The enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 188?-1891, August 28, 1890, Image 3

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liiu i ruu-ii.ihs of a l.tK'al and' Nature.
U.itUM - in' Ititoio-t ( ollet'U'tl from
l lt,v nml luuiilrj.
II. .11. I
I.,, r .--ii.
nl.. n
'!: i - t
. T. 1:11111 Hlhl Wlto wjnk' in
i'ou'ii iif mi iiiluiit eon. that
;l'H Ml.uli O III lrt lilllvl (l
Ui.WtlH'tlO "ihiT l-lMlll't luiml Will
i i i i; o I'p.Mi uii' l oinvrU on. Sat
in rii'ti.:-, i liili' llui umi, wothir
, ,.i.iinii.'
: ll.-nn limit hit lilted ll a noat
, Ill tin- .lllCjMV building, III til
,, , n- I,.; in. l',' orrllpicd )J- County
v .' '!' SU1 ll
I V '.'. r K , nj tht (.'ongrcg
n ! . Uit.h. uill.ivon lawn am ml
.- li'iuo uf K I''. White- t It in we
ll : ,- !. .. e ;tt itt'il.
I i it. p.'-.i., ilmi Vitiulilll nml
i :.;'! '.'il i "llt'li. will got a roiMltnl
t.i.-.i r i' ii iii'Hi li in to bo tiotl
tii.i- i1'. v.'it til kim another KnittvM
ll. -;ti .'I
V.,y ('i i' M I'mlm, of Portland,
i; ...... h in the tWitrvgiilional t'lturv'll
in. i. ii Hi- :il iimi. Mr Oirti. I
.i .: . .1 iv im'i mtil iviiviiii0 U iiiviloJ
t,' I.,' ii I. mi.
H I'.m 1 m I l.m lull cluh Imvv won
in. i : i .i tv. rit.'v shut out the
.mi;1 ' ii li-' Sunday, anil cons.
;! ' l''.'1 ) ll'l' tllt tllliT the defeat of
v ii l.i l. iii I'.iirutt was ri Instated,
1 1 . -ii'i -it in.. I c'cui unco a week,
Vii I nil. a h.. hi.. I In widow
. t, i- -!; t mii, I kissed il oil;
1 in- ,i- In. . her uicuiory hrvioglit.
Mr I'. I Ink in having II tie
in !"i.!i .I'.iim.l din iiiviiiiwd, ami
wi'.i ui.i'm- one iniiroYiiiHnlii on Ilia
il'tiil.ii.' Mr i'. H.iU-ivi ia doing ii
.ii in in l'n .have purvhasotl tin"
i k I .' tmi biii I'ottaiiA I'olora
..- i ' 'i n A Louie. They are
,.I I'.lll.tS, ttllil glVC Satisfaction
I'll! 14.
1 1. n !
1 .ill' .i i iins, 1 gul., quarts
it e-ii.ihhshed ti it brum It
11 1 in.;. nt I'ny, very few go tu
I 1; I ir llioir titt ttr ptm,
1 Ins Imilt up n invmhl
1 'ii 111 1 1 . - lino in I'.irtUnil, ml
!, i.f - iitfai'iiim.
.!'..! I'l itiki.'' writo it Vtwtk-
. ' 1 " ttu' iintt itiTtiit-liin ol
1, S it, I ri'ilni.ti. 1I.1 not tlitnk
. in I v in m ilrr llirluiiH kIhiip,
1 . it ! i-it a i.iiiIh'I ol coin ami
l i '"! H- it-i nmlly. "
.1 In 1. 1 ilu l'uni:rti:iitionNl
- I. m I will j;ivttlui ptii'iU ami
i .1 j :. nil- mi iif nt Tliil-miny, Ann
.1! til.- .row iti'iir llin vhykr
1 !' I.ini.'li mill ii-f i ri.aiii re
1 N i 11 Tit' I lo (lit'i-liililrvu.
ii 1,' t . ii I'l.tH lit the OrfK.mimi,
.1 a .i.'in.iii'l 111 ilif fxt lor
i iii- o ilt.-ifiinlii. (.'ImkaniM
r ii ii' it.. Ii ivi' nit opHirtiiii
. 'if t mnall nt'it ivi Iiy t'toh
i' ! 1 U ultvi". an I wmlini; litem
I' ..'' in
I'ltt'- -i !n. ill I'.imiiii'iiee ni'xl
j ii iiitiT Nt, umlr lb
i tin. 'r.i'iic lii-tine Hi.tti'nt. TI10
! mil f..r tin. 'liter year with
': v'i' '-i i- ii-! iTn-iffta, ami in
!! Km li't-.' eiliii iitiitiml inttitu-
I 1 lr-'li I iiy.
t ' II i'i'Mi. u.'f I Ii) yearn anil 17
i-. .1! 1 n i l an, nr., on Anoint 24.
- t:t.. s.,:, i Mm. I. K. Slmltt.
rine 'v f.-i li'l ill llntnil I'ily.
I.' n! 1 Mi 1 erti ioiiiliiotid at
A' iniri Ii in linn eilv on TiiPtxUy,
111:1 in M -ri' interred in tit
!'-. ii i Iri'.it.'.l to a HeiiHiition
11 1 . .. 1 yniiMi; man, well known
)... '.. I. I'i'i.'iu' ml. leaving a
mi ii'i" ..I iinintiil ItilU iH'htitil
In.- Miitlitl iil l'oniiaiiy, lor
1-n.'iit, eliiinn that lt li
. .1 1 1 1 .-. I iili'inl $to worth o(
i'l li i-li.irne.
11 1
!h' kluii ttli 1'i. tnly Htar nayn, in or
li r 1 ' -iv.. !he I' liturtal ttwn ialion (rotn
in- i.ii.' .if i' - "luer", i'l irt limit ennai'lpr
ut -i v 1 In 1 ill Her Urn LMtmn lt wek.
A !. " n I t iria! ,inN-Utiiin ia no nniHrt
i i- laiu'i ll iiv cn-ilv it poulil down
,-. i v "ti.-i' in l:i'' in uii'l flourUh lt
n ; " 1 r 1 111 and -Imiil It iiiniphantly.
.1. C. li
r.lnii and Mr Pundln-
M iiin... w ho ein li Itavo ezteOMlv
11 vii'l- in tluit vi' inity. wen in Uiwn
11l.1v. l lii v report tite Imp crup very
..I. an. I 11 ) Imp lire, notu itliMtutldintf
-!:i!r:n.-:ili ol tlte ClndiilllN Ntlet
the i- .ii'.iarv.
ii. I,' -ill K-t.tte
I.- i.-fied a." tin'
mil ! e i-iilartfi
-nil. !.!' n
ieview ol l'lirtlund,
l omiiicreiul Kuviow
il lo aixtiHin paifei
1'radtreetH of New
York 'it v.
MeinlpeiH ol llio Portland
( I 1 1 1 1 1 t .1
r oi ( i.iiiineri ii promiHe llbural
nieii! tu Hie new pnturriHit.
Mt III'-
Hi'Mrinn left a Itox of peaches
ulliee I. lit. Satnnluv, rainetl on
1,1- pi
, Ii I nv I. n. Tliev aro nuiHjrior
in. I Mavor to unv ol th iniiHjrtcd
P-.h'Ii-i lii'iulit int.) Hie miirkt. Clack
iniiaj cuniity "'U'lit'H am taking the
li'ii I in the Portland market, and lh
crop i- nun dually ood thin huunuii.
l: v I' (' P.aieiitan, of Mount Talor,
tilled t!i- pulpit of tlie liaptiHt clnircli
a-t Mind. iv 11101 imiL'und avuninir. net
liati iiian in an aide Hpeaker, and held
tin. -t rift ait-nlion of li im aiidiencn. Kev.
