The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 27, 1891, Image 3

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    Tho 1C u t e r p r t hc.
Fun.vv,FF.maTAKV2r, m.
Hkokk From J vn,. 'Sheriff Samson
vns nut a little aitiprmod hint Stiiihiy
e'vomna at about nine o'olivk, when Iio
wont to look tho prisoner of the (ml in
their colls for the night, to tlttd f-mr of
them, Ho soon discovered
tttott place of oxit ill tlit Iron grating of
tlie double door lending to the cells, one
bar ol which had been sawed oil' and
bent aside snlhcient to permit the pas
sago o( hiiv iwann o( medium sio,
Tlio hack linr of the basement was also
1 open, and it In iMimxMHitl tliat alter
lo i viiiit this thoy skipped over tho brow
of the blntl' along (ho rivor hank toward
the bridge wtiil thou hi-ovk tlio nvor.
There were eight prisoners, in tlio Juil at
th time and tlio four w ho osoap M wore,
.Viimr Walters, termed the "English
Lord"' who was ill for uxiiit Imvju
ch vks about three weeks ago; John
H.wo, l'r stealing 110 from Juatco I'orer
0' II U'. lUlt ACM, N C. I'rospnr (,
larvivy hv b.iiu.o, mention of which w n
in lo in list week's E.vv,.:ui'insrt mi l
voting Emil ltdlitor. of Solvation Army
fame, in for sio.iling a horse mnl,
Tluy were nil aw.utiug the Motion of tlio
gr.ind jury, The cell of tlio j.iil are
arranged tilonj the ninth side of it largo
Mini in tlio basement, and tho s-uitii
side, being largo ttn I roomv in placed itt
the dismal of ihe prisoners for wi'ivb,. :
during the d iv. H.oy had boon nuking !
mi itiiiii(ii amiwuiii u, im M'l ..i.iimk i ll"
day itn.l SiitiirdH.r, nod oovoutl tinion il
lidbot'tuiiot!w.ty to oiuition thom to
!o titiiot. At tlio usiiitl hour on Sulurdav
vonuitt Shoritl Siiiiison tlnin
thoir ii(nor, afior wh ioIi had boon di
jvwod of, two yoiini! inon by tho nunio
of Sinilh woro Hiii)tlod to no in mid
p.oM tho ovoniiitf nilh tlitf bios. Four
of the risonon mid tho two vinitorn won
t'litf od in (t.tmo ol onrdu in ono of tlio
cllt whilo tho othor four kopt ii tho
iioino out.Hido, Tlio roni:iuiin puoiior-
xirs il us thoir opinion thnt it whs
diiriii) thin li'.no tho wiirk of riw -iii
tho br WH dono. mm thoy prolong t
linvo known nothing whutovor of tiny
plot or ootitotnplittod Mtiompt ut oo.ti
Thov .tv tliov wf!'! unknowing v lo. ko I
... u.o r rou oy ..o oos,K,,mj ,r ,
pvpii ii mrv iii uiuii hi K'V mi Hytrin ;
it would hitve boon of no itv iil. tioon-oi Wu.i. iKi.v "Visir" Stum. A Noh
Kinoitrnon roporl Imviiitt mot j niskn man i mm- in tho vullov mukniK
mom in ine ooiioiiwiHi.iH iu mo niouiii ;
nf llio ("hielcmmt ahnut ..k'lil ,iV k.n.1,1 ,....;i.... ( I.;." ..... .. 1
' - - - - , - - (it mnnin" i"ni 111,1 nt ui', i i it" )
They worn next reported to Itiivo beenjwiH settle somewhere iu the vullev
.H'n m tlio vicinity of ioiwr't. four ! whore bo cm trot the orooer indue.'-
milos from town, una nrtot ivanls the!,,,,.,,,,, Tlio pooplo propoto eni;;iiii! in
constable at Oswevjj sent word that he ! th,. daii vuiit nnd lushl (aimitii; Inninott,
hud located them in the mines ; Souio siiiiablo locution near llio river
Whotliorornot any of thete nro tlio in ,0 s. Uvled. mid the iuiiiiinniiUH
parties it o: ivmrs not known, hut j brought out i;i it in tho latter part
Shot iff Samson h been soourinv tlio ; ,,( tu, spiiu Tito w ill visit
country between hero und Portland nnd ' Silent nud surrounding counlrv before
upt.3joiiitfto press has only lon sue- ,,.ei.lin upon ,1 locution Stiitosuuiit.
ctwsful in capturing Wnlla.o. Ho not : ,fter thov liitvo visited in Salem, it is
into u fi(iht in IVrtlmid nnd wns chased . qiiii,. proinihlo that they w ill hu'iit" near
down by tho police. I Hi.011 Citv, ut least wo nr.. iuioiine l
ArroKMKY I'nK.tsKU Ukii iivs Altor- i
ney A. F. Prei-mr nttirne.l Sitii.luv j
from his oston led toiirof tho Fntt nnd j
South, li s travels have taken hint !
ovor ll.IKH) nnlos of found, eovertiiij
tho principal sections nnd touching all :
the loudimj cities on the I'ncilic and'
Atlantic oceans nnd Oulf of Mexico from I
Oregon to Florldit nnd from there to:
Maine. It was strictly a hutinet ir.p
net h was constantly nmoiiK business i
men and capitabs's, conversiiiij willil
them on all topics concernimt llnanco. !
politics mnl trade. In convert ition with
nn FxTKiirntti! roiHjr'er, Mr. Preiser;
had nun h to say on the mints of in
terott that came under his observation
He say eople everywhere were v.iy
10 ic.irn oi me n est nun 1110 nine nu-;
i, f,,l,...lii .....,! i 1
. f . 1. . '. . ,1. :..t
..1 ..11,. 11.. ..., t iiM,.,,.- !
ll...;,! ..r 1'. ,1 I. .If tiiioun .,l,ro.,l
s.., it now more inoroueblv
"onvinitl than ever th at tlio state 'hat 1
been too backward about n dvertisiu.
