The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, January 09, 1891, Image 3

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A lie IV 11 t e r p r I HC ' K M ,l'"11 neod with olhr
null vii tiiuiimnv Ul inn WBPH III pill
tiiK nun of th WlllttmetU Fulli
inveiitmmit Coniiwny, of wlmdi ht U
niKiuboi. KorodM tlitt ildttwulk. ut thslr
pltUe on 8ith Unset, when tli Udder
onwiueh h wm lUnding tuddeuly
dipped, throwing him headlong to lli
ttOOll taken 011 lubsOlillMoi) at. tl'U mi III. l.l,.li M...u.l 1,1...
tfoiioloni, mid luatuliiDd other Injuries.
imdiidiint upmined wrixt. lie whn
rv , i.iviiiiiiiik i.iiniiivu wnm, no whn
..'.. ?,,MM 0I"; ""V11 'Hlition it Inimmliutoly Ukon to IiIh horn under
. , MppiU'llllOU,
Send cmiy of this Week! KNTItKt-KIIC
lO VttHieril IrUMKtH.
me oiinuM ol eurgeon. where ha will
properly looked titter mid hi wound
divesed, At thi writing ha ha reimlned
oont'iounn, but i yet in very low
Tavi T .i M'oiuimon. However, m injur ee r
i.eitMt nve renin mul we will mull ! ' . i i
eunv nf iliU i,.... . . ... r i vr - "y "" wvor limy. inigm ttnve
eopy ot tlite paper to any deHireduddreM. been, and hi ninny friend expect to
u The ftikm brought down to the mill. ' '"Vm lM T" c"re rt "
Saturday from KiilniW. wL.iwV..J- 1,0 ' y huHineM trantmottoni itUn
faeks ol Hour
in k few day.
A good iod raft of log wm brought
vwu to ma nun) mm
Wednesday moming
.I....7 .i.-.. . . .. ViJ IT. , T." ."."" umr prenenteu moll mr
ii I 11 mumummu mimitum-e at the hotme of II.
K. ('rum
hint Friday. It w9 admitted all riirht
Ullll I... .....lit,... ....... 1. .........11.. I.. 1.
0. W. Fink. MoI-uH. I.,n.,.l .ol.l. n" :-."" ' " u""""" ' - "
l i ... r T 1 . r- nun i vtir inn eveui. gunvn 10 inu
. .v hv.hwh, uui iiuiicttiioim poim new girl mid may her preicnc he
to hm early reooverv. Inr.. ..i inn..u.; i.i... i ,i.. .....
Father Hillerbran has lud
oppooito Cutholio mjimre, put into good
bapi. It in nuH'h improved.
vonrce ot incutftant lutiihlna in the (aca
n4 I.... - I l- 1
the walk i wv' I'arruw ano weir nappy
The marrlaueof Mini DaiHT K. Dlller
to D. 1). Hhindler. which !" rworded
among laxt Wwdueadav'a event for Uro-
gon C'itv, taking plm e at the re-ldenre
Chrinun. beautiful money purae pre-,-- ; - ,
W. I.iicii, wan a call ocoaaion. tlia
Kecorder Johnston mado happy with
uvumniiil iHH'Uuu'lit linn wet'k, .Mrs
bchmid and Kurt Vunataufur; Oleua M.
ureu aed A, l.. I.aikinn.
Kev. Father Ilillehrand reoelvetl for
vvnteil to him by his congregation, lie
i much pleased with th memento of
their apprei'iation of hi good work.
Hugh Miller, of Fugle Creek, wa ar
rested lum wei'k by leputy Morris for
Healing some undorielotning from a Mr.
Kan l. He waa put under t;'5 bondi to
appear tie tore J nut ice tout to-day (rri-
Tan couple were united in holy wed
lock bv J'lulii e Fouta on Tuendav. Tliv
were Olona M. Orem to A. L. Larkina, fnenda he ha made. Her fortunate
betn df Clackamu county, and Mr, hnabaml 1 a on of U. Shindler, one of
I'auluie hotimidt, of thin county to Kurt l oniand extenHive furniture dealer,
You Stouten, of Louiaiaiiik. and i lo a member of the firm of O,
nee of which wiil by received with gen
eral congratulation by their many
friend in thi city and" urrounding.
The happy young bride ha been one
ol Oregon City' most popular and high
ly eateumod young society ladiea, having
been born here, and it goes without Ray
ing that her gonial companionahip, her
infatuating manner, and her kind and
noble deposition will be greatly niisHtul
lir the innumerable companion! and
Oregon City's Rep
resentative Men.
What They Are Doing, Who Thoy
Are, and Where Thoy May
. He Found.
Married In Oregon City. Oregon,
Jan 7th 18ll. at the residence of the
bride parents, lr. and Mra. J. V
Norris, bv Kev. O. VY. Lucoa, Mr, l'odd
II. Shindler of Portland, and Mina.
Daisy h, Dillor, of Oregon City.
On the alterii'xm of New Year's the
Catholic acliool enjoyed tliemaelves at a
social tendered tliem by Kev. Father
llillebrand. All had a jollv goinl time,
ana tliey will urobahlv hold long re
membrance of Father llillebrand for the
Deputy Morris wa circulating among
.MUWIaiteii a lew ilays lait.week. lie
reports farmers happv over the advent
ot sutncieut rain to permit of ttieir put'
ting in their crops, and thev are there-
tore busy. Oregon and Clackamas ccuuty
against ttie world.
D. X. Trullinger expects soon to leave
fortheSound country, whither he goes
in quest ot worn. .ir. i . is suia 10 ue a
first class mill man, and if ho does not
succeed in getting a position it wiil be
through no fault oi his ow n. Success to
him is the wiHii oi his many friends.
J. Slover, sexton of the city remetery
left last Week with his wile fur Valley
Springs, Santa Clara county, Cat., w here
he will spend a couplu of months
for the bennlit of his health. During
In absence Capt, t rit ider will have
cnarge ol the cemetery.
bo given
A Backet social will
at the lluptist church
evening January 15, hy L. 0.
