te V .....N"''"' ll I N lll.l IN I ('vitnmlssNlll.'lS I'lUlll. Ma.rli term IS'.'t 1'ivsont: .1. W. Molduint. .In.l.'i', l Iiairand C. Mooidike. ltui.iitiT! ; It. H. Johnson, el,Ti. ; W. W. H. Niiuou, nhoriir. In the matter ot' the ILiiii'f roji.l, no Path Uif HVOIS lllld lll'llU!i'l iliiumv-f nlo,l. luilio matter of tin' Nii!'t t'01'1- viewera reported timlnitf (Ittiiuitsos for A. 1!. Sltiplov, ainoimtititf to Ji1"'. Approved, mul onloied that ih iluma .jes Ih paid bv tho potitionora, iind r.'a.l onli-ivd opened when such datnanos aio paid. i:.tn-':in'"untoi ' $10 t'.H ordered paid. The petition ol S, (V PonaMson lor a private ro.ul of' public easement Slanted, and I'. O. Itovnlou, J. K. Miller and .). IV Hitter appointed view - ei'saiiil appiaisi is ot iluinaes to nn't-t at S O. I'on.ildson's on the litth ilav of j March, 18il. ' TIh iH'titiou oi I'niiik lOUIor and I others ior a review and iv survey of a part of the M-lw ankie mid I' osier road, was irranu'd. and .1. M. Salvor. 10 M. lturkhiivt and V. l.inn appointed view - ers, and Sidnev Snivtli, county sui vcvor to nice', at Wilbcrn's store on March li, . house on last .Monday, lor the purpose uf U'lectiiiK two deleitatea to attend the The petition of the Win. M. IV m's , state kthi'ko, which convenes at llills road was denied on atvoiirit of detect in i horo in Mav. Four out of the woven petition. The following bills nolo allowe California I'owdor Works li. li. Ktuse I Payton, Avery A Hull, spikes K. K Jones Co., lumber Teachers' exaininiei! hoaid Htitte Crock liiatii;" Asscutioii, pauper expense Krl) & IVats, hiinl'er ... E. M. Hand, stamps . . . Stale vs l. .'. O. M.ihonv Stat. vs P. U. Hall ' State vs l ink l.oan State vs N. I', Trouper. ...... . J'H'l (.'. tieer, tiling Scott Kios Mrs. Miller l'. II. Fxanse t'reson City Sash Ihior Co .... II. II. Johnson, clerk State vs. ,1.11. llow.ud Dr. J W. X orris O. 0. Kleetiie l.i,;ht Co John Shannon, .-up. road di-t Xo. I road ex 0. A. Maiding, inc.liciiie W. W. II. Sanson. .-.Iierill' .... In the in. itter n( ttio repoit of vi-o,s ot ro.i.ls la.d over at the las of this 'oint : Xo. IS Ilenrv N "ebai.l . . $ ";.'!' T. M.'K.n- " 'JS li. ii. Ki ii.e " 4i A. Hariinton " 41 ,lieph Mveis ' A II. ThieU'-n " .Ml U. J. Moore " o.' Tnoni is tiarritt " .V 1C. W. A Men " 7i Fiank K.is-i Victor Kii k.-oii was aptiointe.l vior of road dt .'!( in 1.. e of J: . :! 7S i if tW ! lit l'.tj ;ltt tk) ' S :t." , 17 Tut S 40 ; 11 til id 10 8 701 HI 1,) it ... 11 7' 4 , iki :int IK) III 45 ! tW 8 w J' ' " '- super- term . oo ' :;o oo ' 4 00 r.' oo ; 8 00 ::4 oo ! ;;n oo 20 M 12 00 s"l"'!" liiahain iei,:i.e,l. It was o:d-e I tt at the s-ipvv:s Mild ili-'t; iet X. s;e! tiom Caot. ll.Siniili a road seiap.'r bclonin, the cctintv, and r.-ivii't him tor to the! Fame. W. W, li'in si..'t visor of road district No. ii:i was authorised to uct one of tne coiuity road s. rap 'rs in charge of C.ipf. W. II. .-ni sh, anil re. i-pt him ior ti e same. .1 W. lio it, '!: ervi-or i f road dit- lietNo ;! w.,s autho.ized to procure powder, ltist and caps not to exceed the1 est ,,i ii ',,) i ' .... , ,, , ,, .. , , ,,f !"'' "" " 'a's i auo ai ;'j others tor the .e-opemnu' of the llocalb ! road was laid over as the petition w as ; too in detinue. i The p"tit:on of li. (iia-spoil lur the , vacation oi a eeitaiu stieet in li:. eii Joint was domed. , i company together with the several new The ititioii of Charles Culill" and j artists. " She w ill open her return en others for the openini! of a certain street, . .li;,.ient Kiidav evenimt, Maieh 1,'lth was decide I to he outsiiL" llio jurisdict-j m ihe beautiful dramatic " Idvl Uv)jiiiali ion of the court. ,m unl liolatea" to be followed 'by the Joseph Knii-ht was appointed suppi-1 mirth provoking fan-e comedy "To visor oi roaddistii, t No. 72 in place of ! itblice I'.ensin," and will change the 1-oius i arouiers, uecease.l. ('. Iiair c...inmisioiier H tiO ('. Monhke commissioner. 7 00 I!i pealin-j: of Hie Timber Culture ami Fre-i'iiiiiliiiii I.um. On March -Ph, Coinmissioner liral!', of the general land ollice, sent all regis ters and receivers of land ollices tin; fol lowing telegram : Timber culture and Jire-emplioii laws this day repealed, Allow no further en tries thereunder in claims heieaiter in itiated The hill to repeal the timber culture law is iiidi e fum-achim; in its ellects than Western set'lers generally sup pose, liosidos repealing the timber cul ture aiM pre-emption laws, it provides that homesteader cannot commute, in six montliH, but must live on their claims one year before they enn iom miite and pay the customary $1,25 per acre, outside i In- railroad limits, or $2.50 inside the railroad limbs, and secure title to the lauds. Another important featine of tie; hill is that which practi cally annuls; all contests fur lands which have been initiated, for final proof has been made by the s-tllers in many in stances now pending before the in terior department. Special agents of the land ollii-i; have in ported that the proof made by the .settlers wart unsatis factory although the lands on which proof has been made have been sold or have been foreclosed under a mortgage given by Ihe settlers to obtain money for making lin.il proof and payments. The act also provides for the reserva tion of sites for irrigation purposes and gives right of way through all properties owned by tho L'nited Stales for the building of irrigation canals: and ditenes. Beside tin,' piovisiotm relating to the acquisition of tow nsiteH and other prop erty interests in Alai.ka, there is a modi fication ol the mineral land laws, which will be of eonsideiable benefit to claim ants; although there may be some (lilli culty in digesting the provision relative to tiie cutting of timber in mineral state. I'residetit Harrison refused to sign the bill unlil there had been a modification of thai provision relating to the cutting of timber in mineral stales, and this modilicntion will seriously af fect the P.laek Hills district in Soiilh Dakota, as ivll as other mineral states. SeiialojH IVKigrew, Casey, Sanders and Allen worked nearly all night to v.