The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 06, 1891, Image 4

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Lawwou, rising, stuck LU knifo into
his jxx'ket and ifrasptxl hi vMti'r'n hand.
"Wait it minute," be mid, "and I'll go
with you."
"H"?ki cun the itiung man rfof"
The gmvr nnipc-nrol presently in hit
holiday Httiro of l-bvok brnttdeloth, ami
with ilia silk hat sot niOcew upon his
boutl. ll.-iviiitf olit.ilnn,! th vtiiiin? mml'il
note of luuid h took his arm, ushered
hliu ou luvira street car mid ewmttxt
hinuelf soU'tnuly nt hi side. They rodo
for twenty or thirty minutes up out)
street aud down another, throuKh a lw
wiUloring turmoil of trHtrle, and stopped
at last before a huge, ngy brick block,
across the wall of which a imeeeiwUm of
colnsal Rilt lettwa traced the inscrip
tion: "Th Norman Reaper & Mower
Co," Tlmivth tho window could be
aeon big wheels, revolving, and sirups of
leather bolting flying up and down, and cwswiae, while theirlow
from the mouths of the furnace showed
black figure with leather apron inov
Ing to aud fro like cyclops in subterra
nean smithies. There was a whirling,
and a rattling, aud a uaiimtering. a rani,
tug of uaws and clunking of inet.'iU tit
to split one's ears. The whole enormous
building cemed to lie trembling with an
intense white heat activity.
Gunuar and his companion piutced for
a moment to contemplate the structure,
and then euterod mi outer oillce on tho
second llixr, iu a part of the building
which wax separated from the factory by
a wide hall. Lawson wrote Ilia name
on a slip of pajHT and begged a door
keeper tii Imnd it to Mr. Norman. The
reply Wirt Hum retnrm d that if heconld
wiit f-r lmlf an hmir Mr. Norman
Would bo at leisure.
Ounnur did not d.ire to ask the ques
tion whic i was trembling on his lips;
Who WHS ibis Mr. Nonnau? Surely not
his fiit'.ur. A rich aud powerful mau ho
must be, since such a great factory wan
named after him. And yet, who could
tell? He feared Lawson would think him
foolish if he ventured to utter what win
in his mind. At hut, when the half hour
was at an end, and three men had entered
and left the smaller room, partitioned
off from the main office by a wainscoted
wall of ash, tho doorkeeper conducted
the two expectant Norsemen into the
chiefs presence. Ouuuar fouud hiiuse! f
face to fare with a robust man of forty
five, with a brown beard sprinkled with
giay, aud fine, energetic features. He
was carefully, almo-it fashionably dress
ed, bit there was in his bearing some-
-titattjf ana uneomprouusiug, a
kind of bomeipun, blunt directness. His
eipresaon was, howuvcr, a trifle worried
and his eyes were restless. He looked
like a strong man with a bad conscience.
"I thought I'd drop in and see you,"
began Lawgon uneasily.
"How much?" asked Norman quickly,
"toll mo how much you demand. Yon
know I have uo time for fooling. And
please give mo a respite now. I think
I've earned it."
"How you do go on?" grumbled th
grocer. "I haven't said a word about
money. I just brought you this young
man, who is looking for a job. You'd
oblige me if you could give him a posi
tion of somo kind in the office or tins fac
tory." The manufacturer, bridling his impa
tience, fixed his eyes with a startled
glance upon (Junnar. Tho Norse type
in the youth was unmistakable tho
frank blue eyes, half appealing in their
trustfulness; the blonde hnir brushed
ba'ck from the forehead with a sort of
rising wave; the short, strong, regular
teeth, and a certain amiable rusticity in
manner and liearing. Norman saw per
haps even more; but knowing that his
uneasy conscience was apt to play him
tricks he dismissed tho memories which
rose np before him.
"What can the yountr. man do?" he
asked in a matter of fact tone, turning
to Lawson.
"Oh, I guess he can do almost any
thing." "That's tho same as to say that he can
do nothing."
"I reckon that ho can earn his board
and lodging, and that is about all he ex
pects to do for tho present."
"Very well, I'll find him a place. It
is a pity ho doesn't understand En
glish." "You may well nay bo; and he was
. born in tho state of Minnesota."
"Orit iott! Don't I know the work
of th.'.ry lilauted par? ans! A native of
the Ciii.'.f States, 18 or 19 years old,
Vbo doesn't understand the language
of' his com. try! You'd have to travel all
over ike globe to find another case like
it. But those little Lutheran popes,
they knov? 'Wliiit they are about. From
the moment their people leant English
and can anshnilate American ideas they
are lot to the parson. They can no
longer be guided and bullied and threat
ened with eternal damnation if they
think a little for themselves, and indulge
a little heresy on the subject of the in
fallibility of tho Norwegian Lutheran
This was, as Lawson knew, a Bore
topic with Norman. Ho was intensely
American in sentiment, and railed
against tho Norwegian clergy for isolat
ing their countrymen, from the national
vjifo and discouraging thein from learn-ing--the
English language.
"Iay that young fellow a good sal
ary if Mtliad had an English common
school education," ho went on indig
nantly, vbut in order to keep his pure
Lutheran faith undiluted he has been
allowed to grow up in ignorance in a
parochial school, fed on the husks of
doctrinal squabbles and studiously kept
an alien in the midst of this rich and
magnificent country, to be a citizen of
which ought to be a source of pride to
any man."
Lawson, who had always tried to keep
a safo middle ground on this question,
being a Norseman among Norsemen and
an American among Americans, re
garded it as imprudent to commit him
self, aud therefore only nodded an equiv
ocal approval aud murmured:
"H'ui, yes; that's a fact! Shouldn't
, wonder."
It was soon settled that Gunnar was
to be employed in the factory at a salary
of 8 a week, with the promise of ad
vancement as rauidlv as his usefulness
warranted. Ho had sat KHKltifj silently
at the big railroad limp which covered
one wall of Um office while Lawson aud
Norman settled his fate, being unable to
wmpivhond their language, It was a
relief to hliu to follow the. thick red lines
ncrus tlm continent, intersecting wilh
thinner red line and black Hues, for it
enabled him seemingly to divert his
thought from tho alt absorbing conscious
ness which glowed aud labored within
him that this was indeed his father. In
dignation on his mother's account, was
at Ilwt his uppermost feolingt but, on
the other band, it seemed difficult to be
lieve til of a man with a face like that
of Mr. Nonnau. If lie was a scoundrel,
as Gunnar was compelled to believe that
be was, ho must have found it terribly
hard work, for nature bad never intend
ed him to lis a scoundrel, Yet tho more
lie whs to blame.
Tho thought oeounvd to tho young
man, and had no sooner occurred than it
took complete possession of bis mind,
that ho would aven;;e upon this heart
less adwnturer tho sorrow aud sutler! ng
ho had caused bis poor, abandoned wile
during all these yours. Out to do this
ho must follow Norman's example. He
uiust dixguisu himself, What form his
vengeance was to take ho could not de
cide on tho spur of the moment, but ho
would unmask the impostor, hold hliu
up liefore tho community whose admir
ation he courU'd as tho black hearted
monster hw was. And to this end he
would instantly set about learning Kn
gli -h. Ila would dovoto all his energies
to it and accomplish it in the shortest
possible time.
He started palpably while nursing
this passionate purpose when Mr, Nor
man addressed him, but understood
presently that ho was to writo his name
in a book. His transiuireut face Kwpoko
the turmoil that agitated his heart. He
began to divine that Lawson, who was
probably the ouly one in possession of
Mr, Norman's secret, had made it as
profitable to himself as possible; and that
now, when tho manufacturer was be
ginning to tiro of his blackmail, ho was
turning it to fresh account in similar
transactions with the opposite fide, All
these reflections flashed through his
brain as ho received the pen from Law
son's hand. He stoojied down over the
ledger and wrote Finn Varsko.
Korman glanced curiously at tho sig
nature and closed tho book.
"Finn Varsko," lie murmured, "that
is a curious nauw."
I Two years passed rapidly and Gunnar
i became proficient in English. He took
' a lesson of one hour every evening from
j his landlady's daughter, tho charming
j Mathilda, who, when the student with
the beer base bad takeu French leave
I (uegloeting to settle bis board bill), pitted
j the solitary young man from tho back
woods, and taught him a variety of
things besides English grammar, Sim
was a curious mixture, this fascinating
Mathilda, and Gunuar, though not lack
J iug in common sense, found himself un
j able to judge her. Two at tributes, how
I ever, ho learned to distinguish iu her.
i He took her to lie ndorablv simple and
kind hearted and full of good impulse.
Hut he could not deny that she was an
outrageous flirt. Ho imagined, too, that
site put up with him sometimes Wattse
sho pitied his loneliness, and at other
times for want of anybody more desiie
able. When yon can't got tobacco to
smoko, they say in Norway, moss is a
fair substitute. Anything of tlm mat
culino gender w;ia fair game for Mathil
da, and her time hung heavily on her
hands when no masculine creatures were
about. Her mother affirmed that a flir
tatious disposition was so deeply in
grained iu her nature that it was use
less to blame her for it. Mlio had, the
Mine authority asserted, winked at the
doctor when she w;is liorn.
One would have supposed that Gun
nar, armed with this knowledge, would
have been proof against her blandish
ments. But no knowledge is a protection
against that kind of assaults. There was
to him a delicious thrill of danger in tho
situation which to her was entirely ul
sent. She had seen more of tho world
than he. and sometimes, in order to tease
him, gave him grandmotherly advice.
She wormed his innocent secrets out of
him, and obtained finally a confession of
all his misdeeds. Ho felt so desperately
wicked in having won the love of Inge
rid, and then spurned it, thai it was a
great relief to him to bo able to call
himself hard names in tho presence of a
sympathetic listener. He did not fail to
perceive that Mathilda, while condemn
ing his fuilhlcssness, looked upon him
with a livelier interest after this confi
dence, aud he could not help feeling
darkly heroic in the midst of all his
What a lovely character, he argued,
this gotitle maiden must have to forgive
all his past, and treat him with bucIi
kindness and sweet consideration.
