The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 13, 1891, Image 1

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    E"" V inni "TOs TFlPfe If O TO
'"', ' " 1 " Ml I '
9 ro world rencwaid. Her ,!re. prmiii, ! "
Hi petehea, t'hrrli. qniucea grapea and lii'i flin ' ,
. m
H( 1 ) ! nll'l loamy trllli dry mill mill, wlilrtt
Klvi'ii It it ini!liil adiiiilnldllty to Irull mining, fall-
tt&oailO-l. l HCf .llW'lJUl lV 1fI premium at
Urea of imwi lira unknown In (ha anuuli of th
i (lMmmmUliliil",l'filui. rtinii mir-
ttmiilr't hlBtory, wlilla Hia yield Ii Ipvirlnlfr
lurun, JCiiajtorn peoj,la thtuld mnkp a not
(if llui.ii fut'U when aeckliii new )mmi.
ken. Ai an In Imliutry mm racou, ii y,
In (! littanvy hr tiotwiinianituis, -jr
1! o - ,3
VOL 2-1 NO. M. I
I rill
1M Knmt Strvor HARDWARE )
Pett r-- -VUwun t.
Crescent Wedges (warrantotl.) H .t S Proof Chains. Arcade FiU'H.
I.oei's and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Orog n City Agent,
iT. A nh
MaJW J:2l. H-JS
The vise in Minor Plato having Moored an
Kastoru lnanufafturor of Cham
lor Suits, ho has ship
ped to
MX KM Mln LDjKi) 11
f f W u- vtA wna yA
No. 130 First Street
!aoh worth $")", with instructions to
poso of thoni at ont'O for cah.
Wo intoiul to givo to
got a gonuino hargain. "Wo will soil
vou ono of those
Suits worth $.V,
No Dealers Supplied Under any circustances.
mi more than one Suit sold to
one Person.
Flimsy Cht-Trap ( "iingorhread (mhk's, with soft wood panefs
ami rat Holes in the hacks of bureaus, or brown pa
per he! rails, hut MASSIVE OAK SUITS,
1x31) Hovel
in the Dressers. $"
Suits for
I 111
Kil ter of Furniture,
Cloths. Largest dtock in
the city.
No. 130 First Street, - Portland
Oregon City Sash
M A N U F AC r V H
and Mouldings.
Sash, Doors
cpecial sizes ot
Estimates for stainvork
doors and
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, Bric-a-brac,
Engravings," Etchings, etc.
108 Third Street, Porthnd.
T-OnIers liy moil or boat promptly lilli d.
Thin old ami reliable firm always
San. M ai MaifacM
Harflware TinwarB, A.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & JobbingL
AttenUCU tO rrOmmlV. Kg-
timatcs Furnish ed.
Nnrlhu-eeii'iit Atenu (nr
.-b-im'e -- ilit'ldt'itl Ttittlennrth
Plato Mirrors
Carjiets and Floor
& Door Factory
K KH 0 f
of all kinds,
windows made to order.
Orders promptly filled
ArlinQton Building
& CO.
keep in stock a fill! lino of
Poilland, Oregon,
leiter Lanea-
-Hlt vtr Steel Sawn
11om (.'roHcciit Stco
Professional Cards.
j a. aaiH aiiNaaoiHiH I r tuwimi
llrorbMibriib A Cowing
All I'iwi Iwlor I). H. I.hihI ttlr a .fwlnlly
OOlon nKiun Uauit t. 0 Uml uRUt
o lui 1 1,1 1 n , 1
OimiON CITY. Orrn
W, CKIV Jiltl Nai.H. (', M. IIH.IMAN.
Comer Fourth and Main Sta
4lrrgou lt), Orraxun.
furiil.ri A.trnni of TMIp, Until Moiii.y. ror
rltM MorltfNgi.. iil lrii.Mt't liviicrKl
r hti.iiii'..
r. A. MoMtll'K. A. H IHtKHHKH.
Attorneys at Law.
Ollkn In Jt!i:itr Work, (Im'koii I'ity, Or
t iruir, li tuiN, j.w,taAra
lit UNKV, HAIilV k intU'Klt,
Tnvt yrnm piiK-rintir a rrxUlrr ot llit
I . n. Inn. I iilllre hrn rmiiniiiiMiil in In
our i ialtv nf all kimU of IiiikIupm U'fnrr
lie Uml Kill. ami I In' murl-, anil Involt iiik
tilt I'rmlur in Hit' grmTul laml ulllir.
OlVu-d tii-iitiiini ivir Ort'Kuti City lUnk.
O. 12. HAYES
Ollli'e curi.or Miiin ami Kiylilli Hlruvla,
0i(tMltet'ourt llciiiw".
F. f. WHITE.
J'ractical Architects J' HuilJen-
Will rretrn plana, lavatlon.. wnrklm it-
lalU, ami ilflratliiiit lor all klii'ln "I tniil.1
IlK. HiktIhI atlK'illnii llvfll In miHlrril Col
t(.i. kitlmalra liirul.lixl mi i'.l ifti.,o
can oo or aaiirrii iin niii.ii.,
(lrf. in (Miy, 0n
Paid up Capital $50,000.
CaaniKR ( HAS. II. CAl'KIKI.I).
M.naukk K. L. KASTHAM.
Dapoalti raretv-d utiji.rt to clir-fk.
Approve.! Iillla ami iiotci tlliroiintffd.
('oiuitjr ami city warrant bonalit.
Uiflna ma'la on avallalila aeoortty.
(.'nllrrtlona mailfi pmmtitly.
Ilrata nolil on Portlaml, Han .Chlra
C, New York, and all principal t'lllri ol i'M
Taleraphlr ailianiimi (old on Portland, Man
Kra, Clllcajand Aew York.
Intel Pali hi tine deposit as rollnws :
For iTiro munlln, 4 (Mr cpiii per annual.
Kor innnlhK. & per cent, per annum.
rorU monlhi. 0 per cent, par annum.
T(ma iwrtlflratea o( deooaito purabl ion da
raand, tint Intereat furlelWd II drawn before
al ol term ol depoil'..
The Commercial Bank,
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transacts a General Banking Buslnett.