.1. C l:-a I. win) ii viHilinif Itin brother,
I't v. I V K. id, pitHtor of the Market
rtri i'l llapli-t chtirch at Seattle, will re
t'lltl to-llliiTOW.
JI":h aie itilvai.cinir in value in Lane
t'titmt v ariiurcliii!' ti the Htaieiiient made
liv '.lie I'lii-eiiii (iniird. A coimitliirahle
n ianlitv Inn liei'tl enL'iilied ut M COIltH
per pound, and 27 e-nts per pound Itaa
l,e ni nietition with a poMMihle rine to
in e-ntH. 1 'laekatiiiii county Itaa Home of
t!,n fine I Imp li-ldn In tlie Htate, and lite
neoliiM" hi-h pri-eH will ho hulled with
il-l.-lit. '
,. W. li .IniicH, the Marion county
fiii'iin-1' v, ho MUH buncoed out of $5,000,
Ill.'Jtl'l Wllfc ivi vl
one cliiltlren applied
iippitinU-d for liini,
in I'ortl.iltd, nml whom1
to have a tual'li ill
w.-n n-e.-nHy iinn Tied in alein, to Mlm
,-, vnthiit Idia Harbin. Tim lady U fair,
.n-ik v and :;H, nml in aaid to bo happy in
.ii-r .-iioi-e She irt ipiili a belle, and
iH.lnl-u .I0111-1 iiiMt, Ion liert. JonCH in
j i-tliifd willi HiiyiiiK that lie had bit
niek of fotfv. anil Unit Mihs Harbin was
fltn beet ol litl) lot,
Mr. J. W. O'donnell, chairman of the
cninniilti'i on Kire titid Water, of the
city 1:01111. 'il, ha.i rectiiveil a Hhoo box full
of coiiimiiiiicaiioiiH mid price liHti of
liniep iind water wheelH. All tllO dfl
hi'.'iiH of piitnpH aro HiibMitted to the
crilienl exiiniinaliiin of practical and ex
1:ti i-nt't'd men, ami 11 number of bids
havit In 'ni n i eiveil. Mr. O'C'onnell is
k-pl lijny a t'.iinnideriilili) portion of the
time ar.i.'eiinu' proportitioiiS from manu
fuetnrem unl tl-alerrt in pump machin
cry. Tim mu-lt-r will very likely be di
ow'd of at tin next nmotinjr of the city
council, and Ihroiiudi thu energetic efforts
U t,lii!i'oiiiinii.ti e on lire and water the
citv ivill be enabled to Hccnre a bargain,
and have it pump Hint will prove ado
tniale lo the ivanlrt of this erowinn mu
wcipalily. Vr the ht'Ht intercuts of Or
xv'on ( iiy it In .in,esUy hoped tlut the
council will tlifiili! on HHitnriiiK a pump
jtf Ktillii'ieiit cujiacity ut thu next meet-
iillfe'. '
.:!,.,.. 11 .0.1 . ...
j't.w,, 01 v mr, will hlurt up
"'oin inrtinimr next Mnntlav fur
The aottrlut fnvcr is rn-torted to luivx
lirokmuml at WllluiU, and nuwt nil f
um -.muors navortiturmiil to their homos.
Heyeral caiwiol inoaslcs am rtHir(nd
? ,,,.V.,V,17 01 cornur. Mr.
O. Hol.lilns daughter, Mim Orloy, Is i
portod vtiry III
I'ounly Clork Johnson has received 11
tiandsomn cahlimt, iHitivoiiientlv lltled
i with IuMUhI drawurs, In which am
ipl the' lilanks used in his olllco
Vlmn you want a kihhI tnlxed pln(
rcatly for use ami an shaUs to chiHwe
freiH, uhp Columbia Cottuun Colors, ulv
il ti jMtr Ksllim, Kor sale by Chai uian
A Co,
A wish. "1 am K I ad to see you, sir,"
said the widow to lha editor. "Your
ohllnarv of mv husband was bcaiitilul,
l wlsli he could have lived lo have read
Mr. Win, Uverldini, ol MolalU, is
piillma in new wind mill, to provide
water for Ins slink. Wind mills un bt
coniiun nuuinrous throughout the fann
ing country,
A very pleusant etiteitnlniinuit and so
ciable was given at the -Shaiinoii school
house last Vridav evening by the nieiii
U'r ol (he Uaptist chunh for the I enellt
ol the Sunday school,
f Mess. Thus. Charman A Son, ate send
ing out large number of Invitations to
their friends lo take a cup of "Yan
lloulen's Cucoal' on Thursdav, Krlduv
and Saturday, Aug. 28, W and 30th
A imrty iMiisisting ol T. P. lUndiill.
M. Kendall, tl, W. Church. I Will
Church, and Jas. Church, have gone to
Table Mountain on the head waters of
the Molalla to gather huckleberries.
The I'nion Pacific railroad company
are actively pushing otrallons on their
road from Portland to the sound. The
road is practically located to Kalaina
and work will soon commence on (he
bridge near Vancouver.
The street conimisloner is extending
the Improvements on Main street lo tlte
north part ol town The elevated side
walk opposite Caliirs factory will be ex
tended to accommodate the residents
of that portion of the city,
("apt. J. V, Shaw, who returned Irom
Wilhoit laxt week with his family, re
ports having had a glorious lime He
was the guest of Mr. Andy Wylaud, who
kept him supplied with the liuest,
and they had a very eitioYabln tune
T social dance will be given at lite Ar
mory Hall Saturday night The sll'nir is
under reliable management, and good or
der and a pleasant tiuiu are guaranteed.
The hall is large and admirably adapted
for the purpose. This is the second ol
series that will be given every week.
Jacob K ttni 111 has punhaaed a con
trolling interest in the Iaiwik river Tiaim
isirtatlou Company's hosts. Then new
boat is almost completed, and will soon
be placed on lite mute It is a line el
se I ami up irly as large as tlte I) W. Sha
ver. The oilier evening a cord alUched to
one ol the pulleys which holds up a large
show window in Capl. Shaw's Itcd Kroitt
liiocery store broke, and tlie window
came down with terrible force, breaking
three large plate glass panes in the lower
Portland is taking the recount with
vigor, and 00 enumerators etarttd in
with a vengauca . The absent residents
at the seaside will be counted in . Kapid
progress, and a correct count may he ex
pected Ibis time. It is possible that a
recount may be ordered of other portions
of the state, besides Multnomah county
and Salem
Mr. J I . Logan, ol 1 111011 .Mills, was
in the city yesterday on his way to Port
land to have his eyes treated by an oc
ulist. His mills are already grinding
on new wheat, which he says is making
the beat grade of flour, snd more of it to
the bushel than at any previous season.
This siteaks well for tlte good quality of
the wheat crop of Clackamas countv.
Threshing has commenced in earnent,
and the hum of the thresher is hesrii
through the land. Crops in Clackamas
county are averaging up better than was
expected. Mr. Win. Loveridge, of Mol
alla, thresbeil 4111 bushels of wtteat
from K't acres machine measure ; by actual
weight, this would be about 4-"al bushels,
making a yield of 30 bushels to the acre.
The quality of this year's crop is good.
Next week Miss Susie A. Moruland,
daiigh'er of County Judge Julius C.
