The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 20, 1891, Image 1

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    n Q Jobaw
VOL. '21-NO. M. i
1'llICE 5 CENT.
... ... ..... -
'20, IH'JI.
1M Front Struct.") HAllDWARE j IV' tlutnl, Oregon"
Nnrtliw "lru Ati-uta fur
pexlcr- PUitiotid, ... l.mce - - .Occident Tnttlctiinlli . li(or Ijuicii Mllv.r NTetila Haw
Cnwont WVilj-os (warrantoil.) I S l'loul' CIi.uiis. Amnio Eilos. Hope (,'riwoiit Steel.
Lowers ami Wood Choppers Spoeinltios.
Oregon City Agent. WILSON A COOK.
Now !uivt a Full Stock of l.iitiili-r on liuiul n ml ran till
all oi'iL rs irouiplly. Tln-ir ntock t-iuln iii'i's
Flooring, tViiinir, Hustle n n :t all intules of Dii'sinl Lumber, l.nth,
rickets iiinl Itiiueiisfdii St ii 11.
Sjuvinl Hills Cut. sViitl in your oitliT U'futv tlio Spring rw.
Sorensen i & Young !
, ''''' 'i'' t 't-ttur ; uiso l.atlm, I'li-kid. Slmii t
u'K'i". Kte. Sliiri.o.1 to sill iMiinl' on ''fe
i f tin" river or hv mil t
i i
I Mill siti'iUol on ill. I II.' Ilii'l ill I
Cheapest : in : the : city
order, fmm the country iriiinjitly filled.
148 Third Street, Portland. Near Mo-rison.
Of All Designs, From the Smallest
CJlxild'ss Clxtxi"
To the Largest
Arm CJlxixir.
Patent Hocking Chairs if neat and nohhy designs; l'erfo
rated and Wood-seat Chairs; Fancy lord and Cane
seat and hack I i 1 1 i 1 1 and Eihrarv Chairs.
We also carry a complete line of Mattresses Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; 1'ox and Top niaile to order. Woven
wire, two and three-ply, of all sizes; Iledsteads, Lounges,
Cots, Etc., Etc.
TctrircMx efc Holman.
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, lirie-a-hrac,
Engravings, Etchings, elc.
108 Third Street, Portland.
fSr-Onlnrs hv imiil or luml promptly lilli-il.
TIi'ih old ami reliiililo Ilroi ulw.iy
, flPQinr ann " lUfannfarfnren
? Mm Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timatcs Furnished.
-T ,. ...
.'KAMI I'b 1 I US IN - o
Ariinyton Building
& CO.
kiTp in htork it fill! lin ol
i.i "' i H ' a ."l II
Professional Cards.
J, H M k:H"HIM
T f ItlWINU,
lliMivltrnliniiigli, 'imln(.
. .,.
All vim liolut t'. H Laud (Mile i apeclajiy
oMrc motna Maud t. I' M laud urtlc
i, bull.tltitf.'i
OHKOOS CU V.. ... ( rruu
I'htsicittit and Sunfron
i. h, im.rwu).
Corner Fourth and Main Sts.
Orr(aii l(), Orriiin.
HrUKKT, DMK1ION ITV, UHKIIDN. A'iMrHCU ill Till. Unll Nnllry. Fur-t-l...i.
MoriitiiKi... nti.l trmi.i't Wviirml Uumni..ii.
r A. M. llltll'K A. t)l(KHKU.
Attorneys at Law.
Oilliv in Jngnt l'.l.x k, (Iriumi City, Or.
w. t mnr.
OiiKcios Cirv, Omkuhx.
Turivo viiir rnTlinf an rrnlnler l tlit
I'. H. In n.l iiltlm lirri' m-oiiiiiiriul n In
our w ill' nf all kin.N nf liuiiir iK-tur
I hi' uli. I ..III. r unil Hit" rourti, anil IiiViiIvIiik
iht .rn... r In (lu ki.iiitiiI IhiiiI nllh.
COUXSKLOll at Lair
(Illlra up nluim over OrrK'in City Hunk.
I Hli.'i. nin.i'r Main mul Kixhtli Slri't'ln,
Oppiuiite Court llouito.
Paid up Capital 850,000.
Cahiiikk ('HAS. H.CAI FIKLD.
Manaukr K. L. KASTIIAM.
I k f om U nx-fUrd ulijftit tu check.
Approval t)IU Mini iioU'n iltiooiiiitnl
( itiiitty mitl ottjf Mnrrmil hotiylii.
l.imiiH iuh'Ih mi HvnUntilii miruy.
Culli'iMtiti mm I prnuiptly.
Irti((M tyl'l imi pnrtlHiul, Hail Kmupto ,C)ilr
go, New Vurk.ftiid kM (irlurlpHl el tin of Ku
IVU'tcriiittitP encliHiiKf"! unM on PotlUnJ, Sio
KrnnclM-u, CIiU'ak.i kikI Aw York.
Interest Fall on time deooslt as follows :
Knr llimc niiuiiha, 4 per run pi-r anniiw,
Kur H im.mlii. & per run(. pat auuitni.
Fi.r I'i luonihi, Ii pnrcKtit. r auniiia.
Tlm I'vrllfli'atra ot ili-pniiua payabl on t
niniiit. I. ill liilnrcat liirtullpil II drawn bffort
I'll. I III tlTIll t ill' pun I',.
The Commercial Bank,
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transact General Banking Buiineit.
1,111111 niil. Illll Mk i'ii
Iri' liny unit i' 1 1 r xi hmmr on all imlnl
In lliu Citlli'il Htatia7 Kitnipa ami Ilium Kiiiik
l...nlln ri'i I'I' . .I miliji'i't In rhri'k llllorrat al
iiainil rule Hlli'Wi'il iiii tlmu .li'inmlu. Hank
npi'tt (ruin V A. M. In 4 r. M. Hatuplay vvt'tiliiK
Irinii it to 7 r, M.
II C. I.ATOt'ltKTTK, Pn-npti'tit.
K K lioNALDHON, Caatilur
: : : BRO)
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
Nnno lint tlm tit-Mt ot mi'itla Kitio (Id-
llvi'ry In nil pnrla of llio city,
oicKon 4'itv. (tin:.
Practical Architects $ flutfders.
Will prnparo plana, olnvatlnna, wnrklnir da
talla, ami apealflitatlmia lor all klnila nl liinlil
liiKH Hi.rcliil atki'itlnn alvon to moiliirti ont
tiiKi'i. KatlinitUia liirnlnlioil on applliiatlnn
Oil on or k.1.1 ri'H. WIIITK IIHOH.,
Oregon City, Ogn
John Tyacke,
Carpenter and Builder
Oheoon City.
Oiiarantoua antlafantlnn Ratliuntea and
pinna (liriilahilil.
I'kIiiM.nIm-.I 1M0S.
Drayage & Expressing
Freiglit and parcels delivered to all
purls of the city.
The Enterprise.
I'ubllMlieil ICvcry Ki l.ln.v.
HI lll.-UI I Tlt IN HA'I'ICH,
rvrAHia in ahvanik:
Una ymir - - - - - M
Hl uioiillia ...... I on
Tlm-i) in. ut I tin (Hi
AilvtirllnliiK riili'K itlvi'ii on iippllnillno.
tllfiila I'or " l ln i:iili'i'U ."
