The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, November 06, 1890, Image 2

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ia. m.i;ittt:,
lullUlicr nuil I'roprlojor.
The liovlow I tiro namo of ft vmw
jmhlmliovt over nt ltMolturg In tho liitor
vA of tlio ilennvriilitf imrty iiud idom-
Ku-kLsm. It offers ioUglc for ll tlmt
I wrong, anil shows Incftivit ration to
vrrttxU nil that is right. Not utitUtlosI
with its already rank Jvocni,le
conwrning public affslrs, it lias iMihI to
Its offimaivonoya by ttmrtln to rgti
the lntititul of th nut li'gUUtur
pnnalng a law authorising I ho puhlioatiou
of Uislaws in tlm mwhiwiw. Wliat
can lo the objH-t of tlis Review in stray
so (r from the path of reason by oppos
ing thisall-imtvrtant matter important
not only to tho public but to the pre
cannot be Imnginosl, unless It is to aiM a
finishing touch to its unenviable reputa
tion of being the eor of kickers. Hero
Is what it says :
"A patent editorial Is going the rouiuls
of theOregxm press regarding the Heees
sily of publiHlitng the laws in the news
iaiHr. This is a contemptible piece of
lohhery, aiul e think Is being heeil
lesW " upjHirteJ by some journal
There would le about as much tn-ntilll
lerivel from pavtig the txr to pub
lish the laws as is derived (rom the eele
brated railroad (Miuuiiasion. The senti
loeut that it is smart aud thriltv to loot
the slate treasury should not be eucour
aced bv self-rcspvting newspaper men.
It in the duty of tho press to give the
new s, and surely no news is of more im
portance than the proceedings of the
legislative body of the state. We hope
those journals which have thoughllemly
endorsed this proposed raid upon the
treasury w ill take a second thought liHn
the mailer and consider if the iressen
place itself iu the position of advocating
Lite passa-.-e of such a measure. We
think not,"
The r.NrtKt'HisK, as well as do a'l who
uve tho interests of the public as well
as the press at heart, believes it can. It
is nnv-t essential that every resident of
tho state become familiar with what is
required of him by the laws, and iu no
way is there offered such a convenient
source (or his learning such as through
the medium of tho state press. With
this as the object iu view it is unUvom
ing to any journal to enter the cry of
it being " smart and thrifty to loot the
state treasury," as the legislature, if
it does its duty, w ill so regulate the com
pensation of the newspaiers for the use
of their columns as w ill leave no room
for complaint by even such inconsistent as the editor of the Heview.
tug the convention. The nltiiens of Oregon
City should feel recially kind toward till
gentleman, who, although a comparative
stranger, look hold nt the work lilt
such a degree of energy that the amount ol
business transacted was equal to Mist of
any previous meeting, Ills election as
president of the associated Indicates th
sense of the convention itself, and is hu I a
Just recognition of efficient services rendered
iu due reason.
Tit Leavenwort (Kansas) Time' edl
tionofthe lllst ultimo, was thrown out
of the malls by the postmaster, It was
another case of publishing lottery re
turns, which was operated al a church
fair, The Times has sued the postmas
ter (or f 10,000 damages on the ground
that no law can forbid an American
newspaper from publishing the news,
A Ttaatui catastrophe occurred off
Hamegat on the Atlantic rvvsst last
Thursday. Tho Spanish ship Vlcaya
and the schooner Cornelius llargraves
collided In mid ocean, both vessels sink
ing Immediately. It Is estimated that
the loss of life will reach close to a
hundred souls, while those saved by life
boats and the life saving crew Is but a
small per cent,
Hr.miv' UUe, "the grvateat hero ol' the
day" w ill In all prubatillltes twelve a thun
dering lilust at the bauds of some of his
follow m If the ivHirU which are current
proetru. That his treatment to the nil
tortuuate, Major Uartelot, Iu command of
lua rear guard, was as Inhuman and Un
called for as lis been slated, U net readily
Mtved. 1UU Hint Htmtley Is not entitled to
the unlimited honors bestow upon htm is
very evident from the fact thsl another of
hit officer stands ready to confirm at least
a few of Uie chares tgsimit htm.
l et t's Take Warning.
