UUta The ICnter p r I ho. FUUUY, MAUCU , 1X01. 8mi-:i o'rti Nt; Sw m.'N Si.vn vi.. KolloHllltf SVIiopulN nl Ilio not stllllie t" pri'ti'l'l K 'llO'lll ll'ltl Olllt't' ll'i'd ('ml,, x in I ho Male of Onvi upon All Milll'IW ll'01l Vthilll tlll Ulall" Illtd (iMH'lU'lOtlt jui ifdhtlnti, lllld ll'pt lii llll iHiiillu iiiin hta bi'ivtnftiiv tinu'tod. A ihe (Mi law now Htuii'lrt it H vtitnalh eoiitnuvtit wiih that of Wiuhingtnii, &vtin I provide that it ahull lm un law lid to hike oi ttxli fm salmon in lliv iVbimbhl I'lVt'l' til' Its tlil'Utalll'll bi'llU'OII ihe vl of Maivh mill the tenth day t4A'ii, Hi" between the tenth day ot Aon1 ,UI1' ,l"1'1 l'iv ' Kii(Miil,i', r in any id the river mul buy of ilio .mi,- the ui Columbia rivoi ilniinrf llie k v close (11111' lh.it i to ray, hc iwei'ii Hn Iioiiik of iix o'clock V M, on o i urnl every Satnnhtv and pik .VI 'k i tl'' nt'cr ioon i( iln ftillntt intr : an lay. I'l ' h'l' ul t t'tiviilea that ; u rutlo.1 ' I Mlt V I I' K lOlll llV l Ulllil ln( tu j ,,il take ui li-di (or mImioii, hv nv ; Tiimii tun H'HIIH Vtililtt'Vt'1', In IVtt'l'tl till' tl'tllll lIllV i Wl'l k' llli-llli . t AUtfllvt illlil till' ItIM itllV nl Ui lulii'l' ltiy violation of Hub prouslon iy iy i rnoii utiul! 1i tteemed yiiiliy ul it mi- i;tiiaiiii' and iiion conviction thi'r.'of, t liiii'il in it Mini not hs tliiin Mt or tor moic ilio -.') SiMimii puividc thai it shall I'O null wliil to cillcli, kill or !iwtivy iny h.iIiiioii mi or within one iiiile Ih'Uuv any im k or uilior oK-tuic-lion oioivtul MiTodn tiny liveroi Htrvuiu r the I'lii'pow ol obtainiinr INU l"i inoiniralioit. I ini's tlu mi n in Ki'f- Ii)ii4. Nn'Uon '2 nroviiU'S tlint it mi;iII ' nuliiwfiil to Tin- NVw , Tlio Hint. iiivininir to print it l orn"'! iliniitmt ul iIiohhw lu, i(liov,,ti'iiAi..ii)t'iiNM.. ui Silent ilu ttolkof 'OIII.illll; Irt lli'liitf iliinii ,y , loitul t'Xiioii, ilio iinioi'(int tj.iiira t iiolx t I II In' oliil!'. In mil, an, whom mvltoiiK of tliu I'liilo hi o iiinini , i, or li'lUMlril. til" I'll.llltfi'M will 1.(1 vt n.ly 'i loilli l'iH'M,in .iin In tut m-i.! on (no iii w l.nti l,. ul, I ih,i (ui iiiih Milinihlti niiii'i -,11,1V if mi imi will'. HnliKiiho ill linn olliiy, or hiIIivkh' lloi'l ll I'lllnH,, WilliMll, th'OKOII, UmIi tor fiiliiHUi in tli iv iUt-i ol Iuo tihit!iiin, lilluiinKiok, i wlnn NiwtutVii, Siilinon, NM, YuniiiiiM, VI- lrii. (!, Mils It ', l miltlllH, t. OO ItllV, 111- MlU'NVMN lli-N0t 111 Dlll llON (,'ll'V .finjui, I'immii r Tho minimi iiuitMlnji of tho Monnt un Vii'W -SdiiHi Oiounii ( ily Hrhoui ilimrlt't wun hchl lt Mmi iliiyitlllin ol'l Hilioiil t ut 1 1 ,t i it bt .liinii'i. Slniw wum i'liiii, diiiii'iiir lo till llii' nliuv nf (i(io Kill. lor, inui V i Slu( lor.l w,ii v'ltttMi.ii ih il,iik. No tux levy wits niiiilo, ,im lliorii ( millh liint finiili on li.uiil (or iii it nioiuliK Hi'lioul, Tliiiii' inw i liool Imililnnt Is it I ii i u ( ooiniiln'cJ, winl will ho tii'innl over to tint illitn'ioiit IIIIINII.UI HUH'. Who HIM liNllllllhll H m o..ii willi Mi itvn'hinx, I'im ;. Alinr it ih'iiiii fill' II i, lilS llli Hlilllli A .loillt I . oil li- liiull III I III ..'(I liviv Hint I'm ll.iii.l itml .i-i'i'IiIn w lib a now t'l'iit of piiinl ihiiiiinhnnl, it in iOlHHllt( It ! I H'rt I II I H'O llC lllitlll' IllT Mint trip hint Stonil.iv horlly ti f ( . r lun lit'l lllil'i", ii Uo Welti intulliii thy tlm'k 101 ri'pltil'K H "IK1II 11 tlltl l.lltOIIII t'OIIIOK ont NKHin, w li'fh will ho in it li'vr iIiivh, j llif hint! will roHiimt'tlti'ii' wiiilor (ti lml ; nlu ol limit ninkhiir two Irlim tmrh lu-r i tiny until April 11. wlii'ti if tho run of j Snci l w Iti hislmi Mkkiinu or I1' Co tiitHi' poniiilM, tliry will tuko up Ilio! At n Ihi-Iiii'mh nioftlnn of !' tompitny Humnior th'lu'.lul" ui;.iiu. 'riio'triivt'lln j I.inI MuuiUy ovt'iiiiiK, ultor tho n'tiuliir (Mil. 1.0 HWltit With iU':lHH lllO till. ii II (llll lilitllltlVO HtOHH WOI tllkoll Api'imi'uuTtiiN rou tit 1'hkuon 8a noim'ui AMnt I'Uo HOXKhl itppro'iii n:o l liy tint Ime itMlHliti'.iiit (or tint mill liu y Inn. I ol Ori'K'in, In nn II.B n"Htii 1 1 finiil, w.im inmlt' lot llm pin poHii ul link Inn tin llin tlotloioiioy I'luini'il hytlioNit inontiiN u( iiiinvii ii j ii't'it 1 1. n (oi ilio null- I try in'l hol'in'it tlio nililhtiy tut Iihoiiiiio ttv.iiliil.il'. t'lm ol.jiirt ol ti.U lull uiih l.i IHio'iilo I'liilhlliiH lor Ilio it ti ii nn 1 oiit'iiitip- lltll( III tllO Nittilllllll Ultill'tl Ol lltH Mllltt), nn tlinru not tuoniy oiioiikIi in lint liiinl without thin hutHliillmi to u.'i'.mii t'linh it. I'd iff tluiUHiitiil tlollitiit in to lio utt'il (or tint puit'liitmi o( ti'iitit, t'ook liu ul. -iiuli mul ii'li.-r i-iiiiip imiiiiiii'Uh mill lor Mittiplyluir milmiMoni'i' ui tlont, oio, ll In ninvliloil hv Inw Hint tni'iiilii-i-K ol tint Niilloii.il (.litnnl, "Ihi i n n V ho in oui'iiliiptntml, hIiiiII ron'tvo Hiti tiiuiii Hillary im piiiil In wiltlioiH ol tho ii'tiiilm uiiny (or ttiotr I'tnvlfOH. It U liili'iuli'il tliut tlio I'tioituipinout "I. ill l.iko I'lni'o liming tho IumI n Juno ur Hut Hint ol July. Col, llotiho, of I'oitUul, hi. 1 1 i'i tluil ho hIiiiII ut olii'tt put tho in oi In m livii ti.iinlutt d'l' Ho' urn iiiui'M.. Mil, wlfio n'lMil.ti inlliliuv ilti'ipliuo w.ll Im in iinl iiui il jl.iv itml ui)thl. Ii In I I iiu. i'. I tli.it it woi'lt m ciimp m umpirn t i . 1 1 ,-t 1 ii'.iiin hi'iu'lh'litl, liir-ioiii'hiiiK, iiii.t t'uii.liii'itv tif tl'inil ii'KiiltB, thiiii n yo.il 'h wui k in urumry tliHcipliuo, 'I lio IionI opiuii Iniilty U itlno hivoii tu tlio of' tlivi mul nioniliorn ol Ilio or)i.tiil.iiloii lor itn'roittliiii itml onjovinoiil in tho nth' I'liHtu'.', hUiiiiiihIi ihilU, nIiiiiii lull Hi' itml itliilolti' npnrtn, liy whit'h (ho luoiiol ony ul ii n.il.lioi'H 1 1 In In t iiuip nmy ho Vlll it'll. I hoy will uiiikti lliolr rov'uliti ; Linkii-n lo tho IHlmii up ol u tjyiiiiiii- diuin lor tlio liiMii'lit o( tho ini'iiilii'iK ol ,,,,,, i. null tin, rhiiMlliir ll 'llnl- VtUi, Stxon, Ktk, l lit'ti'o. Hoifiio rixor, ' 0!,N himi tr ixio a llmm , J ,( . , w .ir Hli,;( ii, nthoi tloviron (or Iniiii- Winolntto, or nnv of Ihoir trihuliirioH, ! '! pui"liitt',i ino itxturo nn.l ; j,lkt n o.mmitt, o t'.tniHtinij of M n. -r in msv othi't cirx'ituot oi Imyn in thin fori i-lnn ol lln M, loi,nl,l proi oi iy j sului v Suit tit, II. K. Stotoim mul I''. S stitte, ttx.i'pl tlio I iiliiinlmi nvor mul . " i''r .'iio' ufi