The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 20, 1891, Image 4

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    My Heart's light
JCViUJTlsh. All nights KawtrsdLj-
"1 am .Vuts Vuwtfvl H'(Hilfl.M
Ths nwiiiHr which Roulwn lluls
m& I own itud dlt in, I am wnn,
"one hurss" ivtTtitr, but w nre stttistlotl
with it It Is snmll eltjlit lmiftxl wwk
ly, Unrsly mads up of mlviirttsomMits
mil svissoritiirs, Atul the suWriiitkui
price U one dulltir year. Wa hv no
importers; we novwr print Udogrami nor
murders, mul we have subscription lint
of 173.000 nnm fs.rnurs, Kirdomrs
Mid country people., booHiiae whorever
there ore people raising fruit, truck or
flowwrs there the little Soed and
Graft, and we nre old focy euoiiKh to
employ girls to fold and dirwt these
newHpapm, and three, girls do thoir
work cheerfully and m to be happy.
When one of them marrioa we give her
sowing tmu'litne and a dining room
One day I cme into the office aftoran
absence of a couple of hours, and found
Bale scissoring the New York dailies.
"Dan, auid he, "there whs. a young
woman iu here to see yon.
"Very well," aaid I gettiug a glass of
wator, "you saw hor, I cupnotw? It i sa
hot as ginger outside, Renbeu.H
"I w her," he replied, "but she didn't
want to too mo. It was the old gentle
man she wag after.
"Now, come," siild I, sitting down, "1
ain not going to shirk the title, but you'll
have to take shores in it. You can't he
distinguished from me by it, mv boy! 1
am gray, but you are bald; I am lean
and you are stout, and there isn't a six
months difference in our years or our
looks, Kenbeu Halo."
"Have it an you please," said he, "but
that is what she said she wauted to see
old Mr. Crawford. I think she thought
me the young one."
"Was she a blind young woman?"
"Blind!" he repeated. "Just wait un
til you see her eyes. Oh, she is coming
back! At 3 o'clock, Daniol. Even if she
didn't want to see me I asked her to do
that I told her you'd be sure to bo iu
"Well, I won't," I answered. "I am
going out to M.'lvin on the 1 M. I am
not goiug to stay in town this sweltering
"Yes, you are. You'U thank yonr
happy stars if you do. If you miss her,
Daniel, you'll break her heart, and after
you have soon her she'll break yours."
"I am King on the 1 AS train," I re
peated. "Bet yon a dollar you don't," said
Hale. "I told her to come at 3, but she
said 1 o'clock would be more convenient,
and she wonld try to 3nd you then, and
Daniel, you had better take your feet
off the chair, and brush that hair of
vemts p 4itt;,r foi Lsr?'1 comes. 1
hear the echo of her Voice and the tatter
of her heels iu the out office, where she
has just ajked Harvey if you are in."
"Whu a dunce you are! I really
think" But at that moment the door
opened, and Marvey apieared.
"Lady to see Mr. Crawford," said he,
stepping aside, and there entered a young
woman dressed very plainly in dark
blue, with a smoke colored veil pretty
well covering Jier face.
"Yon do not remember me, Mr. Craw
ford," she said. "I am Miss Margaret
Woolstine. I see you very often in
church, but of course you do not see me,
but you have to" and she nervously
laughed, "you have to hear me, yon
"Mr. Crawford," said Reuben, getting
tip without the glimmer of a smile and
with great deliberation, "I am going to
Melvin on the 1 :43, and I shall have to
leave at once. Will you kindly pay that
dollar for me on account" Ho put on
his hat, took his cane, bowod to Miss
Woolstine, went out the door, and I
heard him immediately tramping up
stairs to the composing room, where I
knew he had proofs to read. There were
times when Reuben Hale was 16 years of
age instead of CO.
Miss Woolstine lo;!:2d more comfort
able after we were nlono, and sho took
off her veil, holding it in her hands.
"I almost felt as if I l;new you, Mr.
Crawford," she said. " When I was a
little girl I used to sit with my uncle in
his pew just where I could see you as 1
looked at the paintad gloss window, and
now from the choir of course we have
you in full view."
"And you do not think me rude be
cause you so often catch mo 'watching
- you?'
The girl slightly colored. "You have
the kindest face in all the church. I
could never think you rude." And with
that she became scarlet.
"I will not say what I think of yours,"
ifana gently, -or you mignc inimt me
li. VArv nin IniWil. hilt, pftn I lln Rnvthintf
for your
Bhe crushed her veil tightly in her
bands. "I do not want to take np your
time, Mr. Crawford; but ' do want to
talk to you a minute. I have to support
myself, and 1 want to got newspaper
work, Mr. Crawford, and I thought per
haps you would give me gome. It is so
quiet here."
I looked at her with surprise. "I
thmiilit vou lived with vour uncle. Mr.
"1 did, but we do not agree, and I
have no money of my own, and as I
have to leave there I must support my
"Ent suroly your nrtnral rfsource
.wMid be in tauisiOr MTssWbolstine.
Your voice" ought to bo worth a grat
deal to yon."
"I could not sing in public," she quick
ly answered. "The church I do not
mind, because I have gone there all my
life, but the concert stage! oh, I could
not do that! And I would rather not
teach. It worries me to teach music."
"You would make a success in con
certs." She shook her head. "And," I
continued, "it would be far more lucra
tive than any work I could give you.
You wonld sot like a position here at
all. The girls are good, respectable
girls, but they would not suit you at all.
And the wages is low. "
"I have my salary in tho church," she
aid; "that would help a little, and I
do not want a situation with your girls,
Mr. Crawford; I want editorial work."
"Ho, ho, editorial work!" I smiled at
this;' "but you know Mr. Hale and I do
ail that and have time to spare."
"But I have helped you a little," she
explained with eagerness. "I have writ
ten you several things and you have al
ways published them. Last week you
made an editorial of one."
"So. indeed! Then vou are 'Mark
Wllllsr" Mid 1 nodded my lioml like a
Chinese uiaiukriu, 1 have, sliiou been in
formed. "Well, you nr not only a very
beautiful young ltnly, but you aroaelov
er one, too, I don't know that we ought
torefumi Mr. Mark Wllllsl"
"Oh, please do not," she cried. "I
should lie so glad to come here, and I
think I could soon learn to be useful, I
could cut out paragraphs for you, and
that must be such stupid work for you
to do; and I oould write on what subject
you thought best, and if you or the other
uoiitli'iilim wanted to iro iwnv fur a few
days I am sure 1 could do different things
i ... k .. i u i ii.i . .1.1
i n you, mm, una tuuiou, -yuti luiliiil
both want to go away together. Suppose
today you also would have liked to hav
left town on the 1:43 train. Wouldn't
you have been more comfortable to have
known some one was here ready to re
ceive iniHwages or attend to your ordersf
At this how could I help smiling, ami
I told hur that her ivasoulug almost con
vinced tno, "Indeed," I added, "it
would do so but for two reasons one,
we do not need you in the slightest, aud
the other is tliut this stuffy olllce is no
place for a young lady,"
Slio stood up and 1 could sue tried to
look entirely indifferent, but her lips
trembled and her face paled.
