The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 13, 1891, Image 2

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Tiikhk boliiK soiMoliviStuni-yoi ill1 rt ot
ClokniM wnt.viKK'itilloi l '"hl
the I1U for tlt Oii-mm City clmrtet tlmml
tin ImLhIhIiiw. owliw to Ilium Mug ill 0-
Uolu risU to Wtutii I'ltiiiiwUlu Mount of
Trdo Hi tlifir mooting Tuesiliiy ovonlng,
iwaaml bv uiimititioiis vote rowlulloii tlmt
Mra iiihiIoU clmrtor, n roi-oil ty tlio
eomniitttfoa Hlntovl by tli City Comu'll
Mid Board of Trndo, without iilterittlim
or kiiiondiuoiit. Tl Bonrd nl ivolnlod
conimilliH to soouro tlio l(jmitttiv of Ibo
tiu-jMiyors o( (ireful t'lty to lwtltlon to
our rrviwtittlv ihMiik H't tli
churtrr bill now in llioir liiuiil.lx nwn us
In lt original lor in. TI0innilttiHis lulling
tli work of riMiiK tlio oily i-lmrler u'l
vtry ndovor to embody In tli clmrtrr
'tvrl by tliem U tins bout fmtiirvs ol
the charters of our iiri;lilirlnK cities ami
ofthooldclmtorof (Us rlty, wid fee! tlml
they lmv given OivRim City clmrtor to
covor all Its neetls and omililo more tro
irrrssive meaaiire to be undorlakon In tlio
affairs of tlio city government, t'ndortlio
provisions of the new elimler the city
council will bo given Ibo authority to luivo a
more thorough system of MRerago lut In,
in order to avoid a istilence, andtilTorvlng
property owners to make street Improve
ments in the way of grading street and
puttiugdown sidewalks whore the same are
needed. It also gives more explicit powers
to the Mavor, and enables him to enforce
the ordinance passed by Ihoeouncil with
out unnecessary delay, and to have a better
control over the various departments of the
city government so that he will be enabled
to see tlicy all perforin their duties In a
proper manner. The need of a new charter
as drafted is such as to justify the Imnie
iliate and more vigorous otforta of our
representatives, and it is hoped they will
comply with .the prayer of the petitioner.
The largest corruption fund ever raised in
North I'akola, except that furnished by the
Louisiana Company last winter, is now on
hand to secure passage of the resubmission
bill. A majority of the saloon keepers and
lliUor dealers in that state have I sen as
sessed, and immense contributions have
been made by brewers and w hi-kyile alers
of other states. A crisis has now Nt'ii
reached irthe light for prohibition In North
Dakota, and the legislature is about evenly
divided in sentiment on tlds iieslion. The
constitution, made and adopted in 1XS0, and
the law of IKM, established prohibition, but
the enactment was set at dellance, and
liquor has been sold throughout the state
almost as openly as ever, penning the de
cision In a test case lietoro the supremo
Court. The finding of that tribunal is
against the liquor men, but still they do
not give up Ihe struggle, A very strong ele
ment in the legislature w ill push resubmis
sion. The probability is that the measure
will lie defeated. The latest canvass of
both houses show s a slight majority in favor
of the present iron-clad prohibition law.
Ievelopmonts inuy lie sonsutionul as the
fight progresses, out there Is not likely to ClZl.llHll ; p.oOand'ou.uo in forceTues
be any great scandal, most of the mcmlcr t (lay mf,rnjn, to h.-cuio the passage ol I ho
being raemphaticully committed to one si le j , nHoli.lalioii bill, hut by a htllu slip in
or the other that the boodle ol whisky men
will not lie useil very extensively or ell'ect
ivelv. Caufoknu'i Kxhibit, known by the
name of "California on Wheels," was side
iaked In Oregon City Monday hist, and as
a matter of course was visited by hundreds
of ourcitizens. It comprises two coaches
tilled with the products ol that state, lie-
aides a private car for the convenience of
those in charge. The exhibit has been out
from San Francisco fourteen months, cov
ering in that time the principal sections ol
the entire country. Tlio exhibit Is some
thing that probably can be duplicated by
but one country in the world, and thnt is
Oregon ; but this is easily accounted for in
that California Is so close to our orchards
and vineyards. California makes a very
credible showing "on wheels," and tbuuks
to the long heads of the members ol Its en
terprising board of trade, thev have turned
the eyes of many Easterners this way, but
they will feel mighty small a few yours
hence, when they see their elfurts double
discounted with an "Oregon on Wings'"
Thi severest blizzard known to that
country for years has raged throughout the
upier Mississippi valley during he past
week. Many lives have been lost and much
stock frozen to death, w bile the mercury has
raiigvd from ten to thirty degrees below
ri ro. No ni:e but those fumiliar with and
have had exprience in, can realize the se
verity of a typical Dakota blizzard. Yet
the people of the Dakntas and contigu
ous commonwealths welcome the elements
of Boreas notwithstanding the immediate
effects, and console themselves with hoping
that with a superfluity of snow now they
may be blest w ith an average crop the coin
lug season. The pluck of the people of
that country is much in excess of their gooil
sense or they would not longer subject
themselves to such unfavorable conditions,
when Oregon with glowing sunshine and
pastures green bids them welcome.
We are in receipt of an argument by
Postmaster General Wannamer in support
of, art 1 on Unconstitutionality of, the lim
1 ed Post 8nd Telegraph. The stand taken
by Mr. Wumiamakcr on this important
matter important because it concerns
every citizen of the nation, I: as fearless in
its attack on a great monopoly as it is just.