"It i"!u ill wind ! hat blows gooJ to no one,"
and Orrm city would rratiie it by nmking
much of Die anm-iation s.uablle which 1
now tiikinn pla.e In I'ortland, Kat 1'orl
land and Alhiua. A paltry few of the cltl
arris of the hitler two places, especially Its
officers and newspapers, are only too woll
aware of wimt would mxessrily result from
a consolidation, ami in view of which fact
they are riereising strenuous effort with
the earnest ho t- that these places will con
tinue to exist under separate charters, offer
Ing a proline anurre from which they ton eke
lav tsTtoAtioa proves bryoud e question of
doubt that of the .Vii,rjnu ctintribuled by
the people of the world for relief to the
sufferers of the great Johnstown, t'ennaylv
anla, Itood that at least $t,.Vl,nn ha U-en
appropriates! bv thieving officials for their
own private use, while a goosl portion of
the rest was lavishly evpendinl on exorbi
tant salaries fur clerk hire and other un
worthy causes. When so-called memlwrs
ofthe huninii family condescend to such
baseness as to match from the mouths of
their fellow men the only hope of relief In
an hour of th greatest disaster, distress
and sorrow, they lose alt claim to honor,
and a sympathetic ptople ean but consider
them with the same degree of odlousncs,
as do Uiey the vilest reptile of earth.
CoiumlMlouer't Court.
Present, J. W. MelJruni, judge ; Cor
neliue hair and t'ha Moeuhke, com
miseioiiers ; W. 11. 11. Sauisou, sheriff.
PetitionofT, W. lloote sue! others for
a county road grantesi and P. T. Davis,
Oaniel Tatbert and William Uwthwaite
appointesl viewers, and Sydney Smyth
surveyor, toloi-ale and survey said roail.
To meet at the Clackamas on Tuesday,
November U. at 10 o'clock, a ni.
Petition of (ieo. Swygart for a road
of public easement, denied on account
of not being in conformity to law.
Kestgnation of Chas A, Linn, Juatice
of the eaee, for Kagle Creek precinct,
accepteAl .
Ordered, that the warrants to pay (or
the keeping of Jane Kotrla be hereafter
drawn in lavor of Jenn W
(iontimmi num ruisT faun )
Neversl new buildings Just completed.
ilrmidina Talbert has liven slrk for
Miss Kulet'iHik In visl'lug at home
Mr, l.lvcsny has moved lulu his new
Miss Nannie Ik'dmaii cuine homo
from Portland yesleidav,
Mr. Itcmroso has lust eompleled a
residence west of Mr, Miule's
I.lvesav i Hhule have sold tlmlr mill
to ft I'artland gentleman,
Pr. Illckmau Is building an etcuant
residence west o( Mr llornberger's phico.
Miss Mollis Talbert Is attending
school at Portland. Mie spent Siiinliiy
at home,
Mr. law ou and family start for Cali
fornia Wednesday, whom they will
make their home. ' Mr. Laws iii'b health
has been poor for some lime ami he
thinks the change will bo henellclul.
They wilt be sadly mtsacd in tins com
munity, its they have mudo many
Irlends dm lug their short slay among
Mrs, Jennie, wife of hr. Hickman, of
this place, died at her home on Hominy
last. Mrs, Hickman had attained the
sgn of 41 years, and during her residence
In Clackamas has made ahostof waim
friends who wilt feel her loss with (lie
dcccat regret. Iter remains were fol
lowed to their resting place on .Monday
Kin roii 1''.ntimi'kisk :
Will give you a few items from this
part of the country. The weather Is
Hue and everylsHly Is improving the
time hy doing all the work they can.
