The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, December 11, 1890, Image 2

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a it. .ni;i:in i:.
lubtl)itr itul lrtrtilr.
f i ..l.i..i..r nmni.iw i i )i nil mi
ouKuoN ctrv, imwkmhku it, isuo
Nvw tht ll Hiinlliit;t.ii Mirvvy hint Ikwh
oM In th &mthrn lVItU Ooitiii?,tl'i"
U Utile iiwitiillty of t'lt-knii, unit otlir
rotiiitirt rwvivtitg tin Iwnvllls of the t
H.itt tmw fur Utt ft fo ,vwn,
Till Will tf HMt WWI fiU' HX'I uf Mm
county ho wcif tlt-jwiHllmt miu'lt on tlm
iiv rontl lo fitruWi ihoiu u ttavwslll
marlsol, mul thy must now Wk tu imihr
mm for relief. It wouKI In ft iimUIiUI
mi Iwitirioltil move onlli rt of eltUi'tii
iitl hiixliu'M mon of OtvjMH City lo hrlug
this rvltaftu th foruiorsi liy iistim lltdr In
flutinc In editor ooiistritelliiii or oouHiih
tlioonlriii'liiii of A motor line or m nnrrow
limiKo rAl tlml uoiiM outor tlio immi frtilo
ml furtlior HiiMMusMm'Olloiuof lii comity,
from pU- In a nontlicrly count nlonii
tlio loot lilllslo M. 'lulls nml ixyotol, It la
soutiiil lo tin Aih AiiwMunit of llit county
whole, nl Orcnvm City In i-mlli-ular,
tllftl Oregon t'ily 1 lllllilo VOu.llit At A
market abI An ili compcto vllh IWttmiit
on tlio North And oulilo iollnrn aiiiI
other plit on the mntttt. tiUIs III tmr
row jtmipt' rAilroa.l, wmioii twin shutiUl be
tmrotl iivt new ones A'Ulcvl tlml wotiM
lend conveiiiotv-e to tht former, whlrli
lucftiu tit riJ tlcYclotmiit of iheoouil
ty't re-tource. Tlicae Art hints worthy con
titlerutltui, aih! cn lm tvrmetl III only
menu hy which Oregon City can r"nml
to III wtuts of her iirroiinillii! coiuuiniil
tic, ftntl iU JtistL-e lo liervelf. She mini
take lli mutter of luitMIng a rftllroftii to Hi
cultivate.! em-Motm o( the county In hr
ow n liamls, If she woul.l lake the prominent
part in th AvUanc of th county tlul lio
ou-ht, mid rem-li the gvwlof hr own aiiiM
VT Siiuaa in i(s mii of IiwfinlK'r
(!, itiii vil with ii rli-wiuil iloiit'li'
lilliO(,-rAli of tli itmtmfAi lorW oftr'ptni
t'ily, ami tslitormlly it l.i f.irth ill
roniT of tron City with lie womler
fiil wutr iwvr, in a inAiuirr that u-h-h
crtslii to tliat (xrer of ilUitrutHl jouriiata ami
honor to our town. For li-.tHhiitlon
inoii ttst. rn Momis, riileiit of the
city Ami ivimly ulimihi Winn' lra coU
of th Imiih referral lo, as ll it Die very
lnl illiistratloli wo have er win, l'ul
lonlug li 01 ul' the many foilipliiiienta we
receive: "Iiitiinalely rotiiiertoil with tlio
uhjevta Is thai of the niAiiulai-turlim liiilns
tries At Oreipin t'ily, where l ti h fotiml
the (jrealeit arallalile water Hnr in th
VniteJ Stale. Willi the ranAl oin for
tralUe, no that market on Ui Ailanllo
coast may l raai hej, there n no r w hy
this mguitient Kwr houll not l util
ised in -re ariii(t th )ruUu ts of this
region for the gaiiera! market. .No seart
city in Ui world Iisj. at her Tery duor smh
wealth of uersy for niamifacluring pur-
kws as I'.Tlland (wmeim's in I lie tall of
th Willamette, and it is Inevitable thai
enormous manufacturing Interwits shall
spring up there, And th imsine men of
Portland should aid those of Oregon t'ily
in their efforts to seiure them.
Till! anniiiil Hiimmin'i'iniHil of The
Yontir t'ani'iinliiii, Itindoii, lor ll ha
heen melve.l nl litis ollleo, As Is aliuiys
th case lis M of eoiitrilnil'iix lor 'IU Is
oomtHwn of ill very last tnloni of the
day, Th I'lri'iiliilliin of Urn t,'oniiimlon
.einl In I'olnl ol'iuiinlmrs th eomlilnevl
I'livtilulloii of all other irloilleal of lis
clan In tli tiinil. ll Is liivaHiiihl a an In
structor for th uuiw, nud Is it soliool In
Itself, To Ailulls ll olleis th innsl selei'l
teadliiR of every ileirlillon, and is a Jour
nal Hint no faintly enu all'onl to h wltlioul,
Sm MKTMu I'iivh ma lias juvseiiled III
outlines of A novel plun for detcrnilulng the
oaiis of the present Indian IimiiI'Io ami for
irevuling siiiillar illllli ultlea In (he future.