In his closing remarks he says:
"If others speak out for the telegraph
stockholders some one must stand for the
peoflle in the interest of the cheaper tcle
grapy that they want. I believe It belongs
to this Department to tukc this stand, and I
propose intelligently and persistently to
keep this subject before you in strong confi
dence that it will not bo long before your
committee will take steps to give the people
the reli prayed for."
The name of Hon. Henry Failing, of
Portland, as the possible successor of Secre
tary of the Treasury Windoni is abroad,
and is not by any means the least popular
among candidates. His name has been
unanimously endorsed by the Washington
legislature, and they have requested their
delegation in congress to support him for
the appointment. It goes without saying
that if vigorous work by our own represent
atives, backed by the unanimous voice of
Oregon constituency and a major portion
of the Pacific West will have the desired
effect, Mr. Failing's appointment will be
Vol,. 1, No. 1, of the Buv City Tribune
published by J, 8. Dulingcr, at a new burg
from which its name is derived, situated on
Tillamook Bay, and, as it says, "at the head
of deep water," Is at hand. The Tribune is
a six column folio, well edited, and there
fore spirted and newsy.
Thk active militia force of Oregon, com.
prising l,700olllcers and men, is composed
of one brigade, commanded by Brigadier
General J. M. Siglin. The brigade is com
posed of three regiments of infantry, one
battery of light artillery, ami two troops of
Now that Hill has iKcptod the sonulor.
ship IVoiii New Yoik, ll is believed Hull
any hopes he may have entertained for
pjesideiiliul honors are practically blighted,
While Cleveland ami his followers may find
con-o'ntion lnlliis to u considerable, axtuul,
theirs cannot possibly be greater than that
of tho leaders of the republican party In
knowing thnl be mid not Hill l to head the
detnuci m Ic ticket In 'M. Cleveland'! popu
larity among democrats Is at far from Mn
universal as Is sul'e and yet leave hopes for
a sntvetsful campaign.
NoitriiMMT KoiiKsrHH Is the name ol a
now monthly published by John W. Kelley
at Portland, In the Interest or forestry. Mr.
Kelley is a well know n newspaper man of
this slate, and as he launches lorlli lu Ids
new Journalistic venture he lias the best
wishes o( the entire fraternity.
TiiKiir is no hope lor the Columbia se
curing the government dry dock now. Sen
ator Allen's Amendment, locution It at Port
Orchard, Washington, and appropriating
f'J'.Wtmo therelor, was carried lu tie senate
Wednesday, by a vote of thirty-four to
twelve. The total cost of the dry dock will
bo ITOO.OtHl,
ST.M'K IXdlSloVt l lii:.
Ill mill AiMiiud tlio Hulls of
Male Capitol.
by This Kmkki-hisk HpocUl t'.invawoiidont, On., r'tiii. 12, I Sill
As the day of tlio session draws to
n close and one can count those left of
the "foitv days and forty nights" upon
their fingers ol lliclr liiinds, ninny of tlio
members begin to look anxious as thev
icalixo tiuit iiirasurea must fail, which
thev stand pledged to their oonstil nancy
to support. The seiiulo is much Itiitlier
advanced with lis work tliiin tlio house
mid inav possililv avoid much of the
final squabble wiii, It must inevitably
come soon in the house The senalo
has put in several evenings grinding
out eoipoiaiion bills whii4i me legion
this session and now has most of theso
reconlcd on the "passe I" page of tlio
caleudei . This branch of the legislature
is most fortunate in having a lightning
reading clerk in the person ot J. Ii.
Ivldy, whose voeiil orgiiiiH adapt llu'in
selves in a rt'iuiiikiilito degree to the
lull in hand. Any corporation cliiirtor
bill iroiii a two litie anicmlnicnt ton two
hundred page lull charter passes through
Ins t-k rill nl manipulation mid comes
thiouidi "third reading1' w hich must bo
in lull, in it I mill equal space of
lime, say half M minute. It biiugs
smile to the face id the sedate senators
occasionally to witness his skill ill rend
ing, liven tlio Usiully culm face of tlio
pi can lent is seen to lehix over an es
pecially dextrioiis (eat of the reader.
1'roiii the , car w indow Thursday I
noticed an orehurdist spraving his fiuit.
Wonder it lie hud not heard of the fail
ure of the senate to pass Cross bill to
abolish the horticultural board? llo
may have lound that some of the ineiii
beisof the present board would tiud
lobbying at Salem for their re-election
loo dull, and inellicient and might con
clude to run out and colore the law
against him. This bill was intioJuccd
by senator Cross nt the instance of
James Winstan. of Damascus. Its
passive would have saved to the state
the saleries of the oili, w hich amounts
to considerable during the summer and
the state would h ive been that amount
hotier oil each vcar.
the inanuu'i'ineiit, it was postpone!
till Thursday when it is set for special
order. There seems to U' a at rung un
dercurrent of imposition to this bill, the
cause of which is apparent to those
familiar with political history. It m
dillieidt to my what fate the bill w ill
meet either in Iioiinu or senate. Ijuilo
a number of Kurt I'orllunders were re
joicing at a lulu hour on Tuesday night
or was it Wednesday morning over the
passage of the l.ast Portland charter
The big assessment bill covering Till
printed pajes passed the bouse on Tues
day in spite of a determined opposition.