Wusliinirton is considered tho leadnnj'
stale of tho two from tlio suuiilo fact
thut people me ucipiaintod with what
she has to offer. Amonn ciiiitalisls he
saw tho effects of our steel edi;ed luorl
K:ii! tax law. There is plenty of money
to b. hud, und iu fue capital it scckiiu
investment, but there nro tietler liei.l
im n t.reaon ns. .. Kio , ... ers e, e. , ,
i.e.u,, ,.. ... .,.i,,M.Ui, .,..r..,.K - 1
liriictic.illv placed a barrier uirainst it
lleresrt.t tho tlii.incial condition ol
every cumtiiunilv he has vitite I nnd
esjwi illy throughout the central Miss
issippi vullev unythiuK but Haltering,
mi l that hard times prevail everywhere,
l'eople nro sncriliciiiK their properly ut
small liiiiiros in order lo coino West and
nro c "nstaiitlv m-ekiiiK inform ilion ns
to the 1rsI pi. ice to come. In Maine the
thermometer ranged Irom ten lo. forty-
wo dejjreet b doiv zero an,! the HI.IUI
moth ice t'slitblisliiiiout.s of tltat section
nro busy putlinn up their supply. II"
says no state can oiler belter induce r.euts
toentorprisinn yoniiK men than Urepin :
llll.l t usnin'ion nni nu oas iiovisch
many to come. Iio was perfectly sat
islied w ith Oregon hetore he left mid nit
on his return bo is considerahlv more so
Skiiu'kh tiik Coi'ntky. K J. Hiiiiiius
wit ) recently purctiated K imbo's ciKir
store on Main street left for purls un
known last Saturday, lenvinu Mrs. May
Yumu to sutler a loss W thn extent ot
uhout M H). U)iriw recently came lo
this city, from I'usco, hnvintf been mi
engineer oil ,t run between that burpr
mi I Spraitiie for soinn time putt. Hu
was an old U':piaintitiice of Mr.. Youii,
they haviiiK known each other in the
cast, anil their friendship ira In illy ho
comm more intimate they were final'y
ethtaed to bo marrieil, tin) time cot ho
im; the eveuinu; of his dtipaiture. When
lie came to Oregon City h- was ''broke,"
nnd nhe took pity on film, Hiundim; r-i-spontiblo
for hisjo arl, lirstut Howard's
and next at I.ivorinore'8 hotels, both of
which places she was workim.'. She j
soon succeeded iu sellinc a pieen of j
railroad land iu Knslern Orenon, recoiV
Inif in chhIi t-l'K). This money nhe en-1
trusted in his cure and he dep nitud it
in tho bank, ns she supposed in her
name. He nt last succeeded in talking
her into the id" of puri'luisim; the
Itauibo fruit and eorifeotiuiwry Hloro,
which purchasB was duly made, us
mentioned in Tiik Kn'tkhi'iuhk last week,
the price paid bein $-'"). KverythiiiK
was runninit alonn smoothly lis could bo
cxpocte.l until on Saturday nt about six
o'clock Mrs. Younii, cullinjt at tho store,
wan surprised ut lindiiiK the store locked
nnd 11 ixitins (tone. Some one told her
lie hnd (tone to I'lirtland hut nlia hus
pected the truth and notifl ;d tiio uiithori
tien. It was found that he had also
drawn the re.niaininjt $15') from the
bank. Mrs. Younn informed a lepovter
that IHttJiinM is a man of itood stainliutt
in both the orders of Kniithtnof 1'hylias
nnd ilrotberhood of Knuiiuiers, that he
was liked wherever known and that
she considers him n trim lientj imiin
Hlie says she broke herenitiiu'iinent with
him and believes that to he the causa of
his rash net. It has left her with no
nioney wiietever and the only posse -in-'
ions shi! now holds is tlio small stock of
irrimls valued at about Latkii.
Since the above was in type, iiiitjfins
was captured in Dayton", under mi
assumed mime. He wan brought hack to
this cit) by Marshal Hums.
Fmx UndkkaTi'.ain. Louis Carotbors
now lies in a critical condition at ('an by,
as a result of ft horrible mishap, which
befell him fast Monday evening. Mr.
Carothers ntarted to cross the railroad
'T truck in front of the iu-commit Albany
'S local, and in nomo manner slipped, full
in,, across the track. Ho was struck by
the enu'ine ami dutaKo.l a dislnneo of
about thirtv feet, hei-ift muiiK d mnl
bruised in a terrible manner. He wa
picked up nnd carried home, when Dr.
-isy was summoned. Itosl. le nev,ro
iiiliriml injuries 1 was found that Ins
Z fractured below l be kneo, and his
ank edislocnte.'. die can now only ans-
" r tli- words "yes" or "no, N
. " 1 l.a , wan hurt. It is doubt-
iflmcrnivivehis &
It- V.t A KiYt'KM Tho iiiililary hull Anni'ai, Scinioi, MuicTiNtm, On 'next
lu"t Frldny ovoninu wim purliotpntod Momluv Ihoiiniliml hoIiiiuI iiiooIIiiwh of
in by Hbont nlxtv couplon itnd itltundoil tho vitiioim whnol iIIhIiIoIh of I'liiokn
by it liio iiuinbor of iipoobiloin, unit county will ho hold for Iho piupotio
Fvorythliitf wm ilbly limnunoit, noml of oloolimt diHliiot oIIIooih, iuuI ImiiMiiot
iiiuhio wim funihihod mid tiolhluu Ihut ln hiu Ii ollior bimlnom in ooiinootion
would ii. Id to Hi buooohs wim loft iindono, ! wlih llin koIiooIh hh propurly oonioii lm
It i riinkod itiuontf tho olito ovouU of ! foio niii'Ii bodioN, Il in lu bo hoprd Ihiil
Iho mnoii, mid M oondnolod im only Mho liitollluit voIoin mid piilronH of
tho niilitiw hov know how to oondiu t it ! hoIiooU of Vliti kiinuii county will mih
llimlolusii Imll. . worvv tho boitt intoioMtii ol" th oouilnj
I lioiioiiilloiiH hv oloollnvt I'lipiibhnnon Im
toi'xvKiU'Kir.MoNKY.-loun'.odolt ll-!t,lm(l 0,n(.IMH, w, U1B proiiroBivi.,
vorificlroiiluluniluUix'ifou yiiy, mid no!,i bolUvo Inn untdo of prolloom-v
clom'lv doo it rosomhlo tho Konulno ! ,.Bniinl for tho Impiovoiuoiit of ur
itrtiolo In hoft mid uppoiiritiioo, thut it puhlioHohoolKjinnn w ho iw iiiikoUIMi
won d illniool Ink nu export to dotoot : ,i will omploy tho hot timchoiH nthiln
Iho (mud. Mr. 'ivyliirf low it l only H),U ; i inon wlm'iiri. williun to mioiUIco
llvocout pnvo. which wuMiikou In thu ; porsmml nmbltioim hii.I itniiixmii. to
was absent tliat is it .'oiiiliil imitation
o( ( Iio genuine article In execution, tool,
Weight lllld appearance.
') '""'' '"imium , ninio no
I'oMMKMlAlll li F.NTKHI'KHK. lt lit Woll
worth ono'n tliuo to v i m i t tho rnxiic
furulluro uiiviudu'tory of Vobn Itro.,
ovor II I', IUMow'h workshop, opHi.lo
tlio ('ouk! cliuvli. iloio olio
cm llud run io ch.iiis, rockoi, f.uicv
Klllllll. tllllllt tktl.l ttillE.IHM iMllttktnttlll illlil
I ' ... ( ... . I
II. Illll.,'l,w ... III. Ill l.t... . 'II Iljlll III.. .
tfivcii Iho k ki,Ih ot this III in it wulu ropif
liilion. I'lioii' is.Hids itiv novel, uuiipio, il nd Nuhtitutiitl, wild il u won
dcrfut to uIimm vo w hut tho li.tiid ol kkIII
i nn do with tho lii'iotoloio
ttluioNt wortliloMi I in to I, wuiliiblo
,m,v for , ,,,,
,U() MlMnt ' n,
I'liOHO Koniloiuoii
i mu iMiiitimu iii n lino O.II.H1CNM w men i
i 1. 1 .,. i .
t'oilHl.intly illrio.KlllK'.