mm t-iinvuniu iu ; KUy' Ix-iiiit tttiito. to itttfit.t to tho IU triliumrifx, (mm (ho Kith iltiy of Nov-1 J"'" '"I0 M'"1 lion', i ,,,, n, , onmniiitt.ii, i-.,nsitli. u( 1 10 lull Murii'ii into ino imi.iiiti.H ttltli ti ; m,.mmi m K.'llv i;.in,.iiLf mul Smith wim MiilHr until tht' Int tl.iv ol April ilutiiiii ; sny your lioivnftfr. Sorl'on -4 proviilon il (hiill not ho hiwlnl for liny puiiinl not, ; st Mot, tnip, wi'ir or othor llxoil ttpplifii- j Hiii-o Ii r lukiii)! tlnli, to oxloiiit in.. n' tlnn ono-tliinl of tho wny iii'iobh tho! bte.tilih oi miy niroitm, thiinn.'l or; ttlotiglt. Stftiun ! iniikt' it nnlintiul lo llow any Inno, is a, fiiiulino, iiulii'iin, i or ny otlior miSt.iiint't' ili'lt'toiiniiH to tUli, w luTf Miiuioii ur tn'iit tin' wont to lx'. Soiii.m ti pioviili'B tor tho iiim-.i-j mont o( miy i-oihoiiji lint inu in poM-rni on , ufforiuu lor Mtlo, or tiiiunioitin) miy ' vmii'in-.i oi titliiinn tliii iuii tho i Iiko b.'ii- ! on. Sot-lion piovi.h'it (or MttitarNtt lli liiiMoitt wlioio tn':inix im' oh-( Wrilflt'il hv il.iiu", ol.' , Si'i ti m H pni Viilt'K Hull it hIiiiII ho unhiitlul (ol tho , trvipi'iotor!t of .twinilN to 1'if.t Mtwilu-t I'l.tnor stiiittiii!' or t.fio hnuU'r inloj ny Htioaiui oi n.is '.ii.'. ino ii ini (liliui'ii ini-lii.h-t nil iirii'lii'n of tli.it flsh. All in, on n i i'lloi ti'.l un.l. r tho ili'toiuiii'iition to win mi. I will Birivo to moot the ili'iniiinlt of tho Irnvi'liiii! imhlu'. Mr, Mfi'lntn in wt ll iii'oiiuinli'il iv-iipimiiiti'il mul itivt'ti niwor lo ni t nn I lot niw lit. ii'iitiriliuit tlio mi Min v ' , ,i,l.. , in. i ll.tt in iit.i.Hii.l I'ulilii.ttH ill (i rum u th n nt'i"iun ol Iho ii.iintrv mul it wilh ,,, , t,.,,l I ,,.,,i I.' s l .r..n ho llnt'lon-t lii lilll'mliitt' him .i tho pimple hut wo d't'l jimtilliil in miyinn Unit t'oplo will nlttityn tin. I him ni'ioiiiinl.it uii5 mul v nlnl hunt, wluiM' evory nim will ho tu tart' Ii r tho wniiin n( hin pittr.iim. Tiik I-aii tii iiihc witlit him uulioiiniloil nufi'f.m in Inn now voiilmn, mul triiHtn Ihnl hit lunili'-it hoi-on iiuiy tie ii'uht'il. lll'Atmf Oi'KNifU. .(ii'ill tt. BinlUh who him hikiMi tin' coni rm-t for nupply ln rook for llm Jotty Hn raotnh nf tint CJnlilliihlii. hun iiponml two qimrrlon Him nlilu ol (li'tvi-iio. At ono iiliiliy Im lutn ',wn ili'i'i li kn, mul ul tlio otln'i', oti", (of luiiulltux ll'i' ,','"' lilK'"' nlii'inly li'iinnpnrliHu tho I'm k to tl"' J"i'y. ' Titv tiih Nitw- Invkniion, U. II. Ui'Ull, ol Huutt'n tullU, Intn 'n to I'lill (iirul.i to liivoitllifdiij lli woikluu ol tlio nowlvluvontoil "WDOiltlll iinlwiv, ' Willi it viiov ii( ImililiuK nnlnillur mini from Mount AiiK'il to Wllhnll Hprlnifn. It in llioiiKlil lli.il '.'&.000 will covtir llnj i'ohI. ihu inonoy i'im inmlly Im ritlntul If Mr. Moult In divomlilv liupioniii.il Willi tliunynloiu. Tliti dintmuo will Im about twenty nillu. romorifiim Wont lo Vkt. Tlio i'im toinpliitt'il romovnl ul tlm iontoilli' ol Ihlnolly lo ullmr qunrloin, wlilih wnn liitoiiilnil tu lutvv boon ilmio on Ilia In! lunt., ilul mil l ii kit plitott hiuI will not, prohnhly before tint 1 t of .luly. ' iiiiiit)iiii'iil Inivlnn lioiin iiiiiiln lo tliut olIiKt, Afti'rtliut tinm Ii not known wlint Will tuko plitoe but it In liopoil Unit if It in roiuovnil ut nil It w ill not bn tiikon fur (rout Itn ptenoiit lui'iit inn . Tiikv Ahn Mrux At I.aiiok An yot nnlhluil ililllnllU IhiH boe'l lioiliil nf iIimi of the (our irlouoin wbotintiipt'il from the oonnly iull it week ci. Wullorn, Ihu ilninllin.l KuKllnliuion in in the toil itKiiln luiwover, mul Iiu in the only ono nf tlm four tluit really ouitbt to Uve fi ll unonny nhout wlnit InlO Inui In ntore for Jilut. The fnrthor tho uthorii ki'op from ('liirkmiitH I'Dlintv ;ho bettor, nit wliilo llioy Ofrliilnlv uuuhl to Im iiunlnheil, tlio ountn ol tlviii nil. ll ttorlhlenn wholpn tlifir Junt iluoll )(onrr ully miioiiuln to uioril lluiil Ihoir hiilon in u ttni Hi. genu Ukti hn. V. !, I'm'. '( I'.iriliiii'l, npoolnl Kont ( the Now Zeiilitn.l liiniirnui'o t'ompmiy, oiime up llm liioruiiw niter tlio lire (o nn-in( I'. It. I'lnt'inun. the inionl nf thin olty to 1 ii.ljunt Hie i htniin ul llm I (I. (. I' (or i iliiuuiiion 'I ino Ilio pontotllt'O hull. III. i( Iih- ttnl nrronn llie nlreot 'I'ht' rlnimn of the oiiler wnn (or 1-'' "'"I Mr. 1'iipe j hroiinhi it flii'i'k lor tliut miionnl Willi j him. Alter tho uineiiiy invonllK Uioit I Mi. I'hurin.in fithoi Ilio t liet'k mill imil i hi (nil Hie iiiuoiiiit In Mn-i-in Hvnn mul j Howell, Ilio trunieen Tbm in (itvttv Itpilt k relurunnu.l n I'oiupuny Ihnl tlm ir - tnl-llli -nn niter thill dinhlolt tMII tm tl.- ! in'inloit Up .11 .- . i : ..... . i .... i i ... .. . .1 1 , ,. , l , hi, . ... nioJeritte uieitnn nv tin..' of tl,.' v.iir (.'..he pone ,,, I . 11 1 ' ' " '" 1 I'nv.ttio.i, .paitinn. tin, not ,.U.i inoviile, "l, '.""u i-'".'! tlm Wii..'t.iu.lli;..i Hl.lllMS-iir..!i,nV" ,"'"t V1 , U ''."!'" n ' Clue,,! .l..rin th" wet'klf tlnse tne I '' '"' "- '" .ml p..r,,n Jn ow nil... rwini or " ' - .V ' ' FT ' llll. Is IO .i 1,,. niH'tutiiiii niii Ii Irapn or niuil in In ba!l t-oiiripiruiiiif.lv nhow ut tliiiii tune between mm i'l mul minrlne, it hritflit o ' ,s , while licbt. ! ornaniii'il ill the filv H . 1'n'f. ivmon I'lkttir llm in u iiik". Alter it wo. k ol li e mod inlenw piiin mul mill'i-rii'if, l.ouin t uiolliern, of t nnhv, p inn il into the unkliowu hiyoinl ai II -(0 i.Yl.rk.ill Monthly ulteriiiK.ii ol tlm work, ilio eaii-K' of bin ilr.it'i wan Irom tn- I'tlllV (too. hi nor Hint I him. Ilanooek t'onnle Into it oi'iiiiiiittro lo Mill, it nintilliiilioun .U1...1.H tho nii'iiihinn fm n ij v in iiii-iutii (ilinl. Ih. Sniiiinorn niut I'. II Kuulrn hv woto olertf.l to inruiheinliip, mul w illl o nni-teie.! hefoio in the neU iliill It. I. Iliihniiu wiUitlrvw hi liiium n riin ili.l.ite lor nii'inhi'iHhip, I' Ih'Iiiu' iiupon- ml'li' (or him lo (jive it hin ttliriitii.il. SlIKnoe Si Klltn l.AMit ,.r HIK I'vi-i .. " ... ,77 ! .' , t I NorAiil.ts Wki.iunu At I'ammv.TIiii iTll.l.A liKMcnt tno.v -tliio hiin.lie.l mul . .. , V. V 1 ', I iitl.nr ol the nritmin, wun tlio miirriitnn oi (o.tv lli.ttiniiii.1 neren ol the tnnitilla J: M1 benie, of Miuhnon. Mn,jMr s A t, (ir..y, to Mmn tllho I, n'-otvattnu will nr.m ho I In-own ui...n bave hrrti Inokiui. ov-'r U.ettoi. lor ko.iio M,u,, dathl.'i ol Mr. W I. Mark, all It nitikei. Tbenitlo bejinn nt IVnil'e- V""' ,,,,Ht V'1' V'"W ' i "(t nliliv. T oreiuony tmik plaoe ill !lon. Droi.m, on tlio llrM ,lno( April. ! ' ''' ,,,. ',lv",,"e "' 'V l""'lv. the re-nli'iire o( tho l.rnlo'n paionln on i 1SH1, mul will roni, tine i i ilav In ilav 'I""'1' Imnil.en ol the l.,t.l.'i ,( fm,,tyi C,ml.ly JilIko M.'l.lrutn, ' until Ilio entire trnrt in m.l.l. Tin. norn'- ' "",u' tt '"' " '"' u'"1 j .,lllrlaliii. A Inro nuuiher nl luvile.l I intt nf llieno In. hail laii.U furiiihliei !u' ,,u"r"'".' "', l,"lrl,''1,, ' tfiieln wom prom ami nil worn lou'l h.". ihmiit. in in.inv tear lor men nl : H ,,v". ''M,i . i tbeir pr.nne ..