J V The KnterprlHO. FimUY.l F.IUU'AUY lSul. Ilia Ixji'rik Phovk Fatal.' In tho lnl iMiiitt tit Tns Kntkkpmihk tut ntion a made of tut uuf.ntumito tniiiahiip which Moll F K. Mnplo u( t!ii city, In hi toiling hom the, ddewalk on the. lower iiid of Maui U:tot lo tlm rwka ho low, A result of I ho tiutoiitidnciia of the raihiiii auainat which Im with mi other tfonlloinun waa loaninit, and when liOKiislion.it a fraclm ol I he idtull. Wo cxivi'1 il our iiioct anient ile niiv to he- able to imtn IUk imi'Mvouiont in this i s.i no, hikI tlio iiidHH In At thai lime wer aalavoiahle a good mirylcnl tr.'ltllH'Ilt llllil till' KUll'I'HH of a dillreull 0.'nHioll in rviuovinx aluiHe-icd liouo from tlio, huiiu could inaitm. Hut alna, tins wim not to ho, a& on Monday uiorn iiw about I o'clock ho mtildoiily c-x'ired. It i uood that hi death In duvelly Hltri'iutithlo to iiitouuil heiiioirhaini, Willi ii!M AtUi'k of llillillli together dovelooed from the injury, more than it wa to tho injuiy iisolf. n a hut hii hour hoioty ho died In was vi-itcd hv lr. Soitunor, At which tnno his ooiulitiou wa uutvntly Inipiovcil F.htier K. Maple, wha horn in IIoIiiha comity, Ohio whore hv rviddod until ho had ai taine I ti e av'" o( iiiaiiIioikI, wlnn ho imitated to liiilitin Territory and alior waiIa to 'IVxaa. lie travelled over A uhhI portion of tlie South, reiiioviuit to Cbn kani!i county with olher mem bent of tlip hlillilv ill 1HS", thev tdkititf up their rtwiilone At Vinln. In lHe emtr of l.int yer hit caiihi to Oregon City, enternii! into artucrhii with Mr. ly, uiiilor tlio (Inn name, of Maide lAV. contr.li'toni Atul builder. This Arm ttrcw rapidly into populnriiy Ami then Aiictvtui a build -rs, linn together w ith the AUKiiority of their workman hip ranks them among the leu in the citv. They nvied two lcAutiful rot-Mtf- on tlie hill, built the new Ailililiou to the acIumiI hoiiso, aii addition to Mr. Cautield'a huildintf aikI Itixt hut not leaat, tint hc.uitiful M. K. church iilt u-e from which, on TuoA.liiy of thin week hii I fi'leis bodv waa carried to enter ttt tinal abodo in the city cemetery. Il i A uiarve-loilit co-inciileiic Unit hi waa the llrxt funer.il Aermoii conducted in the new cttitrvh, while that of lux lather, i who died hut two tiioiitliA ai w n-S the! IaxI eondilctod in the olil. At the liui ol hi death lie was twenty-einlit year and ten mouths old. And had wn auuoritii; noin urn iiijiiric jum a wees, lAckinit one day. lie was a nieuilier ol the M. K. church und a devote-d woiker of Kpwoith I.CH)!iie. The funcrul wrinoii wnd Aide, iiuptCfuiivo mid up pmprute, delivered hy Kev. Farmm, rmntoi t( tho ilinr.h. The toil huh " There in lint A xtep K'tween ine And death." In the death of Mr. Mnplo. OreiMii I'itv Ima liwl one of it vouni!oMt hut iiuxt active und nmiiinu Iuiaiiichs ; men who h.id itAinetl the CAti-em, resitect and love of all who knew him. und hi bereaved mother, Aister und three hmtherA !mve A hont of Aym,i;itl item ill ihiA hour of their ullict un. CoAAkB 1'ARrT. Mis Kit a Tope ln dervd a cobwi b prty to A miiuher of her youiij diitpitmoiia at the iwrlor of ber parent' residence in this city Inst KriiUy eveniniit i'luwe pri'Aeiil tcre MioAt A Aiinio DuIhii, Annie ir:ih,mi, Minnie Ackcrmui, Winuie W'iHu.iiA. I.ur.i Miller, Nor ConverA, Sophia L iltiH. Kiltie I'aiiie, Vera I'lUhury, lire t.i Mnckler, Jesie Mn-liciuier, Jennie Ite.iltie. IXir 1'liane; Messr. Ile'iu.lil Jones, K ill li Miller, Kvere'le llick luuii, Cieed Stra:ton, Wdiie Ai kerui.in, Merle Johns, 'II, l.ctilio I'oAiUi;, Chil'he Mvlditnii, Kdivnid Kineiirsoii. The fiiieituinuient proved to 1m one of the must enj. y.ihre nniluiuusinK that liad taken pi li e in Uivhi City for Annie time The untanuiin of the cobweb uf fouled intense inteiest, mirth and ex--iifiiient lor all prcAciit, 'he priie for the tirAi ami la-t out ol tint wel resulting ill Miss 1 Jul A CIlUs and Ciiaxlie .Mcl drum fecunni; tlrsl and Misa Josie Mil Bheimer und Kveietle Hickman, booby. Ani'thei Auiirce of amusement waA the lunnin ol Knap huliblct throiuh All an h. the iienileinen tilnwini the hulihles And am thev Halted in tlie Air tltw lu.liea fanned tlieni. or attempted to fan them through. In this cmitest Miaa Vera I'ila bury, und Creed Mratton e,ured liral huuVirs, while Miss Annie (ir.iliuin and Kdward Kiiieiirsuii rontenled them wives with the booby prize Much praise is liestuwed upuii lls I'.tta, who with the Assistance ol Misa Kailow AO siiicesHfullv entertained the company. There is also much flattery due Mra. I'oiai for tl,e taste. neatncAM and artiatiu skill she displayed ill the execution of tl e invitations card, wl icli went in tlit'inselvi'A a novelty. On one comer of the card wa a figurative apiiler whose web covered the entire card, on the thread of the well bcilin tho wordi, Wont you walk inty my parlor,', nnd the inline und date underneath. Om.iiiiNo t i k x ri. t m k s . Tlio train car rying California' exhibit, which was Hide-triii ked in thia city last Monday, while en route for it home in San Fran cisco, after a tilleen month' tour of the I niled Stale, ia in charge of Aconiie tent, polila und ohliinu gentlemen aa one often has. the pleasure of meeting. Mr. Matthew, Hiiperintendent of tho ex bil.it, is a reaident of l.o Angelog; Mr. K. K. Smith ia a reaident ot San Fran cisco and la a momlier of tho atatc board of trade, nt the instigation of which board the train wis sturted. Mr. J. It. Lancks, of San Francisco, traveling pna Kagc aent of the Southern J'lieilic ban ha I immediate charge nf the train, hav ing been with it during the entire tour. All of theao gentleraiMi, with their as sistant, wcro verv entertaining, answer ing tlm innumerable qiietion pro pounded to them, apparently untiring ly Mr. Smith informed an F;.n'Tkkchisk reporter that he had been with the tram about two monlliH, meeting it in Chi cago. He i with ;t for tho purpose of determining what effect it may have on the people; il there nre any