, vel
io that won't tiikn it i-i nut ovi't wine,"
miya ( wvaiilH. llii) proverb in 'Hunt
aptly illiiHtrati'il in Ihe followiii"; ileui:
Durinir tho lull nf 1HH, while niv
diincjilor huh lt'iit-1 1 i 1 1 n in tlio coiinlry
near lioar, hIiiv eiiiilnielt'il a Hevereculd
and couch. 1 sent her a liotllti of Cliiitu
biirlain'H Conuh Itetnedy und Ibe clli.i t
wiih ho aiiiisfiictory that on her rocoin
tnendiitinn tho ctiliro neii;liliorliooil bc-
Kiin tin uhc, anil with Ilia most Hiilinfiu-
tory rt'HiiIlH, bub I in h ctmliiini'd Willi
initri'iiHinu etitilldencti over mnru. .1 . II,
Uuinliart. ilrnizKiKt , Alton, Kiiiihiih. Till
cunt bottleH for Halo by (loo. A. Ilard-
Dissolution Not ice.
Nolieo iH hereby given that tho eo
partneiHliip boietnfoio exiHtin1; Imlvvecn
JiniicH Koiikuand (leiirv!tt I'minei', uniler
tlio Hi tn tiiinie nf Itonko A I'liiMNer, Iiiih
bien disHolved by null mil I'liiiHcnt. 'I he
bimiiieHS will hn conliiiiied by .linni'H
Itonko who will pnv 'all billH and who
will make, collection of all accounta due
tilt) laid firm. .Iamkm Uoaki:.
caiihkn m:i:i.
Yoc Can Find .
I). M. Kkuiiy'h,
K. .1. Hoivkn'h,
Htak iiktt'm,
I,. I,. May'h,
Onion Suth.
1'ai'kk, I'ohnii on IIuhiiki,, at
'I'll l (ilioccii.
Ih calanli, und then) Ih but onu ireiar:v'
tiou that, dons euro that (lineiiHO, anil
Unit Ih tlio Caliloruia 1'oHitivn anil Nei;-
utive Electric Liniment. Hold by I. ('
Clark. It alHOcnrcH nouralcla, I'lu'inua
liHm, lioadaelio, Bpraina, ImriiH, and ali
pain. Try It, anil toll your neighbor
whi'iolo ("ot it. Hold by
K. (. CAiiifiKi.n, IiniKKjial.
For a lame buck, a pain la tho nid or
cliHHt, or for loolli-acbo or car-acbe
proinpt relief may bo bail bv iisini;
Cliaiiiberlain'H Pain Balm. It is reliable
For Halo by Uno. A IlAaniNti.
e a a i 1 1 ;
A WO ll.lVII M( y (I only n ii ni-
j liltlil o( inn-Hloi-lt, ciitiNi ting (iiini'lpnlly I
ol uiituins, ciiiii'i v , en 11 k a, cic , wo luivu 1
i-iim-1 in hi t to i i l -1 i' .- iif Nunc Mil wo tun
open again w nil a (ri'Hli, new stuck, 'I'll
I soil lliosii goods wo luive in 11 1 Ki'. I llii'tn at ,
i llgllll's I hut Hill lu.iliii llil'lli go Tlio i
'' cost ill sumo w ill not bo considered, as
! wo picd'l' In HiiciiilU'ii llii'in lallioi tlinii !
pay hliir.igo until w(i ii'lntiM. i
At I lu' iilinv" ilnln wo will begin Mm!
' sale n( tlio lulliivv ing mil. .. ul m 1 1 i - is '
I uii'Uliiii.i'.l :
I lit -,eNr loiiMSH I
I III. I. -Kll,K
Ntekel AI'OIII I'loeU 4 I no I I -Ml i
S it It ' clock, slrlkea llnlll an.l I
hull hour i m s no
1 1 1 1 1 - :- 41 v mi I
Meknl lloelie.ler I,. II. . rhiolli II Kl , I .'ill
" " " loliui only i a '.''i
I ll!illl! " " " " J mi .'i .Si
Tlio iickiiiivv Icilged le.ulitig di'.th ra In
it it
Direct Spring Importations From
First Hands.