Drigg's class. A short literary
program will be rendered o:ter which the
baskets will be auctioned off to the high
est bidder. Admission 10 cents
Wm. Loveridge, of Molalla, killed
thirteen hogs on New Years, which aver
aged 12) pounds earh, and were but
eight months old. This is a good Bhow
idg, but it onlv adds a finishing touch to
Mr. Loveridge's Reputation for ruising ane presperous life by all
raxi poraers, as lie is iisieo among 1110
best in the country.
Nhimllcrs A Sons, lie I at present
manager of the furniture factorv of that
Hi m at Willsbuig, and at that place the
new couple embarked on the day of
their marriage, wherp they will
make their future home Their nres-
ents wore many and valuable.
Tliu event ot the season in that neigh
borhood was the marriage of Miss F.lla
Homer, the handsome and accom
plished adopted daughter of K. M
Horner to N. M. Tracy. The beautiful
residence of the bride' parents was
tilled to its utmost rapacity with invited
guests, and precisely at 11 o'clock Miss
KHa, escorted dy Miss Anna Tracy and
Miss Same ralmatcer, aplwared at the
loot oi me suirs ami were mere met tiy
the bride' ged father, who led her to
the groom, saying, "I give into your
care ana Keeping our much respected
laughter, whereupon the Kev. I.
I'alinateer, after the form and custom of
the M. K. church, proceeded to join
tliem in marrirge. Alter rongratula
tions we over all repaiied to the dining
room ana partook ol a delightlul repast.
I lie entire community loin in wishing
tliem a long me ol happiness.
At the First I'resbvterian church, of
Oregon City, Oregon, Jan 7, 1SU1, by
itev. u. vt in. u i pony, .Mr. Horace Wil
liams and Mis Dora May. The parties
ol this holy contract are widely known
throughout the county, the bride being
the daughter of Wiley Mat. one of our
old timers, i hey Intend to make Ore
gon City their permanent home, which
news will be happily received by their
host of many friends and acquaintances.
After the ceremonies thev were socially
spending the evening with Mr. Kates and
wile when they were treated to tinnan
and dinner horn music by the boy I. A
box of cigar followed, tho"usual con
gratulations were extended and the
hi u!e and groom were wished a happy
There is claimed lo be living in Lac
-Qui Parle county, Minnesota, the oldest
married couple in the world in the per
son ol Mr. and Mrs. i'amel Salisbury
Mr. 8. has just celebrated his 103rd
birthday and hi wife lacks but a week
of being 101 years old, and they have
been married 80 years. The couple cer
tainly deserve to live nnd attend the
World' fair.
Tus rosU-na lion of J. M. llacon as post
master of this place w as sent in last Monday
and accepted. Insoctor Monroe, of fort
land, came in on Tuesday, and tound the
accounts of the ofllce all right. K. M
Sands is acting as postmaiter until the ap
pointment ot Mr. bacon's successor takes
The steamer Champion, Capt. Miles
Ball, lunk Wednesday morning while
on her down trip from Wheatland. She
was loaded w ith 2,000 sacks of wheat and
went down opposite Lambert, bar in
six feet of water. The cargo wa saved
and uninjured, but it is probable that
th old boat will come out of the disaster
with a broken back, and will be placed
. among her many discarded sisters who
erveil tiieir purpose long since and are
now lying forsaken and forgotlon in the
Portland bone-yard.
J. M. Mover A Co., corner of First and
Morrison, Portland, gent furnishers,
are before the public this week with an
advertisement. It is useless to intro
duce this firm to the people of this
ountry, as their reputation is already
very extensively spread. They manu
facture their own woolen and cassimers,
which permits them to handlo goods
they know to be reliable nnd sell the
same at prices that defies competition,
It is a reliable house in every respect
and one you can depend upon.
ine Manxaneuo was at Salem again
yesteruay ana leit shortly alter noon for
Oregon Citv, haying gone up to the
Willamette Pulp company's logging
lieadrjuarterson the Maiitiam and taken
in tow a large raft of cotton wood logs
Ihcse logs are to ho manufactured into
paper ot Oregon City, and in this towing
service uapt. Smith will be engaged
with the Mnnzanello this season, hand
ling all freight tendered him as he makes
the trip up the river and down. This
teamer will make about two round trips
weekly making landings at Salem going
each way. Statesman.
A local camp of the Modern Woodmen
of the World will be organized in the
Odd Fellows Hall, this city, on Satur
diy night, and Mr. W. A. Ram pi in, of
Portland, special deputy had consul of
that order, will be present to conduct
t le organization. Considerable interest
1 manifested among the business men
concerning the new lodge, and we believe
it will have a large membership. Those
who are desirous of becoming charter
anembers should not fail to he present
Saturday night. It is stricllv a bene
ficiary fraternity, and inquiry'has led us
to believe that it is much above the aver
age. S. W. Hardesty, of Molalla Corners,
has disponed of his store to Levi Robbing
A Son. Mr. Hardesty will hereafter do
Tote his attention to hi store at Needy,
where he is well known and where he
has many friends and a large patronage.
Mr. Robbing needs no introduction, es
pecially to- the older residents of Clack
amas county, a for many years he has
been one of its prominent residents. His
on, who will soon arrive from Cor
yallis will have the business manage
ment of the store, which is sufficient ns
surance that it will guiB popularity. Tub
Kntebphihb wishes both the new and old .
firm unlimited success.
Iulsallntlon of Meade Post, (1, A. It.
and W. It. ('.
The public installation of officer of
Meade Post No. 2, U. A. It., and
Meade Relief Corps, No. 18, held at the
residence of G. A. Harding last Friday
evening, wa witnessed by a Urge nu n-
he r of citizens. The ceremonies of the
post installation were performed by Post
Commander C. ii. Paucity. In an ap
propriate and impre-wive manner. install
ing the following otticers for tne ensuing
term: lommanuer, u. A. naming; sen
ior vice commander, W. W. Wan ten
paugh ; junior vice commander, Wil
liain Russell; adjutant, S. II. Calilf:
quartormaster, 11. J. Harding ; chaplain,
U. Hoherg; surgeon, K. vYieliain; in
sido guard, Theodore Heurth.
