The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, January 23, 1891, Image 2

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U eoinrnantlrtft onthtgiivarnor's nisMK
tara r but f'W journal of Hit tU,
whaUiar lmlpiilaiit, iWmiHmt or rt'publU
can, that dot not vomvtla il liiilirhtlKll
ami praiilly turnout ailvot'iiole oniiivrii-
Ut rlilil and balongitiK i youwr
cImmi Klt th unaopliistU'ttteil grwtl
f unrtrli'td motitrultlu known
eapltalt.1, ninoH)H.t!t tiul i'or.o"ntiuii
tliltrH. Nowliert In the itwimiiMit motlio
right of capital given priority owr tit
right ul UUtr, but Itn evfry purpos swum
to bt in Hit Interval ami wcltitit of the lu
aorlng man. Tint iinsntuiii itif Ihnlc
and iptrtted, and In 1no.1t Instant ulti'M'l
cut. Ytt tlit itaml lie litis taken on the
wrld'flrtxhibltt not looked itK)ttKn
rally an tlit beat cottrw for ottit of lila posl
Uott to httva adopte l, (is no mutter how givut
bit goo.l intentions might hnv been, hla
Idta do not vtirraoiid eitlier with public
antlnicnt, or what awin to bt (lit coriwt
aid of an Important qiiaatthn pertaining to
th tuturt advance and growth of Hit slate.
If an appropriation from tiie legislature I.
not furthcoming, tlien o tur ui any attempt
at nuking proper representation alt'Iilcago
it concerned aw everlastingly ulioo I.
Our greatet Iioprtara forever blighted, and
spoil tlit assemblage of tlit sisterhood of
dates in grand army at tli givat bur, where
all the Ivading nation of the earth will be
. represented, Ori g in will lut found lautfbig.
Tbit ought not to
Tut renewed vigor and deep nt'rot with
which tb iniporiunt topic of "an 0n
river Ui lb sea" has U'di resumed of late
not only by the press but tbu public gener
ally uuglitto besulhVient to Impress on tin'
Blind of our represiitti at congress (lit
iftiitiranreoi'tlit measure, and itbalit
degree of anxiety it fluul adoption l looktl
forward to. All Oregon, Washington ami
Idahp are alive to its importance, ami the
rtliefit would lend to their ptnt up agri
cultural and ininiiig section ia such u to
Jutify their earnest endeavor. Nothing
but unimpeded liavigiition to the sen Kill
permit of the development of the country
eontiguou to the trihutariea of the gieut
Colu.nhia, to the extent their natural ad
vantage ami resources deniiind, mid until
the ame 1 given us. It should It) Hie
iacfwaiit war-cry of every individual who
hat Interests ill the welfare of the three
T interest manifested in Hi bill now
pending before the legislature providing for
the construction ol a lish ladder at the full
of the Willamette at thi city, and asking
for an appropriation of therefor, la
tuch a to suggest the great Importance of
tht project. The welfare of the fishing in
dustry of tht upper Willamette ia brought
conspicuously to view in such a measure.and
tb early completion of a ladder would he
conducive of the greatest benefit. Hut it 1
hoped that another attempt at furnishing
thi great necessity will meet with better
loccrM than tht first our, and if we are to
have a ladder let it be one equal to all
anitrgeiicic if brains and money will build
Til EnTiaraiaa in last evk' issue had
list of the improvement til at huve been
mailt In Oregon City during the past year,
and thtircoat. The list lumished a great
deal of information, and shows that the
tity hat made substantial gum during the
past year. In addition the KtiTitaraisa had
abort deacription of each firm doing bus).
eat there. The list of Improvements foot a
total of IDtiU.flOO. That with the other im
provement that have been made through
out the comitv, shews that Clackamas
County bus hud the most prosperous year it
has ever)knnwn. We wonder if the next as
sessment roll will show the same Increase in
taxable proerty. Clackamas News.
The steamer Northwost, belonging to the
Kellogg Company, uutl heretofore running
n UieCowliti river, has come on the Will
tmette, and is now making regular I rips be
tween Portland and Salem, going up Mon
day, Wednesday mii Fridays, and re
turning the following day. Tht North
west has the reputation ot being able to
carry the largest load of any bout on the
river in proportion to her size and (Inid, a
qualification that especially fits her for this
route. Captain tShcrman Short la in com
mand, and his popularity on the river is
inch that the Northwest will be uble to
baild up a proserous trade.
Tut Scientific American, published by
Munn A Co., is in every respect one ol the
most reliable scientific periodicals the world
affords. It pages abound with valuable
information of every description, to the
farmer, merchant and tradesman, promot
ing progress, industry and intelligence
wherever it i read. Kvery trades-laliorerof
tht country should subscribe for the, Scien
tific American.
