The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 13, 1891, Image 4

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l.V i'Wt- A" rf!hl roo'rvol 1
' CHAl'TKK Vllt.
"But irPit fii yon riot bring fiimf"
It minimi no nwt intimity on Qun
nar's part to disoovor Mr. Norman's ob
ject in Ulting him into his houso, Under
the predmsc of Kiviiitf him work ha was
wlly giving him kwoii in mwlmulaU
drawing ami const rue Hon of miu'liiiKU,
Th manufacturer was a man of K''"i"
iu his way, self tsuiKht, loving work and
glorying in K, I la had a workshop at
the top of liin fitted out with ox
quiaitoly finished tools and liiivliutiii-jil
appliance of many kinds. There he
pent his Imppiost hours, pxpwimenting
with his inventions ami modols for im
provements in inaohinory. Ho was im
patient of dullness ami often irritable.
Bnt on the other hand his wrath was
shortlived, and ha was anxious to heal
by kinduess the wounds which his hard
words sometimes inflicted.
"The worst thing about the world,"
ha said to Unuiiar oua day, while they
were working side by sido in their shirt
sleeves, "is not that it is bad, but that it
is stupid. Look at all those great, strong,
fine Scandinavian fellows who come over
her every year by the thousand. They
are too stupid to see the chances which
this country offers to every man with a
sound heart and a sound braiu. They
allow themselves to tie burdened with
the old yoke which they bore at home;
nay, they themselves invito their task
masters, the Lutheran parsons, to come
after them and put a ring through their
noses and lead them by the straight and
narrow path of Lutheran orthodoxy to
an imaginary paradise, where, after hav
ing worked all their lives for the parsons,
they are to work no more. What folly!
what monstrous stupidity! Work no
morel As if work were a curse instead
of being the greatest blessing that God
has given to man."
Taciturn as his chief usually was,
Gunuar prepared himself for an hour's
discourse when he by chance stumbled
npon the jiamons. Unjust he was, no
doubt, and one sided, as persons of his
temperament are apt to be; bnt for all
that Uuiinar could not help being in
fluenced by what he said, which with
all its exaggerations contained not a
little truth. Strive as he might he could
not suppress a sneaking kindness for the
man whom he persistently regarded as
his enemy. What sort of heart must a
man have to ignore the bonds of blood,
desert wife and child and trouble him
self no more about the woman who loved
him and grieved for him than if she had
never existed? Mr. Norman's absorp
tion in machinery and his enthusiasm
on the marvels of nat ure tilled the young
man at times with a savago wrath
. which ho could with difficulty repress.
For what were steel and iron compared
with flesh and blood? What were piti
less screws and levers compared to bleed
ing hearts and weeping eyes? It was
not easy, indeed, to maintain in Mr.
Norman's presence this hostile attitude.
And had Gunnnr had sufficient insight
to know what a possession, what an im
perious mania genius may be, he would
have pardoned his father and loved him
instead of persuading himself that he
bated him.
He foresaw plainly that if he were to
fill his role as avenging angel he must
strike quickly and blindly before his
larking affection should get the upper
band of Jiim. Torn with conflicting
' emotions he hurried to Mrs. Tonneson's
boarding house in Vicker park and took
counsel with Mathilda. Seeing that she
could not prevent the expose the shrewd
damsel swiftly conceived a plan by
which she might shield Uiuinar from the
consequences, and at the same time earn
for herself a little cash, of which she was
sorely in need, for a new dress. She
persuaded her lover, with the aid of ca
resses and tender cajolery, to let her
manage the affair, and he, many
remonstrances, finally acquiesced. Only
there must be no delay. The blow must
be struck at once. Ho feared, though
he did not confess it, that if she gave
him time for reflection his courage
would desert him. The next day was
Saturday, and Mathilda gave her word
that in Sunday morning's papers Mr.
Norman's crimes should be properly
trumpeted, with flaring headlines and
spicy details.
It was really a great relief to Gunnar
to escape striking the blow with his own
hand. And yet ho was anything but
happy. A kind of perversa sense of duty
Which he had stimulated by meditation
npon his mother s wrongs forbade mm
to withdraw; and yet he felt mean and
dastardly as he sat opposite to his father
at the dinner table listening to his kind
ly and instructive talk. The desire to
benefit and instruct him was so obvious
that every remark cut the son to the
quick and made him quiver with sup
pressed excitemout. lie was on the
point of breaking down and confessing
his plot, but the thought of his mother's
toil and suffering braced him up again
and made him adhorj to his resolution.
When tho meal was at an end he was
about to hurry away from tho kindness
that scorchod him; bnt Mr. Norman put
his hand on his shoulder and asked him
to step into the library, as he had some
thing very particular to say to him.
When they were seated in open chairs
before the opnn fire they smoked for
awhile in meditative silence. But the
face of each betrayed dimly the emotions
which wrestled within him.
"Finn," began Mr. Norman, blowing
a Blender column of smoke toward the
fireplace, "vail you do me a favor?"
"I shall liave to know first what it is."
"Well, you are right in not makinir
rash promises. But when I toll you that
my peace of mind, my happiness de
pends upon your doing this for mo I
think you'll not refuse. "
Gunnar's heart thumped in his throat.
He dreaded what was to coino, and yot
he could not tell whether it was a wild
Joy or a desperate, anxiety which chased
the blood through hi veins and made
his pulse hammer in Ids temples.
"The fart, is, Finn, "I have a wifo and
a son," Mr. Nornu.n continued. "I
know they aro both living, and I want
you to go to thorn. Tell thorn I am alive
and love llnim as much as evor. Tell
them I mc a rich man, and that I want
them to ,uw and rpoml tho rest of their
days with me."
Ho stared fixedly into the fire while
tl.mMii:;, urn tuunim' iav lint lip trem
ble and ammdou inoiutiire tumdiui ins
ryos and made him 1'No abruptly and
pace- tho floor,
"liow long l it since you left your
wifo and ouT askod Gunnar with a
mighty effort not to botvay hit emotion,
"F.ightiK'ii yoai'U, my Ivy," tmswoiva
Komiim huskily, "Kightoon yoars."
Ho continued to walk up and down on
the floor, w ith his head bent,
"You think I am much to blame; and
you ttiu t ight, I wish I could explain It
to yon; bnt I can't, I was miserable
In 'the. Nmmt settlement, utterly, incon
ceivably miserable; lieoimso there was
something in me which no one under
stood, and myself least of nil. I told in
my Itmneoniu the Norwegian parson of
it, and ho said it was the devil tempting
me. I thought for a while he was right.
My wifo agreed with tho parson; I wan
of no use to her anil gave her many a
bitter hour. 1 hud no choice but to
break away. She herself consented to it.
Hard and toilsome, but not unhappy
yeiu-s followed, 1 found my work and I
bless God for that. I have not known a
really unhappy hour since, though I have
suffered from remorse and a hinging for
those who aro dear to me."
"Why then, did yon not go to them?"
asked Gunnar, in a voice which no effort
could steady.
"Young man, it may seem foolish to
you if I say that 1 never had tho time,"
answered Normal), flinging himself
ii:.;aln into the arm chair, "but for all
that it is tho fact, My work has pos
sessed me like a flint love which kept mo
awake at night. I postponed and again
postponed doing my duty, because I
dreaded to see the Norwegian parsons in
my house until I should feel strong
euough to light them ou their own
ground, I assumed the name Norman
simply to tweaiio the same influence In
my life. I wanted to be wholly an Amer
ican and take the phu'0 to which my
ability eutitlod mo in the American com
munity. I could never have done that
if I had assumed again the spiritual yoke
which it cost me such a dire struggle to
throw off."