'c arc showing; in laro, vuiti'tv cltnifO iicvr stylos atbl late iuivi Imos. :
Wo will iMi.ti iinli'i' tho 1 1 it I i t v anil iiinkn of thcrsn lmhiIs in nil r-'
o Will n il tlieiu,
I lOlll"d (ill ' 11 1 .
lllll'f c
Our Sl'KINii I HIKSS ;tiu)S
( 'diumt In stiiji l-i.-il
illlVW lll'l't'.
iiii's of Smith S:
Ansel's liosiciT hip
( (U'Sct i
ii.n c
I'ecel Veil
Best Quality- M Proces.
Our annual direct importation
Teas have arrived and defy
competion in prices.
(cw imirt' b'fl o( th,. iiai.ksI'I.K V II l!ltoV
AM' si-.MiHlis. 'Ilit-y will l.c s.ilil ion.
tlilnl Insstluui tlic .rii t In l'..rl--Ihii.I
tOI'I.IM' Ihi-iii out.
ii Call i ill t iiiiic :
lloN. JnllN MY I lis' l-'AHM, or for dirdier
ia rt no r I it i m iiililri's
L. P. WILLIAMS, Box" 280, Oregon City
loll NAM:. -The
I In i i t1oi lii iol pedi-Si--,-.pol,"
sil't'il bv
itree I Mil linin, '
Friend of Woman.
The very remarkable niul ccrlnin 'I'llcf ulvon
Hiiiimnliiiiil by "iMiioic'h lieveidt'd Ki'inedy'
It ih won (or It the tiainti o( Wo nitiii H,t''rl('iiil
Il Is iiiildirinly successful In relieving their
llclUl.ltll Illlllll'lltS.
annuls peerless as Urn until nil remedy puciilni'ly
liibrpteil to the vvuiils of irniiiittikliul.
hicatti.r, Jim. 'in, mm.
"I vvinil ynit lii pulilish my Icslliniiiiliil for
.Mootiit's I : l-: v l' l . i : l KkmkiiY, for It has been a
Kriinil tliliiK lor me, lor il Ims ritred me of luiiul
itelii'H, (nun vvlileli 1 li.ive siillcrcil vv lie ncvci' 1
lii'Riiiiin elilllerl, for tlic Inst IIMeen voars: I luivo
rulVcii'il ierfcel tnrl n re (iirtweiil j'-tour limns at
il tliiiii.siiiiiiitiiiics I'l'teliliiK lor Ih t-ce hours wll'i
nut any real mnl nimble louct help (rum any of
the iiiiiiitniricss reinciites tricil. Now I inn free
from this siillcrliiu, (or nt tint flrst syiiipiom ol
olio nf tliesu illtncks I taloi n ifnml dose if
" Moure's Kevi'nlcil," anil Unit Is the i-n.l of p
ft has also eiiri'il me o( en Ktlniilnii. My lius
limiil Miiyn It lias saved Ills life, anil he would not
lie without It. We am lioih so happy over It we
eiiiiiiot say un-. Huh In Its f.tvnr, niul nilvlseiill
our frliitiils to use II."
flnr. l'Jlh niul .lacksnn His., Hivillli', Wash.
gtf Pol" "idc by all ilriifiiilsls.
M00r,'t'. .',:-'t
RfMCDY ; ;-' ' I
:'t'"'l"":!. - J
fUllMltl'iiiir-ii,. ; 'A p J
Jl Hwit vriistsHj1' iT J
'Afliatiil.irat,.. ' X.
niiiMJ'.USIMIIi-tl"lir-1Tni-T-ltT -T- - -
(II nv sotlnl Kncloisler liillip",
;m w j
m 1 !
mi t u" !
7 . i mi ''
I, 1 ..II i
-.11 I Ml
.'111 I Ml
I w , :i
I no im
11:1 1 mi
, tsi
lu .'.i
'.i'i M
a-, i.n
I IHI I ."i
ti Im Ii no
II mi i no
i in 'si
v use
llnnglng hull
" llhrsry
Nnnill nli-k-1 Kochoier Iumii
limn Klllle sii.j Hsw eiiuil.llii'.l
1'ockei Knives ft eiiiils up,
Ktilvus mi.l Korlis, per set,
" " "
Itiitehi'r Knives
Wleuls , , , . , , , .
Hllver Sleul Table Hiooll, ptr set
Ins " , "
plil hrl liii'eeh I Ill'tl sbi'l K 1 1 1
Nnill lol
mnl all, an low ni any livitij.' man
lull iissortiiicnt ami com.