In the relief corps, Mr. Kllis, of For
est Grove, acting as installing oiticor,
the lollowing olhcers Were installed
President, Mrs. m, A. Stuart: senior
vice-president, Mrs M. M. Charmtn:
junior vice-president, Mrs. A. Larkins;
chaplain, Mrs. M. J. W'attenpaugh ;
treasurer; Mrs. F. L. Cochrane secre
tary, Mrs. J. B. Harding; conductor,
Mrs. M. M. Miller; guard. Mrs. Ricks
Hoberg; assistant conductor: Mrs. K.
I1 . Watson .
At the close of the ceremonies 8. B.
Califl' was given a happy surprise in the
form of a gold-headed cane, presented
to him by Mr. P. Colbert, a member of
Captain Califf's command, while doing
detached duty in iexas. 1 ho presenta1
tion of the memento was an occasslon
not soon to be forgotton, by either the
two old veterans themselves or their
comrades and friends who witnessed
it. Commander (i. A. Harding was
not a little non-pluseil when he was
called upon to accept , a nciit souvenir
presented him bv the post in memory
of the good service he has rendered our
country and the prominent part ho has
taken in the success of the post. It was
an elegant badge, upon the face of
which was inscribed "(i. A. Harding,
presented by Mead Post, G. A it." anil
upon the opposite side was the date of
presentation, "January 2, 18111", Other
attractions of the evening, including a
recitation) by Kupt. Alex. Thomson,
solo by Mrs. M. A. Strntton, singing bv
the choir, instrumental music furnished
by the Willamette Silver Bund, made
it an occassion not to he forgotton. '
Of the business house in Oregon Citv
and Clackamu county there Is none
deserving ol more liberal mention or are
entitled to more popular patronage than
the tlrin doing business under the above
name. Their ia a furniture and under
taking establishment, Push, energv.
reliability have been their watchwords,
and hy a close adhorance to them in all
business transaction thev havn built
their way into an enviable natronaire.
They carry one of the most complete and
unsiantiai tines ot luriilture to tw found
In the West, ami in saving thi we era
but staling a recognised' fact. In oiiit
"i variety ana elegance their tock
seldom surpassed. They have recently
added to aud greatly Improved their tin
dertaklng parlor over the bank
and in that line tliey are now able to
accommodate even the most particular
A visit to their (tore on Mum street w
give you an opportunity of seeing w hat
w nave attempted to illustrate.
This firm has only been doing business
ia Oregon City a year or so; hut has
built up a splendid trade. Thi ha
been brought about bv fair dealing with
the best gradea, and freshest lines of
groceries and provisions. F.vervlhing
the market atlorda will he found in lis
season t the illiam stand. The lb m
takes special pride in importing extra
tin r.asiern tahle goods. Nothing in
the line of edibles escape the attentive
eves of this firm. All goods can he
counted on represented. It Is con
sidered one of the best and most satis-
taelory places at which lo trade In the
whole city A lnire of the public pa
tronage I solicited nd will lie worthily
Till factory Is owned hy 8, B. Citllli"
A Sons, aid Is slUuiled on Main si reel,
between 11! 1 1 1 and 1,'lth, it. Is one of out'
numt enterprising linns and employs u
number ot men the year around. Thev
do all kinds of liiilshlng work, ns well
as sash, doors, blinds, hraeketH ami
scroll works, If you me building a good
holism or factory you cannot do boltur
than to make them u visit and secure
their lirlces. All kinds of work done
on short notice and estlmales f m il i-iluul
on application.
"U. II. Bestow" greets you on the
sign at the foot of Main street near
Twelfth. Air, U H, lleslow, the propri
etor, Is a young iniin anil talcs great
pride in doing hi work well. Hash and
doors, mouldings, scroll sawing, and all
kinds ol turned work are his specialties,
Gront Redaction In Millinery.
From this date for thirty days my en
tire stock of hats and fancy feathers will
lie sold at actual cost. I have some elo
gantly trimmed hats, including French
felts and other varieties, which are in
cluded in the reduction, and .which will
not be reserved. Call early while the
assortment is large.
Miss N. Watts, Oregon Cily.
A New Book Store.
As soon as E. O. Canfleld vacates the
building now occupiod bv him a a
drugstore it will lie roaranged, and
placed in first-class condition for a book
store which will be conducted by Mossrs
Canfleld and Huntly. which firm will
eonsist of E. G. Canfleld, the drngghrt
and Mr. C. G. Huntley, who has been
prescription clerk for him for aeveral
months past. It Is the purpose of the
new firm tocondnctaflrst-classbook and
stationery business In connection with
which they will have a new stand with
all the latest periodicals, novels, etc.
Subscription will be received by them
for any newspaper or periodical pub
lished. We bespeak for them a liberal
share of the public patronage and from
our knowledge of the firm, can assure
the public of fair and courteous treat
Our city is proud of It Iron foundry.
Under the proprietorship and manage
ment of Messrs, Kuake & Piosser, this is
one of the many institutions that have
nourished and prospered In (begon City,
Not many years since it was of no im
portance whatever, and was classed
among the "one-horse" concerns of the
town. But under careful management,
good workmanship, squaie dealing and
genuine enegy, it has grown to such
magnitude a throws credit on both the
county and city. They now employ
about a half a dozen men, and by large
additions to their buildings and machin
ery the past season they are now pre
pared lo keep abreast and successlullv
compete with Portland. They are re
ceiving the largo patronage that is so
jiisuy uiic mem und thev greatly ap
preciaie me generosity oi tne puoiic.
The Weston Brothers are utilizing the
hazel which grow so large and adund
ant on our hillsides. In making rustic
chairs, and their Hilcces is very llattci-
ing They make a very nice and durable
chair, and the demands of their custom
ers quite frequently overreaches the ca
pacity ot their establishment. Their
success shows now those with Ingenuity
and enterprise can mako that which is
appacently useless a means of useful em
ployment and successful businesa.