Moreland, and Mis Florence A. Wells,
daughter of Dr. 0 M. Wells, of Port
laud, leave fr Iterlln, where they pur
pose studying music in the conservatory
for the next three years. Doth young
ladies have given evidence of great talent
which will tie thoroughly developed by
some of the heat professor in the lleritn
Coniervatory of music,
Mr. Johnson, general mmiiigei of the
Willamette Pulp and Paper Co., informs
the KsTKKPRisa, that they have ordered
the machinery 'or a new pu'r mill,
which will be built as soon as plans are
adopted (or its construction, ity another
year Oregon City will have a paper mill
that will manufacture fine grades of pii'mr
and the people of Oregon will not have
to depend on Kastern manufacturers (or
their fine puiier stock. The sulphite mill
will commence running on full time next
Street Commissioner Howell i having
some gorsl work done on Main street
He is having gravel hauled and deposited
in the bad places and will soon have this
street in fine condition. Hu has nlso put
in a new cross walk at the Ilajitiat church,
and another from the Oriental hotel
across to the opposite comer. The old
cross walks were only six feet wide,
while the new ones are fully ten foot in
width, which is a decided improvement.
The gravel used on thu streets is taken
Irom a bed ucross the river deposited by
the high water of last winter. This do
posit is suid to contain gravel enough to
macadamize Main street its entire length.
Two youthful bloods in this city, hud
been (or several days boasting of their
skill in a knockout a 'ft Sullivan. Kuch
claimed to tie the best man in the skill
of scientific boxing. Thedispute waxed
warm, and they adjourned to a spot near
the railroad track where preparations
were made to give a free exhibition, and
to settle the qnestion as to who wus to
wear the licit. Hut Kelloy, the deputy
niarshul did not propose to allow uny
nnze liihting within the corporate limits
ol Oregon City n tif he could help it. He
promptly arresieti nom 01 me iiuguisiH,
who will have a hearing before Kocorder
Porter, and were let off with a line of $5
Tim following from the Oregonian, will
be of interest to Co K, of this city:
The military bovsof the Htate.and espe
cially of the First and second regiments,
will be duligbtetl to learn mm uovernor
I'ennover has directed mat a marksman's
medal or bajlge he prepared for presenta
tion at the forthcoming encampment.
The suggestion was mado to (iov. Pun-
noyor a few evenings since ny major it.
W. Mitchell, assistant adjutant general,
and assonted to by the govornor with on
thusiam. Yesterday Cohnel Shofner
and Major Mitchell secured the services
ol an artistic jeweler, and within a few
days they are promised several designs
from which to make eoloctions. The
mlltsry can feel assured that something
worthy will be prepared, and they can at
once begin practice, for the competition
will be sharp anJ the result creditable.
The "shoot" will be open to all olllcers
and men alike throughout, 1110 Biiuo.
Observations of ilie KcKiiti'r
While on I lis IVat,
SuHitiitduii HrlilirexA Nt range
ng Fearfully Tlili'slf.
If there Is anything that will lliillet the
vanity ol the average cltlseu of Oregon
Clly, it is tlteitppiei lattve admiration of
the free sus-tcnslon bridge Ami the
residents of litis city have Just cause lo
1st proud of their In Idgethn only free
suspension bridge in the world. The
view Irom the luldge of the numerous
(at'loi les, bills, and Hie city Is immense,
and meets the admiration of all visitors.
Tlut Hoard of Trade did a grand Ihli'g
(or Oregon City when they put forth
their united, vigorous ellnils to socuiu a
free luldge. It stands a monument lo
the enterprise of Oregon City, l'nrlliinit,
with all her aggregation of capital ami
population, hoasled enterprise and
wealth, has 110 lice bridge, nor Is she
likely to ( tr some years Income, although
within sixty duvs tluee hIiucIuiI'S wilt he
sptiuuiug lite Willamette at that place,
Oregon I'll v can boast of Iter Iree bridge
Willi pardonable pride.
" What a strange (celing It is lo lie
awake at night and listen to your heart,'
said a somewhat Imaginative gentleman
yesterday. " I do not know how It allects
other people, but with nietbis seusatiou,
es'cially on a still night, Is una that
stiis me to the strongest emotions. I
catch mi soil w ondering as I listen to tlie
steady thump of the tireless organ, won
dering, I any, what would happm should
the mcsscngur of lite suddenly ccaau to
Hr(orm its (unctions. In an instant 1
would lie in the realms of the unknown,
a pilgrim to the country from whence no
man has yet returned, Then again, I
fancy that my hem I is a soldier, lap
ping away the drum beats of life. And
I am sometimes foicibly reminded of a
Is'autifnt Herman lyric poem Dial pit"
lures the heart a a cars'iiter, and its
heats the nails the grim reaper is pound
ing in our dill 11 Well, isirhaps, but
just try il voursclf on a still night as you
lie awake lu tied, then judge for your
self "
They were walking down Main street
shout half past nine o'clock in the even
ing , and were lust passing around the
corner near Caufleld's drug store. A ru-
iHirler was pausing dow 11 the street at lite
same time and heart) the following con.
vernation :
lie I am fearfully thirsty, hut 1 know
from experience that s.nla w aler diN'S not
ipiench lliirnt.
She -No it does not. We can get punt
cold water at a place around the corner
He You know the heighhorhoiMl,
llieii ?
She Yes; they always give a glawi of
water with every piste of he cream.
lUtnurJi, Visit kuuwu
I'uuuty Hurnnl l
lu t'lsi kaniM I
The follow Intr urn tl.a imrtlctilura of
the sad death of Mrs Jnu llwiiuey, of
Marion county, who was at the Inns
visiting Iter daughter. Mrs. S Hroyles,
at Wurinic, Wasco county:
Mrs. irovlcs, having lit her mother's
pipe, went to the corral, a short distant u
away, to milk, leaving the old lady alone,
sitting In her chair, smoking She had
been absent about some llltcen minutes,
when she heard her mother cry "Oh t I'm
all on lire!" She ran to Iter mother's
aid as fast as she could, screaming for
help, which came, but not until the ttoor
woman was fatallv burned, her clothing ,, sashes and doors; also a cun
being nearly consumed. She lived in ; nury factory slid two cht tile light plants
great sullering fur twelve hours, when
deuth came to her relief. It never will
be positively known how she caught tire,
hut the supistsition is she turned the con-
tents of her Pipe into Iter lap, w hu h set
tire to hei clothes, w hich were of cotton
material, easly ignited. Mrs. Hoiiy
was one of the early pioneer of Oregon,
t-Mtwoiig Lie plains in IM.i, wiiii iter nun-
hand and several small children, Many
are the startling adventures she con 1 1
relate of buir breadth escapes from war
like Indians, which harrastu-d thiitii
along their way to their new homo in the
far West. Their provisions (ailing, they
spent the winter of lKt.'t-il in California
w here the lew w bite people had to remain
In forts to prevent them (nun hostile
Indians, starvation stated them in thu
(ace many times during thut lung w inter.
In the snriiiK thev started by trail sillt
a pack train to Oregon, theiu luting nujimt;
road at tbal time.
Mrs. llonney was born in New York In
imiK. At 3 years of uge hur iiaritnts and
relatives were all niestacreod by Indians
and herself escaMtt ami loft for (lend,
where situ was fount) and cared for by
stronmr bauds .
She was married in ISJI. Her husband
diet! in lH."xl. She leaves eight children
to mourn her loss. Mr. Tliurman L,
IJonney, Mr, William K. Honney, Mr. II.
F. llonney, of Clackamas county, Mrs.
Amanda iteaaoner, ol Tualatin, Wash
ington county. Mrs. Flora Hutchinson,
ol Marion coiinly, Mrs F.llen Ilidwell, ol
Pram. Houghis county, nml Mrs. Saiiiuul
llrolyes, ol Wainic, Wasco county.
An liiiliiitrlitin Hlunrer Wanted the Kartlt, Her.
rowed Money on M ttrl(Sts silt) Hint
In the case of the lhinilee Mortgugo
iimi Trust Company vs. Mury Dodge ut.
al. a decree of foreclosure. Was entered in
the United States circuit court yesterday .
