r X r T" V 1 0 TIM ENTERPRISE. h i-sr.ntr., it ml t'lSiprlotAr. lulUhvr OREGON CITY, n.MU'AUY lK lStU Whuh wnUM'wuy convumtkmst ro Men lu'M, ml (tie nu'liim of ittt noii tliimiiel of both tlie upvr Ami lower (Vluitil'itt I Xwinft vimmmsly nitittvtl, it will lo vill ttt to cttll jntliliu attoivliim lot he t'omlltloii rth rivet cltnnnol fhuu tlio Willamette Fulls to lVrtlantl. U'lie ihI unit l'liet-r mill, tttimmlly tlttt tlimisiimls .tiflmnvU of lime mill sulphur (imiii Hanr'nuii'into, which hm to lx tmiistrrvtl to stuiull bouts ut I'tvrl land. The product of the ottl,iuli.ioi' mt excelsior mill, thnt niv exported lime to b stout to 1'ortland hy miihII utt-amor. wher the ftf ight Is traiiffcivd to ".ongoing vessels, tints milking a heavy freight ruts. causing an unjust ttixon ournianufnetiiriuK gothls. The lulls are at the head of tide water otitli Willimiieitottml the prosperity of tlilsoity as well as rorthmd defends In great measure in tleei mid open channel to the latter city, so that n.'liooiiers can anchor her, ami enrry away the products of Our factories, A deepeninitof the climi nol from here to Portland tvoultl make the Fall at least three feet higher, adding many thousand liorsvMtver lo lti vitcity. It would Irasoti our IH lght to the xtcnt of thousands of dollars annually, and would foster and benellt the manufacturing industries of Oregon City to a remarkable extent, that would also insure to the K'uelll of Portland, as the interests of the two cities are identical. With an open liver to Portland, and the contemplated improve meuta of the lower Willamette and Col umbia, Oregon City would cvrt.tinly become the greatest manufucturlnn center of tlio American continent, and the banks of t,e Willamette would Ins lined with a solid city fro iti Portland to the Kails. This is ton important matter for mere I lie comment, and prompt action should lie taken at once. It i als important that the upper Willamette should secure her share of river improvements, as the commerce of that section aMlt'era untold incouvienees on ac count of the conditions ol the river. Thc vim with which tlio citixens of Mar mm and tlie country adjacent haveenlercd into the stmggle for securing a railroad lie tween Orrgou City and ftlvcrton, speaks much to thermlit of their enterprise, and the iniortatit step they have taken should find the encouragement its due from every where throughout Marion and Clackamas counties. The most feasible routu is found to be near the survey made hy the Oregon railway la t summer, known as the l'iu gra survey, which from Oregon City passes up the Alierncthy, through the Molalla country and via Jack s bridge to ilverlon. A road throiigh this sit lion could lie made a paying institution from the start, as a lar"r porii. n if the country is already de veloped and only await the advantages of good marki Is, easy of a-ccs, when it would become one of the best producing and most densely populated sections of the state. It behooves Oregon City to take an active part in the mutter and push it forward with all possible hu-te, as in it her own Interest are deeply involved. She would become the trading center ftir a major portion of the country through which the road would ass, enhancing to a considerable degree her claim as a market. To this end our business men must labor untiringly, and any assist ance they can lend to the propo-nl project must be unsparingly contributed forthwith. " Another of the nation's greatest heroes passed to hi Muni rest last Saturday in the rson of (ienerul William Tceiimsch Sher man. There is no man the news of whose death would lie received with more sincere regret generally among American freemen than that of this noble patriot and devoted ' countrymen. Kvery soldier ol the land grieves at the untimely tukingawny of their venerable leader, and a pang of sorrow is felt within every soul. His life has beun pent in the interest ol bis country, and the part ho bus tuken in making the nation what it now is w ill ever remain non-rrnse-able on the pages of history. (Jen. Sherman had been ill about ten days with ervsipelas superinduced by a cold and sore throat. A It of Friday night the distinguished soldier wavered between life and death. Me con tinued to light bravely a hopeless battle. Early in the evening the physicians knew the end was approaching, slowly but surely. The swelling in the luce and neck disap peared, but with thcsubsiileuce of symp toms of erysipelas came a development ot lung trouble, complicated with a return of the long standing asthma. Mucous liegan mce more to accumulate In the lungs, and '.lie first signs of passive pneumonia became apparent. His condition grew worm; at 7:30 A. M. his family were summoned, and at 1 :20 Saturday his body was cold In deulh. Knolamd is considerably worked up over the falling off in trade between Canada and the mother country. During the last year the cxjiorts to the