Loam made. If III a dlirnunted. Mnkea ro
tcllnn.. Iluva and aella exi'lianun on all pnliila
Hie I'nlU'il Hlalna, Knriipe ami Ilium Koiik
lli'iinalla r.'f l-i'd aulijei t to rlini k Intereat at
aMiinl rutin allowed on tlmu driHialla. Iliuik
arpen Irom a. M. to 4 f. u. rlntu nl.i y eveiiliixa
trom 5 tn 7 r, M.
0) C. 1.ATOUHETTK, Prolili-nt.
K t. DONAl.l'HtlN, Cnahler
We now have a Pull Lino of
Hai-dware and Stoves. Solo Agent
for Superior Stovea and Itanges,
TheOliver Chilled Plows at$l an in.
We have connected with tho house
PRmvtly done and a.CheoPEB any
could 'desire.
Wilson & Cook.
Opposite l'ost Olllce.
The Enterprise.
I'uhllmliviT ICvery KrhU.y.
Ono your I . w
KlI llllllllll. ... III
llin'w niiiiillia .... fto
Ailu'rtWInK iali' idifit tin u: (illinium.
.turn. I'ur 'l'lii i;ntr.i'lt',"
Caniiy, - - Umi. Kmiiiit.
Cl.Al'KAMAM, - A , M t lllKK,
Mii.wai kik, - Ami hi it Iti.iti'K.
I hlUN Mil, I. a, (1, J. illl I I.INllKII,
K. S. Hhamhai.i,, Aimn,
K. A, Wniinr, Mkahuw IIiiouk.
U. C. I.KM in. Vltil.A.
County directory.
OOINTY orricKim.
Jtitiaw.. i. w.
t'li'rk of ( tuirla
Slierltr . , . ,
II. II. JllllllHIII,
W. W. II. HmiiMin.
. W. T. Wliltlm k.
H. II, ( allll.
. . Joint W. Niilile.
Si IhhiI Siipvrintitiuli'iil
All'l. 1 lllHIIIHIII
. Hllltll'V Hill N III
Oliurli-a M'H'tinke.
t'orneliii Hnlr.
t'mnmunlonera' Court moll Brat We.ltia.ilav
oi earn uiomii.
Muyor ... TIiim. K. Itvnn.
llntonllT I,. I.. 1'uit.T.
Aaapaaur H. It. Orft it,
l'raurt'r K. It. t'luirinaii.
Oily Aitornry A. S, I'mwr.
.Maralml. ... . I.. Iltiriia,
Slrwt t'oiiniiU.iiiii'r . . t'. II.iIk.h k.
Siiii'luf Water Wiirku , . W, II. Ilnt'l.
ir k. 1 1 Han.
0. II. ( aiili.'l.l, t'l.a., Atliev, 0. J. I'arke,
T. I t'lmriiiaii. K H. Warrfii, J. It.
1 ri'inlmlli, J, W. O'l'iiiinell
Iteaular niiN-tlna ot rll eouuell f)rt Wed-
Dndajr In eai b inoiilli,
Til K MAII.a.
Mnlln t'liian tiulnit liorlli, H . a I r. u
MiiIUi'IomikoIuMihiiiIIi, H:iUa. a.,ll::1ir. at.
Ml UK N"l'Ta.
Ori'irnii 1'ltvt.i Moliillii. Muliiiii.Canu anil
Wtllmil: l'avra at lM A. M. Mon.lui ,
Weiiii'ltt nml I'rl'lilK. anil rt'tiirna on
tulliiMliiK ilaya.
UrfKuu I i(v U Mink.) Inrka. Mill no. I ll
ion Milla ami Mi-mlow HriHik : l intta ul
Int. m, Tuiilav. Tliurailuv ami hntiiuliiv,
ami relnriia on tullotvlnn Java.
Society Dlroctory.
Vnltnniuall Loiltcr, .No. I, A. F. A A. M.
H.ilda Ha reatitar eoiitnitiuleationa on Aral
and Ihlid Halunlaia ol . h m.inih at ? .m r a
flretlirell luaiHtd ataiidlnv are Invited to attend.
, k i Altl.l.. w l ,
T. . kVA..heietarr
Orrrott l oilttr, I. (I. 0. F. No- f
Meeta every 1 hitr.itay even a at 7 no o'rlork
at. In the ihi.l Kell.iwa' Hall, Main alrtel
Memlwra ol the llrder are United to attend.
Hv Older nl W A Mnlleiiw, N tl.
lima, Hyan, Mei-rviary.
Trmpl No. 1, Ori'iron City I'tilrlarrlml
Meetiaverv Kvetiluf at 7 SO at hall
on Mala and Kourth liireeia
M u llAi ai av. Orarle.
t, I'Ataraa. Merretarr.
(ratl I'uat U.i, (i. A H . Hi bhiI.
turn I of (rrrti.
Mneta ft rat Krl.t.y nl each mnnlh, at 7 90
'. a. at Odd Kellima' Hall. tire..u a lly.
UKU, A, II tKIMMI. Coroinauder.
Mead Itellt-f Corpa, No. It, llrparimrnl
or Orrifoii.
Mre. f O. Met'own. Frealdenl
Mra. lien. A. Hardlui, - Hemetary.
ra K. Cochrane. Trea.urer
Meeta on Aral and third F'tdave "I earh
month In Council Chan Iwr. Memliera ul corpi
from abroad, eordlally welrotned.
FallalTtr I.oiltrn ot . O I . W.
Meeta every aeruiid and ft.urth frlday even-
Ilia of earn iimntn in imh reuowa i.tiiniini.
All ojotiriinif brethren ooidlally Invited to at
Oilur Camp, No. "2, Mntlern Woodman.
Merit every Tuewlay at Odd Kellow a l:ll.
K. I. Wtaaaa, V.
L. It. Janky, t'letk.
Andrei HoCer l.oilKe, No. fl. Soni of
Meet every HnuiUy at a n'rlm k p. m. at
Trenhalh'i Hall. Kami Htannrtuaa I'rea.
Al.aaaT et M I l.l.tM.l, Hre'y
Orrtion ( Ily Hoard of Trade.
Meeta al t'ouil llnu.j on Viral Tueaday III
eaeh month. Vl.ltnra welcome.
r. K. liuNAI.HoUlN, J. T. AI'rMtHON,
necrelary. t'rniiueni.