This was a suit brought by the Dun. leu
Mortgage and Trust Investment C0111
pany to enforce the lien of a mortgage
ugmiiMt tho heirs and suhseuuont lien
creditors to a large tract of lurid in Doug
las futility. Tho former owner of this
land. Mr. Dodge, wasa pioneer of Doug
las county, having settled on a place on
Calupooiu crook about 1H53, whore he
wasa neighbor of Judge Matthew 1',
Dcudy, who was living on a farm near
there at thut time. Mr. Dodge sturted
a blucksmith shop and mado nlows for the
farmers, lie did a thriving business anil
prospered, being honest, industrious,
prompt and thrifty. Tlui money he
mudu hu invested in land, and us his
-tosHcasions increased so did his desires,
and he began to brunch out and buy
land on credit, ami llnully wanted the
earth, or ut least "all the land that ad
Joined him". Ho finally burrowed
money to buy hind, giving a niortgngii on
his property, which lie wus novur able lo
pay, anil died insolvent. The land will
now he sold by the master In chuncery
to sutiHfy the mortgage.
Letter Mat.
The following is a list of letters re
muiningin the postolllce at Oregon ('ity,
August i.'H, 1HIM):
JlriHcoe, J II 2 Miller, Mury Ann
Haker, Mrs .lane Moulton, Stephen (!
Itrisbkiio, Mury Mooro, Mrs Cluru
linker, MrsMaryAMcCown, Mrs Oco
('line, Dr. C A Mohniui L (I
Carpenter, VV W UMnilMtrund, Anders
Clurk, J ii Omeg, Miss Lulu
DuHcanips, K Ostium, jUtwia I)
Foster, J M Parsons, Sninuel
Hodgson, J V, Richardson, S i)
llibnnr, Willis Stevens, II F
Holmes, Charles Stneder, Fred N
Ifagey, William ATuylor, Mrs May II
Hart. J J
1 timer joe
Wulkor, Marv K
Weiver, (i
Woods, J M 2
Wehne'. F
Wheeler, Mrs Klla
Williams, Dan'!
Jones, Mrs K K
Kohler, Kllen
Mackoy, Li.u
Mnrtuin, Mr II
McAnviey, M
Miller, Mrs A K
When culled for please say when ad
vertised. J. M. Bacon, P.M.
At present the city ami county jails o
Oregon City are empty. Is there an
other city ii Hie state with equal popu
lation, that can make a similar allowing'
Mis. S, lluulat has returned
Newport tu Ympilim bay.
pJutlgiiSwIlsur has goneto St, Helena
to remain a eouplo of weeks.
Mm Html Hums am) family have i c
turncd homo from the Chu kauiiis.
Mn. W. T. Whltlock started Tuesday
forMt. IIoihI for a few days rocrcatiun
Mr II, W. Hcott, ofTho Oicguiilaii
was In town viewing thu lghl Friday.
Mr. II, L. Kellv ami sou led Monday
evening for a brief visit at the seaside,
Mrs. N. Tingle, ol Hrudbury, Is vlslllng
her daughter, Mis. II. K, Cross, hi this
Mr, A l.uelllng ami Prof. (Inseh, of
Milwiiuklit, were In Oregon Clly on
Mr. H, F. Charman imitlii a trip to
his folk county farm the llisl ol the
week . K, Stevens and Miss Aim Halul
were among lite Hie arrivals fiuni Wll
Ititil last Saturday,
Mr. Siiloman and Mr. Whitney repre
senting the H. F. Fxaiulner wore In town
dining the week,
Prof. S. T. Adams, representing Thu
Washington Hcnus'iut, ol Finest lltove,
was in litis city Monday,
Mr, lieu L, Story, of this city, leaves
to day lor Harney in Kastern Oregon,
whiti he will remain (or awhile,
Mr. and Mrs J. W. Draper an.) Hon,
I., T. Ilarin are spending (he week 011
the hitler's far 111 on the CWksmas.
Mr. li. N, Fa went t. deputy Internal
revenue collector for the llrst district of
Oregon was In Oregon City, Saturday,
Metisrs, U-n Ucker, W. Miles, Mrs.
Sug"r, ami the Misses Hanger of St.
Helens, have returned home from Wll
Itull. Mr, II, A P.rye, tin) well known and
iHtitular griM'cryuiau. has closed out bis
liusiuess here, and leaves this week for
County Surveyor Smyth and wife, and
Messrs. Pratt ami Swahuclter and laiuil-
les have ret 111 lied from a tamping ex-
Htilitn on I leaver nock.
Mrs. W. W. It. Samson, rctiir.n'd Tues
day evening ft t,ni Sdverton, where she
has been lor thu pail two wuckl attend
ing the last llluuss of hur (ether.
Mr W II. Pohyns, formerly uf this
county, tint now pi incipal of one of lite
Allium schools, accompanied by Mr. II.
. Wesco, was in the cily Tuesday
Mr, l.nren K Adams returneil Mon
day from the Mt St. Helens party. He
reports that all are having a good time,
and tlte alttjcted members of lite party
han reiovuind their health, Mr. ami
Mrs, F, M. KaiiiU in peel to return to
Oregon City in a week or ten d ivs
An Ulfii UtttT In s IStknis I'sprr.
T'u r: Fs rmii'Miss publishes the (ollun
iug extracts from a letter written to the
Madison (ihikota) Sentinel under date
of Aug. I", by Mr C. II. I've, un attor
ney ol Oregon Clly.
After mentioning the delighllul cli
mate, the good yield of whsutillnl outs
the line IrtlUs, elc , he tells ol a cherry
I tiee -10 years old with no signs ol decay,
i and stales (but no one has btvn lien-
long enough to we how long a pear tree
will bye.
At this point thu Willamette has a full
of 41 (cut, which would furnish motive
isiwcr to mills and fac'oiiea alumtt Willi
out limit. A company owning land ul
the fulls oiler free sites and free power
for ten yeaia to those putting up fac
tories. A I ready have erected Hour mills
with a capacity of hi barrels a day,
wtxilcit mills uier mill, sawmill, shod
dy mill, pulp mill, sulphite mill, and
factories (or boxes, soap, furniture ex
one lor uregoii iiy ami me outer mr
! Portland. I.' miles away. A motor line
; 's projected between tins place and
Portland, although communication is
1 already brisk by means ol lour daily
passenger trams and live dally bouts,
f Tlu-nt is every reason lo believe that
i Oregon City will eventually Itcoume lo
w hat
Minneapolis is to St.
Paul lls
Trsrltrr's Kiai-iliiatlun.
The regular ipiartcrly culmination of
teachers l oiniiieiii t d at the court house
yesterday mid will continue until lo
moimw The liourd consists of Sunt.
Thomson, H. A, D. (iurlcyand K. M.
Hands, Mr. F. M. It untie Isdng absent,
Messrs. Thomson mid liuilcy are con -ducting
the examination.
I lie lolloniug the upphciints are pres-
Misstts Anna Itoss, Helen Kerr, Mol-
lie llaiiklns, Fuiitiu ttslritdt, Norma
Fox, l.lstu Wharlon, (irui-e llaird, Myr
I lu ilrelthaupt, Cora (tlassgow, Anna
MuiulHiwer, Winnie tiraham, Klla
Mortcaon, Clara Koituld, Kniinii 1'latts,
Mrs. C. II, Dye ami Messrs. J, W. tirny,
Frank Mulliin, .lames Mutlinson, lien.
Dunn, Millard Hyatt, T. J. tirny, A
Cole, J. S. Welch, J. Wiildroli, li. K
llargravesaud II. (i. Lake.
m-sib uf a riumrr U'Ufii.
