The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 06, 1891, Image 2

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Till; iiNTERPRlSli.
13 !M.
ni:i:ui i'.,
nntl lrn,IHtn'.
TiiiiiK ;nnm-s to 1 no deviation from
tl i'ia-tiiH so limit In vok among tlltcit
iions of ivi.n City, and more Mpeelally
the Im!ii'i.s th-iust, wliit-h Ium proven o
tlol tin, omul hi ho prosperity of our vailou
U-iiH's imltistrien, of stunting to IVrtlnnil
niut other totvign mm kitt for grwsjrleii,
clothli'ir, and otlmr every tiny net-emit im of
life. It i time lor so important a matter to
ln'il, and ns a ulct loom pa
tout until in true elVetts ar made wnipr
heiisililo to all who indulg In It, lty nuntl
lnKlmud for Roods tltalian tm procured
tit, Is shui-ly roodlng local dealers
of the support (hoy not only ruei'lt, but
greatly m od for rlio upbuilding of tlielr re
spivtuc institution!!, Hint throwing It where
ttd eiin'ct its tm salno In i--liim.
In imtnmiaiug home institution, wo
slmuU (hut imluinment ami roniuilallon In
towing .tint I psiiU's nwlvliig goods In re
turn for our money, we art) tmliaiii'lngour
individual interests otherwise, by building
no ii Imw mid imoorttiiit trade renter. It Is
to tlie interest of every eltitteti tlnit every
bnsiues house in any town or community
Hourish -.d prosper- which if it iloes not
ito, ) nn ltupii.-t.skm among utranpM-a
that there is either a larking among its cill
sens in this respeet or that it Is ileail, anil
not theivfotv a desirable plaro to loeate.
tint tliete ttntainty are causes whieh lead to
tliij- or it would not occur, and chief among
theui is ,t tendency on the part of merchants
to t-MaKWi a schedule of prices higher
than cither (Ins totality of tlielr good will
j n -1 i t or tii competition with whieh they
havem eantcn.l ill I'ortlnnJ and elsewhere
will permit. There seems little elVort to
vo(' with Port laud markets, which In the
iiftj'r'ijate proves as unprofitable to the
dealers t!ieinelve a It does disastrous to
the cause. If there is not co-operation
anion;; the merchants themselves, and they
w ill nut mu it' pt to compete with surround-
ins towns, we cannot expect to receive the
patio. i;',;.:" of the farmers.
1'o.lVIAsrtR liKXKKM. WaNAM.IKKR has
ooleivd it scries of experiment III oriler to
a-eeiinin the practicability and cost ol ex
len.iir;, (iie t'r.t' delivery system to small
low: s. An evj-ciiineiitul free delivery serv
ice is to n established ill the following
plae, -. -. i 1 1 1 i t and Jeukintowu, I'a. ;
t'al.imi! i ,'i-:w; liotjinsou, Illinois; Hep
suk.'i, i'-... U: Monroe, Michigan: Sellers
!m:'i, (.,-. hoi; llvallsville and Middh
town. M ii ii'i-1. SiiH'olk, tepl ens City
and il.e N.i ional Soldiers' Home, Virginia.
if t; o ;ir.ieut-s justily it Mr. Wana
maker will nk congress for an appropria
ii m fi-r .he ; iii ral eMei.sion of the free tie-
live'-v set-. I e. As the law now is the serv
ile i- I timed totowns having 10,000 inhahl
tents, or -i etc the post otllcc receipts aie
not hn tli.ui Mu.msJ a year. Them Is but
little ilotiht that the free delivery system
will he evteuded to cities having MWorover
iitlsa'niiMtits within tlie coming year; and
had the suhiirhs been annexed under the
new cl.iirter, Vregon City would have hud
the re eired population to entitle our mail
to fni- delivery. We can hide our time
linn !;ir at tiie rate Oregon City is grow
ing ue will soon have the nOOt population
and our fri-c delivery, while our neighbor
of the sii'nirlis trudge in each morning and
an ni
ml an hour waiting for the mails
1 and the delivery window to be
lit;; la id department of the Southern Pa-
w -;:rl' "i u l Company is considerably
Mimdtip over the action of Acting Com-
inis-iom r Mmii', of the land olllce at Wash
iinrt.'ti ( itv. who holds that the forfeiture of
the inn l if.-aut of the Northern rciilc, be
ing a i . eif ,-rant, naturally includes a por
tinn of the grant of the Oregon & Califor
nia mad, when; the one grant overlaps the
other. The Oregonim! says they are deter
inirie.i ! re 1st this claim tooth and nail,
and will i any the matter as fur as the courts
The iutructiotia of Commissioner Stone to
Kei.'i'-.tcr Ai person, of tho land ollhe at
Orcjron City, to tl.row on these lauds for
settJemei.i, was published in this papers
low d v.'s b:j, and has caused a feeling of
unceriaiiity among those who have pur-chu-i
l hums about this city from the Ore
fion ird California njail. Most of the com
pany's ! in this vicinity has been settled
upon, hut there are still many valuable
pieces in tho control of the land depart
ment, ami the Southern Padlic la deter
mit!d to protect its rights. Ithnsapat
e:.t to tln-e lands, and w ill probably in a
few d iys !' 'i;in certain legal nieasuresto test
the vnlidity of the rulings of tho depart
meet at Washington, The railroad com
pane will carry the matter as far as the su-
pre'iic curl, as they have personally a large
sum at -V.'k
Hix. m. Wimpom, secretary of the trcas
ury, died very suddenly ol heart tutlure on
'ih Ij evening, January 2!th, at 10;ttt
o'l lo' k, in the hanUethall at Deltnonloc's,
Xe.v Y rk city, where ho was the guest of
the Nmv
pnrlati in.
the eieei !
iiiiiee.ii iii:
litoi'e l.iei,
I' bl.iM et in
hoc Ji 1 1 - ie
irk Hoard of Trade and Trans
His had been the first toast of
. Aftur he had finished his ro-
vooned at once, and died almost
. livery effort was made to re
h a in vain. The great asseuj-
(; dissolved. Mr. Windom had
iv sj.enker, mid the seotinioi.tto
it test oicled was: "Our country's
pro;;.; fity; entlent upon its instrument
ofenmmi ri e. Jlishody was buried in Wash
inulun (i i thft following Monday. The :ctv:cein the Church of the Cov
e.'iant ln-4a'at 12 o'clock, and, while ex
ecK; smijile, they were profoundly
imp;e,i e. The attendance comprised all
the li n;5 . iiilicials in Washington and
'heir families, including tho president and
cabinet, diplomatic corps, justices of
hupremc court and court of claim, senators,
rcpres""it:iiives and officer of the army and
and nn; V.