Why, knowing how disinterested she
was, should ho hold back from her his
other and far more important secret? He
had repeatedly hinted at it in her pres
ence, and though her curiosity had been
vaguely piqued she bad failed to rise to
the occasion. Sho treated his mys
terious allusions aa if she only half be
lieved them, and replied to his dark ob
servations with an absent minded vi
vacity which tried him sorely. Ho felt
at lust that his self respect compelled
him to reveal the plot of which he was
both victim and author. Ho was irri
tated beyond all entrance, and antici
pated with a morbid satisfaction tho
sonsation he would make when ho should
explode his bomb. But here he was
again destined to disappointment. Tho
shrewd Mathilda betrayed no groat as
tonishment. Ho saw by tho glance eho
gave him from under her long lashes that
she thought he was romancing, but was
too considerate to tell him so. He had
then no choice but to produce his proof,
and when Mathilda finally had no choice
but to believe him he could no longer
charge her with indifference,
She betrayed an alacrity and an in
dignation on his behalf which were ex
tremely flattering. He felt With gratified
vanity how immensely he had risen in
her esteem. Unsophisticated though he
was he observed that she dressed with
more care for their lessons and exerted
all her arts to please in a way which
formorly would never have occurred to
her. It was an intoxication of bliss to
sit at her side on her sofa, while her hair
grazed his cheek and her hand some
times by some vagrant impulse stole
into his, and her dark blue eyes sud
denly flushed upon him a glance full of
tender meaning. She could put on a
look of such aiKsaling innocence that
Gunnar had to exert all his self restraint
to keep himself within bounds. A wild
desire seized him more than once to
clasp her in his arms and cover her face
with kisses, but at such moments his
fancy would conjure up tho sweet face
of Ingerid with tearful eyes and lips
quivering in infantine distress, and the
sonse of his own baseness would over
whelm him and sober his passion.
Gunnar saw Mr. Korman almost
daily during these two years. Ho bad
an idea that his chief watched him, and
during his constant unannounced rounds
through the factory paid special atten
tion to his work, ne saw him frequent
ly speak to the foreman of his division,
and twice, aftor these conferences, Gun
na was promoted and his pay in
created. When Mr. Korman addressed
him, its he occasionally did, it was usu-
u,v to nK mm oow n w:w kv:'.s!s j
Willi Ida English, line day, when the
bell hud rung ami all the other bauds
wove lmiTyiHg away, Gunnar was so
eugi'ostied in a doUoato piece of work
which had been intrusted to him that
ho could not tear himself away, (sud
denly, as he looked up, ho saw tlm chief
standing with his hands on his back
gaaing at htm. As Gunnar paivied.Mr.
Norman took up tho piece of metal at
which he had been filing aud r-smnlued
it critically, "Look hero, Finn Varsko,"
lie said, "yon are not a bad workman."
Gunuar blushed with pleasure, lie
had never hoard Mr. Norman praise any
one before, '
"llavn you any brolhersV" asked the
chief, tiller iv while, as he laid dowu the
"No. I have neither brothers nor
"And your parents, are they dead';"
"Mv mother is alive, but mv father"-
"Is dead. Yes, I supposed so, And
you had to go out into tho world to earn
your living. 1 suppose you send part of
your earnings to your mother?"
"Yes, as much as I can spare,"
"That's right. I am glad you are a
good son, That Is what, 1 liku to hear."
About a week after this conversation
Mr, Korman again paused in front of
Gunnar's bench, "now much do you
pay for your board?" ho asked.
"Five dollars a week."
"1 live alone. If you will take a room
in my house you may pay for it by extra
work which I will give, mostly copying
and mechanical drawing. You'll then
be able to scud live dollars more every
week to your mother."
"Hut "do you think, sir, that I'll be
able to do that laud of work?"
"Leave that to mo, I know what I
am about,"
"Hut, sir, I don't think 1 can ac
cept it,"
"Well, do as you like, You may give
mo your answer to-morrow,"
When he got homo that night Gunuar
expected to lie praised for his self denial
in refusing the ri -h man's invitation, for
ho hoped Mathilda would divine that it
was out of regard for her Hint he had
foregone ho great an advantage. Hut to
his surprbe the young lady called hiiu a
dunce, mid to! 1 liiin almost in so many
words t It it i i looking out for his own
interest he a! servinl hers. She felt
more ia.v
.;!'' of him that sho was
i ; I i run tho risk of sej
i i..-is '!f sho was in
. ,:(! In- could easily
; !.!!.:: of business like
l ii ; 1 ruutldod to her.
v "'U'l ill his power (of
: i..c l ,t -r chance when
1 1, i c mid make his
nud she hoed sin
! how that ho Imd the
and would allow no fool-
sentiment to interfere
When he had ascertained
doit'.Jt; i ti.i
lii-.'l by M Ti
the o;,r ...... .
By;, : .
Which l,i I:. '.
livili;: hi '
ctreiy he v ;
grit of a in .'i,
ish moli.c
with his pi, i.i
beyond the Miadow of doubt that Mr.
Nonnau V.M tiie sunt' as Hans Matson,
then win his opportunity. He must thou
threaten disclosure and make the best
terms possible for pledging himself to
Bo its.iid tu Hie credit of out herothat
he rolxdled n.jaiust this project. It wa
justice he wanted, justice for his deluded,
sorrowing mother, who bad been cheated
out of her life's happiness by this man's
duplicity and cruelly. To make money
out of such a transaction seemed to him
sordid, base. Infamous. He came near
quarreling outright with Mathilda, who
with all li-r cleverness was not clover
enough to discover that sho had made a
fatal mistake in uirordiuvt him so deep a
glimpse into her hard aud mercenary
little In-art She had to resort to team
and caresses in order to obliterate the
impression, whereupon sho overwhelmed
him with reproaches for having thought
her capable of tho very scheme which
she had a momeut ago developed. And
he, poor fellow,' kinsod her aud begged
her forgiveness for having misunderstood
her; and imagined that very likely hit
intellect was cot sufficiently subtle to
comprehend tho fine gradations of moan
ing couvcyed in this exquisite creature's
speech. lie was so preposterously happy
at tho privileges she now granted him
that ho could not have found it in his
heart to blamo her if she had proposed
to him a systematic transgression of tho
ten comuiandmeuts, begiuniug with the
first and ending wilh the tenth.
After this (b'lightful reconciliation
Gunnar accepted Mr. Norman's offer
and installed himself in two pleasant
rooms overlooking Lake Michigan. And
Mathilda, who jierhaps overestimated
her hold upon his affections, resolved to
postpone the execution of her plan until
a more favorable moment.
Restaurant and Hotel.
()I!K(i(IN CITY, Olil'iUON.
Tito Ii'iiiliiii; ri'sl ii u ru nt nf tlie city. Tahles
Hiipplii'il with tlie lies! the market uHor-ils,
anil none lint tii'Mt-i'laiei cuiiUm etiii!uyeil,
faint Slilf iMuhi Sin-o', W uccn Vx
nn. I Mill), Opjt, V, S, J .ami 'Att;v,
Lnnft nt ()ronu City, Or. .hin Ul, )m) .
Notlcit Ih licn liy wivnn Unit tlx; fnllmvliiif
tiiiiricl M"itU'r htm (ilc! notice of his hitt'iilinn
t'fiit'iko ilicl pnx In mipjirtrt of IiIh (Hulin,
nnd tti:H wiilil iriMif will hii mmlir
Iteforo rcijfi.tcr mi'l rt'etiiver nf llto IL H.
luiid ( iDcc Hi (ircKuji i'Alv, oicgtui, nn Folirimvy
21, m, viz;
(Jtwiru W, N'irlh,
nfimi'nti'fitl K'ltry ho. "?,) fur tlie n v l i of n vv
' , HlHl W M Of U W Of Mt!(i, IU), toWIItilllp i HOOtll,
riMI,'t! ! t'HHt,
I Ht nann'H tlu? follow 1 1 1 pr wltiifHKcfl to prove
liirt coulliiiiouK re! it iiTii' upon mnl (iiltlviitlon
of, fiml liiii'l, vi: El Kinu'. '"l)ii (llh'k, ini ii.
W l,ei of Clnrlt's iiftHtolllPo, W. W. II, Hmiinfin,
of ()r(!foii CMtv, nil of Clirlj mutH comity, (tro
gon, J. T AIM'KKnOK,
1-lfl; 2-20 lii'KiMer.
Tho Celebrated Frencti Sure,
In Kui,r ON A
tn riirn hhv fm'in
ofnrvoun (IIhcuwo
oruny dlHonldrof
tlio Kt-nMifitivoor-
lmin in iiiit:i y'
wh.if'ii.1- url.!.,,,
iiKnof mi i in ii iii io. AFtrrj
Tohuorso or Onlu rn . or Ih rouih lint h fit 1 linlliiri...
tlon, over ImliilKoiir-i,, &e , hik-Ii uh Ummit linilu
fiivver, WnkcliiliHHH, Ui'iniiiirilown I'lilimln Hio
tmi'k.Hi.niiiiiil WoHlineHH, llysfot'lB, Nnrvuna I'l' in
tiiillon, Niii'turiial KiiilBtilniin, Luucorrhu'ii, Hiz
stint,, Wuuk. Mimiory, l.imiinf I'mviiruiul liii)
t''icy,wlil('hiriiil('('t('il often lend to tiroiiiniiim
olil n'.fo ami iiinuilty. I'rlco (I.IKI a mix, Hbunoii
lor V Oil. H"nt lijr innll nn rneelnt. fif tuleo'
every f.'i.mi onlor rcrislvwl, tn refurul tho tiiniifv tf
a 1'fli'inniiiiiit euro Is not eirecteil. Wo hiitu
thoimttiiiliiof tintlniiinltilH (rum old mitl yoiimt,
(if bnth hoxhii, who liavti boon jierinaiiniitlv cured
byUiotisoolApliroilltlue. Clri'tilarlrca. Addruw
Wiwtcrn Urimch, Hex 27, Hnimmn, rui
For Kilo I'V Ciiiit inRii & Co
DriiHu'njtH, Oregon City Or.
union iwcirm
Tinliis torlhe laud leave I'o'thinili 7 ;(I0
A M. undWrtHi I'. M.
TlfMFTC t utt Irmtt rliiol.l ), n t r
IUIblO In in-' I'mImuI Slums t'loi.i'tf
mill l'iitiiii
frgtiiit Now Diking Palace Cars.