Mr. Stephen Porter, father of Mrs. W
W. II. Samson, of this city, died at bis
residence near Silverlon, August it, lHiHt,
aged 71 years, 'J months. He wus horn
in Lincoln County, Missouri, Jnnu 24,
lull). From there lis moved to Illinois,
and came to Oregon in I HIM, locating in
Marion county, nml owned the place
w here the town of Stuteville now stands.
He afterwards purchased a place near
Silvertou, where he has since resided.
Mr. Porter bus held luaiiy positions of
trust in Marion county and was held in
the highest esteem by his neighbors and
iicuuaintunccs. He was a consistent
christian, mid as indication of the high
esteem in which his own neighlsirs,
two-thirds of the threshers In that vi
cinity suspended operations to attend
his funeral . Thu church could not hold
the people that attended, Mr. Porter
belonged to thut class uf honorable and
conscientious pioneers who hare made
Oregon what it iH, and w ho are rapidly
passing uwny.
Muintthltig Priiclleiil.
A school of dress cutting will bo es
tablished nt Oregon City, Sept. I!. Kvery
liuly attending the school can cut per
fect lilting dresses, by learning Madame
Kellugg's system of dress cutting. F'.uch
scholar utter learning to cut patterns
can bring in a dress, und Is taught to cut
w ithout refitting. Vou pay nothing for
the system until you cut without re hunt
ing, ('all ut the school und examine,
thu rystem .
The Maude Granger Co., who had
been playing ut the Maripium for a week
in Portlund, played Tuesday evening to
a fair house in Pope's Hull in this city,
but departed without settling their bills
in lull. 1 liny aro billed to play ut sev
eral points up the valley.
For Null.
Kunn in Heaver valloy of 1(M) acres,
for $1500,00; will trade for town
property. Impure of D, J, Switzkh,
flllAIN Wheat, per hu, Mo. O11U, tcr liu 40f.
FMM'K-Klrst grade, per hhl, IX7IS. Hueniiil
gratis, :H10
I'ltolMICK-nulter. per llilTio. Kind, per this,
'c. PelAtoes, per hit, NOtt. Onltiim, pur hu,
tl 2a. Apples, per hex, Witt.
ptiHI.TKV-Clilokeiiii, tlrsiueil, per dm, $l(jji;
ttprltiK, n Ml; 11 va, 4'",
KKKII Hhorti, per tun, I'il.M Ilran,
Hsy, tlimitliy, billed, IRW(); luimo, ll.'i; clover
MKATS-lleef, live, Via; droasett, (lo. Vent,
tlrussed, So, llmrs, live, .!; Uresseil, do, Hhcitp,
pur lieinl, t'lttQ'l.m. l.lnl, country, hulk, pur
jioiiml, Se; bucket, I'i'o..- HKittti, per pniiiid, 1,'iu.
Hldtn, li'e. Hhoiililurs; loo.
DltllCIl KKIUTH-AII klmU very dull, Apiiles,
sun dried, IVKle: nint'lilne ilrl-'il, Ijlunehed, saClic
Plums, sun dried, 214:10; niiioliliie dried, t'xniVo.
I'rtinua, sun dried, 4($ti; iimi'lilne dried. ftddBo.
fears, mi tj r 1 vl . 0($so; muulilne dried, 6i'j7c.
ui'iiix Like Irom the
Tim New
Door 11 ml hiitli
One rut Inn.
Iiii'lury hi
Four necks ago to-day, Cullll's until
and dour (iiiltiiy was hut lied to the
ground but I'h'i iilx like It has risen from
the hhIioh, and lite iiiiuhiiiery will he
started up this iidci itnoii. All the new
11 nit 1 1 1 tH are In position except one,
which will sunn 111 rivo, The new build
ing Is ninth liiit'fi' than the old unit,
nml has inure extensive nml Improved
machines, while the roof Is covered
with uithenlos, making II uhsolulely lire
iiiniif. Thneuglmiis pliu etl lu a build
ing back o( tlte mum shop Inwards the
rail road truck, mid everything In and
around Hie tulldliic,s ate arranged In
such a milliner as to prevent any possi
bht spiead til lire. Somen! the heavier
machinery was In sin h u pnsillnn, that
Itwiisntifv sllghlly iliiiiuipul; litis has
been repaired and plat ed in position us
good us ever. Mr. Ciilill stales that
they a I ready have oiilers entuigh to keep
them running (or u mouth and others
are prepuriid to pine orders with tlttiin
as siHtii as they couiuieiicc at live opera
tions. A (till crew ol experienced work
men will he initio wink at once, and
the pleasant hum of lite luachlneiy In
the sash and dour factory will Isi a
thing of daily occiirrem e. An exten
sive Mock ol the llnest cetlar luutlstr
has been received, and they are better
than ever piepan-d to do any thing in
their hue, mi short notice, 011 sivuunt of
their intensive and Improved itiiitliln
ery. This factory is a valuable luslllii
tion to Oregon City, us it gives employ
ment to a lingo number ( men, ami
converts Hie inilliii-lii'd material into
Mulshed woislwoik ol useful ami ele
gant designs. An liiiineiiHo ijiiantity of
the proiliu't of this fin tot y in sltipHtl
to varitiul points nloiig the river and
railroad. Il Oregon City hud more en
terprising men hk'ifupt. 1 11 1 ill', It would
soon become tlte l.tiwcll of Oregon
Attention is called lo the advertise
ment ol the Kellocg I'tt'iii li Tailor Sys
U'ln ol ihens cutting.
If your horses or cuttle me iilllicted in
any way, go lo lite Ited Front store ami
get a pucksvo ol Standard Horse and
Otitic fiutd al.ttoltitely tlte he si Mood
purilier made.
Trespass Niiiices.
I.nrge si.e, on cloth, and plain, ut the
I'M t iti sisi: Orru x,
I rank Ncldoii nt I'otler'ii Ithu ksiiilth
shop uiiikesa s.i'i inli v of lepuiriitg guns
revolvers and polling mass. us. Sal
isfiietioti guaranteed
t'so Stiindard Imi-e and cattle (tasl
(or wile bv the lied I runt gnst ry snd
Uriskery hoti-e, who are tint exclusive
For Sale I licup.
One half Mm k adjoining M. Kee's,
with ten good apple It-is on il, ami
other liitits F. o. Mil'ows A Co.
Ilsnl lltirnril Itritk.
One I11111. hid and lifty thousand hutd
hunted biiik at t'lntriuaii I'.nn. brick
yurd. Sold in ipiantilns to suit, mid
al rciisomthle rates. Apply ut ('bar
man's drug store,
Fur Sale.
T'll acres i.( land, H utiles (nun Oregon
Cily, al HU p r tu ie Apply to
D. J Swnztea
mt sacks
go to till
at luhiilnualy low
ad Front grocery
lirainl Opportunity.
A s .ltd hand llui-shc r for sule bv
Titos Chin man .V Son. Will lie sold
t hriit. No phii e to keep it
Tllos Ciiaiiihn' ,t Sox,
Hu rgiiitis,
,".n.l in res of the liuest land III the
coiuilv, eight littles Irom the city, (or
sale, hit) acres under plow ; is) acres in
crop ; 1 acres 111 otcliant; house, bain,
Come ami see us as we mean business.
F. O. Mi'l'owN A Co.
The lied Front grocery and crot kcrv
house have just received an elegant
slts k ol new crm kery ware.
Treasurer's Notlie.
I have now in my hands funds appli
cable lo the payment of all warrants en
dorsed prior to Jan. Ill, IHS'i.