Ibis bill provides among other thing
for present assessors, who shall lioiriu
usM'iitg on the fust iluv of Aprd of each
year and conclude their labors by the
loth if .May following. All piopeity
is to be listed at its actual cash value
nailioa'is uie: n-ouoi-i, hi nooir-,, urn i'i.
all oronertv to county cleiks throm:!.
i..:i- ... I - : .... I .. f. ...... ..I. Il.,
w hich tlietr road passes, mid shall in im-
tain an ollnein the stale nil 1 1 a secre
tary in charge. !latik are required to
make u full statement including a list
of depositors mid those having note on
hanks .National banks ure to be
assessed on their capital stock ii tin)
place wlicio the bank is locut'd. No
indeiitedncss is allowed except on re
corded mortgages. An exemption of
ij'M) i allowed from llui aggregate
assessment of each householder.
The to t seems to contain a number of
queerpiovisions. The lir-d section read,
"All real and personal property in the
state, and personal piowrty owned by
any person residing therein, inn subject
lo taxation " Thus if a resident of Ore
gon owns 11100 bend of stock in Washing
ton they must pay taxes in this slate.
However ns the hill has not yet passed
the senate it is very uncurtain whether
it will become n law.
Senalo bill No. til introduced hy Mr.
( 'a i hi in , mid relating to the duties of rail
roid commissioners contains a clause
which looks us if the democratic clerk of
senate, committee on railroads anil cor
poration!), might luivo had a hand in
preparing tho bill, and that n part o(
section four was written by V N. Scott
with ilii) view of helping himself to a (at
plum . II. rea ls thus :
It is deemed necessary and it is hereby
directed Unit. Hie qiuilill JiilioiiH of the
said boaid of railroad commiMsioiiurs ie
qii;re that at least one of the members of
said hoard shall be a person who has ll
full and general knowledge of railroad
niunugement, railroad accounts, the
methods pursued in tho making of rates
arid cliangi'S of classifications, and who,
by constant application to this special
business or tiiuio. is so trained, and un
derstands tho details necessary to Iho
construction, iiuiinlcniinco iind operation
of railroads in Ihe sliito of Oregon,
w hether said railroad is well organized or
C. N. Scott, it railroad man, ought
never to luivo been made dork of that
committee, in the first place and tins
looks very much iih though the railroad
meant to luivo at least one member of
the boatd identified with thnir interests.
Is Senator Curson lending himself as a
tool to his clerk or is he to bo considered
the champion of the railroads?
Representative Tracy wunls to luive
chickens;, luoN and geese corralled.
His bill (or this reads :
Section 8. Any person or persons
w ho are tho owners of, or any persons
having the care, control or nuimigcment
of any chickens, turkeys, pigeons, ducks
orgec-'c, w ho shall permit or allow any
of the same to go into or upon any en
closure belonging to another, after llrst
receiving tiiri days notice by the owner
or occupant or persons having churgo of
hucIi enclosure, to keep the same out
of such enclosure, and shall (nil or refuse
or neglect ho to do, shall be deemed
guilty of a iiiiHdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof shall do fined in any sum
not less than five dollara nor more than
twenly-livo dollars for each and every
such offense.
Section 2. Justice courts hIiiiII liavo
jurisdiction of all micli oflences.
Keel ion 3. Inasmuch aH there is no
law upon this Hiihiect this act shall he in
full force and effect from and after ils ap
proval by the governor.
Whether this is intended to supple
ment his bill lo "pneoole peace ami har
mony" Mr. Tracy does nol stale.
The people of tho upper Willamette
viilley am gelling flnli hungry, and John
Mintohus introduced a bill to provide
for tin) building of n Hall ladder lit the
Willamette I'ltlls. Tlio sum asked for
Tim stale lit In h.i apportioned Into
two eongrcmioiuil disiilcls a follows!
Tho l''ii"d district slmll be iv imposed
of tlio ouunlle of Denton, C'liickiiiiuiN,
Coos, Clin v, Doiudiis, Jackson, Joseph
ine, Khumilli, l.ako, 1 nil'', Unn, Marion
Polk, Tillamook, Washington Yrtn
lull. Tlio Second district slutll he compose 1
of the counties of Hnker, Clulsoii, Col
umbia, Crook, tiilliuiti, (Irani, lliiiiiey,
Malheur, Monow, Mnlliioiiiuli, Mhor-
niuii, I nmtlll.i, l nlon, wiiuowii nun
rVeilmi ()iu leproHentiitlvr) lo the
t'onuress of tho I'nlled Slates shall be
elected In each of Ibo districts before
enumerated on the llrt Monday In
Juno in the jour of our land one thou
sand eight hundred and ninety-two, mid
otto In each o( said districts every two
years Iheiealter,
Uopioaontutivo Puqnot's bill providing
lor (lie recoiding of wills in all counties,
when testators owned property has bo
coiitii ii law bv the governoi's signature.
Following is tho text of Pmpiet a lull to
pound nuisunces:
Ifunv poison shall ;mt any dead aid
mill cuicusses, or part thereof, or any
excrement, putrid, nauseous, decaying,
delotoiious or olb'tisivo. eubstiWcii, In
anv well, or into aliv soring, brook ur
branch of inniiing wulor, ol which use
isnnido for domestic purpose, or to
w hich anv call le, lenses, or other Kinn
,,f ttiiwk have access, evtu V poison HO
ollending shall on conviction thereof, be
fined in any sum not loss than throe nor
more, than Itltv dollars.