"Of course then," she auswered me,
"there is nothing more to be said, and I
can only beg your pardon, Mr. Craw
ford, for having troubled yon."
As I sat still looking at her it Hashed
upon me that perhaps if I knew more of
tho history of this girl I should not so
hastily shut the door upon her. Aud 1
have a very strong feeling about disap
pointing women, When I married my
wife and I had only a meager salary
upon which to live, and I grumbled
enough because I had to work all night,
and in consequence slept nearly all day,
I thought I was deprived of my share of
sunlight and social life, aud my wife
tenderly agreed with me.
After she suddenly failed in health
aud died I discovered that she had work'
ed in our little house nil day aud sewed
for the shops at night! It was thus she
bought mv little comforts! Aud now
that she win dead and could not share
the comfort and repose of my life it
seemed to me that because of her de
privations I ought to lie more thought
ful of other wumen. Little enough did
tho girls guess how often they owed
some little pleasure or indulgence to the
mute pleading of my wife memory,
Thinking thus, I said:
"Are you quite determined ou news
paper work, Miss Woolsttno"
"Quite. And perhaps I should tell
you that I have an offer which I can ac
cept from The Royal Express, althongh
I have not written for them, but I have
just come from them and they scent de
sirous of trying mo,
"Do you waut to go there:"
Sho flushed painfully. "No, I do not
It is so public. There are so many men
going mid coming."
1 rubbed my hands nervously.
"Sit down, Miss Woolstine; who did
you see there at tho nfllceS
"Mr. Finley, tho odltor."
"And you will go there?"
"I think I ought at least to try it,
don't you? It is one of our best papers."
I have not described Margaret Wool'
stine, and I do not know how to do so,
She was a lovely creature, tall, slender,
with a superb carriage of the head aud
the most charming coloring. Her eyes
were dark and tender, hut pride aud ob
stinacy curved her pretty mouth, and 1
often thought that It conld not be pleas-
ant to cross her will. But thus far
have never had to do more than observe
what has happened to others who tried
to subdue and conquer her.
A she stood before me, so young and
unarming mid innocent, I thought of my
wife, win was also a Margaret, and I
knew the would not luve allowed the
child to go into such a crowd as frc-
quen ted The Royid Express, and I saidt
"Have you no uiotherr
"I have only my uncle," she answered,
"and he is anirry with me. My mother
and father are dead."
"Very well," said I, "some one must
take care of you, and I am going to ask
you to let me try for a little while nntil
vour uncle has slept his auger off. And
althouuh we do not actually need an
Other editor you can be of use to us, and
I want you to come."
Did she resent this half grudging invi
tation? No. Hhe looked at me with
content aud happiness in her eye aud
asked me if she should begin the next
When Hale came down stairs Miss
Woolstine was gone aud I was In a little
room.back of our office taking papers out
of a desk.
"How is this." he said with a fine af
fectation of wonder, "did.i't you get off?"
"Hide,?1 said I, "we aiv going to have
another editor, aud this room will have
to be made ready fot her at once. I think
well put a matting on the floor and
make it look clean and cool, and we'll
hang a pink curtain at the window. This
desk will do, but we must get hotter
chair. If you will clear onr belongings
out I'll send Marvoy for tho scrub woman
and I'll go for the matting."
"By George!" said he, "are yon daft?
What on earth are you talking about'1'
And when I told him he listened and his
only reply was an occasional ejaculation
of "Oh, Lord!" but his intonation of
that expression never varied.
I tat down crushed' and guilty.
It Is very certain that had Miss Wool
stine gone to the office of The Royal Ex
press she would not have had the chance
for housekeeping that we afforded her.
With a little white apron tied over her
dark dress, and an obtrusive duster in
her hand, she very soon learned to keep
ns in very good order indeed. But she
had the rare, most angelio talent of
making that order ours and not her
own. Bhe never put our inkstands in
the middle of the tables. Mino stood as
I liked it, close to my hand, while Hale's
was at arm's length from his, and she
never mixod a revise with the first
proofs. If I put a hook on a shelf I found
It there, dusted no doubt, but where I
bad laid it. Life in our establishment
was very simplo. There was no rush Of
reporters, no late hours, no excitement
over news.
The flowors hloomed in the spring,
and we told how to care for them and
what to buy, aud we grafted, budded,
plowed and reaped without even a
much as a harvest dinner to look after.
Vainglorious old farmers sunt us sam
ple of prodigious corn and pumpkins,
and market gardeners didn't forget to
let us sow their price fruit and berries.
Everything sweet aud pretty wont to
Miss Margaret im her natural fee; aud
sho it was who opened the boxes of (low
ers, the baskets of fruit, aud it was she
who introduced the spirit lamp and tea
kettle, and who made a corner in hur of
fice whore sho nerved our little Arcadian
luuohe of bread and butter, fruit aud
coffee. But it wa Halo who bought the
tottotips, and mutiny enough must h
have spent on them,
There wore not two happier old boy
than we in the city that summer, and
we never tired of telling each other what
an admirable person Miss Woolstine was.
Bhe was very useful to us. Her stylo in
writing was full of sparkle, and her very
notices of giant radishes or now harrow
had little graceful terms of expression
that took them out of the common and
made thorn readable, Hlio wrote our
business let tors, she scissored, she read
proof aud filed it, she sorted the mail,
the kept tho water cooler In order, she
opened the exchange, she took the most
complete and unobtrusive interest in
everything, hut with It all she kept her
self apart with a gentle reserve that
iV. . I .1..
lliaiie us greatly auuura uer,
As I knew her better I saw there was
trouble iu her life, and I suspected It
arose from her quarrel with hor uncle,
lie had been a father to her, aud she
hal left him and wits boarding in an
other part of the city, I knew that it
was lmmiHsilile that he should not miss
her, and sho often spoke of her old home
with a lingering tenderness that was
pathetic. Of the clrouinstances of the
quarrel I knew nothing, but Hale aud I
agreed that Mr. Mason had been to
And so the summer wore away. Hal
went back and forth from his house by
the sea, aud I rnme In every day from
my farm at Molvlit, but Miss Woolstine
staid in tho city. We Invited her to
visit us, we urged her to take a holiday,
but she replied that she was perfectly
well, and that work suited her bettor
than play.
"If we did that sort of thing," said I,
one dav, "we'd send you to writ up the
Tiger Hill strike. You'd lik that."
"Why should I care to go there?' she
answered, coloring, she was apt to do,
when conversation Warn personal.
"Yon are so much interested In min
ing affairs," I replied, "I have often no
ticed how you stop to read The Hill
Beacon, no matter what you are doing.
Lot the mail bring that and at once ev
erything else Is dropped. Boo! Your very
eye confess your guilt!"
, Bhe met my accusation with as brave
a front as she could command.
"Now come, Mr. Crawford," she re
plied. "You notice that I mad that paMr
because yon are interested in U yourself
and on the lookout for it! IVay, do you
notice how much I also like to get The
Orchard and Meadow?"