nerceptDIo benefit derived from it and if he be lieves the SHme Aiiflkient to justify a rep iit inn of tlie exhibit, to Htart the com ing fall. He cay that during ita travels the car have been visited by about 1,700,000 people, nnd Unit according to bis opinion no moie effective plun for advertising the state' advantage could be adopted. Ho will recommend a rep utition of the exhibit only o-i a more ex t.'i.Hive aeale. Tub Kntbki'Bihb acknow lednea aoiii'o fine souvenir and pam phlet iasued by the state board of trade railroad com puny, and other giving I lie state' advantages, together with a few sample of California prluie. li.,.r,,un l'r,,VIICP .fllllll A. Confer, . I ii,i atate. and one of Clackamas and Multnomah eountie a bestknown and highly respected citizen, died of pneumonia, after an illness ol fivedavat his home in OsWfcifJ Friday. Mr. Confer had attained the au'0 of ciidity-five years at the time of hi death, and wa, fivo davs prior thereto enjoying the bet of health; he was in I'ortlandon the Sunday before and on returning home was overcome iii, ., uttu.-ir of minnnioni i. 1" the ,i,',tiw,l il.iu rrtnoerted citizen this community lm aiifleied the loss of a well-known pioneer who ha been a Inns and devoted worker for the state' advance since the day of infancy. J le came to the coast in lft ..,u'iiui,n In 1 nr2. since when his .,m,nnt honiH lias been in am immedio vicinity. He ha two jons living in Oregon City Mossrs J. A. and It. Confer, both of whom enjoy n extensive acquaintance throughout surrounding. Ilo was a ,f thn f. O.O. F . to which . i... i.n. i,l,iiroil munv rear oraer no " i , u 1..., itm l,(xl u was liurieii at Oswego cemetery, where it was followed . . I' . .. . .. i,meilf Fill bv about seveniy-nve ieams oi is' fri,.n,l and sorrow-stricken rolalives The services were conducted according to tlie holy rites of the order of the Odd Fellows, the sermon being delivered hy Rev. Webb, of Milwaukie. About fifty members of Ihe various lodges of lliU iectlo)i weii pi'OHeiil, iimoim them heiuit McMm. Meldiuui hi! luck, O' t'ouucll mid liodfiey ot IIiIa city, tji ten am Ai'iHACiloN, Theio Ih con itiiloi'ithlc nttrnctiou In the nhow window ot Chin iuaii'a ili im Atore, to thn Avemite imi'i'-liy, in the aIiapo of hii IiicaiiiI doACAUk liitht eneloiKd III Ik hIoIh) of co'.oivd witter. It ia unite novelty to iiy the leu At. tiKT IN AMI OKItL. t'oUlpllllV (1. of I'ortlAiid, iniiAt now t"t In nd dull, Their f l.tkK) chiilleiiKe kkaIiiaV iuiv coin puny on the col Iiaa lioen Accepted hy the Stockton. I'wl. eonipAiiy, tli liitter to inline the dute, t'oiiAideiiilile IntereMt Ik luiinifeAied In tint content in inililiiry circlcA. A Nkw I.otniK or I. O t). V. Al Woodlnirn TIiuihiIav, of IaaI week, a new lodue of the Independent Order of Odd KelloWA WilA lilAtituted, SeveiAl of the Siilem hrelhrtni went down nnd lint Imlpi w.ia intitnled under their direc tion. It Ia Wmidtinrn lotlt No, 10'J And the Nnlilv (iiiiud l" CluirleA MoaIi iiernei . K'sorl', Win, tnuxiK. Ariiiii(ie. nieiitA for the oik mil ilion of nil older of the Kni;lfA of I'liytliiiiA In thia city luive tlnullv I een 'iterfeeled, Ami the (uiiiIa Imve Ik-cii I'm warded for the ctmr ler, which ia expected in a few iIiiva, The lodne will Iw oKned with A nii'iti lerhip of tvxenty-tive At IcaaI And proh Aldy tiiimt, , At'RVl'K tl.lllDKNKH- 1IV, lll 111- dun r-CAred by 1. K. liincAraon, And lu now (iK'ii hy the iiaiiim of IAve liiuenrAon, Ia one of the cliAiiipion K'tr deiierA of 1 1 1 if Atate. He Iicai a the iIIa tiuetioti of Udnn the flml out with veiteN aIiIo in Oit'tfon City thi yeAr, And fur twoweekA Iiaa Uipl ed Iiia cutoliicr viilli aII the enrlier apriiiit VArietieA. ToIIava A Miitrix Comcanv Mo Mmville ik to Imve a iiilliliA c mipmiy. And Aoine Aixly ytuitiK men have Aigned Ait AihcAtioti to he imiAteni I into the Aervice, Aiiyn tho ttrtvoiiinn. The com pAiiv well Ih uttnehed to the Kirnl levtl inent, O. N. ti., And orderA Iiav been issued hy l.icnleimnt t 'ournnl Summers, in couiniAiid, for a:i olllcer to no up And niUAler tlie new rompAiiy III. Kiapv Ko KviBAliMO.--WArren A lloluiaii rceived t li in week fioui New York City A l.e Neol Kinlmhnlitu pump And HxtureA, And they are now rvudy, tliereforw, to prepAre a corcmt for lili uient Alter the moAt Approviil tyle In the limcrAl (luectiiK And undertAkiliit hiiAineAA thiA linn Ia aUava found In the front rank. Ix IHawk Vii.k. Link I.oaii, colored, Aloto A pinr of nlim-A timu A lelluw hy the punio of M,ivnrd, of Mar lin'a loiil'in cuiiip, IaaI SaturdAy ami iMtiiineiicr mknii.' I'AcKA iiMlort lan-l. Itepijty MorriA w n Aeut After him And ove'UKniv' him, tnoiiitlit him to tiieon City He i now in durAiice vile, Arrvin'ii thirty day' tenlence fixed uiHin liiin by Justice Kout. IxArirfrK at FoHtar (!aov Sunr iututiileiit JohiiAoii is in leceipt uf an invitation from State Siipeiintendent M, Tdroy to Alton, I tlm iiiAlitute for the Fifth Jiidutd DiAtrict to he held At For est tirovr, Apr. Till, 3th, tHli and lUlh, in coiijiiiicliuii with the iuattlule for Wasliiiiiitiui county. Mr. McF.lroy through Mr. JoIiiiaoii inviteA ll olher teachers of the county to attend. Sihkwuk to Winiiaoa. The people living ai roaa the river in Windaor adili t.oll Are i id'U'atillK a n U I lull AlllnliK HiemselveA for lunda to build A aideMAlk lo the bridge (ruin that pUce. It is re ixirted that the reipitred aii ount Ia al ready About euliAcribed And that work will coiiiiuonio on the wwtk At once Tbi i ipiile a micscity to the ieole of that vicinity, aii, I it presence would li a convenience to a laryo nuinU-r of io ple. Ilooia Coin. A itrcal Jeat of counter feit iiiouey.haa been Moated in Oregon and Washiiikitoii lately and now it ia an nounced that a iireAt ninny connter- ((.jt vtt j,)tUr j.i,,,, artt iu circulation Thev Are a preitv uxiU iiuilation of the oriiiliiAl, heariiiK dale Issil, They are nearly full weight, but the ed(cA are slightly worn and they have a