( onsiderahle credit is due the enter
prise ami rustle of the blacksmith's and
undertaking establishment of the (inn
above named, located at the corner of
Main and Fifth streets. Mr. Scripture
is a good blacksmith, having sole eharire
of the department, and is well equipped
for til work in thi line. Mr. Wineset is
an old experienced undertaker, and tbeii
stock of undertaking goods is quite com
plete. They are prepared to do all work
in this line on short notice, are are bound
to suit the tastes of all. Thev have
made it a specialty for some year.
Give them a call.
Thi gentleman ha many irons in the
fire, but he never get hold of the wrong
one in business. His push nd business
anility are proverbial. He does an ex
tensive lumbering business in connect
ion with the development and sale of
tne elegant Gladstone tract. This prop
erty is considered one of the finest In the
slate for suburban homes, Mr. Cross
lso handles cily property and does an
extensive low business s well, He will
be found one of the most obligimr of
gentlemen in hi dealings with customers.
ST. John's school.
This school established several years
ugo, ii dully gaining favor luiinngst our
coiiimuiiilv. It has at present seventy
scholars and during the school year,
lasting ten months, at an average from
lit) to 70 scholais. The teaching body
consist of the lector ol St, John's
church, Kev, A. llillebrund, and two
Sisters of the Beuedictiiiu order, Any
one attending this school can ohlain a
good moral und sclentllie education
and thus become a good, law-abiding
cltlien. I he advantage this school
oilers to everyone without exception are
hy no means to be underrated. Besides
the ordinary, common iclmol oducution
to the attendant, the privilege Is ottered
lo study tlm German, French aud l.iuln
innguagea without any extra expense.
i ne grades ul the school have heen so
arranged as to enable the student, after
a thorough course of Instruction, to pass
eretiiianiy the most rigorous examina
tion before the county superintendent
of any county in the 'slate of Oregon,
The reason there exists such excel
lent a sehtKi! In our community, is
chiellv due to the energy and sell-snort-llcoof
our Catholic fellow-citizen ami
patron of the school, We llierelore
recommend this institution to the People
of Oregon City und vicinity,
with a capital Mlock of one million dol
mi'i, During Hm pust, your 11 hits ex
pended not lets I linn tlolUllllllnliuiirove-
uieiits, Intimately coiiui'cle.l with
Ihi'so Improvement: by the eleclilceuiii
pauy, have been those iniidn try Uio W.
T. it L.Co., it having expended' ijlll.OllO
during tnu year.
o. K. A, rilKVTAd
Make a Specialty of counlry piodii
iiimi npairs uu pains 10 gel ine inosl so
led the market iilloids,
Ho carries a cdiiipIcUi stock ol
groceries ami his house Is recognized us
one of the most substantial in the
county, He is ulwayN iiccouiinodating
ami never tires in his ellorts to gain the
good will ollhe people.
Oregon City's Leading Additions !
Oregon City ha, during the past year.
experienced snch an advance in all 'line
of businoss that the opening of the
second bnnk was demanded. The Com
mercial bank was organized to 1111 a
want, and tho business since opening
has proved the wisdom of the venture.
V. 0, Latourolle, the president, has been
a citizen of Clackamas county since child-
nood, ana is highly respected and
esteemed in this community. The
cashier, Mr. F. K. Donnelson, is a gent
leman who enjoy the confidence of all.
Liverymen. Their stable is complete In
all its appointment and first-class in
every particular. Good rigs on short
Thi company is one of tho new com
panies ot this citv. It was org;inir.e.l
luring the alter part of 1M!K) bv C. U
T, Williams, T. P. Randall and K. M.
Hands, three gentlemen well and favor
ably known throughout the county.
I hey have for Vears heen climelv idenii.
tied witli the interests of Clackamas
county and this city, mid have helped
to bring about and plumule the rapid
develop it incident to the cit and
surrounding country during the past two
years. The company have established
peiuianeiii'V. Parlies desirim.' to maU
their business with a view to its
investment or to apply for information
need not hesitate to apply to tlnslinii.
as they may he ensured not only of
square dealing but of prompt und court
eous treatment In every icspect. The
member of the lino are thoroughly lmui-
vorsaui Willi every Part id (l..,k ,
iniity and can at any time furnish
accurate information te alive r.i r-onn-
try or city and quote prices. Thev keep
thoroughly asted on the market and
in give those who deal with il
UmiWU of tlit'lr ttxtit'rititti'i-4 U ii neat i
Fulls In
vestment ( uinptmv that their lint
f land is full and include
many desirable traits which can he
nought at very reasonable prices. Their
nave sole control of those line siihnibs
Uriels, rails lew and Bolton, hesid
iiiimeroua oesiriiuie tots witlini the citv.
1 hiring the past two Vrui-M tin. f-i'in
prtny has born so thoroughly mid closely
identilied with the interests of the city
..... iv m .i.-BiTviiiK oi special mentions
iinniKs to Hie indefatigable ullorlH of
lion. r.. L. hiistham, ably assisted by
iris associates who were interested will
nun ill tne purchase of the lock and
powei at this place. It has been iiosi
nie lor llrugon City to unkn from bur
iup van ttinkloion sleep and don new
garments of prosperity nnd 111. ii'
Mr. F.ustham's Hist move after the pur-
viihto mm nurcioa. was to interest the
people ol Oregon Citv and f htebmn,.
county, in tho building of a line bridge
si Oregon city. 1 he company which he
represented, contributed liberally to the
construction of this line bridge. It has
proved a great nuhlic bennilt in
crossed by hundreds of teams and fool
passenger daily, and we would be lost
without it.
The lock company next offered ir..u
to those who would build factories here
with the additional inducement of fine
power for ten years. This oiler is still
in force and is equivalent to a cash hoiom
of many thousand dollars. The saving
in wood alone to any company of magni
tude is not less than munv tlninsiwl
dollars per year. Under this llni'ohnlf,,!
offer, numerous mills and factories have
of Wilson ,( Cook, the linn being
composed oi ftlossi it. 1), Wllsoa aud
John t ook Is among those most worthy
of mention, Mr, Wilson bus been iii
the business here for several years and
ha has heen recent v Dined hv Mr
look. It Is now a utroiig llnu ami
they have enlarged their store und are
mending carrying a large stock of
hardware, stoves, tlnwuru and shelf
goods and cutlery. They are prepared
io no uu win k ol every kind und thev
gutirnntoosulshiclioii, If ynu want to
get one hundred cents worlli of every
dollar expended go to Wilson and Cook.