The psitatoea are all almt dug around
here and the crop is fair. John Kruse
raiel about ItiKXI bushel of line lliir
buuks. and C, T, Tisise raiss-d IDS' bnsli-
els. These aio the laigs-st lots raised In
these parls,
Wheat sowing now iu progress and
the moat of it is owu. It a ill be finished
in another week.
The matrimonial season has Ih-cuii in
these parts. Miss Alma I'lutt was
married to t'has. Koidlmeier bv Kev.
Mulhapt of Salem, Mr. Iuiiu and Miss
lmisa KiH-llineler were tlu-lr in Is, to
i-e that the bri le and groom did not
faint for the minister was long w inded.
taking him one hour to do the im.
In the evening the Imys of the neigh
borhood gave them some tin can and
cow Ml music to start them In' llle.
Charley Wagner was the raplain an.)
he is a gsxsl one when it cornea to that.
The beer llowesl fieely and the Isiya
rejoice! and went bourn frcliiif happy,
Miss Flora brown gave us a lectins
Sunday on Spiritualism to a gsl house
full o( iss.ple. Kite is a gossl tulker
we tnd bopo to hear her again.
The Secular I'nion la progressing here
in good shape. Next Sumlay will tie
their day for meeting.
Mr. Kose is the proudest man Iu the
counlrv. He always lias a smile on his
lace oblate and the reason why is his
wife proavutcil him with a girl baby
am! it Iwmg the llrst of (lie kind in his
family is enough to make him fevl K"hI.
The young and old people had a very
niiMs tuiui at Mr. James Nolan's hiM
Thursday ete. He gave the paily for
some friends on a visit from Ihorasl of
the mountains. All will remember it
till Ilia next one come oil,
Mr. Henry Swarts Is going to give a
dance in Ins hop house Salurdsv .'-
:bu y a Lorr i
And Doile b Fnreliase Pie in a to Intlis
Hlrii-tly iimido iri's'tl(v, hiliiittoil lull 20 iiiinules' viiilk from tho jMMttnlTicK ; h'u
it urmli'il Ht-hool Imiisii will 1m) built this ymir. Tint Orcj?' n City Kh'i'tric .''In
lewiilk nil tli" wny. A ii"vv
Ml 11.. ....I.
i-ct r:ir ino' "in in" mi""f."
foitr-rtMitu urui
Smith Drenim City. Now U the. tinm (o huy heforo tiriiva inlvnm'n.
la a jmrt of Unit iiiiiIi IiIcsh riicrty Aiiinerly known ns tho "A'hthoii I'Iucc," ! iji(? just c.uth of Un' ..r!it
limits of our rriilly jfrowiiij; cily, itiul c.iiiiiiiuu.liiiK onu of thu most Htilmrli vit tvs i,f the i n i.ninlly ruiyvt--. 'I
moiintiiiim of liooil, St, JIoloiiH unit AiIuiiim In ho hud in Orison.
Utililto most tuMitiotiM cliiiiuinx hUeulion, is free from Irocs, Mt vim fH or rock; Inn no i'iiiivoiim, ernk or unl.-hi-a
to i-liiiib over or through. The Im-hI roiol leiuling out the city goes tlirmih this rAUAUISK HHt llnMK HKDIvKIIS.
I,ota TrtlxIlK) ; dtrcets til) feet wi.le. Tni ju-r rent, ilown; moiilh; no interest; no (uxis; t it Its ahnoh.My i-rf.rt ;
I'ricn of lots ruiirs from f I ( K) to fl.Vl. ileyomi ijiii'stiou this is the very UkI huy ever oll'ere.l in Onyon I'ity.
JT TVHaiEIS. X. SSIIXAT,, Real Estate p?oirxt. Orofj;on City, Or.
(Hlice iti "Hnl Front." 0iHite rostoflice.
K IlKMOI IU I If ut roitv.