F Company, lat Iteitlinenl, (I. N. U.
Armory, Third and Mailt. Iteattlar drill lilalit.
Monday. Kfanler bualtieaa meellna, Aral
ouday of each month.
orrn aaa.
a. Warren. - - Xlrat Lieutenant.
I'. Kandnll, Hefond Lieutenant,
(i. (lamina, lt Haraeattt.
W. T. Wblllurk, Q. M. Haraoant.
Fountain Hoar Co.. o. 1.
It Oreen. .... . Koreman,
K A. Newt Klrnt AaaiatHf ' foreman,
II. KlaiiiniKan, Hei'oud Atilata i.,,'ren'.nii,
Hiram Ulralght, v ."reelileitl.
j. raraer, ... . iteireinry.
laaae Aekerinan, - Trvaatirer.
Heau ar meet na. eei'mid wediteanity In earn
month at etiKlne hnune. eaat aide Mulu itreel,
between Hevuiith and Kltilnli
W. I. tic a. eamnr. Horvleea at II A. H. and
III r a. Sunday Helinol alter moruuig or-
loo, Player meetinn weniieanajv eveutnit at
HO n. flock. Prayer ineetliia ul Yoiina peopie.a
Hoeliily of ChrUllan Kitdeavor every Mundiiy
aveiiitie atA MIpremtit.
KKtsi HAl'l ihi ciiiincii. itav. t:.c, hats-
ham. Paatnr Mornlua Hurvloe'at ll lkl: Sunday
Helii.ol al 12 1(1; Kveulnx Servlea ihlkl; ItuauUr
prayer meetlns wedneHittiy uvuiiiiik. Muniiiiy
Covonaitt Mi'ulliij every Wednimdny evenlna
nreettdlna the Drat Sunday In the mouth. A
eorulal Invitation to all.
ST. JOHN H ciiUKCit. i;a i iiut.n;. nav. a.
Him.kiiranii, Ha.'.nr. On Huiidity innaa at H and
10 .10 A. M. Kvery lottond and fourth Stiiiiliiy
Uerinan ivrinnn niter the r) orliiek innaa.
At all other inaaaea ICiikIIvIi aerinona. Sunday
Hcloii'l at 2:llll r . Veapera, HUoloaetii'iJJ
ulilcitta, and Hoiu'iI lot ton at 7:0p.m.
alilann, Ituetrir. Sorvleea every Hniiany ill 11 UU
and 7 IIU n'clnok and VVeduiiadity ovenlnK n t 7 III)
n olork; Sunday Sfheul nt lu 00 St. Paul a
Chapel, (J'ineuiiili; Servlee eiteh alternate Sun
day nt 4:00 o olnck. St. I'aul'a Hull. I iihm'Ih lint
Tlmradiiy III each nuiiilh. Mra. II. L. Kelley,
Prvnldent; Mm, K, S. Coeliriiuu, Svoretury.
MHTiioPlsr Kl'isooi'Ai. i;iititi;il.-i(Ky
John Paiihoni, Paatnr. Mornltiii aorvlce at II:
Sunday Sohonl nt I2:U; K veil Ilia aorvlea itl7:U0.
Knwnrili Lenauii nii'iMlna 'I in-ailny evening al
7:01); Prayer M ecll oa Thuradity eveulug mil 110
attanaera mini hilly Invited.
PI 1ST P hksiiytkhian t; ll IJ Itt: ll. tiav. u
W. IIihonkv. Paatnl1. Servleea at 11 A. M. and
7 HO p. H. Sahlinlh Si'liniil at to a. m. Yoiiuii
People'. Society ol Chrlallnn Ktideavor meela
every Huiidity eveulnx at li no. Wedtieaday
eviuilna prayer iiieollns at 7:80. Heula tree.
Kvaniiki.ii.'ai, i; it ii Ki n. Itov, J. M, Prelaa, of
the Kvioim-lliiil Anaoi'lntlott, will hold ni-rvliu-a
at Popu'a Halt every Stiiiiliiy tit It A. M theaee-
outl Httnnny ext'eiueu,
every Uumlay at 10 A. 1
Ueruian Sablmth atihool
Tkavklkhs' Guide.
Tin In front Portland: Arrives nt 0:11 A. M.
and 6:1)4 r. M,
Arrives from South: 7:45 A. M, nntl 2:4:1
r. m.
Leave i'lii tliiiid, Leave OrcKon City,
7:30 a. m. 7:10 a. m.
1I):(K)A.M. 10;00 A, M.
1:00 p. a. l:iK)r. t.
8:30 P.M. 4:00 1'. M.
Steamer Altona no Way Landings,
Htoiiiner I.iitona Way LundiugH.
10:00 a.m. 8:J0a. U.
4:30 r. M. - 3:00 r, M.
riloat una ItKtlUI.AM roltnhHt'OMlKNI1.
Wahiiinhton, l-'oliruiiry 2, IHUI,
Hot). Wlllttin Wlioloiii, i'X-ii'irti'iilu-live,
tm-ai'imtor and ai'i'iidttry u( llm
lrnauiyfcvt na In iippnionlly kihhI Iui.iMi
wlii'il In' loft limit luat TliinniUy (or Now
Yoik, wlituii lui moiiI In api'itk lu'loit'
Ilia Now Yoik lloiitil o( Timl" uml
Tiiitlxpoi'tiill'in, Toil. iy, W'n-li
Iniiliitl aitw. w Itlt ti'iir-illniint'il I'h-h, hia
ri'HIHllia ItlWI'll'll 111 llit'ir hint trahnij
I' III III h'ltlll III ItlH'k Tt't'k tt'llll'llOV
It all aimiua like a hoitllilu ilii'tiiu, uml I
II ll. I It xtnunt'ly ililllt'till. to H'ltlnco Hint
Ihla liiK-lirulni'il, ilK-liiurli'i, Mlmlii.
aoiiltvl Annoii'iin luli u'l; lluit I no mtnc
almll ai'ti lliu hrliihl, rliociy aniilri with
niiii'ii da aiwuya rxi'nivnii a tu'wniiupur
man in iinnai oi iniorniiiiioniimi im hi
waya not It loo, l( it wita In tint Soi n'lit
ry'a iitmnr '.o (tlvP ll to hint.