Of Iawh, Airmit'n ' i vis. Tim
in.iny friomlu ol I. K. Admio. of thin
city, will bo sorry to lour u ol hit do
pitrlttrt for Attori i, w horo bo tfooit to rt
tiiiiiu poruiiinoiilly. Mr Ad.iint U ouo
of iho ritiiiK yoiiiin iitlonicv.t ot tlicpm,
mid bit pu-li. uhility itud nprihliioHx
it bound to w in 1 1 1 m im 0!ivi.ilii ropulH
lion unions tho lo.idintt inoiolicri ol tho
prolottNiin, l.i l'ny ho h:tt
(J.limld tho billOtt OKlooUl, IMIIlldolll'O
nud Irn-iiiltliiii u(
....1 .1.1 . I:.. ,( i,
. Iiiouill. i.ioii. eon
Ull: u,v , U,ml ,, rtlllllv
.r,uuoinoiit.i toliiini! out it colon v o(
i.'lii'lliillj to that ell, i t
I'.mih Timk ro Sriiiu. The
dollar men of the V, I' .It I', itiillt of
thitciiv wore notilled last Friday that
their wncs would lo cut down to $1.75
kt day, takinit ctl'ect Mon.lay At u
coiitcipienco ithout llltceit 01 tliein
"walked out" on Monday inoiuinu, but
most of litem wero litd enmiK-li to walk
back before noon. Superintendent
Smith informed them nil that their
I places wore oien to them, but if they ill. I
Hot choose to to buck he wool. I have lo
! hire other inon, which it, line. Uiv
' ill if to the pievillinu' hard times, per-
, tons rcthziiin n small salary should ho
contented, nt the counlrv is overrun
; with men wuitiin for miv .; 11 i 1 1 c to 1
. ,,, h,.,;. i..,,,i
" rk' ' u 1 1 r lll,lr :
. ..
l inn Mr. I. ll.Suer, who re- ;
.' I,"r,",,'",. ."' W,M"'" 'r.K"ll!
- '""''""'""onl ol V. . Hurst on .iter
1 street, ii 'I11I114 I ope s h.-trdware store,
i hat formed a c -parlnerthip with Mr.
: UutH-rt Futlev, Aitontloii it oullo'l lo
their iidvertiseuieiit III this itsuo Itolh
: L'entleineu mo exi'erieiiced cntmctors
and ouil.lers, nn I nit.i'nni .tt if icti in
; In addition to couintctinir mi l build 11,
j lliev cm ry iu stit'k nnd iiiiiniidictuie to
I order windows, diNirt nud bliiidh, and
.! mr r,,,,, ,,iouldin-s, brackets, slmrs
, . ,
OMile Irom III i:o,ii;lilv seutoiieil IUIiiIm
riiev i.Uoutti-ii.l lo iolihiiu milert ami i
till kindsof cabinet woik, turninu an I ;
scroll work. IteineinU'r tho new linn
I'mlcy and Sier.
Kkiu il.nixn tiik TiiKsn.K. Material
is mi tho spot nud men urn already nt
work leaniii.' up and relntil hnu the
trestle ol lh Southern I'acille, approach
inhibit cilv on the north. Instead of
heiiiit t Aeniy ('. apart nt they are now,
it is the intention of tin- company to
place t!ie bents sixteen feet, thus as-
til ing a sifer nud more substantial
o. litis work, ol course, must
necessuiily he slow, in o-d-ir to allow
the t-atlic of the road to continue, but
all pnssdilo It ute will bo exen iteil in
pushiiiK it. Tun old bridge has for some
time been a source of not a little con
steina'ion in tho eyes n( tho tr.ivcLiiiK
public, and if possible, more so since
the hor; iblo fatality of thu Lahith hridito
a few 111 inths u:o. It is then with tho
ejroatest ratiiication that Iho work of re
placing it with 11 new one is bailed.
"I''"M uK Hai-i-v. F company It id
their re .'iilnr drill mi l business meet
injt lust Monday eveniior, and weie the
recipients of a Kind surprise immediately
after tin! drill. Jtlde Meldriini in n few
iippropriute and well chosen remarks
pnsenle I the boys in behalf of tho citi-z-ois
with a purse of II fly dollars, for the
defraying of expanses incurrod in the
recent athletic coiito.ts, and assist the m
in the purchase and liltitiK up of new
contrivuiiees for truininit. The pu-so
was made up by a few of the leudinjt
business iii-m of town and is emblematic
of the spirit that bus been aroused
anions them its a result of the soldier
buys' success. Their kindness will
ever ha held iu irr.itel'ul remombrancn
by V and tliev bopn to make proper re
turns for the sain-!. Hesides o'lier busi
ness "nt the mnetintt, the names of Dr.
Somiiieis, K. L. il iliniu nnd C. II.
F.nleshy were presented for member
ship und accepted. The company me
wed up in the manual and are losing no
time in reuehinit a high deitre i of pro
floicney. Mr. Litni,', an ex-colonel of
the California militia, has drilled the
company at two drills, and fully de
monstrated his uhility as a drill muster.
PosTMAsruit Hanhs Okkiciai.i.v Noti
pibi) V.. M. Hands received his of 11
ciul notilicalion from I'ostniasler (ien
orul Wanamaker Iiimi Friday ofliiMiip-
poinlment as poHtmasti!!' tit this place
to succeed .1. M. Ilacon, deceased. Since
tho death of Mr. Ilacon, Mr. Hands has
crcduhly conducted the iill'uirs nf the
pootollici), as aetiiiK postnianter, which,
toKother with his wide iiciiainlHnco
Ihroiiithont the chy and HiirrouinlinKS,
sueKfsts his ample litniws for the posi
tion. Mr. Hands is nn uccomuiodatlnt;
ixentlemeii, never tiriuK in bis efforts
to do justice to any matter bo under
take;), und we feel safe in Huyinit thnt in
the responsible position lie lots ac
cepted iiu will not. be found wanlinit.
Ho will retai l tits connection witn
the Willamette Fall Investment Com
pany, but. will e'nploy Hiillicient assist
ance in the ollico to let that in no wdsii iu-turfei-e
with tho rapid anil prompt dispo
sition of the mails. He has appointed
us hisileoutv. Miss Annio Merrill, form
erly of St. Helens, which fact is in itself
sufficient assurance that Iho govern
ment ot the olllce will ho strictly in ac
cordance with the demands: of the pub
lie. Miss Merrill has hail considerable
experience in the service, and with her
obliinit manners nnd mat-Iced aptitude
she will soon (tain Iho appreciation of
f id patrons of the olllce. Miss Kelly,
who has proven herself a most, excel
lent and ncconimodiitinK clerk, will re
lire until the first, of April, when she
will probably un iin resume the clerkship.
