The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 27, 1891, Image 4

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1tswrlt orrBtneffft
My Heart's Hip
OipyiVu. AH Itiirlil ltivcrved.l
Uvw. wul that, Is wltnt tluwt) niott note ol
na. It is tlu duty of thotr own govorn
uiiynts to Yilitct mul olvili' tlic-m.
Wt do not -siiit to miiUo our country a
reformatory wliool."
"AU that i truo; but tlioir own rov
rumentii won't do it, you know, Mini
thov hid horn We must do it." ;
Thftt thoy tiro Itero is iiiifortiiutUoly
true,," siiid I.
"And your iiophow'n junior uya tlu-y
oujrlit not to liave ivlioola wtuvr their
own Iuiikhmko I uod. I tlduk tlmt un
kind. Thoir imtlve toiijtun must bo dotir
to tltom, tuid thoy naturally wish thoir
children to know it."
"Then lot tliom toaoh it to tlu'ir clul
droit at Uoiuoi hut in tho public hools
of thin country tho lsuuruaiw of this
mnnin U In niaee. How elso cun wo
o.ln,.,itrt. elviliie and make itood citlnoiw I
nf th.imV If thev are to bo part of u
they should upetilc our lau;.,ui)e, read
"Thev will Uurn Enuli. h. It l in tho
ir ihev eaiinot helii it, ttut it
keeps tho ehilditm and parent toolkM
if tha children's school life is that which
thn miwita know. How would vou liko
your child taught in a French school a
liuurnaso and a method of thought of
which yon wore perfect ly ij,nuriuitr"
"If I lied with mv child to Kruno, and
exnoctod him to bo a French oitUeu, 1
think I would stand It. Jack is in tho1 and I looked at Halo oxptvtin.n to road
rijcht, Miss Mr;Mrot. Ho makes a mis- i in his eye pity, sympathy. Instead I
takein iiotimutxtim: mowthiUihoibhM, ;naw judrfmeiit and disiipprolnulon. I
but in this ho is rk'ht."
"on nrt fond of vonr uenhew and
aro blinded to his mistakes," said she
"I hardly know him." I replied. "1
imw uw him but one. and that is five
veara ana Ho is inxnl looking."
By that timo tlw keltlo had boiled,
and' Halo came in with a basket of
m-aixvs. and wo talked no more of the
miners nor of tho perplexities they pre-
But of Jack we did six-alt, and to tho
pnrposo itelore tno nay w.w over, i no
eveniug papers had come in, and Miss
W'oolstino had carried them onf while
Halo and 1 talked to an eminent mso
culturist who had just priKluei'd a new
rose of a pink that was yellow, aud a
yellow that was pink.
All at once I heard a littlo cry, and
Miss W'oolstino appeared at tho door
opening into her room. Her face was
white as snow, her eves tilled with hor-
ror. I did not wait for her to speak, but
at once arose aud went into her little
office. For a moment sho stood, still
looking at mo.
. "I cannot toll you," she whispered.
"Is it bad news -bad news for me?"
She nodded her head like a dumb
Now, as my wife was dead and I had
no child and I knew my office was safe,
my heart beat still steadily as I took her
band in mine.
"Nothing dreadful euu happen to me,
my child. I am so poor that Halo has
littlo to take from me. But you do not
bo afraid to tell mo my poor girl."
She louked at mo still with great hor
ror in her eyes. Sho turned her head
back and gasped for breath; hvr voice
was choked nud she could not sjieak.
"Do not distress yourself so." I held
her hand firmly in my own. "If the
trouble is mine do not so increase it; if
it is yours, let me help you bear it."
"It is Jackl" sho gasped, "Jack! They
have killed him! They hare raided the
ofhco they have killed him!"
Ah, I was not so poor! Fate had left
me a possession vague, uot in iny
grasp, but still a possession, for it was
Jack I had meant to kuow Jack who
was yet to bo my son nud to inherit my
fortune. And so I in turn looked in
horror at her.
"How do you kuow it?" I asked.
Sho pointed to the paper still in her
hand. And there it was all in head
lines. A mob, an attack on The Hill
Beacon, a defense, pistol shots, a dash
into tho office and a tearing out of all
that was in it. Jack's body had been
carried off by the mob.
And he was dead tho handsome,
gay fellow who found fifo with me too
low even to try for a little! And he
was my wife's nephew, and 1 had not
tried to make the career I offered him
pleasant and inviting! I sat down
crashed and guilty, for ut least I should
have forced him to leave the miners, or
cease his rating of the ntrikers. I could
not look at Margarot. Lint in a moment
she was kneoling by mn, and she was
telling ine that he wa.( not dead no, no.
not dead! "If ho w:w dead they would
not carry him uway. Ho is nlivo oh,
you may bu sin ho is alive, aud we
must go at once to him. Wo must find
him, for he must le sorely hurt, and we
will have to nur.,0 him. Come!" she said.
"Not you, my poor child," 1 answer
ed. "I cannot ask thin of you. But
you aro right, He may not be dead, yet
even if hu is it i., i.iy duty to go. Tho
scoundrel.-,! Tho pjor boy!"
Tho tears shone in her dark eyes, but
she did not weep. Siie looked at me
with a ghast ly smile.
"What would Jack say if you camo
without mu He would never behove
me never! And 1 oh, do you think
I could stay here? I should go mad,
"Margaret, you do not know what
you say. You never knew mv nephew,
dear child."
Sho turned her head away its if in ap
peal. "Ask him that question. Why,
he loved me. He told me that his love
forme would ho his death and I laughed
at that yos, I did. 1 thought iny fate
far the hardest. But 1 could not toll
him bo. You gee, tho very wedding day
was fixed, aud I could not toll him that
I loved him better than the iiiuu I was
going to marry. Could I? Yon are his
uncle, but you know 1 could not. Some
times women have to listen when they
cannot uuswer."
"I do not understand you, but you
must be calmer. You must sit down,
Hale, como speak to her. 1 do not know
whether sho knows what she says."
"Indeed I know very well. It was 1
Who killed him I! I! Ho was desper
ate. He (rid not care. He told lne he
should not care."
Hale was standing at tho door, Our
visitor had vanished, and I looked in
mute appeal to my friend, still feeling
that the girl was distracted. But Hale
understood. He came directly to her,
took her in his strong grasp und made
her sit down. Ho gave her u drink of
water and sat down in front of her.
"Now," said he, "we will help you, but
first you must control yourself and tell
us so we can understand. If Jack is to
be helped cool heads, not broken hearts,
will have to do it, Crawford," and he
turned to me, "sit down, You are as
much upset as she is. Now what is tho
matter with Jack? It is Jack Lowis,
your nephew, I suppoae?"
I silently bunded him tho paper, and
he read it without a word of comment.
"And you knew him?" ho said to Mar
garet, She nodded her head. "And you
were engaged to him?"
The color swopt up over tho face that
had been so drawn and wbito,
(,;irod tvl lilni." ;lio looki d fi'ftm ono to
thtiotliw, nit her hand to lir tliivut na
if die- v aw vhukliur. Tliou aim Kpokix
"1 will li:ivo to toll you I It was my
fault, Irviiuko 1 nhotdd tiavo come tiwiiy
toonor. I mi't him in tho AdlvimiltU'lts)
lt,l Hiuuuior itml wo woiv in tho p uuo
party bocMUHO t wiu vUltiuy; tho wifu of
an oidcollojfo frlomkif 111, mid I thought
thoro wan no hivnn in it In wclug Ulm
so often, I nutti booauNi every out)
know that I was t'tiKiijroil to luy t'oualtt,
Hut tho night hi'foio 1 ltft thoro ho lnt
Kod inn to luvak tho oiiKn'inont, and lie
told mo what wax truo, that 1 didn't
lov my ooiwln. But I did not know
thon that 1 could not marry Nod Maxon,
You wo 1 lunl boon oni;aitod to him over
ninoo 1 was W and 1 refused to even
think of litvtiUliu; it. Jack wild dotjxi
loud, hard tlilim to mo and 1 was miKi-y
with him, Aftor lcamo homo 1 found 1
could easier die than marry foil. And
my unele was t) violently ilk'iiiiiiitoil
that I had to leavo tho Itoiiso, Then 1
oiimo here."