Th Idea which lie has In v lew Is lo enlist
In Ih reguUr aiiiiv two regiment of Ihe
hraves who am credited wnli Ihe lv lie-
liAvlor, It is believed hy ihe sivretury that
this would lieliidiicenieiit enough to the war
loving rac In result In Ihe sedy relbrut'
a I Ion Hod clvllUallnti of the hesl among
Til K eommlsMou to look alter Ih world's
fair eoindnta of lul Inen And I hi women.
I'rvihahly for style llils imiiiher Is none U
large, lull for th sncoos of I lie lair And Ihe
giHhl ol th country l ol l he former ami
all of Ih latter ulnuilil he stricken floin Ihe
list. Sit menol' liirnei allihre would uwvr
Ih uih, nliilu llie avallahle a'roi'hi
lion orl,,vm,uoi coul l U iit to ltsroK'r
Tit Oregouian i-eleliniteil Its fortieth
hlrlhday hist Friday, Ihirlug th yars of
Us evistauce It has ma le an ahl eltort lo
secure first honors In th Jolirnallslie field
ol the Nortli I'ai iilc const as lar east alhe
Mississippi, and I lint ll lun Ik en luoivlliau
(Uct-esslul In gaining ami holding tUem
cnnnol I denied, The Oi-egonlan Is enll
tlevl lo Ihe repuiailon It hcais.
Tim I'oliiinlitis Toner will U tKt Inl
higher than any other lower In the world,
ll will he com tctcd In 1". and will l e
I.Nsi f'l IiIkIi hy Imi f. et ill Ih huse, mil-
struetisl of steel and iron and sunporlisl hv
111 great arched lugs.
Mixisrca Mimm has Ueu reculled for
having exceed I his a ithorily In the liar-
ruivliacase. and It is reuled that con
gressniaii Morton, ol ( alilorma, Mill lie
Appointed lo succeed hliil.
VkSWosr Is the louiteeutH slate that lias
adopted the Aintialiaii ballot system.
There se:ns uotlipig lo prevent Oregon
lAklng lh sixteenth plmsv
Our ins City, so long the haunt of pio
neer memories, has shaken oil the lethargy
of the past and is moving on with Ihe rest
of the stale Inward a prosperous future.
Tru this awakening has com too tal
to lie of benefit lo th men of pioneer
fame who grew old and died while wailing
forth "Lowell of Dm TacHlc" to become
something ti.ore than an anticipation; hut
others hav iieguu to reap what these sowed
in the Isolation of Ihe long ago. New en
terprises are taking shape and new homes
are Mug built constantly, while the tre
mendous water poner that has so b ng lit
erally run to waste is being utilized for pur
tsiscs o," which even lue ,ial and sniiguni
I'ioncer lerntortal rapital never dreamed.
Th.' town ha i every thing ill il 1 favor, and it
to safe to ore'li -I that its long era of stagna
tion b pa '. I're.i nian.
WiTti. t r nny ni pirei I reason the I i
st rueiion-i to re-'-ters mid re rivers In 'he
d.stru ts u 'ei'te I by llie Northern I'aeilir
forfeiture n.-t ur still heldnp, and notvvith-
funding the earnest protest of the di lcsm-
lion fruiu Oregnit, no aeiimi is taken, it
was the ilesim uf the ilelegntion ilmt these
Iiistruetlons shouol reach (iregun befnr
the cold Heather would prevent the set
tlers from complying with Ihe provision of
the law. It s.fius now that some olheur
Is sick and so mm h red taie is strung
nliiit the ilrpartmeiit that another ol!'u
cannot He UetiuUit to a. t. A re-ol itlo:i in
Cungress a-kiug why no nctioti is taken
lni-h: stir um the sluggish ilcpartmenl
oflU'iaU ami it may be Introduced.
I 1.UIM11 and entrcatiiiK on the part of
government agents fail to have the desired
tilect on the leaders and chiefs of the kmhI
lug troubles of the Sioux Indians. They
now clultn that It Is not the Messiah craze
atone which has made them put on their
war paint, but that the "great father at
Washington has lii d to them and cheated
them out of their land, mid that he is now
starving them lo death." It Is surelv time
for the "white father" to either starve them
to death or shoot them there; for, if with
the support they have received, and the
funning utensil they have been furnished
with, they cannot exercise lifecnough to care
for theinselve like white people, the sooner
they are shullled from earth the better.
Tha report is going the rounds, and there
is no apparent reason why it should not
be given credit, that Cleveland occupied
the presldoutiAl chair when really h was
never elected. The following, boiled down
from reliable authority speaks for It sell: It
transpires that Cleveland got ulstut 4,)
votes In 184 which were fraudulent, and
that he never carried New York state.
These yofers were inmates of poorhouses,
and such were, by law disfranchised except
at their original homes. Dlalnc was, there'
fore, rightfully President, liiHteml of ('leva
hind even without counting In such states
as Mississippi, Aluliama and Arkansas,
where no election as provided for in the
constitution was held at all.
Tub old stereotyped report coiues to us
again this week of another "saw-something-move-ln-the-hushes"
fatality. This time It
conies from Astoria, and Is to the effect that
an honest farmer and .good citizen by tho
niime of Mutt i lenderson wuh carelessly sho
by a man named Joseph Hcllborg, who mis
took him for a bcur. Of course, according
to custom and through sympathy, tho being
xvho pulled tlic trigger will be allowed to go
free, liut if he was given his just dues he
would pay the penalty of his unreasonable
curelcSHiieKS In the penitentiary.