This' is a big freight tralllc being carried
on between Oregon city and up and down
river point that is very suggestive of the
prtuiineut position she occupies in the
commercial world. The larger boats of the
lower Columbia are by no means uncom
mon at the docks since the river has raised,
and the daily shipments from the various
anilli and factories are surprisingly im
mense. Out two of the three boats of the 0. 1'.
Company here are now running, the lloag
and Three Bisters which are plying between
Independence and Portland until I he ad
vent of more water, when they will resume
their regular run. The Win. 8. Bcutley is
Mill at Corvallia waiting for water.
Thi KaTanraisK claims that nearly a mil
lion dollars have been expended in Oregon
City during the past year for improvements.
This is a magnificent showing, but it is noth
ing compared to what the future has in
Itort for Oregon great manufacturing
town. Forest Grove Democrat.
Ban. Flauo, of the Forest Grove Demo
erat, don't take much stock In Pennoyer's
teachings on Cleveland and the Chinese.
F!aggys: "The fact is, the governor is
limply 'playing to the galleries,' and bus
hit e.ra bent forward listening for the a
plaose." Juuua Mokki.amd, of Portland, concluded
hit decision hist .Saturday morning In the
ease of Ueneral Kulua Iugulls ugainst Mr.
Harriet Campbell for the guardianship ol
Linda und Ben Hullady. Judge C. H. Bel
linger wui appointed to the place.
Hox. George Bancroft, the historian au
therand diplomat, died in the city of Wash
ington last Saturday at 3:40 p. u. Hi re
mini were interred In Worcester, Massa
chusetts, on the 20th.
"Sakdv', Olds will bej given a new
trial and a change of venue. Judge
Ktearn announced his decision to that
ffeot Tnvaday, and designated Wanhing
toa county oh the place for the next trial.
Kiwi Kalakwi', of the Hawaian
Inlands died in San FraueiNco taut Tues
day. Ills romains will be eonsignod to
bit native land on the United States
flagship Charleston.
,ivnK j!,0-0J,K
Jmltiv Mclilium'H l.i'llcr litHniiiiiii".ul
Insr Tliut Aniniiiil.
OiitcooN Cm
.liitt. 14, 1N1,
Hon, Peter I'atptrt, Salem.
IVai Sli'i I wrote jott Ibis inoiiilng en
closi ij description of mini to pot In nur
bill lor l oad from Huker's Kerry to Kugle
Creek. I'll ihinUng over thin matter and
rvuienilM ting that you told me ou thought
of asklnn Ibv f.MVKl for Unit purpose, I con
clude In cull your nt tout Ion to muio fuels
which I lliinlv will convince you that IWsXi
la ultogether luadivpiato to make, a good
tviul, Tim distance I about seven uutl a
bull or eight miles, and nil hut nUmt one
tulle of it will bo through heavy timber,
i The probability 1 that we would use tht
present county road from near the present
crossing of liecpCieok to K.ngle Creek along
whl. h only iilHiut one-third of the sixty
feel in width Is cleared of limber, which you
know Is dense over moat of the way. To
clear till' this timber and get the slumps
ami roots out of the way so as tooommence
grading and graveling the road bed, would
cost In the neighborhood of liot) ier acre,
Kroni the entl ol the bridge to Peep Creek,
about four uud one half miles- the exact
distance, hy survey made by II. II. John
son, county Mirwyor, in IW, lielng four
miles, forty. nine chain and twenty-seven
links, being all through heavy tlniUr nd
ivt iii'liig heavy grading along steep bll
idc. The area ot the sixty feet wide strip
for the road on thia end would bn 'Jtl.lll
uctva ami I bo urea ,of the atrip lor road
from lleep Crock to edge of Kosler prnirie,
would he about acres, two thirds of
which is 1 1, k lucre: uddinir the '.'.Mil acres
to this 11.10 a res give II..VI acres ot
heavily timbered laud to l cleared More
the aciu.d procuring of the road bod cun
begin, and thia clearing at $101 per ucre
laud it would cust him tit thai much) would to ft, 'Ml. In my Judgment you
ought to ask Tor not le than I0,0tifor
this woik. This may seem a lurgo sum to
expend on a wagon roud of this length,
but, us you have Indicated, this I an Im
portant link in a line ol trn.el through our
county Ulwecli the easleru uud western
ljriioiis of our st.ite. Willi thi proposed
roud madu ihr.mgli tiie pass down the
Chti'kuiinia river the distance would be
materially shortened and a good level roud
over which heavy loans could be hauled or
rapid transit with a light rig tould he made
would be substituted for the muds HO laid
across U' bills and deep ruxitic over which
travel is si ov and didicidt.