"1 am interested in the Hill Beat-on,"
said 1, "because my nephew, Jack Lewis,
edit it. I am always anxious to see
what fool thing he will do next There
never was a boy who so loved to stir up
the wasp nest I waut to see what he
will say whun he is stung."
"And I." she boldly asserted, "am in
terested in those poor miner whom he
abuses so much."
"Abuses!'" I repeated. "They are a set
of rascals, every one of them. An In
sane, law defying crew."
"They are a poor, Ignorant crowd of
nieu," said t-hu, "and it is our duty to
educate aud civilize, not abuse them."
"My dear," said I, "the Uuited State
offers ref uge to tho oppressed, but it doe
tot offer a free fight territory for out-
(Continued next week.)
Restaurant and Hotel.
oitiHiON city. oi;i:;on.
TIIKOI'iillol r.
The leuilleg re.liiilinnt of (lie city. Tallies
iiipliel with Hie Uit the iiiurkr't affords,
suit nous hut lint-class rixiks employed.
Kiist Side Main Street, Ilelwcen Fourth
mid Fifth, Opp. I. S. Uiid Olllce.
The Leading hotographer of
M. II. I'lunugnn.
J. P. Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
nt Wines, Mipinrs, Ale, Hcer. Ac, to bt
(niiiiil In the Nuts. Iu Loxun-Kasthsni lilock
Give mo s call,
The Celebrated French Cure,
IS Hill.D ON A
to euro any terra
of nervous tllit'iihu
or any uisonlnrot
the gcmiratlvo or
gausof elthnrKcx,
wliiitlmr arUliii;
frimi lhi,ATi,.Httl,',i
BEFORE UBBot Hilmiiliiuu, AFTER
roliwico or Opium, oiitliroiish youthful liiillaern
lion, over InniilKnuce, An , such as Loss of Drain
Fewer, Wakcfiiiucsu, llcarlnK down I'alnslii llio
liaclt,HcinliiiilWcakiii's,Hytrla, Nervous i'r.w
trnlliiu, Nocturnal Kmlsslous, I.uiiForrlnca, DIs
iIiichs, Weak Muinory, hnssnf Power am! Impo
tency, which If ucKlcctcil often lcailln prumaliire
eld aw ami Insanity. I'rlco 9 1.00 a mix, Booxus
lor ffi.iK), Hcnt hy mallnu rcrcliit of price"
A WltlT. KN 4HIAKANTKK is irlvcn for
ovory ffiouonlor rcciilvcil, to refund the money II
a l'nnimnciit euro Is not snorted. We have
thoiiKauds of testimonials from old ami young,
of hothaojccs.whohavu hoen permanently eiircil
bytliousoof Aphroilltlnu. Clrsulurfreo. Adilrosi
Western Brunch, liox V, 1'oiitland, Or.
Eur bhIo Iiv Cliaiiiiun h Co.
linguists, Oiogon City Or,
Caveats, and Trade-Marka obtained, and all Pat
ent mul ni conducted for Moderate Feet,
Our Office Ii Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,
and we can secure patent In low time than those
remote from Washington.
Hend model, drawing or photo,, with descrip
tion. We advise, If patentahle or not, froe of
charge. Our fee not due till imlont Is locured.
A Pamphlet, "How to Ohtaln Patents," with
names ofactual clients In your Utato, county, or
town, sent free. Address,
Opposlt Pstsnt Offlot, Wiihlngton, 0. C.
'I'tuhiH fortlio Kasllcnvu l'(tlaiul,7!00
A M. and :IM I', M.
TIPIfTQ le met (rum iirlnnlinl points
IIOtVLId In tliti I'tillisl Mlnlim, (JamuU
nml Kilriii
Elegant Naw Dining Palace Cars.
I'll in ii I'uliice (Sleepers,
I'lil.K t'ol.ONIM' Hl-KKTINU CAR
run Through on Express Train
& St. 1,01'IS
UlTlloli Cll.iNtlK.
I'leHv euniUMHlnli ill I'nrilmiil lor Sun Krau
clio suit F lint Sound iolnli,
Knr f ii rt ly r iinrllenlnm iiupilrv nf sii) ii
nt His l'iiiiniiy or
T. V Mill.
I' u"'
O. N.,
J -ai'l IMonci tiei-.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
Ami nil points Kri.l, vis
The N .nt hern I'arlllc It. It.
I lln only litis riiniiliif
Passenger Train,
HeconiM lsss Sleepers (free of charge
Luxurious I n y ( ouches,
I'lilninn I'uliice Sleeping Curs,
1'iilioe lining Cars (meiils Tfie).
Iiom Perl hind to the Kant.
Kce Unit your tickets rend via the
Northern 1'ii.ille It. It. and
avoid change ol curs.
Tlirnnsli I'lillmsn I'stsr HiMi'lnt !
Kill ilny ei'iti'liva, nnv.t slai' iliulni ei In
twt'rti rurllniul, Ist'uuis ami Sfsitiv uirei'l
hull) itrvlcs.
A. I. II Mtl.TOV
.(. I.'ru'l !. Agrul, 1)11 I'lrfcl
Kl orllun.l. Or.
Jr-Ii'i"t. onrurr Firm slut () Hi rem.
0. C. T. Co's
Oregon City fc Portland.
7:30 A.M. 7::i'IA.M.
10:lH A. M. 0:tHl A. M
1 :(Kl M, 1 :00 I'. M .
3::10 I'. M. 4:00 I'. M.
Sliuinior Altoiin no AVsv LsiiiIiuks
Slcsiner l.utotin Wsy I.sndiiiKS.
10:00 A. M.
4:30 IV M.
8:30 A. M.
3:00 P.M.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
T. E. HOtiU, Revivor.
Truln No. S wilt rim Turailays, Thnrs
ilnvs and Saturdays, and on iiitcrinciliute
ilavswlicn tivreaMiry :
Train No 4 will run Mondays, WViIiiph
days and Friday, and nn intermedial days
when necessary:
St P liner Nailing Hates.
I.Iavss YqriNA-;Vmnmi'tt Valley, Jan,
1st, Kh. lvth and ;7ili.
I.Sivss SAsrsiNitsco Willamette Valley.
Jan. 4IM; Hill, Eld and 31st.
Theonmpany reserve the right to change
ailing dales w 1 1 lion t notice.
Trains connect with the O. A C. R. and Klver
Moats atCorvallls aud Albany.
Tim Oregon Pacific steamboats on 1 1 to
WillsuiRtto river division will leave
Portland, sotit-bontul, Monduy, Wednes
day, rd Friday at I) A. M. Arrive st
Corvallis Tuostliiy, Thursday and Haliir
davat 3:31) P. M, I.cavo Corvallis,
nortli-liound, Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 8 A. M. Arrive at Portland
Tuesday, Thursday and Suturduy at 3 :30
P. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day, both north and south-hound bouts
he over night at balom, leaving here at
6 A, M.
Freliiht and Ticket Olllce, Salmon street whart
U. C HOGt!K, O. F. A f. A. O. P. It.,
Southern Pacific lloute
Exjiress Train leave Portland Iailv,
I North.