Hopresentutivo l'aiiiot'H I'.aglo Creek
road bill as it passed the house is as fol
lows: Section I That there be and hereby
is ttpuinpriiiicd out of the general fund of
the statu of Orenuii not otherwise appro'
piiated, Iho sum of live thousand dollars
lor the inn pose ot Hiding inn couiov
court of Clackamas county to construct a
w iu'iin road from u pn-.tit ''ogiuulng at the
iinrtii end of the linker's Ferry bridge on
the Clackania liver in section No. 1:1,
tiiwnsbin Nl. 'J south, of raiii!e2 east ol
tho Willamette uieiidiuu, nil. I running
thence on iho most practlcabhi route, lo
lie selected by Iho county court of Cluck
limits county under tho piovisions ol Iho
law relating to the laying out and estab
lishing county roads, lo Faglu Crock
pustotl'lce in section HI, township i! south,
of range 4 east of the Willamette me
ridian, in Clackiiuius county, Oregon,
'Section 2. That tho county court of
(Tuckainas county is required, and Is
hereby irithnri.od', lo appoint a aupeiin
londoiit to carry nut the provisions of
section 1 of this act, who shall be under
the direction of the said county court,
mid who may bo ninhorisod to let the
construction of said road by c intract, in
such manner as may be appropiiated by
the said coiiutv com t.
Section :i. The superintendent of eon
sti notion piovidod lor in this act shall be
paid such reasiiiuihle compensation for
his servics iisthe said county court may
Section 4. Cpim the conisdulioii of
the proposed road, tho county court of
I'luckniniis county shall present a cert i
liculo lo that elici t, staling that the sitid
road bus been coimti ucted in accordance
w ilh tho provisions of section 1 of this
act, to the secretary of the state of Ore
gon, who shall on presentation thereof,
diaw his warrant on the stale treasurer
for the sum of ten thousand dollars, pay
able lo the older of the county judge of
Claekniiuis county,
Scvlion.Y Said road, when completed,
shall le and become a public county
road, uiiil said road shall bo muiu'aincd
ami kept in repair by said Clackamas
county, the sumo us other county roads
of said county are
Section ti. Inasmuch us the construc
tion o( the proposed road is, and will be
of benefit to the people of tho entire
statu ol Oregon, and its ourlv comidetion
is therefore desiuihlo, and (or the public
good, this ad shall take clloct mid hem
lorce from and lifter its passage,
roliepresent.itivo 1 l.irtiuun's bill for a
a ud 'rum Manpiani to Soda Springs was
tealed down fiom tin ii' Ihniuan 1 lo one
housiiml by the scial committee.
When it ciime up in the hou-e Mr. Hart
mall succeeded III raising it to flfSKI. It
now awaits in tion by tliesenate.
On Tuesday evening in the absence of
a session in tlie house, the "third house"
organized a mock Icgislatine and passed
an hour very pleasantly. Such men as
Minor Delatsliinutt and lien. 11. Muiklc,
laid aside their dignity and ucted the
boy (or a time.
The present-legislature is displaying a
, : . . . , . ., f "
vt'ry . '',f': matter of appro-
priatisus. the state capital is coming
in for an fS0,iHKI slice. The portage rail
way comes in for ifiiO.OOO, and there is
strong probability that the fl00,0O0
portage bill will pn-s. The woild's
fair olil.iliud (50,000 from the house and
the wagoir road bills are likely lo get
$150,000. It now looks as though the
appropriations for tho biennial period
would itinoiint to ten or twelve hundred
thousands, w hich is quite a snug little
The we illier, February 4th, Is clour and
cold again, milking it good for all except
those who have teaming to do. The ground
being frozen makes it rough hauling.
Mr. ami Mrs. Barber, of Michigan, have
been here holding meetings for two or three
weeks. About thirty were converted, and
a neyv Cougregiitionnl church will be estab
lished here.
Mr. Smock's new bouse is rapidly Hearing
completion. It is a line house the best in
this vicinity,
Mr. Mat. 1'itch fell fitim a scaffolding hut
week and w as badly hurt, hut is now conva
lescent. The Portland Pressed llrick Company
have started up again. They are now run
ning on full time, making about Ki.OilO
bricks per day. It is said if this kiln is a
success the company intend to put In a ti lo
factory in tbespring.
Mr. Hurry Hand bus bought a half inter
est in the butcher shop formerly owned by
Fitch V Hniock, Mr. Fitch retiiing hum tho
Messrs, Her A MeConnell have opened
out a general merchandise store In Smock
villc. We wish them snccoss in their now
venture. C. A, II.
Highland Jottings,
Since I wrote you lust Mrs. Win. Living
stone, of this place, passed from o :r midst
on the morning of the '.'d instant, after a
sickness of a month or more. In the prime
of life she bus left, a hushum! and an only
son to mourn her departure. Her body was
interred in Harmony cemetery. The fu
neral services were conducted by Bev, Mr.
Short.of Marion county. Mrs. Livingstone
was highly respected by ull who knew her.
She was a member of the Baptist church.
The bereaved have the sympathy of the
Mis, Livingstone's funeral sermon Is lo
be preached on the first of March, at 11
o'clock, in Highland Baptist church,
Mr. H. Slioeklcy's family Is down with
the measles, hut all arc improving slowly,
Mr, C, McMillan, and Mrs. McMillan and
family, were the guests of W, Huthcriord
last. week. They reside in Kast Portland.