Among the oldest firms doing Imsiness
In Oregon City, there ha none gained
a more enviable reputation for its all
around reliability than the aliove-iiaiiied
llri , butcher and packer. They
always keep a Urst-eliiss assortment
or tho best of fresh and cured
meats, turning out the lincst cuts. Be
sides their meat market they do
general packing and canning husisnoHS
ol no small magnitude. Their notoriety
in mis hue s not conl tied m i' v in
Clackamas county or Oiogim City but
extends abroad as well. Their hams
and cured incuts are always held at a
premium bv Port utnl dim nm who (In, I
I hem In great demand by consumer.
Oregon City is to be cmigrstululcd upon
having a Packing house and incut mar
ket ol such prominence us Is that of
Messrs Logos and Albright.
On the second piige we present an ml -vertiscnient
f the Willamette l.niul Coin,
puny, which rs composed of a few of our
leading clllneus. This company lias won
auenilulilcrnpiitulioii by Its conservative
method n lining business, which has
always Iwii on the basis of nmnll prolils
ami quick miles.
Their gt'iicroity In philtlng Inml lo
suburban homes Inis heen very marked,
while somt real estate dealers indulge in
the laimnts 'Hi lect lots, often several miles
out. The Wllliiinetto Laud Company arc
w iling the heuiitil'iil and attractive Park
I'hice, one mile und a hull' from the court
house, mid Immi-diiilely on the ruihoiid,
with lianspiirtidinii lecililics, in lots having,
from four to eight liuieslluituivu - the large'
lots Mug luecjim 1,.,-t, and ut about the
same price nii'S on easy terms. The roud
to park I'lai'D is Oregon Citv s priuclpul
driie, Is'iiiK level, m paved wllh gravel.
The conipitnv tire now engaged at it n ex
pense ol several hundred ilollurs hi huildiiig
a road of easy grade from Park Piece to
the lieaiitilul plateau of t'lm kuuuiH lleighls
overlooking many miles of the Wllluinette
and Cluvkuiiias rivers, where they ill sts.n
oiler some choice building sites at a very
low llgnre.
Among other works of the Willamette
Land Company, (incur ihe most luip'irluiit
is the planting a prune iiii'lmiil ol' several
hundred ucrcs, whic h they pmpose lo plant
and cultivate in u scientilie wuv, largely lor
their own use, Imt a purl of which they
propose to sell In small tracts on c;isy pny
merits to persons w ho desire siniill Imt side
und remunerative investments.
II WtNhhS S,i
A. It. Seliraiii keeps the only exclusive
harness shop in the city. He 'bus a large
stock, ofharness, saddles,' bridles, mlvs.clc.
and Ihe quality ol his noods entitles him to
the large tiailf he Is huvunr. Ileuses il,
only ine im-si u iuiier aud Ins harness give
llrsl-cluss satisfaction. H um n s ihn
wvll done do it yourself, bill il 'ion nr.. ii,.-
a harness maker the best wuv to gel a good
set of harness is to go to A. 11. r-brinii,
nK'icrnv anii n.tKKKY,
If there Is one institution in this citv ) .
serving of inure iiilroiiiigi that one is the
store ami bakery ot II. Harding, As to bis
groceries we eini onlv suv Hint bis slock is
complete and always fresh, hut his bukerv is
a credit to the city, Nich pustrv, includ
ing all kinds of plain and fancy cakes and
'ics is sel.l'iin biiind in a citv the site of
regon City.
1'AHIC ADDITION in tliroo block North of tho Hohool lfouse.
CENTRAL ADDITION k centni! property, and in directly Kunt of the Court Hoiine.
KAI ItMOUNT iH u choice tract of level, cleared lund, on tho Kust edge of town. Lota are Vkhy Ciikap
Turk Addition iH Mightly property. Central Additional in easily reached, and Fuirinotiiit is put on
market at lower rates than any lotH are sold for oIhuvyIioiu
For full information tiddroHH tho owner,
Second and Morrison Sts Portland, Or.
s. swa kmim j, w, oaonr.
This Is one of the ao-uheud real aslatn
firms ol the city nd county. Much prop.
Hy bus been hitmlli'd liv thuru during the
pust year. They have sold some ol the
most desiruhle suburban property In the
slide during the yeur. Thu truct known as
Mountain View IlUK liroved h honiiiiii for
buyers. The tract lies In one of lh most
khlly localities Imuiiiniiblii. 't in- Nwiiltonl
it (ii-oiit properly should he seen lo lie .
Mc'r oWN WoTltlCKSI'ooN.
This firm Is somew hat famous for hnnill
ig big things. Anvihing Iroin a section to
township ul iivricu lund i r tniilvr hind Is
meir special ucllglil
V. It. T. h, CO,
The United Hack. Truck and Mverv
Company do business in this place on an
extensive scale. Thep keep nothing but
experienced drivers, fino horses end
good vehicles, and aro always prompt in
their engagements.
cniKKH niton A CO.
Are among the live and niHtling mer
chant of our city, and their liotisn is
considered among the most substantial.
They carry a full and complete stock of
general merchandise, consisting of boots
and shoes, crockery, glassware, groceries.
etc. Try their price and goods.
Mr. Nissen'a establishment located
on Main street is one of the prosperous
business house of the city. Heretofore ho
has carried a complete stock of sewing
machines, harnesses,, saddlery, etc., hut
hereafter will carry in addition thernto
a full line of machinery, agricultural
implimentg that is not surpassed in
qualtity by no dealer in the West and
in quantity bv but very few, He will
have charge of Htaver A Walknr'
agency for thi city, which is sufficient
guarentee that no ship-shop good will
do naniaa.
oaiaoN citt aoa irons.
iwr. .neivmricK xsepi in enty ex
clusive hoot and sho home in the city.