'li'tc styles of the lii
, School House now
The only house smuh o
hind carrying a full
icrinaii niul I.n
I.-1 1
mm k
mwm - j
Call and Examine
my ruici'.s.
Twelfth and Main HN., (iromiC it v .
-:- $3,300! -:
I500TS and SHOES
Bankrupt Stock
To lin Holil at, ."() t'ciits on llm
Dollar for 15 days only.
Call curly if you want your jiick,
nntl n vi lid tin rush.
Tlio Great Jislem
Mayer &. Ackerman, Props.
''Ih llilx Hie huHtV ia a question nl'tt
asked, vvlien nicdiiMiiii in wiinled. Tliejll '. iu i'
followitiK tiro a few of tlic medicines of Jl il 1 11 ., Ul'C'011 ( Il V
known I'cliuliility.Miildliy fi:. A. Il.vnn- T1V
iNti, iiriiKttiHt, of tins iilaco. lie
many oilier excellent nipilielnes,
tliesu are worthy of special ment ion :
lmt 1
Ciiamhuui.ain'b ('neon Hkmudy, fa
1111111H for lis cures of suvore colds, ami 11s
a pievenltivo for croup. I'rieo 00 cents
per hotlln.
ilnf U on l'lsh rllles
I ll
M il I 111 -in. I
II. villi, in
Dm. I eloiiiis
S j
7 :i I
4 M
.... .4 '
Him ,,,' fir Hi.
ir llcul I'.hiil ' O, -II 'llll l" r o-
II. -1-1 1
,,l'( o .'If. CI'lllS,
nliiK V Hi' ""'h
X, mi
'l, I! eeul per roll,
Mnlcl) I'.M. I'l-lllS r lt",
CillhlH' lions I cents eili'li.
( null.-, U eelil, ivnilll I".
I Ill cents, worlh t.
Hill liioilii'iis, lUeeill. worth
Piuses ill I" i I, worth
'iir'.e t I-' I'l'iils, vvrmih V'"i.
Purses ill .' , ce il, worth Si
'1 loilrpm. in I"'"''. I'l'O'li'K cards,
kiililing ii..-.ii-,'t..oih brushes, cult ul,.! col
;r bulb ill till lilbles, V uses. Iiaskela, silver mugs
liweer In o Milver I'bui'l W sni uio I all kinds
worth '
of ii'tit'in"
.nr. riNfHV,
ii. ..i. iM , u ivhou's. DoOltS
.!(il:l.l)!N(;S, I'.ltACKKTS. ST.UliS a.m. HIAlIt
N'KWKI. i'OSTS. Kiv., nil ma'!"
from'vlily Sust-ncl I-unit.r.
ami nil kimls "f
W .uk .iiiiiilly ;vtti-inl'''l t, J''.etiiir;ili furiuchcl
niul salinfat't ion t;uaraiit c'l.
Uj) !! WjlflT SI.
In' 1:1
i d I'I
;cil jrri'i'crlic:
For Silo
... I. --
lii'i aiTi'i. -". Hit!'
., ...i s. P. i:. "i:.. M.!
..,!:. I
latnl. (im caw lilnlnT. -
cull ivaUil, poo (1 framo
ni-o', f.I.'J'KI.
No. 'J. I'i'i ni'ii's on S. 1". H. II.
.'! mil. from drepm City. :!,'.mi.
st lion h. (itit'ti li ve! liriisli
l iiol, I mili si'ist nfi Iri'iioti City,
1 mile fiuiii Cl.K'kaiiiaH river
f I ,I"KI nil Ii
N.i. I. lii ui'ivs juiiiiiijj Clar ka
ma" Hi itils mi tin smith, nearly
le 1 1, c:in ho sii, in It it u ami
l.i.rfk.v sfl.'J.Vl.
N'u. ". -'-.'" i r-, ftili tiilnl farm
"it Clear Crick, (1 mili-fi east of
.uN in Weft Side'ion, lots .'!, -I, .'. il, 7, H, I,I,H'k 100
s. bU'k I'.l, all of block 'o, Main ntreet, all of bUk 145
One line lot in HellvvtMid.
aeri H ii) ''Claekainas Fruit I. and"" all in cultivation.
ll Cily.