Hknatok Htkwakt recently said; "lam
confident that free and unlimited use of sil
ver is neur at hand, and I believe silver will
bo placed on an equality with gold, so far
as legislation in the United Ktntcs is con
cerned, before March next. If this is not
done, no one doubts that the next congress
gren will fully remonetiza silver, with or
without the president's signature."
Ahomo tho new manufacturing Indus
tries recently established in the west, is a
hoe factory of no small small rapacity at
North Dalleu. It Is a three story structure
to turn out 125 cases of shoes dully, employ
ing 600 hands. has also about com
pleted negotiations for a large furniture
fucfory to irivc employment bi 'XX) men.
As earnest ellort will t-o made at this
sion id congrv-s to secure the passage ol
A hill appropriating IIO.ohi for the xploia
lion of Alaska.
Ir Is remrlvd thai liov,
York, will be a candidate
dency in v..
It ill. of New
for Hi pres.
A r I xi meeting of the Slut Hoard of
Commerce will be held in Salem on th I.Mti
of Jauuarv.
( 0 MISSIOM ICS 101 It I.
Html They Considered and Attril I pen
Al III llpcember Term.
In the mutter of tlio J. V. ItooU
rouJ, it being favorably reported by
viewers, il wa otderinl that supervisor
oisn Mid road and the pips'iise, fill, .id
lie paiil by tho county.
The rx'imrt ol the view em Mug lavor
ablo the lli'tirich ron.l was ordered
opsuied, llie costs, )llKl..M) to I paid by
tho county.
All puttie CollBelllilljJ tlul matter of;
K, S. Hi ouihall road cm dismissed, the j
expsMia ol View and survey to bo paid 1
by con nly. j
Tho sctilinn ol J. M. Sh ker ct al. fr i
psjvxcr to blast stilnins oil', vi c iiinly i
road was laid over until llie next ineei-'
ing. I
Tlio rofoii of coiiiiiiivioin-r ll.tii ti j
uivfjiiit.g the Auroia lirnlge as built by j
M. Jutiii Itro', v. us ui leie l a nr
rant foi 1 .1 iH ;,'i in d'uwn in favor of!
St. .lohim loos oi p ixiiu iit in luil. j
Following bills wen; j
shio i f J tj, Ad I'll, ipAlllllll.
Folltliui ol " ill ant" Askii'U pviviU'trii
of i!iii'lng din' ol pli'ln " on ldeiilk
an it Hign was H'dpuM.
t'otiiiiiniilcaiiiui of ., nun ii. leainy,
ivtid nml Inld on liililn,
Huinliv IiIIIh mdiitid fnferrisH
In itimiicti t'liinnuttcii, wiu tisporiiii
tlio billowing collect uml rci'iiinuuuulod
thtit wiiniiulA b dniwn lor tain I
K, I', Klllol, tlD.i'fti Orcgnnluil M, Hl)
U l. Wilson. :t.4 ; Tim l'lMsHi-AiAi
tllli'.i; Jnliii Kollv nA l'b. N. Iliiriia,
7i)8, IVMuN-xi, ttllii V,U.8ivgwi'ti.ilO
Jnttio Mara, , Chai. ItcUer, ,i; l. I..
I'm lue III HO; U. H, Mct'onl
V, II. Howell, Mil! Oregon (Mir
Klin-lfiu Light t'n Kl'.'.7H U. A, Ilunl
liP!. ll,iU;t)ixigiiit Iron A Hlenl Co. lail.
Ilj. I'Hiani'rt rouiiiilltnu niiiorled lliat It
w as useless to preucnt bill (or csrti ol
Hiudlo fuinlly lo t'ounly eouita lhy
xlbl nut dei'iii thotit ptiupoi tlideied
on lllo,
ITimiui' I'liuiinltteti itisirtil limy
buind tlmiviHiil of ih city Irvixiixi lip
to Nov, I, lid, loiixH't. IMi motion import
wu adopled,
I'lio bid ad vert Wed lor by tlm flu.
and water coiuiulllim (or lh viectlon of
tlm pumping alallon was ordered onnad
and are as billow : (.'. hpanglnr ll ,6:il'J ;
J. Siilivan, H.lHil ltd, or with !! Inch
New Anierlcaii W hoed, 7,m'l.:m Palmer
vv Miildloloii, lH,'.tt; K. t.. Iteniley
I'd, liW,
Moved that (ho contrad, when lid,
Ih 'inlshed uitliin nlneiy da Iroui the
signing ol Ihe SMtiiti, a penally to I
prvwitlied by the, cninuiitlc for all over
lliiio. I'tirrled,
Moved and cariied that Ih coulracl
In lot to the low ist roaisinsibW liiddr.
On motion the report of lliiieomuilllxm
on Ktrvct and publlo properly In lavor
of tlm petlton o( Fai'iheis, ! al for
opoii ng ah allev In blis k lAH Wat
( lidin.ricu ii luting to lb erado of
M mi St, was read the colnl tiiuii and
pill on il'i ll mil pa".sii,:i. Ayes I'liufleld,
Atlicv, Wancn, lieiiibath, D'Cotini'll,
and t.'biii'iniin. Nuvi Piitker Mayor
declared lu oldllilince paid, j
Uriliuaiicii lelitllig lo lb duties of
tin iipeiililctiil.lli! of water woiks, wa
r a I ihe second time and put on Ita
llinil I'li-s.igo. rn.iniui iiisly passo.l.
llr liuwmvi relating to water woik was
in b'llliialely posiHiiieil
An oidiuauce g viug ceitaln (rancbises
foi slieet railway and other iinrpiiH In
To;n P. llandall and 1'. r'. liyuii, read
(list liimi and rcfetri'd In cotiinilltim on
S ,i I", P, lo rcpotl at next meeting.