-:.... :..n.. ... i . . I... : uniiu lij.l'i riirf- ol oral noon nil: pjrsf- dent to sign the bid, and it was largely I thrntH. the influence of Western sena- i atorsand representatives that the modi- fixation in the bill was passed through congress at nil early hour this morning. Seereta'V Noble tiled nine specilie tea. sons why the hid should not become a law. and was veiy urgent before tin. president insisting that he should veto it. The modification passed in llio ro; olution gives tiie secretary of the in terior power to regulate mailers relating to the cutting of timber, and all cases where the United States has brought suit against people who have removed timber. It will take about one month for the interior department to formu late regulations by which the land offi cers can act. Instructions have already been sent to the .land officer directing Ihem to allow no further entries until the rule and regulation of the interior department can be promulgated. The interior department ollicial are not quite clear as to the intent of all the provisions, and it will take several weeks to delinitely decide what was intended in this great omnibus bill. One effect, however, is conceded, and that is that It will aueci iive-Hi.iiis ol all the con- pj,. tests now pcnoing neiore the impart-:,., ineni. ji is .i-iou p.ooauie mai uie practical workings of the law will demon strate that the next emu-res will have tn make tone inodilica ion in its pro-yisions. TjU'hv ts ; I iml tt it t . Tlu following annoiinoiimoiit of tlu Te.n hers' ln.nitul for the Httli Judicial ilisirii-in, wan handed In by I'minty I Sltl'tft it)telnlitlt Thomoii s UrKlOK OF SlI'KHINTKNnKNr IT 111.10 IWMVCTIOM. livUM UHKllliN, Full, 4, ISM. 1kui 8ih: L'1" Institute for the tluli jtnllelal : dint riot will be huhl at Fcrvst Urnvn, i April T, 8, t ami 10, 181H. ' 1'liln Institute will be hold In eonmvtloii ; with lht Valiinu1on county inatitiilo. I sliiill l ulud il you van attend aiul , dike (nut In the work, Will you kindly wi ito me at mi early date atatiiitf whether or no you can be ptvsont, and if so, will yon ploan) Kolort i ami inline the topic or topic Hint you I would prefer to present o that 1 luav 1 place the same ot. the program which will lit printed m iitio limit Vicky Thity Voir, K. U McKi.hoy. Stat Si tt. I'i a. Inht'n . t'lack.imioi Count y (i'iiii)te Trillion. ('mi' lii'ineseulativea from ililiVronl ui'itnuei ' of t'liickamas county met at the court uranp's of She county were represented as follows; Oswego. Oeorge I.ocy and 0. Katon. Warner. J, ChIo nd R. J. Foster MoUlla.-N. H.I.)rrell and K. Wilht. Tualiian, J. Kruse. F. I.arsen and l I.. Turner. The meeting was called to ordei, and .1 . I'asto, of Warner Orange, was elected chairman, and lieorjje I.iH'y, of Oswego, sceri'tary. After transactiiii! such busines an came before the meeting, Ueoiifa I.im'V unit John Kruse were elected de'iyale to the atato trane. i i t:e seven luannea mine county are reported to be la a HonrishitiK condition, ! and noikinn harmoniously together lor : one common cause. I lie Kian'e is I iloiin; a iiiud work in brinniiu- (lie larm ers together for cial intenimrse, and I diseiisniona of their mutual interest. I'liitectli.ii of Saiiif Itlrili and Funis j The followiiin is a condensation of the ! laws passed by the last loxisUlurti for : tlie protection ol sonrf turds and tow Is: Closo Season for Uame. Swan ami ducks are now protected from March l.", to eptemlHT 1. tirouse, iiheasanl, . . ' .Mongolian pueasani, iiiihii or par- , In.L'e. aie nrotected Irom XoVimiiUm- l. to SeptemlxT 1, of the following vear Fast ol t!ie Cuacade. It shall he un- laulul for a term of live veais in that part of the state cast of the Cuscade mountains, to calch. kill or have in possession, except for hrecdinit inn- iost, any Mongolian pheasants, iiiail, , i,h w hite, prairie thickens or pheas- j ants. The penalty is a line of not luss i tliaii J.iO or more than $100. I I'rotection ol Sonirbinls. It is unlaw ful to catch, kill, injnru or nil; the nests oi the following-named hints Nightin gale, skv lark, black thrush, (jray situ iiiK thrush, linnet, iroldtinch, Kreeiilinch, chailinch, bulltinch, red-breasted Kuro s'.in robin, bla.-k starling, itroHiicak or inockiii)( bird. Seagulls It is a misdemeanor to catch, kill or injure n seagull, pnuiih ahle by a line of iioin f to J2" for eac i ullense. Keluru orthe Karorltcs. ,. , . t .irohne liane and tho Keene ( omii- in t v w ill return to Oregon C'itv. Miss Caroline liuw, the charming youi. 1)t.tresH Hho,ia, alr,.ailv delinhted n(y thcuter ditle.cnt .scassions, will return ugum (0r two nivthls, still siiptsirteil by all of the old time lavoritea of the Keene play Salnnlay evening, at which tune either "Mr. Itarnes of Xew Yoik'' or the romantic tragedy "lainoii and I'ythias" will be given. The return of this eminent young actress for a third time, in so high a class of plays w ill be a notable and attractive event in our theatrical experience. Those who have not aecured seats for the opening should apply j-arly at the po.tolhce it they desire to witness the grand double bill to be given on that mgni. Fiangellciil Troubles. The dissensions in the Kvangelieal church still continue, and il would seem that the organization is hopelessly di vided. At Alleutown, Fa., on the 2hth of February, two confeiemes of the Kvangelieal church were insesnion. Il having been reported that, at the annual Fast Pennsylvania coiifeience than to begin, the so-called deposed liishop bowman would insist upon presiuing at the conference, and to that end would enter Kbeneer church the night before the rnneiing of the conference so as to be on hand early in the morning and secure posession of the chair, a party of eight oi nine persons that night occupied the church in order to prevent any attempt of this kind. Hut Bowman didn't ap pear unlil two hours before the