Tho nlwdow of R mullo pained over
Halo's face, but I took her hand in miuo.
"And you did rightly ," I H.'tld. "I
waa tho ono to whom you kIiouM have
. come."
"Hut I cauio beciuwo I bad no often
. watehod yon in olnnvli Hint tlwulit
! thoro never wm no kind a face, and 1
j hd heard how good you wow to tho
Kid you had hero, and of conrw I had
to earn sonic money; I would not take
any from my uncle."
"Still yon knew I was Jack's imcler
"Yes." ho said gently.
Tho very Inooheronco and simplicity
1 of her littto story touched mo (cntitly,
I knew ho condemned her as a coquette
; who bad not known her own mind,
This I greatly resented, and I felt h was
j narrow and prejudiced. And Invauso
! ho was hard in his thoughts of her I Ih.
came mow tender, ami I should have
i liked to hnvo comforted her as 1 hould
! my own daughter. Hut I said to her
ihat 1 Ixdieved in her and I should help
her, "but I cannot so, I said, "why
' now that yon nro fivo Jack should k,ep
his resentment. Had I been your
lover at his aga 1 should have flown to
j ii
ller eves flashed at this.
"IXi vou supihwo 1 would seud him
word that 1 was free?"
"Suivlv von could in some wav let
him know."
"'o girl would do such ft thing m
that, sho promptly answered, and then
her lips trembled, her eyes tilled aud sho
broke into n bitter weopiug. Wo could
not stand this, old fellows as we were,
nd Hale jumped up and walked around
tho rootu, and cleared his throat, and
blew his uose, and ejaculated all sorts
of exclamations, whilo in broken words,
in ways foreign to mo for many years, 1
; tried to soothe aud quiet her. But when
sho ceased her sobbing it was onlv to
j break into a wailing still luoro pitiful,
! until at hft sho lay exhausted, her head
1 against my shoulder. Halo brought
coats nud whatever ho could find, and
I he made her a lxd on chairs and por
1 suaded her to drink wine. Then we laid
j her down and wo left her and went into
our own nom. Wo chwod tho door and
i looked at each other.
i "This is a prettv piece of work," snid
i Hale.
It is pitiful it is terrible!" I groaned.
"Ho was a good fellow. I could have
loved him."
"1 remember him well," replied Hale;
"a handsome, imiietnous fellow, much
i too line to bo made tho sport of a girl's
"There was no caprice there," and I
looked up, irritated by his persistent
misunderstanding; ' sho has acted as bo.
camo a conscientious girl."
"Well, well," rejoined Hale, "we will
not discuss that question, bnt now
how now?"
"I shall go at once to Tiger Hill spot
fitly named! Whether Jack is dead or
alive I must see after him, Hale ho had
neither father nor mother."
"Now look here," said he; "haven't
you again ami ngniu written to him that
you desired to make his future your
care? Didn't you bring him east and
set him to work in this very office?
Didn't you give him to understand yon
were prepared to treat him w a son?
You know all this is true! And you
know Jack declared his work stupid, tin
paper poky. You know ho was deter
mined to be tho maker of his own des
tiny. Grievu as much ns you choose,
Dan, but don't fall into womanish re
proach of yourself. Jack was a fine fel
low, but he was pig headed, and I truly
believe that when ho fell in love with
Miss Woolstino it was jr.itly because
sho was out of his reach. lie is just the
boy to want the moon aud refuse tho ot
green cheese.
"You wero jealous of Jack," said I
"That is stuff! 1 was not blind,"
"And von are at this moment jealous
of the girl," I added.
What reply Halo would have made to
this accusation I know not, for at that
moment tho door opened and Margaret
camo in. Her face was still pule and
her eyes swollen, but she was perfectly
Culm, nud I noticed that her hands did
not tremble as she held them together,
her fingfrs lightly clutched.
"Y'ou are going at once?" she said.
I got up and hunted tho time tables,
and found my best train left the city at
10:30 p. m., bringing mo to Tiger Hill
tha evening of the next day. Tliis gave
mo timo to go to Melvin and get what 1
needed for the trip.
"Well, then," said tho girl, "I will be
at tho st.ition at 10. I enn meet you
"But but that is impossible!" I ex
claimed. "I cannot take you. It would
not do at all not lit all! I will tele
graph, write you should hear ut once
and fully, but it is impossible to allow
yon to go."
Never in all my lifo did I meet a look
so determined, so full of Boom for re
straint as tho ono Margaret shot at mo!
She said not a word, but going into her
office returned with her hat on, her veil
tightly drawn and so silently left the
Halo shrugged his shoulders.
"Thoro was a pair of them," he said.
"I do not wonder thoy had tumultuous
"She won't go you do not think she
will go?"
"Not if you wreck all tho trains. But
even thon sho might walk. Yes, Craw
ford, she will go,"
"But sho shall not! What could I do
with hor? Suppose sho falls to weeping,
to fainting in the train? And after we
get there! Why, Halo, I am not sure of
my own safety; and with her to hamper
me It is impossible! She must be
locked up tied not allowed to do it."
"Sho won't faint nor weep," said Halo,
"still sho will be a dreadful burden for
you. I'll go see hor, but I have no hope
of influencing her."
"Go to her uncle," said I; "surely he
has somo authority over her."
"I'll do my best," said ho, "but I
won't promise yon success."
I went to Melvin, packed up my hand
bag, made arrangements with my house
keeper, and all tho time my thoughts
dwelt on Margaret in fear and dismay.
My only hope was that hor violent agita
tion might make hor ill, und go prostrate
hor that sha would bo uxr.H: tl
.wwit' to taiie tno journey,
When 1 reached tho station a fbw
minuics afleu 10 1 found Halo standing
at the oiilianco,
"WellVwdd 1.
Ho pointed with bin thumli over his
shoulder. "She tslntho wallfnvf room,"
ho said, and taking my bug ho added ;
"Sho carries less bugifngo than you do."
"Did you see her?" wild 1. "Couldn't
you convince her? Surely you oonhl
hnvo dona that,"
"Could 1 put tho rings of Bat urn
around Jupiter? My dear boy, I did not
try to convince her. She would not dis
cuss the question. Shonsked mo about
tho mines i:,d tho strllie, but sho knows
far mow about it all than wo do, Sho
has used the exchanges to advantage,
Sho oven knows the names of tho leaders
among the strikers, There is no end to
hor nerve, 1 think. Sho won't break
down ngniu."
"She'll break down as soon ns tho ex
citement of starting is over. Surely you,
a married man, know that a woman's
calmness may bo as hysterical as her
tones, (lood heavens I" and 1 stood
still, "1 will not go until 7:L1 to-morrow
morning! 1 will not lose much time, 1
cannot do anything tint night 1 got
"Thou she'll go alouo. Sho has her
ticket, and whim her train is called sho
will bo oil. Sho won't wait for you."
"How do you kuow sho has her ticket?"
"I bought, it for her. 1 wont to her
boarding Iiouho and brought her hero,
then 1 bought her ticket."
"Judas!" said I. "And I do uotbolinv
you saw her uncle."
"Thoro was no use in seeing any one,
AiHillyon would not have stopped her.
All I could do was to taku a lmlo caio
of her."
"1 believe In my heart you encouraged
her," 1 testily cried.
"Don't 1k unreasonable, Dan," said
ho. "Don't quarrel to-night, my boy.
It is ns much lis 1 can stand to see you
go off, and 1 declare I will go with vou!
Of couino 1 will. 1 cau look after Mar
gavot and leave you free."
"And who will get this week's tmm
boroul? No, no, Hale" nnd 1 fell into
line at tho ticket ofllco "it wouldn't
lie wise. I'd do Is'tter by myself, and
three of us would lie ruin to everything.
And I never did quarrel with you. Be
gin to-night? Not much. HouImmi."
