The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, March 13, 1891, Image 2

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1 S 111 i
nu.I lrirllr,
Tuk Mtb-cotnniitieo nl inniilfciiiilun sen!
to Hio I'm iilo vflit by tit bouso ami somite
twin WHliiiittim imlmitttwl tlit'lr lttrt
tat week, TIo ifnirl niivk llm number of
IMiiiu'so in Oils tvimirv U tleeiviniiiK hi
iviiiuiiwh of tlte exelnsinti not, iilllimiuli
Mot 10 rnUlly n.t dm ooinnillteit deem tie-
iritble. Tins being tine to tlm illilieiilty of
tnftirvlng tho law, it is rvcommomUtl (hut
two steam Imtnclies b seenivtl for ww on
,1'uv'l Somiil to irovont Cblne Itiiniltfra-
tion by wny of llritMi Oolimibin, unit to
iiiilpt"w tnmimliiitr. Tlu nr-itnl tolls of
the rraiuUiletit tiii'thml by which the Chi
nos giiin iitiinlltaiteo to thtl Vnitttl SUtei,
dwelling vnrtienlnrly upon the jiriictlc by
Chiniiicn of gcttK out writs of hsN'iis
ivri'iis ami $ htg worthless bond ns weur
Itv. To returily tills niiutcr It is ure'slcl
that no CliinaniHii can Iwront ae.rety for
Mother without ih'iHwitiiiR eoln or Interest
In-rtrhii? securities. The report (tiiitvutM
theoi'inion that if the lire-sent law is strictly
nl'orccil it w ill not ho long until Hie Chi
nese ruev in the United States w ill botlnct.
The report truthlilly says Chinese tniarters
ore pest breeders, which should not bo tol
erated in anycomiiiuuiry. Chinamen are in
veterate gamblers, and their lotteries, tho re
port says, ihmrish to such an extent itsecins
Impossible, that such ult'uir could exist ex
cept w ith the eoitniviutee of the authorities.
The committee claim that while the China
linn has his Rood iualilics, but that to re
scind flip Chinese act would surely result In
the whole IStcillc coast bein overrun with
Chinese, and with the result of serious labor
troubles. Tho committee rptMintiienils that
the present law W kept iii force and vigor
ously exmiteil.
Tim hoard of geographic nomenclature,
recently establi-hed by order of President
Harrison at Washington, nlreailv iiiimniiiers
some imporlaiit changes in geographical
names. It is,cotuo.scil of ex ports troni the ge
odetic survey, tho ltghtho';so hoard, the war,
tale and postolhVe department, the hydro
graphic oltiio, tho Smithsonian institute,
-mnitlie geological survey. All unsettled
questions concerning geographic names
which occur in connection with the
service will be decided hv this hoard. Those
decisions will be on orthography and pro
liounciation. and on names themselves
when (here is a diversity of opinloiioi'iisiuic
in this mutter, and will be accepted us such
ill all government designations, extending
no doubt, iii due time to the text books In
Use in the schools. In ltehring sea the h Is
dropped. Chilli is changed Chile and inv
entor's Island, Now York Harbor, is now
Governor' Island. II ay ti becomes Haiti,
nd Cameron, West Africa, Kamerun. Con
go will tic spelled with a K, l'orto liico will
hencelorth be known as Puerto Kico Isluud
and Santa I ron in the West Indies, as
Saint Croix. The San will lie dropped from
Salvador, the Central American stair. Tun
ta Arenas, on the coast of California, is iir
gliciscd into plain l'oinl Arena. Mount
Tacoma in Washington is to be known us
Mount luiinier, in spite of the exotiMinil
kick of the Tiiconiailes. Many changes of
less importance are made. The forms
agreed upon will herealter be employed of
tlciully and must come into common use,
hence it liehooves touchers ami scholars and
Hie public generally to become familiar with
them at once.
Hi.usk's reciprocity measures between
the I'nited' States and Independent Spanish
America are beginning to have their effect
on the commerce of the world. Secretary
- ft arrie ,:3 (lestr,iti of ae.iiiring the island of
Cuba for the Cniled Stales. The successful
accomplishment of lllaine's reciprislty
scheme would mean that the 1' idled States
would trade only with such American coun
tries as trade with us. We should admit
tea, coll'ce, siiK'nr, and other commodities
we need but do not produce, ilnty free from
such countries ns admit our food products
duty free and discriminate in nurfiivoriu
their own tarilf legislation. It is a well
known hu t Hint the Cniled Slates is the
great murkol for Cuban products. eccially
augur, and the closing of this market would
mean ruin to 1 1 1 tit island, as Spain is de
barred from making any arrangement un
der the reciprocity clause of the tarilf, be
cause she has treaties with Kuropcan na
tions which bindherto give them all the
privileges ot reciprocity. She therefore
cannot maintain a market for Cuban sugar
by a treaty with the Cniled States, and the
planters nl 'Cuba will have to defy Spanish
authority unit make treaties to an independ
ent power, or lind their crops rotting on
their hands and their plantations the use
less refuge of starving and rebellious work
men. Th.i culmination of reciprocity trea
ties with llruil and Mexico, would ton e a
sale of Culm h the Cniled States, or ros'ult
in the revolutionary iudepcndeiicB of that
OiiF.'iON'B delegation have accomplished
Hume good work in Congress, even if (lov
crnor l'ennoyer, did veto the wagon road
bill, and the state senate refused to change
the assessment laws or vote for an appro
priation for the worlds fair. Notwithstand
ing the petty jealousies and purly differ
ences existing, the citizens of Oregon can
point with pride to Ihe good work and gen
tlemanly demeanor of Mitchell, Dolph, and
Jlermunn, who urc acknowledged leaders
among the National statesmen of the coun
try. Wlille the senators of most ull the
slates on the I'acilic coast have secured
their election through fraud, outright pur
chase and bribery, bringing disgrace upon
upon the national hulls ol such
imputation has ever been cast at the feet of
Oregon's senators. It is Oregon's delega
tion that have given the I'acilic delegation
"prestige und standing in national affairs.