time for opening the eonfeienee. There was a big crow d around the church waiting to see the trouble, Rev. W. F. Heil and a slate officer stood at the door and re fused to let Bowman in. Amid the jeers of the crowd he organized a seperate conference on the sidewalk, sang a hymn offered a prayer and adjourned to Kmmanues church, where his conference about one hundred strong, held sessions tin; rest of the (lay. The N'eiv Law of Contempt. The San Francisco Call publishes the following explanation of the new con tempt bill passed by the California legislature : Fnder tho new law contempt of court iH defined to be any act or language which actually impedes the transaction of busines in court, misbehavior or neglect of duty by an attorney, Sheriff or Coioner in thoir ollicial capacity, inteference with the person of a prisoner held under order of court, or with a witness, iliobedience of a subpena, und refusal to serve as a juror. The act goes to stale that "no speech, statement or publication reflecting upon or con cerning any court while in session and in such a manner as to inteferu with its proceedings." It iv 1 1 1 he seen that the enactment en l laryes as wen as resmciH me scope oi , . , ''onlempt "f court Under tb ; law i s il , """ V "-' .",u w"" " '""?. ""VU " 1 u"1 !."" mav proceed summarily hv contempt i proceedings, ami the quite common practice of s iritmg away a witness may be punished in like manner. . As lo the right of the public to com ment on judgement or rulings of court, in a place and in a way which does in tefere w itli the conduct of tho IniHiness of the court, that is secured by the new law. Common sense should teach Judges that they are on the Maine foot ing a other ollicial, Hitjectto criticism when they are wrong, und safe-guarded against unjust und abusive ciiiiciHin by the general luw of lamler." Trunsfer of Realty. United States to Tho. D. Fholpg, 1(10 acres in swl of ec 4, t 2 , r 6 e. K W Crichion and wife to Geo W PriHser, 100 feet square in Bn' corner of block 5, Oswego ; $2000. Margaret Barrett adm.of the estate of .llio. Barrett, lo Jesse Hhortridge, 14,' aeres in V If!, No. 39; 1505. Ibeilrich I J trim and wife to John I' Ikoii ; HW.t-4 of nwj of sec 14, t 4 s, r 1 jo il ti i , -ir. ln r I fi... i- iinmui ivjium iuuuio iu u t u ti, original donation Innd chtitn of Koljert i Moure, coniaini.g 320 and 12-100 aces; I '"' , . United fitutos to ChaB. Calf ng; s of ne'4' and lots I and a of sec Jil, t :l a, r 8 e, coutiiiniin! Kid acres. JA Chttsii and who to Willametle Land Co . Iota to and Till in I'liinclund In seiulou :'0 and i-'S, I II s, t I o; H. Statool Oit'Ron to W I Harris; so ol e4 of see t 1 , I' 4 oj ceUliiinliiK 40 acres; (80, lavld Hunter and wile to W W Mav. one and 15-100 In t U , r 2e; t''0 H 1. Sabln, trustee In Win liislUoiild; lots 10, II, and 12, blk Id, Windsor! 122ft. II V McXaiy, trustee, In the Oreim I. ii lid Co. lotsllll and 111, blk 41, lot 41 blK 411, lots ait. 40, blk 71, lots, '17, blk 70, lots 21, 22. blk 41, lots III and 18, blk 71, lot I I. blk 87, lot XI, .'It and X, blk 71 , lots 27, 28, blk I I, hits U7, lis, blk 41, of Minthoin Addition to the chv of Fort land; 1280. Oregon l and Co. to Militate Sunders; lots 27 and 28, blk 70, Minthoin ud ; :I00 Thomas J Matthews to For la Mat- thews; wtt of the sol4 of the n'u of the sw4, of see 24, t It s, r 4 c, ivntiiitiinn ItM ttcre. W Chhiinan and wife to A Smith; fractious on the count v road between Milwaukie and Oicnon City; $:lo. Sarah lVdman and V. C Pedtnnn to Junius 11 Ciauier; 12 in ivs in sec 10, t 2 a, t 2 e; IdOOO. Mtiiesvand wife to school dist, No. 74, I acre; l. Jiwinh Youun and wife to S C aiidC Young, 1 acre; (1. Uladstone real estate association to I Rieckard; lota II in blk 8, oi Iliiwurden; I'A). Major llunijiate and w ile to (ieoiKeS Lacy ; see 22, t a, r 2 e ; 1 800. Fuited States to Maiy K lVl.miey ; ne'u of see 20, I 0 s, r 2 e:. Mary IVI.aney to lieore l.ucy, the same;' 1.800, Henry Wanner to W S Chii.inan ; blk 21 in Milwukie; UT"'. John Knight and W A Avety and wi:e Hand ftl-100 act in si c 4, t 4 s, r I e; l:!8. A Smith to W II Smith, 1 acre neir Canon bridge, 1100. Persons troubled with rheumatism should icad the to'lowing from Mis. N M Peters, ol Fast I'es Moines, Iowa Shesnvs: I had sull'ered w itb rheuma tism the ureater part ol the time for nearly seven Yearn. I doetoied a great deal for it with physicians und tiled electric hells, patent medicines and al most eveiythiiiii that was rivoiumcndod for rheumatism. Finally a neighbor ad vised me to li V Chamberlain s lain bal sam and was so sure that it would hell me that 1 procured a hotlb . It did help me, right from the start ; but U took li v ftO cent bottles to cure me, so you can i?ue how tiad I was as two bottles will cure any ordinary case " For sale by (ioo. A'. Harding, druggist. -FOR- DRUGS G. A. HARDING. 1NpawiJ, Out ' . V'Wllt'ii h mm 1 aouit HMouurt jnj( j qiVM Jill lUUOttl J IUI dl f HIkJlU U VIM ) II" X fil Ot ft Utm 4(t(U( AJ itB UdllU,J M u; "i iui 'iui.i .i pil ( OtIIIIJ B.i, I, l)h..i I t nO WHI V" I M1trY J, tuny 4 'til j. j mw (WWMMliliiuiiUitj Dili :iou. rvooifC; 4 Friend of Woman. The very rcnuirliiiblu ami certain -ellcf given womankind liy fMimre'n Kevnnli il Kenu-cly" him won fur Htliu mint of Woman 'n Friend. It Inuniformly mir-it'sidul In mhuvhiK their ilollcnte ailment. MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY Sturi'lH pcerlnn iih the nutiirul remedy pec-uUrly ml'iiti'i to the wiintH of wninaiiktml. WHAT ONK LADY HAVS; Hkatti.r, Jiiii. '20, IH:i). "I Wfint yoit to puhllvh my tewtltnonlfil fnr MmiiiB "n Kkvkai.kd Kkmkhy, for tt lm wvu 11 KrHii'l thliiK for me, for It htiH rurcil mo of hetid ar-hcK, from which I hivn hiUI'itoiI whenever I berime chilled, for the liiNt fifteen yvnr; I Imve rutTered perfect torture for twcnly-foiir hoiirtt Ht a time, HometlmeK retelilnir for three hour vvlt'i- out tiny reit'ind tumble toifet help from any of the fiumherh'HH remedlen tried, Now I nm free from thlv HiiderliiK. i'r utthn n rwr hymploni of oiin of thene ftltuck". I tnke h K"d doKO f " Moore'ft Kevc.iled, ' nii'l Hint In llio end of It Tt loin nl mi cured me of en Mlpulloii. My hn bund H'i j'H It IniH Hfivefl IiIm lift', and he would not he without It. VVe ure both no Imppy over It we enmiot finy omoiikIi in I tit fnvnr, und tidvlneiili uiir frlendH to utte it." MHH. JAMKH (iLKAHON. Cor. 12th and JnekHon Htn.