Mr. Isaac Klinson, of Kast Portland, paid
Mr, Marshall a visit. Mr. Slinson is a good
marksman, but it. is too laic in the season
for shooting. Scriuhi.rii.
February 7, lMtll .
Our school al this place, under the man
agement of Mr. D. Miller, will soon close.
Mrs. Joseph Harrington, of Oregon City,
was the guest of her many old friends lust
Mr. Vesly Kirk and wife, of Heppner,
are the guests of Mr. Tom Kirk.
Mro. James Ilecknrt Is Ihe guest of her
mother, Mrs, Al, Harrington.
Mrs. Z, H, (bird Is quite h k, but wo hope
for a speedy recovery,
Mr. K, Harrington bus his spring plowing
done ami Is walling for sunshine lo sow.
Mrs. M. Heckiut died suddenly al her
home last Saturday or pneumonia, and win
burled the following day. The funeral icty
Ices were conducted by Hev, William Short.
Mrs, Heckart iu a devoted Cliiislluii and
highly esteemed. llirv.
February 7, KWI,
We omit Olpsy'i well written notice of
Mrs, Livingstone's death, as It Ii fully told
In (lie correspondence next auuvo.
It Is quite a lime ilneu 1 reported to Tint
Kntkiu'NI!; mo I thought 1 would lei you
know that we are stilt moving around, try
ing lo keep up with the spirit of improve
During the past season, there bus been
quite a spirit of enterprise In Highland ami
vicinity, stent A Dm. have been doing a
nice little business In the way of. buying
many things of the larmers, and giving In
exchange dry goods and groceries, widt h Ii
an accommodation to the people. 1 think
they glvegeiieral satisfaction,
W ii have also a physician lu eonud lion
with the store and post olllce. Hull quite a
genial K.scilliiplau,
Mr. John (ielhaua has built a house and
ham during the past season which have
helped the appearance of our nelghlMir
hmid llo is now cosily eucnued in Ids
house with Ids beautiful (run, enjoying the
pleasures of connubial felicity.
Mr. Strlckllu has added a line ColsWold
buck to his Hock of sheep, Imputed from
Canada. He Is also keeping up an unre
lenting warfare on the coyotes, catching
four a short time ago, llo has also i"ld so
acres of laud lo a Hiissian Finn fnrffimio,
and the purchaser has commenced work on
It. The family consist! of llftreii children
Mr, Strlckllu has also remodeled till old
bouse that be built thirty hears ago, and
made It look like a new one,
Wheat Is looking line, and stock gauerully
dning well.
Considerable plowing has Ihtii done dur
ing the winter, and the farmers are generally'
lu Hue spirits. The indications nr that
large crops will bo put lu this spring.
Mr. Heckert has put in a chop mill In
connection with his saw mill,
Our district school has progressed finely
during the winter, and "the young idea" Is
rapidly learning "bow to shoot."
Peace and harmony dwell among in, io
far as I know and believe.
There has been more sickness this whiter
than there has been since 1 caiuo to the
slate; mostly pneumonia and lung lever.
Three deaths have occurred here recently
old Mr. Jackson, a veteran Chlmi soldier,
old Mrs, Heckert, and Mrs. l.iviiigtoue.
Mr. Livingstone Is now very sick nith the
same disease.
Mr. HolK'rt Hinckley's family have the
Mr. Davidson is fust converting Ids farm
intou prairie by taking out ull the stumps
lu hi lleldi. A.J. M.
Clsckaniu (TiIim
Limtiis Tn Kntkhpuisc: We Nee lu your
lust week's Issue that Mr. J. W. Morrli lias
an Oregonian dated in l17, supposed lo I
the oldest one lu Oregon "Ity. Clui kamas
can lat that by fifteen years. Mrs. Klleti
Cbupmau, of this place, bus an Orcgnuian
dated February 7, IXC, published by T. J.
Dryer. Terms of subscription, one year,
7 OH; six months, $A on. A four page pa
per, with the inside blank. Mrs. Chapman
ulsolms an Oregon Statesman, dated Pcccm
her .111, I s.7, published at Oregon City; an
Oregon Weekly Times, published at Port
land, dated February 7, fii, and 1 Specta
tor dated Juted January 20, 1K TlieHjiw-
tutor contains Prenldent Polk's menage to
Born lo the wife of W, W. Jones, of this
place, February 7th, a sou weight nine
C. N. Matlock, formerly of Kast Portland
moved to this place last wrek. llo occupies
the hnme owned by Jacob Johnston.
Samuel Strlle; who has been very low fur
several months, Is reported a little better
It w ill Ik' a great pleasure to all of us lo see
hint once more on our streets.
Mr, l.owslgiiaut moved front the country
last week Into the house owned by Mrs. Fl
leu Chapman.
The M. K. church society, of this place,
will get up an oyster supis-r on next Satur
day evening, the proceed to go tnwsrils re,
seating the church.
Mrs, Dr. Norrii was In town one ilnv Inst
week, the guest of Mrs. W. L, Chapman.
J. W. Boats and P. ll. Humphrey sold
eight lots in their now addition during the
lust week. IUts
February 10. Mil.
Heavsr ('reek Breathing!.
Miss Kale Bider ami Mr. Terrlll Osliorne
were united in wedlock February 7th, at
the residence of the bride's parents. We
extend to them our congratulations, and
hope their path through life will be happy
and prosperous.
Miss Auiiio McCormack and Miss Pearl
Nhal'or, of Portland, are visiting the former's
relative! in this vicinity.