By concerted, harmonious action they have
accomplished more for Oregon during the
last session than has been done lor the stale
in many years. '1 his shows the wisdom of
returning capable and honest legislators to
the halls of congress, as they acquire influ
ence by long acquaintance with the meth
ods of work, and arc the better enuhled to
secure the best legislation for their oonstitu.
enfs and tho country generally.
Thk people of the upper Cliickiinias arc
justly incensed because the wugon roud ap
propriation hill failed to pass, as one of the
provisions of the hill was an appropriation
for a wagon road from Baker's ferry up the
Clackamas. Tt is very important that theie
should be a good road from Oregon City to
the miner settlements on the Clackamas, or
this place will lose the entire trade and I
business of that section, and they will find a
market for their products in Cortland.
With ulmost Impassable rouds lo the county
seat : i! is not surprising that a number of the
residents of the north portion of the county
lavor the annexation of a part of Clacka
mas to Multnomah county. The board of
trade, business men and property holders
of Oregon City must be brought to a realiz
ation that it Is of paramount Importance to
have a substantial and passable thorough
fare lo this, one of Ihe richest sections of
the Willamette valley. Inasmuch as the
annexation scheme is sleeping at present, It
behooves the citizens to be on the alert and
take prompt action before the time for an
other legislature to roll around, as we can
not afford to let Multnomah county have a
alice of our best territory.
Tim Went SIiiiik uinli-r Um ttw mniiftKC-1
nipt'.ix'inl i ttllmotlvo niut Improve! i
appenrauee. The tllnstrnton mitt uarloonii
are nrtlstlc In design, ud lluely xcuted.
This Journal has roiuovpd to their new
building at the corner of Columbia ami
Witter streets, and Is a credit to the. North
west in all Its dop:irltnnls, The West Shore
isdolnn unreal work In properly represent
inn tin' status and hissibllllles o( Portland
and the Northwest,
Tun memorial addivss delivered by liov
ItossC. Ilouithtou, pastor of (Into M. K,
ehuivh, of Cortland, on th life of (Inn, W,
T. Sherman, liefer the tlrnnd Army I'osts
of that place on IVb. ti, ns ait elegant
tribute to th memory of tho dead soldier.
And, when one takes lulu consideration
that Hon. Sherman Win i catholic, and the
orator of the day an orthadot protesting
the reality of a mor liberal, brotherly feel
ing between the religious denominations of
Hip world Is noted with pleasure. Titer Is
l genuine spirit of Christianity ilauit this
that strengthens one' belief In it possihl
Ar the ineeling of tha director of Ilia
Slale Agricullural Society held last week nl
Salem, i coiumlltc was appointed to act In
conjunction w ith the state board of trade
to devise means of raising a fund lo pro
vide for an exhibit to the world's fair. Hon.
J, T. Apperson, of Ibis city, Is 1 mi-nilier ul'
that committee, nod mplintlcallv stated
that he would bo on of 100 to raise 10,000,
or one of itw to raise fltln.OOii. This com-
uiittee are tleterniltiei that Oregon shall
have no exhibit at th world's fair, and with
the active co-operation of th various boards
of trade, and the stale board, they will eel'
tainlv succeed.
Amono tlui urgent needs of this city Is
new hose, bidders, lira hooks and hose
truck, with improved appliances forth
lire department, besides complete tin Hill
for washing, drying and airing the hose
alter it has boon used. When the new water
pump is completed the pressure will lie so
great that the present half rotten h.-sr will
lie liable to give nwiy at any (imo w hen its
service is most nede.l. It would lie mat-
j ter of criminal negligenceto ernilt the mmi
Ibility of such ucetdenu occurring, as it
would le far K tler for the oily lo Incur a
slighl expense In properly tilling oul the lire
department' than to have the principal pint
ol the city destroyed by a coiilliigration.
An increasing Interest Is being taken in
the schools of Clackamas county, and it Is a
notable hut that their ellielency is being
augmented to an encouraging degree. The
majority of tho district! have voted lilierul
rate! of taxation, either to provide for new
school building, school improvements, or
to inanition a longer term of school. All
this shows a reniarkuble improvement in
school matters. There Is a growing demand
among patrons and school ultlcers to secure
the best teachers, even if they have lo pay
higher salaries. Superintendent Thomson,
who has labored hard for the advancement
of the public schools of Clackamas county,
and visited every district within lis U.rdi rs,
reports the schools to ho In a flourishing
condition. Much giant has been accom
plished by Mr. Thomson in his effort! to
In-tler tho standard and ettleiency of our
public schools.
Thk West Shore very properly sayi thai
tho sale ol the Hunt system of rail roads,
taken in cnmipctiou wilh the failure of the
Oregon legislature to pass the bill for a port-
ago railroad around the dalles of the Colum
bia, renders the outlook for speedy rebel of
the Inland empire from its heavy transort-
ttlion burden very gloomy indeed. In fad,
the situation has become so precarious that
theencrgv of the boards of trade, reeently
convened in Walla Walla to urge action
Usni the legislatures, should now la- di
rected towards securing the raising of i sub
sidy for the purtose of ultording ihe neces
sary relief. The Immediate opening of the
tiolundiiu river to navigation between the
great producing Interior and Ihe sea is
question of such vital Importance lo the in
land towns, Portland and Astoria, that
proper effort ought to secure money enough
to accomplish li in time lo aid In the move
ment of the now growing crop. The Port
laud chamber of commerce should lake the
Initiative in this matter.