ureasy fetdin. A there are a ((reat many IHHO coi.ia in circulation it ia best bo on the lookout. Mii.itaav Ball. Printing hai been done ami other arrangement commenced (or the grand military ball to be given at the Armory ball Friday evening, Feb. ID, by "F" company, O. N 0. Kvery thing goea to show that it will be fully up to the usual standard of the milila boy' entertainment, even if it doe not outdo any previous ellortA, which Ia saving much lo it credit. Komember the date if you want a good evening' enjoyment. A Fink I.ibbary. Kev. Fther Hille brand received IaaI week another addi tion to hia magnificent library. It af forda one considerable plcaaure to look over hi librarie, for he baa two, and note the work of all tiie eminent (ier iniiu and Fiench writer and the record and hiatoriea of the church. Mr. Hille hriiml value hi collection very highly and ieiid moat of the time not occu pied in instructing the pupil of the school in hi study. Person viiting him there nre always royallp enter tained. A Dkkkick-Scow. Mr. Joseph K. Smith, who had a contract for supply ing rock for the jetty at the mouth ot the Columbia, is having a large wow built on which will be placed a derrick And engine, for handling rock. He will moor this barge at any point along'lhe Willamette where large domicka are plentiful and will, by means of tlie derrick, load the government scow with them ami thus nave the expense of drilling and blasting I lie rock. A Kaii.ho.vi to AaroniA. Supplemen tal article of incoiporation were filed with the secretary of state last week by the Oregon Hallway extension com pany which have been amended so u to allow it to engage in new enterprise and business pursuits. These are ninny one ia to construct and equip a railroad from Portland to Astoria, the same to run in a nurti'crly and southerly direc tion. Chas. F. Adams i the president and Joseph Simon, the secretary, and other incorporators are K, . Ames, O. L. I.ane, C. J. Smith, U. llrook, Zera Snow, A. L. Mill, II. C. Campbell and Wilhuin Mackintosh. A Fkkak ok Natuhb. Tlio Zona cor respondent to the Sulom Journal gives the following inlerestitig bit of now: Mr. M. V. Mann, who resides near this place, cut down un oak t.ee that meas ured nearly four feel through, when he came lo cut and split it up ho found an antler imbedded in its body about six or reven feet from the ground, and it seems also strange that there were also three prongs mid the big end of the horn wa near the heart of the tree. Two bucks must have (ought a battle hv the tree and one made u miss and hit tlie tree, and thus lost the bom. and nature healed 4ip the wound in tlie oak and thus inclosed it. Dint) at Windhob Mrs. Turpin, mother of Kichard Turpin, of Windsor addition, died at her son's residence last Saturday evening. Mr. Turiun, known by her triends a Grandma Tnrnin. wna at the time of her death nearly ninoty-slv years of ago, and for Homo' time punt has gradually been fail ing in lioalth. She wa buried, on faun- ,liy afternoon In the city cemetery, the I t ' . 1.. I.a mitt r I I'll A1 1(1111 . Mineral services iu conoo. c Although the deceased had not long been a resident of Oregon City, she had made many friends during thn time she has been here, an I her death will be greatly regretted by all. Huicr Si'iiar Iniiiisiuv. Thn Ore- 1,1 m Uui any a number of capitals) ill Portland are weilinisly coiiAldeilng the question of iuauniatlng the imsinc oi uiauufiicUiiiug beet Hiigar tlieie. The matter wa under ciniiildeintlun by several peiaou there some Utieeu or nun e veara ami. lln v iniiiie an nec essary experiment In itrovvlng the beet nnd having them nnalyitod, and found the perceuliigeot Anecliaii'nl matter in licet grown here was very large, bring 14 per cent and In omit cases nwiu, which I imieli ni'iio then la found In heet grown In tieriimny. The parties who made these investigations con eludeil to form a comnaiiv and biveat '.tKl.OtHHii the boot sugar Vuatnea' , but iuat then the lieatv with tlu Sniiiivlch IslAiid admitting tlie Miigar free of duty went intoellecl nnd knocked the Acheme In the head. Now that the Mc kinley hill iHovlde for A hounly of Seoul a per pound lor all augur iiui'l In thla couiitt v, tint tiino la iavoiaiuo tor going Into the lieot anmir business, nnd aonu of the wealthiest and moat culor prising ol the citlaena have the luatler under serious eonsuloiallon, "F" Wii l F.ntka Tug CimrKsr. Co, "F" of this city will aend A teiuil (0 Porllaud next Wediieadny evening lo enter thn ntldetle contest to ho given by Co tl. At their uriuoiy, The con ical will tat iu running, jumping, high Jumping And ro pulling, medals In be Awarded to the victor, There are to he lour men on a side in tho ro pulling, whose weight iu the Aggregate must not exceed tkK) pounds It la probable tliAl "li" ha the inside track in the inalter na they certainly have sense enough to inner only such gnmoA aa they Iiavo men fitted (or, but our hoy a nre going at It nevertheleaa with a iH'raislency thai metllA auccesa even II they h dissapHiiuted. They have si'lected their men w ho w ill have Is on in training leaa than a week w hen they enter the conteat, And defeat will there font be exciiAAble. W r informed that the tattotiA will run aii exciiraion for the benefit til IIioao of (hi city who deal i e lo attend. Ksiui A.voiMi tti'tioog, Uev. A. II Uaker, of Mountain Home, of Ihlacoiiu- countv called on In F.ntkachimk on Wednesday of this wiek. Mr. Itaker is a miniaier of tlie church of the l ulled hn'thren and speaka very encouragingly of the progroaa In church la making, And it future In Claikaiuaa county Ilo report movement aiming the so ple of Mountain Homo lo erect a church in that vicinity Wua season and he Iw hevoA it will moot with aucceaa. Con siderable money h aIso been aid eriU'd towards a church At Mountain View, near thia place and it la exieotoil that one w ill be built In the near Inline With the aasistAiice of Kev. J. W. Pul