Interest will reuse Irom date of this
notice. S. I!. Cai.ikk,
Treasurer of Clackamas Co
Dated this "J I day of August, IsiN).
Feculor's Nulleo. v
Nntlicls berehv i-lii'ti that the under
signed 11111 hern dtilv ani'i. tilled executor.
with will annexed, ol the last will and test-
anient ol Josephine Itees, deceased. All
sTsitus having elaims amtiiist said estate
are ntilllli d to presinl the mine lor pnv
ttit-tit, with the prots r vniii'lti rs, to me, nt
lite law otlli't- ol li. K. Hayes, lu Oregon
I'lty, dr., within six niniilln Irom the dale
ol tlte tlmt 1 u I l i at ii n ol this notice or they
Will Ik' forever barred.
Fit ANK KICKS, ICxecutor.
Dated August 1 It li, si),
li, IC. II wis, Altoriiev for ICxecutor.
lu the County Couit of the Statu of Ore
gon, for Hie County o( Cluckunius.
In thu matter of the estate of .funics (luy
llenuctl, a minor.
To the next of kin ol said minor (iml all
persons interested in suid estate, lireet-
Ill thu name of tlte Stale uf Oregon:
You are hereby cited and required to
appear in lite county court of the State
of Oregon for thu county of Cluckunius,
at Ihu court room thereof, at Oregon
City in the county of t'lackaniua, on
Monday, Hie -Utlt day of September,
lH'.HI, ut 10 o clts-k in the forenoon of
that tiny, then and thereto show ruuse
why an order of this court should not be
made, allowing the sale of the following
described iciil cNttile, belonging to Bind
ward, to-w it : An undivided one-third
intercut in that portion of thu donation
land claim of I'elttr Si htill und wife, in
township '2 south, range L west of the
Willamette inuritliuu, und beginning nt
the KuutheiiHt corner of said claim ; thence
north, (IH degrees west, with thu south
line of suid claim, (o where the suid
south line of Hind claim si 1 ikes tho land
now owned by John (ironnr, on the
north s.du of lite Tualatin river, suid
lust mentioned hind being a part of the
aforesaid claim ; thoni'u down suid river,
with tho north hank thereof, to the
sotilhuuHt corner of the John lironerland
aforesaid; thence northerly, with the
eust linn of thu lust mentioned land, to
n point where, a line running easterly
and parallel with the soulh line afore
suid of said donation land claim, to the
cast linu of Huitl claim; thence east on
oast line of snitl claim to soulheust cor
ner thereof, will iucludu 100 acres;
thence, from suid point on (i loner's suid
lust mentioned line, running south, tlH
degrees chhI, to Ihu east lino of suid
cluim ; thence south, liU degrees and .SO
minutes west, with east line, to place
of beginning, containing UK) acres, in
Washington County, Oregon,
Witness the lion. John W. Mcldrum,
Judge of the County Court of
tho Statu of Oregon, for tho
Soul. County of CluckuniuH, and
the seal of Haiti court hereto
allixt'd, this twunty-tifth day
of August, A. 1). 1H00.
Attest: II. II. JOHNSON.
8-28 D-LTj Clork.
Pure Drugs,
Fine Perfumery or
Toilet Articles.
TIM II Kit I.AM) AIT, J F NIC. 1, s7s.
SOTH'i; I oil Itl.H'A'I lOI.
I'siTntielTxTr.s I.nii ocrirr,
OnsuorCitv, (lr , May 11, h!i,(
Notice Is hereby kIvi-ii that in coinpll
ante with the pntvlsloiisor (be act nf Con
gress of June .1, ls7R, entitled "An set for
lbs sale of llmltcr Inmls lu I Ik- ntaUs offal
llorina, llrwgon, Nnvatla und wusliiugiou,"
Henry Kliupmin, ol Ht-ullle, I 'utility o! King
Plata of Washington, hits Una iBV tiled 111
litis ollliw Itia aworu atittt'uient No. Ir.', lor
the purchuu. of the sw Kt ol he. lion No, pi,
ill Tow iiahlii Si,. 2 South ituiiKtt No. " Ku.t,
and ill uirt-r proof lo show thnl the I it ml
sought ia mora vnhmltle lor Its tlmls-r or
tone tliun lor sgrlcultiirtil i.urHscs, anil lo
eatahllsli hla c-lnitia lo stud land hrfimt the
register snd reteln r of llda olll, ti ttt tinyon
l ily on wt'diii'sduy, the illh tlav ol Sep
lelnU r, Mll, . itiiluea us witneaM a: Jitnii s
Miuiili of Kims, wn.l.incton; James II Huh
liu, of Statile, King isuitttv, wii-hlngtou;
John Mi lnlvrx', oi Sandv, ( la. kainus
county, Or; Niithuii J width, PorlUud
Mtitliitiittiilt county, Oregon.
Any snd all s-r'm rimming ndverst ly
lh,-rilil hinds nre reiit-sifd to
lile their clatma in litis othet- on or la-fore
suid '.'illi ilav ol September, ltt.
J. I. API'KltSiiN.
u -il - lis Itegi.i.-r.
UMlir.K LA Ml. ACT Jt'KK , s,s.-M,i K
run I'l Ul.ll A 1 lo.N
t imed Slati.a Ui,, tint,,,
Ilrrtliili I lly, tin ,11, AllnimM IS'JU.
li.iita liar.l.r (Inn , ,-,itii,u,n,
win. atri.T ii..iia in inti at-i hi euliKti-a til
J 11 no J, l,s riilill.-.l "An ul l..r the le ul
iitiitH-r latin lit llii-ptal.-a el I Hltlurtna. Itti-null,
SefaiU and W li!iitnll 'I'l-rrilory,"
U-ateler J, l're.-y
id I'ertlali'l, fi lr u( ! .il 1 1 ... 1 11 a ti , nun nl
Ort-g.ill. tmi Una itajt ele.1 III tlilt i.rtl. 111.
wiiru alalrmrtil .,. Ji, lor lite pitreliaa.. til
Iheliw', ol an-linn ll ti. Ill Inwrlialilp No. I
"itl, lalifi-No. 7 i'at an. I will i.n. r pnnjl In
ahnw Dial Urn land atmiM la
Inr lla lltuls-r or alnlio lliatl lor atrrlriilltirnl
utiriHHMa. ami rttal.lltli hla rlaltii In aalil
lainl U-I.ire lite lli-nl.l. r ami lle.lvi.r n iliia
nflti'e at tlr.Kuli i'lly, I Irmnli, ou I'llurailar, lite
Olh day t.f ,Nuti-tuli.r, svu.
lie natlira aa wtltieoa J. II. Ilarfitl, T
JelTrea. I ! Hauurll, ti. M. t.artlatt.1, allot
Piirllainl, On-guii.
Aiiratnlall iH-rantia t-! a 1 111 1 11 a.trir.ilj the ileai tllai laii.l, are In lllr tliflt
rlalnia liilili nilii-e uuVr In-lort' aal.l run ,ly ol
SoxeiuWr, Iswu, J. T. ACI'KKSiiN,
Ht.WI ll.l.ter.
II M 11 K It l.ANIi AT JP.SK S. POt.-NoTK'K
ruK I'l'III.ICATliiN.