Frank Buy and Henry Gregory are outting
cordwood which they will market next sum
mer. Valentine Stoker is about again after hav
ing the measles.
Mr. Cbailes Stoker, while plowing, met
with an accident. One of the lines bcconi
iug entangled he tried to disentangle It
when the team started, catching Mr. Stoker's
foot and dragging him some distance before
tho team could bo stopped.
Mr, Thouius Thomas, , of Newcastle,
Washington, has moved his family to bis
larm in this locality, which will be quite a
help to this school district.
We think this county should own and
control a farm for the poor. It would les
sen the expense of helping the paupers mid
they woublall bo together instead of being
scattered ull over the county. One is
that their labor put in in a profitable manner
would mostly defray the expense of Iheir
keeping. The laud should be purchased
before it gets too high to bo obtained witlilu
a short distance of tho county seat,
February 8, 1801.
Canny Culling.
Mr. A. V. DIx, of Washington, formerly
of this place, wits here on business hist
week. ,
Judge Wait is having a new board fence
built, enclosing his farm at this place,
Masters Lawrence and Raymond Mosh
bergcr, of Woodbum, were visiting at their
grandfather's, W. O. Muck, last weok.
S. Mathews is fencing in some of his lots
Bov. Ilines, of Portland, preached here
last Sunday.
Our postmaster is happy over the receipt
of the new boxes. Canby's post olllce pre
sents a lino appearance.
W. P, Welsinandel, who Is working near
Leutz, was visiting here the fore part of the
Miss Draper, of Oregon City, is still in
structing the youth of Can by In music.
It is the Intention to organize a lodge of
A. 0. U. W. In this place.
Ucorfje Knight Is the possessor of new
organ. Wo predict that ticorgto will soon
entertain the guests at the hotel witli excel
lent music.
Harvey and Richard Bull tiro puttingout
mora hops. Success, boys. Is our wish.
George Bansbiiure and brother, are im-
Kir. Siiriieo mill Ceilur:
( 1 I I.1 en 1...
l gli'H, r,to, Pliliii'u
inn river or
"j Mill silnaled on
Cheapest : in : tho : city
Orders from tlio country promptly filled.
148 Third Street, Portland.
Tlio most carefully selected properties in tlio City or County,
No. 1. IliO ttcroM, 2j iiiiloH from
('unity, on 8. V. H. It., Hplomliit
level liiiul, lino enw UiiiIht, '!"
wren pultiviiUil, good friwiio
house, if.V-'OO.
No. 2. HID am'H on S. I'. It. It.
.'t niilcH from Oregon City, '!,'-' K)-
No. !5. -Kl) acrcH, open level brush
lnnil, 4 miles cunt ofOn'K"" t'ily,
1 mile from Cliickumna river
!,IMH) on timo.
No. -I. 10 bitch joining- Cliu-ka"
lima Height on tlio south, ni tirly
level, run ho Hold in lott ntul
blocks, !fl,2."0.
No, .1. 22") aereri, splendid farm
on Clear Creek; C milca taut of
No. 7.-7 lata in Went Hide addition, IoIk 3, -1, .r, 0, 7, 8. block 100
lotM, t, 2, H, 7, H, block I.'.l, all of block 20, Main Htreet, all of block 1 15
Oregon City. One line lot in Scllwood.
No. S. .'!0 nercH in "CluekanuiH Fruit Lands" all in cultivation.
Kinetit peach land in lite world, price 1200 jht acre. . My peach orchard
netted if2iHI an acre thix year.
Will exi-hango NoV 1, 2, .'I, f, ti, fur any good city projicrty in valley
towns. For tcrmn and particulars apply to
H. E. CROSS, Oregon City.
proving tin- forincr'n irt.rty hern.
Hvcrjixiily aiprveiutcii the nevrny appear
ance of Tint r'.NTKio-HiHii.
Ills a ipicxtiou In (lis iiiimli of xiiue of
the I'rlaniln of a certain vminK man of thi
plucc how he rcltirnSii!iil.v evening from
ill hmt lrl resilience near Oregon City.
l.iit Wcilticduy Hey. Prelm anil MIm
Mury Kochlcr, of the KnitiKflicul clmrch,
were married at the n uideiice ol the hriile'n
father, Mr. John Koehlcr. Itev. II. Ilitner,
of the Kvnnnrlical church, performed the
ceremony in a very iiupresmve manner.
After the ccrciui'iiy the Kiiet wit down to
a hoiiiitllul dinner. Several Imlirn were
pent lu social Intercourse, lifter which all
departed, wMiitiK (he happy couple a long
ami happy life. Tho niieitu present were
Mr. and Mm. Vorphal, .Mr. and Mm. Mini
dorlV. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence llornschiie,
Mr. and Mm. Mciern, Mr. and Mrs, Kiim
niercr, the MIkkch Miimdoill ami Vorphal,
Mr. Kink, Mii I eliinan, 8. A. I). Ourley,
Mi Olla I. Mack, Mm. A. K. Ourley, Oeo.
A. Hurley, Kdward Kaiiiiuer, lidward
Itauder nnd Mr. Uoodparel. Mr. and Mm.
Treisn were the recipients of many present.
We extend to them our congratulations,
ami hope that on their voyage o'er the sen
of matrimony tho waves may ho low, and
that the hright constellation of Love may
sheil o'er them Us radiance of pence and
To Mr. Dunn's Conininnleatlun on the linatl
Tax Trouble.
Ma. KniToa: As Mr. Ilium did not wrlto
what he said when I gave him notice on
Jannnrv 3d, I will do It lor him.