Thfrt wtirtt to. arvl"ra hvit th"
coriiiM.; una prlvntti at hi Into rt'. loin t
ami tlt oilier tuilillt', at thulium-hoi
1 1 io CoVHiianl, of whlt'h Mr. Wnnloin
wita a inuinlmr. Owiiik to tht unui'iitl
tlvalre till tint hurt of lliu ollli i.tU uml
mi'iulii'rH of ciUKit'MK to ulltiml Ihufu.
noittl, It a iiei'i'Hfiity to hiivrnilnilanlnii
to thti ohtiifh by ticket only. Ily ll .Vi
o'i'lurk to-ilay frv will in llm niiii-i-loiiB
fhlircli ua lllli il, uml hnmlii ila
rni aitllug tn llm aUlta. Aiuontl tliion
auto tl. v pn-aiilolit, I ho J'tatli-na of llm
aiipretno conrl, Hi tuitirn iliploiiuitli'
corpa, all ol tl tu ilopitituiKiiliil ollii I.iIh
ol protnlnpnii., all of llm nrinv itml mtvv
ollli-vra al lirvattul in Wnahinijloii, ami, t
i...i... ......... ....
ovoi-.v, vn'i I m-i.itiw, Willi 1 t'lH'0 1 11' j
tut) in llm t'lly. A niort) lniirneHtvn
aoi'im I have iti'vcr witiii'MKi'il tint it Hint
tiri'NFiitt'ti when lliu ruiiiiiiiia in
(routiht Into ilitu'liurcli, (olluHml hy Mr.
Wiiuliiiu'e lulu tollraiiiii'a in llm i-nliiui'l,
alio ai'luil na hononity pull Ih'hii-ih.
Many r llm ti'ura Ih it loll (t mil iminlv
eyi-a, VJliilii thi'i" ana ararit'lv it
wotnaii in lliv rhtnvh alto na not coui'
IM'llial to inilkil rolmlilhl Itao of lior lilllul-
Mm ni.low uml lu-r eon urn! iluuuh-1 Ow inj; to thti l.uvo iiiiiiilu r of lialt in
lcrliaf thti ht'.irlii'lt epuipitlliy ol t'lt-ry ( llm 1 1 v ,, k ul lv'.pnin.ill Momluy
onvj hut atinpatliy fill i. lillln In na inoniii'K, llu tiunipa won1 Moppi'il 1 1 a r
eilUt'e atti-h Krii'f na llitora. '1 In. iliMth , liuioa, etn I lit t'uliiiuhiui). Tlu Hull
'I hfo'fliiiy Wliuloin in a jjn'itt nutioiuil , i-tiiMnlt of hi'ninj. piiiu ii'.tlly, of
loaa, hoai yri'al only lhoan know w ho I w hich lluon won' uvtr lui. lima
have to tnaiiagn lh linuni'i-a ul tht rutin-1 uhont tluT. Nollint;i'nu, Im iom with
tiy; hul tolliti willow uml chil'ln'it It ie them i xci'pt in ttivi. litem nw.iy, uml
thv IH'iaotutl .a ol na kiml ami utt'i'i'tiou-i it wna not l-.n uuiil a hirni) iiiuiilicr ol
ale hualmnil ami lull.n aa any w fo itii.l j pooplu mot. on thr m i-iih ,t ri y i iij; tlo-ni
thil'lii'li Wt'te I'ver hh aimil with. ; olf. Tin' Iiii lior ii.iua lo In' iiltviiwilli oi.atp la l.unv ativ'i",inK ll"li, ill It wniilil In' a Hplctiiliil pluct
naiiirafoi Si'i iflniy Winilom'aaiirrioaor, i lor lialmiK if llioro w.m any di'inuml.
ami it ia )ti'iitiiilly itrccl Unit thi pn-ai-1
lent hna an ttnuauiillv Inn i he-k heort i
him in lilting Hie v.ieuiiev. There urn
fiirliniHt. lv plenlv of atMPir, uhle nml
la it ll at I rinaneii'ta ; men of the neeeaanry
hroa'lneaa of mlhil ami alrenclli of pur
poti lo move alriiiuht ahead on a line ol
policy onto adopttil, in apile nl Hie
(hoiiaand uml one wild cut llnnneuil
achetnea which will Ihi eerlnin to apron;
tip in the lo ut hotiHo of lepreaeiilulivea ;
hul it Will Ihi ililllt'till to Kit Iheee lui'll
to eonaeitt lo axauiue leaponeiliililiea the
aeight o winch hna tiuilotihtt'dly
killed Ihiee men reetelarie Folder,
Munelnt! ami Windoin within llm lul
Ihrva aitniiiiialrulioua
ll iaKtmerally iH-lieved hern Unit Uepre
aeniKltve McKtnley roultl receive llm uf
ih iiuti.j.i I j( he would aeeepl ll, which,
his clo.e ft ientla, ia extremely iloiilit-'
liil. However, Mr. McKiuley ia a verv
nut in (lieud nl the udtniniairullon, uml
I have an Idea Unit if the pieaideiit con
rludea that hn ia the hot uoui for lite ihk
eilion ho run 'rauail him lo in cept it.
AmouK oil no a proitilliently nienliolieil
for the vaeancv urn hetiatota Mieriioin.
Alliaon, lunula unci Sioner, nml Hep
reaeittniive I'atinon, ol lllinoia. Chief
atnoii ueiilleiueii in rivale life who uie
aimki-n of in Ihia connection are ex
lioveriior Fo-ner of Ohio, and lepheii
II. lilkina. It ia not tluiimht that llm
vacancy will he filled thia week. In (he
meantime A'aialant S -eielary Nelllelon
ia it 1 1 ) it aC aa rliftelnry ol lite Tieaanry,
The apHirlioninent hill, which I'loomd
the at'iiale Jual aa it eame Irom the hotien,
is now in the lunula of llm preaident, ami
will umloiihtf illy lu a luw willtin the
next ten tlttya.