"Then it is as a burden you take back
wifo and child.'" asked Guunar, with a
resentful glamt1.
"Oh, no, I love them; I have longed
after them. 1 want them!" cried his
father, starting up again and resuming
his restless walk.
"But I know I can Sever make it plain
to you how you can love a jiermm and
yet deplore certain phases of her charac
ter. Once my wifo camo near subju
gating me, and from the best of moUves
crushing out that which was iionlest
and most prvious iu me. As long as I
feared that I feared her. Now 1 fear it
uo longer and I can afford to let her
know that I love her,"
They talked on for about an hour, and
Gminar without uudisguising himself as
sumed the proposed mission. He began
dimly to comprehend that his father,
driven and impelled by his genius, which
was an overmastering force in his life,
could not le judged by the same stand
ard as lesser men. But just as ho had
risen to receive Mr. Norman's thauks
something touched him with a cold hor
ror and seut a shudder down his back.
His revenge! His wretched revenge!
He was about to dishonor his father just
as he was showing himself most honor
able. But perhaps there was yet time. It
Ti; 1J o'clock, and the pajiers scarcely
went to press until 1 or 2 in the morn
ing. With his head iu a whirl he rushed
out of tho front door, hired a horse at a
neighboring stable and drove to Vicker
Park. There he had a stormy interview
with Mathilda, in which a dainty Utile
cloven hoof of mercenary iuUftwtt peeped
forth all too plainly from under the em
broidered skirts. She hud a check for
$.W iu her pocket which she had received
from Tho Daily Trombone for the spicy
revelations regarding Mr. Norman's
wickedness, and she was naturally re
luctant to part with it. But iu return
for Gunnar's promissory note for $150
she finally released her tight little clutch
and gave it up; but like a great many
people who are too clever for their own
good, Mathilda had really outwitted
herself. She hud made $100, but she
had lost a lover. She had a dim present
ment when her excitement had cooled
that Gunnar's love for her had received
a mortal wound; and iu this present
ment she was right.
The return of tho check, the declara
tion of the falsity of tho alleged revela
tions and the threat of a suit for libel
sufficed, after considerable discussion,
to Oiake Tho Trombono renounce tho
promising sensation. Gunnar, to mako
assurance doubly sure, remained to see
Uie manuscript and proof destroyed and
the type redistributed. As ho caught
glimpses of such inomtrotis head lines,
"A Double Life," "A Villain Unmasked,"
"A Rich Man's Crime," etc., he realized
what a narrow escape he had hod from
committing a cruel and dastardly deed.
A week after this episode Gunnar led
a tall and yet stately woman of 40
into Norman's library. The manufact
urer was standing with his hands in his
pockets and his back to the fire. There
was a vague anxiety in his face and an
occasional twitching of the muscles
about the mouth, as if he wore trying to
master a strong emotion. He started
forward with both hands outstretched
when tho door opened, but pausod in the
middle of the floor, gazing with a
strange uncertainty at the two persons
who entered. The handsome matron
became conscious of a slight embarrass
ment as she noted hisexpresssoii, and the
joyous eagerness which had animated
her features gave way to an anxious con
fusion. Ho was so different from what
she had expected. Eighteen long years
lay between them with the slow trans
formation they had wrought. They had
takon her husband from her and substi
tuted another who was ho and yot not ho,
This good looking middle agod gentle
man, with a full beard and clad in city
attire, how could he ever be to her what
the shabby, restless, discontented Norse
peasant, Hans Matson, had been? And
yet, as ho pressed her hands and wel
comed her, though not with the free and
joyous ring she had expected, she caught
a glimpse in his look and manner of tho
man she had loved. And the cadence of
his voice rang with clear vibrations
tlirougn tne ueptti or nor soul. J
"But the boy, the boy!" were the firsff
words ho uttered. "He is not deadr
"The boy," she replied, with u slow,
dubious accent. "No, he isn't dead."
"But why did you not bring him?"
She started with a puzzled look, first
at her son, then nt her husband.
"I don't understand it at all," she
ejaculated in a fervor of amazement.
"Gunnar," she continued, turning to
the youth. "Why do you not speak to
your father?"
It was now Norman's turn o be
amazed. Ho started back with an ex
clamation of surprise. Ho rubbed his
eyes as if to clear his vision. Then with
a dawning joy in his' face he grasped the
banc1 which the young man held out to
"Finn Varsko!" ho cried; "yon have
robbed me of a son in return for tho one
you give me."
Aiilniul Fits.
AlmoHt any of our animals may fall in
a lit. It iu especially alarming when a
horse falls in harness or under the sad
dle In a narrow or ohstructed road or
place, trembliujr and writhintr In con-
misions. Tim runt, tiling to bo done U
to fveo tho aiiluml as coolly nud quickly
as possible from huriitisH and vehicle,
pour cold water over tho head with a
steady miuill stream, thv a blanket
over thu body, and if tho animal strug
gles prottvt it Willi straw, Utter or
hlankuta from injury. Great on re should
bo exercised to avoid poiuoiml injury, as
the animal is Violently moved by in
ternal iiritat Ion of tho brain or nervous
system or of tho stomach depressed with
Indigestible food. If the recovery is im
mediate no medical aid need b sought,
American Agriculturist.
Ileus, tinea mill Fruit,
Fruit raising, beo keeping and nullify
culture go well together, The last and
tirst aro closely Wneflclnl to oua another
and never fall to pay. According to
Farm and Homo tho best raspberries,
plums or pears, have Ikhui cultivated and
picked from trees and bushes where
poultry have been allowed to run milll
tho fruit was nearly ripe, Binls keep
down the suckers on bushes and the
strength naturally goes to the fruit. The
apiary in a good orchard with now and
then a little attention has always paid
the kiHisr, Good management is the
chief point. When this is at the holm
half tho Imttlc is won.
ritfti'uUcn Hi nitroiis
Scarcely u day pusses without the
news of some luge failure flashing over
the wires the u-ual result of specula
tion In stocks or some equally danger
ous venture. The siinui electilc ciiireiil
carries to ilniu ilistuut friends the
lldinns of deatl. of dear ones loo often
the result of sqieenUtion In patent nos
trums, Motro s Kevealed Kerned v Is
no speculation but is sold on positive
itiinnintee. Do not fail to go lo voiu
ilriitfk'itt ami uk for your money 'I not
stttlslled. We know you will tio and
buy another luillle, For sale by till
Itciniii luililc Itcsciie.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, I'lainlleld, III,
makes the statement that she cumiht
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
she was treated for a month by her fam
ily physician, but grew wot He, He told
her she was a hopeless victim of con
sumption and that no medicine could
cure her Her dniiinlsl suosled Dr,
Kitix's New Discove.-y for fniinnnption ;
she bought n hot lie find to her delight
tound herself benefitted ftoni II ml dose
She continued its use mid iif'cr hiking
ten botili-s, found herself found and
well, now does her own liousewoik and
is as we'l us sbe ever whs. Free tiiul
bottl.'sof this (ireul DiM'ove,ry ill ti. A.
Haiding's ding store, largo bottles 'nV
and tl.
Mill on Ksrth.
J. I. Crocker, of the mountain IthilT
Meal Market, Is sill alive and welt, and
al present is doing a rushing business,
us i he people of the present age are
well enough ediicuied to know when
they are treated well, and that they al
wavs get the best articles, and the full
iialue of their money at his sioi-e He
keeps a full line of fresh and salt meals
of all descriptions, also eggs, butter
cheese etc.
Restaurant and Hotel.
TllltOl t.llul ;T.