United Slates from Eng land was more than double in value the ex ports to Canada within the same period, and England looks with dismay at the In creasing commercial relations existing be tween tho Lnited States and Canada. Eng land is losing to an alarming extent her trade with Canada, and at tliesnine time there is an increasing agitation among the Canadians in favor of annexation to the United Stales, which England Is making desperate neps to avert hy ottering a sub dinTy 'toaiuit hei line of vessels from Canada to China, Japan, and the West Jmlia Isl ands. It is certain that England will he most liberal in her policy to the Canadian Dominion in order to recover the lost trade and perpetuate the loyalty of her American ubjects. Thk death of Admiral D. Porter, of the United Htutcs Navy, which ocenred at his home in Washington last Friday, is another calamity to the nation. Ifis death was the. result of fatty degeneration of the heart with which he had been nllcctcd since last iumincr but which has been growing worse for eeveral weeks. At the time of his death he was seventy-seven years of ngc, having entered the naval service of his country as midshipman in IS.'f), and since - TVi''"' in "'- "''"ice. With military' andliUilfftS his hig rank, tlio body was luid to rest l'ffi Arlington Cemetery at Washington on the TuejidajL.tiih'owjnj,'. Not since the burial . - - of General Sheridan has Washington wit nessed so imposing a funeral, evory branch of ihe military and naval service being represented. What could have been the incentive for such apparently undm. liberality on the part of our solous at this session, in the matter of muking improvements on the cap ital building is a matter of some speculation among tax-payers, taking into considera tion as they do the many other w ays the money could have been moro profitably used. All will admit that a dome on the capitol building would add much to its ap pearance, and if the financial condition of the state was favorable it might be culled a necessity; but such is not the case, and ap propriating ItlOjCX) at this time for its con struction is by no means the will of Ihe peo ple. That money in the improvement of our rivers would have been more judi ciously expended. ritsitMiM' Harrison conlemplalcs villi glYid satisfaction hi forthcoming tour through the Pacllle cohM stales. The (rip will occupy thirty days, Tins president and Mrs, llnrtlson, .Mr, and Mrs, Kussell Harrison, Mr, and Mrs, McKee, Perrvtitvy and Mrs, llulford, Mrs, liiinmlck, Secreta ries Tracy and Proctor, and possibly one or (woollier Invited guests will constitute the party, U t understood that all the ex penses of the trip will he borne by Sen ator Slitnlbrtl, of California. The parly will leave Washington about the lirst of Mav In a special train. Am. London Is again aroused over a re newal ol the blood-curdling atrocities nt the hands of the so-called "Jack the lilp pe," Another disreputable fomiilu was murdered In Whilcehappel lust week, and a sailor has been arrested for theerimo. It is supposed that he Is none other Hum the re doubtable "Jack," Ai.i ow iKu !!00 voters to each prcclm t Ore gon City will he tlit hied Into about lx vot ing precincts, separate from the suburbs, That is the number allowed In each precinct under tlio Australian system, which has be come a law. T ii K prolonged senatorial light In Snath lhikni Is finally ended, resulting in the election f Itev, James Kyle, to succeed Hon- 0. C. Moody to the I' lilted States gen re. Tiii.hk are now .-it Imuales of the stale penitenli.iry, the largest number it ever contained. STATE I.HIilMl.All UK. n nd A round the IliIU of State Capitol. lu The Til KMTKsriiisit el:d llorrespmnleiit S,UM, fB., Fim. 11), IHItl Tho forty day work Is nearly at a close but it i yet not known whether the ltltli biennial session w ill close al Ihe end of that time or not. The house has passed a resolution fixing Friday night at twelve o'clock as the hour, hut as there aio tnauy housn bill hung up in the Houutu'tlio bouse lefusca to convene tilt these shall bo acted upon The committees of both houses have hecu luisv tlio past week upon tho big appropriation bill, ami it is now nearly ready lobe introduced. Kepieseiitative Piopiet expects to pre-ent it to tho house about ono o'clock todav. It may well be called the big appropriation h II as it cull for about one million and a hall of money. F.igiiiy thousand dollars of this is re united lo make up delicieucies to meet the expenditures of the oast two years The hill also include the item ni OiKl uppiopi ialed (oi the, eXH'lise uf the session, tins being deemed neccss'ui v to eoiroct a cleared error made- in enrolling that lull when it passed. The hill as enrolled uiiido an appropriation lo pay the expanses of the sixteenth biennial service of the Iciis'ntuie. And as the secretary of state is reported to have been In doubt wlietner service had