7 011p.m. I.v I'ortliind Ar I DllftA.M.
7:1ft p. H. I l,v OreiionClty l.v IMS A.M.
IOiK.a.m. Ajr 'r'dcoJ,v :tsjr. it.
Above trains stop only at the foiTnwiiiK '
tlont nort'n of Itosehiirit: Esst l'orthiuil, tlru
gnn filty, Wooilhiirn, Hslem, AIImi y, TniiKeiit
Bheihls, llalsey, llarrishurg, Junction City, Ir
villi il ud KuKeiie
:UA..rt """Porthinii Ar I ?:(KI'.M
0:OtiA, M. I.v Ori'KouClty l.v l!;Mlp. M
ri :4U p. M . Ar Koseliiim I.v !MK
ALBANY I.OCAI. (Iially, except Sundny.)
5:011 p. M.
i.v roriiniKi a r i v :isi a. m,
I.v Oreaon City I.v 1 7 :M a . M .
Ar Albany Lv I 6:1X1 a. m.
6 till P. M
:0U p. M,
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
For accommodation of Second-Class Passengers
attached to Express Trains.
West Hide Division,
Mall Traill, Dally (Kxncpt Snndav.l
7:110 A, M. I I.v I'nrllimd Ar f"R;au p M
Vl Wr. M. I Ar Corvallis I.v 1'J M r M
At Albany and Corvallis conned with trillui
of OreKou Paul lie Itiillroad.
Kinross Train Dally (Kxocpt Hiiiuliiy)
ilatO p.'m." I i",v "Portland Ar "ISJOaTm.
7:'JAp.m, I Ar McMlnnvlllc I.v
For tickets and full Information reenrdliiir
rati., mailt, etc., c.ill on Company'! avent at
Oregon Oily,
Miinimor. Aas'tQ, F. and Past, Agent
n tail.
no i k i; lOH I'l Itl.H 4 I IOX
OlIKIhlN (Irfv. or . Ulll 17. IH'lll I
Nollee Is lii'ii-hy ulven lhit III oiimnllniiiiii
Willi His hrtivlNloiis ol Ids ail nf iiiiiiiitess of
June )l, elilllli il mi net fur Hie sule of tlin
inir l.i in I III tun times in cslllnrnis, Orrsuli,
Nevada ami Wsshliniloii Terrlinr."
of I'orlliiiiH, noiiiiiy ol tiulitiiiiimh, .lule of Ore
Sou, has this iliiy (lied in this i HUie his sworn
sliili uii nt No tlllil, frr the puii'le su ol tlm w '(
m'j ami n w I, il seiillmi No 'I In town
ahl No. ilsiiiilh, in li k v No, II mist, nml will oiler
iiiini in snow unit in, in iki solium is more
niliial'le fur lis llmher or stone tint n lur nurl-
eultuMl fiiiriiuKita, and to e.l hit elulm
tn snld IiiiiiI lielore tnereulrler aiivl receiver
uf lh' nlliea lit llreuou I lly , Uii'Kiiii, on Mon
il iy. Ihe Willi, iluy ol March, iJI
lie untiles us! Wm. Hoover of
fi.rtiiiinl. iiieson. M.S. iireiuiiinl of rnrllnuil.
Iiii'ltoii. Iloniiln W. Minllh of Hi'iillle, Waslilns-
Ion, H Her Seoll ol I' loll l llreKoll.
a ii v nml nil I'i'r.oii uliilmlns mlvertely the
nliiive dei-eiilieil Iniiris lire reiuented to die
Iheir eliilms In this nftleu on ur lielore snlil
imih ilsv ol Miirch, lwl J,T AI'I'lihSiiN,
l-'Jll: 8 V Kctfliter,
II M I, AM), Al'l J I'N K 8, 1 "Ml,
iollci' ti I'lililleulloii.
llllliilnh t'lTV, HI,, Oct, ill, l ll I
,oiiec Ik in rtl.k tilxcu tluit In I'iiiiii!iiiicc
iiillillie iroi iloiis of the net of eomfre.s of
June II, In7, enillleil "All ni'l Inr the sale ol Um
ber hunts, In ilm suiet ol IMIIfnrnla, (iri'oii,
Nevada, mul Vi aslilnsinu 'l errltory,"
lullelil S. Iirepiiiinl,
of I'oithiml, eoiinlv ol kliilliinmnh, stale of
nieKoii, bus this day filed Iu Ibis nlbee his
sworn st'ilemi'iil No. -MM, fur Ibe tniichase of
the w ii e i, nml lots I sml 'I In Heeilou No.
'J, In township No. II soiilh, rmitie No. S I'a.t.
ami will oiler proet to show Unit the land
kituiiht Is more VHluable for lis limber or stone
(linn for SHileiiliurnl purposes, ami to estate
jisli his ebilm to snlil I'tu.l belore the ri'Klster
anil rceelver of Ihls nlliea slliremiu lllly. oro-
Sou. on Mou, luy. (be 111 K Ii day of March, (mil.
lie mimes us visiter neon , jerty
Lat'oliit, William 'loover. of I'orilsioi, Or-
ion Joseph luiirnhnui, of Molslla, OreKon,
Any and all persons eliilmliiK adversely the
shove described lands aiu reiiesleil to file
Ibelr elnlm. In Ihls oibe an or mild With
ilny of M uch, lJI. J. T. Al'I'KltHiiN.
is: a V7 neaister
Culled Stub's l.amt Orhce,
Oreson Clly, oreini, Ihhi, I, Is'sj,
Notice Is hereby (Wen, thnl In eoinidlance
with tbe iiroilsluiis of Ihe act of eonuicsa of
June H, s7a, eiilliled "An act lor the sale ol line
ber Inmls III Ibe Hisles ol California Drcgou,
Nevada ami Was Illusion Territory,
(leoise W. Murine.
of Central Point, iniiuly of Jnrk.on, Kisie nf
Oresmi, has this day riled In Ibis oRlee his
sworn stHlemeiit No. JMi, fur the purchase ol the
s w li til teelloii jsn, , in towfi.inp, io soiiin
ranae No. 7 enat, and will oiler pmol to
show tiir.t tbe laud soiiitht Is mure vnlunble for
Its lliuher or sloue Ihnu for sKrlciilluriil pur
iiose.,aiul In establish his claim to said land
before the readier mid receiver of this olllce at
Oregon I'llv. Oreaou, oil Krlday, Ihe Villi
day of March, Iwl.
lie untiles as w itnesses- l.n tries neusrier,
! v I.I o liotiiiell. Hninuel Inn kee. Charles Cuter,
all of Portland, Orcuoti.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
shove described lands are re.iie.ted In tile
Ibelr cli.Hn. hi this olllce oil or lielore snlil Bill
day ol March, istil. J T, Al'I'KilSnN.
I III; M l(i-ll. ler.
l ulled Siiilea l aud Oltlce.l
(iresnii ( Hy, Oregon, Dee. , !'..
