Ss." t; , van, ifm,. I'" ' i 1 C11A1TEK 11L 7 ft shs arptiiNtf to htrfett und ths nuny. Thtw was atill h dim ight lu the iky, hut the lamp wmm littlited in the fr. Feople were jin-paring for the night'l jonnwy. Men worn willing the t'veii ing pnpCTH n though every moment wm a ivtisiilorntion, ami in B sest opiHwito a woman wrw trying to sooth ft tmby, while Knottier lrttle one clung to her, bogging to be taken Into her lap. "A pleMiit lookout for the night," i said to Margaret, in ft voice much too ft:t and empty of 'emotion to lie imturiil. "They rt lmot il ;ti with deep now," saiil she, ami in a moment what did she do but cross over iul Uke the baby ami toes it in her young, strong nil's. The Uby felt the change from the las. nervous grasp of ita mother, ud burst into a crowing laugh, while the older child, interested, stopped whining aud joined in the merriment. How did Margaret happen to have ft sweet crack er in the shape of a horse in her pocket she who abhorred "dry flour?" I think it came to her as all her other fairy gifts did, and it comforted more of us than the baby and the baby's brother. That horse cantered aud walked. It hid it self, it jumped out of queer places, and was filially dissected and doled out in the most minute and everlasting parti cles. To see Margaret so full of re sources did not surprise me. I was too much used to her fertility and freshness to wonder at it, but her light laugh, the ftnn gentleness with which she mana both mother and children, as though she had no other care nor thought, did make me realize that the unexpected is the wo man. 1 had fancied I bhould have to com fort aud sustain her, but behold she was not only in good spirits, but she took it for granted that I shared her resolute pushing back of fears that would awak en, and before the porter came to make the beds for the night I had ceased to worry. I had not forgotten uor ignored Jack's tragedy, but I reserved my strength, ttud Wing a mau healthy and tired, I slept all night aud waked in the morning in good spirits and well rested. But Margaret was pale, aud the line around her mouth wero drawn and de jected. Vet she roused herself, and the rest of the day bore herself cheerfully aud with patience. But neither of us now remeiuliere that day's journey. We gazed out the window and talked of what we suj". but nothing was real to ns. I felt as though wo had shut some horrid thing into a closet, and were hold ing the door to keep it in. The day passed, the sun set, the twi light fell, and Margaret and I sat silent as we drew near our journey's end. Tiger Hill was shrouded in mist and darkness when wo entered it. By a lamp in the station a surly agent was making up a report from which lie was loth to separate himself to do more th:iu mutter that there was n hotel up the i street where we might tind lodgings for tli night. Having thus answered he buried himself again in his papers; but looking back as we left the room I caught his eyes fixed upon us with u serious, suspicious expression that was not pleasant to me. But of this I did not speak to Margaret. She ttxik my ami as we went ou into tho darkness. "Do yon know," she said, "which is np and which down':" We Ftood on the little platform and looked around us The clouds had light ened eiioui,'li for us to the great hills vaguely outlined against the sky. The wind tviw rising and rustled in tho tree tops, and it seemed tons that wo had Wen put out into the middle of a woods. Suddenly a light flared up and bnrued steadily away off in the distance. "That," I said, "must be a lamp, aud a lamp generally betokens a house. Don't yon believe that direction is 'up?' " "It rnmo out of tho darkness liko a signal," answered the girl, "ami there is notliing for us to do hut to go to it. We cannot plunge into darkness without some guide." So wo stepped off the hoard and went warily along a path, which was not dif ficult to keep, so well trodden was it. We soon discovered, as our eyes grew accustomed to thy darkness, that we were going through a small woods, aud when after a time wo came out of it we found a pathway of boards, so narrow that wo could not walk abreast, but it gave ns comfort, making us sure that we were on tho ri ;iit road. And po after a time we canio to tho light, and behold, it was the hotel to which we had been so vaguely directed. Tho house was a small wooden affair, not overclean and smelling of tobacco, but the only smoker was n woman, who sat by a stove with a pipe in her mouth. When we entered tho open door she' looked np. stared a moment and then called. "Liberty!" Whether this wan tho goddess or not we did not know, but there was no an swer. Tho woman then knocked the ashes ont of her pipe into the sanded box in which tho stovo stood, and giving her voice a higher pitch, screamed again, "Liberty!" This invocation was more successful, und a thin, pale-haired youth strolled into the room. Tho woman nodded toward us. The boy looked at Margaret and his whole face flushed, and indeed I do not believe his eyes had ever rested on anything go fair us this girl in her dark dress, tired and silent, standing there. "We were told," said I, "thatwocould have lodging here, ami wo should also like some supper." "Sit down," feitid Liberty, and he at once disappeared. So we sat down side by sido on an old wooden settle, and it was not many minutes before Margaret's hand stole into mine. I looked at her with appre hension, and to my surprise she said clearly and boldly: "I am not uCraid. I am only hungry." The woman looked at her. "Is she your daughter?" she asked. "My niece," I promptly answered. "She doesn't favor you," said she, and there was again silence. After what seemed to ns a very long time a man looking like a Presbyterian clergyman in a miner's clothes came in, and in bis turn stared at us, gave a little nod, and he went out, Then the woman arose, took tvj plates from a closet, two cups and saucers and began to prepare a table for us. She spread no cloth, and she put the barton and potatoes which she fried together upon our plates, dis pensing with the formality of a meat dish. The coffee pot she pulled forward, poured some water on what was already in it and let it boil. Shu put bread and butter and some pickled tripe on the ta ble and bade us come and eat. And it was not ill flavored to us. The coffee was fiiit and bitter, and neither one of cj rrJJ v nr.Wl fi-jl Vacon from ! 