been rendered or not, tho members deemed it safer to make suro of their pay bv including it in the general appro priation hill. Ti e senate hud a lively contest Tues day night over Ihe ruihoad commission lull. An endeavor was lirst made to L'ive the commission mcie power but failing in tint1 tho seuale on a vole wl ie-eoiisidoru!ioii pas-ed senate lull No 8 repealing the railroad commission. Your correspondent h.nl a conversa tion with tiovcrnor Pennoycr last ninht relative) to the Oregon City clmrtei lull which was passed a few days since Owing to the provisions relative to licenses tho governor will not sign the bill hut will peimil it lo beiomealaw. It has horetoforo been held with but ono exception that it took W d iva for u hill to li'-coine u law, hut under a recent decision of the supremo court a hill to winch is attached Ihe emergency ' lutie become a law in llvi days tiflc'r it has passed. Thi will make the charter ef lective al once as the live days expired u-atordnv, the bill having passed the house on the 1-th. I.ml Friday evening the house look up the senatorial and legislative oppor liomni'iit bill uml alter consideration ie lused to puss it. Under the provision of thi bill w hii Ii was to lake Ml'ect on Ihe first Monday in Juno 1HSC', the counlv ol C'lackiimas was toconstitu'e the l-lth senatorial districts and be entitled to ono senator Multnomah the loth district with live senators and Cl icltamas and .Multno mah the 1 V tli district with a joint senator. Whilst the hill wuh under consideration an umendtnt'iit was nll'eied nnd ugie i to making Senator Cross the senator from trie Nth district lor the first two years alter the hill should laj in fnice. This action on the part of the legislature might have raised the question as to its legality. Could a fcniitor who wu elected from one distiii! be inadu by the legislature tho repiesentutive of another district? Clackiiina county was to constitute the lo h representa tive, district and entitled to threo rep-e-sentalives. Kepresentiitivo llartman' bill to re duce expense in civil and criminal pro ceedings, failed to pass and his bill to: abolish official tepoiters was indefinitely postponed. The house bill to provide for the con struction of a fish ladder at the Falls of the Willamette passed the bonso Jan, Mth. Thursday Feb. 21). Yesterday the seiKto experienced the Warmest sitting of tho session anil n very nice by play in tho mutter of legislation, Tiiosday eve ning upon the refusal ot Unit hod y to give the railroad commission more power a vote was taken abolishing tho com mission. The following morning that boily, after it heated debute, in which Senator Tongue, of Washington county, notably distinirnishe 1 himself in able mid eloquent defense of a commission to be clothed willi adequate, power to en force its findings, the bill which had been rejected a few hour before, passed and tlio bill passed a few hours before was reconsidered and rejected, much to the chagrin of certain democrats. The house has passed Senator Hatch's bill providing for a hoard of regents for the Monmouth normal school. COUNTY NEWS ITBIS. . Harmony Murphies. Mil. Editou. Perhaps a few items from Harmony will bo acceptable. Harmony is situated twelve miles south-enst from Ore gon City It was formerly known as Itlngo Point, but sinco the post olllce has been es- taiuisiieii at lark s store Jturmouv was christened "Clark's Post 0ueaMMr"":-w;',," less tho school mm,Ymum its old name. We omit two or three paragraphs here, as tho Information given is In type from an other correspondent. En. The present excitement concerning the forfeiture of the 0. & C' It. H. land, formerly sold throughout this and other counties, is waxing sord, since hundreds of poor men with families have bought such In good fulth with hard-earned cash, hold warranty deeds to uch issued by the company which are on record, have battled with the Oregon forests, and through toil, exposure, and de privations of the necessaries of life, have made homes finally, and are loth to abandon (iich. Your correspondent has heard some express their desperate determination to de fend their homes wilh rifles If necessary. Trouble Is anticipated in case atlompts arc made to jump lands. Thoreinust.be a screw loose in our legis lature, CollIIKSI'ONtiKHT. Holalln Bubble. The flood of 'HI is on now, and it Is merely a drink con pared with the great washout of a year ago, Tlie"iuolm got. light" at lust, and tho rain came down a la webloot. The M. P. circuit rider preached his fare well tlduress luat week nt the school house. Our obliging postmaster and druggist lia goi eoll on business, Horn to the wife of Mr. Ucorge V. Adam tt daughter. Mother and child doing well, The lather will outlive his disappointment, Messr. Vorhle A Wyland huvu put lu a dam on Itock creek at the lliueltlne saw mill, and have made general repair throughout the mill, besides other