That i'lirty Makes fleau Saeen Iu
tho l ast,
Tue'.ita) si lii linu has rsoulti-sl, so lar as
rvl 1 1 1 m -1 . , i o , a i Icloiy for llimli-inix iats and
in some l.mihtii-s ha overreached their
liicOo-l a in Ij it i. mi. In a few of Uioagrj. slates the ilcli at of the repuhll. ans
is alli lhiil. ,1 to the t-'armcra' Alliance, whlt'h
lo.y has prove i ll-elf to lie r t li(ly
mni ilul. K. nnns up to (folng In prrsa are
as folioH i -
Vn tory f..r the ih-inm rats. (Some fraud
siipMwl lo have len vrH-lralrl. Must of
(he im iuU rs of thr farmers' alliance yoleil
wild their n-s.itno parlies, hut enough
fanner rej ul.licnns ilirs-w asay their '(es
to weaken the party. The school ipieallons
Uild ai:aii,!.l the irpuhlicaus lieavlly.
IM'US t.
Krporln fioiu all arts of the state show
the rlcclion Ims Uin a veritahle laud-It le
for the tlciinH rac'. t he entire iti-ims-rallc
slale tu-kcl l e'e- ted hy latv iiiajoillles,
S-ii-n repu'ilii an and fourteen de.itoi rat
io I'OliK'rs'ssliiail eliste.l. 1 ho n- uhlii-in
stale c, .lunatics- on um.rh- lal returns, ,
a repulili, .111 pluialitv of 14,'so mi thu siau-
ticket 1 lie touinnttec .4111c. des tde lleti al
ol M. Klnl.-v.
1 he h-i-l-Utnrs- ts Ivso llords (tenns-rniielii
Uitli houses, the .l,-.i.-. -- - '
1890 PALL li IB 1891.
and Winter
CSrOoctra Arc lTow Xoctly.
An 1 1 11 ii is-1 ims lino of new uii'l Heasoimlilo giHnls at ilosu money
ssviiij? iriiVH. t)ur purchases nre all fur Cash from first lunula, en
nhlitij' us to liuike the
t'oiuo and sen our Splendid Hew stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Hats Caps, Furnishing
Goods, Notions, Etc.
Yours, KcstHvlfully,
io.11j.1j.1j.1.IN VJ.
Oregon City Sash & Dooi ctor
S;tbli, pnuis ami M(iulilii)(:s. Ttirniiij;
Sjx't ial si.cH ol limns ami wimlows ma
Cistinuitce for t orwork. Hnle
- ll.WK Iti: 1 'I'll l.! AT I lll.ll! i.l hTAMi IN T1IK
wnii : in: Mn.- r C"Mi'i i;i 1; m-m k '. -
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots and Shos,
Groceries. Quo ons ware,
Hardware, Etc., Etc.
Kvor It rou iur lit io Oregon City.
Our Line of cKoctmts Is the Very Best.
zstointi-: iiu'j' i'iesii stock: kept.
Goods Dclh 01 oil Frco to All Parts of tho City
iik;iii:st liiii K i'.ii 101: a:i kims of faum pkodi'CE.
.... -s
. . ,a .iu r..-i 1 nrtisnd are
bmmiini: familiar with the fai-tn us they rr
sent ilit-inseivn, u:id are sensible rnoiii;h to tlies.lvaiitaKvs ofcoiiMoliilulioiii
which they n-a lily ttipport. Hud the eitien
r-n nnit.'.l .Inriiu- the .lays of llietr inf;iin y
llus timul.e.l i..r unit n-markohly oniliurra."
ns stale of things wiiul I nut ei-t. I'ort
land nun!. I I-.i-hail the Dime ofheing
the metpip.,!i., tlmi ,1,B ia.wliilt theexirime
ofgou-riiim-tit in the aiirenate wouhl hare
Lten liimii k-.-.s f.,r the three. M'hile it in
by all means pohoy even at this lute slay,
for the three towns to consolulate, hail It
bwi done yean ii'd, the henelit wouhl have
wen great, an enormous eipcnso sj srcil
smi it.e present ilitMcultlcs unknown.