Canhv, - - Oku, Knkiiit.
(Wkaman, - - A. M a nu n
Mll.WAVKIK, - Alllill'll I'.l.olK.
I'NIIlN Mll.l N, - 11. J. I'lll'l I INllI II,
K, S. Kit A M It A 1 I., - , AlMK.
K. A WHIOIlr, MkAIIOVV llllnok.
II. C, I.KHIa. Vliil A.
W. H. Nkwhkhv, - Nmv I iia
Clerk of Courts
UivonliT , ,
Ht'luMil Hiipvrliiifiuli'iit
. .1, W. .M.'l.lriiin,
II. H. JoIiohiio.
V. W. II. Siiii.kiiii.
. W. T. Wlililo. k.
s. ii. ciiiiii.
. .Inl.n W, NoIiIk.
. . Atrx. '1'linoo.iiit.
. Miloi'V Kio III.
Clwirli H ,M. lioki
CnrorliiK lliiir.
('niiiiiiU.l.iiirrii' Cuiirl ini.i.i drM V floi'...iy
ut vnrli iiiinitli.
Ileoiirili r
Aai'.iiHir ...
City Alliirni'V
M iirilnil.
Hiri'i't i1..miiii."..iit
Hup l n( WllllT Worka
I''. II Mill.
I.. I.. I'miPt.
H. It.'rll.
It. I liariiuin.
. A. S. 1'iir.M-r.
. ('. I;, lurn,
. ('. IImIk.mI,.
W, II. ll.mrll.
rut Ki ll MK.t.
)'. II. Caiilli'M. Clia. Athi'V, I'. J. I'm I..',
T. I.. Cliiiiinaii, K. N. Wiini'ii, .1. It
Tooolmlli, J. V. Ol iiiiiii ll
Kfltular uipplllia nf rlly funiit'll ftr.l nl
Dexlny III r. Ii uinlilll.
Mall rliiHii Kiilni; Imrlli, H t. t , '.' .M I'. M i
Mllllm low K'lllIK illlllll, H 141 l. SI. ,11. Jill'. 11
Mihl Hi.l'ti,
Ori'iion Clli to Ad ilnllii. Mulni..,('nni. no, I
Willi.. II: kiiii'i ill to in , ii. M, ,ii.,iv-,
U'tHlui vlui a ami r.u . ni.'l r. l ill u ...
I..II..MI.. .1..'.
Ort'tfoii I'lly to M ink, I'hitk. Miilimi, I ti I
lull Mill ami Mrn.l.iu HiiHik : l..n. ill,
in. u 't' i'i. I i...
ami ruturii on folliin lux iluv. !
Society Directory.
nllK.iON 1 11 V HoAHIi oK Til U'K
Mrvla'm Cinlit Hull..' i.n W..til l.o...l,iy In
aril nioiith ir Wi'li-ntm.
r. K IniNALIwoN, J.T AITVIctuS.
Ml'I.INilMAH I.uliiii;. Ml. I. A F A A M
II. ,1.1. It rrRiilar r..iiitnmili'itii.'ii. mi nit
an, I ililnl Hmur.1,1). ot ai h iiimiiiIi nl 7 K' r a
Hiatlirru Iiik,k1 .tan.llna rr llivlli-.l t.. ntlt'ti.l
ll, K i AMI I . M.
I. C. HVAK.Mwifiary.
OllrttioN I.oIUiK, I o o. K No .
McpI vi-cry Thur.1y rvril ..a al 7 .al o'rl...-t
r a In ti,.. u,',l KcIIoh' iuii. m..iii u..i .
MvinWri nl Ilia ur.ii'r arn lu Ut-,i lo Aili'ii'l. j
Ily IJiJ.T ut W A Mi. lln. .11. N 11
I li., lo an, Hrert'lai y
fAl.lJ KNt'AMHUKM. ha. i. I O I) K.
Mvri ili.t int il,lrl I 'iiM'tai .'l i h in ,! Oiv 1
at 0.I1I Pi.lnw. lull. Miinlt"r. at.. I HMtnia ,
patrlan li.. lui lir.1 n. iun.ii.1
1, II JKsav. i W. n i'.'isn t,
Ht'rllxi. I hi" I I'atriul. '.
Meet ".ni1 ainl fourth Tina.hiy of ".irti
111. null al (Llil Frlluar a IUII,
K ri. Wiaiira, V M
I.. II. Jsx. Clink
rlU t'lTV L;H.K OF A. o I' W.
Mfrt. aver) t'"itl.1 ami t. urtli Pil.l iy "i 1 11
Ilia nt aarti 111. mill In O.I.I r.'l I.iiiI'IIiik
All aiilmiriiiiii bti'llii.'U r.iullnlly Ini Itnl to at
Ivuil. . ..
I AH. VIII.MNIO.N, .11 .
Mrrlifviry Tiir,ly KitiiIuk at :m al !ili
nn Main atnl Knnrlli Htri'.-ta
M ii II Ai kl v. (Ira. I".
K. I'.iXTin, Hn ri mr)
ASIUIl!! IHiKk'K l.olu.K. Nn
Mi'i't eveiy Numlny nt i o'elm k p 111 1,
TreiiUath a Hall, r am Ii is-nmu a. I'rea.
Al nanr ami. 1. iv.,
WAKNKIt liltAMiK, Nn. 117
i.t II
Meet fourth Hatllt.lny nl eaell uinlilll, nl lliell
hall la New Kra. K. C. Mh.I.I.k k. Mee y.
J, i nal 1. M later .
MKAUK 1'OrtT, No i. (I A It,, liKI'tlt'l'M I NT
OK (lllr'HON.
Ueeta llrat Krl.lay of eaeli m.tntli, al 7 !'
r. M. al O'l, I Ki'llnwa' Hull, iireitmi 1 Ily
I1K0 A. II MUH.Mi. C, .iinii'iii.l. r
Mra. F (I. MeCnwil. Prel,lelU
Mr. Uimi. A 111, linn, - Keetelury.
Mra. F. H. Cnolirnne, - Ire iaurer
Meeia nn llrat ami thlnl Krl,,iy i.t rni'li
tumuli In Ciiiiiiell iTiamlier. Mi'iuhera nf e.irp
frnm at'rnail, cnrtllally weleutiu'il.
F COM I' ANY, MUST ItKlllMKNT, o. N. li.
Artnnry, Thlnl ami M.iln lli'itulnr ilrlll iiluht.
Mon.Uy. Ki'Kiilar litialui. iiii'elluit, llrt
Mutuliiy uf 0111-I1 tniuith.
OI'Kll KH.
.. . Ciii.liilti.
K a Warren. -T.
f. Kaiiihill.
I. (I (lannnK,
W. T. Wlilllork,
Kitat 1,11'IUrlllllll.
Hfcnll.) l.ll'llllMIIIUl.
lal. Hnriu'nul.
ii- M. Hilfltenill.
Keaular iiieefliiK, aeentul We.liieailny In euet,
innntli at etiKltie linn", enat i,lii Mntti ntreel,
tH'tweeti Heventli ami Kkluli
I Ai KKnMAN.Hre'y. I. a ni k II Aim Kit, I'll'
Kit. Nkwion, Fnretiiiin.