And so getting my ticket I went into
tho waiting room and found Margaret
comoscd, alert and confident.
Hale pressed through tho gate, carry
ing our Ko, and when tin train ran
out of the station 1 glanced back out of
the window and saw him trying to look
olwvry and hopeful, but a more miser
able, wiielioguiKi fa'o never did I see.
Ho waved his hat us much as to nay, "I
know jou'd do it!" and turned away.
(Continued nest wo-k.)
Restaurant and Hotel.
rilUOt'i.flul I.
Tlie ten. linn reitaurant ol die city. Tables
supplied ttilli the l-l I he nmrkei ntlurdx,
and nohe hut tir-tt-clus cook rm loywd.
Ijist Sld. Main Mree!, Between I'ouilli
nud fifth, 0pp. I . S. I aud (tniee.
hwlwX liotoruilier of
C KS Kit l'l HST am, TA Y 1,1 U Mil! V.V.TH.
M. II. Flanagan.
.1. I'. Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
IV el Wlii'-x, I.tuuiTM, Alv, lit-T, Ae., In In
I, mil,! In Hie Suite.
Ill vo uiu n i'mII.
Ill I.oj(uit -KiimiIihhi Uleib
TfjQ Celebrated French Euro,
Ih Bold on a
to euro any form
nfncrvotiit i1Ik-hm)
or any Jlonlr of
tho gmii-rntlvttor-
WhofllfT HTlnlllt:
110 Ul HlilllllllllltX,
rntiiu-ci orOr.luiii, or thruiiuli youthful nnHncre
Hull, over inifulxi'lil'u. Ac .miell im Iiamif llruln
rower, Wiiki'fiiliicM, ItcarliiKdmvn 1'iilni In llii)
hiK'k.Hi-lillinil Wi'iikllcM, IIVkliM'iu. NnrvmiK I'ron.
trillion, Nocturnal Kmlmlmn, l,i.iicorrhn-B. Din
ilnc, NVVnk Mumnry, lim of I'owcr unit lni
tency, which II uculci-li'ilollcn Icml to lircmulino
old nun mid Inutility, l'rlco $1,110 n urn, tlboim
for .'"l. Hcnt hy mall on rercljii of iirlcie
A WltlT. VM I.I AIMN I v.V. In ulven for
every I.MKIonler rprelveil, lo rcluml the money II
a l'riiiniint euro In not ellceleil. Wo havo
thotiiHUilHof tcNtlniouliila from old nnil youutf,
of lioih Hexei, who have hoen permanently cured
by tlioiiKuof Aihroilitluo. Circular Irco. Adilrvu
Wcnteru liruucb, Jiox ::7, 1'oiiTLiNU, On.
For wile liv ('Illinium oi Co
lirniHtH, Oregon City Or.
In itnnriliiivA"Mn mnrl
in, ly Ann I'ttvit, AimtliL
j' ..t;- i 'M", iml Jim, Itiiin
i ($,'' " . inlir-rni.rril.,i
l"' .;i'1''i'"'inli, V,m nniilo (li
tml Jim, Itiiini, Tuli.llo, ()i I ii.
liiiKn wfil). Wiiy
i over tbMK 11(1 ft
Ilia Wnrk aiiil llvn
liniiin, h lii-ri'vor vou mm. Kvnn li.
Inner itru enlly wmiitt fVom Kb to
It'nil.iv. Allniri a. W'a.Liw ., h-
nnl tnn ymj, i nn y,,, n t,,rotmn
nil Din fliim, Ur money fur wmk
pr. Fnllnr.' unknown mrnifr ihi-m.
I i"V ' ' " 'vwi I
k I .Big
if. Mm
7 It T rj VV rSJ
riw'iiw.WMffji wn"-i ' tmi'fc-ty
OYKIUjANJ) route.
Tmlimtoiihn FhnI leuvu lVilhinil, 7 :II0
A iM, ami H:U0 1'. M.
TirifCTC In mid ifeni lutiieli'il Hiliil
IllISC I U In ih" Culli'd Hliilun, Cuinid.
mid IMi""i
Etnninit Now D'mng Pukco Cars.
I'll mini I'lilnee Nli'i'in-rn,
run Tlnoiiiih on KxiiieHaTialiiH
A- St. 1-0 IMS
Wll'llorr I'llANlIK,
l'l"-e cniiiit'ctlmii. .it I'nrltiiilil Icr Hull l ull
eli io and I' ikci Hound I'uliiin
Kor further piirtleiiliir. liiiiilro ef all) nucii
of tlm ('oiiiniiiy or
... r. x r. A
I'm Hi. I, il, (in M'i
J-u'l ,1liini9r.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
NOCIIAMli; OF ("A list
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all i , 1 1 1 1 h Kn.t, via
Tho Northi-. n I'uellle It. It.
I the only lino ruiiulUK
Seeoiiil-CluHM SleepeiH (free ul ehiiiKo!
Lnxiii iotiM I lay CoiieheN,
l'lllliuill I' leepinu Cnr,
I'lihuu 1 i ti I ii if Cum (nieuU Tor) ,
I'niiii l'orlhiml to the I'nat,
See that your tickelH reiel vm thu
Northeni l'u I tic U It iiml
iivoiil ehiiiije of rum.
1 liroiiiih Hullinnn I'alai' Hlrei lnK Car., fie
KHIit dny eeacheti, fllii-.t ilnce dllilliu
twecn I'lirllmitl, 'iacuiua mid hcutile dlriel
Ually h rvlio.
.1, l. I'll til
Kh..'u'iruNi. Atnt. 141 1'lr
I'orlluiKl, Or.
iy-lcitil, cornor Klr.l and U Hlni'la.
0. C. T. Co's
Orogon City & Portland.
Lkavk I'okti.anii,
7:110 A. M.
1():(H A. M.
I :(KU'. M,
8:.'iO T. ,M.
7 A.M.
10;tN) A. M.
I ;(H) 1'. M.
4 :(K) I'. M .
Sleiiiner Alloiiii-
no Wnv LiiiiiliiH'jt.
Steamer l.utoiiii Wiiy I.iiihIiiih.
ll):(X) A, M,
i:M V. M.
8:110 A, M.
3:00 I'.M.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
T. V.. IKKiO, lteeeiver.
S 1 1 0 KT i.l X K TO ( A 1.1 1'O It MA.
FIl FKi 1 IT A N 1) FA it FS Tl 1 K LOW I'.ST
Train No, 8 will run TiicmIuv., Tlnirs-
diiya ami r-alnriliiys, unit on liitcnncili.itc
ilnva when tiecenury :
Train No 4 will run Momlnvn, Wmliira-
ilnya niel Kridiiy, nil I on Ihtcriiic.liat iliiya
linn nectwuiry :
Ml' tmer Sullliiif Hulea.
I.cavkk YuriN--;Mllniiiellii Valley, Jan,
tut, Dill, ll'lh and 'iilh,
l,AVit HaniriNcixii Wlllnmi'tte Valley.
Jail II h; Hill, ld and IHI.
The com ., n y renen-K tha rluhl lo ehiiiixe
allien c'ntea wllliout uotlcti.
Trillin connect wtih the O. ,t ('. It. and Itlvcr
Hoai. aiCorvulllii ami Alhiiur.
The Oregon I'lieilie HteuinhoalH on the
Williiinellu river iliviNinn will leuve
l'orthmil, aoiit-lioiind, Momlny, Veilnen
ihiv, Hi'il Friduv at II A. M. Arrive ul
Corviiilin Tiiewiiiv, TlnirHihiy ami Sntnr
ilnv at 3:;!l) 1. M, Leave CorvalliB.
north hoiinil, Monday, Wediiemhiy and
Friduv ut N A . M. AirivuHt . ruiihtml
TneHihiy, Thiitmliiy mid Siiliinluv ut ;i ::(0
1'. on Monday, WeilncKiliiy mid Fri
day, hoth north anil Honth-lioiitnl houta
Im over nilit ut Salem, leiivinii here nl
OA. M.