Then w hy shouM Oregon City not benefit
by the n sult of I'ortland's error, and actsc-
cnnliiiKly? As we look forward to the liv
e liable ilectiny of oureity, we ohisirve that
a sirnilnr rjr enence awnils us unlew lm.
me.Imte t(. s nre taken topreveniit. During
me ncit ti-i.ty years tho growth ami ad
vnntrriieiit of this cily will lie great, causing
ti e rapid buildup up of a large tract of land
on either. -id.; ofthe Willamette. If wewait
for that time to come before extending the
limit, it will five us as great a eaunofor
repeiitai:i o as I'ortland has to-day. Then
let our 1 itiei.s in t wisely nhen it comes to
determining this all-iro jmrtunt mutter, by
carefully weihingtlic pointsof prominence
which are so pluinly repugnant to the wel
fare of our city, and have ready for the uh
inisxion to the next legislature a bill lor the
extension of the city's limits.
If current reports prove true there will be
consummated at no distunt day one of the
largest railroad deals in the annals ofthe
world's history. In case It becomes a cer
tainty it will give the Vanderhilts absolute
control of a gigantic railway nystom from
New York to Ogdce, Ctah; and all they
would need would be control of the Cen
tral Pacific branch of the Southern I'a
cilic to give them Independent lines
from the Atlantic to tho I'acKic eoast, with
terminals both at Sun Francisco and I'ort
land, Or,, the Oregon Short Line of the
Union IVilic already furnishing an out
let to the latter point. The fact thalinesgo
tiatkms are already going on between the
Vanderhilts, Leland (jtandford and other
owners of tho (Southern I'acific, with, the
view of obtaining possession of the interests
of those parties in the Southern Pacific, lias
already to n mentioned, and C. P. Hunting
ton admits there la a probability that the
Vanderhilts will succeed in acquiring
control of that property. With the South
ern Pacific in their control, the Vanderhilts
will be masters ofthe situation and will be
able to dictate terms to all otlierjroads.
Gov, Hill, of New York, recently re
quested Secretary Noble to order a new
count for New York City, alleging
that that burg is 200,000 Buort. If Gov.
Hill entertained any hopes that bin re
quefit would be granted, lie was cer
tainly laboring under a false idea. Tho
Secretary opened up on the Goveronr in
a column article telling him to keep his
nose out of the census muddle. Evi
dently tho Secretary prefers traigliten
Ing republican blunders In republican
style without callingupon the democrats.
ivum; tfuwjtfl, UlNtllUWesl,
Keport ol W. II. Smith, suiwrvisor ut
improvements on Abernetliy roil
Ordered, that T. M. l.otig,Jiuirviwr,
be instructed toexii-nd thu remainder
o( the tdlA) aothorliod to be eipendesl in
tilling in the crib work on the Csnuuiah
road, ati the July terra, and if necsssisury
to complete, the work to expend further
turn not to exceed f 10U.
In the matter of the derrick roud,
petition grunted and J. I'. Strow bridge,
frank Uutes and Win. i'-ormg. apiointd
viewers, and Sydney Smvtli surveyor,
to locate and survey said road. They
to nieet at point of beginning or suid
road on luesduy, .Nov. Kith.
Ordered that warrants for $10 50 bal
ance due for repairs made on brid on
roster and Mew r,ra road, under 011-
tract witli Peter Kngle, be drawn
Petition of J , M. Htiker mid others for
powder, laid over until lA cenilier term
Or doit-d that a wurranc be drawn in
favor of Chas. Moohnka for I'loO for
work on Molulla roud
Ordered that on Commissioner lluir
filing with the county clerk his retnirt
accepting the bridge built by I. S. Scott
across Kock creek, that war runt be drawn
in favor of said Scott for amount due on
said work.
