The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, February 06, 1891, Image 1

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Aw ..rltl tvM.iwnr.t I'.t't syt'tea. piiniea. pesm, '
nrnetn". clirrtlet. miiiif". Mi mill t,errle srp mi i;
,,M.,!,,t, Tlu'y alwnjn Hko ,rl pn'mliim at talrt 111
m ,t,Miiiiim'il Hiclilsli.'nl rii'.'l.t (11111111 m-
1 ?.3f S''iSsSSPrt?!! tiSfS1
In driip mill lirui.y with dry siiOikiII, wlilr h
Ulvti II i,tg ,,,i,t,tl,illty to fruit 'sluing. Kll
"' uf cniiia are unknown, III Hit tuuala o( (lit
I eoiiiily'i hlilei-y, walls the yield li lumrliibljf
larKu. Kunturn people nhcmlil make t polo
(if lliilan fflrll wlun nuaklntr ana, ttmrina.
l,,.iv A n Ui nnltim) null ramm m e.
III II Illtmi'V Itl'M lli'lltlltull.llllll. a 9
" - O C -4 1:
M Front Sin-,,.
.... i.iU'-k-
t,.i -r In i,nm
csivnt Vi'v!;:t's (wurrantril.) W
(V.mi City A, out, -
Tho rio in Minor Piute having tlooro.l uu
Katern maiiufav'tuivr ufUiain
lor Suit. lie luis hii-
(ll to
No. 130 First Street
ISil 8ffi illl
Kai'li worlii $"". with in-itrurtioiis to ih-io-:e
nf tiu in at omu1 for fah.
Wo intt'liil to give to
our j'Utrons
li in
To trot a jj;i'iiuiiH' hai'ain. We will sell
you one of thi'M' Hiauilii i nt
Sails worth "".
io Dealers Supplied Under any liriiistaiu es.
M more than one Suit sold to
j one Person.
I thksh ai:i: n
1,.,,-v ( 'iap-Traji ( iinpi"irrail (Joiv'h, with soft wood .aiirls
I ami rat Holes in tlio ha-k of hureaas. or hrown jm
f jK-riM-il raiU. hut MASSIVK n.K SUITS,
f lar.L''2l.x:!n l'.'-vr! l'lat.- Mirrors
in th" livss.
if lili
! Importer of Kurnitutv, ( 'arpi'ts ami Floor
I Cloths. Larjj;ft stock in
tlio city.
lo. 130 First Street, - Portland
regon City Sash & Door Factory
, -MxuKAcn:i!Ki:.s of
Vn, Doiirs ami Mouldings. Turning of all kind,
: i n;Cial sizes ol dom
tii ii at os for t-t-iirwork.
kgon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, I'ictures, l'ric-a-hrac,
Fiiigravings, Flchings, etc.
)8 Thirl Street, PorU-jnd. Arlington Building
ijrOnliT.-j liy in u il or bunt jiromjilly lilli'il.
Tliiii old and ntliitlilti firm alwuvH
Harftware, Tii
Jumbinar,' Gas Fitting & Jobbing'
Attended to rroiiiptly. in
timates Furnished.
Nitrt)ii.i.Mi'rit Atit'tili for
i cl.l.nti - - Tntilt't ,mli -- Ii'hUt lHIHVVv'A''iK'l1
A S Proof Cli.ius. Aiv;i.l. Kilos.
rs :uul Wood Chopp rs Specialties.
S IB li
i 0
- rs. S"")
windows made to order.
Onk-rB jiroinjilly filled
ki'fi in Kloi'k a full linn of
Lili !
mi etc.
I'm t html, Oregon,
silver Kii'ttl. Kn
Civsivtit Slcr
Pro fossional Cards.
tl, l ll.l JiillNn'.N. I . . II I I M VS.
J Oil NSON it I DM! MAN.
Conuir Fourth and M.tln Gt.
4ri '-on 4 It), 4r u.
KM Vl'K I'lNl l.l.nn.l MuNKV l t.i' W.
mm:n m mwrnn at law.
I TU'.o. I..IHI M-umv. K iri. 1
t't".' M uli; iti, unit 1'iin.u l ViCUi'
r. A. Mi'lilai'i:. a k. liiirni it.
Attorneys ut Law.
Iili.-i' in .' I'.l n k, (hriiii I'll, Or.
. v ni in, ut mitiv J i r
i:I !;m:v, tin: in a ii;yj:'!,
ITi'KN MVS A'l l.W.
OliM.CIS 'I V. Oill ,,.i.
Tllf.U I Ml t' V'I U" II'' l ,' i ll'l' I 'I 111
I', t. i.lll'l I'll'.' V.W t'. ..:! I" I"
inir - inliv i'l'nll kiln!-'l tm-ii I-Inn-
II, r .mill "'I. t' iii'. I I ! i mi ' . in"' iii..! lux
III. ' r.ii l! i' in till' cMrr;ll l-'i "'H"'
G. 1 f. DYE
I Hiiro tt-tititx mor H-'-jj-iii City
a. m. hayes
oKl.tiuN CIIY
Olliro imi' Main .in I I'llilh MutIi,
I iiiiM!i ( 'I'll t ll'ilIM'.
r f. ivuii k.
.. Will IK
Prtttiiiutl Jivhitettx J- JhtiUvrs.
Ul I'rrji-iff nlrtd. elf wirkl-,;
laiiw. "p.-i tiu-ith'ti l.-r -, Mint (( hmht
tiU Nrri)tl ntlftU'" i -n lit tniHl.M ii Cot
Urn; I Httniit (tirtitiM! n iin-i1 t S n
nil fit of -i'tri' SSiHU Hl:ut .
Paiil up Capital SCO.OCiO.
1'uKMiii s r. . . . .TIMMA t'!1 U M A N
Afiitit n (HAS 1 1 . ( l Ml 1.1' . i:. k. i:aih m
f,.pn( rTilv.l ti)"l t.rtr(
A r hill ttii't tioii'i .Iim
rnuiHy .'tiitt city wrtrrunu l-mtrtt .
I,.. Mi i t o'.t nvi(Uli!t' wiirut.i
CMli.i'tlMii m r.millv.
lrift '1 !n I'.m in it 'I. . m FriifNrfi ri.'cit
Kk N".v Vnrk. nii'l i rinfi I rith'R i-l Kn
I eU'wrnhlc rj-tHtllE" on I'i't ! !. -1. Hnti
KruuciK u, Ciuc.iif.i Hint ,w Y-rk.
Ictersst Fj!i ca line Masfolliw
Kir thrf! iii.iiiih. 1 i'l'f I'i'ii "T i,mni!i.
t'.-rli lil. litti. .'i 'IT i'i'ii! . minim!
Ki fI J iii.mth, i j it riiht i.r milium.
Tlim' i'itiIIIi' ii. ill Oi'.. .itii .'ivitli! ..ii ill
m ill. I. I.iit im r'-i (irli'lli"l II iltindi 'n'l"l
oii'l nl I. nil ul iii'.l;.
The Commercial Bank,
ok okKuo.N crrv,
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transacts General uanking Uuinea.