( the nplemliil hampiel ipteinl iinmoiliiiloly nlier Hie coioinony iiiiui'. . iiitiiii iitiiii-i...- i.i. i.vr. t . , t , i v han lunn heen l leutilletl ! I.. iiii an well pi. a-e.l with it an unv I w ,,,, i,,,.,,,,,,,,! ,.ri.ttin ul Hie Ihrv haie w en, ii m t belter, nn. j (.iv, j ,,iieu( the bmir.1 o( oxaini tl.ev Iiini mi belter t'ehl in nut roiiii,l-nij j , !,, ,.(lin,iv ..r kihiiiuik J.-ralitii nllirytMllri'tiiru he.e mul nend i t(,11(.,r' rerltlloalen. the b.i.lo in n 1 1,., tho rent i'l tlm pm ty. ltW In nimplv I ,, Mt (itm Liu voiiim la.lv, ami Ihe inno ol (he in my nintanren that hnte ,rtl r o( , 0 (.Ulmman tounlv'n 1 atrt-a iv pieiriiiru SPllAY QFT11C FALLS. WnoJ tnkfii nl thin oUleo oa ul i.'rlitlyn, II A.. Tm imlil, 0f Cniiby, wnn In tlm oily 'I uodiliiy, Dr. U (loin liur, f Muliim, wnn In Oioumi City, Tileniluy, Hunt llituu towiiln, ll) r.i i itn nt tl) IJar H"iln wur Mel nrtgr Itn, I, ling, Win. IlurliiK, 0f Dninnnt iin, Wttliiff ilnyoil hi town tiiinnnriliiK huninonn. Ilov. Clnv, n( iNirtlmul, oootiilil tbe pulpit, ul tlm llnptUt ubtircli but Htm ility. Deputy Muirli ntnyej over Sumlity In town mul rnnittiuiil Hid eollei'llon of tu x t'M Monday. Tlm new win-til fur Hid elty uini Ii tuiw Ih'Iiik put in, l'loiity of witor In two woekit. Mr. A It. NnUnii euiumenron flvt inontiiN term u( nrlno next Mondcy In tlm Hair dlntiii'i, inmr Needy, For Imi kjaiin In iiolloiin, toilet nrllrlen, fiiuoy K'M'on mul toy m to the l)rnili hliirn, old MrCnrvnr biillillng. United HlaitM Murnhnl I.. T. Darin, wan In tho i lly vinitiltK Ir.iilidn mul oil biiniiiom n fun- tliivn Hir 11 mt nl tit" week, Mr. Chun, Hnluimi, on of Clneka uiun roil ul y'n pimnluent btriiier'n, npciil few bourn In tn n the (tint of the k. daiii'iiir rl.i- week Hi!", Willi o( I'nril.unl. an iunriii tor. hud Ibeir lirnt d.iiiri' IhuiMlay eveuiui,', nwin knco I'ho t liih, onllo I (or nbort the (I. t'. N. S. in I'.iinpitKt'll o( it nelei I mid bunted nilniU't o( nor tmniij p.in.!e and it it Im'iiii i iMi'hi. tr I in u manner hrroinitii; to n i.t ol.tnn iiit',in::ili.ill t it-lit Ifini'it 'n.ldiii lurliihi't nli ip laoln only, mul I i.lu".. if liii-v ine la. Ii. , will he all. .ur I a-l nil'a'i. e nnd no othern nerd apply ll i Ihu ptit...i of the rl mn lo le ii ll Hie t t i.l .1 Hiring, and oiij..y IheuiwUrn s mm Ii nn i-.i-hLI,- in di'iitii no. ami to my their iniiatiie rll.iitn ttt'ie it craiid nu'rrn wuilitl he pnttinu' it mn. ill I'll.'. Stinoun ii n liitotl iin.lriirt.ir ittnl I.H rlhn In nio npre t tatod by nil ilhii Hin i " "" ! mont ien'i led nnd milid ritiien Mr. jurien niittinned on M .nd.iy ol hut week by Iwilirf i'ini!ht iiiuler mi iiii'i.miiiv! train, w hrll he wsl.n limh'd n dmlitiire ol bom ilurty feet, mii-in, htKiiIrn n Heveie inti i Hal injurien, it had Irartute n( tho Ifii mnl lion-, nnd a ilrrp t,'ah down the tenter ol hin Iniflieiul. .Mr. fttiMlhrrn. is it iiiertli.ini oi t'mbv, U'liiii it pailnt-r if Mr. (ion. Knight, ill w hone kIoii) m I lie expiem mnlnin-ti'r. Mr tUroiln ra cl.tilril, upon Hie whittle ul Hie (min. lo un i t ll nnd t'-'t the mail Hiurb. hut wa n tulle bile, ami only Ki ill in" of l)Hrii,n At Ihu tiro ntirrt'edril in leai'lilin; tho tr u it n nlim t nieu't idrrtioii held lit the ( alniin t Way in Irniit o( llm train. The !-l.ilion fiinino linil-e l.ol M.n.d iV, Im ll e elerl Wnn on tho npnil M. It" ol I be trark i nm of rluef and ntti-t mt t li t f engineer, and Mr. k'niotln rn l.t nl upon renobini; , M. II. I lana.-au wan rln trd ihn l by n It tit till liaiuid-i, llll lif-i I -t I itiifly leajii'il nnij ii tty o( i i;hl vi ten io!i'd W. T. arrntt the ttn. k uniitiiiillill oi the It v, ' Y lull... k w an Ihe iiiiatiiiii.uH t'ln ii o o nlt.'i y e.intliiiiui of H e ttround. 1 le j the volet n (or a" it'nnt I lir-i-1 w .. reitl- inped mid hefor.' be i-oiild rot-over tleinen w ill iindoii'.ii-dlv make i llii iriit InniM'li the eui.'ie pilot flunk Inn IrK 1 olli. orn nt the hrad '( the ilepai I uieiit , with the rrnnlt iilmvo ntoted. Mr nn they are pi.n-.f-te I ol tbe laoullien hi I'niolhrin nan a fc'i'iitlrui.in ab nil lliiity- i iniirh needed in Hie ari'oiii lithnieiil live ve.trn ol iivte, leaven a w no nnd one of ipiirk it"d t-llei-'i ve v ork, amid the in t bilii. bin wile in'iliil it itt.r of Mr, Iteo, lenno em iteineiit that in . .irnihlf pri'Vailn Knight, iintl he ban been n li'tnleiil of nt then. It e ni he oxtn i 't'd that iiinh'i t'nnhv iihniit tlnee learn, lie had he- H.eir Hiipervinioii and rooi intiii ieinenl I'ome w idolv iirtiiainled tbntui;liuiit that , the lire depatlini'iil will nlwttyn Im found country nnd hv n.pl.ire denliiitfi i h all ; operntmn in H e proper i!aee, nnd initio llli'tl had t'al.e.l lie' hifc'lti'H' t'Hleetn nn I uv ill he b'l't iinnolieed Hint uiiilht retuet-t of all who knew him. i he re- ; i ll. rl tho U-tt uwiLo rennltn l ite m.'iinn were interred nt the t'.inhy iviii- reiiriuit nlllrom have done uood norviiv eterv on Wednen lav, the In" t.ni rilo ..r tlo- I'llv ;tlnl Mr I iardiior ban pioveu keinj; wittii'iniil by a bot of pani fiiemln. j hinitrlt a t;ood chief. Their ellortn little The heartfelt nyiupiitliien o( the eiitiro hern nppioetnled. coinmunit. aie exiendetl lotlnt horeavod , - (mnilv ,n tl.in mul hour. ! J AKNi.