At; examination of the records of the
pension bureau at Washington disclose the
fact, that llfore are but 12,000 applications on
hie that are not represented by attorneys,
The.e will be taken up by the board ap
pointed for the purpose and proceed to tinal
(letermimilion. This board Is required to
use every care tnai count oe laaeu uy uu
""Nitloriicy, and to fully consider and give
. juitswclglit to every favorable fact disclosed
in llieVcor-l of these case. In other words,
full anciooniplete justice Is to he done in
every instance, and technicalities of con
striieiiou rm presentation of these cases are
not to 1)0 taken advantage of. Claimant
are, to be .-is -istcil and not hindered. These
reforms have already been started in their
course, and jit is expected they wdl result
in good to all concerned.
A mono the numerous movement on foot
to divide and disjoin counties, the latest is
reporled by the East Portland Vindicator,
to tiie ofie-t that there Is talk of dividing
Multnomah county on the line of the Will
amette river, and making Kast Portland the
coiintv seat of the new county. From that
we arc to inler thut it behoove Portlander
to content themselves with trying to retain
the present boundaries' of Multnomah
rather than to attempt to annex a slice from
(.'riliimbia. WasbiiiKton and Clack
amas), which lms been their chief hobby for lot
yem p;r t .
Aunt, bus been introduced In the Min
nesota legislature thill Is 111 such clone pro'
Indty to good horse sense, that It Is doubt
fill if It w ill ever beeoutf a law, It provides
that any ollleer, stale, municipal, oreonnty,
accepting any gilts, free putts, or other favors
not granted the general pithllo from any
railroad or other corporation In the state,
be guilty of felony and bo punished by
Hue not less than elftui nor morelhmi Mi,
or by Imprisonment In the state prison for
not less titan slv months nor more than one
year, or both, The person or persons Issu
ing passes or gilts Is eipuilly amenable. If
the attorney general, or tiny county attor
ney In the slate refuses or neglect to euler
suit upon complaint of two reliable wit
nesses, they will bedeposed and will hedhv
Hualitlt'd for holding olllce thereafter.
Thk Portland (Evening Telegram Is now
the property ol'tleorge 11, Molfett, lata edi
tor and manngerof the SI. Paul (Minnesota)
(llolie, he having assutued entire control
and nmnageiueiit last Monday, Mr, Motlet
is a thorouith new simper man us well as
writer of considerable note. I'nder hi
management the Telegram will be an Inde
pendent democratic! organ, and will he titled
upwith a new dress and otherwise Improved
in the Immediate future. ' Portland is a
good Held for a man of the menus and
talent of Mr. MolVvtt, and It can he ex
pected that his paper w III become one of
the permanent organs of the West us time
It is possible that at this session of con
gress mi appropriation of lait.iM) will be
placed at the disposal of the president for a
survey of the Pacific ocean lor the peopiced
Paeitle cable from San Francisco to Hono
lulu, The Pacllle Cable Company, now
asking to be Incorporated by Congress for
this purpoe, already has an annual subsidy
ol'f'A'i.tVHt from the Kingdom of Hawaii, and
as a subsidy to them or any other company,
there is tin amendment to the present lull
ne ft i re congress asking for an appropriation
or fci.nou.iMt, also to be placed at the dis
pond of the president.
Pkn.nov nit's Idea on tint improvements ol
ttu Columbia does not correspond with
those of our representative in congress,
and they take little or no notice of his crit
icism, Pennoyer is good to Ids const jiu
ency, undoubtedly; hut like other great men
his cranium expands upon the p-liirli ttt
provocation. It is said his presidential
boom has set it agoing.
It is rumored in Washington that Minis
ter Hohert Lincoln stand a show of being
appointed by the president to till the vacan
cy caused by the death of Seen t.iry ol the
Treasury Windom. Others Mit-ve that
Socretaiy Proctor w ill be ai'siintcd.
Tnt Journal says there is an unusual
nttmlicr of thieves in Salem at pr v'tit.
Taking into consideration the "attrai lion '
in that town at procnt this is nothing stint
ling. ST.UF. u:(;i:.
lu uiul Around the ll.ilis of The
State Capitol.
By Th UsticBrKisit Hei-cUl l'tirrctiiinUiii
S.U.KM, On. , Fkii. 5, IHUI
On Friday lust the special coiuiiiitli e
apimiiitt-d to consider the niiino-oiis wag
on road appropriation lull., repoile I m
luvor of !i;,(HKI in nil. This is a reduc
tion of over hall', lty this rt-porl the :te
pruprulion for the liagle Creek road will
lie loducod to Ki.lHUI, and that for the
Hut to Creek and Soda Springs road to
l,0oNI The lull brought lief.uo the
committee were voted down from twenty j
to seventy per cent. Tho chairman j
i t the committee secured the j
most favorable report for bin own bill, us
it only Btillored a loss u( twenty pet cent, j
while no oilier one fated bettor than a :
forty per cent, reduction The bill lor j
ail appropriation from Tillamook to As- i
tori.t was lett out in the cold altogelher. I
The big BSXt-HHint'tit bill iniiled
und laid on tbo tl-'sknof nu'inbi-rn lust
Krlduy niurnin wlit-n it uttrai'tt'd tint u
little lUtentiiiii. It wuh ftniml iiiiii eluse
exiiiniiiiitiiiii tn lie faulty in lunny it--itpet-tH,
purtifiilarly in niTaiip-ini-iit.