,..ji.. ,ui niuii.iiiiiL. ., t .,o noi.itn.Ti j wholly ilevouis or makes it unlit. lor , .,(,v unit the M. V. It. U. C... would
with that ho in iv su.vott , ,lwrk, Ytit to Iho shn of tire.... j Uivrvll tUl,ir v,,m,r rtt. (r, ,,,
he j.Htly moms. IU it tho deputy lv,ly , condition of nllub. rclly ,.ilv , ,v.rtlnd. d cons...p.enlly
d1,l,.,t.utto,uev..rth,td, m,d mi exists beio, nnd il Is lime st nro taken ! ,,,.,, rolm, ,r; menrs ft cents.
hun AtMil.t Ititit.uiml it w .thy. y.min! j t iVl,t . If citueiis do not tuke!i c i. .
i piOltllOOthO lIlXilllOKt ItOlHl 10 tlUHIh'.IIOHt
ti u in I -. iho choitpcHt touohoM mo
odou iho iloitront, it it. t dcliool I'llh'orn
nhnnld hour In mind thul thu "I iboror
It worthy of hiii hlro," In tho wl " Hon
of IIVO lllld pI'lurtOBHlVO Hchool Olll.-OI'K
ilopon.lH tho mii ivn of your . hooln for
Iho coiiiinu your, Il ii vory iuhvuuiiv
lli;tt yi in-ohildion Hhonld huvo 'h i bol
hoIiimI f.icllii'o obt.iiiiiihlo, nit edm ntion
1 i tlio tmo wot k ui our hhorllo It
I 111'
nt iblo fiiot thul ntoro hillor iinl-
moMlic mid iioitihhorhoiHl oiuirroU itro
oui;udorod nt hcIukiI iiuh-iIiiuii Ihun
from Hiivolher ciiiiho, OBiMM'lully In thu
oiiiiiiti v iliHlriotM, Thin ntnlo of itltilirn
Hhonld ho rigidly MUitrdod Hk'nilntt, um it
oltou provo iliHiiNirou in tho cxtrvuio,
Knui' Oft TilK I'uWH, Ouo of tho
lliKt oi.IIiiiiiicoh to i putted under Iho
now chiulor Hhonld hu rolitth'it to tlio
prohibition of tho niniiiuit nt luiv.''1 of
Htuek iiimiii our Ht root. Tin) enuntry
tlod iippeiiruiieo of nnv oily thut uIIowm
it M root ri to ho utod lit cow pusturot it
to tho city's dltcmdit, nud tends lo In
tpiro vititoi with h f.t'ltiiii of ditviiist (or
llio nhtttlestiiest of its oiliselis, to-tdet
its other ell'erts it K'' ''ir tiiwiirds
lurniiilliotr4do ol dinners lo olhor 111111s
kels. No (m inor Is nttitehod to innr
kot wlioro It is tintiile to lonvo 11 wiikoii
conliiliiiiiif his nrodiico nnuuiirdod for
..,, H S l,ll'l lllll O. W .1 llllerl llkf tllt'k
kindly lo this iiloit, nud liollov. s the , :n.,ion of ovor incrensl iu their puss
nuhts of their family cow would Ih- hh- ounor rules to mid from I'orl hind, mid
pos-d upon, perhaps it would Im well to ' oouto.pionto nro Uwg tho bulk
lolieo ill Maui Street, hllvillK tlittt-H lit 1 ,,f t(, r,,jr.
oiliior OH.I HII.I llllorsocilliK sin , ill-
low ui,' cows In only ultor liiisinett
liourt. Tliis would itivo tho cows 11
e bunco, would be n urenl relief to
funnels nud woiildu'l roui.oo to
to unv great extent tho present rural
air ol iho city.
Oi.oKtr M ts.iNif laiuiiKj-Ort'iton hut
tho ilittiiiguithod honor ol Is'im; the
llrt state or territory on tho I'ncilic
Coast that lllld n M I sol lie'O ei
tihiithed within its borders. Multno
mah l.oilo No. t 0tMled for tho Hit!
lime at tr'iioii fit v, September U, HH
At ih it tune Wortliv I'lt.ither N
' Kltil livitnr 11111I rosl.linir timir Saeraiiieuto
two-:('u., (ouforre.t the Hist .legreu upon
1 t,-tlioi - Christopher Tuvlor, of Dm ton,
j Yiimhill couiitv In view of thlt hu t nt
n reuular meelinn of the Masonic Veteran
.hs.m i itiou ol llio I'aetllc coast, held In
i San Frniicitco Thins lay, tho 12 iut.,il
I wiit unauiiuoutlv retulved lo ceiebrule
ui r.irilund or 1 iretjou Cily on the 2;hd
HI Soptemlsir next, the fortieth miniver
inurvof the oiifsni ition of tho Mol
orshiplitl I.ihIo ol ! roe nml Accepted w I1010 ho has cotnltieted n nine cent
Masons ol the stnto of Oregon, iu con stoie for some limo, will msm ohii up n
junction with tho said itnind lo lire. It s, 110 on the hill in litis cilv where ho
is eonlldenlly extcled Unit the Maouic ' has piirchatod n lot of T, 1'. It.indall,
triileruity "I Unroll City will u0 every 1 paities w Iio have hud business trnutue
etlort to have the next ineetiiitf of said 1 limit with Mr. Shivo'y. know whnl kind
, ., 11 . ,1 '
with tho celebration uf the anniversary,
tfrtuM imiijo nei'i Here in cuiijiiiicuon
and make nil prepuintutioiis for the
eutortaiiiuisnt of tho vitilitijj inntont.
Ureu-on ( ity is cm tailtlv onlitleil to tho
h,mr ,,4Vn( the celebration her., ns
MulHiomuli l.sluo No. I
is tho ol lest
one in tho state
O. II. A I. Co. Kl Kl TION', At the;
Columbia Hook nnd Ladder Co s last 1
election iho following others wore,
.,...1 litr ll.. iiiiMi.iitiiiF VHur- I 'htirtet 1
1 1 A ttiev. piotldeiit ; (i. C. ltiieon, secrie
tnrv;.I.J. Cook, treasurer; Chat llil-1
or! foreman; II. Ii. McCnrver, llr-t
sistimt foromnn ; T. I.. Clutrmun, W. T.
Whiil.M'k nnd J. It. Treniliath, members
of tin. board ol tiro doleiialct. The
moiiihorsliiii of the conin.iiiv it now verv
lai and comprises no iinutniilly ae-
live and brave lot of boys. However, a lew yearn litis para will iw nn orna
there seems n ifeiierul feelniK of ilistntis-: menl to Iho city. The council built n
taction umoiiK them in remir.l to the old six-foot sidewalk nliing- tho west side ol
ritttlo trap of n truck Ihev nio onlit-ed to; the purk, wbicli hus liecu extended
use. and there seems reasons oiioiil'Ii for ! southward by Cupt t'owiiiK and oilier
complaint. It lonu no nerved lis pur
pose mid il ennnot longer be Massed
uiiioiik modern conveniences. It is
beuvv nnd clumsy, which bullies every
attempt ut necessary speed nud prompt
ness in nil emerifenciot. The Udder
lire Phi short mid do not moot the de
mand while the hooks nnd uth-r at
tachment are old mid out of date, A
new truck is needed liudly, nnd it would
lie a wise move on the purl of the coun
cil to take steps toward purcluisinK one
at tho next inci-lin.
Tiik Lai.v WasiiisutoM Si tchh Tho
Lady Washington supier given by Iho
young Indies of the Congroitatiomil
church last Tuesday evening ut the
parlors of tlte church proved lo lt 11
very attractive nnd enjoya'ilo utt'nir.