Meeuaeentiil Tui'Miliiy nf earl) inniitli nl Cut
arnet Kiiiilue hiiime, V II. II.uvki i., Pre
il. II. IIkhtow, Hee'y J. V. O'C.innki.i., F'ru.
t'Ol.l'MIIIA HOOK AND I . A 1 I i: 1 1 CO.
Meela Ural Krldiy of null ' uinlilll at
P.iiiiiliilii Kin'llio limine. Ciia. Aviikv, Pre,
(i. 0. IIai'dn, Hee'y. (,'11 A h liiTZKit, I' 'i ni.
0. W. l.l'CA. l'natiir. Horvlee nl II a. m. und
7:110 M. Hiiinhiy Hehnnl utter innriitnir er
vtee, I'niyiir lueetltiK Weilnesdny evening nt
;:;iUn,elnek. I'rnynr uici'llua nf Yniina Peii.le,a
ilnelety ut Christian Knileuvnr every Mitnduy
eveniuir atft:Mi pritiil.
FIKHT HAI'ITHT ClimiCII.-lluv. 0.0, Hatk
MAN.PflKtur Murnlug Hervlee nt IPIHt; Huinluy
Hehnnl nt I-I5i KvenliiK Nervine d ill); liegulnr
prayer lunollnit Weilneilny oveiilnir. Monthly
Cnvi'inint Miielliix eviny Wednesday eveuliiK
preeedlng the llrt Huudiiy In (lie tiinnth, A
oornlnl liivltiitinu to nil.
HiLi.KtiaANIi, PuM'.nr. On Hiiinhiy iiuih 11I h tttul
liliKO a. M. F.very M'cnml nml tmirtli Hiindny
illinium tornum nllur llie a n'elnek uins.
At all ntlier innasea Kngllali aeriunn. Hiindny
Hehnnl at 2:111) r. M. VeHiier, uiiiilniit'lleiil
aulileeia, anil lleniullellnii nt 7:110 km.
HI'. PAHl.'H P. K. U1IIIHJII. Ilev. J. M Don
alilanu, Itentnr. Hervleea every Hiiuilny nt ll:i0
and 7 :BI) n'elnek nml Weilueilny eveiiluit nl 7:110
o'olnek; Huinluy Hehnnl at IIMKI St. I'liul'a
Chapel, Cnuenuih: Hervlee enell nltormite Hun
dnv at 4:00 o'olnek, Ht. I'll 11 1 H 1J11II1I mi'els tint
Tlilirailny 111 eueh innntli. Mra. H. h. Kellny,
Preatiliuit; Mra. V. H. Cnelirnlie, Henrt't.,iry.
John I'AftKnNa, PiiKtnr. Mnrnlnit aorvlee nt 11;
Hiindny Helmut at 10:110; Kvoiilmtaurvleu at 7:1)0.
Kpwnrtli Leiigue nieellug 'I'lieailny evening nt
7:00; Prnyer MeetliiR ThurailHy uveuitiK ul(l;IIO.
atrnngnra enrdlally fnvlled.
W. UuioNRY, PaHtnr. Hervleea nt 11 a. m. mid
7:110 p. M. Hnlilmlh Snlinnl m 10 a. m. Voiiiik
Penple'a Hnelety uf Clirlathiti Knileuvnr nieelh
every Hiindny ovonlng nt 0:80. WeilneHiluy
evening pruyur meeting nt 7:110. Hivit free.
Kvanhki.k al CHtiiirii. Itev, ,1. M, I'relaa, of
the Kvaiigelleul Ammoi'IuIIou, will hnl.l ervleea
at Pope' Hall every H 11 ml 11 y nl 11 A. M the sec
ond Uutulny excepted, (termini Hubbnlh actum!
every Himdiiy nl 10 A. M.
Y'oi: io mil wtijiiKiisiMiyv
lie I U II Ciiiililiiiillluii, iuul Moliii'tliliitf
.1ltc, of K. Hhiiici'pi Artlcl 'n l
IInIiioI MiiiiIi (Mil.
Mil, I'lniruiii I lni'1 not lolly (ixlniunli'il
III" hritin'li ol tin' anliji'i'i I wax illriilnn
III V, ill' nn ut tlld ('III lliallllit, wlo'll I
w.i oi'liti il to Im'iik oil tiloiipily liii'iiiiM
nl lin k ut apttii" in your iiilulniia. It rn
.iiiu lull it li'W tvoril lo mini' tiilxi'hoii'lM.
To ri'i'ly t i t.'x'tu l prma llii'lr lnUily Uy
ui;lliiMil ,iiilli N ii ninny llni'i. Ilium'
tin- iiii' ii imili ol my ri'iiuirka.
Wiiluiul fiullii'f pii l'ari' I'I nif Mty, Mr,
V.illl.'l' II 'I' I'" 0l U ll'I'l illll' ill'lli'lllH'lll
iiKiiui! On. (irwiui city limn In'. Ili'iiv,
ilii'V "mi' llii'Oill ilrii ln uliii'i ln! iuul .II-
I i. mill'.. . I aoili III I'I'tillll.lll," lln llll'll ll.'k
i I l,i. I mi i lit, w it ilii' pli'lnri' loo airmiK, iuul
iu w.i nil know lin Iiii mil, iiimI lluit In'
Iiii I'll. I IjM' alolulii lotlli Iiii ln'i'U i'
ii' llv IniK l III1'. Wn nil, lni iiii. In tlio
piiii ilii' of oliMnlnH uliul i Iiiiiii-I'IiIiiK In
I'liinniiiiiiiy, know tinil Mirli iii.iliuii iuul
i lnllii ai aliMilnli'lv Iiii . I n i ll. i Unit
lln y iiniljl-ii, ii wi ll u tin' olln r iikntIIuii
Unit lii riiuit'lira aw aliul npl Hlinlila III
In Ilin ui'.'k ami k.'i't In ilm knt'a iiiuIkIooio
.i llml Hif lircl liiLun:!' riinii"l toiti r (lu lu
alli-r ilu' iluv'a lull urr ruili'.l, I Inni'inily
loolllll II' l.lli'lly till' WlllliT'a Wink nl illll' ol
tin i' i iiili In', ii iiih'Ii' nl h luil tliry
nil Inn t 'l"i ii'. 'I nki' 1 1 Mi'llinilUt . lull, h :
s-iTvli i" in" lii'lil Hi llil" I'liuri'li li'nuliiily lo
uhirlialil nnil v.iiihi;, fili'ii.l iuul,
un' lonllililv lio lli"l, Nnlli'1' lo lln I'llr.'l
mi. p.. t'.l In polilir I'lilr.i mill pillilniln il
in lln i "i print. 1 1 lm ii Siimfny win ml
nnil no I'.pnorlli U'nk'oi l"r Hi" yoilnx. l ln'
Mniilai m Iiii.iI iiiiinlii'i" .m i m i' 1 1 ll 1 1. 1 1 '. I
iiii'iula'"'". iuul llii'n' mt' ""on' fnriv v 1 1 1 1 ij
pnipli. In ll.c l.i.iK'i'' lln' I'liililii.K l
n .inn. .1, 11,'hli .1, mi. I M'li'li' l oiiiliii''
nlliin lui' l.y Ilm ""I I' !' I.HrriKUH' nl m
ii, .ii MniU, Ih.iIi M'i'uliir mi. I iviImIuii, i
.liiliuli"l, M 1 1 -1 I 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I'm' ni'i k
lIUIIOK III" WHlIlT till' I'llllll'll I'll Illll
o;.i'iu. ini'ry nilit. In inl'iiil'iii In lln. ri'
Iiainil ilh. .lirf. ftrlilltilll' l.'i'tllt'i- unit
it . 1 1 . i nl noil lilt'tmv I'lili'iliilon.i'iil lin" j
U'l'ii ko i'ii, an. I " nl M.tiiiu I'lupl" j
I. Hi" rnj.iii'il 1 1 io i ii. All lln in.'! mil' Ii j
lliilll' ll.l" l"'l'tl III" inn Ii ut" Hi!-1 lilU'il. II !