Previous ui thti building of the railroad
down the Columbia, there was consideiuble
travel by laud through the Columbia goige
over what was known as thcl'oliituhia tiail
An appio,ri.ition iniule by the slate, which
considering the t'evelupuicnt of our resour
ces anil our small population ut that time
must be considered as liberal, wasexpeuded
in opening a wagon road by that route, and
this improvement although not carried to
completion, did lUillh leiilly oi en up the
route to admit the passage of team and
wagons. Hut, In our eagerness to secure
a railroad down (bo Columbia river, the O,
K, ifc S. Co. was permitted to destroy Ibis
Improvement made at considerable cost to
the state, and this travel bv teams or on
horseback by this mute came to an uud
Hut the cxorhituitt rales on teams, wag
no and livestock, chart ed by the company
w hich controlled not only the railroad, but
also the river tralllc, drove many to evade
it by crossing the mountain over the liar
low route. This travel through our county
by residents of neurlv all the northern
counties of our stute bus al
ways been considerable ever since
the opening of the Harlow mute In
IMS by that pioneer of our county and
stute, S. K. M.iilow. Augmented by the
travel diverted Iroiu the route through the
Columbia gorge ul the time, and ever since
the destruction of ihv Columbia trail by the
railroad company, and increasing with the
growth of our stute lu population, this
travel through our county iiuKse an ever
increasing burden on the people of our
county to keep In repair our roads and
As you have intimated, it would seem to
be only fair that the slate should help us
toopen up this promised road, which is di
re.'tly in Hue of the git-ater part of tin travel
by residents of the counties west of the
Willamette wlincro.-.s our free bridge atOr-
egon City, ami puss eustwiud along our
county roads to the Harlow route over the
moiintainsto counties cast of them; and by
the sume route residents of the eastern
counties pass tr im their homes with their
teams und bunds of loose slock to the conn
ties west of the Willamette.
Hoping that you may succeed In Rotting
this appropriation to enable us to build this
roud, I remain very truly your.
John W. Matniu.-M.
Ilk it lid
Aruu id tin; Hals
Mnto Capllol.
of The
By Thi Kntkrpris Special Correipnuilent
Sai.ku, Jan. 22. After the adjourn
liicnt the middle of last week, the niein
bera ol the legwhiture returned on Mon
day in good shape for the lurgo amount
of work made ready by the Mute printer
during the reces, and hud it not been
for the death of Senator Kasthuiu, in
respect to whose memory both houses
adjourned on Tuend iy 11.1011 for the pur
pose ol unending lim limeriil in a imtiy,
and for the oleoliun of u United State
senator, which ulm occurred on 1'ueH-
diiy, the week would lmve shown a largo
amount ol work uccompiiHiieu. ah n is
the legislature has settleil down to steady
business) and is fiirely organized with its
full quota oi comuiittecH und clerks.
1 lie usual number ol mils is Deing in
troduced, there being on the calonder
in the house Tuesday night l'J.i and in
the senate 1 II). Among the hills intro
duced, w hich me of special interest to
Clackamas county, wus tbo Oregon t.ity
charter bill, which wus introduced in
the Benale by Henator ('runs. It is in
tended to provide an entirely new
charter for Oregon City, the provisions
of which are intended lo remedy glaring
elfects found in the present charter. It
will no doubt he ot interest to iniinv ol
your renders to learn tliui under its pro
visions the present boundaries of the
city are In remain unchanged, ily the
way, Kenator Cross is accredited by lite
sonators generally with having been
largely Instrumental in uiving monuy to
the atnte by the introduction ol his reso
lution fixing the per diem ui clerks at.
'i and restricting the number.
Two years ago quite u number of un
necessary clerks are sui.i to lmve been
employed und the resolution had the
effect of cutting down of iiiiiiecessiry
help. Mr, Cross also bus the honor of
introducing a bill to abolish the stain
horticultural boiird. The only work of
this hoard during the past two years
BeeuiH to have been conllned to the
members drawing their salaries' with
punctitous regularity.
In the bouse, Representiilive I 'liquet
holds a responsible place as chairman of
the Ways and Means committee.
Senator Veateh. of Lane county, lust
Tuesday, introduced a hill lo reduce lock
charges nt Oregon City.
Un Tuesday both houses voten on
United States Senator, und Hon. J. II.
Mitchell received Hie unanimous repub
lican siippoit On Wednesday in joint
convention, after the reading ol Hie
journals of both houses, he was declared
elected United Slates Senator for the
omniing six ycurs.
M. Moody, of Mohilla, is acting us
cleikoltliH ways and Mentis couitnittee
in the liniie.
A. W . IWid bus been cIiohui nwltdiint
L t-Hii'U of tlm set itle eniniiiitti'u on Huud.
'mid IligiiwuvH,
i Minx II . 11. Mi Cow n Is clink of the
i rttouiUi I'oiinnl'tcpiiii KleclluiiH.
! .'l'lm Hlnlo Tiiinpi'iaiico Alllniico on
ITuoHdity wuii prodded over by Hev. C,
i 0. Huieiiiiiii.
I Tlm following pomotiM Iroin Oregon
i I'itv wiu'K iiii'ieillted with lufiletitlnl tu
tlm convention ; C, ('. lliwenmu, II, K.