The cotniiillleo invealii;iilinu the nl
letjed rontfni"'ionnl silver pooia ia hold
iiiK ineelina alutoat every day nml Ink
intilotaof tontiuiony, hut w hat it in actu
ally llndiiiK out ia not taking tip much
apitee niMin lla hooka ; but much ol II
leHtiuionv iaof such a nature us to keep
the public in t'otintanl expnclutmn
Hoinelhintr hiuhlv aeiiantioniil.
lloth senate ami hotiae huvu made fair
iinaxreas witli the regular approprinliiin
hills during he luat few dava, ami if the
(leiiiD.-rnlB do not pttrpoaelv tlelav mat
ters an extra aeHvion cun eaaily he
avoitletl; hut Iheieure fomo ti ! iiinmra
tloalinti itiotiml of u t'liiuhltnilloii ttinout;
the Honthem ilemoerata in the honae lor
tho pttrpoan of foreinn an extra session.
Thev want the loaves ninl llfliea.
The MeinbeiM of Hie Toi'llund ( liain
her of Commeree In Council.
At tho regular monthly meeliug of the
rorlluntl Chamher ol Conitneiee, lust
Monday, the following resolutions on
the ilrittli of Hon, K. I.. KiiNlhain were
adopted :
Tho (Tinniher of Commoree, of Port
land, Oregon, does not herehy cntiih
HhIi a precedent of nolinn; the (leceticool
pera uis not In its niemhership; but '
Wiikiikas, Klcetiiciil Ni'lunt'o is in
priH-eHH of rapid devoloiiniont, and ti e
lain Hon. K. I.. Kaalhmn, of thin stale,
was the. pioneer in oxtithliHhino; limit
oliHlrie li, lit and puver lines
(ineiliiiiiK the lino from the falls to i'oi t
lautl) which was piominnced impoKHi
hie hy tho ltion veiMed in this seienee.
Resolved, That the world of inven
tion has, in the untimely deathas it
amours to mortals of Mr. Kaitluitn, ft leader; and that one ol llm chief
ollleera In the nitid army of develop
ment of tlm I'ui'ilii: Norihwei'.. lus
parsed to his reward.
Hesolvt'd, That this ' Chainlier o
Commerco puis upon record the diet tho
ureat advocate, of the Willuinotto (nils
has jusl K(,no to his rest, ami lluit the
eottrso of business on tho I'ucilio coast
la cluiii(ed by his death.
Ko".olved, That this tesliinouiul he
spread on our records uml a copy
thereof, duly ceitilletl, he sent, to his
bereaved family, to whom wo extend our
, ,On motion of Captain l'opo lltoso ros
olutions were mloptrd us lliu Kentlment,
of lha l'ortlitmt (Jhumlier of Commerce.
Following tho adoption of these reso
lutions the Hocieltiry rend u comniuni
rulion from tho ho.uhpiurters of the
United Slates lighthouse hoard lind
sinod by tliii teun sloainhout iniin, peti
tioning for lixhts ami buoys at thitty
tlyo points along tho river bolweon I'ort
land uml Oregon Cltv. The resolu
tion of tho Oiegon City lioaid of Trade
iudoi'slnti this petition and tii'Kiug that
tho runno of lights nntl buoys bo placed
as soon us possible was also loatl. Cupt,
l'opo npoko in favor of tho petition. He
said the upper river bail been loo long
neglected already, and made a motion
tluit the communication he referred to
the committed on navigation, and that
a memorial be sent to t:i njjress for lliu
disired rolief. Tho mot Ion was ciinied.
Tni'l-lia-ilu'iiiii nino, lliiniMcal I' tint
I 'liu Jiiiiliin, 1 1 I hiNt Hul in iluy, I ii
llilliHeiiy lluit liil Mux inniii Ihun
A 1'ii'iirliiiiiiii tiiiini'il I .c. h J 1 1 , living
lii'iii' Aliii... I,iimi' ri hi til v , yil hint In Urn
IliniltillllliM ultoill lo Mi'ika nil", ami
an will '!ir!irn Inivo i 'ulilioil lor lillo
K'l fur V. illiolll all. rfa".
Tin-tit U itiiollu'r iiiovh In ralulili-li tt
ili'iiiiii r.illf iluilv nt H.ili'iti, if aiillli-li ii'
lliiiim lnl I'lii-oiiinK oiiiihiI i (,'iviMi, Trtu
ili'itiia'rnla rtm In tint t'll.v fioin lon
luoklnu tivr Hi" iM't,
TImmumm OoljoriiK, living tn'iir Knlom,
lt wi'i-k ioriii-i.i it mull' (ruin a iii'luli-
Imr, inni h lolillu from iinollu-r, uml
1 1 it-ii wont to Sit If m . ilinnk ami aolil
I lui out 111 (or III) urn! Ilu'ii iliaip
jii'iirt'il At Joint Ii.iv, hmt Tmnliiy tilulil,
Arlhitr MuMiT uol tliuiik uml cut hia
wlftt ami a niiin nunii'tl Iliiikin with it
liiili-lirr knifi'. Tint only H'hhuii nx-
alnt'il aiii-iiiM In lntvti lii'i'l) tint liiucli
A flthl for lhi Alluiliy poaliil-.i.'.U'riihip
witxililf vetv hoi, I.Urt Wi'i'k Boon'
I oi'iim ilo-i'iih lica woro H'lit to Senator
Mil. licll riii'oiiiiiiiiiiilinn a roil u in man
lor llm place. Tim (mini wua lliu oven"!
I hy the Ki'ti.iloi 'a aliawer lo peoplu w ho
never Kent the origin, il tliepittcli.
ll la rehtteil ll i it t a mini licitr St,
Helena whittle.) n ri.timl hill llm fine of
a I-ii( hiillet out of a 'l titT of toliiic, o,
!,ot week, ami almt tlm hunk tlinmuli
the ImhIv of a ektiiik lluit Ii .til Immoi hIcmI-
iok hia t Im k"tiN ihla ji'K'H In allow
llntl I ul. .ii ro la imli'i-tl, ilonilly In the
l.i.M-r nniinula lie pitkoil un the
toliiti'i-o uml kecpa It on exhibition, Ii
ia pet lei lie pnnl yel for rhewii't; pur-jion-a
Imi the flavor h;i heen apotleil.