Tim National Australian conference is
now Pi session at Sidney. A number of
delegates ure favorable to acoitstilutiuii sim
ilar lo that of the I' idtod Slates, while many
others prefer the constitution of the iHimin
inn ot ( auuda as the basis of Ihe Instrument
to he formulated, lint out of all this there
is a strong feeling in lavor of absolute Inde
pendence, and it Isnqiorted that the adher
ents of that principle will make a desperate
ellorl to capture the convention. A num
ber of delegates contend that the greiilnen
of Australia depends wholly upon her
abandoning Ktiglaud and becoming Imle
pendent. They affirm that this sentiment
is growing unci is certain to assert itself
within a decade, no matter what action Ihe
convention may take in any other direction
It is staled that the younger element, which
knows little, If anything, about England, is
rapidly la-coniing enthusiastic for tho free
dom movement.
Tim complaint was made, when the mat
ter was brought up of extending the city
limits, by residents of the additions and
suburbs that the increased taxes would
work a hardship on them. The most hitler
fight against the extension of the city liin
its came from a portion of the residents of
Cuucmuh, who claimed that they would
have a heavy city tax to pay, but did not
take into consideration the advantage and
protection (hut would accrue by being in
cluded within the city limits, (inly last
week u school lax of 'It mills was levied in
(,'unemuh, w hich with the levy of 2 mills
or siaie. scnooi ami county tax, makes a
total of IS mills that the residents of the
Cancmuh school district have to pay. Had
Can e ii i nil been included within the corporate
limits of Oregon City, her school tax would
have been only 4 mills, insteud of L'l, and
she would liuv e reaped ull of the advantages
of the high school, lire protection and ull
the other benefits to he derived from incor
poration and united action. For in union
there is strength and economy.
Thkoi on the sale of the Hunt system of
railroads lo Mr. Wright, the Northern I'a
cilic bus secured a big feeder to its main line.
It Is reported Unit Hunt would have lieeu
much heller pleased if lie could have lunde
some arrangements to place his lines in the
humls either of the Union 1'acilii: or Orciit
Northern. The Northern I'acilic, however,
had cluims upon Hunt which forced him lo
give It greater consideration than lie would
l"lvc 1,ttl1 1,8 l','e,1 ,rt'e fr,,m "'""
cial troubles. The Northern l'uclllc wonted
the road because it will prove a big feeder
to its main line, but they would not pur
chase until they could secure it ut a low fig
ure, us negotiations have been pending for
some time. Hy the purchase of this line, ut
least seven-tenths ol tho wheat of Kastern
Washington will be brought to Tacoma. If
Portland people had come to Hunt's assist
ance, or had taken control of the road, they
would liuve undoubtedly secured the wlieut
from, the territory east of the Cascades.
They would liuve diverted nearly four-fifth.,
ofthe grain from Walla Walla, the Pendle
ton district, and not only that, they would
have gone up ai d tapped the Hlg Bend
country, Portland hist a grand opportun
ity by not takii.g advantage of this stage of
aH'ulrs. tlo onliuiltm ..f Tiim Kntmimiikk
ur iilwiiyii open for tliiHllviiNi.liin of ptit.lto
nmtters, It In not rpspiiunlhlfl for th views
expressed by correspondents. On account
of tha personal lutturenl lit VolhnrsHiou
Warner communications, the discussion
will close In these columns with I be numcr
of Mr. Warner next week.
liiiind n r Tin dc
Tuesday, Maivli 10, 'ill
Hegiilui' monthly ineollhg culled to
outer by I'rosidoni Appi'i'Hon,
Minutes of previous mooting road and
approved, Special couiuiitteo on con
stitution and bylaws requested further
tune, which was on motion granted.
T. I,. I'linrniati reported (or
committee appointed to secure passage
ot oily cliiutor hy the legislature, re
ported that they had secured tl.'i signa
tures to a petition having this end in
view mill that their ell'oits bu I been
'P. I., Cliarinan reported for special
commit too on seeming academy and
business col Ion", that nothing denude
had been accomplished us y-t. There
lining no objections the committee was
The names of l'red l-'.lv nml II. I.,
Kelly were proposed for niiMiiliersldp
and on motion tho rules were suspended
and tho eoort'ttiry orlered lo cast the
ballot of the hoard for their election,
which resulted favorably.
Proposition from rrof. bitniore to
give illustrated lectures of Oregon In the
east, ami lo include views ami men
lions of tins citv lor f.10, was lead, ami
on motion referred to committee- on ad
vertising with K)vver to act.
Communication from the (.'otuiuhia
Waterway Association assessing the
board ,i.'f per member (or their exnuises
in securing an open liver to eastern
Oregon and Washington, Wus read und
uii motion referred lo committee on nav
Hill of Thk Kmkhi'hisk for X'1$ (or
printing treasurer's receipts was or
dered paid
Communication in reganl to l'atenl
CtdUer of WateiiHiwer ol IJiiam
ljuaiii V Warner was read, it having
been nderreil lo this bouid by the
committee on commerce, ol the I'ort
taint v. luitiiiier t l Commerce, tin line
tioii the communication was placed on
Hie and refcricd lo W T, A I,. Co
Amended to refer to aooroturv (or
reply to Toil hind Chamber of Commerce
that Ihe matter was under advisement
of the board. .
.Moved by I. l.cMahieti ami seconded
that tt committee ol three Kt appointed
for the purpose of considering the matter
of obtaining a thorough and truthful
write up of the whole of Clackamas
eoiliitv, together with photographs ol
vuCoiis pin ts of the county, piepuratorv
to gettimr out a suitable illustrated
pauipniet descriptive ol our resources
and advantages. After considerable
discussion, the motion was curried, and
the vliair aiiMiintel I, I.eMabieu, A. S.