Ci'ohh, Minn Helen Met own, and Mim
l.otta llitirtl.
Jiidgn Moltlniin citiiit' iii nit Wi'dni'K
day iiioi iiIiik'k train, ami wii an Inti'i
I'Kt'cd Kiitvtiilor nl llio sessions on
New l'locetltire In t'onslileitttloit of
Contest l tiller Hit' lnA
A bill in enuliv was tiled in Hie
I'tiiled States circuit court at Taconm,
on Hie Dtli lust, by W. Scott llnebii, ol
1'oi thind, Or., titlorney for W. N. Chap-
....., I,,,.l..l, u nitve neneedllt It III tllll
111111 , it. w. , ,.,s, n v. ....... -----
eonsitlorrttion ol la.ul contests under the
Unitetl S'aiea land law. Hie case l i
brief ia this : Oil the Mill duv ot August,
lH,s;i, William Klyiiu mado pr.)uf heioiu
the register ami receiver of the United
Stales liuidoHico ut Vancouver, Wash.,
in support of bis claim to a quarter oi
miction l- township I), range 6 west, un
der tbu timber and doert land act.
In January, lain, lie told the land in
question to W. H. Chapman, assigning
to lilin the receiver Until teceipt, ami
on ll,.i Mill ilav of
.u,.. vur iriiva a wurruntv deed Iberelo.
On the J7th ol October, Bernard Klein -
del applied to J. I. tleogheu, register,
and Scott Swetlund, receiver, lo pur
chase the same tract miner i no same uci,
and those olhuials entertained the
aotilication and annolnlcd the l'.'tll day
ol J annul v for tiie pm pore of taking
testiinotiv ut lo the final proof of
Kleiudel. On the 21 of January notice
was served upon Chapman, citing him
10 appear before the ulllclul named ot
aliow rausa why (lie entry of Flynn
should not be ran re ltd A bill In
equity wu Hied instated, selling forth
these facta, and applying 'u Judge
llaniford for a teuipoiary Injunction lo
restrain Klulnbel (rom offering proof,
and the olllcala of the land department
from taking proof, and the court Issued
the order in accordance with this prayer
totting the Idth day of February, lHtil,
as the day upon which the bearing upon
the merits of the case thoultl be given
in Tiicoina
This is a new action in land reset and
one that lias never before been entered,
ami if carried to a successful issue will
discourage the contest of land entered
under the timlvor act. The attorney for
Chapman holds that the I'niied Slate
hind olhee hu no right to aecept an
entry upon land (or which Una! receipt
has i n't-1 1 sot aside by a United State
court, either upon tlm' grounds of fraud
or otherwise. It y the onler of Judge
llaniford the olllcer of the land depart
ment ere debarred from fiitlber action
in the matter until the court bus dually
passed upon it.
Petroleum DUroverles.
Hubbard and Woodhttrn are on the
tip of expectancy say the Itiden
dent, on account of the uppoed petro
leum discoveries, Several month ago
K, K. Ucven dug a well for II I. Mill,
who Uvea two mile east of Hubbard.
Mr. llevens. on returning to bit work
one morning, found an Immense
quantity of oil on top of the water. A
thorough examination allowed that the
011 waa several Incbei thick and flowed
abundantly. A sample waa aent to
Sun Francisco and wat pronounced to
bo of the very best of petroleum. A
company waa aecretelv organised to
develop the proecl and their agent
are bonding all the property in thi part
of the country . An expert Irom renn
aylvania has traced the oil through 1 lu li
bit rd and claim that its fountain It on
the farm of Nick Miller, a mile north
of this city. A representative of this
paper exaieined the Und on Mr. Mil
lers place. The ewanipy ground for
eeveral hundred yard it covered with
plainly discernible oil. The company
li bonded Mr. Miller'! farm and it it
said will immediately commence drilling
there and on the farm of Mr. M.ll. A
thorough examination wil be made
next week by a reporter and a long arti
cle will be the result.
Advertised Utter.
The following ia a list of letters re
maining in the post otllce at Oregon City,
January H, 1H.
S. Austin, II. V Ilredin, V. I.. Ilccker
Constant Untitle, llerrin Valentine
Hohender, John liaker, K. Bovd, Sophie
llaigfeld.O. i. Carlson, J. 'V. Doty.
Joseph Dumas, Hev. K. Foster, Mrs A.
H. Fraser lonard Fowler, Dan Frailer,
(leorge Cirabby, Charles tiail, M. F.
Ilugatrotn, Henry Ileilman A. K. Hibner
Willis Hibner, Messrs. Johnson A Co.
