The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 20, 1891, Image 3

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ma i
10 li 11 1 c r i rise.
Nut ah lUn as u Muntt IUvk Hkkn,
S. Nefcirer. wlilleeiiituKi'd l rwnninu
" : jui'k in tin) wolloii mill lal Kuturdiiy.
i lieuum tmtatiKled In tuo mm bine y,
lundi-ann bt.'rtkinn hi lo, hut
, fiiiliiiiniitlv ili.l iml. However hoii'ieivid
kKiNrt MiiiitiNvt.--Tlie kI-! pMlntiil Injury uihl him kIiii'O been laid
V!t the iVntfn'Kulion'U ihnrvh up fur ie palm.
nniniii View, vniuluetei by Kov. :
ver and Kev. l H. Curtw. , Tiurwo sk t.t,U, on
oi M -ml" v evouinu. On Hutui- nil boat dyitf the illiiinolie In i.ok .1
' ii.' tli.'w wan a tneetinsot tl.t'liihi lo Inerviim U. .julli. ail
.lid Cl.nslUr. vouiitf people of extent. Ibe IneiViine i i-poehihy
,1,00.1.001 t wdilih a YuuiirfUiotieiwhlolu iheO 0. , I o ... Hteunier
.Nvietv of I 'hriftLm Kndenvor, between bete Mint Foithtnd, and with
t'vii member, form.!, v iih mrwl ' t"'lK. l"ftf bwdne..
de Kiv, prenident ; Mr M. Ku- j iHHileiiipl.itod.
t-i'-pivHUtoiit ; Miw Ite.iltie, ie-i "'" ""'
I'oii'luiy ; Mimt Alien M. Warner, So Ji'NK Frnsiusi'.--Kvory indiiitlitm
iii.liiiit wi'retiiry i Mint Annie p,H to huw Hint the Juiu rio of the
tioiisurer. liiia fvioly hit l Oihnuhiii, whldi I muitillv very iiroiit
Imvuliiy evening at ' will this yeiir ho very mitill, m ivioiIh
ui o( meeting, and cordially in- j ,,, (o tint ctt'oi't tliut there in but little
only tin' yoiiutf nipli of Hint ' mow in tho mountaini. mid tu Hull
hmid. hut "alno any ftvin town Knriiiit luin no fur advanced, there in not
1 1 1 no tmoitgti lor nullliieni miow m in 1 1 in
' ttivo un un old time tie-de'l, Jn cam
I bete pivbitl'ins prove I rn It w ill en
ulilo riiin'lo'r of tin Inwrr river to
I'tilio bine crop,, of liny and potutuin.
,iukrt it .ililVHIIlellt 10 HIOI'I
tin Mon.lny evenim. m pur
nil (iivi'ii in"" Hi" pulpit on
l,l illlOU'iU'-l III OIKlllli
.OR'ii l )! isionnl vli ll iv h
I all. I Mil O'lMIKXltlOII Of
mi'tiiixT I'll'iN'lu l by J
Ihv ctmlitiltioii of I III' FlIHll
itiuiul rimr. n oi uncoil i hv
lie M$U I'imiitjoi iiii'iiw.iry to
io lli' ii'ipini'iKi'i't of li ii m il
I.. II AllillVWH WHS I'll'l'lt'li
Mm. Lou I. Vi iii'r.i'lt'ik j Mi
Kli'. Itv.miiii'i J tii'O. V. I'.ly.
Inl'i'ii. nri't Mi K. Wmiii-r,
Kov, O V.'.is, ilo it'on I,.
v,s un I M HiiMH'll, vliuutiiit;
if i'. ,Wor tlio my inilioii,
ike tiu n.iiiii' of "Tim Moiiiilnin
niiii li of llio t'iiHt t'oiiitiviiiitiynal
tfOiYjjoti l ily," Wiidi'lfiolfl, III"
ol four now i-oiivi'its Wi'ro pii'
Or nuMil'i'rxinp. mi i urn io im
Tun WitK w l'lioxi'ici TH l''iom in
llublo ii lni nmiioii (unilnlit'l Tim IOntkh
viiink It iippont llml t'liit'kniniiH count y
mni'i' tool bittor pioHpni'iK for n bin
hIumI iiiirvi Hl tlinn I'h i'iiiiiln ni'iiHoii,
I'liUMbi'.it in nil pniiN of llio I'onnly,
owiim io tlio iipt'ii wlnior mnl wniin
IiiIhk liii miiilo ulinolv (jt'iiw III mnl I
wi'll mu IV, oil out, Tliu only dmr our
(miiuoih linvn Ih 1 1 ui t tb gumili of
Ct I ll Will b HO g('tUl in to bo liiiblo Io
lo,;o, Tlio Hi'oi'iiitii ill mimo hi'i'IIoiih of
tliiM'imuly UnlMMit Hut Hvuiimn wbllo
IiuiIIioihU Ii nivntlv Iiicii'iihihI, TIh
piiwpi'ou for utHul prlooH nppiinr Io bo
vol v Inir, ti llio iiviriin Hiiointlioiit tlio
I'niloil SlnloH tin nol tiii'ii'iiHoil II ii Ihih
not iliiulnlflii'il, ii nit in Hint I'.uiom' Im
i'XM'iii'iti'tiil llu Hovoront w lnliir kii'iwn
in ovi'i' k u'tilnry, (ivoisliiir mnl wl itor
killing nit uniliiH, Hni yloUl will full Inr
hIioiI of tbivi'iiit, lliiiioforo liwii'iiiint
llio Hlipplv mnl iliriYnninn Ibn ili'inuliil,
tlolAooil (nir,l liitii'H, miiiirn mnl l ivil
wniH i tui I'oiitliiioii of Hut wlunit iiiuu iii
Hni'Uon of llio AiV'Miliiiu I'ond'ili'Hi'lon
un K'liilll, of SoiiiIi Aioorii ii inn link
bolii'i', lit. nil I'topH bnvo lu'ivuH.irly
boon in ulri'li il In ii riniiiilonibb' nxtolit
Tlilf I'OII'litloll ot lill',iiM will klll'llllV
bi'iiolll nil hoi HonH Hint un blowu'd wild
in,, to fnvoiiibUi I'iii'iiniHliini't'H, mnl
w liilo Hid mvr io of t in kniiiiiH i'onnly
limy iv, ii'Ii nobiiili IlKurn. tliiu Inovorv
bl'i of a uu'ii1 , ilouniml lit blvtli inirt'
tli.AiiMoNK l'liiNirniK l'',nroiiv
Wu.kOcKN A liMN ihii m A uyiimn-
HIIIIII Will HOOK bo 0H'lll'i III III" llll
liuotni( ptilMt v iirronH fron: tlio I'lmr
Hum bbnk, wllli I'om Mikiio " tmint'r.
If oponili'il hh it kIiouIiI bo, willioul Iv
iinr ti lYxott for toi:ub mnl h,
titii tiiutf hITmiIh iinirti liiMii'lU inl ixi'r''i-i' iTIio 1!IuiImiiih Kurnilnro Mnnuliii'lnrinir
' for yotinyt moil tlinn (( "' I iiviimnHliini, I t'oiiipiini', of tliit oily IikVo iliHi'iintlnih'il
jtml'ilit ih not ( omlin'ti'il tliu, no fur Hi : iboir I'urtlan.l ollli'i', iiiol tboir boiul
! tin bonolU'inl itwullH nit iMiii'i'Hn'tl it ! itnnrit'iH will liorondor b In Ibi oilv
I iliH'iml fnibirii. It i lionil ilm inio In fliix i iniip.inv tun piotbintf om-mllonH
! uni'Hiioii will bo of llio b. Ilor iIiihh, n ullboir fm toiv "lib H pontiblo hiioimI
wi Iuivo ri'HHoiiH to hvbpvo ll will. mi l m tiirniiiK mil n lino Imu of luini-
Inro, I boy ImvH nwivixl oiik nliipn out
oi IlD.iMKI fH't of bnriluiKiil luinbor from
KiiKi'lii), iinil tboir fnrllllio fur Hoolirlim
ibonv mnli'iiiil miiHin li Hint Hioy urn
vn"( 'ii.j .i I'oinpi'ii'wlilt iinv fiirnliiiir
j iiiiinnl' nioiv on llio i o.ihI. Tbi'V bnvi
; pil!iblilnil ii funillnro hIuio on ibo fnnl
iHiiloof Miiin Hlipol. Hour I'iltb, wlioro
jlliov nirry n ooiiipioio lin of oli'iinnt
; fnriiiliiio of llu Intent ibniii iiml hoIiI
lit It'rtH ibllll rortllllltl plllH'H. Mr, K.