He keep a large and well assorted
stock and guarantees satisfaction. He
pnrchssed recently in the eastern mar
ket a large line of goods which he is
prepared to sell at the lowest, living
prices. Big boots, little boots, long
boots, short boots, high boots, low
boots wide boots nnrrow hoots and every
other kinds of boots nnd foot gear of
every kind and description' constantly
on hand. Give him a call and yon will
save money and go home happy.
icatcd here and others are preinmo,
build here at an early date.
Under tho old management notbinu
iin nneni ror improvement Hint could
he avoided, and such a thing as dovelop-
oiii nw nuii-r power was nntiiotiglit of.
Under Mr. Kasthum's wise and liberal
poucy, numerous improvements have
nocn marie. During the pust season,
especially, much lias been done to im
prove the property and develop the
power. It is the intention of the lock
company to extend the breakwater from
each sido ol tho river till. its Parts con
nected with a low dam across tl IH lllllitl
channel shall make it possible to utilize
every bit of water that flows in the river.
This course is made necessnrv bv reuum
of the channel worn in the 1 III MU 1 1 i.
rock, and into which the water is drawn
atextreniH low water. This improve
ment is not noedeilat present as enough
water is not used to make It necessary,
hut the company recognizing it an'a
fill tiro requirement arc shaping their Im
provements to accomplish it before
necessity obliges them to perform tho
.The organization of this company was
slso accomplished through Mr. ICust
ham's management, and he, jH uw
president of tho company, It was or
ganized to develop tho water power ot
tho falls of the Willamnlto and convert
the same into electricity. The plan
embraced the transmitting of electric
fluid to Portland for lights and power
purposes. Tho work ol construction
was begun just about two years ago, and
for one year and a half the company has
been lighting Portland's streets and
piincipal business house. The business
hus constantly grown taxing tho com
pany's utmost resources to suimlv the
demands. It has as yet been impossible
for them to attempt to do anything
more than to furnish liijht, but with the
improvement of the past season, which
Included the rebuilding of their power
house, the building of a" large substation
and the planing of new wires between
this city and Portland, they expect soon
to be able to supply power to take the
place of small engines.
Tim I'owiik norjsK,
As It. now stands Is a lino two story
building. The lower story is given up
to the motive machinery, while the sec
ond floor ia given up to dynamo and
electric appliances too numerous to men
tion. Tho machines now in use are of
tho latest and most approved invention
and the largest of their kind. To a
stringer entering their electric room the
sceno is a strange one indeed, especially
if the time be at night when
chine is rapidly revolving and omitting
bright scentillatlons of the electric fluid.
The company under tho personal super
vision of Mr. P. F. Moroy, the general
manager ha spent tire entire season in
improving their plant. The distance to
Portland is twelve miles, which makoB
one of the longest circuits in use in the
United Htates. There nre at present
large wires extending over the entire
distance between Oregon City and Port
land. Thi company wa organized
T. w. Foots.
Mr. Font's establishment Is on Seventh
street, opposite the deisit. He keeps all
kinds ol plain und fancy notions, toys, can
dies, cigars, etc., and 'makes it a point lo
curry nothing hut the choicest urnl most
select stock.
The best business block in Oregon City is
rm-ogiiir.ed to be that of Chiiriiiun llros.,
toeated ou Main street, and It is a building
that would greatly udil to the iippeiirnnee
ol a city several times the size ot Oregon
Cicy. It Is aslructiire C.ris72 feet in diinen
sious, three stories high besides the base
ment. It. contains tliirtv-four line lurge
ofllce rooms, above Ihe Ural Hour ami three
commodious store rooms on the ground
Moor, all of which are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by steiiin. Thu i'nited
flares i.and tiltlce occupies olllces on the
second lloer, while the third Hour is used
for llrst-eliiss lodging rooms hy il. J. Liver
more's hotel. In one of the store rooms
Cliarninn llros. conduct oiirol'tho liirt-eluss
drug stores of the Pncilin Const. It incom
plete ill its every appointment und pcrscrip
fioiis are uhvuvs compounded with cure.
Ilesides drugs they curry a line assortment
of perfumes, toilet ar ticles and oilier mer
chandise, which makes their establishment
one ol'the leading and most, desirable to
deal with in the city.
J, II. Way is the proprietor of this
establishment and keeps on lininl the best
griidesof musical instruments which ho is
prepared to exhibit at all times to his
customers. Those wanting n cood
instrument cither for rush or on the
Installment plan cannot do belter than to
give him a call at his plueo of business,
east side of Main street between Wxth and
The SubstunliabllllA' n(' llii !,,.,, -i.,):....
has long sliicu beeii deinnnii.,.i..,l nu
olhcers am a guarantee of lis siremm,'
I'hese are us follows: Thomas Charmun'
president; C. 11. Cuiilicld, cashier; K I.
I'.iiMlhiim, maiiinrer. Thin hnnlr ,l,,,, !',:.
ness with all tho hanks of tin, ,'iiriui ,,i,.l ii I
credit is good inHurope.
This genial ircntlmium i i,,,.i ..
the only exclusive stock of gents furnishlm-
goods in Oregon City. Un is prompt and
attentive anil one may II ml In his establish,
"All manner of tilings that unum can put
1'roni tho crown of your head to the sole
ol your loot,"
Of head and ,u.ek wear, Imhau an elegant
and extensive assortment. In fact euurv
Keiitloinuii h, (own gravitates toward
0 Council s sooner or laler to have bis most
fuslideous testes gratlliud. lie carries a
stock vliich-would do credit to the metro
politan markets,
This is one of tho oldest and must reli
able inns, iiolonly hi Oregon City, hut in
the stale. Cuming t t,i place hi an early
lay they have lor more than an average
fe ime made lie wants of our citizens
heir special study. Their line of dry .roods,
hardware and general merchandise; ninhot
he excelled outside the larger cities. Cus
tomer niav rely upon fair dealing, Kood
weights and measures at Charman's at all
times and under all circumstances.