-Mr. K. II. I k Klnn, who wan iiieutioneil Intt week im ,, ... h.tviiiK pmehati'il the Kamho i i?iir ,li;n .irni.t.ii 1 rt. r. n . . ,.. Hinted that iill Hie drtnil-i bnvo been Brr.t.iue-1 l-r tlio enitii.iiniiin u oi . , ,k , ),,., ,v MMhal IturiiH. leniiH-MtM: mnnimtf .nrnl in I miun-i. ; M Hiinn ban iu- iin Inkeii rhaive ol nndtbnt April IS. l'l, in net (ur the . , M(U1, ,, ai,,, n,.w (ll)(.k initul iiumher. he e.lit.tr '; I""- ! ,,( ,,,,.1 t, tl,i' ittiioiint .1 100. Me nvn nrietor in nanl to .e Mr. t.iay, ol New . ,.;.,-..... i. intruded no linrni. ! or injury to auyi.no but iiilendeil to re- i turn the Itml nf Ihe week, mul inn kit iiain.n nl winil uncoil ivin ext't tn , ,i,lHl.v t,;1, i,,,,( .,,,,,,.,,1 ... ,.,....1. .i, mini! nennoii in Hie way ol a boom. 1 , om uoii t'ltv mlunil. whi, b will be- ilthliirf it n-n to tlmw that Mie . I .,., sllr, iiiiiiii,'r.iii -ll lo the ntnlo the culiiiitii - . - year will niirpunn uiiytliiiiK o' previoim Wil t Stii L K KkH IbiTi L Tbe limny tea'n I - a larue per rentaiie, flat k tin m (rirnd. o( Mr II. J Llveriiiote w ill le 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 y will iiiiui' 111 f ir her lull nltaio of ' plentcd to learn ol bin intention In Im tit" pi'inimm .in im p t'iire mid per- j mi'dmiely til up the linnet npied portion tc ream e, otieki'it up Willi rnlni pine will pru'e. At Hie renldunee of fupt. C'olton, Feb. IH, Mill, Mr. AhnU Wllllnun lo Minn Knlull foltuu, ll.tv.C. Alderntm, olllel utiiiK A now riiin-ulk linn I teen mil down ai'tnnn tba ntrnnl In (runt of Cliarmnn't drun ntoio It In it inin li needed Im provement.' .Mr, It. A Jiinun, iniiietnl exwrt for Hie I'm. m I'uoillo rnllroud, wnn in Orv Kin I Ily Monday. Minn Mand l'i.-, of rortlnnil, lit Ih'oii In the rity (or neverul dai vlnit ItiK Minn I It ta I'oh. Mr. A. .1. f mnoii, who bnd itroki) ol pnriilatU nomelime ninott.bnnreeorver oil millli ieiiily lo be utile lo net nbout bin room Kvrrvlliiiijrliriip.it llie IlitiKnin Store. I.liieiin, fuhrun, nilkn, toilet nrlltlen, loyn, uotionn, tiuwnie, Klnnnwnre etc, from 5 renin up. I'nlil furl nor niitire, J. P, Hbaw will luive bin oltlee In the renr ol the ('uiiinieri ml llaiik, wbeiu he can bo found iluriuil btiniuenn hours Tint wnler In tbe Wlllnmette mined ten (ret, ten Im hen altovs low water mark Unt Tnemlny. llnnvy miow ami rain falU In Ilio mouutuinn muted l( Jan. Weloli, a pmnrer renldeiil ol luiiiitncu. died hint Monday uf Intlnllia I1011 1( Ihe bowtiln. iim (iiueral look plare at tho t'emeierv nn Wednetday. ll In r"pnriitl ihnl a lot of From It Mnripirniix, are killing rohim and olher birdn by Ihe wnre, nearthw half wnv lioilKt 011 Hie macadam road. A leuKtu" t'oinmunle.alitm wan re reived Ihit week from Onweiro. under t'nertfv mul j ol tint ( Inirmnn him k nnd numn enter 1 the title of "The jail Itienketn in On I Iiu. holnl huniniiKn unoil a more exten wejn " at l.i, h nut. nnavnidnhlv rmwded The bee Until delivery for Knit Port land ban Ih'cn delayed until July let 11111 tu I here Unn inulllciiit olllc loom (of the bamlliiiK ol the mniln. Mr. I', dclllnx. una of Ibu Imtiliriu catollullntn ol l'liriLilld, KccoiiipaDjeil by lii Wlo Kna In tbj vlty Wftinendn vlnit Ink rolinlvm, lie Ii nil nni la ol Mr, I, Hi'lllim, olio 0 uur IniiiliiiK nni'cliitiil i, Urium Hi'o., of tli Ih cily nre jnbllnn'. over the prnnptn'tn of their elating in llm If I im lllvor mining ilmlilrtn. an a Tiicoma riiinpany am working tlio ad joiiilnil vlnliua with tint mont favoiablu rvnuttn. It la hoped that Urn tiroa. liuva Vtirtibls bannnta, OwIiim to (Im limited apace In fit a F-XTxnrnwn tlila week, a number ol cotiiiiiuiiiuutlona war crowded out, ami otbaia eurtalliul Tiik KKTrnranu will noon he enlarod to elxht aKen, when it la Imintd Ibera will Im no lack of annua lor anylhinn Hut enmen In. At tha aim mil aebool iiinlliiK huld M V, anemali laat Monday, Clerk Uanon, who linn nerved aa ilintrtct clink for tbe pant year, waa elected director to 111) the expired lunn of Fred Itapliel. and Win. Ileduna waa ulnctod clerk. A U mill tax waaltiyletl to nrovlde a linking fund to erect a new aebool building. The dual b of Mr Jan. VVoicb, of Dnumauua, ll among the aaddeat aventn, wlilcli we are culled unoit lo chronicle Hit week. He took bu departure from earth on Monday, axed nltty-flvn yearn, and bin rouiniua wore Interred two dayn later at the Datnnncun cemetery. Every ayuipnthy la eiletidod bin bo leaved all aorrow atrlckeu family People owiilnii propor'y on butlneni tree la nillit aa well commence ,k Inn arrunnenionla for ptitliitK down nub atanllal aldowalka something that uiettti tbe demand of tbe public, aa it in more than probable that an ordinance under Hie new charter will be enacted, compt'llliiK them to Jo It. At leant there ought to be Whitney Palarhe, adjunteruf clnluia of the llarllord Innurance t'oinpany for the Hate of (begun, VVaahiiigton ami Idaho, hut the (bnlinctlon ol being the Hint ipeclal Innurance agent on Ihe groundn alter the Ihe and anninted II. K. Crone, agent (or (hint ily. in looking up Mr. l.lvermuie'a i laiin of flZM) attninnl Ihe company. The amount U to In? paid In full. Mil tl. C Uni on, of thin cily, wan aiiddeiily called to Vancouver two weeks ago, owing to the ncveie illnona of her lather, Mr. F.dwlu Hparka, of that place. Itvrlevea ui lo my that alter a ihort niiktienn, Mr. Hpmkn panned away, leav ing a norruw-ntih ken (amily lo mourn Ilia death, lie wan a roaiwcled rltiien of Vancouver, and a ineuilr ol the (J. A. it. The cit item of Oregon City extend to Mr and Mra. lUeon 'heir heartfelt nyinpnlhlcl In thin their great lonn. "New girl, Saturday mornimr, ten pountln," wai the happy Intelligence gleaned by reporter upon acconting l(ev, (iibony Ihe flrnt of the week for liowa. He appeaieil an happy a boy with a new wagon, over the event, and aa diguillt'd a a king. May (he little nun be a aource of luceaaant inmltine in the bnupy home, and bnr career in life hlin-bil, happy and iinnful, alwavn, in lk timet bunihlo winh of Tut I'sirn-rtttnt E. E. WLLIAMS, - I'KAI.Mi: IX GROCERIES GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND FEED. MILL FEED AT MILL PRICES. Fresh Stock of Garden Seeds Just Arrived. K. E. WILLIAM "In thin the bent?" In a ipiclioii often ! anked, whuu ineili. inn m wauled. The following nre a few of ihe iiiediclnon ol ! known reliability, nold hv (ii:o, ,. Il.tun- ! ino, driiggint, ol Huh nhn e lie hllK , many olher exccllonl medirltieit, bul ' thenu are woilhy o( npecial moutinii : ClUMHKNUIN'a fill (III III Ml ltV, fa- '. 