I II lit li il I lihioi' NIcepel's,
run Through on Kxpi ess Trains
vV St, l.nlUS
H llllol l I'll.' Mil, ,
I ! .M I'ttlO.I'r'tull, ,ll I' M'!', M'l !! !''i: l"l'll
I'ii-i' mill 1' iH' I sioi.l ' ..nt,
I'ur further i o'lli'iihru Oopou' "( I'll ao'ii
of Hie l iii"'.iiy of
I', w
.... I'. A T. A
1'cl h i O.t 1 1 01
. m. mia.i.i:
J-n'l !Hiinuui'.
Northern Pacific R. R.
Great Overland Ccule.
I' WO FAST lit A IN. -i I (All, VI
NOt HANiUlOl' t'AliS;
Slior'est Line to Chicago
Ami nil imliiO l;.it. vn
Hu Siirtlierii I'nrDIc It. II.
I III" niii) lino I'liiiiluu
I'assi'iiyer Tr.iins,
Secotid-I Iiish SleepeiM (tier of I luti'iie
(.usurious 1 ii v t oiii lies,
I'llliuau I'aliice sleeping t ins,
I'sluco Pining t ins (nieiils T.V),
I' rum I'lii'lland ;e the la-t,
See Unit jour tickets read via the
Northern I'll, illc It , It ulld
avoid cloture of ears,
"I liri,iii,-:i I'lilliiU'ii 1'iili'i e Ivi'i I !n l'nr ! i
; IfHIll ,HV tl'lit'". !n 'I I'lO. I I'M. l,i ,
lw'll r, rtt'Ont, Ise' HiH rli'l ht"tlih- lllot'l
' tt.ttlv utrviri) j
; 1. 1. at tutlot. i
; tM.cll'l I'll-.-. III. IVtl l irol i
M.. I'oi'llmul, Or.
! J-JWii'l. ruim-r I'liM ntel Ii Sirwin.
0. C. T. Co s
Altour Lit
Oii'piii City & rtiitlainl.
I.KAVK i'llUTMNM, I.KAVK Ullt'ouN t'lt'V.
7:.'t0 A M.
Ill ti ' A. M
1 ;tl'. M.
:i .;,o l' M.
Me.imer A Itotm-
7 ::') A . M .
ln am A M
i nil r. m
1 oo V. M.
nn Wuv 1 . ii i li ni.'-
Steiinier l.iltotiil W:iV l..iiulilly,'H.
l MiAV.
10:00 A.M.
:M V M.
s :;o A. M,
liiUO I'M,
Oreg on Pacific Railroad,
T. K. llOUli, Iteieiver.
SIKHIT I.IMv '10 ( Al.ll'OIiM A.
I' K Klti I IT A X l I'A It i:s I'l I K 1,1 )U IW
Triiiu No. H will run 'l'tui !;iy, 'i'liiun-
ilii i unit Srtlurilui i. flint on iitti-nue'tiiiti'
illivi when i,iTi-"-!ir,v :
Tniin No 4 v.ill run Miniilai , Wiuiit-.
ilii v w um I I'YIilny, un I on inlenue-iial tttt.vs
ivtien ni'i e.Hiiry :
Ste uiii.f Siilllutr Halts.
I.Ktvie Va-ji in Vllli, iiit-ttu Viillry, Jan,
ll. VHl, I'.'lll Hint Vlilll.
I.B.I '. K ,1 ASI't! iNi ll n VI!.illii'll' V llll').
J ii ii -ti h; Hih, J:'l mnl
'riti-.,iiii.miy rnn'rve tin- rluht lu rlniiiiu'
Kiitliuu 'tiii'ii ivilhuiit nntli'f.
TrnlfiH rnniiei't with thf O. A C. It. mnl lllvitr
llniitii iitCurviiltlH niul Atlimir.
Tliu Kremlin rueilie utenuilioiilH on the
Williiiiietlu river ilivinion will leuve
rortliiiid, Holit-lioulid, iMoinl ty, Weilnes
tin V, urd I'tnlity ! II A M. Arrive ut
CorviilliH Tii(iiluy, Tliiircdiiy niul Siitiu
duv nl IJ :;tO l M, l.eiive ( orviilliH,
nortli-bouiul, Munday, Winl ticHiluy niul
Friday at. H A M. Anive nl I'nitltiiul
Tuemluy, TtiiiiHilny nnd Mlunluy at !l:l)0
I'. AI. on Monday, Wetlnewlay utnl Kri
(lav, both north and hoiiIIi-IioiiiiiI hulls
lie over nijflit ut Siilein, luuvitiK here ul
(I A, M.
Fri'lxht mnl Tlrki't OIIIcb, Hulmnii street wlmtf
U. (V IIDIIl'K. (I, P. ill 1'. A. o r. II.,
Southern Pacific Poute
Kxpress rraliiH leave Purl land Ilnilv,
7VTf7 Ev TSiiitMrA7"
V:ln I', M. l,v Ori'ijiiti llllv I.v
III. Km. M. I Ar H, Fi-iiiiel.n-o I.v
I lierlh,
f U:i'..1 V"!t,
I 11:110 r. M.
Ahtive trulitit stuti mily nt tin' fnllnwlnn w'h
tluiitt Hurt it nf Uimi'hurir: Kiml I'nrluuul, (iro
sriiii City, Wiiuilliiirti, Hiiliun, Alli.u y, Tiuiiii'iit
Hhrildii, UiilHi'y, llitrrlKblirK, .lunctlun ('ily, Ir
villi! niul KiiKi'iio
UOHKIUiltO MAIL (Hiilly)
8:tili!'il7r I.v i'nrllmul Ar " 4:00
9:00 a. m, I.v (ircit'iiit'lty I.v l!:filii', in
fi:4il I'. in. Ar Itiwi'liiirit liv ti:'J0.v. m
AMI A NY I-'KIAIi (liiilly.JiM'i'ilHiiii'ly,;
6:Tpri. j X"v "i'urUiiiut ""' Ar Tu'liii a7,m.
li'imi-. M.J l,v OrcKiui l.:,v l,v 1 7:.'il .1, m.
Dim) i', ni, f Ar AJ1"11!! '.v I f:U0 . m.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
KoriKJCom m od o tlon nf Soiotnl (Hiihs Par-iuiiigdrn
iiUuohud tu Kxprt'HN Triilnc.
WOHt Hxto IHvisIoti.
Mt Tniln, Dully (Kxrept Hituilitv.l a,'m.' t,v "iNriiiil Ar j ft-.ui i-Ti
lollop, m. Ap (JorvHlllH i.v I IV' Vi m
At Alli.iny utnl CiirviilllN (luuntioi ivltli trnlnf
of Orexmi I'nclllc Uitilrniiil.
Kxnruim Tniln lititly (KxvitI Bitiiitiiy)
1 40 1. M . 1 I.v I'ortlllltil Ar ';i!A.M.
7:1151', M. I Ar MfiMlMivllle I.v I Cits a. m.
I'nr tinki'tn ami full liilnrmiillim rijri r1I unr
rut iii, ini)m, etrt., cult on t'uiiiiJiitiy'K ttyetit at
tiriiKon t.'lty,
C,litiiniti'. Akm U. tr. null 1'itNii. Aitimt
TIMJiKH l AN'll AI'T,M'Nieil, W.
.wi'ii'i-: root tai'iiM'Ta:.
linen's I'ci v, nr., IW IV, 1MI,
NhIIi'ii ii liiiil')' kIm'H Unit III t'ntit I ! Ill m
Willi llll' I'lilVlMillH III lllll HIM. Ill UlilMI'imilit
Jillii' II, t'llllllml nil net. fur llll' mile ill Mill
lift ImihIw Is Hit' Hinli'H of r'lllt'ti'iil'i, Urvii'ili,
.Viuiitu iiml ttiohlnit'i'ti I i'irUnr,"
Ji'iij I.hI'iiIiii,
it I'l'ill'iiiil, I'.itmlv i, Mulliiiiuiiili, H'ltn nt Om
v.iin, him Hun ilnv llli'il iu lliln t Hire hli vt urn
Klnti'llirlil Ne. '.'It.', Ii l' Kill Hlli'll':e i, llll) IV
'i ii ' , ion) k H 1 1 1 1 il iTcl"iLj'i y, In limn
i h 1 1 . N i , IimiiiIIi, niliiO' Nil. it i'ii(Jlt Hlllulli'r
iih t III 'ItnlV tltllt till' t'lll't """Hilt Ih iilllll'
:iunli" tin lu llinli'T ur Mntii Hum fur iimi'1
I'liilni'il itui"iiiM, iniil tu " It I h el'iitit
tu mlil Imnl lii'iiun liic ii'iib u r unit iwoIvit
i'l llil I'lni'n hi i''i"iii I'liv, Uii'iMii, uli Mull
ill). Um miili, ilny ut Miiii'li, IMU,
li imhii iih Wiling"!'; Win, ItiuiV,'' (if
I'm 1 1,1 ml, i ii i'ii in, v, H iii'ii"Oil nf I'lirilmul,
tli ,i . , 1 1 llnriiOiiVt Hinllliiif Hriillll', NVimlilliii'
inn, H iillcr H'hiII hi 1'iull inl, iiri'ium,
iiiv iiihI nit in'i'Miti t'tiiiiiitun mlviiiHi'ly Kin
i In ! lie i'l Ihi'il ItlllUf, mi' ir'tlll'ull'it III llll'
tiH'ir t'liiiin tu iIiin I'lhi'i' en ut lii'l'in milil
;,. 0i il'iy "I Miiii'li, ll J, T AI'I'KMHilK.
I 'ii; II '.'V , lO ul-O'r,
'I IXIII'.II I, AMI, AIT ,11'Nii !l, I'l,'",
A i, (lie lor I' illlen I Ion.
I ;' ymi hi ,1 I..IM' Ut'l'ii f. I
I !
i, III,, I I'l,
', I- HI
i-illlill Hil l'
I'lifl,' I, I
n',1- ..I lllll
i, H"U,
I . I I'l
I 114,1
n ii i i -(.. 1 1 1 rum i
i I , I i I . I H Uli il I
II linn
iililv ut MiiUlhiliilll. ulnlu nl
i u,:y t'lfl III IIM ullu'i, Iiih
-lilli i (ill ln 'III IV-i ,'IMI.I, lul III" (ill'i lilimi ,i
lit'' IV. 1 II I' ' iillil .,l ' I llill "I til --I I'H'MI IH
',', Itl It'V !,.i.l' ,'hi. I' I'llllll. lillH'li Nil. II I 'l'l
iill.l lull nlli'l li" I In 'llH Hint tlm liill'l
Ilflll I" tlH'IV V 'lit'li ll' I'll II" Hllllil'l III Nl, lllll
ill, ii I, r i.i;iii''iltiii'il I'lii'ii'i-i'i', n lul luiinh o. iu ilin In n inl I iml l i-lnie llir fi'itlnlnt
ihuI in ,M n'l nl tiiU i tin e nt iiii yiui I'ltv. nre
niui. , ii Mmiil iy, llii' :uu ii il l1, nl M. m il, I'Sil.