Pressor and Chus. Mcsorvoss such com
.Mr. ('. 1. I.utourcttc suggested that
considerable money was annually sent
out ol the county for lire insurance, and
that a home lire insurance company
mi'iin. i tt organized to keep cm money
at home (or our honelit lo be used iii
the development and impioveineiit of
the city and country, and that if such
company received the unanimous mill-
port ol llie.liiisiness men mid cit xens gen
orally that would it be successful, and on
motion il committee of live was ap
pointed by the cluir to consider the ad
visability of organising such a com
pany heie, consisting of C. 1) I.atonr
ette, (i. A. Harding, T. I,. C'hariuun
C. O. T. Williams and M. A. Striilton.
l Meserve called Ihe attention of the
hoard lo the poor mail liicililles connect
ing this city w ith the rest of the county
and suggested that Ihe board should see
what could lie done to secure mail routes
from this citv . On motion tbe mailer
was referred to committee on Trade und
Commerce lor investigation.
On motion adjourned,
l, J... -i ;iu'...a
Alms Itrmi
il K. KtitroK: Il has Is'i'ii souie time since
we have seen any word hi Jour paH-r from
Alms, li nd I will furnish a lew Items.
The saw mill here is kept running quite
steady. The proprietor has some very tine
logs In his mill yard. Those who want line
lumber will do well to give him a call.
We have ha I plenty of snow at the pres
ent writing, there being eight Inches on the
ground. Throe miles higher on the mount
ain it Is from three to live feet deep.
Our school meeting came otf quietlv with
tho same directors and u new clerk. Some
of the bachelors forgol it was school meet
lug, hut there were gents enough present lo
carry on the business.
Two of our young men who like to wade
the deep snow and camp out, have strapped
their knapsucks on andslarted forlhecump,
The "Sandy Hillings" correspondent
thinks the debating clubs in several vi' lnl
tins ure defunct How It maybe elsewhere
we cannot say, but there has lieen a lively
debate here for some tune on the laud ques
tion. We waul the reader lo understand that
our vicinity is not on thedecllne. A num
ber of new residences have lately been built,
and a number of eoplc have bought laud
ml will in ire in this sprln ;.
The two young men who went out camp
ing have relumed heavy laden with two
bears and one cougar, (the kind that wears
horns sometimes). K At M.
Poets of the 1'Roltlc Coast.
Mrs, KvaKmery Dye, of Oregon City, was
awarded the first prize by the judges of the
West Shore poetical contest for the month
of February. The contest was open to the
poets of the entire I'acilic coast and there
wero many competitors. Mrs. Dye's poem
Is entitled, "In tho (Irand Canyon," and
possesses su perlor literary 'merit :
Bend, dip tho oar, away, away,
Adown the canyon grand and gray,
Where rapids rour and cliffs on high,
Embattled round, shut out the sky,
Where gorge, escarp, and fissure yawn
With phantom features In tho dawn.
A streak of sky is all that tells
Of life on high, where daylight dwells.
Light up, ye rocks verniilion-hiied,
The darkness of this solitude,
As on we glide where granite walls
Kmhosoined hide huge waterfalls,
Whose distant (lashings have thoir birth
Deep in the heart of mother earth.
Far up the heights the mountain sheep
Look down the canyon dark and deop,
And elk and deer secluded rove
In sheltered valleys far above;
The mountain lion builds his den
On high In some dark plney glen,
And 'iieuth red sandstone ledges hide
Huge grizzlies up Ihe canyon side.
Speed on, good bout, ero miielslrom simlch
Thee with an arm I cunnot match,
Past Aztec watch towerson the peaks,
Where sleeps an ago that never speaks,
Where Hint chips still and temples trace
The tenure of a perished race;
Past dead volcanoes, whereof old
The fire and flood in conflict rolled,
And molten lava dammed the tide
Along the canyon's blackened side.
Leap on, my boat, the wideearlh win;
Too long this prison shuts us in;
For days and days this gruuito gloom
Has locked us in a living tomb.
I long for Holds where free winds blow,
Where mallow, sngennd roses grow,
Where find's glad daylight pours on high,
And all the earth is domed wilh sky.
Eva Kmhhv Dvk.
An elegant assort motit of nil the latest
styles of visiting curds at this office.
A i t it i: mm .
A I.Ht'ue Majority of Ihe IViqii'i ty Ov ti
ers mid lliiduess Men tin Mulu
Nti'oel riivor Hie Muvo,
It is now ulmost ceriiiln that u Hm
Hunt w ill bo established,
The ordinance is in tho IiiiiiiIh n( the
committee on Urn and wutor.
A roprescnlallvo of Tiik Km nnpiuni;
culled on Ihn proporlv owners ami btisl
iioss ineaT of Main Ml root, mid iniuuliors
of ,lio City Council, and obtained thou
views from a personal standpoint on this
all-iiiipoitiint iiiullor, It will bo found
Hint tliiiru Is an increasing neutl
meiit In favor of it restricted lire limit .
V., M. Hands, iiostniusler; I believe
ft lire limit would be a good thing Tho
roi tire wis a sure indication thill
brick liiiiliilugs have a great tondouey to
prevent disastrous coiillugratinun.
Col, W I, White, ex-coiinly Judge;
Am not in favor of establishing u tin'
limit, (or, under existing conditions, it
would lui winking u hardship on llioso
who Imvo to buil I II is not time yet.
F. It. t'liai'in in, Merchant nml city
treasiiier; All business houses from the
basin to llth street should bn o brick or
some noii-coiiibusliblo material, ibtsides
the safety fioui Hie, it would give Ihe
city piosperoin ami solid uppc tuuico,
J. V. O'Connell, uieicliuiit, und cliulr
man of the i ity council couiiuil'ee on Urn
und water: Am in f.ivoi of establishing
a lire limit . undo- cuUm re-dnciioiiH,
I'lie lire limit should be inadn from Ihe
basin to Htli street, along M lin, for busi
ness bouses here ifler c itHtruvlod, b it
do not favor including residence In tint
limit. Am in favor of w ater woiks nml
Hie protection on the hill and all over the
city. We need new hose and u hook and
ladder truck.
('apt. J . M. tirahani ; I think a 'lie
limit is a goisl thing. Am in (uvor ol
making it through lo Ml It street.
li. I.. Hotmail, of Warren A llolmiiu,
undertakers and fiitnituio dealers : Favor
making a lire limit from the basin to I lib
street, (or business houses.