'llie lIotle ban spent st-nMinis
in a coniniittee of tliti whole. The bil
lowing extiui't frnin Si-nutu bill No, -111,
tuny bo of iutttrvHt to those expecting to
die soon :
"And it "shall bn unlawful fur tiny
person who is not, tit the limn of the pns
HugH ol this m l, engiiKO I in the hnnim-xs
or prut'tice of fimerul diieoting in tins
stitte, to cotniiieni'ti snrh liiisiiit-i-s-, nr
who, tit-ing so ongugeil, is nt-t registeretl
Hithsuitl liouid of ex.iiii'iii'iH, to i-on-tinne
HUt-h business, itiilesH lie shall liuvu
lit'en exiunint d by said bniird of I'xnui
ini'is, and shall have received u liien.xu
thurefoi from suitl board of exiiinini'is,
as liruvided lor in this tu t . All ihthoiis
receiving a lii'oiiBt- from snid bu.trd of ex
aminers, by registration or examination
shall have the same registered with the
board of health of the tottn, city or vil
lage in which they reside, in addition to
keeping the same displayed in their
ollitto." And "any person who shall
violate any of the provisions of this m l
shall he deemed Kin.ty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction there-of, shall he
lined not less than twenty-live dollars nor
more than one hundred dollars for e.u h
and every oll'ense
If the legislature, passes this they
should tack on an apprnpiinlion for their
own funeral expenses, tor will not
be enough of their three dollars per day
It-It to stand tlie luxury ot a decent Inn
eral. It costs enough todio now.
The bill of Kenalor Hatch, of i'olk, for
the appointment of the slate bniuil m
regonlH for tho Mulmotith statu annual
school, came, up in the senate again .Vlun-
lay bv a motion for a rojonsidcral inn ol
the vote by wliicn it lanca to pass last
week, this curried, and the bill passed,
receiving in lis favor one more vote than
when it was up before.
The hill to incorporate. Wrenon ( tlv
was on Monday referred to the Cluckaiiias
delcgiiiloii. Jntho senate twenty new
hills were introduced iuesday, and in
the hotiHii one. litis makes the total so
far introduced in the house and tho.
senate 191 in all JII.'J.
The uenvrul approprtotioti bill is under
discussion, but will not lie ready until
the last week. Tho joint session for tho
election of state librarian, railroad ,tom-
missioners, fish eomniissioiitirs etc.. will
not be held until the last week .
The Australian ballot bill was passed
by the house last week. W'hnn it reached
the senate, numerous atiieiidineiils ap
plying to the primaries were added, and
the bill passed'. J best) the house re
fused to pass. On Tuesday the bill was
returned to the senate and I'tillcrton
moved that the Bonalo adhere to
Australian ballot law as failed lo moid
approval of, house; V'eiilcli moved that,
senate recede from adopting the amend
ments, aim proceed loptiKs too tan as re
ceived from the liouso at (irst. Veatch's
amendment failed to pass, vote 15 to 14.
i'ullon moved that a committee of two
bo appointed to act with committee from
bouse in a conference over the senate
ainenibiients to the Australian ballit law.
Adoiitedjand the president.'appointed Sen
ators Haley and Fullerton to serve in such
'Vi, .,;i,, - ,.f it,,, ,ou;,ii ........
A.lU luilltiu Wl j.ivm.iiiii. MJ J ClJ
nize tlie mover ot toe motion in naming
his committees, lead to a sharp retort by
Senutor Kulton . Mr. Fulton was on the
wrong side of tho (inestion to suit the
nresidinif ollicer. The nieelimr of tint
ioinl conference committee failed tn pro
duce arty satisfactory rosult. On Wed
nesday a seperate bill was introduced in
the senate embodying the Htiiendmenls.
Of this matter the Statesman says :
"Tho conference committee on Himon'g
senate amendment to the Australian Iml-
bill Iiuh iitfreed to diHiigree
The sen
ate members of the committee, suid that
llllllv WOlllll I'lWiKl It Hut liouso would
l.uoe I ho maUnr an I nam tint iimuu.i-
iiiontH in tho (orm of H Mil wlilcli I mm'
ponding In tlie itmialo- lull this club only
iiuulo tho lioitsn nimnimr tun uioui no-iKi'inlnod-lhi'V'll
lid otoilliilly klclto.l
into Itinlo II thev will bn llin (llcliitml
to, or wotds to lliut. t'lhVt Tliuro Ih a
smell of sulphur in tho nlr and tho moon
look rod.'1
Tint Statesman ol tho H,ioiiidalu givos
tho following nccoiuil ol tin' allien lat
ory hill relatlvit In olocliotiH. It Is
imllodSouiilort'ogswell'H hill M-', Intro
dmcd "tiv him yos'etdiiv inoiiiing, imu
tain lli'loeti sections wliicli urn supposed
to einhodv all tho unioinluiinit, oH'oi'ihI
to tho An'stmlmn ballot lull, by Souittor
Fulloiton, thai mo bnllor know it tho
"Sinioii" amendnioiilN, innl ovi'tytliliig
olso. Tim Idle ol the lull is "nn iicl to
provide for holding pilinniv olocliotiH
ami iiigitliillng tho iiiiiiinor In i-oudtiol-ittg
I lu satiio and to prevent It and ami
punish crime at such olocllotts in cities
of fi.OtHI inhabitants or nioro," It ha I
liei-u (tamed innl luinloil on Tuesday
night, and was Introduced, read first
and second Imu' und ordered to third
loading before a single prltitn I bill Innl
been laid on Iho neuulnr' desk.
I'o this SonaloiN Fill I on and Tougno
entphutleallv exprossoil tlmir opposilion,
I hey doMlted Unit It was tlie only prupi't'
ami just proceeding to not te-uU to
Hiu-li "tiiilroadiiin" uiul ti-ferllie hill Ion
proper coinntiltet', glvlnu souni time In
the member to examine It ptiivlslou
lielure taking the Una! voto, Tim
innjoiitv stiomed to desiro that
the lii'l should go tlirottgii
cptlckly, but a sort of cotnnoinlso wu
hud ami it was made u special order for
i. in. W hen this hour arrived It. wa
called up, and then nuiendments began
In our in. 'i bis limn a motion prevailed
that llm w hole thing ho referred to the
coiiiuiitltee on elect ton to renort on at III
o'clock Thursday, There I no doubt
that this will cause moiiio lively debating,
assevotal senator, who have been op
ioHcd to the Simon utiiondmeul lining
attached to tho Australian bill, do not
intend to let this matter have a walk
There are but thirteen more working
days of llm se-sion, uiul ,thi-ri is now
4V hilts. As yet tint governor haw
signed but one lull, ami that acllV cor
poration hill.