( He title, W.ihh, fff-Yur mile by h11 rihH, NOTICE FOR l( Itldl'ATIO.V. IINITKI) HTATKH I.ANI) OFPICK, I OumiiiN (,'itv, or., .lull. !.", IHKI Notlee In lieretiy irlvou Unit ttie following nanieil Ni'ttier iiiir nieil noiiee or inn tiiieniiou to miike finid proof In Niipnort of IiIn eliilm. iini thut hhIiI proof wilt he miiile hefore tlie IteirlHtnr find neeciver oi me u. n. mumi iini-e hi uri'Kon City, Oregon, on Mnreli 7, lh-.il, viz: Ilium IiIbi'M, Pre-emption f). 8. No M74, lor the n ni of v'A nl ficetlon 1, 1 4 m,. r .') e. Me niuneH tho (ollowlin; wltnesHeM to prove hi ooiitliiiinim renlilenue iipon unit cultivation of in lil liniil, viz: OleJohimon, John llonclwiii, (ieo. I.oi.kerhy, of C'tirrltifivile, CUekiiiinH eotinlv, OreKon, anil I'eter Olm'ii, of Mon emmo, ChelinllH einnity, WiiHhliiKtou, J. T. Al'I'KKHON, l-w, t-'n lieKlmer. ADMINJHrKATOK'H NOTICB OK FINAL HKTI'LKMKNT. Nntlee ) hereby (flvon that!. .1. II. Illekinun, Adinlniftriitor of tho CHtnte of (Jmo. Albright, deeeuned. Iifive filed my ftiidl neuoiint, with voueherH for afliml Mettlement of the iihnve en titled matter, nnd nil p'lruoriM uro therefore notified to tile obJeetioliH to Mueh settlement, If nny they hiive, on r before the 7th d iy ol April. inJi hi rroone iouri or i tt o utMllliy ul ciacktiiniiH and ritute of Ureijoii. j, h. iiickmaN, mti , 27th of Pl,llr;;, llnhed by order o( J. W. Meldrien. JihIbb ul the Comity Court. u-i: a ai. j REMCDY union vmvo HY. OVERLAND ' HOUTK. TialiiHfiirthe Haul leave I'm lland, 7 ;iHi A M. and :0d I'. M. TIPlfCTC to mi I from eiliu'lenl ioliu IILllVf. IO hi the fulled Suili-., ruinel" mid K.ll'olie Elegant AVw Dii.ir.g Foliire 6'ir'. I 'ii t u ii il I'lilnee MeepeiN. VUV.V. I'UI.OMST Sl.KKI'INti I'.Mi nm ThriuiKh on MxiiieHHTralna TU OMAHA, COUNCIL lUAH'TS, KANSAS CITY, ClIICACiO, A- Si. hOC IS Wtrilot T CIIAMIK, Clone eoiineetlnin nl rrllnud lor Hnu rU'.'o met I'-iiii't Hound I'i'liit Krnu Kor Inrllier uirtliiilnrii liuiiliv of mi) hk.-ii of the Compiiuy or r. m i.iii:. I', a t. I'm lliu il.Ci i Mm O. N. l I I Northern Pacific R. R. Great Overland Route. TWO FAST TKA1NS PAILY! .Not II AN(ii:ii'C A HS i Shortest Lino to Chicago And till polntii hu.t, via W l'. CAt'l, AND MINNKAI'ld IS, The Northern IVIIli II. It. lit thu only line riuinliiff l'liUNeiiiier TruinM, Seeond-l'laaa SleepeiH tl'ieenf i baiije; 1 .11 ill lutli I ,iv ( iiiii'lieN, l'ulinun I'ahiee leepinn I'nin, I'lllme I'iniliK I'iiih tmetil Toe), limn I'o rl taint ,o (lie I.iIhI. See that ymir lieketi re:i I via the .Nurthei it I'm die It li. and avoid eliiinp. nf e.ii'H. 1 hro'ltlh 1'ti 1 1 li i m li I'lltn-e Hu-rt Ihf rrw. ete KHiil ilnl e.-ni-hi-. fiiii-l iitlio-i-.tlhllik' rulNht mreli f'nrlliili.l, liit'. 'inn Mint Henlllo tllrcel tirtlly ti rvli-e. . II, 4 II tl(I.I O, -l.;-n'l -hh. A-. ill. l il Tirol Nl.. I'orlliin.l, Or, l'i i"l. eoriier l'lrt .-in.l ll Siii..- 0. C. T. Co's STEAMERS Oregon Cilv A' I'oi'thiinl. DAILY LINE. 1. KAVK I'lUlTI . 4 S I). I.IC.WK HllKlliiN I'lTV, 7 :::h a . 10.11 A. l -.mil'. llidll I', i. -M. M. M. 7 ilm A . ,M . In .iMA M 1 IM I'. ,M . t .till I". M. Steamer Altu mi Wav l.iinilinK. Sleauier l.alniia Way l.iilitlnvi 10:1X1 A. ,M. 4:;l P. M. H im a. M. :i:(itl P.M. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. T. K. IllXiti, lieieiver. OREGON DL'VELOI'MENT CO'S STEAMERS. SHOUT 1,IM; TO CAIil F015NIA. K It K I ( i I IT A M 1 li MS Til K l. 1 W KST Traill No. It mill run Tiirday, TIiiim davN and Satiirdnv i, and on lntVruiedinte dnVN w lien i:ei eitrv : Train Nn I will run Mhiiiiii.vh, Wediii-ti-ilay " ninl Friday, and nn liitei iiifiluit dny w lien iwit'iniry : Me. liner Salllnv Dales. I.KvviiN Y aiji'In llliiinitle Viilley, Mttr, "til, mill, .''.Ih, l.tivKH Himh iN.1.1 o ' I ! I n 111 it I Viilley. Mureh :t.l, UlU. ai.t, : ..li, 'I hee iininny ri'.i'rve the rlillil to i-linnue miilinii iSili-N w tllioiit uolli-e. TruliiN eouueet with Hie o. A (.'. It. und Itlver Uoiiti Mlt'orviilliH ninl Alhiitiv. The ( liei;iin I'aeilie Hteiiiiili.inlH on tint Willumrttu river ilivlniun will leave Pnrllatiil, Miiul liiiuiid, .Mntpliiy, Wetlnex day, aril Friday at II A M. Arrivo at CorvailiH TiieMilny, Tliiiii,iy and Salui dav at ;i::id P. M, Leave ( tirvallin, niiitli-lmiind, iMiintlny, WedneHilav anii Friday at K A. M. Ainveut I'.mIIiiii.I TueNilay, TliniHtlny ami Satuidav at II :d0 P. nn Mnntlav, WeiliieH.liiy and Fii dav, linth north ami south-1 1, it 1 1 1 1 1 IidiIh 1 10 over ni((lit at i-aletn, leuvitiir hero 11 1 It A, M. Krelht mid Tlekot Olliee, Kiiltnon mreet whnrl I'orlliin.l. (J. (," 110(11' (I. K. & P. A. O.I'. It., EAST and SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Iiouio shastaJline. Kxiiths rraiiis lenvu I'oitlnnil Ilailv. Hou.l) I f-wi e. m.Y 7 : 1 f. P. M. "i"ionl,. I.v 1'ortliind Ar I U'.'I.'ia.m. I.v Ori.oiiClly I.v h.i;i a.m. Ar H. Krinieln'o ,v II:IH p. m. Ill IfiA.M. Aliove triiliiH Nlop only nl tin. fulinivlinf nIip tlntiN north of HoNi'lnirir: Kimt rnrtlnnil. Ore- iron City, YVmidluiru, Hnlein, A lli.u v, 'limtsent HIii'iIiIh. lliilNey, llitrritihiirii, Jiinetlon City, lr v 1 1 1 K ninl hiiireue. HOHi;ill'ltH M Ml, (liiilly). M IKIA. M. I I.v I'orllilllll Ar I l:IHI',M 'J:tiA.M. I I.v OrciroiiClty I.v 'J :." p, m .'Kill 1'. M. I Ar Itintehtll'K J.V It .'.It A. M AI.IIANV I.OCAI. (Dully, exeepl Hiiinli.y.) ''):l))i p. M. j' "I.v I'orthiinl Ar " IIIKlI. i" ll nil I'. M. I I.v OrcL'on city I,v 7:fi A, M 'J.IKI p. m, I Ar Allniny I.v .VIHI..M Pullman Bufftt Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Koraennininniltilliiri nf Heentid-ChiKN PiiHneticrN nttiieheil to Kxpn.HH 'I'mliiii, Went Hutu liii iKlnn. IIICTWKKN roKTLANl) AND COI1VAI.I.IH. Mull Train, Dully (Keept Suruliiv. 