I.ii'illti mull'. II1IU illM'..lllilr.. M'ikri" rii
ll.'fllU1 lUlV" H llil HI'!! I'. lltltilM' OM III! 1'nhil
III Ull' t " 1 1 1 t Hl.!H', '.IIII..M Illl. I II.MIU IM.III'.
li'l.i.ith n'i'i'l' i il Blll.ji-rl 1" I III" k lllti'lr-l .'I
llllllll tllll hIIi.m.'iI i. ii linn' iIi'i.i.hIIii. Iliink
iif.i'ii fmiii 'i a. M. In 4 V. M. rtiitiir.liiy cvi'iilnKH
In. in .i in 7 I', M.
ll ('. l.AToriiKTTK rr.'-l'lctii.
K K In.'N.AI.IHiiN. l uflilcr
v ' yj
1 fiWT?,,.. n J
Wc now hitvo a Knll hint) of
Ilitrdivaro mid StovcH. Solo Agiul
for Suiiorior iSHovch mid Unlives,
ThfiOIivprChilloiiriownntifl mi in.
We liiivy connoctod with tlio liotmo
u Firnt CIiihh 1J miilicr mid Tinnur
nii'l work In Hi jh linn will lions
Promptly ilono find n Clionji iih any
could doHirc.
Wilson & Cook.
( )inoiln J'oHt Olline.
M. II. KliiniiKiin. I'. Hill,
Flanagan & Hill,
ol VVIniiit, l.lqiiiiri., Ale. Ilcnr, Ao., to Ik
fniiiiil In tint HUito. In IjiigUH-liimtiiiiiii I'lm k
(llvti not a mill.
The Enterprise.
1iiIIIiIiviI Kvcry Krl.luy.
I'll MI.K l M'V V N ' 1 f. i
I llil Vt'lll' - f "
" ' " ' ,' ...i!
, ., ,
,.liiv'll'.l ! Mil'-. :l"'H i I'1" I I "ii
U'K l'r "'I liiilvi'i'rUr."
, ... I;....,... j
I'l. Al K AM All,
Mll.VV U Mi:,
I'M.iN Mil IH,
I'., S. llllWIHAI.I.,
ll. A Wkh.i.i,
II, '. I.KI.
A, M. i ui ii,
r ...,..
- . AlM
MllMi'iW IlKimli.
. Ylnl-A.
Clackamas county 1)iiu-.ctu:;y.
cuim y oi-'I'H i:iim.
In !u' .1. W. Mi'l.liiliii.
rrr' nl l uiiiU II. II .loin. '.ii.
lu'dll , . W . II. hiiiiiMHi,
11 ,1,'r . W. T. til I." l.
Iii'u-iiivr ...... M. ll. CnliH.'1'iir . JiiIiii W. Nulili'.
Krlimil ittlf litlt III . Ali t, lli.llnWMM
t ir Hlilnrir H-iiylli.
,, ", . I I'luirli'i .M'M-hiikf.
"""' ) C.ini.liii. lUiir.
i'i,,iiinili.irti' V'niirl miH'li llrl V wlni'nln)
of tsti-lt tii'itidi.
il'.ll HUN I I I V I
Mil vi. r
U.h .n.lir
A - ..-nv,ir
In iii.,r
, I'lCKHN,
.III,.'.. I-', livnn.
.. ,... I r.HI.-t.
fi. li. t.rn ii.
I', K. ri.iirii.ii'i.
r,V An. 'rni'
A. f, lHi".'r,
I'im"ii. '
sii.'i i e..i.,ii..i"n, i r. I.ii ".'ft. Mr, MilU h.m wrv l.u.llv .liiiiniicil ln
-ii."( W,n..r ..ik U, 11. II. ..ull, S.r.ik.'i..l.i. I...ii l.y kliowmur iliim'll
I'.II.C, !,l,i''il!.''.IUrv,r. J. I'n.k.'. I'"' ,"tt',r "' " ""'""'Hilulilr
I'. I., ni.ii niiin, i: s . invn, ,l. U j It m.'r iitnl it li)iiu ilirly iiniiuli t"
I I. ml. ..Ill, I . . Ol "lllli ll IH.IIlllll'lll III 11 llilllll'lll I'l
lionnUi in. .'iii.K ..I i-:ij i' ,1 tii-i Nii'il j HHIiniiili' liliiiinii,' 'i, Iw.i ViTV nn-
lir l.t) III i r, I, llit.lillt, !l.'illll,,. IHiniluIlD (iir till' 'ir.'-ilinc
! iiHlii'r ul il I.' i-liitmi linlv.
I UK M Ml n. . ...
M.', :,,.,,,:, i, ,s ,,,;.',.. M 1 S'li't" lim iimiM"! I,i
M .illl"M'j..i ik ttllli, ft .1. M.,1. ''.111'. H. I l-fllUllty lllili'l.I! IL'' il'-llim lll'rt by
hi. i '....ii. iinikiii Hii'.il.i'i ! i' rli ui'iiiiil tin'
or.'1'..n Til I. ..,U.i, Muli'i.i.i ,i-i lum .il.
Will,,.,.. I,v.. ,,! in '.1 A. v.,,: .r.1)H1Vt.r .,.,! 1,v, in no
t I' ll,, 'v!,n uu. lill.Hi, n.'l It I'll 111 in. I . ' , ,
i.ill.'it i" ilu ' j uuiiini! mil ii' M'limliiniiil nil" i'V-
' ii'i ..k',.i? On v t'i Mn.k Chiikv M.illn.i. I'll-1 l''.'li-'l wl i"i It - -! ""I I"-' "li n.i'
ion Mill mi'l .M. ii l.. liriH.:i' I . mn nl li'.-lii.iniiy ul M'tuttor N' t I'mi' .'OiniK
Int. lii.-ilnv, IIiiiimIiiv mi I S.iliii'l..) llm n'i'n!,ilinK nl S.'iatur I ' ilui'riiil III
iiii I r.'iutii'. i. ii i'iiII.i.Mi.i; ilni . niirr Imll nit t'p In llim tun" nu oll.rr
... .. ..".:", ' im' nl I'lilu'i llini( or Sriiiiln Ini"
SOC'iOty D'.rOCtOry. 1 Iwrn iiniltrnlril, lll'lmiirfli II IliilnU r (il
Hiillni.i.iuli Imliri', Nu. I, A. A A. M.
ll-.l l. n.. r. iiM'.ir .'it nm '
tn. I llill.l il'lpl i'l i'4rli tnili'il i . mi r i
hlrttir.'ti In i 4. blitli.lil.if -r.' liivlli .1 to Rtlt'llil
A. !iv lv . W
I .M'KKIiMAN.fti.'iiiy
ill flf I'll'lirt', I. ll. II. I. .m 1 ,
..... k' V -
Mi'.l. rtft) llui'.ty .n.ii ,.s al 1 ..'.I i.VI.-k
r hi in th,-in'. I Ki-tl..n' Urtil. unit "Ikhi .
MiiiiImt. ..I I-tll.1,1 n- lll'llnl In itlUli'l '
' " " A M",rr.'; iii, .H.'.r,i,v i
liniiili. . 1. Ori'iMiii I'llr I'.ililiirrliiil
l lrt'li'. :
!..'! f ,'ry ii liy Ifiilnt m7 :m at lull miwr liiiniiicitpi Mtilii Blul Ki'ililli Sin 1 1' . .i k it . .