An icd, nance robxtlng lo liiiuu'iiscs was lead tho llrst time,
Moved the co utteo on S ,t; P P.
colder with tho sheet I'oiumlssloiier In
nyar I lo llxuig llm rad leading In the
bluff. iMtiiiiutleo to have power to act.
K, 'port ol the committee on llesltliUli I
Pulp in reganl In contagious diseases
w as oitleied on 111.
Moved and carrlml thai th couiiinticw
on S. P.P. Iw i'lstriicted til Inako
partial payments to the contractor on
pumping station,
Council adjourned.
I.. I.. Posts
Mulatto. .Nrna.
IW. it, IH!I.
Milil weather, good roads nnd stniw-
tl'Kl IC, ,
IH !K)j
. n.'i tkil
, I. ID
, a 40
IV W . ,b boson. cb rK n'i
W SV II. Sa:ns,,u. slicrilf
W. T. VVIlltiis S. re.o br e
Tiu Ks 1 1 ticiiisK
II. PiUrilllrll, IlliplcSt I. (
lm piest b e mi Ihe body ul all
utiknott :i at i Nwcg i . . II .11
I'a ISoi:,!g, iii'pt' at "7 ft")
ll. ti. Lund " . J I isl
J. l. Hiicon, st. .nips A 'M
Chus ,-cliiniilj,luiii"cr r Hi i
Klectnc exi etise, . W
St itii of Oregon v. Al. liidtra uml
Win Wilton n'i ui) ;
(ir.iiid Jmy wiliM'sw's L'll Id
Mute of Oiegou vs O It.
Ilasor 61 I)
Sluto of Ori'i'oii xs Ji.o. V.uks L'4 HO
.1. II Howard
circuit court U7 40
Statu of Oiegou vs Kr.iuk Arinstiotig 17 I'D
" "J. II. Howard
.fust ice court laid over for correction
Uolierl Ilau clerks fees 11 DO
Saruli K. Williiitnsoii insune .'14 K4
Susan Hiersch 110 30
J. II. llowaid Ll 15
Holt A Wilton I'll
Juror fee circuit court 517 111
(icorge I), I'ainuril NiipplivM . , 1H2 00
4. W. Hardcsty It 70
Kxiitntning Hoard .'Ill 00
Sydney Suiilh 11) to
L'liiun Iron Works !i:l (K)
(paid by Mrs.Monchki')
P.. V. Linn, lumber ll.'l or.
(ico D. Pmrliaril A Co 4'i )
Mavor A Ackeriiiun ll' 10
17. II. T. A Livery Co 2 Ml
Kro l (junAtieider 1 76
W. II. Young 8 nil
II. 11 Johnson ft 4")
Winoset A Scripture 10 00
J. W Noble assessor foes 141 (Id
Petition of J, L. Il.tilv, i t al., for tho
iii)')inttiii'iit of W . J. Ciirrin jmlfi'o of
the (it'tice for Faglo Crock precinct, wu
ginnlod, and Ciirrin Has appointed.
The report of T. M. Long on tlm filling
of tliuciili work on tho Oregon Citv ami
Cunniniili road wiw approved, and il was
ordered thnt warruntM In the sum of
lie issued toT. M. Itig,,
to pay for Hamo.
Tho report of Churl Mocliukn o.i llm
iiiitirovoiiieiit of the Dreg m City and
Molullii Mud was approved, and it wun
ordered that a wurrinl of fOOI.OI in favor
of Monlinko he drawn lo aottlii halaiirc
on accontiM,
Tho rosignittlun of V,. V,. May. stipm
vlsor of road district. No. .'10, wuh hc
ccpUtd, and I' tiid Nowi; isliimr appoinli'd
to fill tlm vacancy.
llll.l.S AI.I.OWI'.I),
1), VV. Howiud, Hitpiior for jurv, fill IK)
Stwiin IlilHchc, on cliargo ol in-
Hunity 27 20
Miletign nnd feca pur ilieiu wcta al
lowed : Com. Moehnko, 2 d iva. 1(1 miles
1 day, 24 miles.
" Hair, 2 ilays, 2H miles.
" " 12diiVH, 14 miles.
In tho irittMi'r of J, O. Humes for ro-
Ioukh of tuxes on land, it was ordered
that upon tho furnishing of satisfactory
proof under oath that. Hit) luud iishchhiiiI
lo liiui is the tiiuii um Unit covero I by tho
mortgage, Iiih roiticst will ho compile 1
CITY (01 JfCIf,.
l'l-oi-f-cdliiftis cf That lltidy In Regular
Council mot in rcgiilur miirhIoii Dm', 3.
Preanut, T. V. Ityun, mayor ; L L,
Porter, rncoi'dur; C K. JSiirtiH, mnrHliul ;
cotinciliiien CutilUihl, Alhy, Parker,
Tieinliiilh, O'CiiiimjIl, Cliiiriniiii,WariH!r,
Minute of lust mooting rend and
Petition of H. Ii. t'liliir, et ui, asking
that a Hiduwalk be c'lmtnii'led on wont
Urry blossoms on the south hillside.