The leading, restaurant ' lhp city. Tables
Mil ,1 it-1 Willi the In-st the iiiiirki t,
und none but tlrt -class cooks employed.
F.iist Side Main Street, Between Fnnrlh
and Fifth, Opp. I , N. I.ainl Ollbe.
The Leading hoiographcr of
M. II. Flanagan.
J. 1'. Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
of Wined, Liquor. Ate, Her. Ac, to hi
touml in the Htats. Ill IjoguH-Kastliitin lilock
(live ma a nail.
The Celebrated French (Sure,
Warranted ti
Is Boi.d os A
torureniiv form
or any dliontorof
thu wnrrativo or-
gHiinol either
whethur Krhlnu'
nseuf HttiniilHiita. AFTFFJ
roliHf!COOrOt)him.ortlirouu)l vonthftil in,ll.i.m.
Hon, over inifuleenro, An , such an Lowirif Hrnln
Power, Wakefnliiem, Hearing down I'slnnlnllie
hark.Semlnul Wkii'K, Hysteria, Norvout 1'mh.
trillion, Nocturnal Emliwloiia, I.i'iicorrlio a. I Hi
sliifiw, Weak Memory, lnanf I'owerand Impo
tency, which If neKlcrteil often leiulfo prematura
old inro anil Insanity, i'rli o $1,110 a oox, Sboiet
lor f; i.iio. sent hy mm 1 on receipt of oi lcre
A WRIT. K.N 41IIAIIANTKK l Riven for
evoryf.U0 order rei elved, to refund the money If
a I'erionoeot euro I" not efTueti'd. W lisve
thoiinaiiilN of teNtiuionlula from old and young,
of both sexei, who have huen permanently cured
by the tine of Aplirodltluo, (,'lrculiir Ireu. AddruM
Wiutern Ilrauch, Box 27, Pomxand, Or.
For suit) hvChiirmnn & Cq.
DriiKiiists, Oregon City Or.
t'aveata, and Trado-Marka obtained, and all Pat
ent tmslnesa conducted for Moderate Feet.
Our Office Ii Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
and wo can aocuro patent In loaa time than tiioea
remote from Washington.
Hend model, drawing or photo., with deacrlp.
tlon. Wo advlao, if patentable or not, free of
tharpe. Our fee not duo till patent la aocurcd.
A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patonta," with
nnmca of actual clients Inyourblulu, county, or
town, aont free. Addreas,
Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C.
PfHW i Wl n& For tickets and full Informallnn rcgnrdliig
c fjfir erJicAN orV'on'"!'10'' Cl,""u (,'",nimn'" n"ri" '
i fjfvO A MENYfoTC R, KoKiii.Kit, k. p. itofimtH,
ovkulam) " mu m
Tiitlnaforlhit Kittit leave 1 I luiul , 7 :K)
A M, Mini 11:00 1. M.
TirUTTC i ami 'rem rluelpl point
In tho Untied Hiiiioa, liut'li
and Kilrop
levant Now Dking Palace Cars.
I'UiiiiHii I'lilnee Klifici's.
run Tlii'uiih on FxrosTiiiiii
A-St. IA)U1S
ill...e ooinieetloiK si I'lirthuid tor H'i Kmli
ii"o and I' iget Mound poliilt,
for lurllier psrlleulura Inquire nt all) eu
ol Hi Company or
''. w. i.i:r
... I'. Jk T. A
l'liitini ii.di ' itvii
4J-n'l Mln mil !(.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Route.
Shortest Line to Chicago
And all potula Kt. via
HI'. l'Al'I, AND MINNK.U'ol.m.
The Northern Fuel lie It. it.
! Ilia only line riiniilnt
l'u ssentter Train,
rttifoml-( las Sleepem (free of churn)
Luxurious Duy Coin-lies,
l'lilnian l'ul. n o Sleeping Cms,
l'nlai'0 Dining Curs (iiiciiIh T.V).
From 1'orllniiil to the Iwist,
See Unit your tirkets re ml via tho
Northern I'm ille It. It uinl
avoid ehtinife of i-iiis.
1 lirouth I'll I lm n ii r,tUrc Slie Inn t'ura. rlr
iihiiI iliiv eoselii'M, flnri.1 puiHi-e itlnini i-himIi
lueeti rorlliilid, Imcoiiin ulid heulllv dlrt-el
lintly Mrvlee,
. I, 4 II Itl.TUV
.. (.Vii'l Vtt. Atenl, 141 I lil
!.. I'orlliiiKl, r.
KPlHKit. corner Ktrat and U Hlreen.
0. C. T. Co s
Ort'gon City A Portia ml.
l.KAVIt FoKTI.ANfl. I.lAVIt OllKdoS ClTV.
7::i0 A.M.
10:00 A, M.
1:K1'. M,
3::10 I". M.
7 ::H) A .
10:(K) A.
1 :() I
. ,M.
4 :(H) !'. M .
Steamer Allium no W'av I.iimlmira.
Steainur Lntotia Wny l.nmiihK".
10:00 A.M.
4:110 I'. M.
8:110 A. M.
3:00 I' M.
Oregon Pacific Kailroad.
T. E. IllHiU. Iteetiver.
Trnlii No. 8 will run Ttirsdnva, Tlinra
lava ami rSatnrihivH, and on inierniediuto
davit wlien it:--rssnry :
Trnin No 4 nill run Monduys, Wednes
days und Kridiiy, and on Interiurdint ilnys
wlien necessary:
sif.tmrr Suiiiiir Dntt'M.
I.iavks Vauiisa ;wtllmett Valley, Jan,
IX, Vtb. IVth and flU,
I.av HANrRANiisn Wlllametle Valley,
Jail. -It IiJ Kl", V:id and Hint.
Thaoompany reierva tho right to Ohainte
latUna datea ivllhout notice.
Train, connect with the O. A ('. K. and 111 ver
tloata at Corvallla and Albany.
Tho Oregon l'acillc sleuiiihoats tin the
Willamette, river ilivnn will leave
I'urtlunil, Hont-hoiind, Monday, Wednes
day, uril Friday it II A. M. Arrive at
Corvailis Tuesday, Tliursduy and Satnr
duv at 3 :.'!( 1'. M, I.eav'n Corvullis.
iiorth-huiiiul, Monday, Wednesday und
Friday at 8 A. M. Arrive at rorllund
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ut 3 :,'I0
1'. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
(lav, hoth north and Houtli-liniind liouls
he oyer nilit at Salem, leaving here al
0 A, M.
Freight ainl.Tleket Olllce. Hulnion atrool whnrl
C. C 1IOGUK, 0. P. A P. A. 0. P. It.,
Southern Pacific Koute
Express frnins leave l'ortland Duilv.
8ou.ll i
I Korlti.
7 00 I'. H.
7:1ft r. M.
l.v I'ortliind Ar
I.v Oregon City l.v
Ar H. Krunclneo I.v
":.' i.H,
11:00 r. H.
Above triilna atoii only at the following sta
tions north of KoMihurg: Knat I'ortliind, Ore
gon City, Woodbiirn, Hnleni, y, 'I'niigent
Hhcdils, lliilaey, llurrlabiirg, Junction Clly, Ir
vlng and Kugeiio.
UOHKIinitO MAII.JIIiilly).
SllKiA. i. f l.v" I'ortliind Ar "T 4:iaTrT5
t : A.M.) I.v Oregontllly l,v I:Hii m
ft:40 r. M. Ar Hoaeburg l.v M a. m
AI.DANV I.tltlAI, (Dally, except Hundny.)