Improve ineutsj Whilst some ot our native blood wore hailing between two opinions, (betwixt do ing the work and receiving the pay,) several workers from abroad stepped lu and did the work and then got their wages, " Procras tination I the thief of time." Coiunelt lion is up at woik, Many are down with railroad lever -"down in Ihe nioulh," Mr, A. II. Kllce has challenged Uncle Ja eoq llurlcss to defend Ihe lllhle. Tbechal long wusaccepled on the spol. Our literary society Is lu a nourishing conulllou. All the leading topic of Ihe day ore waded Into chin deep, tlood order and good humor prevail. Mr. It, J. Moor still has a very bad arm. We hope soon to be able to record thai It is well, Clackamas county has another hcr In the foothills of "Missouri." Some claim It loliea Joint possession of. Marlon and Clack ii n mis counties. Fall wheal Is looking quite well for this time of Ibo year considering the slow growth it made n the fall. T.I M. hlngiim's lilrtlntny al Nrt Fr The Washington Celebration will beheld in the Spiritualist Ta'H'rnucle at New Kru on Sunday, February Wd. The exercises wll liegtn at lUi.'tn A, M. When the following progtani will tic carried on: Song -"America." I.IU'ral Kvccutu, llceitntion - "l.ove of Country," Tille Itlef, .V tribute to Washington and his co worker. 1. Introductory remarks, W, Hie Jesse. 2. Washington 1'iieiii, Herman Ihirgov ne. 8. "tleorge Washington," Mrs, Anna Illicit- elor. t, Hems from Wushlngton, by Fred, Jesse, Fred. DurgttyiiP, Alice Clark iind Ollie Plnuell. Webster's Eulogy. Willie Plmicll, Concert Heeilalion, "Song of Freedom" I. Ils-ral Lyceum. Patrick Henry, Alice Clink. Speech on Independence, Prank Jesse, I l.omiis Paine, Mr, W. W, Jesse, John Adams, Ollie Pinnell. Itecilalion, Freddie llurgoviui, Tlioinus Jollerson, Laura Zeck. Concert liecitalloil. Israel Putnam, Mrs, I .ill It Wink. Itccilatlon, Katie Kehm, Joseph Warren. Caroline llurgoyue. Song - lied, While and lilac, Lyceum, John Paul Junes, Herman Iturgoyne. Iieclarallon, llallle Spulak. lleiijamln Franklin, Ida I'lnnell. Concert liecltnilon. Dinner, croquet, retailing the mule and other amusements. 2;,UI P. M. --Address: "Whither arc we Drifting? by Mi Katie Kel All free, and everyone cordially Invited. Clark Cslidiliifi. Ma. F.mtoh; Will you allow me a small space in your paper amongst the other cor ies ondetils, so the veopleof the rest of the county luayseehow wcare progressing? We bad aboelv winter up to the lirst of this month, with lots of amusement and surprise parlies. On the morning of the lllh while wuillug for Ihe alarm elis-k we were aroused by a sonie.ilial dillcrcnt alarm, and as we de scended the stairs lo attend lo our routine of daily w ork w e were met hy Mr. I. L. Chirk with a smile such as only those can gi e who feel happy, lie said It was a line daughter. We tender our congratulations lo the parents, anil wis!, tho baby a long lite, wilh health, happiness, and prosperity strewn nil along Its pathway. The school In District No. .'U galea tine ( losing entertainment, Miss Helen Taylor toucher. We have a new society here called the Anil poke yonr-nose iiilo-olln-r people's bu siness. It in ollcring one hundred dollars a year, with the promise of an increase ol'one thousand to those who w ill mind their own business and let other people's business Including matrimonii! I engagements alone. 11. Plattsburg liHndillngs. Mr. Lewis Piatt made a trip to Kelso, Washington, this week. Henry Suay wise and family, of St Helens, are the guests of .Marion Plntt for a few duys. Several cougars have been heard screain iu the mountains lately, and sonic of (he boys are afraid to be out after dark. Potatoes are down in price, and several of our tanners w ho are holding large crops are consequently feeling very blue. Tramps and puck peddlers are becoming very numerous. '1 lie people of Plaltsburg feed Ihcin too well. They should keep more cross dogs. Madam Itunior hasanuouiireil tho matri monial engagement of August Peters, known as "Dig Peters," to Miss Lizzie Vol nier, niece of Pete Woerner. The boys are getting the tin cans and cow Mis ready. Prof. J. D. Matthew-son , who came to Ore gon last fall for the purpose of starting an eilucutionul journal, and taught the Phelps school, has returned to Lllehtleld, Minne sota, where a. good position was awaiting him. Mr. Matthew son was a man of marked ubilitv, but the peoplo of Phelps district failed to appreciate him, Wo are sorry the Journal failed to muleriullzo. A good educational journal is one of tho needs of Oregon. We hope some oc.o clye will take hold of it and make it a sue ess. The question of a ferry across the Willam ette between Plultshurg and Canby is being agitated. We litipo it will be a success, us it would bo it great benefit to Platlsliurg and give us u direct route to Oregon City and a near market ut Cunby, Three points are being considered the liuckniiiu place, Ohio, landing, nnd Armstrong's place, Thcy-J all good locations, HtfTsCTTll. 