What has hvm of I he Clackamas
count v Fair scbeiiia basil Is'en abolished
like our railroad
Some showiii'ii larr el al MolilU a
wit'k, reciliug u'ld Krh. ruling with
"plows in the air and U'Ms oil Ibeir
t lue ol ii ;r rising nimroiN is rapid on
'cms" s.ix In leciilly slml b in out o
'u ii". ,im k. pl cisins in the a r to a
It i iiiiiinr d 'hat there will bo a
t hiLlin is Irt " nl Teasvl creek sclnsd
v bill J I I over I e Ibev
lia. P.g liieu ii-ii il oii.iiiid
,, i ., . ,1, ir'.iHi I Id . a on , I Vara lias
, . i i v ad
1 ' il' i.i i." b ve ii i In a I ir ;
on oil M . '. I ll iii.u.U i.e.x .o i.'i
nil I'll-hill. T.i.-V i-cl sp'ei.diil fl l'li
ml oi i t'v toe co iks ate Ii ippy
U ui !. tcrov s. ii'lc'yil w.i
,' i' he It on in I Ailiobc s'.o ild not
vc then i inns in us It-it pr 'i r I y
x- op em
( lir .os!niisler lias t Jits l.u s '.itk
I Imlid il g'i l' in low 'I.
N 1 1 l ull ,i elx went In Pmiliii1 la-l
iuiior, Hut ho liiui not hui'ii lulil.
irotiiilily, (lint our latiil nml boun bud
Hi rmisi'il III Vllltle ut audi n iiiln. Willi"
Ihoao ol bis neighbor llild doomeluiivl III
lis ii iinioi'iloii Wn woiilil nut lot' a
moment luiluiulii that tlm Hoinl hud
olher than illmiiU' I.mI unlives lit
Hum iHiinliliig llm property of thiilwn
imillolis ol the iliidnct It Is Indeed ri
lu'iihlng to llud, In this nun of giubbilig
and laxiiiK lot tlm prlvuln bein III ol tlm
lew, inen who mi' lumcst imiiiigli to ud
mlt that Ihelr pinpintvls mi tlm down
griido In point of value, whim thai nl
llielr linlglilioi is ihill-v iiiuuei 1st ng ti
like ritUo, ll I un old saving, and
vulgar A It la old. "(Iivo tint ilnvll Iiin
duo " Hut to oiiotn it lit) ii I until' aii-
proprluUi, Oi.n HisctKti
Piii'lneilili tit let.
1 1. .urc KiiI.iM iliilnn a ueiteisl nif telisii.lUs
Imslllest si I Hill)). Ilresoll. tiss lor Itis letlil
uf iiiiv yeiir Dnnl tuts "f this eetllfteSle liilu ll
SsSslKli liil nsllner III Ills lill-hles.. I.uili f
I'arntllKis, uf rsiiny, drt'smi Hneetnl I'ltluUl
U llillntie I ili'llst. llie liiiHtiiestt will In cull
llnueil III lie. n,.. Knlsht a mtiiia si Ills til. I
tun.l In 1'itiih), ilictf.iii. this i in tlsjr nl ,Nny
tulier, I S.VHI. ok. i, KsiiiNT,
I K I AH.itnrn,
Hllliai'tllie.l 111 Slfiiia III tiefitr Bio llils Oill
ibi of Ntiveiuhsr, H',f.l
I'll xx Ks in nt,
II Is. II II , pal, lie,
lllnnii-Me I'nll lut filinrHt Co.
Till company ha jo t opens I un of.
flct' on Ninth stivcl adjoining tlm Hunk
of Oregon City Wlieiti ll Upiepaied In
make investment, lo buy and soli real
estalo bolll city, sill. :ii bun and country.
Tlm company invites lb.. so desiring In
buy eltlier lor Invesiinetii or for a bom
lo call and consult its tnnmber w ho me
thoroughly Idelilllhtd nnd biinillar wlHi
Oiegou t ll V ami Chiikauias county
properly, "l'hls coiiipauv ba the exclu
sive sale o( ll.osn mi pins till i tracts,
Fall View and Ibilion, CoiicMpondonce
V tl I A M 1. 1 I r .4li IsvKsixiitvr Co,
(begun City, Or,
I s
hi:pi:ii's yukki.v.
Illllsll uted.
Il.ii I et's Wct'klv lias imxer failed lo
justify Its lith' us a "Journal of Civili
sation," ami il bus ! on' so with a cm
slilill legurd I i elibiicl piKSlbihlie of
usoliilness uml a higher stamlunl ol
artisiicaud lllnniiv excellent i. It leaves
Untouched no liupoilnul phase ol the
woild's progress, and presents are. oid.
i- I u ill 1 X' Iriistwiiithy an I inltoestliig, of
the notable events, 'is uis, and in blexe
uietils of our lime
SintIiiI Snppleiiii'iiU will bt) con.
tinuelln si Tlievixill be litoitiry,
scienlillc, iirtislic, bisimlt al, t i I lit nl ,
toiigiAphic(tl, or ilewnptixe, us oc
casion may ihutiaud. and Will lonlinne
o tle-erve Ihe he ttly i oioiiii iidallon
which lias been Is'slowed on past Issues
by llm p. ess nml llm public As a
family journal. Ilaipor' Wceklv will,
as hervtolortt, ls edited w ith a trict re
gartl for th ipmlilies that lnak it a rule
ami welcoitio visttoi titvtiy uoiuti,
IIAKI'F.K'ft Yol'Nii PFoPLK ft no
I'oaiage Free to all hiLsc'iImo In the
I' mteil status, t una la. and Mexico.