6:(Hi p. M. I l.v I'orllnnd Ar
10 IK) a. if.
a OA p. M. I l.v Oregon Cliy I,v
7:M A. M,
fi'.UO a . M.
S:IH1'. M, ( Ar A I hun y I.v
Pullman Bufff t Sleepers.
for acoomm dilution of Hecoiiil-Clasa Pnsseiigeri
iMliiclii'il to Kxpreas Trillin.
West Hide division.
Mall Train, Dully (Kxcept Hundav.l
7 :;li a. m. I l.v i'on'iiind Ar' " I ' fiuTii
1'2:10 p. m. I Ar t.'orviillla l.v W Mi r m
At Albany and Corvailis connect Willi trains
nf Oregon Paclflo Hull mini .
Express Train Dally (Kxcept Sunday)
4:40T.m. i "'l.v I'ortliind "Ar I :20a7T.
7:'inr, m, I Ar McMIiiiivHIb l.v l6:4f)A. m.
For tickets and full Information rcgnrdliig
ona - Mb.
MI I K i; I OH ll III.I4 A I IO.
1'nitmi HTAima I.AMfi III rii'in, (
tiiisuiiN, nr., (lei 17, f
Nollea l lii'feliy given III .1 In eoiupllmiec
Willi lUe priobil-'U. of ihe -icl ut cnuitichH of
Jiiii It s,k eiiinicil himii inr ihe a Oe ,, inn
liei I ilnla III Ihe alnlea ol I ' illfnrul i; (jmki II,
Nt'Voilr. iicitl A n,liliigiii I i'i r lloi'y. '
of Portland, cnuniv ol Multiioiniili. .Into of Ore
gnu, luu till" iliiy illi-il in tills i illee his sworn
Bliitciuont No J 1 II, Iff tm (in i -li". h ul Ilia w j
set, mill 4 w 1 , if aeeilou No 'i, In o n
ship No. Ilsoulli, rii nun No. Ileutl, mid will oiler
pmol to show llinl Hie land souuht la luori'
vol iiulile for lis Umber or atnuv thiol fur sgrl
eillluriil piirpit, and In e.lublliili tils I'tului
to said luiul tietnrti the leginlur iitui receiver
of Ibis olllce nt OicK"ii I lly, tiingoii, mi Mon
iluy, tlui Willi, day of March, I mil
Ho uiom a its wiluinses: Win, Hoover of
I'lirllmiil.Oregiin, v, H iieiipm, of I ' i 1 1 n n l .
iMegon, tlornilo W, Huillb of Henllle, Wnabiug
t'lii. alter si nit of I'orll Mid, iirewou.
A ti y and all person claiming mlvei'scly thu
above ilcMCrthetl lauds are leiiuesled lo file
their elnlios In this oltlee on or hclote suld
Willi ilnv of Mm eh, ImuI J.i AI'I'KKMDN,
I -Jil; ft X lieglsier.
'1 1 M HI'. It LAND, At T J I'M', a, ISUII.
,(l e tur I'litilli-iiiloii. -
CIlKonn en , ur in i (sun I
Nnlleo In In lebv ih en llnil Iu coiupilitiice
uilhlbe nrio ili,iis nl the ucl nt conme.s of
Jouc u, lii'ii, enilileil "An iiel (or Ihe nale ol Hoi
bur hoid, In Hie stules ol Culllnii'M, Oregon,
revmt i.aiol W uitilouinii 'Iciillurv,"
Infield a. I r. , I ,ii nl .
of I'oiiliiinl, eouiilv of Mullooinidi, alute of
Oiegoii, Inia this day filed Iu this ollice Ins
swoiti sliileineiil No. jotiji, for the puiehnse of
Ihe s w 1 1 ii r . sod tola I slid t In section No.
'J, Iu township No. a south, riiugn No. a chsi.
nod will oiler proof lo show Hint lh laud
soiiahl Is more valuable for lis Umber or stoiia
Ibitll for sgilcollliriil purposes, slid to vslnb
llsh his eliilin in anbl laud belore the register
i ii it receiver ol Una olllce ntnregiui City, tJtu
gou. ou Monday, Jhe Willi day of Unreb, IMH,
lie lutiiiea ns wlluiis.ea: Waller Hcotl, Jeny
Liil'iiiut, VVIUlmii Mooter, of I'ortliiinl, Ore
gou, Joseph lugriihaiii, of MolitUn, Oregon.
Any mot all peraons elnlmlng adversely the
above described laiuls am requested lo file
Ihelr clslius iu Ibis olbee an or before snbl laali
dsy of Match, isul. J, 'l'. AI'I'l-.ltHON.
I H Iteglster LAND Atvr JI'NK fl, Imjs-NiucK
t'nlte.l Stales Land (irhve.
Oregon Clly, Oiegoii, Dee. I, IS'Xl.
Nollcala beiubv given. Unit In eoiopllatiea
Willi the provisions of die set of eoiiKiess of
June , ls;a, enlllled "All net fur Ihi) sale of llm
tier binds In tint stales of Cnllfuriila Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,
tleorge it Murine,
of Ceiiirid I'olnl, coiiii:y of .lin-ksoii, Ktnte of
Oregon, hns ibis day Hied hi Hit. oltlco his
sworn slutciilf til No. v:u.a, lor be puri'hase of Die
s w ! of section No, 4, In township. No 2 smith
raniie No. 7 eu.t. and will oiler pioof to
show llit-.l (tic laud sought Is more valuiibla tor
Its ilmlier or stoiiit Ib'in tor agricultural pur
iH'sea, and lo esiiibllslt bis si In I in lo snbt land
be lore Hie register and receiver of this oltlee nt
Oregon i lly, Oregon, on Krldny, the iltll
duy oT Match, s,i.
He inniies ns wlinesscs: I'h-trlen Hchiirfer,
David o MoiiiK II. Kioioml Duikce.Charlea Cater,
nil of Portland, lliegoii,
Any nud nil persons clnliulug adversely the
above ilcscriticil Initds are reiiuesied lo rile
Ihelr cl'ilnis III this olllce ou or before suld '7(ll
day ot Marcli, s., J I'. AITKl.giiN.
I i. :t iti-gisicr.
n.Mi r i; I, and Ai l', Ji nk a, ;.
I ii 1 1 .. I arnica I siiil oibce.i
Oregon i lly, tin gmi. Dec II,
Nollce Is liereliy given Hint III roioplinnce
with the provisions of die ni-l of coiiitros of
iuuelt. Is7s, ciitllled "An act for the sale ol Hut
her lands III Ihe slates of riillfnrnla, Oregon,
Notada ami VAshlniii"ii Territory,"
Hsmilel T. llurki e,
of I'nrltniifl. county of Multnomah, Stale of Ore
gotl. has this dny Held III Ibis office bla sworn
stnleuiet No :t.''l, for Ihe puichani of the
s w 'j of seelloii No. II, Iu t-'Wlisbip No J
aoulh rauae No. 7 east, and wilt oltcr pnaif
to siiow Unit ihe Ini it sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or some than for ngrlciilturel
purposes, nud to rMniillsli bis elaliil to suld
1,111,1 before tho Itegtsier and Itecelverof this
otlice at Oregon i lly. Oregon, ou rrlday,
the Imh ilsy ol April, Iv'l
He nniues as w II, .esses; Dnvld tl'Doiinell. of
I'ortlnlnt. Iir , li.-o. W Moltue, of I'clilral 1'olllt.
I'has Si'ligfer, of SiiimI), nr., T K liilmul), o
Portland, or
Auv and all persons elnliiil.ia adversely Ibv
above described Uinls niereiptcsted to flu- Ihelr
claims Hi Hits otnee on or lielore snlil loin day ol
April, isul J T. Al'PKItHoN.
l b,, a. HI Iteglsier.