II,' lnH'N VI 11,11'S.H',.' llll- KlnU, .llTty'i iiii, Ullliniii 'Imuir, I'l ruin I, (Mi'
("nil J I Ii I li:f f'l III III, III Mnlnliil. tlll'K.iM
ii .- ,4,1,1 ,11 iM'i.niii, I'liilnilni.' iiUrrni'h-thi'
Uli., I l' ill M ill, I'll liill'l. 14141 rt'Ulll'Ull'lt III me
Ihi-ir ' I Hiui In Hin, ullli't' mi iu lii'li ri- nil lil ll'ii ii
il'ix I M u li, l.i. J. T. iM'I'I'.lisiiN.
I li :r Iti'KlnKr
1 1 M I 1 It I. AMI Ai'T .It'NIt :i, lnri-Mi'l ll'i;
, 1'iiK I'l t'l.l'iATl'i.N.
I lllli'd SI U,i Imnl IIITIi'ii.
Oii'li'iii CHy, nii'tuii, Ian'. 1, Ih'SI.
N ilh't' in lii'ti'liy Mlvi'U. lll ll III t'!il.ilf'iurii
ivilii Hit' I'hii l-l-i -it tliii m l nl I'liiimi'M, nl
Jinn- .1 i-ii i'lilllli"t "An m l lnr Ilin mil' nl Hltl
lii-l liiluU III Uli' i.tiUin nl I'l'lll'TllIrt ()li':,iilt,
Ni l mill imil Vt iilillirlini 't'i'l rluily,
llrii'liii U Mi'illiii,
ul Ci'iiliiil I',, lul. i i'iili'.y nt ,1,11'liMiu, Si'iUi nl
Dii , . 1 1 Mil Hiiu , 1 1 1 v hiui iii inm . ilin' liU
mi hi ii 1,1 "h im-iii N i' vm, i, lul- tit" iiiiri''iiinii ul iiu'
It 11 ',!'! l-l'I'li, II Nil, 4 III tun li.lllt, Ii hi, lull
rnu,Mi Nil i t' l"! nii't ivill itllt't' ti'iil In
.linn ill, f (lu' iiiiiil "iii;li' In uu'ii' vtilieilii ti-r
If-Uii'.ln'i ui' plulif Hi ui t ,r Mioiinilliii it iiin
4. ,4,1 s. -i r. till, lllll tliN I'ltiltll tn liillit fillul
liiUmi' IliM li'l-l.'r iltttl fi'i i't "I ut Hliu nil, i'l' 'it
ihi'K 'Ii l lh. lui'iii ti, mi rrl'i.iy, lliu ;;ili
il iv nt Vnni'li,
II,' ii iini'i, llni'iin ': Clnrlt Hi'll il liT,
1 ii' l I'l II I 'ilittili. M ililm'l I'll, t.i'1', I'lllirl, nl tlt'l,
iill ul I'mlliinU lln'ii'li.
mi I nt! ,fi.. ii4t t'lmnilinr mlviir.i'ly Hm
nln.ii ili-,i'ri.. i I I. ni" i-.;iii'i,li i I" llll'
Hi, Ul ,! .In.. Ii, t'i! ii.i:i r ,ii ,.r Iti'l.ini I. iltl 7l It
iu "l .'iiit."i. s.. J i. AITKl.SnN
1 I'.. :i . ' .i'iii.i-r.
ti !.;.s: t..Mi ait. ji nk a, ii-ti,
t ulli-il si ,tt-M 1 'mil ill': i-p
(Ul'!.'-'ll I II), I'lfKull, ifl'. u, I ,11,
,,ili,'i, 1. Iii'ir'.y I. i'l, Hiui In i'i.titll itirr
IV II h U' rim Ul-ni. nl Hit' ih'I t,l i-nia-r.'-ii nl
jmit' ,1, l-7i, I'llltlli t ' All set f"l' tun i-til.- nl Hill
tier ;"iitU lu Hin irtii-B nt I iiliftiriilit, ori'rfuii.
M'liul.i nil,'. (A ,i.i,ii,t-t,ih ' t rrtl'.ry,"
S oiiilt'l I , llin ki I',
j ut ',iril'iii,t. I", hi u iy ul ,M ii II ni linn h Si uli- nl on-
"!!, It i Ul!" it 1) lli'l't lU Him t llil'l' llli KlVnrtl
i .l.itl'illi't .Nil Vi'l, 1'if Kll' (itllrtuii-i' ul Hie
In ', I'l H'l'll'lll .Nil. fi, III I'M llllli Nil '.'
1 -tiiiuti rtiuu'i' .'.it ii-i-l. mi'i will tilli-r .ritnf
tn li"U' Hi il i 'u I'll il I- 1 1 k 1 t In liuiri-vnlitHtiti-
,,r It, liiittii i i r ulnlu' Hi ui lite nKrli'iilitirt'l
i lllll ,' ! iih. I tu l-.l'il'li.h Ilin I'l.lilll In ultl
limit) l.i'li.lii till' llt'iilttli'r ni-il Hi'i'l'luu "I llli.:
' nil iv ul i if t'i;i'ii lit,, uri i'iui, nil ("rklity,
liir luili ilii) iu Aiull, l-'i-l
I llr iiiini. nt nu .i'-iti'it li.ivlil (i l'iniiir,!. nl
1 1' i.tiiuiil ur.iiit' w Mitntn-.tif ri-mritl I'utiii
; t in, !-,'lu r.-r. ut Stunty, It., T. I. Iilittu, i,
I ur llilllil. HI'
.Mti .nut nil t'lTmiliti rniilHili'K nilvrr-tcly Um
it In u i' il -i rlin ,1 Ii in i mi' ri"iiii Hill In llli- tlit'lr
t'lililllf, III lllll- uli I'l I'll t'f In'liTI' I Oil luili itil) ul
,.fll. f-'l J I. Al'I'l' HSllN.
I I,.; 3 .il lll'gii-li'r,
AOT1I I! I'll It 11 Itl.K'A'IIO.
t'liirmt sriiKs l.vhii uiin k I
(iiii.i.iiii rnv. Ur . I'i'i' t. I'tu.i
.S'itlifl. Inriiii ,;l'.tui llmt lu riiiiiiilt'tiirp
null Hn' rni i-n nt. nl '.hi' ni't nf ('nuiiri'4.ti nl
.Inm' I . iitiuit'.l "An iti'l lur ttu- nth- nl
lliiil.i'i 1 ' ml- In ilii' t-l'ili-n nl I'll ll'irn ill, (IH'Kiilt,
l iuil i. iin.t U i-huiiUt'ii r.niitiy."
1 Iml V. Hiiiii'r.
t.f ini'v'-iii City, r.'illity nl i'l n'kiiuein. miilit ul
i n iui i ni h,i. tin il i) n! i'i! in I lu it i iil.i'i' lu n iv urn
.t.iifit'i'iii Nn. ;,ii.', fur Hin itiiri'lmmt nf Hm
It 11 ', lit, RI' I, ll. I It II ', tit Ktl'l.ltf kl-l'tlnll
, Nn ,V ill l likl,li Nn. 3 n.ittll, i- ilini' Nn. a ifl
mnl .illliilli i if ttuhovi Hull Uli' Itllttl miUKlil
I- utnl 4. i' (i-i Iiu tntilicr ni iuh- ilutn lur
j ni'i ii-iiuiii nl uin ,iiin'. mnl in i-i.tHlill.h hut -htt in
In. .ilin liiii.l t'i'li'i. Iiu' ii'iiltitir mul ri'it'linr nl
' ;hS i llli i- nl litriaiiti lily, (la-iiiili, uh Tri
ll iv Itii' : , i.nv nl April I -.U.
Hi- intuii'ii ii- ii uin'4,.i.. : II. KiiuthtMi. IV 'I'.
! Iiiiiiirut .1 I M i.nui J. M I'mrl'li, ml ill um-
Ijitii t Ity, tit. hi. u.
,ittv iti'l .il nr.. 'in rl'iliultitf Hflvcrttt'ly tin-
s ' .. i tli-.i'lllu'il Itill-la llll- rt"lll'li'. tn' llll-
iln'li ft itnn In tiili. nil'i't,. mi nr lii'lnrti Kititt ;:i
il.V nl Ai'lll. I mi.
'l I- .i .n J, T. Al'I'KHS'lS.
aotk s; i on im Bf.M' vnov
t'tiiTKO Stti;s l.mi i ru k
im i:- i ny. (tr. I'c, 1, l.H-.u.ij
N iI m w lit'f" l tfivi'ii, llmt in rotuj-Hflurf
U ttll III' I'l'.iv lo-ti. t.f tin nr-l -if IMIlKli' td
Jooi 'X t oUill "An not f'-r l!ti' Mtlr -f
1 1 tit Ui r i m lo shi' i itcn t'l Mltli.rtiiit, Uri'wmi,
Nt i 'i, mi l ih:iiio:li'n I'lTtllnry,"
Hiivit) i 'lt titit'll,
tif e.mimI I'.ioitty nl MoUihinuitl. Slalt1 nf (no
ytiji, nit liiU (itn iU'"i in Ih if othrt' In k swnro
i tti'tti-iinoil .N'i -'itl, fir tltv vuiclit"! nf tlu
lite it u!! fl "-'rtlnll N, I. hi (uwiichlp Sn J
j "niith, Mll,:r ,Nu. 7 (MM, HU'I III OttlT pl't.tif t'l
! timv Iirti Uu' ii'iiil ntij;hl l iii-n-t- iiliidiilc fur
lis luiiUTMi Mioit Iii;m do imriiMildiritl por
it. f'cs mill ;n i" 1'ii'hMi his (i'tini In iHMiii inn, I
Iii'i. rv i'ho r' lii-tfr utnl rcft'l tr nf tin nihco n
itrt'tri'ii City, Trymi, nu Trltliv, tho XUh thi
ni h rch, IK'I.
lit1 ii 'iiM't; it witne'-xi'v Chfirlt' Ht'li'srfi'r,
S'imut'1 I mi i Itry, Cliiirli'w t. tt it. nt rnrtlint, Or.,
ttt'i'ivc iMhiuu-, a'f 1'iiinl.