.,ii,.U a I.i i r "iiti'pl" i'i ulnit till Ion" lii i'ii i
.I.iiii ,ni, I nill i "ii ii n ii,- In ilu Iroin oniiitli
lo in. .hill wmt vi'iir lo t-Ai, I know li".ol
line t ittiniiut irii-n.i iiimi in in" huh'
ml in. nil know thnl 1'nHii'r ltilli'luiin, 1111, i
lh" ol, let n.t'inlirii ol I.I. Ilm k work Willi
ini-i iy uml ii'ul to nl ti 11. 1 unit li'iel Hi" " 1 1 1 1 if
iiuni I10111 the ri-aoil ol i U". I In'i nnikt'
l.i,il .:lotlto "iM'H,e lun." If lh"
luting niiui ami linn. Iiii mil not ntliinl
Ihi ." 1I11111 who 1 In hlnii,"? II lh" "tiii'.l
n. ,11, 111,' w ho u rol'tlitiK to Mi'. NN'otln-r
0',n mi' ""Irollmn Hi" ativria ut.ili'r I In-
1:1, Illll. I-'' '.Mil Hot lulll" III, who . to
hliiiii'' Why. 11," iliuri'li""! "Iioul Mr.
Wo(hi'rpiin.' "Thrymr literally lri
.li-iniiiiii'i-il aniil 1. 1 i'nlili.iii !''
A I p i'r, , I I li'. l iil, mii", I uml hum!!
inn. t llml any i'ii" In-iiiii.K' Hi" i111.1i" of
miiiih.KKl inn mnl.e niTi'iiry Ilm Ink ol
ii-i riui, "iuii Lil. I'-niii'li. lint I write not
,1 11 mi iiiiniu, lor ii, h I urn not 111 uni
true m'i,m Nor mil I il' h inluiK the ill"
tin, llv ai iiilu,,! "Iih- n( llii'.iii "ii"U. I hill
U I..!.',:'! limn- pr.'p.'rli In th" pulpK t . I Hie
.l,.i, . ni iiltnr. I will" u 11 n.uii ami 11I1
(i n. who liiini Ioiik yi ur of oIi-iti nlio n
knotty that iiurtTiii-Huo i hun In- 1111' iinui'
iuul mine the i-niiwriatni l ami
ll.. I. ...I.I. .p. i.t' It... llil.. . ., lilt al.ll' ot lllr.
S hih' Ihey n lulu uml ti ll. Iiii," i'"i'lriil liliu
ol "Cliii'.l 11 th'lr I. in nn II. I," tiny mv
mini li.'ti.H'W inetiio.! uml ninkli gi liiiivh
w.iik l ion, iitini. ine lo H e mmii-k Hoiii
I.,.i" Ivuuhl nv to t .e ol I
liHiuhi Miy to l .e ol I nli. ;
i mi iii'i.r" their 1' llui'ii"" tor i.on.1 i liron.l-
1 nun,' nm I I' lis't .ifimni to ,111 eili-..: ni ier U'
Ion- known. I h'-y are i-no.iin i V a 111 tln-ir
111.1k: uml hriel'n i loun.l the renaoii
llhl , Illlllll' llllil Until, I rvtt'ly ""lllelhi
U.i," ami uul.v wi ll, uml who hint ifi,mn
,,.i. inn ant tlie.liuivhi", niv now H'' 'H
ih, mi lln 11 ninriil mo.
l.i.iii;li ha In i ii ml,! lo .lion Hint Hie
ilnllii.." me not .luioMnii" In I he rhiuni'
ii.'hy Mr. W..1I1. r.ii..n
Itiitliliut "linll we ".11 ol I he .Ire .unllou
Hint niir l..!".,. ni,- women. In'iUK emply,-,l
, lui ilu! Ill" l,'l, H li..lli"nl tin' Hay 111 mill',
.01, mi, I hli tune". Iiuliirilllv !" Illll nn III"
rip. ll lr hithli-.l "to "I" III lilk'l.l (" Inllu'e.
iliiet'M'Ui, nml Incmlly u,rnitiiui '! " I'nvil
mil" Ml'. Wiither-tM.O.I "111". "lh"V ilo tint
nui' in w.ilk a'".ul aneulneeii'iiiiii;. "othey
ln.,1, nlairt lor mi !iiiiiin:r.'tii .it whrri'lhev
mill Mt it, ill ti.'' Thr rl.ui.h, in II" '""I;.,
11 .. .., ., ,11...... .l.til 1, .1
nun III,. I L I. nil 1 1 V "I uli'lli ll". I" hUl inuilUM
ll.i'lll. Illlt III" "III, 'Oil lumlilllltllU,ly open
umt ' nlliin'" the ,li"i'oiiriij;e, nml lii'iit t irk
w, iinnn nml itirl lo roiiie in. 1 'hit w jihin.
iliivi n III, n- I'l i-iiuae nf no I'l.n p to ini, limy
anon v uni" hiil'Une ol tin-pin. e. I Hi" :
1 the nutiioiv ol n piir;i;;rnph too loin.' pi !
,Uoln entire. No leiuli r will Mil' I 1,11V"
piM-iiili-il II" uiiiiiiiiin. Woineii uml cul
lioiii our I.n torn'" uml mill heroin" in et
"trolliT" ll'i'l lllll'llll"" "fill" alllonli" U'riiu-e
-hill out Iinui the rhunlir nt niulil! To:
luullu lv until" hell' I" "linn t lint Mirli a
.. .1 1..1. oti.'i.'.l t.i.iiiitvt tint h I
w.'imeii uml i hui'i'lieH wmilil he to iuuli
nm' iiitellinein "
l ull it I'" iiiniiiii' Hint lie w lui pennr.l
Mirh I. ui .Iriiel eiei' heur.l tin wont noiti:,
or ruiui'ii lu ii'liil il" mennuii'? IIOMI-: 111
,,l,i, . ol rest, niorr ni reil, nnil in, ire In he i
lionoie.1 when kept inil.uiiealir puiily ihnn
eien the rliuri li iim ii. .-inn in me leo un"
miiiiii; limn 1 1 in t llie larne nuijiu'ily nl thee
women nml un i" Inr wluun hi. hem I so luirn
witli pity have Imluc" I" whii lithey ri lne
alter Hie ilny toil" me over, nml lho"e win)
Iniie no home lime Knu.l honiiliiu,' linue
M'l'nttil nlllV to on inr ii", o. ...... .
Inn',, in.) ' niii-li so. ial euioviiieiit
ehoiiM' to mnl.e inr tnemsriir", 1 ne.i uni"
"ivnenliiin mid diierslnu," us mnrh or more
lliilll Ihi'V r.iul.l get in n rending room.