II. F, Cross, attorney: Am not in
favor ol erecting any more wooden busi
ness houses in Oregon t'lly.
C. O T. Williams, real ctUle dealer:
I'ini limits, under certain reatiietioiis,
are a good thing '
Crunk T. Barlow, Merchant : I think
something should be doro. Am ill favor, '
if itnv t'llng is done, to to'iuiro ull build- I
tugs w ithili the limit to bo of bric't or
lire proof material.
V.. W. ti'onl, of Switll'oid A tiront,
real estate dealers: Cut inod'ovii us!
favoring it lire limit. ',
F. F. Chiiruiun, of Cli-itniau A Co., i
druggists: 1 do not llni.k 1 should ex
piess an opinion, us wo own mid occupy
a brick building. People know bow we
stand on that pioposiiion by the nation
of our buildings.
F. li. Caiillold, druggist : Am in favor
of making a the limit on the west side of
Main street us far dow n as SI li si reel, and
the east side to lith.
S. II Hose, tirccer : Am in favor el
lire limits.
W.Carey Johnson, bwyer: Am in
favor of lire limits from the basin to nth
st net.
II ('.Stevens, cupilalist : I do not
think the time has come lor making a
Hie limit. lam in (a vnr of certain re
strictions ill Hie erection o( buildings.
,M. A. St in It, oi , siipeiiutendeiit of
Oicgon Citv woolen mills: Am ut least I
in lavor of making a Hie limit to sub i
stieet. I
S. Ackerniat,. of Muver A
merchants: The best thing for the citv
that could be done,
T. L. t'luirinan, coiiuoiluiuii : Am in
favor of all buddings being elected of
Inick and stone, and would not exempt
dwellings. 1 don't consider the territoiv
mentioned in the petition to (lie council
as being too large at all.
A lire limit would leu I to build up the
Thos, Cliarinan, meiehaiit und presi
dent of the Hani, of Oregon City: For
Ihe benefit of the prosperity and safety
of this cily, lire limits should ho estab
lished (rum the basin to "lb stieet, und
all business houses lu'teaftor Const i noted
should be of brick or liou-coinbiislible
uialcriiil, excepting private residences.
and they should he subject to close
scrutiny by the prosr itiitborilies in
reference to llicir safely.
K V.. Williams, grocer: ruvor a lire
K. S. Warren, of WuriiMi A llolnian:
1 believe in establishing a liio limit
under certui n restrictions.
). (' LutiinroltP. attorney und
jiiesideut of the Commercial bank Am
in favor of niakinga lire limit to
Kleveiilh street.
O. I.ovejoy, grocer and hotel keeper:
I think Oregon City should have a lire
S. O. Wulden. ciiiutalist: Am in
favor of having a lire hniii. No mailer
how largo
K.J. McKillrick. boot and shoe dealer:
I think it is time a tire limit is made.
if we expect to have a citv.
T. A. Pope, hardware merchant : Am
in favor of establishing a lira limit on
Main street, ul least as hir us the court
I. Sidling, in-rcliant: Am corUinlv
in favor of it. Think it should have been
accomplished some limn ago.
ILeMlllieii. editor Courier: A lire
limit would be u good thing.
II I. Harding, merchant : I think a
lire limit should be established. Van
couver never amounted In anything un-
tho woodon rookeries in Ihn iimiu
portion of the-cily was burned down.
and a lire limit caltinlialieJ. Tim les
sened rate of insurance compensates in a
great measure the higher rntn of rent for a
wooden building.
Logos & Albright, butchers und pack
ers: Ueuro in (uvor of a lire limit
from the south end of tlui woolen mills
lo Flevenlh street, one lot deep on each
side of .Main.
(i. A. Harding, druggist: Am In
favor of 1'Htahlinhin fru limits from the
basin to eighth Htieet, one lot deep on
each side.
S. It. Cireon, of tireen Bios, A Co.,;
Am in (uvor of lire limits,
W. T. H'liillock, comity leooiilor:
Think it would be u good thing to es
tablish a lire limit, but have not et
decided how niu di territory should 'ho
embraced, Ho not think it should bo
extended any lurtlier down Mum street
lliun eighth.
(.'. I). Liituiirotto.ullorhey and banker.
I am solid on iiHtulilishiiin'a firo limit.
Do not think it should be niiido any
furtiiur north thiin eight street, (iood
llreproof buildings will not only make
tho rules of insurance lower, hut will
liuve a tendency lo make money cheaper,
us capitalists are anxious to loan and
invest their money in cities having sub
stantial buildings.,
Bejiiimiinin Juggar, cupituliHl: Am in
favor of establishing lire limits onu-luiK
block deep on each side of Main street,
evon us far dow n as tho Congregational
T V. Hyitn, niiivor: Am not in favor
of establishing u lire limit, but if the
property holders ol Main street desire it
wilt not object. Am, in favor of submit
ting the tiliins to competent parties for
now buildings. Do not think it good
policy to encumber Main street with
brick business blocks, as this at root
will bo oventl'ully used (or miinufuctiii
ing purposes,
K. 1). Kelly, prone-rtv owner: Am
thoroughly opposed to a fire limit.
There is time onougli for all Ibis live
years irtun now.
J. Scliram: Opposed to a II ro limit.
John G, Pilsliurv, Deputy Unceiver
V. H. Land Office: 'l think 'a fire limit
would be a good tiling.
Hon. J. 1. Apperson, Itegistcn U. 8,
Land OlUeos Am in lnvor of establish
ing a lire limit on Main street to Kth.
l iipl.J. I'.HIiuw. Haul i:,uto dealer:
A lire limit should Include all Hint por
llmiuf (, eily lying between tlin bluff
and rivni fn in the Iiuhiii lo llih street.