1110111 (or itn curen of nevere coMn, nnd nn ; a preveiittive for cio;ip l'lirc hi) crtitn H'r bottle. i For a lame hack, a pain in Hit-Hide or client, or (or tool li-m lie or ear-iit he! prompt relief tuny be hn, hv uninu'! ' linmU'rluin i l'nin Halm. It iK reliable i For mile by (iKo. A IIaiiiunh. He Yuiir Own Mnslrr. I Few ieopln unpreciate bun mm b : their Imprennimin, their whiiut. and im-; pulnen, and in fart n!l their menial en- ! ergy dopemln on the hurmoiiiuiin ai tion; of nil the vital nrgutin. A pomly di-, rented dinner may make into itiarrcl . Willi a fricjid. A congi-nted lever mill bring imngniiiry glimm mid Iruuhle into Ihe nunuiohl dav. A 1 liennnitic pain ; may keep ynii frnm IniHinrtin ur otk and eniiiely i-hnnge Homo marked ont ; policy A few duten of .Munie'n 1,'c- venled Hoi Iv will give tune lo every f il Hit i' m nnd inakii yini enj iv vuuri frlendn and and woik. ' , ClUMUKK! ain'h Coi.ir, ("nut 1:11.1 ami Duaamt: lli.m:ny, llie m..-t relinhle known medicine fur bowel cnitiiiiainte. It il eniecinlly piiied hv pern iim mihjoct to colic. It hat rureif many eiin't nf OREGON CITY. -:- $3,300! IJOOTSandSHOES Bankrupt Stock BOOTS : : SHOES To In? hoIiI nt "0 CciitH on the Dollar for 1") days only. Call early if you want your pick, anl avoid the rush. i ntore lor .Mm. lining, mul then tlr ! caiiip' tl for pailn unknown, wnn brought ltinoH u in l. Arr iin A dit giarrbil huhl ttMik pine in the (Lb-lit tl tatooii oil Sniiihiv itn.rini'K ilflei Ihe lire in whi. h John Altiertn, Hie brewer, of thitci'v, w m the iirinte ft. lor. Two in. inlfrt ol tne lire lepiiitincut enlereil the n.ilott'1, and although to tln-il illt ltr.no, wore both tlrilnk, Ihey were In.lli ItrtUaily anauhe I by Altiertn iimn a trivial r.nite imbed it in given to a reporter Hint Alhrrta wan hontlin of it Imi he had dune at the lite and a din I'li'o a' on. r aroto '" la een hiui'-oU and one ol the men in tpiention the result ttiitaii inhuin.oi i . n ! i n i 1 1 1 upon Ihe .urt of Alheiln on bin llntn.il.-hrd nnd oietl.uulrd aii'ilifuniti, nnd Ihe Intiet ki'.K-krd into n heap in one coiner of Hie ri.. in. The olher fireman intrleie-l Irt behalf i'l hit cimipatil'iu, only to meet n timiliar file, The npta-nraneo o' I llli, rr Ki'llry put It ipliellln oil tl o dlttl culiy nnd the next ilav Alherln paid lilfliee F.uitt twri.lv-foiir dolliim for hit no. He ban eti l. iiilv Iniiiul il a prttty I'Xtelinive Inxiirv. tlghlllig. Momk I'l v. rmc- l inn in. At Ihe nnu gentmii ol .Indite Meldnim, Hie Will lauii'He Fill In Khvtric Mgbl company have phiretl ill ionilioii fll inriiiidencenl hithln on Ihe niiKn'iinian hritle, which given Ilinl ntriiclnra a btillianl nppear- ii nftor night. Thel' bithtn nre kept Up ivillltilll I'tpollnc to the pllb lie, hv Ihe rompiniv. At the Mnrcb loi in, iHviufthe Coiiiilv court, Jii'lito W, I., i out. The new m hi Ii i tin ol llm W, I' A P, l . .... ...... I.. 1 1, n ,l l..tf.,M tin Hill lta..l,- It 1 1 t" w Bill l,,.. t". v. - ... j ! I. io two grotimi more roon, mting one t - .i.. .t: ........ I Ll, .,!... tl... lor IIP LlllllllU Iif'lll nun tii'iiit-ii, i,,e, , ii i . . . . ,. : . t. ;lher (or nn ollict and nmuple nntni. ami '."'" " f o woango, .rc. !willli.o leiint- the addiiiunnl nv.ma n , t an ,'XK', led, an l ie boiler la not yet ' , ..I it... I, ,,il. II,,.. ,,. in rrnuinenti. 11 nut or ai worn. nu tint tiin'vi .,, n nleeoiiig lipur Mnnt. I'he ( liainuili I blm-k, although not bent arranged lor a 'hotel. In one o( Ihe ln-nt lliree nlo-v j j httildhwn ill Ibu wenl, providnd Willi all; the modern convenient en audi a e loo t 8. A 1). Hurley, will next Monday open the term o( echool on the Went Side, having aa an audntaut, Mmn tirnce llnird, of thin place. Mr. Gurlry in or.e of Hie ahlent leachera in Clacka man county ami hin w nle acquaintance iiinkei il nocennnry to ntate that he will biing the echool to a high ntamlnnl of excelluncy. Minn Haint ia alno oneof the promining voiing leacben ul tbe county and her no rv icon will contribute largely to the auccena of the lioul. : iii rmdiiienn. It will lie at work, levt-r, in about two wveka. iiiiidn an order giving York, who.se father in u t Inciitto million- , . ... i . i l:.... 1 air. llelnHiieintHT.il, nun ine pout y . il"in- ! of Ihe natter wl'l la imlein-nilent ... l'.m ..I till iieiirii'iicien. it uairver uinv - (n ratir. I bin m Ho oiil-ome oi n ' ,av,t heen the opinion of people con-1 rnn nu'etini; hel l i'l 1 ortlanil hint lull t n,.nil(, ,, ,,, ,tt t.r. or hoitovrr nlrongl fortb'M'n''w;! 0ll'',4in',,!,',"W '"' iindicitlumn miiv bnvo p.iinlod to bin by a worthy cuinpeiltor o, uiu . .reguu- j (lf mU.u t ,jhoiientv, one tiling - in now evident. Ho Iiiih repented for the took a ml niiide amemln , The meeting wan Ho.erled ittnl I ho "re to inn coilhl la' necmcn a non-p irti-an one nnd it cuminitli'tt of lliree to device out a plan to aeenmpliMii The I'oinmitleen neh'tti'.l Otbnnie. Itieti letit of the eoiiimerii': II H. Knapp, "i the wliolenale hou-e t.( Knap r.uir.'ll ft I o andKliinti. IliU'hen.ii prominent law yer and cupiliihnt. Thme ;eniouieii were nil republiennn, hut in a biitinetH pro)eilion Ihey watit'-d a ileinurrnlic paper to till the mioc. upieil lielil, the commit tee, niter imgnlutiiiK wilh eant urn purlion, linally ngreml up ril leruin will. Mr. (irav. Mr. (irnv aitretnl lo atirt mii'h a journal, with a plant and capital in miLftit nf U5),0ntl. provided i'l.rtluml would give them a ituarantce of JKIO.ODO of hnniiinfH the Hint yenrj IWKlO aulinciibt'tn nt U) each, and "iO DO.) of Hi'cii.el nilvniiini'iiieiitn. Mr. T. F. Kane, a well known iiewnpaper ninn wan appointed to nemire tlm guaran tee!, and llninbed up the work nbuol two ft-eekn ago. Mi bail. I in one of tho miurantorH, and nn agent f,,r Mr. (Irav in negotiating for (unrter for the new iuuriinl. Two dem crn'b! dailien have. Jieretoforw beu ettabliHhed in Portland, but InilHil to receive um -n "IT' " ottho lenincmcy, ll remain, to he neenhow they will Mand by Hie now venture The Ht. Paul Pioneer Prenn, I ,L ba.l tho nion.iply .f tho inorniinj nt that p acu, itml it cont 1KW,I1W) B.t. ll, the St. Paul (iloho .man Uti,,... l,uia piU'li'B ""'" IHiut-r for llll Itoilhli 1 1 if elilered t he lie! he " W .1,.,, Il carry ' t. '"'J.V canned, lb 1 - '1 t .i . ...I , ,,,l ll . . , i U. Ml It null l,:,.l-,.i t.'o ,". .. .