New lOra Ki-w,
II. C. Horris has a recent addition to his
family of a bran new girl.
John Mnlixitn Is building a new board
felloe around Ihe Phelps school house, add
ing really to the good appearance of that
Miss Aletlui Phelps spent last Sunday
at home with her parents, and returned
Monday to Oregon City w here she has hcen
attending school all winter,
Mcii-li-Miie ner.n In our midst, William
Kaodiill Ikmiik the lirsl to Ve taken down
this time. while
c'ii.e to school at Oii'kou City.
me notiiii in .sew in-i t ion 1 1
ett niiig l.y Miss hale Kelini was tUile well
atteialod, there hehig a number present
ironi a distance, among whom were some
from Oregon City, Frank K ruse ami his - -
fion. Wilsomille, Itt uheii Wright ml
Malik t'ali.e Iroin .Molali.i, anil .Mrs. .Mine'
and Wild from Logan, Alter the lec
ture the gland iimsiiieiaile was the next
order of business, accompanied w ith spleti
dod music consisting of throe piece. The
tuasipiers had a jolly lime until about II
o'i lock, when they tenioted their masipii-s
in id joined in s, eliding I he remainder of Ihe
uilit in u M'i'V pleasant and agivcalile man-it-r.
Jinlgt- Itolee, ol Salein, cnuiedown to the
lasi regular meeting of Waruerliraiige Kiid
Installed thooillcets lor Ihe ensuing year.
After the installation exercise were over
the Judge luinle -pole a lengthy itddresn,
dt voted huyoU to the Jinaiiriid coudilinn ot
theconnlry, ami explaining hriellv a po
sihle. ami in a very tangible manlier the
eiiiisi. lor such a shrinkage lu the value of
all agrii liltural products, lu sja-iklng ol
the into icy ipu-stion he asked, w by could not
liovcriituent loan money a well direct to
ihe tanner at to loan to the hanker, and he
id ll.t- liirtuer til u iniicli (iri'iili r iiiteitf in-
teresl ?
Ait Ibis is a igitt st inn nl't it ill impel Inure to
every wnt'kii.K in. in, we would like tn bee
mutt dtsi'iissiitu iininiig the liiriht-nt iliun
1 1 us. been intiiiiti'.stetl We hate olttiu beard
it Miid (hut tmiut-y iiiatters in our uuter
ntiitt- of V ns!iiii;tiiu t ere lulu ll easier than
In re, Tli, it limy he H ue, unit from tliesliile
iiieiilsof the eriiinty elerku of Mevetis mid
(,'ollit ct in nl it-M, t Iki K'oplu buvu itiilimiTKi'd
theiiiselvt-s nili iiyer l.'i,0n0 iiiiirlKiiKct dur
ing the Isrf). This thine in Ort-non
would certainly be of no particular eredit,
eteii lit 7 orS t-r cent. Interest.
We eiinnot think of closing these lew rt-
I u it i-lv st witlioilt InukiliK Intuition of the lie t
lliut nbcti s-ukiuK our tidiid we sptuk the
mind of every individual in New Km, that
we deeply mourn tin' los.1 of niir honored
und greiitly respected citizen, 10. b. Knst
hnm, und we have neuled in our tiiind the
tncninry of one we have n Indrc-d but have
A friend of mull n friend of youth;
A guide of uti and friend of truth.
Jleiulow ItrtHik.
(In tiie btli iiltlinn ltev. Jus. 11, llar-l?n-nves,
of Ori'K'iii t'ity, pri'itclicd nt the
(lorbi'tt school house frnin John 8:11. lie
iilso prt-iH-lied lour evenings of the Inllnu inK
week. .Mr, HiirKi'ciives left nn npiuintinciit
to preiieh ill llethel on Ihe L'Nt itedunt,
It tvntild be well If more nf nnr citi.ens
were to illspltiy the enterprise nbnw it by .Mr,
1. Hnlicfnii, in Heltiii out u large prune
nrclnird, wbleh will dnnbtlesn In u few years
be u snnreenf eoiifiderable revetitte.
(In thcflilli nltlino Mrs, M. Knbcsim, ac-
i n i j m 1 1 ii'i 1 by her sun .full it Kulii'-on, Mtnrted
for KeUn, WanliliiKlnn, to reinalii several
months ,
Clark Coiner, I bird son of Mr. .1. Comer,
sr., bus been ittile lo.v with something like
inctimo:iiii Inr sevcrnl days, but lit lust ue
cniints be was i-ini vnlescilix.
The concert, ut tho (Inrbctt scbonl house
to raise Ihe wherewith lo n llanfnr
said scbonl hnnse, w ill (like pluce on Krlday
eveniiift, Kebrnary II, and wo can safely
promise tlie I'nrliinliie Kpecttitnrs Unit, the
exercises w ill bn ti rare treat of wit and wis
dom, judging from the ability innl enthus
iasm of their Instructress, Miss Jliiggln Wil
liams, We lire Informed that Kiiicrinlend-
ent 'I botiisnii untl iSherill' Kainson will
honor the occiision by their presenee-
The pupils who have been neither uhsent
or tardy during Uio nionl li einllng J miliary
.'10 in district No. T2. ur'e Delbert Iloiincy;
Fred Bouncy, Waller (lorbel.l, Chester (lor-
bett, Andrew (iorbolt, .Meiulie lliibbard.
Ilessic Hubbard, ilcllit llilbbiird, (Iriicie
(iorbett. Miss Magglo Wllliiiins is the
Hov. C. L. Mchiiln is on n brief sojourn
witti Ids family iit lliis place,
Krotn the earl it-sl rcc.nllectinnnf the youth
ful riinenix, Ihe fence between the Canyon
creek bridge nmi a point three-fourths of a
mile west, on the south side nfdruy's mill
and the Cutting mad, in road district No.
44 and for many years the property of 8.