C. II, (J.iuiloM, councilman, und cash-
or Oregon City II ink: As 1 no, a , .
her of llm council cnuiiiiilto nu lire nml
walei bnvhoni this matter Is rofei red, I
'I'1 "ot e insider it irice-suy bu mo lo
express uii opinion, 1 shall act In tho
premises us llio unjoiiiy u, ,.,.
milieu do, ido.
M. Ilroderlck, liquor dealer ,uud heavy
properly owner ui Main street ; Am in
lavor of placing reslrlclmns on nil
buildings are eroded In llm future
Inii ul niesent am hot in favor ol making
a lire lltiiil. 1 do not think the lime lias
arrived when the people goiioriillv would
Im instilled in establishing u llm limit.
Three mniiiberH of Ihe cily council
''"'I I to express utl opinion, us they
einnui'ii nun uiey did lint own
properly on Main street.
Mr, D. W. Howard has disp,,Hod of
Ids Imlel ami lestuuiiini to II, ,, Uvor
more, and letmiied lo his faun near
Ciinliy, Mr. Unwind was a popular
landlord, und his many b idols wish
lilui a pleasant sojourn on bis faun.
The pink domino ball given by the
Mvsilo Social Club hist Fibluv even
ing for Hut helicllt of tl,,, employ, s o(
l.ivci mole's hotel, netted (fill.
Missionary (.'iniveiilinii.
The following in (he piogrmn of tbe
ministerial ussoeiallon und missionary
convention ol I'oltl.iud district Metho
dist Fpiscopul chin cb , in Oiegon City,
Oivgoii, (nun MutIi IDlli to 1st li :
7::id-Our Fduculional Interests, Al
jleiHviiniinei, l, p., VV. S llaiilngtun,
H ;:;il Devotional Fxeieises, C, 1
Divine Foreknow ledge, D, N Mcln
turir, (i Spikes
Theories of I uspii iitiou, II P.Webb,
C. M. Ilrvan.
!...! '. I: . : ', i . . ...
luiicuiaiisnc I i'IUI Cllcles, ( , Idol soil
li. Striiblo.
on Missions C,
I'reai hing
li Keller-
How to take the MisrOuimrv Collection,
Walton Skipworth. .lulu, Mi'lntiru
How to Win (be Miseioit.-iiv Skeptic
.1. W Itiishong, 1 1. I .
Chinese .Mission, A. .1 Hanson.
i ::ill Wesley as a Mi-sioniuv
llongbloii, D. 1 1.
in... i
Hot! t '.
mi' .'i v ,"p u us a
Chen li W oik, li, W. tiiannis.
w i.iivisit.iy.
H :.;il Devolionul F.xeiciscs,
I'orce in
W. W.
it turner.
Care of Conceit, li F, Case,
t iitveii
Fpworlh League Movement, J '.
. i-pangicr, A. ti. i Hilda
I Music as an Agem v ill Chinch Work,
C. L, I.ovvlher, li. M. Pieico
oilce to llclilge lliilolert.
llida will be received hv the county
court ol Cl.ickiiuint county until 110011 of
Thursday Apiil, tub, In;" for (he erect
ion of 11 bridge a. 'i ohm Abernatby creek
011 the Join h cxtrioooii ,,( Mm ton road,
length :',M (1 1 wi.ltl, Id (1. , ,.,-. heigtli
itbout :itl (1,
lliddcnt to (iirniBh idaiiH ami Btruin
ingraiiiH. tiiiaranlee l 1 r.ii.
I"1 I'M required
Itight to reject any or
II. II. Jdll.NNoM,
County Clerk.
I ''i 's reserved
:i l:i
No! Ire.
t ieo
lo Ihe (lrm of
the Hod I'ltint
I hi ker ,V Co
inocerv, tlrejou -viy, ,,, hmdo re-tne-led
to md.l'tr at once un Ihe money
in Heeded to ye etublili our binineKM
I'roinitlnei'it In the mailer will greatly
aid um mid Have fiirlher tumble to afl
4 t
Dii:ki ii ,t Co.
Oregon City.
The ablent iivi"iciaii of Ihn ir.'Hcnt
age iccognie cnt.ii rh ua 11 blood diHeai'e
wlntdi aggiavatoH the inuciia Hiirlu 'ea.
.Mooie'a lioveiiled l.emedv uirilloH the
blood, lesloiea liciillli to the itll'ected
ineiiibiiineH, nloi!t olIoiiMvtt dmebarges
und rorieela the Inenlh. I'or dale by
all drtiggiKt!!.
(il eal Itciliiclieii In riiiiiigniiiH.
It. I'rior, the old enlal linhed ami
rtdi ible iiologiaiher, of Oregon City,
oiioMte Carm' Hie biilcber, will after,y March U'th lake cabinet
photograph al ' per dozen.
VkukI'Aiii.ks W'amicii. KanneiH wih
Ing lo make conlinctH (or ruining Cn
ciiinbeiH, ToinatocH, Onions und Cuuli
llovver will lind it lobe to their intercut
to call on or corrcHpond with the l'oi t
I11111I I'reKcrviui: Co., l'oitlund, Oregon,
Coiner 1Mb and 1 St,
ScimI Cotatoi'h!
A widl Helm led Hto. k of K.irlv lioae.
ItiirliiinkH nml tiiiriiiiohillioM Im- mile ut
Ued l'MHit Uioceiy and Crockery IIoiiho
ihegon Cily. Cichh i iiuden Si'eds Iihi
.1. I'. Crnnker, of the Mmintiiin
Hlnll' Mcul imirket, is (luin unite u uhkh
liilsineNs and in slid incieiiNili, liulwilh
Hliti.dini! Hie dull seitfini and tint very
exlraviineiit iidvertiHeineiiU lluil Imve
iiiieiuel biml week was the l,ent
nnu Milieu lie citme here. The elmieest
meat ni nil kinds) is kept enn-
Hiiiiiuy tin niinii in niouci'iite prices.