1 11 1111 '"".""w in H, .'. IM1 of fare; but it was all hot, and we were so in need of food, having had until- lug to rut since ft hasty noon meal, that the mew nourishment Was couirortmg ad helpful, Then vucu we had finished tho wo man lighted twp pandH 1 vnt mv ud followed her to two iwsormbly cl 1 txtlmoma on tha other aid of the I t'u After she had left us we tat down te talked. ! Now that we were in Tiger hill m bal ' no idea what to do or where to Mv.T. But we agreed that we had beet be silent . and say uothiitg of Jack until we knew what we should say, ftiid to whofu we should say it, "In the morning," said I, "we will see the place aud learn, something of the peonle. There umst be some one in u thority here, and souie one who has some sense of law. The very gossip may tell us where Jack is, and just what has hap pened. In the meantime wo have come because I am Interested in the mines, ml you are my niece as indeed, dear child, from this moment you must I, Aud Margaret, leaning over, took my hand aud kissed it, but I drew it away aud laid it on her pretty head, nd prayed to Ood that she might iu this adventure lie kept from harm Mia from sorrow. And indeed itwss but ft few hours after that there was need of an instant answer to this prayer. I hud been asleep about an hour wbeu suddeuly I ftwakeued. It seemed to me that something had happened to arouse me, but ovurvthlug was perfectly still. The stars were now shining; I heard an owl hoot and the cry of ft lonely cricket. I was just falling off to sleep again when the very skies seemed rent by a woman's scream. The sound was not in tho house, it was far off and in the open air, but I instantly know it was Margaret s voice. Out of bed I sprang and into her room, which was empty, and her cloth ing was gone. On a chair by the bed stood her little eatchel and ft few toilet articles. It teok me but moment to fling on my clothes and dash out of the silent, dork house, aud here and there I ran, trying to fiud some token of her, but I did not rail nor speak. I am not young, but 1 am strong. I have been a mau of temperate, athletic habits, and 1 have the use of a body nearly six feet iu height, well knit, well kept, and when I carried fewer years I asked nothing of my strength or endurance that I did not get. But at this moment I tuoight of neither strength nor weakuees, but 1 sped on, meaning to find my precious charge. 1 fell down, I rau into trees, 1 plunged into water, 1 tripped over stones, but nothing battled me, and my spewl was little broken. Then as I ran I became aware of sounds inarticulate, almost inaudible, which were those of the human being, and I knew I must be neur a camp of some kind. Silently, cautiously now I went, listen ing and following the sounds, which grew more and more distinct, and yet not intelligible, when without expecting it I suddenly came upon a sight that made my heart almost stop beating, so horrified was II There in the light of a fire stood Margaret, in the center of some ten or fifteen ruffian. Her hat wa gone, her hair was down and shawl waa fastened about her, pinioning her anus. But never saw I a girl more thor oughly angry than she, aud never have I heard a more hideous jargon thailiesu men sisike to each other. I saw that she had Ihvu brought to the entrance of a mine, anil that not far off were some huts aud sheds. Fortunately I waa back iu tho shadow of the rocks, and I Mood still, waiting to see what would happen aud what I could do. At the moment I was powerless to do more than preserve my own freedom. It was evident that Margaret understood as little as I did what the men said, but she held herself with au erect, tenso air In which there was more temper than fear. Just then the clerical gentleman who had inspected us earlier in the night canto out of the sheds, and when lie per ceived the plight into which Margaret had been brought he went hastily to her. and without a second's delay unfastened the shawl and freed her. "I do not know what they meant by this! Have they hurt you?" Margaret held out her white rouud wrists, on which there were red lines. "They know so little of American girls," said she, "that they thought this would frighten me." "You have reason enough for fright," ho returned, "without any such treat ment." "I have no expectation of being afraid," said Bhe; "aud if yon command this band you have, let me tell you, sir, a precious set of rascals i.nder you." "You need not be saucy," he replied. "It will pay you better to lie honest, and tell me who sent you here." "Surely you know all I can tell you! W here is tho woman of the house in which wo lodged? I suppose she is your accomplice. When she called me out of my room and asked me if I hud a friend here I was frank and told her. Ask her if you want to know." "Softer, softer, my dear," he said. "You look very pretty when you scold, but you's better be uglier and wiser." "Where is the woman?" asked Mar garet. "She has gone home to lock your uncle in his room, to keep him from taking cold in the night air." Margaret turned her head away, as though she meant to say she was done with him. I adored her for her courage, but 1 ardently desired she might not anger him. But he treated her as though she was a petulant child, and asked her questions, from which I soon gathered that they susjiected us of being spies in tho employ of the owners of the mines, aud that she had come with me to divert suspicion from onr object. It appeared to me that they hud founded all this in some confused story to which the man constantly alluded, but to which Mar garet had of course no clow. And I also understood that they had laid a trap of some kind to get Margaret away by