The young Indies wore cnstmno.1 in
attire of tlte day of Ludy Washington
mid presented a verv iinitpio npisuir
iince. After supper hnd boon liberally
pm taken ol, the people retired to the
auditorium, where music and literary
exercises ol a high order were w itnessed.
Miss Jennie M. Lon ;, elocutionist of
I'orlland, gave the audience a rare
trout in tlio rendition of different selec
tions, mid the successive encores she
received, showed to the extent Hint
high elocutionary talent Is appreciated
hv our citizens. Mm lyougls instructor
of 11 class of elocution iu Salem, and she
nlso has n class in l'lirtliind. Not the
least amusing feature of the enteiluln
ment was Jtho privilege tho audience
bud of really shaking hands with I'resi
dent t ieoige and Lady Washington, be
fore leaving. The entertainment was
in every respect a grand success, nud
the young ladles feel much II tltered.
Tub Hkcknt O. N. (I. Atulktii'
Topiinamkmt As considerable mis
understanding hut arisen, otviug to toiue
rash statements being made by differ
ent parties In the lain tournament ill
I'orlland participated in by company F
of this city, it became necessary to
correct some erroneous impressions
that have gime out. Tho members ol
l-'Co . who puiticip ated iu the lute toitt-
naineiit expiess tlieinselves lis sili-lled
with the way 111 w-lilch lliey were enter
tained by (i company, und that they
cherish no feeling of amimoHity toward
them. The Kvoniiig Telegi-im, which
at (list published 11 somewhat biased
report ot llio tournament tins inane
inutile corrections nml given F company
its just dues. The members of 1' comp
any, nn well as their ninny friends, are
proud of the medals won, and if u
reuiinenliil tournament is given this
spring, they will enter into the contest
with friendly feeling toward nil, and
with the coiilldont expectation of win
ning more meduls.
Clackamas County 8. H. Convkvtion.
On Wednesday two weeks ago at. 2 1'.
M. tho pastors of tho various churches
of Oregon City, held a mooting to take
into c.onsiderulion thu forming of 11
County Sundav School Association.
Rev. J. II. Holberg, the president of the
State Sunday Hchool Association, was
present. It was unanimously resolved
lo bold a Sunday School Convention I
Apil 1:1th nnd 14th, 181)1, in the M. K.I
church of Oregon City. A committee,
consisting of Hcs. John 1'nrnons, W. 0. 1
Lucas and ti. Win Uibonv. was an- I
pointed to prepare a program nnd invite
speakers. We trust that the various
Sunday schools of the county will take
notice of this appointment and have
their Huhools represented at the convention.
TakiiM Hi Iifi,Aiiifit.Hov. Hit"
n 1 11 11 dollvorod his furiiwoll sormoli In
this city lust "tunihiy nlulit. Th" ud
loiieowiis no luiner tlmn iitiml fioui
tlio slinphi fact that it w liupuHslhUi In
crowd Hiiy tnoiH In, Tho iiInIos woro
full mill iho unoccupied spiteo III mid
mound Iho pulpit whs llllod with per
sons htumtiiikt mid Hitllii, vthlln tho hull'
wuy mid iiulO'iooiii wits iilto iiiiciiuo
foriiihtv crowdod, F I'ompmiy, 0. N.
0, nltondod In i'nlforui,occu tyliirf clutil's
tit tho I1111110.II11I0 rlfiM of tlio spottkor,
Tho sulijoet mitt, 'Tho Hitlln of Ufa
mid How to Fight It," nud whs ubiind
mitwith tho valuable infoiumtioti mid
IntorostliiK notes ns nltvitvs chmnctorlco
liov, hiitonum's discoursos, Willi his
litinlly. I'lupliiln llitloiniin, ilopitrlod
yotiiudny direct for Vniteouvor liiirmcks,
w horn how 111 itwitll further orders from
tho war tlepitrtitionl nsti)iulu I1I111 his
Hold of duty. In tho dopiirliiro of llov,
lliitomsn, Ori'itnu City bus IohI one ol
Its most iHipulitr iMiHtiirs nud brllllnnt
oriilurs, w hllii iu his ostlinnblo wllit wo
Ioho it htdv of I ho highest litornrv cul
tuio. Thoy lutvii hulli nslnod frloiids
without iiuinbor diuiiiit Iholr stny In
Oregon City mid with llioin In nuy Held
thoy miiv oiitor, nru soul thn host wlsliet
of till. It is not known nt piosout who
will Nitccood him mx pastor ot thn Hitp
lit church,
Tiik I'oMiiiNK Hhokiin, SovoihI weeks
slneo tho lower Columbia ilvor bonis
fiirinoil n ciiiubliiiilloii.niuoiiK IheuitelveH
ritlto.l tho froiuht nnd pHssonnor rnlos.
nlso init nu tho M'lces of inoitU nnd
births. Tho Tolophono rttlsitl tho prices
of ino.ilt fiuiu fni to 75 cents, nml uliil.f
toomt from 1.51 to -'.'J.'), but tho
Attorlit putsoiiiior bi'h'iin to truvol
without osliutt nud slept in thn seats, to
thov wro couiMiod to reduce meals
nml liorths to I lis old rules. Hut tho
Kelloifi; Co. lint broken Iho ooliihhiu
lion their patrons who huvo stmsl hv
them for voms refused lo submit to Iho
lucroiiM'd tmill", nml thoy nro now carry
ing froiuht nud pnstonuora nt tho old
rules. At tho sumo tliuo Ilia llnyon
i .. i .. 1 1....1 .......... ...
i in iinm "innnPii , . ii tin I
F.tsr C.iviNit to tiik FnoNr. Mr
James Ito.ike, who recrtitly nsKiuued
enl'ro control of the llroitou Cilv Iron
Wotks, hat partitioned otf n neat httlii
1 ollico room m.I jttnliif his sluui, w hleh
; uives iiiui n votv convenient slid luiiidy
place for trausaetiliif his biitiuess nml
keeplnit bmiks nnd as'rs, Ho lint
recently ndded material to his establish
ment, lo the eUont ol (iliSMt, mnkiliit it
one of llio most complete luundrios in
tho state outiddo of Portland. Ho hut
nl) tho woik Im enn Hissibly nttond lo.
not only from tho country sup
roundiiti;, but fi.uu u broad, which
sH'nkt much to the repuiiitioii ho
It vMinini! Hit Into partner, Mr. I 'rot
ter, is now in IWtlund. when, ho w
cnpi.'S it iHisilion in 0110 ol tho shops
there, Mr. 1'ixistor Is n llrslcliiss woik
iii.iii nnd has warm friends in Oregon
I City who w i
: at any tliuo.
gladly welcome Ins return
I Conn To Stay Win. W, Snively,
(moons mniinir Portland inerclimitt,
; ui a imc ol uistls ho nlwavs curries, ns
,, , " . V V ' . ,
, well t tho scln-lido ol prices ho nlwavs
maintains, nnd it is, lo say Iho leant, to
u credit. His house in I'orllnnd hiisi
1 l avs In-en eouiplolely overrun Willi
j on-torn, nnd in la ,'ies fm nl.hiiin tt-s.ds.
j otin-ciallv, he is seldom ekiidled. In
oMMiitiK up a store in Orejoii City, Mr
Mill ely bun coino dotoriiilned lo stay.