The volumes of the Weekly It-gin
with the Ih "I iiuiuU-r for Jimmy of
each year, When tiotiiox Is meiilioned.
biiIiim ii-tioiis will hcgln wltti the NiiiiiIhT
Ciiirent a', the lime ( roceipl ol older
Hound Volumes ol llarpol' Weekly lor
three veins back, in Heal cloth idmiing,
will In) sent by IIIAll, piMluge. paid, or!
bv rxpreM, (ico of xhidh! tpiiivitbi
tho (rt'iiiht d-s s not exceed one dollar
(icr volume), for I? 00 l-er Vidnine.
Cloth ease for each volume, suilalilo
for binding, w ill l sent i.y mail, sii
paid, on receipt o l Iklfacli.
Iteiintlsiices slninld be made by p-sit-olllce
Mom v Outer or Ihult, lo avoid
chance of bus
Nespits is ure no. It, copy t litis a b
veiliseui.-nt without Ihe otprcsa ortler
ol II irer xV. P-ioilitus.
Addle: llxuim A HuorntK.
New York. N. Y.
Wo find that wo aro ovorstockod,
. ; x' 1 :
and in ordor to reduce tho quantity
wo intend to inaugurate a
o I . il n y Sale!
To ivo you an idea in regard to tho prici-H at which wo aro
Hfllinp, wo nhull Uoto a few:
No: be.
:iv. b .-.
XX era til b
Is p.r the lUidest)
line of tin- l.oxs pom I "g Pon I,
M t tes to have a croaker in Ihe Irani or
bo in the thr i ll Hi ) do s mil iissiinu
l ite xx iih III gui-ril milk') lip of the
''briiui lo. 1. 1. " I'i d v il is Just a litile
i l.'iind tmigli but it xvi, I ui.ike nil the
to Iter 1 -i tio'.n ilinenl when It got
vii Sax hois, tu'Xi limn mil go f.og-
.ring send lis over u left hind shoulder,
ih'' Ms itlar t'liioii N iicisllug brain lootl
mcr bfie lo nerve it up
Mr l'.div.iid K. hart nnd Alien
Li' li were luarried at tho bride parents
in l un isftts Dm-. 1st, uml camo liotun
smiling Ihfoiigli the fog uml located
pin iiiciiantly on his ruueh to live all the
jo.i a of matrimony.
Stiiim of our railroad men, of th air
line roil In over hill 200 feet to tbn mill",
iiiuv feel ralliei' less than a 0'ie per cent
Noxv is tlm time for Oregon City to
send her motor lino out this way if she
doiirus to keep her territory.
lUciu'lioil Miitslin a i?i nal fiiinily cut
ton, .'HI iiii lic a iiln, 11 rdrt. lor It
Heat iiiality C'alio-i, IH yU. fur ft,
ltnlijfii l'linU (fiint ooltim), 1-1 ydn.
rr 1.
Kxtrri lnnvy ShirtiiiK, 10 yd, fur $1
Turkey Hcl lamHk, .Kbimh,
(KiiarBiitit'ilfastcolorl.isi'r yd. '2.V
Whito ami Cdlnrod Marble Talild
Oil Cl'dli, M?r yd. .tile.
Heavy Hint or llrown Dvniiii, 8
yd, fur 11.
Ctiret Warp (nil Aluidcti), 5 oitu
pound Imiiclifi for It '.'.
Turkish Towel. 2 fur 25c.
Men' Merino Hhirtii mid Drawer,
Men' Scurlet, licnvy, A11-Wmi1,
Khirt and ItrnwcrA, 7.rc.
Men's Full Htin-k llixda, $.1.
Men' HiHik-I.Hcc Knulinh lluln,
hoi nd tip, tl 7.r).
Uulici' IVblilii Itiitton Slnscs, l '..').
Ludii-a' li Calf ISuttou Hlioca, 1.
I.nlic' American Kid Itutton.ll 5U
I.ntlics' Kid Foxed IUliiiorals, tl.
Misht-' H Calf Dutton Shoe, II.
Miaao' Wliolu Stock I'lilinrd
Hhorn, tl.
Stock Unlinod
Fiuuriil llcpa (Vlf w"d). yl". t'hildrcn'K Whulo
ShH-A, II 2..
Fnuliah rashinorc, nil uliado and children' Wool Hat, 2.fic.
iititcK, .in iii. h uh, jmr yd. z v.
Mcn'i Wool Hat., r-Oc,
Children' Tourint Cajn, 25c.
Men' Stiff Hal, 11 ).
Ladie' All-Wool JerxeyH, box plait
back, ll
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
f. I-:. Ili'li'l, lie.t-ivi-r.
s:iflICT 1.INKI0 ( A 1. 1 Ft) It MA.
i ::i:i'
ii;i.!sTiii'. i.uw i:. r
fi M.e
t i o i i
I hur.
let oti ol. i(e
let n c
oat tlaxs
,111' VMM
I t, oil So :i Mill ton I ,
.'m s (l.i.l ,lurtlltl
duV - x. hen i.e. e--1
ml, i No 4 t. Id
llm s a i.: r'ti-'.n . .
xi .tea in', ,
Me in rr N tiling Mules.