5Ihji-lCuttor. ltuin, snoji ( (lm Hit.k ,t.MS j,,.,,,,, 0 ,e "1C Wifffal complaints at. present. rs, Christ Hornshuh is very sick; also Mrs, Peter Hohlander and all of W. F. Kirk's family. One of Mr. Kirk's girls bus been very low, but we were Informed to-day that sho is getling bettor. Hubert Ouenther bus gone to East Port land to wotk. Fritz Mochtike says his trip to Cunadii wu worth u thousand dollars to him. Hut if Dame Kumor is to bo hHlieved we think it ought to be two thousand. How is it, Fritz? Mr. Cluis. Priebe, who came from Detroit, Michigan, is going to make his homo among us. Ho has re 1 1 ted (I. A. Schiibel's house, We understand ho is going to work for Charles Mochnko. ,' Mr. II. Hakor, a drummer for A. Schilling it Co., slopped here on business ono day this week. 0, ye farmers, that arc poor and heavy laden I apply to our logi.ilalure and they will glvc'you tally. . 0 is. February 1'!, 18111. , Farmers are plowing foro its. China pheasants lire beginning to be pop ular in this vicinity. The Nlmrods ought to let them tie. Certain boys waul lo keep away from that hen roost at night, fur lhonor.1 lime they go they may grab shot Instead of chli ken and egg". Parson Wilson has recovered from his measles, If the measlesilo not noun break up wu will have to break down, Welsh A Martin am very buy with thulr taw mill -occiislnnully doing mine sawing at night. John Hell', of Tacouia, I here vlsiilug h relatives, John Monhnke, the Instructor of the brass bund, wllh hlsellque, are doing line--belter than the itiorage A II C bunds, Hoy, hi It It, together. Take pride and courage, uml ueter Iwilt lluqiient at yoili'lilght meetings, Perpeliiul motion Is the talk out here now There arc various Ideus about it. Some tbliik motion should continue and have no supply uf force lo cause It. No, there l nothing In existence thai move without there Is a reason for It Lvervtlqng that moves has power behind It, The circula tion of the blood In the huinnu body, or any other living hotly, I perpetual million, Wliere tine the powcrorigluale? From the heart. Now If a man Invent a miichln that will run without his being with It then he has perpetual motion, the same a the water that How hi the river. The oyster supper given by tho Ymtng People' Social nt Mr, Kit want' last Friday (light was attended fur belter than anylsaly expected, No lets Hum ity wore In at- Icudant'C. I'nlnrliinule y all of the ladles could not coiceon account uf bail weather. Only about eight Indies mannicd lo be p res ell!, The vendue of cake anil plo wu very Intertilling to Ihe hungry hoy, pie wild from lo lo l'i cents; cake from 4U cent to $l.nn. Mr'I'Vuiik Molllii w Ihe royal oyster eider. He hud the misfortune lo lone his rubber shoes' He must have lost them when bo went dnw n to the brush to eat his corn cake widt h he i urehused fur a fruit cake. Thchis hand was present and gave tin some music which till were pleased lo hear Aliout I .' -l'i all starlet! homeward without being drunk or loitntlcrcd. Hi v IIoot. February lt'l. Kmf I'uml VUiIim, The weather ha I til so bail, Mr. Editor, that no one bus been moving, and to Ihe item hi wcuk will be short. The Valentine hall given hy John May on the 1 lib Instant, ut Nuldvrit' hull was well intended, considering the weather; hnd llliy niiinliers, and host of tho fair x to wear away the hour till morning. Kvery body seemed to have a glorious limit, ami all went home feeling huppv. The music Was furnished by 0. P. Sharp and John I led gen. Mr, Mays deserve credit for III eliorl in culc tittining his guests so well. There has been a real estate man (Mr, Warner) liom Portland who ha been through this couutrv selling lots for a real estate Ii i lu. Suburban property to Portland uml Is selling quite a good many, 1 think the people will be sick when they go lo see their property alter they have made Ihe I urchusc, for I think ll is quite a ways in the country. Ami If Portland ever reaches that point we w ill lay oil' Frog Pond into lowu lots, and we will all be rich. Theonly thing we luck here is a motor line to boom with. Prof. Lwingguve ua show here last Moll day. If you luiil seen hit poster! you woitl I have thought he wa gn ing the pen. pie a grand Heat, lint In, when we went to see it we found it wa one of the lUitest, no account, one horse lantern shows that we ever witnivscd And his slight of hand tricks any small Isiy could beat. Ills bilk of a show, going around to bilk the people, and the more who go to nee It the more w ho get bilked. I see Mr. Dunn and Mr, Tnedlmrivr are hailug it oier their road trouble, (io It, bovs; I'll bet on the one that Is-at. Il l fuunvfor them that ure out of It. I'll pat you both on tho,Un k, and say, "go It while vou 're voting! Tunlulin Secular Union meets next Sun duy. EverylMiily is Invited. Hut lie careful j you may have your