M il lUnirv urtrlr. j A tlfiti. ilmn (i'mi tht'ti. A. 1!. fm
1' ItlMtli. Kitli'firy, li-l,li( i.( (it'll Viif.), i ollllllilllilt'l'ilt
. " ii lil.'l; I'.lnr. til k Uiii. I'liiiiriniin u( Hit'' I'litl n. I. A II , Pi'l'lirN 1 ii . c H'iin i.niiiilllff, Hill ( .l.
ini'iil of (Iri'itmi. ! Kinnrv, ul W.fliiiijiiiii, Ihik lift n iilvini
M.-.I. ltri I'-M.l")' .'I mo. iii"'iii. l 1 w, j,,,,,; , .v ,, H.iii-ti f.iiiiinill.o mil
itl li. 'I ' .'" II ill uri' t lit, , ,.V. : i i ii i, i..
.,(:, A IUUI'IMi. t ..inm.ti.lrr. I'lVilnl I ' In U-lmil 1 lililno-!
I M.lnii! it.r h n.'1'vnv .fit 'i. in (nr itl.tu't'l
Mintl liflli-n mill, Vi. IS li'i.iilmt'iil ' nuinU r i.I miMirr', I'tit-iMy -.'.Vi.iMii, j
nf Orrniin. ,linin I'liwri n li.'t rnvi'it'tl iy lln' i
Mr. r t v.-i'i. tii ,.rf,i,rl ilf. nil.'iii pfiiH mi m l . (litM y.'ti. Tin'
Mtf tl... A lUi lilii!. - h.'i'U'loi). ; r.illilllltli'l. I'.lltl 11 I'lin ll.l lilli'lllinll t"
Mm y.H r,-hrilit Tri't.'ir,'r : ,K, , t a li,-Mi L'i'lil.t'llli'll. tlllil ;
Mi-,", oil llrl nil. I lli'.t.l f'!.t i.I r it'll ...... , ., . ., u 1
iii.'iiiti in t "iiin'il i Ii .it I'i'r M.,l.,T...,',.r. ii i I't'.ifH-'i unu uu iiiiiiniii.-i. -"miii
(r, in I, I'm. Hull) "lt'"liit"l. Klt( I V l't'ntt lili' I'll! ll tl'l'lt' HH tlu'
I i.!uliiii ir.ilnii.ililv lliiit il I Lo
l iilK I II t I 'i.lif i' "f 1 . U. ! u. -ii ii.i)ii nt lli k f.'"i..n, wliit li, in
M.-rl. rtrry ml .m l ttnrili frM u fvri, : i t ll 1 1 :t I V (or lilt' ""r li'll"Vtn ttlitmt.
X,l :!.Z :LV:!:MX I '"'-" ."ij'-'v-1-'', .
,,.i ' i tliiiH IflltT niul Uiiliot liaviiiu
iam II.KINHiiN. M. W. ' ttitlnliiittn llifir t'l'ji iliiin tlif Sfnul.t
lum riililiniifil lili' liiiiiiillillloli o( I'X-Si'li-
I I'tliir iiiiii, N. "i, .MinliTii llim liiiiin. iilor II ill, ol Colin mitt, lo l. h nirniln'r
,.,'v..,y 'H.'-lityti .1.1.1 F..II..'. IMIl.,"."1'" l"l'nml...nnt iimnt-Uiry .o.'.ii.ii-
' K H WAi nrv V M I ""' ill', ttlii. li nr.' to con-
i n i.K.v' .'il.i- HitliT tlif H'lviMiltiliiv of H'i inli'rn.ilitiliiil
I.. I.. jomt, , rii,. . ...
, ... com or C'iiiih. I In' iinininali'iliri ol W iii.
,i... i ...t.. v.. ii ,.,,,, f i A, Itiinnfll. of MiiiKiirliimi'll", itml I.uiii-
lll'lltn ii.uir '"!.,, ..".ii
IM I Mil"....
Mi'.'t rviTv Suii.l.iy nl 'J ii'i'l.iik I', ni. l
I ii iii.nlir Hull ri:riiHMHimii. !.
Al to.iiT Mm 1.1.1 vn. Hrc'y
(lri';i.n ( II) llmiiil nf I'l'iulf.
M,.i-t nl C-.inl Hun.' mi Vlrl 'I in'rilny In
r it'll in it .ll'i'n ui'lr.'ttlP
Y K IiiiNAI.I'.-ii.N. J. I'. A IT'OlHi IS,
Hrrifiiuy. l'ri'iilil''iit.
V ('niiiiiiii), 1st Hi'ulnii'iil, 0. N.(i.
Arint.i), 'I'll I r.l an. I M tlli Ili'Uillnr ili lll nil-Ill.
Mmi'l'l). lit-ioiltr liiltltli'm lllt'i'lilll. Unit ul I'lirli lii'ililll.
i. rin I'll.
- rnpiniii
K f. W.-iii.'ii - - I'lrM I.ii'iiimiuiiI.
I . T. K. in, I ill. Ht'i'.ilul l.lnillt'linllt,
.1. II. (iiilliUlit, ll Kiirill'lllil.
W. f. Vi lilll. .ck. - II- M. Hnlui'illll.
Fmiiitiilii IIuhi' Co., No. I.
M, ll. (Iri'ini. - l''tiii!innii.
I''. A. N.'lHiHI, Klinl Aallillll Knlfrnill,
M. II, Kl'iiiiiini'in, Hi'i'niiil Ai.lMHiil l''i.ri'i'. in.
Illrillll Klnnulit. Tri'itl'IrU.
C. .1. r irkiT, ... . Ni'i'iflnf)
Imiiii' Ai'kiTlli.ill, - 'ITi'iimrt'l.
IliVilnr in inir. n'riiiiil IVi'iliii'ml'iy In citrli
llliilllll III I'llKllll" IliillMV l'll1 llilll' M II 1 11 htl't'lll.
Ii.'lttt'cu Sri t'lilli niul hliihlli ,
I'l IIS I' I'llNIIIII'.liA'I'IONAl. I'lll'IK ll.-l!KV.
O, W. l.l'l A ril'liir. Niirvll'l'll lit 11 A. H. mill
7.111 1' M. Hltll'l lV Hrlmi'l lllll'f llllirillllk' .T-
VH'i', I'lilVt'r nii'.'lllill lll'.llll'Ml.ty i'V. 'Illln.' at
; :iii ii I'liii'li. I'ruyiTi ilimnl Ymnu Vii'li',
tl'icl'-iy ill Clirlmlioi 1'iii'lt'iivnr t'vi'ry iiimluy
ini'iiiim ut ii :'i'i iirniniil.
Kll'.-O' II.M'I MI' Clll'ltl'll.-llltv. C.C, P.ATK
man, I'lmtnr Moriiliiit liTvlct' nt llilHI; Hiniilny
Hi'h....l lit li l.i; Hn'iilui: Hoivlfi' tl:"0, IdtRiiUr
,iiiyi.i' nii'i'iliii' Wi'ilnt'K.liiy ovi'iiliiK. Mniiilily
riiviiiiint Mi'i'llna itvrry H't.ilni'Biliiy I'vnlim
in-i-i"i 1 ii inn llrnl Hiiinlny In tint iniiiilli. A
I'lirni'il li vllnlliiii In nil.
HI'. IOll.N'8 I lirilt'll (A'I'IIOI.IIJ.-IIUV. A.