Tlllt OHKUON CITY laitf'Tltlr co,
Tho Oregon City Electric Co. lights the
city wi lled Edison incandescent lights
1 heir business bus outgrown the present
machinery d it is contemplated in the
near liiture to enlarge the plant ami make
The senior liiiiintier
ol the linn, CapUiin ,Mc( VlMlkll. is MM lllll
resldeiiler, striking the town when ho was
ikiv uiiu growiua In man hiunl nnd allhi.
euce in our iniiist. The public muv count
on nrst class ireatmi'id at the hands of Mc-
own iV vt iithersiHioii, More accommodat
ing uii'i painstaking gentlemen will not be
found anywhere.
This gentleman represents no tiiiiuirlmit
muiiiifiK luring Interest of Oregon City.
veryiiiing In the shape of llnishlng ma-
mil is prepuri.'d and sold I IV 111 I I . SIII'll UN
MIHU, IH, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L- SI IlirillOV lllll Ik.S
llestow behoves ill good work, irood
ali'i'iiil und u lair d nil Uiiiriiai I'.ir u fui
lays work. In dealing with lum the linh-
inuy could on lu t-ieness and dispatch,
T. r. IIYAK.
Mr. I! viin lathe mayor of (Ireimn Cliv
and uu honoriihlu and unHidd nfiiler In
id estate, lie is thoroiiu'lilv tuinil
II brunches of his business und reudv nnd
illmg ut all times to give the public
e I'unellt ot his large and varld ex
rioiire. Parties al home or abroad w ho
are looking toward our town or count v w ill
sell to commiinicule with Mr. Itvan.
will he found worthy of thu hlilu-ni
coirlldence which muv he reposed in him.
Pol'K coMrtNY.
This Is the oldest established hard warn
spire in Oregon Cily, If not hi Che kuinus
county, "l-.ver since Mt. Hood was a hnle
iii lire ground," Cope ( ompiinv have sold
hardware lo the leMive On goniun. Thev
deal In hardware, but they aru not hard lo
ileal with on Unit uecnu'iil. A plerisauter
place to trade cannot he found, unit mi
branch id' the business Is neglected, all line
ot goods are carried in large assortments.
I he linn iIik-s an extensive tinning, plumb
ing, and gas lilting business at the lowest
standard pru-es. No one will regret having
d. alt ul Pope ,V Company's,
iioaiui or TI1AHS.
in the liiilldiiig up und development of
iiregoui it y sre-ources there is no orgaui
ziilion or body I hut has done more than its
lloardetTraile. Live and energetic business
men without exception compose its inoiu
iNTship, mid to soy the deep interest they
have taken in the city's welfare has been
with Ihe most llaltsring results, wouid he
tint quoting tacts that nre most conspicu
ous every where. All lutil our hoard of trade.
i ii k on i:i;on i.K(7isi.Ai tkk.
- - - Eleventh Annual - - -
Watches Diamonds
103 Firnt Street, Near Morrison St.
LnJieov' Private Entrance Upstairs.
lv . .
The moKt carefully selected properties in tho Cityor County,
For Sale.
No. I. 100 acres, 2.J inilen from
I'aniSy, on S. I R. R splendid
level land, fine saw timber, 25
acres cultivated, good frame
huiiHo, $3,'2X).
No. 2. 100 acres on S. p. R. R.
3 miles from Oregon City, $3,200.
Xo. 3. 80 acres, open level brush
land, 4 miles east of Oregon City,
1 mile from Clackamas river
l,tMK) on time.
No. 4. 10 acres joining Clacka
mas Heights on the south, nearly
level, can be sold in lots and
blocks, 1,250.
No. A. 225 acres, nplendid farm
on Clear Crock, (5 miles east of
Oregon City, 100 acres in culti
vation, 50 acres to break, netf
frame house, new barn, fine wat
er, best soil, good neighborhood,
school, etc., price 10,750, on time.
No. 0 313 acres in Springwater,
the best all round stock farm in
Clackamas county, level land,
100 acres in fine cultivation, 7
acres orchard, good house, two
line frame bams, thousands' of
acres of out range, water every
where, 45 head cattle, Berkshire
hogs, DO ton hay, 500 bushei oats,
wheat, vegetables, horses, wag
ons and farming implements, al
together at $25 per acre on time.
...'.. , ,yoi nmisu nminnt? in conjunction
i men- (irmly mcrensinii demand fur emu-
ill liiihts it will be the police of the
company i keep ahead of the rapid growth
of the city and have abundance oi liclit for
Canbliile for President and Speaker,
ship (Josslp About the Session,
The Oiepin Legislature will convene
in Salem next Monday. At the capital
the uii ii full ol i'ossii coneerniii( the
cunidutes (or the presidency of the senate
Hpcukerol the lioimc, lady clerkships
und other position", w hile' the solona
in various, portion of the Btate nre
iniikiiiK prenuratioiiH to wend their way
toward the eapital.
As the ttesHitm is close at hand the
fcveral fat olliee in the (lift oi the lein
hit tire are hciuu wal'-hed bv munv
wihKiiI eyes, aud the uspiranta for the
honorable positiona in the two limine
ttie said to be leision
The Mena'oriiil body consist.-) oil thirty
iiu'inoers, oi w nicii ninnrier seven are
democrats, and of course Ihe presidency
or nun iiouy win no 10 a republican.
AccordiiiK to thu Nileni Statemnun the
RHpiianls are Joe fsimon of Multnomah ;
TIioh. II. Tongue. Washington ; and
possibly I'. A. Moore, of Columbia, nl
tliounh he in nuiil to be out of the race.
Simon will probudly he tho man, al
though tongue basil large following.