The propimiiiott of iMstern e.ipilaliala
' In the people ol 1'end'eloil for lluietei
liou of fiicloriea in city w'llprohn
lilv he in ivpted. TI.e hl einhracea u
woolen mill, n scouring mill and k'rading
wuri'liousi", it iM't'l-piicliing estjhhah
uienlwilh cold atoiu'ti ih p., a
aau mill, aoap works uml aglue lactory,
a pajsT mill, a lunnerv, a ale.-un laun
dry, a luewrv and a broom and ha-ket
do liny. The t'iiiiiiiii"ta nk a Huhsidy
ol To.IKH) and u laiinl for eighteen
months upon properiv valued tit iiio,
(kl. Tho body of mi unknown man was
found licitr the Cut Indie teit.etery lat
Sitliuduy, uivording lo the Wuseo Sun.
A botile nt atrychuiiui uml un emptv
alitsky flttk were pi. ked tip nuts by,
uml it is auppoM'd ho t'otumilted Miicide,
He hud (In 00 in his pockets, hul noth
ing lo identity the remain was found.
He was dressed ill a grayish coat
uml Vest and blue overalls, uml was
probably Mo years o( aut'l about 5 feel
S inches in height, wilhbl.u k hair uml
veivs -iiiil, datk uiu--l.ii be and heard,
ami it is believed, un llaliuit or I'lench
tiiaii, Tlte remains were interred in the
cily eemcleiy last Monday.
Among the suits to come up nt the
next lei in of the circuit conn in The
I'lille, according to the Sin., is one hv
Mutor Moody against lieorgo .
How land, II. C. Neilson, W. M. Men-art,
(ieorge A l ielie, Thomas Joles, Isaac
.lolca, C. W. I 'ieUel, Leslie Ituller and
V., H. McFurlaml. The suit is lirouglit
to recover lite sum of .riO,tHifl, the pluin
lilf alleging that Ihe defentlauls hnv.i in
jured him to (Ins extent hv signing ami
presenting it petition to the common
council tic iniiuiiinu his removal from of
fice tor inisie.isence, negligence, etc,
Hon W. I.nir Hill and Messrs. Holpli.
Ilellingt-r, Malloiv uml Simons have
been lelauie l ly the plsiutilV.
A coinmiltce from tlie llaplist cliurch
in this place hits secured subscriptions
to the amount of $K0 in aid of thecslub
lishment of a Chi ieso mifsion, says the
Astoria Columbian. The intention of
the Uaptisls is In lit up Ihe basement of
their church and hold mci-tings thtnein.
The invcssnry wotk will be done in
about a week or ten days. The Tucillc
coast hoard of the l'uplist Chinese mis
sion lias ulieady employed a tettcliei lo
lake charge of the school and rooms.
The Hapiists have several Chinese con
verts in this city, some of them having
embraced the llaplist faith several years
into. It is t ho opinion that much good
may be accomplished among tlietii"ci
ples ol Confucius.
OIlFliON roi'H.ATlON
ttf.if.1 l!l.lii,,il,il liv llm IVhslK
I'lll mil lll-HUIII us ny
1 otliillcs.
On tho '.'7th of Jan. lion, (i. W. M'
Ilriile, secretary of stale, telegraphed to
kiim.o-mt.iiidntit of the Census I'ortei' Worm proouceti ut mo wmn )" t'-'i
Suporintendent of tho I oi si is oil, I uml if Ull, iilS.OOO (coining
for a complete count of tho slate of Ore-1 vallt,) f ilver.
gott, by counties for thu ttso of thoi TK, 8lock of gold and silver in the
apportionment committee. In sending I United Stateson November 1, 1SD0, is es
the returns Mr. Porter saw tit to ignore !J " 11 4
the recount of Salem and
Portland. So
it leaves the census botch in us bail 11
condilioit us over. Thu following are
the incotrect UUnros ot tho original
count ol this stale ny counties
I laker
Clackamas. ...
Columbia , ,
Crook , , . . ,
I lurnpy
(!.(!( 17
15. lit'
8 8,'!i
H 2111
1, 'IIS
1 1 ,788
2, B-lfl
1 1 ,,'IIKl
Lano lfi.lM
l.lnn lli.1,'10
Malheur 2fiH7
Marion 2-.4r4
Morrow 4,184
Multnomah 7.r (157
Polk , ' 7,7.'t(i
Sherman 1.775
Tillamook 2,888
Uniulillii l;l,"J
Union H.IKiO
Wallowa (13.41
Wuseo I),i;t
Washington 11,847
Yamhill 10,(108
Total (ur the stalo.
. . 1112,4110
im: mm kk ixnoN.
II) .It aalt. Mt'ilirmnn, In Fi'lii iiary Niim
lli'r f m ill Allll'l ll'llll Itcrlt'VT.
Tim first essentials of production and
coniini'ivu am certainly ami stability.
AliAoluti. ceitalnty Is, of couiae, never
attainable ; even tnodi'iulii certainly is
rare. Whatever reduces uncertainty
aids en'erpriso The phvc.i obstacles
Hiirioundii-.g underbiliings tire dilllciill
eimiigli to foisei. ; (hey should not be
co'iipliciled wilfully,
li is apparent Unit in a couimunitv
wtmie money is uiiknowu and baiter I
in voiiue ihert' would bo two causes uf-
h-cling Ihe valtiti ol tiny article which
llm owner desires to exchange for any srticle. Them would I e. first. Ihe
Huiotiiit oi tin. lot hut as computed with
the needs (,f i), community, ami. sec
ondly, the amount of tho littler, simi
larly compared. The value of lliu urli
licle WDiifd vary itccoiding tn this com
pound ratio, ami any one making h coii
Ir.iet must tun llm risk of variation in
each ratio. Tho introduction of money
does itwav with one of these ciiuses o"f
coniplicaiioii by snlistiliiting a standard
whose vaiialious um exceedingly slow
in their operulion. For this purpose till
clvili.i'd ualioua have come lo use gold,
a metal whosu start itv uml usefulnei j
Im vi) tpialilied it for the purisc, ll
wid not, presumably. t,o nue-lioned
lhal In industrial and commercial opera
tions ccitulnlv Is essential, and it should
he clear llmt this cert inly ia heller at
tained hv a atandaid in eonformitv with
that of other (dinmunities thiiu by u dif
ferent one.