Any ninl .'iii )ii'i''its cl'tlinliu? mlvtTM'ly llu
hIiuvi-ihTilt'M I'liuls urt' rt'niu'wict) to Hh
tlii'lr fining to llii uihvi dii nr ln'inic tnu '.7lh
il,iy of XI iitIi, sA J. T. Ai'l'KKStiN,
I-hi; f iti'uUtor.
I'mitkii Hi atus Kam okimck,
uiu:nnN crrv, or., ,fnu. a, w'l.
Ni('tj Ih lit-rrhy k1 vt.i t'nil tin fnlhiwlnji
H'IiihmI MfiiliT IniH Hlftl imtlro of hin Inlciitlon
to tmiki' linul ironf tn Mtiptmri nf Iiin claim, tool
t Htl t KJtiil pl'ni'l' ill he ni ill U' tit'fnrt' till HoulKtiT
itn.l lt ivornf thn V. H. 1,hih1 tulicu Kt unnon
(.'ily, Ort'Kim, nu l-Vlinmry 14, vlt;
.Inlin r. Sumner,
llmiichU1 ul onirv Nn. fthiio, for the n of r o ?4'
iiinl M1', of n p ' . nf m'?. ;to, t r , r :i e.
His UiiiiM'K tho inllnwliiK u'ltncsMCB to jtrovo
I)In (MHllillllfMIri nitltMHe ll1ittl tnul (Mlltl vntinii
of, Huhl In ih, viz: .Inlin tlcl(ty, nt Mnltillii,
( hH'kiniitih cuiiiit v, Or,, II, KhhIi'U, nf It.olallii.
t PirkiuoiK I'ltunly, or., (ieni'Ko llunpiilu, of
Mnl Uin, i'l'tt kiiiioiH ouiinty, Or,, Kll Civwswell,
of Oreunn city, Or,
1 11) J. T. ATPKHKON,
NOIK i; I 0H I'l BI,I A HON.
I'niti:i) Htatkx Land offick, I
OUKdnN ('ITV, Or., .Inn. il,
Niillcc Ih hiToby iven Hint th fnllnwinn
niimt'tl ndltlrp Jims MPkI notice nf his iniLHilinU
lo um It i' ii ii m L pninf In nuppnrtof IiIh rlufiil, ninl
Unit nn PI prnuf will Im imtilo hi'foro tins ropin
Ut itti'l riTclvor of the lr. a J.nml (Mllcu at, Ore
tfoii t'lly, Ori'tfnit, on Kt'bniiiry 10, Iwii, vlx;
Tlieodoh- ('. Wll.on,
!!niHti',ul (intry Nn. 7: HI, for thi w J.j of n v
mul n l.v; nf st w ice, ii-1, 1 2 m, r ii i,
llll lllllliOS IC following WlllU'SMl"! tO V'VO
his cnntinoniiw rcuhlcncn upnn mul cultlvn
tlon nf riiil'l liui'l. vt: Philip Monro, Hie VP
lUitelu'll. ,1 Mclnlyro; IC, C. Iliiokntl, nil of
(Miurryvilli?, t'hu knui;i couinv, Orison.
(TI('i: I'iUi l'l liliK AT10N.
I.n ml Ollicu nt Ori'iton City, Or, ,Ihii. 7, INM.
Nnticii m litirt'liy jtlvtu Hint tlie fnllnwltiit.
iiiitiii'il Mlk'r him llli'il ittitli'o ul Ills liiliititlnii
to itiiiko llinii iirniif In kuiiii't.ti IiIh t'litim, unit
Hint nlil pi'iinl will Im toiiilo lu'fnrii tho Ri'idii
tt'r niitl Itiii'iiivi-'f ul tlio II. H. Initil otlli'ii at Ot'O
KtmCily, tiri goii, on I'Vliriiury 21, ihw, viz:
Kilivitrtl W l'lilno.
litimi'sltiiiil I'titry No. fi7l'.l, fin' tint w 'a' of n v
ninl n ;.j ol w '., ol m'i. M, t 'I ii, r 2 o.
Ho tniiiii'N tint fiillinMitjf w 1 1 iiosm-i-i to prove
tils rniillimiitiN rt'Hiilt'iicit ii pDii niul (nilllviiiinu
of, milil htm, ti.,: Ili'tniry Wnllittnj, of Mink
inttlol)itu', llclii')' H('lli:iir. tif Mnlilin iioRlollli'it,
,liiiniH Mnllt'tt, of Muliilin iitittit)liit, U, ih
i'l'l Khnlilii, of AI ii 1 Ijio, till ol t;i.'ii:Utim:i coiinty,
I ll; 'MB ,!. T. APPKHSDN,
Mil HI lltlitltN.
Ill UipJtirilrc Court, for the product nf Soiln
HnrliiuH, t' , 1 1 n I y of (Hiii'liiimtiK, nUiu of Uri'Koti,
t.'lii! in.'liiiii lo riTnvi-r niinirv
Mrn. I'1. A Hunk, pliiluUIV, vn. w. Q. Iiiimw, tlo
it'it'l nil ;
To W (. l.tiivm, tho nhtivii niiini'ii ili'foiiiliint.
In I lu-1, ii inn nf tliti Kliitu of tii'i';on, you itru
hf'it'hv li'tiitiri'ii In iipiniiir liolori. the umlvr
fiKtii'it it .iutttiiM! ol iho J'l'iii'ii. for tlio pivi'liiot
illiifiiiiit. nn Hit, '.i lli tiny of I'Vlirinirv, IKl.'l, nt
onu o tiini'k. In thn nliiiriiooti of unit! ilny nl the
oilii'tt ot n ihI .ItiMiltm. in unlit pi'tiolitttt, to misuor
tlm iilio.t' iimihmI plilntill In n civil iii'tlon. Tim
(li liiiiiliinl, i III tniin notirn Hull, if lie full to
nnsiiiii' Hut '.iiitpliiint lim'tn thn plitintlfl' will
tuUl) Jiiilulirlt tlKiniKt hull lur tlm mi III of thir
ty ttivtni iliii I ii fm nml nifrhii'in ci.utu, tofcotlior
with (loi-tH inn! ili.iliiim'iuiintH of HiIh nelton
i Iiin Hiiiiitiniits Ih He'rvoii Iiy pnhliontiiiii for
! x cnnsiiiiiiUvn Wi'i'tcn in tliu OiTittnt tlity Kn
TKitPiunK, Iiy orilor ol J, tl. Illi)iiknfy, JiiHtfiH! of
tin. ptt.'iiie lor rinila Hpriniis pri.iniict, which
tinier liiini'ii ilnto .iunitury 12th, WA.
l-(i;ii W lK A. HANK, Plnlntltr.
TIMUlai I.ANfi AiT JUKB it. HW,
Collie lor I'lilili-eiilluii.
llNllllli HUTKK ,Mi (ifl'li K.(
lui'iiuii t:Uy, t., urt, jv, l"!iii,(
Ntl'IIHH tu lu'ii'iiy !' i'u t it ii I In i'iiiiiiiIUmi'I'
Willi Um lu'iu l-ilut-m uf tlm iui. "I (iiumn'iiH
nt .liUH' II, fs7s, niiilili'il "(tu iii'i fur Ilin -mil. ul
tinitii'i iiiiiitn in iiu' hi ,i n't, !,fi'iii!fiitiiiii, 1 1 1 tu i, n,
Nevniln, iiml Wimi!1' Html 'I nrrllnry,"
SVlllllT itl'Ull,
nl I'l'i'lliiml, noiiiily nl Multiiiuiiiili, ntnln ul Ofi"
Kim linn Hiiu il'iv llli"l in lliln uilli'i' lilit mviirii
'iliiuiniiuil No. I'll', lur tliti i!IH'Iiiiii uf HiKiie
i , Il if 1 'i mill ti ul it u I, nl -tfi'tluii tin, 'i, Ut
in tv n i-li i t Nil it Huiiiti, rniimi Nil, s ninl, iiml wilt
nlli'r lilimf tu Kluitl' Hint til" tnll'l mini-lit 1m uiut'li
viiluiilili' lur tin tliiilii'r ur -tlunu Huiii Im' hki I
(iiilliiiiil uu iiiKiN, mill lu ntitiiMI-h hiit t'liiltu lu
mlil limit lii'diiit I hi r.'i: lii niul ri-eiuvrr ul
1 1 1 1 i i il,, 'ii ii iii. i'iiii (itiy. lie,, iiii Miuuliiy, iiu1
Uiiili ilny ul Miiit'h, lKiil,
llli iimiii'HiitiwUiii'-ti'i-ii' IV. H ir'(iifif'l, Win,
Hum iu, JriTV'uliil, ul I'ui'lliiiiil, iiri'K'Ui, II,
Vi . Hlllllll ill Nl lllUll, U'lUtllllllHi'll.
Any Hint nl) iii'inuim iitnliuliu? n-J vitrne! y tho
ntiiu i' ili'ni'i Ihi'il t'iliiiii iiin H"iii'-itt'it In Itlti
Until-1 1 mm n im. mile,) mi uf b, . i,. IU tiuili
ilny nl Miiii'li, l.ut, J. i. AITKIiioN.
.'.,;:-!I-.,V. lii'Ili'r,
TI.MIll.U I.AMi. ACT JI NI'i !l. I..',S.
,(!i Cur I'(iI)iii(i'iiii.
r ft 1 1 in dun I, i ' u hi i ii k (
I ur I'm:.', i 1 1 1 (,r . i n'i w It a t
Null I' U I I,y IDVI-tl !!, , 111 I' I II 1 I'
I'liil il'ul l-l lit' nt ill,' ,il-l In' I ' i II ;? I't ' I.
Mul'l' ii, I i'll,,'ii' 'All 'i I Uit l." t il- IU
. i'llihi'l i in !: II! Ill" ' I Im i'l l ' 1 1 'nil II! i, nil ,;,,
: Si.vml i. itU't ii ni no Im, i'i'I'i :l' i j ,"
i U .'II 11, IM.,.1-1,
nl I'nitliilul, t'lilililv nt iMitlliu liulh, lit tin ul
l Iiri'ium, luui liiU iiu llli'il In IhlH nllu'ii hi
invulll p. I -i (c-it, i-i 1 1 Nn ..('.II, lur llm luui', i,ti' nf
Hn' u 1 , li if 1 4 Hint tul4t !l um! I n Mi'i'llnti Nn.