! llncli, tbi tiuimir"r. of Hio rompHiiv,
, Hlnti'H Hint bo lmn n Irioiul in tlit'i'tixl,
wlin Ih un I'Xi'orit'iiivil IiiiiiI-
, turo mini witb ploiity ol rnpilnl, wbo in
i IoihIh I'oniiiii! born K tbil blixint'wi olit-
liHik will JiikIiIv, mnl will tnko I'bniitu of
No (I, hiii to Woaik kai kk4. ilui Htoiv, nmkinu it tiM-olnwi i'nmli
evor I'tbvt Hid warm wlnlor bti binl on liHliuiont in evory ib'tnil, wbilw Mr.
tlio nuiiilry h wlioln, it tvriuitily Iih m., wiUl,Kik iiitini' lmii'lv nltor Hid
Iwhj'I ot no iiiriTintlo iH-notlt to tbo ( intonMtn Hint oinli'nH nt tii lurtnry,
wohI iimn of ibin oity, who Rot op an iiii- i ''oh in in ovorv wnv Immo liiHtitiilion
inoiiMi qininlily ot i'oniwiHi.1 nun inn, , n, I M hon 1,1 roivivii tlio lilioiul HUiiiKiit
I'NroMTi'N itk Mihii ii'. Altliniiub It
mub.ibly lion't tii-l vorv (uiinv, it Uwk
.- .o.vivf.1 iii tlm m ar fiitinv, ami : unl o qmi r t. loin it in.intl i'i.'
Win Ii no pxpit'.-'.l a .li Hiri' to : I t"'eiH likii a Uviiih.I .wtrii li.
i kiit'ib-i! Willi 1 1 im obun-li. i Wbilo traiiu in in tbt' arnmry bint Sntnr
,,l io Ilia! iMiiiiimmtV in liopi'd ' ilv 1" i riinmim lor tin- wrinl alli
lii on'orprim'. " lolio ninu'H of "li 't oiiipnny, lortlnml,
' I wbii'li t! inti'inloil oiiuniiiij, bn K it oil n
t pHOWNKii. V J. MoKit-! rtrti' tmi'timi'li miiit ami but a ro!
i!i't a.-iiva: .it t) e )ii Oitv. .u, j IWon 'tli ono rinl of ilm'.
lit un finplovoo of ono'of Ilm I "i J'lni'H, not hovoio hh
iuU. imiiio noiir looHinu Iii liU'l'l''.V miulit bno boi'ii wi'.n Hovro
.liv I'viMiinif wbilo iii a Willi i'Mioniili. ami bo w.ii imfni lunatolv ol
(l,,ri'on.lition, ami but for tbo i ''"'o to stuv out ol tbo rmv.
Im ltt..l..,)ii.M U.ilLniiill illnl llllilllH U
aiitii'inaiiiitf roaily anifi hi inrv lik'U'i'i ! of llio opl ot Uii'U'in I it v ami I Im ka-1 l,,,,.,, pM(roiiH;o.
iilioiibl Hit) winlor proVD I'otii vimiiitli t! man I'ounty. j , , ,.., I,.
loinmninl it. Hut tliia wna not to U j ! It ia ruporiril Hint Halpb Miln r
iin.l n .iiKi-miMiii'ti ilm iintoitiinulo T,,.. ti... ii, r,,u ti, ,,Mil,,l, f..r ! bail a f.illiiii! mil wilb Iiih I'lm kiiii ran' Ii
lonloia Iooho wlmt otlii'r poplo
mil' uiiinrin I id i oiiiiii. .in.'ii in t, m
limtt'ail of tliHianiiiK of it, tbov ,.lHl ,, ( ',o kiinum roiml v ill not ln
I un nbirli
i! iin
bave an ovor-HuppIv
ibov can onlv noil
Wilt hNiAKoit rim SroHK. K. jl.
Ili.'paa, re.-.'Hlly from Knalorn VVab"
inutoii, Inn purrlmwil tlio l inr ami ro'i
(oilioiiory More formerly owncl b'
Win, KuiiiIki, on MaiiiHtrool ami will
coniimm tb aui lino of buiiiii's on a
more cxteiiMve noalo. lit baa alrrroly
HlliiiiiaiH') ol 1.111100 imniiior
miiri'i'ii. In) woiilil now uniloubi
t a iorio. Mi K 1 1 1 rii k ia nt
on tin) iii;bt "nbiit" ami alHint
. tk x wornling liis wnv aloim
a tonnrtU tlio mill lio auo
n friM-iing tbo unto of llio lixkn,
net Mossn. linvnaiul liarilner
nt iroin tlnir wutk. Tlioae
.( i notiftil tbo imateailynoa ot
mu mnl aftor paciiiiK, i-toppeil
tiln'il bii rourso. Ho bail pio
in! about tbiity ymiU wlieu be
n ti ri, fnllinii into Hie 1,h ki.
cneiiia'ely went to bin a-'Midtaiiiv
nu to tbe liHinnoe to tbe water
pi.ii'O t'oul.l onlv liope to reai uo
lu use of a )leX)r roe, one of
BiT ol wbii'b they auiveixU'il in
f lb' luil Hunk tbo Ht'i'oml time
fnioil unable to annul liiiowK
r',v,'ii one enJ ot the pole, but by
no tliey iii.hiii;ihI to get bint
il.mtt tbe liH-kn, where rupea are
k'i mi, I by which time morj
', luil arrivoil ; an I one man
iWi're.l, HiU'i'iVili'd ill Kt't'ilitf 'I'"'
diT liiiiinin. when he m iuiiiIcI
ii Klltni'k ran (ate lor bia
.hie ti-Kinv, ami it reinnina lor
-ah i hi ai, r.n'intion for tins
oi bin re.icuera, ami further,
l to Iiml a vnbuble loiwon in
; t'.Hrii'iii'i'.
ll ClXlHKI) K-XI'KSHtlt. It W.l
!Y nliui turnout that hiim IikI the
m tin- bnml bova at their enter
nt at l'ope'a ball lit Satitrilnv
. Alter their exH-m.ei bad Inen
itmi the relurna ot the eveniiiit
iiiilliiiiiT left, ami their own
il l.ib ir was rewarded with Klory,
llimiloeH nol Hwak Io the rredit
ire of I tie aHpiratiiimt of Oretfun
Mil need of a li rst-cliii baud,
MiHi'Mive of an uluiust inexeii
tliueiiry Home here, T!ie IkiJ'h
ijii i.-iiu eveiy pnHnble elloit Io
t" prulii' ent ill dull and muxii',
in win; need ! fund, for inoro
in Tlie-o- fun In llii'V could niiin
a ' it their iMTiiitent rudi'iivorn
unl wniibl reieiie due eneour
rit f mil the ei'izenH. but when
uliiL','d tu xiitrer aiieli .ul diMjii-
nt if Uut diMti-ter, an that of
l.iiii'iialen'iai. ll iioiiiy nauirm i ,..,,. illlM1if. u ran be expected that
n to liecuiiie ibacou .neil, ami n, ,; ,;, , (H. .r Middletoii in-
ili ii liny oriium. nion ioin
-. If we wj.-it a eiaal bnml
it t.ik.-i latent, ei.eruy ami per- j k . tllu . o ,iext wt.j nllj t, allot which our banili ..,.,,.. ..,.,.j llo,t.,,ii ilm week
toliowiiiK, nl the end ol winch time the
pump will be ready for oporntiom. Tho
pump ami all the iixturen li.ivo uri ived
exeeptiin; Ihe wiieel, which li lookeil for
Win, V, Miller, ui Mink, wua lit bmti
J, V, Kelly waa In Snloin a cuti Io of
duya Ilm latli'r putt of laat week.