7:HHa. M.T I.v I'nrtlninl Ar I ""liTuTi1 M I'idtlp. M. I Ar Cnrvnlllji l,v 1 a ..Vi r M At Alhiiuy und l ,'i 11 v nl 1 ih eoiiiieet with Irnl ni nl Ori'Kuu I'nelllc Kiillrontl. KxiircM Train Dully (Kxeept Hiiiiilny) 4:40 p.m. I I.v I'ortliiiitl Ar ' I K:2I)a. m. 7:'ip. m. I Ar MeMliinvllle l,v lf.:4.'iA.M. THROUGH TICKETS TO AMI, POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, FnrtlnkoU ii(l full Information reRarillnn rat ), rnni, , etc., (Mill on Coiiipaiiy'ii iiKentat OreiioM Oily. K. KOKIII.KR, K. P. K00F.HH, Manimer. Ain't (J. F. aud 1'aas, ACllt 'I I. Mid' It I .A Nil ArlMI'NKtl, l'i7M. i : i: i o itipi.u wrio. I M i l It im ri " l. NO I u I ll If, ) IM't'l 'S Cl I V, Dr.. lil t I ,', 11,1111 I Notleri In liiiii Py Bl,, i II, , H ,. pILun'i, Willi ihe .i'i.Ml.iii ..I Urn m i ,.l i, ,n i t i.m i t June 11, ls. i lilUli il ,UI net lur II. e Mle nl Inn l'r niiil III Hie Hl.ilen .if CiHI, illln, Hiexon, Nevti.iii nP't N ii.tiliiiM- n I'l'irlini y' ,1.11V l.iil'ollil. nl I'm II, .nil, o.iilnlv . I Miilliiiniiilli. al'ili. o lint. H"li, li.il. IM. ili.v in Hiia i lllfe lil. hworii I'lii'liiiol No '.'ll.,, li t ll i' piiii lp..,, nl Hi,, h l k'i mul e '. , 1 , il eHoii No ! In io I,. ',il' N" ItMMilh. I ii Hi' .' No. a i. el . uill oli.r in..., I lo .l.ii Hen Hie I , ml unMiHil Ik inoiii i .il uiilile f..i In, 1 1 hi ii.'r i ,r '.li ne ili.m turiinil enlliuiil pnipi',,-, unit lo , .,1.1,1 -I, hu 1 1, im In met Intel l.i-ti'ii. Hin ii-, Li, ). m reeeU-er nl lliln olli.-.. nl llni'i'ii I'llv. lni'i:i'ii, mi Moll liny, lltt, l.'MIl, il iv ot Mm, li, Is i, He ii'iii... n. u ii ni'k.iu , Win. Homer of I'oriii.iel, Hi. ai'ii. H 1 1 , j . ,., r , I ,, i',,ril,iinl, oirui'ii llniiiiio W, Miniih nf ,i'iiiiii., SS uHliliiu lull. Winter He, ill ol I'miH li. I, (II, Ally mi, I lilt ii.ii,ill riiilMilMK ii,lMii.,y Hie llhilU' ili'-l'lllii'il 111 l. 1 o nm I"..'. o file ilieir rt'iiiim In ihm .'itiii. en or in'iurn i.t. llelli it ii- ot M m il, stl J, - AI'I'I'.llrlllN, I '.'.'I, ft V7 II.-hMi.i-, ll.MllMl I. AMI, Al'l Jl MCH, Ixm. "Noil.-e lor I'lililii ulloii. I'M l I P l i i i:. ,, i Mi un'ii k 1 III N I i I V. Ill , . Irl, ll,, h II Nolli-e I" hi'ieln I'll en Ituil In iiitlnueii ivtliillii. piiii p ti'io. ol Hin it.-i ot I'liiiuri'.i, ,if June 11, I'llllllid ".Ml ml (,u I lie mile of Iliu lu-r l,i n,1 m. Ill llui nl lie. of Cilltoi nU, Oregon, Ni vii.lii. iitiil v,ililii-.tnii li'i ruoi v,-' 1 1 1.1 l'i,',ii,l, of I'lirll init, e.iiinlv ot MiHIimni ih, Ntiitu of ilti'Hon, him Ilil. liiy 111. '.I In thl. i.llu'e Iil .u.nii .PH, 'in. 'til No i',.:i( (or Ihe iiitelin.i. nf t lie m rt ' , ll i 1 , .Hut li,l. 1 mul I In vKi-lliii, No. '.In Inn io.iil. Si" li Miniih. rniivi. No. II eii.l, unit ullt otlrr ,t,. f P. li,iii Hinl Hi,. Imnj miuuhi I. in. or vnltiiil.il. loi ll. Ilutlii'i' or nl 'tie Hi'iu (or nKiienliiii-iil ioiiiiie., mul in e.inli luti til. t'liiliii In .nil! I mil l.iifi.ru nm ri'KlNter mill m'el ver of IM eltl, o nIHi. v. ii Hlty, Ot (.'it. on Motiilny, the liutn iltiv ol Miireh, fl. lie nunn-N n. wl(it.-i"ii'N' VNiiller Niotl, Jeny I. nl-, 'lot, Minium ili'iiier, ul I'.nUnii'l, nm Ijiili J.i.iih Intiriilliiin, ol Molitlln, litrKon Any nn. I nil I'l.r.on. eliiltuliiK iilii.i'ly (he iilio) e .li'..'rlli'.l liniil. nrii ri..ti,..ti.. in rile (heir I'lnlin. In HiIn ollu e nl) or lii-tnre .iilil :ulti ilnv nl M'l.eli. Ivl. J. 1. ,WV liSUN. I -.'.I. :i .'V lti',:li.ier 'll.MIII.lt I. AMI Al l .MM': H, lv NOIU'H l-ult I I hl.l.lA I I. )N. I l.lt", I Slul... nil, I .1111,1', Uti-i:,.ii I'lly. Hii'iion., Hee. I. lie). Ni'llee I. heti.tiv ulM'ii tteil In run ,lliilice Hltli Hie proi Ul.'li. ot the i.el ot e.'liitti'MK ol Jtltti' 11. I' ll, i iitlili-il "An m l tor Hie .nle ol llui li.-r Inlet. In Hie i iie. of riilit.irulti oreicii, Ni'lnil.l tttul S i-lllliwliin leirllerj, ll,.,.ili, U Mm me, of t'i'ier,ll I. tip, n,uo:j u .Lieltinll, MPiln of uri'ui'ii lei. HO" .In v Ml., I In IIH. .'Itl.'e hi. . on i .1 iii it ii-n I No ..Hi Im tin- (niri'li'i.i' "I lite W ' , lit M-1'll..ll Nil, 4 III ott ll.tllp. ,Sil -jNillltll run,'). No 7 i'i.i. nii.t will utter pruol lo .tiuii tin I Itie I net i.iniiiil I. morn ill im 1,1. I"r tin llnilier ur M"lu. Hi .11 P.r ,iyi li-ultin nl inn-i".i-i.. Hint to i.'.li.l'll'.tt hu elnifli in . tit (unit lieti'ie Ihe ri't l"li r nii'l !' ulu r ul llil. oitleu nl hum, hi l ilv, to ,'i3"ti, .'ii 1'ii'lny, llui j;tll ,..i ,,l Muieli, v. 1, II.' Iiinir" n Hitltf-M-.. I hilli-H Mi-hirfi-r, l. V lit II I ."lllu l! M , lot 1 1 1 l'U ki li, I'lliirl.'N t'.itrr. .til ol l'.,rl,iinl. t'uil. Anv ntul nil p. r"li t'litliiliii' ii'tiern'ly Ihe llnni. . I 1 It., .1 1 . 1 ,. 1 1,1,' I. i,. -I, I 1.1 Hie Ilil-lr ii iliu. lo Hit. ,'i: re .11 ur l.,'t..l.- .nl.t .'Vt h ihiy nl Mnr. I.. I-..1. J I. ,-rl'.t;.i.S. I I... il .11 Iti'KlNler. I I M I . I- ll I. AMI Al f. Jl NK S, I t I Sli.li'. I ninl inlier.) int'ii'iii l it) in nun, I'l'r. y, I.'...) I N"in' In tii-r. l.i iih 11 llt.u In t iii 11 1 ihrt llll tilt" 'T" I - i ) 1 jinn- ;t. ii 1 1 1 : 'I ..I HH ,(( i'l t'...w'H'.- 1. 1 An .irl I t Ihf mil- k ihn 1 1 i( t iilll lllt, Olt ili, I 1,T 1 Hut-. Ill l!i dhiiit-.ti I t-t 1 H'.ry." illMM 1 I I'llt Ul 11 tit 1 I M nil hi in -ih. Sin tf u( ft rv i fl.-M in tit: t.ilh'v hin uti'Mi j.. -I, I-.r Utf jMii. hu'f o( 1 hi ll. ll N" (., hi ( inhlp ,Nti ,! i I'.nii.ttiil, . U.Hi.in-.tlit. , .'rtti'iitti l.-llttl let ttli Ulil ili l ht'Mil dllfU 111 tl .ll lui tl n.it'.M ! im n f ilinllt- i fur it ttiuiMT ut M-iic lh.ui fi'i iti,'f If niuin-l f-l .i!(l fl'tlli) lo '!'. i ,iiii-'" "H'l t" i ! ui.i .( . r- tin' ii r iiixl lu r ( Cii .vlhl'f Ml (tn m t ii, Mn-i;.'!!, nit i rl'l.iy, tin- Idli in t I tir iKitin ii r..t!ni,'i r , ' April, . 1 im l' l ll l I'l'IMIfll. t. mu- .( ( riilt.il I'ot itt 1) , I !