-- cliat.ihor 'J , ., wi receive the etetlil due oi the gteat ' ... . .,., i,v. .,,,., Jt. ,..,.1,,,. ,, , bonil'led Mili'cenn, White. Meeliir Light fnnipnny the privilege ol pliu liig w lien ncronn Ihe lirub'e, Hi con Mil Titlitili of 1 10 III conti ihuted by litem toward the erection of the ntrnclgro From a Hint ohforvnlion one would nl iiiuti imagine that the biidge wan il linuiiiiii'd with arc, inntotid ol luctiiiib a--cenl hgiitH. .Their liher.ilitv In lining lightn in ponilimi will he duly nppiecin tcd. Tiik Pii t. Wii.i, pk I'iiinikd In re npiinte to the general wih of the pilhbc, the Puillund Cluiiiibi'r of f ominrico hnn decided lo print the Portland cnnnoli !il t j, ,11 hill nn it pnnti'd both liounennl the legintalii't'. A great ninnv people have ! a curionitv lo know what the bill eon- leal ! trie light", hut nnd cold water, etc., rem ' ileriug it, with a liltleextra dint, euny ul ; U'ing converted into a lltnl china hontelry. 1 Thin l what Mr, I.ivorm.iie inietvln do ing, and Inn expciieiico in the hotel Imn i liienn In liregon City and el-ewbeo, i maken ll tiniifj enmry to ntnle that In bin I new ipiitrlern, with nil Ihw advnulugei il . iilfnrn, be will keep well ahn-nnt ol Hie ; t mien nnd ntipply the wantn o( the pnlt- lie un (hey hhould Im nuppliotl. He ex- ih'i It to open hin new InHln" 111 a Very jlew tl.iyn, icrhnpn not later than the coining week, and ho nhould receive the ; patiuting.' no ho junlly meritn, un In" un i doubloillv will. j ' ' IU.ttkh FAfiiitiKa Nkhikd. It In I donion-lraled ul every rtvuriiiig lire In i luin city that Ihe Urn .lenailtneiil need j better lucilitien (or Inking pior care o! their huo. It in of utiinl m-curreme ilo; the bote lo break or burnt while tilaying a niream on a burning building lint thin in not on aecoiiul ol the tiiiiihty , of Ihe hone piirehated by Hie city, i Thei in no conveniences lor tbving the Si nre (he (lie t!n book and ladder boyn cxprena thcnitt'l yen aa mote than ever dbgilHeil Willi tbeir obi truck. Tin. council nhould nee to It that they nre nfil lung kept waiting for a new one. Mr. Jamen Nicholnon, nf Highland, wan in the city Tuendav. Mr. Nicbol nun, wltoti'iriitly (ellanil broke her arm, ia Improving under the care ( Dr. tiourbcr. 'UO I l,. l,r il U ri.liirni.il lioun', mid It retmiliin of bin ' t.i )M. ihey nave iirain a great 1 tiii.nit chamten, ami'iiiluienin ami 1 1 oppoailion paper on a pai inK H' ! , t Hocoml anniver- tlm OK'' in. ..t o.r, - r,.,,tmtn Hi""' wc.o.... ' - -.,,, liatt) reiatioiiH iiiot.. their liomo on wua elijoyaltiy "".'.. Tiia oreacnt were lily re-uni. - - . Mf Mr. nil'i "i ' ' Mm F. I) K Mirv nl and iinmu'l cl tiiiriiiiHH paitV i. ill mill tho evening nt Tiik I'oin i ami I xivhiihm v A move ban Iteon a litnteil for nome tiimi for the rnnoval of llie Willamette I'niveinilv in, in Salrin lo Portland, nn the (riciuln ami palroim ol that innlitution in Hie pail, felt itn grnulli wan not keeping pure with the growth of tlm nlnln nml tlm tleuiiiiitln of tl.ti nlnle. (tiling to certain luitntiglcuieutH and ohtti uctioiiH it wan ngrced not to attempt to remove tho I'lii'ernily Irom .Salem, but llie imitation remitted in Ihe corpol at inn of the Portland I liivernity, which wnn iircompliHlicd lcc. 21, by a committee appointed lor Hint purp me nt a previoiiN public niei ling. A hoar lot Ihirly-two tiiiHtecH wan celerled on Ihu lfnli of .lanmiiy, and Hie uicmbrrH met nnd orianized on tho l"lb by electing Hie following oltlcern: llarycy V. Scoll, prrnidenl ; Itum (!. Iluiigbtrn, vice- preniilent ; r. I,, illm, neeiolnry , ami JamoM Steel, IreiiNiirer. Karly in the movement the incorionitotn feeling the ni-eil of an ntliuiHliativn heatl, olleied the proHi.lcney of Ihe liiiivernitv to Dr. C. f . Htraitoii.-of the Willamolto Un1- vetHitv, a brother of Mr. M A. HI nil Imi, of thin city. Dr. Ktralton bnving oh Itiined Hill Cordial a j ) r 1 1 v 1 1 1 of liinhop .1. P. Newman, who linn lor the year the overnight of the inlmcHln o( tlm church in thin Htale, and (.'. II. Fowler, tho readmit binhop of llm Paeille coiihI, mid lolennod from bin engageinenlH in the Willamello b'nivernity, he ban nc ..i.t.inil llm rirollered ponition. Porta .nih and Milwailkm h ivi! both mndo liiiernl nflm-H for anitu for the uulvemitv Hid notwitliHtiliuling inpori.H nun iim era but really Hoim'whal in the dark nn to . lirovinimiH of the hill. Tho hill unit1 linally became a law. burdened with itineiitlmentn, and iiiuendmentH to nineiiilnienln, in a vnluminoun document, nnd would take up loo ir.ilch npaco il ininlod in a iiewnpaper. For the pur p. we of giving all an nppottiinily to kuutv what limy are voting on, the 'lininber ol Commi'iru will publish 25,l)()i) copien ol II I' hill in pamphlet fniin. Snoci.n Kavi: Di.I'ut Facii.itikh. It In a well known (act often commented upon, that the So'tlhorn Pncillc railroad hiiye only three depot building from Wnutlhnrn to Pnrtlitnd, n dintnm-n of abuiit .'lo iniloH, illid that too in the mont pnpnloint nnd weallliv portion of the Willamette valley. On the linn of (ho rf in il noiilh of Hovelling hnndnomn depot huildingn and neat Hociimi bnunen can he foiled ut every . ntailon on Hie road. Inipo'liinl Hhipping p dnla, for innlance, Harlow, f in'tv, New Km, Park Pluen, ( llnd-ilone, f Im kiiiniin. Milwaukio and Willnhui'g, am toliillv without iiccomino- diiHotia of thin kind, yet they lira all nntahln Hlalioim nlong tho line ol the rail. mill Mr. t-lllin. mnl Mantern Kub '-rt llnzbe" Ih. Mr. Iliirnn. Minn n .. ' .,,,nnt(l, Webh and " e contributed valuablo an. W a 't B ,.,, and after no.oal eonv ; t. i imiulKcIin .or ... -- It ,,gr.y wan f'",1? Ho ..I proHimt Vlm"Z ki ' en.cmta-r-i. Tint mid will '""K ' ,'lf, ,hH oarnntH and KsfKacatdjOoii v Hi t ' .(i wiHh. ... .. .1 . ..I vi r ll ll 'i .ill" - - - - irilMI'l" in ingthoin many n)'"-8 litrniwl 11Ihh. lo the engine In wet nnd muddy t-t n to where in a nhort time il he comen rullon Towoia nhould bo cou nt rncti'il where the hone could be drnwn up, allowing the water to drain Irom it, nnd whore tlm Irce circulntion of air would quickly place the hone In good coiiilition. Thin would t e a mailer ol economy to (he cily nn they would not be reipiired to purchane now hone (or tho department no o(ton, beniden when Ihe now pumping elation in completed the lorce of the wnler will bo no great Hint ni'lhlug hut well pienerved bono will j nlaud li e pionsnro A good nnpply ol hice nlioultl ho provided In order Hint j run-ill Iv lined hufO w tiuld hiivu an i opporiimity ol b coming peifectlv dry. lit would "nU lie a matter of greut ' oconimiy to provide appaatua (or wnnh- ing hoho that from any cnune becomen miidily. I'im addition of 'hone dicllitien u-onlil nriivnn null tor of ivniluiliv lo the city in the cud, nnd would do away with" the