Ho is Kindly welcomed to Oregon City,
business men, nnd we It-speak for him
u liirjto patrouaKo.
- -
I auk 1 mchovkmkxis.
ns-;clly council hud (bo
j Seventh slnvl helweeii
I mid .l.'llers.ui, plowed
-Last venr the
I'uik IdiK'k on
John IJ Adiiint
nud Itnrrowed
Miown siiokiIIi. Iney now have a lino
lot of simile trees of ilifferenl vmel 111
the urouud ready lo set out. Wpliiu
residents f that vicinity, l'roK-rly
situated near this park is destine, I ) be
come Hie most vnlotilo in tho city.
HurruxKii IIomk. Mr. M. Haider, of
Logan, was in the city yesierdiiy. lie
iccenlly ret 111 lie I (10111 nn extended visit
to Wisconsin and Missourri, mid came
up from I llw neii this week whore he is in
teiestod iu the salmon canning busi
ness, After spending n few days with
his patents at l.ogun, ho will return lo
llivuco where active preparations will
bo cmnm. -need for tho season's work.
Mi. Iliibler states that a iiuinbor of the
cuiiiierymeii are making preparations
for mi extensive salmon pack the coming
spring mnl summer, and tho sonson will
iindoiiblodlv ho an active one.
The dentil of Mr. Snmilel Strilo, of
Clackamas, occurring on thn 17th, is re
corded among the sad calamities w hich
have befallen our sister town alive its
foundation Mr. Strilo was ever a pro
moter of the public welfare, nnd always
ready to lend assistance to tho advance
ment, of Clackiimns mid Clackniniis
county. A host of past friends and reln
tives mourn their grent loss in bin un
timely death His Is-roaveil family are
extended the sympathies of all.
Fhatkhnai,. Tho Knight of tho
I'titriarchiil Circle, Oregon City Temple
No. I, eiiteilniiied Hie members of tho
I'orl land Temple No. 2, at their hall in
this city last Tuesday evening, They
entertained their gnosis in royal stylo,
und all passed a most enjoyable evening.
1 iroiion City Temple is in a nourishing
condition, and they are wlltling and re
furnishing their ball at thn corner of
Main nnd Fourth streets in handsome
Dani-inii Class. A dancing class has
been organized in the city and tlte llrst
of the series of instructions was given
lust Thursday evening. Tho class has
11 membership of about twenty, com
posed of some of the best young men In
the city, each of whom has the privilego
of takimt ns many young holies as lie
chooses if ho dont get left. Tito in
structor is a Mr. SymotiH, of Portland. Wantko. Farmers wish
ing to make contracts for raising Cu
cumbers, Tomatoes, OnloiiH nnd Cauli
flower will llnd it lobe 10 their Interest
to call on or correspond with the l'ort
land I'roserving Co., Portland, Oregon,
Corner IRh and D St,
(i iiii: sli'.ds.
.Yon Can Fink
D. M. Fkiiiiy'h,
K. J. Howkn's,
I.. L. May's,
Hv TIIK I'AI'HR, Poll Nil on nnsiiKh.
I'roRont nt I'liiille Rxnmlnntlen of Tenohers, for
Cliu-kitiniis County, Ori'iinn, February mill, 1KUI.
MIhn hnurs Jnhn'n, Mini, tlostlo Wells,
M (sm Ten iil.i Miiyflclil, M Ink Klvn Muck,
Miss MiHuoiirl Mnyflelil, Mint .l.-ss Wiililrnn,
Minn Miiiel. HiillBlmry, M tss (lorriln Itnlh,
Mist M 11 c Itfe Hill, Minn Mtlllill! .hiKKiir,
Miss Itnsa UlliinfoHor, Mr. diaries Thorpe,
Mrs. Mury A llnlliidiiy, Mr, Hurry lllll,
Miss Kvn Ii OkIiuu, Mr. .I11I111 (). Until,
Miss Annii Miiinimivor, Mr. Kruiik Itiiukfii,
Miss Alteo Katun, Mr. W m 1 1 0 11 k I nn,
MIhh MiikkIo (iiiUrtilKO, Mr Tliomtnro Campari,
Miss (lertriulo Kerhes, Mr. J. H. Welch,
Miss Myrtlo KrullliHitpt.
Homo miowniid loiity of ruin this
Mr, A, Forbes, of lluiinnciiN, will In
thu ully Wodiiosiluy.
Ir, lib kiiiuii, of Cliickitinns, was In
Iho city Sutiiidiiy,
F compniiy nr oiuutiUliitf n hnsobull
toiim for ih.i ciimiiiK sonson,
lloiimin I.iikiim, of l'ortlmitl, in vlslt
Inu friends in thu i lly this week,
Host linen towels, (j cents nt Iho Hit r
Kttln Mioro. iMcl'iirver liiiililliiK,
Mi" Jennie l,onj, It Is rnporiod, will
oiKunlsrt n cluti In oliH-iilion In Oregon
City In thu nonr fuliiro.
(Ion. Wnrnor Miller nnd VA.
Newton tmik n llyiiiK trip to tlio Molalln
country lust Wvduosduy,
Thu II UK on thn court house flouted lit
Imll mast yesterday, In memory of lion,
Fd. Ilowluiid, after n Nik run of
tvlmld fever, in nititln on our streets.
Ho was tho put lent of Ir. I'nltm.
For Imruulnt In notions, toilet nrtltdos,
luiicy K'sxis nnd toys iio to tho llurniilu
Store, old McCurvnr bulldinu,
Mrs. C. I.. Ilallmn, (new Miiinly
Howell) linn bwn visltiiiK hor pnrunlH,
Mr. niul Mm. J, Howell, thn past week .
All thn machinery for thn new city
pump in now on tho Kronnds, and It is
expected to ho lit operation In two
. Mst. Attorney Mcltildo In in attend
ance at Iho circuit court of Clntsop
county, which convened t Astoria last
week .
Hon. K, W. Humes, of Wallowa
county, cumo In on Moudnv'a train for a
brief visit with Mr. M." Ilslton, from
near here.
Oregon City in not hismilng hut it
i "'going straight nltend all tho sumo.
Thoio are many improvements con
templated ,
Misso Nollin nud Hossltt l.lllllherl, of
I'lirtland, were the guest of Miss Mamie
Cbnrnian Tuesday nnd Wednesday of
thin Week.
HoImoI Wilkinson, who dishs-ated
Ills thumb a week ugo while clearing up
around the huuso, commenced work
again Monday,
Mrs, II. 1 1. Hiehntdtou lias opened
halrdretslng pailor nt room HI, Hchram
build. ng. The ladi.-a will llud her nn
artist In her linn.
K very thing cheap ut the Hnrgmn Store,
Linens, fabrics, niikn, toilet articles,
tots, notions, tinnnru, glassware etc,
front & rents up,
The ladies of the I'resbylerinn Church
gavo very successful lunch and literary
eiitertsinineiil at their church Inst Friday
evening- Tho church was crowded.
J. W. Kolloy t.M.k care of the town one
day this week in place of Mursluil Hums,
In. went lo Rivton to tiling hack abas
F. H. Ifiggtu. Johnnie mndo s'oplo
walk pretty ntiitlght.