B. F.I.inn, lumber 2!) ll
Uiivm & Ambler, lumber dist. 4 H8 HO
A. Mather, nails, dislrictN'o. 4 ... 4 75
(ieo. K.lltarnurd, stationery Ms fMI
Tl L - li... U IK.
toon, v-nui iiiuii s .-.on, nii.ii isn . . ,? oo
W. P. Austin, lumlier.dist. No. 60 13 tifi
ti. K. Epperson, bridge exiienses 'if (X)
Ueo. Joiic ' '' 15 00
Huinilton A Washburn, nails, dis
trict Ho. 1H 0 25
J. A. Jones, lumber, dist. No. 18 84 07
M. IsaconiSc Sons, stamps and
supplies 8 00
D. N. Ilaker.wood torcourt house l;W 00
A. F.Cornwall, medicine for pau
per 7 00
Joseph Rennor, lumber 2 10
Warren s I unman, unuertukor s
fees, not allowed.
6. fclectric Light Co 4
Til K success which attended the meeting
ofthe waterway convention which was held
in Oregon Cily two weeks ego, may Justly
be attributed to the efforts of Mr. Hollon
Parker of Wulla Walla, who labored lnde
fatigably both prior to and during the
Dr. J. W. Norris 11 00
State vs. J. II. Howard 39 50
State vs. Wilton and Ooltra 37 IJ5
Inquest fees on body of Ilent. G.
Lund, disallowed.
Inquestfeesonbody of T D. Run
nel so lr
Sydney Smyth, county nurveyor 22 50
If. 11. Johnson, clerk's fees 120H 01
Courier, printing 24 00
California Powder Co 0 10
Pope A Co., road supplies 12 40
Thos. Cliarman 4 Son 10 00
W. II. II. Samson. Sheriff 141 15
Chas. Moenchke, bridge supplies 30 50
, Hair, commissioner, two days
and mileage 8 80
Chas. Moenchke, commissioner,
two days and mileage 7 (10
Same, one day extra and mileage 6(10
The following is a summary of the busi
ness transacted Dy uie uregon oity
United States Land Office during the
month of October. This ollice in conmd
ered the most important one, from a
business point of view, in the United
States, having transacted more business
for the past few years than any other. It
cannot tie readily conceived the great
amount of work performed by the em
ployees of the office, after adding the
targe number of contest cases to tho
other business, of which the following in
a summary for the last month :
Homestead entry applications M
Pre-emption I). B. Filings 48
Cqal land applications 4
Soldiem' D. S 1
Timber land applications 37
Homestead final proofs , 31
Cash entries 85
t mlinlilirir ,i)les.
Mtmt Aini'liii Tmiltim ier 111,1. lo a vi-il
to I'ortlund thio w .-ck.
The MisiN-N Kofllt'i ineirr, of I'orlhui l,
msdii the neighborhood a vi-it to alien, I
the wedding ol their brother Charles
.Mr V. Woetit'r, of lii-rimnv, and
Miss Ida Mel ildileu, of ( 'niin.-etii ut , 111 r
the giients ol ti'eir tun le, I'. WiM-rner
Mr Uiuie Tos-dtnn-ier l ju-t roiiipli-l-jng
a liaiiils.iniB rt'sidein-e.
Mr. Charh-s Kovllerineii-r is building a
fine houiut mi Ids larin, where hu will
take his new bride.
Mr A. Williams, nho has been in the
eniplov of Captain Coulter the p.tst sum
mer, went to Oswi-gu Friday to take,
charge, of a set of liooka for a mercaiitih.
School (n district No. ti7 ocni fm a
term of six mouths last .Monday' (i. II,
I'tinn teacher. ThedinH-tora have lins-n
ntting up the school housn willibl.u k
tioard and oilier apparatus, which 11. 1, 1
greatly to its iipx'arancn tnd ellicieucv.