I V, in In lu lil i No. II tii'uHi, l n iu ii Iiu. i-iu-l, Hint
I will nlli'l iiu. il it, nliitur Him llu'liiilil hiuikIH In
j iiituii I'ltliiiiiilii fur tin lltiiln-r ur mmiil Htmi ,r
! tin l If il It II ,i l inn -ii mim, mill t, l -t I ill Ii hi-.
iiu nn tu tn'lil littiil In'lurii Iiu ri'iiittti-r m il
rnt'i'lvi-r nt Hiiu uiIiit ill iiii'i,'iiii I'iiy, nmi-iui,
nil Mniutiiy, tin- ililfli ilny ul Mutrii, lYi
Hn iimtu'ti mi, H iin.i'i'ii .Ii'iry l.iil'nhti,
I iViiltnr Si'nll, V. H. Iiit'i.i.iril, nf I'.iHlmul,
(Ul'Mnll, .lull. lllKr.lllitlll HI Mi'lnlhl, lUi'i;, 1.
A li v Hint Htl ii'l'tiliM riiiiimtiii it.lvuftrly tlm
llliuli' ili -ii'tlt'i-it titltit-t mn tri(lltnli't li't llln
( li t r I'mliiitt In Hint iiiliiii' mi i.r Ui-l-ir until tiutli
tiny nl iiliiii'h, Iwl. J. T. AI'I'I IISDN.
I ;':'. li .'7 lu-uii-iuf.
IIMIlklt I.A.-.'li A(;'l. JI NK it, lys,
.Villi e lop iititllcultoil
I'lilli'il st iitiK (.ninl I'ily, (n,'Kiii.
(Ill 14, I nil.
Nnlii-H In linn'tiy I ven Hint 111 ('nitiiilliiiue
uli Hn' iriivlnl'iiiis nl Hn? iml nl I'liiiKn -i til
,imi--H, I'liv, tuMult'i! ",m m i lur tliii i-iiln uf
tlit)i,i-r iniuU In Iliti Mintt'tt nf 1,'nllfiirnlii, nro
t'uii, Ni'ViiSu, ion U nuiiiuiiii.ii ii'iiHuty."
Ili rmiii u sniiih,
nf Si lilllt', llnlll li nt Ktlif, M ill- ul Wli.iliuitnll,
liiid Ui!h ilny llli it Iii liilk iiilii'n hin nviilu .Mil'
i lil'Mll Ntl. '.Ui'it, (i'r tliti Inlit'lnntii ul Hin n w ',, ul
j M tttlntl n. .il. Ill tuiV ,tl ,' titllHl, r 'tilll!
j Nn II mM. niul will tiPrr irmil In shitn liintHi-t
I Intul in iirlit I- nu in vnlimiili' Im' lu iieiln-r nr
I .tl-llt' lllll II fur ilk I II' Hi HI I'll! 1 1 II I ii:M'H. I! Hi 1,1 ,-).-
I I iliil-li hin i in liii iii itll limit li 'linn iiu- I I
iiu unit lii'i'itivi r nf thin nilit'e nt Ort'vnn I'll).
I ni,, mi Muii'liii , the ; uli ttni nl Mnri ft. tf it,
lit' iritlti'li hh H Inn sl-4' ,lil.,-,ll ln;nliiiril i
I nt MuIhIIi! iiri'tuii, Jt-rry'i.litt nl I'.hIIiuhI, ;
iiriBiui, W.ilii p ht-nit n( I'ni'tlmul, tiri-ttiti, i
I VMIHni'i Jiiiim nl I'ur.yih. Miuitioin i
j Any mi'l nl! i-tThuiiii i'1'lutinu iiilviTti'ly Kir 1
I t'liuiti tlt'itt'iiiipil Imiitu t,rti ri-it.ii'Hii'il nl ilin i
ihi'il' l"! illu III Hliu ullu'i" iill nr lil'tnll' mi, -I HCili
Iny nf M .i. li, IrtU. i
;, .: :1 .1. T. AI'ITIISI N. H.-k ltr.
TIMIlKIt I.AMi, AtTJt'NK.'l,
Police Ikp liilt!i'a I lit.
I'lilli'il Siiiicn l.niul nliu'ii. nrt'iti'ii City, i iri';-wi,
lll lnllt r II, VII.
N'liii't' Is 1 Iiy iiiifii llmt in rn mpltr lu-tt
ullll (III' im inliihit i, Um ni't ul I iiliyn-t.!, ,f
.lulu-a. M I'l.iiiu'il "An .u t lur Hit- iuiii ,,
uiiittiT Iiituii. tu iiii st iii'-ttii i'.tliliiriiiii,Oit'i,ii,
,i'iiulii, mnl U iiitliiiiKiuii 'lentitiry,"
Ahll'l i;. Mllltli,
nf Hmittli
tlti-tr 1'inlnm fit Iltl- nllli'H nn nr lit.lorc Kitlil
Kill ilny nl Miirch, Ivl.
J. I'. AIM'KltSllN,
l-ra-ti.-: li.-v r.
IIMIiKit KAMI, Art JINK a, lh7h,
.U lor I'liMliiif lun.
I'NIThti HfA l'K t M) Ol FU'K. I
oittwos ftrv, or., ot-;.
I Nollrp U hi'M'hy it'vi'it thnt lu roinpllaiire '
wilh Hn- pmviMoii n iw m-t uf unuurt". of
Jtini! a. 1S fiaitit'I 'An vt ot tho Mlt-nf thu-
Imt 1-iinin lu too himv n i; tllf'Tuiit, on'ii.'U,
Nt'MUlrt, illtll ttftllllliftoll 'I I'lTltnrV," i
M'ir) A lU'.Mitu, '
of (ilex, emsiity of til :i uttii. mtiii of On-ir-m, hmi
thin iiy IIU i itl tlil oil. ru her f-w.ruMnic j
incut No 'J...!?, ir On? (oui'linsi' of (htKw'4
Of ItM'tlolt N. 4. Ill loW UNllIp Nil. 1 SOlllh, I'ltllUt' ,
Ni. h tnt, mnl wiiiiilifr pfoi to nhow tliutili!
Iiml Ktiutfht ih ui'i; vnliiiiliU- for ii tlinlncr nr !
Moot? llinii fur Hi;rlMiltiirti (oirpri, ;itnl to vn- '
t.tljlifh her rPiim to hj 1 dui lifforn the r'irtn
ler niul iiTflvrr of tlif'- oioi-t t ';rt'iu city,'
un-.. nu I in-Mpty, Uh HI ilny of M ift'li, Iv.ij. !
Nlit iHincH a. ivltinitfH ; V. 11. MonUou.
WW. I'ni.'v of Oirx, ur'j:uu,C. H, J(lt, ,
C S.uuU. of I he lirtilm. ur
Any ninl all pi'ifoitu el ihnihit mlvrrst'ly lh
lo ( .P'hitIIh'iI luinU rt n.'Miifvtr.l lo Mm
tlii'lr ipflm in tltls ullicii nu or hWnit' Hiiirt 10; it
Pi) J.T AI'l'llliHuN, ,
licfti"t'.T. :
Aoi lor lnblt iilioii. :
Oukou.s ( ji v, tir., (K't. is'.Nt. 1
Nolirc Is hiTi iiy Kh eu that in ('oiiipli kkh !
wltli iiu- proi.ino nf the art of t'iiiiKroNi if;
.mm) l-;-, t u'ilioil, "An act f r lio1 miU of
liiiilii'rliu.'iN in (lie iitonfi: ihfi.rnU. oiion, !
; Nova, In iiml Wunhiiu.toit I iwri' ry ," j
i .loM'jih (trow ., ' !
j of '1 In- lhlh'. roonly of ; M'o, ft. do of Ow
I (ion, ha this (lay Hied In tliU oihco iiU Mvoni
j hl'iu-nifiit So, ';i;;;i, for the tuirrii-iso nf the
'i-1 , of M't'thm Nn, l, in t.wiiltii No, so;uh,
j r No K iMM.'iml will ni'ior proof to show Unit 1
t:u- iainl fniiL'iil h morn vitlu ilMti for I'm ;
lui'lu'i or Mono tlniu for mrriiMiliur il pur
Ijom-h, illol to t"! il)llsli hit I'l'UHl tti H'lhl I.iihI
Id-Ion' lilt! ri'isliT Mai H'fcivnr nf tint
oiPco nt orrt-on ( itv, ur, on -A Vilnt'Ml.iy tnv
lllll it ,y of Mtnrh, lh'1
lit' ('.inn s nn hn w itni'hso-.. V.. 11. MorrlM'ii, V, ,
V llulrn. K.J, of olc., or J. I L:iw-,
huh, nf i'ln I' ith'M, Or,
Any mnl nil pi'rMHiN ppiiuiii.c .nhiToly tho.
filiovt' -tU'M'rlKi'tl Punl nr- rei-iHini to tiUtluir
claims In liiif nslii-t' on nr hcforos-inl lliiiduy
ut iumru, i-i.'i. .i. i , iin r. titii .
, ii liic lor 1'iiIm Iciiti.iii.
I'NITKII Ht.ITKK 1.AM) (ll'l ll'K, I
(iHKiiiiN City, nr., .Lm. 15. Im'I.
Notli'P In h,.n-iiy Kivi-n tint thu foiliiiiini:
nniiH'il Nviilfr linn tltnl imtlro nl Iiin Inti'iiiiini
to til'tiit' limit proof in mtprort tit IHk t'l tltn,
unit tttnt iinit'. proof will lit- tnniti- lii'tm-i1 tlu'
ri'irlntfi- iiml rci-tviT ol Hip It H. l.niul Dllloe nl
Wkoh i;ity, (iri'Koii, on Mntoli 7, IK'il, it:
tlnnn OImmi.
Pro I'lnpllmi l 1, No ."U M, lor the n w 1 , of s
w 1 1 of si'i'tinn 4, 1 t s. , r.'t .
Mo iinnit's tho lollowlnii witnr.iittt.n to prove
hin iioiilli'iioiin riisiili'iH'o upon iiml ciiltiviitlnn
of. i-'iiil lit it 1 1, viy.:
tile .lulinsoii, .lohn llnnelion, tiro. Lot'lierliy,
nf I'ltrrinttvillo. tiliu'luniuoi eouitty, Oreitnn,
ninl 1'i'ter olni'ii ot Miintusnno, (Hii'lo'illHcnniity,
WtmhliiKtoit J.T AI'l'KtiStiN,
lW;viW lteirister.