Nollee la hereby given Ihsi Iu eonipllauee
with the provl.tous ol the set of eoiiaress of
June a. l7k, eulilled "An act for the sale ol tim
ber lands Iu the slates of I slllornla, Orcguu,
Nevada and W ssbluiiiou Territory,"
Samuel T. Imrkie,
of Portland, county ol Mulltiommi. Slate of Ore
gull, has Ibis ilny rtebl Iu Ibis olllce lilt sworn
Klilemel No. vasl, fur Ihe purchase, ol the
w ol section No. 6. In township No. -J
south rsnge No 7 enst. ami will oiler pr.d smith! Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone Ibnn (or atrlculturnl
purposes, ami to estntdUti his claim to snld
laud before the ItciilMer and Hi celver of this
oiliee at Orct'ou city, Oregon, uu Friday,
the loth da) of April. lsl
lie muni-, at wll es: David O Hoimell, ol
Purilmid, or , lieu W Monne.ol ('eiitral Point,
f has selialer, ol Sandy, or., T. Ii lilbsoti, of
rorllaud, or
Any ami all iersoiis claiming ailversely Ihe
above descrllied lauds are requested to file their
claims Iu this olbce on or lielore said loth day of
April. IS'I J T. APPKltSoN.
l ln, ."J Iteglster,
Ml l lf I) I OH l Itl.H ATIOV
t'un tl Statkb I.aiiP Opph k.
Oamon Cirv.Or , Dee. I, ISWI.J
Notice It hereby given, thai lu colniiliatice
wlih the t.rovisiout of '.he act of congress of
Junes. I7, euiltled "An act for the sale ol
tlmlirr Isudt lutlie stslesof ( slllornla, Oregon,
Nevada, and Waslilnglnn Territory,"
diss Y.Draiwr,
ol Oregon Clly, county of Clsckamsa, slate ol
oreg has ibis day Sled III this olbce hit sworn
statement No. xaia for Ihe purchsse of the
n w ol. a ei, Biulne'.ol tw. of section
No. its, In township No. S soiilh, 'slige No. east
and str ill viler proof to show that tbe laud sought
is more valuable lor Its umber ur sloue llian lor
agricultural purposes aud Ui eslabll.h hit claim
to said laud lielore the register and receiver of
this oleic, at Oregon Clly, Orcguu, ou Fri
day. Ihe d day of April, laid.
Ho names as witnesses: II. Smathera. IV. T.
Iliiruey.J T. Miitou. J. M. Patrlsh, all ol Ore
gun City. Oregon.
Any sud ail pe.-sons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
Ihelrelslms In this olbee on or belore said ad
day of April, laul.
I-IO-S-V J. I. Al t ..II1".',
Land Omce at Oregou City, Oregon, January
J7th, lam,
Nol'ee la hereby given ihat the following
named selller has filed notice of hit Intention
to make rlnal pruof lu support of hit claim, ami
that said erool will he mnde before the Regis
ter and Receiver of Ihe H. S Land omce at
Oregon City, Oregon, on March 'il, taut, via.
J. ii. l,. Miiyoee,
Homestead entry No. MM lor the n nf the u
w 1 1. and 1 1 nl n of sec '.'I, t J t r ft e
llu names tne following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said bind, vis S D. Coleman, II. Mciiugau,
and (J. Miller, all of Handy, Clackamas Co.,
Oregon, aud C. K. Crust, of (llad.lone P. 0
;iackamasCo. Cregoit. J, T. APPKKSON.
2 ii a 13 negiater.
Kxci uli lx Notice.
Tl, HhlnMlnnnJ t.B...,Hr lu.nn It ...,nl .1 1 A tw
ecutrla ol tbeesiaieot F.. L F.nstham, deceased,
all persons hiivlug claims against said estate
are hereby required to present Ihe same to me,
Willi proper vouenera, al llie ohiik 01 oreKoii
City, In Oregon "Ity, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice
lliiteil atOrciron Cltv. Oreirnn this Will dltv of
January, 1WI. CI.ARA fiAHTIIAM.
1-30 S-S7
Fabefs Golden Female Pills..
'or Female Irregular
mis; uoiblngltkelhem
on tbe market. JVcerr
nil. Successfully used
y prominent ladles
monthly. Uuarttiteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't bo humbugged.
Have Time, Health,
audinouey ;takc uo oth
er. Rent to any address,
secure by mall on re
ceipt of price, 2.00.
Western llraucl), Eox'27, l'OKTLAND, OR'
for sulo hv Cliuitiiiiii A Co.
lMiKtfiHts, Orison City, Or.
Great Reduotino
Cabinet Photographs
107 First Htreet, llct. Morrison sml Yamhill.
ran 'leMniriiitourtKWIIntofwof. ,
m Idly nutl lioiiornlily, by thon o
plilnT sfi, v tiling ur old, nrt In lhl.
tmn liM'iilUli'V.tvliiTfircr lli7 lUt1. Anj
nun t un tin ilm wurk. Kaav la lrini.
W i,irnli evrrvthliiff. W it ml ymi, ISo risk. Viu rn ttnvoK
yutir nr' hioififiim, or uil yr ilnn' to tho work. ThU 1 mn
iitlivl Hi w Ifnil.iiiiil lirliiirn vtoii0t'i(il luroMi toovury wnikr.
atviiiuurn tii' oiirniiifr; dm in oa tn tw ptt week ami uvwiinn,
and iiturc after rt liulti oi iinrlunc. Wc ran nimlili you Uia mn.
til oy in ii m and tuuuli ymi rilLK. No iiuinato tRlnln hers. Full
(nAtritiatlun t'KUl', TltlK h UOh AIU1ITA, aUlMf.
Collie I'str lsslsll-ul".
Oreami City, or., net, 17, I'1.!
NlJTIt'K Is heniliy si veil llmtlii eoiiiplliinen
Willi the provlsloas of Ihu ant of Convie.s
uf June II, IMS, ullllsil "an set lor Ibe snli. of
timber Ismls In IbeHliites l(.iillfiiriihi, Oregon,
Nevada, anil ttiisblimloii Terrllory.
Walter Hiinil,
ol Purl IiiiiiI, eoiiiily of Mulliioiinth. slntn of Oru
on hss this iluy filed in Ihls olllce his sworn
staleinetitNo. 'Jill, for th purchase of the t
. n i. anil ol S e of section No, I III
liiwiithip No. fl soiilh, raime No. enst, a:nl will
oiler proof to show Ihat Ihe land aniiirbl Is more
valiiabla lor lis timber or stone Ihnu lor ami
(nilliinil purposes, and In oslubll.h his elnlm to
s dil IiiiiiI huforii tbe reflsler and receiver of
this mil vl oreaoii city, Or,, on Monday, tho
UUIh iluy of Mnreli, laul.
He iiHinesaswIliiesses: W. M. Iireppmil, Win.
Hoover, Jerry'oliil, ol I'orllanil, ore. ill, II,
W. Snillh of Healile, Wiishlnat' u.
Any and all persons nlnliiiloK sdversely tbe
above ileserlbeil bniils are leiiueslcd jo His
Ibelr t bilms In Ihls olbee on m before s dd Willi
day of Miiieb, laul, i. T. AI'I'K.lisiiN,
l-ill-S-j7. Ilesltler.