Mr, mid Mm. I'lutt left Tliiitmluy for
Kelso, Washington, to iiiuku their sun
and family 11 visit. They will slop in
Portland on their wuy, tlm guests of
Miss Kohii Wittenberg, their former
school teacher
.Mr. Kruse had .l.ilXI liiisliels of polaliH-s
fnmi lit im acres for w hich he has been
offered cent u miiiih1 on the ground.
Who says fai tiling doea not pay in Ore
gon'. IliillSlII TIC.
K. I.. F.iHthaiK, now in Portland, un
dergoing medical treatment, is greatly
improved, according to Into reports.
Mons, Lorenzo's show tl Misinig's
Hull was well attended and concluded
with a dance.
On November 8 the old Sandy debuting
club will revive at (iordis' house, opo
site Revenue's store, with the ipiisstion,
" Resolved. That the education of chil
dren should be compulsory."
Mr. Shay, who a fortnight ago was
thrown from a mule, is still lying in a
sull'uriiig and precarious statu, intended II. Chase. The
breaking of two ribs was 11 sad complica
tion for one over seventy years of age.
The travel on the Harlow rom I, though
much less this noason than usual, still
continues. 1 he moving is mostly west
ward. Several bauds of homes huve
lately come over.
There lias been quite a sliuiL'liter 0
pheasants up Sandy river this fall.
Albany Herald: It is a well conceded
fact that by a proper improvement of the
Willamette river It could bekeptoiHin
for navigation during the entire summer
months. In othor words, the boats could
be run without interruption, the year
around, thus giving us another compet
ing freight lino, and the best and chewi
est freight transportation In the world,
during the entire twelve months. It
only requires a systematic and continu
ous watchfulness against the obstruc
tions to accomplish that desired end.
Hut to do it there must be appropria
tions from the government adcuuate to
do the work, and those appropriations
must not be frittered away In simply
procuring a plant which is allowed to rot
and become useless before any work is
done. Horo airain It needs the voice of
the business men to emphasise our
wants and see that the appropriations
are rightfully applied, as well as to se-
curo further and more adoijuiite appro
The officers of tho Willammette Land
Company have the greatest confidence
in the growth and prosperity of our city
and vicinity and anxious that intending
settlers also shall be satisfied and well
informed on facts and figures before in
vesting. ('oiiHconeritlv thnv invito new
comers to get reliable information on till
points of interest at their ollice.
. . . , , i i oncre-snieii
! are 1 -livl.-d. Im! I at. r l.i-irs- mat cluing ihe
1 leinli. i'.,c le. n)n lire I- lerv dnilhllul.
i I w s .
j I i:st.:. 1,. ui,,,;li, ni r. 1 Hi n-inin 1,1 1 re
I pithln .111 k on "I ,'d osei I.kI tear III titty
1 coiiMi. . 11 1'oi 00 c. -ninnies n publicans
will e.urv Ihe -line b li.mi 3 n In 4o i inn
Sl:h. 1 ill.
1 1. :,e r.i-s Mill viid a lull delicti, n to
I'ohtc li, tU inn- ei ej'linli.
I i ssisvi V IM .
"... 1 1 1 . 1 1 le, hul uii.ilhi iul returns give I'tit
tistw, dei in. mt, n plur.iliiy of pi, s.l over
H Llllieter, re lll'llt ali,
mhsi 111 sirii.
The vote f.r Koverteir shuns an over
whelming tlcniocnilii- vielory.
RdinutK v.
Ono buiidie-l and nmel v nuie pre, lin ts
outside of 1 Kiuclas nn I ineliiiling one ball
the wards in l.ioi oln, show a totnl volu for
lUchnrds, Hep., for governor, l.'i,"'.'; Hoyd,
11,'isl; Po u r., tnd., I l,.Vv'l, I'rohihilioii
snowed under by H,ni majority.
K. .ill itii-it 1 1 victory. WINon's innjnrily,
nearly 7,'ssi, King and fierce counties
went solid republic; an. I'lvmpia kwpi the
capital by a I. true majority.
e 1I.IHIIIM v,
iK lil icrats coiieedn the eleeliouof the co
tire slat republican ticket.