Corn lieef, I'iekled pork, lliiins, lliieon,
Lard, llulter, Ks.etc,
J. 1'. CltlK KKIt.
"There is little in wnniaii'H advice, vet
ho thitt won't hike it is not overwind,"
Hays Cervniils. Tim proverb in Mitwt
aptly illiiHlriiled In Ihe fnllnwinir item:
DiiriiiB the full of IHS', while my
diiunhler tviiH teneliiiiK in the eunntry
tienr hear, she eontriieteil a severe cold
und eolith. 1 sent her a liotlle of Chimi
lieiliiili's CoiikIi Heinedy and the elliu t
was so Hitlisfiieliiry that on her reeom
inendaliitii the entire nciudilmrhood he
Uiin it H use, und with tho most satisfac
tory results, which Iiiih continued with
inerensiiiK eonllilence ever sinco. ,1. II.
Keinhiirt, di'iieirist , Allon, Kansns. Ut)
cent liolllcH fur sale by (ieo. A. llurd-
IMsseliiliiia Notice.
Notice in hereby niven that tho co
partnership heretofore exislinjr between
Jiiinei Hoake nml (leorijo l'rosser, under
the 11 rm tiainoiH Itouke & rrosser, bus
been dissolved by mutual consent. Tho
business will be continued by James
Houko who will pay all bills and who
will make collection of all accounts duo
the late linn. Jamick Hoakk,
(iltollOK 1'hoshkh.
(jAitiiEN m:i:ds.
Yoit Can Kini
I). M, Kkrky'h,
K. ,1. lillWKN's,
,. L. May's,
IlV THK I'AI'Hll, l'ill'NO
K. K.
THK tiudCKR.
Wonsif 'than Lhphosy
Is caliirrb, and there is hut ono preparn'
tion that does cure that disease, and
that is the California Positive and Nei-
ativo Electrii! Liniment. Sold by I. (J
Clark. It also cures nunr-alicia, rheuma
tism, hoiulncho, sprains, biiriiH, mid a li
pain. Try It, and toll your neiehbor
whore o (jot it. Hold by
10 . G, CaukiuiiI), Druggist.
tAi!hi:r iii:po!!t
llttlnw Is given Hie Oregon City Market He
port onrrooteij weekly Irniu ipiolnlliai fur
ulnliml ins ICn TKiii'ttisK hy llm l"Cil ini'iili nd:
Whilst, Valley, (C I fie llm, .
Culi, (i no llm
Ori'itdi I'llv Mills, I'lirllitml linnet
Coiuilry llriinil
Coin Muni
lint Moid
HIierK ft Ion
Timothy liny,
Clover liny.
Pntiiliiea, 'f nivl.
Illllolis S III
Aiilim, sreell, ' I,
Appleti, illfoil, 't It,
la m
miner, f in
1'hk, f'bm
Uuiiey, J' lb
Hoof, llv, 'X I1
lief, ilresitt-il
Million. live 1 lb
Million, ilreNherl, ftt t, , .
fork, llvti. t I''
I'nrk, ilrouvil, (J Id ,
Venl, live, f Hi
Vnl, ilit', f It, ,
llioim ft lb
Iliieiiii, "
Chleki'ii. yutniK, per dux
I'tilcki-iiH, old, per U011
buck", ior iIhi
tltu'sit, ter dux
Tiuklea. per ponm!
I C"f'
a I
( II X M II I. Ill AIN 'H t Ol.ll', ClIol.l.llA AMI
IMahhiiika IIkmkiiv, the most iclinl lo
known ineilit'inu for IiomcI coiiiiibiinlt.
It in CHi ecially irir.eil by ici'H"Iih mibj 'i l
lo colic, It Iiiim cnri'il iiiutiv c.i es m
chronic (liurrliii ii, 1'iice L'o imtb'til centu
a'r hotlle,
"U lliia the bent?" ia a t iift i i 1 o'!, n
ilktt(, when Ineilii liie im uan'ed. The
following uie 11 few of the u:oiliriin' of
known reliability, mild by (inn, A. II ti.n
ISO, ilrnggiHl, of Hum idioe 11
many oilier excellent medicine,
llit'Hc ute woilbv of Hpecial mention :
CIIAMIIKKI.AIN'h Cttl'llll HlMl.liV,
inoiiH lor it K cilreH of Kevero coldn, an
a pievenltive (or eioiip 1'iii'e dc
per boll le.
For 11 lame back, a pain in liic ode 01
clieht, or for lotith-itche or
prompt relief iniiv 1h hud by 11 -1 11 .
( Iniuiliei lnin'K 1'u 1 11 Halm. Il U 11 li.ibii
I'm wile by (ii.o. A IIaiiiumi.
A WoiiiieiTuI Wei ker.
.nr. 1 ruiiK 1 1 unman, 11 young man
Itiirlingtoii, Ohio, Hl.ilei tuul lo- bid
been under tint circ oi two prouiiin i t
phvsleiilllH, and lined their tieiilineid
1111I1I he nan not itlde to gel ar -mud
They pronounced lint case to l,e 1 'me
HUiuplion und incuritble lie wan per
nnnded lo try lr. Kilig'a New I'r coven
(or CoiiBiiuiption, CougliH and ( old aim
at that time mum mil aide to vv.iik a.'i"--the
Btreet without resting, lie (oiind
be(oro he hud uaed half of a ihillar b tile
that he wan :nii li Indler ; he cmitinmd
to ii"e il und in today enjoying gnod
lieallh. ll you Imvo uny Tlnoiit , I 10 j:
or Client Trouble try It.' We gu ti unlif
h.iI iffiu lion. Trial bottle dee at li. A.
Iluiding'a drug hihic,
few mure l.M ol llm (i M.t SI'I.K V II 1 1: If
AMiHIMO HK l l,,-, ill . ,,. .
tlliril let. tliHtl tint firieelli I'.Tt -Und
ltel,.e llnon ottl.