K, H, Wiirron niijuuined in McMlmi
villo tbe fore putt of tho week,
Slollii Colliu-and Abnli' Williuni" i"'
Iti'Klllul a liuiilinKi' pniull Oil Ihe I IHi.
The Hleiimor lloim la ninnlnif ludwaen
Corxallln ami llniilb'irii lit pienenl.
lVpulv Morrln Hlinbid In mi tbe col
lin lloii n'f luxe bint Tuendiiy, The II rat
place vIhUivI wan liamancua.
The llrntiiian" io""pay" bia liixi'n Ihla
yenr waa John Mlckev, of Molnlla, .Mr,
Idckcy "ctnlied in" on the bllh.
It ban bei'ii a lilllo c''l the punt week,
Haililwlcbed in with Hoinn mlu, but nol
enotmli tn break Ihe wlnier' a record.
Tim llelilly, Captain Mckami, wblch
bun been out Iwo wcekn, In niiiKeil In
(rnilibllint for the 111111111111 till Mm at llna
A chaiiw In Win, tladaby'H 'nd" Ibln
week iiiilioiliii'i'n n.mielhiiiii iuteienllnu
Oil lllfl CilllH'illilllllnn lUentoll, lilM't ll
and leai n,
Mra. Honor Wbitlock, mother of He
conler VV bnlock. baa been iimmually
feeble fir awhile punt, but in now niucli
Mr. Jim Uialuim him removed from bin
former reldi'iu e on the bluff, to Ibtf lip
per nlory of bin huildiU on Mnlll and
I' if Hi Mi eel.
The water reached lla bliibent Htile
tor the aeaion on Lint Monday evenlini,
itainioil eleven feet and thiee ImbeH
aliovu low water murk.
Mm, K, S. Warren, aceompnnicd by
Minntirani Wllliama went In MeMinu
ville lail week lor a nliorl ntnv with rcla
liven and fneiuh', retuinlni Mondny,
linnii'l Williiiinn, with pill ui lii fam
ily, from near Itamier, t'oliiuiliin counly,
have taken up their renidem e luOii'iion
City. He Hiiemn uiiiib plenxed wilb
bin new buine,
Herman Snlow ban oielied a nbin nlion
one diMii iiurth o VVdnon, t'lKik hiuil
uttte nlore on M iiu ntreet Mr. Nilow
uir WAS IN IT!
Tltpy U tMtf, (iMiiii.'rctl iiml l!t"
tuiiifd vvlilt tli LiiuitIh.
wccnowi WE CROW!
I hey lire die Shiiimoun nf the lli'Klmi nl,
mnl Make All Hllici' CiiiiiiiiiiIci
I eel Tlml.
No TIiiih, Kit Training, Nil Trniililn Tliry
Aaliinliill tlm I'ml'li', ami hik III Kym
ut llirlr ( hiiijii lll'in llulgn Out,
Silky SiBrtt, Win. Htiweil, Lance Oarticr
Join Dim vA Ltcu! K. S. Warrca
Wcarini Medals "(1" ti
Mi for Tiicicjclvcs,
Tint bin Inn id ivbUtlcn, the poumliuu
of lln ctiim, the ImaliiiK of do;a Ihe
yelling and Hciii,itnlii ol men an I boyn
and Hut Wild colililhioll of people ol
(Irottou City gciii'iully. yenterdav (Thui
day) niuriiiuij iiIhuiI 2;U0 o'clock, nn
iioiini td (bu tact that there wan aome
thiiiijof an uiiniinl iintniu In the wind.
However no one within vcml inllcn ol
Hiceon I by woe kept limit In nunpeiii e,
if theyj umleintoi'd cumiKh Kiifli"h
to know the inclining of Hut wonln
ao plainly itiailiiuuinhablu bovo all other
racket that "V in in II." Tint Hleamer
l.iili'iui hud i'it lelurued Willi ahuul
1 1 HI til the linpiienl and llii'Ht highly
exulted hnuiiin tieliiKH that ever cronned
lla i!nnu pliiuk. Ihey having been at
toiidiug tbe athletic contemn given by
(i company nt I'oilliiud, in alinh
! eiiiiipiiiiy ul Ihia bad taken
wlmt ii,iv'ei Io Ihi a very pioml
limit onil. The program cmmiHled ot
running, jumping, hlirillit racing, bnyo
iict rat'iug, cii .. bul Hie real Ionium ol
Ibe fuming were Hie tug ot war con
te-ln, ii,h were, in plainer terum,
The ulr w hh lllled with Imi'h, umbrellnn
ll II' I till beiH, All ,i I'Keiliiiiinnt o h(,
bk'lieiil pilch unlit the nt'xl aiimiiiii"ii-.
liieiil I, en K bud lnHt ll bull ini'h. The
fun eitiled, but tliu itiliitiiitt ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 , , .
II. luie I no in, iitinntnii I'liii'iil IJ'n Cup
tutu gut ituid mid nlii lcbcd tliu ropn two
Iiii'Iiiih, mnkiiig it dun nl H4 inluulcn,
It llilnulen, even 1 UI),'. even j It 1,',, Illumed
even until 4' miuiileH, iliiiing which
tiuil) liiilliiililg bud ci'iiK'.l, HIduoy
Kinvlli 1, 'k In tlm Niltiiiiion tita gluuce
and ciiinmi'iii cil opiirutlniin iiccordiiigly
He fitvo iinnlber eiipim the rope and
Ihiiti Hliclihi'd bin neck. 'I'lin oilier
Imva wcio up In Hid lin k iiml Ibn eH'iictn
wcrii iiiiniediatiily perceptible, They
bad held l until eveiy mini Iiml become
exhiiiiHled and then dealt Iheiii Ihiiir
llnnl cnlliipiai bv a jeik and a pull thai
II If lil I i.l in 1, 11, ken 11,11 bliekaiif lenn
Hilled moil Iiiuu Hiomi ol (I, Jly .'a
Inchon our buy hid won, when tub
lowed nui'h a nretiu of eimfu-liiii ami lion
m'Iisii nl lilliiiily im In not mile to wllncK
eviinnl 11 iIihIiiiich ('apt, Hinltli waa aeon
MMti,. Hie Hhiiiililein u( I'.it Colbett,
III. H1 illiipicailiig four Ml ! 1 in at a time
through tlio rtnii vvuv Inlheir quartern
below, while an excited multitude fol
lowed In hot pumuit. The gitincn were
at a cIiihii, un l the I boyn wcru the
bcriHin of the hour,
Tbev were imiiuiliulnly invil"d to (I
couipal.y' Uminn where I hey were roy
ally entertained, and by a brief jieenl
litioll Hpeech by Kecrelarv Curdwell, ill
belinlt ot (i, were ihe rie ipleiita ol Hie
meduln they bad ho fairly won, The
Hpeakcr In a few well clioKeu ami uppio-
priillo WiiHln oonnnituuitoil 1' upon their
!iiecenn, and iipolui flatteringly of the
piwibilillen uf the ton 111 In the way of
a 1 1 1 M-1 li- HiiMtn,
Co. I'' leeln under litHtlng obllgnlionn
to Co. I for the liuaiitalUy hIuiwii them
while then', in colilribliliiig to them the
u-i) ut their pmluin ami w dl ever bold
w at 111 uieuioricn in their hcarl for their
Take Medicine?
IT la OVTV.ti A
Necessary but Unpleasant
1 lii'tli In nutlUhfi
Wclittt, Drink, Wear or Have Fun
't lml in ot miinui'li hii,in,ihi , i,
The Medicine We Take.
A HKMAHI.K DHUUaiHT t. Joy fiiraver to
ny iiniiiiiiuiilly.
Dl"ii'lii' iimlilni Iml
Pure Drugs of the Highest
Lunch Counter.
31 A liUN CEO & CO.,
MchIh wrved flay and night.
OyHter find Chop, in Any Htylc.
Hido Kntranco for I,adic.
Main St., Oregon City.
Bankrupt Stock
I'ulalu, Vlck'a I'cili 1 lion.