W. It. Jones, but. now owned by W. T. iliir-ney-
bus hcen, a bone of contention be
tween the owners and several of our citi
zen who claimed the fence was in the cen
ter of the original road survey. On the Ulst
ult. the matler came to u locus by Hnpcr
visor Dobin and some volunteers throwing
down said fenco, About thirty ncrei newly
set in clover were turned out M prey to nu
merous herds nf cattle. Thus ends the llrst
chapter, I'hokmx.
February 2, IHOI, I
Krng I'mul Flushes,
This is very line weulher, Mr, Itdllor, and
I should lliluk II would u ei lie you feel lil.ti
escaping from your den and coming out In
the country hi see the wheal grow and hear
the grouse hoot, ll wou-d innlui you feel
like a new num.
Kveryliiiily seems to have Hut fever of sell
ing tlielr spinlii ltice Ihey have taken
Utile tumble In price, A tuotilli hh-i lliey
wanted ( I nil a busliel, but now Ihey are eas
ier stillslled,
John M lyes will give a iliiiioe in Sal linn'
hall the III Ii of this mouth; it good lime Is
expected. All person of the rowdy order
areluvllcd to slay at honm or ele they will
be properly dealt wit Ii.
t.'lnule Wiigiiercauie near meeting with
a lerlou ilei'lihinl a few days ago. lie was
III (hi) net of loading it revolver mid one of
the curl ridge would not go In so he took
Ids knife and tried to loren it In and ll went
oil' plowing a "mail groove in Ihe lleshy
part of Ins hand and burning hi shirt a
Utile is all Ihe damage it done, lie go( oil'
Miss Hush Wagner I visiting her slsler,
at laillraiide, She w ill he gnunsovtmil days
lull soiue of thu lads wishes she would ie
turn soon,
Cine Urns., the Frog Pond butcher,
have runted Slate Matter II. K. Hums'
farm, lor one year for Ifiuo, They are rus
tler and the only thluit miees-ary with
thetii now Is some young lady euok, Call
around young Indies,
Kumorsays Auuust llradley, one of our
neighbors, bus gone to I'ortlauil and en
lured into the real estate hix with the
Thorne l.aud Co. If lot ol' lip makes a
good real elnle man, Oils will gel there. If
the school inarm doe not occupy loo much
of Ids time, tin ha an eye fur school
inarms as well a some others, J
It look little more like hi iiloug the
river since all the boil are running
There were six pase I here lo hiy and all
that went down were loaded, The steamer
llentley went down today her llrst trip for
the winter,
tieorge Sauiu's new mill 1 progressing
slowly on account of failing to get u good
millwright. Hut everybo ly hopes the dilll
cully will be overcome, soon. PVe In e l
The Installation of the ollleer of Tuala
tin lirniiKO. No. Ill, which cuine oil' last
Saturday was well attended with a good
crowd to see the porldrmauce, Mr. tool
Mrs, Citrler from Oswego granite wore the
Installation oltleor and thev did il op in !
line shape. I
The secular Fnloli iuclSiiidiiy with a
large crowd and all seemed to take a lively
interest in it, 'the tni'iutiei's gave soino I
LfiHid li-ciliitious. and rt.H.liHot Mih t.-loi.lji
Sharp edited the t'niou paper, which was
newsy ami to Ihe point, Thev choi.t lor
sides tor debate and dcbalod the ipli slion.
i"l lite worth living," 1 1 1 1 , side ri-
( viilt-d gum I uiri'-mcut, Nevt imetiuit
,,re ttl, (lition hot i-itroducod
tvliU It will be something new. Frank
j Kruse wit selected a the next elllor, they
made a poor choice. Next mooting will
Ik- held !lhe third Siindav of this month .
TrurlierV institute inet'ti n-Kuliir ut I'tiiit
I'mul but I nut notiivd niiii'li iniy nmri'.
3Nt mtire tbl time, mi Kthhltiye Mr, K-liter
uiul stall . A , M :
Mnlalbi Slid-.
February the: ill, S o'clm k A. M. tber
ninnieler '.11 dewrrt-.s- ulmve tern, ln n and
tihtbts innl culm. The mihIc tnauti,;,'-!
to liu;ln in ii ti i 1 1 k uu thu ilh of Jimum,
This rt'tnrd Ih-mIs all previtms "aliilenieiits"
by fully a itmidb.
The Austin stt iiiii saw mill ttiis wdd but
Siitiinbiy lo Oeorjte Kayler for $I.Mn, in
cbidiii l!i aert-H of timber lit tn 1 .
Mr. John lttit-, tlie funiiiun it-.-ii ntni it
eei, has gone Into the bee business nn tin
smith fork nl' tin- Mulidhi, Miulli of T.iblf
Itot k. lie lit pultiiiK in un tucrslint saw
mill nut there tn get out b.-e uni hunlt-r.
An uiletiiiiii-rr lit n public fide mounted 1
lug In the ruin; the public reuucstetl him to
take a stand under the .-died ; but lie "cried.'' '
being eotlsiheruhle of u l'itrnhrll!te, "I'm j
lintinin li afraid of water!" ilut t n- way I
be not "sprlnklt'd" More "kllockini; down !
the mile lit-was voted tn be It pedttbaptist
ill gnud ntunding Trcm
Wiii-ii lug.
I hereby notify thu public I ntn
the owner til lot N i I in Hik No. 1:1 nf
Holmes Addition und (but tint siime is
for sale.
I w urn all persons iigninst piticliiiHitnj
subdivision!) of tlie ulmve M limn iiuy
oth' jierwm. If you do you will buy
lawsuit and ii bud title. '
"Theru is little in woman's advice, vet
hu that won't take it is not overwise,"
stiys CervanlH. The pmveib is tinsl
uptly illttstiiited in the following item:
During tho full ut 1H.S:1, while my
daughter was teaching in the country
near hear, she coiitructcil a severe cold
itud cough. 1 sent her a bottle of ('hiiui
berluin's Cough Uetnedy und Ihe ellect
was so satisfactory that on her rei-oui-iiioinliittnti
the entire neiglihorhnnd be
gan its use, und with the most satisfac
tory results, which has continued with
inert-using conlldenco over since. .1. II.