Kri'lulit and Ticket Olllro, Salmon .trcet wharl
O. C IfOdtiK, O. V. & f. A. O.P. It..
Southern Pacific Kouie
shasta" line.
KxineMB rriiinu leuvu l'orthiiiil Duilv.
I North.
7-IHi p. u. I l,v I'orlliiiul aT rt-MjUS.
7:liP.M. I,v OreKouiilly l,v 8:I:ia.m.
liMftA.M. Ar aKinmilM'o I.v I VMM) . m.
Almvn iraln. Mop only at the followiiiiVtB"
111. MM o. ,.r it,i l-.., I...u,l ,
' " .- "',:. ,.. k , n,i iwiiiiuio, wru-
Kon City, Wooilliiirn, Hnleni, Alh.n y, Tituiient
HIicddH. Iliilsey, llarrlalmrg, Junction Cliy, r
HlWKIUmO MAIL (llally).
b:IMIa. m, I l,v T'ortliind Ar I i-m'fii
ElllUiA. M. I I.v UrciHinrilir l.v -i.Mt
MOP. h. Ar HiiHchurK I.v I li :an a ." M
AI.IIANY l.OI'AI, (Ually, except Hundi.y.
i:0c I'. M. I l,v I'lirlliind"' '"'Ar n.'-imTTi
" I' M. I.v Ori'Kon city I.v 7:M A. M.
0:00 I-. M. f Ar Alhiiny I.v fl:oo, in.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
I'oraceiinimniliitlonof Hecond -cla.a I'iihuuiikci'ii
attitelied to lixpresH Trillin.
Went Hulo Uivmloii.
M n1 1 JJVl" L'i (Kxci'jil SiiniIiiv.I
7:iiir. if." I iW I'ortiinid Ar T6:5Tm
Vi Wi: M. Ar Corvalll. I.v la ;!i v ti
............,.,,,,,,,.,,, in .iiiiiui:, W mi irillll,
of Orcuon J'nol lie Railroiirl,
ai a i ...,. u .....i i i... .vm:: -
KxiircK. Train llnlly (Kxeept Hiimlny)
t:-IO I'. M. I I.v I'orlliinil Ar 1,',n."i
7:'Jfip. M, I Ar McMlnnvUlu l,v d-iriAM.
I'or tlekotH mill full Information
rat J8, niiipH, elo., mttl on (Joinuaiiv'B iiironi. t
(ircynn City.
1C. P. KOllUKH,
Ahh'IG. K. nud I'll... AkoiU
M iinuuur,
. .k
oiiKuniN t:rr, or., ti-i jv, im'iii
Niilh'M U licrrdy given In rr-inplliuicn
wMlilhc IhIhiih ul Ihn kiU nf roiiurchfiiir
.linn H, ciiilili'il mi in t fi.r Ihp Mid of tlm
,M t il. llK lit lltO HtMll'N III r.lHluillrt( Uri'ttUll,
Ni'Vfiiln it tn S MnhhiKl ti IVrrlitiiy,"
.It'll)' l.-ll'nllil,
of IViUhihI. riitiuly ul Muliiiuiimh, rimo of on
Mii,lii)itlilrt(liiv flU'il in I ln i nine til hwiini
Mini. 'im tit Nit. v 1 li. r, r lli ptiiclr m. ,, ihc w iu
ii I, mill a v w :tl NtMMinit Nn, a, hi town
hip No. ilftiiuih, htti!0 No. ii iMtMl, iiiwl will iI!it
pnitif lo llu I hut llm IiiikI dntitim In nu-ni
viliiiiltlc fui It tliulh-r ut- Hintn. hull f'lrnni'l
iMilliintl I'UMni-c-, ntiil In n t ) 1 1 1 -1 1 i H I'litlm
In Midi Ititiit hefmc (lip iii;lili'i' nul iilir
nl I III" iiMit'lt ut tlll'ltuh City, I(. ut, uii Mmi
i t tlio Jiiith, ilny nf Mm th I st
lln ihiitii'ti nn w ilni'Hi'i"!! Win. Mnnvir of
rul'lldllil, I lli'Hiih, V,H. ItfnnjMHil fif (tf llllnl,
On'ii"ii. Iluriititi W. Hntllli of Hcnttln, WiinIiIiik
toli. WnlM rMi'Mil f l'i ii il. ml. (tn'jf'Xt,
Any tunl nil iii.wi!i (IhIihIhk mlvtMncIv tin
tthiivt iltMtrilii' litiuld nn ri'ini.tii fo ht
ilnir t'UliiiK tti Hi m ulllt'o on or lii'Mro n ilij
iWUli iluy nl Milirli. J, X AI'I'KltKuN,
I y:i; I' 'il h.'Klsti.r.
'MMHKK LAND, Al l ,11'NK , Htx,
i0llria Ur PiiKi iilioii.
I'Mnh Hf.i'l'. llltlt K. I
i m i'.'iih ft i v, iM,, i ii'i, ; , ) ii
N.ill.r i it"til. yt-i ih'il lit i'i.iIiImii''U
Ihr T' tiilnii" nl llii' ntl n ruiiy ri'c ul
,1 ii hi' I- J, I'Mlllli"! ''All ut't fm ltn' Mile nf 1 1 in
mi 1'iimIi-. Ui thy Mili'N ul iNtlKniin.i, liri'Ku(
iV'VihI'I, iiinl S 'ililiiv(nii I i'i rll'ify,"
W InllKlit M lM-i'l"'i.l.
of t'tiillitml, iMimiv of Mull until nil , vhitii of
iHiiH'iii, h't tlilM ilny fl U'i lu thin oiliiui tun
MWl'dl . 'Il' Mt-Ut N". iHM, fill' till' )lllllllllMl llf
I hu rt 't it i' itiul lutH I iiml '2 In M'i'il'i'i Nn,
J, in t'iMiHlilp iSii. o Hniiih, rniKo S" It
ii 1 1 t ullt nil it prtH-f to ulniw lint thu limit
NiMluIlt U tlO'M' VillMUlill' fill' ith HlllltlM lit HtullU
IIdiii fur niitlmitiurnl iiH'nifN, nmt tit yntiilr
llth liln oUlin tu I'Uil I'.nil lii(ire thu ri'
nm1 itMii'lvor of thin ultli't ut UN'itun City, tint
tfuti, tut Mmuitiy, tho Win drty of IVIitrrh, IK'I.
Iliwmtmn im wiliii'HHiiit; W filter Hcutt. Jrn y
I.til'iiliu, v I IU tun Miniver, nf I'lirlliiinl. (ini
Kiii J.iM'jih liiititiliHin, of MultilU. tiri'Kuti,
Any nil'! nil iiriii t'liitinlotf inlvuru'ly ttin
rthuvc ilt'M'rllirl Ituid" uro ro'0'Mi(,'it to It if
Iholr ! I -i I in-" In tlild ulllct- wn or livfurt' miM ,'Hittt
day t.r Miiii'h, lnl. J. T. AlTKUSoN.
1 v;i; a Kt'iii-ir
Villi l'l lll.l'JAIiuN.
I'tilti'il Miuti-H I. io nl n ill en,
(HcKi'ii City, Ori'ttuii, Poti. 1, IWHJ.