William Johnson, Mollie Krigharm,
Tom Lambert, John Uiea, A. Likewise,
Mrs. Jennie Milium, Mr. Annie Menll
(ii) (ieorge W. Myre, A. (i. Mnndull,
Henry Moore, Miss M. B. May, Tom
Mctiubbina, John Myers, lllar Newman
M. R. Nol le W. Newstalt, Oregon City
Nursory, Fred Phillips, Oeo Patterson,
Clarcy Paucliard Miss l.ydia Potter, Mrs
Clara Kthie,lovi llivey, FrankiHeed,
Walter C. Kodor, W. It. Koberts, Frank
Hay, Fury II. Hose, Mary 8. Kose,
Josepha Sellwootl, C. A. Sawyer, J. W.
Stewart, Mrs, Kmtly Smith I.awrenct
Sadler, Miss Lottie Mrs. (ieorgini
Tlioimig, Mrs. J. Tingle, (ioorgo Fliomp-
son, Josnph Taxeer, I). P. Wilson, ti.
T. Willitiiiif. Jamet Smith, L. L,
Smith, Jessie Stevens, V.. J. Vanlie,
Daniel illiams.
When callod for please say when ad
vertised. K. M. Hands
Acting P. M,
A Used Field.
The road to Oregon City on the east
fti luoftho Willamette is said to be
almost impassable. This route presents
a line lit'M for un electric or motor rail
way. A railway along the east bank of
tho Willamette to Oregon City would
pay from the start, as it would touch a
number of ibe thriving towns, including
Midway. Sollwood, Willnburg, Milwutikit
uud Clackamas. It is very probable
Hint a suburban railway will be extended
through these towns this year; at least
the project will be under way by the
close of the year, says the Oregonian.
The subject tukon up by the Oregonian
has long been a general topic of conver
sation among residents ot this place and
steps looking to its construction have
already been taken. The completion
mid operation of such a line is eagetly
looked foreward to by everyone.
A Book to Buy. Wobster's Interna
tional Dictionary. This now book is the
authentic "Unabridged" thoroughly re
vised und enlarged under tho supervis
ion of Nonh Porter, D. D., LL. D., of
Yule University. Editorial work on the
revision hits been in active progress for
over ten years, and moro than a hun
dred paid literary workers have been
engaged upon it". Tho stun expended
in its preparation before the flrBt copy
was printed exceeded fllOO.OOO. This
work, well used in a family, will bo of
more yiiluo to tho members thereof
than many timcH its cost laid ut) in
"There is little in woman's advice, vet
he that won't take it is not overwise,"
aiivs Ccrvniila. The nroverb is moat
aptly illustrated in the following item:.
During tho tall ot iHSi', wlilte my
daughter was teaching in tho country
near henr, she contracted a severe cold
and cough. I sent her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and the ell'ect
was so satisfactory that on her recom
mendation the entire neighborhood be
gun its nso, and with the most satisfac
tory results, which has continued with
increasing: conlidence ever since. J. H.
Heinhurt, druggist, Alton, Kansas. fiO
cent bullies for sale by Geo, A, Harding.
l'tomin troubled with rliuttnmliaiH
should mad Iho billowing from Mia. N .
M I'iiIum, ol Kit hi Doi Molnua, lowu.
HIioauyN! I had Hiill'oitid with rlitmiim
tlam tliu greater pan of tin) Hint) lor
no illy soveil yeiil. I doctored grenl
leillor It Willi physician und tiled
oh ctrlti ludls, patent inedicliics and al
ub'tl uvi'i yililng Unit huh leMuinii'nih' I
pic tlifilluiiiittit. Klnully a nnlglitior n I
,'leUtl Hie U li V (.'lianibeil.iin' I'liln Hill-
am und was so sum that It would help
mo that I Procured a liuttlu, It (ltd help
ui", right (rum tint start ; but It took Hvo
oO cent bottle (0 cure inn, o you run how bad I wu ) two liotllu will
urwtkiiy iinllnary euaa " Knr aule by
i loo. A, Harding, ilruggist,
The ablest physician of the present
; ,iH tecogniit catarrh ut il blood clis.mse
w liiidi aggravate the miieii siirliici-l.
M ioro' Heveuled Kemedy purllles the
' bliKit!, restore health to the alluded
niotiibrane, alopa intensive it aciiurgea
uud corrects the bituilb, ioi sale hy
all ilriiggista.
He Vniir Own Maslcr.
Kew people appreciate how much
ihnlr Impression, their whim and Im
pulses, and III fact all their mental en
ergy depends on the harmonious action
of all the vital organs, A pnly di
ce ited dinner may make one quiirrel
nub a friend, A congested lover miiv
bring imaginary gloom ami trouble Into
the sunniest duv, A rheumatic puln
inuv keep you from bushiest or work
: lMjIlcv A few doaeN of Moore 'l He
1 ve,le't Itemedy will give tone to every
i lumtlon and make you enjoy join i
j Irieiula and and
From the place of Fugene Woodward,
near Springivatur, two cows'.' One cow
is a dark red with ouu horn broken oil',
is of medium site and about live or six
vctrsold. The other it light red with
Kilt horn turned aero her forehead,
right burn turned straight Into the tem
idn with the end sawed oil'; is low and
heavy et and alxmt eight years old. A
liU-rai reward will be paid for informa
tion leading to their recovery,
TimiltH LAND, ACT Jt'Nk 1, 178.