her self, hoping to wring a confession from her, and that the woman of the house hud assisted them. The girl answered boldly enough, and finally said that we were friends of Mr. Lewis, and had come to be of use to hira. When this was translated to the men, who never moved their eyes from the faces of the two speakers, they brutally laughed, and she for the first time lost her perfect com mand of herself. ' There was one little man who wore a tur cap, and he displayed his knowledge of English by occasionally crying out: "Tyrant! Blavel Push ahead!" When he heard the name of Lewis he shrugged Ids shoulders and gave an idiotic jump into the air. It was as much as I could do not to go out and shake the little monstor, but I had sense enough to koep silent and quiet. Yet it waa hard work the hardest I ever didl They bullied Margaret, they tried to terrify her into a confession, as they grow more and wore convinced that she was baffling them. Th-y mistook her innocence for assurance, her courage for obstinacy, but they did n')t touch her. Then Margnrct suddenly drew her shawl closer around her shoulders, 'k am cold," she said, "and 1 am tired. I Wish VOll woulil hnv mnM mnnA thrnvan on the fire and give me seat by it," I . I in nnie man. wtwnvinswM" hmiihi, tusde ft irmly that was In turn translated to hOV.Hml K WHS tint HH'V -voutu ninno up the lire and give liei a soati In tho middle of It, Tho dreadful brutality of tills nisdo her oheuk pale, yut she suid not ft Word, btvt turned nd wiilkoil to the tire Mulftjitdjwuow the wuuu ur a falltiu tree, xvliloh was evidently drawn there for ft seat. For ft moment her whole body relaxed, aud she looked as if the could bear no more. Who put out her hand to the now low lire, but in ft moment rested her head on her liuud like tired child. Then she drew her self together, looked np, aud did the most astonishing thing. 81ie began to slng-to slug In ft clear, sweet, thrilling voice, which vibrated with passionate Intention, If an angel from heaven had alighted, ami in hlsda.tllng attire had stood iu their midst, the men could not have beeu more startled, more electrtiled. They stood stock st ill g.'wlug t her. But she gave no heed to them, but sang louder and clearer until her voice seemed to fill the air, makiug it puUdo with eu ohantiuont. For what was she singing Ah, for what was she not singing! For life, for help, for freedom, and, though she knew it not, for love. Her song went soaring to the skies, mid prayed to be saved from these cruel men, and it csme buck to earth, and lieggod them to be htunati, and not to bo us the boasts, hungry for prey. Shotting like one inspired, aud her whole heart went out in the cry, "An gels over bright and fair, take, oh, faJtt) wo to your care!" and the song swineS bom of the ulght and of per il! And then, tiehold, from one of the huts there was a groat cry, and out there ruslunl a man, torn, weak, bandaged, and ho looked wildly alHnit htm, aud seeing her be ran to her aud fell prone on t ho ground at her tide. Aud she lifted him np and held him iu her anus, aud I -I came out iroui my hiding place aud hurried to them, aud 1 took Jock from her and laid him down, thinking he was tload, but he opened his eyes ami feebly smiled. So 1 sat down on the grass and held biiu, aud Margaret knelt by him, and they looked each into the eyes of the oilier. But around us there was a hubbub of confusion sod quarrelling, and knives Hushed aud the leader pushed hack one slid threatened another, and the noise grew greater and more fierce, but Mar garet and Jack were like pcoplo safe In a lagoon, cureless of the r. .illg stonu outside. But the leader turned, holding oils mau by the throat, ami he cried, "Singl If yon value your lives let the girl sing!" For a moment Murgurct faltered. She (cured for us us she uever had for her self, and she g.isped though her breuth was gone, put ting her hand toiler throat. Then she sprang to hep feet aud she sang. It was a wild, fierce song like a battle cry, and she now and then clnpjied her hands together with a ringing sound, and she flung ont her arms, looking like a prophetea calling her people to follow her to war. And then till these men struck in with a solemn slow measure that was like the tramp of feet, and their eyes flashed as they divr close to gether aud nearer to her. When she ended they canto crowding around her, aud the little man dropped on his knees and kissed the hem of her gown, aud from that moment wo were safe. For the song was one of their own, and an outcry against the oppressors of their country; and Margaret, who stud led the songs of the peopl of the earth as others Jo the language, knew it, and knew how to sing it. And so she sang through the night, sitting on the log with her hand In Jack's as h" rested again -t me. sang everything gay songs and doleful, ballads, okt.i arias, hymns aud dunces. Tho men silt around the hiving fire, and their eyes were soft and sometimes they lftilgheil, and every now uiel then they would burst into a chorus of their own. And the leader lay close to the tiro and slept Never In their lives hail these men, 1 fancy, been more innocently happy, and never hail tin y heard sing ing tliat so delighted them" When ths morning dawned we stood up, wo men wondering in our hearts whether, now that the spell was broken, wo would be allowed to go, but Margaret smiled and held out her hand, and they each kissed It and then went through the woods with ns. When we parted the little man plucked a bunch of goldenrod, und giving it to Margaret, und with a fiieudly smile, "l'usli ahead." We took Ins advice, and knowing them was an early train away, although It was going in the wrong direction, w went at once to the station, aud when it came we took it, and all went into ths baggaee car, liecause Jack looked not only like a In to of the prize ring, but ft most forlorn and neglected one. And now m-ed I tell how we 'topped at the first town, and rested and made Jack presentable, mid then traveled homo in bliss aud content, but that Jack and I did