names in Ihe paMr, Valentine' day went oil' quietly hcie, Have not hail the good m k bi get any yet, tins Krady returned Friday from Port' land, idler an absence of two weeks from home. He has la-en In the real estate bit there. Made a raise in two weeks ami came home. Ooo.l luck to you, tins, In the fta- tine. ('hurley 'luge came homo last week on a visit, Ihe lirst time for a ciam'sage. He looks well, and Washington must agree with l.ini. lie will ictuiii in a short time. C. F. Toozoaud Marion Young arc each preparing lu build a new barn In Ihe spring No more. H, M. Meadow Hrook. Mu. Eiutoh: The sehotd concert at the (lorliett si lino! house, District No. 5.1, was a grand success, although the maiugaiMcut was disappointed because Messrs. Thomson and Samson failed to becoino visible, Mis Williams returned to her homo a1 iolaat the expiration of her school, leav ing many warm friends here who will cher ish dear memories of her through life. lenine May field is the teacher lu school district M. The pupils attending that school who were neither absent or tardy during the month of January aro Hubert Wright, Laura Wright anil William Edge comb. We wish tnauy to the goo I people of this vicinity that it is inevitable thai some error creep Into iny corespondence. Hut we are always ready ami anxious to correct such. and we will ho very grateful to our neigh bor who will report to u any item of Inter est. II the Items aro presented to E. A. Wright they will ho sure io be communi cated to your friend Phoenix, On the lllh Instantabout a baker' dozen of uur people gathered a witnesses ami spectators in the Justice's court room of Or egon City, where tho case of The Slate of Oregon vs. P. P. Hull was tried. (I. R, llnyes appeared for defendant, and Mr, Ad- anisfor the great commonwealth of Oregon, After listening attentively to the testimony pro and con, and the aildnMMca the re spective attorneys, JuMieu p0(s ,m.j,t;d there jverg iio good reasons to believe that .HiS 'threat of defendant would ho carried into execution against complainant, E. A. Wright, Had tlio witnesses given the com plainant the sumo version as related on the witness stand, a large amount of travel over muddy roads nnd about $75.00 of county money would have been saved. While the witnesses for the state reluted verbatim the part of conversation related to complainant, it was tho part they did hot relate, ruitvious tothiai., that lost the enso for tho sluto. Personally tho writer approves of the ver dict which doubtless was in accordance Willi the evidence and lawr PiiokniX, February 1(1, 181)1, Canity Culling, Our sleigh riilo litilud to materialize, owing to a wiirdty of now. A ltnlgo of A, 0. IT. W. wits orgunlr,od at this iilace lust Hiiturduy, with nineteen cliurtcrinoiuhers, nnd ultottt a dozen mem ber!) from ntliiir lotlrfe, milking the total membership about thirty. Lust week Minn Ola Mack spent two days in Wootlburn, wltlihor sister. Tho cliunili festival held lust Friday even ing noltinl ntioitt sixteen dollars. At the itunuul Miliool meeting the mutter of building rm addition to the school house will he contililci'ed. About three thousand bushels of potatoes arc lu George Knight's warehouse awaiting shipment. Mr. DuHhiel bus sold out. It is hoped lie LUMBER. The GLADSTONE MILL CO. Now have- it Full Stock of till older jit'oinptly. Floorhiv', (VI liny;, Hustle a ml all I'lcltciH hikI DIiiK-iisloii Slnir. Hporlnl Itilln Cut. Hi'tid in your Sorensen t o MANI'KACTI'HKUa OP AND DKAI.KHM IN 0 PLAIN iiiirt FINISHING LUMKEIl l Kir, Sprtu't' mill (Jciliir; ulmi l.titlm, i'ickids). hhin- S'tBi Hliimil to till ioinU on " ( tho river or bv mil. i Mill situated mi SI2IJiI,WOD, J.F.0,RD1LLY& CO. M Cheapest : in : the : city OnltTs from tlio country promptly filled. 148 Third Street, Portland. Near Morrison. REAL ESTATE AN NOUNGEMENTS. Tho most carefully Hcleetetl properlies in the City or County, For Sale No. 1. 100 aoi'i'8, 2 inilt'K from I'anbv, on H. I. K. H., HiuVnilitl level liitnl, fine Haw Unifier, '2") ttiTt'8 cultivated, jtol frame house, M,2W. No. 2. 100 acres on S. 1'. 11. H. miles fnun Oregon City, if.'t.'.'tKl, No. .'. HO acres, ojien level brush land, 4 miles east of Oregon City, 1 mile from Clackamas river 1,000 on time. , No. -I. 10 acres joining Claeka" mas Heights on the south, nearly level, can be sold in lots ami blocks, 1,'J50. Vt ft . nnfua u til mi il til fun it on Clear Creek, (! miles east of OREGON CITY PROPERTY. No. 7.-7 lot in West Side addition, lots 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, block 100 lots, 1, 2, 0, 7, K, block 151, all of block 20, Main street, all of block 115 Oregon City. One fine lot in Sellwood. No. 8. .'!() acres in "Clackamas Fruit Lands" all in cultivation. Finest peach land in the world, price 200 per acre. My peach orchard netted (H) an acre this year. Will exi hango No's. 1, 2, II, 5, 0, for any good city property in valley towns. For terms and particulars apply to H. E. CROSS, Oregon City. will ciinrHnle to again pun lui.