On this Miint the tneie mention of a
few (aetadrawii from our ow n i-xpeiience
will iIihjs'1 ull doubt. Our surplus ag
liciiltiiiul prodtli'la lire till cxpor'.cd lo
coiinltiea having a gold standard, and
ar paid for In slaml.nd. Suppose
lorn moment tons to be a silver stan
dard, nml what results? Our farmers
are paid in silver, while grain sndcoiton
pi it cm follow not only iigiionliural pi ices
abroad, hul ihe price of silver us well.
Wider variations In price, more dilllcult
lo forsec, resuit, together with ail in
crease and accentuation of thai siiectilu-
tion which ihe producer ij'guids as so
uijinioiiK to ma tnleii'sls, ami the pro
ducer sulleis : prudent buyers for un
ciTtniit markets insist on ample inutg ii
io guanl iignust loss, and this means
lower pi ices lor the producer.
It seems unnecessary lo say moi on
thH j'oiut , the statement carries ils own
priMif. If we I. nd no commercial rela
tions with older com, tries, a silver stun-
iliinl uonlit tt,iaa..r .iiih i,i,r,,t u. uiill
us a gold slamlard. Tine; but we have
I such it-liil ions, and they are of enormous
importance. A standard dittereiit from
that of the commercial world would af
fect the vast mass of our Imports and
exports, and hut little less diiectly every
other iinluslry touching these ut uny
point. We desire to eieato a foreign
market for our piodticts; abd shall we
man. feat our dcsiie by nutting obstacles
in the way of ils fuililmeiit? Hul it is
said lluit the country is crying for more
circulating medium ; w bother it needs it
or not, is ii question apart from Ihe ques
tion of bee coinage of silver, and one) lo
he considered on ils own merits. If it is
heeled, by all means let it he furnished;
hut let it he a medium that w ill cine
and not uguravutc (lie complaint.
Hut enough Ibo contention so far is
but this: the moat stable cnnmcrcbil
condition f Hie moat fu vorable ; a com
mon standard with other nations gives
more stability than the reverse. This is
only saying that il ia easier to walk a
steady than a swaying tighl roMi.
Hoes free coinnu-u of silver mean a sil
ver standard? I'lidoubtedly ; and Ihe
most disastrous elb'Cts of free coinage
are Hot, by far, those outlined above,
hul eoii-isl in the agonies of transition.
What is free coinage? Free coinage of
silver means thai any one mav present
1U"V, grains of silver WO line at the
mints of ihe I'uited States and Int.'e ti
silver doilar coined therefrom. Hut sil
ver 1 ,00(1 line is worth in the market
$1.05 per ounce of 4S0 grains; so4lL"...
giains is HI line cun be bought for SI
cents. Who w ould not jump at so sim
ple un 1 certain a profit'.' The govern
ment stands ready to give $1 for a quan
I it v of metal Unit may he purchased for
Nl'ccnts; Ihe profit is certain; there) is
no risk. Is it doubted lluit inaclically
all silver bullion in the country will flow
into the mint, that silver will come from
I abroad for tho same purpose, and that
i the product of the mines will hike the
I shortest road to the sumo shelter? So
I large an incieaso in circulating medium
! causes a rise in prices, which checks ex
ports and stimulates inipoits ofcotntnod
!ti"s, checks exports, for foreign conn
tries cannot use our products at such
I high prices; stimulates imports, for for
eign mercliauiiise is men ciienp, com
pared with our prices. So al the mo
ment when we have ihe most impotts to
pay (or we me deprived of our usual
means of paying for them, tiuuielv, our
exports. Hut "pay wo must ; r immodi
ties cannot be sent except at a loss;
tmlv gold can be bud on the old basis;
silver cannot go, for who will send silver
abroad for the privilege of receiving 81
cents, when at homo the stale oilers a
dollar? So the gold goes, and a wild
scramble logins for the metal which is,
alter ull, the standard of tho world. The
gold in government vaults is quickly
drained, then follows a premium, and
the silver standard is upon us.
Tho magnitude of tho forces at work to
bring about these results can be seen by
ootiunlomlif u
low important ngures
The mines of the United stales yielded
,i, i,,,,,!,,. vo ir IHSOuo .1 to the
inning un mo j" ra -
. ( ). 8tK),00i); silver with a coin-
mi'rt'iul valno of jy-lii.7ft0.000, but with a
coining value of $til,tl4(i,4ti4 The whole
'. .Ull ,,,,; '.,,,1' ,.1 .',,.1,1' noin and bil ¬
lion The metallic a-sets ot the treasury
of the Pulled States on ihe sumo late
consisted of if J'.l4,4Si,J-' gold and l:!.)2,-Btilljr)-'
In other words, tho greater part of the
tt-easurv assets already consists ot silver
Pnder ii (ree-coinago law, the four Imn
dred millions of gold now circulating or
hoarded hv private parties or batiks out
side ol tho treasury vaults would nt once
disappear from circulation, while the
gold in tho treas-ity would remain no
longer than tho time requiied for the
phvsical ell'ect to teinovo it.
The cH'tu-t of 11 change of slamlard on
enterprises in course of execution, on es
tablished business, oil investments, in
fact, on nil industry, is most disas
trous. Such a change defeats every teu
sonableexpectalion foimed before it, took
place. Merchants that have bound
themselves to make largo payments in
other countries, and therefore in gold, re
ceive silver from thoso licit owe them,
htitl so cannot pay their debts, or, if they
can, then only ut un immense loss.
Railroads receive silver for freight and
passengers carried, and have promised lo
pay llteir bonds and coupons in gold;
and so throughout the list, lint this
is only tho beginning. Tho failure ot
one merchant means the failure of oth
ers, his creditors; inoicaiitilo failures,
the stommgo of factories, the ruin of
railroads, mean laborers and mechanics
thrown out of employment, reduced
wages to those remaining, ami, to crow 11
all. decreased purchasing imwer of them
reduced wages. Prices of commodities,
rise rapidly; wages but slowly. It not be forgotten what such a
condition tncuiis: translated Into daily
newspaper reports, it reads, distrust;
jailuio upon (uiliiro of commercial
houses, of banks, of factories; (lemorali
..ilinn; pnnic; then hard times; litter
stagnation inni dullness, and, accompa
nying ull this, aulh'iitig uml hardship,
'IhoHi Who will feel I best, hardship
most keenly me wagn-earneis and laiui
ers, thu isiople olanall iiieuna, for they
ihi' i" 110 etiiplusoh whli-li they call do
peud: a reduction of the purcliHsiiig
power of aitges menus lo f hetii an inroad
011 the conilorts uml iiei.'i'S'aiies of life,
ami not merel y smaller savin jo, as it
iI'M's to those of linger means.