Thin vailety Ihih been grown and
thoroughly tented, mid tliu renorl
coinen Iroimivery ipiarler Hint it in one
I or the llnenl inlnlocH lor gcneial pnr.
i lm 1 h. mi, i. inn 1 ,l,.,l ,. , ul.,.i MioHoa. lla wonilerlnl proitiictivenena.
bianed u'SMiii of the coiitcntn and had I t"e appearance 1111,1 o., I ciH.kit'g inii)-
roniu (or iiiiiiioi IiIh, Kvldonlly the big
duill In coniiiiely chagrined at nceing
I'oilliiml, cr.n k team "Inking water,'1
and jionnibly (he Iciiiu ilmdl i lomewhal
lion pinned.
An I'iii; I' M iKiti'NiHK g u n to iirenn lhi
(I IniimliiVI eienlnu ihe noliher Imi' anil
idea ami linn ihvcrlixl bin attention to ! gripping Ibe
amuher lit' HI lie coiiienipiiueii hi.ui- null
iug a bakery at Womllun u, we are told.
behind o'ber porlioun ot the WilUmelte
vaili'V in the tpialilv and omui'llv of the i , , .. . ..
ciop. Iloml lir.w . of Kiiirraneim'ii.l Net Mimlny ingbt Kev. I.. It. Jniiney,
luve given inlruetionn to ibeir Kl.enln I llllceii veam a inlnniona-y In India.
Io in.iue 1 .intr.ictn t..r Hie imp of Iswl al ' deliver an addrenn 11 1 the M. I.,
Ilgmen wbieh will guarantee ihe grower 1 lunch on the early rebgionn l.lenn 01
a g..od prolil. Thin linn U i-oiiln.ctlng . bo Hin ban. Hi" " inteicntlng topic
iiiCli(..riii. al I.', mid Hi ceiitn per 1 '! everyone nliould attend.
iH'iuni, oiu mev aie wniiiii; 10 y d i
cent for produi't, The! Mr. . T. llon..'rn.m, of r
him Loowern oflbin 1 0111, Iv will run no 1 water, accomi-auil'il Iv
,..,n,. , ,,,,,h . , i"'" tn liine, ami Willi llietr liiemla 1110
coiupahien, .m. men com.lilu nig a u K,.,.r i jolbllcition iniM'ting
team. 1'orthmpu.pom. a long bonul, 1 Wlll , ,,llHM ,,,', ,t K, ,
wilb bia. cn lr racli man. pined alKiul ,iof ii( lM,ir vi( urv
hi (eel aptiii, wan cnnitructcd ; in Hi 1 , ,.1,1..
eenler wan a trap holding Ihe e unci 1 Notw iHintaiiiiing Ihe unlruUdul h ale
cenier of a I '-incli rope with winch Ibe ! "'''", ' l.vening l.-l-giam, wbii h lo
l.uliiog wan Al Hie crack ol Ihe ! ,',ll' W"'" r having even
pi.lidlle t.up wan M"ung when Ihe . ""' ciiillcl, lin y eiiptuied the
!'tt.gol war'' cui.iienced. Kadi p out ol Ho, eleven gold meduln an prool of
waa ol live minute ilurat t raning ! lllt "' "owenn.
at anullie. criu knf the piniol, at w hirl, j V(N , ,(,,,,,, , ,, onii'M.
tune the tr ip wan te-mljuMed, tiunly j '
jm and nbuwing tliu ie- I "i e iioneii l ytc, nl one nine atiiiiior
nl the if. Ii. A to, an expert ae-
I'mk, of
ll in llnnei'Ci";iry Io t,le It ie-;
ipiiiim inimi le, pliVnii nl cnduiiince and;
m!l id no Hiuall ih gn e locnter ao trying ;
aiit'ugigeiiieiil with any liopeol HU' ivni,
ami w I11I11 our Iii') cinuiit lumt of a!
cu nt amount ol lue latter, nor had they
loiit tm t, 11, m been going Hniiiigli (no
ni'i'i'iiiitn nl tho .Miiltiiumiih county nlli
cinln by ot lei uf lln ii.iiii'V roiirt Ilm
H' i,tH Hie lllivtllillg hut tl.itteiiug.
The tntill Hlmltagen lout up (fH,"!.,1).
All I lift. in. beaten that a bune M'-tem
Itiea have m ule it a great favorite whine
known. Mm Inborn gioiv I'uuipiiel in
Ilm lull, mid are large and iimfurm in
ir.o, oblong inclining tooval, but gener
ally flattened. Color while, with tinge
of pink uronnd the eye, niinilur Io the
Hebron. The vine in of nlrnitg, vionm
gr,,ttth,yet nlmky and nhort jmiited,
malurilig iiIiiiohI the Hume tune n White
Stur. The lulu) bu cr ol thin Potato,
Jamen Vick, Ki eibmmn, lb hei-ter, .N. Y.
nava it w ill prove ol iiieiit value (or bold
culture and become veiy popidar.
Weadvine our fiiendn Io nend fur
Vlek'n I' IiiiiiI (illiile, pi ice only lOceiita,
w hich aiuniiiit may la' iinliictc l bom
tlm Hint older,
Ktdi fJj .N'llh e,
i hie throe-yeiir old nicer, nputted red,
white hniI iimler right eir, mid flit in
left. Alo one two-year-nld nicer durk
ru in in colnr ; been di'hin ned. Tliev
were Iiml a "host tini" lift -r htuve.-il.
Addrenn, Uanii.1. Vii..MMn.
it hi gun City, or.
To ho Bold at aO Cents on the
Dollar for 15 days only.
Call early if you want your pick,
and avoid the runh.
j rink in pmporly caiinglor their cr-ip
Knox Co., Neb., cille I on Tim I'At i ii,
mnron t,,mi, mil
t'lio lore o.iil nl in it week Co. V Wiii-
latter part of hint week Mr. nilninie I il Ine c in enipiu e.l rxeici',
I'ark in a lull arrival In Oreg m iiml m ' un I l el.iii.iiii to Hi.i 1 giiuenl, were
ilcaned wilb the coiiutiy. 'Invited to take part, linn, hoaeiei,
tliev wet" nut pi one luinvept, knowing
i.ngiil to With but 4o il.ivn tiiilllilig, i f keeping the culltily reemdn prevail,
tiny ci liinly make up III Ibe two loruier j lllul peihapn the only cnu- for aurptinu
an uli cornel o 1 he nrl icjnuent, ami 1 1, 1 l.ui ihe delimpieiu iei. aie tint gtentcr, known leliabibly, nold by bi:o. A.'h
enpccinllv company i, have Io their : i It Hie louw mnl ciiielesn w ny the county j NI, drugglnt, ot' thin I'lm e lb; bun
"In thin the best?'' in 11 ipiot-tinti often
ankeil, when niedieililt In wanted. The
following aie a few of the mediciiien of
The Great Eastern
Mayer & Ackerman, Props.
made verv iioluealdo iiniirovemenln
adding new counter and fixture and ; . comini. Heanoii an tin v can now con- I raina Ihe
rt-arriiugtnit lue helve. He protMinen i,iu i ,.11 i,ev can r.iine. and hI a nrieo
to kivp cigarn, conleclionery.nutn, fr uitn i n1;,t jj.'iijj, a prulit. It in (much
leiiiiM-riinee ilrink elcnlwav Hie frcr It- i ..1.1.. ,i...l 1 l,.,i it 1 1 H omia In I
et ami of the lirnl claan, and; having i ,,ket lmp. and a good yard will turn! Tlm Itaplint church w.m crowded to ; u, u,r .li,.;t f i had been in naming
added a new e.inut rotnler, will m.ik j ,t a,oiil "Jixin poiindn' to tlio Hcie.'tbe roof again lam night ! 1 lor neveiul inoiiihn a had other om
a am-cinltvul lint ro.inled H'iimilM. t lve ! 1 ;.kaman coimtv bolm received Iml ! linten to the dincourvof ttev llateiiinn J pume 01 toe n gimeiit, Hot upon Im ther
Mr lligiin a call and voti will be nulla- ,,i;0 u.mug.' from lice hmt m-imoii, and , IVmoii expe liiiat a neat In Hie chuu li ; iloliliei.iti.m lue hoi cun heli'il id ' I' V
1 t.icy are ol the bel ipuilily, which in-, next r-uiiday night woulil iln well t " j n a 11 bh 1 u we lie and a hunt l"i
- - .'mm ihrt hi.ih..t nurket ' i.n.-.i The i take up permanent quarlein Ihcro , the ' In l" men m the ciiiiiimiiv mime d
iron will no huiiht l mill b Im uer Ihan 1 bout .inHlrday lately eniiiiiieneeil. I lie e.niiliiiiel
A (iinm Snowixil. Ilev. M.C. Wile,
of Cortland, isniilucled the ipiartcrly
funteruce of Hie M K. church lat
Mniiday eve.iing The reinirt of liev.