nil the Jalking, while Mar garet smiled at ns? She was not too hoarse for tjtat. And need I say how I got my son and lost my assistant editor and my niece, but had a daughter In stead? And how Margaret paid for our lives with her singing voice, which had not yet come back to her? As for this story how often Hale had heard it? Ask hiinl TDK END. S DAVIES' GALLERY. The Leading Photographer of -nm- DRUGfS GO TO G. A. HARDING. I'hAMiiicm.AiN's Pain JSaim, ii ireoerul family liniment, an I espei i i lv viiliuiMc for rhcniteilisiit, Price hi) c-iiIk p'rlml tie. CIIAMIIICIII.AIN'S KVB AND SKIN OlN'f- MI'.NT. I' Of letter, Hilll-rlielllll , SCIllll- "ThJ' mT "",'! mm 0y"M- Price 25 cents rmr liojc. Portland. ('OH NK It FI KST and T AY l.i ill hTKK ITS 1 li S UNION PACIFIC XfcY. OVEHUNI) JIOUTE. Tialns for tho Kast leavo 1'oi-tliuid, 7 ;00 A II mid 11:00 1". M. ririrTC ,r"m i"it Iu Ui t'ulixl Sisim, I'similn Hint K'lri Ehgant Ntw Okmg Paluci Curs. I'u. m s i'Hiiii'e Mleepers. KHI'i: COLONIST HLI'.K.l'INtl CAU rim Through on Kxpress Trains -TO- 0MAI1A, COUNCIL 1 J LUFFS, KANSAS CITY, CHICACO, & St. LOUIS WIIIIOI T CIUNOK, ( Immi mmuei'tliHi" U I'lirllmnl lur 8u snil I' il Wuiiiul l'lnl. Ker Inrtlinr .rtleiilnr liuiilr til Mi) nym ul tin i!iiniiy i" ... P. T. A I'm llni il.Cl ii'Cli O. St. 111.1 SJm'I llniiiiuer. Northern Pacific R. R. Great Overland Route. TWO FAST TU A INS DAILY I Not llANULOFCAUS! Shortest Line to Chicago Ami nil poliiln Knit, vis ST. fAt'L AND UlNMAfOM. The Northern I'urlllc It. K. U lh eiily llus runulus I'u ssenger Trains, Secoml-t'lttss !soepet (free of cluuge Luxurious Pay Couches, Tillman I'ul.ico Sleeping Cats, 1'ulace Pining Cars (meals 7Ic). hum I'orlluml to Hie Fas). See that your tickets rend via the Northern I'm illc It. It and avoid i lisiige of cars. Thrimiih I'lillmsn I'ulur Miei-i'lnn rr. rl lnt liny fiisi ln'n. Il'l lr illlilna fni li twri-ii i'nrilioiil, lacuuia mill Molllii ill reel I II y Mrvlro. .l.MI4ltl.TOV .(. jii Pn. Agent, 141 I'lrsl M.. Porlluml, Or, iH'fHil. turner Klrt met II Stri'i'K. 0. C. T. Co's STEAMERS Oregon City vfc Portland. DAILY LINE. I.KAVK I'ollTI ANIl. 7::l0 A. M. 0 .ti i A. M. 1 :0I. M. 3:,U) I'. M. I.kavk Oiikiion City. 7:io A. M . In :im A ,M 1 IK) IV M . 4;ln '. M. Steamer A It-nut no Wavl.ui! Steamer l.atomi Way Landings. lings. 10:00 A. M. 4::W I'. M. 8 :.'!) A. M. .1:01) P.M. THE YAQU1NA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. T. K. IIO(H), Receiver. OREGON DCTELOrHCNT CO'S STL'AMLRS. SHORT MM: TO ai.IFOKNIA. Fit KK i 1 IT A S I FA U F.S Til K LOW F.ST Train No. .1 will run Turmluv. Tlinrs. ilu sod Sulurihivii, and on iutc rimt!iute iluvi hen iiccurv : Train No I ttlll run Mondavi, Wedtif ilnvn and Friiluy, and on Inliiniieiliiit iluyi when iiei-Bssiiry : Sir inter SnlHnf Hates. I lvit Vaiii in ;willnnii lt Valler. Jn, Int. Wit, I 'Jill ninl ..Hi. I.cavk HisfSASciw nH lllmnullo Valley, J mi II hj Hlh. ll unit .11.1. The e.intiiniiv reirvs the rfglil to ctimue AtiitiS cairi wiiiiinii nniire , Trnlni rmim'ft with lint I) A C K. nl Kltrer Hoots aicorviuim ami Aitunr. Tho Oregon Pacific sleainlioals on the Willamette river division will leave Portland, soiit-lioiind, Moml.iy, Wednes day, aid Friday at II A M. Arrive at Corvailis Tuesday, Thursday and Salur- ilav at ;!:.!U I . fll, Leave I orvullis, iiortli-lioiiiid, Monday, Vt ednesduy and Friday at H A. M. A i rive m I'mlland Tuesday, Tliuisday and Saluidav at :l:30 P. M. on .Moniluv, V ednesduy and In dav, liotli north and soiitli-Ooiiinl limits lie over night at Salem, leaving here at o A, Jl. Frrliiht sin) Ticket (lilies, Hnlinno "tri'et nrhari rurtlainl. C. 0' IKKIt'K, 0. F. 4 1'. A. O P. It.. EAST and SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. FCxpress Trains leave Portland Dnilv Huu.h I I Nnrlli. 7 mi r. h. I l.v 7:15 r. M. I I.V UHLAN.) Ar I'urlln nil Ar resell I,v M. KmNcU'ii I,v II A'. A. M. SCI A. M 0:00 p. M. Ahnvi! Irnliia nln only nt tin' fnllnivlnv "Is Ilium nortii nl Kimetinrt: final I'nrtliiiiil, Or Rnit City. Wimitlnirii, Hiilmi. AlliAr y, 'i'mmriiit slieililn. lUlney, IliirrUlnirii, Jiiuiiilnii I lly, Ir vliiKaiiil KiiKinm KOMKIIlUtn MAIL (Dally) :MIA. H. I 11:011 A. M. M0 r. M. l.V I.V Ar t'orllninl Ar Oregiuilllly ICriNfiliiirK l.v 4 IK) I'.S i:W r. M n '20 A. M Al.HANY J.IK.'AI. (J'ally. exoept H Ii.y ) 6:0i p. M. I l.v I'nrtliiiiil Ar I U (Ml a. m D on p. h. l.v Ori'iriiii CHy I,v I 7:M A. M. :(I0 p. H, Ar Allmiiy ,v I.VIHI, Pullman Buff t Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Korncoiunmiiiliitlnti olHi'i'ellil Clnn I'.in.uiiKUrn Biisoiien in asiiriwa iriilm, H Hnlf IM vision. IIKTWKKN roK'I'I.ANII ANU COKVAI.I.IH. Mull Train, I'nlly (Kxeepl Siinilnv.l 7 :H0 A. M. I l.v riirMnnil Ar I fi:.lo P a I'2:I0 P. M AP i:nrvnlllf ,T UMrs At Allwiiy nil Cnrviillia niuihuRi it llh Iriiltii ol DritRiiti Pitttlllo Knllriinil. Kxpreaa Trsln lislly (l!x(iott Stiiiilay) 4:401'. M. I l.v rnrtlmul Ar 8:'4U.II. l:1iv. M. I Ar MeMltmvllla , t 6:ir A. M. THROUCH TICKETS TO A 1,1, POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. ' Pur tleketn ami full )nrm,itl,iii rogtirtjliif in... st;ji. etc, ,fuj mi uiiimiiy iijtcnt t j '"" K. KOI lll,r"., IC. p. itodlCliH, . M'iU. K ))$ !. gout Mia - Latoiia. 