Ills udmilted that our coinage us at
prvsent coiihlituli'd is not satinfaclory ;
the discnssi.jii of a remedy is an inter
esting subject, but one which the present
limits will not permit us to enter on.
I el it hero sulliee that our inquiry has
show 11 fiee coinage not to be the remedy,
for it is a blow nt prosperity a blow the
muin force of which wi'l (all on wogo
earneis una producers. Let thtse exam
ine the question candidly, and if they do
not bring their representative to tealijv
inc sense of their position, they will have
only themselves to blauio for the conse-
Whether the solution will untimely be
in inteinat biinotiilimii, time will
show; conferatices of all I ho principal
nations to discuss tho subject should bo
encouraged. Meanwhile it is to the in-Icr-sl
of every section of the country
that it ihi not expose itself to grave duii
geis in attempting the Impossible.
Just here lite cry for moro circulating
un ilium calls for u word concerning the
distinction between fiee cojuus'e anil tho
coinage of a llxed amount of silver by
the slate. The coinage ol a lixed
tiinount by the state stands, (or purposes
of circulation, on the same basis an Is
sue of pajier money. As a circulating
medium it is good as long us there is
back of it, in the control of the stale, an
amount of gold siillicicnt to meet all de
mand for ledemption. It circulates be
cause every one believes it to be the con
vertible inio gold on demand. What
pioporlion such issues must hear to re
serves is a mailer of banking experience.
Hut it is hetc iipportunt to note tho dis
tinction between this condition anil free
coinage; it is a difference of kind, not
lt its formulate the conclusions forced
upon u. Weseo that certainty is a nec
cssury eleiiietit of pros-K-rous industry;
that a standard of value in common with
other countries contributes to certainty;
that (tee coinuge'of silver causes a differ
ent standard ; that therefore free coinage
o( silver is a measure hurtful to the
prosia-tity of the country; and, above
all, lluit the liiiancinl strain incident to
the chaiigu of standard will be severer
than any previously experienced in this
country. Jkssk Ski.ioman.
A Hill liclatiugto the Registration of
the Old Fighters.
A bill has been prepared and pre
sented by Mr. Minto, 01 Marion and ia
entitled "an Act to Provide (or Ihe
Registration by the Secretary o( Stute, 1
in a record to ho kept by him in his
ollice, of all the names o? the Jndian
Wo YuUiKuia of the North Pacific Coast
and attaches thereof." r
Tiik Tkxt op Tub Bill.
Sec. 1. That the secretary o( state ot
the state of Oregon shall record in a
book or hooks, to bo kept bv 1 1 tit in
said ollice, the names of all the Indian
war veterans of the North racinc Coast
uml attaches thereof, from A. 1). 1847 to
A. 1. 1 so,, and also the company and
rcgit'icnt the ve'erans served in and the
date of the service.
Sec. 2. Tne certificate of tlte grand
commander of the Indian War veterans
of the North Pai ilio coast certifying to
the service of the veterans and attaches
aforesaid, shall be sufficient evidence of
the suitl services when presented to the
secretary of state, nml he shall thereup
on record tho names as provided in
sec 1. of this Act ; suitl certificate shall
stute the company and regiment said
soldier and attache belonged to and the
yeai in which servico was rendered.
Sec a henever an v person who
shall have registeied with the secretin
ot state under this act, shall desire a
certilicate of such fact of registration, or
w henever it may tie necessary or proper
under uny law of this state or United
States, or otherw ise, to prove such fact
of registiation, r the fact of being such
soldier or attaches, upon pavment of
such secretary of stute the sum
of 50 cents, be shall issue to Buch person,
uiuler the seal ol his othee, a certilicate
of such registration, stating tlte rank,
company and regiment or department
to which such attaches belonged and
the veiir in which such service was ren
dered, which certilicate sljall be suffi
cient ovideiico of the fact therein recited
for any purposes required by law.
Sec. 4. That the Grand commander
of the Indian war veterans of the Pacific
coast shall be allowed out of any money
in tlm state treasury, not otherwise ap
propriated, the sum o( three dollars per
day for all time necessary employed in
performing the duties devolving upon
him, us set forth in section 2 of titis act,
and ull other necessary expenses in
curred in collecting information (rom
whichto draft certificates of the service of
soldiers and attaches of any of the
Indain warsot the north Pacific coast
from the year A. 1). 1847 to the
year A. 1). 1857 inclusive, together with
necessary stationary, etivoloiies, stamps
The .Marlon (iraiige Favors the County
Printing- Rill.
At its regular monthly session Satur
day Marion county grange discussed the
proposed bill providing (or publication
in county newspapers of the providinga
atul claims allowed by county courts and
After a full bearing and Qeciully
from the standpoint of economy, grange
resolved unanimously in lavor of the
I iw, and as will be seen by the official
proceedings cl-ewhero printed, unani
mously recommends its passage. Thore
is strong sentiment in many parts of the
state in favor of scli a law. The
grango is opposed to all measures for
increasing county expenditures, and
favors retrenchment. No means could
be provided for cutting dow n the ex
penses of countits so effective as ti e
publication provided in this bill. The
only persons to object to such a law aro
those who have, un interest in keeping
the details of tax-eating a sealed book
to the taxpayer. Capital Journal.
Notice for Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that I have filed
in tho Coun'y Court of tho county of
Cluckauias, for the state of Oregon, my
final report as administrator of the estate
of Josvgli Florence, deceased. All persons
ure hereby notified to iippeurin sitiit court
ami make objections to said report on
Monday, thollth day of March, 1801, and
file objections to said report if any they
have. A. MATHEltS,
l-.xecutor of tho estate of Joseph Florence,
deceased. l-8U;2-27
10(1 acres JSC
City. -half mile from Oregon
AV. C. Johnson,