lev, of Salem, and Henry I., Harklev.of W'oodburn, Kev. Haker will conduct A aeries of iiieetiuga at Maple I.Ane, commencing with Wednesday of lhi week. F.vcrvonn invited lo attend the meetings. Tho steam dredge Fnlerprie, has la-en laving In a perilous coiuhtinii on too brink of the (alia nearly opposite the hea l ol the locks, where alio waa kslgod AgAinat Mime rocka. The Fnler-pri-e w hich has been dredging the V'tilp Company a basin, pulled out Wcdnosiloy Afternoon with Captain John Kandall iu charge. J ual above the head of the ba sin alio became untiiiiiiiigenhle And In lute of every etrorl on the pai t of the olli co i a waa carritsl hv the current to the verge of the (.ills. Her condition gnw gradually wotao, and ua two taiata pull ing all day Thursday had no Hrceptihle ell'ect towardA U'tlering hercondittoii she waa about given up aa lost, until the steamer ilogue Arrived alsiul 5 :U) and joined in the pull; alter considerable ihihcully and Alter two men had nearly loat their hvea the dredge Wa finally taken out and ia now safely mooted near the head of the locks. Caxat'a Itm I'ai st Farm. The Will amette land Co of thia city Iiaa pur chased the line farm of Mr. (i. T. 1a- Slueld near C'anhy, paying $.'),6m) for tli 10U acre a enclosed in the tract. Thia. with the land the company now own at Unit place gives the tract In one place of nearly acre. The entire tract ia all to lie put out to fruit trees iu time, they now having UWfrutt trova on the ground ami force ol men At work putting them out. It ia also their iatenlioii of starting larire nursery and they are now preparing fifty seres of gisid ground for that purMjse They have over a ton of ia'acIi pit now planted and are pre paring thor needed atis k for their nur aury, as in addition to growing the trees lor their own orchaid they expect to cat)' a nursery stock large enough to supply the needs of the county. Mi'aT Watch Tim I.airxi.a F.iiough strife exist between Companies 1 and (i, O. N. li., of Portland, to make two crack companies if they continue the racket. "I" challenge any com pany on the Pacific coast lor a tl.tkNl a side in a twenty-four man contest, while "li" so runs A slanding challenge for 1,(XK) against any company on the coast iu a thirty-two men contest. It look probable that "I" lathe la-lter com pany, but not so large. If "li" actu ally want a "go" why docs It not cou.e up with twenty-four picked men? F'.vi duntly they are both well up in tactics, but they might find it a profitable pass time to keep one eye on their laurel or they will receive a black eye from an unexpected source. There ate no flies on "F" company of the same regiment but ol thia city. New of the denth of Mr. William Jackson, of Mountain Home, is brought to us this week by Kev. II. linker, of that place. He died at his homo on January lilitli at the age uf eighty-four years, and waa buried un the 1'Hlh at Mountain Home cemetery, near Spring water poatofllce. Mr. Jackson WA an ol.l soldier, and had been a resident of Clackaimi county for several vears. He leaves 'i wife to mourn hi death, who is sympathyzed with hy a host of warm friends. Si'iTitssKUi, Mkkti.mis, The aerie of gospel meeting which have been in progress in tlie Congiegotioual church closed on Thursday evening of last week. Those who had the pleasure of hearing the discourses of Hoy. Ciapp, who as sisted Kev. Lucas, were much pleased. The meetings resulted iu much rooii be ing done and several additions lo the church. Ordeis taken for any newspaper or periodical published lore gn or domestic, single copies or by tlio mouth or year. Advertised Letters. The following is a lint of letters re maining in the post olt'u e al Oregon City, Febiuary 12, 181(1. Alvi'cn, Philip Armstrong, John Anderson, Mrs W K Cone, W H (.'otuliert, A J Crltisier, H M Duncan, J 1 Daylong, George '2 Daniel, Tho Kvaut, A Kiilou, J If Kruter J J Ford, fra J Oarrow, Kugeue 2 lloiiglilon, II 2 Hill, Martin, .bilinsnii, lirniit Jones, John Kane. M A Nlckersnn, Clara Newton, II H Dsinunilsoii, Olo I'uliueleer, Frank Hliiaiicr, l.iv Sharp, Jiilin Hliarklu, Angeline Hcllwoiiilltucordnillce Hperry, Mrs Ilatllo Hnillh, Mrs Harry Taylor, Mm M Thompson, Mrs V A Tuttle, Irwin H Thomson, S K Tliorhaven, K A Wheeler. W Woods, Miss Ilerthalt Woodcock, William Waldeckcr, Hev C V Lewis, 1J Wood, J M Middlesworth.OscarN Welch, Robert Moore Anthony Waller, Jake Nicholson, James Watls, Kildio When culled for please say whon ad- vertised. 1',. OT. HAM) Acting P. M, All the lending periodicals and maga PC zines, latest, anil nest novum aepi uy Caufleld & Huntley. Largo stock of comic and other valen tines now on band at the post olUco. SPRAY Or THE FALLS. The up train Woilueailav took J, A, Chase to Salem, Mra. T. A MeTlrldu ha A a'.lgltUI Uek oi tho mom If. Mis Annln Morrill relnrnrd from Salem Wednesday. W. T. W'ldllock made a round lilp to the Capital the lit nt of the week. M- A. Ht ration wa in Halen tin middle of the week . , K. M . Ilauda was among the anion A couple ul daya thia week, Die ClaekauiBA delegation to the leg- lalature were all Imiiio over Sunday . Mr, K. N. Warren Uapending week with her parent In lliownavllle. N.O. Waldron waa up to CAiihy Un) middle of the week, II, V, Nufu Iiaa the foundation laid (or a new residence near thn school house , 0 1). l.atourelto boarded the south bound train for the atate capital Wednes day. Iteiuember the baud hoy promenade concert on Saturday evening, Pohi hAll. Mr. M. K. Worshaiu, who ha been alightly tinder the weather for week, la Again on our aiiect. "Ktle lUdor lo Forrll O.boruo" la the reading on a marrlagii licanso Issued tula weel. hv Clerk Johnson, The first auow for this season in Clack Aiuaa county came on Monday morning Feb. IHh. It only remained on the ground aii hour. MisA A ilo A Cochrane, Instructor in the Capital I'ollege, of Salem, smiiI Sat urday and S'indny with her paienla in thia city. A card party waa lendertd by