I'aisonn, allowed an incrcaxe of lifiy-two
member in the church nine the nonnioit
of the conicrence in August, it now
liiiinU-riiu a total of 170, with IM active
membera. There in alno a largo allow
ing in the Sunday Hehool. Un nieiiila'i
abip ban iiIhiiiI doiihlcd nmce they
11 oved into the new church, which now
given il admit I'M Tin in an cncoiiru
ing outlook and anch an to make Kov.
I'm mum and Ihe other mcuihcr (eel
Hint Ibeir energies have been cll'ei live.
Will iik I'i mcimi in Tubi:k Wklk.
Work uf la) ii g tbo fouiiilatinu ol the
new pumping ntutiiiil cumuienccd in
earnexl lant .MundiV, uud henig nmler
the inimeilijle nuiei vi.iion of Mr. lnl-
lexl of Hie new Ciegou City cli.irter hill
Willilliin Inxiie, but U'iiiiim' ot a copy
" j no time will bo loal. Mr Mulilletoil In- 1 aWiK'iation ca
j formed an KsTKaeKina reorler I lint thei'11K INrtiiicn
"' I ntonu wink will Iw coniilelcil the pienet.t f, tnle
Tuir I'l ai.ic I.iHHAhv. Again Tim
KvrKiii'timK call nttentinii Io the iinmir
l.ui. til .4lt.hhtiliin 11 lle.l reitilitor
rmini and imhlic hhriu v in Hiin cuv. I being unoblniiiable ailei every etr.irl h id
The old Melhodiit church could Ihi i-i In'Come evbannled, we aril un.thlu lo do
cure I nt a very reacoiiahle rental for o.
t oil pili IH IH', and would be a verv de- '
niruble linaliull tor an inntitutioli of thin ! Kev.A.S. l,,hbn, of New Wk, oe
kind U in a lamentable tact thai cupied tliu pulnl of Ihe M iv,
maiiv tif Ihe voting men employed in ; lai-l Mimby uioruing, while in the eien
the loiiiiien haie no ciimf.utalile" place , ing it wan occup.eil by Kov. M.C.
lonpi nd tln ir eveningn except around i iii, of I'ortlaiid. Hoth giiiil'cnu n
a crowded hotel Move, o- in the bar i delivered inti'ieMing ilineourcea to ap
rooiiin A lihraiv nn-m inlioii could In piei dative audiem en
fiirmed ami the budding titled tin lor I
.. 1..1 1... 1 ..1 i;..i.i ! could be .loiutcd. and immy of ''' ' "JT1 "",
the ncwniipem throughout the north
went would nillintilv donate a copy of
their to a puliltc lilnaiy. II an
amocinli'Ui 'utuinl bo readilv fmmed
- w. igiil ol ihe lour wan not lo exceed i I
It wan the ileniie of Tux V.s ruai'iilnK poimiln, Iml Uni did not edeel Hit' bom
lo he u hlu lo give lo it render a lull j ami linn r,itlli ,1 together a few hoiudn,
A peculiarity about the "IH'.U" in
lo Ihe aeeiiinl
make Hie thiol, and nublrnctiug the
li'tii ih figure from the third given Hie
.cc mid, Aiding tin font figure to
gether giicn un the number of the
Ui- .-in ,-iipiily, we limit show our
i.i 11,, n ot their good intentionn ami
age them on every opportunity
y mil Iiml much need of a gmxl
a,, culling He i.ion, and if we do
w it. it can be attributed only to
Si I iit-glect on the part of the
jTne regular eleclion otollicern of
il partiucnt tinik place lant week,
purtnient now enjoy a veiy large
ft-hip, compoHed of a active and
lot of voting men an in ncldoui
9 oigiiniz itiniH. ami the
tnervice tiiey have rendered the
U li an to coiiiinnnd Hie hearty
ttmn of our citizenH. Kvery man
ri le in Iiih own company and
tfiietiilly Hlril'u prcvailn between
jr r':iin;ng tirat honor on nil oc--,
as to result in the iiiii kent and
ffeetivB work when il in needed.
JCtnm ot Cataract Hobo Company
ace Tuenilay, renulling an follow:
lioicll, pr.-nideiit ; Jan. W. O'Con
jreiiiiiu; Win. Andernon, tlrnt aa
j Win W', necond iiHMint
Jtn, treantirer; llurbert Ben
, retnry. Tho Koutilairi, and
ami ladder company' election
aie Wednesday, reuniting an lob
M. II. r binigan, duet engineer;
Hi irman, aaiiHtant chief engineer;
I ton, foreman; Miku (biinii, tirnl
tit foreman ; Steve (ireen, necond
lit foreman ; Lanccl (iardner,
int ; J. Motrin, treamirer; I. Ack
I Hecretary.
f, living for the present near
tinan Hlation, wan arrented hint
ittyand arraigne I belore .luniice
i'harjjt'il with iiHHuiilt ami buttery
t ie peiHon ol Win. Hcblotter.
r waa found guilty and lined -'o
win. He paid lis line and wuh
sued only to be re-ai rented Hunday
fei ill' HuiiiMon, upon a new eliurge.
charge in larceny by bail"e, en
lisniiist him by II. Imul, of Clnck
f, It HeeuiM Hint on Saturday, Tron-
wnowed lmid'a team to come to
11 City, where be wan nrrented
Hut find chaigo 11ml having no
nieunn of paying hi line Ian rowed
aney of N'obiut'l & Hon, giving
ty "onii of liner horaen. Of
this wits not either in accordance
fmurion Hunnfi or law, an ho ban
oiinrl not. lie w.m given a Hecoml
i! bi'lore JtiHtico 1'outn, reBiilliug
Jvf laced under liiJO bolida to
sUiloreti.e grand jury, lie now
I in jail,
Ion Iron Woiiks. As per reno
at the board of director of the
4 Iron & Steel Co.,tlie furnace of
fcnn Iron Worka, wan 'hanked
taiidHtnidtlng operations. will De
aleil lor thirty day' while Homo
- nre being made. An the luriiHce
n running at it tun capacity n
limn, it became neceHury to abut
fn order to make Home repair,
MOnien are emfiloycd in con
I willi the furnace, who will now
j brief I'criod of rent. Tho pipe
I, which lias been abut down for
i .. 1 1 1 rt iii' mint of Hie llllll
wnn Hlarteil up agmu
menareetnpioycu 1 '
A lio are now :inauy i, ""'
litnK HiiggeiilM that tun II
Hie tmt'ler in baud, and
tliev would probably have no trouble in
necuiing the heccHn.iiy donation from
the ciluona to give the itintitiition
agoodHiait. At any rate it could not
tod got In woik. M' le.iiii Iiml
I ice 1 1 lned but iml until hnlilidiy luglil
wn Ho' 1 ii 1 1 1 one Hi'leciel and ll con-rixt-
d of Mdiiey Mm Ih iii capliiiu, with
Win. Ilmteil, L.ti. e Iciuluei nil I
I loll (iieeii alieniliiig lo Hie
j Tlim gave 1 hem .Moinl.iy night U wot k in,
laud even tbev aid liolcneil theoiiclicn
I liecaiir-i' they dldu'i have to,
j I be coliteiln couiiiieliced precin.dy at
d o'-'tix k Hint wan u iin,'i"v, l,y upward,
, of L'IKM people, including a huge eiiinhei
lot the Ic.idiu cititnu. ol Hun pimv. The
j lirnl, 011 the program wnn a uiiie Wnik-
iug race iiml won bv lhtT, ot li, In
I a lio, ihi wnn followed by high jumping
; iiml won by nuolher i
I Itui 1 ha cxi ilemctit ically counuem u l
j when ilm hamliioiiie, wiiv ami deter
mined li 'king toartcllo nt V Mnlkcd 111-
1 tu the arena nml got into ihihiIioii lor
0111 I piiire. hdl, be n il n
I lie eotinoi-, loliei. h hen p.msiiiK bill,
no, h l-iili .-lio'iM be iuiiialcd hv the
cii iri or 1 oiiiiiii-Kiiiiier with ink, or in
delible pete il. I be panning nl bill W lib
mil iiion un the hue, may, il continued t i n'i I ', ,n w.inniili can In
iliaiiii. Mi l enleie I on llio coIiiiiiih
nioiiei .' j11iirn.1l, Im bill I but the cummin-i-i'MicK
never lit I II I I liel ne llieiu.