Illl.l.KHUANll, I'll'I'-r. I'll K 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 V IHIO.H III 1 llilll
ii-;',n a. M. I'.vury m'fnii.l niul fnurtli Hin.ilny
liiTinuil aiTiil'ili m f I it r llm n n't'ltink limns.
Al nil nlliiT liinsHOH l;illlli mTliiiilm. Hiniilny
Ki'llnul 111 'Jim I'. M. Viwihtk, HIliilliKHllcill
Mil.. n. mill lli'lit'.lliilliill III 7 ..'10 1'. M.
Hi'. rAI'l.'H I'. li. CIII'U.!ll.-Ui'V. J. M. Hon
nliUiin, llfiilni'. Hnrvli'i'n I'very Hiniilny ut II :l
iimi 7::l n'l'l'ii'k niul WnlutiMilny I'vi'iiliiK "I "UU
ii'i'lni'k; Hiniilny Hi' in llOHl Hi I'unl
Cliiiii'l, Ciiii'iiinli; H"i'vlnn I'.ii'h nltiM'ii.ili' Hun
.Inv iii euli ii'iiliii-k. Hi. I'mil'a tliillil iiitii'ts Hi-Hi
Tliurril.iy In i'ih'Ii iniiiilli. Mm. II. I.. Kolicy.
1'ri'nliliiiill Mm. W. Oni'lii'iniii, Ki'iirolnry,
MKTIIOIllH'l' lOI'lHOOI'AI, t: II li lit: il. lIKV
John I'aiiminh, I'nalnr. MnrnliiK nt't vlctt nl II;
Hiniilny Hi'liniil ill l'i:I.'i; Kvi'iilim nui'vli'ti nl 7:SU.
K'Wnrlli l.i'ni;iu int'i'iliiii 'I'lii'iliiy t'vcnliiii nt
7:(in; I'rnytir Mi'i'llim Thiirniliiy dvciiIuk iitli.HU
Htrioii.ri'rii ciiriliiilly iuvlli'il.
W. Ill IIIINK V, I'llxlor. HlllVlCI'B III II A. M. niul
7:1111 l'. M. H.ilili'illl Hcliniil nl 111 A. M. Von UK
IiiiiiIii'm Hin'lfty nf .'lirlmliin Kuili'iivnr
iivupy Hiiinlny ttvt'iiliiK nt 11:110. VVt'ilni.Miliiy
iivi'iilnv jitiiyt'l' nti'tilliiK ill 7:110. HiiiiIk (ruu,
Ki'ANiii,;i.ii'ti. I'niini'ii. Huv, .1. M. I'rulna, of
tint Kviniio'lli'.il AnNiicliitlnii, will linlil nt'rvlct'n
nl I'-.tii-'n Hull t'Vcry Hiiinlny nt 11 A. M tlmntic-
nnil HiiiKiny oxi't'iii.'ii. t.ui'iiinii naiiiiiini niiiitiiii
eviiry Hiiinlny nt III A. M
TiiAVt'.t.KiiH' Guide.
Train I'mni I'orllnntl ; Arrlvosul 0:11a, m.
iiml fi:lM i'. M.
I Anivi'M from Himlli: 7:15 a, m. iiml 2:411
r. h,
liCnvn I'oi'tliinil, l.ciivt' Oregon I lity.
7:!lii a. M. 7::iii'a. m.
' 10:1111 A.M. 111:011 A. M.
I :i i'. m. l:i)ii p. m,
il:,')'! P. M, 4:01) I', M.
Slpftint-r Alinnit no Way l,iinilin?n.
Htoitiiioi' l.iitnna Wii.v l.iiiiilingM,
1H:IK) A. M. 8;,?0a. M.
. 4:801'. m. 11:00 p. M.
UAsnixjntN i,i:iti:k.
KIHi 111 II Hlilil'I.AB rilHIIKMl'IIMlKNT.
1 Wakimmhhn, .Iiimiiiii)' '.'il, 1SHI.
Hi'mitm Alililcli IU imt iiIi I1""
ilvuly jii'it n lii'ii ho Mill iix'i IIiaI tin
itt'liiito mi II. i' i liHilm loKiiliiltnii oluill lie
i'niHil, iin In' il.'i n mil ciiiii In (iiniiuli
iIi(mIiiioiiiiN Willi it whiiiImk wli't-lt
i niiiy In', I'V mum" liimk m I'limk. iim
i ,1 V In', 1 1 V umlll" lltmk 111 Cllliik HNi'il In
i I' I'Vl'll! ft IiiikIIHIIIII i V"l III! Ill ll !
t"ilill"ii; I'lU I inli'l (r.uii lii' cmio'ii.
linll llllil t lull lit nllli'f I'lnnmu'lll rHl.
In iinn UmI i' ill In-I'i'iiiiiiil,' iliinii lln-
tlll'il' (lilVH. tlll'M' IH IIU I'HIUl'l' till'
i ullulil.'iit iliitilit liliiHit III" Hili'I'liiiil "f
lili: r"" III' I'll' SkIKIU'. II i (lili
uliuliil icitiiiiily ol tliu H'unlt Unit
1ms niiinii I llm or lm 1 1 go mil limn llu
iliiiinirniiii' Jinm--S(iiulur liniiiiiiii"
wlili li linn ri'Miilii .l in Uii'khiii.I W'url.l 'n
I nit lilull miff !'i'ii'i imulo iy hiiulli
i'i'ii IivUUium'h mill ullirr .iritiiiilt.iiiuii"
llll-l I lit Uii.llll III III" I I'!"' Ill
l.l.'i'llnii hill, H. iimlil.i niiil(.i iiui Iml
K.llllll Ut tlll'KII lU' lH H, wlu' 1 1 it v mm.
nii litlly liili'rlt'ii In llm Klui'llmi liill
or in t;" tiny will imt ilimn!" lnli'
'f.nnkr ltl linn i;i(ii twiimio Uir
liiruit Inr iltuiiiH'rulir iiliii'i', liiu'tiiiM. Iii'
rii(uii Li nit In Hit' Sii'iikiin clmir niul
we Hut iU M-r it' m i up tliu i
ili'l'ly b llii'V ttUlii'il t'i iln. Allir
lllllliliiiH tlli'll' H'lli'li'i-ri IlllilitlNlrrinii
Until ll 1' in .i'il ull ll'IIKi. llllllll' li.llllnlh
Mr. Kt'i'il tilU-.l Uu 'in ii)i no kIi.tI tlnil
Im f.iirly iiimii. llu'lr i'V" tuilK'i In wn
!'; nii'l tliu ll'iiii-c M'.niini'il i'iiii'l.'i4-
timi i( tint uniiiiiil ii.'.uiilniii IuIIk
llm onlv ii'.nlt ul tli Iliurv lii'lmf lliitl
iiliKi" nave ni't'ii i'iiiiiiu i mm i
u.ii.k Uu ri. in i.nv lin'li In ll.c clniiyi' u l inn n, ,,,!,. tu.tuml I .t riiinliiil-
. , , ,.,i,,;l ,,,,,,,1,, ,1., ,,,it..r
i to llii' I" tunn l.v (.iiiiiiiiiitui K nilnt'fM'
kti"HH tn I'li'M""4 kii'.w lt'.li:t' Unit ui.l
l.i li.u ii. in. ii .-iy .i.. mi, ii nl in l.u'li
... , .. ... i, i ....... li
I' 1 " " " ' ."...
ftlin If tii.iirinnii "I ll.t' t'.Miiiiiilli't', li.nt
nl Hint , t'llll',1 111 Illl' t.l III' till! Illllll
, 'r ;'"'
uinliT uu v i'iit'niiiBiiiiu'i', a':il I littvi'
no iliudt tlutt lit' w ill tlu t'v.'iyll.inu in
Iii" ifi In tin. I mil all llirr" i ill tin"!