Mr, and Mra. II. A. Hauling lo their many friend at Ihclr resilience on Tiieadiijf evening. There Willi a " Washington Uej-ep-tim" At the Congregational church, on Tuesday, Feb. i't. Further notice next Week. MiaaClarn Kouald, now conducting one of the successful aciioola of the vomit v near Annua, wa lit the city Saturday and Sunday. Mountain View, one of the growing aohurba of thcgoti City, now Iiaa a sst olllee of ita own Fly la the imuie witli lieu. C. Fly A postmaster KeproaoulAtive Paquet will accept the thalikaol Tiik Fvrt Hems for eopiea of the various bills he Introduced togot icr with other lmHiitaiit ilis-uiiieiils of this aeasloii, nipt. Thomson sends the billowing hit of good new a from I'larka: Horn To the wife of I. S. Clarke a gbl, weight S1, pounds; mother and child doing well. Irving la happy. Senator Cross sent with hi compli ments to Ins F.STkAl'NIsN Inst week, the reports ol llie vaiIoiib ta(c Institu tions for the two yeai past, thanks, Mr. Crosa An oyster auper will he giveu al the Clackamas school bouse Saturday night, tlie funds to be used for the purchase uf new seat for the church. F.veryone should try the and help out on the aeata. Mr O. W. Tavlor. ol PorllAiid, waa in town over Sunday, sending the day with Ina brother. Mr. T. ia cuplra I is Important position of train despatcher of the Southern Pacific rail road. Hillsboro rllUciia feel certain of waler wotka And electric light In the near future) At a meeting of the ritiaena Monday night much interest waa maul teste I and a committee waa apM)int"d lo visit the pro'rty holder nnd see what amount could be raised. Miss I.uU A. Folleshee died At the homo of bvr parents In Cnnemnh, on Saturday morning last, of dropsy of the heart, aged nineteen years and seven months. She waa buried in the Cane mah cemetery At 'i o'chti k Sunday. The community join with the pnieuta of the deceased in nioiirjnng ihclr great luaa. Harry HloiAsr, the popular Main street bsrlaT baa just fitted up his shop w it l an elegant tlireit-miri or mug cabinet. The now caliinot Is the haiuhwoik of r. II. Sixer, ol the box factory, ami speak very highly of his taste and skill aa a woodworker. Droit Into "Mope's", shop and ace how he look. Tho lecture dellvereil Inst Friday even ing by Hev. ('. C, Hatenian on the "Pre aoivution of the Jews and their Final Hestoration" was intensely interesting and thorotii(hlv enjoyed hy nil who l... .. 'Ol. ...I... .11.1 ..... .......! llteim il, iiionu woo 0111 inn aiitriiu, missed such a tieat ai seldom comes lo a tow n ol this sue. Hemeinber tint proitienailn concert to ho given by the band hoys at Pope's hall on Saturday evening Due of the feat ures of I lie program will be a mock post- ollice for the distribution of valentines, nnd it promises to be very interesting A good asortmeiit of valentines has boon secured and will be on sale in the hall Tu those w ho want a good eveniim's en joyment we would say, take in llie con cert. The date of the last lecture of the series huiug delivered by Kev. I'. 0. Hateman has boon changed ou account, of his expected early departure, from March Oth to Friday evening Feb. L'Hih tit the liai'tisl church. As lids will he the last opportunity to hear one of these popular lectures nnd it will probably he veara before aa interesting and instruct ive lectures are delivered again in a town of this size. Kveryono should improve the opportunity and hy all means altetul. Ilia subject will be Ora tors and 1'uhlio Speakers j Their Trials and Triumphs. Tc Hollers' F.xiiiitliintliiii. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all parsons, who may oiler themselves as candidates lor teachers ol tlie schools of Clackamas county, the.Cntinty School Hiiperintendent thereof will hold a pub lic examination at the court house in Oregon City commencing on Wednes day, February 25, IHIH at 12 o'clock noon. ' Ai.icx. Thomson. School Superintendent, Clackamas county, Oregon, Dated this 7tli duy of Feb. 1801. All school books kept by Caufleld A Huntley, (iive them a call. Fine Pillows made to order and Mats Hugs, etc,, ol neat designs at Warren &. iloiiiiaii's. Progressing. J. V, Croaker, of the Mountain Rluir Meat market, Is doiiir quite a good business and is still increasing, notwith standing the dull season and the very extravagant advertisements that have appeared. Last week was the best one since he came here. The choicest meat of all kinds is kept con stantly on hand at modern lo prices. Corn beef, Pickled pork, Hiiuib, Uncoil, Lard, Butter, Eggs, etc., J. P. Ckoukbb. Whon you need anything In the line of fine stationery remember Cnulield & Huntley's Hook Store where they ninko that a specialty, (i rv (H!Mf n I'rii.ieeilliigs In Hcuiihir NissIiiii, Oiikoon t'irr, Fell, 4, '01. Council hint In regular session, Pros en', F, F. Kvau, Mayor; L. 1, Poller, lecuiilerj C, 10, Hiiriis, tnaialial, ('nun oilmen, O'Connell, Alhey, CaiiHeld, (Tiaiiiiiiii nnd Warren, Aliscnt, Tieni baili and Parker. A coinniiinlcalioii fioui Mr, Comer was read In regard to donning the cross walk ill Tenth mid Main alrenla, re ferred lo cciiuulttee on S, and P, P, The eoinmillee teHirted against eiitoilng Into any contract with Mr ('inner, (tiituo tloii, rvut was adopted . Suiiili v hills went lead and refoned fo the lliiiuico committee, who reported back the following a correct, and ro coiniuelidud that warranls be drawn for the several amounts: I'opeiV Co , ,,, 4 R"i W. II, I low nil 4IHHI John llarielt A Co , , , i!K 00 Pat Colbert A Co ,- 1 Ml O. I A H. Co 14 76 II, J. Harding IS 7ft Chu. Hals-nek.. 62 iki Ceo, Ibougliton 40 74 1,. I Porter HMI C. F.. Hiirn ini John Kelly, , no IK) White Kro , Ill 10 (I. A. Harding a flu Chaa. HalH'iH'k, street com 407 I'l Cliiiriuaii A Son , , 8. 00 A. T. llattltl Htm F, It. CliAimaii ... , "6 IHl Mr. C. II. I,. Itiirmeister If 00 Chiirmnn A Co 1 no W. II. SavAge 4 00 J, W. Noma 1H 20 O. 0. F.leetricCo. . 