.orii'i: i-oit n iii.K i nn.
I'lllTKII Mr ATKB I. nh on II I
Ouaoon Citv. or . Deo. 1,
Notice la hereby given. Unit In couitdtnnce
with the tirov Isioiis ol '.be net of eougressof
Junes. I7, eulltled " All act for Ihe sale of
limber lands iu the states of I'nllfornin, Oregon,
Nevada, and W ashington Territory,"
Chits V. Dmpcr,
of Oregon City, county of Clncknmns, slate of
Oregon, hss this ilny flleil III this otlice bis sworn
statement No. 'A,' for Ibo purehnso of tlie
it w of. se(, iindnottof sw'4of section
No. 'JS. In township No. H soulh, snuge No. !l ens(
and arlll oiler prisif lo show lhal Ihe laud sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purpose and lo establish his claim
to said laiitl lajlore the ri-alstcr and receiver of
Ibis oltlee, at Oiegoii city, Oregon, ou Krt
dnv. Ihe 3d day ol April. Isvl.
lie linmea as witnesses; It. Hmntbois. W. T.
Iluruey, J T Mason. J. M I'arrlsh, all of Oie
goii Cliy. oreuon.
Any and all ite.-sons claiming adversely the
alHive-descrlbad binds are rcUested to file
their ctnlms in this olbee oil or before nld Hit
day ot April, Ivl.
1H1-3 W 1. T. Al'I'KUSilN,
.OTI i: t OU I'l III.M'A'I l.
t'niTKn STATga l.snn Ol rirK.I
On gou l ily, Or. Dec. I, lntai.)
Notice la hereby given, that lit compliance
with Uie provlsloua of the net of congress ot
June a, s7K. enlllled "An ci for Ihe sale of
limber landa In Ihe states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
David o'Dt uucll.
of Portland, county ol Multnomah. State of Oro
gon, has thta dny filed til thin olbee lust sworn
statement No IM, for the purchase ot (be
tbeuw!4 ol section No. 4. In township No 'i
south, range No. 7 east, and will niter proof lo
show that tho Innd sought la morn valuable for
Its Umber or stone than for agricultural pur
rs. acs and to cftithllsh tila claim lo said land
before ttie register and of this olllce at
Oregon City. Oregon, ou Krldiiv, tho J7lh day
of March, Islll.
He luoncs aa witnesses-. Charles Hcharfer,
Saiuuei Durkey, Charles enter, ol Portland, or.,
Oeorge Murine, of Ceutriil Point.
Any anil all persons clnliulug adversely the
above described lands are reiiies(c-d to file
their cbilms In tills olbee on or belore suld Will
day of .March, In'Jl J. T. AI'I'KltsoN,
1-1(1; II 20 Ueglslor.
I'nitko Statks I.ANn Orricit, I
Ohkiion Citv, Or., .Inn. 8, Isul. I
Notice la hereby given Unit the following
named settler baa tiled notice of hla intention
lo make II mil nroof In aupnort of bis claim, and
Hint n,i Ul proof w ill be made before Ihe Iteglator
and Itecelverof the II. H. Laud olbee at Oregon
City, Oregon, on February 14, Isul, via:
John P. Sumner,
lloincslend entry No. Wiito, lor tho n lj of c i
and e '.; of s e 't of see. ail, I S i, r S (.
He nnniea tho following witnesses to prnvo
hts oonlluuoiis residence upon and cultivation
of, said Innd, vU: John Dickey, of Motnlla,
Clackiimas ooiiuiv, Or., II. Knaicli, of N olulln.
Cliicknmns cotinly, Or., Ileorge HiiiikiiIO, of
Molnlla, Clncknmaa county, Or., Kll Crcsswcll,
of Oregon City, Or.
1-V-K-ia J. T. Al'I'KHSON,
I'NiTun Statkh I, and Oitick, I
Ohkiion City, Or., Jan. H, 1W1.I
Nnlleo la hereby given thai the following
named settler bus III", I notice of Ills Intention
to make tlual proof In snpporlof hla claim, and
that said proof will bo in in lo before the regis
ter and receiver of the V, s). i.iiud Olllce nt Ore
gon City, Oregon, on February 10, isul, vli:
Theodore C. Wilson,
lloiiicslenil entry No. 7u:t, for tho w of n w
and u of a w i4 see. 24, 1 2 , r tl e
Ho nniues tlio following wtlncMra to prove
hla continuous resilience upon mid culllva
llnu nt aald Innd. vllt: Philip Monro, Htevo
Mitchell. J Mclutyre; K. C. Ilnckeit, nil of
Chorryvllte, Clackitmiis county, tircgon.
i. T. APPKKrloN, Iteglator.
1-9-2-1 11
Und Olbco at Oregon City, Or, Jan, 7, 1K91.
Notice la hereby glvtn tlint tbo following,
inoncil settler baa lllcd uoltco of bis lulenllon
to nmki! tlunl proof In supporl of his claim, and
Hint snbl proof will be iinitlo before tbo Regis
ter and Receiver of the II. 8. bind oltlco at Ore
gon Clly, Oregon, on February 21, Isul, vlg:
lidward W Paine.
Ilomestenil eulry No. fiTI2, for the w t,, ol ti w M
nti'l n 'a of a w t4 of sec 14, 1 4 a, r 2 e.
HemimcH the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unoti und cultivation
of, mi lil bind, viz: Hcu,)iy Wallace, nf Mink
postolllce, Henry Seluer, of Mtillno nostotlleo,
Jnmca Mullen, of Molnlla postolllce, Hub
ert Hhnlilo, ol Mull no, all of Clackamas county,
I II; 213 J. T. AI'l'KIIHON,
ft it Milium-.
In tliejusllce Court, for the precinct nf Soda
Hiirlnva, cotinly ol Cl'ickiinnis, stitto of Oregon.
4,'lvll nctlou lo recover money
Mrs. V. A ltnnk, plnlntlll', vs. W. IJ. Lucas, ilo
fcmbint: In IV lj l.ncis, lb J above named defcndiint.
. In the unine of thu atnto ot Oregon, you are
nercov h-,i,,,i,,i i, ..i',,,,-, mivn- uiv uoii-i-i
slauetl a Jtifllee ot l'ie Patcp.fnr tlie precinct I
iifoieniU, on Hie 2-lb dny of February, isul, nt i
one o'clock In tbo iifiernnon of suld ibiy nt the!
nltioc ot s on .inaiicii in sum pn oinct, to answer
the nbnve n -itu'd iil 'lntltl'lu a civil nelloit. The
ilvli'iiil iul 111 Mke tiollce Hint if lie full I ,
nnswer tin' eoinpl-ilnt herein Hie plnlntlll' will
t-llit! Jiidgiii'i'l ng'inisl lilin for the nun of Iblr-.-
s vo:i ilollnrs mill niglile, it cents, t igctbur
!V '!l cnsls iimt illKleirseineuls of th In ncliolt
til's hioniii"iis Is served hy publication for
six cunseciillve Wiieks Iu the Oregon City Kn
TKitt'itlsti. by order of J. II. tlleitkney, Justice of
tin, ponce for Soda Hprlngs precinct, which
order benra date January 12th, isul.
1-10; 2 '7 F. A HANK, Plaintiff.
nl lr- lor I'lililii-niloii.