S. -'.",! I
Ft lie:-1
h land in Ihe worltl, j.rici
I'.' I 'i'.
li'W ll
? ' an ai re tliH year
ev IiniiL'o No's. 1. 2. .'!,
., ('..
r terms and particulars
Oregon Gity Sash
hot ii's and
uchll sizes ll
Km iiiiati :
t l lirwoik.
s.uiif of the most
i' lii'sl ul Marc 1. ifsc
Look out fur our window- about
wut carrv tins summer ns fh,..
of llu Missouri rivt
Call and
tin' latest stylo.
Next, Door to I'ostOili,.,.,
nu illdOSi SllOBSs SIlOGSi
- ' I S,,(,1:s f jT"7 SHOES!
JI! siK.KS! rjW
Tho New Remedy. - - Absolutely Pure.
..... Thousands Alroady Cured
sT".. . tV.Ho Osv
int.. IhiMei v'lics la it ...
eriul o resist lis vvoiulerful
..... i. . 1 .
- tt.iinuiiiiia Hill llll
KAIAIS 1IH ICOIIi: lill l l s. ...
, W! iri lstu l'orllaiiil. Or
'X' bislve Ak-c.Hs (r flek,..n, ,'., T08. C AliM AN A SON,
Lunch Counter
Meals served ilny niul night.
Oysleis und Chops in Any Stylo,
Side Entrance for I.udles
( IIAMIIKIII.AIN'S Cot. to I'ti... .,.
DiAiiiiinHA Uicvt-'iiY. the mn,i ,..,i;..i.i
kiinvvn ine.l.ciii.. In,- liovvet coiimluints.
It IS es;ict'l:,ll,v H i.t'd l.y pi'i's-ns sulvject
to lulie. ll has cured , ,.t(CS of
elii i'iiio tli.iii lni'ii, ritcu 05 amlW) cents
per hot lie.
also have tlio lutft grades
of KiijliHli r.rcakfaKt, Spi
(Ici lcg and gunpowd
er TKAS.
j I III Ul H
; I III III -r-
j UllVlUX ' 1
ami IM.IN'DS ami
Citl'iii't W rk, liiriiiii.' ami rvrull
Oregon Cily.
in tit. City or Count)'
Oii'j."'ii Cily, 1 ' at lew in culti
vation, ."0 urn h to I reak. new
frui i ii lioiiw, new barn, lino wat
er, lw'ct coil, jtihhI neiililKirluMHl,
r-elionl, t-lc, j.rifu i,7.'(i, on tune.
No. ii '! !'( ni-ri'8 in Sjirinpwater,
tlig Ih hI all rotnul cta k farm in
( 'laikamas county, level land,
1(1(1 aert-H in (im cultivation, 7
aeteH orchard, fjood hmisc, to
fine fiaine linrnx, thoticand't of
aeri H of nut ranpo, water every
where, -."t head cattle, Ilerkfhire
!io;k, Mu ton hay, "() bun:iei nutu,
wheat, vitietahlen, horfesi. wag
oi.m and farming impli-im-nK al
tngi ;her at f"'" k,t aere on time.
.t.Hi jm r iiere. My j"acli orchard
for nnv irood
city .rotcrty in valley
atiplv C
E. CROSS, Oregon City.
& Door Factory
MANCI ACri lM US (!'
Mouldings. Turiiine; of all kinds,
doors and windows made to order.
Orders jiromjitly filleil
tht world ever saw
a feast for tho gods
Cii.1,1, in 1
that timo
,1 1;
H hue ot (ttiotls as anv liotisn this
see if we are lying to you. Every
Oregon City, Oregon.
"'ilyfi-tiiinViilile nieillcluo lias lotind Its way
- ...,-v ii ti ,tKn Tin. v K .
No ilisoise ton tinvv-
It Costs tlottlintr lo ilivt.slkHlt. St'Utl
01 million.
Ori'itoii V'lty, Oreitoli,
United Hack, .
Truck and Livery
W. II. (,-ooko, Manager.
Corner Fourth nud Main Streets,
''I Hie, t'ity. Kii;s of nnv description
Imnislied 011 short notice.
All kinds of Truck and lYlivery Busi
ness 1'iomptly uttuiuled to.
llor-es lioui-ilHd ttj ywl on rt,rtBon.
ahlo terms.
MKNT. 1'01. I,.tt,i' ualf.-l,. l.l
., tlVUltt , LHI.I
eciseinit, and chronic soro eyes.
0 cents pur box.
I'rice :