81 In Thn committee also recoiumendod that the hill of Dr Norri for sllending toe Hover family be not allowed On rod call the report w as unanimously adopted, A report from the comiui'tee on Hie and water waa rend and Adopted. An ordination giving cerium elevator and lailway fiAhchisOA to Tom. P. Itao dall and T F, Hyan was repiulod hy the committee un M. and P. P. and read for first tune, Committee on health and police made A reMirt willed waa onleieil on file Moved thai a warrant he drawn fot (l.'iOO In favor of Middlcion and Palmer, aald warrant lobe drawn on tliasiscud fund (or the erection ol a pumping sia tirui. Carried Council Allium nod. I.. I.. I'oiu . a, Hoc irder. Hoard uf Tiaile, Kegulaf Hireling, Tuesday evening, February !0. Hoard waa called to outer hy Picsideut Ap'lo. Minutes of pieceding meeting read bv Secretary Donaldson and weie appioved. Kesirt ot linanco cominillce waa lesil slating that the trcanirer report to Do ceiulso Si had Ih oii examiiiej and found corns t, waa. on motion, adopted, A letter waa read from tlie Pioneer Woolen Mills, ol California, written in reply to A letter written Idem by the sec retary Iu accordance w ith Instructions ol this Hoard, ill which they stated that thev weie selling their machiiieiy and had gone out of business. The following bill worn presented, slid on motion each one waa ordered paid ; Aasesainent lor exnsea Columbia Wa- teiway Convention, ft 00 Services of secretary lor Decem ber, Jauilaiy And Fohtuary ... ;;o no Poatagn stamps for secretary. ... 15 no I, O. Plunder, floral decorations (or Mr. F.isIIhiiii'a (uncial .'iillHi F.nictprtae, hadgca used at Mr, FaAtham'a funeinl 10 00 I'jiierprise, liNK) copies of issue of Januaiv V 45 HO Hid of "C. II. T. A I.. Co., leferred to finance coiuiiiiltei'. The iUealioii of securing the pasraco wilhoui aiiv cliuugi a iM'ing made, of the charter bill for Oregon City, now iu (he bauds ul me Clackamas county ilclryu lion in the atate legislature, waa brought up. After a general discussion it was decided, on motion, to apsiint a com mittee to diall suitable resolutions and secure the AigiiAturea thereto of the i ill teua of Oregon Citv, asking that the charier bill he passed in its entiiely.uiul forward the miiiio to Salem at once As said committee the Chair appointed T. 1.. Charmau, C, O. T. W illiams and Chaa. Meaerve It appearing that some ol the commit tees, both standing and special, have heietoloie lieen some hat dereli, t ill making then res,rts, the prosideut aei ved notice that heiealter all couimil- teas having husiuesa iu their hands would tie leuiiued to make a report ill eacli meeting, it nothing moie llniu lo riqioit progiess, On motion, it was ordered that the constitution and by-laws ol the Hoanl is' revised, slid that a committee of three ho appointed tu make such revision. F. F. Donaldson, IC. Ha greaves and Chas. Meaerve were appointed such coiumitice. Hoard adjourned. FOU A IIIUM'll HO W). Maiqnani CltiziOllaic an Kulliiisiastic Meeting. A meeting of the cituena of Manpiam was held iu the Cmiiigo hull Feibuai) 7, for the purpose ol illscussi.ig too (disability of building a branch ruihoad from Mi. Angel to Ja.'t a limine, on liutle creek. The fact that a railroad was the topic of the mccltag created quite a sensation with the ciliaeuaof that place, and a IWu tin li out was the result, J. ol. Iiukn was chosen chairman and Haiton Juck sec ictaiyof tho meeting. Almost hefoie the cmiirmaii bud time to proclaim the ohjeel ot the moeliug no less man a hall a dozen were on the lloor ready to uiuko a speech. lCnch and everyone was seemingly anxious to express their ile- dighl and anxiety that tl railroad mihl he built but the Idea of only a branch road Irom Mount Angel to Jack's hi idge (ailed to meet their approval, as it would only be of henellt to a few, and dis commode a through line which they looked lorevvanl (or with eager expecta tions. The following route was propoi-ed and adopted by the meeting as being one uf feasibility and of great benefit to a country thai richly iihounds in mineral resources and "agricultural products, which ia now almost isolated from tiny mode of transportation, ut n distance to market from ten to twelve miles. Commencing ut Kilverton, Marion county, and extending across the line into ClaokamiiH county, near .lack's bridge, and thence through the Molallu country to Ahrrnuthy creek, where a good route can be hud down stream to Oregon Citv, where connection would lie made with the Southern Pacillc. This proposed route would bo one of groat henellt to tho eastern portion of Marion and almost the whole of Clacka mas county, nnd is almost on a direct line with the old l'engra nurvey made by the Oregonian railroad during the past summer. The following resolution was adopted and ordered published by the socreljiry : Unsolved, That thn sen so ol this meeting is that we favor a railroad from Silverton to Oregon City, and that tho citizens along said route will assist any company as in their power, by granting right of way, depot grounds, timber, stone, etc. , necessary for the construe ion ot said road. Another meeting was appointed for February 21, when further sleps will he taken in'tlie matter. Frank Noldon at Wincsett A Scrip ture's blacksmith shop makes a speoiulty of tepniring guns revolvers and sharp ening scissors. Satisfaction guaranteed. Warron & Ilolmun can bo found nt all times of llie day or night by those wish ing their services in Ih Undertakers line hy calling at mi m No 10, Livermoie hotel, or comer 13 and Main. AMUMI Till) I A(T'tllill,S, FlmlliiH id u Hepi.nei' In n (o iioihI !'ininl I'p. Thn excelsior mil; is hi full opeuiliim making bs iiHiial oirpul, TlinCiuwii mill I gelling put un,,,.,, bum of wrapping mr pu per I ho pulp and paper company. The pulp mid" put Inn new grimier Filday. They expect, if thn new exper iment proves a success o( he Khln to do away with the t-xpeumt nf changing shines so id It'll . The Crown mill will cmniiieiice the in uufiicluie of paper luiga a soon as the demand for olher si ink docioanea enough lo petiuil. l or some time past they have been crowded Willi outers, Tim dredge Fnterprise luis hot-n at work for the past week III Inking gravel from the tail race leading to the pulp mill and throwing it over llie luenk water, The channel was paitiully filled with gravel during the Hood a year ngo, The crow n paper mill baa hcou some what hoi hercd of lain ill getting do !