Ni'llrn lw luuuliy glvru, thnl III rDii'pllutK'tt
Willi tin- iriUtlfiiife uf lln' net uf ouhtfirhi uf
Jitiit 11, 17, tMillllt'l "All ni't fur (he Nnkt uf thu
liur IiiioIm In lltii KintiiM nl CitlKurnln (in-K'tti,
Nuvtulii nui S HuliliiKinii 'l orrliuiy,
tit'urgi' V. Mui'liu',
of Outrnl I'l-hit, iuiiu:y uf .hirkiou, Mtulo of
Ori'ttoti. Inn lltU .Iny tllol In thin ultli'U hU
HWurii kl ilititt'ht No Aiui, fur Dm nir'loi' nf tin
I l4 nf M'.'tli'll Nn, t. t tn it.hii, No J miutli
rltiK Nn 7 OilM, Ml)) Will oltl'f itunf to
liuw tin t I III' Imot "HKhl U mum vnlioililt fr
tlx llinlnr ur Btuiut t It -i ii fur MKrlrulturHl or
pokpfi, niul In fM'thltoti 1 1 1 M cl'illii lu hiilil litiul
lii'luit tin D'kUiit iiml rt't-vlvi-r nf thin uihi-u ut
miii"ii t'Uy, (H.'tt"ii, on Krl'luy, thy 2'th
d.iy uf Mineli, Wl,
llii tuiiiK'i mi h llin'MHt n; Cli ii lr Hi'loirfcr,
Diivhl O'ltnlilM II. Hi lit lift thll k. O, OiHlii'h i.'ntiT,
All ill I'urllHlKt, (Ili'Kutl,
Any hiuI kII in'rutiiu iM-tlmliiK HtUnrnfly Iho
uhu v tti'irrlli'-it IhikIn wri r-'(tniii'it tn flH
their v iliim In till" uUut uli ur lu'tnri tut 1 it avtU
day of Mmm it, M. J 1, Ari'Xi'lrdN.
1 Id; il M HrnlHT.
l lifli'it Hlnti'N I nntl (Mllrp,)
On-null Chy, Ori'iiuii, JM'i'. tf, JMW. i
Nnflco In li(Ti'ly kIvi'U ItiHt 111 (mlUit(f
With tho irHvlt"H nf fill net uf I'nitifft'hW nf
June .1, ItiH. intltW't "An to t (ur tin milt nf lim
h'r liuoU Hi Hit pmi' ol 4'ttllfuriilr', Orfyuii,
tiv HitM Hiul iiHhitiKinti '1 c rr ltory ,"
HillHli-l I. I'lllki',
nf 1'urtUti't, rnuiitv uf MulliiuiiKth.Htiiti of Orp
Itnn, hrm thin ihiy llt'UI In thin ultirv hit. wimi
Hinii'iiit't Nn. ;';'t. Inr thu port Iihh of tlit
w li of Dt'cliun No. ti, lii I'mituhlp Nti. -i
miutit runmi rn 7 ftm, nui win mirr prnm
tn )iiw th it tltt' lilt it HuuKlit In mortt vhImhIiIc
Inr lt thither ur mom limit fur nntirulliirul
-Mtronni', nnil lit fftiiiillnh liU i-lnltn to uttl
mi i tit'fnri tho Kt-iUtiT iiii'l li'ivlveruf thin
nitiri i ttriK,('i Tty. On-Knit, on rrliUy,
thr lOtli ilrt) uf April,
Itc toiiio'N nH tt lif.i't.M'; 1I1 OThiiitifll, of
I'nrtliinil, ur , tiin W Murintvuf t't'itlntl 1'ultit.
Clnti. hrhiiftT, nf bitioly, tr., i- K titlwoti, of
I urtlnii'l. 'r
Any nmt nil (nrnini (iliilint;'.( 'lvt?ri-ly ihtt
i In vi) ilchi'i'lhoil la ml nr ri'iii'Mril tu tr their
1'inltiin liuhlfcuUup onur lirfntt mil'l lOtli ility of
April, J I, Al'l'l-.hWtiN,
lib; 'iU Ivt-ulM'T.
OU4 i: i on IM HI. M A MO V
t'tllTKtt KTATKH I. Aim (imri!,j
tiHoun ( iiv.Dr , li. t, .-.
N nil ve l ht'rcliy uImi, tlmt lit omiiiiliHiirp
with (hi jrnvuiiiu- uf 'In net f cutitttt'ioi uf
,1 u in- :t, h.h, t'liitilut "An iti-t fur tlm mtln ut
tlmhrr Ininln hillu MUtrnuf Citflfnrnltt, Oregon,
yvmlA, mol V.ilUtiiiiuii Ifrntur),"
t hioi V. tnHT.
uf (rvttnn City, eutuiiy of rut ktttiinii, itnte of
Ornii, Iimk thl Ihj (Mvtl In Hum uilirv hln iworn
fttrii' iui'iit Nn. 'JM,t fur th-i purt hrtht- nf the
ii w ttf i' iiiol n o 1 4 uf nirv'j nf m-rttun
Nn In tnmuitifi Nn. A xuolh. rniiKi Nn. H t"it
nnil A'tlUitlt-i jiriHit tu bIiuw ihitt tin- lumt Noiinht
t inori nhiHttlf (r hi iimhi'r or hIuiu thuii fur
tiUilruilUFitl iMiiif mi't lo ffttnhlWh hlh IhIiu
tu miI'I Itiiuf hi'lurc tlu' ri-ni''t',r mot riMclvt-r uf
tliW nllOi', Ml OllKnii CIlV, (hinnlt, nil f-
tiny, the l "liiy of Aril
lit immi'-i h witin-iht'i- II. Smitlipr. V, T.
HuriM-y, J I. Mrniun. J. M. I'mrlli. ml of Oiv
linn City, t'lM'pnu.
Any ntnl nil piMmim rlnlmlotr lolviTPiMy Hip
rttmvi'-ili crlhwil 1'iloU uri rt'-tomU'd tu fill
IhiMr rlnlitiK In thin oiltrc oil ur tn-luro Riiti iUt
Iny tif April, Ih'il.
I U.-.H .HI J. T. AI'IMiltSuN,
Litol (illlco tit Ongnii City, OriV" Ininmry
7th, iNii.
Nut'i'u tu licn-hy ilvrn iltnl tho fullnwlpR
iirtmi'il HtMlh-r h-i fiM tiuiti'ti nf hlii Inlciiiioii
lu in iki ttiuil tt"in In Niiitrt of hlsrlnim, nml
thiit ntil i r ml will Ik ntrt'li) hefur' tho Hi'Kl
H-r mot ItiTt'lver u( lln C, H l.tml oitlie Ht
Ori'Rtia t:ity, vn'Knu. mm Mnrrh ii, t.v't, vU.
J. II. I, M.iyhi'',
HuinrHtfiol tMilry No. fnr tlu n '.j nf tho n
v 1 ,, nint ' j of ii w '4, of him' Jt, t 2 r r ft n
IU) nn nn Inn fulluwinn wMid'onci tu prnvt'
lllti rnli(lllilMin rvtilriicu 0mti nml OllltlVitllntl
nf uMltl I iml, vln H, H, t'.ih'ifiPiii. II. Mi'(Jiik- iii,
hikI ti. Milli'r. nil of Sumly, Chii-kiniiuh Co.,
nivalin, nml C. K. from., of tiiilMniu V. n.,
'Jim kin-fin Co. ;ii'itnn J. T. AI'I'KUHoN, IU'Klfh'r.
KxtM iitrlx NoIUm.
Tin' nioliTfiiiiiii'il
linvltic biM'ti ti iolnt im fx-
iMMitrlx f ih iite
ut h.. i.. hirliittni, iHM't'iiKi'd.
rhihiiK HU'tiiiNt mini istntt
all nprunn hnvttnr
n rr nrri'liy r tt I nl
with prnnr vniirhi'
City. In orrtrun "tty
(mm llu Unit1 of till
Pillt'il Ht Dri'Kult C
.Fiiinidry, b!l.
I -HO 2 -'1
10 iri'MMii tlu'hiuin" lo nn,
tn, tit tlu Itnnk uf orcituii
, (trcttnti, u ithtn lx munlli
h tiniiro
11 v, Oriitn thl V'MH ilny of
CI.AItA liASlllAM.
fabcr's Golden Female Pills..
"nr Fomalo Irrciriilar
l lien; uollitui.'llliitlicnl
on tlm market. Nrvrt
nil. iMicccHslully noil
liy liromlticut liiillc.
1 1 i i r, 1 1 1 1 y , Uuariintccil
lo rcllcvo aiiiiprcaauj
Pnn't rio liiimt)iireml.
Havo Timo, Health,
Sent to any aililres.,
.ccuro liv mull on lo
WoateruUrmich, llox'27, l'OKTLANU, Olf
For Huh) by Clinriiiiiii & Co.
l)itiHgintH, Oro(?oii City, Or.