Keinbiirl, druggist, Alton, Kansas. Tit)
cent bottles for sale lie (ieo, A. lluril
"k. "
"Is this the biist'"'' is u iptcstion ofliMi
asked, when niediciiie is wanted. The
following mo u few of the medicines of
known reliability, sold by (iuo. A. IIaiiii
inii, druggist, of this place, lie litis
ninny oilier excellent medicines, hut
these, am worthy of special mention:
I'iiamhkhi.ain'h ('(ll'llll HcMUIIY, f il
moils for its cures of severe colds, mid us
a preventtivo for crosip. l'rice 60 cents
per bottle.
Ciiamiikki.ain'h 1'ain Hai.m, a getieiiil
fiunily liniment, and especially valuable
for rheumatism . l'rice fit) cents per bot
tle. Ciiamiii-:iii,ain's Evk ami Skin Oint
mknt. For tetter, siilt-rhetini, sctild
heiid, ee.i-ina and chronic hoio eyes,
l'rice 25 cents per box.
For a lame back, a pain in the side or
chest, or for toolli-nclie or eur-uclie
prompt relief nuiy he had by using
I niiiniierliiiii's Cam lliilni. It is reliable
For sale by (iuo, A ll.uiniNii.
rersous troubled with rlimunulisiu
should road Ihe fo'lowing from Mrs, N
M l'elers, of Fust lies Moines, Iowa,
Shosnys: 1 had siiH'ered with rheiiinn
tistn the greater jntrt of the timo for
nearly soyen years. 1 doctored a great,
deal for it with physicians and tried
electric bulls, patent medicines and al
most everything that whs recommended
for rheumatism. Finally a neighbor ad
vised tne tj tiy Oliiiinberluin's l'niti Jtul-
satn ami was so sure Unit it would help
mo tiiiU j procured a bottle. It did help
in, right from the start : but it took live
fit) cent holtlcs to cure me, go you can
guess how had I was as two buttles will
euro any ordinary ease " For sale by
Uoo. A. Harding, tlnurgist.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
3C- Ix xxr sjx, i t g 3 9
107 first Street, (let. Morrison ami Yiniililll,
,1' ir, Siiiiii-e uiul t'ciltir;
nli'H, Klc. Sliiiiiti to all (HiinlH mi
(lie river nr lv mil.
Mill situated on
Cheapest : in : the : city
Orders from tho fotuitry promptly filled.
148 Third Street, Poitiand. Near Mo'Tison.
Tlie most carefully sclccicd properties in the City or County,
For Sale
Nn. 1. I fill m-ti's, 2J mill' from
Cinil'V, on S. I'. I!, U., Hili'iuliit
li'Vi l lninl, lino h.uv titnlii r, 2"i
iii-n-s oiiltiviiW'il, unotl framo
liulisc, if.'iDt).
No. ii.ii lUTt-ts nn s. i. it. it.
.'i mil. from On-gmt City, if.'!,l!(Ml,
No. Ml ui-i'i-H, open lovi-1 lirusli
Intnl. ! tnili-s i-tiHt ofOri-pm City,
1 itiilo from CliickiitiiaH rivt-r
l.tKMl on time.
No. 4. 10 ncit'.i joining ( ';n kn"
mas llt i-titH on Iho eolith, m arly
lt'Vfl, t-tlll In- Ctllil in lotx uiul
lilm-kH, ifl,'J."-a
No. 'i. J '.'." iii'it i., Hpli iiiliil farm
on Clear Clerk, Ii mili-M east of
ts in Went Side addition, lots ,'t, -I,,'), (1,7. K. Mock 100
N.i. 7.
lids, I, 2, (i, 7, , block Til
all of
Oregon City, Otto line lot in Sell
Nn. S, ,'lt) iieres in "Chu-kitmns Fruit I.nnds
I'im st it iii'h lnml in the world, jiriee $J()0 ier nere
neiH'u T'i"i nn itcre tins yenr.
Will exchange- No's. 1. 2, :!, ", (i,
i towns.
For terms) u ml )iuitieiilais
Have the Finest Lot of Fancy
Etc., ever put before the people of
Clackamas county, and at prices to
suit the times. Call and See us be
fore purchasing.
We have a full
to sell
Ilif Ms, at Us ts M.
" tSllproRT 1I0MK INDUSTRY, and our own MECHAN
ICS uii.I LAr.0KKHS." Come and see that what wo say is
true, and no nonsense.
Hie finest selection of GROCKRIKS in the City,
is, Currants, and Raisins of new crop, at lowest price.
1,1ml (lllli'H nt Ort'Kiiii IMty, Ort'Kim, .liinunry
271 ii. mm.
Nnlleti Is lit-rt'liy clvt-n tlnit tint fnllnwlnu
lit mt'.l stilller lms (IICil iintleu nf tils lnte.utle.11
tn inn lie tliml irnof Iii support ot lilsclntm, nnd
tlnit siilil proof will lie nnelo before th Hi'kIb
lerninl Itei'iilver nl the U. H oitlea at
l)ri'Kon City, Ori'Koii, 011 Mn roll t!l, Isut, vl.
J. II 1,. Muvlit'e,
llomt'steiiil entry No. iiilsu' for tlie. 11 of the n
w 1 ,', und ' e of n w 1 nf sec 'Jl. t 2 s r 6 0
lie niimos tliti followliiK witni'sses to prove
Ills ((inliiiuoiis resliltiiira upon 11ml ei 1 It I vat Inn
of siilil lnml, viz H. II. Coli'innn, II. Mt'OiiKitn,
illidd. Miller, nil of Handy, Clnckiimits Co.,
(Ireiroii, mill C. K. CroMH, of (llnilslone I'. ().,
'JliK'kiiiiiiw Co. Cienon. .1, 'I'. Al'I'KKHdN,
H-ti:3-i:l Hoglmer.
i Shnt-III' Sale.
Copnt'. nf Clackamas. ( 1
lleiij. 1. Cohen, (luinlliin vs. F. M, Hiuikcii
Aildte lliinseii nnd 4 M Keemin.