F. L. Posson & Son,
Cciicral Agls. for D. M. Terry & Co's
Grass, Clover and till kinds of
'frees, llulbn, Fertilizers, etc.
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
Wo want you for ft customer. Give us
o trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 21 St, Portland, Or.
iiucvctti'Tn to Miller l.roa. Cutuligto Kiee,
Into finitititt.liiivi.hi.itn m.H.&t,
In- Alum IlilTf, Ali.llii,
Jim. Ilium. 'I'iiIhiUi. Ohio,
Otlmi'. HTeitiiliiirnawt-ll. Wliy
7 IS'.' v-i'WJ.iiiiiini. Vmi
Mitim fin-ii over voini.titt R
'lint. licri'vtii' ynu nr,. Kvpll Ini-
'im tin Ih work aim llvo
iA T " '"i l'i.v- All niriti. H'n.hnw yuuliiit
imtly tinrninir tniin f u to
'. nun .ttti't vmi.
i nr nil tin' tlino, Ilin-ninniiv lov wotk-
I-in , tiro itnKiioivii mniitiir ilit-m.
II.IIiilli ll.V i..,l.i WHO I'm tluuil.HJullii,
i luui 11, Iml i
n t, ii
liny On
i IV-iii 1,
ilny ul On- t-l it el - mnl
. vmt (io
mi, 11. iih m ii., till liiiil. In mn ,,m ,,f, y, hi i mi iniiiiiiiriii i- tn Iliiiiiv, ,tv-
itiK itllyiim tlnif,,ii ,inii. iiiuiiii.,it, kiiIv to
lliewnik. All In nun. tlti'til lily M Uli" tor
nvtiry ivnvkiT. Mi" ititi-t .tun, ftititl.lilnw
vn'vililiiK. I'.ABll.V, HI'Kklill.Y linrnftl.
I'A II IK II I, AUK MIKU. Atlllimii ,11 miro,
f, ctiiiiiiy nl Klnn, ulnlu nl 1 Vv. . i J rrt ,. ' 'V-.i ri") M
Hiiu ullu'i' Iiii uiu stnii-im-Tit Nu. '.'lul. lur tin-1 iiuW( J sUi . J"r vi ' ii" k ' -. u r -
inirtlii' .1.1.1 It... b 4 nl .,fi Mi. n, ln- f f I . y j!-' jJi-i- 'it- '' il
l.,nlili Nu. t iiii!li. niini' Nn. iliiint. mnl Mill iMM,.,,-f' T" jf' " f ', . 'i:,.'i t k.
nlli.r tn lti,w II,. I h, Inn,) .,!,Klil I. ., V A " - ' . -' ' J. k I
m.n v,ilunl.!i. ,,r IKlliiii.4-, r Mnlie llinii lur 'M:fWiJi J-V .'s'ri VT .A:-" f i'! f 7' ' L .
,lj.'rl.' l.iiri,,... ,. ,.,ul t ,.il,,,h hl , is W , . I '- ' J it 4 1 t. '- t 0- t ' V '
,'l,.lm I., ..'I.l kinl l,,-.,r,. Um nuntttr nu.l I " NV" ii rv'.f '": t ''.''. -. .-. ' . ' ' '
ti'iiiiiviT ul Ililt, iiilii'i) m ori-ijiui liitv, (jr., on I'V 'jit, . t f a. i-, . Pv . i '. ,"- '!.M'ii' lV,.-M-,,l,f 'r1- j? SX tJ i.-1' ' ' 1 J .'Tit-' V N -"X-r t'"- J L. -'
Imnl. Uii'K Jnry'ut I'lirllm,,!, u,,. ' , v' f r- ,, f7 ? J ') ' ' ' " , , . -
'.". 'I'L liirn..".i,i ..1 M. I.., nr.'K ' iK'ji V -Ti '- V.sf' V i r.
H llllnlii Juiii'J i.l I'-i.ivth. M"iillui. I ' 1 C ' I ,J ." - ' - i J - W, , , ' , -1 (
Any nn nil .i.mtiii ilnliiiiuu ntln'ritrh' tin. fej, Ji Jf y 1 " , J , 'I - . , t
sliini" iti-nrril'til Imiilii urn riii,u,'-i!i'i it, nu, i S.' !f , V f.,. . . . .- .'i
.UeuKU .il im ,J mm-JK
Garden Seed,
Mend JLVm$
BtP0Hi- mmiil. i'o n'
K'-l W t,l.'fl,!, i .
r"? aa ni
Eleventh Annual - - -
Kirnt Hlix'i'l, N.rar Mnrrisna St.
l :.'.. Il liotiltl me health, wealth and liui-pinniM 'I
lavcHtinetil I tuii'lc uits llie iiiii h:ii-p of one I'ollle ul Minue's iiuvii'i d lti-me!y
Tluui.iiiliilr: nl nt tier oilier inple luui "lunllv a t,u.nd letiuns from the i
clutse of this riinereiiiti ri-iiieilv, 'I i tireil Jtirliunl Williams, l Ne atle,
astliliia, ill a Keek. Il did H"',J-J t P" ""' "'"'f ''it .lolitl llewiti,
uf lliia i'liv. It. ('. n.its at.ii'y. Jv ')'' AI.'l'.nliir.f.4H,uii,.,,
tlielr own siuii mum s.iv tliiH.Jjl f . ff cun-d llicir tlieiiiiiiilU'iii ii,
iniirvel.iiislv sliorl lime. ".I. M V 8 I ! W ,Ii.h mii1 V.'. 1'. JuIiiu-hii,
Si'iiltle. utlext its ellieiii'V ineili- it It v- - imd t'out,.
'i'ttf ittiwii tt.ti-t (if rei'itlulile ciiizens from one end of tliii I'm if'ic t'niisi t Hie ml.
wilte of praise. II mil nro ill, kIi.i iu'lter iine-iiiient cun you imike than r
niiivhiiKii nl ii lioll In uf Moore's Kevea i-d
ine on in imnif. if vuu lire loitiiri'd I'V
ills of iiiiinkiiid,' invest 11 1!5 ill Moore's J;ee,ile l IVnicdy, uin!
in- if it. will nut i ice von n il. I.
i:0AKK&PJ!0SSEll, I'l-upriulDis.
lanufacturcrfi, and Dealers in all kinds of Machinery
CASTINGS furnished and
L-l-'' r
" 2i - " 'IK ' . '.. " 1
Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, Oreson.
Cooil HearoeH. Triunncd coilins nnd Casket ohvnyw in tftw
l0R Tllll iV. WHO CAKS'-tr PlltIBI.T CAi.1, rr
IM l l'.K K't H 01' lh Til VT W1IX 1VB
i :::y..,.Nzvi ci'KK.
Tia tar.'t r-c.-ilv, txisitivij and perm,
ru-ut cure I'.tr C. ,;.'. rh oOhe Head, Asthma,
nit. I all Ti " rro'icltial, Uwg, Heart,
Ptni.iaoh, 3,iv.-i- (ind Kiduty Allections,
Ncrvo'.m l(:,;. 0.'. Cuusutiiption, in
its vr:io'i,'. si - s, cnnaticinly cured.
IJr. Aiiokn's ( ; -,'!i;il mode of treatment
and lna iiK-ui.-.i,,-1 initiations civei in
titautuiicvius ivhi. (, lniildfl up and revital.
izea the rou?titr.tirn and system,
thereby jtroloutv.tfi li us. Weak, nen-oua,
dchililals'il and broken-down constitu
tions, old r.r.d younj. invartablv pain from
ten to thirty pcvulii iu froni thirty to
uincty days.
I 'it. AnoRiv's t 'l ii Tieiinl skill and mar
vcl ins enrvt, b.ivi- i uatc 1 the greatest
i'5to:ii:-bui'.Mit on Ih-j t'ci, ific Coast and
tliri'.i.,'bc,ttt th Aatwicaa continent, dup
Iiir t'.ie part twenty-five venrs. Asthma,
C.iMi.'hof iltc Jletul, andall Throat, Bron
child and hwv trouble ;nstatith relieved
and lVal'ni'ss ct'en c-ured ixTntancntlv al
lt'.t.iUon, Dr. Aborn's essay on
ability of Consumption," and
tliu "Cnra
"Van-h ot ths Hep.d"
i:h R'.-ii'i-
'i'nri;S of some txtraordinan
ct'-c.s., raailid f.-e.
Cull ot address
lmi ua.l ;;niuuD Kta., I'tirtl.nil, OrtgM
Ktvif -IW fc.,' .;oi. spcurcly packed, Kilt b
sitiri M', Ui all pniu i tie I-.kic t:ou4t, fur those whj
:-. Htiot piins.-jiv i..ll in iK-rvi-.u
Ll WViTFQ jn wi-Fsa coksuitatioi
Uxet'ttti lx .Nolu-e.
Tim iitiili'iniu'iuvl, having heen nppointi.d o
ecntrlx oltln.cstiiti.of K. 1,. Knstlmm, ilccensei'l
nil persons hnvinir clnitiiB iinninsi mild cstntc
are herohy retinlrml tu presem iiu- hiiiiio to mo
with proper vonfltcrn. nt tliu Hunk of Oregon'
t'lty, in llremm I'ity, tirecon, within sixmontlis
from the tlntc of tills uiilieo
linleil HtOri'son City, Orenon this SWh iluv of
Jiinmiry, ism. t'l. AHA KASTti AM
1 1 4-27 " K!tWU,r,!!-
H.Mlll',1! I, AND, ACT JUNK it, 1N7N,
NO'tt'ict.: nm vi;Bg,irATio.-.
Unitki) Status Lanii Okfu k, i
tmmioN City, Dr., Dee.. II, Lvio j
Kotlco Is lieri.'liy Klven tlon in eoniplinni.e
witli Hie provisions of the net nl ronsiess of
.llinii ;l, usrs, entitletl "An net for t'lr.i b1o ol
tltiilii'r hinilH In the st ites of tuilifninu,, yro.