Wl l 11 I'Olt I'l III.H'ATIO.
I'sitsi) Statbs l.isii Orric,
oksiiu Citv, or., Ixo. II, 1M.
Nolle li liardiy lvn Hist In t'otnpllatiee
w.lli Hi pmiltlnu ol Hi et ol Cmire of
J niie . I,S, tailtltd "An et (nr Ihs l ul
lliutKr Isinli lu Hi il! ul t'alllnila, Or
na, Sv,nil Waaliliiitun Trrl(urv,"
Jamas I. Ilaiart
ol Kmt PorlUud, ruiinlv nl Mullnnniah, lliile
ui Orenu, lu lid tlay Sled lu this uiliea Inn ;
n urn 1iiiiiiii No. --t"5. lor lb purctiM"t
Hit t, n w lt Mi 1 and ) ul onion No. It, i
In linihlp No. 4 aouili, rii A I will ltr proof lo ihow llial In l..d
. .ii.lil I titer valiiabl lur In llnitMr or t,ino
lit tu tor Mrleiiliural ptirputas, attii lo mUIi1InIi
lit claim tu aid lud ts'tora tb raslnter and
rvtirol IliU cm at Oran I'liy, Orr(,ui,
vit rrliUy. Hi IOOi day at April, lsvl.
kit imttiM wiitMne; Krvla Pui"un ol
Kti Piirtlii,1, MiilliniiDith eutiuiy. luritoii
Autlrw M,ru, ul Katl I'urlUml, Mulliiuit.ali
co'iuiy, Orffiui, Aiiiiii faul ol Wail Portland,
M illRiiiuali eiiutiir, ()rn.iii, Usury Wauan,
ol Waal Purllauil, alullBiiiuah couuly, Ornuu.
Any ami all inrnni- olatmtui .vrly thi.
ahj tliKcrllKxl Uiiili r rt iiuartnl in Mlu
ihtlr cliia lu Ihu oillrt on or htltir altl lota
day ol April. sl, J. T. Arraaxis,
I 'is; il Kiilr.
J. II. WAY(, Ifroiflelor. ,
Orecoa Clry, Or., 0pp. Mr. Barm liter's "tore
Decker arid Fischer
A full (Kk of Vielint. Banjo, (initars,
EM., and iantrttnent Kenerully
ftiind In a Hrat-clas store.
For tie beaefit of tioas wlie cannot
tpare tht raili I will tall Koodaon the
Instalment Flan,
United Hack,
Truck and Livery
W. 11. Cooke, Manager.
Comer Fourth ami Main Streetw,
of tliH City. Kin of any Uuaoription
(urniHlind on aliort notiuii.
All kinil of Trui'lc unit IVilivery Busi
nec ptomptly uttemlod to.
Ilorapt Tlosrilml anil Knit on reason
able term.
rnllf AbrMrt with tht Tim.
for tht Ftmlly, Snhool, or Profewlon! Library.
Tfca Aatkratl WiWi Vnw
Vrldartd DiatlOBurr, eoaiprltlB th
Imm ol l6il, "18 it '84, ooprrlgkud
props rty f tk lUidaraicnwL, ia mow
Thorom;klf tUtittd til nlmr(d,
ad u tUHlanltkiag title, btam
th mua of WiWi IaUrns
tlomad Dlttioaarjr.
Editorial wtrk apoa tkit vtrlaioa
kaa bta la sotlv progrtta far erar
Tta Ttar. Hat laaa tkaa Oaa Hon
djrad paid adltorlol laborara hra - m a a I r Tl
praparatlaa Vtfara tka Snt eopr .
waaprlataaV I
Orltieal Maaarlu vita aar otliar 1
Diotloaary la lmTltad. Oat tha Beat.
O. O. MEBMAM CO., FablUhcre,
flprinalUld, Xau.. V. I. A.
Sold bjr til BookMlltn. llluauat4iampblifrtt.
Cheapest : in : the : city
Onlci'H from the country promptly fillm!.
148 Third Street, Portland.
Tlu most carcfiilly Hclocted jiroportios in tlioCity or County
For Sale
No. 1, 1(10 acTi'H, 2 miles: from
Cunliy, on 8. 1'. It. H Htilonditl
level lutnl, flno saw timber, 2.r
nci'i'g eultiviitiMl, good frnmo
house, W,'M
No. 2. 1(10 acre on H. 1. It. U.
Il niili'H from Oregon City, f.'t,2tX).
No. .'. K( ) tieres, open level brush
liuul, 4 tu ilcB east oft Imgon City,
1 mile from CluckiuiiiiH river
1,000 on time.