Great Reductino
Cabinet Photographs
. 0NI,Y
S2.50 PER
li. -mi aite's,
107 f irst Street, Ilrt, Morrison and Yimililll,
roitTi.ANn, oiiKdON
run 1 1. rnrm-il nl ur XKW lln, nf wor. ,
iit l,lli' iiii.l li(,iiriililv, liv lltoRn o
i-lilii'i- -,, , ,ini(r ,.v ..'hi, null liillii'ti
,'"11 l.,, iillll,,,Mln,nvor Itit-y live. Anjl
Oil II lit) III,' , nl k. l'i..,- I., lu.m.
iliiiiK. U'i, ii.n i ,i,. N ii.n. m n, ,PVnla
mi. nil viuir il In ih., ,....k 'l i.l.l. ....
lllll'i'l V l'-W K'llll ,1.11,1 ll'ill ..1,.,,.. i ...,. .....w...
II'--'1 r i n"'' ' nnli'l, IV Illi,. I,, nr.ll -r w,-,'k ami li,ivniili.
nml iii, Huh, .-xiK.ilrm-o. , ,a fiinilili yon lliu vm.
,l.,,il,.mnii.l I. H.-li y,,u f 1 KK. Nn Hh.iiclo miilulu ll.m. Full
luromi.lluil Klklli, I1 It I 1 1 .V '., AI (ll 1A, HAl.NK.
W u I'm i.U
yntir i'u
Nollcti fur I'lil.llciilloii.
I'NIII'll HTATKa I, (Nil lll-rn r. I
. , , , . , Ori'iioli Dlly, l,r iicl. l(, 1111,11. j
NO 1 1( If. I hiMchy KiVi.i in., i in c illinium
Willi lliu Ill-mini, u, ,,l lln, uil nl l .m,
"I .l'i"!' :i, K. uniliicil ",ii ,ici ,.r Ihu n.ili, of
llmlici- IhiiiIn in lliiiHiuuia uf u.illlunilii, urKnli,
Ni'Viula, nml Vni.hliiKioii 'loiiiioi-y,"
Waller Moult,
of l.;l M'lll'l, Cnllllly of Mlillliiim,,!,,.!,,!,,,,! (),.
K"li.liaatliUda IIIimI lu II, I. olllc, ,. m,,,i
flnliiuiiinl No, alia, for tlm purchnnu of then g
1 . ii i i, ami 4 nl u ),, ol Hon No. a, lu
loiviiliiiNu, Dm, mil, r.niK,. No, ii(,i ,, in will
oiler iiiool tu alinw llial llic Inml nonalil l inoi-ii
vnliialila fur lia tluilmr or uliiiin limn for umi-liullili-nl
iiiimiiiho, nil, I lonnliililUh hi. chlliu lo
nilil liiml liclnrn lim ri'itlmcr innl rccuiviir ol
Ihln ollici) .tfi iiicHon i ny, nr oil M, in, Iny, tlm
Iliilh day ol M o i i'li . lam,
, Ilium minwllucaio.a: W, H, liiniiicitil, Win.
IIiiiivci-, .Inn y I, nl',, Im, of I'orlliiiul, Dri'von, II.
V, . Hmllli of Kvatilw. WiiahliiKloii.
Any and nil n, 1 1 1 ,1 1 1,, 1 1 , w n,1vcriuiy tin"
Bliovii ilimcrlljcil Inn, In rciiH'lci lo ftlu
ilu'lr i l.i i in n in ililn iiiiico mi or liciiu-u n, ;iinii
ilny of Mnich, lnu, j, 'j'. AI'I'I'.IIHiiN.
I l--ll . Ilcxlnlcr.
iwfl- litr I'n 1,1 lii, I fu.
I 'NliM, M.(', l.,(iO Ill K
imc.i!. t, ru v ui , net lu
N Hie h.
wllh iln t.r
miic Uli en III I III c "iiii'l ,
i I I im o n,
c! oi I'' lll'l
.1. I I", I'llllllCll "All lll'l llii' Ilic C ol
lliiil'i'l !,ili,. In il,,, nl.ih.nol I I.U rili, ill nil
ni-vniin, inn, o a.iiiiiuton icrriiiiry,
Willi., in M-ioKir,
of fori t ml, I'ouniy of Miilini.innli, niuin of
llll'llou, In,. Ililn (,iy nicil lu lllln olllca lilc
nw.irn nl'iii-iniuii No. aiitu, for Ilia nircli,i.i. of
tlm a w 4 n w 1 , nnil lnln n iiinl i ,ini'i'iloii No.
I. In Im ii li!i No, ll noiiili, raintr No. II n!, ami
will oiler iuiiiiI in nliow Hint lim In ml aoiiKlit la
morn viiluiilila for lia llmlicr or moiiu limn for
aarlciiliiinil ,iiri".c. ami lo p.lnliluli Im
I'laiiu lo 'ilil laud Li-l,,r til ri'Kl.lcr ami
receiver ul llii. I'll!, (. nl (iri.ou Cliy, (irciinii,
on Miiiiiliiy, tlm until ilny of Mnrcli, Ihjl
Hu iiiiino nn wll c: Jerry'iilii!,
Waller Heoll, W. H. iri',,r,, of I'orlliiiul,
Oii'Kiiu, .ln liuiriiliaiu of Molnlla, Ori'iii n.
Any ami all iiernonn t'lalmlna ailmincly lim
aliovtMl rllie.l Iniiila am lo II I c
lluilr clulum lu Ililn oltli'o on or licfnre nalil imili
day of Mnreli, s-jl. J. T, AITKIIHuN.
I .';. frt ItKalnlcr.
polled I'or I'lililli'iillon
I'lille l Hinien l.aml ofllcu. Ori'iiun Ulty, Oruiioii,
m i. U, is , li
Nulled la liercliy iilvrll that III fiiinpllNiire
Willi lln-l-rnviMi'lin i,l I lie act ol t.'olialt'nn of
June ,1, IMa, eulllleil "All a'-l lor Hie aalv of
llinlier loiiila In Hto Htaiea of I'ltllforulii, lliu
Uoii, Ncvaita, nml Wanliinulou ierrliory,"
lliu, ill.i w. Hmllli,
of Heallle, oiiiii y n( Kin,!, H'lle ol Wii.IiIiikIoii,
Ililn Ihln liny lllci) In II, in olhee III. nwolll m ile
luciil No. aiir.t, tr llio iitin-rotnu of the a w '. of
nectloll No. Hi, In toviinli. No h , until, r.iniii'
No .'I e'inl. anil will inter proof to nlioi, tluil Hie
laliil koiivhl In luore' Villunlile fur tin llmlicr or
.tone tluiii for iiHrleiiltiiral puriionen, aul lo ri
I ll 111. claim to until Inn, I I, -loin I lie IliYln-n-i'
ami Kecpivcr ol tlila oilice ut I iri-icmi l.'lty,
Or., on Momlny. the :mhIi ilny ,,l Mnn h, imi,
lie liniiicn nn ullllenncn' Jiihi-,ll lliurnhitin
of Molnlla lircKoii. Jci ry I.til'iiliu of I'oiilaiul,
I In ((oil, Walter Neoll of 'oil mil, Oreoll,
W llllnin Join ot Kornylli, Molilalia
Any nml nil pctai'im I'lnluiiuii ailvernely the
nliove ilcncrft.cil Iniola aid mt'lcnleil to llle
llielr cl Hum In ililn oihcu on or before aniU UClli
lay ol M ui'li, Imi.
l ii, it .'7 J. T. AI'I'lillStN, llealncr.
I.iiiul iillleoat IIicroii Cliy, Or. Jim i:i, lmi.
Nollco In herehy aiveli Hull the tollowllia-nniiii-il
mlili-r linn lile-l noilciiol In. Iiileiiilon
l,. in ike llli-l T""( In aupporl of lila elnliu.
an, I thai Niil.l proof will ha untile
hefore tha telier ami leceiver of the I'. H.