Flrst'irllmt I Iind no right to work liltu In
timooV, ,aool, whereupon I told hlin to
come to my houso and rend tho law for
himself. He claim, as I rend in the paper,
that I had Ihe road law with me. That is
unjust, and not a word true about it. I did
not find my hook until next lny.
Second -That ho worked on the road
across the river, upon which I asked for a
receipt. Ho had none to show or to get.
Third That the assessor would not assess
him here, and ho would put It before the
circuit court before he would pay. (Hero I
link tho assessor of Clackamas county, did
you assess Mr. (I. H. Dunn If no when and
whuro?) Upon which I said to Mr. Dunn,
before K. l'liill and wife, if that la what you
want I will give you thrcodiiys' notice Just
what tho law called for and then we will
try It a rattle, which will bo next Wednes
day. Notice wns given January 3d; the
next Wednesday from said day was January
7th. Now I ask every reader if that is only
two days notice? Written notice was given
to Mr. Dunn wheroto come to and at what
time, on January 7th.
Alter all of this ho had the cheek to stop
me on the road, claiming he hud paid ull of
his tax In Doughis county, upon which I
agreed lopuy him $fi for every $1 road tax
ho paid there In 1MK). I have not seen any
receipt lux up to this duy. Just then you
hot I gave him a piece of my mind. 1 told
Mr. Dunn jiiBtwhut I thought of hini.
A few words about Huyos and l.atouretto.
Those gentlemen I have known for about
fifteen yeurs, but never saw them so ploas
iint before, I think they hud gronso for
their meal or something clso mighty Int.
Looking lor a hired girl kept mo from going
lo Oregon Oily tho iluy set for trial. His
birthday was January 30, IHill, Mother and
child iirii well, nnd tho old mini Is glad,
Doing no highflyer, but only a Mr, Some
body, us slated by Mr, Dunn, I will (ioso for
this time, hoping tho editor will Iind room
In his paper lor these few words. If so I
I shall answer tho rest of Mr. Dunn's letter
some other time.
Yours, etc. Lotus Toedtmeikr.
CiiAMimM.AiN's, Cholera and
Diaiooiiioa Rkmkdy, the most reliable
known nicilicino for bowel coinnluintH.
It in I'Hpociully prissml by persons subject
to nolio. It baa cured many rases of
chronic diaiiiiu'ii. l'rice 25 aiulOO cents
per bottlo.
! t Young !
iiIhii I.ulliM. 1'lcknlH. Hliill-
I i II .- 1
to mi m ii ii nil
nv run.
Wllliimeile river 'ill
Near Mcrison.
Oregon City, 100 Hcrcs in culti
vation, ,r0 ncriH to break, new
fraino house, new burn, fine wat
er, best Soil, plod lioigliborliond,
Hcliool, ele., price H,7o0, on time.
No. (i 3l.'lacreH in HprinKwater,
tho bout nil round tdock farm in
Chickiinian county, level land,
Kill acri'H in line cultivation, 7
acrcH orchard, good Iiouho, two
tine fnu no ImriiH, thoumimlii of
aereg of out range, water every
where, -T) head cattle, lierkwhire
hiigB, oil ton buy, filK) btmliei outs,
wheat, vegetables), homes, wag
on and funning implements, al
together at t2"t per aero on time.
I hereby notify the public Hint I am
the owner of lot'No 1 in Ilik No. 1:1 of
Holmes Addition and that thu aaimi is
for sale.
I w urn all HTsons against puniiiisiiii;
subdivisions of the above I'd fiom any
ot ho-person. If you do you will buy a
lawsuit and u hud title.
K. lli rsciy.
"Tlicro Ih littlo in woiniin'ii advice, vet
ho that won't take it is not ovcrw ise,"
saya Cervants. The proverb is 'Host
aptly illustrated in the following item:
1 hiring tho fall of 1HK.', while my
duiigliier whs teaching in tho country
near hoar, she conl ructed a severe cold
and coiik'b. I sent her a Imtlle of C'liuui
herliiin'H Cough ltemedy ami the ell'ect
was so satisfactory that on her recom
mendation the entire neighborhood be
gun its use, ami with the most satisfac
tory results, which him continued with
incieusiiig conlhlence ever since. .1. II.
Kmnhurt. druggist, Alton, Kunsns. 50
cent boltles for sulo by Ueo, A. llnid
in. "Is this the host?'' is a question often
askml, when medicine is wanted Tho
following are a few of the medicines of
known reliability, aohl by (ii:o. A. Hakii
iNd, druggist, of this place He lias
many other excellent medicines, hut
these aro worthy ol special mention :
C'iiamiikiu.ain'h Colon Kkmkdv, fa
mous for ils cures of aevero colds, anil as
a preventtivo for croup. l'rice fit) cents
per bottlo.
Ciiamhkhi.ain'h Pain Bai.m, a general
family liniment, ami especially vulnnble
for rheumatism. Trice 60 cents per hot
tie. Ciiamhkhi.ain'h Evk and Skin Oint
mknt. For teljer, Hiilt-rheuni, sculd
beiul, eczema nnd chronic surg eyes,
l'rico 25 cents per box.
For a lame buck, a puin in the aide or
chest, or for looth-ache or oar-ache
prompt relief may be had bv using
('liiiinlierliiin'B l'uin Hnlm, It is relinble
For sale by Uko. A Harding.