Hon, Novuiiii, nnd Vii.iiint;tnii Terrlturv,"
,lnme I, Unhurt,
of Knsl I'oitliinil, eoniiiv of Mnllnomnh. st-itc
or iireijon, li-tsthls ilny filed In Hits oilioo his
mvnrn sl itenieiit No. SKI, for the pnreli iise of
! the e iv n w r, loin 1 m,. li of section No l-i
, ill toiinsltlp No. 4 Himih, riitnru 5 enst'
ninl will oiler iirool to nliow tlm the hi il
! snitBlit in more vnliMhle for Its tin, her or stone
I h'in for inirienltiirnl iiiir,,oses, nud n, esnihliMt
hlseliiim lusri Id hiinl befnre tin, renter mul
i receiver of thin time ,u ()re8,m ci,vh, ,,,,.
on liT'l.liy. Hie mill ,.iv of, ls'i ' M 1
lie itiinicnns wltuessoi; Krviu i'nlterson of
.'.its, Alnltninnnh ctuitv, titecnn
Andrew Myeis, of Knst rivrtl i ml, liinlin,m ,,li
! county, ureunn, Aimust f.,,,1 o( iorll ,
I Miiltniimith county, iiroon, llenrv Wnnrh
of West IMrilnnd. itllnoi.,l,' eonnl?, uro '
I Any utnl nil persons eltilmitnj nilvevscly Hi,..
,,,iii.,-,es.-,ii,.-.i ,i,.,n a, ,', i,,,,,;.,! tl, ,-,
their elmiiiM in this t,i!,ce on or before snltt Unit
ilnv ill A tirl 1MH iiu i
I 8-
---I - ,i. i. jii'i-r.itsoN
I'lMliKK LAN liTTOT jTNliXlT'ffT
wrivv. van vrw.wATtox.
I'NiTun statrs I.AMi umri ,
' .. ,, . UllKliuN tllTY.OU., Oct. Xl, ,H1(1. j
Not ce is hereby Riven Hint in comi.liiuice
Willi the provisions ol the net nl coinire's . ,1
.mm. a, iivk, entilleil "Au net f,,r tb L.,i ..
a. lisw,
timber binds,
gnu, UevHitu
ln III tlie Stnles of Onlifoniii, (
ii nnd WnsliiiiKion Territory, 1
Cliristtnll II Mnrrlu,,,,
nf Olex, comity of Mtlltnm. Mate of'orecon hn
No. aaati, for tho purchnsii of tho of ue' "aiid
,1 iV
"I.. -I
-!, It J
i f
I.iflie' I'rivuto l.'f.irnttci!
ft m !
v in
Alniill the liit''ust i i-t iti-nw ever ithmI" on a sue II iuv.
meiit is llmt ri'piuli'd lV John Alt-x.iliih'i, ol Maiiposa, (.
Jle rites:
"'l lie lii'ht inve.liiii'itl I ever liilide ill In'.' v a OIK
lt HM-ii v ' ) vmi H-ei liuil every in
inerv m,i
tin iiin'itii in. if yml htivi- liny
For ,wa!e I y all f r jjri:-t h,
REPAIRS promptly
Inm land 2 of Mrctlnn No. 4. In toi.iliip Nn
until rtintre No. H eiott and will inlcr tiro..!
tuahiiw lliitltlie lultil mini; hi In inure. vnlnnllt l
I. umliiir or mIiiik. Ih'tli lur iiirrlioilllirill I'U
linltrn, nnd to i'i,ltilli.ll h!n fintlli Inlin b-
tttrettie n-wtiier mnl ri-f'ivi.rnt tnifc nioe amr
(fun t'ilv, iin-Kiiti, no 'IneMliiy, il-elwi tinji
Mnrrh, I v'l.
He imnieH nn iinesses: W 1'. Utiles. M
A Heiltlen of tilcx. or.. 0, II. Hyde, mid I
and, ol The Inlin. nr.
Any nnd nil iii-rwiiii elnlnilne "ilveriely !' Inrtitii are re.tiet-teil to t
their I'lnims tn thin otiiee on or tu'lore tiinl P
dy ot Mnn-h, J. X. Al'l'l.t.rin
K-43-6 hvRlM'
.iili'fi for I'ulilii-iili'm.
OitKuuN City, or.. Oct. i!, Icai.
Nullcp Is liiiehy tiivcti llmt In eiinipliiiii
with tlii pro tsttins nl the net of ci. unless
June it, ls;s. eiitillid "An net lur the .nil- ttti
lierlniitU in tite stntet, ol t'nliioriiiu, orcyo
NevuiU.iind W rtshinntun Territory,"
.Iftoob 1. I.nwsnn, '
of The linlles, county of hsco. inte of tiroer
hns Ihih this dny tiictl tu thiti ntliot- hin smc
stiitcint'tit No. iir. lor the ttirehiisi? uf ,he in
of scelinii No. TJ. in tt wnsliip No, 1 mnti
rniiKt" No. K cunt, nnd will nncr proof l fin
tlitn the tninl noneltt In mure itinli!c lur.
Its tlinlier nr none, thnn lor mrrtcnlttir
imrposes. nnd to PMnnlish his cl-um to isn
Innd iH'torc ihc rctMer nnd receiver nl thts .
lice, at Oreiron (Tiv. or., on AYttdiicttW- ,i, n
dny of Jliireit, ld.
llenniiit'R its i init-s-cs: t. II. Morrlnti, V
-. notes, .in oicx, or., r.lJ.Morrdiiiii, J. Jiroti
of I he linlles, or.
Any mitt nil persons rlnir.sinjr adversely I
Hliovc-ilcicribetl lnntis nro Iti '
ibetr clnlins In thiMiilicu or or before tlie 11
lyof Mnrcli, 1SU1,
TIMllriR LAND, ACT Jl'N'K H. 1S7S.
Aolii-e rr I'liiilit-ulioii
t'mTKtl STATES I.Atm OlTtl K,
OukhoiuTty, Or,, Out. 2s, lsik).
Notice Is hereby Riven that incomriltniicc wl
the provisions of the kcis cnajtress ol June
1s.7.n, entitled, "a ll not lur the Mile nf limber Inn.
tn the stnles oi Cnllfontiii, Oregon, .Nevntln mi
it n.tiiui,iiiii lerriniry,
l''rtuicis' J Morrison,
of Olcx, county of liilllani, st.ite nf Oresr
has tliis il.iy tiled in this ntllce it or siv.--n sti.
nicnt No. '.';i:in. Inr the iiiiirhiise nf thes',. nl n
nun inm .iniidiot seciloii No, 4, lu tnnsi
Nn. t south, ru itv N". H Kast.and will of
proof to show ilmt the bind sought is in
valitnble fur its timber or stone tlm u fur at
cultural pin-noses and to cslal'llsli herein
to said liiuii before the refriler ami receive'
Hits nltli".. at oreitou Cltv, Oresnii, oa Tuestl
theiuth dny of iilitrch. is.n.
filenames as wiliiesses. V. I'. Holes. Mn
Hedileii, of olcx, or., '. II. llvde. niul I'.
Sands, nl The Hallos, Or.
Any and all nersons eblimiiit. ndvrti-t.elv t
above-deserilieil land arereoiiestetltn Hle'the
...iliii,, in iHinn) on r uoioro S111j u
of Stitch, .'wl,
J. T, Al'I'l' IU'i
li-'l'il'O. knM-
iWS'M IT. l'OSi 8l A I M1
Vnithh iSTATKS t.ANI) llKVll'R.l
iiiiMtus v. itv, ur., uct, js-m,
Notice Is hereby given Hint in eomplim.
wilh tne iirovtslons nl the net. of ci..ti.s. I
.luiie :t, isTS.entitlctl, "An net fortliesale of nf
"tn in ins in uh, suites ot t:nliforiit,i, orepl
-in uu-i, hiiu n nsiiii.iitnii -jerrit.iry '
Win it it..i..,.
of Olex county of l.'tlliain, state of Oregon, h
mis uity men in mis otliee Ins sworn stud
! no. aiw, t..r this purehnso of the ne' , i
section No. s, lu township No. l snuti
raoitli ino. oust utnl ..I t .,-.. .- ,1
show Hint the inud snuitht Is mtire v,iti,i,l fol
Its timtior or stone than for nirrieultural nnrS
poses, H nu to estnlilish his claim to naid Imiit
hetore the rcKlsier end receiver nf tbis oiliel .
5y (" Zim1"'1 TlK's0'' tl,U W"
llo nniiu's as witness- Mary A. Red.lou, C-l
H, Morrison, oi Olex, or., C. 11. Hyde c i'
sands, of The Halloa, Or. ' '
Any anil nil persons elnimlm; adversely tW
nbove-i escribed finds are reouesied to ill,':.
.layof Mnrch" "l 4 "" Mr U'0M "H X
1 1
Uli tT I'
. -'trisir.
.oTij'E: tan ut5.3irv io .
TIMliliit LA.Mi 'it n si
, r I'XITKII r M I I I im, ,M
tiiiKuuN (;iTY, Ur.. Dub Ui, t j
MUT ' ''T!1' S'v 'b'H in coiiiiilin'. ;
with ne provisions of the net of tiotiv!'!
.111110.1, l,s,t, eutliled "An ct for the suit) '
timber lands ni Hie stntes of Ciillfornt.i.Ore
on, Nevniln and Wtisiiiniitim Territni v ',
, , Tom 1',. (Hiisoii-
of I ortlnnd, connty f Mtiltitomnlv. stub'
O eiriin, has this day fll in tins oili.-e W.
n I sl.ilenient No. 2li'. for the purchn")''
he s',s o( nn',; nnd lutsa nn.i 4 of section fin
ii ttiii'tiKhh, n. t Rnu!ll m No, 7 wt.
ami will oiler proof to m- tut tt, Isn't
souiiiit t nioro vnin ibl. fnr its timber .i
Mnne tlm u f.n iiKriculturnl purposes and to f
blish his cbtim t Bllid l,.,;t ,fe the re!'
ternnd receiver of this ,.3i0, t oreKon I'HS'.
Oivmui, ou Kriday, the 17th day nf April, l.-al ,
iietitnies aa witnesses: Haviil O'llnnttftl
.H'hu Mlteiiell, chas. Scltc.eler. Unas. C.v
'.44 Vlll-tllUAllll. t,,r,
Any and all persona claiming ndverf
a , , i , e"'',:(1 hmu "ra reqnu'i
..... ,mi cmtiiia 111 tins 01IICC Oil
"iii'i uny oi April, ISH'
I. T. Appkii
. HegiW
' 1 , L