Notice Is hereby Blven tlnit lty virtue of nu
order of Court, ami nn t-xeeuiinn Issued out nf
and miller the sent nf tluiClrinnt Court nf Cluck,
nmns County, (iri'ttoti, nnd tu me directed nnd
delivered ua shcrltr nf suld county niut stale,
lionrliiit (lute of I'-fttrtm ry ltd. A. 1). 18-d, rum
Innmllnit nic In the unine of the Suite of Orcirou
lo nuikii the Kit In nf the ollnttlui; descrilied real
property helnnulnif to snid dofemlnuts, to innko
tint sum of with interest ihereon at the
rule of ten per cent, por ininiiiu since Ihe sixth
tiny nf Ncvemlier i mill, tuiil for the further sum
of ? 17.1111 ns accrued ousts, ami (or the costs und
disbursements herein. Now ill outer In make
the aliove innnunts, 1 will on Huturlny, March
Till. A. II. fill, ut the (rout door of tliti Court
House In slid coiintv anil stnliMit the hour of!
Ill o'clock a in of nn til tiny, will proceed to sell
nil siildilefend.ints rluht, lltle and interest tn
and to the (nllotvliiK deserlhed reiiLestntcto-wtt :
111 n w ' of se(i.(K)elirht.lii tli s.r tie of the W 111
i inet. t- Meridian, situated In Clackamas Coun
ty Oro fun. Terins cash
W. W. H. HAM90N.
Sheriff nf Clackamus 00.
Patiid ihlJ Jth day of Fob. Will, 2 la 4.20
& Youn
uIho KiiIIih. I'it-ki.-ln. Siliin-
Wlllainelto river at j
Oregon City, 10(1 uitrCH in culti
vation, oil iicriH to break, new
fruiim lioiiHe, new liarn, fine wat
er, lll'Ht noil, gootl iieighlitii liooil,
Hchool, etc,, irii-i.tli,7"iU, on time,
No. (i .'J I.'! iien-8 in Sjiringwnter,
tho lieht till roninl ntoi k lat in in
ClaekiuniiM eonnly, level Itinil,
Hit) ueri'H in tine cultivation, 7
lieri'H (irehitnl, good limine, two
lino frame InirtiH, tliotiHaiulM of
uere of out range, water every
where, -l,"i head cuttle, Jivrksliirt
hogH, .'10 ton hay, .MM) Initsliei oat,
wheat, vegetahle, horses, wag
on and farming implements, al
together at if'.'.') ju t acre on time.
block 20, Main etrect, all of ldtn-k I I.")
all in cultivation.
My peach orchard
for nnv gnotl city uroiiertv in vttllev
njijily to
E. CROSS, Oregon City.
selected stock of
not alien tlie prices with us.
ever before. Our motto is.
'''Vl'Vil'11''0 ftt "',r"1 ercKt'ii, January
Notice, ts heroliv given tlnit the fnlloivlnr
niiiiH'il settler has filed notion of his Intention
to iiuike ftunl proof In aupnort of his elitiin, nmi
that sslil proof will tie nin.le before the Iti'itlsli r
and KeCeivt'roftliet'.S.I.ilililOltleeilt OretrnnClty
Oretton, on the '.'ltd day ot Mni'oh, lsill, vis.
.Iiiiiuw Nlt'liolson, heir ut tow o (Albert II, Nic
holson, deeunsed, pr-aiiitlun ti. S. No. biittfi, (r
the 11 1, of 11 w I, of see. a 1 4 s r 'i e.
He niimos llni fiillowlmt wlfuissei tn prove
his continuous reslilenei. upon nnd cultivation
ofsnld lnml viz. Heoi'Kti Nnrtli, tlnorne Par
rlsh, lieoiKD Kodirtn-s nmi 1). Melutyre, ail of
Clark's 1'. O , Co., Uri'soti.
J. T. AI'l-liltSON,
'':7-!l:IH ttPi'later
Tim ictv IMM'tivcrv.
You have liciuil your frit'tuls and
iii-i)iii not h iiiiKiiin anont it. ion may
yoiii'BPlf be one of tlto ninny who know
from pi'ifioniil cxmrit'ni'e inst liow
ioot a tiling it in. If you liavo ever
tried it, vou are one of ittuilitiimtli friitinlH
lii-t'iiuse the wonilnrl'iil tiling about, it is
t'nit when once i;iveii a trial, Dr Kinu's
New Discoveiy ever after it holdn a
plaeu in the hoii'ie. If you liavo never
uwd il, and RhtuiM lie tilllicteil with a
oouuli, eolil or any Throat, I.iini;, or
Client tioulile, Hoetiro a butt lo at once
ami give it a fair trial. It is itiiaranteed
everv time, or money lvi'iimled. Trial
Hottlus .free titli. A. Uurtliiin's (iniK-
WoitSK THAN Llil'liOSY
la ciitarili, and theru iH hut one tnenary
i tton that tines cure that tlineano. and
that in the California l'ositivo and Neg
ative p;iotttri( Liniment. Sold by f. C,
Clark. It hIko euros netiraltria, rheuma
tism, lie idaelio, Bprainn, burns, ami all
pain. ' Try it, and toll your neighbor
whereto get it. Sold by
E . G. Cawm,!), Druggist.
U11U11 u
Of All Designs, From tho Smallest
Gla.Ucl'0 CJlLtxiir
To the Largest .
Patent Hocking Oliairn of neat and nobby designs:; Per
rutotl and Wood-neat Chairs; Fancy Keed and Cano
seat and back Dining and Library ChairH,
We also carry a eornplelo lino of MattresseM Yum
Vuni, ('oil Spring; I5ox and Top mado to order. Woven
wire, two and three-ply, of all sizes; I'cdstoatls, Lounges,
Cots, Ktc, Klc.
Warren tc
J. M- MOYER 8t CO.
Siicccatorn lo IltowiiNvillo Woolen Mill Company,
hot No. "one.
Mi'Ii'k riir.-k Twepil Siilm . .
M. ll I'lulil Clit-vlnt Silll" . .
Mi ll K'iiIIC) l.'lll-tlnl Kultr .
Lot tin. 71110.
Mi-n'i M;fiwtt Cliovlnl Hit It . .