Thev lisUaml are Msiled. And allhiuigli
winking in. ire Imiil thnii the hilmrer might
to work, Hiiiny nl them liiullime to engagi'
in the active work of Hie young people'," so
rielie, ill .il In utlrml rnnreil, Irctnrr. elc.
As thev reaped themselves so are they re
spei le.l nml licliiied in society. Haily lis -I
go on Hie long walk lo nml Irmn toy own
wink I see daughter whose eyes he pen k
nl within as pure ns (m,l s iinyiigiii
some nlime, uml snine holding to llie nun of
It It 11 lit tllllier orstlUWIll l nrower- nil ineii
w.iv to mid Irinn the null or factory. I see
mothers going I here who, it they had 11 litllc
wealth In in I'I tolhcir intelligence und reli
1, .et il , could adnrn wliul Is Icrmed "Hie
l,,h,'r ell'i'les of SI leiel V. "
I wonder II Mr. Wolhersponii dare slam! j
hi'lore Hie fathers, huslinml, or tirotliers nl
lliese wives nml daughters, and repent Hull
any one uf their large numhercnu lie allured
In n lilc nf shame hecnusc ol' 110 place to
liml rest, or hei miseol tliedeicliclinn of our
hurdles, of of I ifi'gon City's social life out-
.hie of the churches? Nay, more - would
lie ilnre nice
I llie miming sroru 111 wuirii ue 1
. mlil In. treated were he lo intimate In any
nne of our Icnuilu toilers tlint which lie has
put In print? I I row nol. His nalioiiizing
pitv would vanish like llie morning mi-l.
luil what is his remedy fur the evils he
sn deplores? A "free puhlic Miliary and
reading mom!" That. Ii lo he the spir
itual liul-nm of llie, sent fur llie healing of
the people. AH our large cities have one,
mid snine of Iheni several. And yet de
huuchcrv mid ci'lnieofevcrv 1111 mc exist daily
ami tilgiilly wit din their shadow, lint here
in Oregon ('llv. under Hie miinipulnliini of
Mr. WollierNpuon, it will eliminate, nil sin,
and keep "Hied and hearl hrnkcu women
from bennning "haliilues ' ol tlie aaloiins!
And he will give live 1 oiinrs (11 i.ooin 11
cause Hint IS 10 u-niisei-ini 111 11s migiiiy re
sults all Hie spiritual and moral philosophy
taught and practiced in nil llie nges. Surely
we luive tlie (iiant (ireulheui't. in our niiilsl.
Let us also have the library, especially if on
sui-li "a slender thread hung everlasting
The foregoing is . substantially w'hut I had
written in criticism of Mr, Wotlicrspoon's
ussuult upon tlie cliuichcsaud Ihcchni'iicicr
ol'our laboring women. On the whole 1 am
glad there was not room lot' it last week. I
believe the candid reader will agree Willi me
Hint I luive fully shown his statements ure
false, und his remedy lor real and supposed
evils iilisurd.
It ( be expected that t wilt sloop to
reply to Ibabillingsgaleof whieh lie relieved
hiiuHcIf last week. How much it has to do
Willi the matter iindei'tliscnssion the reader
must Judge. Men have met me on tlieslreet,
und apparently ashamed of their political
oraNiy hiiVc plead in excuse for him that 1
"coiuniciiccu being persotuil and must ex
pect like .treatment in return." It seems
impossible lor our modern "reformers" to
tell the truth, or to comprehend it when
told by others. It was Mr. Wollu-i'spoou
ii Iiii, In lil iipi'iiliiK unti l" llml . o li
illai tHion, t'ormaik III tint nitlii lv, m,i (.,
oil in it pi'i "..iml ut I in k upon n i ln of ,
Willi, lliilll tin, Vi'I'V 11111111-11 ol II, ,'lr i,...lil,.
I'ltiinut ili'w "ml In a mmapitpi'i' wrmiiilolu
llii'H' own ili'li.iiHii Tlii ii) mi not n hii" m
my II rl mil, In llml iip.roiuillvoll,'iivi.
only mii Iiii' a I lin liiilli la olli'uivi.,
Ilin ilinwri'l ilivini'a xlvnii In llliilnitn Mr.
Wnlhi'i .jinoii'a lunoiiiiii'" of ihi. iiii'iuilnu uf
a ivnnl in I'oinniou u". To "null ,
w.iuiiih'il li'iiHof, nwi,l n lo tnnllliy tin.
li'i'iiluii'iit nl hi fi'li'iiil. 1 will ii.rni:l Ilm
iiIIi'iikImi Una iuul any Ini ini.n flunk anil
W'lllll" Ilk" a iIhk nl til" ti in, ,ii . '
'I II" r, mini, in mmi. n il' li.i kiimv I a not r.n
my .n . H iiii,. pl, , ,l wiilinri'inoii, It I true -an,
I lln"." iilnii m ii Id" ilill, r, 'in H.!
Ill, 'I'll rl lll'UllllK aliriMKMH 01' OI'INnoia
llml iiri an w "iik llml Ihi'v ui" lii'iii iith nr.
K'Miii'iit. urn! him kiftiiiriliii Hi" i'Kiio on
Mi rmiiil nl n iil or Iniui'iiiKi v inlirinllli' nro
.iii Ii a I ilo not run' lo wii.ti' wot, I iuumi,
Tlii'lr i',i, i, I npiiiiou I ii'il n
Mr, H'nllii.r n'a,
In I'.un Iiiniiiii, lor now nnil nil tlmu: Mr,
Wiillu'raiiniin ilmrni'ii. uml rniliTiili' lln.
i liiiit'i', llml 1 am opponl I'i Iiiihiik u fi.'i.
ri inlliii! room In Ori'K'iti lly. 'I'm vlianu'li'r
i" Ilu nan Ii" wmilil lieupi'illuoii. Inr ny.
riv ri'inli'i' nl Tim Kntkiii'KI!! kiiovi (hull
fully Hiiiliirwil Hi" prnjei'l In thn iik iiiiik
,iiiiil'rn,li ol my ri'inurka pul,liii two
tti i k"iiKo-.iiki' ol II ii "u Hoi'ihy piihlir
iui-iium.," aniil dial tin- ".llii.r tin.) mlvo.
inli',1 ll on "mnaliilu Jiruii'l"," ainl (hut
w liul li""nl,l in ll CuMir niiui iili il, it I I"'
Ili'vi'il, Willi thn i i" of "V"ry pmnl t ilizi'ii.
All llii in mi nrliil" whirh Mr. Wnllinr.