(! Inch machine dow n lo business, which bus to a degiee elleeled the output ol the mill. Fvcrytliliig will be running smooth it u it i ti ina day or two. The Crow n paper company have re cently udded a new winder (or ro-w hid ing wrapping paper Into rolls. Itfscapa hle ol making rolls of any desired mo aa I, is, as the ni " r comes bom the small machine, which was more than the old tv iudor could do. They are at Woik pulling In the smoke she k for the new boiler sisui lo arrive for the Sulphite mill. The slack is 111' v lour inches in diameter, and will be Pill (oet high, when completed. Tho addi tion ol the new holler, which is 'Jim hmse will make a P'tal (lower of fioo hoise for the mill. The employees ,( the facilities across the iiver will no longer he obliged tu liudge through mil I iu going or coming Irom Ihen lalmr, as a new snlemilk now adoriiSth.it aide Irom the bridge lo the Clown mill. Il w is built hy subscrip tion fiom the vim, ,iu liiclorymeu eosiing aholll M O, llie woik henut do.ie uin'ei the siipei vision of 1'hos Miller It is iinuocor amy to add that il is a great con venient o. Ti e exA'rts are busy sotting pullets and hcliinif, ami otherw ise in ranging null hllicl V in the new btnl hug of the sulphite mill. The new paper imn bine ia about ready for operations and only awaits the ariival of tb t new Sin-horse pow or hrnlor, w hich is expeclel at any lime. This is the largest p is-r machine on the Pacific coast, c.iriyiug M-inch rollers and capable of making twebe Ions of new a paper, per day It is the Fouutli iiiier patent ami uiainifiKturod by Hagley, f-eivell A Co , of Walertowu. New Vo.k. Silperintoiitleut Smith tiiki-A ctcii.iiciable pi 1 1,' iu the machine anil ia alniica ready to explain any of its parts to impiisitive viilors. Ho s.ivs hy March 1st with favorable cir ciiinsliucei the IP-w null will bo at woik . Tho pu'p mill will, iu a few days, have a machine from the cast, which, i' asan t-x hi i iiM-nt proves a success, will allecl il decided change in the manufac ture of pulp Iu Hie uuiuiifacture of j (his ai tide from wood a heavy eXH-nse ia incur n d iu the wear und tear of machinery, besides gient in-.tinvetiienees : and ci use ate to he overcome in re- ! placing new fells uhont e.ciy tlnee das j ami new s'.ones al" ul every ten, at a cost ol severol huiiilre.l iloliurs per inoulli 1 he new machine utiudiiik' straw, which will the! place of wood if it proves to ! what is reitreseuled of it, ilom' the same amount of not k with one man, n ia now! tloue with live tiuicl.iuea uuti live men. I ins w in ure.iuv reuiicj' ine ruiinii.g rx peitse oi the mill, itll'onliiin them un iipportiliiuy to make a much greater out put for the same amount of money, ami It is believed turn out t etter quality of pulp, if that lai possible. Si-IosjI ltrHirt. FniToii Tor KiTtariUNK: Following is resirl oi school ill ililrii I No. X!, for the month ending .lanua iy .'to, S'i ; NiiiiiIst belonging timing the'iiioiuli,.''. Avciacedaily iiitcmlauce, .'II. Number on the roll nf honor, 17 --comprising llie following iiaiucs: Hosooe Haul, Harry (bud, Vina loud, Fhunii Jewell, Her train .lowed, Homy Klihismilh, taenia Kleiiiniiilh, lieorgie (iriur, Itert Kingo, Frank Jtingo, Frank Miller, Willie Miller. Adolph Tiuio'i-tol, .VniauilaTiiiiiei-stet, An na Tluiierstet, Kinina TinnciKict, Willie Clark, The lfai inony School listri t No. SJ will olive the pre.-cnl ti'i nivvilh an exliihilioii at the school house on Monday night, I'eliru urv I!'. All are cordially luvilctl to Is- pros ,tiil. IIki.i s M, T vvioii, Tt in her. Clinks, February 0, MM. Do Y ot! Wan r A Hutuvis? One of the most desirable residence properties in Oieg.in Cily, only two blocks from the school house ami commands a line view of the cily and Willamette river. Wed finished, eiht loom house, with cellar, woii.liiiU"e, well and city water Two lots set lo bearing fruit trees, small fruits and enrden. Price only $1700. Is the cheapest prolan tv ever ellVred in tlreeon Citv. Address this nllice, or Mus. A. li. I iool.ini.K, corner Fleventh and Munioe streets. Vlck's Flnnil (iuide for IHtH. No lover of line plant or garden can af ford to be without a copy. It is an ele gant book of over KM panes S'., xin.'.j inches, beautiful ct lured illilstialiolis of Sunrise, A iiiiii ant hut, llydiangen nnd Po tatoes, lnstniclions for planting, culti vating, etc, l ull list of everything that can be desired in the way of Yegetable and Flower Seeds, Plan's, ltnlba, etc Also full particulars regarding the cash prizes of .1,000 and -00. The novelties have hcou tested and found worthy of cultivation. We hope' it will be our good luck to see llie Nellie Lewis Can a lion and tiistn the (irand Hupids lettuce. It coslM nolhinu because the 10 cents vim send for it can ho deducted from the tirst order forwarded. We advise our fiiends to seenrn a copy of James Yick, Seedsman, Hoehester, N. Y. police liti' liillienlloil. t'Ni'i-Ko htatas I.anii ori'icn, Ohkiiun Citv, Dr., Feb, 10, tsufi. Niitlco Is hereby rrlven (hut the following iniiui'il seltler has nleil iiolleo ot his hiliMittun to iniiki) lliuil inoof In sii'lort ot hlsolnhii, iiinl llial snbl proof will be liimlu lit'toro Iho roitlstor iiinf rocolvi'i- ot the V H. liiml o 111 i' i) nt Oregon City, Oregon, on April a, lsul, vl: l.ymiiii Iterrlek, pro emotion, 1) S, No. "Will for Urn svv'i of uvv'4 ol see 'in, I 1 , r C o. Hit tintiios llio following wlliii'ssns to prove tils ooollituoiiM rositlotico upuii niitl