-c property I ere, us we ranimt allbrd to lose such men as Mr. DaShiel. Williiini nnd Klsle Murk, who hnve been unending school here during the winter, left for their home in lCuslerii Washington Inst Monday. Win. Harlow is getting out piling for the rullmad ennipnny. Mr. hclimiilt intends to move his saw, nil about three miles up the river. Mlsss Kate I'ltsto rinsed a sueeessl'ul four months term of school in Ulilrlrt No IS hist Tuesday. Misti Custo ruised a sufficient fund, hy subscription, to pun base a t'niled States Hug, six by nine feet, which was raised to the top of a forty-seven foot pole on the Inst day of her school. Thel'anby school, under the management of 8. A. 1). (lurley. Intended to go out to see the Hag hoisted, but the Inclemency of tlio weather prevented. It Is hoped that every school In the county will raise the slurs and stripes. Miss I,on Mosbnerger, of Woodburn, who lias been visiling Miss Ola Murk fur a few duys, returned home lust Monday. Jitiuos Kvtiijs, of this place, hits purchased two lots from W. 8. Kellogg. Mr. Kvuns intends soon to begin the erection of mil ta ble buildings for a drug nnd furniture store. Cunby is steadily improving, and Is des tined in the near future to be a prosperous and nourishing villuge. Two families from Texas have moved Into Mr, Kaitshiiure's bouse, They intend to pnrcliiipe real estate lieny : A man froniPa-kiifa" was liero recently lookiiig ft,r-' locution, Aflor hnvlng been through the valley hoconcludcd that Cunby suited htm better than any other place, lie will buy land nnd locate here, A ferry across the river near tho Khtiil V'rost place w ould allbrd an outlet for a great ninny people on tho west side of thoriver who lire put lo grent inconvenience by being cimpcllod to go either to Aurora or Oregon City to do their trading, etc, Let us agitate this mutter until wo get a ferry. , Thoro Is a good opening hero for a hard ware store, n boot and shoe shop, a barber shop nnd a cnniicry, 1,1 ve, energetic men looking for locutions would do well to come hero before locating elsewhere, I.nst Thursday S. A, D, Gurlcy closed the Canby school. Tho directors were present und expressed them selves us being well satis- lletl with the manner In which the school had been taught. On receipt of tho sad nows of tho death of the Hern n( Atlanta tho stars and stripes were placed at half-mast. The passing: away of General Sherman re moves tho lust of the throe most conspicu ous soldiers of tho country Grant, Hherl dan and Kherniitu.' Tho Hero of the Appo mattox, whose splendid soldierly qualities shine with a brighter lustre as tho years roll on, recognized In Hhorman and Hheri dan the attributes ot great commanders, It Is a pleasure to know that tho friendship that, existed between theso heroes of so many buttle fields was as sincere as it was steiull'iist. So long as there are Ai.iericitns, Gruiiti Hhormuu' and Hherldan will bo held In grateful roinenibranco. Ho long as his tory shall bo road, Grant, Sherman and Sheridan will shine us tho biightest jewels , in the military diadem of the earth. LUMBER. Lumber on liniul nnd con fill Thulr Block einbt'in'cn irrinlcs of Drcssc! l.timlicp, Idith, onlem before tho Spring runh. & t Young ! t Wit, Wllluiuetti' river ill j OREGON Oregon City, 100 acres In culti vation, 50 acres to break, new frame house, new barn, line wat er, beat soil, good neighborhood. school, etc., price fl, 1 50, on time. No. 0 3l3acre8 in Sritigwat.er, tlio liewt all round stock farm m Clackamas county, level land, 100 acres in fine cultivation, 7 acres orchard, good house, two line frame barns, thousands of acres of out range, water every where, 45 head cattle, Berkshire hogs, .'0 ton hay, 500 busliei oats, wheat, vegetables, horses, wag ons and farming implements, al together at 25 per acre on time. Duple I Lane. The refreshing showers ol tbo past week were very fitvorulile to the glinting whent crop, which is in line condition. Mr. Huntington's new house wns dedi cated with a duiiee. The lainily ofTlionins Duy lei have moved into their new house. " There is some talk of making an effort to build a substantial plunk road from a point neitrtlie resilience of Thomas Duvieslolhc forks wliere tho Highland routl Intersects with the Molulla road. This is a laudable undertaking, and we hope it may lie earned loa successful termination. Miss Mollio Hunkius is teaching in the ileurici district. l'rof. Ii. skip's singing school closed last week. Mr. Inskip is an elticicnt teacher, and it is hoped ho muy bo Induced to tench another term In the near future. Messrs. Harclny and linker, of the United Brethren church, are conducting a series of meetings at the Maple l.anc school house with marked success. Many burdened sin ners have succumbed, and the end Is. not yot. There wits a nodal