Mai llrnli Mi'ltiiiiSiitm ,
Men n I'lulil t.'HHnliiMiie SnltN
Men Kitiit y i'iiliiii-rti Siilln
I.dl Nu. TIM).
At $H.50
At $10. U
M.-n'ii flrnttii MitU'Hi Hlllt
M eii 'k limy 'I weed Siilt.
Jli ii Cheek l'iinre Siiltn
M.-ii usirliieilCint-liiii-ntHiiltit U A 1 1
liesvy " V 1
l,ir Nu. 7u:n.
Sim' IWat k WiirntH Krork
M ru n ItUck Worxti'l Hark
'l lit'BC k'xkI" arp warrtthU'i.1
U III ll W'K)1 ..
l.ol Ho. 7iM0,
Mi'l- Mrnwti H!r!i--t) vif.i.
Vi'U'h 1 1 ih y Jlluu Mi-tton
KllitH , . .
Mfn'is Hi-vy I'rtiu viim. ,r. ire
I.t. No. HUK
Mi'ii'n llnmii Chtrk worntiM
nitlt . ,. ....
Mn Fiiiiry chuck cnxflinvrp
Mt'ti n heavy KtliM-ilpusxImcre
film ,
I-it No. 7w-0
Mt'U'n iit'Hl, ilark f Riiim'r
Mill silk intxvtl cufcufnu re
M.mi m fniiry nllk Ui(J chhrI
nitrtMtiUM . ..
Mfii'i Itcnvy mrljivil cfl
mrp muiih
!,nt. Nu. 7170.
Mi'ii, Hrowii uii .
Men h ny chrviot Huf(
Mi'ii 1'Uhl rnilinT nultn.,
Mcit'd hlnrk wnrxtfd itt,
M Imirliiitf KrijKMl crtl
nit n Miii.N
Mom h X X Titu Twcod muKk
At S13.00
At .si.'UO
At $14.00
At $14.50
At $15.00
i.ot :
In 70J0.
Mr ii'k .Itirk tfritv wiir.lfil an I tn
I Meii'k fine tiliick wnrHtnl milt
Men'H (Auey i-litM'k wDrtitctl
Men lilite iIIhkoihI mi In ..
Meli'a blue wl,n wait -ultit . .
'I wtilvt'tt) lea litney rltHitllee
At $10.00
J. M. Mover & Co.
Siiei-oHTOrs to l?rowii!ivil!
No. M' FIliHT HTKEict,
A' t -t ... .
u aiu ovcrsiocKoti with
tho tollowmg reductions for
tor CASH only:
Mtm'a . i . ,
Cos,., extra e velvet collar, rc.iiuT;
...-lie,' II. M, Gossamer.' extra uVn Z
iners, extra iiuallty, rt'Bular price :
1 "
SO, reduced
Remember this sale is foa
Ireat Beduction Sale
Shoes. Shoes. S
Everything in the line of Shoes, from the mnRt Tr... L.
to tlie heaviest kind of Logger's Shoes. Our Mr MeKitt ' t K
returned from the Eastern Markets, and has loaded us down JS
manner of bhoos. Call on us, and w0 will guarantee to give vn
best Dossible shoo for the least tiossihlo i,n 6 . un the
, . , ,
w,v., ...v a . nun u juu .tun
Next Door to PostOlHee,
Iit No. smiO.
Mi-n'nextrn henry ml led 0i
hiii-rn rulm.
Four Hlyk'R in fsiiejr chevnft
milu ... ...
'I'hrru tt)lt-R In ftucy wwrnted
Il Nil. MJIO.
M.-ti'n tilm k wide wnleanlti..
lt.u'i tihielt eorkcrew int.
Mi-n luin-y wlilMionl iiiita..
Lot No. MW.
At $17.
At ?1H.(
M-'ii'b liiH' lilmk worMe. mi it
Mr n black clifvt-U wiflu
if 1 1 Meit'i limtvy ImiMirted ciil
waif .
' niremilti
Twelve iyf lu funry chn k
el -vomieit Hiift.
At $20.C
Three alnnti-ii ot wlile wslen
bot No sow. .
Mi'ii'n KnttHnli cus.lincrt- unlit
velvet dulsh. . '
Mi.x t'ttm hi-nvy wide wale
Ul! . . .
Mi a', titaet clucked wi)mted
M -ll It I.tll pl inl wnr.lfd
.t.n. . .
Menu (nney lrl,el worMed A. ftO) T
mis .... I
Co3 LOTS FROM 8C40 TO 8080 nl Irora lit lo faj romjirlf
the Intent novelties of Kuteru I ImfKirti
Rue kiumI. They hve been irrtm.ij (or e
mid e are euitbletl tu offer thtim at lully ut
third lew than any bonne on the fadflo Coai
Sack pi and Frucka
Hoy all wihjI aultaM 7'iauil upttardi
dren'a all wihiI iiiltv and upward.
jiii nvrrcoats. axlra Heavy, H. Boy 'a on
coata. .),-& fhlMren'i ovrool, I'J.M.
Weuil't-ra line of fine, allklared overcoat!
T.fiO.H IO,IO.,'ianJ 12.
Men'a iinilt-racar from 75 nt er 1111111.
ti num.
Mt-n'l all wonl, dniitile-breattKl, blue ftau
hlrta, nimlf (mm tho best Un-gnn wool, m 1 iS.
Extra heavy red flannel underwear itt!2f
.Nt-Kllt'ee shirts, Soo, fiOc, Tie, tc, ft aud n;
We guarantee these (nods lu every patlcuU
aud fet-1 assured that after llnpectluf our etori
ynu will pronouuf ll the most Uout-st and we:
selected stock In the country. All tolds marti
ni plsln flii urn. Kvery artlt'U gusranltstd.
Wjok-n Hills t'oitjpany,
. ..
this line of goods and will make
the next 30 days. This Sale will
. . ....
'. 1 V"1" P5ice l "'"' -W
I'-- reuuct'Q 11.7ft. l.mlt.tu' T V
daVS Olllv find is inr atriVtV
e$r iiaiissr I
V w V' a. k' 1 1 4 v v-
. v-ume and loo
ti uttt-iiu us one bit
Oregon City, Oregon
j Jl
Wr' W J
Ik. w-"'