Concerning Ihe other appointments; the
Statesman add : "It begin to looks as
if the senate's reading clerk would be
v.. M. Hands, of Clackamas county. Of
the sixty memlx-isof llio house nineteen
are democrats, and nine lire from Mult
nomah county. The candidates (or the
speakership of the houso aro numerous,
several having openly announced them
sevlcs as Biich. Ii. L. Story, of Mult
nomah county may be mentioned as one,
i'cter I'liquet, of Clackamas, Is another,
A, C. JcuiiiiiR, of Lane and T. T. Goer,
of Marion are both mentioned, but in
thoev'irit of Simon's election to the
presidency of tho senate the valley will
stand uu show for the high ollioe in the
house, making it incubent upon that
assembly to choose a man from either
LKnsterii or Southern Oregon. There is
no available cundidate from Kastern
Oregon and anyway nine of the
thirteen representative trom Kastern
Oregon counties are democrats. Houth
ern Oregon's location will no doubt give
her the speakership, and that section is
pr eprned for tho honor in the person of
II. Ii. Miller, of Josephine,
No. 7.-7 lots in .West Side addition, lots 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, block 100
lots, 1, 0, i, S, block 1)1, all of block 20, Main street, all of block 145
Oregon City. One fine lot in Sellwood.
No. 8. 30 acres in "Clackamas Fruit Lands" all in cultivation.
Finest peach land in the world, price if 200 per acre. My peach orchard
netted $200 an acre this year.
Will exchange No's. 1, 2, 3, 5, G, for any good city property in valley
towns. For terms and particulars apply "to
H.E. CROSS, Oregon City.
II : : : BROi
fi M. H. Flanagan.
u i an an
He Veiir Own Master.
Few people appreciate bow much
their impressions, their whims und im
pulses, and in fact all their niefital en
ergy depends on the harmonious action
of all the vital organs. A poorly di
gested dinner may make one quarrel
with a friend, A congested lever may
bring imaginary gloom and trouble into
the sunniest duv. A rheumatic pain
muv keep you from business or work
and entirely change some marked out
policy A few doses of Moore's He
voided Remedy will give tone to every
function and make you enjoy your
friends and and work.
The Pulpit and the Singe.
Itev, V. M, Shrout, Pastor of the
United Urothren Church, Blue Mound,
sivys:"Jleol it my duty to toll what
wondeiH Dr. King's New Discovery has
done for me. My lungs wero badly dis
eased, and my parishioners thought 1
could live only a few weeks. I took live
bottles of Dr. King's Discovery and am
sound and well, gaining 2ii pounds in
Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, writes: "After a
thorough trial and convincing evidence,
1 am conlldont Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, beets 'em all, and
cures when everything else fails. The
greatest kindness I can do my many
piousiind friends is to urge tliem to try
it. Free trial bottles at U. A. Hard
ing's drug store. Kegulur sizes 50c. and
Fine Pillows made to order "and Mats"
Kugs, etc., of neat designs at Warren &
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
None but tho tist of menu bundled. Free de
livery to all parts of the city,
oki:o ( irv. okk.
J. P. Hill,
lai Jeweler,
an & Hill,
of WineH. LilllinrK. Al ll.-ar A-o tnU
found lu the Sim. Iu Logus-Kuntbam Bloc
Give me a call.
-.A. IT ID .
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairine he stands
without a peer. For firnt-elass, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Try him I
TlNiTKn Statks Land Officii, i
OumioN City, Dr., ,lun. 8. lsut.
nolle In hereby utveii Hint the filimii,ir
i.niiiuu .uiwur inm men uouee oi nis lmeutiou
to make llnal nroof ia siitmoi t of hi. ,-li, .,,!
that said oroof will be nmdo before the Restorer
iniu i , Ul Ul llltl IJ. n. l.HIin IIII1PI.I.T ruirnn
viuSmi, vu .'cuiiiitry it, 'JOiU, VIZI
Johu P. Sunnier,
lloineBtoad eutrv No. firao. for Una n Unl . u
a nil s e !i of 8 tit; of sou. 80, t S 8. r 8 e.
He uniiiea the lollowlnir wltmoie. in
hlrt Ooritlnuoill reNideiien imrni mill iiilrfvnt!nn
of, si ul land, vli: John fliokey, of Molalla,
Claekainan couiilv, Or., H. Kaaloll, of Molalla.
Olaekamin county, Or.. Gennro lliuurale. of
Molalla, OlaekainuH countv. Or.. KM Oronswell
of Oregon City, Or.
l-U-2-18 J. T. Al'I'KRSON,
Okkuon (Jity, Or,, Jan. 8, lmi
Netlee la hereby given that the followlnn
niuned settler lmn flleti notice of his Intention
to make final proof In mipportnf his claim, and
tlmtaaid proof will be made before the regis
tor and receiver ol the 11. 8, Land Ollioe at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on February Hi, jssil, viz:
Theodore V. Wilson,
Homestend entry No. 71W1, for the w ' j' ol a w W
urnl n of a w ,ii sec 24, 1 2 s, r (i e. '
lleuaines the lollowint wllnenses to prove
hl continuoua residence upon and cultiva
tion ef aald land, vli: Philip Moore, Sieve
Mitchell, J. Mclutyre; K. 0. Ilnckett, all of
Clierryvillo, Ciackamiis coiiiuv, Oregon.
J. T. APPUKSON, Kesister.
Laud Oltlco at Oregon City, Or, Jan. 7, 1891.
Notice ia hereby given that the following,
named settlor has died notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that snld proof will bo made before the Regis
ter nd Kooetvcr ol the 1). 8. land olllce at Ore
gon Cily, Oregon, on February 21, 1SU1, vli;
Edward W. Palno.
Homestead entry No, W12, for the w of n w Vi
and u ' j ot s w y of sec 14, 1 4 a, r 2 e.
lie names tho following; witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol, said land, vin: Hennry Wallace, of Mink
ptiHlolHoc, Henry Seltaer, of Muliuo postoftice,
James Mallell, of Molalla postoftice, Rob
ert Shublo, ol Muliuo, all ol Olaekanias county.
Mi 213 J. T. APPER30N,
Parties domiring Wood Turning, Pat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
a-. U. BESTOW,
CffOpp. the Congregational Church
Restaurant and Hotel.
The lendinc rcstniiraut of the citv. Tables
supplied with the best the market atlbrds,
and none but lirst-class cooks employed.
East Side Mnln Street, Between Fourth
and Fit'tli, Opp. U. S. I.iiud Ofllce.
Farmer's Store!
Grocery Store
Goods sold at Portland
Highest Price Paid for