'JTMIIhll UNI), ACTJI'Ni; , l7S.
Vlleo lor ! hlli lit Ion.
Dsitcii htati I.amiOhiu:
OiiBiiot Ci'tv, ir., Oct in is-" i
Notice la hereby given lint In eoiiipll.niic
Willi Ibe prnvl.loiit of Ihu nut of Cougiesa nf
June . IsVs, emllled "An act fur Ihe sale of
timber iaiuls In the California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud W ntliliittun Terrllory."
W llllnm Hoover,
of Portland, futility of Miilliiomnh, sinle ol
Oregon, hat tills day filed In this oiliee hi.
worn statement Nn. VHi, for the purchase of
the s w i, ii w , sud lots and 4 "I section No.
J, In township No. II south, rauue No. enst. and
will offer pioof to show thai the laud sought Is
more valuable for lis timber or stone Ihnu for
agricultural purpnset, and In vsliiblUh his
claim to snlil land before tbu register aril
receiver of this olllce at Oiegou Clly, Oregon,
on Monday, the With day of March, lJl.
lie Haines as; jerry i.nrniui.
Waller Scott, W, S, Dreppard, of Purlhiiiil,
Oiegnii, Jos. lugrshaiu of Molslla, Oregi n.
Any and all persons claiming adveisely tbe
above described lauds are rooticticd In file
their claims Iu thlt ofltce on or before tnld :mth
day of March, laul. J. T. API'lihsiiN.
I a; a n negitier.
,"(lfi lor iililli'iilloii
Culled Stales l.sud Ofltce, Oregon City, Oregon,
Oct U, IsiKI.
Notice Is hereby given Ihat III eonipllnnre
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June s. laa eulilled "Ail ad for Ihe sale of
limber lauds In the Stnles of California, Ore
gon, NevaSa, and Washington Terrllory,"
llornilii W. Smith,
of Seattle, foiiniy of King, state of W a-hliiglon,
lias Ibis ilny Sled In this olbee his swoiu.lalc
meiit No. 'iiuil, for the purehnse of the s w ' , of
seetlun No. ill, Iu towu.blp No 6 south, rniive
No. II east, and will lifter pnait to thou Hint Ihe
land sought Is more valusble for Its timber or
lone Hull for sgrlcultoral purposes, slid In es
tablish his claim to said laud h -lore Ihe hems
ler ami Itecetverof this olbee at Oiegou City,
Or., ou Monday, the mail day of Mnn b, lad.
He liiiliies as witnesses- Joteph liigrnhnnt
of Molalla Oregon, Jerry l,al'oliit of Portland,
On gou, Waller Scoit of 1'orilniid, Oregon,
WJlllatn Jones of Forsyth. Moiitnna
Any and all persons elnluiing adversely the
above ilescrl lied lands are ret.iesu-d to file
their el ilms lu this olllce ou or before tnld iaMh
day of Mmeli, Isvl.
1-ai, S-S7 J. T. APPKH.SI N, Iteglster.
l.nnd OltU-flHt Or.Knii CHy. Or. Jnti W,
Nollre In hprcliy utveii llint ttiu foUnwItiM
UHitH'tl ftiMilpr I in mm mulct' ttf hm liiUMiilcii
totn,k ftifi jiruol In ttiHirt nf liin cUlut.
mul tlint i.ili, triM( will m uiriOi
Urlure tho rtiMer mul rornlvtr nl Hit ('. rt.
Uml nl (r-tni City, Or'Kiu, "ii Ki-lTiiHry
'il. 11, vis:
(iWTKC W, Nfittll,
IIiiitiitl4At Kitry Nn. &t?U, ftr thtt e '4 nf 11 w
4 nml w lt of U W of wc. 3U, Inwuihlp 4 intitli.
rit 8 VHot.
llu hum rt the MlHwInsr wium,m,h tn irnvi
till ruinlNUMi rttifiM uixiuniMl rtiln vntloii
nf, khiiI Uml. vli: H Hlrntu. Jnhn liliek, nutl a.
w of ( lurk ' fmnitimri. . w. II. Kkmimui.
of Ort'UDii Cltv, nil nf t'lHi'k mini rotttit)'. ru-
tii, j. t AI'I'Mihu.N,
J. II. WAY, Proprietor.
Orejon t'lty, Or., Opn, Mn. Rurmeltler'i Store.
Decker and Fischer
A dill stork of Violins. Pitnjos, (iuilitrs,
Ktc, sml iiiKtrninpiils Ki-iienilly
(omul in llrst-tditss stoiu.
For the benefit of thoso who cannot
spare the rash I will sell goods on the
Instalment Flan,
rr; ' vy; ' '"T'T
,. , f ... .
I x- u.
six-'' -l ' i i
.'4. .
KZ i -m I'Z" '.' ' -.TO'
t,' : -s.-f-iyr r ci 'i- ... -
'I ,r -7f 1 r"
Oregon City
In llie Justice Court, for the preelncl of Suiln
HnrliiKS, eoiinty til Cliiekauiits, state of Oi-eitun.
Civil aetlun In reeover nionev
Mrs. K. A llaiilt.iilalnllir, vs. W, Q. I.ucns, tie
femliinl: Tn W tj. l.ncni, the shove nnmeil ilefeiulmit.
Ill the name of tho slato ol OreRnn. you are
hcreliy ren,ulreil to appo"r heforo the miller
.lltneil a Jnstlee of the I'oiioe, for the preeinet
afnrexiilil, on the iHh ilny of February, isill, nt
one o'eloek, In the afternoon nf sttiil miy at the
oiliee of anlil .lustlee, In snlil preeinet, to answer
tho nlinve nnnietl pliilntlt) In a civil netlnu. The
lefeiiiliuit will taku uotlen that If ho fail to
answer the complaint herein the plalntlll' will
take linlunei't aiialnat him for the sum of thir
ty seven dollars ami eiRhteen cents, toeelhur
with costs ami dishuracmenta of this action,
This summons is served hy ptilillcntlon for
tlx conseoutlve weeks lu the tlreiton Cltv Kn-
TKKl'itiHK, liy order ot J, ti. lilenkney, Jnstlee of
the peace for gorit Siu-Iuks preemct, which
order tieara auto .lunuury ian, inh
F. A I1ANK, Plntnllir.
.tiTKi: rn ri iti.K'Aiio..
UniTKn Statks I.aiiii Ol ncs. j
Ortgnn Clly, Or. Dec, 1, 18',Ki.
Notlco la hcrohy glvou, that 111 comptiauco
with the provisions of the net of cunuiess of
Juno a, 1WS, eulilled "An net for the sale of
timber lands in the slates of Callforniii, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wuslilnctoii Territory,"
David O'liriiuell,
of Portland, county ol .Miiltiuuiiiih, Shite of Ore.