'IIMI'lll I.ANIi ACT J I IN Pi B, IH7H, rnoi'ici: I'on ii iii.k a i iim. 1 1 NITKH NTATKa I.ANHOPPirs, ( iniKunN I'll v. nr., iii'l 17, lux) I Nnlli'it In lii'ieliy Klum Hint Iu imiitilliini' UMlillio irnvliiliiiia nl tlii nut nl I'hiiKriin nt jniiv II. Hh. 1'iilllli'J mi nui lur llni tutu ul llni be l InuilHlti His IiiIii ii (tHlllnriilii, Uissuii, jNivmlii mill Wlilui(i u I'urriuit," Jerry'iiliu, ul I'nrll lint, iioiihlv el Miilliiniiiiili. l il( nt Ole lull, lint llil iliiv 111 etl III tlitu i IIIud till Atiiira liilvtui nt No ill I it lit lli pin I'll" t ul 0i w n i' !j iilel 1.1,1111, il am'iluii Nil 'I In Inwil III No. imniilli. rin ni' No. Suum, ainl wilt tiltur nni,l In lmw Unit ihv Imiil miiitlit In iiinrni vnhitilili' lur It llnibi r er alniiii lleut tnriiiirl ("ihiii'iil Mirjnii'", nnil in I'tinlillaii Ii ! clnlin tn anlil Imiil lieliim tin' rttKMor timl rucplver nl llila ell i'ii nl tlri'iii'ti ( Ilv Oipgiiii, on Mnn ituy. Ilia mull, il'iy nl M in eh. 11 11 at tniliii'a iia vrltlii'Mapa: Wm. tlniiVir of 1'i.rlininl uii'Veiii M S Hrin'rii nl I'nrllaliil, (h en en llnrmlii W, Hmlili nl Si'uiila, WsaliliiS' Inn, l slnr Sin n nl I'nill'iiiil, Ori'Diui. any unit nil l"'ran ulaliiilns ailvcranly llis aliiiii lU.i'riliiiil lumia nrs tiiiatiil hi llltf llifir I'liilina In tltla nitle on or livlnrs audi Willi ilny nl M'lit'll, iHUl J. T AI'I'I'HSiiN, I W: II V Hi'iilMur. TIMIlKIt I. AMI, ACT JUNK S, IHIK). police lor 1'iilillcnlluu. I'MIKIi NI ATKa I.ASII OSPII K I (iiimies I'u v. nr., net, in, lHi I Nellce I. In H'iiy hIm'ii llml In ei'iiiillanen Ullllllie .r'lllelia nl llll' ill'l nt enOKraa III J 11 lit- It a, '. iniillli'il "An sel Inl Uif anil-nl line tier Imi'lii. In iliv hi ilea ul ivilllunila, liriisim, M'Viulii. iiinl IN italilnuiiin I'lirrllnry," WIiiIIkIiI h lri'iianl. nl I'nilliiiiil, imiintv nl Miilliimiinll, aula ul lili'liiiii, hua Una ilny Slril In llila ollioa Ilia ait nrii alnii nii'til Ni. -iwl, lor llm imii'liaaa n( lite a vt t m a l mill Inla I ami 'J In mmmIoii Nil 'J, (It nHlialili Nil, (I aiitllh. rmiK No. S enat, anil will "Her niel to l"W llit lit? I " tl'l ainiulil la more valnnlilo ler lla tlnilmr nl l"ll llimi fir naili'iillnriil iiiiuiai'a, ami In aainle Itali Itla olitltti In anlU I iinl livlur Ilia raalr aud ri'uol vr ul llila nllli a nl nrranu I'll. Ora H"ii. tin Mmnlay, Uta lli tiny nl Unreli, I"V1. Hit iiniiii'a ua wllni'aaua: Wnllar Siolt. Jeny'nlnl. VVlllluiii Mnnvvr. nl Portland, On !"ii Jn.i'pli limriilniiii, nl M'lUlU, orasntt. Any ami all iniraniia elalntliiR ailvvraaly tits almvv ileaerllii'il laiel- ara ru'i'iralril Iu Ala limit rliilnia In llila ullit'd au or bnliirv anlil mib day nl M'treli, J. T. A I'fK ItMi N. IM; Klar I.ANIi Al l JI'NK It. IS7N-MIIIl.'K roll I'l lil lCATIuN. I'nlli'il Hlnlea l and (iftlea, Orrunti City, ilii'itnti, fee. I. la'KK Nullit'la lii'irby lv Unit In dm illani' Willi III!" iru lalulia el P net ill Cnltul 1'aa nl JnnaS, j7, millllt'd "An aet ler Ilia aala nltlne In.r Imnla III Hid Dlnlna nl i'alllnrilla Orn(iilt, Niivadii and l i.lilnati'ii 'I'errllnry, Di'iiiae W. Mnrlna, nl t'liiilrnl Telnl. nmn'.v ul Jaelann. Htala nl llri'il'in. Ima llila day llled III llila nnlrs Ilia awertl at'iti lnenl Nn 'juao, ler Ilia huri'lmaa nl Ilia aw1, nl at'i-tlxii Nn. i. in luwnnliiii. No 'i antttlt ruliKM Nn 7 ii.i.t. mnl will ullr ilenf In ahow tin. I tlir land aniiuhl la more vnltialila ler lla tlmliar er aleiia Hi in (er itarluiilliirul imr it.. ae., Hint In a.t.ilill.U Itla rlitlltl In ailld land liiiterp tilt' retO'lar and rtM-elver of tlila nlllea nl liri'iinii I li). i n in, nl. en Ft May, Ilia j;tli day ul Mnrt'll, h'l. Ilv ii . ni.'a at wllnraai'i: ' It i rlea Heharlrr, linvld il li'iiini ll S itiiui'l Hit i a, Oltarl. a IMler. all nl I'erilaiid, itivauii. Any und all iwraeiia ei'ilinlm advaraaly Ilia aliuta ili'Mirllied Imnla ara ri"iia.ti'd tn (11a Ihrlr I'l.ilma In tltla ullira ell nr lit'lera anld 'J7lh dny nl Mari li, l.d. J T. AITKKSuM. I Iti. a .11 llDglalrr. TIMIlKIt I.ANI' A I I', JINK , l7S. I tilled Siatea Ijind (inicr.i llti'lieii I lly, l)rt nii, lc V, law. I Neltea la Itaridiy Khan that In ciiitii'llmiea mill Ilia iirmlalniia nl Ilia net nl inuiart'.a ut jutif il, Ki t-iii il !) ' An ni l lur ilia inlr ul Urn-1,,-r lamia In Ilia ulali a ul I'alilertlln, UU'l 'li, Navadn and W liluat"ii lorrllery," Satnurl I I u r k . ,, r.irllniid feiinty ul ,M 1 1 It it, .in h li Mlala n( t)r a, ,i. hn a llila day Bald III Una uffll'S Itla auuru .I'tifiui'i N" 'Hl. '"r fie puii'liav ul Ilia w ul aii'tleti Nn it, In i'ualili Nu J auiilli ranaa Nn 7 ral, and will mtrr iruul in aliuw ttt it Ilia Im.d amiKlit la mora vnlitalilr for lla thntior nr atone tlinn tur airrli'iiliurul uiiriiiiaea and u lila claim to anld laud helora tlta lleflater and Hi iwlvar nl Una ntiii'a nt llreami l it). Alri'K.'ll, uu Friday, Ilia HHli day ul April. 1-d llr uauii't na w ll..ea.i'; 1'avld O t'ortlninl. nr , Hen W Murine, ul Onlrnl t'ulnt I'luta Hfltalrr, ul Mnnily, t'r., I K (ilUnll, el I orllalld. llr Any and all iarauiia rlalitil::( advaraaly Ilia ntioir di'.i'rltH-d liudi are rei Heated Iu ttla lltelr I'lnlni. In tlilaullu-a uu ur tieloro anld lis It day ul April. J T. Al'I'KKSilN. llUiS'.M Keslaler. Ml l ll i: Kill IM III.K A I IO. ' t nit an Si uti I. aim tixti j liar. i Citv. nr . I've I. IAI I Notlee la lii'rel.y glv ctt. Ill it In rntttlillnlira wttttttie l, rut l-lolm ol rlia iiel ul i'otiateaa ul .dine :l, bva, eiilitled " An aet lor Ilia a.ila n( llilllii'l I ilel. Iu Die .al.iteaul t',iilforiila, Itrt'Koll. ,veviuU. uiel H 'i-iinu-nin territory." t liaa V ii,iier. ul OriKool.ily. lit v ol t Ui'k'imaa, at ite nl llri'j"" leia I It l 1 llled III llll- olliee Itlaawurtl Matt inelil No. ;u lor Ilia nireliaaa ul Ilia II w i, nl aal, aiidun'tul awi,nl aeelloil No ia. In li,wttlili No. II aolltll, i-nniie Nu H ea-l and a til "lli'i I'lool In !"" Hint Hie laint auitKti la liuile lalllnt'le (ut Ita tluilier ur atoliv lliatl iur rtKtleiillurill inirliii-t'- ami In ealalilhll Itla elaltn to anld Iniiif lailnre the Ti-alatiT and tet ulier ul tilt, olll.e at llleitoii City, tlit'ifnll, uu 1'rl day. Hie Kl ilny nl April. Il Ha nnltiea aa ttlllli'.-e.: II. Hiuatltara. IV. '1'. Ilnrney, J I . Mnaou. J. M. I'ntrlali, nil ul tire Kim l ily, tiri'ifoii. Any and all ue.aoiia itlnlntlns Bdveraaty tlia nliuve-ilearrilia.) Inlula nra re'tuealed lu (tie their rliilnia In llila ell, en uu ur In! lore anld 3d dny ul Al'lll. Inn I. I 11. 