. ., , .,, , , t
Wrt Trt'.', of lllnnm, In l.t' lln' s of
III,.... , to.,,, illll i, .1, l.l'l ll
fi lillriiifil I'V tint St'iiiilii,
Tlif Ciin(i'il"riiliiin nl lii'lntiiit! Orniin
iitliiiiiH in tlio ni'l'twiiiu liilinit nl ll.t'
filllVflllitlll Wllilll ll.t" llt'l'll III ll.'Hi.lll
lor i' vi' in 1 il.tyn, "i'lntt if llm mill' flit' of
lilt' plOI'i'Hllioll IIIHlc III tilt' l.ll It I It'll Illl
1'niiM'iiSion for tin' d t 1 1 a I iml iilu tliiril
li.iily, TIi'ih ttinvi'iitinii Iiiim t'lnloiMil
in(iiii';iliy u!l tin tlt'inainlH ol Hit'
runiit'r'H' A 1 1 in it.'.1, Imt Iih iiii'inliitm
in' nut f.ivnrnlili' to tliu thirl Mily
nlfil, ill fui't it is lonki'il llioll htMt" iltt
tut vinu I'.'.'H i'oinii'ti ly t'iiitiiri'il liy tlm
ilfinoi'iiiiHi iiuty.
mi; T(ii,t:i:s tiiist.
A Mifi'tii''l Snliil Iiiii nf Hit' Al at ! rn
lfitlilli' nr tlir Sphinx.
W. A. WiiUit'l'.'tin::0, of UliHi'ity, IniH
ill llm lattt uiiinlit i' nf llm I'oi'llali l Ut
foini Joiirnut, u It'iilliy iiml linii'ly roin-
iiuinii'iiiioii ni.ili'i' Hut nliovo lii'.ulii
AiniiiiH iillu'i' lliinnit lili Iium thin to hiiv;
"Why in llti.n )iioioniliiiii not
diiiilili', I'linliril, I'ltllow mi' n
iiionii'iil. I.t'l tint 1 1 it t it ui :i I ni.iniz.i
lion of iro.liiL'i'rn icniin cm lillrit't't ironi
mm dollar to ontt t' liollniH in
vuliii', i it l.-f i ii it 1 1 lit in pioilni'lri ol llm
fiiiin ut nun krl v.ilnn ul any nlliaiit'ti
wrtrnliniiHtt in lint i;il iuii llm in ir-
kt vnlno lit" IIm'iI hy II. ft of tlm orpni-
UlltilHI llilll IIH t'NplnnHt'll on tint I't'Oili
raid. I,nl f.u nit'l'd pll'tlili' tliitniHclviiH
to ili'pnHil. tlmir whciii, I'oni, ontri, ry,
liuiltty, hoiH, I'otion, wool anil toliiiiro
ill tlll'HIJ ulliltlllH! WllritllOUHO wliu n fllll"
Klriii'tt'il, niul ri'ci ivti tlii'i'itfni' llifHit i:or
iMti'H t)i ilfjiiiHil It'SH it proper niul
jiinl pnri'Diilnti for I.ihh hy i-i'iihoii of
tlii'iiikiiuK mill wiislo in iilonuto. Who
(llllllllH tlllil llllt llilll lIll'HI) f'.'tlili-
wi 11 pus-i ut pur with llm hinilutr
tlnuliti', iiuilf mil mull Hint nifclntnit: to
llllllll l lldHU Wllll'llllllNl'H? Will) . llllllllH
Unit fortilliit.ii. will hit worth loll
ci ntHoii tlio ilollur with tlio iniTi'liiiiil,
tint luttr, irrornr. pill .linlipr, innrhuniit,
luliori'r? Who iloulilH that tlmy will
paHH fiirifiil with (mill, Hilvnr, ri't!t'n
liarliH, nulioiiul hunk iiuIch or unvmn
nnmt I't'i'lillfiiltiH of liny kiinl? iNuhotly
(loiilitH ull thin, iiml why? UeciuiHO hniu
wu Iiuv.i tlm inoHt idiiiintio trout in tint
world, tliu toihtiH Iloro we oon
ti'ol tl io ili'Hliny of civiliaitioii. Hit ro
wo have a ncriior on inoait, iimiit, drink
and fluthiiiK lif Itwlf i in our
IiuiiiIh. Tint world .muiiot HiiliHict for
1)0 daya without llm product at tlio
Amnrhun furni. Who doiihtH thut the
iioiiriloiN of coin would "hIu 11 out," and
Kindly exi'lutnu'O dollar lor dollar lor
ilium. ferlillfiiloH i( pfniiitltnl to do so'
lluw Imi),' would tlio luoi'liiHK" ifinuin
on tlm Iui'iiihY How loni; woultt a fnw
tlimiHimd revnl In riotoim living whiln
millioiiH wont hungry and in rugs?
I'rurtit'iil? 1)1 con ro it iH. l'Vunihle ?
Why not? Brtuik lltu hiuk of the
monitor with Ins club of finance and
all other reforms will Hpi edily follow,
In 30 diiy-H nil inoiiopoliiiH are at
your foot, down on tlmir knooH, for in
your IiiiihIh is power oyer lift) and death.
In 110 duys niter tlio perleciiou of the
ppermion ol iIiih plan, the government
of tho politiciaiiH, liy the politiuiutiH and
for the politioiuiiu will bo retired into a
tin In "Iniioi'iiniiH di Hiii'lmli'l" llm pro.
iliiciT will he cinwni'il kliiK, ami wlilmiit
lln. in... of, liilllct or Imnili. tlm
H url I will li.t cmlriilli' I niul won hy
thiH. who liilmr mid who think, Why
TII Kill I'l. ANN,
Hon Hip (.iiiiiKcri Wiiiilil So I hi I lie
rtn.iiii'liil I'l ulil. iii.
Tlm fiilluwlliM fi nm U l.'i't'lit inrni'
of tint l.iiift'ii.i tiiliinl, Hi i. jiii 1 1 1 r. 1 1 1 hy 1", M, MiiIikw uinUir fiypn tit
llni.iu'iiil 1 t u n udtptfit hy lliu Htiil.t
tiiiiiiyc of Oicunu mill llm Nalinluil
(jrunf :
l-'irttt: I'ix llm iiinotinl nf inuiify for
I'itciil.tli'iu Htr cupi'it of puliilluiinll nt
lllly dollar!.. It tin llnW, Knl'l,
"ilvt-r, (I 'l l mill mlver ffrlillcati'i., itri'ti
Inn kn iiml iiiiliiinitl mnncy niiiint un llm
liiimlrit Ih nl milHoiia now prinli'd u ml
Itivi'ii th.' Iiiinkcri. on their linli'ln.
hfcmiil : Let nor nntluiml bovitii
mt'iit Iiiiiii this money to tlif nl.iln nt
on., per ccnl, liiiiTcni, inn nniiit
liunkfi-H pav for it now.