Ron, has this day died In this hi" sworn
statement No. 2.HU, tor thu purchase ot the
thonwK ol trillion No. 4, In township No i
toutli, riniKC No. 7 oust, nml will oiler proof to
show fhat tho land souitht Is more valuable, for
lit timber or sloue than for ssrlnuliural pur-Pi-scs
and tn establish his claim to em 1.1 bind
before tho ret later and rccel er of this oiliee at
OreKon City. Oregon, ou KrlUuV, the 27th day
ol Mureh, iwil.
lie niimcs at witnesses: Charles S.ihnrfor,
Siuunel Durkey, Charles Cuter, ot l'orlhind, Or.,
UeorKe Murine, of Central Point.
Any and all persons chilmiiiK adversoly the
above described lands nre requested lu file
their claims In this olllco on or before snlil 27th
Usy of March, Wll. J. T. APPEKHON,
1-1(1; 8-20 Hot-later.
ft !
Kill Firnt Htrcct, Xcur Morrison Ft.
I 1 1 I 'l mW Alioul tho liitfK'fst rtdiiriis tsvvr mal on n 'mull in
1 Af Bj i I mpnt m Hist niitwl by Jului Ali'Xiunlcr, ol Muiii-him,
Ull I III I i.-ll... l.-t li.e.
I ', It liouiflit me lifiiltli, wealth nml lnipi'im'i--.
ll.vt.s(i,.,...t I 11111.I11 WttH tl.H piliflilta.' of OHO .little of Mootp's Hovhi.I Itctn
. .. ...i.. i l...,ii.i ... r-f.tniliM lllllll t If
iiIiiihh nf this Hovuri-iitii ri'iui'ilv.
iihIIiiiiii. in u week. It did till'
I iiillsiilli s ii otlilir oilior ieii nn iiuvc i.e.. . -i-..... , r -. -
..i.i .....i ......i- it I: i isnl Wi lliirtis. of ,Nov.i'it-tl
nf tliis eilv. It. V. O.ilS tt..t
tliidr own ViL'iiiiliiiics say Unit
iiKirvi'loiialv slmit tiiin", J. M
St'iiltlc, Hlli'st its tdllfiicy in cur
fr im
TlioiiHinils of rc'iit'ilili iliizi'"
wiitoof iirniw. Jfyonnrii ill. mh tnitlcr hiwtiii..ftt enn yon man u.nn
. . . i. ....1.: ..t f ..,... M 1. ... 1.
wi.Hunv. " : . . . -1
.iuin.s 11 i..ti 11 m Kiiiiiifii nv
ills of niiinkiiiil. invest l 2) lit Mis.u -
H II 11 Will lull li.e- ."ii .unci.
JAMES KOAKK&CO. I'roiiiiftors.
Manufai tumv, or.l Dealers in cl! kir.d- of Mit'liii'm
CASTIXilS furnlsliptl and KEPAIIiS j rcitly w.
WT-M-TT'GTprn Oy.
I -. - i
VV . .J. LJl 11 i -Pi s-W IW -fc- W asst.
Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oreeon
Good Hearwe. Tritnnicd vrs, I. bHiis by Jobs a.
I. .M.riwti,, It. t.N.l ,l f.r u. llvaW,
juii . u -l S. a n.uiS. I.ul . ..b
ir.rh 7-U'..l. .1 h,m tnte.M It.-tu lo
t IU iU al llw .l.fl. Bit R'.r a.
,-w. II. lb MH.a, .11 ac... l.i aa. ol
n.Htl... y--w i-i r-,Mi...iir ai l,.Hr, tlr.
ins .n .! iii.M-,.., aJrr n., n i iil) M
II, niS. All k tirM. I.i,l a, MNIlui
..r ..., Via atail l.u,
...iV'liliis. KASII.Y. 1.11.1 IUI.1 Lann-J
l-AKIlll I.AIIn II1I.K. A,l,lta .1 un ..
aiivMis s iv leeii.AVi., tuivk.
.oili ri Tor liili liu(loi.
I'NITKn Htatks Lasd OrKics. I
Orkuon I'tTV. Or., Jan. IS, Issl. I
Notice Is hereby given that the followlns
uaineit settler has ftled notice of his Intention
In make ftniil proof In suprortof hit elnlm.
and that .aid proiil will be made lielore Ihe
register and receiver ol the V W. Land office at
Oregou City, Oregon, on March 7, llvJl, via:
Hunt lll-en,
Pre cmplion I) I, No for the n w'oft
w of section 4 1 1 s., r.'i e.
He iinmes Ibe following witnesses to prove
his eoiiliriiuiis residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, via:
ole Johuson. John llnnehnn. Geo. Lockerby,
of I'nrrltisvllle, t'lnckHinaa . rounly. Oregon,
and Peler nlsi-nol Moiilesniin, Chehalla county,
Wasliliigtuu J.T APPKItSON,
12:1:2 27 Kegister.
S!:crlfT Snlc.
t'lU NT'. of I Mi KAMAS.I
lien). I. Cohefi, tlu inllnn vs. P. M, Hansen
Ad. lie Hansen and 4 M Keenan.
Notice Is hereby Rlveu that by virtue of an
order of Court, and an execution Issued out nf
and under the seal of the Circuit Court ot Clack
amas Coiiutv. Oregon, and to me directed end
delivered as sherilf of s-ild county and state,
bearing dale of February 2d, A. D. la d. com
manding me In the name of the State of Oregon
to mxke the sale of the follow lug described real
property belonging to said defendants, to make
the turn of Hl:'.2; w ith Interest Iheieon at the
ralo of ten tier cent, per annum since the sixth
dav of Nt vember 1MI, aud fur the futtlier sum
of llT.ito as accrued costs, and for Ihe costs and
dlsbum'tiieiitt herein. New In older to make
the above amounts, 1 will on Haturlay, March
ith, A. D. lyl, at tho front door nf the Court
House lu said eoiiutv and alate, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m of said day, will proceed to sell
all tnld defendants right, title aud Interest tn
and to the following descrilK'd realestntet(i-wlt:
The tin i, ol see.()eight.ln t 2 s,r fie of theWill
sine'ie Meridian, situated lu Clackamas Couu
ly Orojou. Terms cash
Sheriff of Clackamas Cu.
Dated this 4th day ot Feb. 1W1. t 12-4.20
Land Oftlco ftt Oregou City, Oregou, Juuusry
81, IKJl.
Notice Is heiehv given tint the following
named selller his filed notice of Ills Intention
tn make duel proof In support of his claim, mid
Ihat said proof will tie made before the Register
and Hocelveioftheli eMiSii'loftleeatOregonClty
Oregon, on the 2.11 day of March, issil, via
James Nicholson, heir at law o t Albert II. Nic
holson, deceased, pre-emption I). 8 No. MiMS, for
the 11 of u w 1 , of sen. 24 t 4 s r 2 e.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laiid vis. Ucorge North, George Par
rish, Uooige Koilgeia mid 1). Melntyre, ml of
Chirk s P. O , Clackamas Co., Oregon.
2:7-8:13 heglstor.
TIMIIKIl LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878.'C for lul!h'ii(ton.