Mr. V. I'. Johns in, ol San Francisco,
general inuiiugor of thn Willamette pulp
mid paper mills, Inn been In the cilv
lorn week putt, returning thn Hist of
this week,
Aliout four inches of lite "Is'nutifnl"
greeted the eyes of the people of this
section tisin looking out Inst Monday
morning, It only remained on the 11 few hours.
Finnk Hush, malinger of thn lilnd-
llono luritlturo company, Is erecting a
cottugo nl K-lgowoo.1, nud w ill, ns
ns i is complete, I, move into It with Id
family, who now reside In Portland
Mr. J. Thorn returned the latter part
of tho wcckjfrnm Olviupia, where ho has
been preparing lull sot ol nsaessmont
nnd other blanks to It. used by the state
olliciitls of thnt alnte, under the new Inw.
Dr. U. II. Mcl'horson, a well-known
pioneer of the Const, and n former resi
dent of Chtrkuuus county, died on tho
Hllli nt Melinite, Wash. Hi remains
were interred in Scuttle
Waxtkii, A loan of '.'.'() for two,
three or more venrs on improved real es
tnlo mid mill property, Security 11s
good as can be hud in Clackamas county.
Address Money, Fntkiii'Iiisk olllce.
Mmriago licenses wore issued Ibis
weok to Annie Olsen and Kund Olson ;
Ida linker to Chus. I'. Hlankeiiship;
I Hen Taylor nnd David W. Callahan;
Hultio K Shipley nnd Henry V llulin
I'artlea worn negotiating a week ngo
for tho purchase of the old M . F. church
lo he used ns n hardware store, hut it
is hoiMtd they have given up the idea.
Thnt would certainly Im A hard wuire)
lo use.
Wm. I.unus, whlli, working on the ro
tary boiler nt the Crown mill, severely
sculdcd his right foot Tuesday morning,
and is now laid up for repairs. Dr. Som
uiei dressed the wound which is now
much improved .
0. K. A. Froytug reports trade in
seeds flourishing. Ho snys D. M.
Forty's Needs are in great favor among
the producers, and as ho is one oil hs
agent for thin section knows i.liout
what ho is saying.
Walters. McWhortcr, a unlive of Or
egon City died In Fast Portland, Fob.
J2, of lung lever, ngod 25 years. His
tuners! took place on Monday, the 2.')rtl,
under the auspices of Multnomah Typo
graphical V nion No. fiH.
Attention s culled to the card of John
Tyueke, tho woll known carpenter and
tniildor. Mr. Tyucko needs no recom
mendation from Tiik Kn iichi-iusk, as his
work in this city and other places speak
for Itself, lie guarantees satisfaction.
The medals won by tho F Company
boys were on exhibition in O'Comiel's
shiny w indow last Saturday on a large
card lustily lettered by Mr. O'Connell.
It wan the means of attracting largo
crowds of people,
Key. linker is now being assisted
by Mir. Wiildwiti in conducting tho
protrne'ed meetings of tho United Breth
ren church at Maple Lane. There has
been eight conversions stneo the meet
ings commenced.
The new holler for tho W. P. & P. Cos.
mill is now being placed in position and
will lie ready for operation In time to
suirt the new machine by the llrst of
March, The inuchino underwent a six
hours trial last week and It gives entire
Mr. J. Nicholas, while assisting in
nuttini! down the new boiler for tho
paper company last Thursday, wan no
iiiitortunate as to lose one of his
thumbs. It was badly smashed under
the boiler and Dr. C'aill found amputa
tion necessary.
The overland from the south tvns
thirteen hours Into Tuesday ns a result
of the hiiow bIHIoh in the Siskiyou moun
tains. Heavy snow storma have pre
vailed thromrii the mountains for tho
past week, blockading nil IraitiH and
breaking telegraph wires.
Mr. 0. N. Nnsh. recently from Tort
land, but formerly from the Fast, has
taken a position in Chat-man's ding
store, Mr. Nash is a thorough pharma
cist as well as an excellent salesinnn and
he will undoubtedly make many friondB
ilurlng his residence here.
Mr.,, II. Lnmbort, one of Pie oldeih,
best knowiielliieeiisof Clackamas county,
who hus resided for many yearn 011 tils
line hi nu near Milwmiklu, bus removed
to Portland, whore ho leeeiilly oieclod
a handsome tesldenci).
Win. HiishoII was removed from the
Poilluiid House, In thin cilv, to Ht. Vhp
cent's hospital, Portland, fast Tuesday
Hireling with u severe attack of typhoid
iiiuliiilu, It In hoped he will noon Ir. 011
the rond tu recovery,
(Iriind Master II. K, llnynn. nf the
Oregon Slate (iraiiKo, arrived home
after nn extensive tour of the Fast, last
Filday, Mr. Hayes has boon gone
nearly four months, during which time
he bus visited nearly every statu In the
Cn Ion.
'01... .!....!. .1 l... r...
inn noa'll m too 1 1 11 10 lWO-ylir-Olll
child uf Tom Armstrong, on Wediiftmlny
.if this week. Is iiiiIaiI Tin. ......
. ... ... .......... ....ii, wiiv
was atluckod Monday with ninllgnniit
minim level , living unv iw.l uayi. Hie
pureiits have Hie sympathies of the
entire community,
(n Monday, March "nd, 18111, the in
tinal election of Chief Fngliioor and one
Assistant Fuglnoer of the Oregon City
Fire Department will take place at the
rooms of Cnlnract Hone No, 2. Poll
will he osuied from 1 a. in. to 4 p. m,
Ily order of ihe Mayor,
J. W. Kolloy has been engaged ''
the past ten duvt In taking a school cemim
of tho city. Ills work w ill not be com
pleted until the Infer part of the week,
but he estimates the number uf chool
children nt about HiK), which Is nbout 150
more than Inst year. This is g.xsl
During the absence of Sheriff Sainton
this weeks lovking for the escniHsd prison
ers, nud Deputy Morris out rollectiiif
luxes T, P, Hamlall has ovor the
Sheriff's ollico, wilh a sciul deputy
commission, He makes an obliging as
well as K'hmI lisikiiiK otlicor.
lining to the fact of it taking from
two lo six days for mail to reach un from
vmlous sections of the county consider-
able corrospondenco failed to roach ua
In time lor publication last week. Only
after a unheal change bus It-en effected
In our mail svstem, can rorresiHii.lonts
(.el insured in seeing this mutter pub
lished the same week ll la written.
Miss Lin Paine linn received her new
I locker Urn, pinno from Now York. It
in the II nest instrument in the city
and has been un tho road several weeks,
Miss Paine Intends organising a class in
n.tisic, nti'l ss nn instructor she comes
well recoiniiiislnod See her announce
ment In another column.
The assistant cashier uf a Tacoma
hank Ibis week addressed an envelot.
coniainlngn deed for record to"Hccor lor
of Deeds ol Linn Co , Oregon City, Or."
There are piobably no important towns
iu Linn county so the bunker thought he
would make a sure Ihingol it by sending
it lo Oregon City.