I.I nr. V :' si 11 IIP liiitis Vsllt-r, He i,
ii. i t net
Isxtts .M t vi s , Si i.i ... X Pi.tliirllti Vsllfy.
n.-i I.' I-, t. ft I 51.
I ai ' Hat. lay teserxe II. e fic'it le p:mtitft
niel III)
Mniiutiilii Vleo.
words again from
A few
View may not comu amiss,
We uio oxpeileticing tho brnefll of
Coiniiiissinncr .Moehnkn's 1inprovmint
ol our road, or latbur tbu county a road
xxliicli I una through our neigbboiliood.
Ho ami the County Court should b held
In grateful rMiiimubruiicn bv tba manv
who tru vol over till chief highway to
the city.
twr people, especially Uio young, ar
looking forwurd lo tlm holidavs will)
ihusing anticipations; ami in this con
nection wu may any that both our stores
are wall stocked with article designed
as appropriato present for both old
and young
Itiiilding is still in progru-s here; new
fences are to bo seen in nil directions,
uml llm sound of tlm uw uml the ham
mer is lietiid from curly dawn till dark.
Mr. Genrgo C. Kly lia painted the
ontrtiiln of hi atom building, and Ihe
other KlyncioH Ihe way la constantly
adding iiuprovcimims to both store and
to, il i-Mlale.
Speaking of iniint ruminds u that
(iiiorgo lias on liiind the paint for the
outer coat of our now church, tlio car
politer work on which il fur tiougli ad.
vuncod to admit of the paint biting put
on, which, it is iiiiduiHtood, will bo dona
And speaking ol tlio church remind
its to stiy further, (hat there la talk of
having ft CliriMtiiuiH Iron and fasti vul
within it wulls on tho eve of the H5lli.
Hut more of this iition,
Land in small parcel eoiitinuvi to bo
told to parties who wish fo siitll in this
locality. It is also rapidly increasing in
value, owing to the many advantage
we have w hich other Hiibiirnan neighbor
IiooiIh do not posses, especially thnt
at nml around the Dryhiirgh Corners
In proof of this we may cite the fact that
tlio Hoard of Eouali.ution of school dis
tant No. i'l, all living remote from our
Htreot, "doubled up" on the recent
ncHoHHiiimit. tuiido on the values of nearly
all our people, while they greatly reduced
that, inuiln on their neighbor of the
Comers and thereabout,, The worthy
Clerk no doubt intended to make an
honest iiHHi-Hwiiii'iir , milking it to corres
pond uh nearly as possible to t'lo iimhohh
ineiit provioimlv in ado by the county,' ' il-s i.Ii.-h- li tn-e
i I ill.) e tiii'.-l atl'l Ho- il ,V I
'..isl. .11 no) Xt'Jslijr.
lh) ( Ii i-olt I'sflie "li-Ull'i.i.lU on tha
Wiilaiiictlo rnor division will leave
I'oitl.iml, soul bound, Mon l ie, Wivines
day, al d I- inlay at II .V M Anneal
Corvailis Tuesday, ihuisil.iy nml hiilin
d. iv at ;l :io p. M, I.,.,, v., I orvallts,
north-boiiud, Motnlay, Vetliutlay tiiid
l-'iidayiil HA M, .mve at Portland
Tilesduy, Thursday tlml !"'iiluidav al :i::lO
I', .M. on Monday, WediuiBtluy ami Vri
day, both north and south-hound Ixi-its
bo over night al ,-aleui, leaving here at
ti A, M.
Kreliihl sml Tlekt-t Oilier. S.tlmoii Irt-t-t wharf
(! (." Milt) I K, ll. K. A I'. A O P, t
ltd Inch all wool Tiitvit, m yd, 3-w.
Vblm h all wool Tricot; per yd, 50c.
Whito Flannel, all wool, jier yd, 2kj
lied Flannel, twilled, per yd, 25c.
Colored rantoiiFli.inicl,H yd for ll Clttrk Thread, l'2poolfor 45c.
Caissiiiicre, J wool, jn-r yd, VV.
jCiifaiiuere, extra heavy, er yd, 11.
5ii-Iiu,h Water I'nmf, jH-ryd, .'AXj.
l.inlie' Itlnck A II-Woe' .Samlet.
IIiiM-, r pair, 2.V.
MixM-M Heavy Ilibhtsl Hose, p. r
pair, Ilk.'.
Inf.iiitw' WihiI Hose, Holid color,
'' pnirs fur 2 "m
tienta Scotch Mixed Sink, 12
pilirH lor 11.
(i nls' Scarlet Sock, 11 wind, jx r
pair 2V.
Men' Navy Hlim Shirt, Oregon
Flannel, SI 25.
Knitting Cotton, 4 ball for 25c.
Knitting- Yam, beet ipinlity, white
and tailored, 11 per pntind.
41iutton .Seallnp Top Kid (iloveo,
Htitchcd back, ja r pair. .rAJo.
IS-Ineh riuh, ja ryd, 5lV.
Men' Satinet Kuitu, tO.
fii' All Wool Cnssinioru Suita.flO
Men' Nice I'uion (.'asKitnere Stiii
Men' Fancy Worsted Suit, 10.
Men s I liiiii illit (.out and est, in
brown or blue, f7 .A).
llurpcr's Miiguxluc,
The important series of papers on South
America, by Theodore, Child will be con
tinued in Harper' Miigaxino during the
greater part ol the year l.Slll. The article
on Southern Culilorniu, by Charles Dud
ley Warner, will also 'be continued.