"pnoii i hiini lo luivi' n u'l in io nl I inn in
nrih r lo Iuul out ita Irue ini'iinun;. Li t tin.
r, ,1'li r Ink" thl i liiiiy.' of hi iuul put il mil.
a il.iri'O or inorn uoi.l uml wnli'in "a wlili h
In put In! ii i"ii t mil ii I ion uuirk n romiii
1 1 . ' 1 1 1 my ni I n I", in, il whii li I'liiiniit hi'lniuiil
IIiit,', mm. I Hiini Jiiili'i' il hi. I tin'
tiiiin to in Vfiil a uli"lilitt" lor Hi" ('hiilinn
I inn In fiivornf a fii'o ii ii Imik r.unii in
Ori'Kon ( ill', II II run I," mi mil h lli" "ily
nil, I runt rot I nl hv it i'oii"liiiti-.l itiilhnrilii-.
li lt l to In, ilnuiinnti'.l hv n'pic of 'iiy
,li'iiinKiii.tii'a willing' ati-iihii; oIIiit wipli.
lliuinli'r lo uink" it n.n'iii llml Ihry uri' ll,.'
pt'i iiltnr ti'ii'inl" uf "lln poor UliiiriiiK tnan,"
llii'n li t ll ill" I.i Inn II I Urn, ami (hut I
II pri'"iit "tulii untli-r the iiimilpiilulinn ol
Vi'.,tht't..iiui uml parly. Tin- pn.j. i't in il
pii'nrut hliupt' i, woriliy tlit .'i'n:u iiholiua
iniruli'il the hli'u tlint llie "lin-. I liilmri-r," ,
il ho Iiiih iiuni'h I'lui mil, inn-l iiii i-.
"rti ily iM'. oiue u ilriuikiiiil. lini-" in Ihi-rn,
n uli lln h riling nl lli'ir ,Mnl, v 1'ar.
ami", ami V. A. Wiillii r-iniin In rni.1, he
! ! I""' trmn li'lnpt itl'Ui. Illathipil fnralroiiK
iiiiiik i k nnil tit nut 1 iiiimuv. oni
il,l", hi-, will I wi'iik, iuul he in In i rlt?"i v
l"-l' W luil 11 iniiipliiiii'iit to Hi" 1 . 1 1 .. 1 r 1 1 ,
u un, ni,, I how thnnkliil h" "Imuhl hi lluit a
ii.iy nf i.,'ii -i' Irom Kiuk Almhul i" point",!
mil to nun !
Hi -pv ilully j 11 1 mi 1it.1l. V.. Waiinkh.
liili'ii slliiK 1lt-lill (.iilhtrcil liny iiii
.tctli Corpa nf Iti irnliir mi
trlhuliir. Nwity,
Ihi'noo.l jH-opI" of Ni'i'ily, In'iiiu iluli'r-
! mil. ". I to kii-p up with the linu-ii in pittriot-
i-ni, it will a-- In Hie I u , n I i . . 1 1 of their
; , ,,,,., luiiieil out In full lone on Hie 2M
11I1I111,, 1111, 1 ml"", I Ilu' iiulionul H.ik i-oiiliiin'
I iui,' lolly linir "liim OU'f the pt.lilie M'limil
I huililiu-,'. Notw lili-tmuliiiK H' imli-uieniy
j(lf , ,,,.,,11,,.,. ,!.,. Wa,ur!e
, '
1 ",v """""R K"1"
the i.i'ti'i"ea were iiilfrainMNi'il Willi
l ti lira anil . Mr. I.. I.. Ilnwer, a I
rhiiitmaii, inlii'l the people to onler Willi
ome well i'Iuki'ii reinaik. iuul Inter ll"ii.
, J. . Wulii-r mini" a roioiii-,' -.peei lt lilli!
j vl , ptri,ilim, nml Mr. h. W.
, , . , , 11 1
: ly iniule one ol hi UMlul liuppy nil, I
; riiiei tin iii nn I'lliirt". The tiiielinn wu almi
i n,hlr.'-i"l In W. O. II. Ilihtinl. The rhoir,
1 .1
' wll' ' """" '"'"'r I",rl
ni ine "iiiiniry, le 1 111 .nr. iirujiiiniii ..niiui.
"inn; " Ameriia." "Iluil Colunilini," titnl
" Spuui;l"'l lliinner."
Al the ri "e of the exeiii-ea in the lioii-e
mill, wniiii'ii uml tlithlreu loiiueii llu'in
.Ul, i( jir (m ,,, .,,iv Kiuiiil, nml u
, ,. , ,. ,' ...... ,1..
' "1" i'i" inii.ii'r inn ini' i.tionri ,i 10 u.r
. '
luii! I,,',n! toil 0 Hiieeihri ra tmil a "liner."
Tin' llui; n 11 1 ,1 i 11; Ii t In Hie aehniil ihililien
nloiie. Mr. Ilnrilety, tmrilinnl of tlii
plnee, Imiiiht il nt ili uler' priienml therehy
ennhleil them to gel it i lu npei'.
1'urinn the entire pimMt'iliui: the uienle!
enlliu"iiiiu nml iimnl leilini; pi'evuili.,1, unit
the ili li rniiiuitiou wu Ireely epre.eil Hull
ii" limit un MiMi'li-l No. 40 lui" 11 ii-hool hotife
there niiui! In- a ttitfi lloulini; oier it while
"rhool i in srMn. J.onK may it wave!
i WnttKii.
Kni t
KriiK l'nllil
r Mntkiuiiiisk: ll lui Ini-n some
! (j,,,,, unv UKt j,u, hrunl ,roin me. I u
pneliy this lime you tliuiK 1 luive stuppeu.
Kvcrylliing is tlourishiiig in lliese part.,
uml these last ten day of sunshine make
line luive tlujspting fever. I don't know
whether editors ever luive Hull or not, bill it
isn Iuul disease to catch.
The Tualatin Secular I'ninii met to day at
their usual time with a good 1 nuvd ol nlsuit
sixty, mostly young people. Had some line
readings and declamations, mid the ipies
linn hnx is quite tin improvement in the
l'ninn. John Tyler was edilorof the paper,
uml he deserves great credit Inr llie ahle
mutincr in which it was gotten up, anil we
hope to hear Irom him suiuc oilier time.
Oscar I.OSS011 hits the next paper whieh
, n,nK throe weeks from to duy.
Some of the church Hock hcgin to kick
niniiit the Vnion liccause they want their
young lolks to slay uwnv; hut they won't
T'lie preacher has not got them under his
thuiuli tight eunuch.
(leorge Snnin's new sain mill will start to
morrow, provided the Almighty will send
water enough to stnrl it Willi. We nil wish
him llie liest of success, and hope he will
mulic u go of it
I'.n .. 1 .... .lks iim, .,mud here-
I Imii 1 have, seen any where up Hie vnlley.
Mr. und Mrs. John Knise are going opto
Salem lo-niorrow to visit their sou Homer,
wlin has lieen going to school all winter at
Hie t'tiiversity and taking a musical course
under l'rnf. I'lirvins. lie Is one ol the class
of six Hint will graduate sniuetinic ill June.
Tlie Klcauiers Itenlly and Northwest hail
a hot race last week from the docks to Sa
lem. The Northwest came in two lengths
ahead and claimed Hie race.
Yesterday the same two hud i! again down
nlreiim I'roiii liucknnin's landing to Oregon
, .1 Niu'lhvvcst irnt badlv beaten:
City, am
so now w bo w
I .lurry the broom, Captain
Short ?
The s.'hool in Frog I'ond closes next,
weekufter havinga four months term taught
by Miss Alice Downing, one of Hie best
teachers in (lie county.
The Missouri school closed last week,
Mr. A. Wilson being the teacher, "lo lias
secured another school near Chuinpoeg,
Marion county.
Mr. 0. Armstrong, of Cnnby, will give a
dunce on tho Hill) of Ireland in his new
house. Fiery body invited, A good time
is looked for.