I'tllt.-d Htalei Und drtl.e Clly, iireti.ii. July 31, ItwO
Nollre la hi rvhy (Iven lliat In t-uiapltauis'
Willi the pmvlalmia ol the a. t ol eotiKti.tia id
June 1, 1H.X Fiitllit-d "All ai I lor lh mi In ol
iIiiiIht lau. I. In the tta ., tirt-ieai, California,
.Nevada and W athtuaUiu l'errllor',"
lieorie V Kimier.
ol Orefnn 1'tty, nitlltly el i laehatiiaa, "tste
nl llreanll, haa thla day (lied III lltla ullliT
hla aworu alalt'ttieul Nit. 'I'.aj., lor Ibe purehaae
nl the a, nl at-t ue'j ol im-i, and st' , ol tn-'t
nl atH'ttnn No, a, in tow nthlp No Miutii, rauei
So east, and will offur n.l lo .lint thai
Hie land uitttlu l iiinrt- luil.. Inr ll llmtx-r
or al.nte Ihaa for aKrletiltiintl puritna., and to
rtalillh hla Halm lo said fend la-t.ire lite
Itialtl.r and llitehgr ol Ihlanltiif al iirt-goii
I'll). Ilrt'lnll, nu t'dlit'.y, till' Mil tiny ol
NiiveliilHtr. lsw.
lie liaitti-a as wllneaaea. W. IMuittlnre, J. K Ul
li. y.ol Hln-rlilan. ureip.ti A W. Kkluy, and
J, A. Knl ol fnrllainl, itri-irnti
Any and all pt-raolta a-laai 111 1 liar advi-mi-ly the di-aerttti-it'lainU are n'iii' In fllf Ittelr
t-1 a 1 111 111 Ililiiimicnu nr hilnrt! ssld Mil ilay
ol Snu-ltiher. Is. J T. AITKIISON
It' ID IS H.Kl.ler
ruK pi nidi A im.s.
I'ltlltd Siuiea Und OAl'v.
Un'11011 l ily, tirt-Koit, Jul)' al. Is.
Nnlli e Is hervhy glrt-u Iliat In 1 ii-tlHin-t'
with lite prof Uliitti ul the scla of ('minn-aa of
Jtuie 9, livs, etililli.d "All ai l for the sale ol
tlniher lamia In till' Stalea ol CallinnilB, UriKou,
Nevada, and Waahf union Terrlatiry,
llllu wi
of Sheridan, enmity of Yamhill, atate of Orinoli,
nut una uatr ntl-i) la tills iillli-t- her nwnru atatt"
inettl No. iivo, lor lite iurehast of the at'1 4 of
anctlou No. '4i. til lowtiahlp No. 2 aotltli, rani.
No. 7 eaut and will offer pnsif lo alinw that tho
laud sotiihl la more valunl.le for tta lltultor or
nlotie than for airtetllltiritl Miriioai.N. ntnt to ea-
Ulillah Iter claim In aald laud In-fore Ihu Kik In
ter and Kweeivvr of thla ulliee at lirexntt i'lty,
I'li-foti , ou weuuesiinT uie inn uny oi Novem
her, ima),
She namea sa wtttteasea Win. liiutnnwiru. J
Kinney, ol Hherhtaii, Oregon, J. A, Km and A.
' mi nt y in i-ortlatlil, (iri irou.
Any ami all persona t-Ulmlinr adversely the
the alsive deaerlhed Ian. la are reipteali'd lo (lie
inrir t-iatuia in una tititee on or ueliiro aulil MU
tiay tu .Mivi-tiilier, lsw.
SlilU-lii J, T. APPKIISdN,
lies Mt
Notice uf Final Settlement.
In I li miittur of the estate of foli-uian
Muck iter, deceased, notice is herchv irivan
thst I haw tiled mv linal report in tlieitUive l.l tl,M t'.il.l.t I ' rt ... 1 'I....L- . V.
Oregon. Tho court bus lixed Miiiuhiv
tsepteinlwr Sth, IMSSJ, as a day (or the ex
aiiiiiiatiiui of saitl reKrl, unit fur heiiriiig
tu iiiijt-i-iiiiiis vti ine same, u unv litem are.
KKIIKl'l'A lU'l'KNKIt,
Administratrix of the suid Kstute.
H. K. I'snss, Attorney lor the Kstute.
August 7th, IMiSi. 8 7-8 ;'N
FOlt lTlll.H'ATtoN,
I'nlti'il Htati'a IjiimI oflli'i'.
OtTKitii VUy, or July, at, WW
Nntlre la hori'lty givt'ii that in ciiiitiiliHtioc
Willi III limvliliilia nl llit Hi'ta nl Cnttirri'na til
June S. IH7H. i-tuitli'il "An not tor the nnli nl Mm
Imt Imiila In tin. HI nt im nl I'nllfnrnlii, OriKun,
Nevaila, ami WHtihtiiKttiu Ti-rrltury,"
Mtirv C. lii-HkltiN.
nl HIii'MiInn, rntttily nl Yniulilll, ilnU' nl OnKnii,
una una uny nun in iiiih uiiini iit-r nwnru
ulnli'ini'iit Nn, 'ilH.'), nr tlui imri'ltHMi nt thu lnv'4
nl aiii'tlini No. .'I, in tnwiuhlli Nn. 2 antttli.
riniKi. Nn. 7 t'tiat, Htitl will ott'i'r lmntt tn nlinw
tltttt the laud nnti(lit In more viilnnliU' Inr tta
ttmlmrnr atmto tiuiu fttr nirrii'iilttirnl tiiirnoKcu.
unit In patnbllati hnr el ni 111 to nultl Iniitl lii'tiiru
me Ki'Hlitti'r mill Kwulvnr nl flits mt iw nt Itri'-
inuOlly, Ori'Kiiu, nu Wvilui-wlny, tlui 61 It itny
nl Nuvi'inlHT, lhKU.
8Uo ii it in an wltlii'nacn: W. lHiHiiiniiri' J,
Kinney nl (Oicrlilnii, iiri-Kim; J. A. Knx, mtil A.
W. Htchoy nl INirtlnnit, llri'fintl.
Any ami nil iicrnona claliniiiK ailverni'ly th
almve-ilfttt'rtlH-tl Ininln nru rt'titienli'il lo tile
tlmlr I'lnlma Injllila oIUoduii or liulnrn naul 6tli
day nl Nnviutilior, :8U0. J, T. AITKIISON,
814, 1IMS Ki'glnter.
Unitml Slules I.iukI Ollhio.
Oregon City, Oregon, July ill, 1WHJ.
Notire in herelty piveu thut lu t'otiinll
noe with thu provisions of the arts oi't'on
Krvrnt of Juno 3, 1H7S, entitled "All net tor
the aiilv ot'tiitilier IiiiiiIn in tlut nlntes'ot'Oiili
f.rtiin, OrKou, Nuvntlu nml VVuiIiington
('hnrli's .1. Ili'tikiiis,
of Hhoridun, county of Yuniltill, nltito of
Oregon, lui.i this tiny II It'll in this ulllre his
sworn Htateiuent Ni). 2187, fur the iuri'hne
of lotn 1, 2, 3, 4. of Hcction Nu. tl, hi town
ship No. 2 Houlli, ruiiKO No. (I ont, und will
oiler proof to show I lint tho hind miiiK'ht
iH more viiluuhlo for lis tlmliur or (one
(liiui lur agricultural purpose, nml to es
tiihll.tli lits claim to Htiid html huforo the
Kitristir and Koceivorof this ollleu at Ure-
3 hit City, Oregon, on Wednesday the 5th
av of November, 1K!X).
ilo nanies as witneMses; w. Diiisnioorc,
J. Kinney, of HlierUlun, Oregon, A. W.
Ittchey, and J. A. Fox of I'oitlaiul, Oregon.
Anv and all persona claiming adversuly
the iilinve-descrihcd hinds nre reiiucstcd to
Hie their claiins in thin otllcu on or before
saitl 5tli day of November.
8-14, 10-10 J. T, Arf mmoN,
s HAin oyrwii
The Most Rapidly Selling.