3.11 J. T, AH'K.ltatiN. Itealaler. N0T1CK VOH IT PLICATION. Land Oltlua al l)rin"ii City. Oregon, January Jilli. la'Jl. Nm'rti la hereby iilven ihal Ilia fiillnwlnir uniil' il .nlller haa Hli"l inillua nl hla llilt'lilluu lu make prnol lu aitppnrl ul hlaelrtltit. and Ibal anld prinilw lll be mado lielure the l(ela ter mid llrnelter ul the I'. S l.aud ultlea al ureaim CHy, (tretiuii. un Mnreh ;'l, Inul, via. J. II. I. M'lyhae, llnmeateuil anlry Nn. la'' Inr the n m nltht a w ',. and i e-l. ul II w ul aee '.'1, 1 1 a r li a He uaittea llni IoIIohIiik w llueaaita tn prove hla rniitiiiiiuiia raaldmieii upon and tntltlvallnn ul antd land, via H. U. Cnluilimt, II. MelltlKnu, and li. Miller, all ul Hiindy, Clneknuina Co, tireanlt, and C. K. Croaa, ul tlUilatoue I. 11., Claeknui'ia Cu. Creipui J. T. AI'HKItStlN. J-II.S-13 Keslalcr. Fabcr's Golden Female Pills. "nrFamats Irn-attlsr iiiia: iiuiltiiiff llkailieni on tho market. AVirr fail. Slli'Cdaalllllv llacit !)' reotllluatlt la, Ilea imintlily. Uuaraiiiit'il to ruliavs a ttijin-aaeil ni (Ultimatum. f.UREI SAFEI CERTAIN! Iinn't ba httmhiiinri'il Hava 1'lma. Ilealtli siidmoup) ;lako uoutU' r. Rent to snr sittlreaa, aeetirn hjr mail tin rO' oaliit eliirlou.l'J.W. AJilruaa, THE APHRO MEDICINE C0MP.HY, WsiternBruuib, l)ox27, FOKIXANn, OB' Kor sain liv ( 'Illinium A Co, riii(isl8, Ori)ii City, Or. Great Reductino Cabinet Photographs ONLY $2.50 PEB DOZEN Thwaite'a 1(17 Firat Street, Ht't. "Morristin anil Yamlilll. l'OUTUNP, OREGON MONEY ciii in Minictl at our NKW Hue nf wop, , mi'lilly and liiiiiumtilr. by tlioie (llll-r !. alillllB fir 4ilt, nil lu I licit (inn lirnlUii'wlirnvrtliiy llvf- Any nn il" llm vwiik. 1 iv In Irani. Wo rtiniliti "vin itilnir. Wo ntnu yut. Ktrik. Ytiu inn devnU ytnir "'iri iii'tiiit'itis, or nu vinir tnim hi uiv worn, i in u nn tnilliwly nt'tv I"in1,nnl Inlnit n on ili fill hiii itm tm-vfrv m inlti'r. Hi'ttlinirr iir" I'rinilnir nnm t-j in Mi iirruik ml ii'MhhIi, ml ni'irt' iiO-tn I It i In iiiili'iiin. Wn tun hirnlsli yon ihv rm- ii limit ii i m ii'hi ii ynu I'r.r . !n tvv n riiiinin nnn. run rmmxiloii UllCU. 'I' It I ' a' A! CO. Al ul H'i'k, MAlMt. If. Fin naun J. V. UU! W110I.KSAl.JJ 4NP KC'fAfT. LIQUOR STORE. 'H (I.N HA Nil l'lllt HKHT BEI,K,CTIOli W i ilea, IJitiiura, Ala. Ilcer. ilto., to lit rmiiul In the Sluts. In J,"iu-liHtUiilii lllock dive inti a lull. II.VJ.F AND HAI.K-OJf PBAJU1HT. 8 8 M. Fhnanan A Hill II4HUIJUII ?Wa lllllj TIMIlKIt I.ANII ACT JtlNK IS?N, ollee lor nl.llrnlliiii. I'mtsii MTATKn I.anm tlrrn K , , . Ot'i'K'iii lilly, nr., tjel, t, istsi. NDIICIt la lioieliy Kiven (! u ,,miiiii,nti Villi! llni iiriiilalnaa nl Ilia act ul Cuuaifta el June it, Ii7a, uiiililud "An ti'ct lur Ilia a.ilv ol llutberlatida In tha HiiitaaaCalllniiila. uusuli, navwla, and Waaliljiptuu 'Jetrliury," Wnller Niinlt, ol Pnrllnnd, anttiiiy ul Miiitiiuinnh, atitle of Ore. eli haa llila dny (lied lit llila ullica li la awnra aialwtuaut Nu. 'JIIJ, fur Ilia pureka.a ol ths I t4 li i4 and a H ol aa i, ul aaeiiuu Nu, l In luwualiiiNo. 0 auiilli, rnima Nu. anal, mid will uller tn allow Hint ilia laud auttitht la innm valuable li,r ll Umber nr aluiia lluin lur arl liiilliirnl iiirioana, Kin) to ulnbl.i hla elnlin tn a.ilil I ind Ilia ri'Klaier nud raealvsr "I llil. ullira liri'Kiin city, or,, till Mnndity, III Stllh dny nl M iri'b. su. lla li n w II in w. a Urnniinrd, Wm. Ilnnvna. Jerry l.iil'nliit, nl I'lirtlnnii, tirasmi, II. Vi.HiiiIiIi ul Munlila. Waaliiualuii, Any nud nil ieranoa tlnliulus adveraely ths ali.ive deaitrlhed Inn, la ara ruiiiiealad Iu His llialr i'liilina In tlilt olliea un ur lielure anld until day nl Mnit'li, lai, J. Al'I'KKSilN. I-IIH-S-J7, lleslater, TIMIlKIt I.ANIi. ACT JI'NK S. IH7S. IVillrti IW I'libllinlloil. I'NITKtl HTATtCK I.ANM lltP'M'K. ( (IIIKIinN ClTV. IIP.. Dl't III laid ) Notlee la lieieliy vhi'li Hi , I lu i' iiiiI'I nine Willi Hie prel l..ia ul Hie net ul l'"liiea id .lima It, l'7a. enillled "An net (nr lite a ile ul tltulinr Imnla In the alnlua n Cnllliirulii. ureitoli. Nevadii, and Waaltlnattin Tarrltnry." Willi ,n, . , uviir, of I'nrltnlid, enmity o( Miilliieiintlt, alnls ul tireami, loia in la dny Died lit llila nlltna hla awnru ainieiiieiii Nu jovi, lur Ilia putelinas ul the i,iii. mid lota Hand i ul aeotlnlt Nn. II. In liniililp Nu, li anttllt, rn tine Nn It vaat. mid Will offer Ilium tu aliuw Hint Ilia bni'l amiKlit la Mieie vitliuilila lur Iia Umber ur alone Hum lur am liutlttirnl nttl llo.ea. ami In eatul,llli hla liaini In aalil land halnra Ilia realater and reevlvar ol llila uftlea at itieauu L'llv. (Ireanu. uu Muiiday, the Willi day nl Mareli, IKJI nu itattiaa aa witneaaea: Jerry'ntitt, Waller Soult, W. S. Iteipatd, u( I'urilaud, Uresun, .loi liiurnliuut n Mnbilbi. Ilieni n Any and all perauua elnliultis adviuaely tlia liuvadeaurllivd Inn, I a ara reoiteaiid tn Hie tlli'lr elalma In thla ultlea nil nr lielure anld Stall day ul Mnri'li, mm, J, T. AI'I'lilisuN. I 1 ; a 7 Itealaler. TIMIlKIt LAND ACT, JI NK 3, h?. police lor lalla'it I liaia fulled Slalea Intel Olllep, oreuiit;ity, Orasnii. Ilet. It, lavll Nntlee la hereby lven Hint III (wrnpllnlu e with tha liriivl.lulia u the aat nl Cnlisieaa ul June l, lain eiilitled "au aet Inr the aala ul tliuliar Imuii lu the Htatea nl Calllurula, lire Unit, NevuSa, mid Wnaltliitfton 1'arrllury," llnrnilu W Hmlili, nl Seattle, rum Iv nl King, alnle ul Wa.lllllKlull, liaa Uita dny Itled In llila ulllee hla awutii atnle lllelll Nn ilOH, or tha nil ell.iae nl the aw1, ul aeelliin Nu. ,14, III luwn.lili Nn 6 aniith, raliae Nn Henat, nud will uller primf tn ahun tlntt tlia Und si.iik III la more valuable lur Ita timber ur .Iniirtluiu lor aarleiiliiirnl piiriuaea, and tn aa hlai'lalin lu anld Imiil b'lura Ilia Itavia trr and Meealverul thla nthea nt iiri'S'.n t.'ll), nr., uu M"lnny llni lltilh day nl Mnrrh, la'M. lla ll'ittlea na wluieaaea' Juaeph Inurnltatii nl Molalla linaon, Jerry l.'il'olul ol furilaud. lireaou, Waller Seutt nf 1'i.rl 1 1 it'l. tiri'Sull. W I II Ih ut Juiiea ul Korayih, Montana Any and all peraotia rliilinius adveraety the above ite. erlhed landa ara leq.iealed lu (11 lltelr el ilina lu llila mitre un ur nelure anld tieth day ul Maieli, Ivi). i-as. ar J. t. aitkiisi n, Keiaur. FALLS CITY MUSIC HOUSE J. II. WAY, Priuirielur. (Iresuii I'lty, Or., tlpi. lira, liurnirlairr'a Slur. DKAI.EK IN Deckerand Fischer CHASE, WL'AVtR ud MASON 4 HAMLIN ORG AITS. I WII.I. ALSO kki:p A full sttalt nf Vinliiis. HnnjiiH, (iniiiirM, Ktc , siul instruments (jeiietHlly (omul ins tlrst-vlnas stiite. I'ur the lietielit nl those w lui i tiiiind spate the t tialt 1 w ill sell kikjiIsiui the Instalment Plan. NEVER OUT Or ORDER. m HOME SEWING MACHINE B.ORAEE.MASS. w - ju uniun bijure.n.y;- oallas, IL1" ATI ANTA (It TIX. st touts, mo. ij,',i,at laaraANctcciijAj WARREN & Jb.OLM.AN. Oregon City Ti i: roit i-i iiimi.' vnov I'iiitkii HTATKa I.attn )i rn-K.j llrigun I'iiy, Or. Uee. 1, IsitO.) Nntlee la linfehy given. Hint In rninpllanre wllh the pruvlHiiina ul thu net nf cntiitrvaa of June , la7, I'titllliil "An net fur Ihv aala nf 1 1 in her Inn, In lu the alalea nf t'allfnrtila, Oregon, Nevada, and WuahltiKluii Territory," David O'lh iiuell, nf rnrlland, county ul .Mtillnnmali. Hliite of Ore sun, haa llila tiny filed iu thla otllee Ilia awurn atHteWnt No. ISIiH, Inr tint purchase nf the tho n iv'4 ol aeetlnii Nn. i. In towuahli No '2 anttllt, riiutre Nn. 7 eitat, atel will oiler prnnf to aliuw thai llm land hihikIiI la more valuable fur Ita tittiherur atuiie thuti fur iiKrletilliiriil pur tn sea iind in esulihslt hla t'litlin tn anld land helure tint res later nud reeel er nl thla ulllee at oretrnn City, tiri'itnn, un Frldnv, tho a'tli day ,11 l,ini,'ll, te.'i. He nn mea na wltneaaea: (.'harlea Hehnrfer. Hamitnl Hurkey, Chnrlea tiller, ol l'urtliind, Or., llforKe Murine, nl I'milrn 1 I'ntnt. Any and nil parantta eliilmliiR adveraoly the ahnvu di'aerlht'd Innda are requested tn tile lituir niiiiuia t it a nil ee nil or netnra an il '27lh dnyol Mnreh, 1MU J. T. AITKHSON, i-ia; a-ai Ui-nlater The Gelcbrated French Cure, Warranted A DUDnniTINC" or mnnoy to euro ni IIIIVUIIHIU refunded. la Bold on a P08ITIVE GUARANTEE toetiroanv form ofncrvoiiaulHenae or any ulRnrdnrof Ilto Keuerallvoor- KHtta ol either Nitx whether srlaiui;' frunilheexeeaalve BEFORE uaouf Hllintiliiuia. AFTER rnbuenoorOnliitii.or thnitiali out Mnl n,.nu.r.,. tltiti, over lntltiliteuce, An , atti h na Loan ol llraiti Power, Wnkeliilneaa, IlesrltiKdown I'nlus lu Iho buek.Hotnlrinl Weakueaa.llyatorls, Nervous 1'mn trillion, Nnctttrniil Utniaalona. I.e icniTlw.n ih. slueaa, Weak Memory, Lnaaof I'oweratul Initio teni'y.wliit'lillnettlei'teiloflcu lead to premalino old aire nud luaanlty. I'rleo fl.ial a mix, 6 boxes for :'i.(m. Hent. Iiy imiil nn receliit ol price A WRIT.KN ll!.lltANri.'l( i. lv,m for every f 5.011 onltir rerelvetl, tn refund tliu ninney II s I'ermnnent euro la lint ctrocltd. Wo linvo thotisauilaof teHtlnintiliila Inim old nntl jomtR, ol both nixes, who have been perinnnt'titlv eurcd uyiiioiiBooiApnrouiuiie. i;iri'iilurIreo. Adilrcar THE APHRO MEDICINE Cfl. . Westoru Ursntth, Box 27, 1'oiiti.ani), Ob, For "alii liv ('liai'iiiitn & Co llriiuis's, Ok'koii City Or, v Unto lMlmfhl1rhMnml1fll Wnili in, liy AlllM l'HK0, Atistlis, f v i", ntnl ,iio. Ili'iin, luli'tlo, lUilo. ii' cm. uilH'rNftRMllrifttwpll. Why "I vi 'ii.' Some rum over l&U0.IIU ioiUIi. You fimilu Iht work tind Ilv ' Imtiin, wlii't-vtr vftu ar, Kvmi b- SlnniTH iro rimtlv tirnlnir tVom f b to HUiliiy. AH apci, Vihow you how nnil itnrl you. fun work In ir Hint ur all llu' tiiiia. II Ik iiionky ft.r work n. hsillur y nk now u ihon tbatn. MtW Sll.l wnl.iloil H.rllm.l.,. As $9.Hullv(ll7ro.,IBKMldlN.itIuiiilllsln fw&m al CLE 8 - - - Elovonth Annual - - - PLEDGE SALE OF watches n A MH First PI md, Ncr Mommm Si. ORECJON CITY JAMES ROAKEiUU Vropriotors. MaiiufiwturtTH, und Pc-uIith in all kindn of Machinery. CASTJNdS furniHlicl and GREEN II BROS. llavo imw altraetiims for nil oonHiiuiers in llicir Mammoth Assortments Of fifiicral Merchandise. Their Ktx k coiiKistn f hoots, shoes, crockery, glassware, dry goods, etc. (tiick sales and small profits is their niottti. ISaiik Huihlini f i k inT .nwrs-rriPi' "'T " "i" 'te'.y.i " " " ' "' T"". "'-.'., fiV XL a-.'-c'- T"''- 3k WI3ST-ESET & BORIPTURE. Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oreeon. HenreoH. Trinmion coflins and Caskets alwaya in stJ-tk I. I...I . ,.L ... i ., al ai i. f II r ,.,, , I, I .an I .ii.iiit . . l-at.l I, I I.Alia lull t .... attssiia a in., lettlUM., fl.lNa S uriir Suit'. HTA I K IlK (iltKtlitN, I I'm Nr . ur t'i.i a iv ta t ' Han) 1. t"iilllti, lluarillatl va. K. M, llallnttl AiMIe lliiii.eit aluM M Keetian. Netli e la liereli) kUii lint Ity villus nl an iiriler ell'itnrt, atel mi exeriuleii ikhi itl tuit nl atul innler Ilia .eal iiltlut'lieiitii:uiirtu( t'laek aitma I'eiiniy, tireanti, nuil In ma tllreetail and ilellvett'tl an .Iterill ul a:tiil enitiity attil atata, Iianrlii8 ilate nl Kelirnary 'M. A. I. laM, eeni lliaihltllt' tile ill the tuttna nf lite Hlata nl Uri'tleli In in iktt the Mile nf Hie lellnwititr ileaeritKMl real .r.i.trt iH-lelittlu,' to a.ilil ile'emtiillta. In make Ilia ainn ut lll'.i .'f, Hllli Inten at llteti'iin at tlia rate nf ten er l ent it iiiiiiiiiii ainea tlia alxtli day nl Nevelnlier IMtal, anil Inr tile further anm nl IIT.;tttiia ueeritt'd cnaia, anil fur the futia atnl illatiiir.eiiii nla heii'lit. New In nnler lu initke the alievii ainiiitiila. 1 will un H-ttiirtiv, Mareli lit, A. It. I'.'l, at the Imnt ilimr nl Ilia L'utirl lluti.a Itiaaid enitiity ami alnle, at the linitr nl to u'eluek it. tit nf a il l il ly. will prneeeii tn aoll all anlil ilafenilanla rlaht, title and interest lu and In Hie fel,i tun ilranrllii'd mileatalnin lf Tha ii iv , e( ee (li itlil.ln I i a.r .i a nl tlieW 111 aina'la Meridian, alltlntt'il 111 C'larkatnaa t'uuil t).tra,'eti. Terntt, enah V. W. It. SAMSON. Sherilt nl Cliiekanun Cit. Hated llil 4lh dny nl Kelt. Will, 2 i I ) NOTH K l'OK 1'L'IILICATION. Laud nfilre atOregnn City, Orexou. Jaatiary 81, IHUl. ' Nnllco la herehv Riven Dial the fulluivlut niiini'd aeitler li is Hied uniieeul hla iuienilnn tn make nruiif In aitiiiuri ul hia el 1 1 in ami that aald irtiuf will lie made liefnre the Kealsti r siul ltecetveiuftlicl! H.Laii.itiltleoat Orenntit.'lty Oreiinn, un the 'J.I I dny nl Mnreh,, vis. Jauiea Nli'hnlaun. heir nt 1 iv n lAlhert 1', Nip hnlaun. deeeitaed. pre ein lien Jl, sj Nn, MIMi, lur me 11 'y nt u w oi aee i 1 1 n r : e, llu nnitiea Hie Iiillua init