-., 1 I'. liH fe Ml, nf i 1 uriinii'l. in 1 ,n nii'l ml ( r-t'iif rl.tlinl ttih crtifl (he a Inn v ii' irilii'-l iiihU itn' M'ituh(i-it 11 If I In-lr fl.lihix III till-- I'Dn 0 t'll ir tM-Iuit' f rt U (dill iit nf 1 April, iv. I J 1 .U'l'l-lio.N. t H KfKlMT, l Kl.lt A 1 mi I. inn 111 1 11 k J . I I. IfNl 1 .t In ruinpltnnt-e el nf rutititi'.. uf t lur Hie ..tli' ol lilfutiilii. uri'iiii, 1 in v. iir Kinn Ill . ul 'hi' ,1 N, Mr. . I. nlil. H.e ru Inn)' :l, li' 1 llinl'.'l I tiel. evml l. . nut ulill. .1 An "! 1 nil iu tu'l, .11 I unttur). ' l li i. 1 in. pi-r. ul ilri'i;. tu I'llv. I'. niitv ol I Im k iliu.., Nlnle i.( urcitoti. h 1. I li i 'I 1 1 ll ti'.t In Hi I. ulli.-e 111. .vv irit .( iti'ini'tll N... .' i' I 1 Hie I'lili'lin.e o( Hie n w ', of M'1, nii'l u e ' , ut .iv1, nl Ni-i-llui) No lu l"i n.lilp it .until, .mini' No. II erel unit .Vlllotli'l piu.it lu lu .tt t hut Hie llliul .oU.'lil I. nnne v ,ilunl,lr lui ll. lltnln r or .luin tlnin lur nh'l li-iilt'irnt P'li l"u,'. mul l .'.tnlill-li hi. i-litlnl lo . lll'l Innd In'luii-Hu- ti ttl.li r etui ri-i i'll,-r o( Hit. onVi nl tiiiil 'li I 1 1 v . 111, -cull, oil l-'rl-ilnv. Hie itd .l.iv ol April l--i Hi. iHiiui-. ni Willi. tt Hln.ilhi'iN. V T lliirui y. J I .M ...oi J. M rnrii.li. Hit nl I'le ,Pn ( ill . iln-u"ii. Any ninl ml t'i'...'ii" rtitiinlinr ii.lier.rly llie nhuve .l,'iTII..-. lull I. me lr. t."l lo file Ihelr et ilin. In Hli. oitiee nil ur lii'ture Nnld ltd ..y ol April. Iv I, I n,.:i .11 J T. AI'I'l'ltstiN. Keul.ter, NOllt M lui; Prm.U'ATK'N. I.mnl (Ullee nl Ori-nu l .iy. Orecou, Jiinittiry JVIIl. I-.. Nutlre 1. lu'rrl.l 1; 1 1 ' tl ihttl ttie (..IIohIhk uut. . .elller lui' 111.' I null, e o' hi. Illli'llllini In to.ike Until pi uut in uppurl nf lit. el u tin. mul Unit .nld piunf 11 ill I..' niii'ln hi'turi'lhe lii'itl.. I, .rnll. I hrl'I'lliT ol llll' I'. H I lint llltlre 111 iiri'inui I lly, iri'iiuil. nn Mnreh '.'I, l.'JI, u. I II. I l .) ! , It.ilni'.li'ii'l emrv Nu. lur Hie tl 1 j o( Ihe 11 w ' ,. mul e 1 . uf u iv ' uf .re Jl. 12)1 ". e lie lititni'. Hie lultoiiltiu vvtllii'.M.. to prole lilt, pun! 1 it" i"te- ri M.' mi' 11 p..u hu.I "tilt 1 1 nl Inn ul n Hit 1 1. 11 I , vl s i I'lili'iu.iu. II. MeiiiiKHii, unit (i. Mtltut. .ill uf iiltilv, Ci.u'l.iltnil. Co., i .rein .11 . 11 11 I C i'. Ir.tf.. of tiliulMune I' 0., Mi). knln.i. I n. Ci.'i; in .1.1' A I'l'I'.KSI IS. ii iii:i i:eul.ier. Faber's Goldci? Fciuafo Pills. vnr fVnnile ItiTirtilnr itn-.: tintlilnullkelhem . 4t5vlv , N. "O the intiiket. Ai-trr Kf 'itrA. ''i'i. I' NNllillynreil ir('V. 1 in- n-iiniment l.lt,n 1 '( rv1.' -V ,j y iii'Oiilily. Huiimni I to relieve (nii)ir,.!ied iiieiiNiriiiiium. i unci CArm CERTAINI finn't lie hiunh'it.'iri.il. Htivo 'little, lleiilHi, ninl inoue) .ukeuouih er, Heat to nny ftililieNN, heeure Ii v nm ! I mi re eelpl olirlei.',i!.lH). A.t'tll'.H, 1 THE APMHO MEDICINE COmPftRY, WoHttiniHiiiut h) Hox '7, 1'OItTI.AN D, I Mur Haiti hy ( 'Illinium ilt Co. I iiiii'k!inl h, tlievjon City, Or Great Reductino Cabinet Photogrsphs ON MY S2.BO PER ZDOZEinsr AT- 1117 Mrxt Street,, llet. Jltii-rlMon ami V11111I1III, l'OHTMAND, OliKtlON 111 in inriiiil nt ...irXIVl lliimrwnr, . I'lill) ninl 1.,,11'iinlily. iiy lluiii. A iln r u iiiiinuitr nlil, nm! In lli.i Xilllltl.. ... Iii rv.-r I In-y Hv.. Any . .. "ik. Kn.v l.i li'nrn. W. lurnl.ti in , 1,1 ilitnir IVn .Inn .1.11. Nn rl.k. Y.ill I lilt ili-vnle ymir hi,iii. inoiiii'iit.. ni' nil v".,r linn' lo lln wnrk. 'I lit. I. an millri'ly in'.. l",nl, it" I t'llii).,, .. unili nil I .1111.., In .wry m.ikiT. ,,Kli 'inri' ,',iiliir Ik. ,1, '' In Diill n'r M I'i'k Ninl 'iiimiihI., Null ni'iii' Hill I' . III1I1. i.i 1 iii'in ". IV 1. inn -inil,i ynn Hi. inn. liliiviiiH.t nii'l 1 1 .' It yuti I lit: I. Nn M,iii i. tn i iplnln ti.m, Ktill Inli'ninulloii IllliX. TKI'K A- )., AI UIK'I'A. IUIMI. M. II. Klitniifi'itn. .1. P. Hill Flanagan & Hill, WIIOM.XU.K, AND It IOTA 1 1. LIOUOR STORE. KUMM O.N HANI) TII1C IIIWI BKI.KCTtON nf WIiii'h, l.hiinis Ale, lieer, ilto., tn he founil In the Hhitu. In LoKUH-Fimtunin Block (live me 11 call. IIAMK AND IIA1.K ON H11AUG11T. In v o i x v a TIMIII'lt I.ANII Al'TJUNK IH.', .lollee liii' I'lilili.'iill'ni. rNlitM. Mia -nn I.vnii ( 1 in' 1 On'ipin I'llv. lit,, net. tl. I ' i l Nil'IK it lieil'li) uni-ii II. il 111 e. .nlpll ' II I' I Ullll inn liruvliloHH of I In) nil. ol I ,1,, , el Jillli. H, 17, enlllleil "An net I. r t !ie 1. ,1. ul 1 1 n 1 1 , 1 hiliiU In 1 1 Minion .ilHiilHuiiiIri, (in ,. n, Niivinlti, tiitil WiiiililtiKli.u 'H'iritoi ,'' 1 Wiilh l li'oll of I'lirllinnt, full (1 1 v of MlllHii'illnh "I He ..tie.' Hull hill HlU 1I11V lllii' I III lliln ollicii III. mv "I" lilli'lnelll No, 'Jl for tliv intteli'imi ef tin' . e II ' 1 ninl ot 11 i4 ol nei'lluli No V, III ti 1 vv iimIi 1 1. No, 11 nouHi, rnliite No. II "t l, nii'l ivln liltt'l' (niiol lo nIiou thill lllr liitnl noili'lit In lil 'l'' v.iliiulilii fur lu iiinimr or nI He.ti lur .mhI ciilliiiiil hii, n.,., mul to I'.iniili 11 hi. I'l'iiui i" .'Hit Ii. imI heioiu llui ri-iilhtrr ii 11 , 1 ri i'i'ivi't i l (III. oliii'ii ivjt iiiuifon city, tit,, on M,uu,i , Hir ,mili ,l,iy Muieli, Hill, lie nmiiiiNiiH tv 11 iii'.ni'n: W H. I'i'i'iu.t'l, V. hi. Muni rr, Jen 1 l.iil'ollil, of I'nrllmid, on H"H, II. V, . H11111I1 of Vnhlu, 11.h111v.l011. Any mul nil er)ninii eliilmlnw ndvi-rnt ly Hie ftliuvi' .h'Ni't lhi',1 IiiipIn iite r. 'iu'..i.'it to uie Ihelr I'l'illtl. III 1 1, In olln'e oil or lu'l"l ' Id ii ill liny III M.i li lt, .i. J. , AI'I'I' I i-UlN, i-a:t h- 7. nei-i.T. , TI.MIH.II I, A Nil. ACT .IINI'. H. liVM ,nllei lor I'lilillenllou. Irrmi Nr.vrK hiNpur-t 11 r-. 1 IIIIKIIUN I'n v, Dr.. (let n 1'. 'O i Nutlre In hen.liy ulvi.n tint III eunii'll .' with tint proi 1.1'i'tiN ol tin, net of t li. '". "I June :i I 7 , nnilile.l "An tu'l lur the 'il.. 1.1 HlllliiT lull, I. Ill Hin ., I '. o Cull lurll I.I, till null Nevinhi, mul NS HKhltiitton Territory." Wllll.llll ll'IOVI'l, of f'urllfiiiil, eouuiy of Miiliiioninh, i.iie ul llri'iton, linn 1 11 Im ifiiy til,., I In thU ul! .-, I,! Nivorn Hlnleini.til No. 'tfJI, for Hie um !i in' ul Hie u 1 , 11 w 1 . ninl lui. ;t mu! 4 ,. . . 