dance at the residence of Mr. Schelleyonthceve of the 1-1 tit. Hon. A. Wright, representative of iTnion county, spent Sunday with the lundly of T. II. Hanklns, Mllwankie. Mr. Hubert Hornet bus returned frnm Portland, whoro ho had been railed on Im portant eh'sincss. Mrs. Fiinido Culm, our postmistress, was sight-seeing ut the county sent on Tucsiluy, ami was well pleased with the appearance ot tho town. Tho ninny friends of l!ev. John Scllwoud will be glad tokarn that ho Is aguln uble to bo about lie will occupy the pulpit of the St. John's 10. church Sunday ne.t. The building boom bus struck town. Mr. George Stryker is building a f.WO house in Sellwood uddilion to Milwuuklo. At Min thoru Mrs. Robertson is erecting a house nnd stables, Improvements will amount to IflKKlO, Hit i Persons troubled with vhcmnntixm idionld read the following from Mrs. N M PtitoiB, of EiiHt Dos Moines, Iowa. She says: 1 had Hiilfcred with rlieiiuut t ih i it the greater putt o! the lime (or nearly seven years. 1 doctored a great deul for it with physicians and tried electric lieltH, patent medicines and al most everything that was reciuniiiondod for rheumatism. Finally a neighbor ad vised niu t.j tiy (.'huniberhiin'B Pain llul Binn and was so suro that it would help mu thai I procured a bottle. It did help mo, right from the start j but It took five 50 cunt bottles to euro me, so you can guess how bad I was as two bottles will eure any ordinary ease " . For mile by Geo. A! Harding, druggint. WOIISK THAN LltPROSV Is catarrh; and tlmro is but one piepiiriv' tion that does cure that direiiNo, and that is the California Positive und Neg ative Electric Uninieiit. Sold by, 1,0 Clark. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma tism, headache, sprains, burns, and all pain. Try it, and toll your neighbor where io get it, Sold by E.G. Caufiblu, Druggist. HfflTl Phninn Chairs! if ii in ti.i Of All Designs, From tho Smallest To tho Largest J.tcxxx Oil dir. Patent Jiockiiifj Chair of neat and noUy .lonipjHM j IVrfo-f ruled und Wood-sent Chairs; raney JCwmI ana i,aric soat und hack Dining and Library Chairs. MATTRESSES! MATTRESSES! ' - Wo alrio carry a comjileto lino of MattreHnes Yum Yum, Coil Spring; Jox and Top made to order. ' Woven wire, twoanu throo-jly, of all sizon; Bedsteads, Lounges, Cot, Ktc. 'W'jairjroix tSc Xlolman. eduction great OF AT GREEN BROS. & CO. Wo aro overstocked with this line of goods and will make tho following reduction hr the next "0 days. This Sale will for CASH only: Mm' - dim. rt-i'ilrfrli'ii W.-A rt'tltii-c'tl liioo. Mt-n't Uttht Weir CimIi, i-xIrK ft tt. velvet i-'I'tr. r-Mi-j.rlte fil :a, rftwi Pi V'"'. Mfii II.- vy Wfldii Cull f tr tiillty. vrlvet rulliir. rcitnltr prlr W.m, riMtiiwd t: TS. Men' Mitlliira VielfM t'imf, lnt iiinilliy, vt-lvttt I'.iinir, rrKuUr t,ik- ta.w, rt'tlm'tl W.ib. W1m)' klueirle iit,.tiutr. Bui m'lr prtt'e II 20. ri-ilut'fj H5 ceiitn. HI mm' HA rnliiri-tl f 1 ,7. IjhIIiV Klrrlrlr (iuutinert, cam n. reniiiM prir 11 i, r1ur4 IIM Luilie' II. l, (iuHMmrni' xir qunllly. rt-Kiilur price pJ .Vi rtdtiPtKl It 7S. Uille' T F. Cimu liiem, exirit ttiiility, rt-RuUr price 2 fiO, rt'tltitxtl fl.. Iteiiieinher this sale is foa o0 days only and is for strictly cash. GREEN BROS. & CO. Shoes, Shoes. SI VISE rSrL SHOES I A COARSE SHOES ! We will have some of the most elegant goads tho world ever saw about the firet of March. These OootLi will be a feast for the gods Look out for our windows about thnt time. We will carry this summer an fine a line of Goods as any house this nide of the Missouri river. Call and nee if we are lying to you. Every thing the latest style. OllECON CITY SHOE HOUSE, Next Poor to PostOHiee, Oregon City, Oregon. T The New Remedy. - - Absolutely Pure. -A. a-IET? SUCCESS Thousands Already Cured Wtlhtn mil) ten hioiiiIih lhl truly renmrVtile metlicliie linn (outlet It lulu the very liem tnmllie. lieeaie It cvhkd thk "it k. Kn dtitehe too pow crlul tit reitlst lis wnutlerlul Hlliiek. It costn tuiihlng to ItivesliitHtf. Send for book cotitHliilnit dill liilorirmlltiii. KllAirS .tlK'KOIli: Itll.I.K.. ).. Jlorrlnin Nt., Irtliiul. Or KxiMitslve Agemt turl'liirk-tmu Onmity, TH08. CI1AUMAS & SON, Orcntiu City, Oregon. IIEEI CHARM & SON Have, the Finest Lot of Fane DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Etc., ever put before the people of Clackamas count, aii at pri333 to suit the times. Call and See us be fore purchasing. We hve falUababai 3b Tho 11 McKinlev Hill" doos except to sell cheaper than ever before. Our motto is, rr ri;rli;S A? 1 W STllY- ,aild own MJ?CII AN ICS and LABORERS, . Comoand see that what we say is HUH, rtllLl J1U 11U1IS1.1JISU. , gT Tho finest seloetion of GROCERIES in tho City. Citrons, Currants, and Raisins of new crop, at lowest price. Cliis ii Sale Kleuirlo Ounanen, itr i)iilliy. rrtnlirprlrt m. ioes. BLACK SHOES! CROWN $ II )ES ! m 3 orra not. .ofrnnt k ...ui. Mil k SOfc