Third: l.ct llm "luitt lonn it lo Hi.'
cmiiiii i,t two pfr rent, one jn'i cent ,
tlio" uoIiik inln llm Ut tiwctiliy,
. .in ill : l et tin. rotiiitlft) limn it to
tlm f,.t on their liirmi. in. utt'iirity ,
to tint it t it. Mint of oni'-lliiiil or uiiB-tmlf ;
llifir vhIiih, mi l ut Ihrtm in'r .'cut , oi.t
.i. c.'iil li'iiiiK into the t. unity tn'intuiy.
Tin. would ut In money on
tmit;.H!"i for one -Curd mid in limnv
caneH oiit'-l. uu Hi that In. in piiyiiiji now.
1 hat would re I nctt lht liiii'lin ol Int.
.1.1.1 Ihrett ttiiiticin 'Hunk w Imt h tf
li.'l thut w.niltl I It to thoilnuiiilnof liiimeH.
lint I lieu' in nllll liuirit U""il ill lllli. plan.
I lie one C'r ft'iit Unit (In. nullity Kelt (
lor int. u-.t in tut' ur.iioniu uinuey a'"'
Inwuitl iiiiiii ciiii'.ly XH'n.'n, uml t.'ilti. fi. tlip linen ol ftttrv tanner
and tux piiyer lit tlif f.iuiily. Tlm out
lier . .'III. tilt' futility t'l for lilt' line of
llm nuii'imil money Koed tnwuid my
ni; tint Himtt e.ei.-.'.H, and Ihln hvhiii
iidil. eM the Iiixen o( the peitple. Ihf
Ui.Iioiii.1 ''iii'iiilni ul nl.ll i;el Ihe n,uiie
one per iciil lor ll luniiev tlnl II i
now t!cllu-K Ironi ni t' npeci illy l.iVored
i lann ol nm plo.
'I li K Salninii Sriimiii.
Till' Olltlooli fill lllill M'itlMlll'll MlllilOll
llllhilll ID Oil lilt' t'lllllllllii.l, d.tVl. tin
A-I'.riiin in mule umially ifiaiilyiii):,
Tlm Intent iiewn from Sun l'Miicim n in
ihcaten th it tlumt wilt not lw in. many
Aill-ki. f.ililieiieH nperalnd llii Si'iinoll
iii. luni, which will iialin.illv lini'rovc llie
iimi k"' (or Columbia river t'mli. Al
l!i,ni.'li llii-ie Ih iiIwuvh a ileuiainl (or
li.nt-f l.mH i oiiimliiii river aulinoii, it i iiii
llnl he ileliied llilll When I lie Iiul.kclin
nimkel w i'h oilier am Infi'iinr In
ol li -ll , nf IlillK lit lower pliit'n. gilt t'ded
ll"'nln tint ntir.t to feel ihe elfect of I he
e 1.111 H't it inn in re. In. e.l iui i'. Thin in
In-i ailne llieif l a larae .-limit til rtinnuiil
f m w ho liuve not lnfti ihI'iciiU'iI lo leal
iA.' tint iliil. ri'iu e lietwfi'H liint flann
I "liinii'lii liver linh uml itlier kin. In
Co iintiiy e" le IKh in finh, mid llm
l.ii I lluil on., kind in nu'i'l at a lower
pru e Ilmn iiuotlier Ih l.y lliein connul
t"ed tnilhflf III l ea nun for nciicliliu it.
Soil ih a m.illt'r for fonraliiliiliitu to
caiiiii"n mi llm livr in ;ei. nation for
I lit nisin iii'h work, Ijint venr tlmre
w.i lil If new iintlitiial pupi'lieit, (lid
netH weie p.ilthfil itl, '1 iiiinli' In .In .u:y
lor llm nhnrl W'.i.noii thut reitiiiiiied uder
tinning wilt i i.inuii'iii i d. I'ht! renilll of
lift n'A uiih 1'lfV.ulinu t'coiiuiuv to
uiatuiemeiil, inatltt tin' r.tntilt to hotll
c.HineiH and linlicrmen, lentl dintoiir.ur
in titan it would iiHieiwinit hnvii hetn,
lliin year llieiit willUt iiimt) new jfiar
tlnill umial put into tlif titer, llnuln
w iii li.ivf to hit repaired an. I ulti'K.'tlier
i oiiHiilernlile coin will l' put in circula
tion. The market (or our linli in con-
Htanily u'rowinii anil th.'i.t in every proli
al.ilily of a heulihy tlemand fur ii ul lair
price. Alttyetlmr llie unt'o.ik iSMKt.ur
iim to linili tunnel a and llnlieiinun .
Mill il.inliilm:. j
Down ut lliihliuid they am niill lioom
inK' oil At a piililic nici'lnn;, held
I liuiHilav niiilit, it wan decided to have
llie tow u incorporated. The lluhhaid
iicH lauli at lent llniii a hundred dnlluia
it (loi't i'ihiI for forimr loin and con
lideiitial y epcct to soon to lie the ureal
inelropoliH ol tint iiotlliwent, llnliliuid
certainly linn pretty k.hmI .tiHjH't:tH, for
Here in no iluulit u limit tint oil licint!
there, When wilier in ptiuiin-d out ol
Ihe well, on the place of Mr. Milln, the
oil can hi. plainly seen on tint Hlreaiu
(lint coini'i Innn Hie 'iiiiii. Oil can he
ncnoied oil' of tint top of tlm water, ami
Thtirnduy ni;lil limy struck iiiintlier and
heller lead further up the creek, from
which Hut oil poiirH out in a nlreani.
I u.lit'iiliiiii. of nil have been found cunt
ol Ucrvuin. uinl itiouud lieru two tniloH
noiilli of S.iieiu, on llm bolloin road
leiidinp; to llall'i. ferry, where a small
Hlifuiii iiniH tliroiiuli tlio place uf Mr.
Hi'imii', oil lilts heen disciivernd' It
wuh not seen until tecenlly, ht'eanse tlm
creek ban been (tiled up, hut it was
dented about four months uko, ThiH
oil, like thai ut lluhbard, is while and
can be Hcnpcd i H'of the top ni the water.
It is tm'in-y lo llie touch uml so thick
one can baldly him tnrmi;li it. What
puzzles po many in llie peculiar color of
ull this oil, w liicli is while, iiiH't'ad of
almost black, as petroleum is. It may
not. lie in p iyini; iuuniiti 's, hut the o l
ih here ami experlH claim it in of the
best quality. Only a well can lielermiiie
this uml in the meantime don't laiii!h
al lltibhaid peoplo lor heiiiif excited;
they have a riuht to ho and they iniiy
yet be the peoplf, niul iih siu Ii, niUst be
ifspiclcd, Wnoiilmrn Indepeiuluiit.
For I'lfkliiK Hops,
A niiichiiui for picking hops bus been
invented and port'oetnd by u UtieuX, V,
genlloiniei who claims thai llie miichino
does tlio wink us clean mid more
rapidly than by hand, and that Its capac
ity, if properly fed, is 21) boxes a day.
The machine iiH mounted on u wooden
frame, heavy enough to insure stability,
is about. 7 feet lonn by 5 feet, widn, and
ubout 4 feet biL'h. The liopsare fed into
a receiver just as the branches ennio from
the vines, nudum sensed between two and giiidually pulled through.