1 1. . 11 :,i. 'i, In Ion null 1 1, No. tl nouHi, rntire No :t i-oi. "ii-l Bill ntler inool In .how Hint the I110.I n uiuIiI li. inofti viiltiiihle fui iin liinhrr or ni Hi ii i"i nillli'illllllnl lint liunm, 11 nil lo l-rl 11 til l ll In' ilmin to .nld Imiil In'lui. tlie reul.ier mil reeelvor ol HiH nlllt e ll (lieuoti City, (letfutl, on MomlHy, (hu irntli dny of Mureh, ImI He itmittiN nn wlliiei.M.ii. Jerry l.'il'ulnl. Walter Heoii. ', H. iiui.i.iril, id fotiliiml, t K"tt. Jon I hu rutin III ol MiilnlU, I li Ki 11, Any ninl nil ii.r.oiiN chtlniliiK ,et v e. ,. 1 i' i' nl.uvi' ,1, .i'rllii',1 liio'l. me ) 11 t-t .., I to 11 ih.'li i'lnlin. in 1 1 1 1 1, oitli-eon or l ui' r.. ,1,1 ,111 ilnv ol Mnreh, w. ,1, T. Afll li-S. l il, ll i lli i-i-u r TIM II Kit I.ANIi Al l', JI NK II, h7- ; l ( lur I'lililie.i Htm t'tillr l HtHien I. mi, I inili'e, liri'cuti 1 'ly. Iin .'un. (II I. 14, IHtill NiiiIi-ii In in-n-hv Klvetl Hint 111 e,.iii.tl .tiri' I Uilll till' pruv I-lull, ul ll,ii ml of I 'i, lii't,... ul June S. !-,. eiililli'il "in Bit fur tin. ...le . I tilnl.er imel. In Hie Mtnli-N of I niil.,iimi, lur : K"ll, NvlHNlit, ninl it.liiiituit I im rllut y," i Ifornllo ll . muuii. ; I of X.'Hllle, font tv ot Kll.lt. M.He of nlilliii!' 11 1 he. tin. tiny ttii d III Ilil. ..lin e hU . i ul ti 'i 1 1 . ' ! no nl No. ;inil, fur Hie iilr. h.i I Hie , ol 1 ni'i-lliiil No. 114. In lull n.hli No ii .until 1 i,,),.' j No il en.l. Hint will oil 1-r prunl in stm.. Huti lMi 1 t Imiil .iiiikIii t. mute vnltinlili. lur ll. Hi.iln r .t ; .luiie tlnin lur nrleilllor.il inr..,.t-N mul to e. tiiliilnli III. eliiliu In .nlil Innil h ..ri Hu. t(r,,i.' 1 Im' Hint Ilere I ver of till, iifln-i- 11 1 1 11 . 11 t lt. ' Or , uli Muliil.iy. Hie ;;ntll ilny ot M,in Ii. I.' M. It., nnlili-. 11. ll II in...!'. ,lu.i-i.n IultiIi'iiii I ol Muliilin 1 irvmui. Ji-rr) l.,il'uli,l ..( l uilinn l i unk'. 11, ivuiu-r M'nll o t'utll'itui, uii i' .ii. . Wllilniii J.iin-N ol F.ir.iili. Muni nut Any nnil till .it.uii. t-lnliniiiK mil i-r.'1) H'e ' nln'ii ili'ht'illn'il Imiil. nit, ii',,irMt',l lu l.it I Hii-ir f) ilm. in iMn ullit e mi ur tn-luie n.ii1 ... in j ,1,11 ol Mnreh, x'... l .-it. a ar J. 1. a itch ft. itii.t. r ' 1 . '. f. O'l'-'i'.-. thUl iUMl ilil HR-Sil JUS fr . : XV IN EVEN ourorORDtR. idb Hu LMtCHiiO - jo UNION GQUAHt.NY.- OAIUV 'l" TI HNiTtt flA TU. ;t lows. mo, tfrrrrri fmiuwtv WARREN & HOLMAN. Oregon City vi rin; i on im iii.k a i io v The Celebrated Frencii Care, W.rtsnlilll ADtlDfiniTIWC" ' lo euro nl iiiiuui 1 mu 1,. i.l.d. In Hin 0 ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to enre Hnv form ntnerviiiiNill.i'H.e iiruuy itlNonlerof ttio K.'ili't-ittivuor. DiltlN nf ,.11 lii.r...Y HlletliiT erl.ltn;' J f r, 1111 1 lievi.i...ii 1. . REFQRr ii.ool niiiiiuiiiiu., AFTF.R rnlHii'etinrOtiliitii, or llirmiK'li Voiulilnl 111 1 .i r. linn, over Iniliilp'tiee, e .Nin-I'i n. j.,,.. m nm 1:1 I'ower, WiiLedlliiem, Hi'minu ilun tl I'lill,. In 1 tmt'k.Heiiitiuil Weitktti'R., I ly. let, 11. N,m i on. J'i ItRllon, Noetnrnnl Ktnl.Mln'n., I.p' rrlt.i e. r: lllli'MN. Wi'uk Minnorv. l.n..,,r )......P I i. j ti'tiey. hli'h If ni.)!li'i'le.l nllen li n.l in inutmii ten .'in liKi' ,11 1. 1 Ul.,,11 1 1 , 1 1 Ul, f i ,mi j, o. IX , ll I hi it", for f.'i ltd, sent hy mull on reeeivi of iirlee' A U IIIT.KN (H AItAM I K l plven lur every Ji.tHI order n-eelv.'.l. tor.'fun.l the m 1 a l ei tnntii iit euro I. nut elle.'lt d. We l it,.' ttintl-HlitlH nf l..tllnonlnlN fnnn ot.l ntl.t yoni,',-. nf linth NitxeH. wlin htiv'ii heetl perinnneul I v ( it:, 'i hy tliett.e nf Ailirnlitiiiu. Clnnilnr flee. A. hin THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. IVonleru llraiich, HinW, 1'oii'iMMi. nt l'ur Hide hv Chariniin Si Co. IiriiKKiMtK, Oieijnn Cil.v Or. MHII i: FOK PITII IATION. f.iiul (llllre nt Oreirnn ritv, Or. Mnr . -J. t -'.1 Notlee In herehy trlven dint the lollim mr ll.ilni'il Nelller Imti titetl nntici'iif liis Intent i..it tn m ike tlti lu-oof In .ii). port of his el.iiiu, ninl that mild proof will lie 1 11 . . , 1 1 hefore Ihe rertliler ninl reretver of lite 1' s html 1 Itlne III OteKnll Cllv, Oreunn, on Apt il Jt , IWI, via; Wllllnin HiirrlK, llnineNtend K'ltry No. I.s 1 1 . (ur Ihe e uf 11 w ' 1, n iv 1 1 nl n w (or lot a) of ee. HO, luivn.hlp ,', Ntiiuh, rittnfe HtniNt, unit ii.l.lllloiinl Ilntiu-vti'iiil Kntry Nn. h'.'tlU for llie lot 1 of neeiion lit), T ,. ti r e. He it'inieit Ihe follovvtnir vvltni'svi... topiuvt IiIh eonllnnnuN reslili.iu'e upon 1111.I euliiiniii ii of, Mini Imiil, vlx: Dnvlil Culllhnu, Louis C llll I11111, Henrite F, Hell ill). I .Intit'ph Suninei'. nil nf Miiliillit I. O. IMul'litinlilN Cnuillv, i)ri',.i.u. .1. T Ari'KKStiN, S:(I4;I0 lieuMer N0TKT. FOK PIT!liir.VHl. I'NITKI) HTATKC I.AM) (II KH H. I OliKtlON ClTV, Ol'., Mlliell , .'i;ll. Notlee I- herehy ulven Hint the lolloii Im; llilttie.l HIM Hit Ihih flh'tl llnliite of tils illli liliun lo imike (I1111I pronf lit Hitppurt of IiIn el illti. ninl tluit ttnitl lirituf will tie iniiiit1 liefnre IhetTL'i ti.r ninl rt'i't'lver of the I'. H l.mut titPen nt on Kun City, OiT;nn, nu April 21, l.v.U, viz: Alfred II. Hnlne., I'ro tMiirllnti 1. H No 7:t'Ji! .nr llie iv '.j tif it e '., and iv '.j nl n e 1 , ol nee. w, I 2 . r 7 e Mi. niuneH Ihe fi.llnvvlntr wllliessc! to prove hin t'oiitfnuuiiN reNidenttti iiiiin iind etiillMilloit nf, nu 1 tl litntl, viz; l,,t-etl A. ThniniiHiiii, (liriliier lien. h. ILmii v Iiiitmnt, liohert Onl)oru, nil of Cherryvllle, tdaekiitniiN entinty, Oreunn, .1, T. AITKIiMON. H.tl-4: 10 IteuMer DAVIES' GALLERY. The Lcailinjjc l'liotojiTapliLT of roniaml. COl! N 101! I-'I KST and T A V 1,1 HI ST I! 10 10TS. If you want TII10 IUOST, liny A I I FN'Q NORTHERN A LlL" CROWN It tlie tnereliatit you (leal with does nut keep lliein send lo AMI ION iliieet. Ho pays tlio ponlnuu- lloaiilifnl catuloiio Mont froo. Aunt.KBi E. W. ALLCM, 171 tort stmt, PORTLAND, OR. r 1 ; l , 1,1 i , ', f I f , ,1 jr y .I'n if iJiMvl :t t ,v'l-ft I, Vl ,11- M.'