imtniblc accidorta ol broken Itone at llren Dikii After a long-i'oiitiiiue I illnenn, with typhoid lever, followed by valvular dinenne of Ihe heart. I.co.nird.Hie twenty one year old aon of D. P. Jonen, living on tiifl Went Hide, of thin city, died on Tnenday moiniilg lant. Hin body waa onctiHi'd in a lioailtifiil canket when It waa taken to f nwego wbern on Wednen' day it wan laid to itn hint rent, under the iniflrennivn funeral ritna of the I. O. O. F. accompanied by the Ancient Order of Forresters, and witnanned by liinntnera blo pant friundn and rclativon. Leonard ban long been a reaident ol thin county nnd wia one of our mont promlning young men, In bin untimely death bo ban left, a multitude of frienda who bear with bin bereaved parenta in mourning tbeir lunn, Antbew Foley, nn employee of Hie p,it r milln got on a "tear'' hint week niut wan enrolled to the cooler by OlhVer K-llev. Herorder poller fiuvJ i im (10 the tiny following. Chun. AH. tight in Ihe bappiant butcher in all Oregon. Itn all on uocoont of a now ten-pound giil that put In an lipin'itinnre Weilnemlay morning, to (Al) hihtht-on hin hounehold. , Hucceia lo her nnd Iter good parcntn. Antoria ban a now evening paper, tbe bulletin, which made un apin-arance hint Muiiday It in published by a Com bination nf ciiiplotoji ol the Into Col iimhinn, who have purchnned a new plant and mail out under a very favor able niinpicn. The death ol Mr. Dave IblUter, of Mt. Pleasant, o curred on Friday, of lant week, at 3 :3tt o'rlock, aged 'id tears and nix inontha. The luiieral aervlrei took lilac Hendav, IteV. K. Keicble, of l'ort- an I, ollicaling Mr. Itilleler waa an unmarried man and for tbe pant several tears han resided wilh hin brother at Mt. Pleasant or Ins lister in Portland. He wan an energetic, upright young man anil Ihe many friends be had made wherever he wenl will find In bis ale fence from their ranka, an untold loss, Married At the renidoiire of Max Srhulnii s, near Wilnonville, Clacka- man county, hob. 'JO, Mmn Lena Swarli tu Mr F.iuil llaunen, both of Claeka- mnl county, f . M. Kruno J. P. otbcialing. The wedding waa a quiet affair, as there were only enough Invited guentn present to act as witnenHes, out this fact did tint deter Squire Kruno from la-rloriiiiug the ceremony in Ins usual impressive ntvle, as he In becoming an an adept at tiiat biiniuena, and his ser vices are in demand. A buiKUAi, Ocriiit Mr. (ironl, of of Kwall'ord A. (Ironl, mnknit a liberal offer nn an induceinent, to bnniiiens en- lerprineH, which Homo one could do no belter than lo acenpt. For anyone who will enlor into any legtllmalo DiiHinenH tlieieon, be will contribute, free, wiibout rent, inlerent or the line of two largo sized lots on the bluff for live yearn. There In no book or crook in thin oiler and some one. who wantn to take a irood Hlnrt In life bad better look the mutter up. IVOltej niinivuwais ...i 1 .....im to the ronlrarv. tho sile ban not tin. ur , , m ,n l.. ...it ilfil tu ,0 V lortiteii. t'i u ..ir....a ouertr advantage ill the point of i,..lihfiil 'location ami desirable, mir- ...uiwllnirH. while at- the Hiiino lime It in nit tinted an near the IniHinonH ami rem deuce ceiuer ol Pm Haiid.aH Portnmoutli. i.,iunuinih In unfortunately utiialed helow the manuhicturing porlmn ol Pmtbindan.lAllnia. and In near l ie xteuHlvo HlnnghH and imirnl.eH that be he wcoi. Portlaml n-l Vancouver, which would make tho locution anylblnu U a henltrrj' one. FnicTi'iiHD 1 1 nit Anklk. Mrs, .IP. Crclter, living on the hill in now Buffering (min a verv Hovere injury Hiinliuned a week ago today. She went into tbe hack yard to empty some dlHliwiiter irom a pan 'when alio Hllpi'Bil. fracturing the two boiion al tlm ankle joint. Dr. finrll wan Hiimmoned nnd reduced the frac ture awl Hho in now improving ft rapidly an can be expected, ll wim indeed an unfurl iintili' mUliim and the many friundH o( Mrn. Crocker will be glad when ttliu in agin able to be about. Hciiooi. or Fi.ocUTtoN. Minn Jennie M. bong, the well known elocutionont of Portland, who participated in tho recent Lady Wellington entertainment at the Congrogitlirnal church, daairea to necuro a clans in this city provided a etillleient membership of pupils can ha obtained. For thin purpose alio propones to Htiitml Friday o( each week in thin city. Misn bong is a teacher anil reader ol rare iiccoinplltlimentn, and the noople of Oroiron City will ho fortunate in seeming her Horvices. Those deniiing private or class lesnons should aJdrasn, MinH Jennie M. Long, 233 Sixth street, Portland, Plan. At Cherryvilln, Oregon, on March 2d, at 0 a. m Mrs. I). V. Parker, aged 32 years, 10 months anil 20 days.' Hho endured her suH'eringH - idi- enlly and departed tranquilly in lull hope of a blessed Immortality. She loaves seven children and an nffectionat') husband to mourn their loss. They have a warm Hympathv of frienda and iiclglihom. During the pnnl week marriage licenses were issued lo Mra. Mary K. Young nud l'Mward II. Iliggina: Out L. Mack and H. A. 1). Otirlev: Minnie M Hull nnd Lewis A. Weak Icy; Francis F. Franklin and Hurry SHnoer. Warren ft Holmnn filled Mr. F I). Aiiniin, nl rnrx riuco out with a nice lot of lioiitehohl furniture the first of the week nnd that ' genllom in with his mother are now keeping house at Park Place. Mr. II. II. Clinton, atone time bind- nena nianagei of the Portland Telegram, ami altoritariM connecleil Willi tlieK, L. Polk A I o a directory, ia now Port laud mnmiger for the latlor firm, in place ol t . h.. Mooch. Moson Hull, of Chicago, an orator of considerable notion expected to occupy Tope's nan in mo near Inline Air Hull in said to bean interesting speaker. mul nne thai ll iiitur.ls lovers of good sneaking, a ptoitnuro to ho". A new leu-font plank walk in front of Ihu old cement mill property improves to a great dogroo the appearance of that end of Main street. Other property holders further down the street should follow tho example Tiik Fntkbi'iuhk stated Inst week that Mr. 0. Nash, recenllv from the Fast, had iicceplcd a ponition jn Cbarman'a drug ntoro. rins wits a mistake, and it should have reail U. A. Hardlng'a drng sloi'D. "nl r. Nash makes an efficient and obliging clerk. Mr. A. II. Flnnignn, of thin citv. has taken the agency for a new patented clothes dryer that is nuito ft ailcceaa. Parties wishing anything In that line should look at his art tela, aa