I ' ii in n H i-A ric Mnii iirni K I
i ii ' a -ti cil), or, oei, if, Ihjti.l
No'itt'lC is bcictiv gitiin tu il In coiupll nice
tilth Ihe pii.i isi. iv ' I tlie .ol l i ..ngiess
'I June ii. I ,-i, em on ,1 " vii in I , r tlie s Ii ol
timber In ihI hi i lie -l : . i . -riilo . orcg,.ii,
Nuvada, ami Wiisiilngti.n leirnoiy, '
Waller Mcolt,
nf Portland, county ol Multnomah, alnto of Otc
gon hna this day filed iu tlila olbee hit swum
sliilcinent No. VII2, for the pioelinse of the I e
I, n l and H ol se i, of section No, 2. In
township No. II aoulh, mime No. it ensl, mid will
niter proof lo show that Ibe bind sought Is more
valuable for Its limber or alone Hem for agri
cultural pill poses, and In e.lnlilMl hla cUIln lo
suld I o ml befote the register and recniver of
Ibis nlllee mi Oregon Clly, Or,, on Moudiiy, the
lllltli dny of Mnrcb, Isul,
He uaineaaa wllneasca: W. M, Dreppnrd, Win.
Hoover, Jerry l.nPolnl, of Portland, Oregon, II.
V. .Smith of Mean In Witsliluatoti,
Any and all tvrsotis claiming adversely (tin
above described lauds nru requested to fl la
Ihelr l In I ins In Ibis olllce ou or before sild itoth
day of Muich, Isul, J. T. AI'I'I' IimiiN.
i-2;l"ll-27. Iteglsler.
Villi Inr I'nlilli itflmi.
1'NITHl (St Al K0 I.AMiOI-l'li K, t
OliKuotv Citv, tit., Oct IU Is 'I) I
Nolle Is hereby given Hid III CfUnpllnni e
with llm provisions ol the net of Onnino-s ol
Juno tl. svs, eutlllcil "All ni l lor luu s ile of
tllllbcl lands III the spilesol CnllloroliliOregoll,
Nevada, and ashluwlmi Tcrrttor)."
' I II It III Hoover,
of I'orlluiid, ciiniy of Miilitiomnli, sl itn of
Oregon, hna Oils iln) filed Iu Oils ollli uhls
worn slnlenicnl No. WA. for lltn puichn.eof
tho a w '4 ii w 1 . and bus .1 nud 4 uf seeilon No,
2, Iu 1" ushlp No, n south, rnoge No M enst. ami
will otter proof Iu show Hint Hie laud sought la
mora vnlunble for lis timber or stun tlnoi for
agileultitrnl purposes, and to ealnhllsh tils
cliiim tu snbl land lailore Ibu rcglsler and
receiver of thin ortice al Oiegon Clly. Oregon,
on Monday, tho with day of Marcli, isul.
tin lunula as will ea: Jerry'olnt.
Walter Heott, W, H, Dieopntd, ol Portland,
Oregon, Joa liigrnbnni of Mohillii, Oregi n.
Any and all persona nbilmlug ndveiscly the
shove-described lauds are requested lo file
their elnlius Iu Una tilllcc ou or belore anbl :mih
day of March, pen. J, T, AI'I'KltsoN,
I2.HII27 Iteglster,
(ll-i lor I'lihllt'iilloii
I'nlte t Mtiiles I.biiiI Oltlee, Oregon Clly, Oregon,
Oct. 14,
N'ollce Is hereby given Hint In nompllnnce
with Hie provisions of Uie act of Congress of
June H. fs.'s, euiiiicd "au aei for the aula of
limber lands Iu llm Hlatea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Unshliiglou 'lerrilory,"
llorailo W Huillb,
of Seattle, rout tv of King, suite of W asblngtou,
lias this day fllctl lo Ihls olbee bis sworn state
tlletit No. 'iln:!, for the purehnso of the a w '4 of
seelloii No, 114, ill township No ft souih. rnuite
No H east, and will oiler proof to shon tlmi ibe
laud aoiight is tuorii valuable tor llatlmlieror
stone Ihsii for aarleultural purpoai-a, ami to es
labtl.ti bla claim to said bind before the Iteuls
lerand Itecelverof Ibis olllce at Oregon City,
Or., on Monday, the nut h day of Mnrcb. ls.d.
He luones as wllliesses1 Joseph Ingrilinm
ol Molalla Oregon. Jerry'olm of I'orllinid,
Oregon, Waller Hroti o I'oril'iiol, (iregon,
NVIlllnin Jouea of Korsytll. Motitnna
Any and all persons cbiliiitog adver.cly the
above dcscri bed Innds nro leipicsied lo file
their el ilms In Hits olbee ou or before s ild ;i;ih
day ol Nnreh, IS'.'I.
l-.a, a . 7 J. T. AI'l'KIt.Sf.N. Hc-alsicr.
I. slid i uf Ice at Oirg ,11 City, Or. ,I,iii lg, I'.l
Nollce Is bert-by iilven ill n Hie lolloulhg
nnitied settler has flic I notice of hts luieiitloii
loiuike tlti'l pr-mf In support of his cltlni,
ami tbnt snbl proof will be miole
la'fore the renlster nud receiver ol Ibe C. M
laud 1 flic at Oregon l ilt, Oregon, on February
tl, Isul, via.
f!eori:e W. North,
Homeslesil F.Mry No t:t7ii, lor Hie se If of 11 w
and V, nf 11 w of sec. 30, towuslilp 4 soulh,
range N i-hkC
Iieiiaiuea the folbiwlng wlinesscs lo prove
his conlluuoiis residence upon and cultlvntlon
of. said land, via: II Itluao. John (ilies, and II.
W U-e, ol Clink's ,on.,iee, W. W. II. Snmsoii,
ot Oregon Citv, allot C'lack-imns rouuly, Ore
gon. J, T Al'I'lillSiiN,
M";a Iteglster.
J. II. WAY, Proprietor.
Orriiin City, Or., llpp. Mm. llurnielsirr's Htnr.
Decker and Fischer
A full stiK'k of Violins, lhiujos, (iiiilurs,
lCtu.,iinil instniinetitM Koiiernlly
fotiiiil in a lirst-ehtss store.
I'ur tho lienelit of those who cuntiot
Hpuie tho i-nsli 1 will sell kooiIsoii the
Instalment Plan,
4 I
t s, f..!""S 1 , .
K iK- ' .u' SX.-' i'."i -
l w.' 1 TT Z 'FJ -IV-J xtm;
.iv .llSifHiwi
ST. mots, mo. tn.,-,,T-V sarkctsci),cL,
Oregon City
Fully Abreitst with tho Times.
for the Family, Bohool, or Profiwalounl Library.
The Authentic, Webater'j Una
bridged Dictionary, comm-iting the
iiaue.of 1864, "19 & '61, oopyriKhted
property of the undersigned, is now
Thoroughly Revised nd Enlarged,
and ai a distinguishing title, bean
the name of vfebiter'e Interna
tlonnl Dictionary.
Editorial work npon this revision
hat been In notire progreu for over
Ten Yeari, Mot leas than One Hun
dred paid editorial laborer! have
been oupagml npon it.
Over S300,00l) expended in lti
preparation before the flrit copy
vni printed.
Critical comparison with any other
Dictionary ii invited. Get the Best.
O. A O. MKlilMAM t CO., Publishers,
Hringtlcl.l, Muss., V. S. A,
Bolilbysll Booksellers. Illustrncdsniiililetfree).
n nrii -.;
It -A iVI
1 tsi .