There will lie a surprise party at Mr. John
May's next Saturday- night. The Frog I'ond
lies willbavo a glorious tune, and don't you
forgot It. Everybody und his girl will bo
lly tlie outlook of things In Frog I'ond 1
think Cupid is wielding his dart , and will
strike or has struck some one's heart. I
; "link Hutu will hr a wi'ihliuK or two Minn
oijoiI lin k u, thc,iiir. H a I'lt-lcr limn
haul work, mill lii'ttur pay.
Jnlili Ni'i'illliii; will return to 8nlil"rn'i
lofKlliK rump next wick to yo to work.
Wluit will Mi Una do Hum? Wlin will lie
tin- lu xt crunk?
1 lieur tl UT" I ti) Ihj a divorce cfiKti hi'fore
IoiikIii thn milmilm of I'lullahiiru. Who
rrnxt will hr tiin iiiiIiii ky mi"?
Mr. nl u liorne lust week from the
lillnil htuKKfraatnl lui thn-ii mure "i' k witli
Hi" auinc (liacaae,
Tiiulutln (InuiKi! So. Ill, P.of H., olllii r
"l""l"il ami linhillfil for IHIU. H. II. llenay
Miitj.r; John Krue, OveraiH-r; H. I lluyi'it,
I-i'cturcr; Owitr Lnrwiu, Hlewnnl; MIms llt-iln
Hharp, Hiiri liuy; T, I,. Turner, Tremuri r;
Mra. A. M. lliirne, t'erea; Mr, l,ouln
Kruno, rinru; Mia Olu lluriii', l'omului;
Mi i:ilu Tui'luT, I.iitly Aaaetitunt.
Tinilnliii OruiiKO iii""l lliu lust Kiilunluy
Ini'ui h inoiiili at loo'i'loi k a.m. Ahvnya
lui iliimi r at the hull, u, m.
Miin li l.'i. Mill.
Sew Era.
Mra. W. W. Ji'aae iianit a uouplc.of iluys
liiht week lit Cortland vlitui! wllli lier
Hnu5iilervMr, lllllle llomi.
J. C Newhury, our worthy putiiiusli r,
hn rerently pnrrlmHed a lot of ilni! wliirh
will he 11 xriiiit toiivenienre for Hie peuplr
alniui mw j;n,,
Iav, MrArlliur, wile and iluiii'liter Alice
"ieiit Huinluy IubI witli tin; limnly of K. (',
W, H. Itnler uml Crileraou llros. lime i'ol
their null ruuniiiK temporarily and are "nw- j
iiiK out the fnuiie for their rnuiueut huihl
T'lie sehool in New Kra atarleil again on
the Iillli, after 1 1 1 1 v i , been loid lor U n
day 1111 urrount of Ineu-le. )urln! the
tune the triirlier, Miia Kale Kehlu, haclK-rn
viMtinit frii nila in I'nrllunil.
Mr. uml Mr. Jame Hou;r!inm eelehrnled
tlii'ir2l"t weililinK iiniiiiernyy on Tuesday
of lu"t wri'k, w lileli wits the inost enjoyahle
orrurreiirv of llie aeaanti. Ireveml of the
neieliUu were preaent and niuoni' tlieiu
were lintired Mr. W, W. Jenae, Mr. John
Killer and w ife, Mr. Win. Vorjiahl and w ile,
Mr. Mnnilrul uml wife, and K. ('. Mnd-
d.H k and family. At 12 o'ehn-k the friend
were invited to a repnt surli an one eldnm
lin the opirluui!y of "eeliii;. Mr, lioueh
aut i one of the lineal rook in Hie "tale,
ami it wn 110 ell'ort for tier to "preud one nf
llie tinut iiienla whieh all put tonk of freely.
The event went oft' in joy nml mirth, mid
nil departed wMiim,' that Mr. and Mr.
l..ueiu.'ii mieiii live to etijnv Hie lorty
w roiiil auniverMiry nf their union.
Mm: ltrown, ol I'nrllunil, lias acar'ieiiter
at work hiiildini' a reiileneeon the spirituai
rump ground, prepuriitory for tlie June
ramp mei line wliii h il is reimrted will hold
for one month Ihi aeaaon.
Nine liundreil mirks of polutoe were
alnplK',1 from New Era on TueMluy of ln!
week, till rutiaiirtieil to one lirm in Sun Kriin
riaro. I'ri'd Mosliuk purchnedoneilay ltit week
liva load of rattle from Ani-ust ltremer,
liirli lie inleiid to fallen lor llie Ori'pon
City market this aprin.
I'mf. W. II. Diihyn, ol Alhinti, -.pent last
Saturday night and Sunday with your enr
n Kiiuli tit. lie 1.1 still principal of tlio
Multnomah t,rhi'I of In city, nml reirls
liin H'liool in.apleiiilid prugreaa. lleintends
having twelve neresnf hops planted on hi
farm here this apriug, and tliinks lie w ill
erret a reidenee on Ins South Oregon City
property in the near future. 1 lie professor
i wide awake, nml we wish liini surress.
Mun li M, 1H.
Vim view has nuideiuite a hrisk beginning
of late. At tlie annual school niectingatwo
hundred dollar tax was voted fur the pur
pose of reseuttng tlie school house.
Mr. Hunter lias sold part of his farm lo
Mr. May for fifty dollars an acre, making n
consideration of $-',.'".
Tlie location of the post olliccat this place
ha hern changed front Mr. Hunter's Ihnn
to the p ore Inrinerly railed the Katun
The few line days of this week have made
the hooter grouse la-gin his song.
Several persons in this neigliliorhiiod have
started the plow for spring crops.
The next thing wo want here is a man to
slurt a store 011 Mr. Urah.nn's corner, near
tho church, und to take charge of the Corns
post office. It seems like a person might do
pretty well Willi a store there, especially if
lie kept candv and gloves - hnxing gloves, 1
mean. Mr. lirahiimrould put up a harness
shop, John Jones a blacksmith sh.ip, and
Mr. C. V. Yandciulie could slart a hank,
nml we would have u town before the out
side world could know of our existence.
Two saw mills are not tar from lien', the
owners of which would he glad to furnish
the lumber.
Mr. Win. Hucher litis a tan yard not far
from here. He has about thirty hides in
tlie Inn now. He thinks ol selling part of
his fin 111.
Dr. J. Castois having considerable slash
ing done on his Alpine farm. He has let n
contract of til'teen acres, and also another
of seven or eight acres. Helms about fif
teen acres already slashed. The place will
soon resemble Haul Hill again, the name il
went hv years ago. Si-t. vsii.
l'liittslinrg Rumblings.
Lewis I'lalt sold his crop of potatoes to
Mr. Shire, of Hulleville.
We understand Mr. A Williams lias ac
cepted a position in Ira Powers' Furniture
store, Portland.
Cum. H. Dunn has been engaged to teach
the soring term of school at the Clarkes dis
trict, to begin April 13th, us soon as he closes
his school nt lTattshurg.
Tim broken down bridge near A. Peters
bus been rebuilt, and the road is now in
good order. I
-, :.i .1.1.. t,t...,1iii Is Itrimr shinned !
lllliMHi Hi'"' ... r -,
from Plattsburg, from one to three bouts
passing each way dally. The several wood
yards lire dolnga rushing business, Hie dairy
incn are sending milk direct to Portland
and altogether tlie burg presents a lively
appearance, Hounkttr.