Among other noteworthy attraction
w ill be a novel bv Ctiarle'Kgbert Crad
dot k : a co' loci ion ol original drawing
by V. T. Thackt-ry, now published for
the llrst time; a novel written and illus
trated by (I purge lhiMaiirli'r ; a novelett
by William I 'can llowells; and u series
of pupera on lamdiin by Waller Hcsant.
In the number and variety of Illus
trated pupera and other articles on
subject of timely Interest, a well us ill
tbn unrivalled chaiucter of ita short
stories, poem, etc., Harper's Mugu,iii
will continue to maintain that standard
of excellence for which it liu been no
long distinguished.
II A hTKItls rKltlODlfAhS.
Per Year.
IIAHIM'ilt's' IIAZAU 4 (H)
KAltliCK'H VOD Nil l'KorLK.lKI
l'ostut.gii l-'rce to all MiibcriberH in Ihe
Dulled Stain, Canada and Muxiiio,'
Tlm volumes of llm Miigiiiun begin
with the iiumhiirH for .hum and JHki
iiinber of euch yetti'. When no time la
siiecilled, kii I isr i t i i , h will begin with
Number cui rout at the lime of receipt of
Hound volume of Harper's Magazine
for tlireo vear back, In neat cloth bind
ing, will (in sent by mail post-paid, oil
rec-.'ipt of t;l 00 per volume. Clotli case
(or binding, 01) centa each by mall,
post fiaid.
Index to Harper' Magazine, Alnlmet-
iittl, Analytical, ami cliiHsillud. for
volumes I to 70, Inclusive, from June,
lHfiO, to Juno, 1HN5, one vol.,HVo, cloth,
1 00.
UutnittauceH ahoulil bo mailo by post-
ollice money Order or Dialt to avoid
chance of loss,
Nc.WHpupers are not to copy this nd-
vertiHcmijiit without the oxpies order
of Harper & Jli-otluu'H.
New York, N, Y.
Inviting orders from those here
tofore not dealing with us, as well
as from our old and valued custom
ers, we promise our best efforts to
please. Respectfully,
I. Celling;.
Oregon City Sash & Door Factory
Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Turning of all kinds,
Special sizes of doors and windows niado to ordor.
KtstiiiiatcK for Ht'ilrwork. Order promptly filled
U11U11 u
SI I taivtsi I
111 1
i u uuun u i
Of All Designs, From tho Smallest
Olxllcl'o CJlxcttlr-
To the Largest
J.irxr. ClucLlxr.
Patent Koekinp Chairs of neat and nobby designs; Perfo
rated and Wood-scat Chairs; Fancy Reed and Cane
soat and back Dining and Library Chairs.
Wo also carry a eonipleta line of MattressesYum
Yum, Coil Soring; Box and Top made, to order. Woven
wire, two ami thre-ply, of all eiies; Bedsteads, Lounges,
Cots, Etc., Kt.
Warron fes JtXoltxxsxYXm
.JtW "I.. T-. . .
1I0AKE , ritOSSEIt. Twprietors.
Manufacturers, and Dpalons in all kinds of Machinery.
CASTINGS furnished and REPAIRS promptly i Wado
Oregon Picture Frame CoinpaiJ
MuiildingH, Mirrors, I'VaincH, I'lclnrcK, Iirii;.a.j)M
Eiignivings, Kubiiii'K, i tc.
108 Thirl Stroot, r'ariluw.!. Arlio'jio.i j
IWOt .'rs 111 II llll Of Isil.l M-lll, ll.' dllnl.
Shoes. Shoes, lo
FIfOKH j ; 4J
HvcrythiiiR in tlio ofFlnM-, from the most tiny J;,f.1:i,
tn tlm ht'Uvii'Ht kin-1 of Uwr' Klus-n. Our Mr. M, Kiu-i
rtturiail frmn tho KasUrii Market, ami lm li);u!.i us J.,;,,
nittiiiH'r of HIkm'H. Cull on tix, nnd will giiar:nit" to
best KHsilli hIhmi for lcttst iHisfiliK- iiioncy. Cuii,. 6hj
over, and if ymi don't buy you won't olli inl us one Lit,
Next Door to Post Olliw, Ori son Citv. Cn-jfi-n.
HAVK m:-iii'KM:ii at thkii: u s-tash in n:r.-
wun t:m: miict ccMi'i i;ik hui k or
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots and Sh
Groceries, Queensware,
Hardware, Etc.,
Ever Brought to Oregon C
Our Line of uhoceries Is the Very Btst.
Goods Dolivered Free to All Pjrtacrtiio
HlfUIKST I'RICli I'AIIl FOR ull KlNi!S .,f IV.i.M i;
XAfsK:?' -w aur
In ancticipation of the wf
of our numerous customers, and
view of the fact that the I
terms of the various schools
soon begin, we have receive
full line of the justly Celebra;
For which we have the Ex
clusive Agency.
THOMAS cm k Si
The Portland Jeweler,
Importer an J Dealer in
fl Trwik w --k x
-ur JL Mj JLillL J JUL q
Watches, Jewelry, Clocks and
tical Goods.
, 105 First Street, between Morrison and Yamhill
Fine Watch and Jwelry Repairing.
.Ordfrs From the Country Souc;