lor noatnesa nnd convenience it stands second to but few. If any, similar conveniences. Tho Oregon City tire department la Informed that a special inentlmr of tlm tiro delegates, will be hold at the Fount ain Uoune co"s. rooms at 7:30 o'clock p. in, siiarp weunentlny, March 11th All aro roimi'sted lo be present, aa bust ness of iinportnnoo is to Ina transacted. Ana result of advertising In Tub En- TKiii'iiiBR, Mrs. A. B. Doolittle this week sold hoc residence and lots In this city to mr. John Kruse, of Wilsonville, for tho consideration of DooUttlo will Blmrt v loin in California, who intends to embark In tniBineHU mere County Ansesnor Nohle coiumencre the work of assennmeut this week. Un anninlants are J. W. Wetberell, ol Caneuiah. and Joaepb Uaritow, of Mar- iihiiiii. . Mr. Wetlierell wan formerly an mnensor in the Fast, and ia well qualified for tbe work. He w ill have the terri tory north of the Clackamas, and Mr. Uamlow. who has superior qualifications (or the position, will bave all the leni lorvaoulb of the Molalla, while Mr. Noble will have immediate charge ol the territory lietween. chronic ilintrliu n. r Iwttlo. I'ri.- i.l.M.) ronl The Great Eastern Store. Mayer &. Ackcrman, Preps. Vioktahu Wantkii. Farmers winh Ing to make conducts for raiMtig Cu cumbers, Tomatoes, Onions and Cauli flower will And it lobe to their interest to rail on or correspond with tin- l'u't land Preserving Co., Portlaml, Oregon, Corner '.Hli nud D St. WOOD TURNING! i a it ID SCROLL SAWING. BOIES Parties OF ANY SLZC3 MAMACICEED. J desiring Wwnl Turning, I'al- terns, Urackeln, or Shop Carpenter's Work; Will la? Suited by Calling on Mo. j Doors, Windows and Blinds to order. Or. 11. BESTOW, CVOpp. the Congregational Chincli I 1 OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS. -(MMIIINATIOX FKNCE For CITY and FARM Fencing. HAVING OI'KNED A FACTORY AT OP.E i ii 'N t'llY.lnr the Mitiiuliiciure of this KKM'K, wtt hivltn Hie lewni ptHinle and ftirnierR e Clni-kiimiiK couuty to enll ami t n l ert iliit KK.NCK It Ii t lie cheapen!, bent' ftini mum diirnlile ever offered. EU11MATE3 ri'RMSHRD t ANDERSON & RICKSON. NOBIjKTT. f.ivi rv, FteJ ami Sale Slulile ' ORECONCITY. .ol'A l KO PETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND PEPOT U.B.A.f riCITiilj DO YOU EVER Take Medicine? IT 13 OFTEN A Necessary but Unpleasant Duty TO FKUFORM. Best aM Clieaues .INK OK TIIK u GROCERIES IN Till'. CITY. Call and Examine MY r KICKS. Twelfth and Main St"., OregonC ily HARDWARE h ! lbtultk' ami Single Rigs, niiJ fit'l - i die horses ahvnys on hand nt the lowest jirioes. A corrall eonneetr J t with the burn for louse stock. ' lnformatiou regarding ony kind oi . atoi k piumptlv attended to by person or J j letter. horses Bought and Sold. ill). ('. l'l.Y '. J. KAI CH ELY & RAUCH liEALEItS IN Merchandise. There It uolhthf We Eat, Drink, Wear or Have Fun With Ttutt li of no much Importance The Medicine We Take. RELIABLE DUU0GI9T In a Joy forner to any community. i Storo located at, Mountain View, on j Molalla road, one mile south- eust of Oregon City. ! 00 i We di'iil in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed. (iicceries of nil kinds, Boots and Shoes, ; Cents' I'liderwenr and other styles of j C'lt it hitler, and .numerous olher articles I suitable for the neetln of tbe farmer and 1 bis family. Hv prompt nnd fair dealinx I we hope lo receive in future, as in tbe past, ii libui ul slime of patronage, Tlie highest market price paid for 1'iulter, V.fiis nnd Fowls. ! Sc tember 11, 1890. E.G.Caufield pltipeuttM nothing but Pure Druus of the Highest Quality. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. UniTan Statm Laho Ornca, OaamiN City, Or., Jan. l W"! Untlca ll hereby alvaii thai the follow n nameil lettler htm rlleil notice of hU Intountm In mnke fltntl nroof In ttipvtirt of hl claim .and tht nalil proof will be mmle before (he Henlnter and Kecelver of tho U. 8. Uinl Oltlpe al Oreaon City, Ori'noii, ou Mttreh 7, ltiui, vu; llttuii Olen, , , Pre-emption D. 8. No 0674, (or the tiwol X of Hectlnn 4. 1 4 1.. r ft e. He umni't the following wltnenei to prove nn ootiumioiu reaiaeuoe upon aua cuiitvutiuu. of Mid land, vli: uie joiiiiiou, jonn ttoneoon, uou, uitwiwr, of Ourrluiivlle. CUrkami counlv. Oretou, aud ANTI-RUST TINWARE.! We now have a Full Line of Hardware and Sloven. Sole Agent for Superior Stoves and Ranges, The Oliver Chilled Thnvs nt $1 nn iu. We have connected with the house a First Chins Plumber nnd Tinner and work in tliiH line will bons Promptly done and ns Cheap as nny could desire. Wilson & Cook. Opposite Post Olnco, JOHN A. BECK, THt Reliale Jeweler, Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON KARTH. For general repairing ho stands without a peer. For first-class, re- hablo goods his store is second to none. Try him I Peter Ol.ttu, Washington, 1-2S; 2-'i7 of Mou emtio, J 'r. APFKKSON, ttegliter. Attention la culled to tlm advatfi. mentof Etun W. Allen, the well known aceiiHimin, 01 1'ortlaini, lie la the heaviest nnd one of the moat reliiibla wtioiesaiu ami retitll aeed merchant In the state. HU needs are gunrenteed to be ns represented, and those deslrinu bin seeiU or plants, and cannot delect All sebool books kept by Cu.flcld A rfloA ftttiBfuctorily executed. lluutlny . Uive tlium u cull. ADMINISTRATOK'8 NOTICE OK FIHAL 8ETILKMKNT. Notice Is hereby given thai I, J. H. Hlckmen, AJmlulmrmor of the eatate of Geo. Albright, decerned, have filed my Until account, with voucher! for a final aettlement of the above en titled mailer, and all ptmoD. are therefore uotlfled to file objection! to such settlement, 11 any they have, on er before the 7th dy of April, Utl, la the Probate Court of tu County of Ulackamas and Btatt of Oregon. i. H. HICKMAN, Administrator. Tinted this 27th tl.tr of Pnhrutrv. lull. Pub lished by order of J. W. Meldrurn. Judge- ul tht Count? Court. g-l: United Hack, Truck and Livery Company, W. H. Gooko, Manager. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. . QUEEN BEE Restaurant Lunch Counter MARTIN CEO & CO., The LEADING LlVlUiY STABLE of the City. Hiu of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck nnd Unlivery P.iisi nesa promptly attended lo. Horses Bourdod and Fed on reunoii We terms. proprietors: Meals Berved day and night. Oysters and Chops in Any Style. Side Entrance for Ladies. Main St., Oregon City. w,'V''rw,''i'j