- - Eleventh
Willi lS
Kl.'l Kirst .Stri'fl, Near Morricon St,
I I 'I Alimtt tlm lilfnt'st rnttirng ever niadn on a mull lnvi'st-
lAl U li I ""'"t IH "lwl r"l,"rU"1 1,y J"'"' Alox,u"l,!r' u' 'iiMma --
Mil fli 1 " o'j , ',Hf. iiivnslinciit I over inii'Ii! In my lint was oni'of
l.tTi, It tiniilit m ht'tilth, wi'ulth Hinl hupidiii'tw. J ho
InvnMliiiunl I imnhi wiis tho iiiit h:tsi' of one hottln of .Moor'n Itiivtultul Ui'ttir-ily.
Thoiisiiiitlsnf olhnrotlinr tu'ofili) httvo Inul pitniilly its oootl rnltirriB from tint uir-
plinsi! of this sovt'i
ri'init riini'dy. It rttri'tl Hiilmnl Williutn", ol M' fistii', oi
uslhtuii, in it week. It ili'l tin'.
of this lilv. It. ('. O.tts 11..1I '
thi'lr own hiunittniii'H say tluif.
linirvi'lotislv short liitit1, J. M
Ki'iitlli', uttnst lis plliiMi y in ttur-
'rioiiiMiilolM iif roiiiilulilil I'ili'i'tia fiom Ol.ll
tviiie of iimisn. If yon am ill, what
iiiiridniHo nl ,1 liollln of Moure's Ifovonloil
Us 'JU
iiil? on in Isini, if yon nit) lorltiroil liv ilitiiinittisni, if you lm vo anyl
Ills of iniinkiiiil, invent V '-" In Iuore'll Hnvijiili'il l.'eiiieily, arut I
are if it will not L'lve von relief.
.lAMKS JiOAKK & CO. I'roiiiietnrs.
Manufacturers, and Dealers in all kinds of Macliinc y.
CASTINGS furnished and REPAIRS promptly mad.
niiaaia asis " 1 Jjtj!uJlZZt!S, . -. .
c. v. wiNKSKr o. st Kim KK
Undertakers ond Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oreeon.
lltiod llearees, Trininicd rofVniH nud CnnketH alwnyf in !?tock
rsiMsersi , ,r.i i iu,v i..i,, I,.- J..,s n.
l,,t,o,l i,..s I . ,1 , .s i.-r 1... I;,l.r,
li,n, in-! mrkr . l,,i ti. I.til Mff ,1,1,
i... Ii .nl, ,i.l, V y le.v Luni li-ntfii
IIS.,1.; nl 111,, flJ S r ."11 go
... It. . lit M .... .11 I 1 fl, -FI of
" 4 '
All I. I1.-M I.,.,, I 1 .y SI 1,1
11 l III ,
, IS
,,,, lkt'r. VI. .In, I Ik,', r.Lln;i,
I'.ieliin;. t:Ahll V. Sl-I 1 IHI 1 l,.r,.i
I-Aliltl l I.Alt Htl.l. Al,lr,.w.l
SHVSta A IU. . ll,l:'IM.MI, fisl.SS.
pollen i'ur PiilM-leaUon.
Hmtkii rTKs ,Asr Orrtrit, I
f itiK'i'iN Citv, or., Jan. l.'i. l'l.
Nutlee la hereliv iilven t Ii -it Hip fullim-lntr-nsnieil
si'itler Iihs Dli-il notice of Ills Inteiitnui
In nialto lltuil firntif I ti snt ort of Ills clnlin.
ami Hull salil irnnt will lm lniulu hflnro llic
r-i(lster 1011I reeelvi'r of lltw 1' . I.'iml Oltlco nt
Oreuon City, orritou, mi March 7, isul, vis:
linns olst'ti,
l'rc einpllini II 1, Nn ,'s,74, lite n w',ofs
vv 1 , of seettun i, 1 1 s., r' e.
He tiMiiies tin- follow'.nK wlturssi-s to prove
his contli'iious resitlenet; utun Anil oultlvatiou
nf, snlil liiuil, vis:
(He Jnliusiin, John llonehon, Hen. Lorlterliy,
ol t'nrriusville, t tiii-knnnis , rottnty. Orcitou,
ami I'eter iilscu of Mohlcaunn, rhclialis county,
WiislllliKtiill J. T Al'I'KHSON,
iai;S27 lti-Kistcr.
SliiTiH' Salt'.
fur nr. or Ci.aikam.vs.I "
lien). I. Colieti. liu nilliin vs. K. M, Unnscn
A'Mie llitu-cu aiul S M. Kt'Cliim.
Notli e Is hereby liven Hint by virtue of sn
onlcr of Court, anil an execution tsucl out of
ami ii tiller Hie seal of the circuit Court nf Clnck
uiuns County, Oreiton. Hint tu me ilircetiHl mill
itellvitrcil us siicritt' of salil county nml sine,
lmnrlna ilutc of February 'At, A. 1. 1".1. coui
unniillnit nie in the name of ihe State uf Orcpiii
tti mutt ti Hie sale of the follovvlnir ilcscrlbeil real
property liehunriiiii to snlil ilcfcmlauts, to mnke
Ihe sum of fH'.'-'i with Interest thtneoii nt the
rate n( ten per cent, per annum since the sixth
iluy of November 1 KK. unit for Hie further sum
uf fl".!Hl us accrued costs, nnil for the ciMa und
disbursements herein. Now In order tonuiko
tlie above Hincmnls, I will nn 8utur Iny, March
7lh, A, ! JOt'l, al the front door nf Ihn Court
House In d county nud sliite. nt Iho huttr of
lllo'cloekn. in nf suul day. will proeeed t- sell
all snld itefenibiiits riitht, title nml interest in
nud to the following described renl-estiitcln wit:
Th"iw '., of sec.()eliiht,ln t '2 s.r ,'i e ol Ihe W ill
aine'ic Meridian, situated In Clackitiuaa Ciniii
t,Oro;on. Terina cisli
Hhcrilt'of Clnt-kiinitis t:n.
Unlcd Ihls 4th day of Keh. Isul. i l!-t.iM
I.iind Olllce at Oregnti City, Oregon, January
'271 h, ISiil.
Nni'ce is horehy given ihat the folUivviug
liioned settler hns tiled notico of his Intentlnu
tn mnke ftnal proof In support uf his claim, nud
Hint suld proof will be ITnulo lieforc Iho Kcgls
tor iiikI Deceiver of the I'. 8 l.niid Olllce at
Oregon City, Oregon, ou M'ircli ill, ism, vis.
J. II. I.. Mnyhee,
Homestead entry No. si-sii for the n of the it
vv '.i, and s e '., iif n w '4, of sec '21, t 2 a r !i e
lie names thu following witnesses to prove
hts ctinlintuuis resilience upon and cultlvntlon
of snlil liiiid, vl H. t). Coleinnn, If. MtMitigitn,
and H. Miller, all of 8nndy, Clnckaiuas Co.,
Oregon, and 0. K. Cro.s, nf tiliulslntie I'. 0
Cliickiiuiiis I'd. Cregnn. .1, T. Al'I'KHSON.
2 (i:S III ltegislor.
I.unl (ifTci nt OrcKim Clly, OroRon, .Itiiiujiry
HI, li.U.