United States l.aud Otllce, Oregon Clly, Oregon,
October 14, lsull.
Notice is hereby given that In compllnnce
Willi the provisions of the act of Congrvas of
June 8, 1N7S, eulilled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the st itesot Callfornia.Oiegon,
Nevada, nud Wiishliigton Territory,"
Anna K. Smith,
nf Rcntlle, couuly of King, state of
Washington, has this day riled in
this olllce hit twin n statement No. 2104, for the
purchase of the se J.4 of section No 84, In
township No. f south, iiuigo No. 8 eist, and will
niter proof to show that tho land sought Is
mure valuable, tor Us timber or ilonethau for purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the register nud
receiver of Hilt olllco at Oregon Cltv, Or., on
Monday, the 80th day of March, 1M91.
He niiiiicB us witnesses: Waller Scott ot Port
land, Oregon, Jerry'olnt of Portland, Ore
r".'1,1,1!. Jo"ll'h Ingrahnm of Molalla, Oregou,
W lllinm Jones of Forsyth, Montana.
Any an1 all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in ihls office ou or belore said
8l)tli day of March, ISM,
, , . J.T. APPEltSON,
1-28-8 27 Hegtaler.
.-; ri4 i; i m ii hi h atiox
I'nitku Statks I.anh Ofkii k, i
OiiKiinN Citv Or., Feb. 1K1, (
Notice i" hereby given that the following
named selller has has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Uegls
oer and receiver ot the ') S. Land Olllco nt ore
gou Oily, Oregon, on March 25, lsul, via;
William V. Miller,
homestead entry, No. MI18 for the o' i of ncVi ot
see 14, t 4 s, r2e..
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tions of, said land, vis: L, Voiidernhe, of
Oregon Clly, Valtln Bohlnnder, Ooo. Schmidt,
and Fredrick Noivkirclnier, ot Mink, P. o. all
of Ciaeknmns county, Ore.
2-18 8-20 J ' Ai,l'ER80N' Rl'W.
ImVu' J'rivnto Kntrpn I'.,t.
- slinuiil I ever inililo ill IllV ll'c u-o:
i-nrcil ltiidsnl Williiims, of .Nowiit-tii
aurne lliitis! lor JoliJi Il-l
( Slt Al. IllUOf.Of N'Hllle,
i cured tlit'ir rlii'Uiiiioisin
Jones slid W. P. Jnlmw
IIl'..! i.i-iArt tile
liiH ...... - t'lnl of tho P.icllli: Const t. the
I'liici V If V()U u't'l i.i'i rvn in
cvprv in I
a ...... i -.. m
rii'iiiiiini'"iM, "i
's I!t've:tk(l lVttipilv, him
Fur Hul" h) all t)nvr'tM.
rollins mid Cntkitn nlwnya in N
mafic fur I'liI.Ilcullon.
t'siTKn States I.Asnorm t
Oskuon Citv, Or., Keb Hi, l-s.
Notice Is hereby given that the fiiloar
iiamiil settler hat ftlcd notice ol hi. iti:et;:
to make Dual proof In support of hie ci
and that said proof will be made Is;!
the register and receiver of the T K. I
olllco al Oregon City, Oiegoii, en April 3, )
vlf :
Lyman Herrick,
pre emption, V s. No. 71,'ai fot the aw'4'of u
of sec 20. t 2 s. r 6 e.
He names the following witnesses to pr
hit cotilititmits residence upon and onlll va:
of. aald laud. Vll: K. D Alexander. Krede:
Seivert. Earnest Selvers and Adolpli Ane
all of Marmot, P. o. Ciaeknmns Co.. Oregon
2:l-;& J. T- API'KKSON,
1'NiTi.n statks I.ASnOrrii u, '
Oreuon Citv, or. Dec. II, l.vaii
Notice It hereby given tnut in cumpliai:
with the provlsinut of the act ol Coiiare-
June S. 1S7S. entitled "An act fur t!u sale i
llinlier lauda In the ttalea ol Cultfornla, f
gou, Nevada, and Washington 'l erriturv," j
James I. Ilagart,
of Kast Portland, coiiutv of Multnomah. s'J
of Oregou, hat this day fllc.1 In lhistuticeL
sworn statement No. istst, for the piirciiast
IbeeV, n w '4 lots 1 and 2 ot section No i
iu township No. 4 south, range 5 ee
and will otter proof to show that the l,
souKht Is more valuable for Its limber or si
than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab, i
his claim to said land belore the register h
1 receiver ot this oflie at Oregon City, Oru
.tn b-riila.- Ilia IIHh .la., nf ....11 l.l
He names aa w itnesses: Krviu Patterson I
Kast PiTilund, Muliiiouiah eiunitv. IHcl
Andrew Myeis. of Kast Portland. MiiUtuuij
county, Oregou. August Paul of West Poril ui
Multnomah couulr. Oregon, Henry IVsu,
ol West Portland, Multnomah countv, Oret
Any aud all tiersoiis claiming advem-ly s
atiovedescrtlH.'d lauds are n queued to '
their claims In this otlice ou or f elon' saidl
d ay of April, lsal, j. T. ArrKRMi
12S;8-27 Kegii."
MU H U t oil I'l III.It VlKll
I'nitku States I.ami otrii f.
OnminN ltTY, Clr., lec. Hi, lst'l.
Notice It hereby given Ihat In eomplUi
with the provisions of the act of t'ongteK
JlllieS. 187S, entitled "An act for the sale
timber lands in the states of California, Unl
gou, nevaus Slid wasliinvlou Territory,"
Tom K. tlibsou,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale
Oregon, hat thlt dav tiled In this otllce
sworn statement No. 28'Ai, for the puichase
the sS of nw'4 and lutslt an.' 4 of section No
lu township No. 2 south, riiuge No, 7 wc
aim win oner proot to show that the If
sought Is more valuable, for Us timber
stone than fur agricultural purposes mid lo i
tai.lish hi? claim to said land belore the rei
ler and receiver of this otllce nt Oregon n
Oregon, ou Kndav, the 17th day of April, Is.1:
Hen ones as witnesses: ti-ivld OHeim
John Mitchell, Chas. Schaefer. On ia. C.i
all ofmrtlAud. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adver,
the aboveilcscrllied lands are rciiucsteii
tile their claims lu this oftlco on or bet.
aald 17 day of April, lf.1'1-
J. T. Ai'i'KiisoX.
l-80;48 Kegister
F. L. Posson & Son,
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc. I
i4 RnBBai hh nnm.
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
Wo want you for a customer. G iv Jt:
a trial order. v
F. L. Posson -t- J
209 2d St, Pqo Z 6if
..... ull.,i. . J
...I. IU
0 or Oi.Iv-
Rifcwaui-a -s. :n T. JL. 2stini. iiifl
, . - .W..A...V. asaj. I I
Ccneral .gts. 'for D. M. I'crry & Co' !
Gardcu Seed. ' I
trass, Clover and all Jtiiids of j
' -t" a
"S I1
"ul v
,0111 l
j . '
,, .,.. . ... 4.