wil'tesaea tn prnve hla Ciitttlntimia realdeitee unntt nud pultlvMii.m I of anld 1 in,! vis. (iemaa North, lleuma Par- riau, iienitie minuet nun li. aieintyre, nil of v.nir a r. vi , i me Kitniil v,u., lireKnli. .1. T. A1TKKSON, 4:7-9:18 henlaler TIMIlKIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 17. .toller lor lsili!i-nlloss. Culled Stntea Lund Offlne. Oregon City, Orinun, Oetnber H, leittl. Nntlee la hereby Riven Hint 111 compliance with the pruvlalnus nf I lie set ol Cutmreaa nl June 8, M. enlilled "An act fur the aula of timber lamia In the atnteaof t'lillfnrnln.Oiegun, Nuvittln, nud WnabliiKinu Terrllnry," A ti mi K, Xmllli. of Seattle, entinly ul KIiik, state of WiishliiKtnti, hna this dny filed In til Iia ntliee itla awnin atnieiuent No. aim, lur the purchnsc nl tlie a e 'i nf seetlnii No m, In tnwiialilp Nn. li south, rouse Nn, 8enal, and will oiler prnnf to allow tlint the limit souuht la inure vnliinble fur Ita timber or atone thnti lur iiKrieiilliinil purposes, and to estnbllah Ins claim tn mi lit In ml before the reitlater tind receiver nf llila nlllce nt Oregon Cllv, Or., ou Monday, the .Kith dny of Mnreh. ISOI, He UHines na wltneaaea: Walter Mottnf I'ort lsnil, OreKon, Jerry'ulnt ol l'ortlnnd, Ore gnu, Joseph lngrnhnm of Muliillii, Oregon William Jones ol Forsyth, Montana. Any nn nll'peraoiis claiming adversely the above described iniida are requested tu file lltelr clnlins lu thla nflleo on or before anld Until day ol March, ItM. . . . J. I. AI'I'KHSON. Heglaler. NOTH'IS l Olt ll MI.U A I IO I'NITKtl Statks I.ANn Ornen, I OiiKiiuN City OV., Feb. ism, Nnlico la hereby given that tlio folluwlng. named settler hits linn flled nntlee ut hi. t,. ...... ttnit tn m ilk i' Iiimi prnnl In support nf his cinlni iiiki iiini aunt prooi win tie inane lielure Hegla eer and receiver nf tho '.! 8. l.niid Olliee nt Ore gon City. Oregon, on Mnreh 'J5, fell, vl' W 1 1 1 1 n 111 F. Miller hnniesteinl entry, No. Mils fur tho c'a' of neW ol see 14, I 4 a. r i e , ne niinics ine intinwing wilnessca to prove hla cnntineinis residence tipun and cultlvn tlntia of, anld bind, viz: 1,, Vondernhe, of Oregon CHy, Vnllin llnhliincler, Men. Hchiiidt and Fredrick Newklicliucr, of Mink, F. o nil j my nn in nn uou ill y , i.i c, , ,, J T Al'l'KltsiON, Kvglater. !i 13 I SO HBsaaaMKI Caveats, and Trnrlo-Msrks obtained, and all l?at- . ....ur., i-umiucieu tor Moderate Fees Our Office i. Opposite U. S Patent o"l' e, and wo can accttro palent lu lvsa time than tiioss rcntole from Washington. ii!?nmlw "dp1l'11wl'H of pnoto., with descrip tlon. We advise, If patentable or not, free of Charge. Our fee not Sue till patent Is secured! Pamphlat, "How to Obtalu Patents," with C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp'osits Patent Otltcs, Wsihinjtjrn, p. C. .Su ,"iVi1'i,..'".,,l MYERS iinnds M ITivute Hntranco lslairg. IRON WORKS,. KEI'AIKS promptly mado PORTLAND PRICES Orison CHy. a. BCEirrcRic Metlco Air Pobllcailon. I'kitsd Statis Lo iirm s, ' OStOO ClIY, Or., Fell. ID, la'AI. , Not Ira la hereby tlrtn that ti Mlutrlnt named saltier haa filed unties of iia lutentlen to make Dual proof la anpport nt liiartalm, aud thai aald proof will h n niv Wfnra tha re, laler and rccalvar of Ih t' S. land offlcs st Orsfuu City, Orejon, ou April i. Ivi. vis; 1 yman llerrlek, .reeinitlon. Us. ,Su. l.a Inr the a'toluw' ul a,- 'Jit, 1 1 a. r 6 a lie namea the lellewlng allneaaea tn proas hla ciiiiilnuiitia re.ldi'tiee itpuit and riittlvatlun el, aald laud, via. K. Il Alexander. Krrderiek selvera. Karne.i Helvera and Adnlili Aachulf all ul Martnnt, IV ll. t:laekamaa I'u . iirea,n. 1 i:t S.-.H J. T. AI'I KKSvlS, Iteslltcr timiikk Land, act ji'nk s, ikth. .wmci: roit im in. U'A i ioi. Cnitkii HTaTKa l.aaip Orni . I llltKIIIIN t'tTV, Or , I,'C. II. IM) 1 Nntlee la hereliy flven tliat In riimpllaura Willi It, A ,.,, I.l.x.a ..I , l.n , June 8. irta. enillled "An art Inr Hit aala ( iiiniwr landa In tha atatea ul I'nlifuinla fun, Nevada, and Wnahltictuii larrtlurv,' Jnmea I. Ilaaiirt. Ore- nl haat rnrtlainl. ouiiitv nl Multnomah, stats uiureitnn, iiaatttti Hay filed lu thia ntliee hla awnrn autteinent Nn. wtss, fur the purchaaeof lite el, ii w t4eta 1 aud tut a. i lion No. IS, In t.mitaliip Nn. 4 aouth, rnnuo caaL and will olfer prnnf tn allow the la-d auuht la inure valuable Inr lla timber nr so. le than lur agricultural imrpnaea. and In establl.h hi.nlM,,,, ,l.l la...l . . . reeetverol una nnie at Oregon City, ,n ,.,,,,,- ,,. reaiaierana Olegnn. " .- '" i"'i n in .apill. I.r'l. int. lavi. ir ii iiu.-a aa ivillieaaea ; r.rvlll I'.itterann of r.aat Purtland, Multtiumnh rmintv Oiittuu Andrew Kna Inrtlnnd. Muluion.ah eiitiniy, oreitmi. Attituat Paul ul l Pmtl lud. Mulinnmah ennui). Oreon, Henry Waiiah. nf Weal I'.irilniid. Miiltiinin ih rn v. matron! Any atul nil nermua rl ilmloa ailera,ly the almvedeaerilaMl l.mda are r-nur.ied tn Sis lltelr elnlma in llila. utlice nu nr belure anld Uth d, J I ArraasuN 1 H: KeRister. .XITH'K l'OK IM III.M'ATIO. TIMBER LAND ACT, JI NK 8, IMS, t'xiTKD Statks Land orsit'i i Okkuon (Jitv, Or., Deo. 10, IfcjO,) Notice la hereby given that in compliance w llh the junvisluna ol the aet of Congress oV June II . isth entitled "Au act for he sal. of Inuda tu the , -Hf,,rIIrt.Tr-gun. Nevada mid WaahliiKtn Terrllnry " ..... . 'rh"itt K. Hlbaun, of 1'nrtlniid. cnunly nl Miiltiuunah atata n Oregon, hna thl, .fay tiled ,, h,s' oulee h"s sworn stntement No. tr tl " piu ' haae il ter and receiver' ol ih.s ."m'?, a V'Zn 'ti? Oregnu, on Friday, the 17th dny nt Apfil lwi! all olirtUnd'or tl.n?iJ!?ii"!!.,K"n?r. r1,,lm"'K adversely 131,45 Kegl.ier. F.L. Posson&Son, EEDS General Agts. for D. M. Terry & Co's Grass, Clover aud all kinds of EEDS Trees, liulbs, Fertilizers, etc. EEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want you for a customer. Give us a Irinl rinW . ' . F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St Pnlo n- ' a ws aimit.'. u , Succeaarra to Miller Bros. ' ' Catalogue SEEDS Gardea Seed. SEEDS f it-it, ndvew' uesteil ' ir. Ml111 on, ! &Co's :L xt it '"iy