I iice i" i.iiilv beie Hint nlnuild licvei
blld eni-lelice,
Ihelaxjiy 1, fifed lo nhoiild be cor
ii'Cted by nii ii-Ii i Mi the cl.utiin allowed
hi the coiinlv itnii,, I lmn liiiiiiiig Ibe
bill lo the rntiny of every laxpiyer.
I be 111 iliei i oinplnined ol in Ihe show
ing ol. Ml I v r, inn nothing new . The
aiin' hl.ite ut allaii" i probably in ex
iiiteiuc in en cii c.iuuty in the Cniled
Male continuum ho hog, a citv an
roit'ind. The I -ijr thieicn in politic
an' "el loin vuiiinhed, while a nm.ill
tbc'l by a pom young man n-iidn him lo
taiv-ili lot yeain. 1 he piote.nioiutl I'tlice
holler ui.., ami' to lve without work
H richly teaaidid. The tiiunp who
Hhti k In1 or ii net to pounding lock on
tlm nt oct with n bull and chain on bin
leg. l 'iipitol .loin mil.
! (Inlei taken (or tiny iiewnpnpei or
petioilc il pllbosbi'd lorcgil or dou.dlic,
many oilier excellent ineuicitu-s, hut
thene are Worthy ol HH'i'inl Inelitiuli:
ClIAMIll ai.Ats'n Cm (III KlMl llV, (.1
looiiH lor it cure of nevere colda, and 10
a pievchltive for cioup. 1'rice ,';D centn
jn-r boltie .
Cli litiii lit uv'n 1'ain Hit M, a generitl
.'umity liniuient, an I epi'ci:illy vultiable
lor rheiinialinin . rrice M centn per hot
tie. Cil AMiiriii.Ali'n Kyk and Skin Oit
mi.nt, For teller, Hilt-rliemn, vald
head, eeremii and clnoiiic nore eye.
I'nee '.'1 cent per box.
For a lame buck, a pain in the nidi or
client, or for looth-aibe or ear-ache
piompl reliel may la' bad by lining
I 'luiinberbiiii'a l'ain Nairn. It in ielib:c
For mill by Iko. A Hawinu. ;
a. it ZD
For CITY and FARM Fencing.
U aviso oi'knkd a factory at okk-
i 1 N I' the Miiiuitucture ol thtt
MM h. un Invito tlio town, peiiele (lid
(nrmeri nt ( tnekntiiioi ciiunty t oil n!
hnin'Cl thin KK.NCB II i Ilm chenpcit, btt
mnl mum diirulile ever ortored.
Cowen l'orter, M. I) , ot Canby. paid
Tim K.n ntui'iUHK a call Monday. Mr,
I'oitcr, wbilo be hat lint been locale. I
at Canby many month" ban become very 1
iiooiiliir iiiiioliir tin lit'onlil ol Iiih Meetlim
placed iimler In-lter inanagi'ineiil, , 10 r,.(m,,H i,..,,Hi in bin putro'i-
aire 1 1 ih caul niuy la' loin, it in auolher
could lie in.i.le productivu ot much
LlTKHAHY KXKKCiaKH. All itl'.Cient- T,IK I'oiato l'llnM'UTA Till' liollolll
ing progiain ol literary exercmeH will ho j ,i,.ir p, have aboiil diopped out ottho
polnlo market, an Ihe Pent hclcctcil polic
reiiilered ut (lie Until iat clllltcll oil
Thiirnday vciiing, the ilh, by the
eipial righln convention. I "rot. Jeptlnni'
V ilom, l. P.. I-. I.. I , H. A., and F.
f, I. C. A. (Matbeinatical tutor of Vun
nar Iniveinily), will prenide. An ad
drena wiilbu delivered by Min liluir, ot
Ho.iton, one of the mont cclebraled ora
tora of the day Ad'lren-en wdl alno be
delivered by the lion. Augiintii-i The
ophilun Urowii, of Chicago, Mina 1'eiin,
Mm. Mauley and Mr. Changeable, of
thin city. A remarkable, ventilating ot
thin important ipienliou in anMtired. Ad
uiinidoii, io ceuta tSccilte your ticketa
at once.
Am Intbbkhtixo Lki'Ti uk Kev, A.
S. DobbH, V. I) , of New York who ban
been conducting a coiirnu ot illunialed
lecturcBttt the Al. K. clnticb tbia week
haH given the people 'of Oregon City a
rare trout in hin line. Kov. Itohlm npent
nine inontlin in Egypt ami the holy
laiidn which enable him lo give
valuablo lnformatioti n inteteHli.ig
tonica concerning liiHtoricftl pbuen.
The Huliji;i:la of Inn dincouinen wore
"Kgypt or the lindn of 1 he I'luiroab,
"A Tliotinaml Milea on a ('ailiida Hack,"
"From Hebron lo Jeiunalcm," and
"Around the Dead Hca." Tlione who
r..l ..II,. ...I ,1... I....Iii,j inLtf,l iiiiiiiii.
M.r. 1 - 1 i,i
.11111 01 11 11:1) uni wiiiiiivo Hi".
enteiliiining nature.
A (ii.AnSl'lii'HiHK. Mm. ,1. II. Liver
more, the ehtimiiblo lioHtena of tbe
l.ivermore hotel, wuh gladly juiprinod
0:1 In r birllnhiy, Wednofihiy of lant
week, in being pnonmled by the limp of
the hou-cjii itli 11 iiingiiiliccnt mlk drena,
together with a finely decora teal cuke.
Mm. I.ivei inure nay ahe wan greatly
Hitrpiined in receiving tho ilrttw, but
not. to the degree alio wan in leeeiving
the cuke, hh hIih was in the kitchen
monl ot the tnnu dining the entire iluy
and ol, nerved nothing unimuiil going on.
She taken pride in HiiperviMing the
iillairH in the kitchen, and nearly buiiHln
of letting nothing encape her notice, no it
in plain toneo that while nhe in highly
delighted with her pre.neiitH.Hhu in hoiiio
wbat (liunppuiutcd in her own ability
an a bona.
Iih'h are only bringing alnnil Nixty cent
ht nack .New Mitatoen are now com
ing into tbo San l'ninei-co inarket and
Hliipiuentn lo Hint city will noon begin
lo drop oil." It in not probable that
thee w ill go any lower un the planting
Hciinonwill Hiioii beat hand ami there
will probably be a very large area planted
thin Hining The inpid lino in the
lit ice lant (all appears to have been
i canned by a general iinpreHMou among
lariuoiH that potatoes were going 10 lie
higli-r in ti e npiing and iih it coiihh
ipienee they all cmiiuieiiced dumping
their cinpn iipnti the 111111 ket ill the hope
of getting it oil' before a decline net in,
in Hitch no.inhlii'M an to completely
paralyze Hi J polnlo tiadu Now that
Ihe nihIi in over with, tbo market will
commence to recover ilaelf, and tlione
who hold 011 to their potuloca for a
uionlh or nix weekn w ill reiili.o better
I ricen than ii now prevailing.