Judge D, J. Switier, of Columbia
count v, sent a.luy In the city since our
lust issue, while en route for Ids home in
St. Helens, altera week sojourn at
tho state capital. The Judge lias been
.-untitled to his house tune weeks with
typhoid fever and his re apinrnce
among his many fi lends in gladly wel
comed. Married nt the Congregation.! par
sonage, by Hot- O. V. Lucas, on Thurs
day evening. Feb, ltllh. IHur, Mis Ida
II. H iker, of this cilv, and C. P. Hlank
eiiship, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
Hliinkeiislup will make their residence
in Portland, whither they took their
departure nii alter the wedding. Suc
cess to tin-in, is the wish of all.
In other columns on this Ntge Is found
Ihe "ad" of E. K. Williams, grocer, of
Ibis city, A perusnl of the same will
give yoii valuable information un what
he has to offer. Mr. Will jam carries
one of the most select lines of groceries,
dried fruit and wssln in this section of
the stale, nnd in dealing wilh him you
will Hnd him at all times reliable, and
Iho pi Ice of his gissls a low aa the low
est, (iive him a call.
The smiling countenance of Dave May
is now to ls noon U hil.d the counters of
K. F. Williams' store. Mr. Mav is too
well known in Oregon City to need an
introduction to the public, as he has
for a long time been resident here,
during which ho hai lsen In business
for himself, besides having been con
nected Willi other institutions. His
presence in the store will insure prompt
mid accurate donhngs with all customers
and Mr. Williams is t he congratulated
on securing him.
lVi-iis WivTmi lluviin; lust re
ceived a new piano from the Fast. 1 am
now propnred lo recsive puplis in music.
I'm lies deslriiiL' instruction niUV con
sult 1110 nt the Hargaiu Store.
Take Medicine?
Necessary but Unpleasant
Tltrro Is noililtij
We 1-ut, Drink, Wear or Have Fun
That Ir of noniueh Important as
The Medicine We Take.
A KKMAM.K PKUU018T is n Joy forever to
nny community.
dispenses nothing but
Pure Drugs of the Highest
tlrdeis taken for uny newspaper or
periodical published foretan or domestic,
1. . . ! . I... ..... -
single copies or ov inu inonni ur vrm,
All tho leadiiiK periodicals and niava
r.inoH, latest anil Lest novels kept cry
Ciiullold & Huntley.
Lumber and fencing for sale cheap at
mill on W E. MorriH' farm, one mile
and a half east from Park l'lace. ffltf
St. Patwck's Pii,i,b, for disorders of
the liver and bowels. A vigorous but
Untitle pbysic thnt cleanses and renovates
the .whole system. Price 25 cents per
I have put up a chopper at my place
4 miles southeast of Oregon City, and
am prepared to chop grain at reasonable
rates, on evcy Monday. Can shop
50 to 100 bushels an hour.
V. S.Rideii.
Frank Neldon at 'Wincsett & Scrip
ture's hliicksmith shop makes a specialty
of icpairing guns revolvors and sharp
ening scissors. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Fresh Stock of Garden
Knlrny Nolh-c,
(Inn thriH.viir.i.M aim... .... 11...1 ....1
white Swt under riidit ear, and slit In
ion. Aiso one iwo-yenr-otu steer dark
roan Inrnlor - lum l.i.un il,.l...nw.,l ti...
were lost a short time after harvest.
Address, Danikl Williams,
Orenon City, Or.
"Is this the hoHt?'' Is a question often
tHkod, when iiiedii-iiio is wanted. The
following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, sold by jko, A. 1 1 and
inu, drtiKk-ist, of this tilui-e. He hns
ninny other excellent medicines, bill
tin-He are worthy of sueciul mention :
('iiahiii:iii. air's ('oi-iiii Kkmkdv, hm
metis lor ns cures ot severe colds, and ns
a preventtlve for croup. I'rice MO cents
r bottle.
Ciiakhkhlain's I'ain IIai.m, a goneral
family liniment, and esrtei-iully valuable
for rheumatism . Trice 50 cents m-r hot
tie. ClIAKIIlKt.AlN's K.VK AND tsKIS OlNT-
must. For tetter, snlt-rheuni, scald
hi'sd, eewma and cbrotiic sore eyes.
I'rice 25 cents per box.
For a lame hack, a piiin in the sldo or
chest, or for tootli-m-he or ear-ache
prompt relief may lie had hv using
i'lianilierlnin's Pain liulm. Il in reliable
For sale by Uko. A Hardinu.
" .A. IT ID
Parties desiring- Wood Turning, Pat
terns, Ilrackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will lie Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
COpp. the Congregational Church
HsUblUhcil 1M6S.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight anil parcels delivered to all
parts of the city.
Call and Examine
Twelfth and Main SH., Oregon C ity.
Lunch Counter.
Meals served day and night.
Oysters and Chops in Any Stylo,
SSitle entrance ior l.aaios.
Main St., Oregon City
W : : : BROi
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
None but the bout ol meats hniidU'it. Free rte-
livery to all parti of tho otty,
oiii:uw crrv. - oki:.
Speculation Hutmrons
Scarcely a day passes without the
news of some large failuro flashing over
the wires the usual result of specula
tion In stocks or some equally danger
ous venture. The same electric current
carries to dear distant friends the sad
tidings of death of dear ones too often
the result of speculation in patent nos
trums. Motre's Itevealed Keineity is
no speculation but is sold on positive
guarantoe. Do not fail to go to youi
druggiHt and ask for your nioney If not
satiBlied. We know you will go and
buy another bottle, For sale by all
DiAiiiincKA Kicmkdy, the most reliable
known medicine for bowel coiuolaintB.
It is especially prized by perg"iie subject
to colic. It has cured many canes of
chronic diarrhoea, Price 25 andOO cents
per bottle.
Best and cleavest
Seeds Just Arrived.
$3,300! -:
Bankrupt Stock
To be Bold at 50 Cents on the
Dollar for 15 days only.
Call early if you waut your pick,
and avoid tho num.
Mayer & Ackerman, Props.
combination fence-
or CITY and FARM Fencing.
Having opened a factory at ork
ll( IN CITY, lor the Mnntifucture ol ibis
FKM'K. we Invite the t.iu-ni nenole snd
ftrmrrB ot ('luckamai. county ta esll snd
fimntcl thin KKNCG It In the eiieapeit, best
suit moat durable ever ofTcred.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stahle
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information reeardiim anv kind of
stock promptly attended to by person or
Horses Bought and Sold.
OKI). C. El.V
Store located at Mountain View, on
Molalla road, one mile south
east of Oregoh City.
We deal in Flour, Corn Meal. Feed.
Groceries of all kinds, Boot and Shoes,
Gents' Underwear and other styles of
Clothing, and numerous other article!
suitable for the needs ot tue tanner ana
his family. Bv prompt and fair dealing
we hope to receive in future, as in the
past, a liberal share of patronage.
fliy-The highest market tprice paid
for Butter, Eps and Fowls.
September 11, 1880.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Try him 1
United Hack,
Truck and Livery
W. II. Cooke, Manager.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Rigs of any description
furnished on Bhort notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Bus!
ess promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
o Ho ioh p Tpwpipp
onK) and death w iookbu iur ....