In the liieiiiiwhilt) nn eccentric or two
parallel grippors tnnr the bop burr from
tlio vine, allowing the leaves and the
vino to go through. The hops full on tlio
inelineirscreen, and hy their owu weight
fall on tlm stiino screen, but tire carried
back by its returning motion and thrown
into a sepitrato pile. It requires tint one
man (o turn the wheel and another to
feed the vines into the rollers.
Transient of Ueiility.
A. Hunter, et. us to Kelley M
Filrlund two acres in t. 2 B, r 2 0, $5
Henry Meinko to Henry II. School,
et ul lot in t li s, r 5 e, ift.
U. S, Martin et ux to Antone Martin
lot 10, blU 42. Boll wood lfiOO.
F. II. Paquet, et ox to F. G. Painter,
lot 4, blk 18, Ciiiioniiib, $100.
Yillnmetto Land Co. to .T.Sclioeinukor
lot 5 blk 5, Park Place $150.
V. H,l,IVyliin. n w l4' of nee. 15 1 7
r li II, linlnnnll'iiil,
W. W. Myers, etux to J. If, Tculal
114 acrits,t 3 , r .'I e, orn,
OregniiliiiidCo to Mary J Allison
lol !I7, blk70 Miiitlioni ud to l'ortlaiid
Oieifon latint Co. to II. I'. Narv,
truatee ol Miiillinru ad to l'ortlaiid,
J.J. Jiilnitoiii, nt I, x ,', j, Onlium
Ii Meres In 1 1 h, r2it.7U().
t . II. II. Illinium t,, M J.' 'riiomas
h "I li w l!),l 5n, r2 .,7f(),
t Onvniil.ui It, U. Co to I). Si C, . li.
Co, all railway, uml raihvuv lines and
other piH'tiv lying fast of the Will
aiiieitn river, $1
Jus. W, llnou el ax to Sarnli K.
Hoiiiplirti) , 1.1 W IH, Murslilleld VM).
Jas. W. It.xitu i-t us lo P. C. llninpfi
rpyl'l acres ol hoc , t 2 i, r 'I e, m.
John V. Hmm to A. II. Oerharilm
I57ucrtts, t V s, r 4 e, :',0oii
I.i Itolilihia et in to Murguret K
Ilardeaty, i'll) acres of Jm, Wriglit I). L,
C. 1 5 i, r 2 e, .',fA).
Kliimr E . Cluirir an et ux and Mary
M. Cliiiiliiiill tolieo. II. Hess lot 3 lilk
K. Clackamas Heights, ;m
J.ih, V, Klniw, ft in to Frank Poinerv,
lot 7. Mk 2, West hide ail to Ore on
The )ii!lcs Ti a Mountaineer suva
t.i.t fiittln are dying aMimd Mum in
n h ii , - th I il.t miiuliers, and ll.cre is a
faiitliiy aiimng horses. One nian lias
lost oiie-liull ol Ins luiuil o( callltt. and
atiotlier Iwenly bead, and tnilh fed (nun
tbttssiiip straw slack. Itelinving it to he
aoiiit. intinonous weed in Ihe leed , the
bay b:. I n bum. d ; lint the lululiiv
still .i.iitinues. The stale vt't-rinary
siiigenii is en route to tho vicinity in
which the discus., prevails, and will
l..k pinH'r iiieanini'S to prevent its
Spri-iid. At pieiflt the infected dinlricl
I'Xlemls it iliMiinei' of about nine iniltts
from tin. cunt Ixi Ilk of the Icm liutes.
l-'ioui llm da s and conilii' t nqioris of
tin. st'iiii-aiiiiiiiil pxiiiiiinalinii ludij at
llm L'l.iied Slat's Inililury uctdemv,
Went Point, New York, ls!)l, it is
leainod IliulCa'let William H. Iaidim.
ol tlm (iniiili class, a son o( Mr. Will
iiiui M. 1.11'bie, president of tin. First
National lunik ul ."aleni, lias i'.tr
til)i;lliniei liiuiseli and honored Otpgnn
liy atluiniiig the position of head of the
elimH, 1,,'jiig Iiml in nil snlijneia. The
(oiirlh duns i t'omposed of H" inemhers.
Albany lleiald.
II. F 1 1 art lint ri . ultotit three miles
west of town, this week brought in s;h'i
inii'iis (nun a risk letliio croitpiiig out
from a hill on bis farm, that has at
tr.ictnd considerable attention. It is of
a rr .rinli white in rolor, quite soft and
very lifht in weight. Subjepteil lo beat
it readily (uses and when foiled cryslal
irea into a form reneiiiliiimr torcelain.
Siiinples of lite r.s'k have ."en sent to
I'rof Condon, geoloui-t, at Corvallis
McMiiiiiiille lieporter.
Tl... subjects o( water and lilit are
jusl in)"i Ihs most iniMirtant insnes ol
the hour to tint people of llillstsiro and
front ton lndeH'nilent we leain that
their pmnpccls nr securing tiiem are
quite llatteriug. A meeting was held
nt the court house hint Monday evening
to Ink., active steps in the matter, the
result o( which we have not learned.
The coyotes have been doing a good
ileal ol damage to aliceu near Wells sta
tion, l'nlk county, lately and a lively
crowd ot men went after lliein with
about lilleen or twenty hounds Thurs
day. They expect to conliinio the chase
(or at least three ttuys.
The question of eslubiishiinr a fruit
and vegetable cannery in Fugene win
freely ilinctmsed ut tho Hoard of Trade
nieetiiig Monday evening and it was
unanimously tlccided lliiit vigorous
a i'l ion muni ho taken at once to aevnie
the establishment of such an enterprise.
Cinnpiti,y II, O. N. li., of l.a Grande,
him hmi nil its guns, ammunition ami
uniforms. They were taken by regi
mental olliceis bccitu.-e I ho conq any bus
not boon kopt up to tho requiiom 'in
nl the law in regard to drilling. I'lmy
have h'en without an armory for sev
eral months.
Mr Isaac Itriggs. one o( the earliest
pioneers of l.ane county, died ut. bis
bourn in Springfield, Monday, Jan. 2dth,
of old ago. lie was nearly US) years old
and had been confined biit one month,
llociiiiiu to I.une county front Iowa in
In tlif case of Win Kenin, recorder,
on trial last week at UilUboro. for refus
ing to issue a warrant for the arrest of
W. 1. Alitssiik. Justice Wirtx bound bun
over in the sum of $2iM to appear before
tint Grand Jury, says tlio Independent.
llillshoronow has a lire department.
Tlm ptistollice of Hoselmrg was robbed
thin week of iflL'IH). An entrance was
imnli) into the ollleo throng a roar win
dow and tlio money taken from the
Nine young ladies eight yuimg
men were baptized in the river at In
dependence last Tuesday. There is quite
a religions revival going on at thut
Amos K. Jones lias sold his ir.toiest
in tho Union, Oregon Scout, to bis part
ner, Mr. Cl.nicv. Air. Jouus, who is in
ill health, will remove to California.
Amos used to reside in Ktigene in the
Slid on Karth.
I. P. Crocker, of tho mountain BfufF
Meat Market, iH sill nlivo and well, and
ul present is doing a rushing business,
as tint people of the present ago are
well enough educated to know when
tliov are treated well, itinl that they nl
witVH get tlio best articles, mid the full
iiuriie of tlmir money nt his store. He
keeps a full lino of trenh and salt meats
of all tleseriptioiiH, also eggs, butter
cheese cle.