In Uio last sixty days. Kxaraino tho record. Very sight
ly, odjoniM tho host improved part of town;' alno convenient
t; tho manufacturing part. Don't fail to look at it before
purchasing. Terms very easy.
Ollice near Pout Oflico. Agenti.
AUw carilea
Furniture, Window
Either CASH or on tin
X5f You cannot do better
All repairing done
nl warranted.
Mr s . C. H. L
oi iMsiTs post orrici, main it.,
Atcomaoilallcii or ZmmlA Trmleri
llarla-r Hhep ft Ilalh Room in Connection.
None hut American Help Km.loya.
Meals 25c, Rooms 25 and 50c.
Ono of the nicest placet in Clack
amas bottom, being 85 acrei. The
lineBt of land for a peach orchard.
1100 young peach trees just be
ginning to bear; good dwelling
house on lii'h ground and all of
tho necessary out-buildinge, etc.
45 TO 50 ACRES
rmc Pill TIWATinW
a ina. UUbl lni IWIIi I
One of tho finest springs In
Clackamas county. For sale cheap
for a short time.
At Clackamas,
F. 0. McCown at Oregon City.
United Hack,
Truck and Livery
W. II. Cooke, Manager.
Comer Fourth and Main Streets
of thu City. KigR of any deacription
iiirniHiiuu on Bliort notice.
All ki nils ol Truck and delivery Bui
noHH promptly attended to.
lloinca BounloJ and Fed on reaion
ahle terms.
Joseph lccdle.
United 8tatc Ind Office,
Ori'gon City, Oregon, July lit, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of eonirre.ia of
June ,H, 1S,S, entitled, "An act for the sale of
tinnier minis in tlie states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory."
Joseph heedle of Oswego, county of Clack
iinius, state of Oregon, has this day filed In
mis nnii't- ins sworn piuteincni no ZMn, ror
(he pun lmse ol the N of section No ii,
in tilU'llvliit. 'n amill. Mna Kn ft ---I
and will olfer proof to show that the land
sought in more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land hfor.
the register and receiver of this office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 21st day
of October, 1890. '
lie names as witnesses: Charles Uead,
rallies Moehan. William Patterson, anil kn.
fus l'ease. all of oreeou Citv. oreiron.
Any and all persons clauuinc adversely
the alxivc-descnbed lands are requested to
ine ttieir ctainis in mis otnee on or before
said 21st day of October, 1890.
J. T. Ai PEUbON,
8-7-10-1) Kegistir.
James W. Deaklns,
United Htates Land Office,
, , Oregon City, Oreion, July 90, law
Notlt'O Is hereby given that In compllaUM
with tlie pntvlaloiis ol the act of eoiigm. ol
June 8, im, entitled "Au art lor the sale of
timber lands lu the states of California, Or.gon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," James W.
lifllktua, of Hheridnn, county ol Yamhill, state
nl On'gnii haa tills day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 216, lor the purchase of
tho aelj of avi, s ol net, and new of sW ol
section No. 6, tp No 2 south, range No. t east
and (Vlll olfiir prool to show that the land sought
is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor
agricultural purposes and to establah his claim
to said laud before the register aud receiver of
this tiffloi', at Oregon city, Oregon, on WeduesV
day, the 6th day ol November, WHO.
Ho names as wltnessM: Wm. Dinsmoore. 1.
Klnuey, of Hlierldah
J.A. Vox, of l'ortlau
itu. Orcion: A. W. Klch.w and
Any and all porsous claluilug adversely the
above described lauds are requeated to tie their
claims in this ofllee ou ur before said 6th dsy of
November, isau, i, I, APPIRSON .
Hi 1H6 Ksfister.
i.riinuii. vriiaitu
a full line of
Shades, Mattings, Etc.
be olTeri at
Uian to call and examine
Spring and Summer,
We are Showing this
week the Latest Novel
ties in Satines, Dress
Goods and White Goods,
Also in Embroideries.
The Great Eastern
Mayer & Ackcrman, Props.
I'nitta State. Unit limce.
Ortfoa Clly, Oregon, July . lsW.
Hotlee Is hereby glv.n that in compliance
w lib Hie vroTlalona ol the act ol eouiiresa ol
Jud. t, 117s, eBtltM "An act lor the ante tlm
hnlaad. lathe ilalei ol OKllloruia, Oregon,
Karaite, Washlnrtoa Territory,"
William liell.ven,
o WllUamtn.. county ol Yamhill, atnte of Ore.
iob. k.a thl. day alei in this ollice hia .worn
MMm.Bt No 2IS2, lor the purchase ul the
ai. ol awli and let. 3 and 4 ol art'liou No, 2, lu
tuwuahtp o. '1 imilh, raiige .No. 7 eust, still
will offer prool toahow that the Aand sought
la mar. valuable lor Us timber or Itiine than
lor airlculttirml pnrfoae., auu m ntaumu ma
claim to said laud before Ihs Ke.laicr and lie-
eelT.r ol this orlice at Oregou Clly. Oregon,
ob Wedueaday, the 4th day ol November, lssM.
Its name, as witueaaca: J. A. Fox, A. W.
Rlebey, ol FoMlanil, Or., Joseph Kluney, C'ha.
Km wry ol ttherkUa, Or.
Aay and all peranns oUIinlng adversely the
above-d.Krlbed lantla are reuuesied to hie clalua lu lb i. oftlceou or iK-lore said 5th
day ol November, WHO. J- T. ArmasoN,
8-M, 10-W Kegister.
8toy J. Ware.
I.and Ottlce at lregon City,
July SS, 1890.
Notice la li.tvliv eiven that the follovv-
named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will he made
before tlie Kegia-ter and Receiver of the
United States Land Office at Oregon City,
Oreeon. on Senteinber. 17. 1890. vir: Stov
j. Ware, Homestead Kntrv, No. fKvW, for
the HK'l of SK, WW of SKi; and of
8W of Section 20, f 2 S, K U K.
lie names tne loiiowmg wuncsses uj
prove his cotinuous resilience uidii and
cultivation of, said laud, vis: Charles
Shank. D. W. l'arker. O. r. Ware and
Charlee Baty, all of Cherry ville 1. 0., Clacka
mas county, Oregon,
j, i. ai i iiisua,
7-319-4 Kegist .
ITnited States Land Oftlce,
Oregon City, Oregon, J uly l, lSiH),
Notice Is hereby given that in compilation
with the provisions ol the act of Congress (
June. 1178, eutttled "Au act lor the sale of
timber lauds in the States ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,
Oma HeaVlus,
gl Sheridan, county ol Yamhill, stato of Oregon
as this day lied lu this office her sworn state
ment No 21M, lot the purchase of the uei ol
section No M, lu township No. 2 south, range
No. 7 east, aud will offer prool to show that the
land sought is more valuable lor its timber
or stone than lor agricultural purposes, aud to
establish her claim to said laud buloru the
Register aud Receiver of this office at Oregou
City, Oivf on, on Wedueaday the 5th day ut Nov
ember, 1IM0.
She names as witnesses; Wm. Dinsmoore, J.
Kinney ol Sheridan, Oregon; J. A. Fox, aud A.
W. Richer, ol Portland, Oregou
Auy and all persons claiming adversely tho
above described lauda ara riiilcstcd lo hie their
claims iu thla office ou or before said Mil iltiy of
novemner, isssj, j, T. Ai'i fctisiiM,
S-H 10-10 Register.
Is herebv siren that the undersigned has
been appointed by the Hon. county court ol
Clackamas county, Or,, admiulstrator ol the es
tate ol Joseph Florence, deceased . Therefore
all persons having claims anamst said estate
will present the same to me at once at my store
Id Clackamas, Clackamas county, uregou,
within six mouths Irom this date.
July 10. 1890. Admtulsiralor