Notico N luM-ohv civon Hnt the fnllowtn
iinincil foitlor hisNlcti ii'ilicouf his iait'Htinn
t't iiiitkt' tin tl nnmf iu siipixut "f his ol liin. 'tml
(tint snlil pronf will btl nuiily Ih'mhv tin1 h't'vtst-'r
rtiid Itocrivorofth'' I' H.LniMiHllroiU i inlKon(!ity
OrtHron, on iho 'Jill dny of Miiit,,i, l.s.ij, vix
.ltnius NlclinlsdM, ht'lr n( liw o f AIhcrt l1. Nio
hnJsim, doi'iMscl. pre tv.nptlon 1, 8 No. litiMi, fur
tlie n '.j nf ii w '., tf Nfc. y-i t -I h r '2 o,'
Ho n tinus tlm fiilliivvlmr wHmosmoh to prnvo
his cumhiuoiiH rcsiiitMit'tt upon niul cuUiv ilion
of sufd l;ind viz. iiv-oim North .Jeoixe i'ur
rish, (k'tMpo HndirciH nud 1). I.M'ltityri nil of
('lurk's 1'. U , l'liU'knm;is Co., Oit'jMii.'
J. '1'. AlUMCltSON,
:7-:ii:. htnlslor.
TlMliKU I.AM), ACT J l N 10 3, 1S78.
Roller- I'ur lnl! it'll lion.
I'nllcd Slates l.tinil Olllce, Oregon City, Oregon,
Oelolier H, IKiO,
Notice is hereby given that In cnmplinnco
Willi the provisions of the net of Congress nt
June II, lto., ontilleit "An net fur llic s ilc of
timber hinds in the stiitesof Oallforni i.Oicgun,
Nevmlii, nud Wushlnginn Tct iitiu y,"
Aiinn K. Hmllli,
of Sentlle, cennty ot King, st'ile of
W u s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . has this day Hied In
this nllM'e his sworn st.ilcmenl No. 'J 114, for the
pttrcli-isc nf tho s ti , of secllon No l'4, in
towuslilp No. I smith, range No. .'I cast, and will
oiler proof to show Hint Iho 1-ttid sought is
more vnlu ihlc fur Its timber or stone th'tu for
iit.'rii' purposes, and lo est ibllsli his
cl.iliu In siild himl Ijtiiorc the register iln.i
rictiivcr of ihls oll,ce nt Oregon Oitv, or,, ou
Mend iy. Hie Kttih dny of M uch Idil.
lie nniues ns w linesscs: Wnllci'SK'ntt of I'ort-l-inl
tn-t-g-Hi. .It.'iry lil'iilnl ot Pot ll-niil, lire
gmi, ,li,s'ph Iiif.'nili.ini of Molitll.t, tircgon,
Willl-ini .lonte. of K rs Hi. Muntttiw.
Any on nil pe so is cl.iiiuiuii itilversely the
iibov'e ilcsci-ibett un Is mo requested lo tile
their claims in Hits olllce on ur belore attid
UUth day of March, 18;T.
t-aa Heglsier,
Annual - - -
Bill II
LaditV I'rivutc Kiitiatico UtuirH.
Minn) llilllK mr joim iii'wii.i, ti.
Culit. A I. Tuvlor.of Hi-Bl tle, over
it cured their rheumatism In a
June ami W. 1. Johnson, of
luif liver libit heart trouhlt).
of tho I'ltcilie Coast t i Ihe other
Im-IIit liivesiiiicnt run you niakn than the
Iti'ini't v '' If votl fi'l-l li.'i'l every inorri-
everv inorri-
Tor Hulo hy nil OrunKislH.
txerutrix Nollcp.
The iitHtcraiKneil. luvfnK been ni-iioltttcd ex--eculrix
iiflhiM'siatoot E. L. Kiisthani. ilcceHScd,,
nil iit-rsons lisviinr cIhIhis srnlnst saut estate
re hereby rcunlrcil to pri'sput Hie same to me,
with proper voui'liers, st the Hank nf orciron
City. In Orftron r'ltv, Orciron, within six montlii.
frinn tho ilsie of this nonce
luted al oreguu Clly. Orccon this Jtnh lAy of
Jsnuary, l-'H. CLAKA KASI'HAM,
1-80 2-27
.ori i: ru I'l iu.K A i io.
I'NiTun STATr.a Lami Orririt, I
OmcuiiN Citv, Or., live. 11, 1m.
Notice ta liereliy given mat in cnmplinner
with tlie priivisloua of the act ol CotiiiresB of
June 8, ls;s, entitled "An set Inr Hi a sale of
Hinlier lauds In Hie stnlea uf Callfortiln, Ore
gou, Nevaita, and WHshinittun Territory,"
James I. H.-titnrt,
of Kast Portland, euuniv nf Multnomah, Hate
nf Oretion, hns this dny tiled in thiaottiee htti
sworu statement No. '.'JKt. for the purchased,
thee ',n w lots 1 ami 2 ot section No. is,
in township Nn. i smith, ranee 5 ensl,
and will offer proof to show that the la..ii
soitHht is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than lor nttricultural niiriises, and to establish
his claim In said land before the reioner and
receiver ul tills nine at Oresuti City, Oregon,
on Kridny, the 10th day of April, lm.
He names as witnesses; Krvin 1'attcrsuu of
Kast l'ortlau.l, Multnomah eottntv. Oreitou,
Andrew Myers, nf knal l iirll.ind, Miiltuiin.ati
cminiy, Oregon. Auttnst Paul of West Portland,
Multnomah eoiiutv, Oreiton, Henry Vatith,
of West I'orllaud, Mnltiioniah county, Oreiton.
Any and nil persons cUiinliiii adversely the
above-deserila'd Inmla are n gneried to file
tlielr claims In this olllce ou or before said mtu
d iy of April, isul, J, T. Ari'KKsoN,
l ai; Kegister.
T1MHKK 1.AN11 ACT, JI'NK 8. 1S78.
I'nitku Status Land ofuck. i
OitmioN City, Or., Dec. lti, Inuo.).
Notice Is hereby given Hint tn cotnpllatiecv
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
Junes. ISiS, entitled "Ait act for the sale ol
timber limits in the states of California Ore
gon, Nevada anil Washington Territory,"
Tom K. O'hson,
of Portland, county of Multnomnh, state of
Oregon, hna this day tiled iu this mllce hie
sworn statement No. ami,, for the purchase ol
Dies', of nw4 and lotsS am' 4 of section No 2,
In township Nn. a aoulh. range No, 7 west '
mid will oiler proof to show that the land"
sought is moro valn.ible for Us limber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes and to es
tablish his claim lo said Innd belore the regis
ter and receiver of tills oflio nt Oregon t'ltv
Oregon, on Kriday, tho 17th dny of April, lsil "
t i i! 'lTT ir ',llll(!ssV vtd O'Doniicll:
John Ml cheir, chas. rJchnefcr. Cha. C'Atla.
all ofi'ortlAud. Or.
Any and all persons claiming ndverselv
tho ahiive-descrlbed lands nre requested lis
file their claims in this offlee, ou or before
s.itd 17 dny ot April, lsJl-
J. T. Ai'VtasoN,
l-3,4 Iteglster.
F. L. Posson & Son,
General Agts. for P. M. Terry & Co'a
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc,
Bee Keepers' SuntiliW"
We wuut you for a customer. Give ns
a trial order.
F. L, Posson & Son
209 2d St., Portland, Or. '
ssrra M ilkT ". Cataloeu. v,
"! teniimshankaminaasM
" ''llH'I'MlflltllnKMWali, llV
Home piirti iwtfr.niiv m. J
m. "S1-.ii(,,K.,w11. Why
HtiniB -tim ov.r S&no. till K
j..'.-. .. ' ' t"iiiu ins woik and ll.
'iitli. V
I " jrra sr.. Kv.nb..
, v "ut IIU
.11 ...rt ',. (Sawl ,1"
liKlii .1..
WMP'1 vhv", ""Known nionr thm,JJjg
K I . a fl
I kaaW
Ganlcu Seed.
if '
'i4 -IVsiwsa.
... i , ,