I mil i Dice at orison I liy, iireuuti, on rVliruary
Jl,, via:
lleoree W, North.
Hoiiientenil K'llry No. i.;i7ti, lo, the ip ' of n w
' , anil w ', of II t ill nec. Ikl. Iiiwnnlllp i n-HHll.
raniie it cant.
lie ll'linen the followluu wllllcnM'a to provi
hla eonlliiiioiiH icniileuco upon au.t citlllvntloii
if. Mini laml, via: II I'.lnito. John lillck, anil U
W lA.e, lit t'lnrk'n lumloltlce. W, IV. ti. Knlunon
of OrcKon t'llv, all ol I lack'Hunt rinimy. ore
" J. T AI'I'KllhiiN,
l-l; a .11 lu-almer.
J. II. WAY, I'iouiutur.
OrrjoM I'll-, Or., 0ii. Mm. IliiniieUler'a Murr .
Decker and Fischer
A full Block "f VInliiiK. Uiiiijos, (iuitnrn,
Ltt'.,uiiil iiiHlriiiiii'iilH m-ncrully
fiiiini! In u f 1 rtt t;l uhm nloie,
I'nr tlits liciii'lit nf lliiiHu who ciintiot
rimic Hie cnMi I w ill sell uooilnon the
Instalmont Plan,
- f
n - j l l
m ! ' S ' ' V. 1 (c I
ILL. an UM-ra TFX.
Oregon City
t.h mm iiMjfcimr
Ill the Jnstlro Court, for the vrccluct of Soiln
Hoi luiiH, cuiiiily of CliickHiuna, sliile of Oi-onon.
Olvll action lo recover money
Mra. F, A. Hunk, pliiliitllV, vs. V, (. Luens, ilo
feiiiliint: To VV g. l.neaa, tho nliovo nnmorl ilefeiiilaut.
Ill tlie inline of tho aluto uf OrcKon, you are
hereby reiiilreil t amicr lielore the uiulcr
iIkiiciI a lui'tlco of the Peiice, for tho precinct
n forrsnlil, on the !itli day of l'Vliriiary, lain, at
one o'clock, lu lliu afternoon of mild tiny at the
olllne ol mi Id Jimilco. In milil ireclncl, hi answer
the uhove inimeil obi IniltV In a civil nctliiii. The
(Icfendiint, will tnko notice Hint If lie fail to
anxivci-Ihe ciuiiiliilnt herein the iilnlntin" will
tnko juilRnei-t aalnat hi m for tho anin of thir
ty aevun dollars mid enjlili'iu cenls, tuetliqr
w It Ii eonts nml (llnliuraeineiilH of this iiclion.
'1'IiIk HiimnititiH Ih aerved liy iuhlictitliiii for
alx eonscciiilve wceka In the HieRon Hlly Kn
thiii'iush, hy order of .1, il. llleiikney, jusllce of
thu ieiico for Hmlu Hiirlnea iirccinct, wliich
order henis diitu .liiuiinrv r.llh, IWI.
1-Hl; itf K A HANK, l'liiliilltr.
iMIIIt i: l'UK ll lll.ll'ATIO.
UlllTKtl HTATKa I.Aiin Ol kicr.i
tlriKon Hity, Or. lice. 1, Intnl.
Nollce la herehy given, thnt'ln comiilliineo
Willi Hie I'rovlsioiiH of the net of congress of
Juno II, 1S7K, entitled "An net lor Ihe Rule of
llmlicr l.i ml m lu Hie arnica nf California, Oieiton,
Nevada, anil Witshiiiirlon Territory,"
liiivld n'lii unci),
of I'orlliiiul, county ol iMiiltnoiuiili, Slide of Ore
Kiin, Iiiim IhlH ilny Hied In tlila olllce hif aworu
stiilcnu'iit No. 2'i-l, lor Ihu imrehise of Ihe
llio i w' 4 ol aeollnn Nn. I, In lownalili No 1
aoulli, rninrc No. 7 enat, nnd will oiler vroof to
allow licit llio limit hoiikIiI la luore viln-thle lor
Its timber or alone than for iiKrleiiiturnl pur
n, sea mid to csliibltsh his cluhn to snht lnml
before HTe rculslerand rccel or of HiIk oilice n!
Oieuon lilt v. Oregon, oil l-'ildnv, the HVIh dnv
of Mi.ich, IK'l.
He ii.'iines ns witnesses: (Ihnrles Hchnrfer,
Hiitnuol Dui-licy, Chiirles I nter, ol I'orllaud, Or,,
Ueorno Murine, ol Contriil t'olnt.
Any anil all nersona elnluiina' adversely tho
above described lnndH aro requested to llio
their olnlina In this olllco on or before snld 27tli
day of March, mil. J. T. Al'l'KKSON,
1-1(1; 3-20 . Henlslor
PJii . '!.
yi Pr - i a
in u
cm ii . -n. 1 1 ' 1 v . n i ,.' A B j
uLAim , mnmmd
- - - Eleventh Annual - - -
, llpfpfipe 1 llpflllf IS
Kill Firnt Klrtrt, N-iir M..rriHon St.
JAMES JtOAKE & CO, hvprictors.
Maiiufacturi-rn, and Di-alers in all kindrt of Machinery.
CASTINGS fumishod and IiKl'AIltS promi.tly rna.I
Havo now aUnictiona fur all conHiiincrH in their
iammoth Assortments
Of (icncnil Mi'vcliandisc. Thoir stock consists of
hoot, kIioch, crockery, glassware, dry goodw,
etc. Quick nales and small prolit
in fueir nioUo.
I5;iisk Jiiih!i:!2'
Undertakers and Blacksmiths, OreKon City, Oreaom
(in.ul Ih'arci'H. Trimmcil colliua nnd Cnnl;etn always in SUn k
VmHlll.INI mr la t i-niy r
'i.K "''
i,, i n lo uilr
frit- K7 lO n ilnv al llir'ilnH, nJ ir r ll fG
Tf'. ' if iu .iik, AH i.t... I... si ikv Ml.. i.
iiin-. I.Ahll 1.1 1 1 . V'
i I I, A l.i till !;. Ai! if. ft m ..i. ,
Id., IC'ilUMi.
1 M.'l
Cm-sr. or ci n mn I
liciij. I Cohen. Oiiiinlliiii v. K. M. HiiiiMMi
Aildle Hansen nnd i M Ki-ciiini.
Nulli e In hcrcliv clvcii Hint by virtue nf an
order of Court, alid an exi cillion l.-aucd mil of
and under Hie '-al of iIib circuit Court of Clack -mil.
in Coiinlv, (Ircaoli. and lo me dlrecled and
delivered as nlici iil ol snid counly and Mnlo.
beiirlinr ilnie of rcbruniy lid, A. U. I1-'!, eoni
liinii inn; lne In Ihc name of llio Smle ot OrcKoll
In in , ku llio h-ile ol Ihc fiillomiuv iIcmtIIkvI real
)ro,crty Lc!i,iu.'!nw losnid dcleudmita. to make
the turn o! hi ,i -j.. W illi Inierest iheieun at Hie
rule of Ion -cr rent n r iinnuiii niuce the nlxlli
dav of N.'vetnlicr ls!iu. ami for Ihe further sum
of iT.iin an accrued costs, and for Ihe eosla and
illsbiiri'i'iiii'iiin hcielii. New lu older lomiiko
Ihealioio ainounlH, 1 will on Smur liy, March
7lh, A. li. l'Hl.nt the from dour of the Court
House In said eouiilv nnd male, al Iho hour of
10 oVloi k a. in ol s -it,) il ii'. w ill tiriicced to aell
all s.iUlil('lcn.liiiit, ik'ht. title and interest In
iiml lo Die f. lion i m docrllied reiil-ostuteio-wlt:
The nw of c- ()i'itht.ln t a.r e of thVIII
clue ie Meridiiui, siiiui:cd 111 Claekiimaa Conn
t , Ore r"ll. 1'enus c isll
HhcrilVof Clackiimtis Co.