II Cull t Hi I till CP
lloN, JOHN MYK.KS' KAKM. or for furih. r ;
pHriictilnrii iiiidri'itii
L. P. WILLlAMS,"BoT 280. Oregon Ci'f
Flt Stl.K.-Tlio
itree llinlinin, '
Cunliy Prince. -.1
,v-ix-iH)t," fired .
-:- $3,300! -:
Bankrupt Stock
To be sold at "0 Cents on the
Dollar for l.r ilavs on I v.
Call early if you want your
and avoid the rush.
Mil. " " j 11 j
Mayer & Ackerman, Preps.
Truck iind Iavorv
W. II. Cooke, Manager.
Corner Fourth and Main SI reels,
of Hie City. KiWH of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and IVliverv I'.nsi
ness proniplly Rllended to.
Horses Hoarded and led
able terms.
on reason-
Call and Examine
Twelfth and Main Sti., OickohO ilv.
Lunch Counter
Meals served day ami uilit.
Oysters nnd Chops in Any Slyle.
Siilo Entrance for Ladies.
Main St., Oregon Citv. I
hour, I'-iNi.uv,
tlk'j 1 1
'll- I
a isa i
1 i U INIKIWH, HOOKS ami liMNl'S nml nil kin
"'m, l iilN-IjH I 11KACKETH, BTAIKS and HTA!K
is f" !
IS IM' ,
Is.,,. si ;
l' it !'
7:. i
M'(l I
' t ;
UAlf.INO, NKWEL I'OSTH, Ktc, all mauw
from Thoro'tghly HcuhoiiwI LuiiiIxt.
Oril-M ami t'H kiiIn of UMtwi Work, Tuniiiig ami Ht-roll
Work promptly iittet..!.'l to. Estimate- furnishej
tiutl mitiHfuctioii (fuarantettil.
Tl... must Hflcctcd .ro.(.'rticn in the City or County
For Sale
No. I. Ml) hitch, 2 mileH
( 'nril.V. III! S. 1'. It. K.. Hill
level 'html, line HfUV lilli
11,1-os Cllitivilleil, good fruiiK'
lilltll', 'f o,'J0().
,,, , ico aen s on H. I'. K. K.
.'! iiiilest from Oregon Cily,
X,, ,;, ... su iicicn, open level brunli
l.nol, I inile.-'fUft of()ri'(,'oii City,
' 1 tnilo from CliiiJiiimitK river
:fl,tiHi nil time.
No. I
Id hiti'k joining Claiku'
i; litn 011 Hie Hoiith. nearly
PI lie mi!i ill lnti lilui
.':J urreH, f pli -1 1 1 i I farm
111. 1 -i
,tr Crock. i miles eat i
onr.coN city property.
7 I. tin in Went Side addition, loU .t, 4,. 1, C, 7. 8, block 100
, . - "i, i
i Citv.
H. Mock )I. all of
I if
iie line lot in St'llwiiod.
s. ;;o
acreH iii "Clackamas Fruit I,atidn"
I .t ii.-li liiiol in tbe world, price f'.'iJO tier acre.
llrt' .1
i tin uere ttiiH year,
t v 'i.iti'e NoV 1, 2. .'!, "i, (!,
l or ti tins and particular
lit h-
Oregon City Sash & Door Factory
I'iinrs ;iln
I'Ct'Ul SlCS
ol iloors
fur M.tinvotk.
mm, Shoes. Shoes.
We will have Km,,,, of the most elegant Koj,U the world ever saw
l'nit tlif first of March. These (ioodn will be a feast for the goda
l.t ml; out f.u- our wiiidown about t hat lime.
We will carry summer as fine a line of (ioodn as any house this
sine oi i lie .Missouri nver. Call and
tluni: Ihe Litest si vie.
oi;r.(iox city
Next Door to I'oHtOtliee,
Tho New Remedy. - - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured
in" ;!c KlllXSr,1"! ","n"
' Avxi - ii-"- !,.
r ''-: -,y y
1 xSV'.V-y
. '".itiiiniK inn
K All
Have the Finest Lot of Pane
jBto. . ever put before the people of
iuru purcnasmg.
Wehve fdlls3l83fc3l sfcDck of
Holiday Ms, at Prices ti a
lo sell
t-lu;?J.or than
ICO II ii. '"-'
'O itntt l)
true, und no mmsense,
The (incst poloc-lion of
r, 11. itizKit.
Oregon City.
Oregon City, 100 ot.reH in culti
vation, WJ acreg to hrcak. new
framo Iioiibc, new barn, lino wat
er, Ix nt Hoil, K'xhI neigliliorhoml,
HcliiMtl, etc., Jiriee UJ.VJ, on time.
No. ti 313 acre in Hjiringwater,
the I ut all round utix-k farm in
Clarkaman county, level land,
WO ncre in fine cultivation, 7
ucre orchanl,, fit A lottne, two
fine fiann! liariiH, thoucandH of
ncre of out range, water every
where, lo lieai cattle, Berkshire
Ihvh, .'!0 ton hay, oOO btiKiiei oats,
wheat, vegetable, horned, wag
oiih and farming imjilementrt, al
together at -r acre on time.
block 20. .Mam street, all of Mock 45
all in cultivation.
My peach orchard
f r any gnod city pr' ierfy in valley
apply !
E. CROSS, Oregon City.
Moultlins. Turning
of all kinds,
ami windows made to onlcr.
Order promptly filled
see if we are lvi
ring to you. Every
shoe housi:,
Oregon City, OreRon.
miminsti,,,,, - u
OreKim l'Uy,oreon.
Call ana See us ol
not flfliet. tluv ...ui. .
- s.-v- I'llW.T Willi 119
ever before. Onr nttni!'
v my JO
our own M WIT a v.
A. uu
and 800 that what we say is
GROCERIES in the Citv
...AUttf'. -