K s M.
In Kiiiisns eighty lo llenl-aud republi
can majority was overwhelmed hy resist
li s- force. The Fanners' Alliance did It,
and It was a genuine surprise. Tlm Kansas
delegation will stand , democrats one repub
lican our and runners' Alliance live.
t'ptoll P. M. Indli atious are the demo
crats have elected the Kovcriior hy Blnint
10, (Ml plurality and the re-t of the ticket
by a substantial vote.
Not a alugle republican has been elected
to the legislature and it will hu mailt up
of iiiiiely iiinn democrats and one republi
Thu next legislature, will stand; Senate
democrats i; republicans 4. House, deui
ocrals I I; republican?. There Is no United
States senator to ho elected,
Thu democratic comuiltteo claims tho
election of Pimm to congress by 4AQ major
ity. The republican cominllteo claims tho
itule for Carter by 123.
The legislature will have about twonty
flve democrats and Independents out of
iilncty-tliroo. The republican slate ticket
will have about tho same majority Iu tho
stato as tho republican congressmen,
In North Carolina the majority for the
douiocratiu statu tickets is estimated nt
In South Pakola both committees aro
claiming tho stale but. tho returns da not
seem to Justify the claim ou tho part ofthe
democrats. The capital light Is close.
In boulsuiia there Is a full democrat del
egation to congress.
The Connecticut legislature Is tun to six
teen republican on joint ballot,
In New Hamphshlro republicans elect 1.1
senators, and tho democrats S
Of All Dedans, From tho Bn
I To tho Largest
! .ifV.S)lt'n.
1'alriit ll'M-kiit Chair ni neat ami mil thy ili-.-ioiir-;
ratid aiul Wnml-Hfat Chairs; I'atifv Kfrdaml Caiif
scat ami hack 1 lining and I. ihrury Chairs.
ni si carry ti fonipli'tc lint' nf Mattresses Yum
Vtiin, Coil Spring; Box and Top made- to order. Woven
wire, two ami three-ply, of all nixes; Bedsteads, hump's,
Cots, Kte., Ktc.
lic'n.rren &c Holman.
All rmiriii)f ilom
.iti'l tvnrriititoil.
(corruioiiTici) )
City Trciisiirer's Niitlce.
Notico is hnndiy given, that there is
money in tho city treasury
to tho tmymoiit of nil warrntils issued
and endorHiid prior to July I, JHIIO.
Inttircst on the sumo will ceaso from
the date of this notice.
Nov. (Ill), 1HII0. l' K. Ciuhman,
ll-0;ll-0 City Treasurer.
. liOAKES&ritOSSEIl, I'loprieloi-s.
Manufacturors, ami Dealers in all kinds of Machinery.
CASTINGS furnished and RKPAIRS promptly made.
The Most Rapidly Selling.
In tho last sixty. day's. Examine tho record. Very sight
ly, adjoins tho best jnproved part of town; also convenient
t'o'tho manufacturing part. Don't fail to look at it before
purchasing. ' Teryis very easy.
jlu auuLiCitJcttiuii ui liiu w a ins
of our numerous customers, and in
view of the fact that the Fall
terms of the various schools will
soon begin, we have received a
full line of tho justly Celebrated
For which iiave the Ex
clusive Agoiicy.
1 llti if a
Office noar Post Oilico.
The Portland Jeweler,
Importer and IValcr in
13 i a in o o cl
Watched, Jowelry, Clocks and Op
tical Goods.
ICS First Siivel, between Morrison and Yamhill.
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing.
Ordfrs From the Country Solicited.
,3l!!nJ!!?n;'wI J0 s"'-'?Is V" onSoiimo Utiof jo, winia ol aiUAV KH.nrJJtrrf? WI
S n,m l?0,esaulsno iidBO mM nioSwo muiUl 01100 eseu
jo .vioas Ao V'tll l'"!! mn si
. J f