IIai'Wku Mim, Mi'.N The rainil of tbo
pant ten dayn have tended to strengthen
Hmhopcn of loggcra to a groat extent,
reaaonahly innuiing thfcin of un oppor
tunity to drive their logn. The niniill
HtreatriHlyingtibiilary to tho Willametti!
and lower Columbia have not contained
aullicient utiler ua yet,thij Hfianon to per
mit the diiving of lh several willbn
feet of logn along ttieir haukn, anil an
a conHequnnce the saw milla alingtbo
river have been practically at a Htatid
Htill. But the lute ruitiH hava hud Ihe
denited effect and if followed by Chinook
wimla nd mora warm riiiiin, it will
miivhftn miBRiion of a little tinio w hen
vthiin will again b in harmony
among mill men. Did the winter pana
uilHw.nt. a iniai. of moiltitaiii stieiuiiH,
cittling short the Biipplv of logn, in the
the present Diiiniing pro-poi;i,
Tiik I'.ii'i-.itn to Hiioiv Foil it. The
Oregon A Calitornia liailwuv have Hied
with Recorder Whitin g, piitenta Nun
I. 2 and !!, aggregating L'lll,42tl ucrca,
which rotmtiiiitcH their entire grant in
thin land diHlrict, Homo people have
labored umler the impreHduii Hint (bin
company have tried to hold land it, did
not own, and lltat Hie giant, even if one
exmled did not cover the extent of
territory claimed. IVraona entertaining, tlm primcnt
time, or it they or any of their friend
nn liable to be eH'ecled by remaining
in igiio'aiii'.i', perliapn it ivoiilil be well
to call at. the court hoine and take a
look at tho dociiiiiDtits. They arc Mirely
Tin: Moo I,Aiv. l'ro-ieeiiliitg Attorney
Cotiilou inforinn the loieiie Keginter
that by a recent, tli-ciaum of the Htipreuie
court it IH decided that the ling law,
which probibilH Hint liogn running at
large, in valid, The law reada Hint on
all Hindi ipie-itiniiH w hich are apeciill in
hiioh at renn'.nr clei tiotiH a ufiijoiity of
the voteH Jeant in required lo maku it a
law. Tliu hog law ipiention did not re
ceive a iiinlorilv of all the voleH cat,
but did receive a imijoiily of tbo voten
cant on that qminlioui Tliu Hiipromo
court baa decided that tbo meaning of
the law in a majority ol tbo voles on tlio
npecial Imhiio in all Unit in necennary, and
not n inn oi it y ut all Hie votcH cant ut
that eleclion .
Ap effort In la-ing luiuhi by a few of ouf
young men, nml meeting with all ex
pected nuccenn, Inward the orgilliitalion
of a dancing kcIiooI. A llintclann In
ntrtlctor will ha engaged, neveral linviug
alruady been counulted, when it will lie
opened, ll inn private atl'iur ami lln
liiutnlHirHliip wilt hu Holicited.
Tlm Willamelle Falln 1 11 vrnt ini'iil
Company dinpimcd ot two loin ha'ated
near the btmeball ground, ow ned by Ir.
Norrin, hint week lo a gentleman from
New Yoik for f I.'lUO. It in tbe intention
of the purchaner, wo are informed to
hiioii coiuuiunce ibn erection of reni
denco on the properly.
The nettleiH redding in tbe vicinity of
Hock I'oitit ami Moiiniain Home hell
a meeting lant Hnliirdny evening (01 the
purpose of taking ntepn looking to tbe
ontublirdimout ot a punt olllcu at each of
thoHO placen. A poHtolllco at Hume
poinlH would be a great convenience to
many people living in that community,
who have to go a long diNtance for Hieir
Co. K incurred quilu a heavy expeime
111 chartering a boat and making prep ir
illioliH for entering the contentH thin
week, in (act conmileialilo mure) limn Hie
receipt n ftom HieexeiiiHiou amiiiiiiled to.
If you urn called upon to help them mil
of their dilllculty ym nhonbl do ho, Kv
ery uitlc'ii can iifford it Hiuce Ihey re
ceived all the good prien,
Marfin ii Co., prnpi-ietoi'H of Hie M iin
Htrcet. rioitaiiuinl. and liincb connler
next to Logun A AlbrLlil'H have Hilled a
ladien' dupariiiiunt whichfaildn coin-licr-ablo
lo ita inetropnlitnn appearance.
For a good cold lunch, lud meal of unv
kind at any time, or 11 IIikI-cI.ish disli ol
oyster nerved In hIiiiiw, go there and
get it and you will bo huUhHoJ. Hue
their card ulnowhere.
l ading petiodiciilH and uuiga-
iiuen, lcli"t ami Ih-hI iiovvla kepi by
, Cauiieid .Si 1 1 n 1 1 1 ! v .
jvlio are now .."" '.,,, ,,.. llf
T.e company eioptoy 'n,,, ',, I ,(, , ,. the price of bini
m men in minim, .'"'' , 0,inui.iu ho a trill..
I. vmI hnrning oer wuuiu uuh"""""" - -
----- -
Mr. F. N. WhitH'ill in a Into' arrival in
Oregon City from Michigan. No will
occupy a poniiion with Mr. Cuulleld and
Ilia (Inn of Canlleld & I lutil ly In their
combined drug and book Btoroa on Main
ntreet. Mr. WhltneU Is much plpiined
with Oregon, and nni'Ocially Oregon
City and will probably make 'thin plana
Ida permanent, homo. Tun Kntkiiciiikk
npeaUing for ilnelt and the i:lt Issmia ex
tenda lo bini a welcome.
Ihe lug ol war. Ag.imnt them wan K, . Miigie copien 1.1 ny 11 e iihuiiii or year
id I'mlland, I 'he teninn appeared wed
miilelie.l at tliut. hut o.,or h wu a trill.. Ail the
nlow iii ge'tiiig nr . 1111 1 at tbe crack ot the
gun uiiJI evciyoiiii triuii (begun Citv, at
1 , t, ....... ,, ....... ....1 ..
leani, mien u win. vnoj, n uiiiiioc "' I . . , ,
another crack wnen they would Ik) de- Large atock of einme ami olbec valcil
feated men F gained lour inches al ! linen now on hand at the pent ulllce.
tlio oiitmit, and hell il al the billowing j Frank Neldoti at Winenett it S.'ilp
vai'latioiin: tute'H blackniiiilli nhop makcHa Hpcciulty
One iiiiuute, 11 in, hen; l' ininiilen, 2 I ot lepuiring itutin revolvern nii'l nharp
iiicbei ; '.' tiiinutcH, I inch ; 'l't minuten, ! enluii ncinnoin. Sntini'iiclion giiuranteed.
'2 iiicben ; It uiiniilen, 2 iiicben;:i'u mm I
illen, 1 Inch; I hiinulCH, 1 1 1 u-1 1 ; ) ' u
uiiniilen, 1 itii'b ; and live niiniitcn, 1 'v
Tliut wan re No. 1, for Oregon City.
Next li ami A tried concbniionn ru
aiilting in a vicoiy for H by live inchen.
The next wan K vn, (', tunic wan pulled
latin pletely cut of the liurilCMH,
Follnwiiig clout) upon thin wan a IY
yard tool race, represented by Co. li,
1 ami F. Flunk Itiircb held down F'h
coiner 111 Hid nice, and although he iv.ih
ilolo.itO'l, It wan tlnottgh fault ot a poor
ntnrt. lie wan in the roar ten feet al the
go, bill iv. 1 cinviling iibieant Hie head
man at Ibn Hiring. Four more iitnipn
and Frank would have been "111 it' up to
bin earn
When Conipnitv (i put down "olllern
flO-yurd daub'' on their lint, they evi
dently Inhered under Hie impn nnioti
they bad Home one Hint could run,
Nut tbev 1 111 f not, nml they ought to be
thoroughly convinced nfthu fuel by uotv.
At tho Hiurt n half dozen fellow got
into 11 nice lilllo nwing, lull to a Viewer
from behind it wnn quite uniiming lo
look be! Avon the earn of tlio two head
men and observe the move on Lieut, F.d,
S. Warien, of old F Ho waa going
liko "greiiaed lightning," nml by tin
lime ho wan ready fur another race Hie
other fe.lnwn had iiiHt got into a run.