Dated lilts HU iliiy "l Ki-li. laJl. i l'J-4 Jl)
NOTlcr. l'DU I'l T.LK'ATlON.
I. ind Olllce Rt Oregon Cliy, Oregon, .liumiry
ill, IfJl.
Notice Is hereby (riven 111 it the folliiil-ln?
linuied settler hns tiled notice ot his Intention
to innkc llunl proof In siipi'iut of hia claim, aud
II. ul ki.i ,.r.,.,f n il! I... m. .. I,..r.,r.. Ih,. I(,.U. r
and lleci lverofthi l' cljuuKullceat OicironCity I
oreiion, on tne ;.i i iiay in .Marcn., via.
.Iiinies Nicholson, heir nt law o lAlbert l NIC
liolson, decciised. pro einiilb'ii I). H. No. .'s'.wi, for
the li of n w of sec. yM t 4 s r i 0.
lie nnmen Ihe fnllmvluir wit'iessca to prove
his eontiniiiius resldcui'c upon ami cultiviiitiui
of said lnml vise. Hcoriie North. Heurno I'nr
rish.licoim. Iloilircis and II. clntyro, a, I ol
Clark's V. o , Clackitnl'is Co., llicu"ti.
J. T. APl'KltSON,
2:7 :i i:t
AOIIcr I'oi' I uli! leu lion.
United Slntcs l.nnd Olhee, Oreguu City, Oregon,
October 11, li-'. o.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
wllh the provisions ol the act of Congress of
June 3, ls7M. entitled "All act for Ihe sile of
timber binds In Hie stmesof Cnllforniii.Oiegou,
Nevada, nnd Washington Tertitory,"
A linn K. Smith,
of Scuttle, county of King, stale of
Washington, hns this dny filed in
this olhee his sworn stnteinent No. HUM, for the
purchnso ol the se i4 of section No ;U, In
township No. fi south, rnnge No. ,1 ensi, nnd will
otVcr proof lo sliow tin. I the laud sought la
more viilu-ihle for Its timber or stone tlinn for
iigricullnrnl purposes, and to establish lua
claim lo snld land belore Hie register and
receiver of this olhee at Oregon Cllv, Dr., on
Momlny, llio :;mli day of Mnrcli. Mil.
lie niiincs aa witnesses: Wnltcrheotlof Port
land, Oregon, Jerry'olnt ol Portlnnd, Ore
gon, Joseph lugrahnm of Molalln, oregou,
Vlliinm Jones of Kornylh, Montana.
Any tin 1 nil person' clnimlng ndversely the
aliove described binds are requested to file
their elnims In this olllco ou or bolore aald
.Will day ol Mnrcli, l"'.H.
1--2S-8 27 llegisler.
1 OUKi.oN Citv Or,, Feb. II lsnl. (
Notice Is hereby given that, llio following
nnmeil settler hns has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make llnal proof in support of his claim
and Hint said proof will be mndc before Kegls
ecr and receiver ol the '! S, l.nnd Ollioe nt Ore
gon Oily, Oregon, ou Mnrcli 2! luiil, via:
Wllllnnl V. Miller,
lioineslcail entry, No. oli'i.-i lor the o'.j of neV of
ace 11, t 4 s, r '.! e,.
lie iinnies the following wllnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva
tions of, said land, viz: I,. Votnlerahe, of
Orcuon c.ltv, Vnllin llohlnnder, Heo. Schmidt,
and Fredrick Newklrchuer, ol Mink, P. O. nil
ol Cliickniuns counlv, Ore.
J T Ai'l'UltSON, Kcglster.
2-111 3-20
Cavoata. nnd Trade-Marks obtained, and nil Pat
cut business conducted for Moderate Foes.
Our Office Is Opposite U.S. Patent Olllce.
nml we rim secure pat cut lu less time than tho
remote from Washington,
Send model, drawing or photo., with deacrlp
t. on. S e advise, If patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with
rtninoB of actual clients In your Stale, county, or
town, sent free. Address,
Opposite Patent Office, Wmhlngton, 0. C.
LuW 1'rivuto Kiilranre f,HtirH.
Oregon Cily.
1. , I . " ' '
Notice fur I'liMicHlloii.
Orkuon Citv, Or., Feb. 10, law.
Notice la hereby ctven that the followlnr
iiamed netiler haa rllc l notice of hl Inlenllon
In maku tllial (iriaif III au.lirt of lua ,-lalln,
and that axld iriHif will lie niado lielorw
the nulnler and receiver of the C l;- land
oillec at Oreguu City, OK-gou, on A(rii 8,
I.yinau Merrick,
,r-einiitlon, D S. No. 71.'i for the !; ,.f !;
ol sec ai, t i i. r He.
lie names Ihe lollowinn ltnesca tovrore
hia conlinuoua residence iiioii ami cultivation
ol, aald liiml, viz: K. D Alevaluler. Krederiek
Selvera. Karneai Selvera and Aduih Anchon"
all of Marmot, 1'. o. Clackamas Co.. iinyon.
2:l;l-S.;6 J. T. AfCKUSON, llegister
.-XVI'K'i: I'OII l'l III.H ATIO.
I'nitkp Statm Land Oi ru k, I
Orkoon city, Or,, Dec. 11. In, i
Notice Is hereby given tnat in compliance
wit Ii the provision of the act ol Congress of
June 3, 17K, entitled "Au act for tlu sale ol
tiinlier lamia In tlie atatea ot California, Ore
gon, Nevuiia. and Washington 'territory, "
Jaiiica I. lltigart,
of Knst Porthmd. eountv of Multnomah, alate
uf Oregon, hns this day tiled tn thisoihce lila
aworu stitemenl No. 't, for the purchase ol
theeSn w '4 lots 1 and '2 of section No. la,
la township No. 4 south, range 5 eaal,
and will oiler proof to show thai the laud,
soiiahl Is more valunble for Its timber or atone
than tor agrii-iittoral purposes, and lo establish,
his claim to said lnml belore the register aud
receiver of this othe nt Oregon City, Oregon,
on Friday, the 10th day of April, li.
llcnimcsas witnesses; Krvitl Patterson of
East Portlnn.l, Multnomah conn';- Oregon,
Andrew Myers, of Kant Portland, Multnomah
county, Oregon. August Paul of West Port bind,
Multnomah county, Oregon, lleury Waugli,
ol Wesi Portland, Multnomah county, Orctron.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrila'd lands tire n quested to tile
their claims in this oilice ou or before said loth
dav Of April, 1M1, J.T. AlTKKM'N,
I 21; W liegisler.
tfiiH i: roit im iii u auiii.
T1M1U5K LAND ACT, JI NK 3, 1N78.
OiiKiioN i'itv, Dr., lec. IH, lstv.j
Notice la hereby given that In onipllanct
with the piovisions of the act ol Congtesa of
Junes, 1.S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon. Ncvtulu and Washington Territory,"
Thomas K. lilbson,
of Portliml, county of Multnomah, slate of
uregon, has this day riled in this olllce ht
sworn siaieineiit No. W'.'.i, for the purchase of
the s4 of nw1 , nml lotsa ail'' 4 of secllou No 2,
In township No. 2 aoulli, rnnge No, i cast
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Us limber or
stone tliau lor purposes and to ca
tuhlish his claim lo said lnml lielore the regla
tcr and receiver of this oilice al Oregon Citv
Oregon, on Friday, thu 17lh day of April, m
llenunes as wliitessos: David OTIoniiell
John Mitchell, Chns. Sehtielor. Chis Cjiii
nil ofi'orlUnd.Or. "
Auy and all jieraona claiming adversely
the iibove-deseribed lands aio requested to
file their claims iu (his office on or heforn
said 17 day ol April, lw llore
J. T. Al'1'KRSON,
F.L. Posson&Son,
General Agta. for D. M. Ferry & Co's
Trees, Hulbs, rcrtilixers, etc.
Bee Kcepei-s' Supplies.
A'e want You for a customer. Give us
a trial order.
F. L. Possoh & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Op.
Successors to Wilier llros. Catalogue Ft
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kiuds of
s&xaiS 6wJ3
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