Our Ciindlit Advice.
It is seldom that, wo appear in the
roll o( spiritual advisor or family physi
cian, but tliort. are tinios when we (eel
jiiHiilied in calling tho attention of our
ninny subscribers to nn article of truo
merit. We fuel justified in saying that
Moore's Hevealod Remedy contains
more actual merit than any medicine
it has ever bien our good fortune to
test. One trial bottlo will make you as
enthusiastic as tho wi iter. For sale by
all druggists.
Net Ice for Final Sotl lenient.
Notice is hereby given that. I have filed
in tlio Coun.y Court of tho county of
Clackamas, for the state of Oregon, my
final report as administrator of the estate
ol' Josegh Florence, deceased. All porsons
nre lioreliy untitled to appear In said court
and niuk't) objections to said report on
Monday, the litlt day o( March, .18111, and
file objections to suid io tort it' any they
hnvo. A. MATH KlttS,
Executor of the estate of Joseph Florence,
deceased. l-HO;2-27
Highland Harping'.
Tho weather is somewhat wet this last
week and it makes the roads in rather a
poor con Jition to travel on, but there had
been some improvement goingoniii the
neighborhood on the roads, which make
it considerable better, but them It plenty
of room for more work lxttwuen this
vicinity and Oregon Cily, and we live in
hopeol having a gotsl-road In the future.
v hat lias become of our railroad? All
is quiet concerning it
One more family lias moved Into ttiU
part We have not earned their name
as yt.' They have purchased a (arm
of Mr. Htrickler, one of Highland'! heat
A few spelling matches and parties ate
the order of the day among the young
Mr. O. Wallac is able to be around
again after a iipell of sickness. We are
pleuHod to see hiit smiling face once
Mr. W. Itutherford Is busy rleuriag
off some timber on his farm which adda
to its appearance greatly,
Mr. Orillin is also clearing away Ihe
slumps on tho front of his farm which
will ulso add considerable to the value
of his place.
Mrs. Wm. Livingston is lying very
low at present, tsho hus been ill for
over two wek. We hope to bear of
her speedy recovery and will be glad to
see her around once more.
Well (hero is room for more ncttleri
in Highland as we see some empty
hotiKcs ami vacant farma which would
Ih? a heiiellt to the neighborhood if they
were occupied.
Slink ttstttrt-
Fred and M. Moelmke have returned
from Canada. They sav, "Hurrah I'orOre-
gnii, vet !''
Alms Alury .Mm luikc lias gone toScitllle
to vinil her ninier.
The M Ink l.rasn band meets every Wednes
day and Saturday evening (or practice. The
hoys play very well for the time lliey have
lieen tirctnizr'l.
Mm. K. W. lloriinhuh w as badly hurt hy
fulling down stairs. We hoj it is nothing
WcMi A' Martin are going lo Mow the
whistle at their saw mill every morning at
six o'clock for the benclit ol those who have
no clocks, so they w ill w hen it is time to
get up.
K. fl. and G. H.'s "perS't:nil motion"
machine w ill not move worth a cent. They
are now going to try another plan. Why
not try it with a handle, lioys, like a grind
stone? Phillip I.indau went to Oregon City to
w ork In one of the (inuring mills.
Kriiftl Ouenther is busy getting out shin
gles lor a new bouse.
There" is talk of starting a Farmers' Alli
ance here. I hoie it will meet with suc
cess. Gas.
January SO, 1801.
Kslrvifw Happenlngs-
Fairview is all alive and doing well. We
hail an elect ion of officers at the literary
society which is held at the Case school
house. The new officers are, for president,
K. Jaggar; vice president, Henry Hunter; .
secretary, Mis llattie Hunter; assistant
secretary. John Jtonit: treasurer. H.IC.
Uigley; editor, ',rM. Hay ward; Manlial,- .
Thomas Tlmyer; Critic, Mr. Hattie ilny- '
ward. ' Allhavc tsken llie oath of olrtce'
gone to work. The society meet only oik '
in two weeks now. instead of once a ckv
ns formerly.
Gtxtd times continue to prevail in the
neighborhood. The pie social spoken of be
fore, wns a grand success. Pies sold from
ten cents up to eighty cents. Between eight
and ten dollars were taken in.
Kdgtir M. and Jessie R. Waldron gave a
dunce last AVednesday night at the farm
house of J. U Waldron. We all went (ex
cept those who were sick or had the tooth
ache) and had a pleusant time. Those
present were H. Hunter, Minnie Jugger, M.
Hyatt, Agnes McArthur, Annie Slraum, G.
Randall, Wm. J. Jones, Eichard Jones, T.
W. lllanchartl, Halsey Phelps, Una Engle,
G. W. ltlanchard, Henry Engle, Frank Gut
pellet, Martha Penman. Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Waldron, Jennie Waldron, and a great
many others. Lunch was served ut half past
ten; then dancing was continued until
twelve, when we all went home, fcelmr
nine It refreshed from the healthy exercise of
the evening. Mr. and Miss Waldron can
boast of having the only dance in the county
without whisky.
John llnml is cooking for the nilll hands
at Mr. McCord's mill. The boys say he is
quite a eookey.
Mr. Win. May was out the other day,
(while the sun was shining,) with his foot
racer's suit in his vest pocket ; and Charley
Baker was there with his jumping suit.
Hoping this will lind Tin ENTSurRisi in
good health and a happy mood, I am,
Yours, resect fully, Shlash.
February 1, 1SH. ,
Central Point Hints.
I bdiove Central Point has not been heard
from lor a while: yet we' arc having big
times, all the same.
lieligious meetings were held at the
church all of last week by Mi's. Wilkinson
and Mrs. Dickinson, with quite a largcat
tendance. ' '
It seems to bo the rulo in this neighbor-"
hood, when a person siwuks or talks Hmk
long at a public meeting, tos ng libndowu.
It has been done twice here. It mukea
no inference whether it is at a litemfy soci
ety or at church f -
Mr. L. B. Warnor is still in tins neigh
borhood selling real estate, f-"'
William ltaiididl is up again. -Tt was re
ported he had the measles, but his sickness
must have bee n something else.
Tho Central Point Literary Society had a
necktie sociublo Saturday evening at the
school bouse, and had good success. About
ten dollars were realized. Everything went
off right until the boys got to taking each
other's hats, when a row ensued. Some of
tho boys blew up their bicep muscles and
went out doors, and when the constable in
terfered the v thought he was out of place, j
A social will bo held at iew Kr on the-
evening of February M, hy" the W. C. T. 0, '
women in UielV new hall, iorthe rayient of
the cause.:- A good time is .exported., ' All
are invited. ''" " ' ' ' ; ' QmT0-'
Canby Culllngs.
Miss Kate Casto will clots her second
term of school in District No 18, next
Commissioner C. Bair passed through
here last week on route to attend county
S. A. D. (lurlcy will close the Canby
school next Thursday.
Some farmers are ploughing preparatory
to putting in early crops.
Messrs. Myers and Kanunor aro cutting
nn immense amount of cordwood.
George Knight, our cflicient postmaster,
will soon have boxes in the oftice. V. L.
Mack has been preparing them for Mr.
Knight. They will add to the convenience
and good appearance of the oftice.