!!i"'il ' i. in: ! M. 1 ill'.jill I lll'l I ' 1 1 ! r : 1 1 f, ki i ., iamraoiii ;h-i . t 1 ' - - - I S' ''.Of! i 1 1 nl.' I'i 1 1 it , 1 u.,t ,. tt. 1- i ; n,.., . nniut i '! tn null., nn ! 111',, I I,,', .-, ' nri i',,11 .,11 1 .In :. .-li 1 llui-uii ,, , ' Hi,- 1: 1 ( ., ' II.., 1 ' his e .,- ,-,. , ul ' t' rk : pin . It tun n- i ,11, 1 ..'.: 1 ,". : 1 "1 i;.. . m. i'i Iliu .:,.( h .1 ,v ul Ml. .t'l'il'v I , t li In 111 v 1..11. ui I', i.v ; 1 : p,.,.,,;, .," .: , ' .nu.;. . 1 :i ,,1 ,1 i-. I V"' , 1 1' ,li, . 1- .1. I'. Al'i'l .!. 61 i'UV. 8-8 s:.E'.ft 5-: I'miii I.:.; 1.1 . I ,1 vi, 1 in n r, , "111 'M N ' ' I I V I,'. i'lM., ',1 v I. j N. li'M i-. herein- I'll .Ml tu i! the (,.',! ,u n 11 1 lii I mMi n-r lui. li.iOi;i.l lu.: it ul 1,1 . 1 .,:,.,, Hun tu 1,1 ,1,,- In, il ui 1, : in . ,1 ! Ml ul In. 1 1 .ni, in, I lit i'i I- ;M'. null 1 ',, I,,,,... I,, , 1,' ".' I: 1 1 .'. I ni M , 1111 Im . ,.!' 1 r. li".. I i-iil. v see H. 1 I v 1 :.: e,. lie 11 'ti'i'.v liu- i"li,,VMi r v tl tu'. euli'. Ill UHS 1 ,;),'!. , V lll,'H llull't IM. S llll i l!.l, Vi.t I,. v In pii.v , 1. 1 t'ttlMiii i.ler.the. ul '. S.-linnil! ()ti'H"n Cil Valiiii I'olil iliili't' t .mil I v.- I .'il; .Ni'ivl, l I MiMk. 1'. 11. nil ol I l u'i, it nm i eii.iii, , in i', .1 .' AITI'.li-niN, 1 ir.t. r, '.!-!. i : I'll Cnvoiitn nnil Tniile M.nrlin nhinln,.,!. ,i n i.,,,. .... ",.'.u.M.n runiiiu'ii'ii ior lyintli-rele Fits. Our Otltco Is Opposllo U. S. f'ntcnt (Hiicn mill we ran Ht-i nre ,!t ni in l,.SB ium. il,,,,, Uiosn remote fiom sili tuu'lon. rVntl tnoili'l, tlniH iinr nr phuto,. will, (l,.,-rip. t tin, M e n.lvh.0. if p:,,.,i!l, r ,. ,,. ""p' ' ."."'''.'"'t due HU .iit.nl iTO.,i,v, A Piitnphlut. "I1.v to Ohlain I'alenlN " in ininit'H ofiii'itiiil ill,'!iiiiiyo! piui0, i-oiuitv.nr town, tenl life, AiltlresH, sf fll Ol 0))isit8 Patent Orllco, Washington. D. C. run t o .r y r I aiu o i,m- 1 (lit ,'m,i, c iy, nr. it..,.. 1, 1-1 1 1. j Nnliee i lu'ruliy plven, th 1! in e.utipiliiiiec with Hie pru im.'Iis nl Ihe ni'l uf ivin-reMi ul .luntt ::, I ciiiiled ' An in ! fur Hn Viin f Nt-VII.l t. lll'l IV l-Milli'.'!,,,! ! ,m , ,i,, Vi ' 1 " ' Ii t id ti'Hi ntii'li, uf Piil'llniiil, e nilil . ul aImiI.i.muu'i, .-mu!,. ,,f olv Kun, Imii III!" .1'', lltel '11 I ItiMi : c he-su 1,111 slnti'ltu'i i Nu ,!::ul i,,i' !,,,. u iti'M I.,,. ,,f (1,,, tlie n u " ,,! 1 11 i 11 o 1 1 1, 1 -j . .. Noulh.r ii'ir.N.' ',' " i'i MM'i i,;;i i,:u.,' jiiui'ih NllinV Hi ii ll:'' ! 11. , I s.Mlir'i: ' Ml .!' v im ,;c i,.r It M lllllli" '.' slutii' til ill l. r . lii'liilut ii mil.. Ii, m's itn! :.. e. ihlish li c' utu lu s M i I ip, I lii'fiiiv t i,' :ui i- i r .nn! r... 1 I ., ,ij. ,, (lli'mni til, 1 '. on. nn I i i i , 1:1,. -71;, ,1., lil M it-.l. 1.-. 1 ' . ' '' He n 1 nn" :i '.. '! in" i. - I u . :i 1 .1 : Mi . r... 1S1I 111 t It' I 1 M 1 1 1.'.". , 1,1 l 'ii i Ml I', il 1', Ml,., l: tir' (Il'l'l'l.l' M" I 'IM' , f ,' .11"' !' m.u. Any net 1 llll pi'l'Mi- rl ilnii." ,-.,li'e;- m ;v i;u. Illmve ili'Si't'iln'il ! iiuii, .tie r, .iii'-!..,l ( ', tlu'ir t-liMini. in tliii. tilt ee "ii in' in-i'Mi' s ilil .'Viii tiny of M ,r,'li, m J. T. AI'l'liKS'iN, I-Pi;:: -.ti Ki-iri.-iev I - ' i 1 iu". : 1 r 1 tl 1 'ID 3, fi 0.1. I'liVi-tU- I'll 'lil Hfl! i'(i;d.UM. i, '. IH I' I e - . , t.i . .' : J l(i:i: l.iiifrv. I I ilil A I I t!v iii.uli' pr:!Ci;s ('..I ., lb. ments ii 'il v. -,4 r H( ltl'l fl.K -, Crv ' on City, Crcuon. 1!'. !) k i.H.iVS It! tij: c ii-i- ., 1.; ii 1, 1 i.n. v : i - I iMil'ttll t, ' 1 i , 1.1. I ', 1 -.1. . 1 : 1 ; t'li f I'iuh tnc . . ul h H.T.-ntlull ; ul h. e'm:nt, :, t m Ii.-lure . . . : I ... i s. :i, , 1 , 1. A.r;i .1, I". I. .'..I i:n 1. nn.' MV'4 l.t tlVll4 , I' t "-I prov e ,,1 ur.lr , 1, 1 i. .ft , . v u , . no, r . 1 r,'.,-t irk ! . t,. Ll, pli A.i In tr , ., t ,'.,. '. 1'" 1 're;.- n. 1 i' ' 1 i.M,s, iii.fi.ar ' I v IV i 1' J I N h .1, !.. 1: m: ?i iii.m . i :i.. - ' ' ' 'I I '. M HI I H I' ( .,,...(,- 1 . r . i',1.' II !) I ,1 " I' , .:..! tt. ,1 Ml i in,;i.l-ee - . . 1 .. u i . 1 C'tiiiii-.. nf . I .In !""' i t r I'll ' ale of u. ' ':,',',; c 1 1 l.i. ore- 'ni l S S 'i ut, .! -rv. ' II ' nin'i. .cite i.i ."' hi t s . ! r I 1 1 v f .. pet, let . .-it.. ii N, .( I n... 1 ..ti. 1 in.'i- ;. 1 n, f : . . ., ' ! 1 n tl,,. U...I : ' 1 : 1 1 ' ' 1 r 1 1 1 1 iii ! '1' r i r .tune .'.' ' ' I'M '.'. II, 111 t" I'0,.,1,)., 1 1 I 1 I ,'i' t,' ihr r t'l,-r and ' -1 i'i.-, ...i I'itV, lltt Kut), '1, : .1 -1 iv ' i ,.,ii 1 '-. v, ,.... .- lui,. - n of t 1 -'I I I I.' ,:. .1, 1 llllt . 1 llt'lll'tl, ' - ' t' I --' i , 1 ''; ".!, S,'itttiun.h :i ;." 1 r. , i w,.. I',, .,. i,i, . m- tu, .: 1,. lt.-tiry W inch, nut. t uli nun. Mi i ,i-,ii,!y. otreuit. ! '... 1 ' ,'i .iiiui'i: :-.,lviM., :v tlie I "1 ! : nn- r. .l.ll'.ii'.l til 1(. "id 1- 111 I -I J I. Aii-n;., l.i'ui.ter A-'j'ii'!; vitti fit E:i.i4't'no:v 'I I :!.' -'It I A.Mt .Ml', ,l; m: ;i, I Niii. 1 ins I.-.m, ni-, h i;, j I'm, 1 'I,, IVe. I'i. lsirt.( N i,-.. , In-.iiv i-veit Hi. 1 In euniplliinef I'M Hi.' I-I..V , ,M ;l. ,. ( cntiKiesNof '", '"""I "A ' "f Ihe Mile of """V ' "'I- '" Hi- ii-.li- ..! Culifurnt.i.Oril ituu Ni ", i,ie nn, I l ,,mi!i,..m 'i',..r-,, i-v " . I liuii-.n.. !-. .ehs'ii. ' ,11'1' '."' Ilnunmil'ill, "ttlte nf teH .Iiy tli,"l in il.,. mneejii, s., i,i .1 ,,li,,Mit .N,i -.''", lur tlU. pim.iui.e Of " 0 - "' I"!-- 4i.lmM-ili.il No -. i'i l.iui'vii.i N M ,!,, ,.,t,1, s1 7 t ,., .1 ,1,1 .,.,er pru 'l ! ,1, ,, ,110 ,,, -i.V, H m, i V "'!,' "', ''"' '"' "W'ltT or :i.' ; v-:t'I;:-u:i'-iviM;;vtvJV Mil iill'i lllAiul, or, M"' 1 " Any ninl nil petutni 1 1 i n i 1 1 ntlverselv ' .i.hme,l,..erll.,.,l luuls , re,",, d 0 M.d,'.v1;;'v,Y,.rV,.,i.,,,w,,u ',r ..,, , Al'l'lillMIN, ' " lit'ijihter. ;VL Posson&Son, 'u'-d AKU forU. M. Vcrry&Co's Oiiriloti Recti. ' ''"''' lt.VL-r and n kinds of Trees, Hull,.,"' Fertilizers, clc Hce Keeper.)' SnnnliM. JowoIbi . 10 if t V- V IvV i TM 1 V''e,::tvou lorn customer. Give u3 a trial order. ""c,,a i:. L. Posson & Son 209 2d St, Portland, Or. ' Liiowsai ra tu MilU-rlti os ,. , ' . - . Catalogue p,.. .Y ii