No. 4. 10 acres joining Clacka
mus Heights on the south, Hourly
level, eiin bo Kohl in lutu lltul
blocks, l,2.r)0.
No. 5. 225 acres, mileniliil farm
on Clear (.'reek, (1 miles cast of
No. 7.-- 7 lots in West Side addition, lots !!, 4, 5, fl, 7. 8, block 100
I lots, 1, 2, (i, 7, K, block 151, all of block 20, Main street, all of block 145
! Oregon City. One fine lot in Kclhvood.
I No. 8. 30 acres in "Clackamas Fruit Lands" all In cultivation.
I Finest peach land in the world, price 200 per acre. My peach orchard
netted f 2(X) an acre this year.
Will exchange No's. 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, for any good city projicrty in valley
! towns. For terms and particulars apply to
! H. E. CROSS, Oregon City.
Have the Finest Lot of Fancy
Etc., ever put before the people of
Clackamas county, and at prices to
suit the times. Call and See us be
fore purchasing.
We Have a full selected stock of
lir tils, at Prices to Slit
Tho " McKinloy Bill" does not affect tho prices with us,
except to sell cheaper than ever before. Our motto is,
ICS and LABORERS " Come and see that what wo say is
true, and no nonsense.
ttT The finest selection of GROCERIES in the City.
Citrons, Currants, and Raisins of new crop, at lowest price.
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
.4.5ii..ei(4(S 1
Everything in the line of Shoes, from the most tiny Infant's Kac
to the heaviest kind of Logger's Shoes. Our Mr. MeKittrick hat just
returned from the Eautern MarkctB, and has loaded us down withall
mannor of Shoes. Call on us, and wo will guarantee to give you the
hest possible shoe for the least possible money. Ct me and, look us
over, and if you don't buy you won't offend us one bit.
Next Door to Tost Office, Oregon City, Oregon.
Call and Examine
fwel'.li and Main 8t Ortijon
The Leading hotographer of
Near Morrison.
Oregon City, 100 acroH in culti
vation, r0 acres to break, new
frame house, new bam, fine wat
er, beat soil, ooil neihlKirhooil,
Hfhool, etc., price if (1,700, on time.
No, (5 313 acres in Hpringwater,
tho lii'Ht all round Block fur in in
Clack amait county, level land,
1(10 acres in lino cultivation, 7
uorcB orchard, good house, two
lino frame burns, thousands of
Bcrea of out range, water every
where, 45 head cattle, liorkshire
ltogH, !!0 ton hay, 500 bushei oats,
wheat, vegetables, horses, wag
ons and farming implements, al
together nt $25 per acre on time.
We are Showing this
week the Latest Novel
ties in Satines, Dress
Goods and White Goods,
Also in Embroideries.
Store, '
Mayer & Ackerman, Props.
Of All Designs, 1'rom the Smallest
CJbfildL'fc OlxoLlr
To the Largest
Arm CbaJ.r.
l'utt'iit liockiiifT Chnirrf of ncut nnd noldiy -sip.tiH; l'ci fn.
rated and Wood-scat ('liairn; Fancy llci-d find Cant--woat
and buck Dining and Library Cbaiix.
Wo also carry a conijilttto lint! of Mattresses Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; J5ox and Top mado to order. Woven
wire, two and thrco-tily, of all sizes; liedsteads, J.outif'os,
Cots, Ktc, Etc. h
Warren cfic XiKolinmii.
Succi'Morii to Itrownnville Woolen Mills Cornj.any,
Lot No. 7000.
Mflii'n 0:ay Tweed
Mcu'r Check Tweed Hnlla . .
M "' l'laiil Cllt'Vlnl Hillla . ..
M"u' Fancy Cheviot Suit". , .
Lot No. 7010.
Meo'a It;nwit C'hevlnt Siiita. . .
Men . Drab Melton Hull .
Men', l'laiil Ciiftftlmi'ii' Hutu
Meu'a Kaiicjr Ca.Hiinere Hint
Lot No. 7020.
Men' Drown MnUon Bulla . .
Meu'a liry I'weeti nulla.
Men' Check Ca.auuere Hull
Men atrled Caaalmere Hultn
IM No. 7030.
Mrn'a Black Wonted Frock
Men Black Wor.ted Suck
Theiie joodi arc warmnti d
to he all wuol
Lot No. 7IM0.
Men' Ilrown Striped wnrvod
Vena Heavy hluu Muliuii
Men'a Hivy 1'alu cuaalmero
Uch'. Heavy Check cinnlinero
Lot. No. 7(M.
Men'a llrowu Check wonted
Men'. Fancy check caaalniere
Men', heavy atlped ca.himvre
Lot No. 1060.
Men' neat, dark cas.imerc
Men'a .Ilk mixed casalmera
Meu'a l.ncy atlk plaid cat.l-
mere lull
Men heavy striped caa.i-
mere uil
" Lot. No. 7070.