I'orHons troubled with rheumatism
should rend the following from Airs. N
M l'olers, ol Kast Dea Moinea, Iowa.
Slio says: I hail siillcrcd with rlieiiiiin
tisni the greater purt id the time for
nearly seven years. I doctored a great
deiil hjr it Villi physicians and tried
electric hells, patent medicines and al
most everything that was recommended
for rheumatism. Finally a neighbor nil
vised me to try Chamberlain's l'uin Uul
sum nnd was no sure that it would help
me that I procured a bottle. It (lid help
tno, right from the start ; but it took live
50 cent bottles to rnro tne, so you can
guess how bad I was as two bottles will
cure tiny ordinary cnHe " For sulo by
Geo. A! Harding, druggist.
Is catarrh, nnd there is but one prepara1
tion Hint does cure that disease, and
thnt is tlio California Positive mid Neg
ative Electric Liniment. Sold by I. C
Clark. It aUo cures neuralgia, rheuma
tism, lie idiuiie, sprains, burns, nnd ali
pain, Try it, and toll your neighbor
where io get it. Hold by "
H. (1. Cauki'ki.d, Druggist.
Great Reduotino
Cabinet Photographs
Thwaite'a .
167 First Street, Ket. Morrison anil Ynmlilll.
in '10 (nniril l our MCWltnftof wcr( ,
t'lillv mid hmioroblv, by ttitnf o
t'ii h'T onii(f or old, mid In (tu-li
i IoihIKIco, liurwcf ltiy live, Any
mio run ito tho uoik. I'.My n lrru,
W rutiiUlt wrryililiiff. Wn itdii you. N riik, Vu enn lcvnt
yinic ti(ire iiiihiihiiii, or nil your Mhh lo the work. Thli U n
ftiinivijr uitw ii'dii.niiii nriTiKn ivoiiuitiui iih-it in rrerv n mai'T,
Hpirlniinn ure iwriilnr tVm 114 t 60 iwr wrrk iinl iiimniLla,
nnd iiniff Hllcr llllltt I'lmiritmov, Wo vkii fUniliti you Iho cut
iiliivimnii mitl iarh ynu MtKK. No iimca o tKiilntn hr. Full
(uruvumilou HUk, THIIK di iO.i UUlbU, Mi.Mi.
Of All Designs, From tho Smallost
To tho Largest
v Arm Chair.
Patent Hocking Cl.airH of neat nnd nobby de'iin; l'erfo
rated and Vood-neat Chair; Fanev Hood and Cane
Heat and Lack Pining and Library Chain.
We hIxo carry a complete line of MattreKHcs-Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; Jlox and Top made to order. oven
wire, two and three-ply, of all hIzoh; HedHteadu, Lounge,
Cot, Etc., Ktc.
We are oveiKtoeked with this lino of goods and will make
the MUvinjr. redii-tion. for t!ic;.;ext 30 day?. .This .Sale will
for CASH only:
Met,',. , rlne, reieilsr .rlre H'4 reduced (IK, W,-n' I.lghl Wei
.... .sir. Hue. .hr! -Ilir. rrrnt i' ff! f '. retired '- -' n Hrivr !'
elr nnalliy. velvet llr. rrguUr file- l,li.
,iillty, velvet collar, rrnulsr rn- ;i un. reuuein fi.. ...v,..v .
reiiutnr ,rlee (I VI. reduced M cents. Misses' Kleolile G..mer.. extra qnsllty, reular price
US: reduced tl,7.',, Lsdles' Kle. trh (iossamers. extra tine, renmar price 11 'A reduced I1.0D
ladUV II. M.duasainem' extra iiiallty. tegular price K-SOreduci-d 11.76. Ladlra' T. K.
mr, extra ii till I y, tegnlnr price tl !), reduetd $l.7i.
Remeiiiher this Kale is foa SO days only and is for strictly
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
fine r
HIIOE.S I -4 '
Wo will have Home of tho moat elegant goodi the world ever saw
about the first of March. Those Goodn will be a feast for the gods.
Look out for our windows about that time.
We will earry thin summer ns fine a line of Goods as any house this
side of tho Missouri river. Call and see if we are lying to you. Every
thing the latest style.
Next Door to PostOiliee, Oregon City, Oregon.
The New Remedy. - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured-
Within only ten months truly remarkable medicine bait ton nil Its war
Into thu very best fnmllli'H. homiise It ci'imn Tine n k. No ilineaiv i,u, now
erlul to roMM Ita wniiilirhil
or not it ii' uiiik inn 11, ii.i uiniioit.
it tittn-M iii Hour, kii.i.k., o.,
urn .YIurrlKon HU, lorllanl. Or
Exoliulvo Ageula fur Clikma County, TH08. CMAKMAN & SON,
Oregon Cliy, Oregon,
Have the Finest Lot of Fane
Etc., ever put before the people of
Clackamas count, aai at pric33 to
suit the times. Call and See us be
fore purchasing.
We hve fall ssleotsi stoak of
ww w & to si,
Tho " McKinley Bill" does not aflbct the prices with us
except to sell cheaper than ever before. Our motto h
ICS and LABORERS," Come and see that what we say is
t mi r and iin liiSnsnnsn.
The finest selection of GROCERIES in the City,
ns, Currants, and Raisins of new crop, at lowest price.
reduced fi.V,. Men.' Medium Welel.l C.t". extra
..... v, .. (.1... i:...h.,,i.,t ,'itr. flue
aUiicka. It cob is notUIng to InvrsligRte. Bend
am i son