(Tierryvllle Chats.
Elder S. Keels disappointed us in nol fill-,
lilling a scries of evening discoiircs. Hut it
was not through lack of faithfulness or en
ergy. He eaine us fur as East Portland and
mounted tho Sandy hack, but ascertained
before passing the suburbs that on account
of deep snows on the loot hills the hack
could go only to Uresham. So he wisely
postponed his mission until April lllli.
Since certain railroad hinds have got buck
to government, many ure watching the op
portunity to take advantage of the unwary
and seize upon land in 11 manner not always
honorable. Itisun old saying that the
foulest murders und biggest steals aro per
formed under sanction of the law.
The Christian church is flourishing It
I luispurchun'il two itensl tip lit tlio auction
orner for ll Hne j unl ami ciuirrn aim ami
till huihl aliome tlmreon in tin- future.
Mink Matten.
M, Moebnku raised hi, barn laat week, It
Is odugouu! in aliape ami when lliiihed
will beoiieo) the finest ham in the country.
The most notable event of th aon la a
daughter lit the home of Wesley 1 1 ill .
Mother ami child are doing well.
Mr. Hanson lost five head ol ' homes, which
I pretty hurd on a poor man.
Mrs. W. Kirk i still routined to tliuhoiisu
from Hie ellerla of the mealea.
Mr. Martin Hill la itiil ick with Drum
I hill.
Mr. Y, llublamler Is again coiillned tohii
bed, from which II la not expected that lie
will rise itguiii, as he is almut. seventy.
Iliree year old.
Kurmors here ure talking of organising to
protect thetiiaelxei fro 111 belngj roblasd by
the gi'iat mills, as they think they are get
ling nothing but second grade tlotir. The
llrat grade they sell to the oily Jieople and
the I'urincr must do with anything. Why
is il Unit when farmer talk of organizing
people aay there ia use they will not stick
together. I think it la lime they did work
together, us they are liiiajiie-l upon enough
to break the earner, buck.
Mr. Win. (juentheria having iioiiie trim
hie with a certain sewing machine company.
He gin e Ins note for a machine und tlie
Hole t rns out to lie different from Hie one
he signed, so he claims, llewure of agents
an I he sure you know w hat you arc signing.
liver night Hie hand meets there is music
11 lln-air in all directions, while the boy
arc on the way lo their hall.
Meadow hrtsik.
M11. 1'.i'iT, 'K : Tlie compliments, in your last
issue on we knights ol'lbe iUi!l, or amulcur
reporters, should not make us egotistic, hut
rather nuikeus redouble ourefl'orts to gather
only the Ire, best und brightest news for the
eoluuiiis nf vnur valuable and tiewsv jour
A very entertaining nml literary program
was rendered at the meeting of ourlyceum
last week. Considerable lulent was shown
by llie edilorof H.e lyceum paper.
On the L'iMli instant Ihc ipiestion for ti if -
eussinii is, "llesulvcd, That intemperance la
ti greater evil than war." Vor the affirma
tive, W. W. Pulley, 1'. K. Itmiiu-v, V. S. Dix.
For the ue alive, E. A. Wright, O. S. Uon
nev, J. il. Wright:
The mock divorce case on the lyceum
docket for Friday tin- 27th inslnnt, will take
place al lletliel school house on Thursday,
Mar. h 2 lh, al 7 o'clock V. M. Tiiu change
is made on account of the school concert
whirh w ill lake place on the evening of the
27th. I'lease remendicr this change, and lie
on hand early and receive a cordial wel
come. Mr. Win. Tlonm-y, jr., and mother, of
French prairie, came upon the Hth instant
to Hair relatives ami pay their resiects
toiheirnephc'.vondgruuilson, Baby Pulling
Several parties who have been to Oregon
'ily via ( lark s during tho hut two weeks,"
report a ease of criminal carelessness.' yrhe
road between J. J. Gard'sand Grosstniller's,
near tlie farm of a Mr. Myera, ia blockaded
by u large tree felled by some party ten day.
ago, turd at last accounts not removed.
Wagons and other vehicles passing that
way bad to run over logs two feet high, and
among brush and limbs at the immedittte
risk of crippling a horse and breaking a ve
hicle. Our last legislature made it a misde
meanor to drive cattle over a road thereby
rolling stones into or in any way obstructing
a public thoroughfare, unless removed
within twentv-four hours. What a boon if
I there had been a clause making the same
applicable to obstructing roads by felling
Itev. .1. II. Hargreaves preached at tlie
(in. bett school bouse on the 15th ut 11 A.
M. nml at Ilcthd at 7 V. M. to a crowded
house, from the text, St. Luke, 10:22. He
left the following appointments: atOorbett's
third Saturday, 7 I'. M: third Sunday, 11 A.
M. At lletliel ul 4 P. M. of third Sabbath
in April.
Lust week a letter was delivered from this
pot ollice heuriugthe follow ingrare and ele
gant a.lilress: "mr. g k--, niedobrok,
initially post office." Only that, and noth
ing more.
Grass is growing and brush is budding or
leaving out, which causes those ranchers
whose teed is about evaporated to wear a
cheerful phi.
Mr, Oeorge Hall was the guest of J. C.
Hall last Sunday. Accept our congratula
tions, tlcorge; and don't forget us when the .
cards are Issued.
Our ftietffl Will linker w ho has been on a
brief sojourn near tlie metropolis of Clack
amas county, is again at home.
Tho linger boards ut Clark's and Like
wise's, the handiwork of Mr. Likewise, till
a long felt want, nmi ore tpiite artistic.
Frank Ayers has been unwell i'or several
days, but at this writing is much better.
We trust that the road supervisor here
will soon lill up some of our mud holes.
March IS, 1SIKI.
Tlint Free Reading Room.
To tiik Euitok:
In connreiiou with the proposition to es
tablish und maintain a free rending room in
our town the "Methodist Episcopal church
has boon frequently mentioned. Men outside
of our councils seem to know more about
our decisions than those who are charged
willi the direction of ull'uirs. Between a
dressing down' in a public meeting and a
certain correspondence in your paper we
a iv being somewhat maligned, I readily
concede that the whole thing only illustrates
lite saying of a celebrated writer 'that "while
tlie understanding is powerful, the misun
derstanding is more powerful." IK- vonr
permission 1 rise to announce that no action
to rent the old church for a reading room
bus been taken by our official board, nor
have we had the matter before us except in
tlie most informal manner, unauthorized
statements to thecontrary, notwithstanding
1 endorse tlie reading mom position '
and stand ready to help it, It willdo some
good. But I must add that itscllects on
private virtue and public morality 'can
hardly be expected to I'ullil the prediction of
one ot your correspondents; and to make
it a ruler for irrelevant and absurd reworks
on the benevolent work of the church, and
. , """"sonne christian ministry,
ts cause for profound regret. Every man i,
entitled to his opinimts, however radical;
but make a ree bbrary plea the occasion
' thctr venttlohon is to to say the least
not good taste. Yours truly.
John Parsons.
The ppils ou tUeroll Qf honorn D.s.
tru t N 0. 03 for month ending February 27,
Tri vo.i,?g' Robert WB''t- Uura
rt right, anil Willie Edgecomb.
; Iknnib; Mayfikld, Teacher.
' a.. 1 'm MmlvF0mm 11 ' 1 1 iiinim,,