Men, Brown cheviot iiilta . . ,
Men Gray cheviot auita
Meu's Plaid CHa.lmere .ulta..
Men'a tilHCk wormed milt"
Men'a hairline striped caaal-
nure auita
Men XX Tun Tweed suita ..
Lot No "OJO.
Men' dark irray worsted aulta
Men's flue black worsted .ult
Men a fancy check worsted
Meu's blue dlnironal auita
Men's blue wide wale nulla . .
Twelve ityles fancy canslmcre
At $8.50
t 41(1
r . "
At $12.00
At .:,.( hi
At $13.50
At $14.00
At $14.50
At $15.00
f "JlilP fifi
Jl flU.UU.
J. M. Mover &
duiTosHors to BrowtiHvillo
S 'ii'luat iMaiJ
ytQTj, &CvX 117V. 4PT,
We are overstocked with this line of goods and will make
the following reductions for the next 30 days. This Sale will
for CASH only:
Meu'a.1 i', ' -i i.-'.r fine, rcgulnr (.rice. J-UO, reduced itl.lK). Mon's I.IrIu Weigh
Coats, extra fine, velvet collar, regular price ?;i SO, nedi'.ccd JJ.'.'o. Men's llenvy Weight Coats
extra qmllly, vevot collar, rcgulnr price 14,00, reduced I2.7.V Mens' Medium Weight l'o:tts, exlra.
quality, velvet collar, l-eguoir price .LOO, reduced (2,13. Misses' Klectric (.loss imers, ex'.ra fino
reiular price 1.20. reduced t." nciils. Misses' Klectric Gossamers, extra quality, regular price
2.2."i, reduced ?l,7o, Ladies' Electric GossHiners, extra fine, regtunr prico $1 i", reduced fl.00
Ladles' 11. M. Uossnmera' cxlra qiiiility, regular price f'i.CO reduced II. ".". Ladles' T. F. Gossa
mers. extra qu illty, price tl r0, reduced $1.7ii.
Renieniher this sale is foa 30 days only and is for strictly
The New Remedy, - - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured.
Within only ten montlia this truly remnrkuble medicine lias found its way
Into the verv best families, because it curko tub sick. No disease loo nnw-
a i j Bam Hxia
erlul t resist Its wonderful
for book containing full information.
IIAI.AM-S JUM-KOni? BiSI.I.l... CO..
MM iTIorriMin St., Portland, Or
Exclmlve Agents for Claclaina6 County, THOS. C1IAKMAN & son,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Ml !
mat mm
Lot No. WK0.
Men'.cxtra heavy mixeil ciss
linere vtiiu.
Four atyle In fancy clievolt
ailtts ...
T'tln'""'ywu""!d At 17.00
Lot No. M10.
(I ! Men's blnck wide HlMii'
wen h huek corkwrew
j Men's lhek corkscrew 'iiis , i i o r(
Men's fancy wiiipcnrd suits .. ipJo.UU
Lot No. SOW.
i Men's fine b'mck wonted nuts
j Men's black wide
; wales . ...
; ZmS l"""'r"i'1 "Ml''
! Twelve lyle lu fancy check
I ed wnrKiil Mil itu
At $20.00
Three shades of wide wnlcs .
Lot No.MW)
Men's Enirlish russlmcrosiilt
veivel tiuihti.
-M...X S extra he. ivy wido'
Men Nney checked worried
suits ..
.Men s fiiTicy plai.l urate I
.Meu s fancy striped worsted C'OO r
auita At frJi.-Al
OUR LOTS FKCj! 8040 TO 8080
Consisting of (rood, from fjS toUtScomprlee all
the latest novelile ul K.-iateru and Imported
flat giHids. They have been purchased for cash
and we are eu ibled to oif. r tliein ni inlly one
third less ilnu any house on the Pacific Coast.
Sacks and Frocka
Boy'i nil wool suits $4. To and upwaida
dren's all wool suits VJ and upward. ,
Meu's overcoats, extra heavy. (I. Hoy's over
coats. H.26. Children's j'.'.Sd.
Vectfera tine nf fln. Htlltf.c.l ..v...r... ..,
1 7M' ' f ,0' "'w S1"1 n-
Men's frmn t.r. co..t. i.o ..
Men's all-wool, dnuhle-bro.isted, blue flannel
shirt, made from the best Oregon wool, tnd
warranted. at SI
Extra heavy red ll'iunel underwear nt 2 per
NcKllgec shirts, rJc, fido, 7' c, SOc, ?1 and lip
We guarantee those goods in every pi-ticul;ir
and feel assured that after inspecting: oar stock
you will pronuuiu'O it the most honest and well
peieue' srneKmcne country, mi gouts marked
i prtu figures. Kvery article gnarrtmei'd.
Wuolen Mills Company,
w. 1
attacks. It cosla nothing to investigate. Send