triiltlvtitloii of, Hiiltl In ml, vl: K. I AloMimlor, Freilerlek HolvorH. Knriii'st Bolvttrs Hint Atlolpll ArtohotV all of Mto'iuot, l'. O. ChieknmiiH Co., Oregon, U:IH-3;2il J, T. Al'I'KUSON, Ittrglslcr !OTI(i: l OII IM tll.ll Ai ltl tiNiTiui Htatrs Land Oksics, I Oiikoon City Or., Fob. V lsul. Nolire Is hereby itlvon that lli follouliig luiiiHril settlor luirt bus llletl iiotfeo of IiIh Intoti tioti lo miike H nit I irroot In support of It In eintia nail Hint Kiittt iirtiof will ho mielo before Itefflu ecr mill roootvor of tlio 'J 8. I.ninl Ollieti st Ore gon Oily, Orerai, on Miirch '2b, l.Sui, vix: William K. Miller, homestead entry, No, Miirl for tlio 0) of neV of atie 14, t 4 , r i o Ho nuiniiH the followtnir wttneHMes to prove hln conlltiuoiiH rositlonco upon inul oultlva tlonri of, sniil bint), viz: f., Vontlei'iihe, of llteim City, Viiltin Iloliliimler, (loo. Hcliniltlt, nail Krmlrlek New lt roliuer, ol Mink, P. o. nil of Olaekniiius county, Ore, J T Al'PKltSON, Itoiflntor. 2-13 3-20 Warren A llolmaii. Funcrul Directors and Undertakers, Oregon Cily Batik I btiildituj. DO YOU EVER Take Medicine? fr u oi'tkn a Necessary but Unpleasant Duty v;Vv TO I'Klll'nltM. Tli'ru In noilillu; We lint, Drink, Wear otilavu hm With That It of t miii'li hiiiinrliuii u nn The Medicine We Take. A IIKI.IAHI.K UIUJU0IHT Is a Joy forever to any coitt iniinlty. E.G.Caufield IrlspfllM'S !'( I, I lt(T lint Pure Drug3 of the Highest Quality. IIIS!NKSS JjOOAIjS. Five lector 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 of the latest und most paper bound novels at the post n llie Waiio-I - live Straw for collar making. Will pay -' per ton, Ucliveiod to oi,r factory. !, So akkkv A Son, '-' t Fast Poitland, Ore, A great reduction In the price of blankets mid oyeicoala to make room for large invoice of goods expected from M.oeast Thus Cliiiriuan A Son. When iu Portland call on Heck, if you want some line jewelry. His s'ock i noted lor its lellahihty, good goods. and low puces The largest slock of llahv Cariiiige ever in the city can be found lit Warien iv Holman's. I. mill. er and (curing for sale cheap at milieu W, F. Moms' farm, one mile ami a hall east from I'.uk Place fhtf Sr. I'aiiiii k's Pii.i.s, foi - disord.trs of tho liver ami bowels A vigorous but gentle physio that cleanses and renovates the whole system. Price L'.'i cell's mt hux. I have put up a i hopper at my place 4 miles southeast of Oregon City, mid mil prepare I lo chop grain at reasonable talcs, ou even- Monday. Can shop Ml to I nil bushels an hour. W. S.ltlllKU. WOOD TIIUXIXO TV 2ST ID SCROLL SAWIN Paitics desiring Wood Tai iiiitjj, Pat- tenia, Hrai kets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. DoorS, WillfJOVVS aflU BIlIlGS TO ORDER. H. BESTOW, JjrOpp. the Congregational Church l.lnbllslietl lHll.. (;. N. (iKKKXMAN, Drayage & Expressing Freight ami patcela delivered to all parts of the city. United Hack, Truck and Livery Oompany, V. II. C'ooko, Manager. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OUKCiON CITY. The l.KAIHNO TtYKUY STABLE of the City. Uigs of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and delivery Busi ness pioinptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. -lain- GO TO G. A. HARDING. LINE GROCERIES IX THE CITY. Call and Examine MY- FKICES. Twelfth and Main Sl.9 OroRon City. the MuiCtaBt OF N,W GOODS ARRIVING DAILY, ; Wo afe Shovo this IfVpck tho Latestlel tin Sat incs Dress Goods and White Goods, Also in Embroideries. TlioGrcatEiistcrn I3toxo, Mayer & Ackerman, Props. Oregon crr FENCE WORKS. - CO M III N A TK N F K N C 15- For CITY and FARM Fencing. HAVINU (IfFNKI) A KACTOKV AT OKE rpiN CI IV. lor llie Msniifsntiire ol trill H. .NI K, we tnvlla the towns ieonle and fririio rn ol i:iHekiiinaa oounty l call and InsiiiM-t thla H.NCK It Is Ilia cliaajft, best sad mom 'liirriblo sver orteriol. KHIIMATKH KI HNIHIIKD ANDERSON & RICKSON. I.ivery, Fceil ami Sale Slnhle OECON CITY. I. OCAIKII IIKTWKK.N Tilt HH10OE AKD hkpot. Dniililo und Single UiH, fltnl find tlio hurries h1wii) h on hand nt the lowest iiricen. A corrull connected with tlie 1mm for loose ntix'k. Information rccardiiitf any kind of stock promptly attended to by person or letter. horses Bought and Sold. OI'O. I'. KI.Y W. J. RAt Til ELY &RAUCH MKAI.F.KS IN Merchandise. Store Indited at Mountain View, on Molallu rond, one mile south eitHt of Oregon City. We deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Groceries of all kinds, Hoots and Shoes, Hunts' Underwear and other styles of Clothing, and numerous oilier articles suitable for the needs of the fanner and his family. Hv prompt and fuir dealing wo hope 'to receive in future, as in the past, a liberal share of patronage. fir The highest market (price paid (or butter, Eggs and Fowls. September 11, lh'JO. Farmer's. Store! iv. L. XFAYTON, Sl'CCKSSOR TO STB AIGHT & NEWTON. Goods sold at Portland Prices. 1 Ugliest Price Paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE. JOHN A. BECK, THb Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON KARTH. For general repairing ho stands without a peer. For lirst-dass, re liable poods his store is second to none. Try him 1 K UORSHAM 0 : : BROO DEALER IN- Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork None hut the best of meats lmndleri, Free de livery to all pnrm of tho city, 81101' TWO 1100118 ABOVE POST OFFICE oni:j. ii v. . out:. Fabor's Golden Female Pills. 'or Female Irreitnlar lues; nolliimj Htoilicra on tho market JVVtw fail. BueceMfullyiiicd by prominent lailiei monthly. Guaranteed to relieve mippresaeii lueustruatloa. SURE! SAFE CERTAIN) Pon t be hmnbninred. Save Time, Health, ami money ;tako uo oth er. Bent to any aildrew, seoiiro by mail on rt cotiitofiiricii.JlOO. AUII1-OS8, THE ftPHRO REDICIKE COIBPflftY, Wostern Branch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OR For sale by Cliiirtmui & Co. I'ruuBists, Oregon City, Or. iWBrReffmEmiBwtHra Grocery Store MiaWe Jeweler,