He got a heaiitiiul ined il, having much
the appearance of being tiiadti Inot'ilei.
Winnie, w ho il" iirncd it ?
Another tug ol' w.ii couichI bcl" , o.'i.i 1
ami l repiillcl in a v it lory lor tin; fin inci
by Jjij inchfH.
In due lime Ilm auxietvof tbe peiqile
bi'caiiu' Hiil'iHlicd by seeing F coinpuiiv
ngiiin take up tlm helm, Thin lime il
wan with 1C and iln renult wnn lo deter
mine which ot Ibe two Hhould enler the
llnnl pull with (1.
It w an of emu so a ihlcrcaling a any
ovunt ol Ihe evciiin , lint bo far an the
lennlt waa concerned that wan foretold
when Ilm oilier announced F'h gain of
liirtioH deniring Wood Turning. Vat
tern, llracketH, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Culling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
fJSTOpp, the Congregational Church
, Livery, Feed ttnii Sale Stable ,
Double nnd Single Rigs, and sad
die liorsca always on hand nt the
lowest jirioes. A corrall connected
with the bum for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind of
ntock promptly attended to by person or
horses Bought and Sold.
W. J, BAl'Cll
men in
fipe, cutung
Nmv Notion Stohk. Minnea Ida and
Kittie I'aitin have opened a new notion
ami fancy goodn Hloro in the building
recently vacated by If. It. McCnrver,
0110 door poutli ot Aldiidge'n confec
tionery Htnnd. , The Hiock of goods on
the live and ten cent counters coinprUi!
everything in the notion line, including
toyn, toilet article, tinware, kitchen
uteiiHils and tiHefnl bric-a-brac, wbilo In
fancy articles they carry lucea and rib
bona ami plunh, ailk and ealln gooda of
diircrent atylen and patterns. Tho tusto
with which everything is , arranged
together witb tbo coiiiplo!cnet.g of Hie
' stock invilen the inspection of Hie public,
land Tmr Etnuki'Isihit wislies and pre
I dicta for the Indies a lurgopntronuyo.
All Heboid hook kept by Canlleld &
Huntley. Give them a call.
Fine rillnws ninilo to order and Main
Rugs, etc., of neat designs at Warren &
Warren & llolnuin can bo found at all
tiniea of tho day or night, by Hume wish
ing their services in the Undertakers lino
by culling at room No. 10, Livennoie
hotel, or corner 13 and Main,
Wiiir'iici llnlninn, Fnnoial lbrectom
ami I'ndeiliilicin, Oregon City Hank
W hen in I'orHuntl c ill on I'cck, if you
want Homo Hue jewchy. Ilia nlocK in
noted (or im reliability, good goi d.1 and
low price.
The lurgo.-t ntock ot It.ibv Can luges
ever in the cily can be found ut Warren
ft UoIiii.iii'h.
I, umber and (em ing for nalo cbe;ip nt
mill mi W, I'.. Morrin' farm, one mile
and a ball c ihI from Park I'luco. flilf
Sr. I'.uiiicK'a I'ii i h, for dinord th ol
the liver 11111I buiicln. A vigoroim but
gei'lle physic Iiml cIciiiincHaiid icnovalen
the whole nynlein. 1'rice 25 con's per
1 have pnl up a chopper at my place
1 mi'cs sontbeitst of Oregon Ciiy, anil
am prepare I lo chop grain at reiinonablu
rules, on evcy Monday. Can nhop
Ml lo KH) IiiihIicIh nil hour.
W. rt Kinnn.
1-1.1 iblNlietl
Drayago & Expressing
Freight and parcels delivered to all
part of the cily.
When yon need anything in the linn
of tine itutionnry remember Canlleld &
Huntley's Book Htore where they make
that a specially.
Five bundled of the laleat and most
selected miner bound novels nl tlm i,i
I office.
2q inches on the Hturt, but Ibero waa no
chance for napping. Iv had the satis
faction nf taking tlio rope from F torn
hiiiiuio, bill F (nought that ought to nut
irfy tliem so they took it, buck. Itcou
c.luduil with iloabining yells from Ore
gon City'H coiner, witli F two inches
This was neon Iwo for F and the
H111110 for li, so il only rernaincd for the
llnal pull between the two, which look
place after tint other guinea had been
decided, about 11 tilt), when the climax
of Hin evening's, excitement was
In came Smyth, followed by Gardner,
Howell and Ureen,of unconquerable.'',
tho bundnomnnt, (luarlellete in Ihe first
rcginiont. They looked as fresh as roses
and llio way in which they got into an
altitude nftor nodding in response to ap
plause from Ibu entire audience, gave
people who I. new them an ulna of what
was, coming. Others found out Inter on.
() dually succeeded in getting into their
places mid al. tliu (track of the pistol
the circus commenced. The that an
noiiiU'Iiment. revealed Hie tidings that F
was '2 inches ahead. Men yelled,
ladiiw IBgJgl and children ecrenmcd.
Cn.iMui'.itt .aim's Colic, An
li.v iiiiiHKA Ukmkiiy, the most reliable
known nicilieino for bowel couitilaints.
It is esp 'i iiilly prized bv ownn subject
to col c, ll has cured inauy eases of
chronic, iltiii rliti'ii, l'ricu '.'n andM cents
p r boil (.
"There is little in woman's advice, vet
be Unit won't tnUe'ii is mil ovenvise,"
sitVH Ccrvniibi. The proverb in 'mint
aptly ilbiHtnileil in the following item:
During tlio fall of IHH1. while my
iltiugluer was teticbing in the country
near hear, she coiitriictrd a cevere eld
nml cough. I mint her a botlle of Cbam
berlaiu'n Cough Iteinedy and the ell'ect
wns so Htitinfuctory that on her recotn
inembuion the entire neighborhood be
gan lis tisn, and witli the most sutisfne
tory results, which bus continned with
incViiiising conliilence ever since. ,1. II.
Uelnhnrt, druggist, Alton, Kiinsnn. 51)
cent, bottles for sale by lien. A. Hard
ing. Wan run, A loan ot $2500 for two,
throe ar more years on Improved real os
tein and mill property, Security us
good us can bu bud in Chickninns county,
AdilroHs Money, FNTHiti'msis ollho.
ViiOtii Aiit.ns Wantrd. Furuieis it ish
Ing to make contracts for raising Cu
cumbers, Tomatoes, Onions and Cuuli
llower will (bid it to bo to their interest
to cull on or correspond with the Port
land Preserving Co., Portland, Oregon,
Corner Oil 1 and 1) St.
Dissolution Notice. ;
Nolico is hereby given that the co
partnership huiotol'uro existing hotween
Jniiies Kouke and George Prosser, under
(lie (inn nuiuo of Kruike A. Prosscr, has
been dissolved by mutual consent. The
business will bu continued by James
lionUo who will pay till bills and who
will make collection of till accounts due
Hie Into tlrm, Jamics Uoakk.
GiiORain Probbkr,
1 1 1 iLlO
n 1 11 --',
1 ii
' rv 1 rr- - i i.f
I . -l-
c. Is
Store located at Mountain View, on
Molalla road, one mile south
east of Oregon City..
We deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed.
Groceries of all kinds, Boots and Shoes,
lionta' I'ndcrweur and other styles of
Clothing, and numerous other articles
suitable (or the needs of the farmer and
his family. 11 v prompt and fair dealing
we hope 'to receive in future, as in the
past, a liberal share of patronage.
fiOTlie highest rmirket iptice paid
for itutter, Kgg and Fowls.
September 11, l.StKl. .
Mile JnK
Call and Examine
VolRh nn I Main 8tj., OreonO ity.
Corner Front and Morrison,
For general repairing ho Btands
without a poor. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Try him 1
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
None liut tho best ot meats hftiidled. Free Us-
Hvery to all parts of the oily,
okihjo. rrrv. ore.
United Hack,
Truck and Lirery
W. II. Cooke, Manager. ....
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City, Kiys of any description
(urniuhed on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Buw
ness promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
1 .
x' 1;
... I